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125 comments to Thursday

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    Scott Snell

    “It’s not hypocrisy when WE do it.”

    Oopsie, was supposed to append to yesterday’s story about slave-made solar panels.


    • #

      Oh well, let’s use the thread for a story of solar farm resistance with a touch of Royal intrigue

      He had to pay £71.97 for the signs damaged on June 30 last year and had to undertake an online thinking skills course. – here you are laughing…

      but, when you realise the plucky campaigners led by Diana’s cousin have little hope against the Establishment:

      The campaign group have claimed the developers have “simply enticed landowners who have no regard for their neighbours”.

      A spokesperson claimed: “There are just nine landowners benefiting from this scheme which include the Duke of Beaufort, Badminton estate, a Count and Countess, and other’s who reside at the Manor Houses of the villages they are affecting.

      “Many have never farmed the land themselves and there will be 10 tenant farmers being removed off these sites.”


      • #

        Oh well, let’s head off into an activist story then.

        Seems that leftists were not content with keying Teslas and burning them they decided that they would follow Tim Walz’s advice and take down the company by shorting it. Bad move, it has had a bump so all amateurs would have been sold up with a big loss, possibly owing money.

        I’m a little sceptical because Joe Sixpack can’t just ring up a broker and short a stock. If true it was always going to fail, there are a lot of pros been burnt shorting Tesla, it defies both logic and gravity and always looks ripe for the picking.


      • #

        Should have added that Tesla Y models have sold out in 33 states.


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    Peter Ridd On Dodgy Science


    By Paul Homewood

    Interesting stuff from Peter Ridd:

    Star science youtuber Sabine Hossenfelder has had a come to Jesus moment about Climate Change. She doesn’t quite get there.


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    With the nice Spring weather, West Country residents prepare for the influx of townies


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    If documents can be accessed and leaked, what about documents being deleted, changed or amended?


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      ..what about the famous upcoming Australia ID card you will need to access the internet?? ALL your information stored on one place, to be lost in one hack and yourself made a non-person. Has anyone heard details of what the Govt will do after a hack? Do they instantly freeze all details of the victims, cancelling driving licences, passports, bank cards, mobile phones and of course, internet access.


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        John Connor II

        Has anyone heard details of what the Govt will do after a hack?

        Hacked businesses typically don’t even know for months that they’ve been hacked and don’t disclose it immediately for fear of legal action and share price plummets.

        Have no fear though, your trustworthy government will tell you straight away.

        A centralised unified database is an Aladdin’s cave to hackers.
        It’ll happen.


      • #

        A biomtetric digital ID will have little use for identifying you online – whatever series of pulses / interactions you have will be, at the end of the day, a series of 1s and 0s that is hackable. Anyone who wants to be you online will be able to ‘trick’ the system and any ‘at home’ interfaces, eventually.

        A biometric digital ID only has function to identify you IRL. By robots and Cameras. Out on the street.


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    The Wuhan lab:

    The cooperation agreement for the Wuhan BSL 4 lab was signed in 2004 by Michel Barnier, France’s foreign minister. At the same time, France was negotiating with China the construction of five EPR nuclear power plants. China ultimately built only two in its southern region before abandoning the program in favor of its own reactors.

    The construction of the Wuhan BSL 4 lab faced numerous hurdles. French military officials opposed it, fearing China could use it to develop biological weapons. There was also Beijing’s refusal to disclose what it had done with the mobile P3 labs funded by the French government after the 2003 SARS outbreak—hardly a confidence booster for cooperation.

    Completed in 2015, the lab’s construction was overseen by the French engineering firm Technip, a national champion acquired in 2016 by Texas-based FMC Technologies with the tacit approval of then-Economy Minister Emmanuel Macron. Technip refused to certify the lab, but certification was nonetheless granted in 2017, celebrated at a ceremony attended by then-Prime Minister Bernard Cazeneuve, Health and Social Affairs Minister Marisol Touraine, and Yves Lévy, president of INSERM (the French counterpart of the NIH) and husband of Agnès Buzyn. It was announced that 50 French researchers would take up residence at the lab—researchers who, to our knowledge, were still there in 2020.


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      Dave in the States

      To oversimplify, a BSL4 laboratory is like a box in a box in a box in a box. Each box’s atmosphere is sealed off from the others and regenerated in a closed loop. These boxes are isolated from one another by cutting-edge technologies, often classified. Moving between them requires passing through decontamination airlocks and wearing protective gear, including Hazmat suits and self-contained breathing apparatuses—except in the innermost box, where the most virulent pathogens are stored. No one can enter that final layer. While new strains can be added to this pathogen library, they’re not supposed to leave. In case of an incident, each box has a decontamination system; in the last one, housing the deadliest strains, it can be resorted to ultra-high-temperature incineration to ensure total destruction of the pathogen library….

      The article mentions that ony two plausible scenarios exist to explain the leak. One, it was clandestinely smuggled out. Or, security was so lax that standard protocols were not followed. Yeah right.

      A third possibility exists: It was deliberately leaked.


      • #

        ” security was so lax that standard protocols were not followed. ”

        Sounds likely to me… The Americans had that at their biolab in 2019, and the Russians too.. People don’t really give a shit about regulations when it makes their life onerous.


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        If deliberately leaked it was the greatest military mistake of all time. The stories of massive deaths in China are persistent and believable.

        Not sure there are words to describe half a billion self inflicted deaths, SNAFU hardly seems adequate.


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    A long read on the history of burning coal in London homes. Was it the German brewers?

    Less than a year after the Privy Council’s letter to admonish brewers using the invention, in January 1579 the offensive stench of coal smoke had apparently become so common that it was too much for the queen to bear, the Privy Council ordering London’s brewers to no longer “burn any more sea coal during the Queen’s Majesty’s abiding at Westminster”. When this order was ignored — switching back to wood, especially on short notice, would have been extremely costly — fifteen brewers and a dyer were even hauled off to jail. The brewers protested, pointing out the vast amounts of wood that the switch to coal had saved, but a month later they had reached an agreement to no longer burn coal on specified days when the queen was in town, so long as they were given advance warning


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      David Maddison

      Of course, nowadays burning coal is a clean process with advanced combustion techniques and scrubbing of sulfur, minimising NOx etc.. The main emissions are healthy CO2 and H2O. The only smell from coal burning plant these days is the smell of unwashed greens protesting against it.


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        Peter C

        Did you take your flight at the airshow yesterday?
        I am going tomorrow. I am very disappointed that 3 of the trade display tents will be closed.


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          David Maddison

          Yes I did thanks Peter.

          A great flight and with an open cockpit.

          The tents are primarily displays for industry customers unfortunately with military and aerospace companies represented.

          The general public will not see much there, only in one tent as you see.

          Actually, “tent” is the wrong word. They are giant temporary buildings.

          The grid can’t handle all the needed power to cool them, generators on site.


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        Emissions invisible to the eye and odourless.


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    The Australia Votes logo:

    Largest red bar at the top – bias?


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    David Maddison

    Even though the Liberal Party is not a conservative one and hasn’t been for decades, as a mainstream party they are still slightly less bad than Green Labor. They would be better if some of the minor conservative-oriented parties like Trumpet of Patriots, Libertarian Party, One Nation, Advance Australia, Family First etc. got the balance of power or ideally government but that’s unlike to happen.

    Nevertheless, I think there are so many Australians dependent upon Governmet or who seek favours from Government, such as public serpents, feral unions, welfare recipients, imported Labor voters, subsidy harvesters, grifters etc. that there may not be enough conservative-oriented voters to swing an election.

    It nearly happened in America, with the DemonRATs importing future voters, fortunately TRUMP stopped that. In Australia we have no such leadership. We may have had someone similar with Abbott but look what they did to him.

    And I really don’t think the typical dumbed-down Aussie voter understands that “the Government” has no money of its own, apart from what it prints (devaluing the currency), borrows or steals from you in the first place. Like when Albanese gave money for electricity bill relief? Do people not understand that this came from them in the first place?

    I’m not feeling confident that the Libs will win the next Federal election or Victorian one, or anywhere else.


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      With Duttons promise to half fuel excise they might have a chance. This move has a couple of advantages over Albos $275 reduction on power bills.
      1/ The reduction is immediately obvious.
      2/ This saving will flow on to every good in Australia. It could be monitored to make sure companies abide.
      Everday staples like meat and veg could demonstrably cheaper, genuinely lowering the cost of living.
      His other big move, which won’t happen as he is a believer, would be to simply reduce electricity producers to a single price level playing field, not this bid in bid out debacle.


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        Steve of Cornubia

        Sadly, nope. If the Libs did indeed halve the fuel taxes, that 25c/litre will just flow straight to the petrol retailers’ bottom line, because they will raise the base price by the equivalent amount (or close to it).

        If the Libs look like winning (unlikely) I will buy shares in Caltex.


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        Far better fuel excise cut 25 cents a litre than $5.00, less tax, cut not implemented until July 2026.

        Many seem to ignore that cost of fuel for our own vehicles is a saving but add to cost of living relief the fuel cost savings at each link in the supply chain from bottom to retailers.


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      Forrest Gardener

      As per my previous replies, what difference would it make?

      To me, government is nothing but a dead weight on the affairs of the nation. You can’t improve the nation by designing an improved dead weight.

      The driving forces behind the Teals provide a useful model for obtaining power and influence. Be really, really nice. Be totally vacuous and promise something totally intangible like saving the planet.

      The future of the nation does not depend on bread and circuses.


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        Graeme No.3

        Forest Gardener:
        It does provide employment for those unlike to gain employment elsewhere.
        A case: where I worked (years ago in another State) the Company had a useless laboratory assistant. Shuttled around to the Laboratory Manager with the most forebearance until the day he asked him to check percentage of solids of one emulsion (rough check about 30 minutes at most). About 4 hours later (Manager being occupied elsewhere) he proudly announced that he had worked out that it was 117.9135% (the assistant thought that he was a mathematical wizard). The Manager – very self controlled – suggest that he might have made a slight error as Percent meant parts in one hundred, i.e. from Per Centum. The assistant agreed to recheck his figures and came back about 30 minutes later agreeing he had made a mistake and the real answer was 104.5425 per cent.
        Shortly after his termination he was employed by the State Education Dept. to teach Mathematics to high school students (in the country).
        I lost sight of his progress but in fairness I must say he wasn’t Chris Bowen.


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          “It does provide employment for those unlike to gain employment elsewhere.”

          I must disagree, everyone can gain employment, even sweeping the floor has a non-zero value. However, the Govt has made regulations such that it is uneconomic to employ those at the bottom, so they are unemployed or in ‘sheltered employment’, ie Govt payroll.

          A return to a Govt-free workplace would allow people to be employed and de-employed instantly, so people find their preferred job faster, as would employers. Currently employers are too scared to try new employees as the Govt-imposed costs are so high, and workers are scared to leave a job they don’t really like because its hard to find another one quickly.


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    David Maddison

    I posted a comment elsewhere that Australia needed a DOGE department as I was sick of seeing my hard-earned taxes wasted on useless projects and public “art” which is utterly without merits

    Some Leftist responded that I was “boring”.

    Is that how these Green Labor Teal voters think?

    It’s evidence as I indicated above that they have no clue where “the Government” gets its money. And even if the person calling me boring was a welfare recipient they still pay taxes on everything they buy so it’s still coming out of their own pocket. Or do they not care about wasting taxpayer money?


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    David Maddison

    At the Avalon Airshow there are large contigents of Australian military personnel.

    It’s apparent that there are very large numbers of female senior officers.

    No doubt it’s all about fulfilling DEI objectives as you see few or none in the lower ranks as in the soldiers that actually have to do the hard work and the fighting and killing. (Just like there are no female garbage collectors and you never hear complaints about “gender imbalance” in that profession.)

    Presumably these are the ones making policy and equipment procurement decisions as well as combat decisions (from afar), never having experienced real fighting, nor are they likely to. They will all retire on large pensions never having risked their lives or done actual military work.


    • #

      Some of those people you speak of either work for me or with me and I can categorically state that you are FOS. You are nothing more than a sexist PIG, its people like you that are not welcome in the defence force.


      • #

        Made my day!
        That’s the best laugh I’ve had all morning!
        Except you forgot Poe’s Law.


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        ” never having experienced real fighting, nor are they likely to.”

        So you’re saying they are front-line soldiers Crakar? That would be good, there’s nothing better than seeing an attractive young lady getting half her face blown off or losing a leg to a landmine, to make men think war is not worth doing.

        Having the women sit at home minding the fire gives men something to fight for, a promise of the future, while having them maimed beside you shows you that fighting for those old, male and stale people in power is just pointless death and agony.


        • #

          KP please read what is written dont just selectively cut and paste comments.

          For example no one said they are front line soldiers you just made that up, please re read what David said then re read my comment, i am happy to engage in conversation with you but i will only discuss factual statements.


          • #

            To be fair to KP, he was asking you for clarification. There was a question mark after the “so you’re saying”.

            DM twice mentioned that he didn’t think women in the Aus military did the fighting or killing, and once said they wouldn’t do the hard work. So it was a fairly prominent part of his comment to which you gave a non-specific rebuttal. FOS is strong enough to suggest everything DM was saying was wrong. After reading what was written it was reasonable for KP to ask.

            Obviously the military has a bunch of personnel who aren’t trained for combat and won’t see combat, both male and female. But will legitmately rise in the ranks of their support streams.

            I don’t think that DM’s conclusion makes him a sexist pig, let alone sexist. Uninformed perhaps. But it’s unfortunately a consequence of DEI policies that those who achieve on merit can have their credentials questioned, even if unfairly. We’re aware the ADF has female participation targets. But this doesn’t mean they have officer quotas.


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        David Maddison

        How is it sexist to observe a gender imbalance in that females tend to have high ranks and there are few in actual ground combat roles or other lower ranks? Why the low numbers of female combat soldiers, even though they are allowed? Surely we should have 50/50 in ground troops as well as senior positions. Currently it’s only 20% I guess the numbers expected to do hand-to-hand fighting are much less than that. Many of those combat roles will be drivers etc. not fighters but counted as combat to make the DEI stats look better.


        • #

          Are seriously trying to defend your original comment at #10?

          You clearly have no idea about rank structure or the promotion process within the defence force nor the varied roles people can play. For example not every person you see in uniform is a trained killer coiled like a spring ready to attack on command there are nuances that clearly you know nothing about.

          No doubt it’s all about fulfilling DEI objectives as you see few or none in the lower ranks as in the soldiers that actually have to do the hard work and the fighting and killing. (Just like there are no female garbage collectors and you never hear complaints about “gender imbalance” in that profession.)

          Here you are clearly stating females are promoted in the defence force to meet DEI objectives, you support this statement by claiming their are few or no females at the lower ranks, you base this false reality on a one day visit to an air show. You do understand if there are DEI objectives in the defence force its because of the sexist mindset from people like you.

          Presumably these are the ones making policy and equipment procurement decisions as well as combat decisions (from afar), never having experienced real fighting, nor are they likely to. They will all retire on large pensions never having risked their lives or done actual military work.

          In this statement you are Clearly saying females do not have the capacity to make decisions because they lack experience but this is not the reality, many have 20-30 years experience in their field of expertise and i would gladly take their advice over your gibberings any time.

          There are many female air traffic controllers and technicians who will be required to deploy to our northern bases to defend the country against the yellow horde, they will most likely be shot at, bombed and even killed and where will you be David when it hits the fan? Cowering in the dark behind their skirts no doubt.

          Every time you land in a plane your life is in the hands of the approach controller, to think according to David every time you land at Newcastle, Townville or Darwin your life is in the hands of an Air Force DEI hire LOL

          And as Skepticynic I understand Poe’s law I thought my intent it was self evident


          • #

            >And as Skepticynic I understand Poe’s law I thought my intent it was self evident

            Regardless of your intent, it was your animated vehement response I was laughing at and I’m still chuckling.
            I now understand it was unintended that your response sounded like a caricature of a stereotypical offended precious upper-level female public servant response but it did.
            It was beautiful!
            And I can’t get that picture out of my mind.
            Still chuckling.


            • #

              I just get sick and tired of reading uneducated gibberish which is actually why I stopped commenting here some time ago (sad to see nothing has changed) I am however glad to see I have made your morning a happy one.



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                Dear Crakar24,
                Judging from the frustration you have expressed, the lesson may be rather than ‘venting’ you should take your own advice and supply the data to support the missive. Let us have the facts to support your argument against DM’s observation at the air show that:

                It’s apparent that there are very large numbers of female senior officers.

                I would be very concerned if as an Air traffic Controller you were attacking the information being given to the Tower as ‘Gibberish’ rather than clearly and concisely requesting clarity of the position and intention of a pilot approaching your controlled airspace.
                So let us have the breakdown including how many of these ladies in uniform observed by DM were actually transexual. This could shoot a substantial hole in the trend DM believed he was observing.


        • #
          David Maddison

          We should also have 50/50 gender balance in the SAS (elite special forces)… (/sarc) As far as I know, no woman has ever passed the gruelling selection.

          DEI might change that by lowering the physical standards thus weakening the force and weakening Australia. But wokesters don’t care about that.

          The following is from 2020.

          Women to lead Australian Defence Force Special Forces operations following damning Brereton report

          Not a single woman has ever passed Australia’s elite SAS process. But top army officials say that’s about to change.

          December 16, 2020

          EXCLUSIVE. A SPECIAL Forces soldier who deployed to Afghanistan seven times says the Australian Defence Force “created the beast” by sending men out to kill “every other day or night.” Wes H Hennessey, 48, from Queensland, said he felt compelled to defend the Special Forces community in the wake of the release of the Brereton report into war crimes.

          AFLW star Sabrina Frederick may have won selection on the high-rating television version of SAS Australia but in reality no woman has ever passed the actual Special Forces process in the Australian Defence Force.

          SEE LINK FOR REST (Paywalled)

          Why should women “lead” the SAS if they can’t pass the physical selection process and therefore can’t do the nasty job of fighting and killing the enemy?


          • #
            Forrest Gardener

            Personally I don’t care who leads the SAS as long as they are the most able at the task of leadership.

            And the most able usually stand out quickly when put into challenging positions.


          • #
            John Connor II

            you are FOS. You are nothing more than a sexist PIG, its people like you that are not welcome in the defence force.

            …and DM thought being called “boring” was bad. Lol.

            When your life is on the line, your colleagues, your country’s, there’s no place for virtue signalling.
            You want to pit a 50kg woman against a battle hardened 100kg man go for it.
            A superbly trained woman (Bruce Lee level) – yes, otherwise forget it.
            There’s no place for weakness in the SAS or similar special forces units.
            I smiled through every episode of “SAS Australia” at the weakness of the contestants.
            The Brynne episode – talk about laugh!
            A former personal trainer on another “reality show”, Australia’s biggest loser, threw in the towel because of a few minutes in a chilly stream. What a joke! Yeah, “dig deep!” sucker.
            He don’t know the meaning of the term.
            If you can’t cut it, you don’t belong there.
            End of story.


          • #

            Whay happens if she does a $#1t test during an operation? Asking for a friend 😉


      • #
        David Maddison

        its people like you that are not welcome in the defence force.

        Yes, and that’s the essence of the problem isn’t it?

        That’s exactly why Western military forces are woke and weak, soon to be corrected in TRUMP’s military at least.

        It’s not meant to be a private fun club for DEI wokesters you know, even though it is. The real business of the military is nasty when things turn bad, it’s not about sitting behind desks in over-priced luxury office buildings in Canberra or StKilda Road in Melbourne having unproductive meetings all day with massively over-paid “consultants” or discussing gender quotas.


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        • #


          It is crystal clear to all that you do not understand the defence force or DEI policies however, rather than leave you here in your skewed reality i will help you understand what your problem is and how you can fix it.

          Are you aware of the now completed royal commission into veteran suicide? Did you read any of that report? Do you understand why many deforce force members kill themselves David? Do you think it is appropriate for defence members to bully other members (its easy to do when you hold a higher rank) to the point of suicide David? Do you think people will want to join the defence force or stay in the defence force with this type of behaviour David?

          Do you know what ADFA is David? do you think it is appropriate for a bunch of male ADFA recruits to run around raping female recruits? is it ok for them to film them in the showers? When this happens do you think females will want to join defence David?

          I could go on but the bottom line is no one wants to join the defence force and everyone wants to leave David, we don’t have enough people to fly the planes, to fix the radars, to man a ATC tower, we don’t have enough people to defend the country against the yellow horde circumnavigating our country in military ships and we don’t because the defence force is/was not a very nice place to work, do you now understand the magnitude of the problem David?

          The government are throwing money at people to stay in but yet they still leave, Defence has to change David or the yellow horde will win.

          Traditionally defence would primarily recruit from the “white male” pool but that has dried up so defence have had to cast a broader net hence DEI was born, DEI is a recruitment tool and nothing more. It is designed to get people in the door and hopefully they stay.

          I can assure you David all those “senior” ranked females and males you saw were all promoted on merit and i know this will come as a shock to you but you don’t have to be a SAS soldier to fill a leadership role within the SAS regiment.


          • #
            Gee Aye

            More power to you Crakar. You’ve dared to counter DM, chief know it all on this site. The inferences and imaginings he makes about leftists etc blows everyone else out of the water.


          • #

            I find all this to be rather ridiculous.

            We have David making egregious and unsubstantiated disparaging remarks about women in the defence force claiming they are only promoted to the senior ranks because of DEI policies.

            I try to explain the dire straights the deforce force is in primarily through a lack of manning and its relationship with DEI recruitment policy and I get 4 make that 6 red thumbs which I found rather strange

            We have KP completely missing the mark

            And we have Broadie who suggests some of those women were not women at all and claims the word of David is beyond question and suggests I provide evidence to the contrary.

            I understand this place runs similar to article 5 of the NATO treaty, you reject one members disgusting attitudes towards women and you take on the whole cabal which I am happy to do but only if the responses are sane and sensible.

            None of what anyone has said here fits that criteria,

            In short we have a bunch of women at an air show wearing a uniform and from that as a collective you have deduced that some of them are men wearing women’s clothes and they have all been promoted for reasons other than they were the best person for the job. Not only that you also claim women in the defence force are not fit to lead for some obscure sexist reason.

            We all know there are gender biases in this world and in the work place and there are other issues that women are confronted with regularly but the defence force is trying to clean up its act through values and principles and if you cant accept that and would rather sit here and berate me because I adhere to those defence values and callout obvious sexist remarks when I see them then so be it.

            I suggest you take a look in the mirror because perhaps just perhaps *YOU* are part of the problem.


            • #

              Jeez, hit a nerve there somewhere.


              • #

                David went to an airshow and said all the ADF uniformed women there didn’t deserve it and blamed them for much that is wrong in the defence force: “Presumably these are the ones making policy and equipment procurement decisions as well as combat decisions “.

                Crakar, who I happen to know works in Defence, was angry that people he knows and respects, some of whom put their lives on the line, were getting flagrantly disparaged and blamed purely because of their sex, which is actually sexist, and he came out swinging to defend them. Now, he could have been more diplomatic but ultimately David had insulted all of them, and crakar was defending their honor. He is telling us they were not DEI hires.

                The Defence force is not just victim of leftist woke policies, like we all are, but also suffers a dire lack of respect. I’d be disappointed to see that here.

                The military is a lot more than front line roles. I suspect some are using the combat role gender debate as a smokescreen to avoid discussing what crakar is objecting to.

                Maybe it gives me a different perspective because I know who crakar is.

                When it comes to defence, I am very interested in his opinion. Thumbs up from me.


              • #

                DEI has come under a lot of scrutiny lately. And rightly so. It has encouraged and condoned a lot of quite improper appointments in many areas. That the question of the role of women in front line military action is an understandable matter for debate.

                Indeed, in respect to aviation, I note that the role of women in commercial and military aircraft it is coming into quite a lot of debate in the USA currently. Maybe some here have read some of the debate and evidence.

                Personally, I don’t dispute the ability of women to effectively function in war zones. However, it is my personal opinion that woman are GENERALLY unsuited to combat.


            • #

              I think part of the reason you will find more women in the Senior ranks these days is because many of the men complete their return of service obligations and then leave for the big money working for Private Security Contractors. Often also to escape their obligations to the Child Support Agency, so this is a very lucrative move.

              Our ADF is just a little training ground for the international military complex.


            • #

              And there you go again Crakar24.

              How are you ever going to hit any targets if you continue with a wild innacurate spray?

              And we have Broadie who

              suggests some of those women were not women at all

              and claims the word of David is beyond question (Huh? where did I do that?) and suggests I provide evidence to the contrary (Yes, facts would be good if this is something you are passionate about).

              So let us work on where you agree.

              David suggests there may be something wrong in the ADF from an observation he has made.

              and you, Crakar agrees that there is something very wrong in the ADF

              The government are throwing money at people to stay in but yet they still leave, Defence has to change David or the yellow horde will win.

              However, you have a problem that David is the messenger.

              Well let us leave this on a positive note.

              They used to say ‘when forty people go down in a submarine, Twenty happy couples come up’.
              With AUKUS and nuclear submarines it will probably be 40 people go down in the submarine and 75 return, and only so the children can attend prep.


              • #

                However, you have a problem that David is the messenger


                Crakar has a problem with David’s message being based on a poor assumption.

                Crakar says the presence of competent women is a solution to a problem. That their presence is not the problem.


              • #
                Honk R Smith

                I say give them what they want.
                Hand them fire sticks and the boom devices, and the keys to the fighter jets, and the sea battle wagons.
                Let them find their own way to the great social equity they seek.
                What they can’t achieve with ballots, they will seek with arson anyway … of Teslas.

                War is the time honored, and probably evolutionary, verifiable path to Great Resets.
                It facilitates the ultimate determination of gender identity roles.
                Nature always wins the argument in the end.


              • #

                Could be true Strop when you see the ability and sacrifice being made by women for a free USA. Remember Tina Peters and the sacrifice she has made for a free and fair election. I’m with Honk on the idea that this is evolutionary. There must be evil and good, challenge and change.


              • #

                Broadie, Crakar doesn’t need stats. He personally knows the women DM is insulting. His point has nothing to do with frontline combat, and nor is mine.

                Your comments demanding stats on their transgender status were ? bizarre. I’m being polite. Just drop it.

                To everyone — crakar’s comments, and mine, have nothing to do with whether DEI is a problem. (We all agree it is).

                DM insulted the women in suits at Avalon purely because they were women, not because they personally did anything wrong. That’s what we have a problem with. He was thinking about a generic problem, but was a bit carelessly phrased.

                DEI is designed to divide us and feed resentment. It destroys the good people who got there through hard work and talent and denies them the respect they deserve. When we attack the good people, we’re helping the enemy in the culture war.

                Lets criticize the people who push DEI, not the good people on the same side as us.


              • #

                Stats!! Oh! so much navel gazing stats and reports on the very subject.

                Review into the Treatment of Women in the Australian Defence Force
                From 2011 to 2014, the Australian Human Rights Commission (the Commission) conducted a landmark Review of Defence. There were three phases to this review:

                Phase One: A review of the treatment of women at the Australian Defence Force Academy (ADFA).
                Phase Two: A review of the effectiveness of cultural change strategies and initiatives required to improve leadership pathways for women in the ADF.
                Phase Three: An audit of the implementation of the recommendations from these reviews.
                Former Sex Discrimination Commissioner Elizabeth Broderick led the Review. All public reports published as part of the Review are listed below.

                When I visited the Human Rights website yesterday on behalf of Crakar24, I found not only the huge amount of resources devoted to the subject but also the recommendations by the Commission on vaccine mandates. I refer to this as I will link those to Old Ozzie’s post today on the subject. This was in response to Crakar’s concern about enlistment as I believe the ADF is still being jabbed.


          • #

            This explains it better than I could put into words.


            People do not leave bad jobs; they leave bad bosses. Due to current woke agendas pushed to appease minorities and avoid negative media coverage, defence leaders have implemented poorly conceived reforms, while at the same time denigrating its veterans. The ADF’s best assets, its people, are leaving the defence force in droves, weakening Australia’s defence capability and national security, the very thing our leaders assert they are protecting. This exodus of people from the ADF creates a vacuum that cannot be filled, not because of better paid jobs elsewhere, but because the incompetence, failures, double standards, blame shifting, and lack of real support from defence leaders that has been painstakingly witnessed by all.

            By all means, read the whole thing … there’s a bunch of learnings to capture right there.

            I will add, that somehow our worst leadership seem astonishingly able to land on their feet again and again … General Campbell is off to represent Australia at NATO meetings. Yup, somehow that’s the best we can do.

            It isn’t just about one man, or even just the defence force … this poor leadership has permeated to every place: the research institutions, the health system, the government economists … with a certain consistency to the wrongness. Political Correctness always beats factual correctness, paper qualification always beats practical ability, and if you want to get ahead it’s who you know, not what you know, play the game and look after yer mates.

            That’s the mechanism allowing us to have such well entrenched institutional stupidity … regardless of blatantly contradicting common sense. Centuries of biology (and before that thousands of years of trial and error) have taught us that men and women are different … and although there are always unusual individuals, on a standardised basis, men are better adapted to dealing with a violent world … both from a physical capability to dish out punishment and take hardships and from a psychological perspective to be able to rationalize why sometimes violence is necessary … but only after other options have been sincerely tried and failed.

            There’s a reason why audiences do not want to watch some well muscled man thump a woman in the boxing ring … and it’s more than just a social construct … Evolution is a real thing, just like the mountains and the sky and the oceans are real things. You can pretend those things aren’t there, but it won’t help you win any battles.


      • #

        Perfect example of why discriminatory DEI should be made extinct.


    • #
      Forrest Gardener

      Others have already responded but my 2c says that positions are best occupied by those most suited to the job.

      Of course those most suited to the job are frequently in other occupations.

      And somewhere in there is the mythical fabric which holds society together and enables individuals to thrive.


    • #

      More likely self selection.

      Skills and competency matter when making it through cpl and sgt, beyond that keeping your nose clean and waiting matter. Are women just more patient with less family pressures to get a “better job”?


      • #

        Skills and competency

        Try skills and competence.


        • #

          Competency often appears in professional jargon, where annual performance reviews and professional development checklists refer to concepts like professional competency. In this sense, competency refers to an area in which one has been professionally trained.

          The term also has a legal sense, competency to appear in court, which means that a person is able to function at a basic level in a courtroom. A person who has a severe mental disability, for instance, might be impaired to the extent that she would be considered legally incompetent.


    • #
      Dry Liberal

      Just like there are no female garbage collectors

      You’re wrong about that one too – said hello to one last Tuesday morning.


  • #

    Fight back against the woke mind virus by financing multiple Teslas!

    The woke mind virus has gone too far. We have to fight back and finance as many Teslas as we possibly can. I know a lot of you are sitting on a healthy stash of home equity that is selfishly being squandered. How about you use that equity and support history’s great man. If you have $3m of home equity, you can literally finance a fleet of Teslas! That will destroy the woke mob and increase Tesla shares. Which will in turn restore Elon Musk’s paper net worth. I feel sick to my stomach that his paper net worth has dropped because of the woke mind virus. This man is so humble and is doing all this stuff because he loves and cares about us. Won’t you do Elon a little favour in return?


    • #

      May I suggest an improvement to that plan – buy your Tesla for the sole purpose of supporting Victorian electricity network when it finally collapses.
      One of my grandkids is a good coder (his schoolmates assured me…) who might arrange your Tesla to be charged at the lowest tariff time and be discharged at much higher.
      A minor drawback – you will need a second car too…


      • #

        I am floating the idea of replacing the Eraring power station with thousands of Tesla cars with my local Teals candidate. We’ll just use the demolished Eraring site as a giant parking lot of Teslas that will be continuously charging and discharging.


    • #

      I’m sitting in a half mill $ house and driving a 14 yr old Camry. Am I unpatriotic?


  • #
    Custer Van Cleef

    Gaza strip and the borderland: A brief history of the strife there between 1948 and the end of 2023.

    Exchange Rate | London Review of Books

    The title is not finance related.


  • #


    Day 1,127 summary of Russia’s “special military operation” from a Ukrainian perspective.


    • #

      In September 1980, a Ukrainian historian Valentin Moroz, while touring the West fresh out of the soviet prison, came to Melbourne.
      Quite a crowd got to hear him at Essendon Ukrainian House where he said, between other things very unexpectedly: Learn from the Jews !
      That was not a footy match – so not a single “boo” .., but the unpleasant murmur was heard. He then tried to explain the idea of historical process, how states & nations come to being… I do not think there 20 people in audience who heard and understood. Definitely, not my family and friends.
      Who would think that 45 years on the connection became so obvious.
      Sort of, well worn phrase of Empires rise and fall but People are forever.
      Yeah, maybe…
      If they want to be.


      • #

        Rumours are swirling that a megalomaniac is at death’s door.

        ‘Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky has claimed that Vladimir Putin ‘will die soon’ amid rumours that the Russian leader is battling poor health.

        ‘Zelensky’s damning assessment of Putin’s health came during a sit-down interview with journalists in Paris following a meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron yesterday.

        ‘He said: ‘He (Putin) will die soon, and that’s a fact, and it will come to an end.’ (UK Mail)


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    Greg in NZ

    The Fairy of Everyfink – whether it’s global warming or climate change or extreme weather or carbon pollution or weirding whiplash or I’ve lived here twenty years and NEVER seen this before…

    Somehow the magic molecule can be all things to all people all at the same time: drought in New Zealand, floods in Queensland and 38C in Perth, snow on New Guinea’s equatorial glaciers, freezing at both the Ant/Arctic poles, more snow across Canada and Russia all the way to the Pacific and Japan. It’s probably ‘hot’ somewhere like Timbuktu or Chad or !slamabad while in Tahiti, paradise as usual, just don’t mention le bombe.

    Now that astronomers have discovered JADES-GS-z13-1-LA, a tiny red dot in the vastness of space, they are contemplating having to re-write the origin of the universe as their previous fairies don’t add up anymore – oh for something similar with the Climate Industrial Complex, or maybe DJT could simply evict the UN parasites and send them back to where they came from.


    • #

      or maybe DJT could simply evict the UN parasites and send them back to where they came from.

      That is something DJT does not have the authority to do. The UN site is not US territory. He could probably stop people entering and leaving the site but could not send US police or military on the site to elect the UN staff. It would probably be viewed as an ect of war or terror and result in global sanctions against the USA. I doubt USA could exist in its present form without international support. The construction of all the wind farms would cease for want of stuff from China. Canada could shut down oil supply and electricity from Canada. Australia could default on its submarine deal. QANTAS would not be able to buy planes. Ukraine would no longer be able to use US weapons and advice.

      US might retaliate by closing down the internet, Starlink, satellite observations, GPS satellites and a few other global systems they maintain.

      The simple way to avoid the chaos is to withdraw all US funding from the UN. They then realise that they are Trump’s stooges and start acting like it rather than trying to undermine his agenda with theirs.

      The UN’s latest push is to encourage African nations to levy a carbon tax on international shipping. And no doubt having the UN administrate the collection and distribution.


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    another ian


    A “heads up” on the Lawfare game going on in USA

    “The structure behind Lawfare and politicized judges”


    • #
      Forrest Gardener

      In a battle between any two branches of government, it is the third branch which will (should) be decisive.

      So the challenge falls to the legislative branch.

      And doesn’t Trump have a happy knack of getting the bad guys to reveal themselves. It seems like the source of his power is something about exposing the pretending.

      PS As an afterthought I am reminded of the fourth branch of government in the USA. Unelected. Unaccountable. And insidious like termites in a wooden building. That too would seem to be a challenge which falls to the legislative branch.


  • #

    How would Australian Students go on Australian History?

    Spring Breakers Fail American History Trivia


  • #
    another ian


    “The Climate Cultists Have the #Sadz”

    Includes a handy chart and this observation –

    “Mostly, they’re mad about the climate change funding being stripped out.”


  • #
    John Connor II

    Woman contracts world’s deadliest virus after unknowingly being given the wrong vaccine

    The healthy 30-year-old went to a clinic to receive a measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine. However, the medical professional who gave her the shot made a dire mistake.

    Instead, the woman was injected with a vaccine for tuberculosis, the deadliest infection in the world, with an estimated 1.2 million deaths each year, resulting in a severe tuberculosis (TB) infection that required six months of recovery.

    The BCG vaccine was incorrectly injected into the muscle, though it should have been administered under the skin. Because the BCG contains bacteria, not viruses like the MMR shot, injecting it into the muscle allowed the bacteria to spread unchecked, leading to infection in the deltoid muscle.


    • #

      I had TB 50 yrs ago, strep and PAS stopped it dead. I played pool for a couple of months and was back at work.

      Strep is potent and many are allergic and there are strep resistant strains but surely the live virus involved would be the primary strain.


  • #
    John Connor II

    Orwellian: Irish Court Seizes Cash of Teacher Denying Trans Ideology

    Teacher Enoch Burke respectfully refused to use invented pronouns for a student who claimed to be transgender. Since he was teaching at a Christian school, the young Irishman believed that his Christian belief that there are only two sexes would be respected. He was wrong.

    The Church of Ireland has apparently gone as woke as its counterpart, the Church of England. Simply for refusing to violate his conscience and submit to transgender ideology, Burke said he subsequently spent 500 days in jail.

    Ireland (south), the UK and EU are too far gone to save now.


    • #

      Are they trying to provoke a civil war?
      Violent civil unrest is a marvelous excuse for imposing martial law.
      And martial law can be so convenient!
      The way things are at the moment they’re halfway there already!


  • #
    • #
      another ian

      More on that scenestarting here –

      “Yesterday, we got three more terrific confirmations and one disappointment. Let’s start with the good ones. The New York Times ran the story under the stingy headline, “Senate Confirms Bhattacharya and Makary to H.H.S. Posts.” ”

      “Finally, one appointment displeased the MAHA movement. The Times wasn’t particularly happy either. The Times ran the story headlined, “Trump Nominates Susan Monarez to Lead C.D.C.” ”

      “The bottom line is that, it’s true, Dr. Monarez cannot be compared to stellar MAHA picks like Dr. Bhattacharya or Dr. Makary. Call it a missed opportunity if you want. That’s fair. But so far I see no reason to panic, and sufficient reason to be at least mildly optimistic. Remember, Kennedy also transferred the vaccine study to NIH. They are moving the pieces around the chessboard.

      Let the man work.”


  • #

    Not surprised at Trump’s response to the comically inept warplan leak , its always someone else’s fault !.


  • #

    Report on the follow-up regarding the death of US prosecutor Jessica Aber (Biden appointment) who had resigned on first day of Trump start has provided this little gem :

    Fatal epileptic seizures, known as Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy, are rare, but are considered a major risk for people who suffer from the disorder.

    Nice summation of how on the one hand something is rare but on the other, those with a co-morbidity which in this case was Epilepsy, are a “major” risk.

    Is there worth therefore to get a standard reporting system whereby all these daily reports of people who have died within a matter of months after discovering they had stage 4 cancers i.e. turbo cancer come with the indicator SUDIC or non-SUDIC.

    Sudden Unexpected Death Inoculation Case meaning they were or (non) weren’t the recipient of a shot.

    This kind of public health advice notice might prompt more people, who suffer from the inoculation disorder, taking pre-emptive action and visit a doctor and maybe catch stuff at stage 1 or 2 when potentially something might be able to be done to prolong their lives.

    After all both Canada and USA FDA added warnings to their covid innoc info brochure regarding “rare heart inflammation” that could result which effectively was a public service information share.
    Just a forlorn brunch brain boom.


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  • #

    Of course nations must employ public service staff but too ofter empire building takes place because of union membership fiddling and the more staff a manager is responsible for the higher the manager’s ranking and remuneration package. And governments use public service to manipulate employment statistics.

    But what is often ignored is that economic productivity is private sector based, private sector taxes pay for public service people and facilities etc.

    Public service employees including elected politicians do not pay real taxes, what they return to government from what they are paid is originally from private sector tax collection revenue. Not new revenue for government purposes.


  • #
    another ian


    “Virtue Signaling Is Complicated: Choosing Grocery Bags in the Church of Climate”

    “The New York Times, ever ready to preach the faith of “climate responsibility,” recently published a piece titled “What Shopping Bags Should I Use?” It’s a fascinating read, not because it provides clarity, but because it demonstrates just how convoluted eco-virtue has become. Spoiler alert: you can’t win. But you can feel like you’re winning, and maybe that’s the point.”

    More at


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    Tarquin Wombat-Carruthers

    Why would it not be appropriate to address Monique Ryan as “Your Arrogance”?


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      That woman represents everything I loathe about those in the medical profession who conduct themselves as the complete embodiment of medical wisdom. Covid destroyed that illusion for the rest of us.


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    Only 5000 years ago the Sahara went from a humid environment to desert within a few decades. It was a catastrophic change of climate and its all because of global cooling.


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      David Maddison

      There is plenty of Saharan rock art from before that time portraying Savannah scenes, also proving that it wasn’t always desert.


    • #
      Greg in NZ

      Silly cave-painting nomads, what would they know… likely far more than any modern degreed specialist in Climastrology.

      Having stood in the presence of cave art in NZ, Aus, Thailand, China, Tibet, India, Egypt, and the USA, for all their differences they’re very similar: something dramatically changed – whether the sky gods went berserk or the rains stopped or the animals (and fish) departed or a volcano or a flood or… or electrical sprites descended from the heavens dancing like wild shamans with feathered headdresses.

      This amazing planet has survived everything thrown at it and yet it still turns, and we’re still here, unlike Arrhenius’ closed-system greenhouse ‘box’ sitting on his workbench. Swedes, they’re vegetables.


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    David Maddison

    Monique Ryan demands to be called “doctor” but aren’t Leftists meant to be egalitarian? I would have thought “comrade” was more appropriate.

    Teal MP Monique Ryan orders volunteers to refer to her by formal doctor title

    Monique Ryan is ordering volunteers to refer to her by her formal title, “doctor”, with leaked training material revealing how the Teal MP is trying to win over voters.


  • #

    A flying officer on a P8 at Avalon air show just singlehandedly destroyed the carefully china narrative constructed by albo-tross lol

    He staed the Chinese declared their intent to conduct live firings on the international VHF emergency channel.

    I wonder what other mis/dis information campaigns we will be subjected to by labor before the election.


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      I would have thought it would be a bonus for the anti-people smuggling / fisheries protection efforts.

      Imagine – seeing that come over the horizon…


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      Greg in NZ

      Does the RAAF have any clue as to the whereabouts of the 3 ships now – wouldn’t want any election interference going on would we, what with Trump pulling the plug (what’s that gurgling sound…).


      • #

        How does it effect you if they don’t know?

        We have a massive coastline and if the group “we” are unwilling to fund a modern DEW line keeping high powered RADAR aircraft in the air 24/7/365 then we will never know. We missed many boats with illegals in Rudd’s time and it was well known the tiny bit of ocean they used.

        Had we known, what could/should we have done, send a diplomatic message that we are peeved? If they do it again should we go into orange alert and INSIST that we are pissed?

        BTW Why didn’t the Kiwis find them?


        • #
          Greg in NZ

          Eh? Too busy dealing with the sh!te low-life Aus-raised Aus-trained boofhead scum meth-freak gangsters your govt keeps sending over here: that’s an invasion.

          BTW ‘H’, think you’ve misconstrued my use of ‘we’. As Yanks would say: Have an ice day!


        • #
          Steve of Cornubia

          John Cleese knows what Australia will do if threatened:

          “The English are feeling the pinch in relation to recent terrorist threats and have therefore raised their security level from “Miffed” to “Peeved.” Soon, though, security levels may be raised yet again to “Irritated” or even “A Bit Cross.” The English have not been “A Bit Cross” since the blitz in 1940 when tea supplies nearly ran out. Terrorists have been re-categorized from “Tiresome” to “A Bloody Nuisance.” The last time the British issued a “Bloody Nuisance” warning level was in 1588, when threatened by the Spanish Armada.

          The Scots have raised their threat level from “Pissed Off” to “Let’s Get the Bastards.” They don’t have any other levels. This is the reason they have been used on the front line of the British army for the last 300 years.

          The French government announced yesterday that it has raised its terror alert level from “Run” to “Hide.” The only two higher levels in France are “Collaborate” and “Surrender.” The rise was precipitated by a recent fire that destroyed France’s white flag factory, effectively paralyzing the country’s military capability.

          Italy has increased the alert level from “Shout Loudly and Excitedly” to “Elaborate Military Posturing.” Two more levels remain: “Ineffective Combat Operations” and “Change Sides.”

          The Germans have increased their alert state from “Disdainful Arrogance” to “Dress in Uniform and Sing Marching Songs.” They also have two higher levels: “Invade a Neighbour” and “Lose.”

          Belgians, on the other hand, are all on holiday as usual; the only threat they are worried about is NATO pulling out of Brussels.

          The Spanish are all excited to see their new submarines ready to deploy. These beautifully designed subs have glass bottoms so the new Spanish navy can get a really good look at the old Spanish navy.

          Australia, meanwhile, has raised its security level from “No worries” to “She’ll be alright, Mate.” Two more escalation levels remain: “Crikey! I think we’ll need to cancel the barbie this weekend!” and “The barbie is cancelled.” So far, no situation has ever warranted use of the final escalation level


  • #

    Saw one of these – at the apartheid museum in Johannesburg

    Looks like those defence imports are more in the public order and safety than defence category.


    • #
      Greg in NZ

      Powered by “a 6.7-litre turbo diesel engine”.

      Wonder if Karen and Yasmin get to take them for a blast through the streets of Sydney to let the folk see what they’re up against, ie. resistance is futile, exterminate. But do they float?


    • #

      The militarising of the civilian police force continues.. As with the Yanks, more SWAT raids, more cops looking like soldiers, more military equipment to use against the people paying for it all.. The State is in a war with the People, don’t ever think it is Labor against the Coalition.

      So, will the people on the wrong end of the armoured personnel carriers be the Muslims demanding Sharia law, or the locals protesting the implementation of Sharia law?


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    The US is charging 25% import tariffs on virtually everything.

    Did they pay us an extra 25% on the tanker loads of AvTur they “imported” and loaded onto the aerial tankers to recharge the 7 B-2s which staged through our airspace on the way to Diego Garcia?


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