Counterfeit US ballots found in Georgia along with Chinese Shipping receipt

Someone was trying to shred ballots in Georgia, but it seems some of the evidence was left behind on the side of the shredding bin. Patrick Byrne, Founder of OverStock says the surviving ballots have been confirmed as counterfeit, along with a receipt for shipping, from China, printed in Chinese.

@PatrickByrne: To save people questions: last night in CobbCounty, Georgia (neighboring Atlanta) some shredded ballots were in the hands of law-enforcement. DHS agents shifted through. Found: Chinese shipping receipt + unshredded ballots (already confirmed counterfeit).

How much does one vote weigh? The shredding company was given 3,000 pounds of ballots to destroy.

Patrick Byrne

We don’t know yet, but if it turns out a foreign government was involved trying to sabotage an election on a massive scale, at some point surely it becomes an act of war?

Patrick Byrne @PatrickByrne

Box after box of counterfeit ballots, Fulton County Georgia.

A message in tweets by Patrick Byrne:

READ AND RETWEET AS THOUGH THE LIFE OF YOUR NATION DEPENDS ON IT. WHICH IT DOES. Citizens, I am going to add to the picture with more information. I am not going to let this pass […]

Mitch McConnell’s rich connection with China

Peter Schweizer: How the American Political Class Hides Corruption and Enriches Family and Friends

Mitch McConnell is the powerbroker of the US Senate, but he’s also a guy whose in-laws own a major shipping company that buys container ships from a Chinese Government company. The in-laws make money from carrying goods back and forward in deals with Chinese State Owned companies.

McConnell’s wife is a Chinese-American and also happens to be The Transportation Secretary of the US Government (!). Since Elaine Chao took up that job four years ago, her fathers company has expanded rapidly and has added 40 percent more ships. Her father, James Chao, is a shipping magnate that gave his daughter and her husband McConnell a gift of at least $5 million in 2008. That’s the conservative estimate — it might have been worth as much as $25 million dollars. (Nice in-laws if you can get them.) The largess was legally disclosed. The net worth of the political couple went from $3m in 2004 to something between $9 and $36m by 2018.

The Chinese Ship building company is called CSSC Holdings. McConnell’s wife’s family is so close to it that both her father and her […]

What are the odds? All dumps favour Biden

If all mistakes favour one candidate they probably weren’t mistakes.

h/t David E.

A group of hard maths guys go through the election data with an algorithm looking for instances of unusually large sudden additions of votes in batches much faster than almost all the others, and far above the “normal” pace. “Odd” in this case means absurdly unusual — in Minnesota one dump at 5:30am was a net gain of 113,755 Biden votes at 19 standard deviations from normal or a probability of 1 in 1081. These are astronomical numbers.

This report is well worth scrolling through. Each state has a batch of graphs. The outliers are obvious without any statistics.

Note, these are not necessarily fake votes or illegitimate. They are flagging them for investigation. But they didn’t find any dumps for Trump. Hm?

Fourteen states are reported, and it’s somewhat disturbing to see dumps in states that have been off the radar like Kentucky and Maine. There were so many dumps in Pennsylvania and Virginia they had to change their definitions.

Without the step jumps in vote counting, the end graph would have been a massive landslide victory for Donald Trump. In Florida after batch #50, almost […]

New Year 2021: Five days to go. Will America fight for freedom while they still can?

How much is a good civilization worth?

January 6 is going to be historic no matter which way it goes. Right now, it will never be easier for the good people of the United States to stop corruption and foreign forces from grabbing one of the last and perhaps greatest institutions of the Land of the Free.

Would you spend a week now to stand up for what’s right, to send a message that it isn’t OK for rampant cheating to go unpunished. Or will people wait until the barbarians are inside the gate?

The Next Question: Will America fight while they can still win without bloodshed?

by NC Scout

Words from Winston Churchill:

“If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to […]

Georgia voting machines hacked live, and misprinted ballots in Republican areas.

Extraordinary evidence from Jovan Pulitzer

Georgia’s Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Elections held a hearing to study Georgia’s Election. Stanford Researcher and Inventor with thousands of U.S. Patents, Jovan Pulitzer, claims, real-time hacking of Dominion Voting Systems at Fulton County Polling Station.

Maybe this is why they won’t let us look at the physical ballots?

Ballots were misprinted in an area more likely to have Republican voters. There are tiny changes in the calibration marks of printed ballots that would cause the machines to misread some votes.

The ballots are not the same. In a predominantly Republican area the calibration marks are misaligned.

Does the misaligning of the calibration marks mean a shocking 93% of ballots in Fulton county required adjudication?

So 93% of votes in Fulton County were cast by the adjudicators, not the voters.

Where are those logs?


An incredible 93% of votes in Fulton County had to be adjudicated — manually entered by a person. The machines kept failing.


Watch Jovan Pulitzer discuss the need for paper ballots to be examined properly and just how much data they could get if they could see the actual ballots.



h/t PeterC, Serp, […]

China is taking down USA from “within” says Patrick Byrne

It may seem like a leap to say China is actively sabotaging the US. A more useful question might be to ask how much cheaper it is to pay off corrupt elites than to build a new aircraft carrier? Given that President Trump has stood up to President Xi and put an end to the rich game of trade deals, how much would it be worth to China to not only get rid of Trump (and all future Trump-copies) but also to stop free and fair elections in the US and to install a President they could control?

Given the trillions at stake, it appears to be a cheap strategy. What if he’s right?

“The greatest way to fight a war is not to have to fight it at all.

Not firing a bullet….” — Patrick Byne speaking of Chinese philosophy.

Years ago Patrick Byrne hoped to bring the beautiful things from Chinese culture to the USA. instead now he warns that Chinese scholars have studied the US and figured out that the greatest vulnerability is corruption, and now they’ve used that to infiltrate and stage a slow coup.

Byrne is not just the […]

Premature Certification: there were 200,000 more votes than people who voted in Pennsylvania

Pennsylvanians were so keen to vote in 2020 that 202,000 imaginary people voted as well.

Given that Joe Biden “won” by 81,000 votes, this alone turns that to a 121,000 vote loss. How is it that it’s taken nearly two months for this basic information to come out? And why was something so incompetent ever certified?

The 17 lawmakers rather scathingly said:

These numbers just don’t add up, and the alleged certification of Pennsylvania’s presidential election results was absolutely premature, unconfirmed, and in error.”

Obviously, the State Legislators need to be de-certifying. But where is the accountability if they don’t?

Be aware, this is not a claim that there were more votes than registered voters, because there are 9,090,962 registered voters in Pennsylvania. There was a 76.5% voter turnout in 2020 according to SURE (the Statewide Uniform Registry of Electors). This is about the number of people recorded as voting on the day.

Presumably someone is working late tonight to find a computer glitch or list of voters left in the boot of their car, whereby 202,000 voters will appear any day now. It was “Just human error”. Or perhaps they can’t be bothered. They could just […]

A smart thermostat spy in voting machines sent data direct to China

It seems US state governors made it easy for China to spy on the election

Russell Ramsland speaks at the Georgia Election Hearing about election data being sent directly to China.

It’s looks like… there is a smart thermostat in one of the tabulation rooms in Savannah Georgia that is reporting the votes back to China. We’re going to check that out.

In 29 States your votes were going to Frankfurt Germany…

Patrick Byrne says:

I vouch for this. I have seen the photographs, the computer forensics, and the IP traces back to China. To a corporation whose name has long been linked to CP.

Georgia Tabulating Machine Sent Results to China

Perhaps people in China were getting results before people in the US were?

Simone Gao interviews Ramsland at The Thinking Conservative

Would you like a 17% swing with that tabulator?

Fully 17% of votes were decided by adjudicators in Antrim County.

Ramsland also found in the Antrim County Report (in Michigan), that an incredible 17% of all the votes went to adjudication. There was a “68% error rate”, but because there can be up to four […]

Traitors inside the Whitehouse and a call for patriots to get to Washington DC Jan 4 -6

Friday week ago, a four hour meeting took place with President Trump, Sidney Powell, Rudy Guiliani, Michael Powell and key Whitehouse legal staff. Patrick Byrne (billionaire Founder of Overstock, fighter against Wall St corruption) was there.

“Betrayed from within”

Byrne has done several interviews in the last week. This one with Jerome Corsi was probably the most detailed. Worth watching, as an extraordinary history unfolds. He tells a tale of insider white-anting at the Whitehouse where senior legal staff have apparently been offered million dollar salary packages by outsiders and threatened to be “cancelled”, if they don’t play the right game, which is to talk Trump into conceding. The senior team are leaning on the juniors. The self-serving lawyers are shockingly disrespectful, sexist and Byrne would sack them in an instant if they worked for him.

According to Byrne — Trump is the smartest man in the room — or words to that effect (Byrne has a PhD from Stanford) — Trump is a gentleman, patient, and very different to what the media portrays, and “too nice” almost to a flaw. Byrne is a small L Libertarian who didn’t vote for Trump, but appears to have become one […]

A video to bridge the divide? The Plot to Steal America

What we really need is a short video that even Democrats could watch — something that can work towards restoring the national conversation — instead of having two separate realities.

Man In America have made a mini Documentary “The Plot to Steal America”. The first 9 minutes, which Donald Trump just tweeted, is one of the best short form hooks to get the attention of the average voter and introduce them to both the dire state of the US election and also the media.

UPDATE: Video removed from Youtube (because it might educate Americans?) Copy from BitChute substituted. (If I post a Youtube, but you can find a copy on Bitchute or Rumble I will happily swap. We don’t need to feed the machine.) Thanks Kat H.

The second half of the video leaps a bit too quickly into the Communist Goals, with not enough convincing explanation to justify the ambitious narrative. Perhaps it is aimed at the patriots out there who are already on side.

As if to answer this, in their second video, Man in America talk about CCP influence, and they do spell it out.

This is the best coverage of the Chinese […]

Trump the master persuader

Donald Trump’s statement for the nation

His speech today was partly a description of the finalists for the Oscars of Election Cheating. It’s a worst of the worst list. He’s crafting a narrative for the American people, paving the way for them to accept that he doesn’t just have a legal path to victory, but that he was the legitimate winner — by a landslide.

Many Americans will be blindsided if three states decertify the electors and the whole election is suddenly up for grabs. As Scott Adams would say “he’s a master persuader” — and in this speech he’s not only describing real fraud, but carving a path for Biden-voters to walk away from their choice. A face-saving exit.

In psychology, human brains like to stick with their choices. Robert Cialdini, the man who wrote “Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion” called it the principle of “Commitment and Consistency”. Once we have made a decision — we’ll do a lot of rationalization to keep justifying that pick — even when it makes no sense. To get peace or healing, Trump has to convince Biden voters that not only was Trump the rightful winner, but that Biden was not someone that […]

Cancel Culture intimidation affect lawyers and judges, whole court system

A former judge from Wisconsin is “incensed” that the left have created such a culture of fear that lawyers in the largest law firms in the country will not even take The President’s case.

For a quarter of a century the Climate change debate in the “advanced world” has been controlled almost entirely by namecalling “denier” and cancel culture.

Can the left rule the whole United States of America the same way? Humans are an intensely gregarious species. It matters if people are exiled, cast aside, and even Supreme Court Judges are surely not immune from being cut off from friends and family. Of having their children bear punishment.

Tribal cultures witchdoctors would point the bone. The Democrats just have a modern version of the same vilification.

Former Wisconsin Judge: ‘Our Court System Has Been Deeply Intimidated by the Left’

Janita Kan, Epoch Times

During the Senate hearing, Troupis, one of the witnesses, explained why he decided to represent the campaign in their effort to challenge election results when many lawyers refused. He said that he believes many prominent law firms did not want to participate in the election lawsuits due to a fear of retaliation […]

Paths to Victory — Contingent election or State Legislators picking Electors

Mark Landsbaum argues that Trump’s main game was always a Contingent election — held in the House but with one representative from each state. And the legal cases involved were always about the Court of Public Opinion, not about getting rushed judgments on legal cases that have almost no time to play out.

Cases usually need months or years to do full discovery and disclosure.


Trump’s End Game By Mark Landsbaum, American Thinker

The only hope now — and it is as good, if not better, than any hope since voting ended — lies in the alternate electors for Trump sent Monday by seven states. The Democrat-controlled House of Representatives is sure to ignore the Trump alternate electors, so Trump can’t win at this stage. But the Republican-controlled Senate also will consider electors, and if they choose Trump’s over Biden’s, it’s a standoff: the House for electing Biden, the Senate for electing Trump.

The rules for choosing between competing electors are vague. Congress may choose not to count states with two sets of electors, which automatically means neither candidate reaches the necessary 270 electoral votes. This is never-before-traveled terrain.

The resulting deadlock would […]

SCOTUS drops Texas case: Tex GOP asks if law abiding states should form new United States

By a 7-2 decision The Supreme Court apparently decided that 18 States did not suffer if 4 States committed blatant election fraud by breaching their own and the national constitution. Only Justices Alito and Thomas voted to proceed with the case.

There is still a long way to go. Rudy Guiliani says “We are not finished, believe me”. The case was not rejected on merits. So it can be resubmitted by different parties who have “standing” to sue and who can claim injury, and it can be split into 4 or 5 different cases. Though, it is hard to justify why the rest of the USA is not injured by rampant corruption and States ignoring the Constitution. The fate of the USA hangs in the balance, yet no court has heard all the evidence of voter fraud.

The drums of civil war can be heard in the distance. The Texas GOP says “Perhaps law-abiding states should bond together and form a Union of states that will abide by the constitution.”

Texas GOP replies

West later


States joining Texas Suit SCOTUS. Plus Alaska.

@Kyle Becker


JustTheTweets: Dec 10 One anonymous whistle blower was OK to […]

18 US States file against 4 corrupt States that failed to hold fair elections

If this isn’t a Constitutional Crisis, what is?

Eighteen US States are now so convinced of election fraud they are filing against Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Georgia for their failure to hold free and fair elections as demanded by the Constitution.

Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt led his colleagues from Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, and West Virginia in filing the amicus brief to the US Supreme Court on Wednesday.

The amici “have a strong interest in ensuring that the votes of their own citizens are not diluted by the unconstitutional administration of elections in other States,” says the 30-page brief, adding that when other bodies in those states encroach on the authority of their legislatures – the only ones constitutionally entrusted with elections – “they threaten the liberty, not just of their own citizens, but of every citizen of the United States who casts a lawful ballot in that election.”

Even Arizona has joined in. (It has different legal issues than the four so named).

The seed of Civil War 2.0 was fertilized by overt, in-your-face obvious corruption. No one needs a […]

Texas bombshell: a Supreme Court suit against all four states GA, MI, PA, WI

Texas trumps the other states and launches a suit that goes straight to the Supreme Court to get four naughty states to clean up

It makes so much sense (which is rare — like winning lotto in the world of politics and law and on the same day). The corruption in the swinging states is not just a problem for those states, it’s a problem for the whole nation. The US as is currently known, will cease to be the US if the Presidency can be blatantly stolen. Texans are fed up, and they want the Supreme Court to sort things out. Not surprisingly, there are rumors other states want to join Texas. Fraud hurts all the other states, but Texas got there first.

UPDATE: 8 states now in too. h/t Old Ozzie: Louisiana, Arkansas, Alabama, Florida, Kentucky, Mississippi, South Carolina, & South Dakota have all announced that they will be joining Texas in the suit

Kris Kobach at Breitbart says that if Texas wins, the four states must figure out who their electors will be within strict constitutional rules. They could try to toss out the suspect ballots and see what’s left in the tally. They could pick […]

There’s no proof of election fraud say the people who won’t release the evidence

If Democrats want healing, they could help Republicans get all the election data

Richard Grenell, former acting Director of National Intelligence, points at the hypocrisy of people saying “you have no proof” while withholding the data and materials needed to prove that same thing. It’s just like climate science.

Grenell is speaking specifically about Nevada:

— Zachary Steiber, and Jan Jekielek, Epoch Times:

The Trump campaign and its allies are working on uncovering evidence of what happened during the election but are being stymied by officials.

“One of the problems that I think that we’re developing in this ongoing saga is the claims from the media, from the Democrats, and from local governments that we don’t have the proof. And the reality is, is that the ballots and the envelopes are in the possessions of local governments like the Clark County officials. We can raise the red flags, we can raise the concerning information, and we can point to the publicly available information that suggests voter fraud, but we can’t have access to the ballots or to the envelopes that have the signatures on it. That’s the property of local government,” explained […]

Pollster: By all cruicial metrics of polling Trump would be winner. Numbers don’t add up.

It’s a miracle on Election Day!

No incumbent President has ever increased his vote and lost the election. Indeed Obama didn’t win more votes in 2012 he lost three and a half million votes, but still won reelection in 2012. Yet somehow Trump improved his vote by 20% or 11 million votes, more than any candidate in history, but still lost. These types of claims may not launch Supreme Court cases, but they fire up the Court of Public Opinion (share them around). The highly suspicious odds practically glow with gamma rays when combined with lies that trick poll watchers to leave, and democrats that count secret suitcases of ballots hidden under the tablecloth.

Trump had the best win with minorities for a Republican since Richard Nixon in 1960. Must be a racist.

Pollster claims that Biden’s victory defied crucial ‘metrics’ that have a ‘100% accuracy rate in predicting the winner’ and says anyone who viewed the results ‘objectively’ would conclude Trump triumphed


He told Mark Levin of Fox News that with the election results, ‘something very strange has happened because the numbers just don’t add up.’

There are a dozen or more ways to […]

Pennsylvania Case Heads To Supreme Court: Were the votes unlawful?

It appears the Trump team have finally got a case through to the Supreme Court (known also as SCOTUS). News of this is minimal, indeed practically skeletal. Biden supporters (sometimes called “the media”) may not want to mention anything that isn’t a Trump loss. And everyone else is not sure if the deadline matters. The Supreme Court has given people til Dec 9 to respond, but the electoral college has a “safe harbor” deadline of Dec 8. Sidney Powell says with fraud cases the deadline doesn’t matter. But this doesn’t look like a fraud case. Here’s the Supreme Court docket which has a link to the Amicus Brief Document.

Perhaps this will matter?

Philadelphia Inquirer:

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr. issued a schedule for the case that appeared to foreclose any chance of the justices weighing in before the Electoral College vote had been finalized. Alito, who handles emergency matters arising out of Pennsylvania for the court, gave state officials until Dec. 9 to file their reply — one day after the federal deadline for locking the state’s slate of electors in place.

Pennsylvania Case Heads To Supreme Court: Were the votes unlawful?

One America News Network […]

Dems caught on camera pulling suitcases of ballots from under tables in Georgia in the dead of night

How Georgia was won

(Just more baseless claims of voter fraud for the media to not report.)

The team in State Farm Arena in Atlanta sent home observers and the press, said they’d stop counting. But then those dedicated and democratic souls decided to work on for at least two more hours during which time they pulled four suitcases out from under a table and took them to the machines and processed them all night, all captured on the CCTV. What’s the penalty for fake ballots in Georgia?

At 10pm in State Farm Arena, all the other poll observers and Fox news were sent home and told the counting would resume in the morning. But after they left, a woman in a yellow shirt pulled a suitcase out at 11:02pm and took it to the counting desks.

We all know what kinds of ballots don’t come in official boxes and don’t need to be viewed by Republicans.

The question is — will the Democrats be able to win the Georgia Senate Runoffs if Republican poll watchers refuse to go home til the counting is finished?

The other question is — was there CCTV from all the other swing states and […]