By Jo Nova
There is hope: Despite the censorship, and the partisan bias in the media, more than half the country has shaken off the propaganda.
All our institutions and experts have been telling us “renewables are cheaper” for twenty years, yet two out of three people don’t believe them. In a similar vein 58% of people could believe electric cars were just as bad for the environment as petrol cars. 50% believe renewable energy leads to blackouts, causes harm to whales and takes away our best farmland. And half the country agrees there is no consensus among the experts either.
We haven’t had a strong election battle on the renewables transition, but statistics like these suggest that if the Opposition picked up on this fear, they would be pushing on an open door.
And despite higher prices being exactly what happens in every country on Earth, IPSOS arrogantly labels this belief as “Misinformation”.
They also asked people whether they had “seen or heard anything in the social media about this?” But only 39% said they had seen something on this in the mainstream media. So most of the population hadn’t even seen this discussed on TV or radio yet. Imagine how many more people would know that the transition would ramp up electricity prices if the TV news actually interviewed skeptical engineers, NASA astronauts or Nobel prize winners like John Clauser, every now and again.
We are a country divided and cynical. Half the nation don’t believe the CSIRO or the ABC even a bit. Only 40% think it will be good for the economy. Only 32% think it will increase jobs in their area.
Support for the renewables transition is falling away
In the last 2 years, a tenth of those who thought Australia should be “a world leader” in the energy transition have left the ranch.
And the most important thing to the people was not a speedy transition, but cheap electricity and reliable power.
Only 28% think we will meet our Net Zero targets
Boy are they in for a shock…
Half the nation still thinks (paradoxically) that switching to solar and wind power will improve air quality. Thirty years of teachers, news-readers and politicians calling carbon dioxide “pollution” sowed this confusion.
See the Epoch Times for more commentary on the survey.
See the crowd at Reneweconomy tie themselves in knots with excuses.
Australians blame wind, solar for high power bills as media campaigns take hold
But it’s not difficult to see why more Australians are now associating wind and solar farms with higher power bills and cost of living more generally, says the Grattan Institute’s Allison Reeve.
“It’s only very recently that we’ve come to this point where renewables have become the cheapest form of energy, so people who don’t think about energy all the time for a living will have a shortcut in their brain and say ‘oh renewables are more expensive’,” she says.
They’re trying to pretend that the idea of “cheap renewables” is a whole new thing that the masses haven’t been trained-to-death with for two decades.
“Only 28% think we will meet our Net Zero targets”
Made me think of George Carlin.
“Think about how dumb the average person is. Well, half the people are dumber than that.”
28% are about half of that half.
I doubt that any of that 28% understood the question.
I know many well educated people that have no idea what Net Zero is.
Without the ignorance of the general public, this policy ‘goal’ could not exist.
Of course, the actual political ‘goal’ is something else entirely.
Without government subsidies, mandates and regulation the renewable energy INDUSTRY would not exist
Yes Grasshopper, you have leaned the true meaning.
It is time for you to carry the hot E-bike battery into the snow.
Isn’t 28% Albanese’s current primary vote? I’m sure there’s a correlation.
Mr Smith,
Without the ignorance of the general public, this policy ‘goal’ could not exist.,,
How right you are! Which leads to another question.
Why has the opposition, which has proposed the nuclear alternative, not followed up on the proposal with a substantial program of education for the electorate explaining the working principles of a nuclear reactor, which basically only boils water to create high pressure steam to drive the turbine generator/s.
There must be comprehensive educational material available thru nuclear equipment manufacturers, consulting engineers, existing nuclear users.
Emphasis on safety, essential maintenance programs, waste handling & disposal not to mention recycling of nuclear waste.
If a general election is to be decided on energy the population must fully understand the advantages, economical, longevity, of the cleanest power source at our disposal.
The current administration will no doubt already be preparing their propaganda/ brainwashing attack. After more than 20 years of wasted time & $$ billions it’s time to put the the sorry Green scams in the bin. Long live common sense!
The opposition need to be far more pro active in explaining policies & providing evidence of the long term real advantages. The current administration always proposes hair brained policies without any long term benefits for all!
The General Election will be decided on the Cost of Living, lack of housing, rental increases, corruption, etc. Nuclear will come afterwards.
Legitimate General Election results are usually overturned by progressive courts
Actually, Honk, I must be in that dumber half, as I have no idea what Net Zero is.
Is it:
Net Zero in our power supply;
Net Zero in our transport sector;
Net Zero in our manufacturing sector;
Net Zero in our Agricultural sector; or
Net Zero in all four?
Does anybody know what the treasure at the foot of the rainbow is?
Elucidation from any of Jo’s subscribers welcome.
You’ve got it in a nutshell Pete. Welcome to our half!!
I can explain Net Zero quite simply:
Net Zero is when you add up stuff and it comes to zero. Don’t worry about which stuff, that’s very technical. The government will tell you when we get there. Hint: We won’t get there until a better scare story comes along.
Correction: We won’t ever get there, but when a new and better scare story comes along, they will simply stop talking about Net Zero.
Welcome to the People’s Democratic Republic of Halt Emissions La-La Land (HELLL).
What is Net Zero?
I think Net Zero is nothing but a political branding slogan.
It appeals to a common fear.
As such, actual function, practicality, or achievability is not required.
Once upon a time, political power manipulators appealed to the publics’ fear of demons.
The notion of ‘demons’ lost its’ ability to insight fear.
New fears had to be promoted.
Education assuages fear.
I was once concerned about Global Warming.
I educated myself and now I’m here.
And then we arrive at ‘Pandemic’.
And suddenly we are no longer asked to educate ourselves.
We are admonished that we are incapable without sufficient certification.
Funny, self education suddenly becomes socially frowned upon after the internet flourishes.
Thus Reformation 2.0.
The peasants are back to asking their little annoying questions because a fox got into the information henhouse.
The Climate Inquisition must go into overdrive to save itself.
So one can offer their services to the Inquisition as a witchfinder or a wind farm builder.
Coin is coin.
But maybe not bits.
Also, I love this bit:
>self education suddenly becomes socially frowned upon after the internet flourishes.
Thus Reformation 2.0.
The peasants are back to asking their little annoying questions because a fox got into the information henhouse.
The Climate Inquisition must go into overdrive to save itself.
The number 28 is their IQ.
Nothing like the reality of increasing power bills and failed prophesies to awaken the great unwashed. Much more effective than all the BS coming from Canberra, the UN, the ABC. the CSIRO, the BoM and Chris Bowen.
This lot wouldn’t know reality if it knocked them on the head.
“Chicken Little” is reality!
Every time I’ve seen Big Wind Bowen in the media recently, he has used the words “reliable renewables”, even after we’ve experienced a 3 month wind drought this year.
He sounds like a salesman desperate to offload unwanted goods
Unfortunately the great unwashed are only awakened long after the damage has been done and the grifters have absconded with their pelf never to be held legally, politically, ethically, morally nor financially responsible. They just move on to their next scam.
Only people who have never actually paid a power bill, would buy the ‘cheaper’ BS.
On the other hand, many will not notice or will refuse to believe prices are through the roof, typically Green Labor and other low IQ voters.
We look to Orwell, Nineteen Eighty Four.
Now, if you were to lead a stupid person to read 1984 (if reading is within their capability) one wonders what connection or conclusions would be made. Misinforming the uninformed I guess.
1984 is a monumental item of work. So how did it come to be written?
I’d say that the author had only to associate with a few graduates of Oxbridge to see it coming.
I doubt that the average punter would realise the significance of 1984 nor would they make the connection with the current lived experience.
Merrie England 2,000 may be easier, more obvious, for those to comprehend
I notice in the recent cabinet shake-up one of the most incompetent and stupid ministers currently responsible for this madness, the simpleton anti-Energy Minister, Chrissy Bowen, got to keep his job.
No doubt the equally incompetent and stupid PM thought he was doing a good job, or at least the job as instructed by the UN and WEF.
Eat your rotten heart out MSM/ABC. Your stubbornness in not reporting fairly and honestly about these important facts will, eventually, facilitate your own demise! You have been usurped by an army of truthtellers who now rely on sites like this one. Governments thrash around attempting to close the barn door with propaganda you eagerly print in the vain hope of stemming the tide.
Yes, Jo’s site and similar ones are among the few sources of truth. You certainly won’t find it in the Lamestream Media.
This bothers the Uniparty, that’s why the Liberals with support from Green Labor introduced Australia’s e Safety Kommissar to make sure we only hear the “correct” version of “truth”, the Official Narrative.
Therefore, it is an indisputable fact. Fact. To say that is misinformation is just straight up lying. Pure gaslighting.
until that 27% become 70% or greater, we are screwed
If you use a recognised search engine , you will consistently get fed the narrative and the censorship is built in . This is why so many people believe in the renewables nonsense . Recently I came across a post that typified this but on a different (but “relevant”) subject .
So what about the facts that ruinables destroy our fragile environments and leave our economy and jobs at extreme risk?
Then add the fact that our security as a country is also in jeopardy because we don’t have enough base-load energy anymore to ensure our basic safety?
Dutton and the Coalition need to warn Aussies that up to 28,000 klms will be destroyed for nothing with an horrendous cost of trillions of $ if we’re stupid enough to return Labor + the Greens + the Teals loonies.
Even their ABC and Bloomberg are telling us the truth about their ruinables lunacy so when will our voters start to think and reject B O Bowen’s madness?
Here’s one of many videos this past week about the pollution of wind turbine shards on the beaches of Nantucket USA and yet this is what Labor + the Greens + the Teals are happy to force us to install along our coastlines.
We must point out their environmental pollution and trillion $ fraud repeatedly until the voters wake up.
I must have missed all the propaganda regarding solar and wind being the cheapest form of electricity generation. So, I would disagree that’s been publicised for 20 years. For me it was always the climate alarmists pushing the intermittents because they were replacing the high emission coal generation. Hence, we were supposedly saving the world from boiling oceans. It seems like this lower cost lie is more of a recent development with the fraudulent CSIRO GENCOST figures being the epitome. But, then again I pay the power bills.
Ross, the mythical cost was always going to come down — “like computer chips” said Al Gore. And the vast uptake of solar power on rooftops was always sold as “reducing electricity bills” while the subsidies were hidden.
CSIRO in the Gencost report has been declaring renewables would be cheaper every year since 2018.
They were still gaslighting people on the cost of renewables even in 2023
From years ago:
2006: “Find out how to save money by reducing energy consumption, switching to renewable energy…” “And in many locations, wind power is the cheapest form of new electricity,”
“One would expect that — over time — the costs associated with renewable energy would go down. With fossil fuels, costs can only go up as the un-renewable sources dwindle ”
Al Gore 2008:
When I first went to Congress 32 years ago, I listened to experts testify that if oil ever got to $35 a barrel, then renewable sources of energy would become competitive. Well, today, the price of oil is over $135 per barrel. And sure enough, billions of dollars of new investment are flowing into the development of concentrated solar thermal, photovoltaics, windmills, geothermal plants, and a variety of ingenious new ways to improve our efficiency and conserve presently wasted energy.
And as the demand for renewable energy grows, the costs will continue to fall. Let me give you one revealing example: the price of the specialized silicon used to make solar cells was recently as high as $300 per kilogram. But the newest contracts have prices as low as $50 a kilogram.
You know, the same thing happened with computer chips – also made out of silicon. The price paid for the same performance came down by 50 percent every 18 months – year after year, and that’s what’s happened for 40 years in a row.
I gave a green thumb (sorry about the colour) but that’s not enough.
Here Andrew Bolt uses the latest study by Lomborg’s expert team to show that toxic W & S are by far the most expensive energy in the market.
Even 11 to 42 times as expensive as gas in the USA and here’s Lomborg’s quote…….
“If solar and wind really were cheaper, why would these countries miss out? Because reliability matters.”
“The typical way to measure the cost of solar simply ignores its unreliability. The same is true for wind energy”.
“Biden’s Energy Information Administration puts solar at 3.6¢ per kilowatt hour, just ahead of natural gas at 3.8¢. But if you reasonably include the cost of reliability, the real costs explode — one peer-reviewed study shows an increase of 11 to 42 times, making solar by far the most expensive source of electricity, followed by wind”.
“The enormous additional cost comes from the need for storage. Electricity is required even when the sun is not shining and the wind is not blowing, yet our battery capacity is woefully inadequate”.
Why do we need storage? Albow said we could charge our evs at home at night using the solar panels on our roof. So if we can do that we can run the household as well at night and when it’s cloudy and when…
How dumb are the remaining 32%?
The irony is that they are the better educated.
Are Arts degrees really education?
Ahhh it’s spelt Indoctrinated.
Credentialed, not educated.
Modern “education” is a vast propaganda machine, on a scale that would make Goebbels envious.
Lomborg easily checked the BS and lies about the USA battery storage requirements and here’s the quote and think about his quote of 5 times USA GDP and the World 10 times global GDP ……
“The new study looking at the US shows that to achieve 100% solar or wind electricity with sufficient backup the US would need to be able to store almost three months’ worth of annual electricity. It now has seven minutes of battery storage. Just to pay for the batteries would cost the US five times its GDP. And it would have to repurchase the batteries when they expire after just 15 years. Globally, the cost just to have sufficient batteries would run to 10 times global GDP, with a new bill every 15 years”.
So when did Albo + BO Bowen ever tell us the truth, like Lomborg or even their ABC and Bloomberg?
Here’s that link to Lomborg’s article about the real cost of toxic W & S.
A better description is the most expensive and unreliable + toxic energy that money can buy.
We need more Lomborg and less Thunberg…
The cost is meaningless as there would not be enough minerals to create the storage required for the US.
There’s a lot of misinformation out there. It doesn’t help when the distribution networks say they’ll charge even a miniscule amount for homes that export more energy than they need.
Here is some analysis of the value of a typical solar system compared against investing in financial markets. In this analysis, it is assumed that income from exports is zero, and as you can see, the economics still make it a very attractive investment.
How much government subsidy is built into the equation, it doesn’t say. How much of the market cost of electricity is inflated because of government mandates or other manipulations of the market, it doesn’t say. Take both away and I suspect you have a terrible investment.
Having said that, though, a few years ago I did the sums based on actual (ie, government interference included) numbers and found that I should at least break even if grid electricity prices stayed the same, and would be ahead if they went up. I duly installed the panels, collected the government subsidy, and I’m nicely ahead because grid prices did go up.
But over the same period my sharemarket investments have absolutely slaughtered the return on the solar panels. OK, so I was lucky with good timing on my investment in B-T-G (T-G stands for The-Greens), aka coal, but even my market ETFs left the solar panels in their wake. So I think there’s something missing from the glowing analysis in the article.
Another very important question about the toxic W & S lunacy……
How come the CSIRO are still telling the voters that unreliable , toxic W & S are the cheapest energy we could use in Australia?
Ahh funding.
The voters? Do you mean the public?
Well… that’s an underwhelming survey.
I agree. There seem to be a lot of 1000-person surveys on highly polarised topics which are never going to meet uniform variance requirements.
Foolish, too, for them to have grouped propositions like electric cars are as bad for the planet as petrol cars as indisputable “misinformation”. IPSOS may have been a market research firm but, at least in this case, it’s another voice of propaganda.
I’m going to bet that asking a whole lot of other questions will give a similar breakdown of answers that will also defy any meaningful interpretation.
Do you agree with the following blancmange statements?
Transitioning to renewable energy will cause an increase in power prices
Transitioning to renewable energy will cause a decrease in power prices
Transitioning to renewable energy will cause no significant change in power prices
Not transitioning to renewable energy will cause an increase in power prices
Not transitioning to renewable energy will cause a decrease in power prices
Not transitioning to renewable energy will cause no significant change in power prices
All the same.
Extra set of questions – replace renewable with nuclear.
Talking to yourself Professor.
A recent Essential Poll.
‘Asked to rank which form of electricity was the most expensive, “renewable energies, such as wind and solar” ranked first among 40% of respondents, followed by nuclear by 36% and “fossil fuels, such as coal and gas” by 24%.’ (Guardian)
But will the sheeple VOTE in line with this? Until that happens, all of this is useless…
The thing this survey shows is that the answer depends on the question you ask.
If the Opposition asks good questions, and provokes a real debate, the voters will figure it out.
Usually at elections the questions are stupid — like the last election in Australia.
Do you mean; Do you prefer candidate A vs candidate B, or were you referring to the Referrendum
It’s all good but @ 20 minutes (approx) “the Legacy Media is dying”
BTW for the USA to replace toxic batteries every 15 years would cost about 110 + Trillion $ or 5 times US GDP.
And 10 times global GDP would be about 1000 + Trillion $ every 15 years.
But China, India and the NON OECD countries are very intelligent and will definitely tell the OECD losers to go and get stuffed.
That’s assuming there are enough raw material resources, to boot.
Of course prices are and will go up.
The problem is the manner in which electricity is priced by AEMO.
Irrespective as to how cheap solar/wind power is to generate, it will be priced at the same rate as the most expensive successful bidder in the auction period!!!
To rub salt in the wound, they then receive the additional tariff of the small scale renewable certificate sum. Any non-renewable generator starts out receiving the same highest
bid price, but then has deducted from that rate the cost of large scale renewable certificates.
It isn’t difficult to see why large size power corporations are ditching coal for renewable generation. They receive a lot more per MGWH and they don’t have to endure the
scathing anti-coal comments by the feral greens and their acolytes!!
I’ve endeavoured to get a letter to the editor published re the above but to no avail……..
Stopped watching when the narrator started talking about Hydrogen …
Yes, a Hurricane or Typhoon, they do happen sometimes, go back in History as far as you want to — and then contemplate the potential destruction of off-shore solar “farms”. The Ocean can be a cruel Mistress.
Thai Customers Angered By BYD Price Cuts Amidst “Chaotic” EV Market Competition
Price cuts on BYD vehicles in Thailand are “angering” current owners of the vehicles, just days after we noted how Chinese EV manufacturers were disrupting the EV market in the country.
BYD slashed prices on its Atto 3 SUV this month, aiming to stay ahead in a crowded market. Discounts of up to 340,000 baht ($9,460) are lowering the resale value for current owners, according to Nikkei Asia.
One owner named Darakorn, who bought a BYD in January 2023, said: “I was told the price would go up in two months, after the government subsidy expired. Usually, insurance covers 80% of the new car value, and it depreciates 10% per year, but the discount pushes it even lower.”
According to Nikkei, with a bank loan and a government subsidy of 100,000 baht, the SUV cost him 1.19 million baht. Now, even the latest Atto models are priced under 1 million baht.
Darakorn organized BYD owners on Facebook to explore a class-action lawsuit. Complaints have reached the Consumer Protection Board, which is now investigating the discounts offered by BYD and its competitors.
“If you announced then that the price would drop 340,000 baht a year later, do you think anyone would have bought your cars at all?” he exclaimed.
Hopefully we’ll get nuclear generated power as a decent part of the energy mix. Assuming that this happens, the next big question will be: will our energy bills get lower? I think not, or not by anything worthwhile. This is because I can’t imagine that the big energy cartels aided by big government ever wanting to give up their big profits. They’re irrevocably habituated to the ‘luvly moolah drug’ to want to give it up.
If the government supports it, then our energy bills will not be lower. They would never support an industry that reduces energy bills, lower energy bills means lower tax revenue. It’s as simple as that.
Obviously, 32% of Australians don’t have any historical memory of energy prices, or they have their bills paid by the taxpayer and thus are disconnected from reality.
Seriously. How does one confuse $30/MWH before RE, with $150/MWH after RE, and conclude that things are better?
Stupid is, as Stupid does.
Coal is FREE! There I’ve said it.
I am amazed,staggered that coal is out of the mix. It shows how persistent demonization works.
What Victoria needs, Australia needs to reduce CO2 output is to admit most electricity is from coal and halve it by investing in HELE generators.
Far. far cheaper than nuclear. Faster to build. Sites and distribution in place. Coal ready to go. And that alone will achieve much more than shutting down all industries (Safeguard Mechanism 2024).
And double our reserves of coal. And remove the need to buy, install, service and build distribution for new windmills and solar.
That is despite the simple fact that all efforts to control a gas (CO2) in equilibrium with the ocean are utter nonsense, ignorant superstition.
I proffer this excellent graph from Richard C in NZ yesterday. See if you can spot China, Lockdown, Bushfires, Volcanoes, the Greening of the planet, the effect of 500,000 Windmills on the straight line which is CO2.
But no one suggests coal. Not even Dutton. Everyone’s in denial. It’s like a fantasy world where there is a simple solution, but no one is allowed to say so.
Just another meaningless ‘numbers game’ from Tony again, I guess, but it is indicative I suppose.
When you only get four electricity bills a year, there’s not much paperwork to keep. I have kept old electricity bills from previous addresses, the first and last from earlier addresses, and the most recent two years worth from the current address, so I have a stock of just 15 of them, and they’ve actually been handy, you know when you get asked by (usually Government agencies) Umm! Could I have your address from 15 years ago, and all the intervening addresses, so I always have them on hand.
So now, for the purpose of this Thread, I can refer back to the earliest one I have, and that was Q1 2010, so fourteen and a half years ago, so here, I can do a relatively simple comparison for you all, and here, all these addresses have been for here in Queensland.
In 2010 my Unit cost for electricity was 16.8 cents per KWH.
My most recent Bill that unit cost was 29.9 cents per KWH.
So, the Unit cost for electricity has gone up by 13.1 cents per KWH.
Now, for the following, there is a slight anomaly. Queensland supplies power into NSW via the Interconnectors, and all that power is coal fired power.
2010 – 14%
2024 – 6%
In 2010 Coal fired power (48,220GWH) delivered 92% of Queensland’s total power generation, and Renewables 1.5%. (virtually all of that a tiny Hydro element)
in 2024 Coal fired power (42930GWH) delivered 69% of Queensland’s total power generation, and Renewables 29%.
So, as you can see, the only change has been the addition of the growth in renewable power, all of that wind and solar.
So less coal fired and more renewable and a higher cost.
Oh, and it’s been sneaky in a way, and very few people would even realise it. I mean, how many of you keep old bills like this, where you can actually do a line by line comparison.
Back in 2010, there was (as there still is) a charge for ….. Supply to property, for the three Monthly billing period.
2010 – $9.45
2024 – $111.00 (similar poles and wires, similar property, similar grid connection, similar grid supply)
That 2024 cost is the equivalent (for me anyway) of 9.5 cents per KWH. (so, effectively that takes the Unit cost up to almost 40 cents per KWH, a clever ploy to say that power Unit costs are reasonable really, when in fact, all they’ve done is find another way to hide that steep increase)
Now I’m on my own, I have a commensurately much smaller power consumption.
Thanks to all that luvverly Government money from the Feds and the Queensland State Government, I won’t have to pay for my next three power bills, maybe even four of them, almost a year in fact.
Hmm! Is that Government money really taxpayer money, a subsidy, a vote buyer. Now, I wonder., one grand from the QAld Govt.
So less coal fired power more renewable power, higher electricity cost.
Please don’t tell me renewable power is the cheapest power source.
Oh, and note the total coal fired power for Queensland in 2010 and 2024.
Another little snippet here. Queensland’s total power consumption is the second highest in Australia at 61,450GWH a rise of 17% since 2010, and that’s pretty whopping considering that across the whole NEM (AEMO) the overall rise is only around 1%. (and yes, after some years of falling, it is now rising on a year to year basis)
NSW is the largest consumer, and has fallen since 2010, as has Victoria, markedly, while SA and Tas remain virtually the same from 2010 and 2024.
I can never get tired of looking at all this electrical power data. If you know what you’re looking at, it tells you so much. Mr Bowen looks at this same data. I see what I see see. He says if you squint your eyes, you can see a horsie and a fishy! (Sorry Chris, I just couldn’t help myself!)
(Bad form I suppose, replying to my own comment.)
I mention numbers at the top, and if you keep that in mind, this is how sometimes, the meaning….. FUL can be made to look meaning …..LESS.
See where I mentioned that the overall AEMO power consumption has only risen by that tiny 1%, (when comparing 2022 to 2023) almost an insignificantly negligible virtual nothing really.
How about we use that oh so meaningful rooly trooly muchly important wind statistic, you know, this gorgeously wonderful, humungously cheap wind plant can supply 250,000 homes with what is basically free electricity.
Well, that overall insignificantly tiny rise in total AEMO power consumption for the most recent rolling 12 Months when compared to 2023 (Jan-Dec) is the equivalent of an extra ….. umm ….. 1.08 Million homes, or more than the total output of the three largest wind plants in Australia.
Surprised that Qld doesn’t use its own gas. Too expensive? WA uses 50/50 gas/coal and still has cheap power at 27c/kWh.
WA is not cheap. We used to pay 20c/KWh.
Thanks Graeme4 (and hey, wasn’t there a # in there, or are you another of the Graemes?)
Okay, now I’m glad I mentioned that anomaly in the original comment.
See where I mentioned that in 2010 Coal fired power delivered 92% of all Queensland’s power. Well in that same year, ALL the gas fired component (OCGT and CCGT) delivered 20.6%. (see the anomaly now)
Now this is due to Queensland being such a vast State by area, hence decentralised, so there’s the need for ‘top up’ power to the North especially, because, well, Labor couldn’t bear any blackouts in the SE where all its seats are. (well, were, after this election) so even Stanwell delivers mainly to the South, especially when the (partly) Independently owned Gladstone needs the power for the Aluminium smelter
All the coal fired power is (basically) in the South East, with nothing North of Rockhampton. (Stanwell’s 4 Units)
The Interconnector usage enables all the coal fired Units to run all the time, so it can supply Queensland and into (Northern) NSW.
So, seven of the gas Plants are North and West of Rocky.
Some of the coal mines have their own (relatively) small waste coal gas plants, and the South East has a couple of big(ish) OCGTs’ and CCGT’s.
All the excess coal fired power gets blasted down the Interconnector, at the, umm, increased cost selling it Interstate.
Convenient, eh, in that the Queensland Government (through its two subsidiaries StanwellCorp and CSEnergy) own nearly all coal fired plants in the State, and the mines supplying them with coal, and the rail supplying the coal to the plants, and the Royalties arising from coal mining, effectively making the Queensland Government the largest emitter of CO2 in the State.
Umm, and now you get the general idea why the one of the main findings of the Queensland Government 50% Renewables by 2030 (and didn’t that disappear without trace) was that NO coal fired plant would close until the 40s or 50s, effectively meaning that it is then mathematically absolutely IMPOSSIBLE to achieve 50% by 2030, but hey the general public would never know that anyway, so they could get away with saying whatever they liked.
Okay so gas fired power in 2024. (20.6% in 2010) The gas plants generate half the actual power, but the percentage is down to only 4.5%. (what with 17% rise in power generation, and now the 37% of renewables)
Oh, and if the Government want Queensland expanding in the North, then they’ll need some (real) power plants for that. They’re hard pressed now.
They all wake up when it hits them financially and then the climate rhetoric disappears faster than Biden got dumped.
“Air NZ becomes first big carrier to drop climate goal”
“Jacinda Ardern Hardest Hit”
Classic comment on that link- l had a good laugh at that.
“I guess you just get to a point where the laws of thermodynamics get in the way of the unicorn-fart powered aircraft pipe dream”
“No Upside: Adding More & More Wind Turbines Means Less & Less Power Generated”
It doesn’t matter what Australians think about ruinables, it’s over, the Western world is doomed. The only way it mite turn around is if Trump wins both houses in November, and the Republicans keep the left-wing loonies away from the Whitehouse for ever, but he needs a miracle to overcome the Dumbacrats cheating. Europe needs to go conservative tomorrow, in every country and sack the Brussels unelected EU cronies and keep the left-wing loonies away from power in the EU forever.The UN IPCC,WEF DAVOS BILLIONAIRES need to be jailed…So like I said earlier, the Western world is doomed. Sucked in climate change alarmists kids, behold your going back to the future….bwahaha
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