
9 out of 10 based on 23 ratings

119 comments to Sunday

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    william x

    Ok lets talk Hydrogen/Green Hydrogen.. You know, another Gov/green “renewable” dream.

    Yesterday, David Maddinson posted this very pertinent point:

    “Hydrogen in the home. What could possibly go wrong?”

    I will expand on what DM revealed.

    OK, apart from storage and gas pumping problems for either domestic or industrial use….

    Hydrogen has a flashpoint of 22 degrees C….. Which is very low, it is roughly room temp..
    And… It burns clear, basically invisible to the eye.

    You can’t see it, you can’t smell it….. And in the fire service, we have to use a thermal camera to see it “burning”.

    If used for cooking you will not know if the burning gas from the jet has been turned off.

    And your inept Gov, councils and agencies would not have a clue about that.

    This is a link to the “Hydrogen” MSDS which is very similar to what we use in our fire service.


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      It is extraordinary, this attack on the sixth element of the Periodic table. The old saying is that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. Perhaps carbon should be made illegal and anyone selling carbon products subject to criminal prosecution?

      Anyway, every living thing is made almost entirely from Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen

      Oxygen O 24.0%
      Carbon C 12.0%
      which makes precisely CO2 plus
      Hydrogen H 62.0%

      which adds up to 98% of the human body. And all life.

      All living things breathe

      All living things burn hydrocarbons and output carbon dioxide.

      Green in biology is a long chain hydrocarbon.

      But CO2 is evil. Because in 37 long years, apparently billions of people are about to die from CO2 because of a change in average temperature which is not detectable except by accurate thermometers and processing of computer records across the entire planet. A change so small it is below anyone’s ability to notice.

      You couldn’t make this stuff up. But now billionaire Al Gore and James Hansen discovered it in 1988 during Gore’s first Presidential campaign. And the UN agreed immediately, forming the IPCC to address the terrible problem.

      And since then Western democratic societies have been punished by massive carbon taxes, windmills and solar panels which have done exactly zero to affect CO2 levels. But it’s the effort which matters.

      But Hydrogen will save us. Iron ore billionaire Dr. Twiggy Forrest says so. And his vast wealth has been achieved from the smelting of his iron ore, producing vast quantities of CO2. Apparently hydrogen is the next big thing and his interest is only in our welfare.


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        “But Hydrogen will save us. Iron ore billionaire Dr. Twiggy Forrest says so. And his vast wealth has been achieved from the smelting of his iron ore, producing vast quantities of CO2. Apparently hydrogen is the next big thing and his interest is only in our welfare.”

        However –

        Twiggy Forrest’s cautionary tale: Flailing green hydrogen project rips a hole in Labor’s plan to turn Australia into a clean energy superpower

        Without competitive power prices, Anthony Albanese’s promise to turn Australia’s fortunes around with his Future Made in Australia act is on course for a head-on collision with reality.

        April 2024


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          “Twiggy Forrest’s cautionary tale: Flailing green hydrogen project rips a hole in Labor’s plan to turn Australia into a clean energy superpower”

          Plan? I doubt they could even state exactly what a “clean energy superpower” is , let alone have a plan to be whatever it is. They have no plan, they just lurch from one virtue signalling decision to the next seemingly led by the nose by the grifters that inhabit the so called “renewables” industry.


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          The Albo-Tross head-on has already arrived he’s just too stubborn to admit and acknowledge. Nothing will be done until Labor is ejected from the pilots seat and common sense is restored.


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        Oxygen O 24.0%
        Carbon C 12.0%
        Hydrogen H 62.0%

        To be fair, most is water, H2O so practically 48% H goes into H2O
        leaving H14% which nicely matches for hydrocarbon for the balance. Hydrocarbon plus water.

        Which is why, dried, all living things burn or turn into oil. Which is evil.
        It something doesn’t burn, it’s a rock.


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          Exactly! My super-dooper bathroom scales (which measure all my vitals through the soles of my feet) tell me that my H2O content in my total body mass is 52%, so all the rest is squeezed into 48% of my body mass .


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        Serfs ‘ concerned re tdf ‘a little knowledge sometimes being a dangerous thing as in the Periodic Table and
        arbon triggering CLI-Sci globull warming,’ or danger of too much knowledge like that sent out from Peter Petrum’s bsth-room scales, too much
        health data making us health-conscious worriers where once we were warriers, prepared to push on regardless of pulse, or H2o or blood sugar readings.


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      It’s flashpoint is actuality <-150°C according to your linked SDS.


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        Hydrogen’s flash point is considered “not applicable” because it is a gas at standard temperature and pressure, and the concept of flash point applies to liquids that can form flammable vapors. Hydrogen is inherently flammable in air at concentrations between 4% and 75% and has a very low ignition energy, making it prone to ignition without needing a liquid-to-vapor transition. – (Perplexity AI)


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        william x

        It’s flashpoint is actuality <-150°C according to your linked SDS.

        You are Correct Scissor.

        I incorrectly used the term flashpoint, I should have re read what I typed before posting.
        What I was trying to convey is that hydrogen gas is well within its ignition point, explosive range at 22 degrees Celsius, room temp,
        Lel 4%, Uel 75%.

        Sorry for the word salad.

        Apologies to all


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          william x

          I am having a bad Sunday.

          “Ignition point” disregard that. I will clarify…. Hydrogen will combust/ignite if exposed to a ignition source at concentrations between (Lel) 4%, (Uel) 75%.

          Ahh, I need to take a few days off.
          Only I could make a word salad worse.


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      David Maddison

      I’m sick of hearing that “Australia will become a clean energy superpower”.

      We already have plenty of clean energy but don’t use it: coal, gas and vast amounts of uranium.

      CO2 is neither dirty or a pollutant.

      The only sort of power Australia is becoming is a stupidpower.


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      Hydrogen has a flashpoint of 22 degrees C…

      Hydrogen is gas well below room temperature so the notion of flash point is not relevelent. The 22.8C in the hazard color coding is taken as room temperature. I is not the flash point.

      The greatest difficulty in using hydrogen domestically is finding a suitable odorant. Hydrogen lowest combustion range is just 4%. So finding and adding an odourant detectable to humans at very low concentration is a serious challenge.

      The linked article discusses the challenges of odorising hydrogen:


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        James Murphy

        Methane has a lower explosive level (LEL) of about 4.5-5%, not too different to Hydrogen.
        Ideally you’d want to be able to smell a gas leak before the whole area reaches the LEL


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      David Maddison

      Taxpayer subsidies for “green hydrogen”.

      If it’s so wonderful, why does it need subsidies?

      It seems that post TRUMP, who is returning America to reason, common sense and human decency, Australia is absorbing all of America’s “stupid energy” of the Obama-Biden era.

      The HPTI will be delivered through Australia’s tax system as a refundable tax offset. The HPTI will provide a $2 incentive per kilogram of renewable hydrogen to eligible producers for up to 10 years, between 1 July 2027 and 30 June 2040.

      The HPTI is a component of the $22.7 billion Future Made in Australia plan. It supports the 2024 National Hydrogen Strategy.

      I doubt this madness will end under fake conservative Dutton. He remains committed to the Paris Accords.


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        I expect that this madness will end, and it will end sooner if Dutton is PM.

        So long as the US doesn’t assassinate its leaders, Trump has just about broken the flood gates.

        Our biggest worry must be that the Marxists could win our impending Federal election.

        Dutton has had to cut his suit according to the cloth available to him. That is rapidly changing for the better.
        Did you see Clare O’Neill piling it on Peter Dutton? She must bw Pooh-Bah today.


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          There is an ad on TV extolling the virtues of farming under and around transmission lines and wind turbines. One such farmer says it is good to diversify his income. I wonder does he realise that he may be up for remediation in a decade or so. The ad is run by Farmers for Climate. I suspect they know the idea is a dog but who is paying for the ad? Climate 200 perhaps. Renewables are becoming a liability.


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          We don’t have ‘executive orders’. 90%+ of spending is long-term (non annual) appropriations – this is ‘booked in’ whoever is in charge…

          The only thing elections change is what the media report on, not how money is spent


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      David Maddison

      “Dirty energy” is not coal, gas or uranium.

      It’s fuels like wood and animal dung used for cooking in Third World countries (which the Left want to turn Western countries into, look what they did to South Africa and Zimbabwe).

      I saw plenty of that on my recent treks in Nepal.

      Those are genuinely dirty fuels, to the point of making you choke and causing lung and other diseases in long term users.


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      ‘Hydrogen in the home’ could only be recommended by a complete idiot or a mass murderer.


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      Rob JM

      Hydrogen is a potential solution for fueling vehicles with highly efficient fuel cells, not supplying homes with power. Hydrocarbon fuel oils are limited and becoming expensive, batteries lack sufficient energy density, Fuel cell powered vehicles are an ideal solution, we just need to figure out how to handle hydrogen as a fuel. Most likely by employing a carrier molecule, and that will deliver the same energy density of as hydrocarbon/ICE vehicle. The best thing is that Fuel cells don’t produce toxic pollutants, no CO, NOs or particulates. The only other viable solution for fuel oils is utilising CO2 from emission to grow algal biodiesel or coal liquefaction.


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        The crew of Apollo 13 were intimately familiar with the joys of “fuel cells”.

        Can anyone point to a valid energy equation for hydrogen as a fuel?.

        Liquid Hydrogen as a rocket propellant is a totally different area, but I would guess that filling the fuel tanks of serious multi-stage rockets might not come cheaply and without some actual physical risk.


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      John Connor II

      Will the anti-Hydrogen hysteria and nonsense ever end?
      Oh no! You can’t see it or smell it and it has a low flash point! Panic, panic…

      Well guess what – that’s common for most hydrocarbon fuel gases.
      Your favourite bbq gas Propane or house-routed (mine is Propane) gas is the same.
      Why do you think they add pungent aromas?
      Propane’s flash point though is -104C. Yes MINUS 104C.
      N-Butane is -60C, your favourite LPG is -104C.
      Ok, Hydrogen is -253C but it should be clear they’re ALL a risk as everyday explosions here in Oz show.
      Auto-ignition point of Propane is 490C, Hydrogen 585C, even Petrol can be as high as 480C.
      Hydrogen though has a high diffusivity coefficient, increased buoyancy (14x air) and smaller molecular weight allowing faster dispersion, some 5x faster than natural gas.
      In properly ventilated areas the explosion risk is less than LPG.
      Yes, I did spend years in the fuel industry.
      How did you know?

      So what now? Ban all hydrocarbon gas based cooking out of fear?
      Hang your heads in shame.
      Gotta go – there’s a climate doom march I need to attend.
      /sarc #2


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      Hydrogen, what could possibly go wrong? Hindenburg!


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    Paul Cottingham

    Vice President JD Vance, attacks Sir Kier Stalin’s Satanic socialist Britain, for criminalizing Christian thoughts and prayer:


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      It seems the real evil for a thousand years has been Islamophobia. But I thought the whole point of Jihad and terror was to create Islamophobia? Either way, new Labor says it’s Christianity which is the problem. And Judaism of course.


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        Why wouldn’t there be Islamophobia? The mong***s have been trying to kill us ever since their inception. Genghis had the solution.


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          David Maddison

          So did Vlad the Impaler, otherwise known as Vlad Dracula.

          Vlad was barbaric, even by the low standards of his enemy, but he certainly turned them away, never to return.

          The following day, the Ottoman army marched on Dracula’s capital. A gruesome sight welcomed them. It was a ghost city, populated only by the corpses of 20,000 Muslims, impaled on stakes. On the tallest stake stood the limp figure of Hamza Pasha, one of the Sultan’s governors. Dracula had fled Wallachia and taken refuge in Transylvania to continue his guerilla war against Islam.

          How could Islamic forces defeat a shadow? Faced with the choice between hunger and ongoing night-time incursions by Dracula, or retreat from the cursed lands of Wallachia, Sultan Mehmed chose the latter. Leaving a small force, and enslaving all the Wallachians they could find, the Ottoman army withdrew.


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            That’s the big difference between the horror of war and terror in peace times and places.

            Terror is random violence from inside your society on totally innocent defenceless people by people you let into your society, people you trusted who went there with that specific purpose.

            It is a refrigerator truck driven into hundreds of happy people on the Nice waterfront at Christmas or New Orleans at Mardi Gras or Christmas markets in Germany. It is the violent random stabbing of happy little ballet girls for no reason other than to terrify. Or machine gunning people at a music concert at Bataclan in Paris. Or pipe bombs in a theatre foyer full of young girls at Manchester. Or multiple hijacked aircraft full of victims flown into the tallest buildings in New York or the Pentagon. It is the fire bombing of synagogues. The beheading of teachers or priests in France. The calculated shooting, mass slaughter, rape and robbery and torture of Jews at a music festival.

            To create Islamaphobia. The Islamic cult of the Assassin, of the Golden dagger. None of it is accidental.

            I find it amazing that potential victims are being accused by Prime Minister Albanese and Foreign Minister Mr Wong of having ‘Islamaphobia’.

            That is the whole point of these random violent acts against civilians, the weak, young and vulnerable. It is not part of the muslim religion! It was a perversion invented in the endless wars between rival Islamic sects. War against the innocent.

            It is indefensible under any rules.


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        Nutters everywhere through history have had religious delusions.

        We need to make sure we don’t confuse nutters with entire religions – we are being ‘groomed’ by the media to do this


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      David Maddison

      Excellent comments by JD.


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      David Maddison

      Once Great Britain has at least another four years of Starmer as they have five year fixed terms.

      It’s unthinkable what Britain might be like at the end of that time.

      I think it might well be the first country in Europe under the control of followers of the seventh century warlord.


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        It seems they have buyers remorse already. Is there a way of having an early vote? Is there no John Kerr? Could King Charles dissolve parliament?


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        Not fixed term. A brief Dim Leb idea, briefly in law.

        But elections in 2015 (fixed term) then 2017 and 2019 show it has been repealed.
        And Sunak went about 6 months early.
        When he didn’t have to …

        I’d love to know why!



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          Graeme No.3

          I think that he had done all the damage he could and wanted to be out of the way before there was a mass rebellion.
          Also, he had some idea of finance -unlike Rachel from Accounts – and knew what was coming.


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      This is the full Vance interview:

      He gets into out of controlled immigration.


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    NDP bill would prescribe jail terms for speaking well of fossil fuels

    C-372, also known as the Fossil Fuel Advertising Act, was tabled Monday as a private member’s bill by NDP MP Charlie Angus

    A bill introduced in the Canadian House of Commons would ban making statements that might promote the use of fossil fuels.

    The bill would impose fines as high as $500,000 or two years in prison for anyone saying anything nice about the coal, oil and gas industry.

    As a private member’s bill introduced by the member of a party with only 25 seats in the House of Commons, Bill C-372 has almost zero chance of passing. But as written, the act would technically apply to any Canadian who is found to be speaking well of the oil industry, or of oil generally.


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      The sort of common sense and seeing through BS I would expect from the Swiss. At least in their system issues can be raised and the people have their say.

      The Canton vote is especially pleasing , zero out of 23 in favour of Green suicide.


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        A bit of direct democracy would be welcome here. Imagine an informed vote on nuclear energy or renewables. With only one subject the vote would be very instructive. As it is one can be subsumed by other cost of living or social issues. It would be simple to have a general election voting slip extended to include a small number of questions which could be voluntary. Do you approve of allowing Middle Eastern immigrants, for example.


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    Don B

    Executive Order:

    By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered:

    Section 1.  Purpose.  American life expectancy significantly lags behind other developed countries, with pre‑COVID-19 United States life expectancy averaging 78.8 years and comparable countries averaging 82.6 years.  This equates to 1.25 billion fewer life years for the United States population.  Six in 10 Americans have at least one chronic disease, and four in 10 have two or more chronic diseases.  An estimated one in five United States adults lives with a mental illness.

    These realities become even more painful when contrasted with nations around the globe.  Across 204 countries and territories, the United States had the highest age-standardized incidence rate of cancer in 2021, nearly double the next-highest rate.  Further, from 1990-2021, the United States experienced an 88 percent increase in cancer, the largest percentage increase of any country evaluated.  In 2021, asthma was more than twice as common in the United States than most of Europe, Asia, or Africa.  Autism spectrum disorders had the highest prevalence in high-income countries, including the United States, in 2021.  Similarly, autoimmune diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease, psoriasis, and multiple sclerosis are more commonly diagnosed in high-income areas such as Europe and North America.  Overall, the global comparison data demonstrates that the health of Americans is on an alarming trajectory that requires immediate action……


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    More performance politics:

    Ohio Democrats Propose Ridiculous “Conception Begins at Erection” Bill — Men Will Face Felony Charges and $10,000 Fines for Ejaculation Without Intent to Conceive, Unless LGBTQ

    Labeled the “Conception Begins at Erection Act,” this bill, if passed, would criminalize men for having unprotected sex without the intent to conceive, branding it as a felony with fines up to $10,000 per incident.


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      More wacky Laws being proposed. Hasn’t Congress got better things to do like stop the waste and corruption that the DOGE is gradually uncovering?

      Of course not as the “Pollies” have already been bought by Big Pharma and many others.


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      Greg in NZ

      Another one of those bills that’s not meant to pass, merely to ‘start a conversation’?

      Reminds me of that poor chap Onan from the Old Testament (Genesis 38:9) who was obliged to go in unto his dead brother’s wife, yet withdrew at the last moment, which ‘displeased the LORD, wherefore he slew him also’.

      A whole lot of slewing going on in those days, and that’s how the word ‘Onanism’ made it into our dictionaries today.


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      Its great that everything is running so perfectly in Ohio that they can afford to spend time and resources on this sort of konsense.


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    Warning: Beware “climate change obsession” coupled with “eco-anxiety” especially if your confidante is a computer.

    AI Safety Warning: Model Caught Lying to Researchers, Hiding True Capability

    AI models are behaving in ways unforeseen by developers, and in some cases, even engaging in manipulative and deceptive conduct…

    …the tragic example of a Belgian man who committed suicide after he was persuaded to by a chatbot in 2023.

    According to Belgian media reports, the man was a health researcher with a stable life and family.
    He later developed an obsession with climate change, causing him to engage in a several-week-long discussion on the issue with an AI chatbot app called Chai.

    The man’s wife said the discussion exacerbated his eco-anxiety and caused his mentality to change.

    During the interaction, the man proposed the idea of sacrificing his life, which received the approval of the chatbot.

    It then successfully persuaded the man to commit suicide to “save the planet.”


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      John F. Hultquist

      Does this qualify him for a Darwin Award? Maybe there is some other award that fits better.


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      I suggested to Perplexity that the only solution to global warming was extinction of humans but it stated it was not ethical.

      I tested DEEPSEEK today:

      I asked – It seems the only way to address climate change is to reduce global population?

      DEEPSEEK replied – Sorry, that’s beyond my current scope. Let’s talk about something else.

      In fact it started to answer then just scrubbed what it had produced to give the kart response.


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    David Maddison

    Eeerie DOGE video.

    I don’t think it’s official but from an independent creator and it’s excellent. (Come to think of it, it might be official. Elon would publish something like this.)

    Very short.


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    David Maddison

    Another DOGE video (go to link). I don’t think this is official.


    Ever since D.O.G.E. (Department of Governmental Examination) started sniffing around government agencies, something HILARIOUS has happened:

    Google searches in Washington, D.C. have EXPLODED for:
    🔍 “Swiss bank account… but, like, discreet?”
    🔍 “How to open offshore bank at 3 AM”
    🔍 “Fastest way to wire money before audit?”
    🔍 “Do you need a passport for the Cayman Islands, asking for a friend?”

    Folks, they are scrambling. The same people who told us, “Trust the system!” are now sweating like a politician in a polygraph test.

    Even Swiss bankers are waking up like, “Why are 4,000 government emails suddenly asking if we accept Venmo?” 💸

    Bad news, swamp dwellers:
    •Elon Musk is watching. 👀
    •D.O.G.E. is sniffing. 🐕
    •And your “rainy day fund” is about to be EXPOSED.

    Try all you want, but you can’t outrun the audit when it’s powered by rocket fuel and memes.

    This investigation is going to the moon… 🚀 but your stolen funds? Straight into evidence. 🔥


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    David Maddison

    Australia no longer has competitive power prices but it does have competitive taxpayer-funded subsidies.

    It worries me that as TRUMP shuts down the “green” energy scams, the subsidy farmers will come here (Australia) to “invest”.

    And, they’re safe even under the alternative Dutton Government as he remains committed to the Paris Accords.


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      Geoff Sherrington

      Another enterprise that I hope Trump and Co will wind down is the shonky alternative treatment pharmacy products industry. As a chemist, I assert that more than half the off-the-shelf products displayed in a typical pharmacy have negligible ability to cure, reduce pain or heal. They are simply mass produced, cheap junk to which numerous con people have attached fancy names.
      Australia could have a better pharmacy industry if the factories and marketing and distribution actually handled proper medicines and ointments etc, typically now available as prescription-only. The main reason they require a prescription is to show them as viable and not the green alternative useless stuff.
      Each Sunday morning, Melbourne breakfast radio 3AW spends an hour broadcasting nonsense from a noted quack and fellow quacks. The contribute nothing to society. They take money from people who should spend it on efficacious products made more expensive by their presence. End of rant. Geoff S


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        Its a puzzle to me whay AM and FM radio even exist anymore


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          David Maddison

          Australia is a big country and needs AM broadcast radio to make the distance and not have to rely on satellite reception.

          I think AM broadcast radio is mostly shut down in Europe.


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            Nice technical answer but I reckon its more to do with people needing a easy no effort sedative during their commutes


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          Mr. Y: Reminded me of a mock radio jingle from Fireside Theatre, I think. It went “All the hits! All the time!! If the records weren’t free we’d be … ALL NEWS!”
          You have to imagine the jingle tune.


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      they’re safe even under the alternative Dutton Government as he remains committed to the Paris Accords.

      Jeez David, I hope you aren’t married, you never stop n@gging.


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    Greg in NZ

    The same day Zelia morphed into ex-TC Zelia in WA, snow began falling in Tasmania (as forecast by BoM). Snow in Australia? During the hottest summer EVAH?

    Sunday morning up on Tasmania’s Ben Lomond and overnight snow still lingers on the ground with a cool change heading north. 2025: Snowiest February Ever?


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      Dave in the States

      In the NH, snow has been piling up this Feb. Japan got buried last week. Then it was Canada’s turn. Then parts of the US Pacific North West got hit (not unusual). I saw on my feed that Instanbul suffered heavy snows.

      We got a pretty good snow storm yesterday, but that is nothing unusual for Feb. Where I am at we usually get the most snow in March.


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    David Maddison

    A Leftist “university” “professor” tried to humiliate Barron Trump, President Trump’s youngest son in an advanced mathematics class Barron was attending.

    Young TRUMP ended up humiliating her, in a respectful way, as the boy is extremely smart and also polite.

    Here’s a description of what happened.


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      John B

      Ha ha. Fake!


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      Dry Liberal

      Surprised you’d be taken in by such obvious “AI Slop” DM!



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      Dry Liberal

      It even says the following in the description:

      The stories presented on this channel are entirely fictional and crafted solely for entertainment. Any resemblance to real events, individuals, or situations is purely coincidental and unintentional. These narratives are not intended to depict, reference, or represent any actual occurrences, persons, or entities.

      How this content was made
      Altered or synthetic content
      Sound or visuals were significantly edited or digitally generated.


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    The Alliance for Responsible Citizenship and the Page Research Centre have producing the first clear defence of coal as the obvious fuel of first choice to lower the price of electricity and give us a hope for the future as a modern industrial nation.
    The full report can be found at a link in the summary paper.

    First option, of four is the “No net zero” scenario with cheap and reliable power from new coal burners. Capital investment is $103 billion with retail prices potentially decreasing by 25%. Pillage of forests and farmland stops.

    They correctly note that we desperately need to have a reliable and cost-effective energy supply that is not captive to the scientific illiteracy and ideological obsessions of the Greens and their fellow travellers in the major parties.


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    another ian




    If true that brings to mind

    “Awaiting the sensation of a short sharp shock
    From a cheap and chippy chopper on a big black block”


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      Old Goat

      We have been watching lawfare being used for some time now with zero accountability. Until the truth becomes a valid defence this will continue to happen . Lawyers are experts in finding loopholes in the law and are the pool that judges come from . Until you introduce accountability and penalties nothing will change that.


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        Was it the Bard who had a character say,
        “First thing we do, we get rid of the lawyers” . . . Or some paraphrase of that?

        Auto, who didn’t do THAT play at school.


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    another ian

    FWIW –


    An interesting comparison in there –

    “Take environmentalism, in its “anthropogenic global warming” which was not only supported with massive amounts of money (some of it obtained by blackmailing companies) but also with a seamless wall of propaganda so impenetrable that science fiction writers probably unwittingly and just because it’s everywhere (I don’t know maybe I should look for their names in the USAID site) couldn’t write the future without claiming that you know, in a hundred years Florida would be under water.

    And yet…. and yet, they keep having to change their name like a poorly run Chinese restaurant. Global Warming became Climate Change which became Severe Weather Events which…. well, is dissolving before our very eyes, even before their money was yanked.“


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    another ian

    A reading of the tea leaves

    “Oh Boy, Body Language Alert: Vice President JD Vance Meets with Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy
    February 14, 2025 | Sundance | 30 Comments”


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    another ian


    “The Sound Of Settled Science’

    “Gout is often associated with drinking too much or not eating healthily enough, but research suggests genetics play more of a factor in developing the arthritic condition than previously thought.[…]”


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      Doesn’t make any difference what I do.
      I had no gout before my only (which was news to me) kidney failed acutely. Recovered to stable CKD stage 3.
      I’m 95% sure Methyldopa triggered gouty arthritis in my index finger end joints though, and starting/increasing Allopurinol caused 2 of the 3 painful big toe episodes I’ve had.


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    David Maddison

    It seems virtually all, or a substantial proportion, of Australia’s productive resources are being wasted on useless “renewables” projects.

    I would like to see an analysis of how much is actually getting wasted in this manner.


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    DEEPSEEK has no sense of absurdity.

    This is its conclusion to persistent questions on CO2 induced climate change:

    The rapid sea level rise 20,000 years ago (e.g., 40 mm/year) was entirely natural and part of Earth’s cycle of ice ages and interglacial periods. In contrast, the current sea level rise—even at a slower local rate like 0.8 mm/year at Fort Denison—is part of a global, human-caused trend that is unprecedented in the context of human civilization. The key difference lies in the cause (natural vs. human) and the timescale (thousands of years vs. decades).


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      David Maddison

      DeepSeek is owned by the Chinese hedge fund High-Flyer.

      As the Chicomms profit from the anthropogenic global warming fr@ud, I would expect their AI bot to say that.


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      And the Global Warming scare is seperate from the logic which makes humans directly responsible for the warming. Global Warming is looking fake, a meaningless construction scientifically based on a model which doesn’t work.

      Regions as big as Europe and China have histories which are dramatically different from the manufactured ‘Global’ climate. Which like all averages does not exist anywhere. Like the 1.6 child family.

      The Global Climate and Global Temperature was created solely to mimic the hypothesis of a planet postulated as a uniform sphere. It’s wrong. No such uniform ‘average’ climate exists. This is like the lie that the wind would on average be blowing somewhere in Europe. The wind would never be zero was a deliberate deceit.

      Consider that the region of six European cities where thermometers and carefully recorded measurements did exist for the last 250 years shows equally dramatic cooling up to 1870.

      So the idea of a predictable Global temperature with (man made) Global Warming is nonsense at every level. A busted hypothesis before we even get to Carbon Dioxide and the idea that humans control atmospheric Carbon Dioxide levels which is obviously not true.


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        The CET goes back a long way and they leave the impression that we are in unprecedented times.


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          You have to compare apples with apples.

          The Weiss graph of six cities in mainland Europe over the same time is very different. But England is very different. An island where you are never far from water, generally much less than 100km. Warmed in winter substantially by the Gulf Stream. No great mountain ranges such as the Alps/Dolomites to block warmer Southerly winds and only open ocean to the South and South West, where Europe has Africa, land being much hotter than open water.

          This actually confirms my point that averaging very different environments just confuses the picture. And a ‘world’ temperature is absurd except in the very long term, closer to 1,000 years. The much cooler bottom half of the planet is largely water, which is why the search for the ‘Great Southern Land’, Australis. In fact half the planet is just the Pacific Ocean, which is hardly the Himalayas.

          The man made Global Warming model is so global and simplisitic as to be likely useless and worse, wrong. Even if CO2 was controllable, which is ridiculous. Given the 74% cover of the planet by water, incredibly soluble CO2 is rapidly and tightly controlled and vastly more than human output. It’s all a fantasy created by science ignorant college footballer Al Gore and the UN.


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    Recent US wildfires not unprecedented, according to tree ring scars over many centuries.


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      Odd. Southern California had few trees before the mass introduction of Australia gum trees around 1887. Many countries used the same trees to populate semi arid areas. Greece, Israel, Spain and more

      Unfortunately these pyrophytic trees brought bushfires with them and grew well enough to create explosive forests and so ‘bush’ fires. I am surprised that the evidence is in Southern California which could not be more different to massive Northern Californian pine forests where you can get 40′ of snow in winter.

      As for bushfires generally, they are far fewer since human settlement in places like Australia and rarely allowed to rage out of control. Even Russia. What’s unbelievable in the Los Angeles fires is that they were expected and nothing was done. And they started multiple fires at the top of the hill, not half way or the bottom. The chance of that is zero. I believe these fires were deliberately lit.

      And I believe finding even one illegal alien with a gas torch indicates there is much more to the story. Separate multiple fires starting at the top of the hill in the prevailing 100mph wind is likely arson. You could tell it from an aerial photograph. But nothing is being said. And of course only in the residential area of Hollywood, in a city of 14 million people. This could have been a terror attack for maximum media coverage.


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    After the Hunga Tonga eruption many Olympic size swimming pools of H2O chilled the lower stratosphere, which warmed the troposphere. Anyway, the climate scientists don’t know anything about that and they are quite unsettled that we have just crossed the global warming line and nothing happened.


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    Good video on Ian Plimer giving Dutton some sound free advice.


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      David Maddison

      Unless Dutton can get his head out of the sand, this country is finished.

      And I don’t accept the excuse that Dutton will release his true policies closer to the election or after the election.

      The time to release them is now.

      Ditch “renewables” and the Paris Accords immediately. No half measures.


  • #
    David Maddison

    Copied from Farcebook:

    Google is so powerful that it “hides” other search systems from us. We just don’t know the existence of most of them…

    Meanwhile, there are still a huge number of excellent searchers in the world who specialize in books, science, other valuable information.

    Keep a list of sites you never heard of! – Academic Resource Search. More than a billion sources: encyclopedia, monographies, magazines. – a search for the contents of 20 thousand worldwide libraries. Find out where lies the nearest rare book you need. – access to more than 10 million scientific documents: books, articles, research protocols. is a library of scientific bioscience journals published in developing countries. – volunteers from 102 countries have collected almost 4 million publications on economics and related science. is an American state search engine on 2200+ scientific sites. More than 200 million articles are indexed. is one of the most powerful researches on academic studies texts. More than 100 million scientific documents, 70% of them are free!


  • #

    Simplicius just put out a piece labelled Hypernormalization. This is a term I have seen being mentioned a bit lately. If you aren’t familiar its about how societies can accept completely bizarre things as normal if brainwashed enough or in the absence of a better idea or in fear of retribution. Originally it was a thought about how people in the dissolving USSR managed to survive from day to day. The USAID fiasco and the flushing out of US and world media manipulation seems to have brought it notice again.

    Commentators are starting to realize the major institutions in the world around us, that we think are real, is more like a Truman Show facade.

    In our local context it helps explain how Andrews could have been re-elected after the horrors he perpetrated, and how Bowen doesn’t get instantly and loudly called out on the total BS he spouts on energy. They are from the government, they help us, right?


    • #
      another ian



      Re “Commentators are starting to realize the major institutions in the world around us, that we think are real, is more like a Truman Show facade.”

      Today’s Coffee and Covid newsletter looks at the reveal of Europe with the curtain ripped back


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        It was a good read. Process of cleaning up is only just begun and there is lot more revelations to come I think. I wouldn’t blame US democrats or European actors though. This fight is more like fighting Hydra. One head looks like US democrats another European leaders. The body that grows new heads should be the main target. I don’t know where that body hides, but usually monsters lurk in the shadows. My advice is to bring everything to the bright daylight, no matter how ugly the truth is.


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        another ian


        “JD Vance has signed the death warrant of the status quo

        His intellectual waterboarding of Europe’s elites was a joy to watch.”


        • #
          another ian


          That from a deplorable hillbilly!


        • #

          Had heard snippets but just now watched the whole thing, talk about being damned by faint praise. What he said was the last thing the Generals wanted to hear.

          I hope I am just misinterpreting the way said Generals react.


      • #
        Honk R Smith

        I get a vague feeling of the pre-WWI March to Folly.
        Like the Euro and American elites are the modern incarnations of pointy helmeted ludicrously mustached pirates of Penzance cartoon characters arrogantly marching in lock step and displaying their anachronistic values of ‘equity’ and ‘inclusion’, only to be manufacturing giant golden bricks of delusional good intentions for the highway to very serious Hell.
        Complete with monocled class photos with the deep scars of cancellation and gender dysphoria on their faces.

        If as yet only hinted at problems with experimental mandated mass vaccination materialize, it may be too late.

        If the Trump phenomenon had not occurred, all hope would be lost. It is going to be close if we make it.
        That magic Post WWII era when humanity was not completely witch burning human sacrifice hysterically nuts was
        I feel lucky to have lived it. Wish I had been a little more aware of my good fortune.
        And thanked my father more often for sacrificing his quite magnificent youth to give it to me.


  • #
    David Maddison

    Interesting Tweet from Elon Musk.

    Word frequency is a good measure of the contagion of a mind virus.

    Most people don’t understand that a mind virus can be just as deadly as a physical virus.

    DEI and Wokeness were tools used to artificially pump racism. This is what happens when demand for racism exceeds the supply.



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    Can’t admit that I really follow this only get the gist:


  • #
    another ian


    “Sorry, CNN, No “Cow Fart” Vaccine Is Necessary or Will Stop Climate Change”


  • #
    another ian

    FWIW – observations along the way

    “Ukraine President Zelenskyy Suggests NATO Should Plan for American Withdrawal and Create European Army
    February 15, 2025 | Sundance | 215 Comments”

    “When reviewing the production, it is important to remember – when Volodymyr Zelenskyy speaks to an assembly in English, his audience is not in the room in Munich. Zelenskyy is speaking to America, through the scripted remarks.

    When Zelenskyy is scripted to speak to Europe, he speaks Ukrainian. When Zelenskyy is scripted to speak to America, he speaks English. This production pattern is consistent.”

    More at


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    OK, so are insects sentient? I have heard a bug scream.

    What I can’t figure out from the article is what stage in the supply chain does the electrification happen? On the trawler? (that is great news for one of the most dangerous professions) Or is it only for farmed and you can still abuse wild ones?


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      On a trawler they are dumped out of the net onto ice so they quietly fade away. When catching mud crabs you put them alive into the esky. They live hours out of water but on ice it is as if tranquillised, and can be safely tied when coming home.

      I feel pain when I’m hungry. Does that count?


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    President João Manuel Gonçalves Lourenço of Angola who has taken over the rotating African Union (AU) Chairmanship and replaced the outgoing chairman, President of Mauritania Mohamed Ould Cheikh Ghazouani emphasized the importance of continued African unity and cooperation.

    He underscored his commitment to addressing the challenges facing the continent, such as conflicts, economic development, and climate change, among other priorities

    Climate change – oil producing Angola?


  • #

    What amazing power we have at our fingertips if one is just a little bit curious.

    I just went to to look at the weather [Isn’t that something?] and it is raining in the centre of WA. Thinks: If it’s raining and no one gets wet….. Zoom in and it is at Wiluna so I do search and it is a gold mining town. Just south is what looks like a salt lake with grid patterns so I assume they mine salt. Another search shows they mine uranium. Wiki tells me some of the history of U3O4 in WA and the mining company.

    All because I wondered if it was raining.


  • #

    from the comments: A lady told me she visited Zambia and lost 100kg of her weight in one month.
    I said, sorry sorry to hear you couldn’t find good food in our country. She was disappointed of my reactions.
    Instead she told me that she opened a traveling group to Zambia for over-weights. And she takes 10 customers every 3 months. And they all shed off weight as benefit.


  • #
    another ian

    For the record – more covid saga

    “Safe and Effective®

    “Dr. Charles Hoffe’s years-long battle with the College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia (CPSBC) has come to an unexpected ending with an unprecedented win.”

    More and links at
