A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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To put things into some sort of perspective here –
Adam Bandt’s (Marxist and Climate Alarmist) argument that human use of fossil fuels like coal and gas is to blame for recent extreme weather events is totally false.
There have been equally extreme weather events throughout history and well before the introduction of coal and gas for industrial use.
Dangerous floods have been recorded in Australia over the past 170+ years. Here’s a rundown of some of the worst in terms of loss of life and damage to infrastructure.
1852: Floods destroyed almost the entire town of Gundagai NSW, only 3 houses were left. 89 people died. The town was then relocated to higher ground.
1890: Flood levels in Lismore NSW peaked at 12.46 metres and these were not surpassed until March 2022.
1893: Ipswich, Queensland floods caused 35 deaths and 300 injuries.
1916: Floods in Clermont and Peak Downs, Queensland caused 65 deaths and enormous property damage.
1927: Floods in Brisbane, Cairns and Townsville caused 47 deaths and damaged roads, railways, bridges and buildings.
So Bandt’s claims are entirely false.
As Advance Australia recently noted in one of their articles, many people believe that the Greens are about saving trees and wildlife, so voting for them is helping our environment.
But the reality is, they are a malignant political force trying to destroy what we love about our country including, ironically, much of our forested areas and wildlife
They need to be opposed and politically annihilated at the coming federal election.
Bandt could not care less. He was looking for a job on the Melbourne City council, having finished his PhD on communism on the Melbourne Docks. He failed to get on the council but then he discovered the Greens, home to all communists.
So defeating his silly claims will not bother him. He doesn’t believe them anyway. It’s not about facts or even warming or CO2, chemistry or physics. It’s about political power and only about political power. At any cost. “Tell them what they want to hear and when we get power, we do what we like”. It’s the motto of Green politicians. And Labor. Albanese and Bowen.
I remember when his partner was a staffer in the office of Labor Prime Minister Gillard.
And a race horse, the body of which was all that was found.
1893 was a particularly bad time for Brisbane.
‘The 1893 Brisbane flood, occasionally referred to as the Great Flood of 1893 or the Black February flood, occurred in 1893 in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. The Brisbane River burst its banks on three occasions in February 1893. It was the occurrence of three major floods in the same month that saw the period named “Black February”. Picture of Queen St.
Must have had warm seas then as well.
Australia’s PM Al-bozo talks about the cyclone, “climate change” and “the science™ “.
The cluelessness is staggering. And frightening because his stupidity gets translated into Government anti-energy policies.
[You don’t need a Farcebook account to see the following one minute 15 sec video and I can’t find it on YouTube.]
Here ya go.
Tip: Use to save farcebook videos.
The Reform UK party, Once Great Britain’s only hope, is in turmoil.
Katie Hopkins discusses.
Overrun is the word we’re looking for.
Anyone seen this?
The UN’s Replacement Migration guide.
Maybe they could be encouraging Britain’s native population to breed more instead?
Unfortunately “feminism” destroyed the concept of motherhood as an honourable and desirable profession, at least among native Britains and related peoples.
“Unfortunately “feminism” destroyed the concept of motherhood as an honourable and desirable profession,”
That was the aim and it succeeded.
America’s Left mocked TRUMP when he said how DOGE discovered the Government had spent $8 million of taxpayer money on “transgender mice”. They said he was stupid and he really meant “transgenic mice”, which of course are a legitimate subject of scientific investigation.
In fact, TRUMP did really mean transgender mice and he was 100% correct about this waste of taxpayer money to satisfy Leftist ideological gender theory, not science.
Apologies from the Left have yet to be heard.
Evidently, some Leftists are “seeing the light” and turning against wokeness.
Should they be trusted?
The following video discusses the issue.
The answer is of course, no.
Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, one by one. – Charles Mackay
Video: Topher Field discusses Victoriastan’s ridiculous Nanny State proposal to reduce suburban speed limits to 30kph, having previously reduced them from 60 to 50 to 40.
It’s all part of the Left’s war against the motorist.
Very interesting. A problem brought home to me was having to go down to Adelaide 2 days in a row (Yes! I have a sheltered life) is the appaling driving skills of many drivers. Many ignore speed signs (and others such as lane closed ahead on the freeway) and continue to speed up the fairly empty lane past the slow moving and close traffic until they suddenly find the lane blocked by the warned breakdown. Once past the obstruction they speed up to about 20 kph over the speed limit ‘to gain time’. Coming off the freeway about 15 km later you can see that they’ve gained only a car spaces at the lights.
When I left Sydney to retire in SA no less than 5 friends individually warmed me about SA drivers as Impatient, Inconsiderate and incompetent (along with several other adjectives) and I fully agreed. But any spreed restrictions are going to be ignored.
Don’t worry about SA drivers. It’s the same in Perth. Once a person gets a licence then the following becomes optional:
Indicating when turning or changing lanes
Obeying speed signs especially when roads are wet
Obeying give way and stop signs
Leaving sufficient space between moving vehicles
Tying down objects in tradie utes
Manners when merging
Distraction by media, phones, screens etc
Giving way to pedestrians when turning
Doing U-turns at controlled intersections when there are no signs permitting the act
and more…..
Bearing in mind mobile phones are banned in the UK when driving a car I am astonished at these huge i-pad like screens that now seem common in modern cars.
They need constant fiddling with and to do that when driving is going to be dangerous. Yet they get bigger, more complex and are required for ever more functions.
Then you’ll be driving in first or second gear, inefficient, polluting and noisy.
Soon it’ll be faster to walk or ride a pushbike.
Hello 15 min city.
Slow traffic means those idiotic cylinder deactivation or engine shutoff systems will mean way more engine failures (just out of warranty), more cost of living hassles, more waste.
The circus has left but the clowns remain.
Welcome to government.
It seems Labor won the WA election. Liberals were again smashed by a huge margin.
This doesn’t bode well for the fake conservative Liberals to win the Federal election.
With 60.9% of votes counted the results were:
Labor 40 seats
Liberals 5 seats
Nationals 4 seats
Others 0 seats
Maybe the Liberals could try adopting some conservative and also pro-energy policies?
“Maybe the Liberals could try adopting some conservative and also pro-energy policies?”
I can see exactly zero reasons to ever vote for them, they are just Labor with a different coat of paint.
“So defeating his silly claims will not bother him. He doesn’t believe them anyway. It’s not about facts or even warming or CO2, chemistry or physics. It’s about political power and only about political power. ”
That covers all of them, politicians are a type of person and its power at any cost for all of them. The only thing they need is the ability to shamelessly lie with a straight face, which they all get caught out at sooner or later. No different to the new German Govt wrt to taxes and borrowing.
Met the local Liberal hopeful at a shopping centre, and quickly formed an opinion that he was an idiot. One of the very dubious preselection choices of the Liberal Clan, the group in WA that controls most of the branch preselections. Was supposed to be one of the seats that the Libs were going to reclaim, but lost badly. Even the Nats polled strongly in what is now a inner-suburban seat.
They would need to have some cojones for that to happen.
Most are fence sitters.
The Liberal party is for net zero including approx 50% unreliables.
This party is not for me.
Indeed, Wal.
Today’s Liberal Party is a bunch of fence sitters who believe in nothing and are nothing more than Labor Lite. In fact, in many cases they have even more Leftist policies than Green Labor.
E.g. look at the Victorian Liberals’ insane energy policy which is even worse than Labor’s.
The Liberals are a total waste of space and are not the party that Australia needs to fix up the country. They are pathetic and leaderless.
At the booth we went to they only had one roll for marking off electors. Apparently repeated in many places.
And we were given wrong information , we were told you could only put one number in the top line for the upper house. That was incorrect
Plus on the news, it said some booths ran out of polling slips, how slack is that.
Slack? or more voters than scheduled?
I hear all new citizens were able to vote although not yet on the electoral roll …
The Libs here just couldn’t cut through the Labor BS. The previous election was such a wipeout that there was no-one left in the Libs (2) to start again. Seems like Basil Zemplas won his seat so now things may change.
A lot of WA just wasnt interested.
Dutton should break with AGW theory and bring back coal fired power stations.
In Paul’s comprehensive description of factors linked to the global warming debate last Wednesday
there was mention of the importance of understanding the concept of “lapse rate” of the earth’s atmosphere.
Concepts like ” heat trapping gas” and “greenhouse” gas are put up by the UNIPCCC to divert scientific focus away from the basic science and thus allow their scheme to be demolished.
Paul’s summary lists many factors which can be used to properly explain variations in earth’s “climate” which do not require the presence of the dreaded CO2.
The big question is: how have world’s manipulative politicians been able to get away with this for so long .
As recent posts have shown, even the leaders of the renewables business can see it’s collapsing.
This is what Paul Cottingham had to say about the Adiabatic Lapse Rate:
He seems to be comparing the temperature of different planets at an altitude where the atmospheric pressure is the same, eg comparing the surface temperature of Earth with a level high in the atmosphere of Venus where the pressure is 1atm.
I am not sure why he uses the expression “adiabatic” in this context.
What does he mean by “calibration”.
It is all a bit confusing.
Yes Peter,
a number of scientific terms like calibration are used and have no doubt been copied from UN sponsored “scientific” papers.
Also the term intermolecular in relation to bonds.
The term “adiabatic” suggests that there is no energy entering or leaving the section of atmosphere under examination. So, if pressure is reduced then that portion of gas expands and vice versa.
Yes of course, but a parcel of atmosphere was not taken from Earth to Venus adiabatically or any other way. My own observations of the BOM atmospheric soundings suggests that the Earth atmosphere in general is not Adiabatic. The concept works ok for thermals and cumulonimbus clouds which are short duration only. Paul must have had something else in mind
If we look at it through the lens of the equation P.V = n.R.T and consider a parcel of air in two locations it might help.
Start at ground level with a temperature of 15 deg C and move the parcel up to 10,000 metres where the temperature may be minus 35 deg C. The reduced pressure at altitude will allow the gas to expand while at the same time coming into equilibrium with the lower temperature.
No energy lost or gained by the parcel.
Adiabatics ?
“Carbon Dioxide for Venus.”
“The major atmospheric feature is the ‘Lower Cloud Layer’ (LCL) which, consistent with the constant temperature profile, extends completely around the entire planet. Global warming alarmists make the ridiculous claim that the great heat of Venus is the result of too much CO2 on an ancient planet, indeed that the planet, after the evaporation of its oceans, overturned its entire surface from pole to pole. This fiction is the result of the scientific establishment’s last gasp attempt to justify its uniformitarian paradigm, for which the data from Pioneer Venus, properly interpreted, provides the death-knell.
In Dec. 1978 the main NASA Pioneer Venus probe descended slowly through the planet’s atmosphere, its mass spectrometer measuring all of the compounds up to 208 amu (atomic mass units). Unfortunately, the most significant atmospheric data was thrown out, because it did not show what the project scientists ‘expected’ to see. When the data showed that the favored CO2 was virtually absent as the probe descended from 50 km (157,000 ft) down to 31 km, it was promptly declared that both inlet ‘leaks’ of the mass spectrometer had been occluded by droplets of sulfuric acid which subsequently evaporated at 31 km altitude, at which altitude, what was believed to be CO2 reappeared. Although other compounds were measured in that elevation range, they were attributed to ‘contamination’ of a cleaning solution that had been used on the probe prior to launch.
…A three order-of-magnitude drop in the Pioneer Venus CO2 mass spec channel at the LCL altitude was interpreted as a clogging of the inlet leaks (there were two at the time). The mass 44 counts remained low until PV descended to 31 km, the bottom of the red-haze layer, where the channel 44 counts recovered. This was attributed to the evaporation of the occluding droplets and the counts below 31-km were assumed to be CO2. I have added the crystallization temperatures of S8 at the right of the NASA figure. As can be seen, the crystals form at exactly the altitudes which delineate the Lower Cloud Layer. Why did the mass spectrometer not detect the S8 ? The simple answer is that the mass of the S8 molecule, 256.47 amu is beyond the range of the mass spectrometer instrument, 208 amu.”
There’s more evidence that Venus is radiating heat from its core by sulphur transitions in the atmosphere, and that NASA twisted the evidence to suit their preconceived ideas, but it might be too long for Jo.
The best data for Venus came from the Magellan mission, which showed us that the atmosphere of Venus is at one bar pressure at an altitude of 30.75 miles. The only significant change to the temperature of the atmosphere of Venus is with altitude, the atmospheric temperature drops by an average of 100 Kelvin for every 11 miles, up to an altitude of 60 miles.
Cloud coverage at one bar pressure for the Earth and Venus is about 66%, and Cloud coverage above 10-bar pressure on Venus is 100%.
Maxwell only had data for the Earth. But Ned Nikolov explains how he and Zeller used NASA data to confirm the fact that the same pressure at different altitudes on each of the planets, has the same temperature if adjusted for distance from the Sun, despite the different main gases, Nitrogen for the Earth & Titan, Hydrogen for Jupiter, Neptune, Saturn & Uranus and Carbon Dioxide for Venus.
Ned Nikolov has produced a 78 minute video explaining this theory, which is supported by empirical data from across the solar system:
I wonder how many of SEQ and northern NSW contributors are without power today.
My sister-in-law was due to fly out of Brisbane this morning. I doubt they will be able to get to the airport from northern NSW. They have been without power for two days. Fortunately very little to spoil in fridge and freezer because ther were planning to be away for a few weeks.
The rain is moving more northward today. Moreton Bay has had a lot of rain. Wivenhoe not much yet but it should come later today.
It’s remarkable that cell phone towers appear to have only a few hours battery backup.
Back in the day, the wired telephone system (POTS) could last many weeks on its own power or even longer, with battery backup and auto-start generators.
This situation is outrageous, the old phone exchanges were required to have a backup generator, not so anymore, too bad for the consumer, just not good enough.
The old Lister Startomatic did a fabulous job.
Here is a video of a Lister Startomatic starting when the power is cut.
Is this the model that was used in the exchanges?
I would love to have one of those for when the grid will go down regularly when Australia’s grid is further destroyed with more toxic wind and solar.
I’d guess more likely air cooled ones
Yes, I seem to remember seeing aircooled ones.
No, much much larger. In the exchange I worked as a pup it was more like a semitrailer engine on a stand in a large room.
I was at a main exchange, about 15,000 local customers and a bunch of transit switching gear. We would only last a few hours at peak load if the generator didnt start during an outage
The exchange that I worked in had an air coooled one.
Oh the days of POTS and PANS remember them well – Plain Old Telephone Services and Posh And New Services. When acronyms were simple and marketeers didn’t need degrees in human sciences to get their point across.
Energex has an excellent outage finder at
The short summary in Qld is that there is a staggering patchwork of outages from Caboolture down to the border.
And unusually enough their ABC has a useful summary of rainfall at
For propaganda purposes their ABC actually shows rainfall totals over 3 days from Wednesday morning. Highlights include 5.6mm at Sunshine Coast airport and 161mm at Brisbane airport. And to repeat that is a THREE DAY TOTAL.
A point of interest is the BOM rain radar which shows a HUGE area covered by rain. And its true but the level of rain is shown as moderate. That translates to light drizzle here on the Sunshine Coast Hinterland.
Having been through Larry in Cairns and Yasi in Townsville all I can say is I wish all cyclones were like this one!
The cyclone wasn’t that bad.
Why are there so many outages?
An excellent question David. At a guess the SEQ power lines aren’t maintained to the same standard as they are in the tropics.
Exactly, there should be an inquiry and while they’re at it, why aren’t phone towers backed up a bit better than batteries that run flat in a few hours.
Where are the solar panels to charge the batteries?
Where are the solar panels to charge the batteries?
Short answer is money
I read a post (maybe a comment at cairns news?) which asserted that OHS cyclone protocols set in place by pink haired bureaucrats forbade linespersons attending faults; how sad it be that in our woke world even the blatantly preposterous is probable.
I’m surprised they would care about their safety, since most, if not all linesmen would be men.
Main Beach Gold Coast:
Any idea where you can watch ‘replays’ – see if this is real or not?
The end of wokeness is causing huge confusion among the Left.
Now they can’t decide if M to F transsexuals are men or women and exclude them from a women’s-only event.
Sorry to say my response is yuk. The idea of a bunch of blokes wanting to show off their “bottom surgery” is several shades of ugliness too far for me.
Meanwhile in Ireland
I don’t know much of the story, but some of it here:
Enoch Burke case: move to appoint receiver with power to collect fines from teacher’s salary
If approved, it will give the State the power to collect from his salary some €79,100 in fines
This is justified by accusing the non-deluded schoolteacher causing psychological damage by “Misgendering”. As a former psych registrar, I never delved into trying to understand delusions, and certainly didn’t “entertain them”. It has been recently published that the psychologic diagnoses are more prevalent in the mutilated “gender dysphorics”. Kinda like other bad life decisions – face tattoos.
Don’t they means castrated or emasculated? Bottom surgery means a change in the shape of your bum, or are the queers redefining words again, like ‘gay’?
“Bottom surgery”= genital mutilation/castration
“Brazilian butt lift”=change shape of bum
“Top surgery”=bilateral mastectomy.
An interesting discussion: though we understand the effects of various sex steroid hormones, why are they prescribed by “Medical Doctors” to make the dysphorics happy.
The “Dysphotics” are left anorgasmic, with a hole that needs continuous painful dilation to prevent healing/ half the forearms dermis to make a pseudophallus. One of the earlier MtoF trans surgery on Walter Carlos (becoming Wendy) was interesting reading – a Playboy article.
I suspect the “Buyer’s remorse” sets in at this point hence the worsening of mental health metrics.
Until Musk purchased X and TRUMP got elected and warned social(ist) media to stop censoring and banning conservatives and conservative opinions or Section 230 sanctions would apply, views of transgender regret were censored.
Now, thanks to free speech enabled by Musk and TRUMP, victims of transgender ideology are free to report on the crimes done to them, hopefully to dissuade others from these procedures.
Performing surgery to treat psychiatric disorders (or, today, mutilating and sterilising hormone treatment) has been frowned upon or worse since the prefrontal lobotomy was discredited.
Here in Victoria no such protections as Trump has effected obtain; former premier Andrews was and likely remains a rabid champion of the whole Ros Ward program from its origin in Safe Schools to the Children’s Hospital gender affirming hormone treatments; parents who object will be gaoled.
FWIW – in case you were feeling “tariff sympathy” with Canada
“Phil Kerpen
250% dairy tariffs are so crazy!
By the way, Canada’s butter tariff is 298.5%.
John Harwood
8 Mar
the president is a madman… ”
Via Instapundit
Beats the heck out of lining up rows of tanks and shooting at each other.
Wow! Just wow! Even a fact-checker says Canada has a high butter tariff. “Trump said Thursday that Canadian dairy tariffs could be as high as 300 percent.
Verdict: True
Canada has a quota system for imports, and above a certain volume, it imposes high dairy tariffs ranging from 201.5 percent to 313.5 percent. Before those quotas are met, dairy products enter Canada duty-free or subject to much lower rates.”.
Looks like “the certain volume” is around 3.5 % of the Canadian market
Their wine tariffs were also high – difficult to export wine to Canada.
“Shoppers, farmers brace for years-long egg shortage”
SMH pointing out that killing all the chickens will have an impact out two or three years, mixed with banning caged chickens that was already about to push prices up, and ‘health-conscious’ consumers who are a step behind the world and think eggs of high-protein and low fat are good for you. Sure eggs are good for you, but so is a high-protein high-fat steak!
Also not helped by sanctions on Russia for fertilizer, we are cutting our own throats, but overall the 30% price increase is in line with inflation for many things, Govt BS not withstanding!
‘Cage free eggs’ another stupid lefty program that fails on every level.
Cage free conjures up images of happy chickens leading fulfilling lives out in the rural backyard.
The reality is quite a bit more gruesome. It doesn’t pay to look too closely at how modern food is made.
Where they can intermingle with those wild birds that can carry the bird flu to those non-flying chickens.
Do we now get a campaign to ban free range chicken runs?
It’s all part of the Left’s war against the food supply, in this case targeting (what used to be) inexpensive and enjoyable eggs and chicken meat. Healthy animal protein and fat!
And apart from “gain of function” “research”, it’s almost impossible to for humans to get avian influenza. So it’s not about public health. Yes, unbelievably, they are trying to engineer bird flu to make it easier for humans to catch. Not a joke. See But don’t worry, I’m sure they’ll have a compulsory, defective, mRNA “vaccine” for that.
And why not just let bird flu run its course rather than murdering all the chickens. The naturally resistant ones will survive, and others will get sick and recover and acquire antibodies and the flock will be improved with resistant survivors who will breed more chickens. And bird flu is endemic in wild bird flocks in any case, it’s not new.
And this insanity of mass murder of chickens goes on in America where Australian Deep Staters probably adopted it from.
TRUMP has said he didn’t think the Biden policy of killing all the chickens is the right way to solve the problem and the other day someone posted here two videos from US researchers confirming this.
Elon Musk Tweeted a couple of days ago.
There are some VERY interesting comments below that from farmers. (Of course, there are some comments from Leftists as well who naturally support the mass slaughter.)
“‘We Can’t Stop Them’ – Thousands Of Ukraine Troops Suddenly Face Encirclement In Russia’s Kursk”
Russia would understandably want to reclaim that area before any truce freezes the borders. I can’t see the incursion into Russian territory as anything more than a talking point. At the cost of lost lives and destruction.
War. Ugh. What is it good for?
A strategic withdrawal is in order.
The map in #13 doesn’t look very promising for that
It looks grim, apparently North Korean troops are actively involved and better organised. Russian drones are a problem and with US intelligence denied, Ukraine generals agree that they are fighting blind.
This won’t be a Gallipoli withdrawal.
What a particularly awkward moment for Ukraine to have its military support and intelligence cut of by its one-time supporter.
The Ukrainians have lost Starlink as well – a well-coordinated move by Russia and friends.
FWIW – latest Kunstler
“Dems and Blob Together
“Why be a Democrat if you can’t retire with millions of dollars? Hell hath no fury like a politician exposed!” —Dinesh D’Souza”
And the one before
“Attitude Adjustment
“A secularized, atheist leaning Europe that has forgotten its roots, has demonstrated that it will NOT protect the personal freedoms of its citizenry.” — Jim Shea”
A friend just translated for me a very befitting aphorism from Mao “if you sh.t after dinner, it does not prove that dinner was meaningless”.
Reflecting on the evens of past week I would like to equate a certain POTUS to French Revolution – does anyone here believes it was unnecessary?
Does someone approve its excesses?
“Missouri Wins COVID Lawsuit Against Chinese Communists”
A very long but interesting ZeroHedge article outlining the case for USA military being defensive. Remember Smedley’s “Hit men for wall street” concept of the abuse of marine power… It seems the USA is being crippled by allocating too may resources to the defence of instead of defence of their Republic. It so happens they LOSE every war like interaction and their geopolitical chess moves are puerile at best. Trump declaring NATO obsolete would see many heads explode! The biggest threat to the world is not death from war- it is depopulation from economic and social pressures, which can not be “Bought” and the relentless immigration of incompatible people is white anting society.
When the Niño 3.4 anomaly is on zero is that an El Nada, a La Nothing, or is it simply neutered (as some confused people aspire to be these days)?
SST anomalies clearly show the cool trail left in the wake of the storm in a tea cup named Alfred: do they teach the sea-and-air-conditioning qualities of cyclones to young aspiring Climate Activists at Climate Crisis Colleges? Or merely indoctrinate them with fear, ignorance and obedience…
The Mozambique Channel also shows ‘cooling’ due to cyclonic ‘conditioning’ of that part of the Indian Ocean, while off Darwin SSTs are pushing 32C so the wet season is far from over.
Meanwhile here, a roaring southerly is keeping temps in the teens and I’m still patiently waiting for the elusive long-promised HEATWAVE to materialise – maybe in 10 years’ time? Maybe never.
ENSO and IOD are both neutral. Its interesting to note that we were heading towards La Nina conditions last year, a cool stream of water entered the tropics but the atmosphere misbehaved. I blame Hunga Tonga for the anomalies.
‘Sea surface temperatures (SSTs) in the Australian region during February 2025 were the warmest on record for all Februarys since records began in 1900. SSTs in the Australian region have been the warmest on record for each month between October 2024 and February 2025.’ (BoM)
“The Myth of Daylight Saving Time?”
“Something Huge for the MAHA Movement Is About To Happen”
“The foxes are about to meet the new guardian of the henhouse, and it promises to be quite the showdown! Health and Human Services Secretary Robert F. Kennedy Jr., is scheduled to meet with executives from General Mills, PepsiCo, and other food industry giants on Monday, according to a report from Politico.
And boy, do they have some explaining to do.”
This post on ytube is well worth a look.
A British MP used Elon Musk’s AI site to rate the possibility of Donald Trump being a Russian asset in a score between 1-100. Look it up to find the answer.
See (on Youtube) how Gennady Gudkov answers to that question
Former KGB colonel, of course he started new career as Duma Member, when KGB was dissolved. He was expelled in 1912 and run for his dear life, because he could not help himself but to talk.
OK, I waited full hour for abuse to start but nothing was coming.., so I will save you some fingerwear:
He said –
…though stationed in Moscow at that time, I was working in a different department and never heard of “him”; it does not mean much because every rich, influential ” flashy” American businessman was approached. The result was reported but that department has not digitised their database, so it could not be hacked or sold directly by the staff, and that is the reason why no-one knows anything…
To me it opens a wonderful opportunity for some enterprising grey mouse, bespectacled gefreighter who, going manually, card-by-card, not only can establish very bright future for his children but, maybe to save the world.
No abuse yet Vladimir, just strange silence.
FWIW, here are my thoughts:
The words of Vladimir Ilich Lenin need to be taken into account to understand the Russian aggression:
Putin probed into Crimea in 2014 and found mush. He probed further into Ukraine and once again found mush. This emboldened him into an all-out attack in 2022 but found steel and partially withdrew. Now, after 3 hard-fought years with US support, his bayonet tip is meeting steel again. However, now US support for Ukraine is patchy and sometimes downright hostile. Rather than withdraw, Putin is persisting at a horrendous cost of life on both sides as he now has a helpful party pushing his bayonet from behind.
But much greener light was given by Europe (Sarkozy) and Heidi Tagliavini when exactly like Trump today took Putin’s side when he grabbed part of Georgia.
What a mess for world stability. The whole point of NATO was to minimise the need for European Nations to remilitarise and therefore make Russia nervous, with the USA as the notional gatekeeper.
Now the USA under Trump/Vance want out of Europe and are demanding that the Europeans arm up and take care of themselves, the exact opposite of the original NATO strategy. Russia is angry about this and not backing down on Ukraine, and threatening war if non-Ukrainians step in and put boots on the ground, and they now appear to have a powerful shadow ally helping them.
At a press conference on February 23, 2025, Zelensky stated, “If [it guarantees] peace for Ukraine, if you really need me to resign, I am ready. I can exchange it for NATO.
Zelensky would not last 24 hours alive if he signs Ukraine capitulation and that, being cynical, would not be a problem for Europe.
The problem will be that V.V.Putin already claimed for himself not only Ukraine but Poland too, easy to find it in writing.
Israel leaders, being very smart after the fact, now say “if somebody says they want to kill you – trust them”.
Europeans, in their mass, do not listen.
Which reminds me a line from Vincent, one of the best songs of XX century – …perhaps they never will.
Russia already had control of Crimea in 2014 and every year since then … ever heard of Sevastopol? It’s a Russian military base, full of Russian marines.
It was put there by Catherine the Great about 300 years ago.
“He was expelled in 1912 and run for his dear life, because he could not help himself but to talk.”
He’s been talking for a long time then?
Valid remark, thanks.
Some say that storm Anthony/Albert/Alfred has waited to cross from sea to land because nobody has provided a “Welcome to Country” ceremony.
Geoff S
Things are so crazy these days thst I can’t tell if that is true or sarcasm.
Could be both in these times?
“A case study in folly #4: The price of ignoring fire risks”
“The day started rather innocuously on 18 March 2018 at Tathra, a serene coastal town nestled amidst the forested hills of southern New South Wales, renowned for its natural beauty near the sea. Yet, by 5 pm, this picturesque setting became the backdrop for a disaster that laid bare systemic failures in firefighting coordination, urban planning and bushfire preparedness.”
More at
A reminder from August 2024.
No doubt one of the world’s most fanatical commitments by all factions of the Uniparty to toxic wind and solar is also is a major contributor to Australia’s ongoing decline in the standard of living.
We are the only place where we are required to make pension contributions out of that ‘disposable’ income too
Disposable income is the income available to a person or household after income tax, Medicare levy and Medicare levy surcharge (if applicable) have been deducted.
So it is worse for Australian households, they have less choice. Other places can reduce their pension contributions in tight circumstances…
ABC article – why do things still feel so bad when we are telling you it is good?
So, the COVID shock brought a lot of inflation forward by five years.
That illustrates why the price rises we experienced in recent years were such a shock: a 20 per cent increase in prices would seem “reasonable” relative to a decade ago, but it feels extremely “unreasonable” relative to just five years ago.
The rate of inflation isn’t ‘baked in’ – it is an outcome, not a setting!
Democrat Party Climate grift in the US of A.
DOGE Uncovers Biden’s $375 BILLION Slush Fund Given To Clinton’s Campaign Manager! w/ Matt Taibbi
Biden gang of grifters hands nearly 7 billion $ to recently ‘created’ Bethesda Maryland ‘Climate United Fund’…
which does not appear in the IRS’s charities data base and has no federal filings.
Amazing video.
And US$7 billion to the “Climate United Fund” which didn’t even have a website at the time it was given the money and is not a registered charity is unbelievable.
A similar thing happened in Australia. Our former PM Turnbull gave A$444 million of taxpayer money to the Great Barrier Reef Foundation which no one had ever heard of and consisted of about ten unpaid people or less. The first they heard of it was in the news and they had never even asked for it. Thinking Australians, those few of us left, were outraged.
It’s almost as though both our governments are singing from the same songbook.
And the fact that nothing happened, nor was the story given any serious debate or challenge, pretty much shows why we’re screwed. There are never any consequences for actions like this and so nothing will change.
The old new Labor Government of Western Australia’s Premier has stated that renewable energy transition is one of the priorities for the next term.
No doubt people realise that WA is a separate not interstate connected electricity grid on the National Energy Market.
It will be interesting as WA has no interconnector with other states to keep them going when the sun doesn’t shine and the wind doesn’t blow.
I wonder how many diesel generators they’ll secretly install to keep the grid afloat?
And I for one are very happy that WA is NOT connected to the “National” grid. While I realise that eventually the WA state govt will eventually wreck the good energy arrangement on the SWIS grid, for now it’s ticking along nicely, with minimal input from renewables, and low cost gas doing most of the heavy lifting at night, assisted by coal. Home solar supplies around 50% of the daytime power. I’m surprised that, despite coal now being imported, coal power still supplies up to 40%. Despite being a windy place, wind energy is often low, less than 10%.
The northern NWIS grid, mainly used to supply the gas and mining industries, is mostly gas powered.
And diesel is rarely used, even on the hottest days and nights.
To expand on the SWIS grid, at midday solar is supplying 70% of power, gas 11%, coal 14%, wind less than 5%, diesel 0.01%.
That is a disaster in the making.
Nope, far from it. The secret is a plentiful supply of low-cost gas, annd not having to support other states. Other states could do the same if they used their own gas.
Generator businesses in WA rejoice
Some Sunday Reading
This never gets old.
Mechazilla has caught the Super Heavy booster!
It’s amazing.
And the reason it’s done like that is to save weight and complexity with landing legs on Super Heavy.
However landing legs will be required for Starship (of which Super Heavy is its booster) to land on the Moon and Mars.
Elon wants to have a fleet of about 1000 Starships in continuous operation making delivery runs to Earth orbit, Moon and Mars.
It is impressive. Sadly they will need a pool scoop for the rest. Hopefully they got some data to learn from.
It is stunning! We can freefall a 300ton rocket from space and stop it upright within centimetres of its target, its just so many different technologies stretched and honed to the finest accuracy possible! All the dream of one man…
I’m confused by this idiotic “Trumpets for patriots” ad currently screening.
Trumpets? How is that relevant to anything?
Does Mr Palmer see trumpets as signifying his divine saviour status and arrival?
Patriots? – this is Australia not the USA, so let’s not do the 1776 bit.
What we don’t need is another rich guy claiming to have all the solutions (but not describing any) vying for more personal power via politics.
A silly ad at best.
Sunday funny: the Demonrats come out fighting
The White House fixed it:
Cardiff University was once a great university. I’m not sure what it identifies as now… It is part of the “Russell Group” which is the UK equivalent of the US Ivy League.
When they say “foreigners” they are talking about immigrants to the UK (legal and illegal) who ought to be trying to learn the language and the idiomata.
And what of ABC’s use of the term “blackout” – would not ‘collapse’ or ‘expected failure due to, meh, who cares’ work just as well in these post-Alfred daze?
And two ADF trucks “crashing”, injuring a number of soldiers, on their way to a “heroes” parade… or was that the old-school meaning of ‘hero’ that Albotross was summoning from the dark recesses of his tiny Trotsky mind?
Strange days indeed, at least ‘the drought’ is over.
I wonder if they have ever tried to learn French which is loaded with phases that have soecific meaning but make to sense at all if translated literally. I doubt the froggies will bexadhusting their language for foreigners.
Such is the dross Uni’s choose to focus on these days.
Try them out with – ‘It’s raining cats and dogs’………….
They won’t have a clue with Cockney Rhyming Slang will they.
And Albanese has determined that Cyclone Alfred means postponing the election. In the wake of course of the deadly storm second only to Cyclone Tracey in devastation. So the weather has ended the whether.
But what really needs investigation is that ‘hundreds of thousands’ of homes are without power. That’s a critical failure of the supply system in a region which is subject to tropical storms anyway. 100km/hr gusts are common in most coastal areas of Australia over a year.
Here is Al-bozo’s “analysis”.
He is a scarily stupid and ignorant individual…and the PM on top of that…
I think he’s trying to turn it into a “climate change” election and will blame climate change for the over-hyped Cyclone Albert.
And he also got Dorothea Mackellar’s poem wrong. She does not reference wind at all.
The mental health act does not allow sectioning on the basis of religious or political beliefs. The AGM/CC Delusion is a doozy. Perhaps if we simply agreed that we can not base political decisions on the unknowable a lot of money time and energy could be spared. Future generations will be astonished at the stupidity of the “Carbo(n) Kult” . Our Govt is at least 20 years behind the times!
When Government fears it’s people, there is Liberty.
When The People fear their Government, there is Tyranny.
Sorry David, thought I touched green. Eyesight or clumsy steering?!
Some of us have known this forever – the old ‘I’m going to express my individuality by looking like everybody else’ syndrome. Saw it in the fifties, sixties and seventies. Nothing has changed since. Peer pressure is a powerful force of nature.
How to politely tell someone they are stupid:
“Wisdom has been chasing you but you have always been faster.”
And to ‘Climate Alarmists’, try this –
“Please feel free to over react”…………….
Several things come to mind:
We could have a battle of wits, however in good conscience, you are unarmed.
My Dog Craps Bigger than You.
Twice nothing, is still nothing.
Sharp as a marble, that one.
It’s impossible to underestimate you.
If you ever had a clever thought, it died alone and afraid.
He’s so far behind he thinks he’s first.
If you were half as smart as you think you are, you’d be twice as smart as you really are.
I can explain it to you, but I cannot understand it for you.
What you don’t know could fill a warehouse.
Incompetence and Ignorance is no substitute for Merit and Ability.
Quite sure there are other explanations.
In my experience, a smarter person would be wise to say nothing at all.
However if talking about an absent third person, there are a few Australian expressions..
Light’s on but nobody’s home
Train doesn’t stop at all the stations
Sandwich short of a picnic
Lambchop short of a bbq
A few kangaroos loose in the far paddock
and my favorite
Three coupons short of a toaster.
“At a dinner party one should eat wisely but not too well, and talk well but not too wisely.” – W. Somerset Maugham
Or – When I want your opinion I’ll give it to you.
“Are you sure killing off USAID in toto is welcomed by American farmers?”
The dumb shall inherit the earth. They don’t know they are dumb and never step back thinking “Beyond my pay grade, I’ll just listen”. Too often they are the last one standing.
Another Victoriastan bungle.
Australia needs DOGE!
Interesting. Knew the person who headed the original Myki design team. Thought he knew a lot about contactless ticketing systems, but in reality knew zilch. The result was inevitable.
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has sent a $25,000 voluntary buyout offer to its 80,000 employees, giving them until March 14 to accept.
Do the same here for all 3-letters – TGA, AMA etc. Good riddance to bad rubbish.
Meanwhile in the EU:
European Court of Justice – doctors will be solely responsible for the consequences of covid injections
According to a ruling by the European Court of Justice, all healthcare professionals who urged or vaccinated you against Covid are civilly and criminally liable.
The reasons given by the Court could thus call into question the disciplinary and criminal proceedings brought against doctors who opposed vaccinations, and instead attribute serious responsibilities to doctors who vaccinated “without ifs or buts”, thus also promoting the risk of causing adverse events. Link to article (in Italian):
That’s a shame for Drs who were against the jab. And while I still can’t get over how medical professionals capitulated en masse during covid, they did and many injuries and deaths resulted.
I would prefer to see the blame and liability sheeted home to where it really belongs, Drug companies, politicians, CHO’s and others in authority who lorded it over the population. Also unions, the worker’s friends all sold out their members.
The courts and the gallows should be very busy.
Does this apply outside the EU?
A couple of falun gong videos looking at Chinese auto quality, and Russia has not been impressed. 18mins 16mins
The cyclone has been replaced by a massive anticyclone, which has been pumping a lot of rain on the northern rivers overnight, and through today. Murwillumbah is probably getting the worst of it, but of course the breathless focus has been on Lismore.
That anti-cyclone is now dominating and looks set to bring water well south into NSW and even Victoria, which is desperately needed.
The central pressure in the Tasman Sea is 1029hPa.
Would be most welcome in my part of VIC, the grass is crunchy to walk on
All the desiccated leaves are adding to the crunch.
The leaves off our deciduous trees, that is, not only the grass.
We’re having an anti-cyclone up in the tropics, hot, still, humid air.
Alma Bay on Magnetic Is has been closed due to Irukandji jelly fish as a consequence. They are hard to see painful as ‘ell. Often fatal.
I remember reading that people stung are unconscious but still screaming… maybe urban legend?
These jellyfish can’t handle rough water. I thought I’d find a web cam of our beach but found this of Alma Bay itself [bottom left of the page]. The water could hardly be calmer.
Don’t know of your urban legend but I wouldn’t dismiss it out of hand.
My daughter was stung on the leg 2 weeks ago.
Painful, conscious, not a lot of screaming.
Lucky I guess.
Removing the 200 shekel bills from circulation, as well as broadening the obligation to report on cash holding to the authorities.
Leveraging AI tools for monitoring and enforcing tax evasion,
Launching a collaborative enforcement effort that includes various key bodies, such as the Tax Authority, the Anti-Money Laundering Authority, the police, the prosecutor’s office and the Counter-Terrorism Economic Warfare Headquarters.
Banning the possession of cash substitutes, such as gold, silver, medals, and coins, on a significant scale.
Enhancing regulation of non-banking financial entities, including currency exchange services, which manage significant volumes of illicit funds.
Seizure of digital currencies linked to terrorist activities of sanctioned entities
“broadening the obligation to report on cash holding to the authorities. ”
..All coming to a country near you…
As with Qld election, they ran out of ballot papers in WA:
That bit, is really, really easy to manage!
Seems that a new company was contracted to supply the staff. And unfortunately, they have the contract to 2029.
Re Biden’s autopen
“There is nobody who wants to move past this Joe Biden autopen scandal than Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, and Gen Milley
If courts start to rule Biden’s signatures are invalid, then those federal pardons go out the window
If someone used an autopen to sign a contract in my name without my cognizant knowing, every court would throw it out
So why do Joe Biden’s executive orders get a pass?”
“CONCERNING: Ukraine (aka NATO) Hits Leningrad Region, KINEF Oil Refinery, in Russia with Drone Attack
March 8, 2025 | Sundance | 109 Comments”
Odds of it being a hot night in old Ukraine tonight?
“Odds of it being a hot night in old Ukraine tonight?”
It was.. About 200UAVs and 70missile were launched into Ukraine.
Bigger than that, the Russians have pretty well cut across the entry to the Kursk kettle, sealing the Ukrainian soldiers inside.
“there are 4,700 to 6,300 Ukrainian Armed Forces fighters surrounded in the Kursk region. They have no way out…The only choice Ukraine has for those troops is surrender or die…The only choice Ukraine has for those troops is surrender or die.”
Simplicious covers it as well-
“The Ukrainian Armed Forces command went off the air early in the morning of 7.03. In essence, they abandoned the troops. There will be no concessions for the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Kursk region. Anyone who does not surrender at dawn on 8.03 will be destroyed by all types of KABs by the night of the next day.”
Also in there a few comments on how hard it is for anyone to advance in these days of drones, whether Russian or NATO. From the Russian side, a day or two back-
“Media hummer of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Serhiy Flash “flashka” called on his channel to withdraw Ukrainian forces from the Kursk region. According to him, there are 11 kilometers and one populated area left until the complete encirclement of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The logistics situation, according to him, continues to deteriorate, the losses are unjustified.”
FWIW – another oe down
“BP Scraps Major Hydrogen Plans for Teeside”
The Trump/Musk effect again-
“The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is ending collective bargaining for Transportation Security Officers with the TSA.. According to the report, The TSA has more people doing “full-time union work” vs. performing actual screening functions at 86% of US airports…while the rest are paid by the government but work “full-time on union matters” and do not retain certification to perform screening.
What’s more, DHS cited a recent TSA employee survey which found that over 60% of “poor performers” are allowed to stay employed and “not surprisingly, continue to not perform.””
Ah, Govt jobs, the best jobs to have! Don’t have to work, never get fired, rule over the peasantry with your badge..
In both the skating and viral contexts, officials act as if they’re protecting the public—presumed incapable of risk assessment—from peril. But really, pols and bureaucrats just love to boss people around. How many skaters fall, or used to fall, through the ice and die? How many healthy people under 70 died of Covid? Ultimately, at what cost to human happiness are healthy people ordered to keep off the ice and forgo other activities that gave them joy and memories?
Topping more league tables:
assuring them that while data such as names, contact details, and passwords were compromised, there was no threat to university systems or identifiable health data.
Oh, I’m sure that’s all right then…