
Sorry. I’m away from the desk for a couple of days…

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200 comments to Thursday

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    Has anyone worked out how much fossil fuel is left in the world, how much CO2 would be produced when it is all burnt and what would be effect on the atmospheric concentration of CO2?
    IIRC when I asked the question a few years ago there was a reply that the CO2 level would be 600ppm. Has any further work been done on this question?


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      Kalm Keith

      Stephen, TdeF has described in detail what happens to CO2 in the atmosphere and given scientific reasoning based on data that was available after the atomic testing some time ago.

      Eventually it’s all recycled and subject to forces that create the equilibrium between the oceans and the atmosphere.
      There are many other recycling systems in the biosphere that love co2 so there’s no worry about the air we breathe getting to 600.

      Co2 doesn’t “heat the atmosphere ” and we humans are not bothered by a bit more co2.


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        Gee Aye

        No one is rude enough to tell TdeF he is wrong as he has no understanding of equilibria and fills in his ignorance with wishful arm waving..


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          Except he is quite correct, of course.


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            Gee Aye

            Of course… he’s discovered something that all atmospheric scientist have been getting wrong/ covering up for 60 years.

            No… a small percentage of industrial CO2 in the atmosphere now is not evidence against human CO2 causing the rise in CO2 levels. No one on “your side” with any cred makes this claim. It is a mis application of the data.


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              What rot. With sweeping statements like this you have missed your calling as a janitor.

              Scientists agree with a 10 year ‘residence’ time for ALL CO2. This 2023 paper cites 36 such papers in Table 1.

              The only way anyone has been able to come up with industrial CO2 hanging around is to invent a ‘surface ocean’ and a ‘deep ocean’ which are disconnected. And this was proven wrong as far back as 1958. The extraordinary doubling of C14 in 1965 gave us an exact measure of the disappearance of all the extra C14 in just 60 years, so there is only one giant sink for CO2.

              Man made CO2 was measured at 2.03% in 1958. And it has become clear now in 2024 that the doubling of C14 has added 1/50 or 2% so the C14 level is now precisely where it was in 1900. Which is absolutely impossible if 1/3 of the CO2 was from fossil fuel. It would be at 66% of historic levels. QED.

              As for equilibria, at least you know the Latin neuter plural. Too bad nothing about the subject.


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                From the referenced paper,

                ” It is as if the relaxation time is extremely short and any disturbances introduced by humans, or by other means, rapidly disappear, rapidly reaching the equilibrium determined by nature. ”

                Tho’ Henry’ Law is mentioned only once, the author clearly accepts it.


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                Henry’s Law is the expression in a laboratory situation of what is fairly obvious. CO2 is extremely soluble, 30x more soluble than oxygen and all living things breathe. So fish have plenty of oxygen. Also CO2 evaporates from the water surface, just like H2O. These massive exchanges must balance and it gets down to concentrations and temperature or speed.

                Fossil fuel CO2 is just CO2. The idea that CO2 is not rapidly cycled through the ocean is untenable. And given that the ocean amount of CO2 is 50x that in the air, tiny fossil fuel CO2 just disappears in the wash. It is currently a record of 1% of atmospheric CO2 per year. Which is 1% of what is 2% of the total. So total CO2 only increases by .02% per year. The annual increase however is 0.4%, still small, but adds up over 250 years. It is a dead straight line, unaffected by any human activity. The most likely cause is ocean surface warming a combination of ocean oscillations and solar.

                Everyone knows about the speed of exchange. We do it with every breath. CO2 in at 0.042% and out at 4-14%. O2 in at 21% and out at 14%.

                So the theory of a smaller faster ‘top’ ocean was proposed to accommodate the exchange while keeping the extra CO2 trapped in the much smaller volume. The problem is that C14 with a half life of 5740 cannot vanish and the extra C14 is all gone. So all the C14 tagged CO2 from 1965 is completely gone into the deep ocean, diluted to nothing.

                The view of atmospheric physicist and expert in spectrometry Prof William Happer and his CO2 coalition is that the small CO2 increase hardly matters. He can demonstrate easily that even a doubling of CO2 would have only a 1% effect on reflectivity and every aspect of the increase is fantastic for life on earth. There is no problem. It was all invented by Al Gore and his new creation, the IPCC in 1988 in his first attempt at the US Presidency with his big scare.


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            Hi Peter,

            Abstract from “Net Isotopic Signature of Atmospheric CO2 Sources and Sinks: No Change since the Little Ice Age”, National Technical University of Athens,
            “Recent studies have provided evidence, based on analyses of instrumental measurements of the last seven decades, for a unidirectional, potentially causal link between temperature as the cause and carbon dioxide concentration ([CO2]) as the effect. In the most recent study, this finding was supported by analysing the carbon cycle and showing that the natural [CO2] changes due to temperature rise are far larger (by a factor > 3) than human emissions, while the latter are no larger than 4% of the total. Here, we provide additional support for these findings by examining the signatures of the stable carbon isotopes, 12 and 13. Examining isotopic data in four important observation sites, we show that the standard metric δ13C is consistent with an input isotopic signature that is stable over the entire period of observations (>40 years), i.e., not affected by increases in human CO2 emissions. In addition, proxy data covering the period after 1500 AD also show stable behaviour. These findings confirm the major role of the biosphere in the carbon cycle and a non-discernible signature of humans.”

            Just thought I would chuck this in – bit late, but hey, open minded discussion.


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          as he has no understanding of equilibria and fills in his ignorance with wishful arm waving

          Seriously? Your rebuttal is this with no details of how you came to such a conclusion?

          I haven’t read what TdeF asserts but I’m not his side because I’m even more sceptical. Still, an equilibrium is reached when the rate that CO2 goes into the atmosphere equals the rate at which it is removed. The CO2 is equilibrium with CO2 and bicarbonate dissolved in the sea, close to the surface and deeper, although at a slower rate.

          Of more interest is the consumption of CO2 by photosynthesis to build carbohydrates that will sink, rather than be consumed in respiration, and to build shells. The rate at which this occurs is dependent on the population of phytoplankton and sea animals, which is dependent on CO2 levels, dissolved in the sea and as bicarbonate.

          Our use of fossil fuels increased the rate at which CO2 goes into the atmosphere from sequestered sources. The biological sequestering rate has not increased significantly compared to fossil fuel use, so the 30% increase in atmospheric could be due to fossil fuel use. The absolute amounts are about the same.

          I think TdeF’s argument is that the drop in C14 shows that equilibrium between CO2 in the atmosphere and in the seas (dissolved and as bicarbonate) is so rapidly reestablished that the half time for the sea concentrations to catch up with the atmosphere is something like 4 years. That is, if atmospheric CO2 rose 30% suddenly, the dissolved concentrations would have risen 15% in 4 years. The problem is that 15% increase in dissolved CO2/bicarb requires orders of magnitude more fossil fuel than to raise CO2 in the atmosphere by 100 ppm. Even if 40 years, things don’t add up.

          I’m happy to be corrected as this is arm waving stuff. I’ve barely looked into this, but I am smart enough if you want to use some science in replies.


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          What you wrote does require a deeper explanation if anyone is to take you seriously. What part of equilibria do you think TdeF doesn’t understand? Any examples?


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          Murry Salby was wrong, but it’s hard to convince people on the issue which is misleading – the low amount of fossil carbon in the atmosphere has little to do with the total amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Yet human emissions drive the Keeling curve. This been gone through at Curry’s, at WUWT, at Spencer’s. Salby was just wrong.

          Salby mixed the residence time of an isotope with the partial pressure difference’s efold. You add C12, it’s residence is short, but the pressure stays longer.


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      Basically, peak oil trumps climate change, yeah? (non-boffin here)


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        Folks have been claiming “Peak oil” since 1929.


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          Graeme No.3

          Sorry Graeme4:
          Since 1862 or just before. I tried to check the orginal statement but I could only get back to 1862 which was a copy.
          The original gushers in Pennsylvania 1858 appalled John D. Rockefeller by the wastage practiced (and the price cutting} so he set out to control the industry and control any wastage by making it more expensive.


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      Remember the stone age did not finish because they ran out of rocks.

      At that time they had major conferences on peak rock etc. but they were superseded by something that nobody had thought of yet.

      As a challenge name one picked winner by a government. My point is that everything that the centrally planned nutters have put up will fail.
      Even Nuclear energy may be a casualty of the next big energy.


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        Gee Aye

        Electricity, rail, road, internet infrastructure were picked winners by governments all over the world.


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          “picked”? seriously? those govt funded blinkers are on pretty firmly.


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            Gee Aye

            those things were an expensive gamble when that infrastructure was put in.


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              In the USA an expensive gamble for railroad tycoons.


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              No doubt, but I doubt governments actually picked any of them vs playing carch up as they do to this day.


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                Yes, I feel you are far more correct than GA, Govts never invent anything and are generally late to the party as they start subsidising their backers after things are rolling.

                Things only happen when there are more taxes to gather, or a more efficient way of gathering them, or a better way of waging war on their competing Govts, or the blunt reality of making Govt member rich.


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          That’s rubbish.

          Rail was taken over by government after being built up by private enterprise. Although there were regulations such as standardization of rail gauge and imposing common carrier rules, in the US government mostly stayed out of railway up until WWI and WWII where nationalization was imposed and then endless government interference after that. They created Amtrak already well past the heyday of rail … when many other better options were available to passengers.

          Why don’t you spend a moment to real up on what happened?


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          Electricity was first provided by private companies. Governments took over when there was a need to provide services requiring massive investment but little profit. It was like picking Black Caviar in 2013.

          Similarly with rail. Up and running on profitable lines before government involvement.

          Roads? It’s hard to make a profit on things open to the public. Passes and bridges have been built for centuries requiring a toll to use.

          The internet? Not as straight forward. Universities and research groups were funded by the government but developed it without direct funding to the project. Private companies provided it to users via phonelines. These lines started out as private business with the government getting involved to expand it where not profitable.

          Interestingly, Kamala Harris was in charge of bringing internet to rural users with a $42B budget and no connections for 3 years, and none planned until next year. They ignored Musk’s star link. Could have subsidized connections for a fraction of that and have it up and running.


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      Why do we assume that there is some finite amount left? As far as I am aware the earth’s geological processes haven’t stopped. And could we ever burn it all anyway?


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        I believe that there is a lot of fossil fuel under our oceans. I recall reading something about the vast coalfields out in the Pacific.


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          In simple terms, coal is formed from trees that drop to the bottom of a low oxygen swamp and then get progressively buried by more trees, muds, etc. Eventually the overburden presses out the excess moisture and after undergoing some long term processes it may become coal, it could also be pushed back to the surface and erode away beforehand. Things have to be just right to form coal and keep it preserved for our subsequent use.

          This process happens on land or in shallow lakes.

          Oceans are usually comprised of basaltic plains, the result of rifting between continents, (have a look at the mid Atlantic ridges as the site of these historic rifts/spreading events). With few exceptions, the ocean floor, (below the continental shelf), is just basalt with overlying mud/silts and debris. An exception to this can be found near NZ. In this rare example, there is a sunken landmass, akin to a continent that is below sealevel. There is a chance that fossil fuels will be found in these places.

          Fossil fuels are generally found off shore only on the continental shelf. You would be very hard pressed to find any gas fields in the basaltic plains beyond the continental shelf. If it was there, it would have to be above the basalt, (because below that is the mantle, too hot for stable oil/gas fields).

          Hawaii is formed from basalt, exposed above sea level. No, (old/native), fossil fuels are found there, the ocean floor would be the same.


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            Coal will not be formed again under present conditions. Someone put up a fascinating post a month or two back about the development of cellulose which gave plants the molecule for large structures. They had a head start on the bacteria and fungi so grew and died without being degraded until the ‘animal’ world caught up.

            Those were the vast layers of trees condensed into coal, but since then dead plants get eaten and coal won’t be formed.


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              Peat bogs are still forming today and happily condense Carbon-rich plant matter into hard fuel which (if left long enough) would turn into coal. The reason fungi don’t break down the lignin is that the bog builds up such high acidity that essentially nothing can live at the bottom of it. Various artifacts, including humans, have been preserved at the bottom of a bog.

              There probably were a lot more of such bogs in ancient times because a lot of modern land has been artificially drained … humans find it more comfortable and productive to live on mostly dry land. Also, earlier warmer climates had fewer deserts.

              By the way, at least some of the English Channel was long ago not covered be sea, and would have been a swampy lowland with rivers not unlike some parts of Ukraine and Russia today. There could well be some coal remaining under there, but there are many places are much easier to get coal out of.


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        John Connor II

        Why do we assume that there is some finite amount left? As far as I am aware the earth’s geological processes haven’t stopped. And could we ever burn it all anyway?

        This is due to the perpetual misuse and misunderstanding if the term “fossil fuel”.
        It actually means a fuel source as old as dinosaurs, NOT from dinosaurs.
        It’s abiotic so self renewing albeit slowly now.


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        Leo G

        Why do we assume that there is some finite amount left?

        “We” don’t assume there is a fixed finite remaining amount of “fossil fuel”. We assume an indefinite amount.

        We should also assume that the natural net annual sequestration of atmospheric carbon dioxide increases as the atmospheric concentration increases and recognise how the “net zero” narrative is misleading.


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      October 3, 2024 at 12:54 am · Reply
      Has anyone worked out how much fossil fuel is left in the world, how much CO2 would be produced when it is all burnt and what would be effect on the atmospheric concentration of CO2?

      Isnt there established Ice Core data that shows CO2 concentrations above 6000+ ppm in the past ?
      Why would that not be possible again ?, as we are thinking hypothetically !


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        ‘There is evidence for high CO2 concentrations of over 6,000 ppm between 600 and 400 million years ago, and of over 3,000 ppm between 200 and 150 million years ago.’ (wiki)


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          Kalm Keith

          And that shows that CO2 levels are dropping and at the present 400 ppm near a dangerous low.

          Plants, trees and seaweed all need co2 for life and while humans create co2 as a waste product we need some in our bloodstream as a trigger for our breathing impulse.

          For us, high atmospheric co2 levels are not dangerous but if our bloodstream levels get too low we are finished because the central nervous system then can’t initiate breathing.

          We must breathe.


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            CO2 starvation and the development of C4 ecosystems.

            ‘The decline of atmospheric CO2 over the last 65 million years (Ma) resulted in the ‘CO2-starvation’ of terrestrial ecosystems and led to the widespread distribution of C4 plants, which are less sensitive to CO2 levels than are C3 plants.’ (National Institutes of Health)


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      It must have all been in the atmosphere BEFORE the oil/coal was laid down and it must have been cool enough to allow the lush forests to grow to form the carbon deposits.


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        Don’t forget the carbon that is also tied up in limestone too.

        Before life, the carbon could also have been just black soot. No oxygen, (readily), available to change it to CO2.

        The amount of carbon on the ground or in the ground will depend on the age you look back to. The atmosphere is just one place to find it.


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    “Vaccines are going to change in the coming decade or two; the age of hypodermic needles will soon be over. The era of quantum-dot vaccine tattoo certificates will soon be upon us, and you can bet my booty that I will be exhibiting the same degree of ideological nonconformity as before when the next pandemic fraud begins.”


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      Moderna were spruiking that type of technology back in 2020, at the start of the COVID bollocks. Their idea was for a band aid type vaccine application using micro needles and again that fluorescent dye to indicate that you had been jabbed. Because so many people are fearful of needles and the whole vaccinating thing, it was a DIY approach. You would go to the chemist/pharmacist, buy your COVID/Flu vaccine band aid, go home and apply it. You then left the band aid on for a couple of hours while it slowly impregnated you with all those lovely chemicals. Then it also became your vaccine passport when needed. Greg Hunt and Daniel Andrews would have loved it.


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      Jon Rattin

      That’s a scary video. No surprise YouTube had it removed. Dr Tedros has stated on numerous occasions that he would like to introduce an international digital passport modelled on the European passports used during the pandemic


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      This problem is only going to become worse. In Australia there have been blades dumped in a gully in north Qld, while I have heard that the blades from Australia’s first wind facility at Esperance have been dumped in the sandhills, but have not been able to confirm that story.


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    A good friend of mine, alas now departed, was a genius with figures and worked out the figure to be 700ppm. However the last 50 parts was likely to be so difficult to extract that the cost would preclude it.


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      Kalm Keith

      Hi Tony, I don’t understand how your friend could “work that out”.

      Maybe your friend has wrongly, mistakenly assumed that the CO2 produced actually stays in the atmosphere.


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        Graeme No.3

        In 1938, Callendar compiled measurements of temperatures from the 19th century on, and correlated these measurements with old measurements of atmospheric CO2 concentrations. He concluded that
        over the previous fifty years the global land temperatures had increased, and proposed that this increase could be explained as an effect of the increase in carbon dioxide.
        “These estimates have now been shown to be remarkably accurate, especially as they were performed without the aid of a computer” Wikipedia. Callendar assessed the climate sensitivity value at 2 °C, which is on the low end of the IPCC range.

        Callendar worked on 5 countries ONLY, with England the most reliable figures. I can’t remember the others possibly NZ, Peru, China? Uzbegistan? Nothing from Australia nor Africa and North America. Even then he found 2 of his 5 choices hadn’t had a rise in temperature. His figure was based on averaging the rest.
        His figures seem to be in line with Beer’s Law, which as a prominent Thermodynamist he would have known. (When I joined CSR many years ago Callendar’s steam tables were the engineers bible). His WW2 work involved being in charge of burning thousands of oil to counter fog on East Anglian runways. He also advised astronomers on elements in their star readings.
        A guide to his calculations


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          Kalm Keith

          Hi Graeme,

          “He concluded that over the previous fifty years the global land temperatures had increased, and proposed that this increase could be explained as an effect of the increase in carbon dioxide.”

          There are many factors at play. Recent measurements over wheat crops at night have shown that CO2 levels above the field can exceed daytime levels by 200 ppm and in one field was measured at 1250 ppm.

          Crops grow when there’s sunlight and water: maybe the measurements being quoted are due to variation in sunlight rather than co2.

          Does the ocean express more co2 when the sun is stronger.

          Factorial analysis is important before running the computer.


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            Graeme No.3

            I didn’t say he was right, just what he concluded (based on Arrhenius original idea from the 1890’s, which was opposed by Angstrom, Planck, Einstein and Boltzmann (and lots of other scientists) but liked by journalists of “the coming disaster says scientist”.
            He didn’t have access to much temperature data nor a computer and made a guess. Certainly he made an assumption but many scientists (which Callendar wasn’t) have done so since. He did point out that the effect on temperature would get less as the concentration rose. See the link to his graph. (And several Nobel Prize scientists have said the same 60-70 years later)
            As for Wikipedia this was a lie – he had doubts about the idea in his last few years as mentioned by H.H. Lamb (& others) because of the severe winter in the UK in 1962 as any sensible person would.

            And since everyone has listed their ideas might I suggest a minor thought. IF the current Greenhouse idea is that CO2 in the Tropospere radiates heat back to Earth warming the surface, the warmer surface would then radiate more IR (as well as conduction & evaporation). In other words no real gain is possible.


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              Kalm Keith

              back radiation is a ridiculous thermodynamic nonsense.


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                The net radiation flow is relative to both emitter and absorber temperatures. You can model the flow in many ways, but certainly both hot and cold objects radiate to all directions, not just where the energy flow is going.

                Again, handled at WUWT and many other places.


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                Kalm Keith


                I got my OBS certificate, signed by our Lord Mayor, a few years ago.

                I should get the OBE, Over Bloody Eighty, in about two years.


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          It could also be that the increases in temperature caused the increase in CO2 – which is what has really occurred – this is the problem with the original AGW theory – that thought the cart was pulling the horse


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          I did a study the other day.

          I looked at the height of children entering primary school and the height of the same children after graduation from high school.

          I found, with a very, very high correlation that school causes kids to grow taller.

          On this basis I have proposed that anyone who wants to get taller just has to go back to school. And anyone who wants to be shorter just has to watch the ABC.

          PS. I did not get a grant for this but am open to further refinement on this study, (for a few dollars more).


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          Leo G

          Callendar assessed the climate sensitivity value at 2 °C, which is on the low end of the IPCC range.

          Callendar also observed that carbon dioxide levels had risen by 10% between 1900 and 1935, associated that with temperature increases over that period, and argued that a further 10% rise would cause similar further warming and rising sea levels.

          However, by the time of his death in 1964 CO2 levels kept rising but temperatures dropped.

          Opinion runs hot and cold in cycles on Callendar’s contribution to the anthropogenic global warming debate.


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    Had a very nice trip to zermatt. It doesn’t get better than lying in bed and watching the Matterhorn turn pink as the sun rises

    Zermatt is an all electric vehicle town with small taxis augmented by electric bikes and electric scooters. A dangerous mix

    A huge new cable car has been built to enable travel from zermatt via the glacier down to the Italian town of cervinia Cost 245£ return.I had previously ski ed there so didn’t see the need to go.
    dermatitis Zermatt for all its eco credentials.must be one of the most co2 intensive places on earth

    Trains, thousands of tourists consuming gifts brought in, food brought in, they are all kept warm in hotels, the ski lofts and snow cannon are hugely energy intensive.

    Lovely place but not the green place they proclaim.

    Saw a nice outfit I had thought to get for jo in the luxury shops that line the street.

    Only 7000£ for the jacket and shoes. A bargain

    [edited Tony, per your comment #6 – Raquel]


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      A great place where the Matterhorn is usually always visible, towering above the village. Went up to the Gornergrat and watched the skiers and snowboarders going down what I think was rated a black slope, with only a mesh fence to stop them going off the edge.No e-bikes or scooters then, but a few horse-driven sleighs transporting guests to the more ritzy resorts.
      Tried to travel back there last time in Switzerland but ran out of time.


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        Greg in NZ

        ‘rated a black slope’

        Just so the MAD Kommissar doesn’t come knocking on your door, G4, the preferred angle of descent is on a Double Black Diamond slope: any steeper and you’re airborne/flying 😃


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          I’m obviously not a skier. Just checked and it’s only a European red slope, but looked very steep. Watched a snowboarder head off downhill, then change his mind and steer into the side for a re-think. After that, took it very easy downhill.


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          Greg in NZ
          October 3, 2024 at 12:43 pm · Reply
          ‘rated a black slope’

          Just so the MAD Kommissar doesn’t come knocking on your door, G4, the preferred angle of descent is on a Double Black Diamond slope:

          I dont think Europe uses the “double diamond” type of clasifications .
          Just colors,. Green, Blue, Red, Black.


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    Kindles have minds of their own. Despite double checking, the device changed zermatt for dermatitis in my post above.


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    Australia’s Free Speech Crosshairs: Sweeping Anti-Disinformation Bill Draws Fierce Backlash


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      David Maddison

      When it comes to voting remember that this most draconian of legislation ever seen in Australia has its origins with the fake conservative Liberal faction of the Uniparty. The Labor faction is just finishing the Liberals’ dirty work. The e Safety Kommissar, essentially a WEF appointment, was a Liberal initiative as well.

      Vote for conservative-oriented parties only:

      United Australia Party
      Libertarian Party
      One Nation


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      A good example of how leaving interpretation of such laws to bureaucrats easily becomes a tool for political censorship.


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        David Maddison

        Because there’s nothing like the Government acting like National Socialists because you accused them of acting like … National Socialists …


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        He has a nice turn of phrase-

        “And that’s the important thing, after all. If we’re ever going to defeat these Putin-Nazis, and the imaginary apocalyptic plague, and Trump, and terrorism, and domestic extremism, and climate change, and racism, and whatever, we need to keep the Western masses whipped up into a perpetual state of utterly mindless, hate-drunk hysteria like an eternal episode of the Two Minutes Hate from Orwell’s 1984.

        It doesn’t really matter who the masses are being told to hate this week … the Russians, the Unvaccinated, the Terrorists, the Populists, the Assad-Apologists, the Conspiracy Theorists, the Anti-Vaxxers, the Disinformationists … or whoever. In the end, there is only one enemy, the enemy of the United Forces of Goodness, the enemy of the unaccountable, supranational global-capitalist empire”


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      This hasn’t failed to elicit a response, where Labor Assistant Treasurer Stephen Jones dismissed Musk’s opinion as “crackpot” and decided to play the sovereignty card.

      So disinformation is allowed?


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      Any decent journalists would have asked both Parties to describe exactly what they would have censored over the last 5 years min relation to covid.

      “Would you have censored the lab leak theory? Would you have censored the Ivermectin theory? The hydroxyQ theory? The sudden death from vaccines? Heart attacks in the young? etc.

      Then we would all have a clear picture of what they really mean.


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        Steve of Cornubia

        Weren’t they all censored anyway, even without the supposedly necessary laws? I think a better question would be to ask, in light of all the current censorship happening anyway, including ‘cancellation’ and jail for saying something on social media, what ‘extra’ censorship do they have planned, and why?


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          Nothing much is planned and with the election coming up the majors would prefer to pass the Bill and quickly move on.


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      John in NZ

      One cannot have a totalitarian dictatorship if ordinary people are allowed to speak freely. So free speech has to go.


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        Not sure what is happening over the ditch, but democracy is still functioning in Oz and we’ll hang onto our free speech.

        Of course the system will be tweaked so that certain words or phrases are picked up by AI, but humans maybe able to get around this.

        For example: P.. calling the kettle b….


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          John in NZ

          During the Jacinda years they tried to introduce anti hate speech laws but it didn’t get passed. Had it been passed it would not have been OK to say “There are only two genders” but it would have been OK to say “All white people are racist.”

          I really do not understand why it did not get made into law as the Labour Party had the numbers.


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          Or “Ec~Health” instead of “EcoHealth”


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      David Maddison

      Tragically, it’s difficult to see how Once Great Britain can survive much longer as a viable nation state with its traditional values.

      They are even further along the path to self-destruction than Australia is.


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        Britain has never been great for the plebs – terrible weather to contend with to start. But the City of London will keep it ‘Great’ for the wealthy for some time.


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      Perhaps they’ve lost sight of what ‘affordable’ actually means.


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    David Maddison

    The iconic catch phrase:

    Danger Will Robinson

    Was only said by the Robot once in the entire 83 episodes of Lost in Space.


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    YYY Guy

    Local gummint keeping you safe –

    Six Sunshine Coast dog owners have been fined under a statewide crackdown on dogs not under “effective control” in public.
    Robyn Watkins was fined $806 for having her dog’s lead under her foot while having a coffee outside a Moffat Beach business.

    I shan’t link because it’s the ABC justifying the council’ actions.


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      David Maddison

      This is why I always refrain from saying, “how much more stupid can the Government (and/or the Left) get?”.

      They see it as a challenge.


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        David Maddison

        And as the Left embed themselves deeper, restricting the number of pets you own is definitely on the agenda, no doubt with the objective of ultimately eliminating pet ownership.

        They’ll keep trying until they get it through.

        Registration of backyard chickens is also on the agenda.

        Generally, the only reason the Government wants you to register things is so they can ban or tax them.

        And how do modern Leftists view animals?

        The BS is strong:

        Few contemporary scholarly controversies on the left are more charged than those surrounding Karl Marx’s view of the status of animals in human society. Numerous left animal-rights scholars, including some ecosocialists, allege that Marx was speciesist in his early writings. Moreover, it is contended that, despite their later adherence to Darwinian views, Marx and Frederick Engels never fully transcended this deeply embedded speciesist outlook, which therefore infected historical materialism as a whole. These critics concentrate their objections primarily on the Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844, claiming that Marx presented an anthropocentric and dualist perspective of a chasm, rather than a continuity, between nonhuman and human animals, thereby ontologically justifying an exploitative and instrumentalist approach to human-animal relations that ignored or denied animal suffering and was blind to the basic conditions of animal existence.

        Pioneering ecosocialist Ted Benton offers the classic criticism of Marx in this respect. Benton argues that Marx’s dominant approach to the human-animal relation, particularly in his early writings, was not only “speciesist,” but, by virtue of its anthropocentric humanism, was also an example of “a quite fantastic species-narcissism.” Marx’s views, he adds, were rooted in Cartesian dualism, which radically separated the human being (mind) from the animal (machine). Benton maintains that Marx saw animals as permanently “fixed” in their capacities. Further, in describing how the alienation of labor reduced human beings to an animal-like condition, Marx is said to have downgraded animal life.1

        Other animal-rights critics of Marx have followed suit. Renzo Llorente claims that a “certain speciesism [was] constitutive of Marx’s…thinking,” and that his whole theory of alienated labor was “predicated on a division between human and nonhuman animals.”2 John Sanbonmatsu alleges that Marx advanced the “extermination in the realm of thought of the sensuous existence, and experiences, of billions of other suffering beings-in-the-world on earth.”3 Katherine Perlo insists that Marx committed “ideological violence” against animals, while David Sztybel contends that he considered animals “merely instrumentally valuable,” like any machine.4

        The term speciesism was coined by Richard Ryder in 1970, and is defined in the 1985 Oxford English Dictionary as “discrimination against or exploitation of certain animal species, based on an assumption of mankind’s superiority.”5 But while speciesism is formally defined as differentiation between humans and animals leading to discrimination against and exploitation of other species, there has been a tendency for animal-rights scholars to expand the concept to apply to any differentiation between the human species and other animal species, whether or not this is actually used to justify discrimination or abuse.6



  • #
    another ian


    “BRICS+ Trading System Hits. US Agriculture Lost.”

    “BRICS+ Ditched the $US, Now Ag Info Sucks

    There’s been a lot of talk about how the BRICS+ countries trading in non-$US currencies might hurt the value of the $US. IMO, the bigger issue will be the blinding of information about transactions and product flows. Trade in $US meant that our banks had to handle it, and thus our financial systems had information about it. That is now ending.

    I don’t know this site, but the video looks to have proper evidence in it. I’ll need to spot check some of them to assure veracity. (His thumbnails tend to be “click bait heavy” and sensationalized, causing me to wonder. But the content looks true at first glance.”

    “If this is true, the damage to the $US economy will be huge; and already it is hitting agriculture. Grain trading companies (like Cargill) will be partially blinded to global prices, and the Commodities Exchange in Chicago will falter.”

    More at

    Not likely Australia will miss out on downstream effects either IMO


  • #
    David Maddison

    Australia definitely has acquired the stupid woke mind virus.

    While statues of Captain Cook are allowed to be torn down, Victoria is going to erect a statue, more correctly an idol, of Dan Andrews.

    I don’t think the Government has factored in the cost of 24/7 security to protect the idol of probably Australia’s most hated politician.

    And statues/idols should never be allowed of living politicians.


    • #
      Kalm Keith

      Victoria should allow the erection only after all of the State’s debt is ultimately paid off.

      At almost AUD$50,000 per person that statue could eventually be up around about the twelfth of never.

      What has been done to Vicdanistan is almost beyond comprehension.

      Let them eat cake and pray for a day of reckoning.


    • #

      That’s fine, its a target to be repeatedly vandalised or torn down, and a monument to the stupidity of Victorians who elected him.

      I expect their next opposition will be The Muslim Party


  • #
    • #

      Rabobank: Iran Just Made A Huge Strategic Error (article)

      “say if their oil is hit, they will burn Saudi, Kuwaiti, UAE, Bahraini, and Azerbaijani oil”


      • #

        That’s a very pro-American pint of view. I’d say the missile attack showed how weak the Iron Dome anti-missile system is, as per all American ‘wonder-weapons. Their advertising far out-runs their effectiveness.

        Their ‘missiles hitting open fields’ was a missile that missed a building by the width of a road with a field on the other side, and it hit right beside the road. I think the Western propaganda is clutching at straws, they will be regretting not getting their censorship laws completed in time, and this will cause them to re-double their efforts.

        Soon the only news of a war will be from official Western Govt sources, like being in the UK in WW2 from whence both my parents said they were just fed BS..


        • #

          The iron dome has been effective in bringing down a lot of missiles.

          What is your opinion of the two state solution?


        • #
          • #

            What do you think solved separation of Pakistan from India, then East Pakistan from (big) Pakistan, then….?
            I guess some Bangladeshi tribes still are not happy.
            What if Jordan and Israel still shared one King ?


          • #

            I don’t have a solution past the current one EG, war until one side eliminates the other.

            The whole idea of the British that they could just create a country for complete interlopers within a country they had taken over was madness, matched only by their decision in India/Pakistan as Vlad points out, and various African countries who all fell into civil war soon after partition.

            Even a one-state solution is unlikely to work, it would still require politicians and they are the cause of the problems right now. The populations are so deep in their propaganda its hard to see them co-existing on a daily basis without punches being thrown, even if their ancestors lived side-by-side in peace.

            Why would you want to be a Christian in a country surrounded by Muslims?


    • #

      Certainly interesting times.


  • #
    David of Cooyal in Oz

    Simone Gold of AFLDS included this in her email today:

    ” This is one of the very few websites where you will read this story. Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, a leading attorney, has been under arrest in Germany for almost a year now. From the silence in the mainstream media, it would seem he is a dangerous spy whose arrest cannot be made public. Try Google, and sparse details emerge. A Vice article that declares him a “conspiracy theorist” provides almostt nothing of his side of the story, a right normally accorded even to gangsters and murderers. ”

    (I decided it was worth publishing especially after I read in the original source) CTS


  • #
    YYY Guy

    State and local gummints living in a bubble. They’re putting up a new housing estate, one of several –

    Villawood Properties’ plan is to build 800 new homes, including 200 homes within an over-55s “lifestyle village”. Twenty-five per cent of homes will be classed as affordable housing between $495,000 and $560,000

    Affordable. LOL
    There are no industries or real jobs in the area.


  • #
    David Maddison

    I’m sure their concerns would go away if they just got even more money, in addition to what they’re already getting.


    Pacific nations delivered a clear message to the U.N. General Assembly this year: Climate action was failing to slow accelerating sea-level rise, but statehood would endure even if land territories did not.

    Many Pacific island nations sit just a few meters above sea level, leaving them at risk of flooding, storm surges and coastal erosion that are forecast to increase in frequency as the planet warms. Some, like low-lying Tuvalu, are predicted to almost disappear by 2100.

    Samoan Prime Minister Samoa’s Mata’afa said that in an era of unprecedented sea-level rise, international law must evolve to meet the climate crisis.

    “Our statehood and sovereignty cannot be challenged,” she said in her address to the assembly on Friday. “No matter the physical changes wrought by the climate crisis, we will remain sovereign states unless we choose otherwise.”


    Perhaps the actual problem is not supposed sea level rise but

    1) Dysfuntional third world country and mentality.

    2) Inhabiting marginal land which is only a few metres or less above sea level and intrinsically vulnerable to storm surges. That’s the same as building in low lying areas and then complaining about floods.

    3) Building on WW2 airstrips made from reclaimed land which is gradually being reclaimed by nature.


    • #

      Pacific islands made up of crumbling volcanic cinders and coral debris.


    • #
      Greg in NZ

      Both surf camps/resorts I stayed at in Samoa in 2008 were ‘affected’ by sea level change the following year when the tsunami roared ashore: the one on Upolu was completely demolished (built on reclaimed land in a river mouth) while on Savai’i, the fale huts & restaurant were somewhat up and back from the beach, so suffered only slight damage, although 2 surfers were sucked out to sea, finally paddling back at sunset. Talofa lava vahine!


  • #
    David of Cooyal in Oz

    Morning CTS,
    I think we do.
    Fuellmich is the only person I know of who’s taken the case to the ICJ and is now imprisoned in Germany denied access to defence witnesses.
    Sounds like both Germany and the US have corrupted judicial systems, with Australia heading down a similar path.

    The fact that such an advocate for honesty and freedom of speech has been shut away at a critical time for the world is something that I think needs wide promulgation.

    Dave B


  • #

    The US swings back to Nuclear by funding and reopening not one but two previously mothballed nuclear generators.

    Meanwhile Blackouts Bowen continues to build solar and windmill farms


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    another ian

    FWIW – more “Safe and effective”

    “The CDC created an associated nonprofit foundation that enables the agency to take money from pharma.

    In the last 10 years, companies such as Pfizer and Merck have paid over $100 million.

    The donor list is hundreds of companies making direct bribes”


  • #

    The UK dug and burned 3 inches of its country:


    • #

      No one would even notice.


    • #
      David Maddison


      And if they hadn’t learned to harness coal there would have been no Industrial Revolution and we’d still be living as serfs, just as you want Simon.


    • #

      The coal was underground. The land above the coal mines had some subsidence in some places but not much. Some of the coal was mined from coal seams under the North Sea in the North East of England.

      And your point is? What?


      • #

        25 billion tonnes. How could burning that quantity of coal not affect the environment? Better late than never. If the UK with its higher population and lack of resources can do it, there is no reason why Australia can’t.


        • #
          Sceptical Sam

          Just remind us Simon:
          How many Nuclear power station does the UK operate?
          How many more is it planning to build?


        • #

          “If the UK with its higher population and lack of resources can do it, there is no reason why Australia can’t.”

          Not true- the reason is that the UK is burning its capital, and we are so young we haven’t built up capital yet. Those 3inches of the UK bought them a world-spanning Empire, they OWNED other countries, and the wealth from that is still in circulation in Britain.

          They make their money from being a banker’s bank, we make our money from farming and digging mines, just as they did 300years ago. How about we worry about global warming in 300years and see…


    • #

      It’s been replaced , and then some, by mountains of climate hand wringing BS. Countries promoting Evs are much better though, they get to dig up other peoples countries and even exploit their children.


    • #

      And the UK grew by quite a few metres by dumping all the earth from digging the Eurotunnel off the South coast, so what.


  • #
    another ian

    FWIW – around the US hurricane

    The Deporables”

    “Three guesses and the first two don’t count.”

    “What can help explain the apparent federal level indifference to the nightmare brought from Florida’s Big Bend up to Appalachia from hurricane Helene?”

    Check the links


    • #

      Those people be the wrong colour, red vs blue. Meanwhile Harris and Walz will mouth the usual platitudes about governing for everyone.


  • #

    It’s Been a Bad News Week for Lithium Ion Batteries

    There are some lessons to be learned here, but we’ve become so dependent on these things so quickly that I’m not sure what we pivot to.

    I think probably breathing deeply and figuring out how to deal with the problems we have on our hands right now would be a good thing before we proceed any further into this brave, new, all-electric mandated world, no?

    What am I talking about?

    Lithium-ion batteries (LIB) going boom in the worst places and what to do when that happens.

    On Thursday, the 26th of September, on the freeway outside of the Port of Los Angeles in San Pedro, California, one of “those accidents” happened.

    A tractor-trailer carrying large lithium-ion batteries overturned and caught on fire on a highway near the Port of Los Angeles on Thursday, snarling traffic and leading to road closures and the shuttering of several terminals at the port.

    The Los Angeles Fire Department said in a statement Thursday night that the fire was expected to burn for at least another 24 to 48 hours and that a roughly seven-mile stretch of California State Route 47, from the Vincent Thomas Bridge to Long Beach, would be closed in that period.

    The Port of Los Angeles, the busiest port in the Western Hemisphere, said that several terminals would be closed on Friday.

    The crash in the San Pedro neighborhood on Thursday morning did not result in any injuries, but fire crews were taking precautions to block hazardous materials from potentially spreading from the batteries, one of which exploded, the department said.

    It quickly became a traffic and logistic nightmare.


    • #

      In the meanwhile, Hurricane Helene was making a beeline for the Florida Coast, and FL officials were out with warnings about EVs and saltwater not mixing.

      So far, our CFO and State Fire Marshall Jimmy Patronis has confirmed 16 cases of EV fires due to water intrusion.

      Now, to be honest, I’ve only cataloged the past week’s misadventures and mainly because the scale of Helene is so awful. But the month of September was a hummer for Li-Ion news.

      A quick trip around the highlights:

      – On the 7th of September, a lithium-ion battery factory in Escondido, CA – which sits near an I-15 interchange – lit off, causing thousands to have to evacuate…

      – On the 18th, a truck carrying 31,000 pounds of…bananas?

      No. Hauling 31K pounds of lithium-ion batteries crashed outside of Las Vegas and shut the US 95 highway down for a day.

      – On the 23rd, parts of the Port of Montreal and surrounding neighborhoods were evacuated when a refrigerated container with 15,000 kg of lithium-ion batteries went up.

      Chase everyone out of their homes for however long, hope nothing further blows up, let it burn out.

      Lather, rinse, repeat.


      • #

        Electric car owners have HIGHER than average carbon footprints, study reveals

        . Electric vehicle owners have a larger average carbon footprint than other drivers
        . Researchers say the average electric vehicle owner is richer and more educated

        Electric cars have slowly but surely become the ultimate status symbol for Hollywood’s eco-minded elite, with everyone from Robert Downey Jr. to Kim Kardashian jumping in on the trend.

        But scientists now say that getting behind the wheel of an electric vehicle (EV) doesn’t make these celebs as green as they might like to think.

        Researchers from the University of Turku, Finland, found that on average EV drivers actually have a bigger carbon footprint than drivers who own petrol or diesel cars.

        While their cars might cut down on emissions, the researchers say that EV owners’ glitzier lifestyles mean they contribute more to climate change overall.

        The average EV owner churns out half a tonne more CO2 per year with owners of the sportiest models producing almost two tonnes more pollution.


  • #
    another ian

    FWIW – on the US dock strike

    “Dragon Riding – Dockworker Strike Underway as Alinsky Methods Deployed Against Labor Union Head, Harold Daggett
    October 2, 2024 | Sundance | 408 Comments”

    And while you read it think about the dock scene in Oz


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  • #

    Australian Websites: I have been a software engineer for over 41 years and have been constructing websites for over 24 years. I have just started looking at registering a .au website for a particular application we have. The particular hosting service I settled on required a ABN for a .au and a personal ID for a aarrgghh. I have never had any requirement like that before. I’m guessing its a government requirement – a typical ignorant little world view little box bureaucratic requirement but aarrgghh!!!


    • #
      David Maddison

      I assume it’s so all internet postings are fully traceable and trackable (more so than they already are) to facilitate the prosecution of Thought Crimes under the proposed MAD (Misinformation and Disinformation) laws.

      Ultimately they want to attach your internet missives to your digital person number (digital ID law already passed) so they can establish a Chicomm style social credit system.


    • #

      I imagine a lot of Australian websites will switch to .net, .tv etc – I wonder if an ICANN top level domain application is as onerous as this?:

      (I must also take this chance to give my respect to ICANN in refusing to “take down” the .ru domain a few years back.)


  • #

    The data from the Kincardine offshore wind farm was interesting. The actual CF was only 0.32, way down on the expected 0.457. The actual financial loss, even after massive subsidies, was huge – how can they keep going with these huge losses.


  • #

    Victoria has sorted the housing supply issue. Raise taxes so existing owners have to sell along with rising costs causing people to move interstate.

    Mediam house price in Sydney, Brisbane and Canberra are now higher than in Melbourne.

    There are still people living in tents though.


    • #
      David Maddison

      I’m seriously considering selling my Victorian rental property as it’s no longer worth it, despite my sentimental attachment to it.

      All my friends who own rental properties have already done so, are doing so, or intend to do so.

      Rental is a much cheaper option for those who can’t afford to buy so I don’t know what renters will do now.


      • #
        John Connor II

        I’m seriously considering selling my Victorian rental property as it’s no longer worth it, despite my sentimental attachment to it.

        Sell everything and get the f*** out of Victoria! 😉


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  • #
    Steve of Cornubia

    I haven’t been able to watch Matt Walsh’s ‘Am I A Racist’ movie yet, but the clips I have watched make me want to see it, but also cause my jaw to drop onto my desk. The people he (sometimes undercover) speaks to are completely, dangerously insane.

    This morning’s clip involved a white mother who describes herself as an anti-racist educator. In other words, a leftist activist posing as a teacher. She says that, despite having an anti-racist educator for a mother, her little 4yo white daughter, “watches Disney movies and still chooses white princesses over princesses of colour.”

    Disingenuously, the cunning Walsh asks her, “Have you spoken to her about that?” and she says, “All the time.”

    She actually said, “ALL THE TIME”.

    I can easily picture what daily life for that innocent little girl is like. Her lunatic mother is projecting her own neuroses onto a poor little 4yo. I have no doubt that she’s already being encouraged to wear boys clothes, but “Only if you feel you NEED to darling.”


    • #
      John Connor II

      Still in cinemas and streaming uncertain, but I’ll post a link when and if…


    • #

      It is not laughing matter.
      I do not know English history that well, people around me even less but they like the “royalty thing”.
      So we often watch those costume dramas (including Harry & Meg…) also being educated former middle class Europeans and able to recite few lines from Otello, we do not jump when see a black landlord or asian duchess….
      But most of the court and the Queen?
      Is it really Art or are we white mice… sorry, replace white with grey, under weird sanity tests in some Lab?


    • #
      Honk R Smith

      I think you’re comment relates to the ‘Pandemic’ phenomenon.
      (Which is far more a political event than a public health event.)
      Being concerned about your 4 year old’s ethnicity perceptions is a symptom of the general decline of the mental health of the leadership managerial class of a society.

      The ‘public health’ management of ‘Pandemic’ did far more damage than any respiratory contagion.
      We destroy ourselves in defense against imaginary threats.

      The truth is that we have lived the last century in one of the most stable climate periods of the planet’s history.
      The most medically secure. (Although governments appear Hell bent on turning that back.)
      We also live in the least ethnically bigoted culture in human history.

      Our main problem is we now have an managerial aristocracy that depends on fearmongering for legitimacy.
      There is no greater examples of this than the UNIPCC. BLM, and the WHO


  • #
    Gee Aye

    Hotestest September eva


    • #

      By “eva”, do you only mean ever recorded by satellites since 1979?
      Or ever recorded since all temperature records have been kept?
      Or ever since the word September has been used to cover the period of the year it currently does?
      Or ever since the word September has been used for any period of the year?

      Or are you claiming September 2024 is the hottest the world has ever been in all of the earth’s existence, for the equivalent 30 day period from circa 244th to 274th days of the year?


      • #
        John Connor II

        I want to know what hotestest is!


      • #
        Gee Aye

        Same comment every month.

        Gee, and I thought a 40 year record usurped the rest of geological time. Guess I was wrong.

        Just look at the data and make a more interesting comment.


        • #

          Your comment #29 could have been “more interesting” if it wasn’t wrong.
          Or at least unambiguous for it to be right.

          Too bad you have little interest in making correct statements.

          As for a comment on the data. It shows a warming trend. Which is a trend that started before the potential influence of CO2.
          It would be interesting if you could identify which component of the temperature increase is due to CO2.


          • #
            Gee Aye

            I don’t think you missed “hotetist” and “eva” which are used to parody climate extremists making claims like the one you seem concerned about.


    • #

      Doesn’t that include the disclaimer “of reliable records..” as per BOM a week back, so the Warmists can say any hotter September wasn’t recorded reliably.


  • #
    John Connor II

    Bank Of America Customers Report Widespread Outage, Zero Balances

    Bank of America customers on Wednesday reported having problems accessing their bank accounts or that their account balances currently show $0.

    The Epoch Times’ Jack Phillips reports that numerous Bank of America users have posted screenshots of empty account balances on social media.

    An Epoch Times staff member also reported not being able to log in to their Bank of America account.

    Some users on social media stated that Bank of America had not yet alerted them to the issue.

    …and just like that, your bank account got reset to zero…and CBDC’s aren’t even here yet…


  • #
    John Connor II

    Thursday cunning stunt!

    The SS Warrimoo, a passenger steamship traveling from Vancouver to Australia, was silently knifing its way across the mid-Pacific waters. The navigator had just finished calculating a star fix and handed the results to Captain John DS. Phillips.

    The Warrimoo’s coordinates were LAT 0º 31′ N, LONG 179 30′ W. The date was December 31, 1899. “Know what this means?” First Mate Payton announced, “We’re only a few miles from the intersection of the Equator and the International Date Line.”

    Captain Phillips was prankish enough to seize the opportunity to do the nautical feat of a lifetime. He summoned his navigators to the bridge to double-check the ship’s position. He altered his course slightly to focus directly on his target. He then altered the engine’s speed.

    The calm weather and clear night worked to his advantage. At midnight, the SS Warrimoo rested on the Equator, exactly where it had crossed the International Date Line. The ramifications of this odd arrangement were numerous.

    The ship’s bow was in the Southern Hemisphere, in the middle of summer. The stern was in the Northern Hemisphere, in the midst of winter. The date on the aft portion of the ship was December 31, 1899. The date on the forward half of the ship was January 1, 1900. The ship experienced multiple days, months, years, seasons, and centuries simultaneously.



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    John Connor II

    Civilians must be ready to fight because Britain’s military is so small, warn peers

    Damning report says evidence suggests size of Army is inadequate and urges country to think of itself as ‘a nation under genuine threat’

    The Armed Forces “lack the mass, resilience, and internal coherence necessary to maintain a deterrent effect and respond effectively to prolonged and high-intensity warfare”, a damning report by the Lords international relations and defence committee found.

    The report said all evidence it had heard “points to the current size of the British Army being inadequate” and questioned “whether the British Army is prepared to meet the growing threat posed by Russia to European security”.

    It called for the country to adopt “the mindset of a nation under genuine threat”.

    That’s what happens when a country is run by clowns, pi$$es away billions on Ukraine and pokes the bear, and imports unskilled welfare bludging immigrants by the million.
    I wonder if those illegals will be drafted?
    If not, guess who’ll be left when the dust (and radiation) settles.


    • #

      Just follow Switzerland’s lead and have a part time Army of Reserves. Australia could do the same.


      • #

        “Australia could do the same.”

        No we certainly couldn’t, Imagine all those people with “assault style ” rifles stored at home!!!!


      • #

        Mmmmmm Australia and Switzerland being similar in so many ways, I can see how that would work.


    • #

      ” internal coherence”

      Pfft.. Forget it! There is no internal coherence as shown by those being jailed for demonstrating recently, the BREXIT arguments, or being arrested for standing outside an abortion clinic, or stabbing children at dance classes, or … Just compare it to Britain in 1939!

      If the UK had to fight Russia any white person left there should immediately leave for the Southern Hemisphere as they would be the only ones dying at the front.

      “No we certainly couldn’t, Imagine all those people with “assault style ” rifles stored at home!!!!”

      Which is why the Chinese could invade any time they wanted to and we would be lost. An armed populace is the best defence of any country, but seeing the enemy is actually the Govt and they know it, that idea seems unpopular.


  • #
    John Connor II

    Daily dose of reality

    Things that helped me survive Helene:
    A gas car
    A gas stove
    A gas hot water heater
    A gas chainsaw

    Things that are/were useless during Helene:
    Electric cars
    Electric appliances
    Debit cards
    Public transport
    The government
    My tax dollars in Ukraine


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    John Connor II

    No-one’s dared mention the Israel/Iran situation then?
    Redthumb phobia?
    A strange act by Iran given the circumstances, almost a deliberate externally orchestrated push for ww3, not just their 6 decade regional war.
    Won’t be long no doubt.

    /yum yum redthumb!


    • #

      Where did the “6 decade” come from ?
      Everyone in Melbourne knows the darkness fell 78 years ago.


    • #

      “No-one’s dared mention the Israel/Iran situation then?”

      What is there to say? Its all going according to plan. You can’t tell if its a strange act or not with the West’s censorship working overtime to make sure no-one knows how effective it was. Certainly didn’t enhance the reputation of Iron Dome or the Western Alliance’s ability to intercept missiles with their F35s.


  • #

    Balsa Wood for Wind Turbine Blades

    Windmills Tech Editor

    Sandwich structures made from balsa wood have been used in composite materials around the
    world for over 40 years.

    Balsa wood is called the core material, as it has the function of providing structural filling in the wind turbine blade. it is made from blocks of wood cut across the grain of the wood.

    The purpose of a core is to distribute stress and loads from one layer of fabric to the other across the thickness.

    It is very common to use balsa wood in wind turbine blades and even in boats.

    Balsa wood has good mechanical properties, such as compressive strength, in addition to being light and not deforming when heated. It acts as an insulating and ablative layer on fire (its core slowly carbonizes, allowing the part not exposed to fire to remain structurally healthy).


  • #
    another ian

    FWIW – “Elbowed”?

    “‘Exposed’: Anthony Albanese ‘unfit’ to be prime minister”


  • #

    A thought on Kamala, the homemaker, chef, prosecutor, Attorney general, congresswoman and all round family person with a tough background.

    I wonder if Kamala (20th October 1964) will have a big 60th birthday party bash just before the election?

    Or even tell anyone? Will the press?

    She married only at 50 to a violent divorcee and philanderer. Then entered the race for the Senate.
    Like a lot of politicians, it’s all fake. Husband, children, career, achievements, experience.

    They cannot find a single case of the former Prosecutor or Attorney General actually leading a case
    in her lifetime.

    She did appear without warning in one case at judgement. And proceeded to cackle in court. According to a witness.

    No wonder the Democrats railed at Vance’s suggestion of childless old cat ladies.

    American is being asked to elect one. More sprung chicken and far too old for the giggly girl act when she runs out of words.

    And her father is alive? No one cares or speaks to him? Everything about Kamala screams fake, fraud, incompetence, uncaring.

    It shows the power of the Press to create a persona and investigate nothing. If Trump had farted in an elevator, he would have been sued by the DOJ under the Federal Clean Air Act.


    • #

      And when you compare Kamala to really extraordinary and courageous women and world leaders, Indira Ghandi had two children, Golda Meir had two children and Margaret Thatcher had two children. Margaret Thatcher was a grocer’s daughter who lived above the shop and obtained a B.Sc(Hons) in Chemistry from Oxford no less. And then studied Law part time while at home raising a family to finally qualify as a barrister. These were amazing women who lived strong lives of determination and courage. No stories of poor neighbours looking at their lawns.

      Kamala has achieved nothing in her very privileged life. She collected titles. No man would be elected as President with her total lack of qualifications, achievements or experience. She cannot answer a question or never has. The very idea that Kamala could make it to the world’s top position simply because she is a woman is so wrong. And the press says nothing. Like Walz, she talks about lived experience she never had. And misspoke?


    • #
      Geoff Sherrington

      In no way do I wish to denigrate the female of the species. Indeed, vive la difference! sys he who has passed the 60th wedding anniversary.
      There is an increasing assault on the quality of public poli such as political laws and regulations, because some women who have not had power to do these things before, have assumed a power incidental to the long-running quest for equal employment opportunity.
      So we have the Teals as an example. While they might think that they are injecting a learned experience into the social and economic lives of others, they are talking about elementary changes and changes that have been tried and failed before. It shows that they lack the depth of knowledge from experience that has come to males because in the past it has dominantly been a male domain.
      I am quite concerned by some of the female talk from Federal parliament, if it is reported accurately. It should be examined quite closely before it gains any traction because a lot of harm can come from it if it is not curbed where necessary.
      We men tend not to offer advice to traditionally female domains, like how to care for babies.
      Geoff S


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      Just another Obama, so expect the same but with worse speeches.


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    I have updated the monthly records of the UAH satellite data over Australia, showing the Lord Monckton style of “pause” of 8 years and 8 months to now. But is it?
    This month is a little different. If I wanted to be strictly accurate (beyond the uncertainty of the data) I would use a negative trend as the criterion to select the number of months. Alas, by this criterion, we have a pause of only 9 months to now.
    If however, we accept that a trend of +0.000001 is close enough to zero, then we have a pause of 8 years and 8 months to now.
    I mention this “knife edge” point that appeared this month to stimulate the usual chatter. My scientific mind tells me to report only the 9 month result, because come next month, a 10 month pause is quite possible and I’ll have to make excuses and use caveats to maintain a long pause.
    But then the pattern of a great deal of climate change research is to torture data until it confesses in favor of the researcher. It is a shame that so much climate change research has caveats. The oft-quoted expression that “Heatwaves are becoming longer, hotter and more frequent” is in this category. A big majority the the Australian stations that I have analyzed do not comply with this favorite chant because, hey! it is climate change research and we know how to use caveats!
    Geoff S


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      Gee Aye

      I can see what you mean but I think you should apply proper rules to this, I’d always fall on the side of strictly accurate (or to be more accurate that is what I actually do).

      There is no trend (caveat is that I’ve not crunched the numbers).


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      One observation on the UAH world temperatures for 2024 is the sudden jump in 2024. 0.8C. While heralded as warming, the idea that you can warm 0.8C in one year is not shown in the previous 50 years. Fitting a meaningful curve to this data is a joke. The temperature at one point in 2023 is the same as in 1980. You could easily argue, what warming? This is where people see what they want to see, but the individual variations indicate the noise is faster and larger than any trend.


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    ANU is feeling the financial pinch a bit. Thats a shame isnt it?

    No doubt the management brains trust will see them through.


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    MeAgain “Whilst not a committee comprised of scientific experts, the committee reiterates its respect of the scientific process, legitimate scientific and medical institutions, as well as government agencies and officials, whose submissions and testimony have illustrated that COVID-19 was the key contributing factor to excess mortality from 2021–2023.”


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      Their jab was the contributing factor


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      “Never commission an inquiry you don’t already know the answer to!”

      That’s the main sentence, the rest is just what you’d expect, a complete waste of time and money. Buuut… people still vote for them!


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    Peter Andre is always featured in Somerset Live. Most days, at least one story, sometimes two. Today, three stories: – does he pay for this coverage? I don’t understand!!! (I know this is a crap online paper, but the traffic reports can be useful)


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      Lol! I read down to Melbourne at 311 of the 405 ports in the world that they worked out the efficiency on, and never saw an Aussie port above that! NZ absolutely creams Aussie in there, as does half the third world. No wonder stuff is so expensive here!

      The Baltic Dry Index is up from 500 at the beginning of last year to 2000 now, so the actual shipping isn’t going to get any cheaper either.


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    An extension of anti-hacking on computers-

    “Kaspersky Antidrone software synchronizes the work of all anti-drone devices and displays unified analytics in real time in a single information space. The combination of algorithms based on neural networks and artificial intelligence provides high accuracy and speed in automatic mode. Soon the company will introduce a long-range complex for detecting enemy UAVs. The software allows you to actually create a friend or foe system. Kaspersky, it must be said, is great in this regard.

    Some time ago, the Armed Forces of Ukraine received the Ani-ZALA system, a complete analogue of the Israeli UAV interception module developed in JAFA”.

    A whole new battlefield has opened up in the electronics behind drones. Ukraine better hope the Israeli system is better than their anti-missile system, you can see dozens of missiles hitting here-

    It looks like cheap missiles will overwhelm anti-missile defenses every time until we get new systems invented.
