Patrick Byrne: Major risks of Dominion Voting machines hidden before US Election

Dominion Voting Machine

What would you do if you discovered three weeks before your national elections that the voting machines your nation was about to use were easily hackable by local or foreign state actors? The Dominion electronic machines were going to be used in 16 states, and it was a “matter of national security”.

Judge Amy Totenberg decided it was all far too hairy, and too late to do anything, so she sealed the entire 25,000 word report by Dr Alex Halderman. But strangely in September the following year the author was still unable to send these “national security” documents to DHS-CISA. They were still legally sealed, and he was unable to give that information to the government.

Dr Patrick Byrne, the Stanford graduate of Philosophy, and also Asian studies, polymath, and self made Overstock billionaire wrote a story last October that in a normal world would have printed its own front page headlines, along the lines of “Scandalous report on Risks of Dominion Voting Machine Suppressed before 2020 election”. Naturally, no one has heard about it. Note that the report and study was done before the elections and contains no evidence that the 2020 elections were […]

Unvaccinated Australians now permitted to leave the country (but the Government won’t tell them)

Great news! We win. The Pandemic Emergency declaration is officially over and unvaccinated Australians are free to leave the nation.

Since Senator Rennick exposed it, and I mocked the Department of Health about how Unvaccinated Australians can’t leave Australia unless they escape, and how it was due to a WHO treaty so we could “protect the world” — things have changed. The mocking was on April 8th and 9th. Presumably the government recognized how stupid it all looked to restrict unvaccinated Australians when at least 72 nations around the world are happy to let them in, and everyone knows now, that vaccination doesn’t slow transmission. After all, the whole world caught Omicron thanks to vaccinated travellers.

In the last two weeks the plans to write special laws to stop the unvaccinated from leaving the country silently vanished. But most Australians will not be aware the unvaccinated were still banned from leaving the nation until a few days ago, and are now free to go.

The Australian official website still tells Australians they have to have a vaccine. Click to enlarge. | Source: Dept of Health

Two weeks ago the Chief Medical Officer even said they were dropping […]

Energy Crisis in the UK: 40% face fuel poverty by winter and Govt may finally stop “Green Levies” (too late)

Wow. What does it take to get a democratic government to stop picking winners in socialist electrical generation? It takes a war, a 50% price rise, and the possibility that 4 in 10 households might be reduced to third world conditions within months.

Share the word — no country on Earth has lots of intermittent renewables AND cheap electricity.

…Bosses warn 40% of households face fuel poverty after October’s price cap hike…

Daily Mail

Energy bosses have called for more Government support for households facing a ‘truly horrific’ winter, with as many as four in 10 people potentially falling into fuel poverty before the end of the year.

Energy bills for the 22 million British households not on fixed-term deals rose 54 per cent to just under £2,000 a year on average in April, the last time the Ofgem price cap was reviewed.

The clean Green transition was supposed to reduce costs, create jobs, and set people free, instead the experiment failed everywhere it was done. “Free” energy turned out to be a high maintenance, unenvironmental expensive fantasy loaded with hidden costs:

Analysts have warned of a further jump […]

Trudeau invents license for “journalists” so readers know which ones are Government Approved Liars

Big Government is supposed to fear the free press who criticize it — When the press fear the government, it follows the press prints Fake News. It’s just an arm of Big Government.

Justin Trudeau has invented a Social Credit system for journalists. What could possibly go wrong — Apart from death. corruption and wasted money. It explains a lot — like why virtually none of the news media in Canada covered the Truckers Rally, the problems with vaccines, or discontent among the unacceptable working class people. Apart from Rebel News, the other media outlets were afraid of losing their QCJO, or their subsidies, their income tax breaks, and their right to get into government events.

It’s the oldest trick in the Dictators playbook — make the critics get a license. It’s as bad as it sounds. An anonymous panel sits in secret and assesses something called the Qualified Canadian Journalism Organisational Licence or a QCJO. Not surprisingly Rebel News did not get a license. The invisible bureaucrats claimed that only 1% of Rebel News is “news” and therefore it doesn’t qualify. Which means Rebel News are banned from government events, and punished and downranked on social media (even […]

A corrupt invasion ruined by Corruption

Character is destiny Daniel Hannan explains that Putin was undone by corruption

Bribery is no way to build an empire. Putin’s intelligence and military bureaucrats didn’t believe in the Russian Empire, and they kept the cash they were supposed to use for bribes in Ukraine. Then lied about the bribes and ultimately left Putin in a precarious position. But they too are vulnerable. Indeed Ukrainians are suffering. Russians are suffering. There are few winners and many losers.

Great civilizations are built on trust. Millions of people work most efficiently when they all know the rules, and everyone has a voice. We used to have that.

Comments here by David Evans on the article by Daniel Hannan

The details are only now emerging, and they help explain why Russia is losing in Ukraine and, indeed, why autocracies are often terrible at fighting wars.

By annexing Crimea and taking Donbass, in 2014 Putin tipped Ukraine into becoming majority western-oriented:

Until 2014, Ukraine was fairly evenly split between, to borrow 19th century Russian terminology, Westernizers and Slavophiles. Some Ukrainians wanted to join the institutions of the free world, including NATO. Others preferred, if not a merger with Russia, at least a special […]

Don’t miss Benny Peiser speaking in Australia: The Energy Crisis

As a director of The Australian Environment Foundation I am delighted we were able to bring Benny Peiser out from the UK.

Bookings need to be done in the next few days!

Australian Environment Foundation

Dr Benny Peiser who heads up the London based The Global Warming Policy Foundation, is visiting Australia and speaking at three major events in Sydney 26 April, Brisbane 27 April and Melbourne 28 April.

Benny Peiser

Dr Peiser has written extensively on domestic and international climate policy and has appeared on numerous media outlets to contest global warming alarmism and demonstrate the cost of policies being proposed to address it.

His visit is especially timely given the European – indeed global – energy crisis and the key issues of energy and the environment that are prominent in the Australian federal election campaign.


Sydney – 26 April 2022 Northern Sydney Conservative Forum – “The Energy Crisis’ – Moderator Rowan Dean – Tuesday 26 April

The Sydney Event includes Rowan Dean and Ian Plimer as well.

The event includes a two course meal and wine. Tickets are $110

Book by next […]

Unvaccinated Australians can’t leave Australia — unless they escape — is that swim, paddle or dingy?

Welcome to Prison Australia where unvaccinated citizens are not able to leave. (And Canadians thought they were the only ones). If your best friend is getting married in Madagascar, the Africans will let you fly in, but you can’t go because Australia won’t let you out.

Australians who are unvaccinated or not-jabbed-enough can apply for permission to leave. But unless you need foreign medical care, live or work overseas, or are flying in the “national interest” (meaning you’re a politician) you may not qualify. Trips need to be “longer than three months” for no good reason I can think of, except that it stops most holidayers. Which is obviously the point.

People may get an exemption if they need to work overseas. Which is fine if your boss wants to send you to conventions in the Greek Islands but you can’t take the wife and kids unless she owns the company, and the kids are your employees. Otherwise, there’s no pleasure cruises for the unjabbed peasants from Oz.

Unvaccinated Australians who want to leave pretty much have to escape

We can always drive to Broome. We might find an Indonesian fishing boat and get a lift back the other […]

Show this in schools: The CCP in 2020 banning doctors spreading illegal rumors of pneumonia

This is a pre-packed lesson in free speech:

#TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻译运动

— The Great Translation Movement 大翻译运动官方推号 (@TGTM_Official) April 3, 2022

How do we know when it’s propaganda — when all the news readers speak with one voice.

What’s the difference between the Western doctors and the CCP-docs? About a year. AHPRA are the communist party of medicine in Australia. Instead of banning doctors who talked about a new form of pneumonia, AHPRA bans doctors who talk about cheap treatments or problems with vaccines. What’s the difference?

9.7 out of 10 based on 92 ratings

Long lost forgotten rain bombs — the BoM yells “unprecedented” while ignoring 120 years of history

If Climate Change was a real threat, the Bureau of Meteorology might even look at their own historic records.

When Jennifer Marohasy and Chris Gillham did just that, they found that as bad as the current situation is, it’s happened before:

The wettest day in Lismore was in February 1954. The wettest year for Lismore was 1893. There was no increase in the intensity or frequency of extreme wet days at Lismore, or the towns around it.

Now if the BOM looks at this with a supercomputer, they might find an effect from CO2. But if the BOM just used a calendar, like I did, they might find the latest floods started the week after Hunga Tonga volcanic dust rolled across Australia. Maybe that matters?

No one needed a supercomputer to read a rain gauge in 1885, and we have excellent long data. Imagine how handy that might be if the BoM wanted to understand, say, Australian flood cycles? There are 137 years of rainfall records in Lismore from 1885 to now, but the BOM said we set a new record for Lismore based on Lismore airport where records started as long ago as… 2002.


The Bureau […]

It’d be fine if we could put electricity in shoe boxes. (Wind power is 98% unreliable)

Australia now has nearly 10GW of wind power installed on the National Electricity Grid, but look at the monthly minimums — the guaranteed power we can rely on. The good news is that it’s increased by 10% over this time last year. The bad news is that it was only 216MW.

From the 10,000MW of windpower we paid to install, at one point in the last month only 2% was working, and that’s not unusual.

The true dismal story of wind power is that we need a near total second network of generators just sitting around waiting as back up. Since the back up is reliable, we could use them instead. As a bonus, backup power won’t kill birds, bats and hypnotize crabs and it won’t destroy sleep for farmers and spotted quolls, and it doesn’t create a national security risk either. Handy, eh?

Original graph: WattClarity | Click to enlarge.

The monthly average generation is about 30% of capacity. But the world doesn’t run on average electricity.

9.8 out of 10 based on 87 ratings

Money-world splits into two: Is this the end of an era of US dollar as reserve currency?

The ante was upped

Just like that: The US froze Russian bank accounts. It broke all the rules. In return, Russia is freezing gas deliveries unless people pay in roubles. The US played a very big wildcard, and Joe Biden and the USA may lose in a big way. The World’s Reserve currency is the US Dollar, and it’s a powerful tool for the US. But if the dollar were weakened, by say 50 years of inflation, and the trust it is based on was blown, the bluff may be up.

One thing leads to another. Who will blink first?

Does Russia need the money more than Europe needs the gas?

Europe Is Facing Supply Disruptions As Russia’s Gas-For-Rubles Deadline Looms


Russia’s insistence that its “unfriendly” nations pay in rubles for Russian natural gas risks disrupting European supplies as soon as this week as the deadline set by Putin for moving to ruble payments is drawing closer.

Europe, which depends on Russian natural gas for more than one-third of its demand—with some countries, including the biggest economy Germany, depending on Russia for half of its consumption—has rejected the gas-for-rubles idea, saying it […]

FBI didn’t want the Hunter Biden Laptop, then sat on it, then whistleblowers life is destroyed

He did all the right things but his business, his life’s work has been ruined. Hunter Biden dropped off his laptop to a Mac repair store and left it behind. The whistleblower who owned that store acted legally in every way, but now faces bankruptcy and lives with constant threats. He financially would have been so much better off if he has dropped the laptop in the bin. John Nolte at Breitbart has a long interview with John Paul Mac Isaac about the remarkable efforts he went to to do the right thing. His father is a retired Air Force Colonel, and he also tried to do the right thing but was rebuffed.

The whole interview is worth reading. The scandal (above and beyond The Biden family) is the combined failure of the FBI and the media. Repeatedly, the FBI failed the nation, protected the corrupt by sitting on this laptop for months and intimidating the whistleblower. Then the media did the same, covering up for the compromised, blaming it on a Russian hack. All the media that is, except for The New York Post, Tucker Carlson and sites like Breitbart.

People need to know what’s going on.

Nolte: Hunter […]

70% of Australians don’t even want to spend $1 a week on “Net Zero”

The most devastating thing about this survey is not what it says about energy policy but what it says about our democracy.

70% of Australians think energy policy should be about reliable cheap supply, not about stopping storms, and 70% don’t want to even spend $1 a week saving the world from climate change. Despite this, neither major party stands for that 70%.

Imagine what our election campaign would look like if both parties were trying to win over voters?

The Institute of Public Affairs (IPA) asked 1,007 Australians “How much would you personally be willing to pay each year for Australia to reduce its emissions to zero by 2050?” And 42% said “Nothing at all”. Nine out of ten Australians don’t want to spend much at all. Yet somehow both major political parties agree to spend billions every year on a transition we don’t have to have.

We don’t have to have wind or solar power, big batteries, big interconnectors, big Snowy 2.0 and we don’t have to buy international carbon credits.

Bear in mind Australians are not paying $50 or $100 a year on climate bills, they’re paying $1,300 a year.*

So state and federal governments are spending […]

Victorian windfarm loses court case on noise, must turn off turbines at night!

In the Victorian Supreme Court a judge has just ordered that the Bald Hills Wind farm must turn off at night time. After seven years of pain and suffering, two households living nearby will finally get night time relief and some payments of $92,000 and $168,000.

“The wind farm noise has been a common law nuisance at both properties.”

Bald hills, Wind Farm, Victoria, Australia. Image: John Englart Flikr CC BY-SA 2.0

This could change everything. These industrial plants close to homes just became even less profitable because they can’t operate at night. They also need to pay damages to people affected by the noise, and do more maintenance to reduce noise — like repairing gear boxes more often, and they may have to pay to make changes at homes nearby to ameliorate the nuisance, or pay compensation. Many properties near the towers have abandoned plans to build new houses there.

What stands out in this ruling is how entirely inadequate were any of the attempts by the government that approved the wind plants, or the companies that profited from them, to measure and assess the noise, and to respond to complaints. Despite tens of thousands […]

Not only were there US Bioweapons lab, but the Presidents son put half a million dollars in them

Looks like, smells like a Biotech war — and the CCP are not the only players

It’s like a Robert Ludlum novel, but weirder. Not only were there biolabs in Ukraine near the border with Russia, which held something the US Government was afraid the Russians might capture, but the US Presidents son helped provide the money to build them in 2014.

Commenter at The DailyMail: (thanks Richard C)

JeffSwanson: If his [Hunter Biden’s] last name were Trump this would be 24/7 news on every station.

A photo from that laptop.

Two weeks ago the GatewayPundit reported that Hunter Biden’s firm Rosemont Seneca provided money for Metabiota, one of the firms behind the creation of Biolabs in Ukraine. Before that, Infowars was wondering why the Pentagon needed laboratories in Ukraine. Apparently the US Department of Defense invested in the creation of Biolabs in Ukraine with the help of a firm called Black & Veatch. They in turn funneled money to Metabiota which “ specializes in detecting, tracking, and analyzing potential disease outbreaks.”

Meanwhile Hunter Biden, son of the then VP of the US was appointed to the board of a big gas company in Ukraine, for […]

America is finding out the President’s son cheated, the media buried it, the FBI hid it

If this isn’t a moment of reckoning for Project America — what is?

Ponder what kind of acid is slowly spreading through the facade of the major institutions of the US civilization.

Last week, The New York Times quietly admitted the Hunter Biden Laptop-from-Hell was real. The laptop was announced to the world three critical weeks before the US 2020 election. It should have been one of the hottest election scandals in history — bigger than Watergate. Instead, with one voice, and no questions asked, nearly every media outlet immediately knew it was a “Russian fake”.

Now a week later the polls are showing that most of the voters believe the President is implicated, that it’s a very important story, and half of America thinks Trump would have won if the media had told the full story of the Hunter Biden Laptop and the evidence on it.

Two-thirds of Americans say Hunter Biden laptop ‘important’ story: poll

— Emily Crane, New York Post

Of 1,000 US voters polled by Rasmussen Reports, 66% believe the laptop story is important and 48% percent say it is “very important,” according to the survey published Thursday.

The poll […]

Russian-linked groups donated to anti-frakking Green groups because they love the planet right?

Who were those Useful Idiots…

Strategically, Russia would be crazy if it weren’t funding Green Groups to scare the West out of using its own resources and hobbling its own energy grid.

Russia has the motive, the means and the opportunity. Ask not whether Putin was funding some Greens, but whether Putin would not be.

These dark money trails across international borders are almost impossible to pin down, but there are clues, leaks and links suggesting Russia was sending hundreds of millions of dollars to support anti-fossil-fuel Green environmentalists.

Yesterday Russian troops did a hostile takeover of the largest nuclear power plant in Europe. So in that spirit it’s time to ask if Russia was funding Western Greens was it preparing for War or just worried about walruses?

Would Good Global Citizen Russia say No Thanks to a chance to gain dominant control of a key strategic market?

A lesson in energy masochism

The Wall Street Journal / The Australian

A mere 15 years ago, countries in the EU produced more gas than Russia exported. Yet European production has plunged by more than half during the past decade. Putin has happily filled the supply gap.


America’s National Renewable Energy Lab warns a “tidal wave” of wind and solar waste is coming

Who will pay for the cleaning up job?

By 2050, the world will be throwing out 2 million tons of wind turbines and 6 million tons of solar panels every year.

One reason the world may be throwing away so much not-so-renewable waste is that recycling it costs ten times as much as what is recovered.

Who would have thought that collecting low density energy in extreme environments would create megatons of tough, non-biodegradable infrastructure, embedded with toxic heavy metals?

Graveyard of the green giants: It’s the hidden cost of our dash for windpower – thousands of decommissioned blades that are so difficult to recycle, they are just dumped as landfill,

writes TOM LEONARD, DailyMail

Scientists at America’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory have warned that in the next few decades, the world faces a ‘tidal wave’ of redundant blades that will number ‘hundreds of thousands, if not more’.

By 2050, it’s predicted that the world will need to dispose of two million tons of wind turbine blade waste every year. In the UK, the volume already exceeds 100,000 tons per year.

The International Renewable Energy Agency estimates that by 2050, up […]

As the US, EU shrink, Russia grows: In 2020 the US was the worlds largest oil and gas producer

Marc Morano is On Fire

The man from Climate Depot

Morano: ‘In 2020, the United States was back to 1952 with energy, not just independence, but energy dominance’

MORANO: “We are already seeing – the first part of it is in California, $6 a gallon. Gas is already up a dollar. Estimates are seven, $8 a gallon possible with recession if Putin, who we’ve given all of this power to by literally shutting down U.S. domestic energy.

Just a little history lesson here. In 2020, the United States was back to 1952 with energy, not just independence, but energy dominance. We were the world’s largest oil and gas producer. More energy exports and imports, more energy production than consumption and we hadn’t done that since Harry Truman was president. Joe Biden came in at he said the first thing he wanted to do was jail fossil fuel executives. Biden’s energy secretary had done a video singing about no more gasoline, The is world aflame due to global warming.

9.1 out of 10 based on 54 ratings […]

It’s just a ship full of luxury cars on fire, and no one can put out the lithium batteries

Do EV’s make good reefs?

h/t to Paul Homewood who notes The BBC didn’t mention the burning lithium battery story.

The Felicity Ace cargo ship caught fire on Wednesday last week:

German newspaper Handelsblatt reported that an internal email from Volkswagen USA stated that the ship was carrying 3,965 vehicles of the VW, Porsche, Audi and Lamborghini brands.

It’s not clear if the fire started in an EV battery but once the flames got into them, the ship was abandoned to burn.

According to a study done in 2013 by the German Federal Ministry of Transport, Building, and Urban Development, the batteries burn extremely hot and produce noxious gases.

“In the event of a lithium ion battery catching fire, it is important to note that such a fire reaches very high temperatures, produces toxic gases and is inextinguishable,” the report concluded. — The Independent

Five days later the fire has finally run out of material to consume.

Now Felicity Burnt. | Reuters

Luxury cars on fire on cargo ships is a thing now

March 12th, 2019: The Grande America caught fire with 2,000 luxury cars on board and sank.
