A new study shows natural protection still good at 50% after ten months, while vaccination protection waned after 4 months
The utter scandal here is that all those people who had natural protection were being forced to take vaccines to protect them from Omicron, when the vaccines were providing only a fairly limited benefit or no advantage at all.
A new study was based on the whole population of Qatar. It shows that people who caught the original older variants had about 50% immunity to catching Omicron — even ten months later. Those who were double vaccinated had so little protection six months later, it was effectively zero. Indeed, if they had Pfizer their effectiveness was minus 3.4% meaning they were ever so slightly more likely to catch Omicron that if they hadn’t had any vaccines. For moderna it was minus 10% at the six month mark, which sounds, well, not good.
Ten months later, those who had caught earlier variants of Covid still had 50% protection against Omicron:
Vaccination Increases Risk of COVID-19 Infection, But Infection Without Vaccination Gives Immunity: Study
Marina Zhang, Epoch Times
The authors of the study found that those who had a prior infection but no vaccination had a 46.1 and 50 percent immunity against the two subvariants of the Omicron variant, even at an interval of more than 300 days since the previous infection.
Immunity levels for two COVID-19 vaccines fell to negative figures 270 days after the second dose of vaccine. These numbers predict a trend of more rapidly waning immunity for vaccines compared to immunity from infections.
The findings are supported by another recent study from Israel that also found natural immunity waned significantly more slowly compared to artificial, or vaccinated, immunity.
The study found that both natural and artificial immunity waned over time.
Individuals that were previously infected but not vaccinated had half the risks of reinfection as compared to those that were vaccinated with two doses but not infected.
Natural protection was as good as three doses for outcomes that mattered
From the paper, the first box below compares people taking Pfizer or catching old versions of Covid and their later likelihood of catching Omicron BA1. Basically two doses were useless and once someone had caught covid they’d need at least three doses before there was much benefit above and beyond what they already had, and when we say “benefit” we’re only talking about a reduction in symptomatic Covid.
The box on the right shows just how useful any kind of protection was against severe, critical or deadly outcomes. Remarkable stuff. 100% everywhere.
Bear in mind that the third dose “boosted” people were usually were still in the seven week honeymoon period. If this study were done now, a few months later, the 3 doses numbers here might not look much different to the other options, or possibly, might resemble the “2 dose” poor results. We can’t tell from this study.

Fig 1. AB NEJM (Click to enlarge)
The numbers are similar for the newer variant of Omicron called BA2 but protection was a bit lower (below). Meaning the the newer Omicron version which took over the world in January was slightly better at evading protection than the December one. BA2 was definitely a bit nastier for some people though. And protection against severe, critical or fatal BA2 infection was lower from natural infection, though monster error bars neutralize all simple statements.

Fig 1.CD NEJM (Click to enlarge)
All the figures are slightly out of date though. We’re now up to Omicron 4 or 5 or so.
Tracking the slide
The honeymoon period for vaccination lasts for three months and then wears off quickly to the point where at six months the injectee might as well not have had a dose at all.

Fig 3. NEJM (Click to enlarge)
It also has to be said we don’t know if catching Omicron protects a lot against catching Omicron. It does for a while, but we don’t know how long. It’s possible that a mild case of Omicron doesn’t set people up for long term great protection, which is what happens with other normal mild coronaviruses at the moment.
Participants and Doses — Note that the third doses were very recent in this study
During the study period, 893,671 persons received two doses of mRNA-1273, and 135,050 of these received a third dose. The median date of the first dose was May 28, 2021, the median date of the second dose was June 27, 2021, and the median date of the third dose was January 12, 2022.
The effectiveness of previous infection alone against symptomatic BA.2 infection was 46.1% (95% confidence interval [CI], 39.5 to 51.9). The effectiveness of vaccination with two doses of BNT162b2 [Pfizer] and no previous infection was negligible (−1.1%; 95% CI, −7.1 to 4.6), but nearly all persons had received their second dose more than 6 months earlier. The effectiveness of three doses of BNT162b2 and no previous infection was 52.2% (95% CI, 48.1 to 55.9). The effectiveness of previous infection and two doses of BNT162b2 was 55.1% (95% CI, 50.9 to 58.9), and the effectiveness of previous infection and three doses of BNT162b2 was 77.3% (95% CI, 72.4 to 81.4). Previous infection alone, BNT162b2 vaccination alone, and hybrid immunity all showed strong effectiveness (>70%) against severe, critical, or fatal Covid-19 due to BA.2 infection. Similar results were observed in analyses of effectiveness against BA.1 infection and of vaccination with mRNA-1273.
Prior infection only = 46%
Two doses only = -1.1% (essentially no protection at all)
Three doses (only) = 52%
Infection plus two doses = 55%
Infection plus three doses = 77%
Heba N. Altarawneh, M.D. et al (2022)Effects of Previous Infection and Vaccination on Symptomatic Omicron Infections, NEJM, https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2203965?query=featured_home
To our host: I am most grateful for this information. Any negative vax news still blacked out here in USA.
My wife and I had our second Moderna shot in January, 2021 in Colorado, USA, when we knew so little we were pleased to get them. But we have had no boosters, and pleased about that.
I am now merely hopeful that our immune systems have recovered somewhat from likely damage, but have not read anything to indicate that, one way or the other.
I too would like to know if those injected will ever recover to their healthy pre-injection status. No one seems to know.
This article suggests that the vax damages your DNA permanently but whether that means that your immune system is permanently weakened it doesn’t say.
G’day Don B,
It’s my understanding that if you’re doing nothing to enhance your immune system, then that’s what you’ll get – nothing. No improvement.
One piece of advice I’ve seen is to actively build up your immune system, particularly with vitamin D3 and its cofactors, as previously described in earlier Jo posts. I can’t verify that that’s been proven to work.
I’m still taking 12,000 IU per day of vitamin D3, with iron, vitamin C, vitamin K2 and targeting 80 ng/ml as my vitamin D blood level.
I’m unvaxxed.
Dave B
From 4 or 5 per day of 1,000IU Vit D, my blood reading was measured at 211nmol/L (about 84ng/ml).
It is blood reading that matters so at 12,000 IU per day you could be at the risk level, altho’ no one knows where toxicity starts.
UK data had immunity recovering about 9 months after one jab.
Dr Deborah Birx had a tough day in congress
“hope” is no basis for health mandates or treatment policy
leaders do not, mostly, lead. they follow the public mood. and as that mood is shifting, it’s becoming OK to ask the pointy questions and start getting to the bottom of things.
debbie had a tough outing here and gets pinned on a simple and vital issue:
when public health officials and agencies stridently told america that the covid vaccines would be a “dead end for the virus” and stop infection and spread, upon what did they base that claim and how did they get it so wrong?
once jordan gets a hold of her, this is like a tuna filled piñata in a tiger cage.
jj: was the government lying when they said this?
db: i don’t know. i was not part of the taskforce discussions
strong start. non-denial denial, offers up others for the trip under the bus. both evasive and self-protective. politics 101.
she then speaks of her family still using “layered protection” because she knew that vaccine immunity would wane like natural immunity. this is both inaccurate and deeply dishonest. if she and her compatriots “knew” that, they certainly were not saying it in public.
and boy oh boy do we have the receipts on that one…
And the Coup de Grace
jj: when the government told us the vaccinated could not transmit it (covid), was that a lie or a guess?
db: “i think it was hope”
jordan ends on a wonderful high note:
“i’m just struck with the irony. we’ve got government agencies guessing, hoping, or lying with the information they’re presenting to the american people and this is the same administration that wants to set up the disinformation governance board and want to talk about misinformation. they are the biggest purveyor of misinformation, false information, hopeful information, but not accurate and true information”
I listen to a podcast on American agriculture and the host refers to Birx as the ” scarf lady”.
It’to hide her turkey neck.
Advice on fourth COVID shot for many Australians may be delayed
The majority of Australians may not be advised to get a fourth COVID booster shot until a better, Omicron-specific vaccine is available.
I’m so glad I resisted the extreme vaccination pressure we had to endure here in Canada, and even more in Québec, where I live.
In my (too old) age group, 95% have received 2 doses, 88% have got 3 doses, and 44% have already received four doses, but it seems to be hitting a wall at this point.
My wife and I had to live with vaccine passports restrictions and endure scorn or tacit boycotts from friends and family.
But we are now the ones with an intact immune system.
Ditto BerardP! It’s a good feeling & some compensation for the outrageous impositions we were forced to endure here in Australia. I will never forget or forgive. We were fortunately not shunned by friends and family as many were. But we were denied basic things like getting a haircut, buying appliances $ furniture & had to acquire travel permits. We understood, for the first time, what it must be like to live in a communist nation.
Ditto BerardP and Vicki,
Vicki you summed it up perfectly
It’s a good feeling & some compensation for the outrageous impositions we were forced to endure here in Australia. I will never forget or forgive. We were fortunately not shunned by friends and family as many were. But we were denied basic things like getting a haircut, buying appliances $ furniture & had to acquire travel permits. We understood, for the first time, what it must be like to live in a communist nation.
Family and Medical pressure was unrelenting, but stuck by my statement of being happy with antivirals approach for over 2 years now
Given over last 2 years, living in 3 generation family, Hospital at least 2 times every 3 weeks over 34 times, plus 4 minor ops and 1 Major op – happy with Seniors Flu Vaccine and will have 2nd this year early July – always Happy and Healthy and Surviving – as my Family says a Cockroach – the only thing that would survive a Nuclear Blast
Still haven’t caught Covid. All vaccines would have worn off by now. I was told sternly I should take the vaccine. They lost.
Mind you I could still catch it and die, I accept that, but looks like I would anyway even if i had the vaccine.
that was meant to be a stand alone post, not a reply
You may have had it and didn’t even know it, which is very common.
When will we be reading about this on the Lamestream media and when will medical authorities and Government take notice?
Perhaps a universal campaign to correct vitamin D, zinc and other deficiencies and make available antivirals such as HCQ and IVM would have been the safest, most effective and cheapest strategy with the least economic and social destruction. But most of us here knew that.
If you have read Robert F. Kennedy Jr’s book about Fauci you will fully understand why the safe, inexpensive and effective solution didn’t happen.
Incidentally, as outlined in the book, Fauci also prohibited known effective, but out-of-patent drugs that could have treated AIDS in the early years but withheld those and permitted an extremely expensive and toxic drug, AZT, estimated to have killed 300,000 people (but whose toxicity symptoms are indistinguishable from the disease it was meant to be treating).
Do you see a pattern here?
HCQ was approved for use in Queensland 12 March 2022.
Looks to be the reversal of the ban on HCQ they legislated in early 2020- after Tom Hanks was treated with it.
Have HCQ and a Script for Azithromycin if ever needed, but antivirals continue to work
Well the bad orange man has gone and they destroyed the stuff Palmer brought in , no reason not to I suppose given the way the governments work nothing makes sense .
Anecdotally, I can see everyone I know who has had the most severe cases of covid were doubly or triply vaxxed.
Also, one person I know, a medical doctor, died from SADS soon after the second vax, very likely attributed to the vax. Two other female adult sisters I know both went to hospital with myocarditis after the vax.
The one person I know who was unvaxxed and got it, but who had been taking Vitamin D, zinc, quercetin and other supplements got it very mildly and not bad enough to be confined to bed. They were still active around their home looking after children and husband etc..
Same for my unvaccinated husband who had very mild dose (confirmed with both RAT & hospital PCR) & didn’t do farm chores for a couple of days. Mind you, he complained a lot! I kept a close eye on him on Day 8 when many Covid physicians have seen a sudden and unexpected decline in oxygen levels in even mild cases. But he was fine.
I remained negative throughout & after his infective period.
BTW we have been on the Vitamin & supplement regime for over a year. However – a warning on Quercetin. We were taking it daily, but a pharmacologist friend who has a PhD & ran his own company in the field for years earned about daily dosing. We have since only taken it when husband got Covid & when we have been at risk of infection. This is just an opinion & I note that the FLCCC seem to recommend it as a prophylactic though I note that many of their recommendations have altered over time.
Vicki, what was his concern about daily dosing of quercertin?
I take Quercetin with Bromelain morning and evening – with bloods every 3 weeks over 2 years and last bloods on Monday – able to keep close eye on situation – all fine and PET Scan this week – Cancer seems to have gone
“Cancer seems to have gone”
Great news O.O. ” INVICTUS”
Sambar – Great news O.O. ” INVICTUS”
That’s great news old Ozzie .
The flavonoid quercetin inhibits thyroid-restricted genes expression and thyroid function.
The caution about quercetin has been on here before, was it from you Vicki?
From what I know about the ingredients I would take such a warning with slight curiosity.
My wife and I are both 77 had our two shots last year, last one in August. She is now in a nursing home with dementia (not connected)that had an outbreak on Monday. I had taken her shopping and to lunch that day and was told at 2100 that she had tested positive. On Wednesday morning a RAT showed negative but in the afternoon I felt a bit seedy. Thursday I had a temp of 38.3 and the dreaded red line on the RAT. Codral and sitting in the sun was effective. Friday 37.2 and today 36.6. I have a 7yo grandson to look after full time so normal household chores were done. Effectively I had a cold without the coughs and dribbly nose. Lots of sleep and Panadol plus my normal Vit D and mineral (incl zinc) supplement. Now I do know some have been affected much worse than that but is that not the case with seasonal flu and many other popular diseases? It seems we were sold a pup with the vaccines along with the disease itself. I keep asking why our health bureaucrats did not ask better questions and why they rushed to ban effective treatments but now I know. When CHO Murphy cannot tell us what a woman is in less than 78 words we know the system is incapable of logical thought so any of its advice has to treated with large dollops of salt.
More covid
“The Overton Window Has Moved”
And link
I have to say that there is considerable diversity of opinion on the efficacy of natural & acquired immunity after infection with Omicron or other variants. Some virologists claim that research has shown that immune systems infected many years ago with SARS 1 still recognise the components of the virus.
Vicki, one of the main components of the pro-vaccine strategy implemented by pharmaceutical and health industries was to suppress any idea of natural or acquired immunity. As well as suppressing any information about re-purposed early anti-virals like HCQ and IVM. If either of those ideas had become mainstream with the public then vaccine hesitancy would have increased. So everything about those 2 subjects was censored, muddied, pilloried etc. The subject of natural immunity or acquired immunity from eg SARS 1 was “muddied”. Can I say those strategies worked very well in most western countries. Even now with the release of Paxlovid etc in the last few months, there is a veil of secrecy. Originally this drug was intended for the immune-compromised etc, but now there is an increase questioning as why that drug could not be used for more people. One reason is the cost, because it is still patent protected. I think there is still a sizeable segment of the population, even now after vaccinations, who think they will catch COVID and drop dead. 2 years of lockdowns, face masking and scare campaigns has achieved that result. For example, I cant believe the number of people in public wearing N95 masks. Its bizarre, but here we are.
Yes, T cell immunity may not have been a part of this study. Also, calling someone previously infected may be problematic, as there were many false positives, whereas the vaccinated cohort was 100 percent vaccinated. This would skewer the numbers, falsely lowering the actual effectiveness of natural immunity
Funny how ‘science’ ends up agreeing with what skeptical, curious, engaged and attentive ‘theorists’ figured out from the get go.
One can observe a lot just by watching.
Yes Honk, those of us who followed the science were subject to the usual Leftoid insults of being “uneducated”, “tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorists”, “racist”, “various types of *phobic”, “Trump supporting” etc.. You know, all the things the Left call us when they can’t express a cogent argument…
But who are the dumb ones now?
And not just because of covid we get these stupid and lame insults, but because we don’t support the de-electrification programs they promote throughout the West associated with the anthropogenic global warming fraud.
We’ve been bullied, especially my husband, by certain people for our views on AGW and Covid ‘vaxxes’.
As to the latter, we feel vindicated and now reckon we have natural immunity. We did keep up our prophylactics and were monitored by our GP over the immediate period after positive RATs. We kept a very close eye on O2 levels, particularly in the 8th day period. We had been very careful but my OH was in contact with various ‘vaxxed’ people (more than I was) from whom he caught the lurg and I caught it from him. It was like a fluey cold, not as bad as the dose of ‘flu I had in 2017. That ‘flu was definitely a ‘send me my coffin’ episode!
What’s the saying about there being six months between a conspiracy theory and the facts? I confess to being somewhat sceptical of early mutterings about the WEF and Bilderberg and Agenda 21 back in the 2000s, before taking a closer look and realising such warnings weren’t so outlandish after all. Then came Covid and the continuing aftermath, all doubt vanished on my part that there really is a Plan, and the people behind it are blood-chilling bustards.
In my defence, I was never in any doubt about the climate hoax.
“What’s the saying about there being six months between a conspiracy theory and the facts? ”
That gap seems to be on a trajectory like Bidens popularity
Governments around the world had no moral right to simultaneously exempt covid vaccine manufacturers from liability for possibly defective products plus at the same time impose vaccine mandates as happened in Australia and the other more extreme Nanny States.
That’s evil in action.
Dr John Campbell covered this about a week ago in one of his excellent YouTube videos. He cited 3 or 4 papers that said the same thing. He was angry that governments have ignored this longer-lasting natural immunity.
I just wonder if there were special “conditions” attached when governments ordered drugs from vaccine manufacturers.
Keep in mind though that the good Dr Campbell conflates naturally-acquired immunity into natural immunity when in fact they are distinctly separate concepts in immunology.
I did not note what you say, was there an episode and time from a Campbell video that illustrates your point? Geoff S
We don’t even need studies to show mandates (and lockdowns) were never justified. Only common sense is needed. Unfortunately there is precious little of it in political leadership.
So, I assume our TGA and health authorities have done similar studies in Australia. I jest of course.
Toxicity Scale
“The forever vaccine”
“It’s becoming increasingly clear that the mainstream pandemic narrative is collapsing into a heap of naked contradictions and frantic back-pedalling.”
Jo writes “The honeymoon period for vaccination lasts for three months and then wears off quickly to the point where at six months the injectee might as well not have had a dose at all.”
My most fervent hope is that the side effects from the injections wear off just as quickly and just as completely.
The vaccine drive was basically a giant moneyspinner for Big Pharma. Not only in the sense of earnings and cash flows, but in the massive runup of their share prices to astronomical highs. Anyone who cashed out could make billions.
Take Moderna (NASDAQ code MRNA). Share price today: $144.27. The share price peaked in August 2021 at a jaw-dropping $497.49. At that level the company – which had never produced anything before Covid – had a stock market capitalization of US$198 billion. That was far larger at the time than the biggest Australian listed company, BHP. BHP is worth A$202 billion today. Moderna would also have been equivalent to the second largest company on the mighty London Stock Exchange at its peak, smaller only by a few points to fellow pharma titan AstraZeneca.
Moderna made US$18.5 billion in revenues in 2021, and had pre-tax earnings of $13 billion, giving it a very high profit margin of 70%. A successful manufacturing company like Toyota might enjoy operating profit margins of 10%.
Wall Street loves pharma.