
The Southern Hemisphere loans the Sun to the North.


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    The Southern Hemisphere loans the Sun to the North.

    If the last two Summers are anything to go by, don’t worry, we won’t use up much of it before we send it back.

    But thankful for some warm sunny weather today to welcome Spring. Now back outdoors!


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      John F. Hultquist

      In central Washington State it is 4°C (10am local time) and snowed a bit this morning. Mountains got snow. Skiers are pleased.


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      we won’t use up much of it before we send it back.

      The Northern Hemisphere is on a slow but relentless path to getting more intense summer sunlight. This current upward trend can be traced back 1582. On average, the NH moves 28 minutes closer to getting its maximum sunlight in this procession cycle every year. But due to the correction to the Gregorean calendar NH has already progressed 13 out of 183days from the minimum to the next maximum.

      Although a slow process, the change is big. Back in 1582, the austral summer peak sunlight was 1407W/m^2. while the boreal summer solstice was only 1317W/m^2. In the next 9,000 years, that will undergo the remainder of 180W/m^2 reversal so the boreal summer goes up 90W/m^2 and the austral summer drops 90W/m^2 – big change but Earth is less than 500 years into the 9500 year transition.

      By the end of the transition, sea level will be down by 20m and the land north of 40N will be covered, on average by 150m of ice.

      Snow is made from water. The water originally comes from the oceans. The more heat that goes into the oceans, the more snow that comes down over land when the surface temperature is below 0C – essentially all land north of 40N. The NH is only 500 years into a 9500 year ocean warming cycle. They have not seen serious snowfall yet:


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        Graeme No.3

        If you refer to the Precession cycle then the northern hemisphere has already seen a cycle in that the warming from about 21,000 years ago to about 9,000 years ago warmed the north (except for something about 12-11,00 years ago -Asteroid impact? ) leaving the Sahara green, fertile and populated by humans along with early civilisations in the Levant.
        This means that the southern hemisphere (including Australia by default) must have been somewhat colder, possibly arid.


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          Last time the sunlight started increasing in the NH was around 23,000 years ago. The oceans were 120m below the current level and the glacier calving was fierce. All the sun did was accelerate the melt and cold water poured into the oceans causing ice shelves to break off and float free. The ocean surface was so cold in the higher latitudes that there was hardly any snowfall. The melting of the ice accelerated..

          There are lots of regions that can be dammed by ice that form elevated lakes. The Baltic Sea is one. The Sailish Sea is another then there is Baffin Bay. There is firm evidence that Baffin Bay was blocked by an iceberg with a draft around 500m. So lots of dammed fresh water that can be released as the ice melts to slow the rate of warming.


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        Peter C

        By the end of the transition, sea level will be down by 20m

        That will empty Port Phillip Bay and also Westetnport Bay!


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          There will be a considerable amount of existing shipping infrastructure that will be useless in 9,000 years – and not because it will be ancient but rather because it will be a long way from deep water. But it is not the first time in human history that port infrastructure has been abandoned.

          There are many Roman ports that are now inland and more ancient ports that are now submerged but will be exposed again in a few thousand years.

          There will still be land below sea level in Westernport and Port Philip when down by 20m. It will be around 70,000 years before you can trek to Tasmania by land . But you will sill need some sort of craft to make that trip.

          During recovery from the last glaciation, the sea level rise was up to 70mm per year. Puts the current “unprecedented” increase of 1.7mm per year into perspective.


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    When I was a boy in primary school boys had pocket knives.
    As a teen we carried knives and going camping and rabbiting we had machetes. At 16 we carried our .22 rifles on the train to Mildura and then on the mail truck to go camping beside the Murray for 2 weeks.
    Cadets would carry their .303 rifles on the tram.
    There was never a problem.

    Now we’ve imported a problem courtesy of globalist woke left ideals that have infected the West, the same problem UK and Europe are now suffering.

    Australia is a land of 67 million sheep. If we keep passively allowing ourselves to be slaughtered, herded, corralled, castrated, and led by the nose we’ll have to add the 26 million human population to that number. We’ll soon be a nation of 93 million sheep.

    New South Wales (NSW) police have seized more than 90 knives, machetes, and other dangerous weapons off the streets under the government’s new wanding powers.

    The new knife scanning legislation providing police with the power to use handheld scanners to search for knives came into force on Dec. 9, 2024.
    NSW Police can use these electronic metal-detecting “wands” to stop and scan individuals without a warrant in public areas.


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      Yep, back in the seventies, I used to take a fully functional .303 rifle home from school every Friday, via the train, bus and then on foot, so I could shoot on a Saturday at Hornsby Rifle Range. I was taught to shoot by the School. I doubt this would be even allowed to be talked about today. I wrote to John Howard back in the great gun buyback, pointing out what I used to be able to do and asked him what had changed, and why. I’m still waiting for his answer.

      Banning machetes in Victoria is like a bandaid on a bullet wound….would it not be a better idea to get stuck into the gangs that are using these things as a work tool ? Criminals are the problem, not the tools they choose.


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        Same here with the Cadet firearms experience. I do wish hearing protection was a thing back then. I think firing 303s and Bren guns without anything on the ears was the start of my hearing loss. It was just the start though as I seem to be drawn to noisy passtimes.

        These bans are just political theatre, designed distract from the social causes and blame the implements. Politicians get to demonstrate they “have done something” however useless or counter productive.


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        It was no different here in WA. We walked with our .303’s from school to the bus stop, about 1km. Got on the bus, alighted about 0.5km from home and and walked to our homes. Saturday morning we walked about 1.5km to Stirling Highway and waited at the side of the Hwy for the army bus to pick us up. All with our .303’s. No one turned a hair. Do that today and half of the population would have PTSD and most of the rest would be cringing under the dining table. What a pathetic lot of Australians we have become.


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            These are remarkable stories. I had no idea people “kids” used to carry guns anywhere in Perth (or most of Australia).

            Seems like a bit of history that needs to be told?


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              Jo,at about the same time I was taking a fully functional .303 home every Friday from school, my Uncle gave me a .22 lever action Winchester rifle that he had owned for years. Unsure of its safety/functionality, I walked to the local railway station on a Saturday, caught a train into Sydney, got off at Wynyard and walked down George St till I found one of the then many gun shops that used to be there. The rifle was not in any sort of covering…I just had it in my hand as I travelled. A very helpful gunsmith tested the thing out the back of his shop into a bullet trap, gave it back to me and confirmed it was safe to use, and I completed the reverse journey back home. No one so much as gave me a side long glance. Ah the good ole’ days !


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              Each school cadet unit had an Armoury in the school grounds. They had Vickers Medium Machine guns. Also 3″ mortars. Some of the senior cadets would attend specialist courses at Northam Army camp during the summer holidays. They would be made sergeants of the various section. We had a mortar section,a machine gun section from memory. Cadet camps were held at the Nortam Army camp before the school holidays each May and August holidays.


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      I remember when the bloke on Playschool on the ABC wore a pocket knife on his belt. Nobody thought anything of it.


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      Similar in NZ. Just before I went to high school Mt Albert Grammar had had a functioning shooting range with rifle training and firing for years. Can’t recall any reports of the school (a “soft” target ie no CCTV back then) being broken into and rifles/ammunition stolen. The school also had a farm that had been established back in 1932 and those interested in agricultural and horticultural studies were well and truly catered for. Farm is still going strong


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        Greg in NZ

        Occasionally played (real) football as a young fella there on the pitch (within the volcanic cone?) and climbed the huge (macrocarpa?) trees around the summit… great fun.

        Is it true Ngati Whatua (?) have deemed all these as colonial desecration of their sacred maunga and plan to remove them so the scoria cone can return to its natural state… a barren volcano?

        The green-and-purple latte-people have succeeded in closing down Western Springs (natural amphitheatre) on the other side of the motorway: no more speedway races (mmm, smell that fuel) & no more noisy concerts as were Led Zep, Bowie, Floyd, Bob Marley, Cold Chisel, ZZ Top, and others I vaguely remember…


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      I got in the poo once riding home on my bike with a single barrel shot gun an uncle lent me. I rode past the cop shop.


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      NSW standsfor Newcastle, Sydney and Wollongong


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    The war in Ukraine has left the nation utterly insolvent, almost entirely reliant on foreign aid. President Zelensky claims he cannot account for billions in aid, urging world leaders to send more rapidly as he must prevent Russia from invading all of Europe. Peace is not an option as “the worst conflict since World War II” rages on with no end in sight. In the meantime, Ukraine spent £1.2 billion ($1.5 billion) to improve its tourism sector by building a massive luxury ski resort.

    The luxury resort will span 2,965 acres, feature 25 hotels with 5,5000 rooms, with 41 ski slopes spanning 46.6 miles.

    It was a known fact that Ukraine was a corrupt nation before the war began and the government rebranded itself as a delicate victim that simply wants the best for its people—its people who have been sent off to die while those in charge refuse to negotiate with Russia. Zelensky has also said that the war will last for many years to come, yet his war-ravaged nation plans to build a billion-dollar resort near its border with Poland to attract tourism.


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      Near the Polish border you say? Perhaps they could call it the Volhynia Memorial Ski Resort.


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      The REAL Shift – Europe’s Massive Defense Turnaround


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        Robert Swan

        I thought the one you posted yesterday was more interesting.

        Once again, the commentary was a bit shallow. On the US “own goal” — that the EU won’t be buying from American companies — it won’t hurt the US very much, since the EU wasn’t spending much on military supplies before. If the EU starts paddling its own canoe, the USA will not have to paddle it for them anymore. Sounds like a win-win.


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          It will be interesting to see what India will do. They are due to buy fighters and F-35s were favoured.

          But are Europeans more “reliable”?

          France Rejects Israel Mirage Deal

          In 1967, France imposed an arms embargo on Israel, preventing the delivery of 50 Mirage 5Js that Israel had already paid for. This embargo was imposed just before the outbreak of the Six-Day War and was seen as a significant blow to Israel’s military capabilities, as it caused a shortage of spare parts for most of Israel’s French fighter aircraft at the time.

          In response to this embargo, Israel worked to obtain the plans for the Mirage aircraft through espionage. According to one account, Alfred Frauenknecht, who stole the Mirage designs, sold 20 crates of secret plans, records, and tooling instructions to Israel for $200,000.


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      ‘ … plans to build a billion-dollar resort near its border with Poland to attract tourism.’

      Its important to plan ahead.


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        Greg in NZ

        Plan ahead? But snow died 25 years ago, an egg-spurt told me so… unless they’ve invented rock-skiing? Using tanks for slalom jumps whilst avoiding (un)exploded ordnance? Could be a BOOM industry. OK I’ll leave now…


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      Old Goat

      When the rare earth minerals scam died a new one was needed . Trump is a real estate developer…..


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        >Trump is a real estate developer
        He is.
        But I didn’t see any mention of Trump in that article.
        Is there some evidence of his involvement??


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    ANU just felt the anti-woke, Trump juggernaut, loses millions in US funding

    Australian National University Canberra was the first tertiary body to feel the brunt of Trump’s austerity drive losing millions of research funds

    Woke universities have been sent questionnaires from the US asking if they support DEI, woke environmental curricula, gender dysphoria or if they have any links to China.

    ‘Woe is me’ scream the many targets of Trump whose maneuvering should come as no surprise as he campaigned strongly against wokeism and got the greatest electoral support in a century from everyday Americans who were sick and tired of Marxist bullshit.

    He is the first ever politician in the west who is actually doing what he campaigned on.

    Wakey wakey Labor, Greens and Teal stooges.


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      David Maddison

      Excellent news.

      (I recently posted a link to this issue where you can download and read the questionnaire which was sent. Also see video I posted:

      These “academics” in “universities” haven’t conducted genuine scholarship for decades.

      The parasitic wokesters that inhabit them hate TRUMP, hate America, hate Australia, hate The West and hate Judeo-Christian religion.

      Why should they be in receipt of the hard-earned cash of the American taxpayer?

      Let these fake academics rot.


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        There is no reason for any Govt to be involved in education, from pre-school to university. The private sector can handle it, charities can help the less fortunate, and because its just ‘the way it is’ people no longer consider what we are losing in having the dead hand of Govt smother innovation and expertise in the whole sector.

        An excellent idea would be to put Govt in charge of the supermarkets, the only way to drive home to the masses just how poorly they perform. Empty shelves would be a daily occurrence, smaller shops as there would be no reason for more than the Govt’s own brand of food, the quality would be abysmal as there is no incentive for a bureaurat to perform, and the cost horrendous, like anything the State touches.

        Otherwise, humanity will continue to be held back by giving the less abled the greater power…


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          Old Goat

          The education system has become bloated by the courses/degrees that are designed to attract the gullible . Being able to get a diploma or degree in something that has no employment value at exorbitant prices is now normal . With the rise of AI you could probably not attend a day of the course and still graduate…


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    David Maddison

    The Left are so obsessed with their woke ideology, they’d rather go broke than think rationally.

    The revised version of Snow White is a disaster.

    This video talks about the lack of ticket pre-sales.

    Get woke, go broke.

    Best to stick to the original story.

    Incidentally, even dwarf/midget actors were offended by their exclusion from the traditional acting role and the discrimination the woke producers practiced against them.

    Dwarf actors’ fury at Snow White remake where they’ve been replaced with CGI characters – as they accuse Disney of ‘discrimination’ and damaging their careers for the sake of political correctness

    13 Mar 2025


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    David Maddison

    As the United States under TRUMP’s leadership rapidly moves ahead in leaps and bounds at an unprecedented rate, it seems most of the Western world is NOT following.

    In fact, in response to the huge progress in America, the wokist of Western countries like Australia, Canada and Once Great Britain seem to be regressing at an accelerating pace.

    TRUMP is starting to disconnect from other Western countries including Australia, Canada and Europe because he sees the future and the collapse of the non-USA West and doesn’t want to be taken down with them.

    This is also why TRUMP would like to establish an alliance with Russia, to counter the power of a hostile Europe and China.

    He is five moves ahead of everyone else in a game of three dimensional chess.


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    UK governments past and present are aware of the damaging cost of net zero, but continue to spout the opposite false bullet points; jobs, lower bills etc.


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    Your Government hates you:

    Interview with Libertarian Vic Senate candidate Jordan Dittloff.


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    The CO2 coalition cheered the judgement in North Dakota against Greenpeace and their multiple instances of criminal damage to the oil pipeline. The damage was in the order of $300million. Today the jury doubled it to $660 million!.

    Hopefully this is the commercial end of the Marxist anti human Greenpeace which is neither about a Green world (chlorophyll) and certainly not about peace. This evil anti human organization was started with great intentions by Dr Patrick Moore and friends and they helped end nuclear testing and certainly the pointless killing of whales for oil. In Australia in particular. The sordid story of the capture of Greenpeace by lawyers, businessmen and communists is laid out in his book “Confessions of a Greenpeace dropout”.

    Great news. What everyone is now calling ‘The Trump Effect’. The fight back against Green Woke tyranny is becoming an avalanche.

    If only this would happen in Australia too. The Blue Banded Honeybee is just made up gibberish. Like Aboriginal names for Australian cities from a people who did not build a house in 50,000 years. Now they claim Mt Panorama, an ancient kangaroo racing ground.

    A lot can be traced back to Paul Keating when he took a court win by Melanasian island farmer Eddie Mabo and improperly applied it to all aboriginals in Australia simply because they were a similar colour.

    There now a lot of incredibly wrong laws in Australia. Especially punitive Carbon taxes. We need a constitutional review of all this made up science. And social agendas like multicultural media costing $500million a year in the age of the internet. Or the open ended NDIS scheme which is swallowing all our money. And the $42Billion aboriginal welfare schemes which clearly do zero for aboriginals.

    The endless woke and Climate laws in Australia need to come down. Politicians handing money out as if they earned it.

    Last year total taxation went up 10%. Why? Government taxation and spending is the only boom industry left in Australia.

    A billion for a share in a California company for Quantum Computing? Does no one in parliament or the Labor Party care about due diligence? Who gave the Prime Minister such powers? Not the Constitution.


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      David Maddison

      Great news. What everyone is now calling ‘The Trump Effect’. The fight back against Green Woke tyranny is becoming an avalanche.

      But seemingly only in America. The woke Western nations like Australia, Canada and Europe are becoming even more woke and rapidly regressing in the opposite direction to freedom, abandoning the Paris Accords and financial responsibility (all factions of the Uniparty). We are getting far worse, not far better as would be the case if we adopted even one percent of TRUMP’s policies.


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        In the UK, France, German and already in Italy, Hungary, Poland, it’s underway. The establishment is simply ignoring the elections and trying to rule from a minority position, as in Australia. The dams will burst soon.

        Even in America, it’s not just that Trump won, it’s that he is taking a sledgehammer to Woke and waste and massive anti American sentiment inside America itself.

        Plus those tens of millions of uninvited, unregistered and so often criminal aliens who have been dumped in every country to undermine Democracy. The attempt to destroy countries is well underway. And the people of America, Italy, France, Germany, Nederlands are fighting back hard.

        In fact no one has done more for Canadian pride, Nationalism and determination to be self sufficient and independent than Donald Trump. He trolled them to be more than parasitic on the United States, to make Canada great again. Of course he didn’t want to acquire Canada, but he got them to address their own failings as a nation, fix their own borders, look hard at their own manufacturing and defence. And take pride in their hockey. As with Greenland and Panama. Everyone’s been coasting. America cannot fight everyone else’s wars.

        And hopefully Australia soon too. Stop wrecking the joint with crazy woke Green taxes and spending. No more windmills. Bring back coal and oil and gas and pride and strength, economically and defensively. Or we are sitting ducks.

        Trump says everyone is sponging on America. It’s true. And for their own sake, they have to regain their national pride and economic and military independence. That’s the Trump Effect. Unless everyone would prefer to learn Chinese.


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          Our next election in Australia will probably cost nearly a $ billion. $500m to actually run the election ( AEC activities etc) and about $400m wasted on advertising and promotion. Are they really worth it, when most likely we either get the same again or a slightly different shade of politics?


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            Doing you know why political adverts have “no-reply@..” as a return email address ?
            They to hate hearing anything back from you.
            But the allocated sums must be expended.


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              John Michelmore

              Happened to me today, tried to email the Liberals against nuclear group. Guess what you can’t, their websites contact portal is a joining mechanism. Not only are the Libs disfunctional all as a party and part of the Uniparty, you definitely cannot tell them what you think.


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              Sincere apologies about my errors – have no explanations how they happened.


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          Dave in the States

          “The establishment is simply ignoring the elections and trying to rule from a minority position,”

          Saw on the Noon News today that Ursula von der Leyen flew to India to negotiate a trade deal. Nope, not an elected head of state or foreign minister/secretary, but the head of the Brussels Politburo.


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          Its not so much that we have been sponging off America, they set themselves up as a moral compass, an exceptional democracy over autocracies.

          The dollar is the Reserve currency but the US is in deep debt, so clawing back the waste makes good economic sense.

          On the question of climate change and energy, the ‘Trump Effect’ will eventually reach the Antipodes in the form of satire.


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        Is it rational to expecy the world to change like a switch just because the US has an election?


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      David Maddison

      A lot can be traced back to Paul Keating when he took a court win by Melanasian island farmer Eddie Mabo and improperly applied it to all aboriginals in Australia simply because they were a similar colour.

      That court case was a huge farce and one of the biggest miscarriages of justice that ever happened in Australia.

      The Torres Strait islanders are a totally different people to mainlanders.

      Mabo presented evidence to the court of historic ownership of land and inheritance laws, and most importantly defined property boundaries for land ownership that were clearly delineated by stone markers. This was a property rights system fully compatible with what European origin people would imagine as a valid recognition of property rights.

      Mabo presented a map to the court:

      See picture at:

      Mainlanders had no such concept of maps, property markers or ownership. It was completely invalid to apply the Mabo case to the mainland.


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        Thanks David, that is seismic, I will circulate to all my agents of influence:)


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        David, I have commented here before, it appears that Ayres Rock was also given to the “wrong” traditional owners by Hawke/ Keating. There was substantial evidence that the traditional owners only moved into the Ayres Rock area circa 1930, displacing the local inhabitants and forcing them further south. (ref Theodor Strehlow) Strehlow was born at Hermansburg Mission, was brought up directly with traditional aborigines, spoke several aboriginal languages and dialects and spent his life studying aboriginal people .
        Hawke/Keating disregarded the evidence and just went for the quick “feel good” solution. Typically political, just needs to look good, damn the outcomes.


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          David Maddison

          Agreed Sambar. And the agreement stipulated that access to the rock was meant to maintained for those not of the correct skin colour, but that has also been withdrawn.


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          The basic problem with indigenous matters, who do you deal with in such a fragmented bunch of cultures? Who claims to speak for who?

          Politicians are going to deal with the most agreeable and who can stay on narrative if the appropriate taxpayer encouragement is applied.


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        If I could differ, the court case was fair. The Torres strait islanders were settled farmers. The legal principle of Terra Nullus did not apply to Eddie Mabo and his neighbours on that island 2km x 1km. They were long term farmers. Terra Nullus was NOT overturned, it was simply not applicable. Eddie Mabo argued he was NOT aboriginal.

        It was Paul Keating who then legislated in our parliament to apply the High Court ruling to aborigines who were not involved geographically or socially or in any other way relevant. That was blatantly racist. The only connection was colour.

        This was the Native Title Act 1993

        Now we have flags around Melbourne and an oath to respect Torres strait sovereignty over all Australians with a leaf burning ceremony invented by an aboriginal comedian. It is all fantasy and likely illegal under our constitution and legal heritage. Last week at a wedding we had to honour Torres strait leaders past, present and future? There are more people in a single street in Melbourne than in their entire Torres Strait islands.

        There was no aboriginal Sovereignty. No common language, tools, weapons, boomerangs, digeridoos. Certainly no government or agricultural settlement. This has all been projected by activists to cover a nomadic existence of many scattered family groups who had no idea where they lived or even that Australia was an island.

        Reimaginging a sophisticated settled aboriginal Nation with manufacturing and agriculture is completely absurd. No one could even count to ten.

        And the $42billion a year would make millionaires of every outback aborigine every single year. So where’s the money gone?


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          The Preamble to the Act is completely misleading as to the Eddie Mabo judgement on a tiny Melanesian island with 400 people next to New Guinea.

          (a) rejected the doctrine that Australia was terra nullius (land belonging to no – one) at the time of European settlement; and

          The Torres Strait was claimed by Queensland and became logically part of Australia in Federation. This does not mean Australia became a Torres Strait island. Just because a racial group on a quite separate group of island could claim that Terra Nullius did not apply to them did not means the ancient principle did not apply to other people elsewhere. The principle was not ‘overturned’.

          (b) held that the common law of Australia recognises a form of native title that reflects the entitlement of the indigenous inhabitants of Australia, in accordance with their laws and customs, to their traditional lands; and

          Indigenous inhabitants include Torres Strait islanders. Which did not mean all such inhabitants were Torres Strait Islanders.

          (c) held that native title is extinguished by valid government acts that are inconsistent with the continued existence of native title rights and interests, such as the grant of freehold or leasehold estates.

          The idea existence of any native title rights was never established legally on mainland Australia and to a quite different group of people.

          This could be easily challenged like all the Carbon Dioxide taxes. It was just fashionable at the time and cost the politicians nothing to give the country away on the flimsiest of wrong arguments.


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          David Maddison

          If I could differ

          I don’t disagree with you TdeF, I was trying to make the point that it was inapplicable to the mainland.


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          David Maddison

          So where’s the money gone?

          Senator Jacinta Price has tried to find out on numerous occasions but no one can or will tell her.


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        Melanasian island farmer Eddie Mabo

        This Eddie Mabo?

        Mabo worked on pearling boats, as a cane cutter, and as a railway fettler (worker), becoming a gardener at James Cook University in Townsville, Queensland at age 31.[2]

        And that is where he was drafted by the Reynolds into what could be claimed was their war against western civilisation. The weapon used could best be described as the re-writing of recorded history to a new oral history. Similar to ‘new’ climate science, recorded facts were dismissed or ignored.

        The time Mabo spent on the James Cook University campus had a massive impact on his life. In 1974, he was talking with James Cook University historians Noel Loos and Henry Reynolds, and Loos recalls:

        [W]e were having lunch one day in Reynolds’ office when Koiki was just speaking about his land back on Mer, or Murray Island. Henry and I realised that in his mind he thought he owned that land, so we sort of glanced at each other, and then had the difficult responsibility of telling him that he didn’t own that land, and that it was Crown land. Koiki was surprised, shocked and even … he said and I remember him saying ‘No way, it’s not theirs, it’s ours.'[18][19]

        Later, when Mabo was a research assistant on an oral history project in the Torres Strait, Reynolds records:

        He got as far as Thursday Island and no further. He was refused permission to land on any of the other islands in the Straits. A reputation as a radical was a heavy burden in Queensland at the time. For Eddie the rejection was devastating. He could not go home. He was not only landless in the eyes of white man’s law, he was an exile as well.[20]

        Who was on Murray Island in 1872?

        Post-European settlement (1872)

        School children on Mer Island, 1898
        Missionaries (mainly Polynesian) and some other Polynesians began to settle the island in 1872 when the London Missionary Society founded a missionary school there.[13]

        Julian Thomas after a voyage in 1883 records in his book ‘Cannibals and Convicts’

        There has been a considerable mixture of races in the Straits. From the Melanesian, the Malaysian, the Australian, and Papuan, some tribes have been evolved whom the white traders call “Bingeyes.”


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          That short story should be printed in its 1000s and mail-dropped just before the election.

          Naturally the wording might be improved, though to me it is pretty clear what had happened:
          The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
          And I do not mean those of P. Keating’s.


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        It goes back to Lenin’s book the National and Colonial Question. The idea is to establish an independent, Marxist republic for the Aboriginals. John Dyson Heyden made the comment “Look what the Communists have done” referring to the other members of the High Court.


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    Johanne does it again! It’s just so obvious our Politicians are cutting off noses to spite our very existence! Then they go cap in hand expecting Trump to give us concessions.

    [Paywalled. – LVA]


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    David Maddison

    I think politicians, ABC, SBS, CSIRO and Defence employees and senior public serpents and their families should all be subject to regular or random forensic financial audits to make sure they’re not in receipt of bribes from Big Green, the Chicomms or other hostile parties.


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      I just object to people doing nothing for our money. What does the CSIRO do? Or the BOM? And why does Al Grassby’s SBS exist? Why does the ABC not have to conform to the limits on influence rules which are applied to commercial media? A protected government guaranteed, tax funded, unrestricted and totally unaccountable and very political media organization. Why does it exist in the 21st century when people have the world in their pockets?


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      No David,

      should all be subject to regular or random forensic financial audits

      We again run into the same problem. Just like any certification; building, safety, vehicle etc, who does the audit? And who audits the auditor?

      A few simple ‘resets’ can provide a workable means of audit by ‘We the People’,

      (1) Do not pay politicians, serving your community requires little effort and should be an act of service. It requires more effort and knowledge to run a P&C or sporting team than to be an elected member annointed by the Uni-party to carry on like a parrot.

      (2) Restrict terms to two, two year terms. Get in, get it done and get back into your community.

      (3)Paper ballots scrutineered and counted at the polling station level.

      (4) Magistrates to be appointed from the Justice of Peaces in the local community or Clerks of Court not the activists out of Law Schools. No political appointments, let experience and merit be the selection criteria.


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        Gary S

        Broadie, I think those who identify as politicians are the sort of people who would be happy to forgo remuneration for a time whilst in office, if it meant they could still secure highly overpaid positions afterwards when employed by those they ‘helped’.
        The Lord helps those who help themselves alright.


      • #

        Excellent ideas Broadie! NZ did not pay politicians a salary until 1944, it was not considered a full-time job.

        Then just do away with this stupid idea of voting, save the country a $billion every few years and just appoint random people each term. That way you REALLY have a Govt by the people, for the people.


  • #

    “Can’t force people to buy EVs’: Bowen’s net zero to 100 car wreck!
    The local Mitsubishi boss has declared car yards are brimming with EVs that people do not want to buy, and warned the price of petrol cars could rise unless Labor overhauls its ­vehicle-emissions standards.

    This pic will haunt Albo Tross all the way to election defeat

    [ Paywalled site. – LVA]


  • #

    This is the story of the time Jo took Chris Monckton to a talk about Karl Popper and the Austrian economists and I became an active climate and energy realist.

    Strange but true!

    Thanks Jo:)


  • #
    Custer Van Cleef

    Is there life after Fox News when they ‘let you go’ from the roster?

    Yes, Tucker Carlson has his own podcast. Just last week he interviewed another ex-Foxy, Clayton Morris, who ALSO has a podcast.

    A frequent guest on Tucker’s old show was Colonel Doug Macgregor. They were reunited on Tucker’s podcast this month.

    And if you were really missing the Colonel, he has a weekly slot with ex-Fox contributor, Judge Napolitano, on “Judging Freedom”.
    The Judge’s podcast lasts around 25 minutes. A dozen regulars on his roster every week. Some are history professors, some are retired intel officers, there’s a retired air-force Colonel (female! — And why not!)

    Oh yeah, another guest familiar to Fox viewers, hardly to be seen now on Fox, is Glenn Greenwald. He’s got a podcast too. “System Update”.

    You don’t have to watch these things. You can get just the audio. On multiple platforms: Spotify, Rumble, Apple, etc.


    • #

      Carlson and Macgregor, two Russian shills. Macgregor has been forecasting the imminent demise of Ukraine for three years, Carlson says Russia is Paradise, everything is so CHEAP.


      • #

        Question Hanrahan,

        Carlson says Russia is Paradise, everything is so CHEAP.

        Were the images and prices reported by Carlson correct?

        I haven’t listened to Macgregor.

        Macgregor has been forecasting the imminent demise of Ukraine for three years

        Did his predictions envisage or allow for the huge amount of weapons and support the US and others chipped in?


        • #

          Food is only cheap if citizens can afford it, not Australians or Americans.

          Ukraine hasn’t collapsed after three years. There aren’t many ways to rephrase that.


          • #

            Russia hasn’t collapsed either… Ya picks ya propaganda & goes with it.

            “Ukraine exhausts Russia’s important resource on battlefield; Russian army cannot continue occupation”

            “Update from Ukraine | Awesome! Huge Strike on Ruzzian Engels Military Airfield”


            “Turkey Just Shuts Down Russia’s Biggest Hopes – GET OUT OF CRIMEA!”

            “Putin in a State of Panic – Poland’s Bold Move in Retaliation on Russia’s Oreshnik Missile”

            …and so on, all on Youboob. Putin has died of cancer, Russia’s economy has collapsed, Russia has run out of soldiers, Russia has run out of tanks, Russia has run out of missiles..

            Yet the war goes on.


          • #

            Depends what you think collapsed looks like.


    • #

      Custer, I get a significant amount of my “news” these days from podcasts. Real news that is. You can actually listen ( or watch) while they speak and get a proper appraisal of the person or their story. Beats the 30 second grab from the MSM and some robot host putting their spin on the story. The insight you once got from a long read story in the newspaper, except way more convenient.


      • #
        Custer Van Cleef

        Any recommendations?


        • #

          Tucker’s good. These days the long form podcasts are really good. Depending on your taste Joe Rogan can be great ( swears a bit ), particularly when he interviews the non comedic/ non UFC types. I also like Mike Rowe ( Dirty Jobs bloke ). James Delingpole is very good. I have a US farming podcast called the Business of Farming ( Damian Mason). Although I’m an aussie, most subjects are very relevant to our agriculture. I tend to listen on longer drives rather than the usual FM music/ MSM news chatter. Sometimes I watch on Spotify ( vision) but rarely on Youtube. Some I watch on Rumble. Sort of surf around a bit. Mostly free, but some I have subscribed or bought coffees for. Bit like Jo, where you donate some chocolates.


          • #

            You do not need them, listen here.

            About 18:05 (AEST) 15 Feb 2022, in reply to J. Biden statement: “We have no intention of fighting Russia in Ukraine”, I said “..that’s it, the … gave Putin a green light !”

            Not only my wife heard me, possibly D. Trump did too, as he confirms every time when he says the war would never happened if he was POTUS then. He might like my warning so much, he repeated it 20 times at least.


          • #

            Tucker is like the Curate’s egg: OK in parts.


  • #
    Greg in NZ

    A physician, a vaccinologist, and an expert in misinformation walk up to the bar – and an anti-jab doctor is de-registered, fined $10K, and ordered to pay $148,450.41 legal costs. Kangaroo courts are alive & well in 2025 New Zealand.

    Having uploaded numerous YT videos during the 2020+ psyop , Dr Bailey had stated “the medical industry continually invents epidemics making billion-dollar profits at our expense”, for which she was found guilty of C-19 misinformation. Fifteen (15) complaints were made, versus the 18 million views her channel received before being shutdown.

    Medical Council chairwoman, Dr Love [cough!], said the public must “have confidence in the medical profession”. Too late for that, sweety pie.


    • #

      One of the martyrs to the cause. “have confidence in the medical profession” joins ‘Have confidence in The State’ and ‘Have confidence in the media’, all of which are non-existent amongst the intelligent.

      Sadly, nearly all people will show no interest at all in any of those subjects- the footy season has started, the supermarket is too expensive and young Johnny needs to see a doctor for his cold…

      “the videos Bailey posted breached the standards of good medical practice which required doctors to not allow personal beliefs to affect their advice, ”

      So you go to a Dr for his advice, and just get a Google reply from the Medical Industry.. I’d expect more than that, should I ever need to see one!


    • #

      They have odd thought processes dont they? They think this will engender confidence? They show they think their position is so week that the need to fine and deregister a critic, as their evidence isnt convincing enough by their own measure.


      • #
        Greg in NZ

        By their own evidence, the *profession* has been hoisted by their own petard; or they shot themselves in the foot; or they fell down the man-hole of their own making. The *law* is an ass.

        Zero jabs and still alive, thanks to Dr Sam.


    • #
      Brenda Spence

      It is not surprising.

      “Sam Bailey argues that viruses do not exist, based on the lack of scientific evidence for their physical isolation and the absence of properly controlled experiments that could confirm their existence.
      According to Bailey, the concept of viruses has been maintained through indirect findings and methodologies that do not meet the criteria for proving the existence of a virus.
      Bailey and her colleagues have published works such as “A Farewell to Virology (Expert Edition)” which refutes almost every aspect of the virus model.
      They claim that no entity that meets the description of a virus has ever been isolated in a pure form, separated from other material.”

      Via Brave Leo.

      Plenty out references straight out of her mouth at her website.


      • #
        Dry Liberal

        I think these people should “put their money where their mouth is” – if viruses don’t exist then to prove it try exposing themselves to Marburg virus or one of the many other haemorrhagic fever viruses (there are many). I doubt we’d here from them again after that.


    • #
      Dry Liberal

      How is this person a “vaccinologist”? A GP, yes, supervised clinical trials, yes, but “vaccinologist”, no.


    • #
      Peter C

      Very sorry to hear that.


    • #

      Australians living longer but no change in the proportion of life spent in full health
      Australians are, on average, living longer and spending more years in full health (meaning no disease or injury), compared with 20 years ago. Years lived in full health is also referred to as health-adjusted life expectancy (HALE). However, years lived in ill health are also increasing, resulting in no change in the proportion of life spent in full health.

      Figure 2.5 is illustrative – depressive disorder, suicide and self harm, dementia and anxiety all on the rise

      Whatever the virus story, it gets far too much air time. All this ‘pandemic preparedness’. No one except scientists ever needed to know ‘COVID’ ever existed – it’s name should just be H1.N1 alpha-numeric code.


  • #
    David Maddison

    Copied from Farcebook.

    There’s a renewed market emerging for older vehicles with manually operated controls, no computer controlled systems reliant on sensors that can fail and that can be maintained with basic mechanical knowledge and simple tools and without computer diagnostics. They’re generally lighter than modern vehicles and many would argue are styled better.


    • #

      You have to go a fair way back now to have a non computer/sensor driven car these days, typically 40-50 years. Our local car club has about 60 of them and another 20 that bleed over into the computer era with basic EFI.


    • #
      Steve of Cornubia

      Looking at basic family cars from back then, compared to now:

      Ford Escort MK1 in basic spec, kerb weight ca. 800kg
      Mazda 3 lowest spec today, kerb weight ca. 1,328kg.
      Kia EV3 (small SUV) lowest spec and range, kerb weight ca. 1,845kg.

      So, over every single kilometre, today’s ICE cars are hauling around more than 500kg extra. The equivalent EV is an obese tank, weighed down by an extra 1000kg, more than double the weight of it’s 1970s equivalent.

      I’m sure the mathemagicians on here could estimate what the energy cost and ‘carbon emissions’ of all that extra weight is.


      • #
        Steve of Cornubia


        Its, not it’s.



      • #

        A grey engine Holden couldn’t do Sarina to Marlborough [inland route] on a tank. The roadhouse made a motza on fuel and replacement windscreens. It was for good reason it was called the Crystal Highway.

        The more you talk the less nostalgic I get.


    • #

      They don’t make ’em like they used to THANK HEAVEN.

      Have you any idea how much maintenance old cars needed? Are you going back to solid steering columns and hard dash boards?


      • #

        Yep, I have a really good idea having owned a few in the last decade. Once set up about the only additional thing they needed was greasing due to having greasable joints. Yes I do have a car with a solid steering column but it doesnt have a cushy dash and even a touch of burr walnut veneer.

        I do wish the manufacturers would come up with some affordable, safe comfortable cars. I thought the Ford Maverick was coming close and perhaps something like the now defunct Suzuki Ignis. Basic cars with limited bells and whistles, good secondary safety, ABS and AC.

        On a related topic my wife picked up a new car yesterday. Same as what she had but 7 years younger. She used to be able to turn off the engine stop start feature with one button. With muscle memory it just became a standard part of starting the car. To do it now requires 4 selections on the central screen. Progress.


        • #

          Many men died in lightly damaged VWs, the solid steering column was aimed at the heart.


          • #

            There should be no airbags or seat belts, and an 8″ blade sticking straight out of the steering column. Any accident kills the driver.

            You would be amazed how carefully people would suddenly drive!


            • #

              A safety feature first proposed by TE Lawrence in ~1927.
              It was never tried, I like the idea myself tho’ my own driving does not require that step.
              (Famous last words).


          • #

            Ive never lived my life in a beige cotton wool lined box, so unlikely to start now. At the moment we span about 50 years of vehicle age and they will all get used as appropriate.

            The 1951 Morris Major I had did feel like driving down the road in a 44 gallon drum , but gave us a lot of fun. Was unusual to get through a servo without someone wanting to talk about it.


        • #
          Steve of Cornubia

          I recently had the pleasure of doing a simple service on a 1969 Mini. It really took me back. It was lovely being able to deal with everything so easily, without any special tools and no need for a diagnostic analyser. Filters, oil, new plugs and check valve clearances. I even had to replace and gap the points because it hadn’t had electric ignition fitted. I thoroughly enjoyed myself.

          Mind you, had it needed a replacement bypass hose I might have felt differently … Little Bar Steward of a thing to replace, they were.


    • #

      I just fixed my own computer controlled car. 4 error codes reported and NOT one of them told me what the cause was. I found the fault by listening to the car as it was running. The give away was the petrol tank cap issuing a suction noise every 5 seconds after the car was warm.

      This suction was enough to cause the fuel pump, (situated in the tank), to deliver a little less fuel to the injectors, resulting in a lean run error. When the suction stopped, the injector, now open too far to compensate, lead to a rich burn fault. This rich burn also caused a reported fault on both the oxygen sensors located in the exhaust pipe, before and after the cat converter, two more errors.

      And the fault….. The fuel tank has a carbon canister which is in the vent path for times when there is excess tank pressure, (eg hot day). The carbon soaks up the vapours and then VENTS to atmosphere, under the car. Since the fuel tank cap was releasing an internal vacuum, it was obvious that this vent was blocked. The vacuum is a result of the engine emission’s control loop sucking air through the vent, (to recover the captured fuel vapours), then into the canister and then toward the air intake of the car. The cycling every 5 seconds is just the control loop running as normal.

      The fix….. Climb under the car, remove the vapour canister, blow out the vent pipe, (clogged due to a dirt road that I live on), and clean out the canister, over 100g of dry dust in it. The car now runs again, just like it should, all error codes fixed.

      And NOT a single error code fix suggested the actual fault OR how to remedy it. My time, 2 hours, including building some large timber pads to drive the car up on to.

      What would that have cost to fix in a company service centre.


      • #

        Motoring bloggers say never overfill your tank, when the pump clicks off, that’s enough. Apparently that carbon filter doesn’t like getting wet.

        I do so few miles I only half fill my tank anyway.


        • #

          There is a liquid stop valve in the line from the tank to the vapour pot designed to prevent this being an issue. And as you would expect, like most items, it can fail and then the pot fills with petrol and the system will fail due to petrol being drawn into the air intake. A bad outcome.

          Filling to the first click IS a good idea.


        • #
          Steve of Cornubia

          Ta. Didn’t know that. I usually phark around dribbling fuel in till it reaches the spill point.

          You wouldn’t believe the gymnastics I perform when filling my motorbike because it doesn’t have a centre stand.


      • #

        Well done, the ordinary mechanic would not have found that!


      • #

        Making sense of the codes thrown up by cars diagnostic system is quite an art at times. Knowing the cars systems , knowing what codes are just cascading from the primary codes and sometimes just knowing where to start is a skill.

        A couple of good youtube channels in this area are South Main Auto and for more detail Pine Hollow Auto Diagnostics.


    • #
      John Connor II

      Some leaded car era cars pre 1986 can run fine on ULP or PULP, with the higher octane rated PULP being recommended to counter pinging which is why lead was added to petrol in the first place.
      Ah yes, pinging. Remember it well.
      You may be up for a pricey conversion otherwise.
      Featureless cars were nice back in those days but I couldn’t go back to that now.
      I’d miss the AWD, 4 wheel discs, ABS, DSC, DTC, DTV, Satnav, dual zone climate control, leather seats, electric sunroof, turbo performance etc.
      The 112k major service just done was under $900 so very affordable.
      Older cars are way outside the market cycle so parts will be hard to find, expensive, unobtanium or custom made.
      Most cars pre 1990 are scrap metal.
      When’s the last time you saw a Misubishi Magna? They were nice cars in their day.
      My Subaru: totally reliable, no squeaks or rattles like old cars.
      The REAL problems start when you buy brands like BMW, Mercedes (3 prong), VW or exotics.
      The average modern computerised car is nothing compared to those nightmares.
      The second problem is that old school mechanics (the ones that smoke a fag while changing your fuel filter in the engine bay) have ZERO chance of understanding modern tech. Thankfully. I think they’re extinct now.
      Younger mechanics have a fair grasp of auto electrics and electronics, but these are multi-bus networked systems which can confuse the best IT people, let alone auto mechanics.
      Scan tools can leave you even more confused as the simplest fault can flag DTC’s in different systems.
      Mechanics are leaving the industry in droves as “it’s all too hard”.
      The solution? Quality diagnostic training, probably a year long course.

      As for the security/spying aspect of modern cars, there are “fixes” there too…


      • #

        “Older cars are way outside the market cycle so parts will be hard to find, expensive, unobtanium or custom made.”

        Doesn’t really sound like you are engaged with the old car world that much. That may be what you like to believe but there is quite viable market supporting old cars eg. my 1980s Jag. $230 for a brake master cylinder, disc pads $85, steering arm joint $60. All delivered to 2 days.

        We recently got a quote from Subaru to replace a TPMS sensor (they clag out naturally in 5 years give or take) and they wanted $500 a wheel. I really dont think a modern car is necessarily a pathway to affordable parts


        • #
          John Connor II

          Doesn’t really sound like you are engaged with the old car world that much. That may be what you like to believe but there is quite viable market supporting old cars eg. my 1980s Jag. $230 for a brake master cylinder, disc pads $85, steering arm joint $60.

          Nope, not into retro, but numerous youtube channels like Car Wizard echo the same sentiments.
          Sure there’s a market but for old collectables and it’s popular, but I’m not masochistic enough to buy grief like old Jags. Grin.
          No doubt you’re talking s/hand or aftermarket parts though.
          Subee brake pads (oem) $80, oem brake master cylinder $380, oem steering joint $50…
          No dodgy chinesium.
          Real OEM is 3 or 4 times the price if available.


      • #

        Well, my daily is a 980Kg ’83 Corolla with the 1.3L replaced by a 1.6L, does about 90km a day to the workshop and back. My biggest fear is someone else running into it and Shannons just paying the money out as replacing panels would be too hard.

        My daughter has an i30 N-line, I avoid driving it, far too many bells and whistles and alarms and complicated ways of doing something simple like putting a window down with the motor off… But I wouldn’t mind the turbo engine in my Corolla!

        The day the EMP bombs come and every car on the road stops with a dead computer is the day the cops come around and confiscate my car!


    • #

      I doubt this beast will ever be eclipsed in terms of kerb weight to load capacity:

      It tips the scales at just 650kg but can carry 1000kg.

      Motor vehicle engineering in the USA lost its direction since this vehicle. USA was the first country to create vehicles measured by acreage. They used metal for the sake of using metal. Their war machine was geared up to produce and it produced automotive monstrosities.

      The zenith of German automotive engineering was the BMW 02 -E10. A kerb weight of 990kg. The kerb weight of the BMW i7 is 2595kg. Same carrying capacity but way less fun than the E10.

      The car I found easiest to punt along on Australian roads was the Renault 12. Really good vision. Long suspension travel. Strong self-centring on the steering with a moderate amount of road feel and probably a tad more body roll than needed. It had a kerb weight of 840kg.

      Automotive engineering should be centred on less is better. But it has gone in the opposite direction.

      The UK reached its zenith in 1969 with the Mini 850 – this pure excitement machine tipped the scales at 627kg. Apart from the distributer being poorly located for torrential rain common in Australia, these were very impressive vehicles. A robust mechanic did not need a hoist to remove the engine.


      • #

        The fun would have begun with the T model while trying to stop.

        Yes the Mini was a great machine, as was the Beetle , another car where engine removal can comfortably be a one person job.


      • #

        I used to own a yellow Renault 12 back in the 80’s and it was a great car. I bought it at an auction but it never gave me any trouble. A very economical comfy little car.


  • #
    another ian

    We’re not quite there yet but FWIW

    “Learning from the enemy: personal and property security”

    “DiveMedic has posted an excellent article about the current internal terrorism threat in the United States. Go read it before you continue here. I’ll wait.

    Among other things, he links to a Web site catering to those internal terrorists, advising them how to avoid or evade surveillance, police investigations, etc. You’ll find it here. As one with more than a few years of anti-terrorist and civil defense experience, in one of the more dangerous parts of the world, I highly recommend that all law-abiding citizens, particularly those planning to defend their families and homes against domestic terrorism, click over there and read through it. You’ll learn a surprising amount about how our enemies plan to avoid being held responsible for their actions . . . and that, in turn, can inform how you plan and train to defend yourself against them. It might even aid you if you have to act against them, and don’t want to be targeted for doing so (by the authorities or anyone else).”

    More at


    • #

      Watch “Sons of Anarchy” it shows all these lessons in graphic detail. And some might find it entertaining. You can stream is on 7+.

      My wife still drives a manual car. The best anti-theft device. How many teenage criminals can drive a manual car?

      My daughter-in-law had a bad experience after returning to her nearby regional airport after an interstate flight late at night. As she drove off, the car lurched and made an awful noise. Upon investigation she found one of the back wheels missing. She did have the sense to identify the jack used to pinch the wheel and police found finger prints on it. The police actually gave her the name of the offender and I believe he is to face court. So the police did a good job. She was surprised they even bothered but that is the difference between regional Australia and capital cities.

      That particular D-I-L has a large Bull-Arab dog.
      Much better temperament than I imagined from the breeding but a massively powerful dog. My son often travels for his work and is away from home for weeks or even months at a time. She got the dog for security. When the dog is alerted by noise at night and responds, she will make the house reverberate with her deep bark. I would say as about as effective alarm as you could ever have. But not cheap to own because she eats lounge suites for breakfast and carpet for lunch.

      Big government almost guarantees loss of personal responsibility. Parents blame the education system for the way their kids turn out. Bound to happen if the parents hand over the responsibility to raise them to the schools.

      But the biggest criminals in Australia are based in Canberra. They support the anti-Australian activities of CSIRO. BoM and Their ABC. Australia desperately needs a Trump and DOGE to root out this evil enterprise centred in Canberra.


  • #
    another ian


    “BOOM! JD Vance Proves Once Again That He Is a Master Communicator”

    Yet when you look around the scene in Oz – – –


  • #
    environment sceptic

    I always thought lightning was caused by CO2…..


    NEW EVIDENCE THAT COSMIC RAYS SPARK LIGHTNING: Every second, almost 50 bolts of lightning zig-zag across the skies of Earth. Despite centuries of study, however, researchers still aren’t sure how the bolts get started. Electric fields in thunderclouds are often too weak to ignite a powerful discharge.

    A new study just published in the Journal of Geophysical Research may have solved the mystery. “


    • #
      John Connor II

      I thought you were going to post this one:

      Lightning is one of nature’s most powerful forces—striking the Earth millions of times a day with bolts five times hotter than the surface of the sun. But what if humans could actually influence how often lightning strikes?

      That’s exactly what scientists have discovered in a surprising new report. It turns out that ship pollution—specifically the sulfur particles emitted from massive cargo ships—may have been supercharging thunderstorms over the world’s busiest shipping lanes.


  • #
  • #
    Custer Van Cleef

    President Trump: Stop Bombing Yemen and Exit the Middle East! — by Ron Paul, former member of Congress.

    He explains why Russian and Chinese ships “are not being threatened”.

    Rep. Thomas Massie — a new target of Trump’s anger — “pointed out over the weekend, Red Sea shipping is of minor importance to the US economy.”


  • #
    another ian


    “It’s Probably Nothing”

    “Real GDP per Capita Growth in the OECD,
    source: OECD Data Explorer, 2015-QI to 2024-Q3”

    You’ll have to look for “The miracles of “Elbow”


  • #
    another ian

    FWIW –

    “The Study Showing the mRNA Vaccine Cancer Link That They Don’t Want You to See”

    “While personnel at Australia’s Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) have privately acknowledged a theoretical cancer risk, regulators and health authorities have publicly dismissed concerns, counterclaiming that there is ‘no evidence’ of an increase in cancers caused by the mRNA Covid vaccines.

    Regulators can say this because they did not require testing for carcinogenicity before approving these vaccines and, in Australia at least, the TGA is not monitoring cancer incidence as it was supposed to, nor does it attempt to determine the cause of adverse events, including cancers, reported to its safety surveillance database.”

    More at

    Remember that, had they been for animal use, they would have needed at least 5 years of rigourous testing, including for genetic effects


  • #
    another ian

    It is all happening!

    “Queensland Community Renewables Forum”

    “Join the conversation on the renewable energy transition in the Maranoa Region”

    Roma 1st April 2025″

    A suitable date too!


  • #

    The question of male sexuality and feelings of lust toward Elon Musk

    I know I am not alone on this site in this dilemma which has made me self-reflect extensively. As men, is our sexual attraction to Elon Musk something that breaks our pre-existing thoughts of who we are? Or are these sexual thoughts of Elon Musk due to him being the perfect man. Literally the greatest man in human existence. I do not believe I am gay just because I have these thoughts of Musk 24/7. It really is just my form of paying tribute to a man who invented EVs, lithium-ion batteries, Hyperloop and satellite services. On top of that, he is now helping us politically because he loves us and because he hates having the limelight on him.


    • #

      I learn something about the bloke every day it seems. Yesterday I learned that he doesn’t believe in patents. Everything he has developed at Tesla/ SpaceX etc is open patent. He believes patents stifle innovation. Elon just thinks differently and mostly the right way.


      • #

        He is quite correct. Patents are an oxymoron, and encourage monopolies and other mischief.
        An IDEA, being immaterial, cannot be property.


        • #
          John Connor II

          How is a patent an oxymoron?
          An idea CAN be property. Heard of Intellectual Property? Yes, you can/should patent it.
          The humble mousetrap has thousands of patents so hasn’t stifled creativity one bit.
          Still, patents don’t stop China producing nasty cheap knockoffs of western ideas, damaging the reputation and sales of designers.
          As for Elon not believing in patents, here sure has a few…


          • #

            “An idea CAN be property.”

            Providing you never tell anyone else about it, or make something physical from it, because after that the idea is in free space and anyone could use it.

            Just think, we could still have patents on the idea of washing yourself, or cooking food, or using electricity if the lawyers in those days were like today’s bunch! Any Libertarian-minded person would be against patents right from the start!


      • #

        What’s your favourite physical feature of Elon Musk?


    • #

      There is still time for you to transition a have one of his many children via IVF.


  • #

    This article may interest some here

    Recently an acoustic device was used to disperse an large crowd in Belgrade. I recall it was alleged something similar was used on a crowd in Canberra.

    This article discusses the technology and its effects.


  • #

    Just heard a rumour on The Enforcer that the Peoples Liberation Army is conducting a coup against Xi, but I cannot confirm it.

    They say Xi is a moderate compared to the PLA.


    • #

      Lai has been talking about Xi’s fragile hold on power and health for some time.

      Would the PLA be better informed about the army’s poor preparedness for war and thus less likely to start one? Possibly.

      I can only listen to the Enforcer’s headlines. I’ll have to look for that, but they are generally careful what they say.


    • #

      Maybe this refers …

      Much speculation.
      Also includes –
      “Xi’s weakening hold over the military, which reports to the Communist Party and not to the Chinese state, complicates the situation. Whoever is controlling the purges — Xi or his political enemies — the Chinese military does not look either stable or loyal to China’s paramount leader. ”

      If Xi wants asylum somewhere – iyt won’t be via Heathrow!
      See #29



  • #
    another ian

    FWIW –

    Be prepared, join a clay target club and practice!


    “Hunting Killer Drones With Your Father’s 12-Gauge?”


  • #

    You may have seen that London Heathrow Airport is shut – for all of Friday …
    A fire at a [seemingly THE] electricity substation supplying the airport is to blame.
    About 4,000 homes also without power [and possibly some AI data centres?].

    Per that …
    “Fire appears to have knocked out back-up generator – Miliband”
    The word ‘unprecedented’ gets a bit of use – not related to a rain shower this time.
    “Miliband adds: “the Grid have never seen an event quite like this so it is very unprecedented”, adding the priority at the moment is to get the fire out, restore power, and “unwinding” the travel disruption.”

    Very unprecedented … there’s glory for you.

    And per the Gradiuna

    “‘No suggestion there is foul play,’ energy secretary says
    “We are also getting another line from UK energy secretary Ed Miliband doing the morning media round: he has told the LBC Radio that “there is no suggestion that there is foul play.”
    “You may wonder whether that we know why this happened. At the moment, the focus is on restoring the power, we don’t yet have any understanding or real understanding of what caused … the fire.
    “He was then pressed further if he can rule out foul play, to which he responded:
    “I have no… There’s no suggestion that there is foul play.
    “That is, I mean, the conversation I’ve had is with the National Grid, the chief executive of the National Grid, and certainly that’s what he said to me.”

    So the Delightful, Cuddly, Poisoner Putin may finally be employing competent saboteurs … ?

    I’m sure it wasn’t a Chinese transformer that self-immolated, and perhaps it’s too simple for the French …

    Auto – not paranoid, even if they ARE All Out To Get Us!!


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    This is a link to the DOGE savings page. You can get a complete list of the USAID grants that have been terminated,

    Agency: USAID
    $5,479,572 Savings
    $35,000,000 Total Grant

    What does that mean?

    The total of savings due to cancelling the remaining amount of the grants listed is USD18bn.


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    I fear the solution will be digital ID and AI…

    A 2019 analysis showed that of 117 trusts using electronic records, 92 employed one of 21 different commercially available systems, and 12 used multiple systems within the same hospital. One in ten patients attended a hospital using a health record system different from their previous hospital attendance. The IT can be so outdated that some Trust staff have to log in to various systems up to 15 times to do their jobs.

    The BMA survey found that some doctors spend half an hour logging into computers, with one saying this is a ‘ridiculous waste of time’ putting ‘patient safety at risk’.


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    Now that is one busy lady….

    It’s not the money they make in office that is really the prize. Not sure the spot audit idea would do much.


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    Due to incessant UN, government, and corporate-promoted climate change propaganda, many people are, thus, in a media-induced state of confusion, and, thus, blindly assume their pre-determined role in society under this ‘dictatorship of words’ without even being aware of it. The unpalatable reality is that people’s access to energy and resources is being intentionally reduced via bogus climate change policies, inflation, ongoing geo-political theatre and intentionally instigated war.


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    At 9:10 seconds – they take a phenomenological approach.

    Empiricism be damned.


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      So does this mean that if the intention of the vaccines was good, then they can take a ‘prove they are unsafe’ as opposed to ‘prove they are safe’ approach?


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    This means a lot of what we emitted into the atmosphere two hundred years ago is still there, still doing its warming trick, and,

    a lot of the much greater annual amount we’re emitting today will still be around in another 200 years.

    Back to our blanket on the bed example, it’s analogous to adding a new cover every year but not taking any away. In the 1800s, it was just a sheet added each year. Then it became a cotton throw, a woollen blanket, and now it’s a goose-down quilt. Emissions accumulate in the atmosphere.

    Therefore, as emissions start to decrease, we’re still adding an extra cover to the bed each year; it’s just that they start to get thinner again. We’re still not taking any off. As such, the last ten years are simultaneously the coolest decade many adults will ever experience again and the hottest ten years on record.

    If we make it to zero net emissions in a way the global climate system can respond to, rather than simply what it says on somebody’s offset spreadsheet), we can expect temperatures to stabilise at some ghastly new normal.

    Even at zero net emissions, temperatures could keep rising due to arctic ice albedo, permafrost melting and releasing trapped methane. In addition, we also need to deal with a heating pulse associated with ditching our addiction to fossil fuels, given the current cooling effect benefit of some of the so-called aerosols released when we burn coal, oil and gas.


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