
8.3 out of 10 based on 21 ratings

127 comments to Tuesday

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    From the Manhattan Contrarian:

    Renewables. Are they really cheaper?


    On Aug 28 the Wall Street Journal ran a letter to the editor from renewables advocate (and Stanford Professor) Mark Jacobson. The Manhattan Contrarian takes a look at some claims in the letter.


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      Ian George

      So branding traditional families as bigoted is not in itself bigoted – the irony.


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        And I’m not sure how Inclusive it is, either.
        Remember the ‘Holy Trinity’ [if one is allowed to use that expression] of Diversity, Inclusivity and Equity … you know, the one that seems to work so well for Boeing.

        Auto, just daydreaming.


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    The Ukrainian gravy train.

    This is one of the most mind blowing videos about the Ukraine War from @RobertKennedyJr

    -RFK explains why NATO keeps adding countries – so those new countries have to buy NATO-specific weapons from Boeing, Lockheed, Northrop etc ($$$)

    -the US “loaned” more than $100 billion to Ukraine so it could impose loan conditions like selling gov’t assets – guess what’s been sold to Monsanto to pay war bills? Ukraine’s farmland – the bread basket of Europe

    Guess who got a multi-trillion $$ contract to rebuild Ukraine’s infrastructure after the war and who has a massive equity stake in every company listed above?


    This entire money laundering death machine plunging us into WW3 serves 1 ultimate master



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      There would be no point in all NAto countries buying non standard equipment would there?

      IF you go into a war you need to make sure ammunition will fit all weapons used on the battle ground and the same with parts for tanks, planes etc. Most of the manufactrers of equipment throughout Nato would get approval according to an agreed spec.


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        True, the Swedes should supply aircraft, the British supply tanks, the German supply field artillery and the French supply armoured cars. All the countries can make their own small arms and ammo. So that’s the whole military covered and we haven’t missed anyone out!

        Oh, hang on…

        Standards are easy, having one country run the military supply for the West is crazy.


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      ‘ … the US “loaned” more than $100 billion to Ukraine …’

      Its small beer.



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    Anti Immigratio* party wins a state in Germany


    Its rivals have promised to freeze it out of governing in much the same way as Wilders has been in Holland. Fancy people not voting the “right” way


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    Speaking of parties not being allowed to take power, this time the left alliance that squeezed out Le Pen in France is taking Macron to court because he refuses to give the Premiership to their party even though this is correct thing to do by tradition and the law.



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    The headline for the story on the front page of Monday’s Times newspaper reads, “Germany’s far right has first big win since Nazis.”

    The term “far right” is obviously loaded. The AfD might be quite far to the right of the other large parties in Germany, but that might be because the others just offer a choice between Tweedledum and Tweedledee. The reference to the Nazis is deliberately gratuitous. The Times could have used the phrase “since 1945” or “since WWII” but by using the word “Nazis” the editor, or the owners, want readers to associate the AfD with the Nazis. That is like associating the British Labour Party with the Khymer Rouge in Cambodia.


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      It’s standard practice in the US for the extreme socialists and communists embedded in the Democrat party to call all conservatives NAZIs. It’s false flag stuff. The ANTI FA are their black shirted violent socialists, as always.

      Hitler’s National Socialists were originally called NAZIs purely as an insult. As in Ignazis, an insult on the ignorant Catholic farmers commonly called Ignatius. Stupid.

      Nationalsozialistischer Deutsche Arbeiterpartei

      Racism, militarism, brutality are a sign of the extreme left, of Socialism and its business friendly variety Nazism. Maduro’s massively destructive military dictatorship in Venezuela should be called NAZI.

      And proposed US Vice President Tim Walz is a lifelong and open admirer and supporter of Chinese Communism as a system preferable to US democracy. He has spent years as a guest of the Chinese government and made 30 trips to China. He is already openly directing Harris at meetings.

      As in Venezuela, the Revolutionary War against the British taught Americans one lesson. If you do not have a gun, the government can take everything. And Americans still do not trust their governments or police. If America fell, who would defend against America?


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      The big story is that they want Germany to pull out of the Ukranian war.


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      ” That is like associating the British Labour Party with the Khymer Rouge in Cambodia.”

      Sounds right to me…


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    My full report on Maine’s floating wind folly is up:


    The French are building a tiny 3 turbine, 10 MW facility to test floating wind which is where the industry actually is. Biden/Harris are rushing ahead with thousands of MW of non-existent technology.


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    From Martin Armstrong – Ukraine War –

    “I find it astonishingly stupid for Zelensky to make this move to invade Russia. I question if it was truly his decision alone. If any military commander criticized him, I’m sure he was relieved of duty. Zelensky is just what you want leading the troops—a comedian who dodged the draft several times himself. Zelensky is a war criminal. He has no business being the head of a country, no less a war. This is such a stupid move; he had to have been told to do this by the Neocons.

    Zelensky is putting on a show that he thought would raise more money. But he was also probably told to do so by the American Neocons, who need war before the election. Yet he is an idiot since Russia advances toward the Donetsk city of Pokrovsk, making significant tactical advances that this moron fails to understand. While Zelensky is putting on a show by invading Russia, he can find himself with supply lines cut off and his troops encircled. He will not retreat because that would now upset his cash flow after making a major move to beat his chest. Zelensky fears that Trump might win and is trying to demonstrate that he can defeat Russia. He also thinks he can strike a peace deal if he retreats from Russia and Putin withdraws from the Donbas and Crimea. What an idiot!!!!!! He is such a fool with zero understanding of tactical warfare.”



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      Kursk Offensive: West Heralds ‘Rebirth’ of Maneuver Warfare

      A rebirth, or more an aimless light-cavalry raid?

      Sep 02, 2024


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        Donbass breakthrough, Kursk border battles and infrastructure strikes: This week in the Ukraine conflict

        Moscow has rapidly made new gains in the Donetsk People’s Republic, while Kiev has continued its efforts to push into Russia’s Kursk Region

        The battle of Kursk

        Hostilities have been ongoing in the border areas of Russia’s Kursk Region since Kiev launched a major incursion earlier this month. While the Ukrainian forces have continued their efforts to push deeper into Russian territory, Moscow has been seeking to push them back while striking rear targets and incoming reserves in Ukraine’s adjacent Sumy Region.

        The Ukrainian advance has been halted, with the situation effectively turning into an oncoming battle with no distinctive frontline, centered around multiple settlements, including the villages of Korenevo, Kremyanoye, Malaya Lonya, Martynovka, Borki and other locations.

        Over the past week, Ukrainian forces have sustained heavy casualties in the area, with military convoys and smaller infantry groups repeatedly ending up ambushed, while staging areas have been subjected to heavy missile, artillery and aerial strikes.

        A new drone video from Kursk Region circulating online, for instance, shows several pieces of Ukrainian armor, including a US-made Stryker armored personnel carrier (APC) overturned, apparently by a powerful explosion nearby. The vehicles bear the distinctive white triangle markings used by the invasion force.

        Footage shows an Australian-supplied Bushmaster Protected Mobility Vehicle sustaining a hit, with a Stryker APC seen on fire in the background.

        The extremely low altitude of the drone and the exceptional quality of the footage suggests that the FPV was being operated using a fiber-optic cable, rather than by radio.

        According to Moscow’s latest estimates, Kiev’s forces have suffered massive casualties in the attack on Kursk Region, losing more than 7,400 servicemen in just over three weeks, as well as sustaining heavy material losses. Up to 74 tanks, 36 infantry fighting vehicles, 64 APCs, as well as some 486 other armored vehicles have been destroyed. Kiev has also lost some high-value assets, including two artillery and one aerial radar, five anti-aircraft launchers, 10 electronic warfare stations, four US-made HIMARS and one M270 MLRS multiple rocket launchers.

        PS the follow up Drone shows Australian Bushmaster Fried – Go to the end – around 33 Secs


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          RT is the mouthpiece of Putin, take it with a grain of salt..


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            robert rosicka

            Agree el+gordo , the first casualty in war is the truth but what we do know for sure is Putin is not much closer to his goal of taking Kiev than he was when he first invaded Ukraine which given the military might of Russia has to be giving Putin ulcers .


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              He never said he was going to take Kiev, he said he was going to de-Nazify Ukraine. What he has wanted all along is the pro-Russian regions becoming Russian again and the rest to leave Russia alone.

              Straightforward, but the Americans never want peace.


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                robert rosicka

                Just so we are clear here KP , are you saying Putin never intended to take the capital of Ukraine ?


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        “Manoeuvre warfare” is how the Germans took Paris so easily, it is also how the “Coalition of the Willing” destroyed Saddam’s mighty forces in 6 weeks, don’t knock it.


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      Neocons, who need war before the election.

      With every other plan failing they “…need war instead of the election”.


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    From Martin Armstrong – Ukraine War –

    “I find it astonishingly stupid for Zelensky to make this move to invade Russia. I question if it was truly his decision alone. If any military commander criticized him, I’m sure he was relieved of duty. Zelensky is just what you want leading the troops—a comedian who dodged the draft several times himself. Zelensky is a war criminal. He has no business being the head of a country, no less a war. This is such a stupid move; he had to have been told to do this by the Neocons.

    Zelensky is putting on a show that he thought would raise more money. But he was also probably told to do so by the American Neocons, who need war before the election. Yet he is an idiot since Russia advances toward the Donetsk city of Pokrovsk, making significant tactical advances that this moron fails to understand. While Zelensky is putting on a show by invading Russia, he can find himself with supply lines cut off and his troops encircled. He will not retreat because that would now upset his cash flow after making a major move to beat his chest. Zelensky fears that Trump might win and is trying to demonstrate that he can defeat Russia. He also thinks he can strike a peace deal if he retreats from Russia and Putin withdraws from the Donbas and Crimea. What an idiot. He is such a fool with zero understanding of tactical warfare.”



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      Martin Armstrong is an economist with an extremely checkered past. I am not sure why we should believe he has anything worthwhile to write on this war.

      Zelenskybwould have been advised by some very war experienced generals. His move might be as simple as raising morale- the British did this with a number of raids in the second world war- or there might be some deeper strategic purpose to divert weaponry or he might hope to obtain a better bargaining point if he holds Russian territory.


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        John Connor II

        Martin Armstrong is an economist with an extremely checkered past. I am not sure why we should believe he has anything worthwhile to write on this war.

        You might want to do your homework on that.😉

        /CNN bad.


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          I have looked at numerous different sources. Perhaps you might want to provide a link that provides his bio, good and bad.


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      I removed the offending exclamations from Post number 8. Please delete this post as it is a duplicate.


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        Armstrong talks rubbish.

        The American troops did the same thing in WW1, pushing into Germany at a cracking speed brought that war to a close.

        Before the cold wet bog season arrives the Ukrainians will make Putin’s motherland a war zone. Moscow and St Petersburg have legitimate targets and the drones are having a field day.

        Its only a matter of time before Russia sues for peace.


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    On yesterday’s thread we were talking about CET and despite the claim that August was quite warm, my overall impression was that it has been a cool summer. It seems it has been the coldest since 2015


    I suspect it has also been wet but will have to wait and see.

    It has had quite a detrimental effect on our tourist season here on Devon.


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    another ian

    FWIW – explained!

    “Electricity Bills Be Like:
    usage: $40.21
    distribution fee: $152.30
    processing fee: $75.92
    accessing fee: $45.21
    transmission fee: $34.50
    fee fee: $15.80
    fee fi fo fum fee: $17.75
    might as well fee: $5.00
    WTF you gonna do fee: $3.00
    Another dollar won’t hurt fee:



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    Geoff Sherrington

    As part of the normal service, here is the update for the UAH satellite temperatures over Australia including August 2024 just ended.
    The most recent value is 1.8 degrees C, which is a record high for all time since the UAH start in December 1978.
    The meaning and cause remain unclear.
    To date, Australia has had less of a high peak that has been present globally and that is suspected to be related to the Hunga Tonga eruption and the large water volume it put into the stratosphere in January 2022.
    This latest measurement set shows strong Southern Hemisphere warming, including over Australia.
    (Thank you again, Dr Roy Spencer PhD.)
    Geoff S


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    ‘Investigate the investigators’: FBI probing Donald Trump assassination attempt like foxes looking into chicken coop breach

    The FBI’s “non-investigation” into the deadly Donald Trump shooting in Pennsylvania has all the hallmarks of a massive cover up as alarming evidence mounts, writes Douglas MacKinnon.

    Douglas MacKinnon – SkyNews.com.au Contributor and Political Commentator

    If it walks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck – then it’s most likely a cover up.

    That, at least, is the growing fear of countless people in the US – including some very powerful politicians – who are following the seemingly non-investigation of the attempted assassination of former president Donald Trump on July 13th.

    But for pure luck, divine intervention and his own quick thinking and reflexes, Trump would have been grotesquely murdered on live television in front of millions of people.

    The Secret Service played absolutely no role in keeping him alive. None.

    In fact, many believe they exposed him to a potential second shooter when they very clumsily slow-walked him off the stage, as his head and upper body were needlessly visible across that stage, down the stairs, and into the Secret Service vehicle.

    Of course, part of the reason for that amateur hour exposure was because the six-feet-three-inches-tall Trump was being guarded in part by several much shorter female agents.

    As I have stressed before: I don’t care if you are gay, straight, trans, black, white, brown, male, female, faith-based or an atheist.

    If you are the best person for the job based upon merit and real-world experience, you should get it. Period.

    Sadly – and potentially quite dangerously – too many jobs, be they in the private sector or the government, are being filled for reasons related to identity politics and DEI programs.

    Commonsense hiring – such as maybe you need very tall Secret Service agents around the very tall Donald Trump – is often left in the rearview mirror.

    But risky DEI hiring is far from the number one concern regarding this assassination attempt.


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      Peter C

      many believe they exposed him to a potential second shooter

      I spent several hours yesterday reviewing the evidence for a second shooter:

      Firstly there is the acoustics. The first three shots, which seem measured and deliberate sound different from the next five shots which are fired rapidly.
      Specifically the first three shots lack the echoes which are heard with the next five shots, which might occur if they were fired from inside a room, through an open window.

      The second line of evidence is from the trajectory of the shot which hit Trump’s ear. It hits the front edge of his ear, then the back of his ear, which means it is travelling parallel to the axis of his head, means that he is looking directly at the shooter at that instant.
      Projected back the line of shot goes to the second floor window, where Greg Nichols was stationed.
      At the moment of the shot Trump had leaned slightly left and inclined his head to the right, to see the image on the screen, however he did not turn his head enough to look toward where Crooks body was found. Hence a shot fired from Crooks position , which hit the front of Trump’s ear would have gone through the back of his head.

      Consequently attention is focused on Greg Nichols and his sniper partner (who is not yet named).

      The ninth shot also sounds different from the others but that is now associated with a Butler county cop who fired toward Crooks.


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    Graeme No.3

    Here you are (or what you’ve been saying for some time.

    New Study: Human Emissions ‘Irrelevant’ In Determining Changes In Atmospheric CO2 Since 1959
    By Kenneth Richard on 2. September 2024


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    another ian


    “Kamala Harris’ New Nickname Is So Funny and So Right on Target”



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    I know I am nearly 80, but if the NASA Guy thinks this sounds like “A Sonar Ping”, then he must be a DEI Hire – sounds like someone tapping on hull of a Submarine.


    Boeing’s Starliner started making a repeating ‘pulsing’ sound yesterday. “In the recording, Wilmore asks NASA crew in Houston to configure their call so that he could show them the noise, which he says is coming from the speaker inside Starliner. Then, a repetitive clanging sound with slight there’s-something-on-the-wing vibes can be heard.

    The Earthside crew member describes it as sounding ‘almost like a sonar ping.’”

    You can listen to the audio of the call here:


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    John Connor II

    NYU Researcher Claims Death Is a ‘Reversible State’

    A professor of medicine has claimed that, through scientific progress, humans will soon be able to reverse the effects of death, the Telegraph reported.

    Sam Parnia, an associate professor of medicine at New York University’s Langone Medical Center, told the publication that what we collectively believe about death today—that it is a final end to life—is “fundamentally wrong.”

    According to Parnia, death is a “reversible state.”

    People only believe that death is irreversible because they have been conditioned to think so, and to stifle scientific progress, he claimed.

    “People used to think you could never go beyond the boundaries of [flying], let alone going beyond the atmosphere of the Earth,” he said. “And if you always believed that, then you’d never try.”

    Furthermore, Parnia claimed, it is helpful to understand death not as a moment at which “everything stops,” but as “basically an injury process” that can be treated.

    As a result, a large part of overcoming death by means of science will be altering the public perception of death, which is currently a “social convention” that does not “conform with scientific realities.”


    Well, actually YES!
    There’s research showing re-animation and normal function for many hours after death in some circumstances.

    /Hope for lefties and phone zombies.


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      I bet Sam believes the scientific consensus that CO2 can alter Earth’s energy balance. Yet he does not support the consensus that death is terminal.

      My son recently locummed at a large regional hospital where he treated wo large women, both weighing more than 200kg. They were too large for the hospital CAT scanner aperture. They were both in their 30s and, from his previous experience, he was certain they would not grow old.

      There are genetic and environmental factors that cause ageing. Some factors are terminal. A body battered in a car accident could be well beyond any repair.

      Human reality is that human bodies degrade. We may be able to provide new eyes, hearts, lungs, teeth and botox to plump up damaged skin but to what end.


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    John Connor II

    Japanese doctors oppose new coronavirus vaccine: ‘Replicon vaccine’

    TOKYO: A group of Japanese doctors and university professors, united under the name “The United Citizens for Stopping mRNA Vaccines,” have raised serious concerns about the Replicon vaccine. This vaccine, scheduled to be administered to Japanese citizens in October, is being opposed due to what they branded as identified risks.

    Replicon vaccine is a novel coronavirus vaccine developed by US company Arcturus Therapeutics after clinical trials involving 17,000 participants.

    At a press conference, Dr. MURAKAMI Yasufumi, professor emeritus at the Tokyo University of Science, said there were problems with the Replicon vaccine for the JN.1 mutant strain scheduled in the fall, noting that “the self-amplifying mRNA vaccine is genetically modified and has never been tested on humans.”

    “The Replicon vaccine is a self-amplifying, gene-engineered (mRNA) vaccine that mankind has never experienced before,” said Dr. Murakami.


    It’s being rolled out next month.
    It’s not AI you’ve got to fear…


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      This coincides nicely with the European Vaccination Card being rolled out this month in Latvia, Greece, Belgium, Germany and Portugal. This roll-out will pilot the new tools to ensure vaccination compliance.

      One has to have a new vaccine to mandate to test the functionality of the card. If so I will not be travelling to any of the mentioned countries in the near future, or any others that follow suit. Hopefully many others will not do and their tourist industries collapse in their “Bud Light” moment.


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    John Connor II

    Hundreds of doctors resign from British Medical Association for its support of LGBT child mutilations

    The British Medical Association (BMA) recently came out to oppose an existing ban on puberty blockers for children in Great Britain, prompting hundreds of doctors in the United Kingdom to resign in protest and disgust.

    The physicians who called it quits from the BMA say the union is ignoring evidence-based medicine by continuing to support the grotesque and utterly perverted concept of “changing genders” by taking endocrine-disrupting pharmaceutical drugs that destroy a child’s hormonal system, probably for life.

    It is all fun and games until all that drugging and mutilating catches up with a person, and yet BMA leadership think they know better than science and common sense what is safe and effective for a child suffering from gender dysphoria.


    FINALLY some integrity!
    Now form another medical association.


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      The BMA became political decades ago and continue to follow the leftist causes. They are no different to Dr’s associations around the Western world.


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    another ian


    “Climate claptrapping – climate alarm, but no alarm about a supertanker about to sink”

    “For reference, the Exxon Valdez spilled 240,000 barrels of crude. The Sounion is carrying a million barrels.”



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      “Climate claptrapping – climate alarm, but no alarm about a supertanker about to sink”

      Because it was done by those loverly friendly Iranian Houthis supported by University Students & Greens in Australia and elsewhere


      “M@slim immigrants in Germany:

      “When we are in majority we will take control of Germany by force. Sharia law will replace German laws. If Germans oppose Sharia they will be punished.

      G@ys will be thrown a cliff from the mountains!”


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    John Connor II

    Tuesday flashback: who was right? Journalists or “conspiracy theorists”?



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    another ian

    FWIW – Willis E has a look at

    “How Clouds Affect The Seasons”



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    Simon Michaux’s presentation from a UQ webinar on August 23 is now available on UTube:


    These developing analyses from Michaux are critical – and because the information presented is so uncomfortable it is absolutely ignored. Including here.

    For example, if Michaux’s projected requirements for copper are valid (and no one else is attempting such forecats with any honesty), then based on copper production from 2019, we only have 740 years to reach Net Zero. Or find, develop, mine and fabricate the metal (including recycling) at 120 times our current rate. And that assumes the mineable deposits of copper ore actually exist in that volume for geologists to find, anyway.

    Notice that the necessary geological exploration stages are always bypassed in public “discussion” (too hard). Most of the scientifically illiterate MSM do not even bother to distinguish between Resource and Reserve.

    Michaux has finally had these analyses peer reviewed and slotted for journal publication, so the “arm waving” tag no longer applies. I should be able to post the publication reference shortly.


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      Geoff Sherrington

      These future resources needs calculations are not so difficult for useful accuracy. When I was active my company and others had permanent in-house teams for updates every few months.
      The ability to forecast on any topic seems on the way to being a lost art for reasons that I fail to comprehend. The future Australian electricity supply is in a mess because dogma has upset the math. It is hard to understand what the present difficulty is that prevents an ordinary calculation like we used to do from being done by AEMO and adopted.
      Australia used to have the best and cheapest global electricity that attracted industry and jobs. We know how to do it again. People opposing it should be in jail by now.
      Geoff S


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        When we have organisations such as the AEMO and CSIRO claiming that only a minute amount of backup is required for wind and solar, we will never be able to move forward to better energy solutions.


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        >Australia used to have the best and cheapest global electricity that attracted industry and jobs. We know how to do it again. People opposing it should be in jail by now.



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        Geoff S

        Agreed that forecasting is disappearing under a haze of arm waving. I suspect the true underlying reason is to avoid accountability, as that is unpleasant if you’re wrong.

        Michaux has done some excellent developmental work here. I’ve run his results across a number of well-experienced and educated individuals, most of whom wriggled around to avoid the implications.

        And the implications are critical:

        1) Michaux himself believes that the “decarbonise” mentality is now so well embedded across the western populations that it is immoveable, so he has been working towards various options that may save the furniture, as the saying goes

        2) my own view is that the sheer impossibility of achieving Net Zero due to lack of sufficient critical minerals will finally succeed in short-circuiting the madness. Perhaps a little optimistic, but one should notice that even Adam Bandt and his Ants wish to exempt critical mineral supplies from a humungous mining tax, so at least the realisation of the issue has started to penetrate

        3) Either way, that is either Michaux et al can save the furniture or the whole thing does a hard face splat after considerable damage, the impossibility of critical mineral supplies for the Net Zero timescale will force some sensible change across the climate activists. Else two or three black starts will kill enough of the population to achieve that.


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      An excellent presentation. It is long (63 mins) but definitely worth watching. My initial interest was the amount of storage time required for solar and wind – he is saying 28 days or longer, mainly due to low solar CFs during winter. I’m not sure this is correct, as surely this is a known reduction and could be compensated for by increasing the amount of solar generation. I’m still claiming that the amount storage required has to be based around wind outages, as their durations are unknown.
      His clear statement that the current “green” transition to net zero simply won’t work is I believe understood by most folks here.
      The rest of his presentation about his proposed “purple transition” was interesting. While I believe that this approach still has many roadblocks, it’s good to see the research in this area progressing.


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        … could be compensated for by increasing the amount of solar generation

        Storage is a pipe dream. Why would one expect literally intermittent generation (even as useful daylight hours are obviously accurately predictable) to cover the 6am/6pm world wide peaks ?

        As you yourself note further down the page, batteries at best are good for about an hour or so when the wind drops at night.

        Other people putting my family’s life and mine in this sort of danger is extremely irresponsible.


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    YYY Guy

    All over the MSM. Not.
    (That’s why he’s a conspiracy theorist)


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      Corrupt scum, top to bottom. I cannot see why anyone can believe we need a Govt, just read that article… EVERY politician is like that.


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    The Casting Couch:

    Ok I knew Bollywood, but did not know there was Mollywood & Tollywood


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    John Connor II

    3 Surprising Cancer-Fighting Foods the Corrupt Medical System Will Never Promote

    Black raspberries contain ellagic acid, a natural substance that has been shown to prompt cancer cells to “commit suicide.”
    This powerful cancer-fighting food is packed with anthocyanins and antioxidants, which are compounds that can neutralize harmful free radicals in the body.
    [JC2 note: black raspberries and blackberries are different species but blackberries still contain Ellagic acid]

    Figs contain a powerful enzyme called ficin, which is one of the more essential phytochemicals present in this fruit.
    Ficin triggers apoptosis in cancer cells, eliminating them through programmed cell death.

    A Harvard study showed that eating peaches just twice a week could lower the risk of breast cancer by a staggering 40%.
    “If that was a drug, it would have been headlines in USA Today, CNN, everywhere. And the drug company’s stock would have doubled,” says Dr. Quillin says.



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    In an article in today’s The Australian (paywalled), Australia’s primary energy regulator, AEMO, forecasts that Australia “…will need at least 22GW (sic) by 2030 – more than 700% increase in capacity in the next six years. The market operator’s forecasts Australia will need at least 49GW (sic) of storage by 2050 in order to reach net zero.”
    It seems that our primary energy regulator still doesn’t know how to quote battery capacities correctly. Also an amount of only 22 GW, with the main National Grid consuming around 25GW hourly, would provide at best one hour’s grid backup, for only one of Australia’s grids. And given that Australia’s current battery storage is only 3GWh, even the planned 700% increase by 2030 is surely not possible.


    • #

      Back to the 50s with Candles & Kero Lamps (OK will go with LED Camp Lights)

      Got a Dose of Blackout last night with Ausgrid – had orignally only 1 phase of 3 phase go out, as had happened Wednesday Last week, then, thankfully after my Wife had cooked Lamb Chops & Sausages in Youngest Daughter’s Stove Downstairs (as our Old Stove uses 3 Phase Supply), at around 6pm lost full power

      Wife, Younger Daughter & Grandkids found and lit candles, got Camp Lights from Garage and used Mobile Torches to get around – took me back to mid 50s – had battery banks to recharge phones

      Power restored at 1000pm


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      Strangely, ? ..the AEMO and Battery operatorsseem to prefer to always quote the battery power rating rather than their capacity (GWh).
      I suspect this is a ploy to hide the true ability of batterys to support a grid shortage..after all 22GW sounds more like normal grid demand than the actual 40 or so GWh that might be compared to the 500++ GWh daily demand on the grid !


      • #

        The article first quoted the size of the new battery installation as “300,000 homes”!!! Had to look further down the article to obtain its figure of 1.66 MWh. And this of course is the nameplate value, not its actual capacity after losses have been included.


        • #

          1.66 MWh ?? That would not even be enough for 1000 homes for 15 mins !
          Must be a typo and mean GWh… which is still trivial .


          • #

            Yes, rechecked and the article is wrong, and I’m seeing different figures from different sources for the Brendale system. One source is saying 250 MW/2 hour BESS system, another 210 MW/410 MWh. None of these figures make sense and don’t match the cost.


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    Gee Aye

    And the hottest August ever plus hottest month ever in Australia and the total is up after the temperature drop last month



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    The Reality

    Netanyahu’s real problem is his own moral cowardice

    Benjamin Netanyahu never told Israelis that while he would do everything to save the hostages, he couldn’t sacrifice the country to save them.

    As a result, he hasn’t taken the country with him and Israel has no choice but to brace for more agonies to come.

    Have been reading a lot of comments in https://www.jpost.com/ & https://www.timesofisrael.com/ where the people understand and realise the reality of that while he would do everything to save the hostages, he couldn’t sacrifice the country to save them.

    As the Australian Editorial says – Hamas again shows true colours –
    The execution of six hostages demands solid support for Israel.


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      Spooners Cartoon in the Australian Today sums it up – https://www.theaustralian.com.au/commentary


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        Hamas admits to killing hostages, releases video of slain hostage Eden Yerushalmi

        Hamas has issued new instructions to guards on handling hostages if Israeli troops approach hostage holding sites.

        From the Comments – Brutal But Correct

        – I feel very sorry for the hostage families, but feel they should place their grief in context with the grief of the families of 500+ soldiers (and counting) who died trying to retrieve the hostages through war with Hamas.

        That is approx. 3 soldiers’ lives for the life of each remaining hostage!

        Maybe the hostage families should keep it shut and become more thankful for the sacrifices made in order to retrieve their loved ones.

        – If Israeli soldiers sacrifice their lives for Israel’s safety, only to see the fight abandoned because of demands to return hostages, it would dishonor their sacrifice and demoralize future defenders. Negotiating with Hamas under these conditions would severely weaken Israel’s deterrence, signaling that the nation’s resolve can be shaken.

        IDF must demolish Gaza at any cost of the worthless terrorists and their supporters.

        – Hamas is clear now that they will execute the hostages as a means of defense. Israel has no choice other than to continue to prosecute the mission to remove Hamas from control of Gaza. It is a terrible choice, but Israel’s fate cannot depend on freeing the remaining hostages.

        Sinwar was freed in the Gilad Shalit deal. Need any more be said?

        Israel’s message must also clear. Israel will no longer play the hostage game.

        The IDF should continue to kill Hamas fighters and search for the remaining hostages. At some point in the next 6 – 12 months Hamas will be completely degraded militarily and Sinwar will be dead. As a final reminder, Israel should retain permanent control of the Gaza/Egypt border, the coastline and the Eastern border.

        The new Northern border of Gaza should be drawn on the south bank of the Gaza River. North of the River is a permanent DMZ. The East border shall include a 2 – 3km DMZ. Both DMZ’s are a kill zone. A wall 50 – 100 meters deep should be built on the Egypt border with sensors to monitor any attempts to breach. Gaza shall also have a no fly zone. Make Gaza smaller and restrict its ability to access construction equipment and weapons. There is a price for attacking your enemy and losing.


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          A wall 50 – 100 meters deep should be built on the Egypt border

          A 20 meter deep 50 meter wide ship channel connected to the Sea would be a better alternative.
          Bottom of channel to contain vertical “soaker” pipes on one meter spacing another 20 meter deep making tunneling “wet”.
          Container cranes on Egyptian side?


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    Australia’s current account balance plummets $4.4b in a dire sign for economy ahead of Wednesday’s GDP figures

    New data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics shows the economy took a staggering hit during the June quarter, in a dire sign ahead of Wednesday’s GDP figures.

    James Harrison Sky News Digital Reporter

    Australia’s current account balance plummeted $4.4 billion over the June quarter in a major hit to the nation’s economy ahead of new data about Australia’s growth.

    The nation’s account balance summarises its transactions with the rest of the world and will be critical for Wednesday’s GDP figure.

    The new number from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) shows Australia’s deficit falling to $10.7 billion, with the nation suffering its worst quarter since 2018.

    “This quarter’s current account deficit was the largest since June quarter 2018, reflecting continued falls in bulk commodity prices and higher income paid to non-residents,” the ABS’ head of International Statistics Tom Lay said.

    Exports fell 4.4 per cent, driven by lower iron ore and coal prices, while the overall balance on goods and services dropped $3.9b to $12b.

    “Iron ore and coal prices saw a second quarterly fall, which is reflected in goods export prices 5.4 per cent lower compared to this time last year,” Mr Lay said.

    Alongside this, the nation’s net primary income deficit – which calculates Australians’ income from overseas minus payments made overseas – rose $0.5b to $22.5b.

    This marked the second consecutive quarter the net primary income deficit widened.

    Tuesday’s dire figures come as Australia is predicted to deliver its worst annual economic growth since the end of the 1990s recession – not including the COVID-19 pandemic.

    If the data meets expectations it would cut economic growth from 1.1 per cent over March to just 0.9 per cent for the 2024 financial year.

    GDP per capita, each individual’s share of the economy’s spoils, is also forecast to slump for the sixth consecutive quarter, well and truly cementing claims the nation is in a GDP per capita recession.


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      RedBridge Group poll shows ‘big problem’ for Labor as progressive women abandon Labor over Gaza and climate issues

      A new poll shows Australia heading towards minority government, with the Albanese government’s positions on visas for Gazan refugees and climate change creating a “very big problem for Labor”.

      Mr Welsh said the views of progressive women, particularly those under the age of 34, were primarily driven by two issues; climate change and visas for Gazan refugees, with the cost of living and housing “sort of there as background radiation”.

      The RedBridge Group director said the polling on whether Australia should grant visas to Palestinians fleeing Gaza showed the issue was “quite a contested idea” – with 32 per cent in favour and 44 per cent opposed – but there was a real “aged-based division” on the issue.

      “Younger cohorts, particularly those under the age of 34, (are) far more likely to be in favour of the support for the Palestinian refugees,” he said.

      “And then when you put a political lens over that… what we see is amongst Labor voters, there is strong support for offering the visas. But amongst greens voters, there is incredibly strong support – around 70 per cent.”

      Mr Welsh said this showed the Greens were “offering a home to people that that are disenchanted with Labor”, and when they asked focus groups they found that young progressive voters – particularly young women – viewed the government’s response as “uncompassionate and uncaring”.

      He said that these voters felt “disenchanted” and were linking the Gaza issue with their own “economic disempowerment” due to the cost of living and housing affordability issues.

      “There’s a sense of, almost like solidarity, of people that are that are experiencing hardship, vulnerability,” he said

      “They see a bit of themselves in these refugees that are trying to flee a warzone, and it’s really creating a very big problem for Labor on that progressive female vote that was so important to them in 2022.”

      Asked about the findings a short time later, veteran journalist and Herald Sun national weekend political editor James Campbell said the findings summed up the “modern progressive mindset”.

      From the Comments

      – Wait till these young females grow up and have to face the real world.

      – They would be the ones who have recently left schools or uni and have not worked out that what they experienced was not education but indoctrination.

      Once they have a bit of life experience the sensible ones will work this out.

      – Young people might wanna think twice before voting for the Greens because one of the Greens main policies is an inheritance tax which means when your parents pass away half their inheritance goes the the Govt instead of you.


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        they found that young progressive voters – particularly young women – viewed the government’s response as “uncompassionate and uncaring”.

        What exactly do they mean by “progressive” voters ?
        If anything, voting for these labor/Green policies is “regressive”, !


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          We are a bit late out of the blocks with “regressive”. The horse has bolted.

          But that mightn’t matter. If we started using “regressive” for their false “progressive” the horse might soon turn around. The facts are on our side.

          I’ll do that.


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      another ian

      Have we got enough data to do one of these graphs for Oz?

      “Gradually, Then Suddenly”



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      “and higher income paid to non-residents ”

      Who are these people? How many of them are there? How much to they each get paid? WHY do they get paid? ..and why are they to blame for ruining the Australian economy?

      Intelligent people want to know.


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        Who are they?

        Large scale investors around the world, who are investing on the promise of a profit. Pension funds, government departments, investors of all kinds. They are providing the cash to construct the W&S that we see around the country.

        And if we default on that promise of a profit, no doubt they will take payment in kind instead of cash. On their terms, of course.

        Some of them have armies.


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          It wasn’t “they” who ruined our economy. We did that.

          They just took advantage of our stupidity.

          And just remember that if Al Gore had not been able to persuade Clive Palmer to change his mind, none of this would be happening.


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