Solstice Friday

The shortest or longest day

The point where the tilt peaks is at 6:50am EST Australia which is 4:50pm Thursday in New York.


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127 comments to Solstice Friday

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    Honk R Smith

    Anthropogenic Climate Change started when we figured out things like Solstice.
    That’s when we started agriculture, which really should be called anthroculture.

    It’s the reason for the attack on Stonehenge to Stop Oil.
    Without henges we wouldn’t know about Solstice.

    Without oil, there would be no oil paint, which caused more art.

    Without art, there would no prey painted on cave walls and we would be vegetarians as nature intended.
    And we wouldn’t need to Stop Oil.

    So no BBQ on Solstice.

    I keep saying, Science keeps telling us that our biggest threat is our anthropogenic activity, which was caused by Science, so we must must stop Science which caused Oil in the first place.


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      Richard C (NZ)

      Meme seen on X:

      Patient – “Doctor I’m depressed by the weather in 30 years”

      Doctor – “Have you tried destroying priceless works of art?”


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      John Connor II

      Have you heard about the Taylor Swift jet booboo yet?😆


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        Richard C (NZ)

        Just caught up – Swift was Kowalski’s hero and “legend”.

        But wrong airfield, wrong jet.



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      Do we not possess canine teeth? Whilst I deplore how we treat animals, I had always assumed we were omnivores.


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    Fauci Admits School Closures were Unnecessary

    Schools across America shut down for over a year due to “the science” citing that social distancing was the only way to save the world from a deadly plague. Dr. Anthony Fauci has been revealing damning truths during his trial with the House Select Committee on the Coronavirus Pandemic who is demanding answers. Fauci first revealed that there was absolutely no scientific evidence that showed social distancing would work. Now, Fauci has admitted that school closures were a “mistake.”

    Fauci previously admitted that he had no idea where the six-foot social distancing rule came from as there is no evidence stating that it was ever a reliable safety measure. “It sort of just appeared. I don’t recall,” he told the panel in a January regarding social distancing. “Just an empiric decision that wasn’t based on data or even data that could be accomplished.”

    Still, the world was required to abide by these rules, which led to businesses shuttering as it was not possible to maintain these imaginary guidelines. Worse, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and pandemic mastermind Dr. Fauci forced schools to close.

    Worldwide governments were in on this elaborate plot to seize power under the premise of a deadly virus. The pharmaceutical companies were in on this plot, benefitting in a major way, and were provided immunity as we now are seeing more deaths from the vaccine than from the actual virus. Health organizations and their mouthpieces became dictators who forced us to abide by their every whim. The media was in on this plot and condemned everyone and anyone who dared to question “the science.” The world was placed on house arrest, helpless to act as society crumbled around us. Those responsible must be held accountable to ensure this NEVER happens again.


    • #

      Aren’t you supposed to end contributions like that with –
      “Don’t forget. Don’t forgive. Prosecute!” or similar?

      Asking for a friend!


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      Curious George

      Al Capone made a few mistakes, as well.


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      David Maddison

      In Australia many businesses still have stupid signs on floors and walls indicating the “correct” amount of “social distancing”.


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        That’s not as bad as the doctor I see STILL wearing a mask.


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        Smith and Caughey’s, an NZ iconic store, banned unvaxxed customers prior to any government diktat. Sadly (sarc), they have had to close up shop. I wonder how many people like me vowed never to darken their doorway again?


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      Honk R Smith

      “Worldwide governments were in on this elaborate plot to seize power under the premise of a deadly virus.”

      It’s the uniform messaging which gives this statement credence.
      Here in America it resulted in the widespread legalization of mail-in voting, which gives Blue urban population centers overwhelming advantage.
      A convergence of convenient circumstances.
      With a staggering amount of intergovernmental organized censorship.
      (Much of which we only know about because Elon Musk bought Twitter.)
      A curiously coordinated fear propaganda campaign that was obvious from the beginning.
      Multiple highly educated people, many actual MDs, uttered the term “horse de-wormer” … which will live forever in infamy on the Internet.
      What power makes that happen?


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        David Maddison

        Multiple highly educated people, many actual MDs, uttered the term “horse de-wormer” … which will live forever in infamy on the Internet.

        The FDA was eventually forced to remove Official Government Misinformation in relation to its infamous “You are not a Horse” campaign.

        But how many people died unnecessarily because ivermectin (taken according to appropriate protocols) was banned for covid treatment in many jurisdictions, especially in the more extreme Nanny States such as Australia?

        The FDA will delete and archive social media posts encouraging Americans not to use ivermectin to treat Covid-19 to settle litigation brought by three doctors who had promoted the drug.

        Note, the FDA still claim there is no evidence for the effectiveness of IVM.

        Or what about how other simple measures like correcting Vitamin D deficiency which makes people more susceptible to covid, were denied as useful by the Australian Government?

        As part of my submission against the proposed Australian Government censorship legislation, I looked at many official Australian Government lies about IVM, Vitamin D and other subjects. These Government lies would not be able to be challenged under such legislation.



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          John Connor II

          Maybe Jo will do a post on the “Spanish flu” of 1918, covering hospitalisations, the US military, biological research, masking, fresh air, and Aspirin. 😎


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    James Murphy

    Is there any better time than the solstice to dance naked around a bonfire…?
    (asking for a friend)


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      That would be the summer solstice, I presume.


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        Are the regular solstice surfers putting on a show anywhere today?

        From memory it is in Hobart that they have been seen in recent years.

        A couple of months back there was a story in the Daily Tele about a woman complaining about the blokes staring at her in the sauna at Bondi. Imagine the conversation:

        She: “Stop perving”

        He: “Don’t worry. I’m only mentally undressing you. Oh, you are slready undressed!”

        It died a natural death.


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        Coochin Kid

        OK in Winter, nothing to hide.


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      Honk R Smith

      Ah, the old days.
      When ‘non-binary’ was a math concept.
      And naked bonfire dancing would not cause blindness.


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      In our house the correct process is to dance around a fire, naked, covered in bats blood. Its a big night out!


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    CO2 Lover

    Today, in the northern hemisphere the celebration of the solstices is mostly strongly associated with Paganism. The Pagan festival of Litha is one of the most important in the Pagan religion, commencing on the eve of the Summer Solstice it celebrates the midsummer and the power of the sun god.

    We can blame “Climate Change” on the sun god.


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      I believe the Solstice in the temperate regions signaled the time to conclude the current conflict / pillaging, send the troops home to harvest the crop and preserve stores for winter.

      Our food supply is relatively stable with modern production and farming practices so we can now fight all year round. The only problem is having frozen ground to move artillery and tanks is no longer that important as like the Battleship, the life expectancy in war of what were once formidable weapons is now measured in minutes. Tanks will only be useful for Police forces enforcing rancid policies like Covid Mandates against your own population in failed states like Victoria.


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      CO2 Lover

      Meanwhile in the Southern Hemisphere

      Hobart: Thousands take to freezing water for dawn nude plunge as part of Tasmania’s Dark Mofo festival
      Record 3000 people hit the near-freezing water


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    CO2 Lover

    Obviously WUWT does not condone or encourage violence or sabotage – but you don’t have to be a genius to predict the likely consequences of trampling people’s rights, especially in sparsely policed rural regions of Australia. I’ve been to the countryside meetings and seen the anger, the only thing preventing that anger from boiling over right now is rural people are clinging to the hope there are civilised, legal means for them to redress the wrongs which are being done to them. Crush that hope at your peril.

    Former Aussie Chief Scientist Demands Governments Go Full Fascist on Renewable Energy Approvals

    Now who would have seen that coming!

    Australia with 1% of global CO2 emissions can save the Planet by reducing that 1% to zero!


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      Richard C (NZ)

      Worrall – “Thousands of miles of incredibly valuable copper and steel support structures are a tempting target for thieves”

      If it’s a transmission line I very much doubt it will be copper.

      As for steel support structures; not the easiest to steal – even after falling over (see pic):

      Much of New Zealand’s far north is without power after a transmission tower fell over

      Grid operator Transpower will not say why it fell over except that the 220-kV tower fell “unexpectedly”. The other feed was, unfortunately, down for maintenance.

      The outage occurred just over a year after New Zealand’s ageing power grid experienced its worst-ever damage during a deadly cyclone in February 2023, which battered Northland, cutting power to the region and devastating farmland. Local politicians in the area have long sought more government funding for its crumbling infrastructure.

      Both grid operator and lines companies have been dining out on work that was done decades ago. Now we have to pay big to catch up with neglect (and profit milking).

      Continues next.


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        Richard C (NZ)

        Our distribution lines went from non-profit to profit after deregulation in the 1990s. The non-profits had different strategies: either plow back surpluses into line security, undergrounding, etc, or keep tariffs down at the expense of security.

        Now security is down everywhere. Our lines charge has gone from 33c per day to $1.20 per day. This to fund multiple levels of profit taking e.g. owner – contractor – sub-contractor – sub/sub-contractor model. To be fair, some owners have retaken work that was being contracted out for some time.

        I experienced deregulation in the first non-profit to deregulate and corporatize. The cost structure ballooned immediately, entire new management tiers on vastly higher remuneration were imposed on what was essentially skeleton e.g. no CEO at the previous non-profit. This excess was to manage secure infrastructure – much undergrounding – that was already built and handed over on a plate. All the new management had to do was stop the undergrounding programme and Voilà! – profit.

        “Lower prices and a real choice of who supplies your electricity” was the aim of deregulation but that didn’t work out well for residential customers:

        Electricity prices have continued to go up

        Despite there being more electricity retailers, in real terms (adjusting for inflation), residential electricity prices are at least 35% higher than they were at the time of the reforms (1999). 


        For low users, including retirees and those with solar hot water boosting etc, the line charge ($36 for 30 days) can now be the highest on a bill above continuous 24 hr and controlled charges.


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          Greg in NZ

          What happened to the ship?
          The front fell off.

          What happened to the electricity?
          A pylon fell over.

          (apologies to John Clarke / Fred Dagg, RIP)

          Welcome back to New Zimbabwe! Thankfully it’s the shortest day of the year so it’ll be over real quick; and thanks to AnthroBoiling™️ it’s not freezing 🥶 Righto, time for a swim…


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            A pylon fell over.

            A portable angle grinder applied to a dozen bolts?


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              “”We’re so used to these power cuts off and on, interminate ones… but it sounds like it’s going to be a long one,” Shaw said. ”

              I didn’t realise NZ was such a part of Africa… Why would anyone be used to power cuts in a civilised world?

              (and that spelling is a direct quote from-


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                Richard C (NZ)

                KP >”I didn’t realise NZ was such a part of Africa… Why would anyone be used to power cuts in a civilised world?”

                Northland problem; they have tenuous links south.

                Not just electricity, SH1 has been closed to repair the Brynderwyn Hill section that slipped in cyclone Gabrielle. Opens again next week. Detours are rough.

                Govt is trying to reopen the rail link that’s been closed for yonks.

                There was a pipeline south from the oil refinery that’s now defunct – thanks Green Left. There’s been ruptures of that too. Not sure if it is still used.

                Not a lot of votes up there so no priority.


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                Richard C (NZ)

                KP >”and that spelling is a direct quote from-…MSN”

                Actually a TV3 Newshub article reprinted by MSN.

                Owned by Warner Bros Discovery who are closing down Newshub with the loss of 250 jobs at end of June.

                Probably not much diligence there right now.


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        Richard C (NZ)

        Transpower – the 220-kV tower fell “unexpectedly”

        I’ve given it some thought but can’t come up with a situation where it would be expected to fall over.


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      “Australia with 1% of global CO2 emissions can save the Planet by reducing that 1% to zero!”

      Maths obviously isn’t their strong point.


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    CO2 Lover

    Nationals Senator Matt Canavan discusses the possibility of an inquiry into the government’s handling of Covid-19.

    “Well, next week I plan to introduce a bill to establish what’s called a commission of inquiry into Covid-19,” Mr Canavan told Sky News Australia.

    “It is effectively another word for a royal commission.”

    A commission of inquiry refers to any formal government investigation. A Royal Commission refers to an investigation instigated by the Governor-General under the Royal Commissions Act on behalf of the Crown.


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    David Maddison

    I don’t follow Noam Chomsky but he was correct with this statement.

    The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum — even encourage the more critical and dissident views. That gives people the sense that there’s free thinking going on, while all the time the presuppositions of the system are being reinforced by the limits put on the range of the debate.

    Noam Chomsky


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      Richard C (NZ)

      Chomsky >”strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion”

      Related to the Overton window:

      The Overton window is the range of policies politically acceptable to the mainstream population at a given time.[1] It is also known as the window of discourse.

      The term is named after the American policy analyst Joseph Overton, who proposed that an idea’s political viability depends mainly on whether it falls within this range, rather than on politicians’ individual preferences.[2][3] According to Overton, the window frames the range of policies that a politician can recommend without appearing too extreme to gain or keep public office given the climate of public opinion at that time.

      Obviously the scope of the Overton window cannot be determined by the great unwashed so politicians (and policy enforcers) will shift the window whenever they can if it benefits their aims.

      An example is dissent in the man-made climate change frame. Made passe so that the only debate occurs within the “agreed” scope.


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        Which is why the coming election will be about energy and not climate change, because global warming is a monstrous hoax too hard to bring down.


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    CO2 Lover

    Here we go!

    In a “threat notice” issued on Wednesday evening, the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) warned that gas supplies across the eastern states may be inadequate to meet peak demand, calling on producers to ramp up production to prevent shortages.

    Turn on the electric heaters – no wait!

    Has the wind been blowing lately? Been a bit overcast?

    In the week to June 20, renewables have comprised roughly 27 per cent of generation in the national electricity market, below its average in the previous 12 months of 38 per cent.


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      In the week to June 20, renewables have comprised roughly 27 per cent of generation in the national electricity market, below its average in the previous 12 months of 38 per cent.

      What is the source of that data ? pretty sure that it would have included RT Solar to be that much !


  • #

    More idiots on the loose –

    “Part of Stonehenge in southern England has been covered in orange powder paint by protesters.

    Two Just Stop Oil campaigners sprayed the powder paint on the historic site near Salisbury, Wiltshire, at about 12:00 BST on Wednesday.

    The move comes the day before celebrations begin for the Summer Solstice at the 5,000-year-old landmark.”


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      Graham Richards

      All vandalism must be treated equally. Perpetrators arrested & charged with damage to public or private property. Perpetrators to be jailed & not released until full reperations are paid for ALL damage not to mention a substantial prison sentence & fine.Perpetrators to have convictions recorded. No exceptions.

      Vandalism will virtually disappear .


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        Kalm Keith


        That’s the solution: but which polly wants a solution?


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        Kalm Keith

        It’ll never happen Graham, that’s like taking us back to the fifties and early sixties when we were building a society to live in.

        Now we’re in a society where we are constantly looking over our shoulders for the next threat, maybe when we are so focused we can’t see the theft and corruption higher up.

        The collapse of sense and reason in both the USA and Vickdanistan is simply showing what’s coming for us.

        Don’t look at NewZimbabwe where people are kept in line by the requirement to integrate Maohrism into their lives.
        And please pronounce it correctly.

        God help us all.


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    Heatwave made 35 times more likely.

    I bid fifty…..


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      From the link : –
      “Human-induced climate change made recent extreme heat in the US south-west, Mexico and Central America around 35 times more likely, scientists say.
      The World Weather Attribution (WWA) group studied excess heat between May and early June, when the US heatwave was concentrated in south-west states including California, Nevada and Arizona.”

      Now, I wonder if ‘World Weather Attribution (WWA) group’ – ummm – gets money when attributes some weather to, say, Global Boiling.
      Could that be the case?



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      The story didn’t mention heat domes, meandering jet streams or Hunga Tonga Hunga, massive fail.


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    David Maddison

    The YouTube channel Liberal Hivemind (link below) looks at the Leftist vandalism of Stonehenge by ignorant morons from “Just Stop Oil”, presumably solstice related as to the timing.

    Incidentally, of the two, as reported on another channel, the younger of the two vandals is a nineteen year old female who went to an expensive private school and now thinks she is a male.

    And why did they vandalise Stonehenge? Surely that’s the Neolithic level of civilisation the Left want us non-Elites to regress to?


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    CO2 Lover

    Tesla cars are not the only batteries to catch fire

    BESS Failure Incident Database

    This is an interesting database now the Nuclear vs (Renewables + Batteries) debate is hotting up

    BESS installed in Australia so far are for grid stablilty and only provide 4 minutes of back-up of national demand if called upon

    There have been two BESS fires so far both involving Tesla Megapack – Geelong in 2021 and Brisbane 2023.

    With a massive increase in BESS to provide back-up once the remaining operating coal power stations are shut down many more BESS fires are to be expected.

    Labor are promoting alarmism about Nuclear – the most safest form of electricity production according to Forbes, but nothing is being said about the toxic emissions from BESS fires!


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    I am continuously shocked by the fact that man made CO2 driven Global warming is not questioned.

    In the years I have been commenting, there has never been a public debate between competent scientists. There is no proof of the fundamental idea of man made CO2 in the atmosphere! Or extra CO2 producing warming. Or warming producing more storms. Or warming producing rapid sea level rise. They have all been disproven. It is science fiction, Climate Scientology.

    Sure, there are protests against the incredibly harsh and expensive measures to combat increasing CO2. But none of them are examined for effectiveness. CO2 itself shows no correlation with human activity.

    But in Australia the laws and penalties against producing CO2 are compounding harm to all Australians. Our unelected public servants who frame these laws are out of control. The politicians are dills. The appalling punitive carbon taxes embedded in Australian laws are never even discussed. Who even knows about the extraordinarily punitive Safeguard Mechanism 2023 on 250 of our biggest companies? Including the MMBW for sewage? Or farming carbon credits as if growing trees reduces CO2, which is not true. Or that you can steal from people’s electricity bills so investors can own all our infrastructure and we pay for them to do so. That’s not privitization. It’s legalized theft.

    And new wave environmentalists actually approve of wholesale destruction of environments. Air, ocean, forests, land, heritage, history. What? They are indistinguishable from environmental vandals.

    How many nuclear reactors could be built for a trillion dollars a year? Why are is the world doing anything else? Wouldn’t that solve the problem?

    Has anyone ever seen the cost justification for $20Billion+ on Snowy II? Or many times that on five French desalination plants, three of which have never been used?

    But the world spends trillions a year to stop something without any measure of the effectiveness of what they are doing

    There is no logic to this. The only point seems to be the money. Forget big oil, big coal. The amount of money being spent on abject failure is astounding. But it all goes to someone, like the hundreds of billions being spent in Ukraine and all you get are more dead people, perhaps a million. In a good cause?

    The business of waging war, even on Carbon Dioxide is in the incredible profit. And in the unlimited power it gives massive organizations, industries and governments which have grown way past their original intention and authority. No one is trying to solve a problem. And ’emissions’ have no effect at all on CO2 which is just the constant vapour pressure of a dissolved gas.

    It is a war on humanity. On this day where we remember primitive people praying for a better life and worshipping the sun, the giver of warmth, food and life, Climate Change is crap, warming is good, CO2 is great and all wars are for power and profit. I will vote for politicians who say so.


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      Kalm Keith

      That’s the core of it.

      Atmospheric CO2 Does Not “heat” the atmosphere: end of story.

      It’s the apex of the modern control process.

      There is nothing to confim the CAGW concept, but that nothing has been used to imprison and enslave us all.

      Is that evolution?


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      The War on CO2 will be just as effective as the War on Drugs.. A lot of money accumulates in some pockets and the problem never gets solved. Its what Govts do…


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    David Maddison

    The main deficiencies in Dutton’s nuclear plan are:

    1) Unless there is a declared national emergency with extraordinary powers to over-ride union, feral green, planning, lawfare, Leftist and other impediments to building them, they will never be built or will take many decades.

    2) Dutton still accepts the anthropogenic global warming fraud, without question, and presumably will retain other anti-CO2 measures already in place.

    3) Dutton has not stated the financial mechanism by which nuclear power stations will reduce prices. They can only reduce prices if they are allowed to bid into the grid at the lowest price on the same basis as wind and solar. But the cost basis would have to be genuine unlike now. It appears that the way wind and solar falsely appear to be “cheap” is because of dishonest accounting about their true price such as ignoring the cost of transmission lines (which are added to the consumer bill thus the more wind and solar we get, the more electricity costs). If the nuclear power stations are allowed to bid against solar and wind on a fair and honest free market basis, they will instantly destroy the wind and solar subsidy harvesting scams. The owners of the wind and solar plantations will not allow that to happen and will expect very large compensation or contract payouts if applicable.

    4) Regardless of what happens, even if they were built and came online within ten years of Dutton’s election, say 2035, how can Australia possibly last anther ten years at present and rapidly escalating electricity prices, already among the word’s highest? Australia will be in economic ruin by then.


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      Don’t panic until you really have to. Nothing will be the same in ten years. Try to steer it the right direction.


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        Any plan to fix Australian science starts with “getting elected”.

        Is it really a disaster if the conservatives win based on a plan to pick up a technology that practically all the G20 have which will also improve our defense capability, strategic security, and maybe even our scientific expertise?


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      John Connor II

      Construction will start in 2033. 😉


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        The Russians or the Chinese will take a look at the IKEA method and ship in plant “parts” which will mount on preformed foundations and can be assembled in less than one year.
        Add one year for fuel and testing.
        Pity the power line connections would not be ready for another five years.


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      Robert Swan

      David Maddison,

      The main deficiencies in Dutton’s nuclear plan…

      The biggest deficiency is that neither he nor Albanese is in any position to plan such things. If he ends up in government he might be in a position to lift the federal ban on nuclear. Talking about individual sites was absurd overreach and it’s no surprise at all that he’s getting pushback from the states.

      He can do a sales-job on nuclear and he can promise to lift the ban, but it’s nutty to promise things he can’t possibly deliver.


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        “but it’s nutty to promise things he can’t possibly deliver.”

        EVERY politician does that!


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          Some more than others, but the people aren’t blind and can see through this.

          Dutton has to say nuclear power to win the election and when the states say they don’t want nuclear power Dutton will put in gas fired power stations until fusion power kicks in.

          The shortfall in natural gas in the south east, which we are now experiencing, should be rectified by next year.


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          ‘Santos stated that the Narrabri Gas Project could supply NSW homes, small businesses, major industries and electricity generators with up to half the state’s natural gas needs and believes that it will bring substantial economic benefits to Narrabri and the region.’ (Petroleum)


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          Why should we not expect to build what other nations are already building? Are we supposed to start with the assumption of failure and not even try? Is that our baseline?

          Dutton was very wise to release the sites already. That immediately stops the Labor party from running scare campaigns about putting nuclear power in marginal seat backyards. Instead, presumably Dutton and reps already knew that these rural areas would like the plan, were used to living with a big industrial power plant, and would love the idea of cheap electricity bringing in more industry.


          • #

            A Lowy poll showed 61% of Australians are more or less happy with the idea of nuclear power, only 37% were steadfastly against.

            However, the political hurdle is still too high.


            ‘ … rural areas would like the plan …’

            We like the idea that wind and solar farm construction comes to an immediate end, but having a nuclear power plant in the backyard is a big ask.


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            Because there are those among us that only see gloom and doom. To me the very fact that nuclear is being actively discussed in the MSM and over half the population appears favourable is a fantastic development.

            I guess we have to have a certain % of hand wringers and who is me peole just like the lefties.


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          Stir the pot!

          This time it should work. Keep it stirring and the right stuff will come to the top.


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    another ian

    Something else for the “panicers” to panic about –

    “Newly Confirmed Jumping Leeches Are the Worst Fear You Didn’t Know You Had”


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    another ian


    “VICTORY: Supreme Court Rules Government Officials Cannot Arrest their Political Opponents Without Consequences”

    I wonder if this might include judges in New York?


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    David Maddison

    People romanticize the Druids, especially at Solstice time, but they were perhaps not so nice.

    Evidence indicates Druids committed human sacrifice and cannibalism.

    Washington, March 21 (ANI): Archaeologists have recently uncovered evidence which indicates that Druids possibly committed cannibalism and ritual human sacrifice, perhaps on a massive scale, which add weight to ancient Roman accounts of Druidic savagery.

    After a first century B.C. visit to Britain, the Romans came back with horrific stories of sacrifice by high-ranking priests of the Celts, who had spread throughout much of Europe over a roughly 2,000-year period.

    First-century historian Pliny the Elder even suggested that the Celts practiced ritual cannibalism, eating their enemies’ flesh as a source of spiritual and physical strength.

    But, with only the Romans’ word to rely on, it’s been easy for historians to dismiss such tales as wartime propaganda.

    Now, according to a report in National Geographic News, recent gruesome finds appear to confirm the Romans’ accounts.



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    YYY Guy

    I’ve always associated the longest day with watching or listening to their ABC, at least it seems like it.


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    Lithium-ion batteries are causing more than 10,000 fires a year in Australia. Waste chiefs say an ‘urgent’ management plan is needed

    “The waste and recycling industry says it’s fighting up to 12,000 fires a year caused by discarded lithium-ion batteries and has warned that consumers will ultimately pay for the crisis without change.

    State and territory Environment Ministers will meet with federal counterpart Tanya Plibersek on Friday to discuss better battery management.

    Ahead of the meeting, the waste and recycling sector has issued an urgent call for more safe drop-off points for batteries — which cannot be safely managed in general waste streams.

    Waste Management and Resource Recovery Association chief executive Gayle Sloan, representing more than 400 businesses, said the stakes are high.”

    Burn baby burn, disco inferno –


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    another ian


    “Nigel Farage Hails Top Gear’s Jeremy Clarkson For Getting Farming on the National Agenda”

    So it can be done!


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      Unless they have laid off on their demands, the farming issue should see them off, so long as the farmers wake up.

      I haven’t studied their latest story, but the original Emission Trading Scheme refused to allow credits for the sequestration side of agriculture’s carbon cycle.

      They intended to tax Ag’s recycled carbon on the same basis as fossil carbon.

      If that is still their plan the farmers should soon wake up and do something about it.


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    Meanwhile, in Kanaduh:

    “A day after Alberta ceases coal-fired power generation, wind power flatlines for 19 hours. The last coal unit (now being converted to natural gas), typically produced 20x the output of the entire fleet of 1568 wind turbines was capable of last night.”

    This seems at variance with the officiakl ALP line both in Queensland and NATIONALLY.

    Quelle surprise.


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    another ian

    Another one –

    “Appeals Court Revives Case Against COVID-19 Vaccine Requirement”


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    John Connor II

    Vitamin Company Goes Woke, Makes Special Labels For People Who Go By ‘They/Them’

    Ritual, a multivitamin company, jumped head-first into the gender madness this Pride Month. Now, the tolerant people who insist that you call them “them” can rest easy knowing that their vitamins will also call them “them.”

    Ritual isn’t clear on how one person can be “them,” but they’re excited to butcher the English language in order to “celebrate and honor who you are with every order.”

    …and they’re Vegan capsules too for bonus loser points! (JC2)

    Sadly, for the people who get upset about which pronoun is on their vitamin bottles, Ritual didn’t add the preferred pronouns of numerous others in the LGBT community, such as zim, sie, em, ver, ter, and xem. But adding those pronoun options to vitamins is almost certainly in the works.

    Meanwhile, at the opposition…

    At Responsible Man, we’re not worried about “the gendered nature of our bottles” because even uttering that phrase would make us unhinged and unserious.

    What we are worried about is providing quality multivitamins that put your health first without any woke garbage piled on top — or on the side of the bottle.

    Responsible Man’s Emerson Multivitamin is a physician-formulated, robust supplement made up of 33 key premium ingredients that help fill nutrient gaps to support your immune system, maintain energy production, sharpen brain cognition, and support the health of your heart and muscles.

    Do transies take mens or womens vitamins?
    Or “them”?
    What is a “man” anyway?
    If you take your dog to be snipped, is it then female?
    It’s all too confusing! 😆😆
    /go choke on your woke
    /DEI = Didn’t Earn It


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    another ian


    “Calgary may be short of water, but Alberta was short of wind yesterday”

    “A day after Alberta ceases coal-fired power generation, wind power flatlines for 19 hours. The last coal unit (now being converted to natural gas), typically produced 20x the output of the entire fleet of 1568 wind turbines was capable of last night.”


    • #
      CO2 Lover

      The last coal unit (now being converted to natural gas

      Why don’t we do that in Australia?

      I forgot we have sold our natural gas in WA to the Chinese and there is now a shortage of supply on the east coast.


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    another ian

    “Sen. Kennedy Explains Why Men Shouldn’t Play Women’s Sports in a Way Even Dems Can Understand”

    (Senator John Kennedy (R-La. that is)


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    John Connor II

    The Endgame

    Those who make the effort to examine the remarkable evidence presented by Julian and his team regarding the safety concerns of the mRNA C-19 vaccines and the widespread fraud by the despicable lobby of governmental agencies and Big Pharma primarily ask one major question:

    To what extent could the integration of bacterial DNA, heavily contaminating Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, cause changes or damage to the genome of C-19 vaccinated individuals? Could such integration into germ cells potentially even lead to these changes being passed on to future generations?
    There is growing evidence that this kind of insertional mutagenesis could, for example, lead to the activation of oncogenes or the inhibition of tumor suppressor genes, effects that primarily manifest in the medium to long term. How will highly C-19 vaccinated countries fare if it turns out that the mRNA-based C-19 vaccines have caused genetic impairments in millions? Will such societies remain viable and still be capable of producing healthy offspring?

    There is no doubt that SC-2’s ability to spread from host to host is now close to reaching its maximum capacity in highly C-19 vaccinated populations. Consequently, it is clear that Nature is highly unlikely to deal with countless long-term health damages caused by the C-19 mass vaccination program, especially if conducted with mRNA-based vaccines. Nature will put a stop to this by intervening in a way to ensure that only the portion of the population whose health and immune protective capacity have not been compromised by the C-19 vaccines or severe C-19 disease following natural infection survives and reproduces. This implies that the part of the population that exclusively relies on obsolete antibodies from previous C-19 vaccination or SC-2 infection cannot contribute to restoring a healthy human population.


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    John Connor II

    On borders and fertility

    Rome’s immigration problem, or at least a general impression of it, is well known. From Marcus Aurelius to the fall of Rome itself, vast hordes of barbarians from beyond the Rhine and Danube poured across the border. They caused the Crisis of the Third Century, composed the horde that weakened the Western Roman Empire for good at Adrianople, and sacked Rome and deposed the last Western Roman Emperor in the late 400s. As Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, while remarking on the cost of illegal immigration to Rome in 2021, put it, “When the Roman Empire fell, it was largely as a result of uncontrolled immigration. The empire could no longer control its borders, people came in from the east, all over the place, and we went into a Dark Ages.”

    But there’s more to it than just mass migration and “refugees” causing chaos and, eventually, the collapse of a once-omnipotent civilization. The other, related problem, one that was probably more disastrous in the end, is that Rome’s equites class had a miserable fertility rate that nothing could correct, and so that class, one that once composed the officer corps of the legions, gradually withered away and was replaced by freed slaves, men who no longer had the talent or inclination for leading the legions into battle and instead administered the empire corruptly.

    Sounds familiar.
    All across the west.
    Maybe the hordes can repair a Toyota sunroof (get it yet?😁).


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    Richard C (NZ)

    CONSPIRACY NO MORE: Explosive Undercover Footage Reveals Biden’s State Department Official Admitting ‘Great Replacement Theory’ is REAL — Admits Deliberately Importing Criminals

    This theory is often dismissed by the far-left as “one of the most dangerous white supremacist conspiracy theories out there.”

    “The truth is they want to change the demographic of the United States.”

    – Official from the U.S. State Department’s Consular office


    When pressed for confirmation, the official affirmed, “Oh, yeah. So all the good, honest, hardworking Mexicans stay in Mexico, and all the pieces of garbage come to the United States… And the Mexican government has no reason to stop it because they’re garbage, goes to another country, and sends money back to them.”

    When asked about the ultimate goal behind such policies, the official’s response was chillingly clear. “They want to change the demographics of the United States… Traditional standard Americans are not leftists. Latin Americans are all leftists. It literally is. It’s just, it literally is essential to try to change the demographics [in the United States],” he said.

    Like no-one knew this.


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    John Connor II

    Biden bans Kaspersky antivirus software in US over security concerns

    Today, the Biden administration has announced an upcoming ban of Kaspersky antivirus software and the pushing of software updates to US companies and consumers, giving customers until September 29, 2024, to find alternative security software.

    “Today, the Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) announced a Final Determination prohibiting Kaspersky Lab, Inc., the U.S. subsidiary of a Russia-based anti-virus software and cybersecurity company, from directly or indirectly providing anti-virus software and cybersecurity products or services in the United States or to U.S. persons,” reads a new announcement from the US BIS agency.

    Yawn…here they go again.
    Kaspersky is my #1 choice and has been for many years.
    No US gov’t backdoors in it, unlike too many I won’t mention.
    As I’ve said before, the 3-letter agencies could easily decompile it to prove it via the FBI’s GHIDRA, or IDA PRO.
    More Biden admin BS to allow more spying.


    • #

      Yep- protectionism, so Americans won’t have the widest choice of which anti-virus to buy.

      Americans may not be able to buy the best AV.
      Americans may not be able to buy the cheapest AV.
      American AV companies effectively get a subsidy and a monopoly, so get lazy and get worse, while costing more.

      If its not a free market it will always be expensive and inefficient.


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    John Connor II

    Friday maths tip: approximating 8 in a hurry

    987654321 ÷ 123456789 = 8.0000000



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    Richard C (NZ)

    The Price Of Everything, The Value Of Nothing

    “…even using conventional numbers, the bad news is that the [US] dollar of 1913 has a purchasing power of about 3 cents today.”

    [See graph]

    “Keep in mind that the current numbers are likely underestimated because they exclude interest rates and completely miscalculate categories such as rent and health insurance (do you believe that health insurance costs less today than in 2018?). Moreover, the inflation index cannot account for the full impact of shrinkflation, quality changes, and hidden fees.”

    The consumer has hit the wall now. I saw this yesterday:

    Huge queues for food reveal reality of cost-of-living crisis

    I’ve seen a lot like that in the US but Australia?

    Didn’t realize it was that bad there. Not everywhere obviously but I also saw an article where a couple moved from Gold Coast (I think) to a surf town south of Melbourne. Rent went from $1000 for one bedroom to $660 for three bedroom.


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      Richard C (NZ)

      As long as wages are not growing in the face of higher interest and inflation, or wages disappear entirely, this situation will only get worse. It cannot improve.

      The low interest regime previously was an illusion but it became ingrained in mindsets everywhere. Our own Reserve Bank, in cahoots with previous govt, was guilty of creating a low interest housing boom. That boom is now bust. House prices that were expected to always rise have reached peak and going over the top. Spec houses that cannot be sold are now advertised as rentals. There are screeds of 3 bedrooms on offer where I live at around $750. It is also the most expensive renting here (Tauranga) than the rest of NZ including Auckland.

      I’m guessing many are trying to gain a cash flow to pay loans but there’s no new influx of renters, just the opposite – many leaving for Australia and elsewhere. No new jobs here either so there’s dozen’s of empty homes.

      I’ve seen new 3 bedroom rentals, even 2 identical next to each other, sit for months on offer then disappear. I’m guessing that rather than rented the lender has called in collateral.


      • #

        ” many leaving for Australia and elsewhere.”

        Lol! Not for Aussie please! Its no different here at all! Right across the West from 2008, when they started kicking the can down the road from the 2008 crash with their helicopter money. Every dollar printed and thrown out the window at -ve interest rates has to be paid for now as it enters the economies. This is how we got so many new billionaires in the last 15years, and now they will become millionaires and we will become beggars.

        It has been the same unwelcome subject to bring up with people I know as my views on the vaccines.


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    David Maddison

    I’ve noticed as we get closer to the US Presidential election that Farcebook is redoubling its election interference by increasing censorship and so-called “fact checking” (sic).


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    another ian

    For the “Watch Canberra copy” list –

    “Never Say Die: There’s a Couple New Government Wind Farm Ideas Floating Around”


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    “When I see a bunch of white kids wearing kaffiyehs I can’t help wonder whatever happened to the whole anti-cultural appropriation thing.”

    Ah, the Left can about face so fast you can’t see it happen! On a lawyer’s blog..


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    another ian


    “Journalist Formerly Detained In China Barred From Australian Media Event During CCP Premier’s Visit”

    “Staff from the Australian prime minister’s office barred Chinese-born Australian journalist Cheng Lei from reporting on Opposition Leader Peter Dutton’s meeting with Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Premier Li Qiang.”


    • #

      So the Chinese Govt blocked her from reporting on Albosleazy’s visit, and now the Australian Govt is blocking her from reporting on Dutton’s visit?

      I really can’t tell these Govts apart, they all smell the same to me.


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    YYY Guy

    ANd now some Albomaffs before bedtime –

    NT federal governments gather with land councils on Tiwi Islands to sign major housing deal

    A four-billion-dollar housing deal has been signed off in the remote Northern Territory, with the goal of building more than two and a half thousand homes in the next decade. The federal government believes the deal will cut out overcrowded housing in the NT by half within ten years, but with a lengthy housing wait list, it will not be an easy target to hit.

    $4 bill/2500 = $1,600,000 per house.
    Your task is to calculate the annual depreciation due to neglect and damage.


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      Jeeez!! ANY public housing should be the most efficient and cheapest possible! It should be a place you want to work hard to get out of. Long H-shaped buildings with common kitchens and toilets/showers, with lots of bedrooms down the arms of the H. Basically a barracks setup from WW2, dirt cheap and fast to make. Walls of plywood so you can’t punch through them.

      $1.6million would buy a big barracks! Luckily the Govt will never build these Mcmansions for them, its all about the launch! Biden hasn’t connected one person to his super-fast internet yet, or built any of his fast-chargers in the poor parts of the USA… All just talk and trousers..


      • #

        ….you missed the point about them being “HOMES” ..for families etc …!!
        Not just accomodation for “numbers” .


  • #

    I was listening to Lei today and started thinking China, Iran and Russia are are all burning their bridges with The West. The leaders can’t/won’t travel much and there would be precious little trust between them anyway but they are watching each other and gaining [Dutch?] courage. If one moves the others will likely follow close behind.

    Not wise, I would suggest. Europe would occupy the US Army and USAF and that would leave the USN and Marines in the Pacific. Not suggesting it would be easy but doable.


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      They fareky even mention the west, they are getting on with doing business with each other which has nothing to do with the west. Its 2024 not 1970.


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      I remember a good SF story written about war in Europe that gave the USA a reason to occupy Britain and then a civil resistance broke out against the occupiers…

      We do live in interesting times.. Putin has recently returned from back-slapping in North Korea and promised weapons to help the rest of the deplorables that America hates.. Iran etc.

      I’m waiting to see if Cuba agrees to host Russian nuclear missiles again, that should be fun!


    • #

      Reply to Kim.


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    another ian

    FWIW – a real “Show your stripes day”

    “Tomorrow is #ShowYourStripes Day – But we have the real one”

    Global temperature change “Cenozoic to near now” vs”1850 to now”


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    More censorship and propaganda floods over social media-

    “In an interview published Sunday by Defense News, French Army Chief of Staff Pierre Shell said the conflict in Eastern Europe “changed the dynamics of the battle.”

    He added that the crisis has highlighted the need to control the flow of information “to influence both national and international public opinion”.

    “The military plays a critical role in the field of information,” Seale said, adding:

    “Without the ability to persuade (public opinion) and neutralize negative influences, any military mobilization may fail .

    The emergence of social networks reinforced this idea, greatly accelerating the spread of information, true or false, while increasing its volume, reach and impact.””

    What it really expresses is the depth of absolute lies and propaganda of military adventures since WW2. Now we can see that nothing we were told about Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Libya or Afganistan was true, they now admit to forcing a narrative upon the public. You may assume the same is true about Ukraine right now, the reasons we are fighting Russians there, how it happened and how badly it is going, and what the end-game is…. are all just plain lies!
