Nothing shows off the fakeness of their victory more than the paranoia on the Democrat side of politics

A win built by cheating is not a happy win, but a precarious situation that can only survive by fear and oppression. The Democrats are scrambling to find a foothold based on the only strengths they have: hate and intolerance. They can’t heal the nation through listening to a side which has legitimate grievances. As long as honest mainstream America has a voice they will claw back the legitimacy of the fake winners. Instead fake winners have to silence them, and gaslight their own supporters to immunize them against messages from the peaceful but shafted majority.

The ACME: Invent-an-Enemy program is running apace: Trump supporters are now “like ISIS, al Qaeda”

Tucker Carlson wonders where the winners celebrations are? Instead of being thrilled the victors still want to hurt and humiliate half the nation.

Instead the Democrats are trying to light a fire under a peaceful nation, feeding the paranoia, division and fear. Some are seeding the idea that every Trump supporter is a terrorist.

Are there any reasonable Democrats left? Let’s find them

As Carlson says — there is a power vacuum at the center of the Democratic Party which a weak Biden has no chance of filling, and […]

ACME: Hate. Imagine someone tried to use Bigoted Race Hate to incite a civil war?

With Trump soon to be out of Office, the Party of Peace needs a new enemy

Looks like Don Winslow has opened the ACME: Instant-Target-of-Hate box. It’s almost like he is baiting the right to do something violent for the inauguration.

Start your list now of all the people you would like to see denounce this racist video, then send them an email asking if they support this kind of bigoted incitement?

@Robby Starbuck

This is so dangerous it’s hard to sum up in a tweet. It puts a target on the head of every conservative, calls for war and propagandizes to form a vigilante group that would narc on neighbors. If Hitler or Stalin we’re alive today, they’d proudly use this video. Sick and evil.

Twitter and Youtube banned the race hate already… Wait!… noooooo. Some kinds of hate are high fashion on the Left.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to build, support, and share any social media platforms that aren’t Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, and Google. Dis-invest yourself, and ask your superfund/401K to boycott them too.

UPDATE!: The original Youtube link has “gone private” (whatever that means). Youtube still fail to […]

The Big Tech Wreck: Twitter appoints themselves the Global Conversation Police

In a brilliant move Twitter told one of its top five most popular products to go sit in the Naughty Corner forever. Since then, Twitter stock has fallen by around $7 billion or about one sixth. It couldn’t’ happen to a nicer company.

There were around 330 million Twitter users in toto in 2020 and nearly 90 million of them followed President Trump. But it’s worth remembering that only about 20% of people use Twitter, most of them apparently being rich millenials, which might explain why the whole company seems to operate like a fashion contest.

By banning Donald Trump, Twitter have shone a 2 megawatt searchlight on their own competitors, and asked nearly half their customers to “go try them.” Good move Twitter.

Twitter on the slide:


Are Big Tech and Big Government Overplaying Their Hand?

Dan Gerlernter, American Greatness

It is extraordinary that three-quarters of Republicans, according to a Quinnipiac poll, believe there was widespread voter fraud in the election, when YouTube is removing videos on the subject as fast as they are put up, and Twitter has now blocked the account of the president himself.

But the […]

The 50 Armed Protests that came to nothing apart from a few guys “who work with BLM and Antifa”

The FBI apparently didn’t save the nation from a semi-naked man with a spear who walked into the US Senate on one of the most important sitting days of Congress ever. But it warned a week ago of “Armed Protests” between Jan 17 and Jan 20th. There are still a few days left before inauguration day, but the big threat supposedly was 50 armed events at all state capitols on Jan 17th.

What threat?

(CNN)The FBI has received information indicating “armed protests” are being planned at all 50 state capitols and the US Capitol in Washington, DC in the days leading up to President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration on January 20, according to an internal bulletin obtained by CNN.

The news comes as security measures are being stepped up ahead of Inauguration Day, … But who called for an armed protest — a reckless and risky move in the current environment? Not President Trump. The main evidence, apparently, was a flyer that called for an Armed March for 12PM Jan 17th. Was there any other credible threat? Oddly, the flyer was issued without any author or organisation. Warnings went out on conservative sites saying “it’s a […]

How did a horned Shamen end up representing the Christian right?

It was the perfect PsyOp photo. With hundreds of thousands of Trump supporters to pick from, somehow the photo on every media front page last week was of Jake Angeli standing in The Capitol. Listen to him talk about his beliefs to ward off evil spirits and witches.

Try to think of an image designed to horrify middle America more than a hairy chested horned man with tats and bare nipples in a furry hunting hood? Perhaps a hooded storm-trooper with an AK47 smattered in blood. But that might be confused with Antifa.

Nothing says barbaric quite as well as an escapee from the neolithic. So once Angeli was inside the heart of Democracy, it’s no accident or conspiracy that the hate-media picked up his photo.

The question is, why was the door open to Mr Horns, but a bullet headed for the Air Force Vet?

How is it, that the path to the Speakers Chair was blocked from so many but not to the most toxic photo-op possible? If Ashli Babbitt was sitting in the chair instead, the Shock and Awe campaign wouldn’t have had much ammo.

It’s almost like a PR committee sat down to ask: “What […]

Gab, surging, has copies of all Trump’s tweets

The great regrouping of Global Social Media is just starting.

In the last four days 1.7 million new users have signed up to Gab — an alternative site to Twitter. The surge is so strong the site is swamped under the load. Gab are upgrading all the servers to deal with the growth. (The CEO is asking for patience).

Gab has already been thrown off both the big Ap Stores and Amazon too, back in 2018. To ensure that wouldn’t happen again, they bought and set up their own private servers. (The internet really is hardware, after all).

They not only set up their own servers, they even created their own web browser (called Dissenter). They also built a video platform (Gab.TV.) and an encrypted email chat messaging service (Chat.Gab.).I have used Dissenter for months. I like it. There are rumours they are working on a Gab Phone as well.

Nothing will hurt Google, Amazon and Twitter like losing half their base.

It’s been a four year war for the CEO, Andrew Torba.

Look at the vilification this 30 year old outspoken Christian has had to endure:

As a result of Torba’s free speech principles, both Gab […]

Tech Giants rule the United States and the Purge continues

No dissent will be allowed:

Craven groupthinkers Verizon, AirBnB, Marriot, Citibank, JPMorgan Chase, Hilton Hotels, American Airlines, BP, Coca Cola, Goldman Sachs, Boston Scientific, Microsoft, Facebook and Visa all suspended contributions to any member of Congress that objected to the Electoral college. We wonder if that in cludes all the past Democrats who did the exact same thing.

Hallmark Cards took it further and spread some badwill — it even asked for its donations back from the representatives who represented the millions of Americans who doubt election integrity. Election integrity does “not reflect our company’s values.” they said, or words to that effect. Their cards were always overpriced anyway.

The current state of healing in the United States:

Former CIA Director John O. Brennan, called 74 million Americans a “malignancy” and demanded they denounce Trump to eradicate wrongthink or something:

Anyone now seeking national redemption by claiming to no longer support Trump must acknowledge how wrong it was to ignore & enable his corrupt, dishonest, & divisive agenda.

Total denunciation of a despot’s legacy is necessary to eradicate any remaining malignancy.

— John O. Brennan (@JohnBrennan) January 9, 2021

Silence […]

Michael Yon: the US is in early stages of a civil war. “Unmistakable”.

Michael Yon is a journalist and photographer who has served with US special forces overseas. He is the “most experienced combat correspondent” in the US. He covers wars overseas, not elections, but says the US is in the early stages of a civil war. “It’s unmistakable. ”

First watch Alex Jones’s footage of January 6, then hear the details from Yon.

Provocateurs tried and failed to incite even more violence at Capitol Hill

Trump supporters were hard to “whip into action”.

How easy would it be for a couple of hundred provocateurs to attend a rally with nearly a million law abiding citizens and create mayhem?

Why was John Sullivan, a known and violent BLM activist, leading the spearhead of the protest? He was not just in the lead, he was the man who filmed Ashli Babbit’s shooting and death. The Daily Mail even reported this, and accepted that he is a known left wing activist, but “did not specify what exactly brought him there”. What brought him there was evidently the urge to tell Trump Supporters to “Burn Down the building” which they wouldn’t do. John Sullivan was last seen wandering the streets freely, not charged with anything.

Trump […]

The Tech Giants purge Trump, conservatives, effectively 74 million people

“Welcome to West China”

So sayth Roger Simon at the Epoch Times.

Did you ever wonder what it’s like to live in a one-party state?

Well, wonder no more. You’re living in one.

As a business plan, chucking off half the nation may not work so well?

Censorship just got racked up to Defcon 2.0. It’s bad and it’s going to get worse. The good news is, the Left overplay their hands.

Twitter has permanently banned The President of the United States, as well as Sidney Powell, Michael Flynn, and Lin Wood. In reply, Rush Limbaugh deactivated his Twitter Account. Limbaugh had has 88 million followers on twitter and has 35 million listeners on his radio show. But the purge is sweeping, Facebook already banned Trump “indefinitely”. Not only that but Facebook has been going after conservative groups too. Steve Bannon’s podcast was also shuttered by YouTube over “false 2020 election claims”.

In response there will be an exodus to other platforms like Parler. In preparation for that Apple and the Google Playstore both told Parler it must obey their rules or it will be delisted. But what does this say about Apple? They spent a […]

Politically correct spies? CIA withheld China Intel because they didn’t want to help Trump

If China was trying to influence the US elections, the US Intelligence chose to help China rather than the sitting US President.

Remember the Intelligence Report on Foreign Interference on the US election that was due on December 18th? It was part of Executive Order 13848 and due within 45 days of the US election, but it was only delivered on Thursday to Congress, whereupon it vanished entirely under the PR weight of the Congressional Storm. So it was too late to be useful.

Apparently there is already an Ombudsman Report on it, by Barry Zulauf, who laments “the polarized atmosphere [which] has threatened to undermine the foundations of our Republic, penetrating even into the Intelligence Community.”

The President wanted a report on foreign interference. The Director of the National Intelligence (DNI) wanted a report, and the people of America wanted it, but that still it wasn’t enough to overcome the bureaucratic inertia and resistance.

US Intelligence Report on China withheld because of excuses:

Intelligence analysts downplayed Chinese election influence to avoid supporting Trump policies, inspector finds

Jerry Dunleavy, Washington Examiner:

“Given analytic differences in the way Russia and China analysts examined their targets, China analysts […]

Peaceful Trump supporters booed violent ANTIFA poseurs — tried to stop them breaking windows:

These twitter videos make it clear the crowd saw there were ANTIFA members, and, at least in this situation, it was imposters, not the Trump supporters who were trying to break the windows. The Trump supporters boo loudly, chant No Antifa, No Antifa, and some directly try to pull them off.

Trump — by the way — has been banned from Facebook until after the inauguration. Someone is very frightened of what he might say.

h/t Orson, Deplorable Lord Kek, James


Violence by Antifa on the south side where Trump supporters were told to March to. Supporters stopped the breakage but he started again later. MSM keeps saying it’s Trump’s not.

— Emma Right (@emmbeliever) January 7, 2021

A close up.

Stop listening to MSM lies. I was there in DC. Antifa started to break windows but stops by Trump supporters.

— Emma Right (@emmbeliever) January 7, 2021

IF the videos don’t work, try them in a different browser. Or watch them at this link, or this one.

An eye witness reports overhearing a conversation from Antifa members.

A search on bitchute finds a lot of odd claims about […]

The Information War continues

On January 6th Pence showed his real colours. All Trump and Guiliani were asking for was a ten day delay so that the evidence could the audited and the states might have another chance to uncertify one of their sets of dual electors. The people’s real choice remains locked away in ballots and voting machines that observers were blocked from seeing and no one has been allowed to fully audit in the last two months. Pence could have chosen that option. If he was on Trump’s side, he would have told Trump what he would do in advance, instead of leaving Trump to “hope” the day before. As Patrick Byrne said “Pence… Not going to do anything, but in a way that he hopes makes him viable in 2024. Boy, is the joke on him.”

Patrick Byrne summed up the moment: Do not go violent. We must maintain the moral high ground. … I condem all violence in DC tonight. That’s not us and it is how we lose.

President Trump has been HORRIBLY served by his advisors and remains so.

Last night we watched election data flow real-time from Georgia to Islamabad and […]

This day in history — All eyes on Washington DC and the Save America March

Will Vice President Pence toss out the Electoral College Votes (can he even do that?) Will he send the dual voter bombs back to the States who were meant to choose the set their voters voted for.

UPDATE: Just in, Pence’s statement, which SidneyPowell calls “Coward and worse”. Trump has already vowed he will continue fighting challenges to the Election Results in as many as 8 states, regardless of the outcome of the joint session of Congress.

_______________________ March to Save America, Washington DC

Rudy Guiliani 1:06mins

The Democrats have not allowed us to see one paper ballot or one machine. It’s perfectly reasonable and fair for us to ask for 10 days. Who hides evidence? Criminals hide evidence. So over the next ten days we get to see the machines. If we’re wrong we look like fools. If we’re right, a lot of them go to jail.

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump · If Vice President @Mike_Pence comes through for us, we will win the Presidency. Many States want to decertify the mistake they made in certifying incorrect & even fraudulent numbers in a process NOT approved by their State Legislatures (which it […]

Counterfeit US ballots found in Georgia along with Chinese Shipping receipt

Someone was trying to shred ballots in Georgia, but it seems some of the evidence was left behind on the side of the shredding bin. Patrick Byrne, Founder of OverStock says the surviving ballots have been confirmed as counterfeit, along with a receipt for shipping, from China, printed in Chinese.

@PatrickByrne: To save people questions: last night in CobbCounty, Georgia (neighboring Atlanta) some shredded ballots were in the hands of law-enforcement. DHS agents shifted through. Found: Chinese shipping receipt + unshredded ballots (already confirmed counterfeit).

How much does one vote weigh? The shredding company was given 3,000 pounds of ballots to destroy.

Patrick Byrne

We don’t know yet, but if it turns out a foreign government was involved trying to sabotage an election on a massive scale, at some point surely it becomes an act of war?

Patrick Byrne @PatrickByrne

Box after box of counterfeit ballots, Fulton County Georgia.

A message in tweets by Patrick Byrne:

READ AND RETWEET AS THOUGH THE LIFE OF YOUR NATION DEPENDS ON IT. WHICH IT DOES. Citizens, I am going to add to the picture with more information. I am not going to let this pass […]

Mitch McConnell’s rich connection with China

Peter Schweizer: How the American Political Class Hides Corruption and Enriches Family and Friends

Mitch McConnell is the powerbroker of the US Senate, but he’s also a guy whose in-laws own a major shipping company that buys container ships from a Chinese Government company. The in-laws make money from carrying goods back and forward in deals with Chinese State Owned companies.

McConnell’s wife is a Chinese-American and also happens to be The Transportation Secretary of the US Government (!). Since Elaine Chao took up that job four years ago, her fathers company has expanded rapidly and has added 40 percent more ships. Her father, James Chao, is a shipping magnate that gave his daughter and her husband McConnell a gift of at least $5 million in 2008. That’s the conservative estimate — it might have been worth as much as $25 million dollars. (Nice in-laws if you can get them.) The largess was legally disclosed. The net worth of the political couple went from $3m in 2004 to something between $9 and $36m by 2018.

The Chinese Ship building company is called CSSC Holdings. McConnell’s wife’s family is so close to it that both her father and her […]

What are the odds? All dumps favour Biden

If all mistakes favour one candidate they probably weren’t mistakes.

h/t David E.

A group of hard maths guys go through the election data with an algorithm looking for instances of unusually large sudden additions of votes in batches much faster than almost all the others, and far above the “normal” pace. “Odd” in this case means absurdly unusual — in Minnesota one dump at 5:30am was a net gain of 113,755 Biden votes at 19 standard deviations from normal or a probability of 1 in 1081. These are astronomical numbers.

This report is well worth scrolling through. Each state has a batch of graphs. The outliers are obvious without any statistics.

Note, these are not necessarily fake votes or illegitimate. They are flagging them for investigation. But they didn’t find any dumps for Trump. Hm?

Fourteen states are reported, and it’s somewhat disturbing to see dumps in states that have been off the radar like Kentucky and Maine. There were so many dumps in Pennsylvania and Virginia they had to change their definitions.

Without the step jumps in vote counting, the end graph would have been a massive landslide victory for Donald Trump. In Florida after batch #50, almost […]

New Year 2021: Five days to go. Will America fight for freedom while they still can?

How much is a good civilization worth?

January 6 is going to be historic no matter which way it goes. Right now, it will never be easier for the good people of the United States to stop corruption and foreign forces from grabbing one of the last and perhaps greatest institutions of the Land of the Free.

Would you spend a week now to stand up for what’s right, to send a message that it isn’t OK for rampant cheating to go unpunished. Or will people wait until the barbarians are inside the gate?

The Next Question: Will America fight while they can still win without bloodshed?

by NC Scout

Words from Winston Churchill:

“If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to […]

Georgia voting machines hacked live, and misprinted ballots in Republican areas.

Extraordinary evidence from Jovan Pulitzer

Georgia’s Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Elections held a hearing to study Georgia’s Election. Stanford Researcher and Inventor with thousands of U.S. Patents, Jovan Pulitzer, claims, real-time hacking of Dominion Voting Systems at Fulton County Polling Station.

Maybe this is why they won’t let us look at the physical ballots?

Ballots were misprinted in an area more likely to have Republican voters. There are tiny changes in the calibration marks of printed ballots that would cause the machines to misread some votes.

The ballots are not the same. In a predominantly Republican area the calibration marks are misaligned.

Does the misaligning of the calibration marks mean a shocking 93% of ballots in Fulton county required adjudication?

So 93% of votes in Fulton County were cast by the adjudicators, not the voters.

Where are those logs?


An incredible 93% of votes in Fulton County had to be adjudicated — manually entered by a person. The machines kept failing.


Watch Jovan Pulitzer discuss the need for paper ballots to be examined properly and just how much data they could get if they could see the actual ballots.



h/t PeterC, Serp, […]

China is taking down USA from “within” says Patrick Byrne

It may seem like a leap to say China is actively sabotaging the US. A more useful question might be to ask how much cheaper it is to pay off corrupt elites than to build a new aircraft carrier? Given that President Trump has stood up to President Xi and put an end to the rich game of trade deals, how much would it be worth to China to not only get rid of Trump (and all future Trump-copies) but also to stop free and fair elections in the US and to install a President they could control?

Given the trillions at stake, it appears to be a cheap strategy. What if he’s right?

“The greatest way to fight a war is not to have to fight it at all.

Not firing a bullet….” — Patrick Byne speaking of Chinese philosophy.

Years ago Patrick Byrne hoped to bring the beautiful things from Chinese culture to the USA. instead now he warns that Chinese scholars have studied the US and figured out that the greatest vulnerability is corruption, and now they’ve used that to infiltrate and stage a slow coup.

Byrne is not just the […]

Premature Certification: there were 200,000 more votes than people who voted in Pennsylvania

Pennsylvanians were so keen to vote in 2020 that 202,000 imaginary people voted as well.

Given that Joe Biden “won” by 81,000 votes, this alone turns that to a 121,000 vote loss. How is it that it’s taken nearly two months for this basic information to come out? And why was something so incompetent ever certified?

The 17 lawmakers rather scathingly said:

These numbers just don’t add up, and the alleged certification of Pennsylvania’s presidential election results was absolutely premature, unconfirmed, and in error.”

Obviously, the State Legislators need to be de-certifying. But where is the accountability if they don’t?

Be aware, this is not a claim that there were more votes than registered voters, because there are 9,090,962 registered voters in Pennsylvania. There was a 76.5% voter turnout in 2020 according to SURE (the Statewide Uniform Registry of Electors). This is about the number of people recorded as voting on the day.

Presumably someone is working late tonight to find a computer glitch or list of voters left in the boot of their car, whereby 202,000 voters will appear any day now. It was “Just human error”. Or perhaps they can’t be bothered. They could just […]