Tell the world, the Dutch tractor protests and a War on Net Zero won

Dutch Netherlands Farmers Protest

By Jo Nova

Six months after Geert Wilders won the Dutch election he has finally negotiated an agreement with a few minor parties to form government and the unthinkable has happened. The centre-of-the-road conservatives (referred to as “far right extremists”) got elected to unwind the worst excesses of the totalitarian left. Henceforth, the forced farm reclamations will stop, mandated heat pumps are out, electric car subsidies are going and in a brave scientific move, no one will be culling livestock to change the weather. The Netherlands won’t have to pursue stronger environmental policies than the rest of the EU so their leaders can show off at cocktail parties and get jobs with the UN. The Netherlands will still be tied to crazy EU rules, but those elections are coming next month. And official government ministers are so much harder to ignore in EU negotiations. The landscape has changed.

The Telegraph in the UK gets the message: The Tories should go to war on Net Zero. This applies everywhere else too. Tony Abbott didn’t win a 90 seat landslide victory in Australia by trying to do half a carbon tax. He won because he said he would Axe the Tax. (And Stop the Boats.)

The political candidate who goes to war on Stupid Plans has the freedom to point out the all the stupidity. The weaker man with a halfway plan is still agreeing with the witchcraft, he’s just suggesting a different spell. No wonder it doesn’t sell.

To arrange the deal Wilders gave up the Prime Ministership (a win no doubt for the namecalling mud slingers), but he appears to be the one in charge nonetheless. We hope he gets his day…

h/t to NetZeroWatch

Dutch farmers force heat pumps about-turn

The Telegraph

The Netherlands will tear up rules forcing homeowners to buy heat pumps as part of a war on net zero by Geert Wilders and the Dutch farmers’ party.

Six months after his shock election victory, Mr Wilders this week struck an agreement to usher in a Right-wing coalition government of four parties. “We are writing history,” he said as he announced the programme for the new government.

The new coalition marks the first time that a party focused on the interests of the agricultural sector has got into power in the Netherlands. Earlier this year, mass farmers’ protests swept Europe.

The coalition pact includes pledges to reverse green policies introduced under the previous government to hit EU climate targets, including compulsory buyouts of polluting farms. It also plans to end subsidies for electric cars in 2025 and rejects an EU demand that the Dutch reduce livestock numbers to cut pollution.

The Tories should go to war on net zero excess

Editorial, The Telegraph

But now even Western countries are starting to turn against the worst excesses of the green movement. The new Dutch coalition has released its programme for government, and at the heart of it are a swathe of pro-consumer, pro-energy security policies, reversing some of the bizarre environmental schemes introduced by its predecessors.

Among them was a programme to compulsorily purchase farms to meet EU climate targets. The result was a farmers’ revolt and a new insurgent political party. The coalition agreement tears up rules forcing homeowners to buy heat pumps, and scraps an obligation that the Netherlands should pursue a “more ambitious environment policy” than the rest of Europe.

Young voters are shifting right and breaking “taboos”

Geert Wilders party did better among 18 – 35 year olds than among some older groups. If all ages matched the younger vote his party would have won four more seats.

At Politico writers are worried that trends like this, which are also seen in Portugul and France mean the “taboos against voting for populist anti-immigration parties is fading”. Which begs the question of who decided that was taboo in the first place?

Their biggest fear is that even young voters are breaking out of their educational pens. They paint this as a devious “far right” opportunity, instead of what it really is, the young rebelling against a lifetime of propaganda. The old jargon and namecalling formula to bully the workers into submission isn’t working any more.

Geert Wilders turned all corners of Dutch Society into far right voters

By Hanne Cokelaere and Eva Hartog,  Politico

Across Europe, far right parties are advancing with support from young — and first time — voters. Despite being one of the EU’s wealthiest countries, the Netherlands’ shortage of affordable housing has become a key concern. Amid rising prices, many have an increasingly cynical outlook on life. Unlike their parents and grandparents, this generation feels less restricted by party loyalties, making them more of a wild card and therefore an attractive pool of new voters for anti-establishment candidates.

“The older voter, who was still loyal, is dying; younger voters are going in all directions,” said Josse de Voogd, a Dutch researcher who has made electoral geography his specialty.

For far-right parties, that presents an opportunity.

Wilders’ success took many by surprise, but it is indicative of a broader trend: The taboo of voting for populist, anti-immigration parties is fading. In the June EU election, the European Parliament’s Identity and Democracy group is projected to reap the electoral benefits of increasingly broad support; also among young voters.

In Portugal, exit polls from the March election suggested that under-30s accounted for approximately 25 percent of those who voted for the far-right Chega party.

Young voters are looking for a strong leader and few men are as strong as Geert Wilders — the man who received countless death threats and lives under permanent guard, but keeps going.

It is easy to imagine the new Prime Minister (whoever that is) living in the shadow of the real leader, the man who takes risks.

9.9 out of 10 based on 126 ratings

108 comments to Tell the world, the Dutch tractor protests and a War on Net Zero won

  • #

    Sanity prevails and the ‘Push Back’ is on Big Time. Luverly Jubbleeee…………….


    • #

      Johnny. The most important issue is, as asked in the articles “who decided THAT was taboo in the first place”? Well….

      It’s psy-ops and gaslighting ramped up to 11. Leftists who are funded by financial interests (wind and solar companies etc) tell us that protests are HUGE, and that youth are terrified for their futures, but then, when you look, the “School Strike Against Climate Change” got about 1000 kids out of the 1.3 million schoolkids in NSW. That’s LESS than the usual daily truancy figure!

      They also tell us Internal Combustion Cars are on the way out…yet an additional 1.12 Million were added to Australia’s roads last year.

      Leftists further assure us that islands are sinking, and seas rising, while THEY…the leftists….fly away on island holidays twice a year, and also splash out on waterfront homes.

      I guess the important thing is to not denigrate the average Joes as the “sheeple” nor the average youth as “brainwashed”. 99.9% are not. The teeny tiny number who have mental issues are NOT the norm!


      • #

        So the usual truants had something better to do.


      • #

        IIRC it was Australian activists who ripped up a seashore tree that gave the lie to their pronouncements that Pacific islands would soon be under water?
        Have the Maldives held any more undersea cabinet meetings, or are they too busy promoting tourism?


  • #

    The Emperor has no clothes, and youngsters are no longer averting their eyes like they have been instructed to do. They have taken a good, hard look at the wrinkled up royal tallywhacker and decided to vote for someone who wears sensible pants.


  • #
    David Maddison

    the totalitarian left.

    A tautology, of course.


    • #

      The phrase allegedly from the Berlin wall was “Socialist is what totalitarians call themselves”.

      And Communist Adam Bandt’s “We tell people what they want to hear. And when we get power we do what we like”. Straight from the Lenin/Stalin playbook.


  • #

    Geert Wilder turned all corners of Dutch Society into far right voters

    That Politico headline is pet peeve of mine. If ALL CORNERS of society are voting a particular way, it’s not ‘far’ anything. It’s centrist.

    Every conservative politician to the right of Mao or Lenin gets tagged with the ‘far-right’ moniker and compared to Hitler or Mussolini. Meanwhile, no left-leaning politician ever gets hit with the ‘far-left’ tag or compared to Stalin or Pol Pot. When conservatives point out a problem on the left, it’s ‘conservatives pounce’ and always framed as bad faith. When the left points out problems on the right, it’s always framed as truth-telling and civic responsibility.

    It’s a preposterous double standard that once it is seen can’t be unseen. You begin to notice it EVERYWHERE. Young people are starting to notice it too.


    • #
      David Maddison

      Even Pol Pot is not too extreme for the modern Left.

      They have taken his concept of Year Zero and simply rebranded it, as any good marketing person would do, as Net Zero. They claim it’s about “climate” but we all know what their ultimate objective is.

      The objective is the same as Pol Pot:

      …all culture and traditions within a society must be completely destroyed or discarded and that a new revolutionary culture must replace it starting from scratch. In this sense, all of the history of a nation or a people before Year Zero would be largely deemed irrelevant, because it would ideally be purged and replaced from the ground up. (Wikipedia)


      • #
        David of Cooyal in Oz

        You’ll just love this…

        Just as I thought officialdom couldn’t get more stupid, they do this:

        ” The court ruled in an expert opinion that “anthropogenic GHG emissions into the atmosphere constitute pollution of the marine environment” under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). ”

        Dave B


        • #

          Wouldn’t they be shocked to know that all CO2 comes from the sea. 98% of all CO2 lives in the sea.

          And warming increases CO2. No surprise.

          Nothing humans have done or can do will alter the fixed amount of CO2 in the air, a rapidly maintained constant within 1% from pole to pole at all latitudes.

          And that all life is made from CO2, so how can it be pollution? Unless life is a pollutant. Which should be then extended to the judges.


      • #
        David of Cooyal in Oz

        You’ll just love this…

        Just as I thought officialdom couldn’t get more stupid, they do this:

        ” The court ruled in an expert opinion that “anthropogenic GHG emissions into the atmosphere constitute pollution of the marine environment” under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). ”

        Dave B


        • #
          David of Cooyal in Oz

          Sorry about the double post. Not sure what I did, but it might have been over enthusiasm to get it posted.
          I’m still flabbergasted.
          Dave B


    • #

      Hitler joined the German Labour party and turned it into the National Socialists. How is he on the right?


      • #

        He’s not. The fluffy left consider him an embarrassment so they disown him and project him onto their mythical demon, the “far right”.


      • #

        Hitler wanted to achieve the same result as Stalin but believed his way was better. They were both socialists but the communists wanted the government to control everything centrally whereas Hitler gave the corporations the task and permitted entrepreneurs and capitalism to flourish. If he had kept the peace Germany would have out performed every other economy including the US. The USSR and communism was doomed from the start because it stifled individual achievement. The current socialists here are more Communist than Fascist. The conservatives are neither.


    • #
      another ian

      Chiefio’s answer –

      “That’s part of why I’ve taken to calling myself:

      “On the far center” and a “radical far centrist”… and a “extreme centrist”… etc.

      Parody and truth are useful.”


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      Phillip Bratby

      Hitler was a national socialist, hence hard-left, not hard-(or far) right.


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    David Maddison

    Don’t underestimate how far the Left will go when trying to destroy democratically elected moderates like Geert Wilders.

    When Geert came to Australia in 2015 the Government delayed issuing his visa and then Leftists threatened with violence all the venues he was to talk at. Thus there were literary dozens of venues around Australia that had accepted bookings and deposits and then cancelled at the last moment. For his Melbourne talks it had to be at a venue about 60km from Melbourne.

    This is why today when political moderates such as conservatives (which the Left call “far right” (sic)) visit, the venues they will appear at are not disclosed until the last moment.

    The Left are always violent at conservative, pro-freedom functions, conservatives and fellow rational thinkers are never violent at functions of the Left. The Left cannot tolerate alternative opinions, especially their slave army of useful idiots, most of whom don’t even know what they’re protesting about other than them parroting vacuous slogans.

    Geert Wilders and his family have to live under 24 hour police guard and constantly have to stay in different places (as has been the case for years) because the Left will murder him if they get close to him.

    On the road to their socialist/communist/green “utopia” the Left are major interferers with the democratic process, just look what they’re doing to Donald Trump and the chaos and violence they are orchestrating in America.

    Democracy and freedom are not safe with the Left in power. Congratulations to brave Geert, his brave team and brave supporters.


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    CO2 Lover

    Some observers suggested that it could offer a political opportunity for Geert Wilders, a far-right politician whose party came out on top in elections last year and who has called, in the past, for the Dutch public broadcaster to be broken up. At the time, Wilders had yet to form a coalition government. Last week, there was a breakthrough on that front. Some of the details remained hazy, including the identity of the prime minister (Wilders has pledged that it won’t be him), but the coalition agreement reportedly calls, among other things, for a hundred million euros (around 108 million US dollars) to be cut from the public-media budget. This proposal could have been worse. But its full impact is not yet clear.

    Dutton should follow the lead of Geert Wilders and reduce funding for “our” ABC.


    • #
      David Maddison

      Conservatives and fellow rational thinkers rapidly became hugely disappointed with pretend conservative Scott Morrison’s appointment of Ita Buttrose as Chair of Their ABC where she refused to address pervasive Far Left bias at the organisation and lack of diversity of opinion.

      The ABC should be defunded. They serve no useful purpose other than as a taxpayer funded outlet for Far Left propaganda.


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        Graham Richards

        Conservatives are too far left to to resist the ABC. You need a pair of big ones to even think about it!


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        Its the Australian Brainwashing Corporation. One of the best brainwashing organizations in the world. Australians think that the ABC is independent and unbiased!


    • #

      …should follow the lead of Geert Wilders and reduce funding for “our” ABC.

      Merely cutting funds will not necessarily work because they’ll maintain their political bias and just economize in other areas.
      The problem is that for the last 40 years at least, they’ve been employing only lefties so the whole place is a woke echo chamber and a woke mutual admiration society.
      The only way to ensure balance and political neutrality at the ABC is to restrict it to entertainment and ban political comment or coverage on that government broadcaster.
      And then a separate service with public announcements, weather, emergency warnings, public information, but NO political coverage.


  • #
    CO2 Lover

    It is the 1930’s in Europe all over again as the political pendulum swings.

    “History Doesn’t Repeat Itself, but It Often Rhymes” – Mark Twain.


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      John Connor II

      I do wish people would stop saying that.
      IT REPEATS!!
      Everything is cyclic as any real physicist will tell you.
      Cycles from a billionth of a second through to a billion years, most outside the awareness of the masses.


  • #
    CO2 Lover

    The Tories should go to war on Net Zero.

    The Tories are on track for a thrashing at the next UK election. The latest a general election could be called is January 2025.

    These woke idiots signed into law meeting Net Zero targets. They deserve to be routed – but Labour will be worse.

    Germany is a financial basket case. France is headed for a religous war with its Muslim invaders.

    Russia is on track to be the future strong man of Europe.


    • #
      David Maddison

      Russia is on track to be the future strong man of Europe.

      The future Eurasian power block will be an Islamic Western Europe against a Christian Orthodox Eastern Europe with possible pressure from the Chinese wanting to expand their empire in the manner of the Mongols.

      Geert Wilders is opposed to further Islamic expansion in Western Europe, not because he is “islamophobic” (sic) but because it is an obvious (to any reasonable observer of Europe) “existential threat” to “our identity, our freedom. Who we are. Everything.” Ref: Tobias den Hartog and Hans van Soest, “Ik kies voor eigen land eerst, dat is politiek,” interview with Geert Wilders, Algemeen Dagblad, November 5, 2016,


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      Phil O'Sophical

      It was Labour, in the form of Ed Miliband’s Climate Change Act in 2008, that started the rot. The Tories should have repealed it as soon as they came into power in 2010; instead they doubled down and then Theresa May moved the goalposts further with the 100% net zero target nonsense. And they all became quite rich from somewhere; it certainly wasn’t their MP’s salary.


  • #
    CO2 Lover

    Young voters are looking for a strong leader and few men are as strong as Geert Wilders

    Meanwhile, in Australia we have a far Left leader who is described in opinion polls as “weak, useless and a liar” and who is ridiculed by China as a “very handsome boy”.

    We can only hope that there are massive blackouts next Summer so that the Net Zero religion is brought to a speedy end before more damage is done, both financially and environmentally and before all coal fired power stations are shut down.


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      David Maddison

      massive blackouts next Summer

      Even though it needs to happen to wake people up, I don’t think it happen because:

      1) As the world cools we don’t get too much high heat anymore. In Melbournistan last summer I don’t think I turned my house cooling on more than ten times or so and even that wasn’t strictly necessary.

      2) The Government has or will use hugely expensive portable generators to keep the lights on as they did in Tasmania and South Australia in recent years. E.g. Aeroderivative gas turbine generators such as


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        Mike Jonas

        Heavy frost this morning (Southern Highlands NSW), and we’ve been burning logs every day for weeks. A bit of global warming coming our way wouldn’t go amiss.


  • #

    Peter Dutton, please take note. If the Liberals had any guts then they should change direction on climate change, net zero etc.
    The media will implode but by carefully explaining what lies ahead if current policies are continued i am sure that a commonsense approach will sway many voters.


  • #
    Honk R Smith

    Funny …

    Our fringy AGW skepticism taught us to notice Pandemic BS.
    And now, Pandemic has taught large segments of the normie population to notice AGW/Net Zero BS.

    Both came from the same damn people and place.

    Problem is the cabal has done tremendous damage … just considering food production alone.
    Which is going to cause escalating hardship on the great majority of people.

    Destruction is what the SOBs are about and it’s gonna be a tough slog.
    It will long, hard, and there can be no withdrawal.
    And just like the last fight against the bloody fascists, it should lead to Nuremburg 2.0.


    • #

      The fact is that Nuremburg 1 hasn’t stopped the blighters anyway, when it should have been a complete and total brake on any of the stuff that has happened and continues to happen by stealth.

      Secret deals that we never hear about until it’s too late, contracts with pharmaceutical companies that we’re never allowed to see, legislation pushed through parliament without debate and no meaningful public consultation, referendum results ignored, the natural environment and farmland being trashed by taxpayer-subsidised wind, solar and big battery eyesore installations, and the list goes on.

      All the checks and balances that are supposed to protect us are just bulldozed and overridden. The way things are going there is little possibility that the tide will ever turn, or that any Nuremburg 2 will eventuate.

      Democracy in this country is dead, the public at large just haven’t realised it yet.


      • #

        Seems strangely coincidental that Nuremberg v1.0 was preceded by Holocaust v1.0, and that we are now witnessing Holocaust v2.0. We can only hope that a rational reckoning is coming , and that the miscreants get their comeuppance….


  • #

    We are seeing a gradual awakening of supporters of the left realising that the greens are not supporters of the environment but simply wannabe socialists. The rampant anti semitism is just another sign that if you vote green you’re actually not voting for freedom or morality but for a group that is just a bit crazy. To find yourself siding with people who think rape and killing of innocents is ok is a step too far for many.
    I know the swing away from the Greens had started well before Oct 7 but the acceptance of draconian government interference in our lives was already happening.
    Unfortunately in Australia we are still a bit slow on the uptake but the more we are out of step with the rest of the world the sooner things will change. Once people realise they’ve been lied to and conned for years they’ll support parties that are more conservative but only if there is a Conservative Party to support. Whilst under Dutton the Liberals have made progress as highlighted by the voice but until they get rid of net zero they will still be fence sitting on climate. Whilst bringing nuclear is great it is still a compromise.
    Hopefully we’ll have some blackouts soon which will draw attention the the precarious position their policies are taking us and the backlash against Labor and Greens will be sufficient to get the Libs into power.


  • #

    Greens and lefties must surely dislike,
    Dutch farmers who protest and strike,
    Against rules on emissions,
    Saving farming traditions,
    As young Geert keeps his hand in the dyke.


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    David Maddison

    Thinking Australians are desperate for a conservative party to vote for.

    At the moment we have the “minor” but important parties of:…

    -United Australia Party
    -Libertarian Party
    -One Nation

    If Dutton was to reorient the Liberal Party toward conservative values and form a coalition with the above, he would have a chance of becoming PM.

    Unfortunately, like all our institutions, the Liberals have been infiltrated by the Far Left and are really very little better than Labor. The best that can be said for them is that they are slightly less bad than Labor.

    Don’t forget some of Australia’s worst anti-energy policies cane from Liberals such as:

    -Banning nuclear power twice.
    -Supporting a fracking ban in Victoria.
    -Howard signing away much of our gas supply to Chicomms*
    -Howard allowing non-dispatchable generators to connect to grid.
    -Signing Paris Accords (Abbott**)
    -Howard committed to Kyoto Protocol targets although did not ratify it.
    -Howard introducing world parity petrol pricing.
    -Many other examples.

    Labor just follow the lead of the Liberal anti-energy policies.




    • #

      I often wonder who amongst these present/past leaders is the worst…
      A Ardern
      B Trudeau
      C Biden
      D Albanese.
      If replying give reasons for your choices.


      • #

        Albo – because he is here in Australia and directly affects us
        The others may be the cause but Albo is the implementer


      • #

        Picking the winning lottery numbers is easier. The passing of time has shown that the only talent each of them have was getting elected.


    • #

      This morning on the MSM morning news programs there were 3 major items of (mis)information –
      1. CSIRO stating nuclear power would cost 10 times as much as other sources for electricity – most likely comparing older technology to a ‘model’
      2. ALP minister stating Dutton’s immigration policy would cost Australia billions of $$ – yet ALP have a policy to reduce immigration but hypocritically have not stated that their policy would cost billions
      3. the TGA stating that Ozempic copies being made by compounding chemists is to be banned due to the large drug companies saying that when a user comes off the drug they may put back on all the weight lost – isn’t that the same as their Ozempic though?
      So although we hope that Albo is gone ASAP, the MSM continued (mis)information and the public lack of logic and apathetic nature may thwart this.

      Additionally, Dutton may have some degree of logic in his views but I am unsure that his persona lends itself to getting the support of the younger and less-smart people that Albo has.


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        David Maddison

        the TGA stating that Ozempic copies being made by compounding chemists is to be banned due to the large drug companies saying that when a user comes off the drug they may put back on all the weight lost – isn’t that the same as their Ozempic though?

        Presumably the idea of the compounding pharmacists making this drug was that it would be cheaper. As long as it meets the usual pharmaceutical standards for purity etc., what’s the problem?


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        Their ALP states that nuclear will ‘cost billions’ but at least gives reliable power 24/7 and lasts 50 years or more, but labor has NEVER had a problem spending BILLIONS on their pet schemes, mostly useless.


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        Mike Jonas

        It was stunning that this morning the ABC gave quite a lot of air time to Robert Parker criticising the CSIRO and promoting nuclear energy. Was it just a mistake, or is there a bit of a post Ita Buttrose sea change going on?


      • #
        Boambee John


        The ALP (aka Liars Party) have no intention of implementing that policy, so they don’t need to tell us it will cost billions.


  • #

    I note that other EEC political changes are afoot too! WEF man Klaus Schwab has signalled his intention to step down but beware of nepotism. Similarly, the passing of Iran’s PM whose death may not have been a freak accident more like murder/suicide to make way for the incumbent’s son.


  • #

    All the best to Geert Wilders and the new SANE govt of the Netherlands and lets hope they’ll fully explain the FULL COST of the TOXIC, environment destroying W & S disasters.
    Our CSIRO + Labor/Greens are still trying to convince the Aussie voters that we should destroy our land and sea environments for TOXIC W & S and all for lousy CFs of 30% and 15% and then clean up their TOXIC mess every 15 to 20 years.
    The cost will be horrendous and ongoing every couple of decades and batteries + transmission costs will just add to our burdens.
    And all this WASTE of TIME and BILLIONS of $ for ZERO CHANGE to our CLIMATE.


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    Boambee John

    Hang on, Simon assured us yesterday that everyone knows we must reduce CO2 emissions” to save the world.

    It seems, however, that Dutch voters do not know. Nor do the governments of India and China, building coal fired generators wholesale. Nor do the oil states of the MENA, nor do most Sub-Saharan people, desperate for reliable electricity.

    It seems that “everyone knows” might just be a “noble lie”.


    • #

      Speaking of Simon, where is he in this debate? I suspect he’s still busy counting his “Thumbs Down” from yesterday


      • #
        CO2 Lover

        where is he in this debate?

        Probably writing a letter to the e-Safety Commissar saying how his feelings have been hurt by all of these evil “Climate Deniers”.


        • #

          Old mate Simon is on a big jet plane, flying to Beijing to tell Xi to reduce China’s CO2 emissions….because all the rest of the world are apparently doing it. lol!!!


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  • #
    Serge Wright

    The left still don’t get it. People are voting for Geert Wilders, not because he has turned them “far right”, but because they’ve had a gut full of the never ending list of hardships imposed upon them by draconian Marxist green progressive policies. People can also see that enormous suffering is being imposed to reduce emissions in countries that emit only a tiny fraction of CO2, but it’s off the leash in the super emitting countries, such as China and across Asia, completely negating the value of the hardship measures and then some.

    I spent some years in the Netherlands, work related and the one thing that stood out were the farming traditions that go back to the beginnings of Dutch history. Virtually the entire nation is covered in dairy farms and cheese makers still produce the same wax covered cheese wheels as they did centuries ago and it’s all superb produce. It’s easy to understand how banning farming would hit a raw nerve. We can only hope that this is the beginning of a domino effect.


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      Mike Jonas

      One thing is certain – the far left will never apologise for the damage they did to the Netherlands – there is no Dutch word for ‘Sorry’. They will of course be apologising profusely in all other countries, any day soon.


    • #

      It once was OK for a nation to have pride in what it produced better than any other, and so exported to the rest of the world that wanted to enjoy that product.

      Now, it seems that a standardised greyness and uniformity or mediocrity or failure is being forced upon us. No one is permitted to stand out, to excel at anything they do. Everyone is supposed to be a drudge accepting grey drudgery as the norm and as much as anyone deserves – unless, of course you happen to belong to the self-selected “elite”.

      The old ways never really die, they just take on a new form to fit the times. Call it feudalism, communism, fascism, globalism, whatever you like – it’s all totalitarian, dystopian, elitist dictatorship.


  • #

    Young voters face the reality of the immigration on the streets.


  • #

    Where is our ‘Gert Wilders’, stop the boats, count the immigrants coming here by air and adjust the numbers down as needed, axe the tax, stop the windmills, build reliable affordable power plants.


  • #
    John Connor II

    Won the battle but not the war:

    World Bank Launches Plan To Decimate Global Farming Under Excuse Of Cutting Carbon Emissions

    The globalist-led World Bank issued a report recently that proposes the idea of making drastic cuts to global agriculture production in order to achieve “net zero emissions.”

    The plot involves centralizing the world’s farms in the hands of just a few wealthy individuals who plan to cut almost one-third of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions by radically altering the way food is grown.

    The report touts the proposed changes in nice-sounding terminology that claims food production will continue in such a way as “to feed a growing population.” The reality, though, is that the proposal threatens to eliminate large swaths of agricultural production that in turn could lead to famine and starvation.

    Reap (nothing) what you sow (nothing) – starvation.


    • #

      OZ has its own plan here called ‘The Murray-Darling Basin Water Plan’, the main idea is to just run valuable water out to sea so as to reduce production , under the guise of ‘environmental flows’.


  • #

    Yesterday Lomborg told Chris Kenny why Wind and Solar will not replace RELIABLE BASE-LOAD energy like coal or gas or Nuclear etc.
    Yesterday he also stated that W & S + backup would cost the USA about 125 TRILLION $ every 20 years. That’s 5 T GDP of 25 T $.
    And the cost of proper removal of these TOXIC disasters would add a lot more to the final cost.
    BTW I think the Solar car + an extra car to drive is fairly good and might make some more of our donkeys start to think.


    • #

      Neville….and so many others. How hard is it to read what you’ve written BEFORE posting it? Can anybody decipher…..”That’s 5 T GDP of 25 T $”?


      • #

        Sorry Well- Info, I meant 5 times GDP= 5 times 25 trillion $ = 125 trillion $ every 20 years.
        Too much on my plate this morning and I was late for an appointment.
        BTW Lomborg has 24 expert advisors and at least 3 Nobel prize winners he can call on. Alas I’m very poorly educated, but I read a lot and then try to muddle through.


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      The thing about GDP is the more things cost, the more the GDP goes up. Especially for purchases that are non-discretionary, therefore everyone keeps paying, even when they know it’s a rip off.

      Governments can deliberately create inefficiency, to keep all the workers scurrying around busy … then claim they are boosting the economy.

      If you believe that the root of “economics” is being economical then this type of thing is anti-economics.


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    Dutch farmers are fairly conservative but the WEF elites and globalists made the mistake of thinking that their conservatism equated with weakness and timidity. Dutch farmers got pushed too far and resorted to prolonged and consistent civil disobedience. The elites thought they could outlast the Dutch farmers. The elites were wrong. The thing to notice is that the Dutch Farmer civil disobedience form of protesting an injustice preceded game changing voting empowerment. Back here in Oz, for the majority of Australians there is the realization that the power of our vote is weakened to the point of ineffectiveness to achieve a better and smaller government that serves the people instead of the way it is now. Currently we’re being pushed around by a self serving Socialist Labour government which is Hell bent on destroying our landscape and economy for the false glory of becoming the worlds renewable energy superpower. It’s the ‘bush’ that will bear the brunt of this grandiose scheme whilst wilfully ignorant city types like the Teals and feckless Greens take the sacrifice of our natural beauty and farmland for granted. Unfortunately the city and suburbs is where the bulk of voting power resides. The big question: Is civil disobedience by our rural sector necessary to change the the political scene to the extent that our vote has real power to achieve a better Australia.


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    Dave in the States

    In America the Uni-party and Swamp are kicking it into gear to codify the GND and nutz-zero. It indicates they know that Trump will likely win, and the sea change taking place among the people. They want to make it difficult or impossible to roll back and repair the damage done by BO’s 3rd term. They plan on stone walling and down-right insubordination. Just wait it out until Trump is gone. That is why the choice of running mate and heir apparent this time around is crucial.


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    Let’s hope Wilders’s centre-right coalition holds together and that the new government has more success than other governments that claimed to be centre-right.
    If Trump is elected it will make things much easier for centre-right European leaders. Polling certainly indicates that Trump will win, but, given that the upcoming presidential election will be the last opportunity to save the West, and given that there are so many powerful actors that have put themselves in a position where they have so much to lose if Trump wins, I’m expecting the worst.


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    ‘Actors’ being individuals, corporations, agencies, institutions … well, pretty much everything in society.


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    Australia used to lead the world in clean green sustainability…. we had solar powered clothes driers, (Hills Hoists), rainwater capture and distribution (Galvanised Rainwater tanks), recyclable to the door food delivery (Sterilised and refilled glass milk bottles delivered by the milko), clean silent public transport, (Trams and Electric trolley buses).

    What happened, ‘progress’ happened.


    • #
      another ian

      ” rainwater capture and distribution (Galvanised Rainwater tanks),”

      Don’t forget the zinc supplementation from there


  • #
    another ian

    FWIW – Willis E


    Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach

    If aliens in spaceships saw our world, they wouldn’t name it “Earth”.

    They’d name it “Water” because that’s what makes up more than 70% of the surface. And it’s also what controls the climate.

    A couple days ago I stumbled across something I’d been trying to find for a while, a longer-term gridded global rainfall dataset. I finally located one at the Copernicus website. It runs from 1979 to December 2021. Here’s the global average rainfall from that site.”

    More at


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    I’m trying to link to a part of Chris Kenny’s program referring to the ALP’s waste of many more billions of $ around Gladstone QLD and this will encompass 10000 more Wind turbines and 2500 sq klms of Solar panels.
    And this lunacy will produce so called Green Hydrogen and be exported through the port of Gladstone.
    Providing this link works you can see this from about 19 minutes and this also includes an interesting interview with Aidan Morrison from CIS.!8050


    • #

      Sorry but that link doesn’t go to the correct Kenny report.
      I was trying to link to the report through Flash news but it goes to another link and for another day.


    • #
      william x

      Neville, this may help.

      This is “The Kenny report” segment you refer to, May 20, 2024 – 5 mins in length, (note: It doesn’t include the Aiden Morrison part, Sky editing).

      Segment Title: “Huge Flaws In Labor’s Hydrogen Policy”

      Non paywalled link:

      A quote that definitely stood out:

      “There was a presentation (recently) given here in Gladstone to produce 4 million tons of green hydrogen,” Mr Boyce told Sky News host Chris Kenny.
      “That will require … 110 gigawatts of renewable energy to be constructed.
      That is approximately double the entire generating capacity of the Australian grid right now.”


      • #

        Thanks William X that’s part of the report and it was at least twice that length.
        But thanks again.


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    Old Goat

    As a skeptic I will wait until I see results and not just rhetoric . We have been gaslit for ages and the legacy media is the biggest source . Watch the money pour into opposition to this change from the usual suspects . Slamming the brakes on just before you go off the cliff doesn’t help much…


    • #
      another ian

      Slamming the brakes on just before you go off the cliff doesn’t help much…”

      For that you need to be adept at the ” hand brake U turn at 70 mph on a 2-lane bridge” and the “Idiots In Charge” aren’t demonstrating such talents.


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    I detest this language “populist anti-immigration parties”. Denunciation of popular ideas as evil. Basically Hillary Clinton’s deplorables. They should not have a vote. And who is against immigration except evil racist deplorables? Bruxelles, Washington, Canberra, Whitehall. It’s all the same. The problem is letting deplorables vote.

    The other is any form of dissent from communism is called Alt Right, Fascist. When Fascism was nothing more than socialism with big business on board for the money and power. Like Amazon, Google, Apple, Microsoft. Hitler was a socialist and he had I.G.Farben, Krupp Steel, BAE, AEG, BASF,Bayer,Chanel, Chase, Zeiss, Audi, Porsche, Mercedes, all the Banks and many more like Ford and GM from the US.

    The US Democratic party and the US billionaires are the autocratic fascists. Anti-FA are the fascists, the blackshirts of the Democrat party. And in true communist textbook style, they accuse everyone else of being what they in fact are. And if possible ban conservative parties as a threat to law and order. It is the first move of every fascist leader or totalitarian socialist. But I repeat myself.

    And now Trump in the US is being called a Fascist? For calling out the Fascisti. They are playing on the fact that in the new world, no one will have any heroes or any history.


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      Every day a new celebrity calls Donald Trump a Fascist or Hitler. Hitler was on the extreme left. Anti semitic. Anti Russian. And made billionaires richer. Trump has Jewish family!

      Then there is Hungarian Jew George Soros whose motivation is known only to himself.

      And WEF leader Klaus Schwab, who was Hitler Youth as a child and whose parents left Switzerland just to join the Third Reich.

      And the Sulzberger jewish family who controlled the New York Times, Chicago Times and many others. Why they are virulently anti semitic is a real puzzle, especially to New York Jews.

      Plus the Ukraine Governments, as Putin says. Oppressors of their own people for decades. A criminal government. We are never given the real story on Biden and Ukraine. We are told nothing.

      Then the Australian government, Albanese and Wong supporting the idea that the Israelis are led by a blatant war criminal? What were the Israelis supposed to do, expected to do? Everything is playing out as intended by Hamas but nominally anti racist countries are supporting the idea that Oct 7 was only fair? Was it mostly harmless too?

      Is this global elitism or the international union of communists including Trotskyist Alabanese and Leninist Bandt? How did these people come to represent Australia on the world stage? I would hope the Teals are starting to doubt themselves. As the Conservatives did in Berlin before Hitler banned them.

      And when will the Conservatives in Australia realise that Nett zero, Green revolution, windmills and solar panels and Climate Change are all made up nonsense? Or are politicians on both sides funded by China?


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        The only info I have heard about Soros was that he was setup by William Rees Mogg and Jakob Rothschild. The British Royals were in on it so the story goes. William Rees Mogg was made a member of the House of Lords as was Jakob Rothschild. Jacob Rees Mogg is William Rees Mogg’s son 🙂


        • #

          It’s quite extraordinary that Soros is seemingly so anti democracy or even Fascist. I cannot understand what has driven this master of finance to hate conservative Western democracies so much. It cannot be money. Hungary is an odd place, site of the last major battles of WWII even after Hitler had suicided. I can only think there is some ancient lifelong resentment against the West, as with Klaus Schwab. Other billionaires are enjoying their power and money, playing God. But these two have agendas.


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    No NO NO NO NO – THAT CAN’T be right! (sarc by the Lorryload) I never heard that on the BBC or saw anything about it in the Daily Mail or on German Sat TV.
    Last night’s late evening news read like a Docu about Myanmar … OK it seems to be serious there, BUT BUT BUT what was the bbc trying to shift emphasis FROM? -our Post Off Horizon scandal, the Blood Scandal, Trump’s troubles, Filth & trauma in UK Government,Woke/Lazy Police forces, the Scottish Gov issues, Lack of Wind, or maybe that in N Scotland they have Live fired the Rocket motors and scorched a few midges, Gaelic is now a MINORITY language in the Western Isles ( but heyho a response on Local Radio THIS Morning – that Gaelic interest is INCREASING on the mainland ) Oh and then the weather .. ….. All Just a waste of time: Hit the Red Button Dogg.


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      The Beeb is also trying to deflect attention from: –
      Rochdale child grooming – and the role of a very BIG man in the Liberal Party, now deceased;
      the cladding/insulation scandal – Grenfell, plus the cowboy contractors;
      • So many Local Authorities which have grossly mis-spent [My local London Borough of Croydon is one] with no subsequent real enquiry – let alone accountability;
      • Northern Rock mortgage prisoner fiasco;
      • The extra-ordinary descent of – specifically – the Met. Police into an ineffective, but expensive, organisation – not a Force, nor, certainly, a Service!;
      • The ‘Green’ retro-fit skills business – – spending £17,000 million in SOUTH LONDON alone [Another Cavity Wall insulation fiasco, but at a hundred times the cost??];
      • HS2 – the waste of tens of billions, but no accountability;
      • Defence procurement – ditto, but no accountability either;
      • Ofwat’s appalling relaxed attitude to water companies – and their owners – not looking after the people of this country [tho their owners seem to have had decent dividends, from borrowed money]
      • And the great CO2 swiz – the largest ever fraud on the entire human race; climate has always changed, and CO2 is plant food – but some are making billions form this deliberate set of lies.

      Looking at other news on the BBC, there is always a couple of ‘magazine articles’ which are seemingly intended to divert attention.

      A very sad state of affairs. I weep for my country.

      PS – the BBC now has ‘In Depth’ articles proliferating like spots.
      More attention deflectors. And many not written from knowledge. Sad.


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        Kalm Keith

        In the real world, where crimes like these exist, there would be punishment.


        • #

          …. there is ! – for / to the VICTIM. Most of the populace pays the COST of the damages done – that’s DEMOCRACY, y’know – Huh … like continuing to afford to pay to pollute/abuse the system etc. and then just keep on going …


  • #

    Geert Wilders party did better among 18 – 35 year olds than among some older groups. If all ages matched the younger vote his party would have won four more seats.

    This is very encouraging. Without the younger vote its business as usual for the leftist elites. Time will tell. Also see speech at CPAC by Dutch woman Eva Vlaardingerbroek.

    We are in the fight of our lives!


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    Mike Haseler (Scottish Sceptic)

    I am disappointed by the Nut Zero Nutters, I really did think we’d get more than just three years of the Nut Zero drive before it would all fall apart. They have no staying power. Of course, never helped that they were utterly clueless about what Nut Zero actually meant and utterly clueless how to achieve it, even if they had known what it meant.


  • #
    another ian

    Another look –

    “Dutch Farmers Triumph Over Ideological Climate Policies: A Victory for Practicality and Reason”


    • #

      Hyessss, where are all the Farmers, as in rural grass-chewing yokels on a tractor, watching the livestock and tending the Mangolds, type ? I never seem to see a Working modern Farmer or their SUPPORTING ( ha ha ha sarc ) Media coming in here to argue / debate,.


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    The Dutch have been the drivers of Europe for most of the last millenium. Until the glorious revolution of 1688 when the Dutch revolutionized English finances with a Central Bank, a single currency, government bonds and a stock exchange, Britain was no match for little Holland. And they shared up the Far East with the incredibly successful East India company. The Dutch kept the spice trade and the English won the manchester/cotton of India, which turned out to be the far better bet.

    I trace it back to the 1492 expulsion of the Sephardic jews from Spain, the masters of money who fled to the Nederlands. And the Dutch transformed their country into a powerhouse and reclaimed the land to an incredible extent, showing how little humans need fear flooding. Much of the Low Lands or Nederlands are underwater.

    Now once again the incredibly efficient and pragmatic farmers of Holland are showing the way. And they know Nett Zero is rubbish. It is fossil fuel which ended the windmills and unbelievable that they have come back. Who wants to work only when the wind blows or the sun shines?

    It’s no surprise. As the food basket of Europe, they had to be suppressed using all the tools of a controlled democracy, assuming a compliant population would just accede to insane destruction of their lives and incomes.

    We have the same in the Yallourn valley, Hunter valley, Whyalla, Port Kembla where super expensive and unreliable Green Energy and Green Steel threaten our way of life and tens of thousands of jobs. But never fear, there will be Green Jobs! Making solar panels?

    The whole thing is made up. And the Dutch are fed up. When the Germans get fed up, that will be the end of the EU. The Italians and the Spanish have had enough too. Plus the Swedes with hand grenades every night. And the French can play their own games on their own, paying people to grow nothing, do nothing. Around the world everything French blows up. Napoleon. Crimea. Franco Prusian war, WW1 and WW2. Algeria. Vietnam. Lebanon. Haiti. Congo. And now even New Caledonia. Tahiti is a mess. So many wars.

    Europe is better off with just the Common Market and Schengen zone. Dump this farcical political ‘union’ which is nothing more than France and Germany running everyone else. Badly. French organization and German sensitivity. In an internet world, hard currency is needed less and less. Each country could have their own. And protect their own borders and decide who walks in their doors.


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    This is the wild, wild west of finance,” said Mark Joven, Philippines Department of Finance undersecretary, who represents the country at U.N. climate talks. “Essentially, whatever they call climate finance is climate finance.”

    Rich nations say they’re spending billions to fight climate change. Some money is going to strange places.

    This is a classic example where a bad loan, which has been given to a country in the garb of climate finance, will create further … financial stress.”

    Ritu Bharadwaj, principal researcher on climate governance and finance at the International Institute for Environment and Development

    A program meant to help developing nations fight climate change is funneling billions of dollars back to rich countries


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      The military industrial complex is fighting with the Climate industrial complex for trillions in cash. With no accountability.
      Similar in many ways. No expenditure is too much. And at the end of all the spending, everything is in ruins.


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    Net Zero,
    To parody the three musketeers.

    All for nothing! and,
    Nothing for all!
