- JoNova - -

Tech Giants quietly drop renewables and sign pledge to triple Nuclear Power

By Jo Nova

Renewables are so over

Just like that — the renewables bubble went phht.

After twenty years of hailing wind and solar, suddenly the world’s tech giants are cheering for nuclear power. Worse —  they don’t even mention the words carbon, low emissions or CO2. The new buzzwords are “safe, clean and firm“. They talk about needing energy “round the clock”, and they talk about “energy resilience” — but they don’t say nuclear is “low emissions”. It’s like they want everyone to forget their activism. Did someone say something about climate change?

Meta, Amazon, and Google have flipped like a school of barracuda. Five minutes ago, life on Earth depended on achieving Net-Zero with fleets of wind farms in the sunset, now, they just want energy and lots of it. The big tech fish and their friends have signed a Large Energy Users Pledge admitting that the demand for energy is rising rapidly, that nuclear should triple by 2050 and that large energy users depend on the availability of abundant cheap energy (Small energy users too,  Mr Bezos-Zuckerburg-Pichai.) The closest they come to hinting at the ghost of renewables is when they say they want energy that’s not dependent on “the weather, the season, or the geographical location”.

There’s no “Sorry we got it wrong”. There’s no apology for hectoring us, censoring us, or wasting billions of dollars. It’s just Mr Don’t-Look-Over-Here telling us what most engineers knew for 30 years. This is the billionaire club asking the taxpayers to build them more nuclear plants.

Signatories include Siemens Energy, which suffered a 36% share price fall 18 months ago when it admitted it was losing billions trying to maintain wind turbines.

It’s the perfect storm. Just as renewable investments wallow in their failures,  the AI race is escalating, and it needs monster data, which means monster energy. As we saw in Texas the new grid entrants are asking for a whole gigawatt of capacity each, and peak demand is expected to rise by a wild 75% in the next five years.

Less than a year ago Microsoft was making the “biggest ever renewable energy agreement” but now it’s  resurrecting the old Three Mile Island nuclear plant.

And of course, Donald Trump is in the WhiteHouse, so the subsidies are gone and the mood has changed. Indeed, it’s almost like the Tech Giants are afraid to mention “climate change”  too much lest it annoy the new President, or remind all their shareholders how much money they wasted.

Other governments need to adjust their policies at speed. Run, don’t walk…

The old Google:

h/t Reader

Click to see the signatories or read the Large Energy Users Pledge:

…. Large Energy Users Pledge



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