Vaccine injury groups reduced to talking in “carrots”. BBC dobs them in for WrongSpeak, so Facebook can shut them down

by Jo Nova

Will Jones at the Daily Sceptic noticed that the BBC was very pleased with itself for dobbing in the vaccine victims who were using carrot emojis as a code for “vaccine” on Facebook. Feel the power! Some 250,000 people had come together to discuss their injuries or the deaths of loved ones on Facebook, but after the BBC reported them, Facebook shut them down. Bravo BBC. We wouldn’t want the riff raff to have an unpermitted conversation.

If ever there was a prime example of how publicly funded media would inevitably grow to be a communist pox on the nation, this would be it. A quarter of a million people were finding some comfort in discussing their suffering and losses on Facebook. The BBC of course, should be giving them a voice — telling their stories — and letting the world know these victims are so oppressed they have to use cartoon codes instead of words like “vaccine” to even have a conversation.

If the victims are British, they are probably paying the BBC licensing fee and not only are they getting nothing for their money, they’re paying the salary of BBC smug know-nothings to silence them. […]

Pandemonium: Energy Bills Force Europe’s Factories to Go Dark

Written by Jo Nova

Spare a thought for glassmakers and tilers in Europe who can’t run on solar and wind powered furnaces.

There are companies that started business in the 1800s and survived two world wars but may not last the coming winter. It’s all changing so fast, they lament. With energy costs rising three to sixfold, the highest energy industries are folding. The first casualties were fertilizer, aluminium and zinc, and now in the second wave, the glass makers and tilers are coming undone, and with them, whole towns that support them will unravel too:

‘Crippling’ Energy Bills Force Europe’s Factories to Go Dark

Liz Alderman, The New York Times

Half of Europe’s aluminum and zinc production has been taken offline, according to Eurometaux, Europe’s metals trade association.

Eschenbach Porcelain survived Germany’s transition from communism to capitalism after 1989. But when its energy contracts run out at the end of this year, the company will face annual energy bills of €5.5 million, or roughly six times what it is paying now, said Rolf Frowein, its director.

Eschenbach Porcelain started 130 years ago. The giant glassmaker Arc started in 1825.

The numbers […]

In 1969 the FDA commissioner issued a dire warning: The FDA protects the drug companies not the people

Written by Jo Nova

A reminder that the dark influence of corruption started decades ago:

It may have seemed like things went off the rails in the last two years, but it couldn’t have been achieved without fifty years of work. The absurdities just felt like they came out of nowhere.

Herbert Ley sounds like a great man. From Wikipedia:

His three years at the FDA came during the time when the FDA grew from an insignificant agency to the key agency protecting consumers; during that time 300 drugs were removed from the market.[4] After he left, Ley stated that he had “constant, tremendous, sometimes unmerciful pressure” from the drug industry and that the drug company lobbyists, combined with the politicians who worked on behalf of their patrons, could bring “tremendous pressure” to bear on him and his staff, to try preventing FDA restrictions on their drugs.

There’s a sad article in Woroni (Canberra) in 1980 lamenting the reach of drug companies. An antibiotic called Panalba had been sold in the US from 1957 generating $18m in revenue for Upjohn. By 1968 30 experts from the National Academy of Science declared that it was harmful and should […]

Facebook will read your personal messages and send them to the FBI if you vote the wrong the way

Mark Zuckerberg | Photo by JD Lasica

Handy things to know: Someone inside the Department of Justice in the US has talked to the New York Post and says that Facebook spied on Americans who doubted Joe Biden or the election, and gave that information to the FBI “outside due process”. A full FBI investigation often followed the “leads” that came from Facebook.

Despite the mountain of data they found no domestic terrorists — not one criminal or violent Trump supporter — only full blooded patriots. They must have been disappointed. “It was a waste of our time” said an insider.

So Facebook has become a wing of the Government. Facebook needs Big Government to protect their Section 230 legal loophole and Big Government needs Facebook to protect the voters from the ugly truth. Nice racket if you can get it.

The old Sovinformburo must have longed for a searchable database of private conversations. If only the USSR had Facebook.

As the commenter Deplorable at the NY Post says “First thing is Facebook must be told that they can no longer call their private messenger private. “

Thank goodness for the New York Post. Thank goodness for brave […]

NetZero takes a hit in the UK — Fracking is on and “could eclipse North Sea Gas”

by Jo Nova

Good News — Fracking will start in the UK after ten years of absurd delays over bizarre seismic excuses where the fracking industry was supposed to stop if tremors were larger than 0.5 on the Richter scale which meant it never started. A 0.5 level tremor is so small you’d need a Richter scale to even know it occurred. People usually can’t feel shakes of 2.0 or less, and it’s a logarithmic scale…

Once fracking starts it will be hard to put this genie back in the bottle. Will Australia, Canada and New Zealand be the last three nations on Earth still serious about Net Zero?

As Gaia Fawkes says: Truss Gets Cracking With Fracking

The news comes as The Guardian reports Liz is planning to follow through on her leadership election pledge and lift the ban on fracking as soon as possible, with first licences set to be issued as early as next week. This will no doubt come as welcome relief as energy bills continue to rise during winter. The decision comes despite the paper’s ominous quote from a forthcoming report that forecasting fracking-induced earthquakes “remains a significant challenge”. In August 2019 […]

Eco Green China is sprayed from a bottle

Chinese environmental care means spraying grass, trees, rocks oil paint “green”

Winston Sterzel (Serpentza) describes how in China people are paid to spray dead grass green, not with fertilizer or seed, but with oil paint. They even paint whole trees, rock faces and cliffs too. Sometimes the quickest way to keep the environmental inspectors happy at a mine site is by rolling out plastic “camo-net”. Sometimes they staple fake leaves to a tree. The government mandated that “we are going to care for the environment” and offered cash incentives from the local government.

It’s not just an environmental hazard, polluting the soil and water, but apparently emblematic of the kind of industrial grade absurdity that communist regimes do better than anyone. Sterzel used to live in China. He talks about the culture of “face” and the overriding importance of looking good. Many things about China, he says, are just a shortcut for appearances sake… everything about government propaganda works like “painting the grass green.” Lying becomes a way of life. Not that we in the West will get too high and mighty about this. There are worse lies, and we have them: like “Safe and Effective”.

Where are Greenpeace when […]

Climate Change makes People Angrier, so give them a solar panel to hug (it’ll help in 100 years)

A new study in the Lancet shows that people don’t get more amiable when temperatures are 42 to 45°C. Apparently hate tweets were lowest at 12 to 21°C but reached a “prevalence of 22%” at the highest temperatures. Lo, verily and ka-ching, it follows that climate change will cause nastier tweets. If we pull on this logic-string, your car exhaust is making people mean, your beef steak causes political polarisation, and if everyone owned an EV, there would be no more wars.

Obviously believers will argue that we should solve our social media angst with subsidies for solar panels and cricket-chips. But skeptics will say we just need lots of reverse cycle heat pumps at 10 cents a kilowatt-hour. Burn oil and calm the world…

Airconditioners save 20,000 lives in USA each year and reduces indoor air pollution as well.

Oh the dilemma — to stop snarky tweets on hot days, we could spend $100 trillion dollars to try to change the climate and wait for next century, or we could just go back to what we had 20 years ago — the miracle of cheap air conditioning?

Bad climate policies breed hate and discontent. In Spain people are […]

Vaccine news is so good that California State bans doctors from saying what they think

Always get medical advice, but be aware, if your doctor wanted to say something different from what you hear in adverts on TV, they may lose their job, their business, their marriage and their house. Adjust your filters accordingly. Especially if you live in Australia or California.*

Presumably Californians are still able to phone up doctors in other states. Soon, they may be able to phone their own doctor who moved to another state.

How long before doctors in El Salvador start offering telehealth consultations to Californians? (If only our Covid healthcare was as good as El Salvador‘s).

How bad must the vaccine news have to be if they need to write special legislation so doctors can’t tell you what they really think?

California’s Legislature Votes to Ban All COVID-19 Vaccine Dissent by Doctors

James Breslo, The Epoch Times

…the one-party state’s lawmakers voted to suppress all dissent by doctors when it comes to COVID-19. Assembly Bill 2098 effectively creates a “Ministry of Truth” that assures all information disseminated by doctors in the state conforms with the opinion of the ruling party. It directs the state’s medical board to take action against any doctor who spreads […]

“Nature is Striking Back!” Fake Saint Guterres exploits Pakistan’s pain to sell his climate religion and ask for money

While people in Pakistan struggle with their devastation, the UN chief has burned some fossil fuel to make sure he doesn’t miss an advertising opportunity. The poor of Pakistan need homes, medicine and food, but he wants to sell carbon schemes and solar panels. You rich sinner, you. Give us your money! The Almighty, I mean Nature itself (!) is striking back and if we don’t pay the UN enough and send more tithes to Big-Government supporters like the Renewables Industry then more people will die!

In a new scientific discovery Professor-cum-Saint-Guterres also declared 100% flood attribution to man-made CO2. This is not something the glorious Experts of the UN have ever announced, and nor will they, because it’s scientifically preposterous — but they will not correct him, because their role was never about getting the science right, just about being the window-dressing for the money grab.

Pagan witchdoctors never had it so good: In flood-hit Pakistan, Guterres appeals for ‘massive’ global support, tougher action on climate change

“[We] have all seen media images of the extraordinary destruction. I can only imagine the power and ferocity of the water as it bore down on villages, roads, bridges and […]

Corals covered the Australian desert once – maybe they’ll grow back if we screw in the right light globes?

by Jo Nova

The remnants of a long gone coral reef are not in the water here, but on top of the cliff. This is what real climate change looks like:*

The whole coral reef is now 100 m out of the water | Bahnfrend |

The Nullabor Plain.

It turns out the high plateau desert called the Nullarbor was once a coral reef. It’s a thousand kilometer stretch without a tree that’s now about 100m above sea level. Obviously it’s a wilderness that’s begging to be restored to its true Miocene glory. The question is whether we can put on enough solar panels to save this reef, or if we can melt the Antarctic and raise the oceans…

Researchers looking at satellite images spotted a suspicious looking dome and ring (below) . They figured out it was not a meteor crater but probably made of coral atoll. It’s about one kilometer across and corals built this (probably) 14 million years ago. Tectonic shifts lifted the land out of the ocean. If only the polyps had put in a carbon tax?

The Nullarbor is a bit special because the surface is well preserved. There is not […]

People in their 30s and 40s more likely to die in the prime of their lives, and no one knows why

The pattern is the same in the UK, in Germany and in the US, yet the media can’t seem to figure it out

New Scientist:Just 22,500 people who we didn’t expect to lose. It’s ten times worse than the UK national road toll.

It was particularly deadly last summer in the US especially for 35-45 year olds

The Society of Actuaries (SOA) Report released a few weeks ago shows that people in that age group were twice as likely to die as normal in the third quarter last year. The odds were bad across the whole 25 to 54 age range. Deaths were 80% higher than normal.

If there is any good news in a chart of unexpected young deaths — its that whatever it was, the effect is waning. The bad news is that people in the prime of their life were still 30% more likely to die in Quarter 1 this year.

It’s a very big deal. Mortality rates in adults have been constant for decades (see figure 1 in this report). A 200% increase is a red flag flapping there. Something was going very wrong for some young working age adults. The Delta wave was hitting the […]

The death of the Queen, the end of an era, and the arrival of King Charles III, the climate activist

A thread for discussing the death of the Queen:

Tonyb: With the death of the queen I feel as if I have lost a family member. A huge part of the west’s structure that has existed for 70 years, has been demolished

David Maddison: She led as Queen way after typical retirement age because she knew Charles and her grandsons were not up to the job. Even though the Queen had little political power, she was an anchor figure of our Civilisation and offered a sense of stability and constancy.

Serge Wright: Yep, she didn’t want Charles to be king for a day longer than humanly possible and she didn’t want to see Charles as king with her own eyes – or Camilla as queen. I think the reason for this is obvious when you look at how Charles influences the government and public opinion on important issues and views himself as a pseudo ruling head of state. To her credit, the queen was always focused on allowing the government to rule without influence or intrusion as this would erode democracy. Now that Charles has become king we can expect a vastly different approach and it won’t be helpful. […]

A God or a Government? Labor legislates climate fantasy and tech inventions too, all by 2030

By Jo Nova

Shut down Australia and save 0.01 degrees.

Gone are the days when governments figured out how laws could be enforced before they made them. In their own words this is only “a massive transformation of the economy”, so who cares about the details like, is it possible, and what will it cost?

And of course that all important detail “why bother in the first place?”

The Australian government has just legislated a 43% cut to emissions of a beneficial trace gas, of which Australia makes 1.1% of human output and about 0.05% of the emissions of all the plants, algae and oceans on Earth. We’ve only got 8 years to do it in and even the head of the our largest national scientific institute admits nearly half of the technologies we need are not even invented yet.

Even the minister calls it “insanely late”.

What could possibly go wrong, apart from bankrupting the nation in an effort to change the weather?

Climate target set, now for the tricky bit on cutting emissions

Greg Brown, The Australian

Anthony Albanese’s climate change agenda will shift to ­creating two road maps to slash emissions […]

Wednesday Open Thread

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Russia turns off the tap “indefinitely”

The Nord Stream 1 gas pipeline from Russia to a desperate Europe was supposed to re-open yesterday, instead, Russia announced that it will remain closed due to an oil leak, indefinitely. The announcement was made after markets closed. Germany has about 3 months of gas in storage.

Gas prices are expected to rise Monday.

Ukraine war: Russia to keep key gas pipeline to EU closed

By Robert Plummer & Oliver Slow BBC News

Faisal Islam, the BBC’s economics editor, described the indefinite closure of Nord Stream 1 as a very serious development, noting that Russia had kept supplies into Europe flowing even at the height of the Cold War.

The stand-off with Russia has forced countries to fill their own gas supplies, with Germany’s stores increasing from less than half in June to 84% full today.

Apparently this is the oil spill that shut down a billion dollar pipeline:

Just bad luck then?

Twitter commenters have some doubts:

@PolemicTMM –– Masterful trolling of the EU by Mr P.

@PrivatinvestN — Is this a Friday night joke or have they actually published this?

@JavierBlas — They did. […]

Energy Pain: The richest countries in the world may not eat hot meals, people start burning their bills in the street

Hoping to change the weather has consequences, and so does printing lots of money:

In the UK they’re being told they might have to avoid using appliances at home from 2pm-8pm this winter and cook dinner after that (your circadian rhythm be damned). Who wants to tuck the kids in without a hot meal? Energy prices are so high pubs are already closing early. Nearly one in four households in the UK say they are planning to not turn heating on this winter because they can’t afford it (and that was before the latest shocking price rise). In a taste of things to come, people are starting to be admitted to hospital because their energy was cut off. The NHS is asking hospital staff to turn of equipment and lights and warns that care may even have to be rationed because of soaring energy bills. People with electric cars may be asked not to charge them til after everyone has cooked dinner. It’s complicated saving the world.

In Europe, the gas storage is nearly 80% full which would cover Europe’s energy use in a normal winter for about three months. But half of Europe’s aluminum and zinc smelters […]

It’s almost like corals have been doing this for millions of years. 90% bleached but recovered in just two years?

It’s like a team of obsessive compulsive scientists turned up to capture a magic show in slow-mo

They descended on Palmyra Atoll in 2009 and kept going for ten years, taking 1,500 photos across eighty plots of corals. They looked at all the living things on the ocean floor, and not just the hard corals, but the algae, the microalgae, and the turf. They followed plots where waves crashed and plots that were calm. Then they went through the photos with detailed digital-tracing and image analysis and tracked them — not just through one, but two full bleaching cycles and what they found was recovery. Stability!

In May this year their 10-year study of Palmyra Atoll was finally published

Palmyra is an isolated atoll, 1,300 km south west of Hawaii, with a tiny population. It’s about as pristine as anything can get, unaffected by human pollution, except of course, for CO2 — that fertilizer from the sky which is everywhere. If it was a problem, this was a good place to find out.

In 2015 a savage pool of warm water arrived that bleached not just ten or twenty percent of the corals but blitzed right through ninety percent. It […]

Shut Them Up, Argues the Academy of Science

The Witches and Warlocks of The Australian Academy of Science are worried. Even though the evidence is overwhelming and settled, climate denialism is spreading. This is particularly perplexing because climate believers have unlimited access and free advertising in the media, and millions of dollars in government support. Despite all that, Australians must be too stupid and badly educated to recognise the True Weather Prophets that live at the Martian Embassy in Canberra and so they have given up trying to persuade the idiot voters. The new genius plan is to get the tech Tyrants like Twitter and TikTok to shut down Australians who ask impertinent questions or talk about the solar wind, the 1809 Windsor Flood or the 1852 Fires and other blasphemies!

Thou Shalt Not Question the Sacred Guild of Science Heads!

I thought they might want a new logo to reflect their true heritage:

Thanks to Tony Thomas for putting on the Hazmat suit and wading through the brew of petty namecalling and mangled English of what once was a society of great scientists.

Shut Them Up, Argues the Academy of Science

Tony Thomas, Quadrant Magazine

In a move unprecedented in the democratic […]

Shock finding: past climate change helps forests cope with present climate change

In a surprise to no one, descendants of plants that survived 350 million years of climate extremes, volcanoes, meteor impacts, mass extinction events and ice ages seem able to cope with moderate modern weather. Not only that, places where the weather varied a lot in the 1960s are still like that, and the plants that liked those conditions still like those conditions. I mean, really, give me your money.

Does this mean we can protect forests of the future by creating climate variability now?

Exposure to past temperature variability may help forests cope with climate change

Rachel Harper Institute of Physics

Close relatives of Ginkgo Biloba trees have been around for nearly 200 million years. | Photo Jean-Pol Grandmont |

A new study out today in the first issue of Environmental Research: Ecology assessed effects of past and current climate variability on global forest productivity. The work highlights sensitive regions where forests may be most at risk as the planet warms and temperatures become more extreme. The framework can help set conservation priorities, support forest adaptation efforts, and improve carbon accounting.

Lead author Winslow Hansen, a forest ecologist at Cary Institute of […]

Energy Hyperinflation Ship launching from UK in 3, 2, 1… prices so high there is talk of fracking?

The UK “Price Cap” and forecast keep outdoing even the worse case scenarios, but finally the crisis is so calamitous that the UK Conservative Party are even talking of allowing fracking.

As the Wall Street Journal puts it: Household energy bills were expected to rise 40% this autumn, but on Friday the government regulator announced they’ll leap 80% in a single bound. (Who would have guessed that socialist price fixing would fail to cap the price?)

The current energy costs have just risen again, now “capped” at £3,549 per household, a horrible $4,200 USD or $6,000 Australian. But the future cap is headed for the mesosphere boundary layer at a shocking £7,000 by April. It’s so blisteringly bad that it’s being described as “worse than the GFC” in terms of its impact. It’s so bad, two out of every three Pubs say they are likely to close this winter, with the “monster hikes” to energy prices. That’s despite the Christmas season rush, and hopes that it will be finally free of Covid restrictions. The whole social care system is using the word “collapse” given that the price of a care bed will rise by seven fold thus wiping out their […]