
8.8 out of 10 based on 18 ratings

141 comments to Friday

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      Peter C

      What is Farage’s motivation for this?


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        It took some political courage as it distances himself from Trump. His motivation is that he disagrees with Trumps interpretation of the situation


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            Zekensky is supported by more Than 4% of the population, he didn’t start the war and is no more a Dictator than Churchill when Britain had no election between 1935 and 1945


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            Niall Ferguson@nfergus

            “This will not stand. This will not stand, this aggression against Kuwait.”–George H.W. Bush on August 5, 1990. Full quote from Jon Meacham’s biography. Future history students will be asked why this stopped being the reaction of a Republican president to the invasion of a sovereign state by a dictator.

            Vice President JD Vance had a blistering response.

            JD Vance@JDVance

            This is moralistic garbage, which is unfortunately the rhetorical currency of the globalists because they have nothing else to say.

            For three years, President Trump and I have made two simple arguments: first, the war wouldn’t have started if President Trump was in office; second, that neither Europe, nor the Biden administration, nor the Ukrainians had any pathway to victory. This was true three years ago, it was true two years ago, it was true last year, and it is true today.

            And for three years, the concerns of people who were obviously right were ignored. What is Niall’s actual plan for Ukraine? Another aid package? Is he aware of the reality on the ground, of the numerical advantage of the Russians, of the depleted stock of the Europeans or their even more depleted industrial base?

            Long and Excellent Response from VP J D Vance

            Ferguson’s response was interesting

            as he assured Vance that he had supported Trump and Vance and that he agreed with Vance on most of what he said, including his speech in Munich about Europe and the five points he mentioned above.

            What Ferguson said he took issue with was he thought they were conceding too much off the bat, based on what he was reading, including taking NATO membership off the table, conceding territory, as well as a peacekeeping force that could include China.

            I would note a few things. Ferguson is assessing things based in part on what he is reading. He’s not aware of what’s going on in the private discussions.



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        Farage has been somewhat unpredictable of late, firstly with his failure to categorically condemn the treatment of Tommy Robinson by the UK government, and now in his support for Zelensky, a puppet of the Western-backed war machine. One wonders how thick the conservative veneer that has clad this political player. Or has the WEF have him in their pocket as well?


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        Well he obviously did not consider the Maidan revolution and the overthrow of elected president Yanukovych and aided by US AND Victoria N.. Oh, and the shelling of Russian citizens in Donbas by Ukraine. Really, Farage can be a buffoon sometimes and profoundly ignorant.


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      The official story of the benign government in Kiev is not right. People should know what they are defending.

      Read about the 2014 massacre in the Union building in Odessa to get a better picture of this allegedly peaceful region and US involvement.


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        Enough armchair politics. It’s obviously a stalemate. So the first step is to stop the war, if possible.

        As Trump says correctly, thousands of deaths every week. For what? Governments fight wars, but the Ukranians and Russians are the ones dying. Not Germans, French, British, Americans who are funding the war. Why?

        Peace is urgent. As in GAZA.

        Then an actual objective impartial assessment of the situation. The truth must come out. Do the people of Ukraine want to continue? Why? Where is the UN?

        And what is wrong with an election?

        New elections would seem reasonable to see what the Ukranian people, 20% of whom have fled the country largely to avoid Ukranian conscription, want to say about the direction of their country. The UN could earn their living here, rather than Climate Change. And the people might be able to go home without fear of their own government, not the Russians.

        The US had no obligation to intervene and the true picture of the violent NAZI government in Kiev has to come out. And the involvement of the US government under Biden/Obama and successive Ukranian governments.

        The disputed Donbas and Crimea area is only 14% of the area with Russian speaking, Russian Orthodox people. And it should be clear these people do not like the government in Kiev. And with good reason.

        Then if the UK/France/Germany really want to start WWIII to save the approved Kiev government, they are on their own. The American involvement in this area for the last two decades needs to be investigated, especially Biden and friends.


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          This seems a very succinct summation of the situation. As you say that Eastern section of Ukraine speak Russian but don’t want to be part of Russia. They certainly don’t have a strong affiliation with Ukraine either. They were seeking autonomy in 2014 and Putin offered his help although with the objective of taking the area under Russian control. The inhabitants just wanted to be free of Ukraine but not part of Russia. There are too many dead and too much damage done already and it does need to stop. The only solution is to give the Donbas it’s autonomy and for Russia and Ukraine to withdraw behind the new borders. That could have been done 10 years ago.


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            Peter C

            As you say that Eastern section of Ukraine speak Russian but don’t want to be part of Russia.

            Referendums in 2022 suggest that the Eastern provinces of Ukraine did want to be part of Russia.

            The referendum results of those in favor of joining the Russian Federation are as follows: Donetsk: 99.23%; Lugansk: 98.42%; Zaporozhye: 93.11%; and Kherson: 87.05%.


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              We have some of the refuges locally who fled that area.

              They had no choice about voting or what to vote for. It was by no stretch of the imagination free and fair


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                BTW. You have quoted figures from a communist news organisation who are fanatically pro Putin. Hardly objective


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                Peter C

                The voting figures are not in dispute since NPR quoted exactly the same figures,

                Results reported Tuesday by Russian state media allegedly showed over 98% voting in favor of the measure in the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics; while 93% voted for it in the Zaporizhzhia region and 87% in the Kherson region.


                What can be disputed is whether the people of the Eastetn regions voted freely or were coerced?
                That is difficult to figure out but the pile on by Western politicians seems over dramatised.

                It is also possible that the Russians just made up the results, since they helped conduct the Referendum.
                There were international observers apparently. I read a report by an Australian observer who complained that her report was suppressed by our Government.


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              I voted in many elections held in that area.
              There was always only a single candidate, so let us call it “confirmation” rather than election and he (infrequently she…) was always a member of Communist Party.
              The result was very predictable – support around 98% and you will think it was a comedy, a pretence which adults should not participate in but there was a serious side there too.
              The regional Party bureaucrats were sending down to Electoral Committee the exact percentage of support the Committee had to report by the end of counting, never 100% of course because we were not North Korea.
              The serious reason for those decimal points was the “ever-growing support of CP and Government of USSR”, hence from election to election they had to show the growth in percentage.

              Now, as you know, it all collapsed overnight when M. Gorbachev just slightly released the Party reigns.


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          Robert Swan


          Enough armchair politics.

          … followed by another tract of armchair politics.

          AFAIAC the fight is baddies vs. baddies. I suggest it should be settled by mortal combat of the leaders. If Zelenskyy kills Putin, Ukraine gets Crimea back, if Putin kills Zelenskyy, Russia gets to trouser the Donbas. And forfeit is the same as losing of course.

          Just one last death to save thousands.

          Easy peasy.


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            That’s wonderfully ridiculous. But no more high farce and less deadly than endless war. It has been used through history with good effect. The soldiers like it because they get to go home either way. And who cares about soldiers?

            However I warrant a KGB professional against an actor might be a no contest.


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          “Russian speaking…people”.

          How did these Russian speaking people get to be there?

          Could ot be that Stalin murdered millions of Ukrainians a century ago leaving the space to be colonised by Russian speakers?

          Such things are not easily forgotten, unless you are a modern “progressive”.


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            Before WW1 Russia was much bigger. After Russia surrendered Germany chopped off Poland, Ukraine, Belarus more. Less than 100 years ago. And the Revolutionary wars and then Stalin changed the borders further. Crimea was a Khanate but under Potemkin, it became a warm sea port like Odessa. And Russia became a naval power.

            Up to that time Russian was the language of the whole area, apart from regional languages. And the languages remain very similar all of Slavic origin. Ukranian is 60% Russian and largely the same Cryllic alphabet (with a few differences). At the same time the languages have absorbed German, French and English. They are much more similar than say English and French, which have a great overlap disguised by extreme pronounciation differences. Slavic languages are very phonic and portable.

            There was mass slaughter by the Mongols travelling West along the long steppe plains which connnect China to Hungary. Many different tribes traveled along this route ultimately to settle in Europe. The Tartars and Mongols ruled these areas for hundreds of years. In these steppes which cross Ukraine held very few people other than nomads and Cossacks. This is preserved in the description of Americans as ‘white’ Caucasians, a collection of tribes between the Caspian and Black seas.

            Generally if you get a book of historical maps, the borders changed often and rapidly. What connects people is language and religion. Most of these peoples are Russian Orthodox, as you can see in the churches in Ukraine. Zelensky has tried to ban and isolate the Russian Orthodox religion and priests in a state of oppression of everything Russian.

            This picturing of Russians as the perpetual villains and everyone else as the good guys is wrong.


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              How could Germany have ‘chopped off’ a bunch of countries after ww1 having just lost the war ??. Facts are not negotiable.


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                Germany won against Russia who surrendered in March 1918 on the Eastern Front. It was six months before they too lost in November 1918 against the Western allies. And Russia was then busy with five years of internal revolutionary war between the Royalists and the Bolsheviks. There were also the Polish wars starting in 1919 where Poland once independent stopped the Western allies from attacking Russia and stopped Russia from moving West.


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            First get a map and second read some history.


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          Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) offered his “admittedly a little tardy” endorsement of President Donald Trump and his cabinet Thursday and praised the president’s nominees, many of whom he said he would have chosen himself.

          “A few people may have noticed that I resisted an enthusiastic endorsement of Donald Trump during the election. But now, I’m amazed by the Trump cabinet (many of whom I would have picked),” Paul began.

          “I love his message to the Ukrainian warmongers, and along with his DOGE initiative shows I was wrong to withhold my endorsement,” the senator continued.

          “So today, admittedly a little tardy, I give Donald Trump my enthusiastic endorsement! (Too little too late some will say, but, you know, it is sincere, there is that.),” he explained, noting, in typical Paul fashion, that individuals should not expect the endorsement to be “fawning.”

          “I still think tariffs are a terrible idea, but Dios Mio, what courage, what tenacity,” he admitted. “Go @realDonaldTrump Go!”


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          It’s obviously a stalemate. So the first step is to stop the war, if possible.

          Russia captures new territory every day … they aren’t moving quickly, but it sure as heck isn’t a stalemate.

          Stopping the war will surely save lives, but if you start negotiating with a backwards idea of what’s on the ground you only waste everyone’s time and still cost lives. Russia is in the stronger position and continuing to improve. Forgot about stalemate.


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        David Maddison

        The Ukes are certainly no angels.

        And it must raise immediate alarm bells that the Left support the Ukrainians and want perpetual war and endless unaccounted funding for the war to continue indefinitely and for such funds to go into corrupt pockets.

        Australia is also a willing participant in this madness.

        TRUMP is unique in wanting the war to stop.


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          Well the Left Globalists fear Russian nationalism and its promotion of religion and family etc. Russia will not toe the line on the globalist agenda.


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        David Maddison

        If in doubt, consult the Left’s instruction manual, Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty Four.

        Winston Smith: [reads from Goldstein’s book] “In accordance to the principles of Doublethink, it does not matter if the war is not real, or when it is, that victory is not possible. The war is not meant to be won. It is meant to be continuous. The essential act of modern warfare is the destruction of the produce of human labor. A hierarchical society is only possible on the basis of poverty and ignorance. In principle, the war effort is always planned to keep society on the brink of starvation. The war is waged by the ruling group against its own subjects. And its object is not victory over Eurasia or Eastasia, but to keep the very structure of society intact.” Julia? Are you awake? There is truth, and there is untruth. To be in a minority of one doesn’t make you mad.


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        Massacres seem to be a national trait. The Poles are still aggrieved quite rightly about loosing 100,000 of their people in Volhynia in WW2.


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          David Maddison

          Massacres seem to be a national trait.

          And Ukrainians collaborated with the National Socialists and also the Babi Yar massacre of Jews on 29–30 September 1941, in which some 33,771 were murdered.

          They denied complicity until about 1991.

          As I said elsewhere, the Ukes are no angels.


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            “But he is wrong”

            On what grounds do you base that?
            Trump said Zelenskyy had only 4% support from the population. A survey from Feb 4 to Feb 9 2025 showed he had 57%support.Another falsehood from Trump muddying the waters


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            Russians killed off the Polish officer class in the Katyn forest massacre. They blamed the Germans until post war they found the obvious forensic evidence.


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              And executed more of their own Russian officers than any enemy did. Stalin was decimating his own army officers, which is why the Germans were able to push past in Barbarossa. It is possible Stalin killed more of his own people than the enemy.


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            Which also involved the Romanians who were enthusiastic members of the Axis and hated the Russians. People forget that the Bulgarians, Romanians and Hungarians, Czechs and Austrians were all part of the Axis. Even when Berlin fell, the Hungarians were at war in the middle of BudaPest in a huge tank battle. After the war, everyone claimed they were victims of the Russians. At Stalingrad the Italians and the Romanians held the flanks. The same in the Napoleonic ravaging of Russia with their Italian allies.


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            As I said elsewhere, the Ukes are no angels.

            I have a friend who worked in military intelligence including in Ukraine. When the Russians invaded his comment was that the Ukrainians deserve everything they get, they are corrupt to the core.
            And he is no fan of Putin.


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        ‘The 2014 massacre in the Union building in Odessa.’

        The revolution came about because the elections were a farce with pro Russian candidates and no opposition. Read our colleague Vladimir on how the system works, Zelensky was democratically elected and remains relatively popular.

        ‘Following Ukraine’s Revolution of Dignity, Russia occupied and annexed Crimea from Ukraine and supported pro-Russian separatists fighting the Ukrainian military in the Donbas War.’ (wiki)

        Putin is an opportunist with a big head.


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          Thanks, E+G.

          My Odessa schoolmates were still there in 2014 and described what happened exactly what happened. You can not suspect them in being Ukrainian nationalists, none of us spoke Ukrainian at home or in the streets, we, sort of, passed Ukrainian language exams because we had no choice.

          I knew the scene very well as I passed that building twice a day in the 60ies.

          It looked like a normal football brawl to start with and maybe it would finish with few knocked out teeth, if not for “organised outsiders” who were not stopped by the Police. It is a long story, but absolutely similar to taking over Donbas and Crimea.


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          … Zelensky was democratically elected and remains relatively popular.

          You do understand that Zelensky campaigned as a pro-Russian candidate?

          He promised to honour the Minsk Accords and negotiate and agreement allowing Russian speakers to maintain their ethnicity. After being elected with strong support from Russian speakers, and as a Russian speaker himself … Zelensky simply switched over and abandoned any negotiations. Merkel later admitted that the whole Minsk schtick was a ruse designed to waste time while they trained and equipped an army.

          It was after that Putin went ballistic and sent in troops. Even then, the Istanbul agreement had a slim chance of success but that too was abandoned. Zelensky stabbed in the back every Ukrainian who voted for him.


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      Lei, of Lei’s Real Talk has an interesting angle on Trump’s intemperate rant. She says it’s because he thinks Zalenskyy has cosied up to China. Trump’s WH has firmed up it’s anti China stance.


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    The Daily sceptic is normally very supportive of Trump but seems surprised by his latest comments. Worth clicking on the “worth reading in full” link which goes on to an astonishing Daily Mail article. It asks whether the Kremlin might have some sort of hold over Mr Trump


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      John in NZ

      The attempts to discredit Trump will not stop. The media have lied about him too often for me to believe them now.


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        Honk R Smith

        It is a real life parable.
        The more the villains lie about the hero, the stronger the hero gets.
        And the villains destroy themselves with their own obsessions.
        The lack of self-awareness of the villains in this real life tale is truly astonishing.


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        In the last fortnight the gratuitous derogating adjectives have been pulled out of drawers and put into use again; his views are “baseless” and so on –our ABC has returned to its vomit.


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      What did Donald Trump’s father-in-law have to say on the matter?


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    The title says it all

    Contained within the story is a link to a research paper that “proves” the allegation that the Lancet refuses to publish


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      Honk R Smith

      What external power was able exert the control that would produce this behavior in high status people?
      Or was it just a zoonotic convergence of ideological inbreeding and slowly creeping intramural corruption from Climate Climate to culmination in Pandemic … mixed with the catalyst of class arrogance of the managerial elite made acute by the occurrence of Trump populism.

      I mostly think it was preplanned complete with systems to orchestrate organized external pressure on institutions across the board.
      There’s a hive Queen brain somewhere.
      The coordinated repetitive rhetoric was so obvious as to often look silly … at least those of us of low status.


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    David Maddison

    Here is an excellent 15 min video on decluttering.

    It’s in Jordan Peterson’s voice but it is synthetic so I don’t know if he was involved or not.

    Whomever did it, it’s excellent


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    David Maddison

    Interesting Tweet:

    Europeans abandoned the defense necessary for their own sovereignty so they could finance welfare states, which they then destroyed with mass immigration

    So now they have infinite migrants, bankrupt social programs, and a complete lack of security

    It was a response to a Tweet by The Economist:

    Europe has had its bleakest week since the fall of the Iron Curtain. This is how it must respond to the threat posed by Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin

    Notice the wording of The Economist:

    “…threat posed by Donald Trump…”

    Because he has the nerve to tell the Europeans to pay for their own defence. FAFO!


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      Good points but siding with Putin is still brainrot.

      The good thing here is Europe is investing in the military. The bad thing is Europe will be badly divided, and both Putin and Trump worsen it.


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        Europe has effectively been dead since ww2 and just operates under the auspices of the US and UK. Its strongest member has destroyed its grid, deindustrialised, allowed uncontrolled immigration and has bought in to war. Stick a fork in it, but I think its done.


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          John Connor II

          Europe has effectively been dead since ww2 and just operates under the auspices of the US and UK. Its strongest member has destroyed its grid, deindustrialised, allowed uncontrolled immigration and has bought in to war. Stick a fork in it, but I think its done.

          The most accurate & intelligent comment here today, amongst all the anti-Russia/pro Ukraine KIIS popularity bs.
          Yes, Ukraine’s being wiped off the map, millions dead, citizens dragged off the street at gunpoint to fight, and a government entity says Zelensky has high support.
          Western lefty media only regurgitate the KIIS claim.
          I wonder if Trump might actually be better informed and have better sources than “the daily rag”?
          Naah, silly me! I’m sure he gets his intel from CNN. /ultra sarc
          Meanwhile in North Korea, the same thing, or end up downrange of a 50 cal.
          China? Arrest, slavery, organ harvesting…and the state owned fawning media meekly trots out lies.
          We all KNOW this, but somehow Ukraine is different, despite common sense and the same rationale being applied.
          Simple solution – have an election.
          I’m sure the evil monster Putin would be only too happy for a ceasefire for that purpose.

          P.S. AGW is real and it’s your fault!
          Amazing how people are so selective in their beliefs…


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      the EU has some 5% of the worlds population but provides some 60% of the Worlds social benefits. To pay for them they cut back on such things as defence. Germany was especially guilty of that.

      Australia spends less than the agreed NATO requirement.


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        “Australia spends less than the agreed NATO requirement.”

        That’s OK, we can just invent billions of dollars of debt to pay for more useless high-tech toys forced on us by our masters in the USA. Its not that we are a gigantic, almost-uninhabited island with no land borders to defend and no chance of defending our beaches. Plus, the enemies that we are inventing total over 40people for every Australian.. I can see that going further into debt will be a great saviour in the future!

        Too bad Govts are terrified of an armed populace that had military training at school and the freedom to own assault rifles.


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        “the EU has some 5% of the worlds population but provides some 60% of the Worlds social benefits ”

        What does that even mean? A lot of the world doesnt have much in the way of social benefits. Or are you saying you overpay yourselves?

        “Australia spends less than the agreed NATO requirement”

        Last time I looked we werent part of NATO. Just because NATO has picked an arbitrary number, that doesnt mean anything in the rest of the world.


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          It means the Eu pays its people money it hadn’t really got which translates into it falling behind economically.


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          A common error Yarpos.

          A lot of the world doesn’t have much in the way of social benefits

          I believe you mean the rest of the world has a lower level of State controlled welfare. Up until the 1970’s in Australia most of the population did not plan to access a pension and relied upon family or industry support for their old age. Emergency support was generally controlled by the Good Samaritan or service organisations. We had community supported aged care, orphanages and free public hospitals. Now we have queues and waiting lists.

          The major difference in these sources of welfare is you can treat your family and community like S%!* and still receive state welfare, that is until the State runs out of other people’s money.


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        Every time any Aus gov. finds a little extra revenue it blows it on social security or a boondoggle, nothing for lasting nation building.

        We are doomed to remain a mine but even there, increasingly unreliable hosts.


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    “Cutting Ties With Globalist Run Governments

    As the process of transparency moves forward in the US we have to take into account that Europe, the UK, Australia and Canada are all still well under the hypnosis of the cabal. Things are changing overseas; the UK, Germany and France are starting to see conservative movements blossom, but globalists are determined to stop them from gaining political traction.

    I suspect we will see strained or broken ties with many former allies in the coming years as they crack down on their own citizens and show their true authoritarian colors. We’re already seeing this happening in the UK, Germany, France and Romania among others.”


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      I have always wondered who funds the protesters. It was quite clear that governments were funding the Covid protests because everyone was eligible for unemployment benefits. But what about the fossil fuel protests; those people who glue themselves to roads; chain themselves to public places; throw paint on works of art – they all get legal representation and usually get off without penalty.

      How much of all of that is funding from China or USAID.

      The patriot movement is building momentum. It appears set to crush the globalist take over of governments.

      I view Putin. Trump and Xi as patriots. Their country and their interests above what the UN decides is good for the world. The UN is driven by its desire to levy taxes on nations so it is self-funding to avoid the ignominy of living off hand outs from patriots it despises. UN has latched onto the Climate hoax with the hope of living off its cut of “climate ambition”.


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        Well said.


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          @RickWill @GlenM

          Samuel Johnson : Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.

          Putin, who personally sent to their death hundreds of thousands of Russian-speaking young men is a patriot?
          A card-carrying USSR CP member, a lowly KGB man until its collapse, a small mafioso in the 90ies, then …
          Oh, then ! A oligarhs’ puppet who plotted against them, with help of his semi-retired KGB bosses.

          I am not Samuel Johnson. Neither I am a religious man. But I prayed that DJ Trump is a patriot, who in his late age just had a temporary darkening of his vision, with help of good doctors he will recover, feel contrition and continue as his friends expected.


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        Not too sure about this, maybe they actually had a beef with the mandates and lockdowns.

        It was quite clear that governments were funding the Covid protests because everyone was eligible for unemployment benefits

        Actually desperate poor bastards who could not work due to having their business shut down or facing mandated jabs to turn up.


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        Not sure many on the Yellow Vest protests were on benefits.

        I don’t know if you heard about the mad scheme called jobkeeper where they tried to replace the ‘P’ productivity in GDP with public spending? You know for the people deemed ‘non-essential’ by the government that were not part of the ‘work from home’ crowd


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        Except for the fact that Putin and Xi both openly support the basic framework of the United Nations and want BRICS to be modelled along similar lines.

        They even invited António Guterres and Putin treated him politely when Guterres was critical of Russia over Ukraine. That’s not to say Putin jumps up obediently at every UN declaration but he sees value in playing along as much as possible.


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      It is worth noting here that Trump has issued an EO to review all regulations that overreach the law they are based on:

      Trump, in the executive order, said it would “commence the deconstruction of the overbearing and burdensome administrative state” and reiterated that “ending Federal overreach and restoring the constitutional separation of powers is a priority of my Administration.”

      This EO challenges administrative compliance to UN treaties that are not backed by legislation.

      All nations need to free themselves from the shackles of the UN inspired Climate hoax.


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    David Maddison

    There is a transgender vegan cult in the United States that is wreaking havoc.

    The Zizians.

    Killings across 3 states: What we know about the cult-like Zizians with ties to California

    SACRAMENTO, Calif. —
    A fringe group from the San Francisco Bay Area is drawing national attention as authorities are linking them to multiple crimes across several states.

    Who are the Zizians?
    They are a group that follows leader Jack LaSota, a 34-year-old blogger from Berkeley. LaSota, who uses female pronouns, believes each hemisphere of the brain can hold different values and identify as different genders, according to reporting from The Associated Press.

    The Zizians advocate for veganism and some — if not, all — members identify as transgender. They also follow the rationalist movement, which seeks to understand human cognition. Members of this movement are also concerned with the impacts of artificial intelligence.

    Law enforcement believes the Zizians are responsible for at least six killings in three states.



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    Agree with PETA – cruel and pointless

    The forced swim test involves putting a rodent in a container full of water with no escape for four minutes. The experiment is used to test antidepressants by watching how the animals react to being stuck in the water. Up to five rodents can be tested at once, but dividers are put up so they think they are alone.

    Why do they even think there is a read-across from a mouse stuck in a tub of water and a depressed person?


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    (iv) the Secretary of Health and Human Services shall terminate the Secretary’s Advisory Committee on Long COVID;


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      David Maddison

      It must be wonderful being American.

      Every day a new gift or multiple gifts (but not “free stuff”) from the first President who cared for his people in the living memory of many, the previous one being Reagan.

      And every day a reminder of how much of the money of hard working US taxpayers was being wasted and also went into the pockets of corrupt officials and Elites for the promotion of extreme Left causes.


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      NIH has poured $1.6 billion into Long COVID research, but little or nothing to study vaccine harms, causing patient advocates to hide vaccine injury.


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    David Maddison

    Millions of US taxpayers’ money, through USAID, was used to pay for lessons in degenerate Western art (such as Marcel Duchamp’s Fountain) to people in Afghanistan and was taught by “professors” who were employed by the Turquiose Mountain Foundation, a “charity” established by King Charles.

    I would have thought things like food, clean water, women’s rights and education were more important objectives in that hell-hole.



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      It became a hell hole when America hastily left it leaving its allies in the lurch and with consequences to this day for womens rights and immigration


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        America didn’t do that. Biden did. Without explanation or warning. Hastily does not quite capture the insanity of withdrawal in 24 hours with no planning. Only the Commander in Chief could have ordered that. And it was never explained let alone justified. It will be investigated by Trump.


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        It became a hell hole when America invaded it, ruined it, then had to hastily leave it, leaving its allies in the lurch and with consequences to this day for womens rights and immigration… Just like Iraq, Libya and Syria, it what Americans do.


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          And they threw the Russians out. It was the major source of heroin which was destroying Russian youth. So the Americans armed and trained the Mujadiheen, especially with Stinger missiles. Every town in Russia has a memorial to the Black Tulips, the black aircraft full of coffins. And the Americans trained and armed their principal ally, Osama Bin Laden. That didn’t work out so well. When they replaced the Russians the Stingers remained a problem.

          It relates directly to the US experience in Vietnam in the 1950s where they trained Vietnamese insurgents to fight against the French Imperialists. Including Ho Chin Minh. History just repeats with American interventions.


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        Is there anything that isn’t America’s fault? Damned if they leave, damned if they stay.


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    Before the EEC transmogrified itself into a Super(failed)State called the EU, its economy was at par with that of the USA, closely behind, very closely behind. Today, the EU, which since that time has expanded in geographical measure by leaps and bounds, is just at 60% of the US worth, from the best economy in the world at par with that of the USA, into a pariah.

    But one needs context too. The EEC, or let’s say Western Europe, was in Cold-War conditions financing its tip-top condition military machine that could hold a Soviet invasion together with the US forces, which is NATO. All that besides the fact that Western Europe was leading in car design and manufacturing technology, building Concordes, VTOL attack fighter planes, tunnels under channels, boring tunnels under the Alps, and building massive bridges when massive valleys are met with the boring machine.

    Today, the EU is down in the gutter on every level. They can’t even hold Putin inside his borders. Apart from th fact that Putin has got most European leaders by their twins.
    In my 73 years on this planet, I have seen Europe rise, and fall.


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      AS the EEC it was fine. When it tried to become a superstate it became burdened with bureaucracy, rules, officials spending on unnecessary things and it lost its impetus so that today it has fallen far behind the US.

      I would say it has better infrastructure than the US however which will need to spend trillions on ageing bridges, dams etc. The US also has jaw dropping amounts of debt.

      So all in all, the West is not in a good shape.


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        America has jaw dropping debt, but it is relative as the world is set in $US. Everything is measured in $US. Because no matter how villainous the government you have to park the money somewhere and America is the most secure place. Not just the actual returns but the security of knowing the dollar cannot collapse as everything is measured in dollars. It’s really quite perverse.

        It was the Chinese who lost the most in the GFC with the collapse of Fannie May and Freddie Mac, pseudo government bonds with higher interest rates, except it was all fake and non government. So America has a lot of cash which is not theirs because the returns are better. Even crooks and dictators park their money in the US, because next to gold, it is the only place you can. Even governments like Australia keep a reserve in $US. It’s a balancing act.


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        Yes, Common Market, great. Like the Hanseatic city system. Free trade.

        Economic Community, great. Schengen zone, euro. Worked incredibly well.

        European Union, a political unification to eliminate governments completely under a Franco/German dictatorship. The dream of Napoleon and Hitler. Total disaster.


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    David Maddison

    It turns out that Soros’ civilisation-destroyng Open Society Foundations were substantially funded by US taxpayers via USAID.

    Now that funding has been terminated those anti-civilisation movements funded via him with US taxpayer money are in big trouble.

    Dr Steve Turkey discusses;


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    “New Study Makes Case for E-SOVs Charging at Offshore Wind Farms”

    So, Service Operation Vessels may get charged out at the wind energy subsidy collector they are sent to service.

    I wouldnt trust my life to an electric boat in the North Sea in winter … or in spring, summer or autumn, oddly.
    More …

    Makes me wonder if these folk know that electricity and sea water can have interesting interactions.



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    David Maddison

    On 20th January, President TRUMP declared a national energy emergency.

    The purpose is to liberate energy by removing impediments to its production.

    There wasn’t one word about wind or solar but energy was defined as follows:

    (a) The term “energy” or “energy resources” means crude oil, natural gas, lease condensates, natural gas liquids, refined petroleum products, uranium, coal, biofuels, geothermal heat, the kinetic movement of flowing water, and critical minerals, as defined by 30 U.S.C. 1606 (a)(3).

    The purpose is to lower the cost of energy for all Americans as he knows how the cost of energy is built into the cost of all products.

    America is making energy cheaper while the Australian Government is making it more expensive as it continues to shut down the energy supply.


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    It’s a time for a speech. Konstantin Kisin’s HILARIOUS and INSPIRATIONAL Speech at ARC, 15min. ARC stands for Alliance for Responsible Citizenship.

    From the comments; “If you cannot speak freely, you simply are not free.” and “We don’t lead the world on innovation because we are richer. We are richer becasue we lead the world on innovation.”

    Tide is turning slowly but surely.


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    An idea, not well explored by the BBC.

    “Fog harvesting could provide water for arid cities”

    Standard BBC ‘coukd’, but also no exploration of the down wind effects – let alobe medium or long term effects.



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    John F. Hultquist

    Leland Dudek was put on administrative leave for being a gadfly at the Social Security Administration. Now he is the acting commissioner, replacing the two above him, namely Michelle King, who had a job titled Program Management and a pay of $211,848, and Tiffany L Flick with a pay of $196,908. [ 2023 data]
    I wonder what amount lawyers will pocket for sorting these sorts of things out, what government costs will be, and then there are the multiple downstream events that might,or might not take place. Will houses go on the market as Michelle and Tiffany want to move to Martha’s Vineyard?


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    a happy little debunker

    The Whyalla Wipeout…

    At a time when Australia is ‘trying’ to persuade Trump against applying a US 25% tariff on all Australian Steel and Aluminum exports to the USA … Labor have demonstrated, via this announced $2.4 billion subsidy (making Aluminum cheaper), that it actually wants this tariff applied and further undermine these energy intense sector’s ability to export.
    This has nothing to do with the workers or their welfare, but about Labor’s ability to claim “Orange Man Bad” whilst they continue their all out assault on Australia’s diminishing Manufacturing base.
    It is beyond sickening to see a Major Australian Political party (founded to ensure Australia’s ongoing prosperity) actively attempt to destroy it.
    Vote accordingly


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    David Maddison

    I am looking for a superannuation (retirement) fund that is NOT woke or “ethical” and committed to ESG and doesn’t avoid investing in real energy projects etc.. So-called “ethical” ones invest in wind and solar among other things.

    I want one that invests in genuine economic activities, not ones that rely on subsidy harvesting as with wind and solar or other woke activities.

    As “green” energy and other wokeness, DEI, ESG etc. hopefully come to an end in countries beyond the US, I don’t want to have funds stuck in dying green and woke investments.

    Any suggestions?


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      Buy shares in SpaceX.


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      Intralink does just what you described.


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      You want a fund where you can direct what to invest in. Something that offers a lot of choice with investment managers. I use the North wrap fund. Ultimately it depends on what they charge for the wrap service and the range of investments on offer. North are now owned by AMP. Prior to selecting my current financial adviser about 25 years ago, I used BT and CFS for funds I set up outside of my employee super. My current adviser was able to get a discount rate with North.

      Infrastructure funds (but specifically excluded electricity) that are in roads, car parks, airports offer a good balance of income, growth and risk. Specifically exclude anything that has DEI. The industry funds in Australia, including the sovereign wealth fund, are all DEI and Climate Hoax™ exposed.

      Term deposits are now up around 5%. Not spectacular but no capital risk.

      If you are paying for energy then investing in your own low energy use can be attractive. The VicGov offers reasonable incentives tio get off gas. I can recommend LedCom as a firm that makes the task of harvesting the VEEC a simple process.


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      They all have their foibles and none will align with your rabid right wing intent (as they would see it) All you can really do I think is pick one that gives you the level of flexibility and control you want and take charge. Or just walk away enitrely and do a SMSF.


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    another ian


    “JD Vance Delivers Blistering Response to Historian on Ukraine That Has People Cheering”


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    Kash Patel was confirmed as FBI Director by a vote of 51 in favor vs. 49 against, at 2:30 PM EST, 20 Feb 2025.

    Lots of people in US Govt are sweating profusely, and rightfully so.
    May they live in interesting times.


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    Thank God. Finally Kash Patel has now been confirmed by the U.S. Senate as the FBI Director by a vote of 51-49.

    Republicans Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski voted against Patel’s controversial nomination to lead the FBI.

    Patel stated that accusations of political bias were ‘grotesquely unfair’ and claimed endorsements from 300,000 law enforcement officers.

    Now we’re going to see a shake up.


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      David Maddison

      Republicans Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski voted against Patel’s controversial nomination to lead the FBI.

      Are they RINOs, yet to be weeded out?


      • #

        It does appear so


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        That has always been the case. They are openly RINOS, which reflects their electorates, which is why they have not been primaried out. The real RINOS are the ones who are 100% behind you. Like Brutus or Malcolm Turnbull or Mitt Romney, expect a knife in the back if you succeed.


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    another ian


    “Bird brains”

    “The best Bird Flu vaccine for you to get is the first one available to you.”


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    The EPA was due to report on the endangerment finding a day or two ago. I am yet to see anything of this report.


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    SMH actually outlines the general rules for politicians alarming their populations-

    “There are some basic rules to the contest. The leader who plays down a threat will lose. The leader who is reluctant to go public risks looking weak. The side that goes first in calling a threat terrorism will usually win because the other side has to play catch-up and use the same label. The way to talk tough is to amplify the threat.”

    Talking about the caravan with the stolen mine explosives in. Stolen years ago and no means to detonate them.. The most likely explanation is-

    ” It is possible the caravan was planted by criminals so they could reveal the explosives to police in exchange for a “letter of assistance” that would help one of their own get a shorter prison sentence. ”


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      Paul Siebert

      KP, #26,
      ____Always thought that caravan was a loaded dog story.
      ____Do we know for certain, it wasn’t just loaded with crates of cola and packets of Mentos lollies?


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      They say A Picture Paints a Thousand Words and one could make a surmise from the 4 pictures that lead into this article on the web page – wouldn-t-have-the-brains-the-low-level-crooks-linked-to-sydney-antis@mitic-attacks

      The low-level crooks linked to Sydney antisemitic attacks

      Leon Sofilas and Adam Moule were neighbours in a shabby block of inner-city flats, known for its fights, shouting and rubbish. Both were in their 30s. Both came from complicated families. Both had criminal records, and spent time in jail.

      They didn’t have work, much of an education or any interest in the conflict in the Middle East. “If you asked him who the prime minister of Australia is, he probably couldn’t tell you,” said Sofilas’ brother, Michael.

      Tammie Farrugia and Scott Marshall lived in a Liverpool flat. They, too, were broke; Marshall had a criminal record and a debt, while Farrugia was on a disability pension. They cadged money off mates. One, who gave them food, blankets and the odd $20, said the inseparable but troubled couple knew little about geopolitics.

      “[Marshall’s] never mentioned Israel or Palestine,” said a friend.

      These are some of the people accused of carrying out separate but similar antisemitic crimes in Sydney, which have fuelled fear within the J@wish community.

      Police and J@wish leaders believe there may be a puppet-master behind the attacks, many of which have used methods often employed by organised crime networks, such as firebombed evidence, cloned number plates, and the recruiting of unsophisticated, apolitical people desperate for money.


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    David Maddison

    ‘Political stunt’: Tony Burke slammed for pre-election western Sydney citizenship blitz

    Home Affairs Minister Tony Burke will churn through three days of citizenship ceremonies from Friday, giving thousands of new citizens the right to vote in crucial western Sydney seats which could decide the outcome of the impending election.

    EXCLUSIVE James O’Doherty
    February 20, 2025


    And let me guess… Most of these new “citizens” will be fanatical followers of the seventh century warlord?


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      Send the Burke back to the Middle East. Despicable and a thoroughly useless minister.


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      Burke plays roulette politics in brazen election-eve ‘citizenship for votes’ blitz

      Anthony Albanese’s enforcer Tony Burke has executed one of the more brazen pre-election acts, moving to protect Labor mates in vulnerable western Sydney seats by fast-tracking thousands of new citizens and voters in key electorates.

      With Labor MPs under threat of independent, Muslim Vote and Liberal challenges in seats spreading from Parramatta to the Blue Mountains, the Home Affairs Minister has made a calculated decision that growing the voter pie could work in the government’s favour.

      Burke’s citizenship blitz for 12,852 new Australians – just over three weeks after Australia Day and six-to-seven weeks before a likely early April election – smacks of Labor attempts to win “thank you” votes from thousands of new citizens in battleground electorates.

      The government is banking on goodwill from the new Aussie cohort, dominated by citizens originating from India (2365), New Zealand (1929), Britain (853), Philippines (581), China (556), Pakistan (396), Vietnam (381) and Afghanistan (289).

      While Labor doesn’t know if all the new citizens would vote for them, they do know that Sydney seats including Fowler, Parramatta and Gough Whitlam’s former electorate of Werriwa could come down to a few hundred votes. The ALP is also expecting big swings against Cabinet ministers in safe seats.

      Burke’s invocation of a citizenship “backlog”, which totals just under 50,000, and mocking of critics for whingeing and not being patriotic is a diversion. Whatever backlog exists and the timing of 25 special department-hosted ceremonies between February 17 and March 4 is overseen by the Albanese governmen


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    John Connor II

    ‘RIP James Bond’

    Furious James Bond fans lashed out online over fears that their beloved 007 is about to be besieged by sign-offs and sequels now Amazon has taken ‘creative control’.

    The franchise will no longer be in the hands of longtime producers Barbara Brocolli and Michael G Wilson, the daughter and stepson of Albert ‘Cubby’ Broccoli who launched the British spy franchise in 1962.

    The pair are stepping down and handed over creative control yesterday after 30-years at the helm of Bond to Amazon MGM Studios, which was formed when Amazon bought Bond’s parent studio in 2022.

    Death by a thousand cuts.
    007 will no doubt follow suit like Star Wars, with endless spinoff series, mindless low grade actors and boring predictable plots that trash their ratings.

    Maybe the next Bond will be a black, transgender midget who meows.

    Enjoy your Bond reruns, the best is over.
    Now, which was the best Bond film?
    I’d say Skyfall.


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      Golden Eye and Octopussy and Thunderball. Three different James.

      The later ones were very black. Great action films with not a shred of humour. A troubled sensitive assassin who worried about his parents and his relationship with women. More woke. Less Plenty O’Toole or Pussy Galore or Miss Goodhead or Goodnight.


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    I don’t know how they’ll vote’: Burke defends move to grant 12,500 citizenships

    No security checks! Albo tross et al are just a bunch of vote grubbing low life! They force South Australia to put Whyalla into administration/nationalise and guarantee debtors to minimise any fallout at a cost to Australia of two billion $$$$


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    The Australian is full today of how bad and wrong Donald Trump is.

    Even Henry Ergas, Greg Sheridan and of course the usual putdowns from Adam Creighton. I am so tired of what journalists think.

    But what did any of them suggest to end the war? It’s all fight to the death. For what? Why?

    The same with Gaza. Everyone critical. At best a backhander to Trump.

    What does endless war achieve? And why don’t they want it to end?

    Trump knows that whatever you do, half the people are automatically against you. That’s politics. And half the rest disagree although they have no idea themselves. And everyone is afraid to do anything, in case someone criticizes.

    If by the end of February we have peace in Ukraine and peace in Gaza, we have peace. What comes of that is up to everyone. But critics? No shortage of them.

    History will show Trump brought us back from the edge of WWIII. Starmer and Macron want a distraction from their own massive troubles at home.

    Meanwhile Chinese warships are 150km off Sydney. Just cruising.

    And in all this, what is the point of the UN?


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      Greg in NZ

      Yeah what’s with Xi’s navy cruising just beyond the horizon from (once) Manly Beach: since last night on radio-land news – in between Orange Musk Man Bad rants – there’s little fluffy pieces about oh it’s just 3 Ch!nese warships in the Tassie, now back to Dictator Donald!

      What’s up with that?


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    I was at a ‘forum’ on Tuesday evening held in Upper Coomera in my electorate of Forde, ostensibly about the Australian Energy Future, well the Opposition version of that anyway. It was hosted by my local Federal member, and the member of the adjoining seat, both LNP. As a guest speaker, they had Ted O’Brien, The Shadow Minister for Climate Change and Energy, and in the Shadow Cabinet.

    He spoke for around half an hour, and here, I’ll be kind, and say it was basically the party line. He then took questions for an hour and a half. He was articulate and knew his stuff, but (as expected, because the audience is basically clueless) nothing of any engineering detail.

    I was impressed and disappointed at the same time.

    The attendance was the impressive part, easily 250 plus, and having just said that, that was also the disappointing part. They were all my own age, and I would have been hard pressed to find half a dozen, tops, younger than 30, and that gives me the real impression that they are just not interested in that, and frankly, that’s pretty frightening really.

    The main thrust it seems to me is Nuclear power, and while that’s a good thing, (in the long run) that needs to be tempered by time, to actually get elected, get the legislation up, and then begin and continue the process. All of that is at least 20 years off, and here, consider, they would need to be consistently re-elected, as the other side would just ‘can it’. There was some discussion about SMR, but again, over the head of the audience. (at considerable altitude)

    As an Opposition it seems they are distinctly against renewables, for all the correct reasons, and that’s a good thing.

    There were the usual three or four dissenters, (and politely shut down in fact, surprisingly, more by the audience than from the ‘stage’) and here, even I learned a lesson, not from the dissenters, but from Ted O’Brien’s response to one dissenter.

    There was waffling about keeping those existing coal fired plants operational, but hey, that time for the Nukes to come on line is the problem here, as those existing coal fired plants will be long long long expired by then, and there are no plans for new coal fired plants, again disappointing. There was also some ‘waffle’ about Natural Gas, both the ‘mining’ for it, and the power plants as part of the mix, but again, only interim.

    I expected there would be no engineering detail, because (a) the guest speaker having little if any knowledge on that and (b) the audience having even less knowledge than the speaker.

    So, there was absolutely ZERO reason for me to ask anything remotely technical. I did have my hand up for half an hour hoping for a question, which was going to be generic in nature, mentioning China’s rate of coal fired plant construction, when compared to Australia’s existing and even now ancient fleet of coal fired plants, mentioning that those Chinese plants are three and four levels of technology higher than ours and emit considerably less CO2, if that was even important, the question being if coal fired plant construction was even considered in ….. ‘all options on the table’, but again, that altitude thing comes into play, even with that, so I wasn’t really disappointed that I didn’t get the chance to ask what would have been seen as a ‘pointless’ question that no one would have understood anyway.

    Nearly all questions asked were coming from that zero knowledge base, and I could have answered them all quite easily, and probably with less ‘waffle’ and ‘party line politics’.

    I knew all this before I even showed up.

    ALL I really wanted to do was to see the audience, (an impressive attendance) gauge their ideas on this important subject, (little if any understanding at all) see how much the Shadow actually did know, and here that surprised me as his answers were accurate, and articulate.

    I wasn’t disappointed that I didn’t get a question in, as it would actually have been wasted pretty much really.

    The whole thing confirmed my beliefs, that both sides of politics really are taking us down opposite paths, and both paths lead pretty much to major problems.

    So, in reality, I guess that’s it for me now. What’s the point. I gave it my best shot, but no one really cares.

    The actual importance of ENGINEERING in all this has been ‘snowed over’ by politics, ideology, groupthink, virtue signalling, and of most importance ….. tell them what they think they want to hear, this last phrase actually meaning ….. don’t say ANYTHING (no matter how true or accurate) that will perceivably get us into trouble.

    Okay, the lesson I learned.

    The usual (smarmy, I’ve got you here) what will you Nuclear power plant proposers (well, conservatives) do with the nuclear waste. Got no answer to that one have you?

    Well, here, Ted O’Brien had a really good response.

    Just tell them you’ll put it in the same place the Labor Party are going to put their nuclear waste. They’re the ones who approved AUKUS nuclear submarine program, and part of that program is having to handle and dispose of the nuclear waste from that.

    I never even thought of that as a comeback.



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      I’ll deal with the disappointing part separately here, the lack of younger people at a Forum like this, even if party political in nature.

      To virtually everyone, electrical power is something ….. that comes out of the proverbial ‘hole in the wall’. That is, until it ….. DOESN’T.

      Then ….. there’s nothing. Life just stops. The consequences are actually horrendous.

      We are now so blase about it that it’s not even a consideration. It’ll always be there.

      No one even thinks about what would happen if it ….. wasn’t there.

      You can even say ….. well I have a backup generator. What happens when the fuel, and your extra fuel ‘in the can’ runs out? All the petrol stations need power to run the pumps to get the fuel out of their tanks.

      You can even say, well, lucky me, I have panels and a battery that supplies all my needs at home, (well, provided you’re completely disconnected from the Grid) but here that’s just your own home. Nowhere else at all has electricity, so even though you might have power, nothing else you do in life has any access to power, so after you run out of food, there’s nothing you can get from anywhere else, provided it’s all within walking distance, and then imagine if outsiders see your lights on at night, and, well, you can guess the rest.

      What happens if you’re old living in high rises or even nursing homes.

      What happens to communications, hospitals, law enforcement, emergency services, the roads, what happens at night. Phones go flat, and no recharge. Etcetera!

      EVERYTHING will just stop.

      You NEED power that can actually deliver for 24 hours of every day, not just on and off, or even not on at all.

      ALL I have ever done is to try and explain that.

      Sitting at that forum the other night, it finally hit me.

      Even though, at every stage of the way over the last 17 years, I have tried to explain it all in a manner that the average person can understand, it’s (all of it) still far and away just way too technical for anyone to understand, and then, far more important that that even ….. NO ONE wants to know, and no one even cares any more. It’s a necessity of life (like water from the tap) that no one can do without, and when it all stops, imagine that disaster.

      Electrical power generation is now all political. There’s now no need to explain even the most basic simple engineering to people. We know all that ‘stuff’, as we have economists who have explained it all to us, so just leave that all to us. So there’s no need for you to even think about it at all.

      And please, don’t think of me as being cynical here.



      • #

        No problem, there will always be a wind turbine operating somewhere I have been informed on websites.



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      People say we live an increasingly technocratic state, but I think it is more of a metric leviathan – any spreadsheet will do to drive policy as long is there is something being measured


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    Albo forces cyclone name change

    Two tropical cyclones could form near Australia in the next few days – but the next to develop will not be known by its planned name.

    The next tropical cyclone to develop was supposed to be named ‘Anthony’, following Tropical Cyclone Zelia in Western Australia last week.

    However the Bureau of Meteorology has this week changed the name to avoid any confusion with Prime Minister Anthony Albanese.

    The next cyclone to form will instead be known as ‘Alfred’.


  • #

    Goodness me!
    Did Donald Fagen really call Walter Becker a “gay piece of S height” ?

    Is he allowed to say that?

    And YouTube runs with it?

    What is the world coming to?

    YouTube running with the hares and hunting with the hounds – surely not.

    There is increasingly a bit of it about though , I have noticed.


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      Reminds me of Muss well brook!

      Walter and Donald looked on one of those Globes of the Planet Earth, and the furthest place they could find opposite from New York, was Musswellbrook, in NSW. (Umm, the home of Bayswater) (on their song, Black Friday)

      And how easy to say all this now that Walter is dead!

      And then there’s the classic work from Walter in the band’s cover of Duke Ellington’s East St. Louis Toodle-oo, where Walter’s guitar sound like the horn section from the Duke’s song, perhaps my favourite song from this wonderful group.

      Oh, and don’t go go looking for where the group got their name ….. Steely Dan from, eh!

      Nyuk nyuk nyuk, and now you all will, eh!



      • #

        “where the group got their name”

        Naked Lunch is one of my favourite movies – especially the soundtrack , courtesy of Ornette Coleman.

        Yes , the Ellington cover was a stand-out.

        But the John Lennon take-down of Only A Fool Would Say That is also a gem.


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    NATO engaging civil society in the Asia Pacific – the contents of discussions are classified for ‘National Security’

    Our deep state is not as wide as the US, but it is deeper…


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    Kalm Keith

    Jo says:

    “Keith, then you don’t realize (which you quoted) is an AI? – Jo”

    I read that and understood that Cementà had forced the AI to eventually acknowledge the truth.

    I agreed with Cementa.

    That the AI was pushed to the right answer was the point.

