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189 comments to Sunday

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    Die Zeit Proposes a Communist Manifesto for the 21st Century

    Happy B-Day, I suppose, and here’s the most stupid (Trojan) present that intimates, at 75, the Grundgesetz shall be re-written because ‘Climate Change™’

    The German Constitution Needs an Update

    The time in which the Basic Law was created was a time without climate change and before the digital revolution. Now new concepts are needed—such as responsibility.

    By Georg Diez and Philipp von der Wippel, Die Zeit, 23 May 2024


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      “The time in which the Basic Law was created was a time without climate change…”

      So they think the climate was unchanging when the Basic Law was created (which according to Wikipedia was approved in Bonn on 8 May 1949 and came into effect on 23 May) but has since started changing?


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        There was no climate change in the media or a subject of discussion where ever.


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          Oh, now I understand, if the media doesn’t discuss something, it doesn’t exist.


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            The Christmas Day storm of 1717 struck the coastal areas of the Netherlands, Germany, and Scandinavia. An estimated 14,000 people died as a result. In one village in Germany 900 houses were swept away. This was made worse for the survivors as subsequent snow and hard frosts were followed by another storm flood in February. If this were to happen today, it would be climate change in action for certain. No argument and no discussion. So, as these events are clearly not natural, Germany must have been suffering from climate change in 1717 and 1718, long before the Grundgesetz was written.


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              The period of 1645–1715 is called Maunder Minimum and I wonder if the great sea floods that followed maybe related.


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              John B

              Also during the Maunder Minimum:
              “The ‘Great Storm’ of 1703 which commenced on Friday 26th November (old-style, 7th December new-style) was probably the worst ever experienced in England; it is described by Defoe in his work: “The Storm 1703″. This storm was associated with a deep secondary depression which swept across Ireland, Wales & central England.” ……..
              “The tidal flood affecting the Thames on Sunday 30th(OS) was associated with this storm, though the tidal storm surge for this event was more significant on the Severn and along the Dutch coast. Twelve warships with 1300 men on board were lost in sight of land, Eddystone lighthouse was destroyed and practically all shipping in the Thames was destroyed or damaged. In London alone, 22 people were drowned, 21 people were killed and 200 injured by falling and flying debris. It was estimated that 8000 people lost their lives in the floods caused by the storm in the rivers Thames and Severn and in Holland. The damage due to the storm and flood in London alone was estimated to be £ 2 000 000.”
              More at this link: WEATHER IN HISTORY 1700 TO 1749 AD


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                Sea level must have been rising.

                “Great losses sustained in Lancashire in December, 1720 by the violent overflowing of the sea”. (Diary of Nicholas Blundell)


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            John Connor II

            if the media doesn’t discuss something, it doesn’t exist.

            Very soon indeed, the mainstream media won’t exist, and they have NO-ONE but themselves to blame for it
            Useful idiots sealing their own demise with their own lies. Perhaps they should wake up and open their eyes.


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    In Brussels, preparations are being made for Europe’s entry into war

    What is happening in Brussels today is attunement to Europe’s entry into war, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán stated on Friday on Kossuth Radio’s programme ‘Good morning Hungary’. Mr Orbán described the reinforcement of the country’s self-defence capabilities as a must.


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      That is madness and I just don’t believe it. NATO was established as a defensive entity. Nothing has changed.


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        I miss a /sarc tag in your post.
        You remember Kosovo ?


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        Réalpolitik obviates such arrangements. NATO does US bidding anyway.


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        John Connor II

        NATO was established as a defensive entity. Nothing has changed.

        Without war, NATO serves no purpose. It’s redundant.
        NATO can’t admit any country while that country is at war, and that’s the only reason WW3 hadn’t already happened.
        Poor Ukraine is just expendable cannon fodder chipping away at Russia while the west keeps its hands clean, tut tutting at evil Russia, despite the blatant lie of the Minsk agreement.
        We all know western troops are in Ukraine, without insignias, acting as merceneries and providing training.
        NATO, the North Atlantic Terror Organisation knows the deal all too well…


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      Graham Richards

      Let’s not lose our minds. Defeat by the Russians may turn out to be a good thing. For starters Climate Change will become a thing of the past & mass immigration will certainly stop immediately & probably be reversed & sanity of sorts will return!

      It is unlikely to be good but the current EU dictatorship will also end in tears!!


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        Given that the Ukraine Russia war is localised and will only resolve the ethnic side of things – minor territorial gains and a buffer against further western expansion as well. If Russia didn’t get Crimea back you would have a US fleet established in Sevastopol.


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        John Michelmore

        Trump ending up as US President in November might save us from WWIII! The way the escalation in Europe is going is a real concern.


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    Report — ‘Troubling’: UCLA Medical School Rankings Drop

    by AMY FURR
    24 May 2024

    In 2021, Associate Dean for Admissions Jennifer Lucero allegedly became angry when an official with the admissions committee questioned whether one black student, whose grades and test scores were far below the school’s average, was a good fit for the school, the Washington Free Beacon reported on Thursday.

    In interviews with the Free Beacon and complaints to UCLA officials, including investigators in the university’s Discrimination Prevention Office, faculty members with firsthand knowledge of the admissions process say it has prioritized diversity over merit, resulting in progressively less qualified classes that are now struggling to succeed.

    Within three years of Lucero’s hiring in 2020, UCLA dropped from 6th to 18th place in U.S. News & World Report‘s rankings for medical research. And in some of the cohorts she admitted, more than 50 percent of students failed standardized tests on emergency medicine, family medicine, internal medicine, and pediatrics.


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      David Maddison

      I want my critical safety personnel such as doctors, airline pilots and air traffic controllers selected on the basis of merit, not skin colour or gender. (When you book a flight, there should be something like an asterisk against the flight number to undicate if the pilot is a diversity rather than merit placement.)

      All people forced through graduation or hired on the basis of “diversity” should be indicated.

      Let Leftists visit diversity doctors and fly with diversity pilots and let the rest of us be colour blind and gender blind when choosing our professionals.


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        Are our wokesters already going to diversity-hired dentists?
        If not – why not?
        Probably not fatal. But it may be painful.

        Auto – asking for a friend.


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          My dentist is Peruvian but she’s no diversity hire. Brilliant. Meritocracy facilitates diversity, so there is no need to force it.


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        John Connor II

        like an asterisk

        Best not to have an asterisk! 😉

        Maybe a steaming cowpat icon? 😆


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    Cost of living in NYC rises 131% since 2021. Crime thrives in NYC and now nobody can afford to vote (D) any more.

    NEW YORK (WABC) — A new report from the United Way of New York City and The Fund for the City of New York is shining a light on how hard it is to make ends meet.

    The report released Tuesday, titled “The True cost of Living,” shows half of all families in New York City lack enough income to survive without assistance from the government, family or community.

    Child care costs have become problematic for middle class New Yorkers. For example, one mother says she pays almost $2,700 a month for day care – which can be staggering when factoring in rent and all the rest.

    According to the report, costs have increased 131% while median earnings have increased 71%.

    And 36% of households lacked enough income for basic needs in 2021.

    The latest findings show 50% of working-age New Yorkers are struggling to cover costs. And roughly 3 million New Yorkers struggle to afford healthy food.

    Go HERE to see more!


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      Australia, especially Victoria, is heading in the same direction and for similar reasons.
      And like NY, we can no longer afford to vote for politicians.


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        Add Canada and EU and UK to the list and it seems like some sort of billionaire cartel has this entire Western demise choreographed! Problem is which billionaire cartel is it? The one in Davos or is it the one in Davos, Switzerland? We need a panel of climate scientists to figure that out! Anyone have a spare $5mil their not needing today?


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      Dave in the States

      Just as long as it doesn’t become like the Democrat refugees from Kalifornia. Kaliforina refugees have moved to places like Colorado, after California had been ruined by Democrats, were there still vote Democrat. ????


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    David Maddison

    It’s taken 10 days to control a fire at the Otway Mesa Big Battery in San Diego. After 10 days there are now “only” 15 firefighters assigned to the job.and they are expected to be there for another 7 to 10 days.

    Firefighting efforts continue to improve containment of a commercial structure fire that broke out 10 days ago at an energy storage facility in the Otay Mesa area, officials said Saturday.

    Units were dispatched in the early afternoon of May 15 to Lithium Ion Batteries at 641 Camino De La Fuente, a 13,600-square-foot battery and energy storage facility in an industrial part of San Diego County.

    “The evacuation order at Grid 0436 has been downgraded to a warning due to improved atmospheric conditions, and the evacuation warning for Grid 0437 has been removed,” Cal Fire officials reported.

    A total of 15 personnel are currently assigned to the fire, including one engine and 12 unnamed resources.

    An expected time of full containment has not been reported.

    There was a Tweet on X.

    “San Diego Firefighters have flown in experts to the Otay Mesa Battery Storage site to study the fire because they don’t know how to extinguish it. The 🔥 has already consumed 5 million gallons of water, and firefighters estimate it will take an additional 7-10 days to control, using a total of 15-20 million gallons. LETHAL amounts of Hydrogen Cyanide were present in the air for 3 hours after the fire began. This project clearly doesn’t belong in a residential area.” / X


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      David Maddison

      Have you also noticed they don’t call them “batteries” anymore? The PC name is “energy storage facilities”.


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      San Diego air pollution! If it was Exxon and one of their ships leaked oil it’s a billion dollar fine. What the fine for the “battery fire”?

      I made my fortune working in Silicon Valley in the 1980s. It was the right time in the right place! It was that window where the Valley still had a bit of hatred of politics and politicians and so did as little lobbying in Washington DC as possible. That all changed when the CEOs there figured out their bonuses could go into outer space if they colluded with politics and changed science into politics. Al Gore showed the way forward for the most corrupt Silicon Valley I have ever seen in my life. My 1980s self could not work in the 2024 Valley today. My morals would not allow it. The Valley is now a place where political corruption, global slavery, science fraud and global eco destruction are footnotes on their balance sheets!

      Climate will go down as the worlds largest transfer of wealth from Western taxpayers to WEF/CCP billionaires in history next to the Biden covid vaccine mandate. Millions are dying globally for “green” and not even a whiff of a Nuremberg Trial. It proves ESG and DEI is fraud.


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        David Maddison

        Well said Kaimu.


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        Mr. Kaimu: (Lemme know if you want me to drop the Mr., I do it to everybody.) I second Mr. M. I can recall folks like Hillary Clinton and Barry Obama giving out with rhetoric like “future bends towards…” or “history moves toward…”. While they bent the future in their own direction. As a result of this culture, we see a second-tier dem medical bureaucrat named “Morens” (Fauci underling?) able to frustrate disclosure laws- by asking the FOIA Office how to do that!! Ahh well, if it takes 3-4 years to find out, holding him to account could take …. forever?


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      But try finding anything about it in the lamestream media


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        David of Cooyal in Oz

        My guess is that they’re having difficulty getting a suitable headline, which I think could be along the lines of:
        ” Battery fire drowned: No impact on grid”


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      As usual interesting the lack of msm coverage down under despite being part of the same cliff our current government and institutions (CSIRO) are leading us over.

      A more balanced report posted by The San Diego Union-Tribune shares the following:

      -Power from energy storage projects managed by the California Independent System Operator has grown from a mere 250 megawatts in 2019 to 6,617 megawatts in July of 2023. By 2045, the state plans to have 52,000 megawatts online.
      -But, while relatively rare, there have been instances of thermal runaway when batteries overheat. It has happened in hand-held devices, electric vehicles, e-bikes and in battery storage facilities.


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      CO2 Lover

      Worldwide there is around one Big Battery fire a month – where is the Main Stream Media on this one?

      Where are the envirnmental standards for the location and design of these Big Battery facilities?


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        Otay Mesa would probably qualify as the world capital for electric battery fires if authorities were honest enough to identify what the cause of the almost yearly event fires had been!

        A search for ‘Otay Mesa scrap yard fires’ brings up events in 2017, 2018, 2020 and 2021 at recycling centres. While final comment that the fires started with EV wrecks being recycled is not made I’d suggest the likelihood would be pretty high. What would scrap yard recycling centres have in common …. Car wrecks maybe? Either that or there is a firebug on the loose, which again you would think would warrant a comment to alert the public to be aware.


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    The WEF owns the DNC in America.


    A few things stand out in the video.

    1-Notice the sparks on the ground as that is the grid blowing up like transformers.
    2-Notice wind turbines next to a 140mph wind hardly turn the turbine blades.
    3-Notice the wind turbine debris blowing is now wrecking havoc on the land and people.
    4-Notice the bent in half wind turbine is a write off.

    Now notice how much less electric power will be available to that local community and how it will be months or years before any new wind turbines are reinstalled, if ever. If I were an insurance company I would refuse to insure any solar panels or wind turbines in a tornado belt after this. Where’s Blackrock?

    Do you really think the DNC and Jennifer Granholm and Bill Gates can save us from EF4 tornadoes and Cat5 hurricanes by 2040? You really think Bill Gates and Biden can control the entire planet Earth extreme weather? They couldn’t even save Lahaina and it was full of solar panels and EVs and surrounded by wind turbines!


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    Here is a nice map of right wing whale lovers done by left wing greenies at Brown Uni.

    But sadly I am not on it so it is incomplete. Their extremo rhetoric is priceless.


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      A sample of their wacko rhetoric: “As public relations and obstruction specialists actively engage local groups to block offshore wind projects, the climate and environmental justice consequences are dire. Offshore wind projects may struggle to get off the ground, locking us into catastrophic climate consequences experienced disproportionately by Black, Indigenous, Latine, and low-income communities.”



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        David Maddison

        locking us into catastrophic climate consequences experienced disproportionately by Black, Indigenous, Latine, and low-income communities.

        So “climate change” is “racist”?


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        With the amount of electrical energy required to support the increasing needs of Data Centres and AI (just to name a few) then how will that energy be supplied? Not with Wind Choppers, hail damaged Solar Panels or exploding Batteries.

        No, it will be supplied by Coal, Gas and Nuclear. A modern Economy needs electrical Power 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a non Leap Year – 366 days for a Leap Year.

        End of story and the end of a fictitious Energy Transition which is just a pipe dream of ‘Pollies’, Climate Alarmists, alleged Elites and the UN.


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          David Maddison

          Yes, the very technologies, Big Data centres and AI, the Left are using to control, trace, track, monitor and propagandise to us, cannot run on expensive, random power.

          They use staggering amounts of electricity. By 2025 they are expected to use one fifth of all the world’s energy.

          They must use proper technological solutions developed for inexpensive, reliable, 24/7 power delivery, that is coal, gas, nuclear and real hydro (not SH2).

          Expensive, random wind and solar are strictly for the Proles, not for the Elites.


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          CO2 Lover

          See my post at #25


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          John Connor II

          If “climate change” is causing increasingly unstable severe weather, storms, hail, floods etc then why would any intelligent civilisation seek to be totally reliant on renewable energy systems seriously impacted and susceptible to that very same weather?

          /Asking for lefties everywhere since they can’t see it.


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      John Hultquist

      Knowingly or not, they are executing a strategy laid out for them by climate obstructionists in 2012.”

      It is hard to obstruct climate, but one can move to a more likable one.
      I’ve no idea what the “2012” references.


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      I see Prof Will Happer’s CO2 Coalition is there, a recipient of a donation but fundamentally an evil right wing organization. Even worse, conservatives using facts and physics to fool people. It’s a new world where the foot soldiers of the counter revolution are physics professors in their mid 80s trying to take over the world.


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    David Maddison

    There is no doubt that the real rate of inflation in Australia is FAR HIGHER then the Government claim, currently supposedly 3.6% per annum. Ref:

    I often ask housewives who are familiar with supermarket prices (unlike politicians) and they regularly estimate in the range 25-30%. My experience of prices in general such as hardware products from Bunnings is that it’s at least thst much. I also just bought some Vitamin K2 from Ebay and that’s gone from $43.50 last year to $59.50 now, an increase of over 36%.

    There is no question we are being lied to. No one I speak to thinks real price inflation is a mere 3.6%.


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      The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is really the Corrupted Price Index. And this CPI is no reflection of the day to day cost of living increases experienced by Consumers.

      With electricity prices going through the roof over the past few years then this feeds into most areas of the Modern Economy and price increases occur just about everywhere.

      And then there are the ongoing supply issues causing supply side inflation.

      Then there is the ongoing increased spending being made each year by the Feral Guv’ment and States/Territories. The Budget shows deficits for years to come after this year’s managed forecast small surplus.

      An inflation rate of 3.6% pa is laughable. And the RBA knows this and is the reason why the cash rate will not be reduced anytime soon. It may even be increased with an inflation shock imported from the rest of the World.


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      another ian

      An example –

      Now $31.5, was about $26 around Xmas


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      There is no question we are being lied to.

      By politicians? No, surely not, they are our representatives. We vote for them. We have given them our money and the control levers of our future. Contemptible traitors elected by fools.


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      Steve of Cornubia

      My car insurance has risen almost 40% in one year. I’m dreading the renewal of my home & contents policy. Holiday accommodation also up by 30-40% and groceries by (my estimate) around 15-20%.


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        David Maddison

        Yes, my car insurance went up by 44% with no increase in risk factors or claims.


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          Peter C

          You had a theft from your car recently.
          Even if you did not make a claim it is symptomatic of the crime wave sweeping across Melbourne.
          The insurances companies are noticing the trend and increasing our premiums.


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          So I left NRMA Insurance and went to GIO and saved a lot.


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            Steve of Cornubia

            It’s well worth shopping around for everything these days, but especially insurance. Also, NEVER assume that the company you’ve bought insurance from the last ten years will offer you a competitive renewal. In most cases, they will try to rip you off. Once, when my renewal came through, I jumped online to get other quotes but first thought I would get a quote from the company I was already with. Guess what? A new policy was around $100 less than their own renewal!! It caused a fuss when I called them to cancel the renewal but, when they asked if they could have a go at matching the other company, I struggled not to laugh when I said, “Actually, the lower quote is from YOU!”


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      just Received Investemnt Property Building & Contents Insurance due Mid-June – 29.1% increase

      I suppose I should be grateful as own property Building and Contents Insurance increase last Oct 34.8% Increase

      NSW Government Land Tax this year increase 13.4%


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        David Maddison

        Oh yes.

        My land tax for a rental property in Vicdanistan went up by nearly three times.

        The Government in Vicdanistan is trying to force investors (read “evil capitalists” according to the Left) out of the rental property market.

        Everyone I know who owns rental properties in Vicdanistan is selling them, often buying interstate or reinvesting in commercial property (where the tenant pays the tax).


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          David just been up to Mackay to see Wife’s investment 2 storey 1998 build 100 sq m townhouse

          $275K rented at $430 per week

          Mackay young vibrant city, ALDI opened as we were there, Entertainment Cpmplex, Several Private Schools, Public & Private Hspitals, the region’s growth is fueled by a diversified economy, including resource and engineering sectors, agribusiness, construction, education, logistics, and tourism

          The age composition of Mackay is focused towards families with children, with 20.7% of the population aged 0-14 years (compared to the Queensland average of 19.4%), 66.2% aged 15-64 years (Queensland average: 65.3%), and 13.1% aged over 65 (Queensland average: 15.3%).


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            Steve of Cornubia

            Sounds great, but bloody ‘ot, innit? I struggle in high humidity so Brisbane is about as far north as I can survive for any length of time.


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            George Christensen now on the Mackay Council 😉


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          David, do you remember . Hawke/Keating’s assault on rental housing? From memory it included abolition of negative gearing., and it lasted two years..

          The pages in the Saturday SMH which used to advertise new housing switched to refurbished housing.

          The capital that was taken out of housing was then put into heavily promoted tourism, where Hawke, could smash it with the Pilot’s Strike..

          Again from memory. it didn’t cause rents to rise as much as I expected. There must have been a lot of empty houses


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      ” currently supposedly 3.6% per annum.”

      Just a typo, 36% as we have all found.


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    David Maddison

    On Friday morning I heard John Persutto, “leader” of the pretend conservative Liberal Party in Victoriastan interviewed on radio 3AW.

    He is utterly clueless and uninspiring and has little chance of winning the next election in 2.5 years. In any case, there will not be much left to salvage by then. He is opposed to nuclear power and remains opposed to fracking.

    He is trying to win against Labor by being even more woke and more Left wing than they are. That won’t work because it seems, even in Victoria, many voters want rational policies and an alternative to Labor. He is no alternative, and possibly even worse.

    Vote for conservative-oriented parties such as:

    -United Australia Party
    -Libertarian Party
    -One Nation


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      I get requests for donations from the Liberals. So the last time I wrote that I could not donate as long as John Persutto was Victorian leader. They need someone who has had a real job and who thinks women are women. Hasn’t anyone noticed that a plain speaking conservative leader with strong beliefs wins in a landslide?


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      has little chance of winning the next election

      That’s why he was installed, so the voters won’t upset the current cosy corruptocracy so convenient for the cabal.
      Notice the funky VicLibs have been choosing unelectable front men ever since they were booted out by a lie?
      Last election they made doubly sure by fronting the Guy who lost the unloseable election the previous time.
      Reality is stranger than fiction because fiction has to be believable.


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        Old Goat

        The Libs don’t want to win as the “prize” is to run an economy that is going off a cliff . They don’t want to pick up excrement even if its highly polished . It would appear that no one intelligent does , thus the idiots in charge .


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          don’t want to win

          Is there nobody left with a sense of civic duty?
          There’s only a handful of good men and women in Australian politics, and none of them are in the Victorian Liberals.
          Victorian Liberals, what a bunch of spineless selfish little pussies.


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      I get material from Little proud an the Nationals. I tell them that if they maintain their support for net zero than you are worthless. Same with NFF ( national farmers). Which seem to be run by green hobby farmers.


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      .In 2.5 years all the conservative voters will have left the state.


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    “New Study: Warming Temperatures In China The ‘Main Factor’ Explaining Rising Crop Yields”:

    Scientists have determined the “main factor” directly improving post-1960 crop yields across China is a warming climate (Chen and Sun, 2024). Warming expands the growth area for late-maturing plant varieties, reduces damage from cold temperatures, and extends growing seasons.

    The authors point to a link between warming, declining sea ice, the Arctic Oscillation, and East Asian winter monsoons. Then they extend these relationships to crop growth trends in China.

    Rising CO2 and its photosynthesis enhancement is another factor driving China’s rising food production.

    “The effect of Arctic sea ice on Chinese crop yield is an indirect process, while the main factor that really affects China’s crop yield directly is the local air temperature change. When the air temperature in China is high, the yield will show an increasing trend, and vice versa. [T]he change in thermal conditions may also reduce the low temperature and cold damage and increase the area of late-maturing crop varieties.”

    “Besides, CO2 is an essential element of crop photosynthesis and a major climate change scenario construction indicator. Increasing CO2 concentration in the Earth’s atmosphere can increase the photosynthetic rate of crops, which directly stimulates crop growth and increases the dry matter content, resulting in increased food production.”


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      David Maddison

      Good news if true.

      All lifeforms love warmth.

      Civilisation thrives during naturally warm periods such as the Minoan, Egyptian, Roman and Medieval warm periods.

      Sadly, I think the trend is toward cooling rather than warming as we come to the end of the interglacial.


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        John Connor II

        All lifeforms love warmth.

        Except for those that don’t. Polar dwellers, extremophiles by the thousand. 😉


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          CO2 Lover

          Fun Facts:

          The thermal limits to survival are well documented for many types of organisms, but the thermal limits to completion of the life cycle are much more difficult to establish, especially for organisms that inhabit thermally variable environments. Current data suggest that the thermal limits to completion of the life cycle differ between the three major domains of life, bacteria, archaea and eukaryotes. At the very highest temperatures only archaea are found with the current high-temperature limit for growth being 122 °C. Bacteria can grow up to 100 °C, but no eukaryote appears to be able to complete its life cycle above ~60 °C and most not above 40 °C.

          The lower thermal limit for growth in bacteria, archaea, unicellular eukaryotes where ice is present appears to be set by vitrification of the cell interior, and lies at ~-20 °C. Lichens appear to be able to grow down to ~-10 °C. Higher plants and invertebrates living at high latitudes can survive down to ~-70 °C, but the lower limit for completion of the life cycle in multicellular organisms appears to be ~-2 °C.


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      They are just skirting the NASA report that between 1988 and 2014 world tree leaf cover increased 14%. (by my calculation, twice the size of the Continental US by theirs) And incidentally that CO2 also went up 14%.

      That result is just too devastating. It means CO2 goes up and trees go up in direct proportion. Which busts carbon credits, carbon farming, sequestration, the entire basis of the rocketing electricity prices and the reason people buy Chinese windmills and solar panels.

      So their explanation is the tiny temperature change. Pull the other leg.


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        And another Continental US in trees since then. Let me guess, crop yields up 21%?


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        David Maddison

        It means CO2 goes up and trees go up in direct proportion

        I just got a meme to that effect “fact checked” on Farcebook. They said that despite more trees, CO2 is evil anyway.

        That should indicate their true agenda.

        The meme had a picture of a forest and said:

        “The more carbon dioxide you have, the more plants you have, the more oxygen you have. This is 5th grade science.”

        Fake Fact Check at

        And remember, trees are bad because forests need to be cut down to make room for more windmills.

        Of course, only about 3-4% of all CO2 in the atmosphere is of anthropogenic origin.


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          Microsoft CoPilot

          Yes, plants need carbon dioxide. No, that doesn’t mean it’s harmless.


          Absolutely! The relationship between plants and carbon dioxide is intricate, and while CO2 is essential for photosynthesis, it’s not entirely harmless. Let’s explore this further:

          1. Photosynthesis and CO2:

          . Photosynthesis is the process by which plants, algae, and some bacteria convert carbon dioxide (CO2) and sunlight into glucose (a form of sugar) and oxygen.
          . During photosynthesis, plants absorb CO2 from the atmosphere through tiny pores called stomata in their leaves.
          The absorbed CO2 is used to create energy-rich molecules (like glucose) that fuel the plant’s growth and maintenance.

          2. Benefits of CO2 for Plants:

          . Growth: Adequate CO2 levels enhance plant growth. In controlled environments (such as greenhouses), increasing CO2 concentration can lead to faster growth and larger yields.
          . Carbon Sequestration: Plants act as carbon sinks, sequestering CO2 from the atmosphere. Forests, grasslands, and other ecosystems play a crucial role in mitigating climate change by storing carbon.

          3. Not Entirely Harmless:

          .While CO2 is necessary for photosynthesis, excessively high levels can have negative effects:
          .Climate Change: Elevated CO2 contributes to global warming and climate change. It’s a major greenhouse gas.
          .Ocean Acidification: When CO2 dissolves in seawater, it forms carbonic acid, leading to ocean acidification. This harms marine life, especially organisms with calcium carbonate shells (like corals and mollusks).
          .Air Pollution: In urban areas, high CO2 concentrations (often associated with poor ventilation) can affect human health, causing headaches, dizziness, and fatigue.

          4. Balancing Act:

          . Optimal Levels: Plants thrive when CO2 levels are around 300–400 parts per million (ppm). However, this varies by species.
          . Human Impact: Human activities (such as burning fossil fuels) have significantly increased atmospheric CO2 levels, currently exceeding 400 ppm.

          In summary, while CO2 is essential for plant life, it’s crucial to strike a balance. Managing CO2 emissions and promoting sustainable practices are vital for both plant health and the planet’s well-being. 🌿🌍

          If you have more questions or need further clarification, feel free to ask! 😊


          • #
            CO2 Lover

            Climate Change: Elevated CO2 contributes to global warming and climate change. It’s a major greenhouse gas.

            Where is the mention of water vapour being the most significant “greehouse gas” and that at current CO2 concentrations CO2 is staturated and so further increases in CO2 have little effect on global temperature?

            Selective editting!


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            Google’s “AI Overview” can give false, misleading, and dangerous answers

            From glue-on-pizza recipes to recommending “blinker fluid,” Google’s AI sourcing needs work.

            If you use Google regularly, you may have noticed the company’s new AI Overviews providing summarized answers to some of your questions in recent days.

            If you use social media regularly, you may have come across many examples of those AI Overviews being hilariously or even dangerously wrong.

            Factual errors can pop up in existing LLM chatbots as well, of course. But the potential damage that can be caused by AI inaccuracy gets multiplied when those errors appear atop the ultra-valuable web real estate of the Google search results page.

            “The examples we’ve seen are generally very uncommon queries and aren’t representative of most people’s experiences,” a Google spokesperson told Ars. “The vast majority of AI Overviews provide high quality information, with links to dig deeper on the web.”

            After looking through dozens of examples of Google AI Overview mistakes (and replicating many ourselves for the galleries below), we’ve noticed a few broad categories of errors that seemed to show up again and again. Consider this a crash course in some of the current weak points of Google’s AI Overviews and a look at areas of concern for the company to improve as the system continues to roll out.

            – Treating jokes as facts
            – Bad sourcing
            – Answering a different question
            – Math and reading comprehension
            – The same name game
            – Not wrong, exactly…
            – Getting better all the time


            • #
              Stuart Jones

              glue on pizza is not a factual error, they use glue for the adverts to make it look like gooey stringy cheese, AI is being truthful, all the pizza you see in ads has glue on it.


          • #

            Benefits of CO2 for Plants:”??

            “Adequate CO2 levels enhance plant growth.” NASA says CO2 is a fertilizer.

            What absolute scientific rubbish.

            All living things are MADE from CO2 and only CO2 as hydrocarbons. And water. Hydrated carbon dioxide. Carbohydrate. Sugars. There is little else.

            Mass% Atoms
            Oxygen 65 24.0
            Carbon 18.5 12.0
            Hydrogen 9.5 62.0
            Nitrogen 2.6 1.1
            Total 95.6 99%

            Even calcium for bones is 1.3% in mass and only a tiny 0.22 percent as atoms. Super strong super lightweight bones are miracles of engineering.

            But humans in atoms in a crude but interesting analysis
            24O 12C 62H 1N
            OR 2O 1C 5.2H
            Or 2(H2O) plus CH(1.2) and you get the idea. Hydrated hydrocarbon. The human body is 55% to 75% water. The rest could be described as HC strings, long chain hydrocarbons, the basis of coal, oil, gas. Even DNA is carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorous, and hydrogen.

            No surprise then that all living things when dried burn. Or when buried produce methane or turn to pure hydrocarbon. It’s not great mystery.

            NASA and this commentary would have you believe CO2 produces something which “fuel the plant’s growth and maintenance”.
            And they are reluctant to see CO2 as anything more than a bit useful. Food perhaps? Encouragement? Fertilizer?
            I call Shennigans.


            • #

              You get the feeling with the Greens that any idea of chemistry is a waste of time. Only they could have banned the element Chlorine from humans.

              Chlorine as in NaCl or saline. Sea water. PVC. Chlorine is essential humans and such sales provide our nervous system conductivity. Having the right amounts of NA and K are essential. We are wired with these ions.

              Now they want to make out CO2 and Carbon are unnecessary. Useful but we can live without carbon dioxide. Surplus to our requirements? Even unfortunate?

              Life is all a carbon dioxide life form. Our energy is fuelled by solar power and sugars.

              Without Carbon Dioxide the world would be a bare wet rock spinning in space with zero life.


              • #

                Organic chemistry is the chemistry of carbon compounds. Biochemistry is the chemistry of carbon compounds that crawl” -Michael Adams.


              • #

                There are 92 natural elements. But you get the impression that people think there are endless numbers. Half are extremely uncommon.

                And 3/4 of them are not in the human body at all.
                Only 21

                The attempts by NASA and the CSIRO to pass CO2 off as a luxury, an avoidable compound, a fertilizer are just appalling.
                I am prepared to assume ignorance rather than malice, misdirection, but I wonder.


          • #
            Gary S

            Ocean acidification (sic) – When past carbon dioxide levels were many times higher than today and then dropped to very low levels, where did it all go? Into the oceans obviously, with no detrimental effect, as we still have corals and shellfish in abundance today.


        • #

          Read the fact check. Verdict: drivel


  • #

    Coal’s Importance For Solar Panel Manufacturing

    I wonder whether the CSIRO and others have told Tennis Elbow and Bonehead Blackout Bowen this – And that the soon to be $1 Billion “Built in Australia Future” Solar Panel factory in the NSW Hunter Valley will need Coal and lots of it for the refined silicon –

    Solar power and coal are closely interlinked. Today, there is not one single solar panel that can be produced without coal (or even oil and gas). The coal is required as a reducing agent for silicon making and as source for heat and electricity for the industrial process required to manufacture solar panels, not only in China. As unpopular as it may be, the world requires coal, even for the so called “energy transition”.


    • #

      So mining is done with fossil fuel power. Smelting is based on fossil fuels. Transport is based on fossil fuel. Manufacturing is based on fossil fuel. All in vast quantity. And the entire point is to reduce the use of fossil fuels? Spot the contradiction.


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        Simon Thompson M.B. B.S.

        Likewise the average CO2 output per human is 200 ml per minute. We need to hold our breath for climate change! Those that can outlast a 2 year old (looking at you Greta!) throwing a tantrum win!!!!


        • #

          Australia would have Nett Zero if the 1.4 Billion Chinese held every tenth breath. We could pay them with free coal.
          (Humans breathe out about 3 tons of CO2 per year. That would be a saving of 4.2Billion tons of CO2/10 = 420Million tons of CO2. Australia’s entire CO2 output is official 465.2Million tons. Problem solved)


    • #
      David Maddison

      Just imagine how expensive Australian made solar panels will be.

      Presumably the one billion dollars, which will no doubt blow out to be far more, will be used to subsidise the cost.

      And Australia already has so many solar panels that the power from them can’t be used at certain times.

      It’s insanity.

      Such insanity can only be brought about by ignorance which itself comes from decades of the Left deliberately dumbing-down the education system, now an indoctrination system.


      • #
        CO2 Lover

        Just look at the Aboriginal Industry in Australia – most of the $ Billions of Taxpayers’ money goes into the pockets of middle men (and women) along the way with very little getting to those really in need.

        Calls for an audit fall on deaf ears.

        The same will occur with goverment mandated manufacturing in Australia.


        • #

          Look at the “big men” and what they drive in coastal locations where settlements are located.


      • #
        David of Cooyal in Oz

        But David,
        Our politicians, of all colours, have told us they don’t pick winners. I just didn’t realise they were being honest for a change.


  • #
    Steve of Cornubia

    “Presumably the one billion dollars, which will no doubt blow out to be far more, will be used to subsidise the cost.”

    I see you have your comedian’s hat on today David. Any taxpayers’ money going into this venture will eventually land in the bank accounts of a handful of already-wealthy elites.


  • #

    A lively trawl through the reality of the Gubmint’s new “Fuel Efficiency” caper:


    Per Ronald Reagan; the nine most frightening words in the English language:

    “I’m from the Government and I’m here to help”

    Starting point: NO Oz government in the last 60 years has been remotely “trustworthy”, let alone “useful”.


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  • #
    YYY Guy

    Recommended viewing for the day, one of Peter Sellers finest
    The Party
    Oh, the political incorrectness of it all.


  • #
    YYY Guy

    I didn’t know there was a market for trout sox
    Our taxes at work. Police advise to be on the lookout for people with fishing rods. They’re gateway rods.


  • #

    What will happen to climate policy when labor wins the UK election?
    … and immigration policy too?


    • #
      David Maddison

      Both will be even worse than now, as difficult as that is to imagine.

      Rather than some of the world’s most uneducated, violent, anti-Western, anti-women, unsophisticated people finding their own way to Once Great Britain, UK Labour will go out of their way to import them in even greater numbers than at present.


      • #

        Under Australian Labor Prime Minister Albanese, Mr Wong, The Ministers in charge of overseeing the detainee debacle, Andrew Giles and Clare O’Neil the Australian Labor Party is going to rename itself as the Australia Labor Muslim Party!


        • #

          ‘Hitler would be proud’ of the rise in antisemitic acts targeting Australia’s Jewish community, warns Peter Cosgrove</strong>

          Sir Peter Cosgrove has delivered a stark message to those people carrying out antisemitic acts targeting Australia’s Jewish community, warning “Hitler would be proud”.

          From the Comments

          – If I wasn’t so busy looking for photo opps in my new plane I’d help out Ring me next week when I’m in my car

          – But don’t ask me any questions, and always remember it’s not my fault.

          – Well all I can say is hopefully the Australian people will let Albanese/Labor know what they think of his lack of calling out the antisematic protests & comments at the next election…Hope pandering to the people in your electorates are worth going down in history of being the Government that went soft on antisemitism..


        • #

          No, just the Australian Communist Party. First the Jews. Then the Christians. It’s all been done before.


          • #

            Albanese attended St Joseph’s Primary School in Camperdown[27] and then St Mary’s Cathedral College.[28] After finishing school, he worked for the Commonwealth Bank for two years before studying economics at the University of Sydney.[16] There, he became involved in student politics and was elected to the Students’ Representative Council.[29][30][31] It was also there where he started his rise as a key player in the ALP’s Labor Left.[32] During his time in student politics, Albanese led a group within Young Labor that was aligned with the left faction’s Hard Left, which maintained “links with broader left-wing groups, such as the Communist Party of Australia, People for Nuclear Disarmament and the African National Congress”.[33]


    • #

      Just look at Australia under Labor!


    • #
      David Maddison

      And one wonders why Sunak chose an election date on which he was certain to lose.

      It’s almost as though he wants Labour to win…


    • #

      Labour Party to Give 16 and 17-Year-Olds the Right to Vote in the UK if Elected

      The Labour Party will reportedly give 16 and 17-year-olds the right to vote in one of its first acts if victorious in the general election, in an apparent attempt to cement their grip on power.

      Labour sources have told The Times of London that should the party take control of Downing Street — as is widely predicted to happen at the July 4th election — a Sir Keir Starmer government would look to lower the voting age in England within its first year in office.

      The move would add around 1.5 million teens to the voter rolls, marking the largest expansion of the electorate since the voting age was lowered from 21 to 18 by the Labour government of Harold Wilson in 1969.

      With low-information young voters tending to favour left-wing parties, the move would likely increase the number of voters for Labour, with a recent YouGov survey finding that Labour holds a 57 per cent to 8 per cent advantage over the Conservative Party among 18 to 24-year-olds.

      YouGov’s director of political analytics, Patrick English said: “We would generally expect that lowering the voting age would be electorally advantageous to Labour, as younger people are significantly more likely to back them over the Conservatives, or indeed any other party.


      • #
        CO2 Lover

        Can illegal immigrants vote in the UK?


      • #
        CO2 Lover

        It is important to note that the proportion of the overall population in the UK who identified as “Muslim” increased from 4.9% (2.7 million) in 2011 to 6.5% (3.9 million) in 2021.

        There is a rule of thumb that once the Muslim population hits 10% a country is basically stuffed – 100% is the next target.


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        Custer Van Cleef

        King Charles should refuse to sign that into law.

        Royal Assent isn’t it? Withhold it on the grounds of [think of something].

        Call it what it is: ‘election tampering’.


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      Dave in the States

      Uni-party politics. Your choice, bad or more bad.


      • #
        CO2 Lover

        There is a lot to be said for a benevolent dictator.

        “A benevolent dictatorship is a government in which an authoritarian leader exercises absolute political power over the state, but is perceived to do so with regard for the benefit of the population as a whole.”


        • #

          An outstanding human enters the senate and his charismatic style later gets him elected into the Reps. From there its a hop, skip and jump to become PM, but never a dictator.

          In Moscow and Beijing its a different story.


    • #
      Dave in the States

      Notice how the major agenda items, like Nutz Zero, continue on from administration to administration? Tory, Labour, Coalition, Libs, Socialists, Dems, Republicans.. It doesn’t matter. Someone comes along and starts to do some meaningful checks on the bureaucrats and they are gone in a matter of days. Gone.


  • #

    ‘Experts’ claim disaster-proofing necessary for Canadian hospitals due to climate change


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    another ian

    To Keep BASF going –

    “The German chemical company BASF is moving its plants from its founding site in Ludwigshafen to countries with more favorable conditions (energy prices).

    A green user complains that there are enough unused areas for wind turbines in Rhineland-Palatinate.

    I ask GROK:

    “In order to provide BASF in Ludwigshafen with a continuous supply of energy from wind turbines in Rhineland-Palatinate, a battery with a capacity of at least 20 TWh (terawatt hours) per year would be required.

    To store 20 TWh of energy, you need 20,000,000,000 kWh / 13.5 kWh per battery = 1,481,481,481.48 batteries. Since you cannot use fractions of batteries, you would need at least 1,481,481,482 batteries.”

    Might need something to charge the batteries too?


  • #

    Per courtesy of
    What happens to those trillions and trillions of US fiat dollars floating around in petro deals and international settlements that are no longer needed (or used)? Like an overabundance of any commodity, their value lessens and lessens until demand and supply align.

    Where will it end? Voltaire perhaps said it best:

    “Fiat currency always eventually returns to its intrinsic value–zero”

    Our world is in for radical changes in the year 2024. Buckle up.


    • #
      Old Goat

      There are still a lot of US currency being used for international transactions . However this is in decline as more and more countries see sanctions and inflation as serious threats . The BRICS group will soon expect payment in native currencies or gold . Interesting times indeed .


  • #

    Royal Canadian Mounted Police warns they can’t meet the government’s goal for all-electric fleet by 2030


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    another ian


    “Biden’s $320M Gaza Pier Has Detached & Drifted Onto Israeli Beach”

    Should have consulted Herod the Great?


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    another ian


    “Environmentalists Can’t Find Their Way Out of a Brown Paper Bag”

    “Environmentalists have been wrong about many things: their date-setting, their climate models, and even their paper bags. And now (drum roll please), we have reached the reductio ad absurdum in the grocery bag debate. The dog caught the car. ”

    More at


  • #
    another ian


    Some thoughts on the US Memorial Day Weekend

    “Memorial Day is remembrance for those who died in service of defending this nation.

    It is not “Veterans’ Day”; that’s for those who served and weren’t killed. Perhaps for some it was worse than being killed, of course; there are plenty who were seriously maimed of course but do not confuse the two.”

    More at


    • #
      CO2 Lover

      HOW CAN I WATCH THE INDIANAPOLIS 500 on US Memorial Day? Stan Sport will carry live, ad-free coverage of the Indianapolis 500 from 1am Monday (AEST).

      A Kiwi and an Aussie are 1 and 2 on the starting grid.


    • #

      Not much to remember, the USA has never been invaded, so no-one has ever been killed defending it.. Oh wait, that island they invaded and took over, Hawaii, does that count??

      How about all the Indians killed when the whites invaded? Is this memorial day for them?


  • #
    CO2 Lover

    A Sign Of the Times

    At a $2.553 trillion market cap, Nvidia is bigger than Australia, Korea, and Germany’s stock markets:


  • #
    John Connor II

    Sunday sarcasm

    It’s quite acceptable to clap and cheer when your Boeing touches down on the tarmac. 😁


  • #
    Steve of Cornubia

    Apparently Biden is once again using racial division in his re-election campaign. He gave an adddress at a university a couple days ago in which he disgracefully described America as a racist nation and Memorial Day message sanctified George Floyd, calling for that lovely man to be ever remembered.

    The Democrats will not rest until America has another civil war.


    • #
      CO2 Lover

      Roll out the fentanyl mixed with xylazine also known as “Tranq,”

      According to the CDC, 107,735 Americans died between August 2021 and August 2022 from drug poisonings, with 66 percent of those deaths involving synthetic opioids like fentanyl.

      One way to deal with “Climate Change” – fewer humans (or zombies)!


    • #
      Honk R Smith

      They seem to be rolling with the term ‘ethno-nationalism’*.
      Pelosi rolled it up the pole several times in her banjo player Oxford debate.

      Wondering if a ‘two state solution’ in the Mid-East is an ‘ethno-national’ solution.
      Is ‘people of color’ an ethno-national term?
      Are China and Japan ethno nations?
      Practically politically, there is only one group of people that aren’t allowed to be an accepted ethno.
      Or not, I get a bit confused about what’s ethno and what isn’t.



  • #
    John Connor II

    GEERT: Bird Flu – a Distraction from COVID?

    Geert Vanden Bossche challenges leading Public Health experts and the WHO to acknowledge the error of mass Covid vaccination predisposing their populations to other viral infections.

    Quote: “I continue to reiterate that society in highly C-19 vaccinated countries will be caught off guard, and that the immunological naivety of the public/ global health community and scientific-medical community will only exacerbate this effect.”

    Bird flu – nothing
    Monkeypox – nothing
    Covid – nothing
    Nothing much happening for the top 3 MSM scare campaigns.
    I think Geert’s prediction of a tidal wave of illness (for the multi vaxxed) is right, but not for Covid-19.
    Fakevax ™ has set the stage for the real new player, and data is starting to build on that.
    It starts with “S” 😉


    • #
      Steve of Cornubia

      I don’t for one minute think the massive mistakes made by health authorities over Covid was due to “naivety”.

      Incompetence? You bet.
      Greed? Yes.
      The pursuit of power and fame? Also yes.
      Outright evil? In some cases, yes, yes and YES.


    • #

      Super Chikungunya, no doubt.


  • #
  • #

    Tesla Australia has announced retail price cuts which of course will result in second-hand depreciation increasing for trade-in valuations.

    I believe that the EV owner panic time is not too far into the future as dealers say no thanks or offer scrap value.


    • #
      Steve of Cornubia

      This is why the only way the charging network will ever get built is with taxpayers’ money. No sensible private company would risk their own money.


      • #

        I was told this weekend that private enterprise recharging stations are imposing limits of charging time and/or dollar value accepted per charge.

        Too bad if the EV driver cannot get what level of charge is required.


  • #
    another ian

    Chiefio has a look –

    “Climate The Movie, The Cold Truth

    Has a LOT of the “name names” in the opposition to the scam of “Global Warming”. Presented in a very approachable manner. Has the real science in it, but in small bites, with context to “get it” without strain for those not inclined to spend years digging at it…”


  • #
  • #
    another ian

    “The Lithium-Ion Battery ‘Energy Storage’ Facility Blaze You Hadn’t Heard About…Is Still Burning UPDATE”


  • #
    another ian


    “Artificial intelligence and cybercrime”

    Guess who’s first cab off the rank?


  • #
  • #
    another ian


    “HHS Set to Roll Out Bird Flu Vaxes by the Millions”

    “It appears Pandemic 2.0 is truly in the works as all of the pieces fall into place: the media terror campaign, the gain-of-function work in U.S. labs, the alleged jump from animals to humans, and now the announcement of new vaxes to be produced by the feds.”

    I guess they don’t want to waste them by throwing them out?


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    • #

      I don’t remember taxpayers having to build petrol stations. And worse so that they can run on coal? Why should the taxpayer fund all this? Shouldn’t it be in the ongoing cost of running an electric car instead of adding to the cost for people who do not want electric cars? Why is everything about Global Warming about robbing the poor to pay for lifestyle choices for the well off? Shouldn’t the electricity vendor or more specifically the wind and solar vendors fund all this? Or under the new socialist government, is that us again?
