- JoNova - -

Not a government but a giant money laundering racket

By Jo Nova

Just another $20 billion dollars for the Climate Swamp

The New EPA chief has just tracked down another $2 billion handed out to a 2-bit nothing climate entity at the last minute. It’s only a tiny part of the Monster Swamp but it captures the spirit of bald-faced looting that was The US bloated Government.

The US voters voted to cut government spending on November 5th, so the obvious thing for Democrats to do was — the exact opposite. In the last days of the Biden pillage-n-steal campaign about $20 billion dollars was “allocated” to the EPA and parked in a bank account. Presumably in the hope of keeping the NGO activists of “climate” alive through the dark days of Trumpian hell. It may also have been a way to pay off friends, or stash funds for nice post-Trump career opportunities, who knows? But it was all a bit of a panic and the aid was jetting out through a fire hose. So much so, that, one community group with only a $100 in revenue, was given two whole billion dollars.

New York Post

The funds were set aside at an outside financial institution — Citibank — before Biden left office and part of a larger, $20 billion pot of money the former president’s EPA received through the Inflation Reduction Act to dole out to climate groups.

“It’s extremely concerning that an organization that reported just $100 in revenue in 2023 was chosen to receive $2 billion,” EPA Administrator Lee Zeldin told the outlet, referring to Power Forward Communities’ latest tax filings. “That’s 20 million times the organization’s reported revenue.”

The $2 billion was part of a $20 billion dollar spray that was supposed to go towards eight different NGO’s with instantly forgettable names like Power Forward Communities, and the  Climate United Fund. In the world of teenage protestors, and B-grade scientists  it’s a massive amount of money. Think how many hack modelers someone could employ to churn out meaningless papers with headlines like “Climate change is making crocodiles hotter”?

In theory, some of the money was supposedly going to “decarbonize” low income houses, which nearly as useless. In the end, a few poor people get to pay tax to employ a bureaucrat who spends their own money buying them a solar panel they wouldn’t have bought, which achieves nothing they didn’t have cheaper twenty years ago, but flows right on through to improve the solar stock options of some friends of the bureaucrats. It’s just a form of servitude. The poor get green electrons they didn’t want, and the only lives that are enriched are in the bureaucracy and insiders at the stock exchange.

To truly appreciate the soul sucking nature of the looting it’s worth revisiting the words of the young EPA staffer two months ago, who casually bragged about the wild spending of “$50 billion dollars”  in the last days of the Biden era bonfire:

It truly feels like we’re on the Titanic and we’re throwing, like, gold bars off the edge”

Project Veritas got undercover footage of Brent Efron (seen in the video below), who gloated that the money was being stuffed into NGO’s as “an insurance policy against Trump”. He giving it to NGO’s was so much better than spending it on government programs, because that way, it’s harder for the Trump administration to get it back. (We can see how much they care about the voters.)

He went on to say that he might work for one of these places “it would be really cool”. So the EPA worker and his colleagues were potentially stashing the money for their future careers. There’s a word for that…

Fortunately, the new head of the EPA, Lee Zeldin, has the receipts, and wants the money back:

Lee Zeldin demands return of $20B

New York Post

“The financial agent agreement with the bank needs to be instantly terminated, and the bank must immediately return all of the gold bars that the Biden administration tossed off the Titanic,” he argued…

The saying “like Gold Bars off the Titanic” will become legend, so if you missed this video in early December, watch it now. It really is something…


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