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137 comments to Friday

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    My developing view of CO2, the core problem of man made Global Warming is that nothing humans have ever done has affected CO2.

    Not just fossil fuels but breathing, bushfires, lockdown, the explosive rise of China and the increase of fossil fuel CO2 x 35 times in just 100 years.
    And the increase from 1900 to 2024 from 1 billion people to 8 billion has added another 21 billion tons of CO2 per year, just from breathing. (Australia’s total CO2 emissions are 0.4Billion tons.

    But nothing has altered the straight line slow growth of CO2. Emissions have gone up 3500% in just the 20th century but CO2 by only 50%.

    Promoters of ‘The Science’ of man made CO2 driven Climate Change have a total focus on reducing ’emissions’. Without ever proving that emissions contribute to CO2 at all.

    But even if we believed this, the increase in CO2 is only a very steady 0.5% a year at most. Increase in these day of rapid inflation is to all purposes constant CO2.

    Then there is the observation that almost all of the CO2 is in the mid latitude of the Northern Hemisphere where below the tropic of Capricorn where only 2% of the world lives, 38% of the planet has the same CO2 level as the Northern Hemisphere, within 1% with less than 1/50th of the output. It’s hard to understand if CO2 is directly connected to ’emissions’ why CO2 is not a lot higher over China.

    Never in the history of mankind has so much pointless self harm done to so many for no reason at all. Except in war. This is the War on the West, waged by Western politicians for no reason at all. And with no known objective except to achieve what was unacceptable in 2005.


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      Nett zero. The sole object of all legislation, the Holy Grail.

      “Australia has enshrined in law its targets of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 43% from 2005 levels by 2030 and net zero by 2050′

      But we were told in 2005 by Anthony Albanese that our CO2 output was causing rapid man made Global Warming. Kevin07 said so, nearly 20 years ago. And Julia Gillard agreed, promising ‘there will be no carbon tax in a government I lead’. We bought five giant desalination plants, only two of which are used.

      Here’s Albanese 2005 speech. “an increase in annual national average temperatures of between 0.4 and two degrees by 2030” And you can check here.

      Now after 24 years of John Howard’s massive hidden Carbon Tax and now Albanese’s 35% carbon tax on all big companies, even public service companies, there is no expected effect on CO2 levels from doing so. Just reducing CO2 ’emissions’ to 2005 levels. No one has tried to quantify the effect on CO2, the sole alleged problem.

      Surely the objective is to lower CO2 in Australia and overseas. Will that happen? Ever?
      What then is the quantifiable benefit for anyone here or overseeas?

      If in crippling all industries and blowing up power stations and installing thousands of Chinese windmills we get back to the CO2 ’emissions’ of 2005, what is the expected benefit for Australia and Australians? Beyond devastation?

      It’s all mindless, purposeless punishment by our government as they try at our enormous expense and sacrifice to change world CO2 and climates across the planet. We are a long way past Chicken Little/Henny Penny. Our governments have legislated that the Sky is falling. As it was in 2005.

      Even if we believed every word, every CSIRO/BOM/ABC story of CO2 driven Climate Change/warming, our political leaders are not explaining exactly how we or anyone else will benefit by achieving 2005 ’emission’ levels.

      So what precisely is the expected benefit of Nett Zero(2005) for Australians? Does anyone know? Has any politician explained? Or the Chief Scientist or the CSIRO? Apart of course from cheaper electricity.


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        Avoiding Dangerous Climate Change (Climate Change Trigger) Act 2005. sponsored by Anthony Albanese.

        25AB What is a climate change action?
        A climate change action means any of the following:
        (a) establishing an industrial plant or other facility which emits, or is likely to emit, more than 500,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide or carbon dioxide equivalent per year;

        Which would be a law against establishing steel, coal power, gas power, concrete, mining,..

        A coal power plant for example would be 60 million tons of CO2 a year, 120x the limit. So Anthony Albanese wanted to ban all new fossil fuel power in 2005. But generally all new smelting, chemical manufacture, explosive manufacture, sewage plants, mines, transport, farming.

        People like to blame Chris Bowen Climate Minister as the loony in charge of our Climates, the world’s climates. He has company. Anthony Albanese wanted to stop the world in 2005. And he still does.


        • #

          >what is the expected benefit for Australia and Australians? Beyond devastation?
          After successful devastation comes the glorious “Liberation” by Albo’s heroes the Chicomms.


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      Gee Aye

      But nothing has altered the straight line slow growth of CO2.

      at this point I stopped reading your scree realising that if you got it wrong this early, the rest would surely follow suit.

      No- it is not a straight line


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        Peter C

        But but but,

        Your graph shows a whole lot of STRAIGHT LINES professor!


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          Gee Aye

          the 60’s saw about 1ppm/year increase, the 2010s 2.5ppm. It is not straight – so far it is close to exponential.

          Click on the full record tab. Since 1960 it has gone from 320 to 420. The first 50 took 40 years and the second 50ppm took 20 years.


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            Peter C

            . It is not straight – so far it is close to exponential.

            That reminds me of the “population Time Bomb”. Panic now!
            Do you mind if I call you Professor Erlich?


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              Gee Aye

              And it was mitigated. Doesn’t mean that the graphs, without mitigation, aren’t currently exponential.


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        The escalator is essentially a straight line.


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          Richard C in NZ

          The Escalator is Bogus:

          Exposing the deceit and hypocrisy of the Skeptical Science “Escalator”

          The SkS “Escalator” uses the Berkeley Earth dataset and begins 1968. The first step is 9 years 1968 – 1977.

          This is their first and second act of deception and hypocrisy. Why? 1) they have “cherry picked” a “temporal subset” to begin; and 2) they have “ignored the trend” of which that subset is only a small part of. This is misrepresentation of data in legal terms.

          1977 is an inflexion (an abrupt trajectory change) in the multidecadal Berkeley data. 3) Extending the series back to 1940 and then to 1902 reveals that the data is much less “Escalator”, more roller coaster. So omission, in legal terms, is their third act of deception and hypocrisy (Strike 3).

          We can easily extend the series for linear analysis using NOAA’s powerful WRIT:

          Web-based Reanalysis Intercomparison Tool – WRIT

          First a near 4 decade “temporal subset” (SkS’ entire subset was only 5 decades):

          Defaults except:
          Dataset 1: Berkeley (same dataset as the “Escalator”)
          D1 Variable: 2m Air Temperature
          Start Year: 1940 End Year: 1977
          Variable Statistic: Anomaly (same as the “Escalator”)
          Create Plot (might take several seconds)

          The graph result should be: Monthly Anomaly Berkeley Earth 2m Air Temperature. Scroll down to the Time-series Statistics table:

          Slope: -0.00619 C/year, or -0.062 C/decade or -0.62 C/century

          Wow! A 38 year “temporal subset” with a cooling trend contrary to Simon’s “increasing atmospheric temperatures” and contrary to the short “Escalator” steps, how can that be? Was it just an oversight by SkS in their quest to create a wizzo gif or was there intent to deceive and misrepresent data? Either way they duped the credulous Simon (but was he really duped…?).

          Now extend back for another nearly 4 decade subset:

          Start Year: 1902 End Year: 1939 (inflexion at 1902)

          Slope: +1.4 C/century for 38 years.

          Extending from 1978 to 1999:

          Slope: +2.44/century (SkS chops this subset into 3 steps ???).


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            Gee Aye

            This again. Once more: the “escalator” is deliberately bogus. It is a parody and SKS knows it is an artifact of the data and make it clear that they are exmplifying the “skeptic” rhetoric of continually saying the warming is over. His Lordship is a key target for this.

            That is all it is. It is not meant to be scientifically rigorous.


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              Richard C in NZ

              Gee Aye

              >SKS knows it is an artifact of the data and make it clear that they are exmplifying the “skeptic” rhetoric of continually saying the warming is over.

              Except it has legs and regurgitated all over by the likes of Simon, even El Gordo above. That was the real purpose despite the SkS drivel.

              >His Lordship is a key target for this.

              Ad Hominess now?

              >It is not meant to be scientifically rigorous.

              And it certainly isn’t – like the rest of SkS.

              They’re ideological activists – not scientists.


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        Not a straight line? Depends on how much smoothing you apply…


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        Leo G

        No- it is not a straight line

        Mauna Loa may not be a reliable data source.

        Thirty years ago I was checking data on global ozone levels for a client and noticed that the ozone partial pressure metadata gave anomalous results.

        After a number of email exchanges the graduate student responsible for maintaining the dataset conceded that the public data had a deliberate error.

        Having said that, I agree that the long term growth of atmospheric carbon dioxide is not linear.

        Cape Grim data indicates a linear growth before 2003 and linear growth after 2008 at a higher rate of increase.

        WRI have an informative chart showing a history of carbon dioxide emissions.

        Examination of the chart shows that the 2003 to 2008 anomaly matches the period when China rapidly overtook the USA as the largest emitter of carbon dioxide.


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    Dave in the States

    Recently it was posted that the Dicky Betts tune Jessica was a great road trip song.

    Another Betts composition that is a great road trip song is Back Where it All Begins:


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      Greg in NZ

      Saw the Allman Brothers play Red Rocks, Colorado on my 30th in the early ‘90s – their album, Brothers And Sisters, blared from my tape player on surf roadies from back in the ‘70s, Jessica being the LOUDEST.

      Blues Traveller opened for them: now THAT’S a jamming band if you love roadies, harmonica and stomping Blues 🎶


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    CO2 Lover

    More Strange Questions About the Trump Shooting

    Interview: “There Should be a Lot of Blood” — Photos and ER Trauma Surgeon Claims Trump Rally Sniper Body is Missing Massive Bloodsprays

    BREAKING: Secret Service reveals Trump shooter hid weapon ahead of rally


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      CO2 Lover

      TRUMP ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT: Federal Snipers Overlooked Rooftop Sniper from 40 FEET AWAY could have just WALKED OVER TO STOP HIM

      While there, they witnessed a man crawling on the roof and for what ABC admits is at least twenty minutes, and witnesses say was at least thirty minutes, trying to warn security as to what was going on, but there were no police and no security on this entire side of the Trump rally.

      But they did notice some kind of security team inside the building on the second floor.

      The windows for the second story were open so that the team of snipers inside had a clear view of the Trump Rally field.

      What one cannot tell from that picture is that, on the other side, there are two windows that almost perfectly overlook the location where federal authorities claim the body of Thomas Crooks was found.

      It doesn’t explain how these trained snipers did not notice Crooks on the roof when there are multiple windows that would have made it obvious where he was.

      The alleged sniper was crawling around on the roof for a half hour as people were screaming that there was a sniper on the roof. The sniper team inside the building on the second floor, had to have heard their screams and their pleas. During this time they did nothing to stop the sniper on the roof who was just forty feet away from multiple windows where they would have seen him.

      The federal narrative around the Butler, PA Trump Rally shooting has been falling apart hour-by-hour since Saturday.


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        Richard C in NZ

        This makes sense of some questions I had now:

        1) Which building was the Sniper Team (ST/3 guys) in?

        2) How was the overhead photo of Crooks obtained?

        Federal Snipers Overlooked Rooftop Sniper from 40 FEET AWAY could have just WALKED OVER TO STOP HIM
        By Benjamin Wetmore

        Re 1, The ST/3 cannot have been in Building/Shed 4 at the South end nearest the rally and directly under Brooks as has been assumed by some.

        Instead, they were on first floor of the 2 story block on the West end of Building 3, which is first North of 4 on the South end.

        Those photos also clearly show the link canopies between Buildings 3 and 4 which enabled Crooks to “move roof to roof”.

        Re 2, Explains how the overhead photo of Crooks was obtained. From yesterday Open Thread # that’s this photo:

        The last photo of would-be Trump assassin, Thomas Crooks, 20, showing him clad in a t-shirt branded with the logo of YouTube channel Demolition Ranch

        That photo was taken from ABOVE crooks.

        Those TGP photos drone photos are brilliant!

        That’s what’s been missing until now – good site photos. Excellent work TGP/Benjamin Wetmore – the Feds will hate for that.

        And beats the MSM hands down.


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          Photos… from the Youtube comments linked above-

          “And why do they keep showing his high school pictures … from 3 to 4 years ago?

          Why do they keep showing a young teen photo of Crooks, when his actual age was much older? Are there no photos?? If not, well, that is just too strange.

          Stop showing a 12 year old picture of this murderer OMG HE WAS A 20 year old man!

          He was a twenty year old adult; yet they want to keep posting a picture of this ‘innocent’ high schooler.

          This is 2024 everyone carries a camera phone with them . But somehow no one has a photo with him in it .

          Given some money, I’ll bet any number of people would pony up photos. Even without social media .. they had him on 3rd party video screaming … I’ll bet his driver’s license had a more recent photo …

          he has other photos available. They just make him look like a nut case

          The actual picture of the person they shot dead looks nothing like the person they claim it is ……

          I know I forgot he was an adult because he looks like a kid-

          Stop showing a photo of this guy as a child, it is manipulative.

          Because his current appearance has Antifa solider boy with that long haircut.”

          I don’t watch the videos, but the comments are always very informative…


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          Richard C in NZ

          There’s more very good site photos in this TGP article irrespecticle of title:

          Interview: “There Should be a Lot of Blood” — Photos and ER Trauma Surgeon Claims Trump Rally Sniper Body is Missing Massive Bloodsprays
          [Site Photos]

          And a very good Google Earth site flyover video here:

          Trump assassination attempt: Graphics, maps show you what happened

          See immediately below 7:49 p.m.


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        Leo G

        What one cannot tell from that picture is that, on the other side, there are two windows that almost perfectly overlook the location where federal authorities claim the body of Thomas Crooks was found.

        Those windows provide ready access to the roof above, which would have been the ideal site for a counter-sniper outpost.

        The OP would have been a strong deterrent to any potential assassin in the vicinity of the AGR buildings.

        Inevitably, the late revelation that there was a team present in that very building will lead to speculation that Crooks was a decoy and that another shooter armed with a similar weapon fired at the ex-president from a concealed position inside the building.


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      Done and dusted. No need for blood splatter.

      Kid had long pants when the plays director is using the usual actors attempting to draw attention to him. He was most likely set up over on the far side of the roof long before the flippin and floppin guy in long pants was placed in plain sight of those near the building

      Dead body on roof is in shorts.

      Lesson learned: Sack the continuity director

      Next question is where the bullet that upset the counter snipers in caps and then proceeded to wing on guy, whip through a purse on a woman’s neck and then pierce the last person on the stand through the body (see John Cullen)

      Who did the two women see shot in the water tower by snipers?


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        Richard C in NZ

        There was a close-up photo of Crooks bleeding out on the roof. I wont link – it’s gruesome. Blood all across his face.


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        Richard C in NZ

        >Dead body on roof is in shorts.

        No, not in this Daily Mail photo:

        Crooks body and USSS on roof

        Those are long pants with a rip in the knee – makes it look like shorts.


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          Richard C in NZ

          >Shorts or Long pants?

          3/4 length going by photos – hence the confusion.


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            Richard C in NZ

            >3/4 length going by photos

            Knee length or just below in this video:

            Moshe Schwartz @YWNReporter
            🚨Wild video shows the shooter crawling into position while folks point him out to law enforcement at Trump rally.


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            No confusion!!

            Careful Richard, we rely on your honesty.


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          They are shorts, hemmed, not ripped and he has dirt on his knees.

          We are talking middle age warming Richard. It wont go away.

          Anyway Cullen has three shooters Roof, Water Tower and Tree. Water Tower wings Trump.


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            Richard C in NZ

            Where’s a photo/video of a guy in long pants i.e. ankle length?

            I haven’t seen one – evidence please.

            I’m not really quibbling between short or long – I don’t think either.

            There’re mid-length – ripped or hemmed.


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            Richard C in NZ

            >Cullen has three shooters Roof, Water Tower and Tree. Water Tower wings Trump

            One guy – every man and his dog, including me (no dog), has a theory-theories-scenario-scenarios now.

            I posited an “entity” with one or several skilled snipers camouflaged, unseen unheard, making a long shot(s) days ago.

            Ruled out Water Tower because fails SSS – Size Shape Silhouette. Trees because not ideal for sniper rifle.

            But ruled in elevated terrain and elevated structures in the distance as evidenced by one particular video where the narrator went through the possibilities.

            Unlikely but haven’t ruled that out either. Given JFK this is not going to be resolved in the near future and “official” investigations will ensure that.

            Not out of the question, in these days of internet crowd-sourcing, that “unofficial” investigations will come up the most compelling scenario once all the factors are assembled, long before the “official” version(s).

            One thing is for sure – this will not be a JFK-style investigation. Times have changed radically.

            I watched the JFK event in NZ on B&W TV delayed recorded coverage some time later. B&W TV was barely operating in NZ in 1963 (4 stations, no national network).

            Radio and Old-school Newsprint and Magazines led and were the initial sources at the time as I recall.

            Now there’s real-time social media and 3D modelling out in a matter of days.


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              Richard C in NZ

              >Radio and Old-school Newsprint and Magazines led

              The NZ ‘Weekly News’ magazine, which was large, had a semi-glossy B&W photo section. That’s where I saw most JFK coverage.

              That was our equivalent to Google Images and internet searches – indispensable for school projects. Those Weekly News mags were not thrown away in our house – they were our primary photo essay resource for events like JFK.

              Research now is light years ahead (literally speed-of-light) now.


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              Let us see the expert evidence you have accessed Richard. ‘MMM’ on Michael Smith’s news is doing exactly what you are doing, giving us a ‘lay down misere’ then going off at a tangent when asked to explain a piece of evidence.

              Get a cup of tea and sit down and watch this video. Shoot as many holes in it with your experts help as you please, Jo’s site has willing listeners who will make up their own minds. Like ‘mmm’ I sure you support our freedom to have our own thoughts. “mmm’ eventually admitted the dead kid had shorts on and not long slacks as in his live appearances. We can then move on to solving the next riddle.


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        Richard C in NZ

        Thomas Matthew Crooks Exposed as Intolerant Trump Hater — Mocked Classmates for Supporting Trump, Former Classmates Reveal

        “I brought up the fact that I’m Hispanic and I’m for Trump. He said, ‘Well, you’re Hispanic, so shouldn’t you hate Trump?’ I was like, ‘No, he’s great. I mean, he’s a great president.’ He called me stupid or insinuated that,” Taormina said.


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        Richard C in NZ

        >No need for blood splatter

        Splatter is a short-range phenomenon with considerable study.

        Not so much with long-range shots. Here’s two sans links:

        Gunshot Wounds: Ballistics, Pathology, and Treatment Recommendations, with a Focus on Retained Bullets

        GSW injury and complicated clinical decision-making, as these weapons are associated with increased tissue damage and often result in retained bullets. Currently, there is a lack of literature addressing recent advances in the field of projectile-related trauma, specifically injuries with retained bullets.

        Gunshot injuries – Radiopaedia


        Some understanding of the factors that influence wounding capacity and pattern of injury may aid in imaging assessment. The main contributing factors are the type of firearm and projectile characteristics, and the inherent characteristics of the wounded tissues.

        There are five major gunshot injuries of the head :

        1. penetrating: entry wound with no exit would

        2. perforating: entry and exit wound with tract through the brain parenchyma

        3. tangential: strikes the head obliquely without penetrating the brain parenchyma but may result in scalp injury, skull fractures or parenchymal contusions

        4. ricochet: penetrating projectile that bounces off the inner table of the skull

        5. trajectory external to the parenchyma potentially injuring the dural venous sinuses

        Tissue characteristics
        Bullet injury is more severe in friable organs such as liver and brain due to temporary cavitation at a distance from the bullet path. Both dense (e.g. bone) and loose tissues (e.g. subcutaneous fat) are more resistant to damage. Bone can significantly alter the behavior of the projectile and its wounding capacity by slowing it down and changing its path.


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          No need for blood splatter

          Splatter is a short-range phenomenon with considerable study.

          I would disagree, for one, how does the bullet know the distance, it’s all about velocity at point of impact and projectile weight.
          140 meters is not long range, my rifles are zeroed to 100 meters.

          Thanks for continuing to look into this ridiculous scenario, as someone said yesterday, they really are muddying the waters.


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            Richard C in NZ

            >140 meters is not long range

            Yes, point taken, I should have clarified.

            I was making the distinction between numerous short(er)-range (to point blank) shooting studies in respect to splatter and the dearth of studies at long(er) range as shown by the articles I referenced (sans links but lookup).

            The short(er) range studies get into very fine detail re splatter but long(er) range is not addressed probably due to gun crime being at short(est) range.

            About the only frame of reference for long(er) is the JFK forensics but that does not necessarily apply identically in every other instance (think hunting kills re splatter for example).

            Aside: I was house mates with an ex-NZ SAS and Vietnam-Vet guy (gone to seed) and an ex-NZ Army guy who went to Somalia/Mogadishu (T-shirt – “Doing the Mog”) UN duties.

            UN Mog guys were issued tampons for bullet wounds – perfect size and shape and readily sourced.

            Mog guy said the sound of bullets in the film ‘Black Hawk Down’ was exactly as they sounded at Mogadishu.


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              Richard C in NZ

              >‘Black Hawk Down’

              It was Malaysia guys to the rescue:

              US Finally Thanks Malaysia For Saving Their Soldiers In ‘Black Hawk Down’ Rescue Mission

              15 Dec 2013


              The US has finally expressed its appreciation for the sacrifices and contributions of Malaysian peacekeepers for saving their soldiers in Mogadishu, Somalia on October 3, 1993

              # # #

              Only 20 years late.


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                A couple more things,
                Shooters rifle was one body length from the shooter, who was killed instantly?
                Where are the photo’s of the Donalds wound, we know they have them, remove at least one theory, the little post it note his wearing does not help.


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                “Shooters rifle was one body length from the shooter, who was killed instantly?”

                I read that snipers fired several shots, killing him instantly and the last shot hit his rifle, knocking it away.

                Too much reading, I can’t remember where I saw that.


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                Leo G

                I read that snipers fired several shots, killing him instantly and the last shot hit his rifle, knocking it away.

                Notice that the rifle was knock away in a direction parallel to the roof ridge-line and that Crooks body was set back from the ridge line.

                Surely that is inconsistent with counter-sniper fire from the Airport building roofs where the two groups of counter-snipers were positioned and is more consistent with a counter-sniper at the water-tower.


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                Peter C

                Shooters rifle was one body length from the shooter, who was killed instantly?

                I also noted that Crooks was taking a right handed pose with the rifle which is nestled into his right shoulder.

                After the shooting the rifle is far to his left, even though his body is still lying face down.

                How did the rifle get there?


              • #

                I read the counter sniper fired two shots, 1 for the kill the other to get the rifle away.
                but the rifle is to his left and in a blow up photo appears undamaged.

                Has the Donald gone to vist the family of the dead or the injured in hospital yet?


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      Richard C in NZ

      Investment Firm That Allegedly “Put Options” on 12 Million Trump Stocks Day Before Assassination Attempt Blames Filing Error — Rothschild, BlackRock, Vanguard, Meta, George Bush, and Cheney Family Among Top Investors

      CA Club India reported:

      Investors in Austin Private Wealth

      Austin Private Wealth LLC’s largest investors primarily include a mix of institutional funds and individual high-net-worth clients. Some of their top holdings, as reported in their latest 13F filing, include The Rothschild Family, BlackRock, Vanguard, Meta, George Bush and the Cheney Family


      Trump’s death would have crashed the Nasdaq and Dow Jones for a week. According to our estimates, anyone who had this knowledge beforehand would have made an estimated $696 billion to $1 Trillion in profits.


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      Richard C in NZ

      Secret Service ‘Appalled’ By Criticism Of Female Agents After Attempted Trump Assassination

      In a statement to NBC News, Secret Service spox Anthony Guglielmi lashed out at critics, saying “We stand united against any attempt to discredit our personnel and their invaluable contributions to our mission and are appalled by the disparaging and disgusting comments against any of our personnel.”

      “It is an insult to the women of our agency to imply that they are unqualified based on gender. Such baseless assertions undermine the professionalism, dedication and expertise of our workforce,”
      he continued.

      “As an elite law enforcement agency, all of our agents and officers are highly trained and fully capable of performing our missions.”

      So there.


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    CO2 Lover

    Does anyone buy the “Lone Gunman” story again?

    More than 2,500 books are estimated to have been published in whole or part on the Kennedy assassination, according to Assassination Archives and Research Center (AARC) President James H. Lesar, who co-founded that non-profit in 1984.

    Might be timely to start reading some of these!

    The 1992 law, the John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act, was adopted by Congress in hopes of controlling a firestorm of conspiracy theories whipped up the year before by the release of Oliver Stone’s popular, conspiracy-soaked film JFK, which suggested Kennedy was killed in a coup d’etat involving his successor, President Lyndon Johnson. Opinion polls have shown consistently since the late 1960’s that most Americans believe there was a conspiracy in Kennedy’s death — that Oswald, assuming he was the assassin in Dealey Plaza in Dallas, did not act alone.

    As a result of the law, millions of pages of documents were made public in the 1990’s that rewrote elements of the history of the assassination. The declassified files did not offer conclusive proof of any sort of conspiracy in the president’s death. But they did reveal how much evidence — especially about Oswald — had been withheld by the CIA and FBI from the Warren Commission, the White House panel led by Chief Justice Earl Warren that concluded in 1964 that Oswald had almost certainly acted alone.

    Many of the files however are still to be released – what are these hiding?

    What will the CIA and FBI be hiding this time?

    Justice Integrity Report – JFK Readers Guide: Assassination Books, Reports (


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      Richard C in NZ

      >Does anyone buy the “Lone Gunman” story again?

      Never did. The hole through the windscreen from the front for starters. That’s where the “glass shard” came from. That was the underpass shot that was heard by bystanders.

      >Might be timely to start reading some of these!

      Just recently at TGP:

      EXCLUSIVE EXCERPT: The JFK Assassination Coup d’État and Coverup – Latest Book by Jerome Corsi Examines the 35th President’s Death


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        Richard C in NZ

        >The hole through the windscreen from the front for starters

        That was observed when the limo was parked outside the hospital.

        What’s more interesting that doesn’t get a mention much is what happened to the limo after that:

        What Happened to the Limo After the Kennedy Assassination?

        As they made every attempt to get the President and Governor into the hospital, the devastation within the presidential limo became quite apparent. Upon evacuation at the hospital, the car was guarded by Dallas Police (as all the available secret service agents were assisting the limo occupants). The bubble top was placed on the vehicle too, in order to avoid gawkers and photographers, as well as to preserve evidence.

        [But not before the bullet hole in the windscreen was noticed]

        That evening, the Air Force One cargo plane carrying the President’s limo and follow-up car landed and was met by Secret Service agents and police. The vehicles were driven directly to the White House garage, where an all-night watch commenced. Members from the Bethesda Naval Hospital would eventually come to collect scalp, brain tissue, and bone matter from the vehicle.

        Once the investigation was completed, the car underwent a complete revamp, code-named “Project D-2,” starting in December 1963. A committee of six individuals representing the Secret Service, customization company Hess and Eisenhardt, Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company, and the Army Materials Research Center set about to modify and retool the vehicle for use. Six months later, the work was completed, and testing took place in Ohio and Michigan before returning the vehicle to the White House.

        Dallas News (paywalled) reports the limo was sent back to “Ford and partner Hess & Eisenhardt to rebuild”.

        Windsheild replaced next.


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          Richard C in NZ

          The limo windshield was replaced in the rebuild (Why? – there was a bullet hole, from the front, in it):

          50 Years After JFK Assassination, His Limo Tells A Story

          After The Shooting

          Investigators spent a month with the Continental, finding skull and bullet fragments, cleaning upholstery and removing the windshield. In late December, they released the vehicle to an uncertain future and a cacophony of skeptics. A 30-person panel convened to decide its fate. It shouldn’t drive again. It should be crushed. It should be warehoused.

          A VERY thorough cleanup job. A (supposedly) perfectly good windshield was replaced.

          I’m more inclined to think the original one would have been a bit drafty with a bullet hole in it.


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    CO2 Lover



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    Steve of Cornubia

    My theory, the day after the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, was that somebody knew that the shooter planned to kill Trump and so did everything they could to make it easy for him. I went on to wonder why it was that Jill Biden would hold an event not far away, on the same day and at EXACTLY the same time, thus drawing security resources away from Trump.

    Since then I have read others coming round to this way of thinking. The latest is Naomi Wolf (described by Wikipedia as a “conspiracy theorist”). She goes further, actually wondering out loud whether Jill Biden herself was behind it:


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      CO2 Lover

      She and her husband, certainly her son, are all at risk of investigation, or worse, under a new Trump administration. She, more than anyone who is fully sentient in her family, needs President Trump to go away.

      As the saying goes “Do not get mad – get even”. Trump will be going after the Biden Crime Family.


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          another ian

          And from a comment at Chiefio –

          “Bongino mentions something I had completely forgotten about!

          Cheatle was in charge when all text messages from Jan6 conveniently were erased ” by mistake”

          magically and very conveniently making evidence that jan6 was planned by democrats disappear”


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            Richard C in NZ

            >evidence that jan6 was planned by democrats

            My wild-conspiratorial-subconscious popped a thought front-of-mind when I awoke around 4am this morning:

            The, possibly, Deep State/Dem Trump assassination attempt was aided and abetted by the Jill Biden-Kimberley Cheatle buddies who hastily arranged a Jill Biden Pennsylvania rally which pulled the USSS’s best from the Trump rally.

            Wild-conspiratorial-subconscious then asked – did they have prior insider knowledge of said event?


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              Steve of Cornubia

              ” … did they have prior insider knowledge of said event?”

              That’s what I suggested on Tuesday. I don’t think the guy was necessarily instructed or encouraged to go after Trump, but I’m guessing he told somebody about his plan and ‘certain people’ found out. They then set about ensuring he got a clear shot and was less likely to be thwarted. How they found out I don’t know but often people like that are active online and in social media. Sadly, like the disappeared Jan. 6 emails, the guy seems to be the only young person who NEVER used the internet and, so far at least, the FBI won’t be able to crack his phone open until anything incrriminating has either been scrubbed, or an excuse formulated.


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                Simon Thompson M.B. B.S.

                The patsy was not the only shooter.
                Who shot the patsy?
                Where is the detailed evidence using acoustic location and looking at the wounded and collecting the bullets and casings?

                I am highly suspicious when we are spoon fed an implausible story like the
                Lee Harvey Oswald story.

                The Biden’s are the standout beneficiaries here.

                The was massive shorting Trump stock- Whoever placed the order needs scrutiny.


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                another ian

                “Swings and roundabouts” remember –

                Any “shorting activity” that might be “Biden connected”?


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        another ian

        But Trump has a grand collection of constitutional and legal transgressions at his disposal to “correct”.

        Way back in BC The Pointman drew attention to the Roman use of the Tarpeian Rock

        for reminding the public of the fate of traitors and the lack of such deterrents in most modern societies.


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        Steve of Cornubia

        “As the saying goes “Do not get mad – get even”. Trump will be going after the Biden Crime Family.”

        I don’t think he will. He’s above all a businessman and pragmatist – with a family. While I would like to see justice served, he knows how evil the people he’s dealing with are, especially given the recent assassination attempt. I’m sure he’s angry, and knows the type of people he’s up against, but in his position I would be worried that they would ratchet up the retribution against those close to me.

        He’s said multiple times, he believes the best way to extract revenge is to win, so I expect that’s where it would end. Let’s face it, short of recruiting America’s military to start rounding people up, he can’t achieve lasting reform of America’s political culture in just four years, which perhaps is why he chose Vance as his VP.


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      Richard C in NZ

      BlueAnon Watch: One-Third Of Democrats Believe Trump Faked Assassination Attempt As Conspiracy Theory Goes Mainstream

      Hours after the shooting on Saturday, Mehlhorn – and adviser to LinkedIn founder Reid Hoffman (who joked about assassinating Trump the week before the attempt) – sent a memo to reports suggesting they portray the shooting as a false-flag operation directly from Vladimir Putin’s playbook, designed to give Trump an iconic photo-op.

      “This is a classic Russian tactic, such as when Putin killed 300 civilians in 1999 and blamed it on terrorists to ride the backlash to winning power,” wrote Melhorn, who failed to address numerous photos – such as the one showing a bullet whizzing past Trump’s head, the obvious bullet wound across Trump’s right ear, or the death of a rally attendee – Corey Comperatore, who was shot while shielding his family from bullets.


      Jeff Tiedrich, a liberal social media influencer with 1.1 million followers

      Liberal MSNBC commentators – Michael Steele, Joy Reid

      CNN reporter John Harwood


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        Steve of Cornubia

        Maybe logic and ideology exist as some sort of ‘zero sum’ activity in the brain. The more a person is preoccupied by ideology, the less room there is for logical thinking.


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    Trump’s eldest granddaughter’s speech at the RNC:


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    We all know what this will lead to!

    UK first European country to approve lab-grown meat, starting with pet food

    You do that to your poor pet and the result may be…


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      Keep your pets happy. Don’t feed them fake food.


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        another ian

        They might already be getting exposed to pretty close to that –

        We once bought a bag advertised as “liver etc” from a major supermarket. The “taste test panel” report –

        The “house hound” wouldn’t eat it

        The working dogs wouldn’t eat it

        The magpies, butcherbirds and crows wouldn’t eat it


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      Steve of Cornubia

      I just took a quick trip in my time machine, traveling twenty years into the future. I saw a news headline saying, “Scientists Baffled By Surge in Cancers in Pets But Probably Linked To Climate Change.”


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    YYY Guy

    18 July 2024 A small town in the middle of the Northern Territory has been hit by its second earthquake in a week. Tennant Creek was struck by a 3.6 magnitude earthquake on Thursday afternoon, according to Geoscience Australia, at a depth of 6kilometres. It comes after a 3.4 magnitude tremor was recorded striking the small town last Tuesday.

    Hundreds of $$ of improvements?


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    Dr Chris Martenson “proves” there were two shooters.

    So the professionals were correct when criticising the SS allowing Trump to stand up when he did.


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      Richard C in NZ

      Even before Audio Analysis (Martenson’s is not the first) there’s some pointers when you break down the possibilities:

      1) Crooks had much better ability/skill with iron/peep/whatever sights than was promulgated as evidenced by the ear-shot under duress from the local Butler cops.

      2) If Crooks employed a “spray and pray” tactic the odds of a head-shot were vanishingly small but not impossible. Does explain the fatality (Cory Comperatore) and 2 serious wounds in the background crowd though.

      3) Crooks was not a lone shooter.

      Audio Analyses (more than one) tends to lend credence to 3).

      I have to admit that making that mind-shift is not an easy one on my part because it points to blatant Deep State murder with many accomplices.

      But given my reading of US assassinations in the past and JFK’s in particular (see upthread), I have to seriously entertain the notion.


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        Steve of Cornubia

        I don’t favour that theory. I can see WHY they might employ a real marksman to do the actual headshot, with Crooks lined up to be the fall guy, but I can’t see such an expert missing, head movement notwithstanding. Instead, I believe that shot that grazed Trump’s ear was the lucky/unlucky one.

        Having said that, I saw a photo the other day purporting to show the bullet as it flies by and, based on my inexpert evaluation, the trajectory was flatter than I would expect given Crooks was shooting from an elevated position. At that distance though, it would be really hard to say without fancy equipment.


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          The trajectory was odd, using a straight edge, it is heading down but the angle?
          The tractor hydraulics’ bursting sort of changes the angle, more likely came from, say, a window below?


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          another ian


          “Having said that, I saw a photo the other day purporting to show the bullet as it flies by and, based on my inexpert evaluation, the trajectory was flatter than I would expect given Crooks was shooting from an elevated position. At that distance though, it would be really hard to say without fancy equipment.”

          I don’t think Crooks had as much elevation as you are assuming –

          For a guess –

          The shed walls have been mentioned at 10 feet high. The shed peak probably no more than about 2 feet more. So about 12 feet high.

          Trump was on a stage – guess about 3 feet high.

          Trump is a bit over 6 feet high, so his ear was approximately 6 feet above the stage.

          So the shed peak about 12 feet aiming at Trump’s ear at, say 9 feet. Not enough to have had to worry about uphill/downhill range effects IMO.

          How does that fit with your “guestimates”?


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            Steve of Cornubia

            I think that warehouse was a lot higher than 10ft. That’s more like a domestic shed. Nevertheless, I do believe his elevation was maybe low enough to produce a flattish trajectory at that distance.


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    another ian


    “Now It Is The Nation Talking Up The Tone of the Republican Convention”

    “The Nation is not a liberal-tilting magazine.

    It is and has been for a long time the voice of the progressive wing of the Democrat Party. It is not too strong to say that it has been consistent in its hatred, or at least disdain, for Republicans for as long as I have been alive. Multiply that by a thousand when it comes to Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans.

    So imagine my surprise when I saw The Nation, of all places, publishing a piece about the convention called “The Revenge of the Normies,” which is almost sympathetic to the attendees who have come together to both nominate and celebrate Donald J. Trump. ”

    More at


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    Just Stop Oil co-founder Roger Hallam is jailed for five years and four other activists for four years over plots to block the M25 motorway that saw ‘over 50,000 hours of vehicle delay’

    Five Just Stop Oil protesters, including one of its co-founders, have been jailed for conspiring to organise protests that blocked the M25 motorway.

    Roger Hallam, an environmental activist who was one of the founding members of the group, agreed to causing disruption to traffic by having protesters climb onto gantries over the motorway for four successive days in November 2022.

    The 58-year-old was joined by Daniel Shaw, 38, Louise Lancaster, 58, Lucia Whittaker De Abreu, 35, and Cressida Gethin, 22, as they were all sentenced at Southwark Crown Court on Thursday.

    Hallam was sentenced to five years’ imprisonment while the remaining four defendants were each handed four years’ imprisonment.

    Prosecutors alleged the protests, which saw 45 people climb up the gantries, led to an economic cost of at least £765,000, while the cost to the Metropolitan Police was more than £1.1 million.

    They also allegedly caused more than 50,000 hours of vehicle delay, affecting more than 700,000 vehicles, and left the M25 ‘compromised’ for more than 120 hours.


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    another ian


    “Fed. Law Enforcement Controlling News about Trump Rally Assassination Attempt With Disreputable Anonymous Sources”

    Read it all


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    another ian

    More on the stock short –

    “Investment Firm That Allegedly “Put Options” on 12 Million Trump Stocks Day Before Assassination Attempt Blames Filing Error — Rothschild, BlackRock, Vanguard, Meta, George Bush, and Cheney Family Among Top Investors”


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    Jacinta Nampijinpa Price lists the benefits of colonisation – as she warns Indigenous prosperity is being held back by victimhood culture

    Liberal Senator has claimed being Indigenous is not a ‘disadvantage’

    She says there is not enough focus on Australia’s historical ‘success’

    Sharing her views in an opinion piece for The Australian, the controversial Liberal Senator argued it was inevitable that the country would be colonised and it was only a question of ‘by whom and when’.

    The Opposition Indigenous affairs spokeswoman said British settlement afforded Australia a common law legal system, democracy, freedom and prosperity – things that were not previously known to Indigenous people.

    Ms Price admitted Australian history is ‘not perfect’ and there are ‘shameful chapters’ but claimed the country is now a ‘modern success story’.

    ‘Crimes were committed, violence and injustice perpetrated by bad actors, but I don’t think it should be controversial to say that both black and white Australia were making the best of things by the standards of the times,’ she wrote.

    ‘This is demonstrated by the fact that, out of these decades of disruption, something resembling a nation emerged.

    Ms Price also claimed Indigenous prosperity was being held back by a victimhood culture – which she argued was creating division.

    She said Indigenous culture prior to British settlement was marked by violent conflicts and if we continue along a ‘separatist road’ negative parts of Indigenous culture will be left alone to ‘grow and fester’ – such as arranged marriage, violent cultural payback and attributing tragedies to ‘sorcery’.

    She said the ‘progressive left’ put too much focus on the ‘less than savoury’ aspects of Indigenous history, rather than celebrating the events that led to the nation’s ‘great prosperity, security and success’.

    She said it is not commonly acknowledged that British rulers ordered settlers to maintain friendly relations with the native people – although the instructions were often ignored.

    She also noted that Europeans and Aboriginals were viewed equally before the law, and settlers who killed Indigenous people were sentenced to death – citing the Myall Creek massacre, where seven white men were found guilty and hanged.

    She also claimed that many descendants of the Stolen Generations’ now enjoy greater prosperity and success than those generations who were simply neglected and left to live in poverty and squalor’ and argued the best way forward for the nation was for everyone to view themselves as modern Australians.


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    CO2 Lover

    The Deep State at work

    Big Bets were placed on Wall Street the DAY BEFORE THE SHOOTING that there would be bad news about Trump.

    If 2500 books have been written about the JFK assassination, how many will be written about the attempted Trump assassination?


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      The story will be dissected differently, there were no cell phone/cameras 60 years ago. I’m hoping there will be no fig leaves to hide their corruption this time, and it looks more like official corruption every day.


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    Andrew McRae

    Latest from Sabine Hossenfelder
    This Climate Graph has a Nasty Secret

    She highlights the huge spread in the absolute temperatures of climate models. Because of that, she says “there’s something not quite right about the physical basis of these models.”
    She says this is bad, but not for the reason you might think. In her opinion it’s bad because downplaying or obscuring the uncertainty in the models means the reality could be worse than the average prediction and that making a green energy transition could be more urgent.
    You would think the more important reason this obscuring of the absolute temperatures is bad is because the belief in the validity of these models is the only reason anyone thinks there could be a problem from CO2 at all.
    Way to miss the point!


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      another ian

      Wouldn’t that be close to “peak dubious assumptions”?


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      Richard C in NZ

      >She [Sabine Hossenfelder] highlights the huge spread in the absolute temperatures of climate models.


      I’ve been banging on about this here at JoNova for months. Been looking into this for about 25 years now and only ever seen ONE climate science paper that compares climate models to observations in ABSOLUTE TERMS. That was this:

      Connecting Climate Model Projections of Global Temperature Change with the Real World
      Ed Hawkins and Rowan Sutton (2016)$002fbams$002f97$002f6$002fbams-d-14-00154.1.xml?t:ac=journals%24002fbams%24002f97%24002f6%24002fbams-d-14-00154.1.xml

      Fig. 1.
      (top) Global-mean 2-m air temperature from CMIP5 historical simulations (gray, 1861–2005) and various reanalysis estimates (colors
      ; from Saha et al. 2010; Dee et al. 2011; Rienecker et al. 2011; Kobayashi et al. 2015). (bottom) Comparing the same data as temperature anomalies, using two reference periods (1979–88 and 1996–2005).

      Better graph in View Full Size within the paper.

      Fantastic that the word is getting out. The use of anomalies obscures massive climate model failure.

      But climate scientists would rather the public was not aware so anomalies it is.

      This is form of scientific malfeasance by omission (yes there’s a legal definition but I can’t post it at JoNova for legal reasons).


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    Astonishing cost of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange’s return to Australia revealed in fresh Senate documents

    New documents provided to the Senate have revealed just how much taxpayers were slugged to cover the costs of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange’s return to Australia.

    The fee for the private jet used to transport Mr Assange from the United Kingdom to the Northern Mariana Islands in the Pacific and then on to Australia came to a whopping $781,480.30.

    This expense was invoiced to Wau Holland Foundation WHF, a non-profit organisation based in Germany which promotes freedom of information.

    It is understood the federal government initially paid for the charter flight after an agreement was reached the foundation would reimburse the costs.

    “The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade expects payment to be made by the end of August 2024, which is in line with the terms of the payment schedule,” Ms Wong said in the statement.

    However, taxpayers will foot the bill for a slew of other extra expenses.

    Australia’s Ambassador to the US Kevin Rudd’s additional commercial travel costs totalled $29,267.73, while Australian High Commissioner to the UK Stephen Smith’s were $17,807.39.

    Another $55,402.51 was spent to cover associated Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade costs.

    Ms Wong said High Commissioner Smith was required to accompany Mr Assange to a US jurisdiction as a condition of the 53-year-old’s bail.

    However, she didn’t make the same claim regarding Mr Rudd.

    Liberal Senator Dave Sharma, who made the original information request, took aim at the high travel costs in a post to Instagram.

    “This must be one of the most expensive staged photo ops ever undertaken,” he wrote, referencing an image of Mr Assange and Mr Rudd in Saipan.


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    Steve of Cornubia

    Brits enjoy another day of that “vibrant cultural diversity” they were promised. It looks like a mostly peaceful™ celebration:


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      CO2 Lover

      How many of our Pommie mates will be seeking to escape to sunny Perth?

      But then we are only a few years behind the UK!


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        Steve of Cornubia

        A few years? Maybe, but only because we’re so far from Pakistan and the Middle East. If we were just 32km from Europe, how many of those lovely people would be among us do you reckon?


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      Steve of Cornubia

      Does anybody here remember the lovely Brit comedy ‘Open All Hours’, starring Ronnie Barker and David Jason? Well I’m sorry to break it to you but that warm and cuddly memory of Britain is long gone, replaced by a culture that nobody watching that old program could have imagined in their worst nightmares.

      When I was a lad and into the first decade or so of my married life, those corner shops were a bedrock of working class towns, providing not just bread potatoes and fork handles, but a place to chat with neighbours and swap hopes and worries.

      Not so much today. You might have to pan about a bit, but here is a recent Google Streetview shot of one of those corner shops today, not far from yesterday ‘culturally vibrant and diverse’ celebrations in Leeds. Dear old Ronnie and David are nowhere to be seen:,-1.5719977,3a,39.4y,-1.9h,85.25t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1siKM6ZJV-Eh6nCOl33VhmEQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205409&entry=ttu


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        Wonder why the shop is blurred out.

        Are the illegal immigrants disappointed when they find out living in the UK is not the paradise they were promised but a cold draughty miserable slum?


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          Steve of Cornubia

          It’s only blurred when viewed at an angle. If you position yourself directly in front of it you can see it in its full derelict and abandoned glory.


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    John Connor II

    How’s that unchecked immigration working out for you?



    The Irish have had enough:

    Just sitting here watching Trump’s speech with a massive crowd, not 20 people in a high school gym like Biden.
    “The greatest invasion in our country’s history.”
    “The damage done to our country is unthinkable.”
    He speaks with a fluidity and coherence that Biden is utterly incapable of matching.

    Meanwhile Biden does what he does best – a good sniff.
    Bye bye Biden this month methinks and good riddance.


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    Gee Aye

    Fun times in a world with IT outages


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    Crowdstrike*, a web security provider [others will know more’n I] did a patch that sent windows users worldwide into an endless loop. Chaos everywhere.

    I got lucky and got out of the supermarket OK but traffic was banked up starting in the carpark, the roundabout and lights. On the main road there was a concertina crash involving half a dozen cars. A quick trip to the shops took almost 2 hrs.

    * Do we know Crowdstrike from the Russia hoax?


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    Massive hurricane loving twin rotor floating windmill.


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      ” enough to power around 30,000 Chinese households … Or about 5,150 American households.”

      Six times as much? We’ll soon have American households down to that level too!

      Clever idea, one mooring point so it swings into the wind at all times, then it rides out a storm like a boat. It will be exciting towing those back and forth to be overhauled!


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    Why was the deep state’s bloodthirsty regime change expert Victoria Neuland *guaranteeing* that Trump “won’t be President” with a crooked smile on her face just hours before a Biden Donor was allowed by Secret Service to shoot Trump in the head?

    Catbox link
