A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Thor welcomes you to his day.
As God of lightning and thunder he would no doubt feel at home in our present world of plunder, destruction and wholesale theft.
Yesterday was the anniversary of the JFK event of 1963.
Yes, and I remember it well as my Birthday is on the 21st and in 1963, I had just turned 11 years old. The next day (the 22nd), JFK was……..Murdered.
Assassinated — along with Lincoln, Garfield, and McKinley.
There have been other attempts.
It is a day I remember because our family car with two adults and 4 kids was rammed by a disgruntled, would=be boyfriend of my eldest sister. around 9am Saturday morning The car was turned through 90 degrees but did not roll. No seat belts and no injuries but real fright.
My father and mother had made an assessment of the fellow weeks before who was some years older than my 17yo sister and they did not want him lurking and told her in firm terms to not encourage any contact. He got his revenge. Police were notified but no action.
Then on the news at 6pm we learnt of Kennedy’s assignation. So not a good day for the household. Other than it confirmed my parents’ position on the character of the fellow.
I distinctly remember where I was, and it was a Saturday morning when the news first broke, and that has always got me into trouble, because everyone just knows that JFK was shot just after lunch on the Friday afternoon. Then I have to explain the time difference between U.S. Central and Australian Eastern Standard Time, and that was when the news first broke here in Australia, early on the Saturday morning news.
There I was on the Centre Court at the Queens tennis club, at the bottom of Queen Street at Southport in Queensland. I was playing Junior Tennis mixed doubles with my partner Lenore Stewart. We were both 12 years old.
At around 10.05AM, our Junior tennis organiser/coach/mentor, the semi pro tennis player Rod Flaxman came out of his Office above that centre court stand and told us all within earshot (just the two main courts of eight courts at that complex) to stop playing.
He then proceeded to inform us that President Kennedy had just been shot and assassinated.
As mere 12 year olds, we were all totally stunned, and just numbly looked at each other as we said ….. “Who’s President Kennedy?”
News was not really important to 12 year olds in those heady days!
But at least then the “news” was more or less true and they had real journalists committed to objective journalism and the truth rather than the professional Marxist propagandists we have today (with only a handful of exceptions)…
I haven’t routinely listened to TV “news” or as I call it, “the lies”, for many years now.
Is there anything that anyone can write that you wont hijack to contextualise in a dismal negative way?
Is one of your as yet untold other reasons for coming here to learn the uncensored inconvenient truth and reality or is it just an opportunity to complain about those contradicting your comforting CNN narratives?
Can’t say I’ve ever watched CNN.
What was your point? That DMs comment on Tony’s childhood memory was worthy and worthwhile?
Hold the presses. I did watch CNN about 20 years ago. I even found a youtube of some news I watched
I’ve started watching the news after many years of not. Once you completely understand it’s 100% propaganda it’s quite enjoyable or fascinating, one or the other, not quite sure which.
But despite my brave new attitude, there are still some things I can’t watch. Climate reports. Just makes me too angry.
I was aged 22 on that Kennedy day, doing field geochem out of Bathurst. Heard it on radio shortly before a planned lunch with my future wife. We celebrate 60 years of marriage next May. Both of us were old enough to know the damage just done to the office of President and much more.
It was more than a sad day. As later history unfolded, it was a major event on the road to the decline and fall of the USA. A very worrying effect was the demonstration to the US public that agencies like the FBI and some of the Court systems were corrupt. This has worsened, with serious corruption like the Russia fabrications used against President Trump.
The rot set or worsened in after President Kennedy was shot. And when America sneezes, Australia catches cold.
Kerchew! Geoff S
Yes, we were waiting to go in to a Leaving Certificate exam when we were called together and the announcement made.
Think it was Saturday here.
Video by Prof. Stuart Harris who says we’re heading for glaciation (the real “climate change”).
What do you think?
So does this “Realist” and he is using some clever scientific analysis. We are being lied to Big Time –
I think it’s a big mistake predicting the weather. If you lose you falsely validate the opposition.
If you say it is to get colder and it gets warmer, the opposition says “gotcha, see we’re right!” But it may still be getting warmer just naturally, nothing to do with their greenhouse gas theory, but people will perceive it as proof.
So I’d rather stay away from predicting any detail, except that the biggest probability is everything will be fine, so long as we have cheap reliable energy to combat any changes. Otherwise you’re in deep do-do. So what should we focus on?
Terribly tedious to watch but I went through most of it. It is not very convincing but basically agrees with what I have been writing about for some years but I go into more detail and offer better evidence:!Aq1iAj8Yo7jNhHtudMEW7WbCojm3?e=HijSEL
I will see if I can find the booklet on permanent-frost because we know glaciation is on the way when that stops retreating and advances southward again.
The one certainty we can all count on in our lifetime is snowfall records. New records are an annual occurrence and will continue for 9,000 years. Today it is Worcester:
Not an impressive margin over previous record but still a record. There will be more to come this boreal winter.
Sounds about right –
“el gato malo- It’s evergreen. Every couple years, the media finds some “new” disease sensation and tries to run a scare story with it. It’s stunningly irresponsible/self-serving. Pandemics are only dangerous to modern societies if they panic. Journos would burn the world if it sold papers.”×600.jpeg
China again!
“An apparent explosion has hit the Canada/US Rainbow Bridge border crossing at Niagara Falls going into Buffalo.”
The positive…two less terrorists in the world. The negative…those of the religion of peace look to be trying again to rid the World of infidels.
In comments there –
“People who eat bacon are statistically, much less likely to blow themselves up!”
Just some criminals trying to escape across the border
A mainly peaceful explosion.
Curious, very little mention of it on YouTube ‘News’ this AM here in US.
Even though the flying car vid is quite spectacular.
Probably because they were just over enthusiastic asylum seekers, hoping to get a free apartment in Manhattan, and free cell phone from ICE … before they run out.
They just weren’t aware that the southern border is no waiting.
The actual “second-oldest profession”. (The third oldest profession is “Lawyers” , because they created a nice perpetual role as “advocates”, for and against the scribblers.
Out and proud, self-declared “Opinion-Sharpers”; i.e., when they want your opinion, they will give it to you, (good and hard).
Core doctrine?
“Never let the facts get in the way of a good story”.
“Sorting the wheat from the chaff, then printing the chaff”.
If you get my drift.
Could get interesting
“X .vs. Media Matters”
Antarctic ozone depletion reanalysed, natural variables play a part in a complex atmosphere.
I have NEVER heard any discussion about the”ideal” Ozone level, nor the “mechanics’ of the system.
It is ALL about the big thermo-nuclear bomb in the sky
ONE particular band of UV FORMS the Ozone; smashing and rearranging Oxygen molecules in the process. Ozone is an unstable substance. Remove the UV source and Ozone (O3) will revert to O2.
Ozone is also seriously toxic and corrosive; NOT something intrinsically desirable, especially at ground level.
The Ozone “layer’ is perpetually “thinner” (It is NOT A “HOLE”) more or less, over the pole) The trade term for this “thinning’ is “lensing”.
And, if you think that a cyclic variation of Solar UV is a a really big deal, I’d bet you could get REALLY agitated about Polar reversals. Quite regularly, geologically speaking, the magnetic Poles go “walkies”. This is not just a problem for navigators. As the poles “move”, (and they are moving as I type, the planetary magnetic field that extends a few thousand Km out into space, gets really wobbly and starts losing its ability to “deflect” some rally nasty stuff coming from the Sun, and potentially from the occasional galactic catastrophe.
Some may have noticed the shape of the planet and the fact that it revolves on a TILTED axis as it orbits that big Nuke.
The angle of incidence of solar radiation is DIFFERENT at different latitudes. and at different times in the planetary orbit. This, obviously is why we have SEASONS.and long weather “patterns.
So, if one were to monitor the exact same piece of antarctic sky for an entire year AND monitor the UV levels at ground-level, one might find some politically-inconvenient numbers.
have NEVER heard any discussion about the”ideal” Ozone level, nor the “mechanics’ of the system.
It is ALL about the big thermo-nuclear bomb in the sky
ONE particular band of UV FORMS the Ozone; smashing and rearranging Oxygen molecules in the process. Ozone is an unstable substance. Remove the UV source and Ozone (O3) will revert to O2.
Ozone is also seriously toxic and corrosive; NOT something intrinsically desirable, especially at ground level.
The Ozone “layer’ is perpetually “thinner” (It is NOT A “HOLE”) more or less, over the pole) The trade term for this “thinning’ is “lensing”.
And, if you think that a cyclic variation of Solar UV is a a really big deal, I’d bet you could get REALLY agitated about Polar reversals. Quite regularly, geologically speaking, the magnetic Poles go “walkies”. This is not just a problem for navigators. As the poles “move”, (and they are moving as I type), the planetary magnetic field that extends a few thousand Km out into space, gets really wobbly and starts losing its ability to “deflect” some rally nasty stuff coming from the Sun, and potentially from the occasional galactic catastrophe.
Some may have noticed the shape of the planet and the fact that it revolves on a TILTED axis as it orbits that big Nuke.
The angle of incidence of solar radiation is DIFFERENT at different latitudes. and at different times in the planetary orbit. This, obviously is why we have SEASONS.and long weather “patterns.
So, if one were to monitor the exact same piece of Antarctic sky for an entire year AND monitor the UV levels at ground-level, one might find some politically-inconvenient numbers.
They are calling Javier Milei the Argentinian Trump. He looks more like Vivek Ramaswamy to me, a character who is obviously intelligent but confronting. America needs to confront its problems
As does Australia need to confront its problems. All the factors Argentina has in its society that cuased its fall, Australia has active alive and well in its. And we must the win the constant battle over it, or we end up like they did.
Aus and Argentina are greatly similar. One turned out (went to) rubbish, one turned out well. It’s no accident. Australia is an incredible success story. And it’s not easy to do.
Australia has a different political culture.
White pills! Libertarian world first victory in Argentina and Wilders winning in Holland. Quite dramatic stuff I would once have said impossible. Things do have to get bad though, you may notice that commonality to both examples.
Populism, Donald was leading the charge.
Mysterious pneumonia ripping through Chinese schools sparks fears among scientists of a Covid repeat
Scientists today called for vigilance and transparency from China amid reports of a mystery cluster of pneumonia which has eerie similarities to the early Covid outbreak.
Hospitals in Beijing and 500 miles northeast in Liaoning are ‘overwhelmed with sick children’ with unusual symptoms that include inflammation in the lungs and a high fever but no cough, according to local news reports.
Dr Jennifer Nuzzo, an epidemiologist and director of the Pandemic Center at Brown University School of Public Health, told the news was ‘alarming’.
She said we should ‘hold all countries to that same standard’, referencing China’s history of covering up new outbreaks, which happened in 2003 with the original SARS and in 2019 with Covid.
Japan now requires negative TB test from Chinese tourists.
In the USA there’s a mystery respiratory disease sickening and killing hundreds of dogs.
I did say it was unusually quiet on the disease front. Not any more.
“2000 conservation volunteers sign up to investigate land clearing”
“If climate change getting worse, cattle not cause research shows”
““It was going to bloody roar wasn’t it”: ‘Fear of litigation’ undermining fire response”
A 4 min video. 8K yrs ago, climate was 2.5 C hotter than currently.
Temp records didn’t reasonably begin until ~1850, the middle of the LIA.
So many are ranting about a possible increase of 1.5C from the lowest reference possible, and fully 1C below historical peaks, some possible century in the future. Kind of uninformed.
Thu entertainment: Plotting turkey happiness against time
‘Geert Wilders, known as the ‘Dutch Trump’, is projected to be the shock winner of the Dutch general election, exit polls suggested on Wednesday – paving the way for a political earthquake that will be felt far beyond the country’s borders.
‘His PVV (Freedom Party) won 35 seats in parliament, according to the Ipsos exit poll, comfortably winning the election, with the centre-right bloc on 23 seats and a left-wing bloc on 26.’ (UK Mail)
I would use the term refreshing rather than firebrand:
On EU:
Plans to shut borders to islamic immigration.
Cannot find anything on climate policy.
The Aussie Wire: Pursuing Justice: How one Doctor isn’t giving up in her fight for the injured
I particularly liked his interview with Dr Melissa McCann, starting at 11 minutes about her class action against some of the Health people who authorised the jas in Oz.
“Undiagnosed Pneumonia Outbreak In China”
I thought the WEF were waiting until 2025?
If “whatever” has been diagnosed as “Pneumonia”, how can it be “undiagnosed”?
“Soviet Aircraft of WW2 | Legendary Test Pilot Eric Winkle Brown Talks About Soviet Planes”
The title is misleading as it starts off on the Soviet planes he flew and then moves to his career, which was extensive
Long but “flying interesting” (IMO)
It would be literally impossible for any pilot to get a tiny fraction of the number of aircraft types flown by Eric in their log book. WWII was “peak aircraft”.
He even flew the incredibly dangerous German rocket powered Komet. His wife must have been one in a million, he was consumed by flying until long after the war. And he did get an air to air kill, a Condor over the Atlantic but was shipwrecked soon after. He landed the first jet on an aircraft carrier, but watch it yourself.
I might watch that before going to bed if it is new.