A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Australia’s official inflation rate is only 3.80%, and yet anyone on a typical income and who does their own shopping can tell it’s dramatically higher than that, most people I speak to agree it’s more like 25%-30%.
And how can there be a “cost of living crisis” which even the Government admits to, with such a modest supposed inflation l rate?
The Liberal (pretend conservative) faction of the Uniparty are obviously OK with this as they don’t seem to have much to say on the topic.
The CPI is not a very good measure of inflation. It is supposed to be the ‘Consumer Price Index’, however, in reality it’s the’ Corrupted Price Index’ as it is continually being fiddled with by the Australian Statistics Mob to give a number (always lower) that the Feral Guv’ment of the day likes.
There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.
(These words have been attributed to prominent humorist Mark Twain, British statesman Benjamin Disraeli, and others.)
Yes, you can’t trust the CPI.
At least one country made a change to fiddle the index by not counting the trading of older housing stock. Now they only include the price of “new builds”.
All done to hide the fact rising house prices were easily outstripping income growth.
The inflation rate is not the cost of living increase. It is a large basket of things to determine the underlying rate, not just price increases which directly impact the weekly cost of living. The buying price of cash commercially has not gone down as fast as the weekly cost of things which has rocketed. The big items are slower moving. Houses, cars, clothes, wages have not gone up 25%.
My real concern is the cost of government and government debt which has soared. The number of public servants in Victoria has doubled and of course their wages. And groups like Councils feel that they have every right to jack up rates because they have to pay more people more money as they award themselves higher wages while delegating real costs to contractors.
There is a huge sense of entitlement in the public service today and no connection with real incomes. So you have governments fighting to tax carbon dioxide while coal and iron ore are our biggest exports and pay their wages and ours. The extremely onerous 35% CO2 tax (Safeguard Mechanism) will start to bite soon, pushing up all consumer prices. To save China from CO2. All based on fake science pushed by politicians, not scientists.
Repeal the Carbon Dioxide taxes/green certificates, subsidies, Snowy II, distribution lines and electricity would halve and manufacturing would restart. Airfares would also drop and the cost of transport across the country.
Australians have no idea how much they are being robbed to pay for Green certificates to enrich the UN, Merchant bankers, pay public servants (Clean Energy) and buy windmills and power lines and solar panels from China.
At least they might start buying our lobsters by Christmas. Which means our lobster prices will soar. Lucky us.
Don’t worry; they fixed it at the last peak easy.
Just use a dash of Quantitative Easing.
When the US devalued their currency against the Chinese Yen it effectively reduced their debt to China and got them out of trouble for a while.
It’s not hard to understand how the Chinese might have been a bit ticked off.
This time around the whole world is up its armpits in debt and imaginary money so it’s going to be very interesting.
VicDanistan has a huge debt ; watch this space.
“The Liberal (pretend conservative) faction of the Uniparty are obviously OK with this as they don’t seem to have much to say on the topic.”
They are hiding, extremely relieved they are not in power as it hit!
Your ‘big ticket’ items and all private production really, get relatively cheaper as time goes by due to increased technology. However anything to do with Govt always gets more expensive as they supply nothing that adds to the economy and have no incentive to be more efficient.
One of their latest lies was to consider say, air conditioning in cars, as being a reduction in inflation as you bought more value with your money. If a Govt talking head is speaking, it will be lies, end of story.
As Jo referenced in a recent post, public confidence in Government, Academia, Science, Medicine, Public Health, and media have nose-dived as result of the handling of the ‘Pandemic’.
And how our are great institutions responding do this historic test of their abilities and preparations.
Not by after action re-examination to improve public confidence.
Not by reflecting and attempting to rebuild their reputations.
By attempting to outlaw criticism.
Sad and frightening.
It won’t be long before your government updates your pandemic plans in a similar manner to Ireland and sneaked into the NZ one where forced vaccination is allowed. I think Canada and ? Germany have also done it. They’ll say it’s not forced but detention until such medication is administered is forced/coerced.
Australian Government debt, federal + state + local roll over to $2,000,000,000,000.
It should happen within a few months as it increases by $6,000 per second.
That’s the taxes of what few of us actually bother to work and pay taxes, or have saved frugally for retirement.
It’s not going to end well but no faction of the Lib/Lab/Green Uniparty understand or care.
It will not end. The consequences are already apparent. Money creation without productivity increase is inflationary. It is a matter of how long it takes for the current crop to realise what they are doing.
The bureaucracies in Australia are out of control. The bureaucratic burden degrades the quality of life.
Our region will have council elections this year. A 26yo candidate is running on the platform of getting the basics right – potholes filled, grass cut and bins collected – he has my vote. The previous council was replaced by an administrator due to corruption. This is in Victoria so the corruption has to be blatant and the other side of politics for the Labor State government to dismiss the council. Our council offices display three flags and has declared a climate emergency. It is a bureaucracy out of control.
So I have hope that the new generation have their eyes open and recognise already that they are being lied to about a lot of things. Like CO2 causes climate change, oceans are boiling, electric cars will replace ICE vehicles by 2035. wind and solar are cheaper, welcome to country is an essential part of Australian life and so on.
There are too many activist public serpents.
They need to learn to stick to their jobs only and follow legal and moral orders and stop telling politicians what to do and think.
Please wait patiently.
There’s plenty of money. Other people’s money. This is the line of my local council uses to justify their profligate spending “it’s not council money, its free grant money!”
They have recently spent $600K on Olympic quality netball courts nobody uses, and now, spending 1.3 million on the sporting grounds. It’s all listed as their fantastic achievements “for the community”.
Mind you, I don’t see what is wrong with the sport ground now, it’s got grass on it and you mow it. But no, it needs drainage improvements apparently. And the building housing the toilets and dressing room and canteen, was perfectly fine, not old, yet knocked down just because we have a new plan to build “unisex” bathrooms. Plus, smart lighting (whatever that is, expensive I assume).
Then they have the hide to tell you their annual requests to the minister of local government to increase rates beyond allowed limits, which are always approved, don’t matter at all because it’s so small it makes no difference to you.
The spending enrages me, but no one else seems to care.
The morning (Australian AEST) shift is up, except tonyb is normally first…
Maybe Milton the Cat 11 horrorcane re-energised and took-out Airstrip One’s comms when temperatures hit 404 degrees of insanity.
You off to have tea and scones with King What’s-his-face when his fossil-fueled flying circus comes to town? How much is he billing you guys for that! Thankfully he’s bypassing the Shaky Isles and carbon-spewing his way to Samoa instead. The sun never sets…
Merkel’s legacy bites.
As I have mentioned before the Shia branch of Islam believe (and await) the return of Muhammad al-Mahdi (aka the 12th Imam or just Mahdi) akin to the “end of times” and return of Jesus. In recent years 2027 has become a significant marker to this unfolding process with the suggestion being that either the Imam will appear and take charge with Jesus in attendance as a follower or the Imam will be born with the take charge bit still to follow in years to come.
Either way (adult or newborn) the world/mankind has to be seen to be “worth” saving and the best evidence from the Shia point of view would be that the foundations of Islam are globally evident as in more obvious and predominant particularly in the west.
So, expect an upsurge in the day-to-day profile of Islam, greatly boosted by the Palestine/Lebanon situation, as per the German situation and Australia’s very own Martin Place Sydney event. Apparently, this was the third year of the Martin Place pop-up so the slow subtle tweaking already has a history.
Something pleasantly distracting from this world in upheaval. Charles Sturt University in Orange has set up a live falconcam for a pair of peregrine falcons for whom a nesting box was built on top of a water tower. This year’s chicks (2) hatched several days ago and you can tune in anytime and watch their progress. Highly recommended for your sanity. ToM
That is Brillo to watch. The two chicks squawking reminds me of Question Time at Parliament House in Canbrrrrrrrr.
Not sure what will happen to the remaining egg though.
“Love, you are the tired old playbook.”
America’s New Millionaire Class: Plumbers and HVAC Entrepreneurs. Private equity is pouring money into skilled-trade small businesses; ‘Next thing you know, you’re running an empire.’ ”
That’s what helicopter money does! It slowly moves downwards, creating inflation at each level as it does, until people with money to invest end up looking at small companies. Big companies, medium companies, tech, medical, farms, anything not sent to China, all get owned by those who can get their hands on the money first.
It will cause more inflation in the trades sector pricing until the economy has absorbed the billions and money is worth that much less.
“HEY, CONSIDERING HOW THE WOKE LEFT BEATS HIM UP EVERY YEAR AT THIS TIME, CAN YOU BLAME HIM? Christopher Columbus was secretly Jewish. DNA tests suggest explorer hid true identity due to rampant anti-Semitism across Europe.”
More at
“Lake Placid Solar | Hurricane Milton damage”
Scientist admits Covid vaccine designed to sterilize the public
If this is true people responsible, who had knowledge and still pushed for the forced vaccination for all should be prosecuted and removed the gene pool permanently.
Looks like tornado damage, but small swirling storm cells occur all over the place without becoming a giant tornado. During Milton there were many of these on the radar.
This was addressed by Bell years ago when he clarified that he was referring to its effectiveness at stopping viral replication and nothing to do with fertility.
During a recent interview with UK TV network Channel 4, Prof. Bell appeared to let slip that the Oxford/AstraZeneca injection is capable of sterilizing between 60 and 70 percent of recipients.
Bell, who teaches medicine at Oxford, suggested that the goal of the “vaccines” was to “completely sterilize a population.”
However, he continued by lamenting that the injections could only “sterilize” around “60 or 70 percent” of the public.
Strop; Statement from the interview above seems pretty clear cut. I don’t know how he addressed it as clarifying the effectiveness of stopping viral replications.
Maybe he misspoke and is a similar chuckle head like the want to be VP Tim Walz
The interview was back in 2020 before the vaccine was approved.
If you watch the video in the article you linked, the interviewer asked, “When can I get one?” Meaning when will these vaccines be available. Why would he ask that if it was a “recent” interview? And Bell talks about waiting for the outcome of the trial. What trial of the discontinued Oxford vaccine would he be refering to in a “recent” interview?
In the video Bell says:
He talks about it protecting the population and, in the context of whether it gets approved, says that it’s only likely to “sterilise” 60 or 70%. What protection would he be referring to if not protection from the virus? He’s not talking about protection from pregnancy in 2020.
Bell was later asked about it and said he was definitely was not talking about anything to do with fertility.
Here’s a longer version of the interview video. Note the date.
“Fruits That Motivate Stem Cell Repair”
Following on from Sunday #5
Could we see a “Moderna Market Saver”?
“Your mRNA booster – now with added fruit juice” (/S)
On the previous open thread TdeF mentioned that military police were rounding up deserters.
‘Ukrainian military recruitment officers raided restaurants, bars and a concert hall in Kyiv, checking military registration documents and detaining men who were not in compliance with the compulsory military service, media and witnesses reported.
‘Observers said it is unusual for such raids to take place in the capital, and reflects Ukraine’s dire need for recruits. All Ukrainian men aged 25-60 are eligible for conscription, and men aged 18-60 are not allowed to leave the country.’ (Aljazeera)
Millions have left. Young men pay to escape. It’s a desperately poor country, thanks to their Fascist government, a kleptocracy for decades. That’s what the Biden Crime family was doing there. I would like to know how anyone can afford to drink in a bar.
And they are not deserters, just people who have not joined the army to die in ranks. The average age of frontline soldiers is now over 40 years, so husbands and fathers are dying in thousands. And France, UK, US, Germany are keeping up the weapons supply to kill Russians. It’s past tragic. And we hear they are ‘winning’. No one wins.
I am reminded of both wars with Germany but also of the Crimean war by France and the UK on Russia. A war with no point at all. What they belatedly called a ‘punitive’ war to teach the Russians a lesson. Allegedly it was about the ‘keys to Jerusalem’. As if.
When US intel warned the world that Russia was going to attack Ukraine, Russians and Ukrainians left their country in droves. The Russians spread everywhere and ruined Bali.
Russia and China are fascist dictatorships, Ukraine is a democracy with some corrupt practice, but as the war drags on there is less and less.
After the war they want to be part of NATO and EU, which is why they are avoiding collateral damage. Putin resorts to writing villages and towns off the map, indiscriminately.
There is talk that North Korea is going to send troops, which means NATO can also join the fray with boots on the ground. A civil war has broken out in Russia which will cause consternation in the Kremlin.
David is going to win this war against Goliath with superior military technology.
Unfortunately TdeF might be winning the argument.
North Korea has at least 1 M ready to fight standing army plus 6 M in reserve.
Putin does needs to pay $0 to Kim III for battle-hardening his troops, getting ready for the important (for him) war.
My sources are reporting that one-off payment for Russian volunteers is so high today, a normal person would never earn that money in his work, which means to me that there are not many takers…
They are recruiting from the economically depressed areas, where there is ignorance about the war, the money on offer is a fortune. They are not informed that 600,000 men have already died with Putin’s meat grinder tactics.
If large contingents of North Koreans end up on the front line, then NATO would also put boots on the ground in overwhelming numbers. I don’t see it, some North Korean advisers were killed and injured on the front line, WW3 averted.
“If large contingents of North Koreans end up on the front line, then NATO would also put boots on the ground in overwhelming numbers.”
Won’t help, those DEI soldier boys in their high heels will make no difference at all! When your Admiral is some weird tranny, don’t expect to win against Russians! Lets see if the understaffed Western military offers a fortune to join up, or just introduces conscription to force our men to die for Albosleazy and Wong.
Propaganda aside, even the Western Mil intelligence admit Ukraine has lost a lot more men than Russia, so if Russia has lost 600k, Ukraine must be down over a million. They will not exist as a culture in the future, what’s left of the country will be run by American criminals, just like the Bidens, and peopled by immigrants.
If the West are going to do something they better hurry, the oncoming weather will favour the Russians and already the Ukies have brigades at the front with less than 30% men in them.
NATO has troops in Ukraine as advisers on military equipment, the same reason a handful of North Korean troops were on the from line.
When winter sets in all ground offences come to an end, so Crimea will loom large in the coming months.
US politics has corrupt individuals, but in Russia everyone who is anyone is corrupt. Are you an anarchist?
‘They will not exist as a culture in the future ….’
That is nonsense, they have to retake the Donbas (with all its gas, oil, gold, lithium and other rare metals) or they definitely will cease to exist as a culture. The Ukrainians have little choice but to fight.
It’s true, the Australian Government really does operate according to Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty Four.
Just a few weeks ago, Victoriastan’s Supreme Leader, Jacinta Allan massively reduced the maintenance budget for roads. The original announcement seems to have been disappeared by the Lamestream media but there is reference the declining roads maintenance budget here:
Then, they decide to increase the maintenance budget, or at least pretend to. They are probably lying.
This is directly from Ninteen Eighty Four:
Many years ag I knew a bloke with a W.E. place in the country who found out that the road there was going to be up-graded because a prominent politician had a place at the end of the road.
He went down when the day was right and asked the foreman if they ever had any left over road stuff as he would like to upgrade his dirt driveway. The foreman asked what he wanted to do? He explained he wanted to seal the entrance and later he would seal the rest – just up to that carton of beer, left there to the new carton and right there near the front entrance (marked by another carton).
I asked how it went and he said someone spilt tar over my property and swiped the beer. In fact he said it also happened to 2 other properties.
And speaking of politicians a neighbour went on a holiday bus excursion out the back of the Gold Coast. They turned off the main road onto a 4 lane sealed road which (all 4 lanes) ended by sweeping up to a luxury house on the hill. There the 4 lane road ended and the Guide said that the house belonged to the Minister of Roads (called I think Russell). They then jolted down the rest of the road to the main highway but shortly turned off another side road (4 lanes but ended with 2 lanes sweeping up to a house which the Guide said was owned by the (Labor) premier of SA.
I never heard that there was any commotion about extra costs.
Perth’s main thoroughfare has a kink in it and a change of name, right where the Surveyor-General’s house used to be…
Kingaroy, a tiny 16000 population country place, has a magnificent runway that will take most jets… it ends near Bjelke-Petersen’s place.
On the topic of forbidden information…
An article by Chris Kenny from Sky News about the misinformation bill.
We have found a non-human extraterrestrial intelligence in our galaxy, and people don’t know about it.
A British academic believes he has stumbled on the most world-changing piece of news in recorded history.
Professor Simon Holland, who has produced documentaries for NASA-funded projects including a project pinpointing Earth-threatening asteroids, says that two rival groups of astronomers are in a race to publish the first confirmed evidence of an extraterrestrial civilisation.
He told The Mirror: “We have found a non-human extraterrestrial intelligence in our galaxy, and people don’t know about it.” Simon explains that he has been given information by a contact within Mark Zuckerbeg’s Breakthrough Listen, a privately-funded initiative aimed at finding evidence of civilisations beyond Earth.
And the news may come within the next month to coincide with the US election, he believes. He claims that astronomers within the Oxford-based project have identified clear evidence of transmissions from another world.
Will it be real this time?
The 1977 Wow! signal was a naturally ocurring albeit rare event, amd ditto for subsequent events.
If real it destroys every religion on Earth, and shows parallel evolution (not more advanced).
And they have traced the mysterious transmissions to a specific deck chair at Rehoboth beach in Delaware. But satellite scans have found no evidence of life as we know it. Jim.
John Connor ll, #14,
____Candidate for the next smoke and mirrors false flag.
____If we can get through the invasion of little green greys, hopefully there are no more hats to hatch rabbits from.
By your logic, if not real then this is proof of G.O.D, is that how your logic works, or do you just reset and start again (rhetorical question).
Armstrong, the Mirror, a you tuber and facebook, your sources are really stacking up.
We will wait until the election (even though Chyna are onto it also) so the Zuc can disrupt another election.
Your source.
HI there viewers,
‘Social Media Science’
I taught at a major UK university and my nick name is Prof.
I live with my wife Dorothy in a 17thc French watermill. Worked in TV all my life and like to ask questions, solve mysteries and make stuff in the workshop, ride my E-Bike, drive our EV…hope you enjoy this too.
See it before it sees you. – interesting science, history, UAP, technology films that you won’t see on TV.
I like asking questions because I don’t know all the answers. My idea is to raise issues and start a debate…if you are an expert, tell us what really happened. I value your views, because, The Truth is Out There.
Best wishes,
Mr. Simon Holland – Filmmaker
If you would like to comment or discuss a film, become a Patreon. Independent of YouTube…no ads, early access to new films in 4K.
if you want to send me something ‘interesting’ but not classified
Keep it real.
So a you tuber and not a professor and not an academic.
The WOW signal has never been proven nor disproven as it has never been detected again.
Wow! of a different kind with ludicrous, uncorrelated claims presented without reasoning or evidence as seems to be your MO.
I made no claims (yet again…) but presented contemporary news for discussion and enlightenment.
Please feel free to explain how disproof means I ascribe it to a deity.
Would you like me to show you how to use a search engine so you can learn about the Wow! signal?
Oh let’s just save time:
THE POINT, as should be evident to thinking readers, is that all previous claims of possible intelligent origin transmissions have been proven wrong and wishful thinking may be the case here too.
No worthwhile reply no doubt…
The WOW signal has never been proven nor disproven as it has never been detected again.
They detected something, (a red blob) which when coloured in is the same shape as the encircling of the WOW code. But show no code, this blob is the same shape as that blob so this is all the proof you need.
The researchers acknowledge that they cannot say with certainty that the Wow! signal was generated by 266/P Christensen. The researchers seem to have doubt?
2024 article. I had read that article you linked, but discarded it due to a more recent article.
Several other alternative hypotheses have been suggested. For instance, Antonio Paris suggested in 2016 that the signal may have come from the hydrogen cloud surrounding a pair of comets, 266P/Christensen and 335P/Gibbs. This was rejected by most astronomers, however, in part because comets don’t emit strongly at the relevant frequencies. Others have suggested the signal was the result of interference from satellites orbiting the Earth, or a signal from Earth reflected off a piece of space debris.
If real it destroys every religion on Earth, and shows parallel evolution (not more advanced). Please feel free to explain how disproof means I ascribe it to a deity.
Your thesis is , if real there is no such thing as G.O.D, the antithesis is therefore the opposite.
Proven means, beyond doubt. Rejected by most astronomers means doubt, no consenus.
Your Mirror article is 100% hearsay from a mad man who calls himself professor, but he does maintain the hairdo. If you know how to use the interweb thingy, why did you not look him up?
The links on your article are broken
More information: Hydrogen Line Observations of Cometary Spectra at 1420 MHZ , Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences, (Paper PDF) This site can’t be’s server IP address could not be found.
I may have a hard time searching this webby thing, but I do OK with this reading bit.
My claim stands. “has never been proven nor disproven”
Well, firstly, groan…I have not written a “thesis”. Please consult a dictionary.
Secondly, “Your Mirror article is 100% hearsay” is not MY mirror article, it an article by
My linking to the source does not necessarily imply my endorsement of same.
Thirdly, “if real there is no such thing as G.O.D” is you putting words in my mouth
Again, I made no such claim or inferred it. YOU chose to interpret it that way.
In fact it does not disprove a deity, it simply destroys Earthly religions that believe they are the sole (emphasise SOLE) product of their chosen deity.
Fourthly, I am aware of Prof. Simon Holland and have seen some of his work.
Whether he’s a “mad man” by YOUR unproven claim (so much for your “logic”) or a genius or something inbetween is irrelevant; that’s not the topic.
Fifthly, “Our hypothesis explains all observed properties of the Wow! Signal, proposes a new source of false positives in technosignature searches, and suggests that the Wow! Signal could be the first recorded event of an astronomical maser flare in the hydrogen line,” the authors explain in their conclusion.”
That’s science at work – when a better theory comes along you adopt it, and a naturally occurring event is more plausible and explainable than an alien civilisation making a one-time communication attempt.
Absolute proof? No, but can you prove you exist and aren’t just a piece of sentient code?
You have a whole village of straw men in that old computer (it can’t search after 2017).
A thesis is the main claim you are making in an argument, similar to the hypothesis in a scientific experiment. It is what you are trying to prove or persuade your audience to believe or do.
You put it up, own it.
Umm, Prof. Simon Holland, he is not a professor for a start A mad man’s claim. You have seen his stuff!
Now you have me reading a dictionary, to prove you said what you say? grow up and learn how to use a dictionary.
I am aware of that play, “accuse others of doing what you yourself have done”
I have absolute proof I am real, I can feel, taste, see, smell and hear and my wife tells me all the time although followed by dick#ead.
Yes I am code….G.O.Ds code, I assume your code evolved from an ape?
I did science.
Now you have me reading a dictionary, to prove you said what you say?
Wrong link Deity, a god, goddess, or other supernatural being considered divine.
Anyway we should know in a couple of weeks whether its disinformation.
It has the stench of Armageddon.
There is certainly a stench if you hit that link
“The wind farm lobby is selling a placebo to the public | Opinion”
500,000 windmills and billions of solar panels later, here’s the total cumulative effect on world CO2.
You can see all the events. The massive rise of China. The world transport shutdown in 2020. The bushfires in Australia, Greece, Spain, USA, Indonesia, Brazil. And we are managing to arrest the slow climb of CO2 and turn it all around while the oceans are boiling. To undo what has been done, unburdened by what has not been done.
No no no, it’s absolutely true, and it’s such a frabjous day indeed!
Can you just breathe in deeply that pure air.
It’s so wonderful that wind can now finally do away with those awful coal fired power plants here in Australia.
I mean, new wind plants were added to the grid during the last 14 days, and now wind is just so humungously huge.
Wind now has a whopping Nameplate of 13,460MW from 91 Industrial wind plants. Count ’em. It’s so amazing. That’s around 3,300 plus individual huge towers with those heavy nacelles on top , and the enormous whizzing blades out the front, all of them spinning blindingly fast.
That’s more than the Nameplate for ALL the coal fired plants in New South Wales ….. AND Victoria. Those pitiful seven plants with their 22 individual Units only have what is now a piddlingly small Nameplate of 12910MW, way less than the glorious total for wind.
Then, those ancient old dinosaur clunkers are having their usual mid Spring down time for scheduled Maintenance, so they’ll be ready for the Summer Peaks, so in fact that Nameplate is even further reduced, because seven Units are undergoing maintenance, so now all we have is 15 Units with a total Nameplate of just 9040MW, and that’s barely two thirds the might of that staggering wind Nameplate.
Why just last week alone, wind generated a phenomenal total of a whopping 583GWH, such an impressive total indeed.
(Oh, come on, please don’t tell me you don’t know what’s coming)
Across that same huge week for wind power, those pitiful 15 Units at those 7 coal fired plants in two States could only manage ….. umm, 1214GWH ….. barely 2.1 times the total for 91 wind plants.
Wind – Truly powering ahead!!
Tony – this fits here IMO
“Why an age of energy rationing is looming over Britain”
Monday funny: Tampon Tim doing manly things
That military career sure paid off!
Maybe a woman (a real one) can show him how.
Do the Demonrats have ANYONE who’s not a bungling, lying, inept clown?
Here’s Kamala’s phone call to hire Tampon Tim.
And once again Kamala has been a visionary for Christians. A puzzle on a Dorito inside a fortune cookie. We must know the unknowable, see what cannot be seen and do those things which are needed to be done, by those people who need to do them. Forget Gandhi. We must follow the messiah.
What if extreme weather froze your bank account?
Don’t say you haven’t been warned…
The cost of firing military weapons
Skysona, a $3M/dose FDA-approved gene therapy causes cancer. Guess what it has in common with covid shots?
A recent paper published in the New England Journal of Medicine reported that BlueBird Bio’s gene therapy Skysona (aka eli-cel), approved by the FDA in 2022, causes cancer in approximately 10% of the treated population.
Even more interesting – it was known that eli-cel causes cancer before the drug was approved. In fact, it almost didn’t get approved and the company almost went out of business because of this.
Then, miraculously, the clinical trial hold due to cancer cases was lifted and Skysona was waved through by the FDA under an accelerated approval, meaning that Bluebird was allowed to sell its drug for $3M/treatment in the US, while the requirements for reporting full clinical trial results were pushed out to “after”. The approval was based on a post-hoc data analysis (a data fishing exercise) that managed to find a very minor improvement in functional scores at 24 months. This is as shaky as it gets. The FDA included a black box warning for the cancer “side effect”, but the company was free to sell the drug to desperate patients, while continuing to experiment on them.
Just to clarify things. This is an autologous hematopoietic stem cell-based gene therapy to slow the progression of neurologic dysfunction in boys 4-17 years of age with cerebral-adreno-leukodystrophy (CALD), an X-linked genetic disease that mainly affects the nervous system and adrenal glands.
The price tag is extortionate but if it enables your son to live longer would you not be prepared to fork out the dosh if you had it?.
For a delightful distraction from our world in upheaval, Charles Sturt University has a livestream falconcam from a nesting box built at the top of a water tower for a pair of regular visiting peregrine falcons. It has been operating for some time and this year’s chicks (2) hatched several days ago. It is a great antidote to the horrors we’re experiencing at the moment to see nature at its best and watch the progress of two new inhabitants and their doting parents. Highly recommended for your sanity. ToM
Should have said Charles Sturt University in Orange NSW. ToM
Thanks, I didn’t know about them – they were being fed just as the link opened.
The Melbourne peregrines have done a few years now
more evidence the environment is fine
Yeah. Every successful birth says nothing to see here. viva la science.
The headline we haven’t seen here in Oz:
“Trump exonerated: prosecutors face jail”
Has anything similar appeared elsewhere?
Thanks for the heads up another ian for this link:
at #10 yesterday:
Dave B
Not a headline in America either. Crickets.
Good catch David, its a scoop.
Must be the people I watch but I have been well informed on this. The young lady who opened the case would be the last woman on earth I would associate with, but she is a bit of a bulldog and I could possibly hire her.
No judgement will be handed down before the election lest the fine men in black “influence the election”.
Try Doug TenNaple.
Just got my second $75 credit on my electricity account thanks to yet another government handout using borrowed money. Wacky wreckenomics.
It should help to bring inflation down, its all smoke and mirrors.
These are the kind of ‘people’ advising the New Zealand Govt on climate policy –
Catherine Leining, a ‘carbon market expert’ and spokes-thingy for Motu Research – her coven name being CATs for Climate Action Teams – is based in Cuba Street in the capital, Wellington (not far from Parliament House & Bellamy’s Restaurant).
‘She provides independent consulting [having] been trained as a Climate Leader under The Climate Reality Project launched by Al Gore … She holds a BS in biology … and French” from Duke University in North Carolina y’all hear now?
Quote via RNZ ‘Nine To Noon’ 14 Oct 2024, 0915.
Her fellow CATs are suing the Climate Minister, Simon Watt, over some ‘carbon pollution’ thingy. Sounds like a Monty Python or Goons or Young Ones script but nay nay nay, ‘tis the ‘state’ of this lunat!c asy!um on the cusp of Summer 2025.
NB. “Snow to 800m” for the Southern Alps over the next 48hrs, yet all the skifields closed yesterday, even though they’re LOADED with long-extinct snow. Too early to call a ‘White Christmas’?
After BoMs massive fail on last summer’s forecast, it was supposed to be as hot as hell and dry as a bone, but it was neither.
Unmoved they have decided to give it another crack. ‘Warmer than average days and nights are likely to very likely across most of Australia.’
Its a La Nina year, with extra cloud cover, cooler days and warmer nights is my prediction.
Hey EG I think you missed a couple of points, probably due to B.S. fatigue. Ill try to remember the complete list but I’m also suffering from B.S. overload.
Here goes.
Hotter than average with significantly hotter night time temperatures.
Wetter than average.
Windier than average
Higher bushfire risk than average. (Due to wetter than average weather)
Damn, there was more on the channel that I watched but fatigue is setting in, any way we’re stuffed, I looked at the coloured map and it was all red. Dunno when it’s going to start in my district, still running the wood heater at nights and days are struggling to be warm enough to get the grass going.
Wait wait wait I remember now
More tropical cyclones than average with up to 11 tropical cyclones to develpo and as many as 4 to make landfall.
I better make my donation to WWF to save the platyapi ( platypuses ?) from going extinct due to floods and droughts. All made worse because climate change tm.
As reported from the coal-face a few daze ago via the orifice of Abracadabra BoMbastic Clowns
‘The reduction in cyclones this century is due to climate change’.
Even their graph from 1970-2023 shows a steady decline, a downward trend line, in TC numbers, apart from little wobbles thanks to the vagaries of ENSO – yet they deny their own data? There’s a word for that, or two…
“CRAZY TECH WORLD: Hacked Robot Vacuum Goes Around the House Shouting Expletives and Racial Slurs”
Heat dome to impact South Australia.
‘A remarkably hot pool of air is expected to drift over central Australia in the middle of the week after being drawn southward ahead of the approaching cold front.
‘Daytime temperatures in the north of SA could reach the low-to-mid forties on Wednesday and Thursday. Overnight minimum temperatures will also be exceptionally high in parts of central Australia on Wednesday and Thursday nights, with some places possibly staying above 30°C throughout each night. This outback heat could challenge records for this time of year.’ (Weatherzone)
We still had our gas heater on this morning, take 24 hours for good staff to reach Melbourne.
Oh, wait, the wind might turn easterly !
It has been chilly in south east Oz for far too long and we still need a heater at night.
We’re water-stressed, and haven’t fixed any of the leaks, so you can’t brew more beer ..
It is the Grauniad, but it looks fairly un-biased.
“Water firm blocks drinks-makers in Suffolk from expanding supply” … until 2033!
“Kieran Ingram, water director for Essex and Suffolk Water, apologised to businesses and said the decision had not been taken lightly. The company is part of Northumbrian Water, owned by the US private equity giant KKR and investment firms controlled by the Hong Kong billionaire Li Ka-shing. In the most recent financial year, Northumbrian paid out £108m in dividends and proposed a further £37m payout.”
So it looks like the ‘Thames Water tactic’ …
Hike prices, cut service satisfaction, extract dividends – then sell on!
In fairness, nothing in the article suggests that debts are being incurred to pay hu-u-uge dividends [as in the original Thames model] – but what was a basic service now looks to be a way of enriching already wealthy people – such as Mr Li – at the expense of ordinary brewers and distillers.
More convinced than ever that – even if privatising Watercos was justified – the Regulator – OfWat – is a spineless, toothless abomination.
Yet nobody will be found responsible for this mess.
At all!
In case you didn’t realise –
“Importance of iron highlighted by MLA in World Iron Awareness Week”
How come they didn’t mention ship building?
“WITH World Iron Awareness Week underway, Meat & Livestock Australia is joining a global effort to raise awareness about the pivotal role that Australian red meat plays in a healthy diet”
We could help certain areas of the world with get more iron in their diet with live sheep exports. Oh wait, we have to stop this ,it’s cruel. Oh wait, good news, China is going to start taking Australian LIVE crayfish, none of which will be killed humanely, many boiled alive and others chopped up while alive. Guess no one cares about marine insects.
That’s what you posted. Sorry if I have a sense of humour you can’t appreciate.
I haven’t caught up with World Laundry Awareness Week yet.. I’ll get the iron out later..
I was looking at the lightning around Sydney and panned out. Things are active in central America.;t=3;s=0;o=0;b=;ts=0;y=22.6197;x=-59.6678;z=4;d=2;dl=2;dc=0;
Does “You can tell a Victorian but you can’t tell them very much” qualify? Our clan has been using that for 100+ years!
“The federal government now recommends that you wear a blindfold along with your face
mask to protect you from seeing what’s really going on.”
(Cartoon, no link)
I went back to find an article that had tickled me recently -Sunday #19, and John Connor II (I just realized who John Connor I might have been? Slow really slow, considering I’ve re watched ‘The Sarah Connor Chronicles’ at least half a dozen times.) put up a dire report from American Institute of Biological Sciences. Absolutely dire. Classifying it as humour, hats off, foresight beyond my ken. But in truth the reason it had tickled me, was I had mistakenly thought their first fact attribution was a certain Javier Guterres. It turns out to be the third. It would be hard to start a doom laden diatribe, that you want to be taken seriously, with a more ridiculous character, who seems to spend inordinate time, knee deep in boiling oceans.
“”As the U.S. prepares for one of the most controversial and closely watched elections in its history, a concerning update to DoD Directive 5240.01 has quietly been put into effect. Reissued on September 27, 2024, this directive governs the Department of Defense’s (DoD) intelligence activities and now includes provisions authorizing lethal force in certain circumstances when assisting civilian law enforcement… under “national security” conditions….”
‘Your Lordship, the peasants are demonstrating..’ ‘Then send in the Army and shoot them all!’
Gosh, its getting like Russia is supposed to be, or North Korea! ‘ the animals looked through the window they couldn’t tell the pigs from the farmers…’
I thought you admired socialism. You certainly hate “The West” where you live.
I’ve just brought my recycling bins in.
Monday recycling accomplished in Sarf Lunnon.
It occurred to me, though, that – in the Brave New World of JSO or XR, or even Greta the abused doom-pixie – my recycling bins will need to be replaced [probably with smaller ones, I concur] and the new ones made of – er, well … what?
Whatever it is must be completely free of any fossil fuel input [ruling out most manufactures.
Natural, of course; and local – I’m not expecting my village shopkeeper to go to Devon or Yorkshire, with his horse and cart, to get a load of bins!
We must immediately start growing trees like willows, where they can be coppiced, and the withies used for basket-weaving.
Steady demand – as they may not last three years [my bins are at least eight years old and okay at the moment] – so steady employment for the makers.
Perhaps modern Edumaction will have a point for a small number of graduates!