Not a government but a giant money laundering racket

By Jo Nova

Just another $20 billion dollars for the Climate Swamp

The New EPA chief has just tracked down another $2 billion handed out to a 2-bit nothing climate entity at the last minute. It’s only a tiny part of the Monster Swamp but it captures the spirit of bald-faced looting that was The US bloated Government.

The US voters voted to cut government spending on November 5th, so the obvious thing for Democrats to do was — the exact opposite. In the last days of the Biden pillage-n-steal campaign about $20 billion dollars was “allocated” to the EPA and parked in a bank account. Presumably in the hope of keeping the NGO activists of “climate” alive through the dark days of Trumpian hell. It may also have been a way to pay off friends, or stash funds for nice post-Trump career opportunities, who knows? But it was all a bit of a panic and the aid was jetting out through a fire hose. So much so, that, one community group with only a $100 in revenue, was given two whole billion dollars.

New York Post

The funds were set aside at an outside financial institution — Citibank — before Biden left office and part of a larger, $20 billion pot of money the former president’s EPA received through the Inflation Reduction Act to dole out to climate groups.

“It’s extremely concerning that an organization that reported just $100 in revenue in 2023 was chosen to receive $2 billion,” EPA Administrator Lee Zeldin told the outlet, referring to Power Forward Communities’ latest tax filings. “That’s 20 million times the organization’s reported revenue.”

The $2 billion was part of a $20 billion dollar spray that was supposed to go towards eight different NGO’s with instantly forgettable names like Power Forward Communities, and the  Climate United Fund. In the world of teenage protestors, and B-grade scientists  it’s a massive amount of money. Think how many hack modelers someone could employ to churn out meaningless papers with headlines like “Climate change is making crocodiles hotter”?

In theory, some of the money was supposedly going to “decarbonize” low income houses, which nearly as useless. In the end, a few poor people get to pay tax to employ a bureaucrat who spends their own money buying them a solar panel they wouldn’t have bought, which achieves nothing they didn’t have cheaper twenty years ago, but flows right on through to improve the solar stock options of some friends of the bureaucrats. It’s just a form of servitude. The poor get green electrons they didn’t want, and the only lives that are enriched are in the bureaucracy and insiders at the stock exchange.

To truly appreciate the soul sucking nature of the looting it’s worth revisiting the words of the young EPA staffer two months ago, who casually bragged about the wild spending of “$50 billion dollars”  in the last days of the Biden era bonfire:

It truly feels like we’re on the Titanic and we’re throwing, like, gold bars off the edge”

Project Veritas got undercover footage of Brent Efron (seen in the video below), who gloated that the money was being stuffed into NGO’s as “an insurance policy against Trump”. He giving it to NGO’s was so much better than spending it on government programs, because that way, it’s harder for the Trump administration to get it back. (We can see how much they care about the voters.)

He went on to say that he might work for one of these places “it would be really cool”. So the EPA worker and his colleagues were potentially stashing the money for their future careers. There’s a word for that…

Fortunately, the new head of the EPA, Lee Zeldin, has the receipts, and wants the money back:

Lee Zeldin demands return of $20B

New York Post

“The financial agent agreement with the bank needs to be instantly terminated, and the bank must immediately return all of the gold bars that the Biden administration tossed off the Titanic,” he argued…

The saying “like Gold Bars off the Titanic” will become legend, so if you missed this video in early December, watch it now. It really is something…


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54 comments to Not a government but a giant money laundering racket

  • #

    So an NGO was a Nice Grifting Opportunity under Sleepy Joe. Now to investigate the ‘Dribbler’ himself.

    And the EPA was Easy Profits Anonymous.


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      Biden’s pardon for Hunter & the rest of the Biden Family goes back to 2014 – Start of the Ukraine Maidan Revolution with Victoria Nuland in tow – 2014

      How amazing, but Biden did not pardon himself.
      but as the Special Counsel Robert Hur testified before the House Judiciary Committee on March 12, 2024, regarding his investigation into President Joe Biden’s handling of classified documents.

      During the testimony, Hur defended his report, which recommended no criminal charges for Biden.

      Hur noted that Biden’s memory was “significantly limited” during his interviews with the special counsel and his conversations with his ghostwriter.

      The report highlighted that Biden was not aware of how classified documents ended up at his home and former Penn Biden Center office in Washington

      Biden probably non compos mentis, and so unable to handle a trial


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    Simon Thompson

    The Biden admin was a criminal enterprise full stop. It was there to enrich the grifters. Golden rule of parasitology was ignored viz. If you suck the host (national debt) dry and the host dies…


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    David Maddison

    The New EPA chief has just tracked down another $2 billion handed out to a 2-bit nothing climate entity at the last minute.

    Australia’s disgraced former PM Turnbull did something similar.

    Remember when he gave away $444 million of taxpayer money to the 2-bit Great Barrier Reef Foundation?

    He must have been getting instructions from the same conductor.


    Astonishing: Malcolm Turnbull took just 11 days of searching to decide the Great Barrier Reef Foundation should get a $444 million grant, and without a tender. The head of the tiny foundation confirmed last night the money came as a “complete surprise”, given she’d never asked for it. What a scandal.

    Andrew Bolt
    August 8, 2018



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      And guess who The Treasurer was? 10/10 for Malcolm’s successor Scott Morrison. They just piss in one another’s pockets and laugh at us. Albo tross’ gamble of two billion of our hard earned to save Whyalla while at the same time crippling it ability to make steel competitively by closing coal mines


    • #

      And no one asks. Thanks Malcolm for the memories.


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      What was the allocated “spillage” factor, and where was Trumble standing while it was in full swing? And where did the “secondary spillage” go? A different “trickle-down effect”.

      Some old blokes and blokettes want to know.

      And the LAST people one would want to irritate are those who have nothing left to lose; primarily because it has been / is being STOLEN by the usual suspects.


  • #

    $ 20 billion – pfft, who cares? What everybody is waiting for is the release of the Epstein list.


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      Sorry Ross I don’t give a stuff about historical pornography and grubby old men praying on vulnerable females.


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      Forrest Gardener

      Whether it is the Epstein list or the JFK files or something else, there is a sense of optimism that something really big will come out.

      And at the same time there is a sense that the bad guys are taking every possible step to preserving their ill gotten gains and keeping themselves out of jail.

      The deep state antics so far have proven to be fizzers. It is though Trump has got his ducks in a row.


      • #

        Oh, he’s definitely aligned those ducks. In fact the duck alignment plan has been in fruition for the last 4 years ( or more ?) But it’s not just Trump this time either. From what I can see from way down under, is that he’s got a whole team backing him up. Whereas, last time ( 2016 -> 2020 ) it seemed it was Donald vs everyone else, including a lot in the GOP.


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    Winston Smith

    Corruption at this level is no longer a legal problem – it’s a survival of the Nation problem.

    [Snip. Let’s just say these people need to feel the full force of the law – Jo]


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    John F. Hultquist

    The young fellow in the video is named Brent Efron. That’s interesting in this regard:
    Efron is a Jewish surname derived from a Biblical place name, meaning “singing bird” in Hebrew.
    I don’t know how widespread the slang is: “To Sing Like a Bird” is a slang term that refers to the act of snitching or informing on someone to the authorities.


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      Greg in NZ

      Even in this little far-flung outreach of post-colonial serfdom surviving on the edge of the known world map, that phrase is well understood… oy vey!

      But what really intrigues me is what are those 3 Ch!nese warships doing in the Tasman Sea merely a few hundred k’s off Sydney Harbour – surely they’re not boat people seeking asylum in the once-great Land Downunder?


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    It never ceases to amaze me how often bureaucratic dorks fall for blind date honeypot operations by guerilla journalists.

    You would think that after the thousandth time one of their ilk got caught slipping on a hidden camera by Project Veritas or OMG, they would learn to be a bit more circumspect when talking about their jobs with an attractive stranger. But nope. They can’t help themselves. As soon as they get a couple of adult beverages down their gullet, they start bragging and air all their employer’s dirty laundry. James O’Keefe has been running this same sting operation for 15 years and it STILL works like a charm.


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      Honk R Smith

      I would guess the conversation took place in DC or Northern Virginia.
      Friendly territory.
      Most people are in the industry and hip to the grift, I mean fighting for equity,
      Only conspiracy theory outsiders have even heard of O’Keefe.
      They think the MAGA peasants only get info from Fox News, and all criticism of them is based on ignorance.
      They see DC as Smartlandia and surrounded by icky ignorant America that doesn’t understand how real politics work.


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    Ed Zuiderwijk

    I assume Mr Efron has been fired. But is he on a list for a prosecutor somewhere?


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    One thing I have learned over many years is to never underestimate how much of other peoples money a politician can waste.
    Here in Australia I wouldn’t need all ten fingers to count off the number of politicians that I think are “honorable” and/or competent.


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    Forrest Gardener

    The good news is that the code of secrecy has been broken.

    Recovering money will depend on how well it has been laundered. On that front I would be interested to know why the website hasn’t been updated since Feb 17 and why the total is a comparatively small amount of $55B.

    Oh well. Patience is a virtue.


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    bobby b

    I never really understood right-wing death squads before this.


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      Forrest Gardener

      Neither did Mussolini. And of course nobody expected the Spanish Inquisition.


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      Rename them as “Anti-Theft Squads” and it sounds a lot better.

      But that’s why fair trials were invented … because lynch mobs tend to get out of hand. The first thing you need is to gather evidence and Musk is in the process of doing that. He probably won’t catch all of them, but even putting a few on trial will make the others more careful. Exposure to the public will change a lot of attitudes.


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    Lets hope the smirking Efron mongrel can be charged and have his day in court for laughing about this theft of public money, just so a few treasonous left wing loonies can hurt even more of the poorest US citizens over the next 4 years.


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      Forrest Gardener

      My guess is that he was merely big noting himself in the hope of getting his rocks off.

      He may, however, be a useful bean spiller.


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    David Maddison


    Origin of expression “two bit”.

    The money-related definition of two-bit makes its etymology obvious: it is derived from the noun phrase two bits. However, two bits is an interesting phrase because it actually means “the value of a quarter of a dollar.” There is no such thing as a single bit, at least not anymore. The now-obsolete Spanish dollar (also known as a peso or piece of eight) was composed of eight reales, or eight bits, so a quarter of the dollar equaled two bits. The phrase two bits carried over into U.S. usage. It first appeared in print in English in the early 1700s (and later developed the figurative sense of “something of small worth or importance”), and was followed by its adjectival relative sometime around the beginning of the 19th century. These days, the adjective has far surpassed the noun in popularity.


  • #

    Maybe the distinct possibility of a volcanic winter will freeze those Climate Swamp coruptocrats into submission.

    The Coming Volcanic Winter?


  • #

    Donald Trump has to balance the books,
    And hold to account any crooks,
    Who hoarded and stashed,
    Several billions and cashed,
    In climate-change crannies and nooks.


  • #

    None of this vast sum was intended ever to fix any problem.

    Fundamentally it’s an admission that Man made Climate Change is a scam. And they all know it.


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      Climate Cash Converters


      • #

        And it makes nonsense of the idea that critics of climate change are shilling for Big oil. Big oil and big coal and big gas has never done better. Ask China and India and America.

        The real grift is big wind, big solar and big war. After 36 years thousands of billions of dollars to have zero effect on CO2. And not a single conference on resolving world problems.

        We hear from the President of the UN about ridiculous ‘boiling oceans’ but we hear nothing about GAZA or the Ukraine or the Congo or South Africa or illegal migration or murder by illegal migrants.

        Defund the UN. Disband the IPCC. They are worse than useless. Cuckoos in the nest.


        • #

          I would love Trump to put together a panel of scientists to examine man made Climate Change. You could start with the CO2 Coalition. And make a definitive statement on man made CO2 driven rapid Global Warming. It started with Al Gore. Donald Trump can end it.
          The savings world wide would be more than DOGE.


    • #
      Steve of Cornubia

      Au contraire.

      A lot of that money was intended to fix the problem of not owning an oceanside holiday home (or several), a mega yacht or a private jet. In some cases, it fixed all three ‘problems’. It also funded retirement plans, post-politics careers, the odd Ferrari or Lamborghini, politicians’ kids’ university fees (including accommodation and living expenses), heated pools, fancy dining, bottles of Dom Perignon, expensive art, Rolex watches, caviar breakfasts, Hermes handbags, Jimmy Choo shoes …


      • #
        Jon Rattin

        All of these are necessary luxuries. The average tax payer should acknowledge that the monies from all their hard work should be rightfully funnelled into the expense accounts of unknown people and organisations to be spent indiscriminately on their behalf.

        It’s the age of the unwilling investor. May we hope that some of the unwilling start to wake up.


  • #

    While the Superbonus was presented as a major operation of energy efficiency and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, it was the largest single instance of greenwashing of our time.


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    The reason why countries are moving away from the dollar, is that it is now so heavily in debt, it has no real value. And, this article explains why. It’s now a matter of when, not if, the US dollar collapses. Trump may stave it off a few years, but he cannot stop the slip in confidence and the consequence growth in Brics, and the more countries join Brics, the more unstable the US dollar becomes.
