Slow server trouble: if you can’t see this, email me ;-)

The site has been struggling with very slow access for the last few days and its getting worse. We’ve made a change behind the scenes just now that might improve things (or it might make it worse for a select few). What can I say — thanks for the emails. The feedback is appreciated. — Jo

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53 comments to Slow server trouble: if you can’t see this, email me ;-)

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    Paul in Sweden

    Slow server trouble: if you can’t see this, email me 😉

    hmmmm…. I can see this post, so if I follow the instructions, I should not email you. OK, I got that. Question, how are the people that can not see this post suppose to know that they should email you? Just wondering Jo…

    The other day, maybe it was yesterday or the day prior, I did have some difficulty. I think I might have had a SYSTEM 500 Internal Server Error on your site(I think) but it did not last long and I didn’t think much of it. -Paul In Sweden


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      Same here…yesterday and today I received a ‘SYSTEM 500 Internal Server Error’ several times. But when I tried a little later I was able to get to your site with no problem.
      However, when clicking on a link in a given comment, you go to the link quickly, but when you click to go back to the comment on your blog, it sometimes takes my computer up to a minute (in the past this was almost instantaneous).


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      Question, how are the people that can not see this post suppose to know that they should email you? Just wondering Jo…

      I’m pretty sure the site can still be cached even if you can’t load it although you wouldn’t be able to click on anything.


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    I just figured the site was getting hammered by alarmists trying a DoS since they just hate to see things going well for you. Ethics never has been their strong point.


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    Timo Soren

    A friend of mine had at the bottom of his first webpage:

    “If you can read this, your computer does not have the wingdings font.”

    Lots of people asked him what that meant, we laughed.

    PS: The last three days, as I would run through my blogs, I would leave Jo’s till last because of the eternally slow loading problem. But it does load.


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    all back now Jo …


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    Kevin Hearle

    Came in instantly in NZ


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    Andrew McRae

    Let’s just interpret this post as the Free Range Topic Thread, aka “Weekend Unthreaded thread”.

    The global warming religion are getting extra help from other religious leaders as they call on the G20 to switch to renewable energy.

    China has just promised to keep increasing its CO2 emissions for the next 16 years, by which time the global warming scare campaign will be truly busted. Finally a turn of events that all sides can celebrate as a victory in the climate change debate. 🙂

    The G20 invasion of Brisbane is progressing quickly with the Twittersphere reporting V22 Ospreys are landing on the cricket field near the RBW Hospital.

    More seriously there is talk of a China-Australia Free Trade deal being signed in the next 4 days, but no idea what that entails yet. Does anyone know?


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      there are so many BS statements on that post I just don’t know where to start. best we bombard Anglican Church Bishop Professor Stephen Pickard with emails.


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      Andrew McRae

      Regarding the Ospreys landing yesterday, reckless endangerment of the public is all part of the G20 agenda. Move along, nothing to see here. Well how can you with dust blown into your windscreen.

      – – – –

      Regarding the Sino-American CO2e reduction agreement, the Silly is frothing:

      Describing the agreement as “historic”, Mr Obama invoked a famous phrase from former Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping.

      “We must seek truth from facts,” he said. “And the truth is we have made important progress today for the benefit of both our nations and the benefit of the world.”

      Labor and the Greens have seized on the historic deal to launch a blistering attack on the Abbott government’s climate policy, arguing Australia is going backwards in tackling climate change, accusing Prime Minister Tony Abbott of holding “flat earth views” and urging greater emissions reductions.

      I’ve got a vague idea there was a paper published showing Australia was a net sink of CO2 but can’t remember where it was. (This page was not it, as it doesn’t show Australia as negative in total.) Can anyone find the one I’m talking about?


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    Hello from Washington State. The site would not load at all earlier today. Popped right up at 10:00 pm PST.


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    The bedwetters are celebrating because the US and China have agreed to cut emissions. Flannery is already on the media claiming this is a major gamechanger etc.

    This is what the Chinese have agreed to do:

    For its part, China agreed today to stop increasing carbon-dioxide emissions by about 2030 or earlier, with fossil fuels falling to about 80 per cent of Chinese energy use, US officials said.


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      The Chinese know that Obama is weak and are feeding him a load of BS because they know that the GOP won’t approve any treaty anyway in the US Senate. The warmist obviously believe in the tooth fairy if they think that the Chinese will cut emissions.


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      the Griss

      It is very easy to play Flannery as a fool !

      Seem Obama has a similar mental problem.

      Richo.. It might be interesting to see what date China’s oldest coal fired power stations are due for de-commissioning.


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        Hi the Griss

        If their built as well as the Hazelwood Power Station, which is allegedly the dirtiest in Australia, it would be 2100. This power station was built like a Rolls Royce back in the 1960’s and probably could operate for another 50 years.


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      Rick Bradford

      A meaningless charade. Or political grandstanding, whichever you prefer.

      1) If China can’t cap its emissions by 2030, it should be ashamed of itself. Its industry is immensely dirty, and many measures exist to clean it up, which it plans to do anyway. It already has plans to build 28 new nuclear power plants, so this target is no commitment at all.

      2) The US target is 27%, which rather pales alongside the EU’s 40% and the UK’s legally binding and idiotic ‘80% by 2050’. Plus, US emissions are already falling due to switching from coal to natural gas — emissions in the United States in 2012 were at their lowest since 1995.

      3) Apart from the gullible and simple folk who believe that CO2 is some kind of magic thermostat for the global climate, people will easily see that these actions will have no measurable effect on the earth’s temperature in the foreseeable future.

      Needless to say, the BBC and NYT reported this ‘historic’ deal in fawning terms.


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        the Griss

        “Its industry is immensely dirty, and many measures exist to clean it up, which it plans to do anyway.”

        Dirty from REAL pollution..

        NOT dirty from CO2, which is so clean that plants live on it. !


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    Yes Jo ,I have noticed it has been very slow to access your site ,hope you can sort out the problem soon and get back to doing what you do best,as Corporal Jones used to say “they don’t like it up ’em ,Sir”


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    The Backslider

    Maybe your server is hooked up to wind power and just couldn’t get enough electrons?


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    Phillip Bratby

    Still incredibly slow for me, but no error message today.


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    Error message yesterday, slow loading this morning, almost instant just now. However, clicking on ‘comments’ at the bottom of the current post, it took several minutes to load.



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    oof yes, slow but when you have a website as good as this you don’t mind waiting.


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    Spotted Reptile

    Someone found your lack of faith disturbing, Jo.


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    Hi Jo, as I said in my email yesterday (I didn’t see your message then

    [Thank you Peter, we think we know where the problem is, and are working on it. -Fly]


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    Hi Jo your site is click fast at the moment.


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    From the UK at 08:10 – still takes ~30 secs to get to you but fine once I make it.

    I’ve also noticed that the SPPI site died completely for quite a few days, now it’s back.

    Tempting to wonder if there is something about the coincidence of these.

    [Thank you Mike, we think we know where the problem is, and are working on it. -Fly]


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    NEVER had an error message from this site. Maybe I am being connected to a ‘mirror’ server somewhere nearer the UK?

    [Thank you for the feedback anyway Richard. It is just as useful to know what is working, as well as what is not working. -Fly]


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    Turtle of WA

    It was a little slow connecting to comments.

    Looking forward to you getting to the bottom of this secret manbearpig stuff China is doing.


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    Faster than yesterday but still a little slower than ‘normal’.


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    Glen Michel

    I think Ive got a virus ; will lie down for a spell…….”


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    Have you checked for malicious interference with your web server (e.g. DOS, malware, DNS mis-direction, etc) ?


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    Time to do a P2V and add some oomph to the old girl. 😉


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    Here in the US it took at least 2 minutes to download and another for the comments to come up. So put me in the unchanged category.


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    I was watching Shaun Micallef’s MAD AS HELL

    Shaun “mis-spoke” refering to the organization behind the global warming scam as the “icy pee-pee”.

    He got away with it by otherwise credulously following the ABC line.


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    If you aren’t aware, the Congress routinely grants vast amounts of power to the Execute using statutes stating, for example, “As determined by the Secretary…” where the Secretary is the head of the Agency/Department covered in the original bill. With Obama the head of the Executive, all that’s needed is for him to direct on of his subordinate Agencies, such as the EPA. Even when the agency basically lies about any science, it takes years to overturn one of their regs.

    What Obama will do, imho, is use this sham agreement as justification for issuing Executive Orders to be “in compliance” with the US agreement. It’s also likely he’ll never submit it to the Senate, thusly keeping it alive as if it had been approved by the Senate. The GOP won’t be able to do anything to stop him unless they can flip enough Democrats to get to the totals needed to override his veto. Fat chance.


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    Tim Channon

    Other servers are kicking up with 500.

    You seem to be on ngx but I note there is caching stuff where trouble may lie.

    There *is* a problem, major advertisement server is out, will produce timeouts and includes Australia as effected.

    Tracing what really happens when a web page is accessed these days… not good.


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    Roy Hogue


    Had some trouble but it looks like your people are working on it.


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    Eddie G

    >> if you can’t see this, email me 😉

    The old joke about the Irishman … ‘If you don’t get this letter call me ….’ 🙂


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    Make sure you get the latest Microsoft updates, released Tuesday for potentially security major vulnerability fixes

    Love your heading btw. Worthy of the best IT Departments. “If you’re PC, doesn’t work just drop us an E-mail ”

    The oIT Crowd 🙂


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    I hit the reload button ,2 minutes later it is still spinning in cyber space ,will time this post from Jersey Uk in 3 .2 1,now


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    I hit the reload button ,2 minutes later it is still spinning in cyber space ,will time this post from Jersey Uk in 3 .2 1,now
    1 minute 30 seconds ,,,nothing ,hitting again
    3 mins , giving up , posting again
    8 mins later .

    This is nuts 15 mins , working fine everywhere else so you are definitely bugged.

    “problem loading , the connection was reset ”
    last go .


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    Today 23 seconds !! yeah hey!
