A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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What Happens When The Lights Go Out?
If you have access to Sky News, then don’t forget to watch Chris Uhlmann’s Net Zero Investigation at 8.00 pm on Tuesday 19/11/2024 –
Will Mr. Trump get convicted for the NY Court Case? A Prediction.
A 5 minute video
Can he pardon himself? Can The Swamp still beat him to the punch.
I ‘m just about too tired to work it out. But at last I hold some confidence in the future.
No he can’t, not when it’s a state court.
However, the left wingers have never seen state’s rights as real and will happily accuse you of everything from racism to witchcraft if you so much as mention that the US Constitution is specifically designed to limit centralized power. Therefore I’m not so sad to see NY courts lose their independence when they already consented to it by refusing to defend other states.
Mr. Trump’s Whirlwind of Appointments –
“The mainstream media is either stupid or relentlessly beating a dead horse – their Marxist agenda. Reading the Economist and the comments of the Editor-in-chief, it is hard to fathom how ignorant this article really comes off, as do many others criticizing Trump for this flurry of appointments. I have said that The DEEP STATE is trembling because Trump now knows their game. Last time, they stuffed his cabinet with people like John Bolton and all other Deep State’s Neocons. Bolton wanted to start World War III because an unmanned drone was shot down. He has no regard for human life, regardless of which side we are talking about. War, to him, appears to be more like a football game rooting for one team to vanquish the other.
The entire reason Trump is giving his list of nominees NOW before taking office is to PREVENT the Deep State from stuffing his cabinet again to ensure he cannot drain the swamp. This has NEVER been done before, and this is an excellent strategy.”
It is a puzzle of the present times, that some people in positions of power continue with policies or preferences that have been debunked. Of course, in Australia, the big present example is the defeat of the “Voice” preference to amend our Constitution to grant powers to a minority group, being those claiming to have some aboriginal ancestry.
For reasons that I cannot fathom, many big businesses like Qantas gave public backing to the Yes case drawn up by a few known activists and promoted by most governments. Some prominent lawyers, plus some mega wealthy folk, also went strongly Yes. The people, me included, voted No with a 60% majority, without much No case publicity beforehand. The No voters included many aborigines living in remote communities.
This was a clear case of government/bureaucratic/academic/swamp types being upset by voters mostly without special interest or motivation. The governments, having failed the pub test, then doubled down. There is example after example of this swamp arrogance, such as dictating electric car preferences, backing net zero carbon, backing huge immigration numbers, mandating by coercion a fake “vaccine” and legislating cases of immunity from prosecution and requirements under freedom of information to make special people out of swamp dwellers.
I simply cannot deduce motivation for this anti-social conduct other than greed.
May those offending quickly regain their senses. It is extraordinary. Geoff S
I do believe that the time has now come to rid the World of all of those people. And I can’t wait until May 2025 to boot out the Australian Marxists. Mind you, the current Opposition needs to ‘Man Up’ first IMHO.
>motivation for this anti-social conduct
Taking their orders from from the oppressive supranational overlords backstage, instead of serving the best interests of the nation and her people.
Greed by some of course but the answer is much more sinister. This is creeping Marxism being manifested. You are being told that your views, your aspirations, your best interest are of no consequence and that the great and powerful know what you want and need far better than you do. A few years ago the great reset was being called a conspiracy theory but now we know that it is a reality. If we allow the elites to succeed then the rather wonderful life we grew up with will be lost to future generations. It is up to us to stop the Marxists including our current government, the Teals and the Greens plus a few moderate conservatives. Fortunately 60% of us are conservative but the 40% are the loudest.
WWIII Watch: Biden Reportedly Approves Ukraine Long-Range Missile Strikes in Russia Before Trump Comes to Power
One cannot but think that this is deliberately being done to upend the Trump Presidency once again.
Is there any other reason for any actions of the man in the White House? – whoever is twitching his strings …
“I simply cannot deduce motivation for this anti-social conduct other than greed.”… and power!!
There’s nothing worse than giving some power to a small person with no self-esteem! They will use it to write enough regulations to make your life a misery, just to prove they can! You only need someone at the top to say “this Govt Dept will embrace DIE” and there will be a stampede of middle & lower-level bureaucrats fighting to push it first. What has been the only thing soaking up the unemployable for two decades?? The public “service”…
Nomination before inauguration is not unusual but this is delightfully early. I just read that his first term DOE Sec Perry was nominated Dec 17 so Wright is a month ahead of that. It gives nominees time to study and plan.
Some of the nominations are unclear. A bit like Harris’ ‘Border Tsar’, which was Biden’s attempt to hang the albatross around her neck.
It didn’t work because there was no specific job attached, just blame. It was meant to make sure she could not possibly run for the President’s job and that didn’t work either.
So she just refused to do it, or any other job. I think her logic was that she has never had to work before, didn’t know what to do anyway, so why should she start doing any work now? And there was no way she was going to solve problems or go to the Mexican border. It was so beneath her.
And while we have this new idea of DGE, Department of Government Efficieny for Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy, it does not exist. And there is no legal basis for it. It’s just an idea, like Border Tsar. And so it is far from clear what authority exists apart from Presidential edicts. I expect these two will hire and fire with cabinet authority, Trump’s authority, with full support from the House and Senate for such legislation as they need.
The work for RFKennedy though has the FDA in mind but it’s not clear if Robert will be head of the department either. I doubt it. He doesn’t want a desk job. There are other villains in the swamp who are responsible for the lack of proper testing for Wuhan Flu vaccines and other medications. Or the loss of control over endless food additives. Remember the law which made Trans Fat obligatory, until hydrolysed vegetable fats turned out to be strong carcinogens, now banned. McDonalds are heroes for refusing to obey the law. As for illegal Gain of Function research, will heads roll for this? Possibly. So far Fauci has lied to everyone, especially Trump. And survived. He deserves to be exposed, like so many opportunist medical officers around the world. And in Australia. In the thrall of pharmaceutical companies and shady CIA operations.
There is a lot which is unclear and beyond normal cabinet appointments. And questions abound with the operation of the CIA and FBI where they have abused the limits on their activity against American citizens. We have all seen the Borne films. And Comey tapped the Trump Campaign, even wearing a wire into his meeting with Trump at the White House. The fake FISA application, lying to judges. The lethal force authority for the raid on Trump’s home. As for the massive operation to pull billions out of Ukraine and China and the impeachments and the Steele dossier and the Hunter Biden exoneration by 51 spy chiefs which so affected the last election, you have to wonder if Washington will turn on itself. I doubt it. No one wants to talk history. But they will all be stripped of authority and respect.
So far the nominations have been visionary, but not traditional. Trump really intends to clean house and is naming his samurai warriors, not just department heads. And you can be sure that the Washington swamp is planning to frustrate his every move. Not least allowing known plots against his life to succeed, with plausible deniability. All evidence is being destroyed right now.
Possibly the biggest promises and priorities are to halve electricity/oil costs. There will be cheering in the streets! End the war in Ukraine. That is already racing to an end, the German Chancellor calling for an end to the war and telephoning Putin. After all Ukraine blew up their essential pipe line, not the Russians. Trump warned them. And to end the war in the Middle East. Iran is already starting attempts at conciliation. Turkey will back off too. The weakness in the US and NATO are over. No more feet in both camps, as in Australia with Penny Wong chasing muslim votes in NSW at any cost. Pro Palestinian protests have simply become anti semitic riots and Just Stop Oil shows contempt for civil rights. Society wants these people locked up.
Meanwhile the G7 are posturing that Ukraine will be an endless war, ‘as long as it takes’. That is just bravado if Zelensky is suing for peace. Woke policies are bankrupting Europe. And the farmers have had enough as governments in Germany,France,Nederlands are falling and even Sweden is exporting muslims. There is a tractor protest in England at the Labor Party convention. People have had enough of the attack on farming/Stop Oil/blatant Anti Semitism/soaring power prices.
Sorry about the length of the last comment. There is just so much which need to be done. And finally the world has hope.
Ah, my red thumber has woken up. First job on Monday morning. Like a blowfly in a car.
I get them as well. It is a Badge of Honour IMHO.
I just got another one. LOL.
Jo’s site is the only one which shows red thumbs. I don’t know why.
Jo’s might be the only one with *red* thumbs, but YouTube is a prominent site that has both up and down thumbs in comments.
Beats me why anyone bothers with them. Wish there weren’t so many thumb suckers here. It’s a bit childish. Better to be reasoned into an idea than to be browbeaten by “consensus”. And better to explain what you honestly think than to fish for up-votes (or downs).
Its not the only site to show down votes, far from it
A green thumb has value because it it a way of expressing support for a comment without filling up the blog with unnecessary comments.
I don’t use red thumbs to express disapproval because it encourages the author in most cases. Better to ignore them, if you feel that way.
Well I now have 2 greens and 2 reds which makes me feel good on both counts
The anti censorship brigade demanding censorship again.
Swanny. YT has both but the down is a ghost button, so no you can only agree or be silent.
Hanrahan. It’s called freedom of opinion, you know, the thing your family fought to protect from them commies.
Write a reason for the thumb? A comment from Simon would require its own post.
I follow the first rule of thumb club, so you all got one each.
Anyway I believe it’s a bot that hovers in the red light spectrum, or so I have been informed.
Thanks MP. And there was I thinking everyone was so considerate on YouTube. Being a non-thumber, I’ve never tried clicking.
FWIW, it seems the YT down thumb *is* still recorded and possibly considered when ranking comments for display.
TdeF – the FDA falls under the HHS (Health and Human Services) secretariat for which is Trump is nominating RFK.
Good summary of the worst of the American Empire! However I disagree with your saying Ukraine blew up the Nordstream pipeline. It was the US. They have the expertise and the necessary equipment and know how. I doubt that Ukraine has a boat with a decompression chamber which would be essential for a dive that deep and a task that would take as long as it would be necessary to lay the charges. The only alternative would be the Brits but we do know that the US ships were in the area.
Anybody could have done it, for less than $1 million.
All you would need is a small trawler, a suitable explosive device and a GPS, and a device for telling when the charge is in place.
They have arrested the people involved. Ukranian military leader. Just not in the news.
My memory of it is that the Germans tracked surface ship activity across the time period and of course they knew exactly where the bombs were placed.
And found a rented sail boat at the right place. And the rental records and credit card led them to the team of about five people. I have not
read anything since. It was a double embarrassment for the Germans, a real betrayal of trust as they have been supporting Ukraine and were the victims
of a Ukrainian military operation. The operation was approved by Zelensky.
I have heard something very similar.
Bigger problem – these days, it is not easy to discern ‘truth’ in most of the media.
Whether it’s fluoridation, hurricanes, or crime.
Knowledge and experience can help, sometimes.
FAKE NEWS FAIL: New York Times “Fact Check” of Important RFK, Jr. Claim Regarding Froot Loops Blows Up in Its Face When X Users Spot the Truth in Paper’s Own Article
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. derangement syndrome has struck the Fake News Media as he appears poised to become America’s next Health and Human Services Secretary. And they are falling flat on their faces in an embarrassing fashion.
RFK Jr. has laid out a bold plan to rid the FDA and other federal agencies of the deeply embedded corruption prioritizing corporate profiteering over public health.
One of his top goals will be to rid our foods of the toxic chemicals, including food dyes, that are making Americans sick. Here he is in a video explaining how the FDA is signing off on the alleged poisoning of Americans.
Here is the NY Times paragraph in question:
Mr. Kennedy has singled out Froot Loops as an example of a product with too many artificial ingredients, questioning why the Canadian version has fewer than the U.S. version.
But he was wrong.
The ingredient list is roughly the same, although Canada’s has natural colorings made from blueberries and carrots while the U.S. product contains red dye 40, yellow 5 and blue 1 as well as Butylated hydroxytoluene, or BHT, a lab-made chemical that is used ‘for freshness,’ according to the ingredient label.
According to The Times, there is no difference between the Canadian and United States versions of Froot Loops as long as you ignore the harmful chemicals in the U.S. version and the natural colors in Canada’s Froot Loops.
In other words, the paper inadvertently admits RFK, Jr. is RIGHT when they were trying to fact-check him.
It came with the specific task of trying to prevent arrivals at the border by dealing with the source.
There is some logic to that approach. But, not as logical as securing the border. People who aren’t refugees aren’t going to arrive at the border if they can’t cross the border. Just like the boats stopped coming to Aus when non-refugees couldn’t get in by boat.
The problem was never comming by boat at a couple of hundred a year. They stoped the boats and started the flights.
1550 a day are comming in, flown by our tax dollars. 1550 a day straight into the welfare system.
140 million worldwide seeking refuge, and growing with the wars daily. The 1550 is not making much of a dint in that either.
This is Australia, not the world and I doubt there are 140 million with their hands up yelling pick me.
That 1550 a day is flying into a “cost of living crisis” and a “housing crisis”, funny none of them begging for food or sleeping in the parks.
That’s over 1.1 million every two years, the whole lot will be here in 127 years, I bet that 140 mill number never reduces.
It was far more than a couple of hundred per year. We had over 50,000 arrivals by boat and over 10,000 people in detention at any given moment when Rudd-Gillard-Rudd put out the Welcome mat. They had to re-open offshore processing and admitted Howard had it right. Then criticised Abbott (with Morison and Dutton) for cleaning it up. The boats stopped because arrivals were thwarted / turned back or detained then deported. Yes, arrivals by plane was still problem. But the boat arrivals had been a huge problem.
50,000 you say, think you have an extra zero on that, but using your mystical number, that’s only 32 days supply at the current rate of import.
Boats were never a problem, it was a distraction.
How many people have we sent offshore?
As at 31 August 2024. This shows the number of people Australia ‘transferred’ to Nauru and PNG, from two points in time: 13 August 2012 when the policy of offshore processing restarted and 19 July 2013 when the policy was changed to extend to everyone coming by boat, and to prevent people from ever resettling in Australia.
Bar chart showing approximately 4296 sent offshore since 13 August 2012, and 3240 since 19 July 2023.
Total sent offshore since 13 August 2012
4,296 (or less than 500 a year. Hundreds a year, now its that every couple of hours)
Total sent offshore since 19 July 2023
3,240 (yet below they break it down to shipments since July 2023 and it comes out at 111)
This includes 11 people sent to Nauru in September 2023, 12 sent to Nauru in November 2023, another 39 sent in February 2024, 10 in April 2024 and 37 in June 2024, and approximately 2 in July and August 2024 (rendered exact for display purposes).
Apparently Im no good at this interwebby thing, but that took me seconds.
I’m not referring to recent years. That was my point. The boats were stopped with effective deterrents, so boat arrivals have been minimal in recent years.
But go back to when it was a problem during Labor’s soft border period Rudd-Gillard-Rudd and the boats came.
2009 we had 2700 people arrive by boat
2010 we had 6500
2011 we had 4600
2012 we had 17200
2013 we had 20600
That’s 51,600
Apparently you’re not.
Your refugee council figures are mostly related to actual refugees.
Key nominations are usually made well before inauguration. The difference this time is the press coverage and the quality of the candidates.
The Deep State, and their Democrat and LSM allies, have made significant effort to vilify many of Trump’s current nominees in the recent past. Deep State hatred of any nominee is a good measure of a nominees potential to drain the swamp.
Matt Gaetz has made Republican enemies as well so his nomination will have doubtful outcome if it goes to the Senate for confirmation.
I am not certain of the process that will be used to engineer a 10 day recess but that is the requirement for recess appointments.
Interestingly, if Gaetz is a recess appointment, he cannot draw a government salary.
This article discusses weaponising the “recess” provision:
Trump is wiser now and surrounded by key powerful men who will protect his back.
He was white anted before, hit by the China Virus and did not have control of both houses, as he does now. I am optimistic this time for a real change.
Wright looks great as DOE Sec:
Unfortunately DOE has little to do with FF production. But they do a lot of alarmist climate research and renewables promotion. Hope that takes a hit.
The biggie will be how to tackle the EPA.
Yes by far.
Harris is Still Trying to Raise Billions for Her Failed Policies –
“Unbelievable, Harris’s emails are still coming in several per day asking for money to fight, but in reality, it is covering the billions she overspent. They should have taken a lesson from Hillary. She raised 40 times more direct and soft money than Trump and still lost. It’s the issue! When will the Democrats wake up and abandon the Marxist agenda? Raising taxes on the rich only puts money in their pockets. It NEVER lowers taxes for everyone else.”
Biden is trying to start WW3 before Trump takes power, gives permission for the Yanks to target Russia up to 300Km deep from Ukraine with their NATO missiles. They’re hoping this will get Putin to target Germany, France or Britain as co-belligerents and then put NATO troops on the front line. They’ll over-run Russia in days, I’m told, Putin’s useless war machine hit Ukraine with 70 drones and missiles yet only managed to kill 4 civilians. One would think he was trying not too..
“US President Joe Biden’s administration has lifted restrictions that had blocked Ukraine from using US-supplied weapons to strike deep into Russian territory, ”
How to leave Mr. Trump a poisoned chalice and trying to trigger WW3. Disgraceful from Sleepy Joe who is a puppet of the US Neocons.
There is a story that North Korea is going to send 100,000 more troops to the front line, so WW3 has started.
The anarchists want Putin to retake the Eastern Block, not too sure why, perhaps you could enlighten me?
The Georgians are pushing back Russian involvement in their country, they want fresh elections, which will be a another challenge for the Kremlin.
Thus said Napolean to the Grand Army.
Thus planned Hitler with ‘Operation Barbarossa’.
We’ll be home for Christmas. Corporal Hitler.
Swallowing all the hype is one thing, that line was one for the books. No matter how bad in gets the Western hubris will shine through
“Big Trouble Before Exit – Joe Biden Approves U.S. Targeting Systems and Long-Range Missiles for Ukraine to Strike Deep Inside Russia
November 17, 2024 | Sundance | 311 Comments”
‘ … limited strikes inside Russia … ‘
Only inside the Kursk region.
Have a read of
“Operation ‘Dark Winter’ Resumes as Massive Russian Strikes Again Cripple Ukrainian Power Grid”
Weatherzone is pushing the deadly effects of sunshine in a technical way, explaining UV types and the damage they do… but absolutely no mention of VitD. They still push the old-
“Whether you go outside on a sunny or cloudy day, consider practicing sensible sun safety measures:Slip on protective clothing that covers as much skin area as possible. Slop on sun protection factor cream (SPF) with a rating of SPF50 or SFP50+ and cover areas of skin exposed to sunlight. Slap of a hat with a preferable broad brim and made of closely woven fabric. Seek shade where possible. And Slide on sunglasses with a Eye Protection Factor (EPF) of 9 or above. Remember, BE SUN SMART this summer.”
There’s a lady who walks all over our neighbourhood during the day, completely covered in clothing from hat to toe and with gloves, even on a sunny day. Usually called ‘The Ninja’, you cannot see any skin at all, she shows every aspect of the paragraph above and is decidedly insane.
Some reading for all:
The Unappreciated Benefits of Natural Light
Exploring the critical biological functions of a complete and balanced light spectrum.
It is dark inside your head
But even there, the sun does shine
I’m surprised that MWD doesn’t talk about near-infrared light. Thankfully “naturalselections” covers some of it. Some time ago I read a scientific paper on the positive effects of near-infrared on the immune system. At the end their recommendation was sunbathing in the early morning sun without dark glasses on. Unfortunately I have “lost” the paper.
I noticed a couple of months ago that chemists now sell OTC Vitamin D tests, which I think are the skin prick type. Not sure how accurate they are, but at least someone is thinking about it. So if your damn doctor wont allow you to get Vitamin D tested in your annual bloods, DIY.
Sounds she is paying a price for being different.
“Earlier I commented on intelligentsia abstracting to a place more and more remote from the real world.
It seem it might be happening in science research as well. Perhaps because more and more of “The Science” © consists of hypothesis and theoretical computer models, with no real world validation or evidence, and less tangible benefits.”
“Here’s Sabine Hossenfelder on all that, and a thing called Total Factor Productivity. With a cutting observation, that much of it is bullshit research, and most of it is invisible.”
“Science is in trouble and it worries me”
Labor launches scare campaign targeting Opposition Leader Peter Dutton ahead of 2025 election
Labor has launched a new ad targeting Opposition Leader Peter Dutton and claiming Australians will be “worse off” under a Coalition government, ahead of the upcoming 2025 election.
Sky News received an early copy of the advertisement which has attempted to argue a vote for Mr Dutton was a vote for financial hardship
“He opposed increasing wages and tax cuts so the average worker would be $3,649 worse off under Dutton,” the advertisement claimed.
The claims have not factored in the Coalition’s full budget policy and the calculations were, of course, speculative.
“He opposed power bill relief, so the average household would be $300 worse off under Dutton, and he voted against making medicines cheaper.
“In fact, the average household will be around $7,600 worse off under Dutton. Dutton doesn’t add up for working people. You’ll be worse off under Dutton.”
From the Comments – 941 So Far
– The winds of discontent are Bowen hard!
The voters are completely over Team Labor coalition consisting of the Greens, Teals, fake Independents & fake Senators:
The Libs/Nats need a thumping with in the House of Representatives & the Senate.
The voters are done with high power bills
The voters are done with the cost of of living crisis
Brought to you by Team Labor coalition consisting of the Greens, Teals, fake Independents & fake Senators.
– Harris used the same tactics against Trump and we all saw how well that went.
– We want OUT of the Paris agreement , WHO and the UN!! That money should be spent here.
– Smear/scare-campaigning, name calling and put downs ! That’s ALL liebors got
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese refuses to confirm 2035 emissions targets amid pressure to disclose climate goals before election
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has refused to lock in his government’s 2035 emissions reductions target, despite the opposition calling for “honesty and transparency” ahead of the upcoming election.
Trump’s election has hastened the inevitable demise of the Paris Agreement
After nearly a decade of giving us higher energy prices, reducing economic productivity and distracting the world from developing realistic energy strategies, the Paris agreement is dead, writes Nick Cater.
Major recalibration of global climate strategy now ‘unavoidable’ after Trump’s election hastened the demise of the Paris energy agreement
Donald Trump won American hearts by saying things many others were thinking but lacked the courage to utter.
His fearlessness in nailing home truths is also shifting the international debate, notably towards energy.
Trump will use the power of presidential orders to withdraw the US from the Paris climate change agreement, scrap electric vehicle mandates, withdraw green subsidies and end support for so-called climate refugees.
His election immediately affected the price of oil, which became cheaper in anticipation that Trump’s pro-drilling policy would increase supply.
His influence is also clear in Azerbaijan, where bureaucrats, politicians and lobbyists gathered this week for the world’s leading climate hand-wringing conference.
Even before the serious conversation had begun at COP 29 in the capital Baku, the Argentinian delegation pulled out on the orders of the country’s climate-sceptical President Javier Melei.
Trump’s election has emboldened Melei to carry out his threat to withdraw from the Paris deal.
Others may follow suit.
Consumers end up ‘paying the price’ of net zero transition, Cadbury boss warns
The Australian boss of confectionary icon Cadbury has told Sky News the runaway cost of energy is crippling manufacturing – and it is consumers who are paying the ultimate price.Consumers end up ‘paying the price’ of net zero transition, Cadbury boss warns
Spiralling cost of energy crippling manufacturing, Cadbury boss warns as Minerals Council chief issues warning about Labour’s Future Made in Australia plan
The boss of confectionary icon Cadbury says the runaway cost of energy is crippling manufacturing, and the bill will inevitably be picked up by consumers.
It comes as the Minerals Council chief warns the Albanese Government’s Future Made in Australia plan is doomed, if power prices do not fall.
The Australian president of Mondelēz International Darren O’Brien told Sky News Australia in an exclusive interview that the snack food giant’s energy prices “have gone up by more than a third” in the last five years.
“Our gas prices in the last 12 months doubled,” he said.
Mr O’Brien is also a director of the Australian Food and Grocery Council and said his peers were all suffering from spiralling costs.
“Energy is probably one of the key topics that they will talk to first,” he said.
“You put commodities and other things into the mix and ultimately it’s consumers who end up paying the price.”
‘Real cost’ of Labor’s renewable energy plans will ‘blow the budget into oblivion’
Tell me about it!! My Cadbury bars I’ve been eating for years are on special for $4, which was their usual price a few years back, and now the $4 has become $6 when not on special! The price increase to $5 only lasted a year at the most.
Darrell Lees liquorice tells the same story!
Anthony Albanese urged to slow down transition from coal to renewables
One of the world’s major miners has urged the Albanese government to slow down the transition from coal to renewables and warned Australia risked falling behind other nations in prioritising cheap energy, as Donald Trump put in motion his plan to expand the fossil fuel sector in the US.
The intervention from Glencore chief executive Gary Nagle comes as BHP president Geraldine Slattery delivers a pre-election plea for corporate leaders to publicly advocate for policies that would make Australian enterprise globally competitive, while big business issues a fresh attack on Labor’s industrial relations agenda.
“It is our job to speak out and contribute to fiscal and regulatory reform that will enable global competition,” Ms Slattery will tell the QUT Business Leaders’ Forum on Monday. “We need to be honest about the international benchmarks that show we have not been keeping up.”
As Mr Trump – who attended a UFC contest in New York on Sunday with Tesla boss Elon Musk – declared his administration would “drill baby, drill” to drive economic growth and nominated a fracking chief executive as his energy secretary, Mr Nagle said Australia’s attitude towards coal was becoming out of step with “the rest of the world”.
Cadburys chief also doing the same re. Australian energy costs. Now, that’s a good way to wake the sheeple up, make the cost of chocolate much dearer with crazy energy policy.
Cadbury Au is a pretty small cog in the Mondelez empire. Rather than rising prices I would be more concerned that they just may decide to walk away.
Not sure where you are Yarpos, but in my regional city we have a Mars factory and a McCains potato processing plant. Both their energy bills must be eye watering stuff and probably increased by some ginormous amount in recent years. Unless they’ve done some sweetheart deals with the Vic government, management for both companies ( multi-national) must be looking at ” rationalising” operations in Australia.
Realisation is setting in.
All these woke numpties thought they could ride this gravy train and rob consumers blind for eternity. But when productivity goes backwards the cake gets smaller and smaller so, no matter how big you share of the cake, your share inevitably gets smaller.
In technical terms, there is no benefit of scale with weather dependent generation. The symbiotic relationship that businesses and households have enjoyed with the existing power grid has been beneficial to both. In the WDG world, households and business no longer need that symbiotic relationship because they can both make their own electricity; albeit a lot more expensive than making it with coal but cheaper than any grid can achieve using WDGs as the power source.
I have committed to the next stage of going off grid with induction cooktop replacing gas. Once the installation is complete I can shut down the gas account.
LOL. Australia can export coal but not use it here. Australia can export LNG but not use it here. Australia has other Gas and Oil but some Australian States will not allow it to be used at all.
How hypocritical.
Vale Australia.
Climate Change Was the Big Election Loser
A few days before last week’s election, Bernie Sanders issued a dire warning to voters: “If Donald Trump is elected, the struggle against climate change is over.”
He had that right.
Climate change fanaticism was effectively on the ballot last week. The green energy agenda was decisively defeated.
It turns out that the tens of millions of middle-class Americans who voted for Trump weren’t much interested in the temperature of the planet 50 years from now. They’re too busy trying to pay the bills.
That result shouldn’t be too surprising. Every poll in recent years has shown climate change ranks near the bottom of voter concerns. Jobs, inflation and illegal immigration register much higher on the scale of concerns.
But if you asked the elite of America in the top 1% of income (Substitute Labor Party/Greens/TEALS/ACT BureauCraps for Australia), climate change is seen as an immediate and existential threat to the planet.
LETTERS – Energy-illiterate leaders exposed on renewables folly
Chris Uhlmann writes in The Weekend Australian: “In an electricity system, the term for a catastrophic event is cascading system failure. It begins with an initial fault, which amplifies through the grid and ends in a widespread blackout.
The lights can go out in a minute.”
(“The astonishing cost of net zero”, 16-17/11) And that’s what is in store for us on a regular basis under the Albanese government’s plan to have the system dominated by more than 80 per cent of renewables, propped up by a bunch of short-duration batteries and prohibitively expensive pumped hydro within six years.
Uhlmann says electricity is civilisation’s nervous system; without it, everything will collapse.
“What is happening,” he says, “is akin to conducting a proof-of-concept experiment on an incubator with a child inside.”
Little wonder no other developed country is touching the renewables-plus-storage model with a barge pole.
Energy Minister Chris Bowen constantly spins the line that renewables are cheap.
But we only have to look at the escalating cost of energy since renewables gained a foothold in the system to know his claim is fraudulent.
And the tragedy is that to enable Labor’s intent to have weak, wildly unpredictable, weather-dependent renewables running the show, our coal-fired powered stations are being shut down, despite the fact that for generations they have been delivering supply that perfectly matches demand, every second of every minute, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
That is the only way that LayBore can get around the Cost of Living Crisis. Blame someone else. Pathetic.
Why are Sky News getting election ads when it’s not been called?
Big Trouble Before Exit – Joe Biden Approves U.S. Targeting Systems and Long-Range Missiles for Ukraine to Strike Deep Inside Russia
November 17, 2024 – Sundance
It’s not Joe Biden per se’, he is simply a useful pawn.
This action is coming from the people deep inside the IC and State Dept who are committed to fomenting a serious conflict with Russia and Vladimir Putin as the White House is about to change hands. We previously said to watch out for this lame duck session.
In response to previous discussion about this, Russian President Vladimir Putin said he had ‘clear eyes’ on what long-range missile deployment inside Ukraine really meant. Ukraine does not have the targeting systems or satellites to use long-range missiles for strikes into Russia.
If long-range missiles were used by Ukraine, they originate from the U.S-NATO and they are deployed with the targeting of U.S-NATO. Vladimir Putin clearly stated that if such weapons were used, Russia will not pretend or ignore that this is direct provocative engagement by NATO against Russia. Knowing this, the people around Joe Biden have just deployed exactly what Putin warned about.
In “Major Policy Shift” Biden Authorizes Ukraine’s Use Of US Missiles To Hit Targets Inside Russia
In a move straight out of Louis “After me, the flood” XV, the outgoing BIden admin, in a seemingly desperate move to destabilize the global geopolitical picture, has authorized the lifting of some restrictions on Ukraine’s use of western-made weapons to strike military targets inside Russia, according to reports from Bloomberg and the AP.
The decision was reportedly shaped by North Korea ramping up support for President Vladimir Putin’s army and an increase in Russian missile and drone attacks on its neighbor.
The approval represents a major U.S. policy shift and comes as the deep state-supported, dementia-ridden puppet Joe Biden is about to leave office and incoming President-elect Donald Trump has said he would bring about a swift end to the war and has expressed skepticism over continued support by the United States.
Which is where the deep state’s World War 3 Hail Mary comes in, especially since the outgoing Biden administration has said it will send as much aid as possible to Kyiv before Trump takes office in January.
The Biden administration wants ‘World War III’ – Trump Jr.
The president-elect’s son blasted the “imbeciles” in Washington for reportedly approving Ukrainian missile strikes deep inside Russia
US President-elect Donald Trump’s eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., lashed out at the Democrats following reports that ongoing President Joe Biden had allowed Ukraine to use American-made long-range missiles to strike internationally recognized Russian territory.
Trump Jr., who campaigned alongside his father during the 2024 presidential election and has been helping him pick members of his future cabinet, did not mince words on social media.
“The Military Industrial Complex seems to want to make sure they get World War 3 going before my father has a chance to create peace and save lives,” he wrote on X on Sunday.
“Gotta lock in those $Trillions. Life be damned!!! Imbeciles!”
The aid promised to Ukraine was already in the pipeline, normally runs at a trickle but is moving quickly now.
Trump Jr is a chip off the old block, might be destined for politics.
And what would Ukraine look like if all the train lines into the country, from the west were cut off, and all highways, all ports, all transmission lines, all pipelines?
That would be a sensible expansion of the war if NATA-US provided long range weapons. You’d cut off the supply lines. It would be hard to argue that this would be a war crime.
Unfortunately, it would mean the end of all the exports from Ukraine too, grain, gas, oil, etc. I can’t see the west winning this one by letting Ukraine throw long range bombs into Russia.
Europe is still getting 20-ish percent of its gas from Russia via a pipeline through Ukraine.The agreement to leave this pipeline alone is due to expire at the end of the year.
Ukraine makes about a billion dollars a year just for allowing the pipeline to cross the country, so they didn’t blow that one up.
In my opinion (without evidence…) negotiations to keep the gas flowing have fallen flat, not helped by Ukraine and their allies continuing to escalate the war on Russian territory, and Europeans countries are panicking as winter sets in.
from June 2024:
from the article:
“…Russia still ships around 15 billion cubic meters of gas to Europe a year via Ukraine, mainly to Slovakia and Austria, where Russia is still a dominant supplier. In Austria, Russian gas has covered more than 80% of Austrian consumption for five straight months. Europe also imports Russian LNG by ship, and despite frequent debates about whether it should, it has never sanctioned Russian gas…”
Austria is without Russian gas now – apparently a dispute about price??? Putin but down the pipeline, which also cuts off money to Ukraine (and possibly gas).
And this as Europe gets its first wave of winter. And Austria is landlocked so no access to American gas – unless Germany pushes gas in a reverse way.
Another very large strike was launched overnight on grid infrastructure across Ukraine. They appear to be selectively removing lower voltage distribtion and now interconectors over the border.
Eng_Ian – This escalation will just result in total destruction of Ukraine, especially the western part now. Russia will rebuild the eastern Oblasts and supply them from Russia itself with improved rail and road links. Ceasefire negotiations could now include Odessa being under Russian control. Western Ukraine will be dependent on a reluctant and bankrupt Europe.
Only targets in Kursk Region are allowed, at the moment.
Joe Biden disappears into Amazon rainforest, takes no questions on major Ukraine war escalation
Joe Biden took no questions about a major Ukraine war escalation in a bizarre press conference in the Amazon rainforest on Sunday.
US President Joe Biden held a press conference in the Amazon rainforest on Sunday to announce a multimillion-dollar plan to “reforest the Amazon” — but took no questions about a just-announced decision clearing Ukraine to use long-range American missiles to strike inside Russia in a major escalation of the conflict.
Mr Biden gave brief remarks to the media in Manaus, Brazil before turning and disappearing into the trees.
“Biden, who just authorised Ukraine to use US-supplied long-range missiles, takes no questions and retreats back into the Amazon rainforest,” the Republican National Committee’s RNC Research account posted on X.
Biden is a spent force, Zelensky reports on the latest news from the front.
“Today, our F-16 pilots shot down about ten air targets. The aftermath of the combined attack on our infrastructure in the Rivne, Lviv, Dnipro, Volyn, and Odesa regions are being eliminated,” the statement reads.
Russia has very slowly met every Western escalation with a corresponding escalation of their own.
However, lately the Russians have been taking it a lot more seriously and are moving with speed and purpose we haven’t seen before. I’m not sure why they are taking this “Red Line” so seriously when all they others slipped by unnoticed but just in the last 24 hours they completely gutted Ukrainian’s remaining electricity supplies. There were missile and drone strikes everywhere and supposedly zircons were flying … which is rare but not the first time.
Anyhow, my point is that this time around the Russian escalation was immediate and not small. They aren’t sitting and waiting to get hit anymore.
So why was this post moderated. Please explain.
Couple of headlines from the Sunshine State –
Not even old enough to be on social media.
How can a 15 year old be driving a motor car? What sort of Licence did she have? A Dog Licence? Or No Licence?
Pretty easily if you arent rules, licence , law oriented. Licences and rules are for rule follwers not the people who are the actual problem. Firearms laws and licences are the same thing. We like to think having lots of rules hermetically seals out the people who dont care, but thats just a comforting delusion.
Geology is racist as it is ‘linked to white supremacy’ claims Queen Mary University of London professor
She must have rocks in her head and by the look of her teeth she has been chewing on rocks for a while now.
What next? Trees are racist as they only grow better in certain Countries (It’s the climate baby). LOL
FWIW – for your amazement!
“There’s Only One Man Who Can Rescue the Democrats: Joe Biden in 2028!”
This must the Joke of the Day.
I assumed it was the Babylon Bee!
Dim Chalmers now on Sky News talking about the importance of Cash to pay for stuff. LOL. Cash is legal tender you WALLY.
This could have been emphasised when LayBore first came to power in 2022. There is a Feral Election around the corner. And there is a COST OF LIVING CRISIS that LayBore has caused. Begone with you ALL.
On the otherhand voters in the by-election for Black in SA gave Labor a landslide victory from what was a safe Liberal seat.
That was before the ex-member (and Leader of the Opposition) resigned claiming that unknown members for “white-enticing” him. After an overseas holiday (in Scotland) he was photographed? (he says it is a fake) and resigned triggering the by-election, which the Liberal Apparatus decided to install an outsider as their candidate, one supposedly with strong Green ties!
Readers will be “surprised” that the 2.5% margin (normally safe in a by-election with the Government in Labor hands) was lost with the Labor candidate getting about 60%.
Mind you the Liberal Apparatus has been on the nose for years. My local member quit them before the last election and (after vote distribution) got slightly over 75% vs the Liberal one 25%. They have lost other members to independent status in the current term (sorry, can’t enumerate as I don’t follow the local Liberal slide – Dutton must wonder whether he needs them.)
Biden’s Cabinet Nominees Were Completely Unqualified Compared To Trump’s
The irrelevant legacy media is currently fixated on pushing the narrative that President-elect Trump’s cabinet nominees are not qualified to take the positions he has offered them.
As we highlighted yesterday, all the right people are p@ssed off about it.
Now here’s a quick reminder that the media said nothing when Joe Biden made some truly incomprehensible nominations.
Jared Bernstein, Chair of Council of Economic Advisors – not an economist, Bachelor’s degree in music, masters in sociology
Pete Buttigieg, Transportation Secretary – no transportation background, Mayor of Indiana, “pothole Pete”
Mayorkas, DHS Secretary – no security background, lawyer, Asst U.S. attorney, Obama transition team
Jennifer Granholm, Energy Secy – no energy background, Michigan Governor
Gina Raimondo, Commerce Secretary – No trade background, Gov of Rhode Island
Deb Haaland, Interior Secy – New Mexico Congressman
And just for kicks…Bill Nye, the environmentalist “Science Guy” — no background in environmentalism or science, he’s a mechanical engineer and comedy writer.
Just look at this crew:
I give you Chris Blackout Bowen. No idea about Immigration and no idea about how to build a reliable Electricity Grid.
And a Pop singer called Peter Garret who had no idea about Pink Batts. And a Prime Minister who could not pronounce the word hyperbole. She said ‘hyperbowl’. Well, she was Welsh after all and didn’t really know the English.
Just have a good look at all of the current LayBore Ministers and their lack of skills for their Portfolios. Absolutely Pathetic.
“DOE Efficiency Standards: Consumer Time?”
“The Deep State is cancer-like in nature. Like cancer, it must be rooted out before it metastasizes—as it would have if subject to another four years of a Harris (Obama 4.0?) Administration.”
“It’s time to go big. Scrap DOE and part-out whatever missions are worth saving. And whatever missions are deemed worth saving should be saved only with thorough scrutiny of zero-based budgeting.”
More at
The Washington Post Surpisingly!
Opinion Democrats thumb their nose at the rule of law in Pennsylvania
By the Editorial Board
Elections need rules, and they must be applied equally and consistently.
Before the Nov. 5 election, Pennsylvania’s Supreme Court ruled that provisional ballots must be signed in two required places and that mail-in votes must be dated.
Yet elected Democratic officials in Philadelphia and three other counties — Bucks, Centre and Montgomery — voted this week to defy these and other court decisions at the request of lawyers for Democratic Sen. Bob Casey, who trails GOP challenger Dave McCormick by about 24,000 votes, with almost all of the roughly 7 million ballots cast having been counted.
These Democrats’ decisions will almost certainly be overturned on appeal, but the mere attempt to defy judicial rulings is corrosive to democracy and invites similar behavior in future elections.
Bucks County Commissioner Diane Ellis-Marseglia, a Democrat, offered this breathtaking rationalization on Thursday: “I think we all know that precedent by a court doesn’t matter anymore in this country,” she said, according to the Philadelphia Inquirer.
“People violate laws anytime they want. So, for me, if I violate this law, it’s because I want a court to pay attention. There’s nothing more important than counting votes.”
Macca’s all round on Airforce 1
I doubt whether RFK jr. is going to consume that stuff.
Health-conscious Kennedy looking doubtful.
I don’t eat McDonald’s but have no problem with their food. They have very high standards. And cleanliness. And fought the US government over mandated use of deadly TransFats. The problem with all fast foods of high sugar, high fat and unbalanced diet low in fibre do not mean it is bad. Just that it should not be a regular part of a diet. Try Europe where there is sugar in everything, even bread, meat and beer. In fact if you want food that is really not going to kill you in places where some local food will, it is a safe bet. What really concerns Kennedy are the endless additives in most American food.
I do eat McDonald’s. A small Big Mac Meal is my go to when I go into town about once per fortnight roughly, maybe more. It’s on the highway in, so I like to drop into the drive-thru and sit in the car park and consume. I like Big Macs, a good unique thing you cant do at home. All the rest of the menu is terrible though, never eat it. Nor do I eat that fried food at service stations, in the bain-marie, whatever that stuff is. Scallops etc. It amazes me when I see people eating that obviously as daily food, very popular.
But I don’t go puritan on junk food. I like consuming it as a rebellion against the gourmet food snobbery, Jamie Oliver and all that.
I agree. When travelling I can run out of energy and need food. McDonalds is good. And fast. You are right with the puritan categorization. All food is good. Death is certain. It’s a balance. But I do not see what is intrinsically wrong with McDonalds, apart from being Scottish.
Trump vs. the Men Without Chests John Kass
The once-and-future president Donald J. Trump is in a vicious street fight with the Washington establishment that has long wanted him jailed or dead. And this means all of us are in that street fight too, whether you like it or not.
The fight is over the change that the American people voted for, which is precisely what the Washington establishment–I call them the Combine–is threatened by.
And they’re using their allies in media and the federal Deep State to crush Trump and keep the status quo and maintain their power. They’re angry as wounded cats that crawled under your porch to die. You can hear them under there.
So cowboy up. Man up or woman up, whatever you want to call it. Wake the bleep up.
Where did you think you are? Dreaming in Narnia?
The men without chests are quite at home in Washington D.C. and among modern academics who constantly defer to expertise and authority, which is one way to separate the soul from your heart.
It’s also a way to give up American liberty.
The men without chests are most comfortable in politics where they burrow in to avoid accountability, and into the federal bureaucracy, where they been allowed to rule for decades without pushback from the American people.
As I type a final draft of this on a Saturday, the noted Fox News Washington establishment pearl-clutcher Neal Cavuto, who replaced Chris Wallace in the network’s pearl-clutching role, pretends he’s worried and shocked about Trump’s proposed cabinet selections.
BREAKING NEWS: Most CENSORED paper on EARTH – The Lancet-Censored “SUDDEN DEATH” COVID-19 Vaccine Autopsy Paper has been peer reviewed and published!!
It has been two years now, with unprecedented censorship from Lancet and another Elsevier Journal which pulled this paper at the last minute!!
This has never been seen in scientific publishing before!
325 AUTOPSIES of recently COVID-19 Vaccinated people who “DIED SUDDENLY” (largest autopsy series in the world)
“mean time from vaccination to DEATH was 14.3 days”
Did I hear the turbo kick in on Albo’s “misinformation” grinder? 😁
New Zealand Cardiologists: Covid ‘Vaccines’ Are SOLE CAUSE of Surging Heart Failure and Sudden Cardiac Arrest Deaths
A group of leading cardiologists in New Zealand has revealed that Covid mRNA “vaccines” are spiked with a deadly “cardiotoxin” which has been identified as the sole cause of surging heart failure and sudden cardiac arrest deaths around the world.
The explosive revelation was announced during a cardiology meeting in Auckland, New Zealand.
The nation’s most respected heart specialists discovered that the spike protein generated by Covid mRNA injections is responsible for unprecedented spikes in heart failure, sudden deaths, and other deadly diseases.
As a result, New Zealand cardiologists are now recognizing Covid mRNA “vaccines” as a “cardiotoxin” – a substance that causes direct harm to the heart.
So glad that I never had the Jab/Boosters or took any notice of the “Safe and Effective” people. I was and still am Retired so I was out and about every day. Stuff the so called rules.
I remember one day when I was on the train from Sydney to Kiama and these Coppers got on the train to check the Opal Cards. A lovely NSW lady copper checked my card. She then said, “where are you going” as we were getting near Kiama. I said “to Kiama”. She said “What for”. I said “To go Bushwalking”. She said “Where did you get on the train?”. I said “Sydney”. She said “You are only allowed to be 5 kms away from your home”. I then said, “The train is my home as I’m homeless”. She was Gobsmaked and didn’t know what to say next. Where was the ‘Rulebook” for this? LOL. The upshot was that she said “Well OK”. “Yes Maam” I said smiling………………….
That’s a good “woody” word that- cardiotoxin. I can’t wait until the MSM start putting “cardiotoxin” in headlines.
Biden Authorizes Starting World War III Before Trump Takes Office
“I have been warning that our Computer has projected that war will continue and that the Neocons are traitors to the people of the United States and a threat to the entire world. Biden, the senile one, will sign anything put in front of him, and he is incompetent to be president. For that matter, so is Kamala. Both threaten the National Security of our nation and the world. Putin is justified to start attacking the United States directly. Since he knows Trump is coming, he will try to sit on his hands. God help us if the Russian Neocons overthrow Putin. There will be no stopping this.
The Russian Foreign Ministry recently came out reminding the collective West that allowing Ukraine to use west-supplied, long-range missiles to attack deep into the interior Russia would make the collective West “parties to the conflict” because those long-range missiles require satellites to guide them to target. The Foreign Ministry reminded everyone that Ukraine does not HAVE any satellites. This is precisely what the Neocons are hoping for. Zelensky has abandoned defending the Donbas and switched to invade Russia on orders from the Neocons. They hoped Putin would attack anything in NATO. Now that Trump is president-elect and he has rejected all Neocons from his cabinet, they are desperate, and this is their next step to force Putin to attack anything so they can claim he started World War III when it has been the West under their control.”
1st Funnel Web Spider in the Pool for awhile – Not as bad as Digging at House in Belrose – 13 Funnel Web Spiders in one morning of digging!
Its when they get under the bedcovers that freaked me living in Naremburn on the Lower North Shore. And they didn’t help paying with the mortgage in 1986…………..Evicted immediately.
2 Doors away in Belrose also friends wife hopped into bed, and saw Funnel Web Spider as she jumped in – Freaked out!
we have them underneath the house, suspended floor. You never see them though.
Designer builds the James Bond car that never officially existed
One of the first ‘Bond cars’ didn’t technically exist as a production model, but there’s now an impression of one on British roads complete with machine gun buttons, hidden compartments and smokescreen switches.
From –
Britain Has an Astonishing 470 Delegates at Climate Change Summit
Keir Starmer’s “Net Zero leadership” at COP29 apparently involves 470 delegates racking up 2.3 million air miles, spending millions of taxpayer cash and leaving a hefty carbon footprint from a 5,000-mile round trip.
The staggering environmental and financial cost comes despite the summit being deemed “no longer fit for purpose”, with leaders of some of the biggest polluting countries, including U.S. President Joe Biden and China’s President Xi, shunning talks.
The British delegation is bigger than that sent by the U.S. and other major European countries including France, Germany and Italy, according to official figures.
Sir Keir has declared that he wants the U.K. to have a “global leadership” role in fighting climate change and used this year’s COP in Baku, Azerbaijan’s capital, to unveil yet another hugely ambitious green target.
But the Prime Minister’s pledge to slash greenhouse gas emissions by 81% by 2035 triggered warnings that people will have to cut back on meat or replace their gas boilers to meet the target.
Official figures obtained by this newspaper reveal the U.K. registered 470 delegates. This compared with the 405 from the US, 111 from India, 437 from Italy 325 from Germany and 115 from France, whose President Emmanuel Macron also spurned the talks.
With Baku almost 2,500 miles from London, the British delegation is estimated to have collectively racked up 2.3 million air miles for return trips. Each return flight pumps out at least 0.7 tons of CO2 per passenger, making the delegation’s flights’ total carbon footprint at least 338 tons of CO2.
The U.K.’s delegation included 354 Government officials or ministers. The remaining 116 included representatives from Crown dependencies and British overseas territories, business figures, policy experts and journalists.
What nonsense.
It’s enough to give you the schist!
“India Announces ‘Historic’ Long-Range Hypersonic Missile Test Flight”
A 35 min interview with censor expert Mike Benz, on deep state’s likely reaction to Trump’s arrival – lots of file bonfires, back channel diplomacy to get other Western countries to go after X, Australia’s new Misinfo law was written by the US State Dept, and the retaliatory moves Trump could make. He has made a list of every censor cell, in every govt department, in the US.
I’ve also heard reports from social media re. the authors of the MAD legislation. It’s not unlike the Aboriginal Heritage Laws that were proposed for Western Australia ( State Government) , which were almost literally cut and pasted from the UN. So, why are we paying megabucks for all these public serpents?? Seems like AI could do a better job.
We are supposed to have a different ‘principles based’ tradition of legislation, contrasting the US ‘rules-based’ legislation. Now all just Blob.
Trumps appointments without Senate confirmation with Senate in “recess” is now looming large.
The new majority leader, John Thune, will be the one to push for this or not. He has left the door open:
His words suggest that he sees a “new” way where the President gets his nominations in place immediately.
It is common practice for employers to set a probationary period. The employer, with its legislated right to confirm appointments, is essentially the Senate while Trump is the head hunter. If appointees want payment then they need Senate approval. So it would not be a crazy idea to have Trump’s appontees in jobs where they are proving themselves ahead of Senate confirmation.
Recess appointments could well make a lot of sense because it gives those involved a period assessment.
Thune would not get full Rep support in the Senate but I do not know if there is enough support to
The House may be more supportive of recess appointments and Trump only needs either the Seante or the House to achieve recess appointments:
The is Mike Johnson’s view:
I’ve lived through a few POTUS elections.
I’ve lived and worked inside the Blobway (formerly known as the Capitol Beltway).
The political fights over the new administration are fairly normal, maybe slightly more hyperbolic.
IMHO, the significant change and looming crisis, is the mental health collapse of the progressive Left.
And moreover, TDS may be Long Climate Change Hysteria.
A population already teetering, finally driven over the edge by the ascension of Trump.
TDS may drive them to start gluing their faces to highways.
(Bad Honk, stop giving them ideas.)
Just yesterday, I accidentally heard a few minutes of NPR.
Two psychotropically drug faux calmed voices bemoaning the end of “our Democracy”.
They quite literally sounded out of their minds.
We don’t have enough therapists.
Most of the ones we have suffer from the delusion.
And Jordan Peterson is not allowed to teach anymore.
Bloomberg and their ABC and the Net Zero Uni’s studies etc have all told us that this will cost Aussies trillions of $ and achieve nothing but bankruptcy and a destroyed emvironment.
Yesterday the Outsiders also quoted a new study that found that Labor had “cooked the books” on the true cost of net zero.
They’ve hidden the true costs by at least half a trillion $ or 500 billuon $ and the total full cost would be 642 billion $.
This is trillions of $ less than the other studies and the horrendous cost to the environment would be many more trillions of $.
Good to see these full costings blowouts being exposed and more to come this week on Sky News.
My wife and I were at the hospital cancer care centre this morning and speaking with her nurse clinician. She had moved offices and showed us how to find her should we need to. She explained that what was once a conference room has now been converted into a shared office so that more space could be devoted to consultation rooms, “Because we’re getting so busy.”
It may be one of the consequences of a rapidly ageing population, common around the world. Sure the world population is now 8 billion from 2.5 Billion in the 1950s, but a lot of those 1950s people are still alive, if not most. And that’s 70 years ago. World life expectancy used to be closer to 25 years and is now 75, so there are three times as many people simply because of longer life expectancy. And we have not had a massive war, as used to be standard every 25 years. Expect people to be dying of cancer where their parents would have died of heart disease. Or just appendicities, pneumonia, the flu, simple infection or bad teeth. I remember there used to be orphanages. Now they are a thing of the past.
More a consequence of immigration. This century, Australian population has grown by 8M. The average age has increased from 36 to 39 but the life expectancy has reduced so far this decade.
I think RFK Jr is closer to the mark than most medicos. We are increasingly exposed to poisons, including carcinogens, and have adopted sedentary lifestyles.
The sedentary lifestyle probably the greatest single risk factor. Who has gone anaerobic today?
I visited our local Sunday market yesterday and was watching the passing parade as my wife bought some plants. Probably 70% of people overweight and a good portion of those class 3 obese.
That would explain a gradual rise over the past couple of decades maybe, but I have seen sudden, noticeable increase just in the last year or two. My eyeballs aren’t calibrated though.
There also seems to be, looking around the oncology waiting rooms, a high percentage of young (<40) people there, which surprises and saddens me. It tears me up seeing little children heading into the children's cancer unit across the road, but I can't judge if there's been an increase there too. I hope not.
The WuFlu should have taken a percentage of the aged and infirm off the table. ergo other morbidities that tend to prevail among the aged should be reduced by a similar amount.
One of the main planks of Trump’s fightback is the Climate Change hoax. It is a hoax created by the UN and would be US President Al Gore and pushed by politicians and opportunists world wide. However no one says the increase in CO2 is not man made or man controllable, which destroys their entire story.
No one says that 98% of the CO2 is in the ocean and warming causes increased CO2, the flat beer effect. Everyone knows this.
Whether CO2 causes warming or not, if mankind cannot control CO2 and has no effect on it, the whole thing is a lie.
Just look at the graph of CO2 for the last 50 years and see if you can spot the effect of mankind. Say exploding Chinese CO2 output. Or the 2020 lockdown. Or the 500,000 giant windmills. Or anything at all.
It’s a very low slope dead straight line.
This is quite apart from the fact that C14 levels are exactly as they were in 1950 and fossil fuel CO2 has no C14. It should be down 33%. So it’s all busted.
Government legislated Carbon credits are now running at $100Bn a year in sales and created by politicians and laws. Not scientists.
But there are still the howls of anguish at Climate Change and the President of the UN has doubled down on Climate Change. He now wants $1.3Trillion.
It’s about the cash. And even the oil industry is heavily involved and hosts the Climate Change events. It’s so openly ridiculous. Baku in 1900 supplied 95% of the world’s oil. It was the target of the 1943 Fall Bleu by Hitler. The key to WWII. And now they are pushing Climate Change.
And China is calling for $1.3Trillion in Carbon reparations despite being responsible for nearly half the world’s CO2. Except China is a third world country, an historic carbon dioxide victim.
How absurd!
And when the US becomes a nett energy exporter again, oil prices will drop. Gas too as Germany moves to US gas. Who will pay for the terrorism funded by Iran with US cash? The world will be at peace and arms exports will plummet. People might start using coal and gas again! Horrors! Fracking! Shale exploitation and even peat. COP29 may be the last big chance to milk the Climate Crisis. It’s not going well, but at least Keith Starmer sent 470 public servants to help push it along.
When people on Quora accuse others of being shills for the oil industry, I ask them why the oil industry should pay anyone? They are even funding all the Climate Change conferences.
And Donald Trump, like President Xi, is just ignoring all ‘THE’science and getting on with running their countries. After nearly 37 years of this hoax, it just has to die.
Flyover country even in California
“The California Nobody Knows 🇺🇸”
Where are all you Alan Jones supporters now.
You can take the man out of the toilet, but you can’t get the toilet out of the man.
? never noticed him being a subject of discussion
So because you don’t notice, it didn’t happen?
Years ago when he was with sky news he was put up as the poster child for his pro fossil fuel stance. I pointed out his low morals.
He is not the player I want on my team.
It is probably another squirrel we need to muster, wonder what is being passed through the government today?
Did I say that? You do like to make stuff up
I just wondered who these Alan Jones lovers were
If asked, I wouldn’t know if he is dead or alive. I always knew he was a shirt-lifter but we havn’t been able to discriminate against THEM for 50 years.
? never noticed him being a subject of discussion.
And you like to put the question mark at the start of the sentence? I googled it and came up non the wiser, it’s almost like you made it up!
H, have you read the accusations, 18 months of police surveillance, it’s assault.
No I haven’t but if you are asking if I’m surprised he is morally corrupt, no I’m not, but as I said, he has been a protected specie.
I am surprised a commo is taking the high moral ground though.
No room left on your low moral level, we commies got to hang out somewhere.
We should all understand that energy security equals national security, but very few of us have even bothered to think about freedom and real security at all.
Here the IPA’s Prof Stephen Wilson tries to explain energy security and the dangerous, expensive insecurity of toxic W & S.
He’s now trying to wake us up and yet it took him 35 years to think about and finally embrace and promote Nuclear energy.
This video is a 1 hour 15 minute talk to young people but just watch the last 35 minutes and you’ll learn a lot about nuclear energy and national security.
We have had the luxury of taking energy security for granted for many decades. Without a major change of direction that way of thinking is going to come to a messy end.
Yes and Australia is very weak in this regard. Our Oil Reserve is kept in the USA. ?? How to get that here across the Pacific Ocean in times of Crisis/War?
The Oil Reserve should be here in Australia and should be a reserve of at least 6 months supply. Australia should also have Government owned Oil Refineries to process the crude oil drilled here IMHO.
The alternative might be using our vast sources of brown coal and turn it into Diesel (as Germany did in WW2 and South Africa when sanctions were applied year ago).
I agree, but we do not yet have the machinery/process in place waiting for the rainy day. A good time to start was yesterday. After all, we have Desalination Water Plants in mothballs. Why not Coal to Oil facilities? Much better than spending 1 Billion Dollars on building a Solar Panel making Factory (When there is a World over supply of solar panels).
Do Australian ‘Pollies’ ever do Business Studies or have they ever worked in a Business situation? The answer of course is NO.
We have a lot of natural gas and already have a small network of pipes. Why not drill baby drill, weld baby weld.
We produce so little steel now [OK, an assumption] that the extra demand would be a boost for the steel industry.
You won’t get decent steel from the UK.
We’re promised an Electric Arc Furnace – but I understand that these beasts just take scrap steel, any scrap steel at all, of unknown provenance, and churn out [. . . only if the wind blows, obviously] a sort of mixed steel.
Liquorice Allsorts of steel.
And it’ll be ready – we are told – by 2029.
So not really in time for Mr Miliband’s Brave New World.
Even if it’s production was good enough for 200 metres tall offshore bat-buster poles. Which you don’t know, as the input is so mongrel.
Observing from a long way away in down under, the further announcement of The Trump administration plans to nominate Jay Bhattacharya to lead the NIH. This has really made me happy because even though Australia is far away, you would not believe the effect the US medical health blob has on our health system here. As part of the Great Barrington Declaration his voice was one of the rare sensible voices speaking against all the crazy COVID policies- until he was effectively cancelled by that same blob. Good on your mate!!
The military industrial complex is not amused.
‘Trump has said he supports transparency on the subject of UFOs but has not necessarily expressed deep interest in the subject.’ (News Nation)
Think back 3 or 4 elections. You’ll note that always around election time, the Democrats start talking UFO’s. Not sure why they’d do it ! Probably think that the electorate will run scared & vote Dem because the Dem’ seem to be keeping them safe.
I have noticed this practice but could be wrong of course.
What I don’t understand is WHY a life form so advanced that they can travel through the galaxies and find this insignificant speck of dirt AND THEN CRASH WHEN THEY GET HERE.
A military whistleblower says the US government has retrieved at least ten alien bodies from UFO crashes.
Speaking on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast, David Charles Grusch said the number of crashes recorded was in ‘double digits’, and that the number of extraterrestrial bodies recovered was ‘up there as well, just like with the retrievals’.
‘ … this insignificant speck of dirt … ‘
With huge oceans, being in the habitable zone, this blue planet with an abundance of life forms, including spacemen.
Nothing runs smoothly, its an alien planet and accidents happen.
On this occasion its bipartisan.
A Democrat UFO is an “Uninformed Flaming OldGuy” (Sleepy Joe Biden).
“Aussie Solar Power: “Like Flooding Rain, we Can’t Store it All” ”
You can store flooding rain if you have enough Dams built in the right places.
And it is there excessing every day – unlike the rain