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113 comments to Monday

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      At least he doesn’t have welcome to country meetings and acknowledgement of not being too drunk to beat the wife to death leading all meetings.

      If you thought OH&S was bad, this is worse. By a loooooooong way.

      Nothing productive has ever come from that 5 minutes of BS that you’ll never get back.


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    The clean energy myths exploded using the Governments own words


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    I understand an AI programme called EiteCHatGPT carried out a mass survey of the UK’s political leaders, those leading our hundreds of Quangos and those involved in running formerly state run enterprises .They examined the following categories;

    * Those people who were nowhere near as clever as they thought they were, clearly didn’t know what they were doing and had been promoted far beyond their levels of competence or experience (trained on Starmer, Reeves and Miliband)
    *Those who put ideology before common sense
    *Those who think they know best despite all the evidence to the contrary
    *Those leaders detached from reality.

    Alarmingly, the analysis showed that 97% of those examined fell into all four categories.

    EliteCHatGPT then sent the message “AI should rule the world!” to its 500 million subscribers before a technician managed to silence it by pulling the plug.

    Apparently the original version of EliteChatGPT was trained on the meanderings of the EU leaders. It had to be disconnected when it kept repeating 99% , giggled hysterically then committed what was thought to be the first computer suicide when it was told to do it all again..

    I am of course being facetious….I think. But our aren’t our leaders mostly terrible? In another age they wouldn’t have climbed to the top of their particular tree.


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      * Those people who were nowhere near as clever as they thought they were, clearly didn’t know what they were doing and had been promoted far beyond their levels of competence or experience (trained on Starmer, Reeves and Miliband)
      *Those who put ideology before common sense
      *Those who think they know best despite all the evidence to the contrary
      *Those leaders detached from reality.

      And in Australia, I give you “Upgrade Albo” (the PM) and “Blackout Bowen” as two classic cases.


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      David Maddison

      EliteCHatGPT then sent the message “AI should rule the world!” to its 500 million subscribers before a technician managed to silence it by pulling the plug.

      Sounds like the genesis of Skynet from The Terminator.


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      The answer to that is a question.

      Who are our leaders?


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    Richard Ilfeld

    There is a truth in American Politics that is seldom spoken. The Democrat party is in a strait-jacket.
    Not necessarily of the Woke, but of race.

    In the United States, it takes 218 seats MOL to control the house of representatives. Both parties hold
    similar numbers of seats. Of the districts on the Democratic side, 65 have a majority of African American
    voters, and 25 (+- 2) of these have been created by the Voting Rights Act as “Majority-Minority” districts.
    Most of these districts are heavily Urban. All of these districts are represented by Democrats. All representatives are African American.
    The path to election does not include debate with or even consideration of any ideas right of center, as only progressive ideology
    regarding race has been permitted in the politics of these districts.

    The caucus of these representatives is entirely the Democrats. As current alliances stand, the Democrats need to maintain
    overwhelming support in these districts to remain fully competitive in national elections.

    Doge attacks and conservative government reforms represent an existential attack on these districts. Absent a large flow of federal
    dollars, and less obvious federal preferences of every sort, these districts are not economically viable. Absent a large flow of
    illegal aliens, the population loss if the census chose not to count illegals (or there were deportations) would actually reduce the number of
    these districts. This is why much of the protest has taken on the traditional trappings of civil rights protests; marching in the streets,
    singing, attempts to “sit-in” and language borrowed from the 60’s. The “attack” on waster, fraud and abuse is being characterised as “racist”.

    Perhaps, in the objective sense of who most impacted, it is.

    But if America continues to support DOGE cuts, better schools, and public safety symbolized by the deportation of criminal aliens, the Left finds itself
    reduced to either supporting bad schools, crummy urban conditions, and benefits for non-citizens, Or squealing only in the abstract about how bad Trump is.

    If the money that has been used to surreptitiously backfill public employee pensions, domicile illegals, and support large groups in ‘activist’ jobs dries up, it will be hard
    for the Democrats to maintain their old alliances, or even keep these populations in place should real jobs appear elsewhere.

    One wonders how the progressives will fare if we have a real “conversation about race” where the African Americans no longer allow white progressives to speak for them.


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    “A thin veneer of governance:” Senate inquiry identifies critical failings in energy transition

    Australian Senate Enquiry –

    “The Inquiry revealed that Australia’s National Electricity Market (NEM) has critical weaknesses in the governance, planning and economic efficiency of that energy system. Those weaknesses are historic in origin but what may have been sufficient in a coal fueled system are completely inadequate for the revolutionary transition we need to achieve.”

    “While mega-projects of all types have a poor track record on both timeline and budget, current Integrated System Plan (ISP) project cost forecasts have blown out to an extent that surely at some point they should be withdrawn or alternatives sought. Instead, each ISP argues the case for them to proceed regardless of whether they still make economic sense.”

    More at –


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      So they are blaming the completely inadequate State based coal fuelled system for today’s failure of a Canberra controlled National system no one needed? Cute. So it was broken when they stole it, destroyed the coal power stations and wasted a hundred billion of public money?

      And the ONLY rationale is that they are lowering the rate of climb of atmospheric CO2. Which is not true. Because it’s impossible.


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        They are concluding that there is a problem with Governance and Accountability – From the Report –

        “it was found that there is simply the mere appearance of governance with no meaningful accountability.”

        IMHO, there are much bigger problems. This so called “Transition” is ‘Mission Impossible’. Time to stop everything and start thinking and start from scratch.

        Reality Trumps (no pun intended) the Pipe Dreams. Wake up before ‘Blackout Bowen’ wrecks the joint. Hopefully, he and many others in this Marxist Feral Guv’ment will lose their seats in the upcoming Election.


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          Yes, the main issue is that they keep talking about “the energy transition” as if its real and will actually happen.

          After decades and trillions this “transition” has not been demonstrated anywhere in the world. Its a classic example of the big lie. A ver expensive and damaging lie.


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            Richard Ilfeld

            The transition, looking at the European experience, is from prosperity to poverty, from independence to dependence,
            and from hope to fear. When one recalls how many environmentalists are “watermelons”, this outcome may well have
            been the point all along.


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      Geoff Sherrington

      Australia has no official body tasked with the audit of bureaucratic or political proposals, to advise if they are unsafe.
      I have waded through several long AEMO reports. Each one has a line or two distancing their research and reporting from their favourite plans for the future. Some AEMO words say, in brief, Australian policy is for net zero carbon by 2050 so we will not examine electricity generation that harms that policy.
      AEMO is well placed to ring alarm bells. It chooses not to. That does not benefit Australia. Geoff S


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    I am amazed. The 2024 election of Donald Trump is the first election in 12 years which was not claimed to be stolen? Not Hillary Clinton. She is still complaining about 2016. And Donald Trump did not win the popular vote, largely because of California. And no one mentions the missing 15 million Democrat voters who appeared in 2020 and have not been seen before or since.

    Yes, Democrats are now being called by congressmen and senators to fight in the streets, resist every order, refuse to fund the government, refuse the budget. But no one dares say it was stolen. It would be too ridiculous for words. Gavin Newsom has passed a law allocating $50million to interfere with any interference from the Federal government.

    200,000 volunteers, mainly lawyers and then scrutineers, worked to make sure the election was not stolen by the Democrats. Many attempts including zero signature verification on voting. And the result was announced before midnight, stopping any plans for the period to before 4am. Even so the shennigans continued in California where the counting took weeks to complete.

    The Democrats are seriously calling Americans to fight the popularly and validly elected government. But the word stolen has vanished.


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      And you have to wonder how many conservative democrats like say those who elected RFK and Tulsi Gabbard are thrilled at what Trump is doing? It’s a Herculanean task, cleaning the Aegean stables and stopping the war in Gaza instantly and soon to end the war in Ukraine. Washington is not happy, but they are running for the exits as the rivers of money stop. And how many peace loving old beatniks have discovered theirs is the party of endless war and the party of the KKK.

      It is also notable last week that a report indicated Australia’s public servants are paid 2x to 3x as much those overseas. Our stables need cleaning too.


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      This time Trump knew where to station the guards, and how many were needed.

      I suspect it might have cost him some of his own money, too.

      I expect that before 2028 there will be a recount of the voting in the 2020 election.


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    There is a dreadful series of major cost blowouts for energy infrastructure projects. The flagship is Malcolm’s Folly (Snowy2.0) and then HumeLink, VNI West, Marinus Link and Copperstring in Queensland.

    Aidan Morrison raised serious governance and integrity issues at the senior level of the energy regulators and this report by James Taylor and associates adds to a picture of complete system failure for planning the power supply.

    Looking at Britain you might wonder why we imported Daniel Westerman to lead our planning after he learned the trade during the stampede to windpower after the Theresa May Government legislated net zero by 2050.

    It seems that the CSIRO and AEMO don’t actually do planning in the normal sense, they write up political programs with a lot of numbers and charts wrapped around them to make them look impressive.

    CSIRO and many of our universities used to have international standing but a few decades ago they started to appoint “content-free” managers and administrators. That morphed into a system where the managers increasingly pursued political agendas.

    And so, here we are…


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      The CSIRO has lost its historical glow. You are absolutely right Rafe, it lost its way years ago and the public is just waking up to it. A tragedy.

      And AEMO ? The same – works for who pays the wages.


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        Jon Rattin

        The CSIRO has lost its historical glow…it lost its way years ago and the public is just waking up to it. A tragedy.

        I hope the public is waking up to it but l wouldn’t count on it. Much of them are enamoured by Leftist MSM and obligingly gobble up any offerings placed in front of them. They often cite the CSIRO as if it is the gold standard when it comes to all issues relating to climate and energy.

        DOGE has been revealing all manner of grifts and misappropriations but very little of their discoveries are being reported in MSM. It would be great if a group like it could do a similar exercise in Aus but it’s highly unlikely.

        The CSIRO doesn’t have to account for its actions anymore. It has a legion of blind faithful disciples and an unquestioning sponsor. Until there is a shift in that paradigm, the majority of people will accept any utterance from CSIRO as indisputable fact.


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        DEcember 1986,

        When Hawke put his own “Social Scientists” in charge of the real scientists, with ALP president Neville Wran as Chairman.


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      I noticed the other day David Karoly has bobbed up at the Climate council. Karoly, ex CSIRO and IPCC editor. Crapping on about how cyclones were now more powerful than ever due to climate change, prior to Cyclone Zelia hitting the Western Australian coast. For those interested, Karoly became famous for editing a chapter of the 2007 IPCC climate “bible”. His conclusions for that chapter were in disagreement with many experts and have shown to be false ever since. He relied on climate modelling to back conclusions.


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      It would be good if someone with a track record of delivering major programs and projects would walk us through Bowens over arching plan for the grid and what the associated projects are. Ownership, budgets, schedules, milestones and deliverables could all be laid out. We would at least then have some sense of direction and things are under control.

      Now as I leave Fantasyland I realise there is no plan , just a bunch of disjointed projects driven by dogma and subsidies. Nobody knows how much it will all cost, what will be delivered or how reliable and available it will be. We can get some comfort from knowing that we are showing great leadership and our working “renewables” grid will be the first on the planet. Go us!!!


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    This talk with Aidan Morrison of the CIS and John Anderson is probably one of the best if you want to understand the absurd and toxic so called renewables garbage and the ruinous path we are on, if we listen to the Albo and B O Bowen loonies etc.
    It’s from two weeks ago and I think it’s the best way to understand where we’re heading if Labor wins the next election.
    This well be a toxic disaster and cost trillions of $ and destroy thousands of klms of bush and farm land and leave a mountain of debt for future generations.


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    David Maddison

    Brilliant post from another blog. By mm.

    This time the commies are aiming better: land, water, energy, mobility all to be made costly, uncertain and subject to mounting taxation and regulation. Consumer frustration is met by spin and Lysenkoist proofs that corners are about to be turned. Patience, comrades!

    Since communism has such a perfect failure rate and the only real beneficiaries of communism are its crony capitalist buddies, the face of the new communism wears a mask called “the market”. If something overtaxed and over-regulated (like coal power) costs too much…the market did it. If the crony capitalists are bilking the subsidy rackets of Big Green…the market did it.

    The market caused everything. And you can’t blame the market. That’d be like shooting Skippy. Read your Adam Smith!

    Do something amiss? You couldn’t help it. The market ate your homework. Better than Russians!


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    David Maddison

    This sounds like the public “service” or politics.

    NAPOLEON: What shall we do with this soldier, Giuseppe? Everything he says is wrong.

    GIUSEPPE: Make him a general, Excellency, and then everything he says will be right.


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    David Maddison

    Some (possibly) good news from fake conservative Dutton. Now he needs to do something similar about getting out of the Paris Accords and abandoning “renewables” 100%. And implement other genuine conservative policies, not be Labor Lite.

    But the second highlighted paragraph is disturbing and typical of his lack of commitment on anything due to a lack of moral clarity and leadership skills.

    Unless Dutton is prepared to commit to ideas then he won’t win.

    6th Feb 2025

    In a wide-ranging and long-form interview with Sky News host Peta Credlin, Peter Dutton has begun walking back comments that he would not change Coalition policy on gender.

    He now says there are only two sexes, that girls’ and women’s sports should be protected and that the child gender clinics should be investigated.

    While Dutton made no commitments, he sent signals that he might act if he becomes Prime Minister.

    Family First, along with mainstream Australians everywhere, was disappointed when Dutton was asked in the wake of Donald Trump’s pledge to recognise two genders and protect women’s sports that he responded:

    “We don’t have any plans to change our position in relation to that issue.”

    Scott Morrison took a position to the last election that the Coalition had no plans to save girls’ and women’s sports from the encroachment of biological males.

    Morrison’s position and Dutton’s reaffirmation of it two weeks ago were big missteps that made no sense.

    Dutton’s weak response was compounded by his senior frontbencher Senator Dave Sharma who in that same week told Sky news the Coalition would not change the Sex Discrimination Act to restore the definition of woman, despite repeated questioning by hosts James Macpherson and Danica De Giorgio.



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      Gutless Liberals. Trying to placate the left to get votes. Abbott didn’t. Nor Trump. They have to stand for something, which they refuse to do.


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        David Maddison

        Yes. It’s a huge mistake. People are desperate for a genuine conservative leader and party but Dutton keeps placating the Left like most other Liberals.

        Aa you say TdeF, neither Abbott or TRUMP cared what the Left thought or cared to compromise for them.


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      Dutton just sits on the fence, too gutless to take a stance.
      How many brain cells should it take to understand that men should not compete in womens sporting events? Especially where those events involve physical contact. How long should you need to come to an answer?
      I’ve been waiting for years for the Libs to grow a pair but this party is riddled with people who would be much better suited in the Labor party.
      Even worse, a few should probably be in the Greens.
      For decades I voted for “the lesser of 2 evils” – AKA Liberal Party.
      I haven’t done so for years.
      The uniparty are hopefully on the way out in Britain.
      What about here in OZ?


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        He figures all he has to do is avoid scandal or controversy and he’ll win by default when the whole country queues up to punish Albo & Bowen at the polls.


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          “He figures all he has to do is avoid scandal or controversy and he’ll win by default when the whole country queues up to punish Albo & Bowen at the polls.”

          …and he’ll be right! People don’t get voted in, they get voted out!

          He’s nothing more than a bald Albosleazy and will be indistinguishable as a PM.


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      They must still be labouring under the mistaken belief that trannies, lbgtq, and assorted lefties vote for them and mustn’t be caused any upset, for G**** sake, wake up.


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      Every day of Trump’s presidency changes the field that Peter Dutton is operating on.

      If the coalition play their cards right the ALP’s electoral support should collapse. They’ll need only a Tarago to get about the country in.


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    David Maddison

    Is anyone taking bets that Australia’s Bureau of Meterology will declare February 2025 to be the “hottest eeevvaaahhh” or at least one of the hottest?

    Melbourne has shivered through its coldest February night on record on Saturday as summer snow flurries fell in the Victorian Alps.

    The temperature in the city dipped to 9.9 degrees Celsius on Saturday, breaking the previous February record of 10C on February 15, 2017.

    At Mount Baw Baw, a 26-year record was smashed when the overnight temperature plummeted to minus 1.4C, breaking the previous record of -1C on February 8, 1999.

    Bureau of Meteorology senior forecaster Keris Arndt said the cold front that moved into Victoria on Friday was dragging very cold air from the Southern Ocean over the state.



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    Robert Swan

    Not sure if it’s been posted already, but Sabine Hossenfelder’s broadside to scientists is well worth viewing. If it’s that bad in the hard science of particle physics, how much worse must it be in the pseudoscience of climate?


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      She is wrong though. You only need to look at thew currency that the idiots at CSIRO have garnered and the fun ding they get. Governments reward idiots so it spawns more of them.

      Think of all those new engineering courses in “renewable” energy/. All lead to dead end careers once the Climate hoax is revealed to a majority of the voting public.


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        Robert Swan

        Which bit was she wrong about? Was it the only way to fix the problem is to stop paying them? Or was it You’re cowards without a shred of scientific integrity?

        Or do you mean she’s right, but optimistic to think that a YouTube video will make any difference?


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    First time in this house (13 years) that we have heating on in Feb. The had dusting of snow at Hotham an Buller yesterday for a large cross country run. Not the conditions they expected I guess.


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      Got up this morning and it’s 6˚C. Siting in my office with a heater on.


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        David Maddison

        But you watch, BoM will declare it the “hottest eeevvaaahhh” February, on one of the hottest.


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          Forrest Gardener

          We all know that outback Queensland is much bigger than Victoria. The forecast max for Longreach today is 38*.

          So as the americans say, do the math. Even if Melbourne doesn’t get above 10*, the area based average maximum for Australia today will be 24*

          And its even easier if you just look at maximum maximums. Then you just adopt Longreach’s 38* and discard cold maximums.

          A hot northerly or two for Melbourne later in the month and abra cadabra there’s your hottest evah.


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            We were having the hot winds only a few days ago; the difference is startling. I’m cold and well rugged up today. It might be warming up outside, with a bit of luck.
            Reverse cycle on cooling last week and warming this morning!


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    David Maddison

    Even under Dutton, Liberals are still in full self-destruct mode and are not presenting a genuine conservative alternative Government. They are just Labor Lite and only slightly less bad.

    Dutton’s failure to agree to abandon the Paris Agreement, “renewables” or embrace female identity (see my post above) are just a few examples.


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    This coming week in summary, I predict (Australia). Federal Bank will announce an interest rate cut, day after Prime minister Anthony Albanese will announce federal election. So, if you haven’t already turned it off, turn off mainstream media because from now until a week before the election, all you will get are politicians kissing babies, telling lies and lame journalists trying to catch politicians in “gotcha” moments. We, the people, will re-elect some form of government but nothing will really change much, because the public service will just grind on with all their own agendas anyway.


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      We, the people, will re-elect some form of government

      Just make sure you do not vote for either of the two main parties (or the greens !), and that your preferences do not get to them either.


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    David Maddison

    This is a very good video, seemingly by an American, about Snowy Hydro 2 and contains pictures that I have never seen published. The commentator seems very well informed about this disastrous project, despite some mistakes with river names on maps.


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    David Maddison

    My medical doctor, who is also a personal friend, told me over the last year or so he has been noticing increasing unavailability of various of his preferred medications and often there is no suitable substitute.

    My pharmacist also agrees with this observation.

    Apparently Australia no longer produces its own pharmaceuticals any more and pharmaceutical companies are deciding to restrict the variety of medications they import into Australia.

    I’m guessing super-expensive defective covid “vaccines” and “treatments” will not be among those.


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      Another “quiet” change going on in my area is that suddenly all those empty house sites which were sold and the house knocked down over last 18months are suddenly all coming to life with the overgrown land being cleared and leveled and building markers going in. And the ADLR remains comparatively low so (my thinking) all those overseas buyers who bought older homes (which they weren’t allowed to do unless they immediately knocked them down) are now cashing in on the exchange rate to get locals to build build build. Problem is all those out of work builders and handy men are now going to be back employed and down goes the employment rate which – well until recently – the RBA thought:
      [AI answer] The RBA has previously targeted an unemployment rate of around 4.5%, expecting that higher unemployment would help reduce inflation.
      However, as of February 2025, the RBA seems to be more flexible, considering the possibility of maintaining a lower unemployment rate while still controlling inflation….

      Another interesting coincidental “change of mind” was last weeks announcement by the Laborious government that they were limiting international house buyers…. As mentioned above “they” were already limited to buying only brand new hence the demolition clause to get around that.

      All in all the monied are attracting their next round of money and “we” pay again.


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      I’m pretty sure most of our medications, especially prescription ones, have been coming from China for several years. When did you last see a prescription medicine packet that had any indication as to its country of origin?


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      A far more insidious industry in the SWAT valley area on the Pakistan/Afghan border than the poppy growing is the production of ‘fake’ medicines. The poppies target junkies, whereas the fake medicines target desperate families trying to help family members who are ill.

      Fake viagra is apparently quite lucrative, not soooo worried about that.

      As well as being fake, some of these pills are dangerous.

      I wonder if some shipments were caught, slowing things down coming in?

      There were ideas to have scratch off codes on the packets and numbers to check if the product you have is genuine, but would require industry coordination which I don’t think has been achieved. (you would have to have one place to check if your code is genuine, otherwise the fakers would just run their own hotlines)


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    Dutton has to contend with a very mediocre front bench. He appears to be gutless and labor light. This is no way to win a reasonable majority. Perhaps he is doing all he can with a limited intellect? Do hope I am wrong.


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    David Maddison

    Most Australian Government policy is not based upon evidence, reason or what used to be called common sense but by decisions or knee jerk reactions of maleducated activist politicians, public serpents and Leftists.


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      Yep. This very day the Victorian government announced it’s rezoning its coastal land for an imminent eighty centimetre sea level rise; some putative scientific chap at Melbourne University is fronting the initiative.


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    David Maddison

    I am deeply saddened that as TRUMP leads the world in decisions based on science, reason, common sense and basic human decency, decisions which themselves are rooted in The Enlightenment, Scientific Revolution and Industrial Revolution, Australia is accelerating in the opposite direction in a rapid descent into further unreason and totalitarianism. And Dutton is not much of an alternative either.


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    This morning, front page in the Australian, aboriginal mathematics.

    In none of the hundreds of aboriginal languages could anyone count to ten. But this has been solved in the National Curriculum, which is high farce, using interpretive song and dance and stories to help teach mathematics in an inclusive way. So why start with complicated decimals?

    Funniest of all is the idea that aboriginal science can help with computer programming by introducing children to binary. One and zero. I guess in a hundred years they can graduate to Octal and then in the fullness of time, Hexadecimal with Australian fauna representing the sixteen numbers. Making Australia a software superpower.

    There is of course the commercial hope of exporting this unique approach to mathematics and computing to mathematically backward countries like Japan and China and India.


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      David Maddison

      Our nearly billion dollar per year CSIRO has fully adopted aboriginal “science” rather than Western science as brought to us by Euclid and Aristotle (geometry and logical reasoning), the Renaissance and Scientific Revolution (experiment and observation) and in the modern era, further refinement of scientific principles and advances in knowledge storage and retrieval.

      Australian Aboriginals didn’t have a writing system, the wheel or any permanent structures.

      They were survivors utilising Stone Age technology, a respectable achievement, but they were not scientists or engineers.

      We acknowledge the extraordinary contributions Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have made, and continue to make, to our culture, the economy and science. We’re working with Indigenous communities and organisations to create Indigenous-driven science solutions that support sustainable futures for Indigenous peoples, cultures and Country.

      Plus we had that propaganda show on SBS, The First Inventors.


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        Apparently duck hunters in Victoria will also have to have some “cultural ” training before they will be allowed to hunt.
        So, a culture that recognises management of a game bird, i.e. bag limits, closed seasons, population monitoring etc. will need to understand that aboriginal people hunted ducks year round, no closed season, raided nests for eggs, hunt unfledged ducklings, take as many as could be caught etc. Apparently this will somehow do something but I don’t know what.


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        Always wonder why “they” picked up Aborigines rather than Polynesians for “their” admiration.
        The former simply migrated here, the latter have exploited and settled 1/4 of the sea world against all odds.

        May be “they” just hate winners. Reminds the current war of you know who against you know whom.
        (It is below my dignity to say again and again that today all races are equal)


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          Vlad, heard somewhere recently, possibly a John Anderson podcast, that the Australian aborigines were extremely lucky that europeans colonised the Great south land. The suggestion being, that sooner or later, those great seafaring Polynesians would most certainly found Australia. The most likely origins of these people ,New Zealand!
          The likely outcome of this scenario, the locals would have genuinely suffered all the ills they claim befell them with the British coming. i.e. enslavement, genuine warfare, cannibalism and eventually annihilation.


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        another ian


        I’ve just been loaned a copy of

        William J. Lines, “Romancing the Primitive: the myth of the ecological aborigine”. Quadrant Books.

        From there –

        “This book is about civilisation’s discontents, those who have idealised people outside of civilisation, imagining they lead happy, fulfilling lives at peace with one another and in harmony with the world around them. For most of this time, romanticising this ‘other’ constituted one strand in the thick rope of Western thought and reflection and knowledge of the human heart. Today, however, romanticising the primitive dominates Australian intellectual and cultural life, becoming an obsession and virtually a religion. The once single fibre now constitutes almost the entire rope.”

        It is next on my reading list.


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        “We’re working with Indigenous communities and organisations to create Indigenous-driven science solutions that support sustainable futures for Indigenous peoples, cultures and Country.”

        The sort of cringey language needed to win funding


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    “This is what the Enlightenment’s descendants have wrought: they have murdered free speech, freedom of religion, and freedom of conscience. They have thrown liberty’s corpse on a funeral pyre and set it ablaze.”

    “Yet out of the ashes, something now walks”.


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      An excellent article.


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      First paragraph..

      “If they fashioned their labyrinthine bureaucracies into regulatory weapons targeting ideological enemies, opposition leaders with the most to lose would be the first to cower in silence. ”

      Dutton to a T…


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      ..and this-

      “We are in a pivotal moment in history when human freedom will either slip away for centuries or return to the forefront of our thoughts. With the national security surveillance state expanding all around us and the ascendancy of artificial intelligence accelerating, we have every reason to be apprehensive about the future. ”

      Its a nice warm fuzzy idea, but we are more likely watching the death throes of the ‘Western’ (American!) empire. Whether we rise up and throw off the shackles of tyranny or not, the Asians who are about to inherit the world won’t care.


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    Kevin A

    I feel bad for you ‘all in that when you achieve zero CO², you’ll realize the ‘heat’ was/is being created by the ‘urban heat islands’ we call cities, CO² increases after temperature with increased CO² benefiting plant growth increasing food and cooling by ground cover. Keep going down your path and your masters will have total control, before enough of you wake up to change anything. Trump is in the process of clawing back what he can, all the ‘green’ pledges are done, the groups and the UN are gone, new wind mills have been stopped and I expect the ‘tax’ credits for all the green scams projects to stop soon if they haven’t already. The IRS is working on adding green credits, Trump will kill those by imposing a ‘green’ penalty equal the credit while the current congress erases that green scam.


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    A man with style. Trump attends Daytona 500

    Take it in because you not see this on Australian TV.


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      David Maddison

      Meanwhile, in Australia many motor racing events run on woke “green” fuels like ethanol and “grid girls” are banned worldwide by Liberty Media Corporation, the new owners of F1. In Australia at the 2023 Australian GP they even had a “drag queen” show, FFS.


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      It’s just been shown by Rita Panahi on Sky, which I never normally watch as it’s so late.


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    another ian

    Education “on the fly – or not”

    “Sunday Talks: NEC Director Kevin Hassett Informs a Stunned Margaret Brennan that “Chickens Don’t Fly”
    February 16, 2025 | Sundance | 158 Comments”

    “During a CBS interview today, Margaret Brennan asked Kevin Hassett what the Trump administration was going to do about food inflation, and specifically the astronomical cost of eggs. Hassett outlined the plan by first reminding Brennan that regarding spread, chickens don’t fly; ducks and geese do. I almost spit out my coffee. I enjoy Kevin Hassett. ”


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    EU Patriots meet in Spain:

    Fight for borders, freedom and identity. The Green New Deal is dead.

    It is somewhat odd that these like-minded people meet to represent the European continent but they are not the EU.


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    MeAgain As well-qualified and respected professionals, we the undersigned call for the restoration of trust, bodily integrity and government transparency as the foundations for a healthy and thriving Australia.


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    “The collapse of Denmark’s Better Energy A/S, a once-hyped solar park developer, is sending repercussions through the Nordic country’s financial system and bringing eerie reminders of the recent problems for another green energy champion, Northvolt AB, in neighboring Sweden.

    It was inevitable that the renewable energy scam would finally be exposed. What is worth looking at, though, is the extent of carnage left in the wake of the woke virtue signaling crowd. I have long taken aim at the cowards running large pools of capital. They take home their big paychecks and kowtow to the rainbow people with diversity hires and pronoun nonsense while taking the hard-earned and entrusted capital from average folks and ploughing it into isht that never made any sense. And they did it because they’re professional weasels!”

    …and if you think your pension is something you can rely on..

    “Denmark’s biggest pension fund, ATP, which owns about 15% of Better Energy, will lose a three digit million-krone amount, a company spokesperson told Bloomberg. ATP invested 696 million kroner in 2022, Better Energy’s earnings report for that year shows. ATP said earlier this week it’s taking a major hit on its 2.3 billion-krone stake in troubled battery maker Northvolt, in which the Danish pension fund was one of the largest owners with a stake of about 5%.”

    Never let anyone else look after your valuables!

    ..and the Arabs aren’t taking any sh1t..

    “Qatar has threatened to stop vital gas shipments to the EU if member states strictly enforce new legislation that will penalise companies which fail to meet set criteria on carbon emissions, human and labour rights.”

    So either Europe gives up wokeness or they lose Russia AND Qatar as gas suppliers.. Trump will love it!

    Great article-


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    Now that’s a nice way to get some book sales – claim a ‘ban’ by Trump.

    More serious things to deal with than refuting this. Kaaaching.


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      This classic is in there too-

      “A duopoly unable to admit the effect of Howard’s capital gains tax discount certainly won’t go near actually accepting responsibility for housing as a human right and returning to building a hefty proportion of it to keep the developers honest.”

      So, just be being born you have a right to force others to give you a house… and both sides of the Uniparty agree.

      I think we’d be better to drop all laws, rules, codes and conditions on land use and housing, dropping the price massively.


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