Mark the turning point: Climate activists know they have to hide “the climate” to win the election
Now that Trump is ready to make climate change an issue, the last thing the Democrats want is to put this debate out on the table. So their strategy is to say nothing about it, in case they offend the voters in the middle. As Marc Morano says “‘No one is buying their ‘climate emergency’ claptrap anymore’“.
In an extraordinary headline the New York Times is letting everyone know that the new “green” thing to do is to sit back quietly and wait for her to win. They don’t want activists to complain she’s gone soft on climate change and accidentally trick her into making public commitments which Donald Trump will use against her.
We’re at the point where the Climate die-hards openly admit that it will cost them votes if she talks about the climate. They know the voters don’t want it, and the only way keep the Green Gravy flowing is to hide it.
And these are the same people saying Trump is destroying democracy. They don’t want a mandate for action anymore, they just want to win. They’ll claim the mandate later anyway.
Make no mistake she and Tim Walz are as deep green as any fungus. Climate groups were happy to send $55 million to the Democrats silent campaign. They know what they’re getting.
Party strategists are happy to explain that lying-by-omission to voters is all for the cause. In The New York Times, the Democratic Governor of Washington openly says he “is not concerned” about Kamala’s silence on the climate: “I am totally confident that when she is in a position to effect positive change, she will,” Gov. Inslee said. Who cares what the voters want, she’ll do it anyway.
Kevin Book, a manager of a Washington based research firm, pretty much explained voters don’t want what Joe Biden delivered:
““This doesn’t look accidental, it looks like a deliberate choice,” …they are worried if she takes a strong position on climate, even it fits the same position that Biden took, it will make her look too progressive,” Mr. Book said, adding, “It’s a divisive issue and they need both sides as much as possible to win Pennsylvania.” — New York Times
The $55 million dollar ad campaign doesn’t mention climate change or global warming either. It sells Kamala by saying she will “strengthen the middle class” with “advanced manufacturing and clean energy”. Democrats apparently are nothing more than cliches, namecalling and a bucket of other-peoples-money to pour on the right keywords.
And of course if the Green Blob doesn’t want us to talk about climate change, it’s our duty to raise hell with it (in the nicest possible way, of course). Not just with far left politicians, but with the media. Make them explain why it’s OK for Kamala to hide what she is planning to do to. Isn’t the planet at stake? Doesn’t Democracy matter?
Anthropogenic catastrophic “climate change” is one of the biggest lies (of many) of the late 20th century and the 21st century to date.
No wonder the Left don’t want the truth to be told.
And they will have the full cooperation of the Lamestream media and corrupted “scientists” and “engineers”, Big Tech and subsidy harvesting corporations and the ignorant and uneducated classes more generally.
I’m on your side David but you can only convince the AGW indoctrinated punters with hard data and citable, testable conclusions.
In Friday’s thread ‘el gordo’ provided a link to a just published online paper by Ned Nikolov and Karl Zeller: . Their “analysis revealed that the observed decrease of planetary albedo along with reported variations of the Total Solar Irradiance (TSI) explain 100% of the global warming trend and 83% of the Global Surface Air Temperature (GSAT) interannual variability as documented by six satellite- and ground-based monitoring systems over the past 24 years”.
Atmospheric physics is way beyond my pay grade but if this conclusion stands up to scientific scrutiny it ought to kill off AGW attributable to fossil fuel sourced CO2 once and for all. While it is still early days I have yet to see any excitement over this conclusion in this blog or WUWT for example. I would welcome a detailed evaluation of the authors claims – whether or not they prove to be difficult to dispute. If AGW is going to be consigned to the pantheon of ‘Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds’, it will be science that does it. And time is running short for me – so I can no longer wait for global cooling to do it!
Atlantic Ocean’s Sudden Cooling Baffles Climate Scientists… Have They Ever Heard Of La Nina?
I think that’s the Atlantic Osciallation, not the Pacific which is La Nina/El Nino which affects countries surrounding the Pacific, half the size of the planet.
If anyone wants to understand the weather, they have to model the ocean oscillations which explain nearly everything. The atmosphere is almost irrelevant in terms of heat content. It vanishes with sunset unless there is cloud cover/humidity/a lot of water in the air, the real Green house gas.
The reason is that all weather comes from the oceans, all humidity, all rain, all storms, all weather events. The air is just the conductor, not the orchestra.
The water hardly changes temperature and never freezes. Even at the North Pole it is only 4 metres thick over 4km of water. Ask the fish.
As for heat storage, the ocean is too cool to radiate. Only evaporation works and don’t we know it!
Weight? Average depth of the oceans is 3.5Km. 10 metres per atmosphere, so 350x the weight of the atmosphere. And 4x the specific heat as air is an insulator
So 0.1% of heat is in the air.
And most of the sunshine falls on the oceans which cover 74% of the planet (antarctica is 2%, an iceblock 3.5km high).
What is amazing is that people are surprised. And they call themselves Climate Scientists while arguing that long term climate comes from the air? No, all weather and all climate comes from the oceans.
And for Europe, the AMO/PDO 65 year oscillation and the De Vries Solar oscillation perfectly explain the weather of the last 250 years. CO2 is not involved.
Still there is the amazing attempt to pretend tiny CO2, is controlling the weather. It’s absurd.
180 mg of Strychnine is a lethal dose for a man of 90 kg, and that equals to 0.0002% of man’s weight.
content of CO2 in atmosphere is 0.04%, which is 200 time more than the Strychnine content neede to kill a 90 kg man.
What’s the point of that comment?
Shirley you aren’t implying that co2 is dangerous to humans.
Co2 is the gas of life, without it in our bloodstream the ans shuts down our breathing.
Oxygen, on the other hand, a dangerous gas for us .
And don’t forget what the Left’s objectives are in imposing “climate change” ideology and action upon the West.
It’s the engineered weakening and ultimate destruction of the United States and Western Civilisation more generally.
If it was genuinely about the climate, there would be restrictions on the world’s largest CO2 emitter, by far, China, an advanced military, technological, nuclear and space-faring power.
And their emissions are rapidly increasing as they build two coal powered power stations per week. Plus such power stations have long life spans of 50, 60, 70 years or more. In addition, the Chinese WON’T be tearing them down like the Stupid Country, Australia, and others.
Fully agree. But the US has not signed all the treaties! And Trump will repudiate Paris. Without the US, China loses. Australia has already lost. No manufacturing. No electronics. No aircraft. And WWII submarines. Mining being cancelled. Soon the sheep will go. The Chinese made Wuhan Flu bowed us into submission and a ban on coal, lobsters and wine. Plus old time communists in Keating, Albanese, Bandt. We need our own Donald Trump. We had one in Tony Abbott but he has given up.
A timely reminder that we are still in the clutches of those who rule us and are intent on our enslavement, if not our extinction.
Just in the last decade, the damage done to society through lockdowns, vaccinations, genderism, BLM unchecked destruction coupled with massive Lawfare has brought us down into a phantasy existence that was unimaginable immediately post World War two.
A bit of fun to change the mood: Was this deliberate?
“are as deep green as any fungus”?
Are fungi ever “green” or do they avoid the sunlight.
Possibly the most important fungus in the last 100 years is green — penicillium.
They don’t need it. They eat existing plants for carbohydrates. And they breathe. Oxygen in, CO2 out, like all living things. They are our relatives. Like all living things which universally have the genes for breathing oxygen and breathing out CO2. All life on earth lives on solar energy captured by photosynthesis as hydrated CO2 and then converted endlessly into tissues. There is a bacterium which does not breathe. And there are some around fumeroles on the ocean floor which live on sulfur power, but they are very odd.
Thanks, that’s interesting.
Apart from Aspergillus, (“green fungus” in lungs), there are many green fungi.
Pictures – if you do an image search for, “green mushroom identification” you’ll see many green mushrooms.
My main reason for the first comment was to get to the bottom of Jo’s linking of “Greens” to fungus.

Now I’m curious about whether some fungi are green because they use the suns energy to grow.
Even after the Harris campaign walked back her previous support for a fracking ban, a slew of environmental organizations opposed to fracking endorsed her candidacy. The campaign’s apparent strategy of not focusing much on climate change “suggests that Democrats see talking about the environment as a lose-lose proposition” in this election cycle, The Washington Post reported on Thursday.
“They know what she’s going to do. There’s no upside to talking about climate,” Steve Milloy, a senior legal fellow at the Energy and Environmental Legal Institute, told the DCNF. “Keep in mind, I believe it was in July of 2022, The New York Times ran a poll reporting that only 1% of voters prioritize climate. So it’s a loser issue … And they can’t afford to lose Pennsylvania. So, they don’t want to talk about climate, because when you talk about climate, then you have to talk about fracking, and then they’re going to have to talk about how she wants to stop fracking, regardless of what she says.”
I recall that when Obama was running for his second term, he didn’t mention the climate stuff although it had been very important to his first term.
As soon as he ‘won’ his second term the climate was back, front and centre. Seems they knew full well the subject turned off many voters.
Obama didn’t expect to win a second term as the polls were against him. He set about legislating expensive traps and unachievable goals (sequestration, anyone?).
Imagine his surprise when he DID win. Every destructive thing he’d done was now his to deal with – and it made for an uncomfortable term.
Obama uses the ‘promise what we must to get elected, then do the REAL work’ school of thought. Albo is following this – but I don’t think it will work for him.
I never talk politics with my tennis buddies. Until yesterday. There are 10 of them. ALL of them are Trump haters and maybe half are ALP supporters. There knowledge appears to be via SBS and ABC only.
What is not surprising is that 3 are ex school teachers, two accountants, two doctors, two unknowns, and last but not least, a geologist who is a very knowledgeable person!
The only saving grace is that they are all very good tennis players!
I never associate with such people. They are not nice and ultimately can’t be trusted. And Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) is a very serious, untreatable psychiatric condition.
‘There knowledge appears to be via SBS and ABC only.’
This is the crux of the problem, nice people with narrow minds are easily duped by sophisticated propaganda.
David, how did that discussion go?
These kinds of difficult moments are the bridge we have to cross. Even if it didn’t go well, this is probably the most useful topic we can discuss. What works, and what doesn’t? Even if you get a silent ‘ping’ in one or two brains in the room, you may have achieved something. They won’t say it in front of “the mob”. But every calm, good humoured person who doesn’t bow to social taboos can be a beacon.
They are busy people who from childhood have read the Age and similar. Like many Americans. Or listen to the ABC in the mistaken view that they are getting independent, fair news from the government. On such a diet anyone would hate Trump. The fascist, crook, racist, rapist, convicted felon, liar, tool of Russia, favorite of the KKK,…
And unfortunately such people are very loathe to believe they are wrong. But they must be puzzled that 92 million people thought he was worth being President last time. Obviously fascist deplorables.
Lying by omission is a basic political gambit. Our very own Albanese is also practising the dark art. Decrying Israel’s attempts to resolve their Hamas problem while covertly funding the aggressor, via UN/NGOs, and hostage takers to quell unrest in several Labor seats in NSW and a burgeoning Islamic Party generally.
I have to agree with you that lying by omission is a common trait of politicians.
After winning they claim a mandate to do everything they did not tell us they were going to do
Alternatively, they re-word their pre-election promises to suit their real agenda.
E.g., the $275 power savings off of our power bills that the ALP promised turned into we would be paying that much more under a Liberal government so they ‘saved’ us from paying the higher amount.
“E.g., the $275 power savings off of our power bills that the ALP promised turned into we would be paying that much more under a Liberal government so they ‘saved’ us from paying the higher amount.”
I imagine that, here in the UK, we will get the same – possibly word for word – from Sir Starmer’s bunch of technophobes.
Miliband is still aiming for a Nut Zero grid in 2030 – that’s [at most] 6 years, and four months, and a week – from now.
He will need to pass a law abolishing ‘night’ …
and … even then… he won’t make it.
Oh – and prices will levitate.
I don’t recall Albanese explaining in too much detail before the last election how he was going to strangle small and medium business with Burkes IR laws. He didn’t tell sheep farmers he was killing off the live sheep trade. He didn’t tell anyone one that Tanya would studiously listen to faux Aborigines and their BS song lines to stop mining projects but allow the glassing over of 120 square kilometres so Singapore could get some unreliable electricity. There was “There will be no carbon tax under a government I lead” Gillard just before she introduced it after the election. Peter Garrett said it all in 2007 when he admitted that Labor would say one thing before the election then do something else in power. The left have form, here and overseas, so I do not understand how people can be fooled so effectively so often unless they are completely stupid which seems highly likely. George Carlin reminds us that the average person is stupid which means half the population, ALP and Green voters, are more stupid than that. Democrat voters are more stupid still. They voted for a Donkey last time now they are voting for its akabane inflicted jenny.
The climate modeling fraud started in the early 1960s when Manabe’s group at the US weather Bureau decided to double dip the funding and forecast climate change as well as weather. In the 1967 paper by Manabe and Wetherald (MW67) they claimed that a doubling of the atmospheric CO2 concentration would produce an increase in surface temperature of 2.9 °C. This was just a mathematical artifact created by the simplistic one dimensional steady state model that they used.
As funding was reduced for NASA at the end of the Apollo (moon landing) program, the planetary atmospheres group, including a young James Hansen, was told to switch to earth studies. In 1976 they copied the MW67 model and created warming artifacts for 10 ‘minor species’ including methane and nitrous oxide.
After this, there was no turning back. The climate modelers were trapped in a web of lies of their own making. All future models had to have a similar CO2 induced warming in order to keep the money flowing. For further details see the post:
Climate Change is hidden away for later use along with ‘White Supremacy’.
The other former ‘greatest threat’.
Both conveniently vague to allow for multiple purposes.
Bad for electioneering.
Good for shouting down opposition to draconian policy.
Oh BTW, aliens are back.
With MPox.
Those would be the US Election species of aliens.
And let me guess, only the DemonRATs have the diplomatic skills to negotiate with them?
If aliens really existed on earth, they don’t, (not talking about illegal border crossers) or we were in contact with them, I’d rather we have Trump to negotiate with them. He is a man of peace, not war like the Dems, and I don’t see why “The Art of the Deal” wouldn’t be applicable to them any less than the New York real estate community.
The media is setting up for another pointless “election” . The deep state will win and they are doing their best to prevent any “unauthorised” protests . The candidates who might have changed anything are effectively neutered . Whoever wins will get to administrate a catastrophe . Interesting times ahead .
It was the National Socialists who started concerns about anthropogenic global warming and proposed the use of windmills.
All documented here:
The Democrats are just following a long socialist totalitarian tradition of interfering with people’s lives, removing freedoms and imposing tyranny.
I’m not sure whether Trump has the depth of understanding on their so called dangerous CC nonsense, but he should tell voters the truth and be quick about it.
Use the Co2 Coalition scientists and take the liars and con merchants to the cleaners.
Start with Human flourishing since 1900 or since 1950 or since 1970 and ask how all these billions of extra people today are living much longer lives and are much healthier and wealthier as well.
Today the world still relies on 80% + of fossil fuels to generate the total energy to allow us to live this way and yet the idiotic Dems believe we can survive on the expensive, toxic W & S lunacy + toxic batteries.
Dr Koonin has won 5 out of 6 debates and drawn with Dr Pielke jr and mostly younger audiences have changed in these debates.
He uses all the most obvious data and always tells them that very few people die from extreme weather events today and that’s a reduction of 98% compared to 1920 or about one fiftieth today.
Under 2 billion in 1920 and over 8 billion today. There’s no dangerous CC today and in fact the data easily proves we live in the safest period in Human history.
But Trump needs to be quickly briefed by Koonin or Happer or Christy or Lindzen or Spencer etc and the sooner the better.
I have never, ever met a Democrat who knows anything about climatology. I have a degree in Geography/Climatology and I typically start out with, “What do you think about the Climate Reference Network?”
No one knows what it is. It is group 114 rural located weather stations in Alaska, Hawaii and the other 48 states. I see one of these stations every week in St. Mary, Montana near one the eastern entrances to Glacier National Park.
Why is it important? Well, in the last 20 years while we all hear every day that this day, week, month or year is the hottest in human history this amalgam of weather stations has not reported any increase in temperature in 20 years. NONE. ZERO.
Why? Because there is no urban heat island effect nor is there any distortion by poorly placed weather stations located on some freshly laid black asphalt in a Phoenix, AZ parking lot that has an albedo of
Observe the most beautiful graph in all of the world:
“The US Climate Reference Network record from 2005 shows no obvious warming during this period. The graph above is created monthly by NOAA.
The graph shows the Average Surface Temperature Anomaly for the contiguous United States since 2005. The data comes from the U.S. Climate Reference Network (USCRN) which is a properly sited (away from human influences and infrastructure) and state-of-the-art weather network consisting of 114 stations in the USA.
These station locations were chosen to avoid warm biases from Urban Heat Islands (UHI) effects as well as microsite effects as documented in the 2022 report Corrupted Climate Stations: The Official U.S. Surface Temperature Record Remains Fatally Flawed. Unfortunately, NOAA never reports this data in their monthly or yearly “state of the climate report.” And, mainstream media either is entirely unaware of the existence of this data set or has chosen not to report on this U.S. temperature record.
The national USCRN data, updated monthly as shown in the above graph can be viewed here and clicking on ClimDiv to remove that data display in the graph:
24-hour precipitation and temperature data for individual stations can be viewed with graphs, by clicking ‘PLOT’ on the Current Observations page:”
Apart from minor ups-and-downs (that’s life) the relatively flat line sure doesn’t scream PANIC nor EMERGENCY nor CRISIS nor DO SOMETHING to me.
Dang eco-worriers doth complain too much – mere farts in a bottle – pffft.
You didn’t hear any such reference because they were never uttered! They tried telling the truth under Bill Shortens truncated PMA attempt. Even Bowen had a go with “if you don’t like the policy don’t vote for us” so we didn’t. Juliar Gillard had a go too with “there’ll be no carbon tax” and “cash for clunkers” of course K07 went down in a heap of pink bats. Liars and cheats the whole dang lot! I’ll be watching Peter Piker with great interest. At the first sign of prevarication or back sliding on Nuclear my vote will be looking for a new home it’s already teetering!
U.S Dems. are betting each way,
That climate-change talk go away,
Affecting who voters choose,
Which Dems. could well lose,
Until after Election Day.
Comrades! Who cares who does or doesn’t mention climate. Iceland has erupted again and NetZero is becoming NyetZero.
Dr Rosling’s 200 countries over 200 years tells the true story of Human flourishing since 1810.
In fact Humans didn’t reach a life expectancy of 32 until 1900 and about 73 years today.
Both Dr Koonin and Dr Pielke use 32 years for 1900 in debates and now supported by OWI Data today.
This video is under 5 minutes and most people still haven’t got a clue about the health and wealth + record Human flourishing data in 2024.
It would be interesting to eliminate infant mortality from the 1900 figures, and say use life expectancy from age 10 onwards, and compare to current life expectancy.
Again I think Human flourishing in Africa is the best test although it is the poorest continent.
In 1950 just 227 million people but about 1494 million today.
Life expectancy about 36 years in 1950 and about 64 years today.
Today most African families use very little energy and have had to endure 90% of global HIV Aids deaths and 90% of Malaria deaths as well.
Look up Macrotrends for the UN data, but try to understand why/how this record flourishing occurred in just the last 74 years.
Certainly no dangerous climate change over that long period of time and Matt Ridley is one of the few Scientists and data experts that has written about this recent African flourishing.
Here’s the African life expectancy of 64.38 years today and using UN data.
Africa also has the highest rates of HIV vaccinating.
>most African families… have had to endure 90% of global HIV Aids deaths and 90% of Malaria deaths as well.
Strangely though Africa as a whole suffered relatively low numbers of Covid deaths
despitelow vaccination rates.90
I’m firming on a Kamala victory. All the polls I see have her winning where it matters. I have ever seen a propaganda campaign so absolute before and doubt the American public (where it matters) is intelligent or aware enough to see through it. This isn’t just a little biased or anything this is complete black out or white out whichever term you prefer. The memory holing of the assassination was pure genius, very effective. No one really cares about it anymore.
It is possible that the polls are rigged, knowing the persuasive power they wield, which will be enough to make those swing voters swing with the herd. But I’m one of the few who think polls are actually quite accurate. When they get it wrong people jump up and down and conclude they are always wrong, which just isn’t true.
But on the bright side, though I’m not an accelerationist at all, it is the one hope we have here. Things will get extremely bad once she sets the wrecking ball to energy, and that may be enough to wake people up.
It is also quite likely her masters will demand all out war on Russia, and China over Taiwan, which will open up the oil fields.
Kamala is not exactly an independent mind like JFK, who was always fighting against his military advisors to strike Russia first.
That is not the data I have been presented with. It is Trump who is favoured in the swing states. Not by much. But enough.
“Almost equal” according to the lying, fawning sycophant msm, and people believe it???
Variation between some polls, and its close, but Harris is ahead in six out of seven swing states. Not sure what you’re seeing. But I hope you’re right. BUt in any case it is way too close, which shows people are not listening to issues, its all feelings. Anyone that dumb and with such a poor record should be significantly behind. But she isn’t. It’s a problem.
Democrats vote for the party … they really don’t care about the figurehead because they know it’s the guys in the back room making decisions anyhow.
>It is possible that the polls are rigged
Surely not!!!
What a right-wing extremist white male colonialist thing to suggest!
I’m shocked. /s
I am actually all of those things. Guilty. But if the polls are rigged or not is irrelevant. They are persuading to the undecided masses. This is the incentive to rig them and so it is possible. But I personally don’t think they are.
>rigged… I personally don’t think they are
How do you explain The Huffington Post Poll immediately before the 2016 election?
Hillary 98.1% chance of winning.
Trump 1.6% chance of winning
Actual result: Trump won and Hillary lost.
Literally half the US voters didn’t suddenly all swap allegiance on the morning of the election, guaranteed.
Jay Inslee, the Democratic Governor of Washington State says he “is not concerned” about Kamala’s silence on the climate —
He is well acquainted with this issue. Inslee announced his candidacy for president on March 1, 2019, saying he would focus on combating climate change. That went nowhere and he announced the suspension of his campaign on August 21, 2019.
What do you like about Kamala’s policies?
Dumb leading dumber.
It seems the Democrats are not too worried about the minimal attention to climate change.
“But others seem less bothered by climate’s absence at the convention—or on the campaign trail. Although Democrats’ climate goals feature prominently in the party’s official platform, approved this week at the DNC, Harris has yet to release a detailed plan for fighting the crisis. “I am not concerned,” Washington’s Democratic governor Jay Inslee, a vocal climate advocate, told the New York Times, saying his bigger concern is electing Harris to office. “I am totally confident that when she is in a position to effect positive change, she will.”
“Despite its absence in Harris’ campaign, Democratic organizers say they see climate as an issue she can win on. Polling shared at the DNC this week by Data for Progress, a progressive think tank, revealed that a majority of voters are at least somewhat familiar with climate change and environmental justice. And for about a third of voters polled, climate change was more important to them this year than in 2020. “It’s become an absolutely kitchen table issue,” Michelle Deatrick, chair of the DNC’s climate council told me. “People are very aware of it and concerned.” Particularly in contrast to former President Donald Trump, she says, who has referred to climate change as a “hoax” and rolled back more than 100 environmental protections, Democrats, she believes, have a winning case. “This is an issue where it’s absolutely stark,” she says.
Many “fundamental freedoms are at stake” in this election, Harris said, including the “freedom to breathe clean air and drink clean water and live free from the pollution that fuels the climate crisis.” That was it.
For an issue that scientists warn is a major, global threat to our species and thousands of others, you’d think it’d get a little more airtime. T
o be sure, over the four-day convention, climate change had a few, brief moments in the spotlight: In his opening night speech, President Joe Biden highlighted his climate record, including signing into law the Inflation Reduction Act, which he described as “the most significant climate law in the history of mankind,” and launching the Climate Corps, a climate jobs program which he compared to similar programs like the Peace Corps. On Thursday, Interior Secretary Deb Haaland made the case for Harris, saying she and vice presidential nominee Tim Walz would “fight for a future where we all have clean air, clean water and healthy communities.” In an impassioned, short speech, Florida Rep. Maxwell Frost, the youngest member of Congress, said that “fighting the climate crisis is patriotic.” (Watch our interview with Frost here.) And throughout the week, trainings, council meetings, and panels centered on climate.
Perhaps the marionette Harris could be fed the line of the “joy” of green energy.
It’s all about joy after all.