A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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I have been informed many times that my mere demeanor and presence is ‘insulting’.
I’m often of accused of smirking inappropriately.
So no vacation to Germany for me.
Figuring the UK is a bit risky as well.
Is it insulting to say “I don’t want to visit your stupid neo-totalitarian country?”
Is it a crime to correctly point out that those claiming to be anti-fascist are the ones acting like actual fascists?
In England, Sir Kier Stalin will send two police officers to ‘check your thinking’ about Justice Nicklin, or the former Headmaster of Almondbury School, or thinking about why did the Labour Party bribe everyone at the school with none-disclosure agreements to keep silent, or thinking that Tommy Robinson is a political prisoner like Solzhenitsyn, or criticising Rape Gangs, or thinking about Islam in a bad way, or ‘FEARING’ Islamic terrorists, or thinking that Black men who try to rape or chop off the heads of little white working-class girls, can be illegal-immigrants or terrorists.
In England, we also have the ‘Ministry of Truth’ or the ‘Office For Censorship, Obedience & Manipulation’ (OFCOM), a government agency designed to protect government propaganda, censorship, misinformation, disinformation, malinformation and lies.
Sir Keir Stalin is about to empower OFCOM to destroy anyone posting ‘true facts’ found on ‘X’ not authorised by the government. Facts not authorised by the government are labeled misinformation.
OFCOM will transparently check all facts and verify all video content to protect the government from censored information such as how the Queen died, rape gangs making England the rape capital of the world, the vaccine injured antivaxxers and anyone else who does not support Far-left political parties such as Labour, Libdems, Greens or the loony left-wing Conservitive Party.
Also, GB News will be bankrupted by heavy fines if Nigel Farage does not obey OFCOM’s orders to support government lies, misinformation, malinformation, disinformation, censorship and propaganda.
Sir Kier Stalin was furious, and the BBC said his speech was very ‘DANGEROUS’, when Vice-President Vance said “To many of us on the other side of the Atlantic, it looks more and more like old, entrenched interests hiding behind ugly Soviet-era words like ‘misinformation’ and ‘disinformation,’ who simply don’t like the idea that somebody with an alternative viewpoint might express a different opinion, or — God forbid — vote a different way. Or even worse, win an election,”
vaccine injured antivaxxers
Now that is an interesting one. To have a vaccine injury, they must have been vaccinated. It’s a bit like that American “anti-vaxxer” with six vaccinated children, now in charge of health.
Maybe they should change the definition of “vaccine” back to what it was before the “vaccine injuries” took off. Then I wouldn’t be a “vaccine injured”. I can cope with that, because I then wouldn’t be an “anti-vaxxer”.
Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we set out to deceive. – Walter Scott
I am noticing Queen Elizabeth died from Multiple myeloma, a bone marrow cancer. Her Son his daughter in law are both struggling with cancer. Hmmm. Genetic modification pretending to be vaccination (when it clearly has negative efficacy) is a thing I guess!
Hadn’t heard that but it fits the impression I have that she chose her day of departure. My Mother died of myeloma and accepting that palliative care has improved over the years, it is still a painful way to go.
The tone of the articles also shows the media is well behind all this. Up front is how this guy is ‘deplorable’ and ‘deserves jail time’ – we don’t learn until right at the end (third screen, where very few read to) that he was grieving his father and looking after his elderly mother on his own at the time.
“Is it a crime to correctly point out that those claiming to be anti-fascist are the ones acting like actual fascists?”
Its not a bug, its a feature!
You can expect any political movement who are trying to contain you to tell you that you will be free.
You can expect any manufacturer who’s products are crap to label them ‘reliable’ and ‘great value’.
You can expect the tyrants running a country to call it “The Peoples Republic of…”
This paragraph from the SMH talking about Trump being a “sovereigntist” shows it perfectly-
“Today’s sovereigntists aim to weaken non-Western international associations that seek a more democratic international order. They make common cause with similar forces; Giorgia Meloni of Italy and Hungary’s Viktor Orban, for example. Their aim is an illiberal international geopolitical order where domestic political systems resemble “competitive authoritarianism” – multi-party elections embedded in a rigged legal and political environment. Under this model, the media and the machinery of government are used to attack opponents and co-opt critics”
“domestic political systems resemble “competitive authoritarianism” – multi-party elections embedded in a rigged legal and political environment.” Sound familiar?
There are a couple of zingers in there. Non-western international associations, Democratic international order.
And then there is the standard tactic of accusing others of what you are doing. Rigged legal and political environment.
As with all propaganda they slipped in one tenuous connection to truth with the invented term sovereigntist. It is intended to be derogatory but yes there are countries who want their sovereignty back from the international sovereignty stealers.
Portland Cement was the foundation (scuse the pun) of the WWII construction boom.
Concrete was originally thought to have a 1000 year lifetime, but this was quickly revised down to 80-100 years.
All that crumbling concrete … I wonder?
Roman concrete, also called opus caementicium was used in many buildings in Ancient Rome and many of the buildings are standing to this day. So it depends how its mixed and with what. M<any hospitals built on the cheap 20 years ago of concrete are crumbling and will cost a fortune to fix.
Roman concrete is still lasting fine after 2000+ years but Roman concrete is a different composition and slower curing.
Some claim volcanic ash is the secret ingredient.
They used to think that but the answer is actually mm scale Lime clasts, which provide a form of self healing providing the longevity.
Now, for the modern world to catch up!
I have found a way to restore concrete to white too. The pressure washing guys all said “naah mate, you can’t make it freshly poured white again, but it’s clean!”.
Not being one to be satisfied with such attitudes I set about experimenting and now have a white clean driveway.
It took 2 years, but I did it!
Mine is 200 Ml Hy-Clor 2L Green Blaster High Strength Algaecide, with 2l liquid chlorine, made up with water to 8l in Garden Pressure Sprayer as a Wet & Forget Alternative
There’s more than just the use of “pozzolanic” ash to Roman concrete, there’s also the incomplete crushing of the slaked lime plus “hot mixing” of the concrete with heated sea water (something that would alarm a modern concreter, a modern hot mix would go off before you could screed it).
A footpath over a sink hole failing is hardly indicative of concrete failure.
The sink hole was caused by a burst water main. It is probably steel construction or cast iron, depending omg its age.
There have been some good examples run Australia of what is termed “concrete cancer”. It is due to the rebar being exposed, rusting and causing the concrete to crack as the rust expansionists. It may be accelerated by using water with high salt content. It was a common problem in NW Australia due to the high salt content of the bore water used up there. Also an issue on the Gold Coast before they started using galvanised rebar.
This concrete dam in the USA was built in in 1763.
But it did not use Portkland cement.
There are plenty of concrete structures built using Portland cement, more than 100 years old, still in use.
Co2 impact miscalculated over 100 years ago and the mistake continues today
Really interesting. A hot house gets hotter mainly because the warmer air cannot escape. Not because the glass stops the infrared radiation of heat.
Hot air would normally expand, rise and escape. The glass prevents this escape which creates the hot house effect. The cooling by radiation is not significant. The trapping of warm air is the entire effect.
It’s doubly funny that the rock crystal hot house was much hotter than the glass one. Because infra red could get in. They had to put glass on top of the rock crystal to cool it down.
Infra red is half the power of the sun. And solar panels cannot use it. I did invent a system to harvest both. It is a core reason solar panels are so inefficient.
In the world of horticulture, we know that it is the hot air trapped in the greenhouse which is the problem – that’s why they all have vents.
Hi Tony, it’s fascinating to read this sort of analysis in the article when it refers to “science” from way back.
I do recall reading that Arrhenius later reversed his view on this matter.
Arrhenius should be left alone and we should use correct, current science that is free from the political machinations and overlay of influence from the world’s master manipulators.
Once all of the irrelevant distractions are removed, the analysis of the claim that CO2 “heats the atmosphere” can be readily shown in its true light.
We can only hope that reality will eventually take over this shambles and free us from the clutches of the Globalist machine.
No such thing as the greenhouse effect, so logically no such thing as greenhouse gases. There’s atmospheric gases, that’s it.
It appears there’s no such thing as greenhouse without a roof.
Or walls. Don’t forget the walls. In a greenhouse they stop the cross flow of air. Which is just as important as the roof.
Unlike water, air expands quickly with increasing temperature. And so rises quickly. Hot air has massive lifting power. The idea that the air is static without a greenhouse is absurd. And heat is physically carried high and quickly, as you see with thunderheads. All of this hothouse story is based on a static view. Heat moves by convection, conduction and radiation. In the Arrhenius view, convection does not exist.
The same is true of CO2, that it is static in the atmosphere and so nett zero works. Both views are completely wrong. Hot air and CO2 are incredibly dynamic. Plus fast exchange of CO2 with the vast oceans which cover 72% of the planet means CO2 is a constant from pole to pole, within 1%. CO2 in China is the same as at the South Pole. How? Net zero and carbon sequestration are ridiculous, even disastrous non science fantasies.
Yep, nature is dynamic and forever changing , who would have thunk it.
P.V = n.R.T
explains why CO2 is Not a dangerous “heat trapping” gas.
Our earthly atmosphere is the ultimate in egalitarianism; all received “heat” is shared almost instantly.
The parcel of heated air first expands, then rises to a cooler altitude where everything calms down.
Spare “heat” of course runs away down the nearest available thermal sink.
So many people are trapped in their thinking by UNIPCCC mis dis mal information programs.
And, of course, inherent in that concept is the fact that it’s the parcel of atmosphere which loses energy to its new cooler surrounds; not individual components such as everything but CO2
No heat is trapped and held by an individual gas component: there is rapid, virtually instantaneous equilibration if one component absorbs a little more energy via radiation or contact.
NASA admits H2O acts like a greenhouse gas, after Hunga Tonga.
‘ … the huge amounts of water vapor from the eruption may have a small, temporary warming effect, since water vapor traps heat.’
Not happy with their “… traps heat”, especially when there’s no mention of the fact that water vapour has achieved that gaseous state by absorbing 540 calories per gram to change from liquid to vapour, and only gives up that amount when it condenses again to liquid water, not by radiation, and occurring at the dew point for that concentration.
Not my idea of what is meant by “greenhouse gas”.
tonyb, that article by Philip Foster is nonsense. Arrhenius was not wrong.
Actual greenhouses are mostly kept warm by preventing convective and evaporative cooling, but that just means that the so-called “greenhouse effect” is poorly named. Arrhenius did not coin that term, and he was not wrong. What we now unfortunately call greenhouse gases (“GHGs”) DO have a warming effect.
Foster’s article claims that “The moon also showed a 30deg temperature excess above that expected.” That’s untrue. Somebody (Foster?) just made that up.
Due to the lack of an atmosphere, and due to the very long days, temperatures on the Moon vary wildly, but they are estimated to AVERAGE about -23°C (-9°F).
On Earth, the average temperature is about 15°C (-59°F). That’s about 38°C higher than the moon.
The Moon and the Earth get identical amounts of sunlight per unit of surface area, yet the moon is, on average, much, much colder.
One of the reasons for the large AVERAGE temperature difference between the Earth and Moon is that the Earth has better mechanisms for spreading heat around. It rotates much faster, and it has air and water currents, and latent heat transport, that move heat from the warmest places to the coldest.
Because the rate of radiative heat loss is proportional to the 4th power of temperature, the hot places cool MUCH faster than the cold places. So in places like the Moon, where there are huge temperature differences, the hot places lose heat very rapidly, and the AVERAGE temperature is lower than it is in otherwise similar places where the temperature differences are smaller.
However, another reason that the Earth is warmer than the Moon is that the Earth has so-called GHGs, and the Moon does not. The Earth radiates about the same amount of energy as it absorbs, and most of that radiation is longwave infrared (“LW IR”). GHGs in the atmosphere absorb outgoing LW IR radiation which otherwise would have escaped to space. Absorbing radiation warms whatever absorbs it, so GHGs make the atmosphere warmer than it otherwise would have been.
Adding more CO2 to the atmosphere has only a modest, benign warming effect, but that’s because there’s already so much CO2 in the atmosphere, not because CO2 has no warming effect. Here are some resources where you can learn about it:
In your links you indicate an article cowritten with Ferdinand,
Here’s some of his earlier work here.
Here are some of the results from the Ukraineless peace talks.
Russia is demanding that Nato withdraws to its pre 1997 borders.
I am, sure Ukraine will be delighted with this if Russia agree to the same criteria and withdraws from Crimea and the other territories it has invaded.
Crimea and its people were gifted to Ukraine in 1956 by Kruschev. Why is still a mystery. But anyone over 70 years old was born in Russia. And in the Crimean war in 1855 waged without explanation by France and Britain on Russia, the attack was in Crimea. Invasion is a relative term when everyone wanted to leave Ukraine. The army just switched sides.
Also Crimea in area is only 2% of Ukraine. Even today, the Russian speaking Donbas plus Crimea is only 14%. Given the right of self determination, the majority of the people in these areas would rather be in Russia. The fight since 1812 has been to constrain and subdue and dismember Russia, as with the Ottomans. We are still living with the consequences. The last time German tanks were in Kiev was 1943.
Plus you have to consider that Ukraine doesn’t want peace, or at least what constitutes a government does not. War is too profitable. Even Zelensky is complaining that half the money is missing. And we are talking more than the GDP of Australia. And President Biden and his son were up to their necks in it.
Peace will be struck. And the money will stop. And lives will be saved. It’s not about the people of Ukraine or the million dead young Russians, it’s geopolitics and the rivers of cash. Like every other war. The people are irrelevant.
‘ … the majority of the people in these areas would rather be in Russia.’
Not sure about that, however I believe Putin will retain Crimea at the end of hostilities, while Donald will seize the rare earths in Donbas. Quid pro quo.
Re “Crimea and its people were gifted to Ukraine in 1956 by Kruschev. Why is still a mystery. ”
He may have gifted it but the gift was never presented to the DUMA for ratification.
And IIRC Kruschev was Ukrainian
Trump doing what he promised – ending the war. A great man at the right time in history.
It seems appropriate the first step in negotiations is to restore diplomatic missions. Getting people talking is the first step in what will take more than a couple of weeks.
Neither Putin nor Trump have bought into the Climate hoax so they both exhibit a degree of honesty not evident in the vast majority of western politicians. Although that will change as the Trump effect sweeps across the world as true leaders win the pop[ular vote.
I note that these meeting were not held in UN headquarters. UN is an outdated organisation that needs to be retired.
Also this is not only a civil war between Russian speaking peoples, it is so obviously a proxy war. The US(Biden/Blinken) and allies vs Russia. As with Vietnam, China, Afghanistan, Kosovo and most of Africa and South America.
The only way to settle it is for the protagonists to agree. Which will really annoy the other actors. UK, France, Germany, Sweden and Ukraine itself.
But think of all the good. Drone technology, cardboard drones, hypersonic missile testing, HIMARS, dragging anchors over communications cables, blowing up pipelines, crippling power supplies, covert assassinations and the changing role of ships (Moscova missile cruiser), tanks plus new technologies like the anti drone weapons. Plus exhausting all that obsolete stock which has been hanging around going obsolete and unusable since 1992. It’s been a wonderful war for the merchants of death.
Biden told Zelensky not to hit Russian oil facilities because it might put up the price of oil in an election year. When you consider the death toll surely that is a crime against humanity.
They arent results of talks they are media fantasy.
They discussed relations, apointing ambassadors, restablishing embassies and nominating leaders to start peace negotiations. There are press briefings for people to read. I doubt the flunkies in the low end UK msm have any special info
More fantasy right here:
ASIO’s unsubstantiated claims that they ‘prevented some things’ – yeah right.
“Russia’s brazen acts of sabotage in Europe” – I had to look this up to find out what he might be referring to… car vandalism in Germany has been blamed on the Russians – frightening to think ASIO use Politico as a source for what is happening in the World!
At least they are now admitting that the highly taxpayer-subsidised defence ‘industry’ (the level of subsidy raises question as to whether this is an industry) make us a target in wars well beyond our own shores…
Elon Musk, DOGE and TRUMP have shown the world what a huge waste of resources just about any program associated with the Left is.
All that wreckless waste and corruption has caused a huge drain of wealth to the United States and helped incur massive debt
No doubt similar waste occurs in other Western countries.
Notable is the fact that the Left are using the taxes of hard working people to pay for their indulgences and their own destruction (of working people).
The money has either gone directly into the pockets of Leftist Elites, corrupt Third World dictators or programs whose only purpose is to destroy Western and American society such as traditional family values, or morality or to lower the standard of living of non-Elites because they regard the non-Elites standard of living as “unsustainable”.
And who the hell gave the Left permission to decide whether the standard of living of non-Elites is “sustainable” or not? The only thing that decides that is if you can pay your bills without going into debt or further debt.
The Left are trying to return the West to how things were before The Enlightenment, the Scientific Revolution and the Industrial Revolution where we, the “serfs” are confined to our villages (“15 minute cities”) with a low standard of living and ruled over as virtual slaves by a small group of Elites.
At least in the case of the United States TRUMP, JD and Musk will stop them. Western Europe and Canada is already gone. Australia is highly questionable. And the destruction is further compounded by the mass invitation and migration of the military age males who are fanatical followers of the seventh century warlord who have no commitment to Western values as they will freely tell you..
I assure you, the waste is not wreckless.
I have previously opined that DC is best thought of as a nearly autonomous Medieval style city state within the US.
My view partly informed by working there for more than a dozen years.
The character of the city state changed greatly after the de-Sovietizing of Russia which pre-dated my exit from the culture by a few years.
The city became much wealthier and international.
But the Russia Russia Russia raison d’etre lingered.
I think DOGE is exposing this obscure autonomous structure that many suspected but few understand.
DC was Constitutionally set up to be autonomous.
This has turned out to be a perhaps unforeseen flaw.
The great Gore Vidal once said, ‘the fall of the Republic began with the invention of air-conditioning because now the SOBs live there year ‘round’.
And there was I thinking SOB meant Surgery On Birthday, as I’m back under the knife in a few days to repair the skin cancer removal operation on my ear which went wrong… a minor setback in the scheme of things, yet no swimming for another couple of weeks.
Not that there’s a ‘heatwave’ or anything, more the complete opposite, as snow showers are forecast for our Southern Alps during the next 3 days thanks to the remains of last weekend’s Tasmanian Summer Snow Storm combining with yet another cold front and hey presto! high summer in New Zealand and the snow keeps falling… as it did this time last year and the year before that.
Greg, repeat: summer snow is weather, a warm winter’s day is climate cacophony. Obviously my ‘belief’ is faltering, to whom can I pay tax to fix this…
I keep thinking about Versailles where some people lived a life of luxury paid for by those not allowed inside. The inhabitants schemed and plotted to be the cabal in power and ignored any unrest – if they ever heard of it through the censorship and repression of dissidents – and expected them to “eat cake if bread was too expensive”. There were a few who wondered if this privileged life could continue but were overwhelmed by the Revolution.
Versailles is now a tourist place.
It seems to have been a mistake to have isolated the whole of the executive (including the top bureaucrats) from the rest of the population and the cares of life in general.
Climate commentator may be forced out of Germany because of new chilling restrictions on free speech
At least there will be an election in a few days. With luck the politicians will form a coalition that excludes the current lot from government.
That will become difficult, unfortunately… 🙁
FWIW – Re the “free speech” news from Germany –
You’ve likely not read the books “Trail Sinister” and “Black Boomerang” by Sefton Delmer
gives you an idea of the scope of his knowledge of things German both pre-WW2 and post.
In one of those books (likely the first) he mentions that legal powers (in his opinion undesirable) were allowed to spill over into the post WW2 West German constitution from the pre WW2 one that gave it some extreme powers.
Which are likely to be being invoked now.
I didn’t make detailed notes when I read the books and haven’t yet been able to get library copies again as yet to refresh on that.
According to X’s government relations department, 87 percent of court requests for user data relate to speech violations
NEW YORK, February 18 / The social network X, owned by Elon Musk, has filed a lawsuit against the authorities of the Federal Republic of Germany, accusing Berlin of violating freedom of expression, as a large number of requests for user data concern users who have allegedly committed crimes. This was reported by the social network’s department for contacts with authorities.
“Germany sends X the largest number of legal requests for user data in the EU, with around 87% of these requests relating to offenses involving expression,” the department said in a statement. It emphasized that the social network’s management considers these requests illegal.
The platform has already turned to the judicial authorities of the Federal Republic of Germany with complaints to “challenge the legality of the interference of the country’s authorities in the private lives of users and the violation of their freedom of expression”.
Translated with (free version)
“An important warning about some canned foods”
“A voluntary recall has been issued for some canned tuna products — sold across the country at Trader Joe’s, Walmart, Costco and other stores — because of a pull tab defect that could lead to potentially fatal botulism food poisoning.”
More at
For the covid records –
“Dr. Deborah Birx Proves Conspiracy Theorists Right AGAIN with Not One but TWO Shocking COVID Admissions”
“USAID in a Nutshell”
“USAID is/was an octopus, with tentacles extending everywhere.
What did those tentacles do? First and foremost, they extended into the taxpayers’ pockets to extract tens of billions of dollars a year, transferring those dollars to organizations and agencies favored by the transnational elite. The projects could be anything from overthrowing a government or two to putting some spending money into the pockets of the favored elites. ”
More at
And the democrat deep state (yes I repeat myself) response?
Its an invasion of privacy to look at the scant records identifying the recipients of largesse.
The best people who want to be left alone can hope for is that this is an intellectual revolution and not a violent one.
Well mixed concrete as seen in major old dams (70+ yrs in Australia) is still very sound and likely OK for hundreds of years.
In comparison the driveway of my newly purchased house built 5 years ago is cracking all over the place even with well placed expansion joints. I checked it had steel reinforcement. It did. So I think the amount of cement in the mix must have been miniscule or the sand was salty or the agitation was non existent. Perhaps a bit of everything!
A rock has landed in the pond of the Australian energy debate.
Labor and the Coalition have embarked on the “Net Zero Titanic” and they are furious disagreeing about the arrangement of the deckchairs. Not a very exciting story but it is using up all the political oxygen in the room.
The narrative can be transformed by addressing the question “How quickly can be build new coal capacity to get cheaper power?”
Slowing the rate of increase in the price of power will not save the industries that are on their knees.
The positive alternative is spelled out in “Economic Self-Harm or a Pro-Human Future”
Just refuse to allow non-dispatchable power onto the grid.
I would say that all grid power offered should meet the AEMO’s stated reliability of 99.998% at all times. Allowing unreliable electricity sources onto the grid without their own backup is ridiculous.
It’s interesting to note that a NT solar farm has had to add diesel backup, I’m presuming before they are allowed to connect to a grid.
Unless something changes dramatically, the ROI for residential roof top solar power generation remains positive even without export to the main grid.
But at least with grid export not allowed, the average south coast resident could configure the installation for winter power needs.
The avoidance of paying grid power prices……
Would you obtain sufficient power in winter from your solar system? My 5.2kW system in “sunny” Perth only delivers sufficient power to meet my average winter 12 kWh daily requirement on three days in both June and July. All the other days average less than 12kWh. System works well in summer though.
Winter would require 10-12 kw on the roof I think. And that would likely only support the daytime usage.
Trump’s latest wave of EO’s
No more fed funding for schools that force covid vaccines.
Established the National Energy Dominance Council which will:
– Reopened the leases on ocean areas the size of 1/3 of the lower 48 states. 625 million acres. This increases the US balance sheet by trillions of dollars.
– Reopened undersea lease area near Japan, (Anwar) and Japan will build the pipeline. He believes it is larger reserves than Saudi Arabia. “It can take care of all of Asia”
– The new AI system will require a doubling of electricity in the US. This is being planned for.
– Commonwealth LNG in Louisiana is now granted export license.
– Rollback of the water standards on dishwashers, toilets, showers, sinks. They will also get Congress to back this by new law so the next President cannot undo it again.
– CAFE standards that are screwing up the auto industry are repealed! Major car companies have been making engines jump through hoops to meet stupid standards, which dramatically harmed engine longevity. (variable engine displacement, automatic shutoff of engines at lights. )
-Texas Deepwater Port project is now moving forward.
– A pipeline that will bring down energy prices in New York and New England by approx. 50% will now go forward. (The Constitution Pipeline). Should be online in under 12 months.
– Reciprical Tariffs. India has large tariffs on US Goods.
Trump will charge India the exact same as they charge the US.
– Clean Coal !
Energy Dominance in all forms of Energy, including clean coal!
But in a few weeks Le Congress gets to vote on the debt ceiling again.
Popcorn on standby!
Great list.
Once anyone accepts that they have been conned by the Climate hoax, the world looks a lot brighter.
Trump is yet to address the Climate hoax directly apart from the EPA endangerment finding. That report is due this week. It will make interesting reading.
Accepting that you have been conned is much harder than being conned in the first place.
Imagine Greta escaping from her intellectual prison? Neither can I.
In confirmation of her feebleness of intellect she’s become a jihadi; a possible next step is martyr if somebody will strap the vest on her.
I had to look up The Constitution Pipeline.
It is nat gas bringing gas north to NY, displacing gas, I assume, coming from Canada.
Trudeau really has hissed off Trump.
State of the art studfinder
That’s James Bond territory!
Way better than “beep!”
Damm! There goes my stash of ….
Applying suncreen in front of a UV camera
/probably moving to the UK
/slap on wrist
Fort Knox gold
The 1974 audit inspected just 6% of the reserves…
I’m agnostic on the topic of Ft Knox and whether they have “The Gold”. My reading indicates that it would be hard to convince sceptics without core-sampling every bar, nor do I believe it is all in COMEX “good delivery” bars anyway.
I DO believe that Trump’s whizz kids could tell us an awful lot. Assuming Tom didn’t just let his mates grab a bar on the way out the door there will be a paper trail on EVERYTHING. In fact I’d trust a forensic audit by Big Balz over what must, by definition, be a superficial physical audit.
Perhaps a density test on every bar would give an indication. There should be a very narrow range across the inventory.
Needs to be done carefully. Can be spoofed at retail level.
The most common way to counterfeit gold is to substitute another metal with the closest density to gold before applying a gold-plated layer. Platinum, cheaper than gold, is often used to fake gold, given its close density at 21.45 g/cm3. Due to the closeness of gold’s and platinum’s densities,
Gold and platinum are both dense metals, with platinum being denser than gold. Platinum’s density is 21.45 g/cm³, while gold’s density is 19.32 g/cm³
At an industrial level it is not impossible to alloy the correct density, I assume, hence my claim that it would need to be sampled.
“China Launches First Carbon Capture Oil Production Vessel
330 metre FPSO, built in Shanghai, can handle 120,000 barrels of oil a day – about a VLCC’s worth of oil every 15 days.
“These developments reflect a growing momentum in the industry to embrace cleaner technologies, spurred on by the urgency of limiting global temperature rise to below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels.”
Looks like the 1.5 degrees above some arbitrary, and ill-defined, baseline has bitten the dust . . . Without any obvious mass deaths, inundations, etc.
Additionally, the article doesn’t mention how much plant food (CO2) might be captured from this new ship, nor what will be done with it, but, it does include this … –
” In 2023, the China National Offshore Oil Corporation launched the country’s first offshore carbon capture demonstration at the Enping 15-1 oilfield in Guangdong, with the capacity to store about 300,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide annually.”
Less than 1,000 tonnes a day.
China produces about 47,000,000 tonnes of CO2, a day, Every Day, from burning coal alone.
Oh well.
The U.S. Government Funded a $9 Million Covid-19 Deception Programme
In a shocking revelation, the U.S. Department of Defense reportedly paid Reuters $9 million to participate in a large-scale deception programme related to Covid-19.
Incredibly, this should be headline news across the world. But given that Reuters controls much of the global media narrative, this story is being buried in favor of even more state-sponsored misinformation.
While the full details of the programme remain undisclosed, one fact stands out: the very word “deception” was used in official documents. If Covid-19 was truly what they claimed it to be, why would there be a need to deceive the public?
Mr Musk and DOGE are bringing to light all the crazy programs funded by government in the US. But, this craziness is worldwide and also evident in the weird job titles for positions at state and local government. Local councils in the state of Victoria very often have the following : –
– climate change officer
– inter faith officer
– positive aging officers.
Recently my wife, who tenders for government training, came across this doozy :-
– Parental Leave Transition Support Program Providers
I kid you not.
BOGAN – “Built On Government Assistance” Nonsense
“London Gold Market Defaults on Physical Gold Deliveries”
Although I don’t actively trade I have quite a bit invested in Au/Ag and constantly watch the price and listen to opinions on what’s moving it.
That piece is a fortnight old and the POG has risen $120 since. The idea that it is simply a response to threatened import tariffs has been discounted.
Central banks no longer agree with John Maynard Keynes that gold is a barbarous relic although as often occurs he is misquoted, he said the “gold standard” was a relic. Central banks are buying, and prepare for Ag also being declared a Tier 1 asset.
The woke/DEI mob’s latest insanity – a black female Jesus
/as silly as a white J 2000 years ago in the middle east.
You right, I saw his mum in Montserrat last year.
“19 State Attorneys General Signal Intent to Prosecute Fauci”
I wonder what gave State AG’s the idea that they could meddle in Fed politics?
Comey must be sweating. Why didn’t the Big Guy pardon him? Thankless bar stewards these Bidens.
“The Social Cost of Carbon: A Bureaucratic Boondoggle Exposed”
“The Biden administration put in a lot hard at work inflating the Social Cost of Carbon (SCC), using exaggerated agricultural damage estimates to justify sweeping climate policies. But in a new study, economist Ross McKitrick—one of the sharpest minds in climate policy skepticism—has taken apart the foundations of these inflated numbers, revealing what happens when climate alarmism meets real data.”
More at
Can we claim that the tattoo that he picked up on his right hand shows he is definitely a mercenary?
Here’s the joke: it’s not just that we are being dragged into a war we have no business in, but that we are being dragged in by leaders so inept they don’t even realize they’re doing it. They parrot talking points from their globalist overlords without comprehension, desperate to stay in favour with the empire that rules them. They have abandoned all strategic thought, all national interest, in pursuit of an agenda they neither control nor understand.
Sound familiar?
Waddyamean! The US and Russia have been at war all my life.
Untold billions have been spent by America defending Europe against Russia, beginning as WWII finished in the division of Berlin, then the blockade when the USAF flew in all the necessities to isolated W Berlin costing money, planes and lives. Russia hated the West then and they hate us still.
If you need help understanding how this ongoing war bled US coffers, do a search on USAF strategic bombers.
Here’s a list of the main ones. Every one costing a fortune. Open up the AI reply.
A lot of American blood has been spilt fighting Russia and it’s communist proxies since.
The best chance in a lifetime has been presented to The West to put Russia in a box and nail down the lid and deliver on Reagan’s “Peace dividend” he expected after Glasnost.
Russia is the second best army in Ukraine and they could be beaten in a short sharp war, using arms already produced ergo being used for what they were meant for.
Put on your big boy pants and ask yourself: Why spend trillions on a nuclear defence guaranteed to mete out MAD if you cower the moment your adversity rattles his nuclear sabre? Putin will not go nuclear, at least the sane ones around him will disobey.
For less than the cost of another carrier it could all be over. Peace through strength and resolve.
$1 bus fares are going great guns in Qld:
Pattern recognition is not conspiracy theory:
Power Bills just got too much?
If you can’t run a steelworks in this market:
I would say you can’t run a steelworks
We are not big exporters of steel but when I checked a few years ago we exported specialty steels and the accompanying graphics showed cold rolled steel, needed for white goods and automobiles but that needs virgin, not recycled steel.
Until a few yrs ago Russia sold into that market, no more, and Trump isn’t going to slap a tariff on it so why aren’t we making hay while the sun shines?
Anyway, this should help a lot with the ol’ Net Zero targets
SA, the poster boy of net zero – zero industry.
However, I was surprised the training for the post was a tick box exercise and felt more like an admin job. The training was delivered by a physiotherapist from this company and lasted approximately one hour online.
The medical assessor is also meant to look for other possible explanations of the vaccine-injury. We were given the example of someone who suffered a myocardial infarction following vaccination and told to look for any other possible cause e.g. they were also hypertensive, so it was probably due to that rather than the vaccine.
Who knew – smoking prevents vaccine injury?
“determination to strike clear cut agreements with Pacific nations like PNG.”
Um, we have a pretty special relationship with PNG….
Australia, it seemed, was determined to pretend that it was not a colonial power.
“I wouldn’t say that any Australians thought we had a colony,” Dame Rachel Cleland, the widow of Sir Donald Cleland, administrator from 1952 to 1967, told the ABC’s Taim Bilong Masta social history radio series in the early 1980s.
“That was not in any way the thinking. The first time I heard ‘colony’ mentioned was about 1965, and it gave me a distinct shock.’
The USA and Russia have started the talks to determine the future of Europe and Ukraine. I don’t know what the Yanks said, but Russia just laid it out straight.. No return of land, a neutral Ukraine that doesn’t belong to NATO, and people who did things will pay for what they did.
“But as seen from the hints delivered by Lavrov and Ushakov—and even Peskov who said yesterday that all negotiations would be done with the consideration of previous ‘Minsk betrayals’—Russia is not willing to bend this time around. ”
The longer it takes the less of Ukraine will be there to talk about.
The question is: Do they have the muscle to hold that line if Trump gets serious?
I’d say the Yanks have shot their bolt, they tried sanctions, they tried getting the rest of the world to isolate Russia, they tried their best weapons, and came up with nothing.. They’re a country of a divided people, full of woke Left-wing whiners who couldn’t full their army recruitment, while the Russians are a far more practical, patriotic people who really believe in their country.
We’ll see if Trump can save the country, he might be the man they need, but I can’t see him saving the Empire.
You would be terribly disappointed if the Yanks got serious. They, and the Europeans, have only handed over obsolescent stuff. The Bradleys and Abrams were new in 1991 Desert Storm, the F-16 is 50 yrs old.
F-35s could bomb both Saint Petersburg and Moscow at will. Russia’s air defences can’t protect arms depots or oil refineries from primitive drones, best ‘o luck against stealth aircraft.
If you doubt American resolve watch a video on the Battle Of Khe Sanh. Neither America nor Australia lost a kinetic battle in ‘Nam. The war was wrong but it wasn’t the military’s fault it was lost.