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109 comments to Saturday

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    Leo Morgan

    I thought many people here would appreciate this humour from the Babylon Bee:


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    The impulse to sacrifice –

    “Our impulse to do something led to an environmental movement centred on making personal consumption sacrifices, regardless of whether they added up to any benefit or not. I found during my research that because of economic adjustments elsewhere in the economy, individual sacrifices don’t add up. They get offset elsewhere.
    Individuals were sacrificing only for feelings, not outcomes.
    This impulse intrudes on policies that have low costs and direct effects. Nuclear energy doesn’t come with individual sacrifices. So replacing coal with nuclear doesn’t feel good relative to getting solar panels and an electric car, where there is an element of personal sacrifice involved.”


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      It’s a lesson in propaganda that rapid Global Warming no longer exists. It’s now all Climate Change. If this year is different in any way to last year, that’s Climate Change. Global Warming no longer exists. Probably with good reason.

      So now near constant CO2, year to year and pole to pole, is responsible for all weather events.

      This includes heating, cooling, storms, hurricanes, floods, coral bleaching, sea level rise, droughts. All events are Climate Change.

      Which is surprising because we are also told the Climate is not the Weather. And that the science of meteorology has nothing to do with Climate because meteorology is only short term. I had thought meteorology was a science degree, but clearly it is not.

      What is truly amazing when you look at the graph of CO2 over the last 50 years and it’s a perfect straight line with growth of 0.45% a year. So something which is a boring straight line unaffected by explosive growth in human CO2 produces all these weather events.

      And thanks to China which contributes 50% of all fossil fuel and human CO2, these ’emissions’ have reached a annual 1% of atmospheric CO2. But I suppose we should be grateful because China makes all the windmills and solar panels. So China is exempt from all the taxes and climate goals and never criticized by anyone in the UN. Even the Pope rails against the USA on the basis of per capita sin.

      Still no one has actually proven that on a water planet where CO2 is highly soluble, 30x more soluble than oxygen, that there is any long term fossil fuel CO2 left in the air. Or proven that equilibrium of dissolved gases does not work for CO2. There was CO2 before the internal combustion engine and you have to wonder who set the level of CO2 in Roman days?

      Man made CO2 driven Climate Change. I just don’t see how anyone has proven it?

      But I guess we are not Climate Scientists and as with China, we should be grateful for being saved. As long as we keep paying.


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        Dave in the States

        Every summer a hot day or a hot week gets a lot of attention. The MSM spins it as something which has never happened before. It’s shameless. The same with storms.

        Once in while you get a weather man or gal who will throw in something like this, with a sly smile: “Today it was near a record, which was set back in 1963.”


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          Oh well , when all the new media is populated by 20 somethings many things appear unprecedented to them. I read an article the other day where the writer was expressing concern that the Middle East would soon erupt and lead the world into an “unprecedented total war” Seems to me we have quite a few precedents of total war.


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      You are just amplifying the reach of climate denier Mathew Wielicki by posting that link. It is full of misinformation (read truthful) that does not fit the the UN propaganda. Shame on you.

      For balance, readers should go to this link:

      Right-wing media amplification gave Wielicki’s climate misinformation a large following, which jumped even more after he denounced DEI policies

      When Wielicki had just several hundred Twitter followers in late November, he tweeted a passage from an old IPCC report alongside the #climatescam hashtag and implied that climate models are wrong.

      As far as I can tell, Wielicki is not a victim. He has chosen his path and one of the very few willing to bet his future on telling the truth. I am not sure where he gets income. He has 5000 Subtrak subscribers but I do not know what that means in terms go income.


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    This is a snippet of a story which may well play out as well in OZ. It concerns large UK clothing chain-Next-who remain successful in high street stores and online..

    They were taken to court by shop floor workers-often women- who demanded they receive the same money as warehouse people-usually men. So it was argued in court that there was se* discrimination.

    Now, most people would say they are entirely different jobs so should be rewarded accordingly. There was a case a year or two ago in Birmingham where the council was taken to court over supposed sex discrimination in pay, where those serving up school dinners-overwhelmingly women-were said to not receive as much as those driving the Dustbin (garbage) lorries. The latter is very hard physical work and again most would say the jobs are very different. However the tribunal in both cases ruled there was sex discrimination, so Next and Birmingham council have had to find tens of millions of pounds to compensate those who were discriminated against.

    The net result will of course be redundancies and in the case of Birmingham costs to the taxpayer..

    Does Oz encounter this belief that both sexes must receive the same pay when graded together, rather than they should reflect the job actually being done?


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      Really depends how stupid the grading system is. That’s the missing link in your story. In public service speak , if the dinner disher uppers are in the same job classification/grade as the lorry drivers then yes you would expect that they get paid the same. That’s more a statement about the grading system than the relative worth of the roles. They certainly seem to be opening up a can of worms comparing such disparate roles. You would think they would be comparing themselves with hospitality or hospital food workers not lorry drivers.


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      Its a complete load of crap! If you want the pay of a truck driver or a warehouseman, go be one, end of story!

      From the politicians writing the laws to the courts enforcing them, it all deserves to be obliterated! The Govt/courts have no place in private industry or in education at all!


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    Taliban hold climate conference in Afghanistan and blame the west changing the climate for Afghanistan’s problems. Billions expected in reparation

    I am sure we are all very sympathetic to their plea, so if everyone would like to make a large donation, their climate and their country can be improved.

    Make your donations direct to me and I will be sure to pass it all on to the Taliba* minus some trifling expenses.


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      Could I please have a piece of ex US military memorabilia as a token of my contribution? Nothing extravagant , just a Blackhawk or something like that.


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    Where budgets are set by committees – there will always be crises:

    Wellbeing markets / Social impact bonds …. sniffs of carbon markets.


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    Honk R Smith

    Just this morining I was innocently listening to my local ABC (US) affiliate radio station (talk and sports).

    A guest host, a self proclaimed immigration SME journalist, informed his audience that the term ‘Mexican’ is racist and equivalent to the N word.
    This is where we are.
    I don’t know where this goes.

    I now have no idea how to refer to a person from the global surface area currently referenced on maps as Mexico.

    But at least we have $cience.
    Which I believe in and follow.
    I hoping to soon get regular memos from the $cience and Language Police.


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      Why is it racist? it is not derogatory or disrespectful.


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        Honk R Smith

        Haven’t the foggiest.
        Don’t know where I’m going to get burritos and fajitas now.

        Seriously, I’m guessing it’s just another tactic in the Globalist plan to eradicate nation state identity.


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        But it “can” be or at least it can be described as such, and you do not have to try very hard. As TdeF notes racism exists and it will always exist because it is an “easy weapon”. Don’t just call him or her a “bas or bit” but “really” hurt them with “[insert colour] bas or bit”.

        The word “Mexican” was part of some conversations in Queensland a few years ago when applied to all those “south of the border” who were flocking into the state and changing “our” way of life. As the conversation usually went once you had lived in the state for at least 20years you became a Queenslander and were no longer a Mexican. Nothing to do with race, all to do with origin/location in relation to the state of Queensland – yip clearly racist then (sarc).


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    John Hultquist

    Constellation Energy expects to restart Pennsylvania’s Three Mile Island reactor by early 2028. Microsoft has signed a 20-year power-purchase agreement with Constellation, that will help Microsoft obtain electricity to power artificial intelligence.


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    Cam someone explain why, with the US Presidential election not until November, 3 US states have started voting today? I can understand that when the west was first being settled that it might have taken weeks to get to a voting station but in 2024 why should this still happen?

    By the proper voting date, one of the candidates might be dead or injured, made a terrible blunder or something else happen to make the voter wish they had placed their vote elsewhere


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    Why is it racist? it is not derogatory or disrespectful. We call someone from Australia an Aussie, From New Zealand a Kiwi and someone from America a Yank. Brits are Poms to Aussies.

    Should we stop calling anyone from another country anything other than a very factual word which in the case of someone from Mexico is…err….a Mexican!


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      Simon Thompson M.B. B.S.

      Good question Tony. Prior to “Racism” being propounded by third Reich intellectuals it was common for group identity to be based on the geographical origin of the person. Note this was NOT based on skin colour, intelligence or any other characteristic.


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      In Australia we call Americans “Septics”. Shortened rhyming slang of Septic Tank for Yank.

      The states of Queensland and New South Wales call us Victorians “Mexicans” because we’re south of the border. Also because they think it’s a criticism by association. 😄

      European migrants to Australia were called either a wog or a balt. Wog was typically Italian or Greek, but extended to Turks and Middle Eastern folk too. In WW1 the Aussie soldiers in Egypt referred to the locals as wogs too. And soccer was called “wog ball” here.
      Balt was short for Baltic area and included Dutch migrants.

      Was any of this racist? It depended on the tone and the individual using it as to whether it was derisive or scorn, rather that purely a territorial label.

      The children of “wog” migrants started using the term wog almost as a badge of honour for themselves and called the children of British migrants “Skips” after the TV show Skippy the bush kangaroo.

      If anyone is starting to claim that labels like Mexican for people from Mexico is racist, and not simply a logical noun, then in all likelihood that person has the prejudice for even thinking it’s negative. Or they’re a troubled activist, or both.
      But in the nickname for Victorians sense it is a slight.


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      Honk R Smith

      Identity politics depends on mustering offense.
      A simple tactic of Provocateurism.
      A tool of spycraft to prevent oppositional unity from developing a political challenge to ensconced power.
      No sooner than one term is socially accepted, it morphs into offense.
      It’s like an arcade game.
      People of color is accepted.
      Colored people is offense.
      No one will ever win.


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      I wonder if anyone has asked them what they would like to be called.


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    mike Reed

    mike reed
    Hi Tony -the early voting in the US is to gauge (like the polls we keep hearing about that its a neck and neck race between Kamala and Trump) how much
    “adjustment” to voting numbers has to done on or after Nov 3 to insure Democracy triumphs with a win for Kamala !!!
    Cheers Mike


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    David Maddison

    From the Australian Debt Clock.

    Total Australian Government (federal, state, local) debt now:


    And rising rapidly.

    Why not watch it turn over to $2 trillion?

    No present Lib/Lab Uniparty Government has any concern for spending taxpayer money.

    Back in the day, at least the Libs would express concerns about excessive Government spending by Labor but now it’s not of the least concern for any faction of the Uniparty.

    At $2 trillion that debt is about $77,000 for every man, woman and child in Australia.

    But clearly most of them don’t work or pay taxes. If you remove all those too old or too young to work, or who are welfare recipients or work for the government, the debt per net taxpayer is massively more than $77,000.


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      David Maddison

      In the last three hours it’s gone up by $67 million so Australia is generating Government debt at the rate of about $6,200 per second.



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    David Maddison

    The prototype of the Lockheed C-130 Hercules fitst flew in 1954 and it was introduced to service in 1956. So it’s been around for 70 years. It’s slightly younger than the B-52.

    Both aircraft were designed by real engineers who knew what they were doing, hence the longevity of these aircraft, both still in service.

    I doubt those who “identify” as “engineers” today with a modern dumbed-down woke “education” could achieve similar feats.


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    another ian

    Re “I doubt those who “identify” as “engineers” today with a modern dumbed-down woke “education” could achieve similar feats.”

    I guess they have the next 70 or so years to demonstrate


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    ASIO checks came after Palestine visas were granted


    Thousands of Palestinian visa-holders were referred to ASIO for security checks after they were granted special temporary visitor permits, with the Department of Home Affairs providing a list of 2601 visa holders for review by the spy agency in March.

    Heavily redacted departmental advice provided to former home affairs and immigration ministers Clare O’Neil and Andrew Giles reveals that multiple visas were cancelled as a result of security assessments.

    Documents tabled in the Senate show that ASIO received a list of visa holders on March 16. An April 9 update showed 12 Palestinians had visas cancelled offshore following security checks, with five deemed a direct or indirect risk to Australia’s security.

    The Coalition claims the documents show there were no rigorous face-to-face or biometric testing requirements prior to the granting of visas and that some visa-holders referred to ASIO would likely have already been in Australia.

    Ministerial briefing documents show an additional 15 Palestinians had visas cancelled due to incorrect or non-genuine information. Seven individuals had visa applications refused while in Australia.

    “In the event ASIO assesses an individual to be directly or indirectly a risk to security, an Adverse Security Assessment (ASA) is furnished to the Department. ASIO continues to work through the list, however, to date no adverse information has been identified. ASIO has acknowledged visa holders on the list are able to travel,” the ministerial briefing note sent in April said.


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      Between October 7 and September 11, 2963 migration and temporary visas have been granted to Palestinians, including 2587 visitor visas, 97 family visas, 44 return resident visas, 80 skilled migration visas, 57 student visas and 98 other temporary visas.

      A total of 7195 visa applications by Palestinians have been rejected.

      Up to 70 per cent of the roughly 1300 Palestinian visa-holders in Australia have now applied for onshore protection visas, allowing them access to Bridging E visas, which grant access to work rights and Medicare eligibility.

      483 Comments so far not kind to Labor Albanese Goverenment plus Greens & TEAL’s get mentions

      – Why are we admitting thousands of Palestinians during a housing crisis. Their neighbours wont take them, why do we?

      – Teal voters – thanks for all of this.

      – Incredible. And this is supposed to be a government that is responsible for the security of Australia? Remove this mob they are not worthy to be in charge of this nation.

      – Chaotic, contradictory and dangerous are their decisions.

      – Chaotic, contradictory and dangerous are their decisions.


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      Did they have to hand in any pagers at Customs? Any surprising small explosions locally last week?


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    David Maddison

    Just consider all the money Australia has thrown away on windmill and solar plantations, for the benefit of subsidy harvesters and other grifters.

    It could have been used for something useful like large scale irrigation like a version of the Bradfield Scheme, decent roads and freeways, decent railways etc..

    The money has gone, and nothing to show for it except the large bank accounts of a few elites. And considering Australia’s massive debt, there will be no more of it.

    BTW, if you live in Sicktoria, it appears that potholes in roads are no longer being repaired and the handiwork of graffiti criminals is not being removed. An early sign of a decaying society.


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    David Maddison

    In Sicktoria and I guess similiar in other Australian states and fiefdoms there will soon be four waste recycling streams and four bins per household:

    -glass recycling
    -food organics and garden organics (FOGO)
    -mixed recycling
    -general rubbish.

    There is a fanatical obsession to collect all this and use the unpaid labour of Proles to sort it but what gets done with it?

    Australia refuses to send PET bottles overseas for recycling but we have no recycling ourselves since the last plastics recycling plant closed down due to the high cost of “green” energy.

    Greens refuse to allow rubbish to be burned to make electricity. They even do that in woke Europe with extremely low emissions incinerators. Thus they prove it’s energy they are opposed to, not pollution (Not talking about CO2 which is not a pollutant.)

    Aluminium and steel cans are worth recycling but is it worthwhile given the cost of collection (If true costs are accounted for).

    Green organic waste is easily contaminated with non organic materials so I’m not sure that’s worthwhile beyond virtue signaling.

    I’m not sure about glass bottles, does anyone in Australia recycle those these days? They used to decades ago. Again, is it worthwhile given the true costs?

    Paper is perhaps worthwhile.

    Ultimately, it seems mostly expensive (in many ways) virtue signaling and not very worthwhile given the lack of recycling industry due to the high cost of “green” energy.


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    David Maddison

    I do some contract work for a certain Australian company and I was surprised when they told me they pay 50c/kWh for electricity. That’s much higher than the already-high domestic rate I pay at home.

    Is that a normal rate for an office in Sydney?


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    Sanjeev Shablok has been busy since he quit Vic Treasury “Unlike animal quarantine (which itself is challenging to implement), human quarantine is leaky. Human factors such as information gaps, incentive issues, ignorance, laziness, sleepiness, human error, deliberate breaches, and a lot more, make a dog’s breakfast of any attempt to reduce the spread of contagion. Even hospital-grade medical isolation under highly controlled conditions fails, with over 100,000 people dying each year in the USA from diseases that they acquired during a hospital visit. If professional isolation of the sick under controlled conditions in an advanced country like the USA is hard, it is harder by orders of magnitude to isolate the healthy under uncontrolled conditions, or in less developed countries.”


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      David Maddison

      He looks like a good guy.

      He resigned on 9 September 2020 after he was requested to remove his direct and indirect criticism of the handling of the pandemic by some officials of the Daniel Andrews government.

      I took a PhD in economics from the USA and came to Australia from India in 2000 where I had been a senior civil servant. Unfortunately, in March 2020, Australia turned on a dime, from role model to totalitarianism, with society-wide lockdowns, border closures and mandatory masks in open parks. A full-blown Police state was unleashed. Western civilisation has two main pillars: the government must not interfere in the life of citizens without a strong justification, and public policy must be based on evidence, not on the arbitrary whim or imagination of the government. Australia had a stringent regime of risk-based regulation and a requirement for cost-benefit analysis, both being matters on which I advised Victoria governments for 15 years as a senior economist. Both these were thrown out of the window in 2020.

      I am great admirer of Robert Menzies and want AFP to become Australia’s real liberal party. The apparatchiks of the Liberal Party have supported Scott Morrison’s deceit: his blatantly false comparison of covid with the Spanish flu to justify his CCP-imitation policies, and his claim that he has saved 30,000 lives. The world’s most cited epidemiologist, John Ioannidis, has confirmed to me that covid is 50 to 500 times less lethal than the Spanish flu. I’m assisting Prof. Gigi Foster in a cost-benefit analysis that confirms the enormous harms caused to Australia by the major parties.


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        COVID czar Jay Varma’s 2020 drug-fueled partying exposes public-health ‘experts’ as hypocritical tyrants

        By Post Editorial Board

        Dr. Jay Varma, the man behind New York City’s draconian COVID response under Bill de Blasio, secretly broke all the rules he insisted were necessary to save lives.

        He backed lockdowns that wrecked businesses and livelihoods; mindless vaccine mandates that cost workers their jobs.

        And all the while he was enjoying underground raves and drug-fueled parties.

        A video expose blew Varma up this week, showing the smug, smarmy Sybarite gloating over the fact that while he was going on TV to intone about the need for everyone to stay in their houses forever he was in private living like Caligula.

        “I did all this d@viant, like s@xual stuff while I was like, you know, like on TV and stuff. People were like, ‘Aren’t you afraid? Aren’t you embarrassed?’ and I was like, ‘No, actually, I’m like, I love being my authentic self,” Varma boasted to the undercover journo.

        He’s already taken up the standard playbook of progressive hypocrites: He didn’t use his “best judgment.” He just needed to “blow off steam.”

        What about everyone else, Jay?

        He stands by his COVID policy, stating it was based on science.

        Nope: It was based on politics.

        And — natch — he’s blubbering that the videos form part of a sinister conspiracy by “extremists” to “malign public health officials and take down the public health system in America.”

        No, Jay. You destroyed trust in the “experts” by imposing draconian, arbitrary rules even you couldn’t live by.

        As the data have proven time and again, New York’s COVID response achieved nothing other than ruining people’s lives, many permanently.

        And Varma played a central role in making that happen.


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    YYY Guy

    When is a chip off the old block not a chip off the old block
    Kathy, Angus, ERII, Adam, Gina, Juliar, Scott and Slim might be rightly appalled if these monstrosities were publicly displayed.

    Naturally their ABC doesn’t want you to see the good portrait and the National Gallery won’t hang it.
    Make up your own minds.


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    another ian


    “German Professor: Wake Effect Decreases Wind Farm Efficiency, Contributes to Warming”

    “Professor Gerd Ganteför was called a lot of names when he reported on the so-called wake effect of wind turbines on the high seas in spring 2024. Wind turbines in wind farms not only take the wind away from each other, they can also have an impact on the wind behind the turbines up to 100 kilometers away.

    In the meantime, the realization has also reached the windpark operators. The company Orstedt, which is heavily involved in so-called renewable energies, has some interesting results on its website. In a nutshell, it says that the turbines in the network deliver less yield, which means that the profitability per turbine decreases.”

    More at


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    Greg in NZ

    How in God’s little green Earth (to use a favourite saying of my grandmother) do Climate Cult Crooks (CCC) pair their dogmatic precept, ‘in an ever-warming planet’, with the following recorded observations from today, 21 Sept:

    Australia – freezing & snowing (TAS, Vic)
    NZ Alps – same as above, frost in Christchurch
    Chilean/Argentinian Andes – ditto
    S. Africa – also freezing & snowing (Lesotho, etc)
    South Pole – snow with ‘ice fog’, -68*C

    And that’s just the southern hemisphere on this Spring Equinox weekend. As for the northern half where it’s their Autumn/Fall Equinox:

    Greenland Summit – minus 29*C
    Alaska, Canada, Iceland, Scandinavia, Tibet, Siberia / Eastern Russia – snow and very cold.

    No need for apologists to repeat ‘a warmer atmosphere holds more moisture’, as a petty 1 degree fluctuation over 100 years means diddly squat. Please show your workings (or learnings if you’re totally woke). And the clock begins… now.


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    another ian

    FWIW –

    “The Climate Act established a New York “Net Zero” target (85% reduction in GHG emissions and 15% offset of emissions) by 2050. It includes an interim 2030 reduction target of a 40% reduction by 2030. ”

    “The Math Does Not Support New York’s Climate Plan”

    “Ellenbogen introduces the problem:

    I have been analyzing the numbers coming out of Albany regarding the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA), New York’s plan to drastically reduce the use of fossil fuels, for over five years now.

    I am not anti-renewable and I am not a climate denier. What I am is an engineer that lives by numbers. The numbers underpinning the CLCPA—namely the belief that New York can replace most of its natural gas-fired electricity generation with renewables in the next six or even nine years—are a fantasy.”

    More at


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    David Maddison

    NOAA declared August 2024 the hottest eeeevvveeerrr.

    When can I go down to the ocean to boil my eggs?


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      Greg in NZ

      David, is ‘duplicitous’ on the banned list?

      There’s a “97% chance” 2024 will be the “warmest year on record” – a trifling 175 years’ worth. Note the use of warmest as opposed to the old hottest (their cant is cooling down?) within the text.

      Globally, “named storms [were] near the 1991-2020 average”, meaning they were below-average and half of them were merely swirling clouds. And how many Cat-5 hurricanes tormented Atlantic coastal dwellers? Zero.

      Scientists say: carbon causes calming (ccc).


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    another ian


    Latest Kunstler and “Kunstler regrouping”


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    David Maddison

    I saw this quote, origin unknown.

    Questioning and doubting what’s going on these days does not make you “anti” anything. Nor does it make you a conspiracy theorist. Actually, questioning IS and should be, the place of reason. The fact that questioning has become taboo, should, in fact, send a chill up everyone’s spine.


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      “The fact that questioning has become taboo, should, in fact, send a chill up everyone’s spine.”

      Not only that, but you will not be allowed to question WHY you cannot question why questioning has become taboo!

      ..and it will even be jail-time if you tell anyone that you have been arrested by the State about it and jailed under name suppression, so no-one knows that anyone else has been punished for questioning the Govt at all.

      (Sorry JC11, I also saw your secret leaks and might have spoiled your big announcement that was coming yesterday!)


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      All good science begins with a question. But you have to follow up any subsequent answers with evidence that passes review, it’s been working for centuries.
      How long has this blog been going ?.


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    Steve of Cornubia

    Electric cars are up to twice as expensive as petrol or diesel vehicles to run, new figures have suggested, if drivers choose to use fast chargers:


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    another ian


    “War Is Hell; Make Sure You Really Want One….”


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    Hmmm DEI at Work – If you guessed Amish, You are Right

    Boeing ousts head of troubled space unit after astronauts left stranded, billions in losses

    Boeing said Friday the head of the company’s troubled defense, space and security unit is leaving the planemaker effective immediately.

    New Boeing CEO Kelly Ortberg in his first significant move since taking over in August, said Ted Colbert would be leaving and Steve Parker, the unit’s chief operating officer, would assume Colbert’s responsibilities until a replacement is named at a later date.

    Boeing’s space business has suffered setbacks, notably NASA’s recent decision to send Boeing’s Starliner capsule home without astronauts that followed years of missteps.

    From the Comments

    – Is Ted Colbert by any chance a DEI hire? If so, that explains a lot. If so: DEI strikes again.

    – Did you see the pic? That should answer your question.

    – A fine example of DEI at work. It’s even worse at NASA.


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      FARMINGTON HILLS, MI — It only took 15 seconds for Thursday evening’s “Unite For America” open forum with Kamala Harris to change Opray Winfrey’s mind and lead her to endorse Donald Trump.

      “I kept thinking, this can’t be real life,” Winfrey told her best friend, Gayle King, following the star-studded event. “She might actually be retarded.”

      Harris, who was reportedly enthused about attending the forum since it was a safe space full of political allies who wouldn’t ask her tough questions or press her on her answers, still refused to answer questions anyway.

      “You know, greens? And grits and — you know, the meat. You gotta’ have meat,” Harris cackled while answering a question from Jennifer Lopez. “My grandma always said ‘If you don’t eat, you’re gonna get beat’ — HAHAHA — and that’s why it’s important to feel united here at this event, which is, when you think about it, called ‘Unite For America.’ Think about those words. No, think about them. Unite. We are united. Together. Like X-Men 2, which was also called X-Men United. But think about it. They weren’t united, were they? They allied with Magneto and then found out — big surprise — he betrayed them at the last minute. Because he only thinks about himself. Just like Donald Trump.”

      “And that’s how I’ll fix the economy.”

      Viewers were astonished when Winfrey suddenly donned a MAGA hat during the event, though Harris did not appear to notice.


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        Oprah Releases Moving 1-Hour Special On Dangers Of Alcohol Abuse

        DETROIT, MI — Famed talk show host and meme subject Oprah Winfrey was showered with accolades today after last night’s release of a moving 1-hour special on the dangers of alcohol abuse.

        According to viewers, Winfrey sat down with one of America’s most well-known drunkards for an interview, presumably in a thinly veiled attempt to warn Americans just what might happen if they also succumb to the siren call of the bottle.

        “It was a really powerful show,” recalled Oprah fan Jack Morley. “I watched it as Oprah went through and hammed it up with whoever that other completely sozzled lady was on the show. It was a stark illustration of what can happen to a person when they fall into the abyss of alcoholism. I didn’t know a human could drink that much and stay conscious.”

        While producers of Oprah’s show said that it wasn’t actually intended to be about alcohol abuse, Winfrey herself confirmed that she had hoped her message would hit home in the hearts of intemperate lushes across America.

        “It’s always, ‘You get a beer, and you get a beer, and you get a beer!'” Winfrey complained. “I think we need to get our people back on the temperance train again. The clear message of this show is don’t drink, or you could end up like this poor soul!”

        At publishing time, Winfrey was reportedly considering visiting the White House to do a special talk show highlighting the plight of dementia patients.


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    A UAP hung around for a couple of hours and was captured by thousands on their cellphones.

    ‘UFO Caught On Camera Shuts Down Airport in Tianjin China.’ (MSN)


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      “People could not see the UFO as it only appeared on radar.”

      Funny how they got photos in the articles! Must be the latest Irish stealth jet fighters… Invisible but show up on radar instead of the other way around.


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      I guess the cellphone images are suitably grainy and indistinct. Its the special aura these objects have to defeat many hundreds of millions of high resolution cameras in circulation now.


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    John Connor II

    Saturday wtf: Incredible video shows Australian Shepherd ‘Splitting the housework’ with owner

    On September 5th, Mary Peters, a popular Australian Shepherd owner in Washington State, shared a video that shows how her Australian Shepherd helps her around the house. The impressive video quickly went viral on TikTok, amassing over 10 million views and 76 thousand comments. If Mary and her dog could start a business with this, you’d totally pay for them to come and clean your house!

    One for the dog lovers here, if any.


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    It feels like the first day of spring: I woke this morn to the forlorn call of the koel aka storm bird. They winter in PNG leaving the rearing of their chicks to the pee wee parents they parasitised, returning each spring and the call is to bring these orphans back into the fold.

    I also have some sun bird chicks, it seems, on the back patio. Five mths ago the parents built their pendular nest on the clothes line in the patio but then abandoned it. I was a bit disappointed I’ll admit but a couple of weeks ago they came back and she started brooding, her beak was visible, now she is feeding chicks.

    And last night I went back to sleeping in my shorts, so winter has passed. Life is good.


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    John Connor II

    Vaccinated vs unvaccinated: the hidden science

    The Institute of Medicine (IOM) has repeatedly asked CDC to create studies which explain, “How do child health outcomes compare between fully vaccinated and unvaccinated children?”

    During a November 2012 Congressional hearing on autism before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, Dr. Coleen Boyle, the Director of the National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities, gave evasive answers to lawmakers pressing her on this point. After considerable badgering, she finally stated, “We have not studied vaccinated versus unvaccinated [children].” That was perjury.

    Despite CDC’s efforts at suppression, independent scientists and research institutions (including UCLA) have managed to conduct and publish several additional vaccinated/unvaccinated studies since 1999. Those studies indicate high incidence of chronic diseases and brain and immune system injuries among vaccinated compared to unvaccinated cohorts.

    Generation 1: CDC’s Unpublished Verstraeten Study on HepB Showed Dramatic Increased Risk of Autism (7.6X), Sleep Disorders (5X), Speech Disorders (2.1X) and Neurodevelopmental Disorders (1.8X);
    DTP and Tetanus Vaccinations Increase the Odds of Allergies (1.63X) in Children;
    Hepatitis B Vaccines Increase the Odds for Special Education by 8.63X;
    Hepatitis B Vaccines in Male Newborns Increased the Odds of Autism 3X;
    Flu Shot Increases Rate of Non-Flu Infection 4.4X;
    DTP Increases Mortality in Girls 10X;
    Vaccination of Preemies Increased Odds of Neurodevelopmental Disorders 6.6X;
    Vaccination Increases Risk of Allergic Rhinitis (30X), Allergy (3.1X), ADHD (4.2X), Autism (4.2X) Eczema (2.9X), Learning Disability (5.2X) and Neurodevelopmental Disorders (3.7X).

    Full 12 part presentation:


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    John Connor II

    EU Parliament Issuing a Virtual Declaration of War on Russia

    The European Parliament has adopted a resolution calling on EU countries to lift all restrictions on Ukrainian strikes deep into Russia immediately. The US has just issued warnings to Americans on their travel advisory. They now warn Americans to be cautious about traveling to popular European destinations like Italy and the United Kingdom. You should now “exercise increased caution” or “Level 2″ alert category, ” a serious warning level.

    The global capital flow heat map and safe-haven investments just lit up.😎


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      David Maddison

      They want to start WW3 before Donald Trump can possibly get elected, which he will as long as his votes exceed the margin of fraud.


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      Armstrong is dodgy, according to wiki, so what he has to say is irrelevant.

      The EU is planning for the end of hostilities.


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        EU is just pouring money in that they know they will never get back. Why?… Well-

        “One aim of the EU assistance is to provide an incentive for people to stay in Ukraine. About four million people have fled since the war began on February 24, 2022, often to Poland and other neighbouring countries…The European Commission, the EU’s powerful executive branch, estimates that 10,000 more people are applying for help each week…Should the influx continue it could undermine European support for Ukraine.”

        I don’t know why it would undermine Europe’s support for Ukraine unless the Euros are learning what the Ukies are like first-hand.

        Ukraine is emptying out, but maybe the EU could organise an ‘immigrant swap’ of North Africans going to Ukraine while Ukrainians replace them in Europe! It would be no different to the countries they left and they could just sign a peace deal with Putin and get on building the country they want.


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          My crystal ball is working fine.

          The Baltic states are keen to send troops, it doesn’t trip Article 5, and professional soldiers need to be battle hardened.

          When the invasion began all Ukranian men were sent back to defend the country, only women and children were allowed through.

          By comparison a million young Russian men began deserting the Motherland after February 24. They fell in love with exotic places and are applying for permanent residency.

          The EU is playing honest broker, wants to use the interest from Russian monies in cold storage to rebuild Ukraine.

          Over 50 countries from around the world support Ukraine’s struggle against a tyrant, that should tell you something.


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      Just as well the EU Parliament isn’t actually in control of anything. A fairly pointless group of self serving people making pointless gestures and getting well paid for it.


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    another ian


    “Can We Please Have More Science and Less Propaganda?”

    “The United Nation’s World Health Organization is at it again, pushing Climate Change as the root of all evil:”


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    John Connor II

    Saturday sarcasm


    “You can’t call politicians ‘fat’!”
    “Calling fat people ‘skinny’ would be misinformation.”


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    another ian


    “Groundbreaking Study Finally Reveals How Rubbing Generates Static Electricity”


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    Have we reached peak ABC yet?

    yep, all those heavily CO2 front end loaded technologies like solar panels and EVs are definitely what has reduced CO2. I seriously doubt any reduction beyond someone’s tortured spreadsheet, but I guess it may be a nice way to edge away from the topic eventually. Just put that hysteria down and back away quietly , its all under control now.


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