By Jo Nova
While careers and statues have died at the merest hint of not refuting slavery hard enough, the UK Labour Party will make sure slave-made-solar panels will still be imported to the UK, and the people exploiting the slaves will still be paid.
We have to ask, O’ Great Moral Guardians, was it because there aren’t enough solar panels that are not slave-made, and if we stop supporting the slavers, the only panels left will cost a fortune? Is the big fear that it will blow the climate budget, or make green electricity even more absurdly expensive?
Or are we saying that the lives of slaves in 2025 are not as important as cooling the world by 0.0001 degrees 100 years from now?
h/t Tom Nelson
Labour to block bid to ban solar panels made by SLAVES – so Ed Miliband can put them on schools and hospitals
By Harriet Line, The Daily Mail, UK.
Peers had sought to stop taxpayers’ cash from being used to buy products from a company where there was ‘credible evidence’ of modern slavery in its supply chain.
But the Government will whip its MPs […]
By Jo Nova
In the last couple of weeks a New Zealand whistleblower came forward with detailed, but anonymized data showing that certain batches of the experimental you-know-what, were associated with shockingly high mortality rates. As this news started to spread, the government could have responded to correct or explain this, instead they arrested him, thus accidentally verifying that the data he showed was not wrong, but real. His crime apparently was not faking-up the data, but “accessing a computer system for dishonest purposes” which seems like a very strange crime given that, as he describes it, he was paid to work with the data, and the results of public health data is — in a free society — supposed to be public.
In the world we thought we lived in, we would assume that the NZ government would already know and track the mortality of all the batches they forced the citizens to take. Unless they were grossly incompetent or inherently corrupted by, hypothetically say, large multinational entities earning a hundred billion dollars — authorities would have the real death rates at their fingertips, surely? So if he faked the data, or misinterpreted it, or he made an […]
By Jo Nova
Imagine if the national postal service had secret blacklists of people whose mail “should be lost”?
What if the FBI, CIA, or Department of Defence was talking to the postie, and the postie read your letters and threw some out, but not others, and none of the institutions told you they were doing this? Or perhaps the post-office told you point-blank you were banned from sending mail now “because your letters were wrong”.
In this case the “posties” are private organizations, but to all intents and purposes, their network connection and obedience to Big-Government made them, in effect, another branch of the government. The government wasn’t paying the postie direct, but it protected the monopoly of the corporate postie team and gave them a legal loophole to hide in, and the media outlets stopped anyone criticizing the government. It was a Pravda-KGB consortium with filters that worked at light speed, but hidden.
“Undeniably, the making of such lists is a form of digital McCarthyism.”
Where would we be if Elon Musk hadn’t bought Twitter?
In the latest round of Twitter Files, Matt Taibbi shows how Twitter was not just censoring things that would later turn […]
by Jo Nova
Quick, save the world now! Create nice weather and peace on Earth with coercive bargaining, threats and deprivation.
The PETA-FemoNazi recipe to stop floods and hot weekends is to demand men give up meat or live without sex. There’s no more persuasion for civilization — according to PETA it’s their way or the highway, and most men must be too stupid to realize the PETA powers of climate prophesy are unquestionable. After all, there’s no chance that animal activists could be fooled by emotional soppy propaganda pushed by Global bankers, billionaires and UN industrial cartels, right? PETA can tell those moist adiabatic lapse rates from the missing tropospheric hot spots. If only men could too!
PETA strays so far out their lane they end up in orbit. They alternately blame bad weather on meat-eating, then on men, on toxic masculinity and then they blame the babies too. It’s breathtaking in grandiose, overbearing, imperious intolerance. Apparently omnivorous men don’t deserve to have babies. A ban on procreation for meat-eating-men would be… purposeful. They actually say that. Your value to the world is measured in tons of carbon. A bit like a farm animal really? Except PETA select […]
There is a major battle in the US that most media are barely mentioning
On the one hand Joe Biden calls political opponents Domestic Terrorists, and delivers speeches flanked with marines. The FBI are raiding the homes of his main political adversary and his supporters too, knocking on doors based on nothing more than anonymous tips, without search warrants. They demand answers to ridiculous questions, the only purpose of which can be intimidation or fishing trips. Lines in the sand are being crossed here that we never thought would be crossed in America. Things that ought to have the whole nation (and allies) standing to attention. Personal communications with lawyers used to be confidential, “not any more”. How do we explain the hunt for someone’s daughters’ Instagram posts?
Against that dark background, something great is unfolding in Florida and other states. Ron de Santis delivers a great speech below, laying out how he’s fighting back against the Tech Giant Oligarchs, the WEF, the UN, Woke ideology, school indoctrination, gender change surgery on children, forced injections, and election fraud. We’ve discussed the State fightback against the influence of BlackRock and ilk which abuse their fiduciary duty with retirement funds to force […]
Great news! We win. The Pandemic Emergency declaration is officially over and unvaccinated Australians are free to leave the nation.
Since Senator Rennick exposed it, and I mocked the Department of Health about how Unvaccinated Australians can’t leave Australia unless they escape, and how it was due to a WHO treaty so we could “protect the world” — things have changed. The mocking was on April 8th and 9th. Presumably the government recognized how stupid it all looked to restrict unvaccinated Australians when at least 72 nations around the world are happy to let them in, and everyone knows now, that vaccination doesn’t slow transmission. After all, the whole world caught Omicron thanks to vaccinated travellers.
In the last two weeks the plans to write special laws to stop the unvaccinated from leaving the country silently vanished. But most Australians will not be aware the unvaccinated were still banned from leaving the nation until a few days ago, and are now free to go.
The Australian official website still tells Australians they have to have a vaccine. Click to enlarge. | Source: Dept of Health
Two weeks ago the Chief Medical Officer even said they were dropping […]
Welcome to Prison Australia where unvaccinated citizens are not able to leave. (And Canadians thought they were the only ones). If your best friend is getting married in Madagascar, the Africans will let you fly in, but you can’t go because Australia won’t let you out.
Australians who are unvaccinated or not-jabbed-enough can apply for permission to leave. But unless you need foreign medical care, live or work overseas, or are flying in the “national interest” (meaning you’re a politician) you may not qualify. Trips need to be “longer than three months” for no good reason I can think of, except that it stops most holidayers. Which is obviously the point.
People may get an exemption if they need to work overseas. Which is fine if your boss wants to send you to conventions in the Greek Islands but you can’t take the wife and kids unless she owns the company, and the kids are your employees. Otherwise, there’s no pleasure cruises for the unjabbed peasants from Oz.
Unvaccinated Australians who want to leave pretty much have to escape
We can always drive to Broome. We might find an Indonesian fishing boat and get a lift back the other […]
Spread the word. The legacy corporate media are not telling the world about the biggest Truck Convoy in history. People in cars have joined in, farmers in tractors are lining up. People are baking cupcakes and organising food for the drivers. A few hours ago it was a freezing cold midwinter night but throngs were cheering and tooting around Parliament Hill and the streets nearby were in gridlock. Three or four blocks away from Parliament Hill people are tooting in queues of cars, cheering on the Truckers.
#mandates BROUGHT DOWN BY CITIZENS. #FreedomTruckers #TruckersForFreedom #CanadaTruckers #USATruckers #ItalyTruckers #AustralianTruckers 👏👏👏 https://t.co/uLa1ThX9P6
— Ibrahim Reyes (@IbrahimReyesEsq) January 29, 2022
Justin Trudeau has tested negative to Covid but has fled Ottawa for a secret location for “fear of violence” and to self isolate with his family. He’s called it a “small fringe minority” expressing “unacceptable views”, and the protesters have taken on the small fringe minority label in placards.
The Empire strikes back
Ezra Levant is on the scene and reporting that officials are going to extreme lengths (as I said they would) to stop the Convoy — they are blocking roads near Parliament Hill with police cars and graders. […]
It’s a sociological phenomenon. People will find a way around the censorship.
In the space of two months Lets Go Brandon has gone from pure R&D to full retail outlet:
Meanwhile on a different battle, a new protest variant has appeared
All around the world, apparently, the people are singing.
It starts a bit slow, but at the 45 second mark, there’s the “Hardware Store” version, then at 1 minute — the London massed choir rendition, strangely civilized and offensive at the same time.
It is as crass as it sounds.
If the crowds were signing You can stick your coal fired power up your @***, in mass rallies of tens of thousands, the BBC-CBC-ABC-MSNBC complex would be playing that as the lead story. Since they don’t, the rest of us need to share the news.
Plucky Bridgett takes on the Board of Supervisors in San Diego
Mariah Scary! Woman sings anti-COVID mandate version of All I Want For Christmas at California board meeting
‘I don’t want a lot for Christmas, just body autonomy,’ she started off. ‘I don’t care about the variants because of natural immunity.’
9.7 out […]
Coercion is not Consent!
Censorship is not consent either.
Vaccine mandate strike in Australia, Friday October 1. By Rod Lampard.
A united cross-section of Australian industries is set to strike on October 1 over State-sanctioned, and unconstitutional medical conscription.
While the Australian federal government maintains COVID-19 vaccines are NOT mandatory, in an apparent “workaround” section 51 of the Australian constitution, the Morrison government has enabled the states to make COVID-19 vaccinations compulsory.
The 16,000-member strong Facebook group, Australian Education United said:
All work sectors are uniting against mandatory vaccines & covid passports. On October 1 we RECLAIM THE LINE that was taken from us. Freedom, liberty, and our right to choose if we take the vaccine.
With Sky News Australia being the exception, the strike is conspicuously absent from most legacy media organisations. Strange, considering the strike is set to go national and is of national importance.
If this was a Climate Extinction rally, or a BLM Strike, would the media say nothing? As Ed Driscoll would say, Just think of the media as Democratic Party operatives with bylines, and it all makes sense.
Sky News’ Dominica Funnell reported: “Organised by National Education United (NEU), the #ReclaimTheLine protest looks […]
Lithuania, 1955
There are almost no brave people left in academia, or sport, or the land of celebrity. When one of their own faces the axe for some random transgression of an invisible rule book on political niceties, their colleagues abandon them.
In academia, they’re supposed to be the intellectual cream of the crop –the individual giants who fought their way to the top. But it’s like we’ve selected for wary herding people instead. And perhaps that’s the point. When universities were turned into schools and businesses, and quirky philanthropist funding became predictable Big-Government largess, the mavericks and rebels didn’t fit and one by one were expelled, sacked — or just pushed sideways til they fell out. What’s left in the wasteland of academia, apparently, are the mid-wit networking climbers. The middling Ordinaires rose into positions above their due and became afraid of losing the sweeter deal than they deserved. If they were the top dogs in their field, and if that mattered, they could speak their mind, get sacked, and still be offered a new position at a competing institution. But second rung players don’t have that option. They won’t put their head above the parapet and […]
Thousands were asleep at the wheel, occupied with busywork, and an endless trail of minor crises. Each little step was worse than the one before, inexorably, but only a little worse. Like a field of corn that we never see growing — but one day it is over our head.
There is no time when everyone realizes together and lifts in mass protest. Instead, little moments tip the balance, one person at a time. And once awake, good people don’t want to be troublemakers. They are afraid to stand out.
Its all so human while it becomes something so horribly inhumane.
The form of the nation stays the same but the spirit changes to become something people would never have accepted even five years earlier. Like perhaps the idea that people who committed, at most, a minor misdemeanor, a trespass, could be kept without charges in solitary confinement for months on end.
We are a gregarious species. It is hardwired. Our great strength is also our greatest vulnerability…
So many wait for someone else to speak up.
Excerpt from pages 166-73 of They Thought They Were Free: The Germans, 1933-45. They interviewed 10 Germans who talked […]
A former judge from Wisconsin is “incensed” that the left have created such a culture of fear that lawyers in the largest law firms in the country will not even take The President’s case.
For a quarter of a century the Climate change debate in the “advanced world” has been controlled almost entirely by namecalling “denier” and cancel culture.
Can the left rule the whole United States of America the same way? Humans are an intensely gregarious species. It matters if people are exiled, cast aside, and even Supreme Court Judges are surely not immune from being cut off from friends and family. Of having their children bear punishment.
Tribal cultures witchdoctors would point the bone. The Democrats just have a modern version of the same vilification.
Former Wisconsin Judge: ‘Our Court System Has Been Deeply Intimidated by the Left’
Janita Kan, Epoch Times
During the Senate hearing, Troupis, one of the witnesses, explained why he decided to represent the campaign in their effort to challenge election results when many lawyers refused. He said that he believes many prominent law firms did not want to participate in the election lawsuits due to a fear of retaliation […]
The bullies in the media and academic wings of The Democrats made it dangerous to reveal voting intentions
In the Media-Bubble Donald Trump is a psychopathic, narcissist, and cowardly Nazi. And what kind of person would vote for that? Mostly bad people. Hillbillies, old people. Toxic males — and who wants to be one of those? Even though 60 million Americans voted for Donald Trump, the ABC and CNN seem to find the gun toting militia and lonely hermits with a 6 inch beard. The only attractive Trump voters were reformed ones who were voting for Biden.
Psychology Today reviewed Trump voters and actually talks of “dog whistles” Trump sends to “bigoted supporters”, especially the evil kind of whites that don’t mix with minorities. Trump voters suffer from Authoritarian Personality Syndrome. Indeed, “support for Trump is correlated with a standard scale of modern racism.” So there. The strongest predictors of Trump support were the zip codes with more racial and ethnic isolation … because Trump voters were post code robots.
The Party of Tolerance created the toxic hate-fest of Trump voters with righteous indignation, degradation and humiliation. Everyone got the message.
Bullying is a brittle facade
A phase shift can […]
Stupid engineers think we need climate models that work and electricity that costs less than a dollar a kilowatt hour. All along we’ve been worried about FCAS, moist adiabatic lapse rates, voltage surges, and frequency drops, while the answer was staring us in the face.
The cheapest way to change the global climate is to call men petty names, bully them into submission and kick their truck nuts.
Here’s “genius” Megan MacKenzie: Professor of Gender and War at the University of Sydney showing us how little she knows about climate, men or war.
Is fragile masculinity the biggest obstacle to climate action?
Megan MacKenzie, ABC
Leaving fossil fuels in the ground symbolises a loss of power and money. Some male leaders see real climate action as a threat to power and to profit, through extraction and exploitation of the environment.
Male resistance to climate action has bipartisan support. Any hope that the Labor party might offer climate policy alternatives the Liberals went up in smoke in the past few months as Anthony Albanese announced he doesn’t want to phase out coal.
Researchers in Norway also found what they call a “cool dude […]
Millenials are aged 25 – 39. In Australia four out of five are not even “familiar” with Mao. Half have never heard of him, even though he caused the deaths of twice as many people as Adolf Hitler.
Political ideologues control our education system. We teach kids identity politics, and how to control the weather with light globes, but not the most important political lesson of the 20th Century.
We won the cold war, then lost the peace.
Why Millenials are embracing Socialism
Tom Switzer, Sydney Morning Herald
The survey evidence is clear. In a YouGov poll commissioned by the Centre for Independent Studies last year, 58 per cent of Australian millennials have a favourable view of socialism, with only 18 per cent having an unfavourable one. These findings reflect Millennial attitudes in Britain and the US.
What’s going on?
Part of the problem is plain ignorance. Most Millennials were hardly alive when Ronald Reagan called the Soviet Union an “evil empire”.
According to the CIS poll, only 26 per cent of Millennials are familiar with Vladimir Lenin and 34 per cent with Joseph Stalin. Only 21 per cent of […]
“Truly heading for the status of colony”
Britain is suddenly very interesting (for the eight hundredth time in the History of Western Civilization). It’s a defining moment. Fans of the establishment didn’t want Brexit, so they tried a scare campaign, which failed. They tried on a second vote and legal means, and namecalling “xenophobic isolationist” — all the usual. Anything but a polite list of good reasons to stay in (something to counter the brilliant Daniel Hannan’s points, not to mention the happy existence of Switzerland and Norway). Now they wear the cloak and try the Remain By Stealth option (like our Carbon Tax by Stealth). Call it Brexit but make the reality the same. It is an absolute scandal for the working class and poor in the UK. Hence the string of resignations…
The peasants don’t want people in Brussels deciding what kind of hair dryer and vacuum cleaner they may buy.
James Delingpole is in fine form as a spokesperson for the downtrodden:
Brexit, it is now becoming clear, was our Peasants’ Revolt in more ways than one.
It was our Peasants’ Revolt in the sense that it was an uprising […]
On Candlelit vigils for the people in Nice
What Tim Blair says: Ditto
After so many repetitions, these events are now actually insults. They are not about the victims. They are about the mourners. They are indulgent displays of emotion that serve only to generate soothing feelings of moral comfort and to mask what should be a united and righteous fury.
Tonight’s attendees should consider this. While you see every lit candle as a poignant reminder of life’s tragic fragility, Islamic State sees them as post-game bonus points.
I know people want to talk about the atrocity in France. I wish. But thanks to Section 18C you will have to talk in other nations where offending someone is not an offence. Or perhaps if you are lucky you might be able to discuss this somewhere in Oz where they have paid staff to moderate and lawyerate. See also Andrew Bolt’s: We cannot keep living in this fear.
Heartfelt thoughts to the victims and their families on a dark day.
9.4 out of 10 based on 92 ratings
Best wishes to our UK friends on this important day. UPDATE: Polls shut at 10pm on Thursday UK time (7am Friday AEST). Final Tally: “breakfast time” Friday in the UK ( which is 4- 6pm on the East Coast of Australia).
“… it’s the last chance most of us are ever going to get in our lifetime to vote for an outcome which is genuinely in the interest of us the people – the demos – rather than that of the increasingly powerful, ever-more-deeply-entrenched elite.”
— James Delingpole
The British Isles Invented Freedom
“… the people of what is now called Great Britain created something entirely different from the closed and centralized regimes that have been the norm in most of human history. They produced a society where rulers were subject to the law and the law belonged to the people, where collective will did not trump individual right, and where free citizens were permitted to create and keep their own wealth. These principles have transformed the world: “The miracles of the past three and a half centuries—the unprecedented improvements in democracy, in longevity, in freedom, in literacy, in calorie intake, in infant survival […]
Children Win Another Climate Change Legal Case In Mass Supreme Court
[Forbes] This case is one of several similar cases in federal district courts in Oregon and Washington, and in the state courts of North Carolina, New Mexico, Pennsylvania and Colorado. All of these legal cases are supported by Our Children’s Trust, that seeks the legal right of our youth to a healthy atmosphere and stable climate in the future.
How about the legal right of our youth to live in a sustainable civilization? What if a stable climate costs more than a stable economy can afford?
Other parents might hope their children have the right to inherit a stable currency, and a government without trillions in debt.
Championed by Professor Mary Christina Wood in the Law School at the University of Oregon under the idea of Atmospheric Trust Litigation, these lawsuits claim that a government elected by the people and for the people has a duty to protect the natural systems required for the people’s survival.
So if the government is elected by the people to make these kinds of decisions, why is a court deciding public policy? The children of Massachusetts are free to […]
JoNova A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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