- JoNova - -

For years the CCP has been sending millions to US universities and NGOs to promote Green Energy

Xi Jinping, President of China

By Jo Nova

If you have the feeling that our universities are working for the enemy, you might be right

China is a developing nation, too poor to cut carbon emissions themselves, but somehow they can find the money to help the richest nation in the world reduce their fossil fuel use.

The Washington Free Beacon found a climate non-profit called Energy Foundation China was run by former Chinese Communist Party officials. Tax forms show they were sending money to US universities and other left-wing groups to help them research and promote things like “a clean energy future” and “low carbon cities”.  Money is ending up at places like Harvard, and UCLA, as well as nonprofits, like the International Council on Clean Transportation, and Natural Resources Defense Council.

China, it appears, is working hard to cut carbon emissions, in other people’s countries

Ex-CCP Officials Funneled Millions to US Universities, Nonprofits To Promote Green Energy, Tax Forms Show

Thomas Catenacci, Washington Free Post

Energy Foundation China, which operates primarily from Beijing, promotes energy policies designed to weaken US, watchdogs warn

“The Energy Foundation’s direct ties to the CCP are incredibly alarming, as they’ve spent millions to push for radical climate initiatives that favor China and harm American energy production,” Caitlin Sutherland, the executive director of ethics watchdog Americans for Public Trust, told the Free Beacon.

“Their dark money has been funneled to groups that want to ban gas stoves and phase out fossil fuels,” she continued. “Next year, Congress should continue their investigation to determine the extent to which China is undermining American energy dominance through this group.”

It couldn’t possibly be a cynical strategy to trick the soft, self absorbed West and gain industrial power. Noooooo…

Just ask “Who benefits?”

If the West chooses low-density, random energy in a fairy quest to get perfect weather, which nation stands to gain the most from our barking mad obsession?

As I’ve said before: the nation that is the coal furnace of the world, has gained our factories, our IP, our supply lines, and our dependence. They control the rare earths, and are the largest manufacturers of wind and solar power in the world. They are flooding the market with EVs.

They would be crazy if they didn’t support the leftist charity groups and pay off our politicians to cripple our grid.

Energy Foundation China

That’s $12 million in the last five years:

 The Energy Foundation has given nearly $12 million for climate initiatives in the United States since 2020, according to a Free Beacon analysis.

If only we taught our children to think for themselves so they wouldn’t fall for these ridiculous stories

“The entanglement of this foundation with former Chinese Communist Party government officials, and its active engagement of U.S. academic institutions and other NGOs, is gravely troubling when it comes to our national security, foreign policy and energy policy, and how they may be compromised or undermined,” said former United States ambassador Joseph Cella, a cofounder of the Michigan-China Economic and Security Review Group.

“This seems to be a quasi-subnational incursion and influence operation by the CCP as they use our open system and existing tax law for leverage to gain an advantage economically, politically or in the realm of societal debates and public opinion,” he continued.

Tangled is the web: At the start this group was a US funded operation

In 1991 the Energy Foundation was started as a collaboration of Pew Charitable Trusts, the Rockefeller family, and the MacArthur Foundation, so very much a US based non-profit. In 1999, the Packard Foundation helped to set up an offspring called Energy Foundation China, with an office in Beijing.  But it seems that in the years since, the Chinese subsidiary may have quietly taken control, because after the official split in 2019, it retained the original tax file identification number and the San Francisco address, and the official name “Energy Foundation” but most of the staff are Chinese and the main operations and grant making activity are done in China.

After the split the other half of the organization became the “United States Energy Foundation”, and it has revenue of about $180 million. As “pass through” organisations they can take anonymous donations and send them on to politically active groups. The lines get very blurry about who influences what…

The activist left call Trump a dictator.

Think how they will feel when they find out they are tools of an actual dictator.

Photo of President Xi from APEC 2013

Thanks to Marc Morano of Climate Depot and Willie Soon


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