A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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This is hilarious.
(US Demonrat political parody.)
Your mother should have taught you it is wrong to point and laugh at the Left 😉
Commentary on White House resident’s farewell speech.
I think that the pathetic and impotent is an act so we don’t think that the corrupt dealings he had running were possible using that brain … I reckon he’s sitting back with a cigar right now and saying ‘Oo-eee son, the scams and capers we got up to there. What you got planned next?’
Climate Change? This was mid winter, not summer! 6C to 9C at night and 19C-20C during the day.
The average summer/winter difference is 9C. It’s 20C today, not 34C!
The most disastrous fire in the history of California (after the San Francisco earthquake fire) is in mid winter because of Climate Change? That makes no sense. It’s not hot. This is a city, not a forest.
The disaster is a total failure of governance.
Forest fires in California are part of the ecosystem, have always been likely and prevention methods are well known.
The fires around the world in Australia, Greece, Spain in boiling hot summers and are well known. But for a city to spontaneously burn to the ground in mid winter is a world first.
This is not a gum tree forest or savannah. It’s a city of 14 million people. The only way a wildfire can get established and sweep through a gigantic well resourced city of brick, stone and cement and endless concrete and bitumen is that there was enough fuel and no fire fighting at all and no water.
10,000 people in the Fire department, a budget of $4Billion and the centre of Los Angeles, not a forest, burns to the ground in mid winter. At least it was not peak summer or the entire city could have been destroyed. And no one had done anything about the fact that the fire hydrants did not work. Or worse, no one had checked. Total, criminal neglect at every level.
What was the fire service doing before the fire? Rescuing cats? Why was there no water? Why was the working domestic supply turned off? Why was the Palisades dam completely empty and the other dam disconnected? Why did no one turn up for 44 minutes? Were they all at a party?
Climate Change, the fantasy excuse for everything.
Expert Advice here. Don’t build homes/businesses in fire prone areas. Don’t build on flood plains. Don’t build near a volcano………….
But this isn’t in a forest in the mountains, surrounded by gum trees and long grass and forest litter.
This is central Los Angeles. And includes two firestations.
Fire Station 69 15045 Sunset Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90272 CA
Fire Station 23. 17300 W Sunset Blvd, Pacific Palisades, California, 90272
So how did it take 44 minutes for fire fighters to arrive? Who was on duty? Was everyone in Ghana?
And why did everything burn down?
Nighttime temperatures of 6C. That’s not hot, despite terrible man made Global Warming.
You can only hope the fire stations survived. And with all that CO2, the fires will come back.
Possibly the reason deaths are so low is that the very wealthy residents along Sunset Boulevard were away skiing in Colorado or holidaying in the Caribbean or Hawaii like Michelle Obama who missed Jimmy Carter’s funeral and cannot possibly make the inauguration. You have to wonder if the fire fighters were able to save the swimming pools?
The catch is in the “name”.
Back when it was “global freezing”, that is what te scare campaingn was called. Then, it was “re-engineered” to “Global Warming” as if the previous decades of propaganda had never happened.
So, to encompass and accomodate the rank hypocrisy and criminal fraud, it suddenly became “climate change”.
ALL of the fear campaigns were set up with increasingly intrusive, and ruthlessly tyranical “end-games: Basically the mas transfer of ASLL power to the “special”. self-appointed, self declared “experts; NO hints of caution olet alond “pushback to be tolerated.
“Scared people” are MUCH easier to manipulate..
“The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. To be your own man is hard business. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself.” – Rudyard Kipling
“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.” – H. L. Mencken
There is at least one whole book about this caper:
” as if the previous decades of propaganda had never happened.”
‘We are at war with Oceania… The speaker was interrupted by a man passing him a note, then he continued without missing a beat- We are at war with Eurasia, we have always been at war with Eurasia’
Apologies to 1984..
Nitpick- replace ‘Oceania’ with ‘Eastasia’.
This little episode is my favorite passage in 1984.
The obvious point here is that if the claim is that ‘climate change’ is generating more and stronger wildfires, then it follows that they should have been more prepared, not less.
But why in mid winter, at night, in an open concrete city? The only explanation is arson. Climate Change does not start fires.
And why here on Sunset Boulevard, streets of mansions, palms and swimming pools and not somewhere else? Like an actual forest.
Or was it flaming aliens?
There are several “types of “aliens.
Some possibly intergalactic, some “national”, and some “cultural”.
Take your pick.
If this caper is “Fort Sumter, West”, then the old bogus “Chinese Curse” applies:
“May you live in interesting times”.
It was ‘their’ claim, not mine.
Agreed. My point was that Climate Change, if that means warming, is only warmer at the peak of summer when you are talking about fires. Prepared or not, no one expected Los Angeles to catch fire in mid winter. A house here and there perhaps. Not whole suburbs.
Agree to agree. Agreed?
To state that the only explanation of these fires is arson is (very close to) correct but useless.
The love of fire is at the heart of the human psyche, it has been for tens of thousands of years. Humans will continue to light fires for the thrill of it whatever the danger to others or even to the perpetrators.
All the ingredients for uncontrolled fire were there: possibly the most important and uncontrollable factor was (is) the howling wind. No difference to wild spinifex blazes in the freezing outback of WA , driven by winds.
Winter= low humidity>Cold weather> Homeless, poorly clothed, build fires to keep from dying from exposure> High winds from the east due to a low pressure system> Buildings close together> Unprepared fire fighting…..
But it’s more than just pressure gradient. In the NH high pressure systems rotate clockwise and LP counter clockwise. Throw in the terrain and if the LP and HP are positioned in such a way, you get hurricane force winds screaming down the canyons from the east.
Blocking high pressure was also behind the 2019-20 bushfires in Australia.
And it can get cold in LA. One of the coldest 4th of July celebrations in my live was at Long Beach. Everybody said the weather is so great in a LA during the summer, so I only packed a wind breaker in my carry on luggage. Big mistake.
I lived in Pacific Palisades (PP), thus I know the area well. The chaparrals proliferate in the valleys, surrounding PP to the east and west, and are highly fire prone. On the bluff, where most people live, there are a significant number of eucalyptus trees (introduced in the 1850’s from Australia) and Palm trees (introduced by the Spanish Missions, in the mid 18th Century), both also highly fire prone.
The fire, by some reports, started on Temescal Ridge (to the north of PP) and swept southward to the ocean along Temescal Canyon. Near Sunset Blvd, the fire spread into the residential area and was virtually unstoppable due to the high Santa Ana (katabatic) winds. Fanned by high winds, embers from burning eucalyptus and Palm trees, which lined the streets, would have made it difficult for firefighters. Of course, the lack of water in the hydrants would have compounded the problem.
The Santa Anas (katabatic winds) are seasonal and occur during the winter.
I might add, a lot of houses were built with wood and not brick because of the earthquakes.
Once upon a time there lived three little pigs…
The first little pig built its house of straw.
the second little pig built its house of wood.
The third little pig built its house of bricks…
You know the rest, lots of huffn’ and puffn’.
Yes, the temperature was really irrelevant for these fires it was the Santa Anna wind turning LA into a blast furnace and spreading the ash far and wide. The Santa Ana winds are not new, they occur regularly and predictably, so where was the emergency action plan. Why wasn’t it enacted. The winds were forecast but there was no effort to prepare for them and it all went to London 1666, or Malibu in the early 90s. Yes, it had happened before, but “management” was asleep at the wheel.
With what transpired, one can only come to the opinion that the fires were ‘engineered’.
It was reported on an email I received that Biden’s address was pre-recorded and possibly edited.
I have seen no Lamestream Media reports of that, nor would there likely to be any.
Biden loves his country:
Los Angeles: $770 in relief.
Maui: $700.
N.Carolina: $750 loan.
E.Palestine: You guys got paid?
Cali: $100 fine for parking next to EMPTY fire hydrants.
Ukraine: is another $10 Billion enough mate?
/don’t mention Israel. I did once but think I got away with it. 😎
Turning a meme into words.
The five stages of Trump Derangement Syndrome.
1) Fairly normal with the occasional dumb rant.
2) More frequent deranged outbursts and cackling
3) Humour is lost. Unable to make or understand memes.
4) All reasoning of facts and logic have been lost.
5) End-stage TDS. There is no hope at this point.
6) Catatonic state.
– When did it shift to scientists having to prove to the regulator that a product is unsafe – shouldn’t the burden be on the manufacturer to prove that their product IS safe?
Not for pharmaceuticals, no. They generally have different rules. Soon as a drug active ingredient has confirmed efficacy eg. blood pressure control, there is little care regarding side effects. That is why so many products get to market and are later withdrawn on safety grounds eg. Vioxx. For vaccines, it’s even worse.
That depends on whether the “presumption of innocence” is still at fundamental legal precept or just a quaint aberration.
In most of the world, the Napoleonic Code applies:
If you were not guilty as Hell,you would not have been investigated, arrested and punished, citizen”.
Volcanic Activity on the Rise –
“The Yellowstone supervolcano in Wyoming is one of Earth’s most potent volcanic systems. Known for its catastrophic eruptions in the distant past, it remains a natural wonder for tourists and keeps scientists on their toes. Recent studies have revealed subtle but intriguing activity deep beneath its surface, prompting questions about the volcano’s future behavior.
The data is too vague to make an accurate forecast. We know there were pretty sizeable rhyolitic lava flows in the caldera between 180,000 and 70,000 years ago. That does not help with a cyclical model. We can see evidence that a very steep caldera wall, 500 m tall, formed when the eruption of Lava Creek was estimated to be about 640,000 years ago. The thick West Yellowstone rhyolite lava flow was part of the 110,000 years ago, and the Nez Perce Creek flow erupted 160,000 years ago.
The historical data for Yellowstone is not sufficient to create a forecast. We must correlate this with regions where we have more data.
There are a number of Supervolcanoes around the world, and perhaps the most recent one to erupt was in Italy. The BBC and the Discovery Channel story on Yellowstone 2005 popularized the term Supervolcano. According to the United States Geological Survey (USGS), a supervolcano is any volcanic center that has explosively erupted at least 1,000 cubic kilometers (240 cubic miles) of fresh volcanic material in a sudden, violent manner – in a so-called supereruption – often producing a huge depression crater named a caldera. Italy’s Campi Flegrei volcano has been showing signs for the first time in nearly 400 years that it is still alive and well and capable of making many people experience a very bad day.”
More at –
When you have to smack back your visceral reaction ‘Yellowstone – that will screw with the climate change crowd’.
Then you remember – Yellowstone going up will be absolutely catastrophic, and realise just how much they have already managed to screw with your humanity.
Note to self – Don’t ghoul like they do…
Volcanic eruptions can be added to the very long list of things that warmists claim are caused by Global Warming™ and Climate Change™.
The obvious reply to this is “what evidence in the past?”
Yes, large volcanic eruptions cause problems (which the locals at the time may have noticed as for Vesuvius 79AD and Krakatau 1883 AD) and there are many studies recording the evidence of other such millennia without climate change (that is 30 years or more)?
Can they articulate a testable causal mechanism for these claims? Can they articulate a testable causal mechanism for any CAGW claims?
I didn’t think so.
Global warming cannot cause eruptions, however the eruption of Mount Takahe 17,700 years BP caused global warming.
There is a lot of hype about the “imminent” eruption of the Yellowstone Caldera but the USGS claims it’s unlikely anything soon.
Remember, the idea is to keep the masses in a permanent state of panic either with supposed Global Warming, supervolcanoes or plandemics.
Of the three, I only consider the deliberate or accidental release of a genetically engineered virus or bacteria to be a real possibility.
Just Goolag or use DuckDuckGo to search for the gain of function experiments being conducted on the following:
Avian influenza gain of function (bird flu)
Yersinia pestis gain of function (bubonic plague)
“Imminent” in geological circles is 500,000 years, circa early Keith Richards.
Just like pole reversals and magnetic field collapses – scary but thousands of years away. Hopefully.
Live your best life to the fullest.
If Yellowstone blows humanity ends and there is little possibility of moderating it.
Some preppers may say afterwards, told ya!
I remember when the Campi Flegrei volcano was the scare story and the vulcanologist in charge said they might get a day and a half warning before the big eruption. He pointed out that getting the 5 million local inhabitants out of the danger zone would take 4 or more days.
That fact considered, it is remarkable that so few lives have been lost in the LA fires.
Some of their organisation must have been good.
“Being called “Far Right” is like being called a witch in the middle ages”
“When right-leaning men hide their politics on dating apps- there’s increasing anecdata about right-leaning men hiding their politics until after their profile has been swiped, a connection has been made and a bedpost has been notched. It’s simple enough: Struggling to find love? Just lie!”
Lol!! As if any freedom-loving capitalist would want to date some whiny Left-wing Socialist who just wants someone-else to give them everything!
“It’s sinister. It’s Gileadean. It’s exhausting. Isn’t dating hard enough already?”
Maybe she’s doing it wrong.. It shouldn’t be hard to be a human naturally.
“People who wouldn’t want to date someone like me get very upset that I wouldn’t want to date someone like them. ”
She has to be joking!
Nothing in there today about Musk or Putin, someone must be off sick.
Child: Daddy, I fell over and hurt my leg!
Father: Which leg is it, Sonny, the left leg or
the far right?
Thinking about the human, economic and environmental damage inflicted by the wind farming industry, what will happen when everyone realises what is going on?
Our hardearned is being used to enrich money movers who have mobilized trillions of dollars to make electricity more expensive and less reliable, while inflicting massive damage on the environment.
Power prices feed into everything that moves, wrecking household budgets and whole energy-intensive industries.
Rural communities are tragically divided.
If we persist in this folly, we will end up like Britain and Germany, but without the benefit of extension cords to other nations.
Should there be a movement to shame the people and organizations that are involved in this immoral, exploitive and destructive industry?
You say windfarming is legal? So was slavery until Britain turned against it!
Here’s a beautiful video featuring a compilation of explosive demolition of various civilisation-destroying wind subsidy farms.
It’s a wonderful sight as you “transition” into the weekend.
An excellent demonstration of the power and use of shaped charges which I presume they were using.
The material above ground can be removed and recycled (and blades are not recyclable and go to landfill) but tragically, the Green Left are quite happy for the massive concrete foundations to remain forever. Removal of the foundation at end of life should be a condition of installing windmills.
TRUMP doesn’t want any more windmills. This could become big business.
[Interesting factoid: the first observation of the usefulness of hollow explosive charges (shaped charges) was in 1792 by Franz Xaver von Baader.]
And here’s another compilation of windmill demolitions.
This is a playlist.
These would be wonderful videos to have playing in the background at your next climate sceptic cocktail party!
O, how the mighty have fallen.
It only takes a little ‘nudge’ and down they go. Great camera footage via different vantage points. The 3-armed alien saviours of the planet reduced to a pile of rubble – yet the cash has already flown the coop.
The Climate Industrial Complex: it’s a sure bet ($).
It proves there is nothing renewable / sustainable about these intermittent generators.
Glorious videos!
“An excellent demonstration of the power and use of shaped charges which I presume they were using.”
Yes, from the clean cuts though the steel, likely a semi-flexable linear shaped charge. Often used for stage separation in rockets.
If there is any sanity left in this world, Keir Starmers Rape Gangs should be the end of leftards in Brittain.
The Left have made endless excuses for the rape gangs, actively silenced criticism and demands for prosecution and said anyone who complains about the rape of these children is a racist or a “phobe” of some kind.
Once Great Britain needs a TRUMP and Starmer and his goons are in power for another five years.
The political prisoner Tommy Robinson is in jail in solitary confinement. His “crime” which ultimately led to his present incarceration was exposing the truth in the following video. And as far as I know, not a single word of what he said has ever been refuted.
There are numerous copies of the video on X and Elon Musk is going to make sure it stays there. Before anyone criticises Tommy, watch the video.
Once upon a time there was a good and fair country and people who lived in countries that were neither good nor fair travelled to that land and made it their home because they knew it to be kind.
But some men who made that land their home brought the values of countries that were neither kind nor fair with them. Such men hated the female children they found in the good and fair country.
The girls were white but not chaste; they were dirty unbelievers who went about unaccompanied as if they were boys. They disgusted the men, and they tempted them, which made them hate the female children even more.
The monsters, for that is what the men became over time, caused savage harm to thousands of girls – so many that no one is yet sure of the number and may never be, for some were lost or killed. And the monsters drugged and bribed them, they made them s@x slaves, branding the girls’ flesh with their initials, ramming large implements into their tiny bodies the better to accommodate four men.
This may be hard to comprehend, dear reader, but the people of that enlightened land did not protect their daughters. I’m sorry to say they abandoned them to their fate. Police, whose duty it was to look after the most vulnerable, either arrested the girls, dismissed their pleas for help or left them with their tormentors.
For that famously kind and decent land had fallen under a strange enchantment, which was called multiculturalism.
It said that, no matter how wicked or cruel the men were to the children, you must never speak of it. The dark spell, and what a powerful spell it was (enough to vanquish justice and compassion), caused any who dared to say that Pakistani M@slim men were targeting white girls to become the bad people. Because all cultures are equal, you see, even ones that don’t believe in equality or which agree that girls who aren’t virgins are wh@res and deserve to be punished.
And those who struggled against the powerful spell that stifled their countrymen were called racist. And to be racist or bigoted or “far-Right” was to be far more hateful than any hatred inflicted on female children, or so the people of the good and fair country were told by their leaders.
amen Old Mate…….words cannot describe…..
We all know what Warren Buffett said about windmills.
Here is some additional commentary.
In Australia the subsidy harvesting happens directly off consumer electricity bills rather than than tax credits but ultimately its the same scam and the consumer pays one way or another.
Years ago when the “tonnes of greenhouse gases” you supposedly emitted appeared on our electricity bills, I knew we were cooked. I wonder if any other countries went to such stupid lengths? Any US or UK ( or elsewhere ) commentators like to contribute?
Truly a wonderful sight.
Atmospheric CO2 and the thermohaline circulation
What is causing the increasing levels of atmospheric CO2 that have been measured at Mauna Loa since 1950 and Cape Grim since 1975?
Climate Change advocates blame the burning of fossil fuels but even at the current prodigious rate of production there simply isn’t enough additional CO2 to swing the dial unless the residence time in the atmosphere is quite long.
The Climate experts claim that the residence time is long but the evidence, including the Cape Grim data above suggests a short residence time of perhaps 5 years. After that the CO2 in the air is in dynamic equilibrium with the oceans.
The total human contribution of CO2 so far is about 1850 billion tons, which is less than 2% of the CO2 in sea water. Hence human contributions could explain an increase in atmospheric CO2 of perhaps 2%, not the 30% which has been measured so far.
There is no scientific reason to assume that the equilibrium point of CO2 between the ocean (98%) and sky(2%) is fixed over a hundred years. It obviously varies and very slowly, 0.4% a year. In Henry’s Law of dissolved gases, there are two reasons for CO2 in the air to go up.
1. increased ocean surface temperature as we get with La Nina
2. increased ocean surface CO2 concentration again ocean currents connected with #1
The extra CO2 is provably from the ocean. There is no drop in C14 and given fossil fuel CO2 has no C14 it means there is very little fossil fuel CO2 in the air. That’s in the bleeding obvious category.
So the CO2 concentration in the ocean surface has increased. This is blamed by Climate Scientists on CO2 rising in the air (ocean ‘acidification’), which is literally a circular argument. However the only way CO2 can come out of the ocean is by migration to the surface, as reflected in Henry’s Law. For kinematic evaporation, only the very thin surface matters, no the 3.5km below.
And I prefer graphs with the X axis shown, to illustrate how small and linear this increase is over 50 years where yearly ’emissions’ have been exponential and now at a record of 1% of what is in the air already. Which is 2% of what is in the ocean.
We are expected to believe that an increase of 0.02% a year in total CO2 is significant, even deadly? The real question is why is it so close to constant? And does not vary more than 1% from pole to pole. Why isn’t it much higher over China/US/Europe latitudes? Why is it the same over Tasmania?
You can see the other half of Henry’s Law in the little ripples where CO2 increases in summer and decreases in winter in perfect synchronization with the seasons around Hawaii.
Ah yes, the old ‘trace gas’ trick.
Much prefer the graph which starts at ‘0’ and goes up to 10,000 ppm, drawn out over a long time period … good luck finding any bump or uptick (let alone a bent hokey shtick) in the 21st century.
Or an atmosphere pie chart consisting of nitrogen & oxygen (99%) with a sliver of argon (0.9%) while the remaining 0.1% is made up of numerous trace gases, a minor one being carbon dioxide, another methane. Yet these bogeymen compounds are blown out of proportion whereby even the children are scared to look behind the curtain.
Breathe, breathe in the air…
And the real gas, not liquid, they never mention. H2O at 1% to 4% in most locations on earth. All the oceans of course. All the Southern Hemisphere. The only exception I have experienced is in the deserts of the Middle East where nothing rots because there are no fungi because there is no humidity. And the IR absorption band is huge, not CO2 which is so narrow they use it to detect CO2.
Plus you get liquid clouds, which can totally block light. Black underneath and brilliant white from above. Clouds and humidity can change our weather totally and in minutes. Clouds at night mean a warm night. Clear skies mean a very cold night. CO2 does not change.
Tiny CO2 is significant only in the very long term. Rapid climate change is absurd from a change in CO2 of 0.4% a year. As for methane as short term significant, words fail. But the methane massive taxes are already in place and the rivers of money are flowing.
If atmospheric CO2 cannot control the CO2 in sea water then it must be the other way around!
That is the view of the SCHOOL OF OCEAN AND EARTH SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY at the University of Hawai. In a paper by Zeebe and Wolfe titled “CARBON DIOXIDE, DISSOLVED (OCEAN)” they said:
Ok, so the oceans control the level of atmospheric CO2, but how does that explain the rising CO2 levels?
Thanks TdeF, who has written a lot about this, and to Greg.
So what about the thermohaline circulation?
We see that the deep ocean currents are driven by water freezing to ice in the polar regions. The cold salty water which remains sinks down and flows slowly around the globe, coming to the surface again in the North Pacific, the North Indian Ocean and the southern Atlantic Ocean. According to the paper by Zeebe and Wolf above the ocean below 1.5km depth contains more CO2 than surface water and this CO2 will exhale to the atmosphere as it warms in the tropical seas.
The thermohaline circulation takes thousands of years so the CO2 coming to the surface now reflects geothermal events from a long time ago!
And they flow on the surface. The Gulf Stream moves vast amounts of hot water from the Caribbean along the East Coast of the US, Greenland to Europe. This ‘current’ is a river 100km wide, 1km deep and flows at an astounding 9km/hr! Even so it is only on the surface as the oceans are 3.5km on average and sometimes much deeper.
So deep ocean currents.
Surface oceans currents.
and everything in between with sinks and geysers and currents forced to the surface by sloping continental shelves.
As for hot water rising like hot air, these are two very different materials. Air temperatures vary from -60C to +50C producing massive expansion. And water temperatures from 2C to 32C. Coefficients of expansion and specific heats are very different too. Plus density. The behaviour is very different.
In in the middle of it all, vast quantities of all gases. Especially CO2 which is 30x as soluble and O2. And there is enough O2 for all living things in the ocean to breathe O2 and breathe out CO2.
What is really odd is this fixation that where we live, in the atmosphere and on the surface is the entire story, even the dominant story. It isn’t. All life came from the ocean and the oceans still control all our climates, produce all the storms, supply all the water.
And still the BOM tries to predict the long term climate solely from the atmospheric transport of heat and water from the oceans. While ignoring the the patterns in the ocean. Apart from worshipping El Nino.
As for the idea that tiny humans with their tiny emission can even disturb the planet sized equilibrium of CO2, that’s just crazy. I have never seen any proven connection between fossil fuel and CO2 levels. It’s made up science, by Al Gore and James Hanson in 1988. Supported by millions of Climatebaggers.
The LA fires, just a fuel reduction burn! Had governor Newscum spent more time governing than campaigning for land rights for gay whales, things would not be as bad as they are.
Greg and TDef, I read your posts always and (as with many others) am so impressed !!. I am not that clever scientifically…..but I try to absorb the content (and mirth) of all your posts. Bravo….love it and I love Jo’s blog….everyone should be on it or reading it !!!!!….
ps I don’t post often but just love the information content……some a bit too high level for me, but I enjoy reading it a few times to see if can “get it”
Thank you
DM, that is one of the best quotes I have seen.
Sadly, that is the attitude of the Uniparty and the Left today.
Australia desperately needs a TRUMP and a Musk.
Even people who were five percent as capable as them would be an improvement.
In respect of the city of Los Angeles fire, where are the CSI? WIth 100mph winds, the fire moves in one direction, so you can see exactly where it started. And why.
Why is no one talking about the origin of the fire? Did it start in one point or simultaneously in many points? At what time? How did it spread so fast? What was so flammable that it was so wide and well established when the people with no water arrived?
The silence is deafening.
We know about Mrs O’Leary’s cow in the Great Fire of Chicago in 1871, a largely wooden city. But this fire in the middle of a concrete and bitumen city with many fire stations and fire hydrants is a total mystery, except that it was started by dreaded Climate Change.
And certainly not that illegal alien on probation who was rearrested because he was carrying a blowtorch. Obviously blowtorches are common in LA and no reason for concern.
Was this a terrorist attack? And took advantage of the predicted 100mph winds? Or was it just a protest against the Orange man by a few Hollywood activists? Or even a bbq which was out of control?
I cannot believe the police/fire brigade/Mayor has no idea of how the fire started, where, why and how it spread so quickly. Where are the forensic scientists? What I do detect is a total media lockdown because the truth is the problem.
And we do know that there were multiple separate fires. When did each start and where? And how did they grow so quickly on such a wide front?
The high winds are not enough and do not explain a wide front. You have to light a lot of fires to create a firestorm and multiple firestorms in mid winter on a cold night. The timing was perfect with the predicted wind and of course no one would be expecting it. Certainly not the fire department. An individual house or store or factory fire perhaps, not a very wide front bushfire. And everyone would be on holidays, residents and firemen. Even the dam was emptied for repairs.
The fact that no one is saying anything speaks volumes. They already know.
And attitudes to illegal aliens and Sanctuary Cities may change completely when it leaks. It could bring down the Newscum government and force the recall of the Mayor.
California, and especially southern California is mostly a dry bushfire zone all year round. You talk about 100mph wind and the question how it spread so quickly? I’m surprised that its been relatively contained if the really had 100mph winds or anything like it.
It was not at all contained and burned from where it started at the top of the hill all the way to the sea. As intended. All of which confirms it was lit. Why didn’t it start half way up? It was not a forest fire which came down into the city on a broad front. It was arson on a wide front. Multiple disconnected fronts. All deliberate.
And the fires started at the top of the hill, Not at the bottom or the middle. What’s the chance of that? That also tells me they were lit.
The dam had been empty for a year – to repair a hole in the plastic cover! The next closest dam wasn’t connected.
“The fact that no one is saying anything speaks volumes. They already know.”
It’s perhaps a little more than this.
Many are saying, and they are labeled ‘conspiracy theorists’, and the speculative answers to important questions like “did it leak from the lab”, are subject to official censorship and accusations of ‘misinformation’.
The ‘no one’ you speak of, is just the ‘the important ones with power’.
The rest are saying something.
The things the no one says anything about is easy evidentiary confirmation that the ‘anything’ not being spoken about is true.
On X I did see someone who had compiled satellite images from the area over a certain amount of time. So, you could see the fires start (visible smoke) and then continue. There appeared to be 3 main ignition points and they all started at the same time.
FWIW – for the record
“Announcing a Comprehensive Compendium of Articles on the Covid Vaccines”
“As the WHO attempts to force a world- wide pandemic treaty on all the nations of the world, an effort is afoot to compile all the reputable journal articles challenging the safety and efficacy of the mRNA vaccines. Those who have been attending, with growing concern, to the proliferation of substacks detailing the publication of medical journal articles on studies showing that the vaccines indeed are neither safe nor effective–substacks such as Steve Kirsch’s, Brucha Weisberger’s and a number of MDs– are aware that the information needs to be presented in a unified and easily accessible format.”
More at
The WHO is controlled totally by China. And as in Australia and Canada, a pandemic can be used to suspend the rule of law, prorogue parliament and turn elected officials into absolute dictators, directed by China and supported by armed Police forces. Of course the UN approves.
I wonder what happens after TRUMP rightly defunds the World Homicide Organisation?
This bicycle is geared such that if pedalled at 90rpm it would exceed the speed of light.
Of course, that wouldn’t happen for a wide variety of reasons.
Ratio of about 250million to one. Which means the force required to turn the rear wheel would destroy it. 90kg of force would be 0.3mg at the rear wheel.
I interpret Einstien’s theory of General Relativity is that, in general, all your problems are relatives.
And yes, one turn of the wheel would be 250,000,000 metres or 250,000km about 6 times around the world. In one second that would be the speed of light.
“Debunking false claims about bushfire risk and native forest logging in Australia”
I am now convinced that the multiple Los Angeles fires were deliberately lit as an organized large scale attack.
Likely using illegal aliens with blowtorches, at a time where they would do the most financial damage, generate the most publicity in Hollywood on Sunset Boulevard and be least expected in mid winter, at night at 6C with predicted 100mph winds and no water in the dams or even in the hydrants. It all fits.
So does the silence of the Governor, the Mayor and the chief of the Fire Brigade, the FBI, CIA, CSI and politicans generally. And it fits too with the Trump inauguration. The miscalculation is that all this would be very obvious in a forensic investigation and they have at least one illegal alien on parole who was arrested with a gas torch, not matches. Presumably lighting fires.
Bushfires in the height of summer in a howling wind at high temperatures are a completely different matter. This was mass arson, organized and planned and timed.
If you arrested a non citizen on parole with a blowtorch in the area, wouldn’t that heighten suspicions? How likely is that? What is the chance that there are a number of people involved, all with blowtorches.
The timing, the location, the multiple fires, the broad front fully on fire when they arrived, the speed of establishment, the lack of response from the fire brigade. There are 20 Sierra winds a year. Why so many fires on this one night in this one place in mid winter?
This was not a mid winter bbq gone wrong or a Telsa on fire or a home heater which blocked up. This was multiple full fronts racing down multiple hills simultaneously when you would least expect it and where you would least expect it and in the most significant part of Los Angeles for Hollywood. Maximum world wide media coverage.
And again, the total silence. Apart from the usual media rabbits chirping about Climate Change and racism and homophobia.
They already know where, when, how and perhaps by whom these fires were started. It was not Mrs O’Leary’s cow.
Pyro-terrorism is always a possibility and has been advocated by a certain demographic in Australia and the United States.
Australia’s Nightmare: Bushfire Jihad and Pyroterrorism
The great green wall of Africa–b58?si=PweE5qneQkIKkHpk
Interesting, I didn’t know they were doing this.
Niger is turning desert back into forests and ending hunger.
Their strategy refills the aquifers so forests can survive 9 month droughts.
India is also doing the same thing now.
Unlike the west, creating dead zones and destroying the environment for solar and wind farms so we can have cold showers and eat bugs.
Schwab will not be happy!
This has been happening in India since 2016. They get thousands of villages in Maharashtra competing to build the best water catchment setups in 45 days. Giving them multiple cropping’s, and no need to migrate away over the summer. from 9.26 4.30
This modified one-off street legal Chev Corvette did nearly 255mph in 1988 but everyone went nuts in 2005 because the Bugatti Veryon could do 253mph.
And the V8 Chev engine would have been a huge amount more reliable and cheaper to maintain than the W16 Bugatti.
Even the gays are now supporting TRUMP, at least some of them.
From 5th June 2024, I just heard it replayed on Their ABC Radio (Australia).
Which makes you wonder how much the Lamestream Media is lying when they report him as “homophobic” etc.
In my experience, in Australia and the US, generally people have nothing against gays. As long as it’s not compulsory.
And in a social setting, it’s generally the gays who exclude, like a private club.
But the Queers for Palestine movement indicates a fundamental lack of common sense. Israel is the only country where they would not be given a tour of the top floor.
Not LGBT. I’d say he won over a lot of LGB voters.
Many dont like the extra “T” even less the “+”.
The “T”s need to recruit children or their medical/industrial fueled movement dies. The “+” want to take advantage of those so groomed.
Old LGB want little to do with those who want to normalize the acronym “MAP”. They feel it should stand for “Millstone Attached Person” not “minor attracted person”.
How do I know this? I have been giving technical support to friends with a Mardi gras float for over 15 years. 2 “best in parade’ wins. The pierced and purple haired pronoun people know a line has been crossed.
When was the last time you heard an Australian Uniparty politician talk about “freedom” (as in the Classical Liberal tradition, not related to the Liberal Party), after the philosophy of Milton Friedman, Friedrich Hayek, Ludwig von Mises, Ayn Rand, Murray Rothbard, Thomas Sowell etc..
I don’t recall any of them ever having talked about this.
The only people I know of who tend to use that language regularly and have a decent media profile are Alex Antic and the previous Liberal Senator Gerard Rennick. George Christensen was also similar. As you know, both Rennick and Christensen are now both ex LNP, so it would seem that sort of rhetoric is not welcome in the party. Antic is probably skating on thin ice and it wouldn’t surprise me in the least that he has to “leave” the party very soon.
These are Turnbull’s Liberals(tm)
Are they like McNamara’s Idiots?
(An experiment done during the Vietnam War to use low IQ recruits.)
It turns out that the US Army determined that it was impossible to train anyone with an IQ below 83 to do any useful task whatsoever.
12.9% of people have an IQ of 83 or lower.
It’s a common topic of Jordan Peterson. He actually tried to train such a person to stuff envelopes. It was impossible to teach paper folding.
Correction: They were known as McNamara’s Morons.
Re “Which makes you wonder how much the Lamestream Media is lying when they report him as “homophobic” etc.”
At least enough to generate clicks and maybe even headlines?
FWIW – “ElBowen ammunition”
“China will build 100 new coal plants this year. There is not a clean energy race. There is an energy race.” ”
Helping a friend get a new Chinese generator working today. Just setting to work and familiarisation, seeing what it would run and what it wouldnt as we have a fairly benign 20 something C day today.
Amazingly I read the instructions. Equally amazing was that in 2025 and being the dominant world manufacturer , they still produce fractured Chinglish instructions. It would be easy enough to resolve, but they appear not to care. I guess the market has low expectations and few options.
“Mike Williamson has a t-shirt that says something about an end of the world tour, and lists all the apocalypses we have escaped.
I don’t remember which ones he lists, and I know no matter how much I think about it, I’ll never get all of them.
However, off the top of my head and in no particular order, to get to sixty two, I’ve escaped nuclear holocaust, the population bomb, the disappearance of all potable water, acid rain, the neutron bomb, alar in apples, global cooling, global warming, ebola, net neutrality, covid, monkeypox, birdflu, covid, AI….”
“Thing is, none of those ever looked very likely to be world enders, however, looking at California this past week, I wonder if one of these world enders is even needed.”
More at
Maybe a “Bonfire of the inadequacies” is enough?
Gen Z Admits They Don’t Know How To Change Lightbulbs
The Post report says that a Halfords survey of 2,000 adults found nearly 25% of Gen Zers don’t know how to change a ceiling lightbulb, often citing safety concerns like hot bulbs or ladder risks. Instead of attempting the task, many prefer to “GOTDIT” — Get Others To Do It.
Many Gen Zers also rely on parents for chores like car cleaning, with less than half knowing how to add air to a tire or replace a windshield wiper blade.
They want to change the climate but can’t even change a lightglobe, or even start a lawnmower.
This doesn’t surprise me in the least from our Sinophile Government.
Had a day out with our daughter and two young grandsons. Scienceworks museum in Melbourne. A more unscientific collection of crap would be difficult to achieve.
The indoctrination begins with the first interactive ‘game’, which includes directions to reduce co2 ‘pollution’, complete with giant screen featuring dark grey clouds labelled ‘co2’. I won’t bore you all with the rest, suffice to say that the propaganda continues to ramp up, becoming even more sinister with electronic body scans and facial recognition in a booth to measure your height! Talk about sleepwalking into the future!
Upon entering the planetarium we were treated to another acknowledgement of country by the astro-nerd host, in reply to which I emitted a loud groan and a statement (unrepeatable here) of dismay. I did not realise that our custodians also had custody of outer space, but nobody else seemed to doubt the possibility. For the sake of your progeny, avoid at all costs.
Perhaps you or others can write a scientific critique of it and send it to the relevant Government Minister?
“Science”works come under the auspices of the “Minister for Creative Industries” who is Colin Brooks.
It looks like the “museum” is being creative alright…
Science used to be about questions.
Now it is all about conclusions.
“Sea Level Rise Panic Cancelled?”
“The Bottom Line:
New research shows temperate glacier ice flows more steadily, linearly and not exponentially, contrary to our previous understanding, and this leads to far lower projections of future sea-level rise due to any glacier melt in Greenland and Antarctica.”
More at
The TRUMP effect?
Well seems to counter the “Gore Effect”
Bless those hanging chads
“Oh Dear!”
“The Dem Failure Just Won’t Stop: Huge Fire Erupts at CA Lithium Battery Facility, Evacuations Ordered”
Making sure of interpretation – that is an active big battery, not an area for just physical battery storage
“Farewell Address – Joe Biden’s Delusion Bubble”
Now that he’s vacating Elbow can make a reservation
We need a parody based on the farewell song from the sound of music. Auf wiedersehen goodbye, goodbye gutBiden.
Come on sing along ……….
Jo’s 2020 interview gets a mention on this week’s New World Next Week podcast – just so you know your work has resonance:
Good find.
Music for the weekend: