The almost-coup: Giving away the nation to attract future Democrat voters with the Entitlement Magnet

Crowded bus.

By Jo Nova

Isn’t it time we talk about The attempted Coup (and the media)?

The Media is the problem. Magnifying Glass.

In the two weeks since Elon Musk spoke to Joe Rogan for three hours, the media has ignored it,  trivialized it, or reduced it to “Elon tries to explain his Nazi salute”.  Here was the richest man in the world, best friends with the most powerful man on Earth and he’s talking without an autocue, walking through the underbelly of the US government and describing the “greatest scam in human history” and the media are discussing the weather.

Thanks to DOGE we now know that the US government spent $270 million on 6,200 journalists, which presumably buys a lot of “Nothing to see here”. Which is exactly why I feel an urge to pass this on.

What Musk describes is the ultimate pork barrelling

Instead of giving our tax dollars to buy votes in marginal seats, it looks like the Democrats were giving away the country, to buy voters to fill marginal states, so they could stay in power. By offering up free houses, free healthcare and free citizenship to non-citizens,  as Musk describes it, the Democrats (really, the whole Blob) hoped to gain enough permanent Democrat voters so they could win, not just one election, but every election. And of course, the houses, healthcare and lifestyle they were giving away was largely that of the working class. The elites would live on in their private estates, fly on their private planes and visit their private hospitals.

“It is an attempt to destroy Democracy in America… to make it a permanent one party state” — Elon Musk

At one point, Rogan mentions a whistleblower who claimed her job was to turn illegal immigrants into social security or disability “clients”. This hits a nerve with Musk, who gets animated, saying that entitlements fraud is the main reason the Democrat propaganda machine was “so fired up to destroy me”. The way he describes it, the thing they hate the most is that he is turning off the magnet drawing illegal immigrants in and keeping them there:

Entitlements fraud for illegal aliens…  like Social Security Disability Medicaid   … is what is serving as a gigantic magnetic force to pull people in from all around the world and keep them here.  Basically if you if you pay people at a standard of living that is above 90% of Earth then you have a very powerful incentive for 90% of Earth to come here and to stay here. But if you end the illegal alien fraud, then you that you turn off that magnet, and they leave, and they they stop coming, …and the ones that are here — many of them will simply leave and if if that happens, they [the Democrats] will lose… a massive number of democratic voters and if it didn’t happen they would turn those people into voters.  — Elon Musk  [Edited for readability from the transcript]

He explains that it’s not just theoretical, it’s already happening. In New York state illegal aliens can already vote in state and city elections* (pending a legal case) and something like 600,000 illegal aliens are registered to vote. Some of these are staying in expensive hotels which are being paid for by FEMA, a government agency.

*UPDATE: The number is 800,000. New York lawmakers approved the bill in 2021. Courts struck that down in 2024. But the legal battle goes on Feb 2025. Democrats really want this. Indeed, parts of California, Maryland and Vermont already allow non-citizens to vote in local elections. Once they can vote in local elections, obviously, the next step is to change Federal voting rules.

The best short summary is by Tony Thomas at Quadrant :The World According to Elon Musk

Here’s Musk’s analysis (transcript lightly edited):

Musk: They’re buying voters. it’s like a giant voter-fraud scam. A lot of people have trouble believing this, but it’s not just real, it’s an attempt to destroy democracy in America.

If you take the seven swing states, often the margin of victory there is maybe 20,000 votes. If you put 200,000 illegals in there, they have an 80% likelihood of voting Democrat. It’s only a matter of time before they become citizens, and then those swing states will cease to be swing states — we’ll become a permanent, deep blue socialist state.

Rogan: That was the game plan?

Musk: That’s still the game plan. They almost succeeded. If, if, the machine of the Kamala Puppet had won, it would have happened within four years. They would win the Presidency, the House, the Senate. They would create States out of Washington DC and Puerto Rico to achieve four extra Senators, and a majority big enough to pack the Supreme Court.

And then they would keep importing more illegals to cement that outcome. Basically, the same as already happened in California.

It would be the end: an obvious fork in the road. That’s why I went so hardcore for Trump. And that’s why the Democrat machine is so intent on destroying me. And they probably would institute some central bank digital currency and some social credit score system. And censorship, of course.

They’ve been doing this for years in California:

Musk: Yes. The Democrats were doing this under the guise that they’re the kind, compassionate, progressive people. But it’s just about hijacking power for money and control.

California is now a super-majority [60–19 in the 80-seat Assembly]. California  last year made healthcare free for illegals. Obviously, that’s a gigantic magnet for more illegals. If you’re anywhere on earth and you need any operation at all, come to California and have it free.

The tax burden for healthcare for illegals was supposed to be $3 billion. They now estimate $9 billion. That number will scale to infinity.

Read it all The World According to Elon Musk. Or watch the interview below: The parts described above start at 1:04 or so.

We note the Blob didn’t offer free citizenship to just any foreigner — they didn’t seem to want gun-loving Australians or British asylum seekers who wrote offensive words on facebook. They weren’t even trying to get political prisoners out of North Korea. The foreigners the Democrats wanted were apparently the people desperate enough to walk through Mexico. What they were aiming at, presumably, were dependent people, who are more likely to vote to live in a big socialist state.

The Blob clothes itself in compassion and kindness when it talks about immigration, but there is nothing compassionate about selling out the blood, sweat and tears of your fellow  citizens, putting their health, wealth and homes at risk, just so you can keep your own career and castle.

And if the Blob cared so much about Africa or Ecuador they could always try to help them in their own countries — keeping families and culture intact and all. But all the billions in USAID funding largely ended with barely any protests from the Third World and nothing to show for it? It’s almost like nearly all the foreign aid money was spent to serve The Blob and their friends, and not the poor. Where is that outrage? Who, exactly, were The Blob helping?

Africa before $2.6 trillion Africa after $2.6 trillion in aid.


The big question of course, is if this was happening, what would stop it? All rich countries have political parties with an incentive to grow that half of the population that votes for Big Government. That party would be perpetually tempted to give away the wealth of the nation to foreign new simpatico voters. The only thing that would stop this is if the native population found out about the plan…    and so we come back to the State of The Media.

Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay




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So geniuses, if a lack of coal makes prices rise, what’s going to happen when we shut down more coal?

Electricity Grid, wizard, magic, fantasy. Wind and solar power. High voltage lines.

By Jo Nova

With exquisite timing, another price rise in Australian electricity arrived just in time for the next election

Aussie power bills set to soar from July 1

As the Opposition point out the Labor government went to the last election telling us 97 times how they would make our electricity $275 cheaper, but with the latest rise, it’ll cost more like $1,300 more than it did before the Labor party were elected. Prices look set to rise about two or three times faster than inflation. But coming after big blockbuster rises two years in a row, even a 5 or 10% rise is nasty.

The Australian Energy Regulator (AER). Being part of The Blob,  diplomatically and uselessly blame nearly every part of the system, as though this is just bad luck, even though they must know exactly which single dominant factor has changed in the last 30 years.

Average wholesale market spot prices increased across 2024, impacted by factors such as high demand, coal generator and network outages, and low solar and wind output that drove high price events across DMO regions. These high price events have also affected the price of wholesale electricity contracts for 2025–26. 

Meanwhile Minister Chris Bowen, Mr Blackout himself, blames coal and the Russians:

Energy Minister Chris Bowen defended the government’s energy policy, insisting that the unreliability of coal was responsible for the rise.

“Not a day in the last two years have we had a coal-fired power station not break down somewhere in Australia,” he said. “Not talking about planned maintenance, I’m talking about unexpected breakdowns which then see energy prices spike. The government wants to replace that power with “more reliable, cleaner, cheaper renewable energy”, he said.

“What we have seen is substantial world movements in energy prices as a direct result of the long tail of Covid and supply-chain ­issues, but also of the Russian ­invasion of Ukraine,” the Prime Minister said on Thursday.

As for the failures of coal plants, it’s like being gas-lit. If electricity costs more when we have less coal, what happens when we have no coal?

No one is buying the pandemic-war-excuse anymore. The price of oil is the same as what it was before Covid and the Ukrainian war, so is the price of coal, and LNG. In any case, Australia is one the top three exporters of coal and gas in the world, and so if we’re short, it’s because we screwed up.

The real problem with the “old” coal plants is that we are running them full tilt, treating them like dirt and giving them away to corporations for $1 (Vale Liddell!) Many of the companies that own coal plants also own a suite of competing generators and happen to benefit when some coal breaks down because they earn more off the  price spikes. In a fake free market, AGL paid $1 for Liddell, but wouldn’t sell it for $250 million a few years later because it was worth more dead than it was as a functioning plant.

The auction rules for the Australian electricity market means that the highest winning bid that was needed by the market operator is paid to every single player who successful bid (even though they may have offered a lower price). So removing a low bidder shifts the winning bid “up” a layer to the next highest bidder in the stack. Effectively, nearly every big player benefits when one low cost asset is disabled or removed.


Australian Energy Market, Bid Stack. Auctions.

The top accepted bid sets the price for all the players.

If we had of used rune stones and chicken entrails to design our national energy policy it wouldn’t be this embarrassing.

Will any journalist pin that Minister down with some basic questions? Does he realize coal plants can be maintained for 50 to 70 years?  If we delay “Net Zero” targets by ten years, or even a hundred, would any Australian notice? How many degrees of cooling will we achieve and at what cost? What are the interest payments costing us on our global weather control…  (Readers can suggest more questions below. What should an Energy Minister know?)

The leader of the opposition has called for the Energy Minister to be sacked. The mystery is why he was put there in the first place.


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Tech Giants quietly drop renewables and sign pledge to triple Nuclear Power

By Jo Nova

Renewables are so over

Just like that — the renewables bubble went phht.

After twenty years of hailing wind and solar, suddenly the world’s tech giants are cheering for nuclear power. Worse —  they don’t even mention the words carbon, low emissions or CO2. The new buzzwords are “safe, clean and firm“. They talk about needing energy “round the clock”, and they talk about “energy resilience” — but they don’t say nuclear is “low emissions”. It’s like they want everyone to forget their activism. Did someone say something about climate change?

Meta, Amazon, and Google have flipped like a school of barracuda. Five minutes ago, life on Earth depended on achieving Net-Zero with fleets of wind farms in the sunset, now, they just want energy and lots of it. The big tech fish and their friends have signed a Large Energy Users Pledge admitting that the demand for energy is rising rapidly, that nuclear should triple by 2050 and that large energy users depend on the availability of abundant cheap energy (Small energy users too,  Mr Bezos-Zuckerburg-Pichai.) The closest they come to hinting at the ghost of renewables is when they say they want energy that’s not dependent on “the weather, the season, or the geographical location”.

There’s no “Sorry we got it wrong”. There’s no apology for hectoring us, censoring us, or wasting billions of dollars. It’s just Mr Don’t-Look-Over-Here telling us what most engineers knew for 30 years. This is the billionaire club asking the taxpayers to build them more nuclear plants.

Signatories include Siemens Energy, which suffered a 36% share price fall 18 months ago when it admitted it was losing billions trying to maintain wind turbines.

It’s the perfect storm. Just as renewable investments wallow in their failures,  the AI race is escalating, and it needs monster data, which means monster energy. As we saw in Texas the new grid entrants are asking for a whole gigawatt of capacity each, and peak demand is expected to rise by a wild 75% in the next five years.

Less than a year ago Microsoft was making the “biggest ever renewable energy agreement” but now it’s  resurrecting the old Three Mile Island nuclear plant.

And of course, Donald Trump is in the WhiteHouse, so the subsidies are gone and the mood has changed. Indeed, it’s almost like the Tech Giants are afraid to mention “climate change”  too much lest it annoy the new President, or remind all their shareholders how much money they wasted.

Other governments need to adjust their policies at speed. Run, don’t walk…

The old Google:

h/t Reader

Click to see the signatories or read the Large Energy Users Pledge:

…. Large Energy Users Pledge



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Climate Astrologers forecast ‘Global weirding’ and climate whiplash will hit the world’s biggest cities

Pagan witchdoctors at work

By Jo Nova

Shamen and fortune-tellers are back preying on suggestible minds

A new “study” warns us that the most populated cities on Earth have a distinct trend towards, wait for it, wetter or drier weather.  Somehow, 95 of the 100 biggest cities do not have the exact same amount of rain that they had 40 years ago. (The horror). And this is “weird” they say, as if shifting patterns of rain have not been normal for the last four billion years.

The new term this week in Climate Bingo is “Climate Whiplash” —  which means a city that has had more droughts and floods lately. It’s just another sort of Global Weirding which was predicted by exactly no models anywhere until after it happened, and sometimes not even then.

The trick here is to study some random permutation in an obscure weather metric over an absurdly short time frame — like for example the moisture surplus/deficit difference between precipitation and evapotranspiration, and voila, we find a “40 year trend”. Given that the Pacific ocean oscillates on 20 – 30 year cycle, and the Atlantic on a 60 to 80 year one,  the world will never run out of 40 year meaningless trends in watery parameters.

Thus paid Blob scientists have come up with another scary headline to justify their grant, and trick a few teenage girls into voting for Big Green Governments that will  give more money to Blob Scientists.

The Guardian, as always parrots the Blob nonsense without so much as 2 seconds of googling “Drought cycles of China” where they could have found out that droughts were worse in the 1960s and 70s just before this study started.

‘Global weirding’: climate whiplash hitting world’s biggest cities, study reveals

Swings between drought and floods striking from Dallas to Shanghai, while Madrid and Cairo are among cities whose climate has flipped

Damian Carrington (Chief of Environmental Propaganda) The Guardian
Wed 12 Mar 2025 11.01 AEDT

Climate whiplash is already hitting major cities around the world, bringing deadly swings between extreme wet and dry weather as the climate crisis intensifies, a report has revealed.

Dozens more cities, including Lucknow, Madrid and Riyadh have suffered a climate “flip” in the last 20 years, switching from dry to wet extremes, or vice versa. The report analysed the 100 most populous cities, plus 12 selected ones, and found that 95% of them showed a distinct trend towards wetter or drier weather.

The shamen and fortune tellers are notorious for ambiguous projections, and it’s right there in the press release. Climate change can look like any change at all, and any change  could be climate change:

Professor Katerina Michaelides, Lead Scientist from University of Bristol, said: “The findings from our study illustrate just how differently and dramatically climate change is expressing around the globe – there is no one-size-fits-all.”

Everything is changing and none of it’s predictable. These forecasts come with excuses built in:

“Our study shows that climate change is dramatically different around the world,” said Prof Katerina Michaelides, at the University of Bristol, UK. Her co-author, Prof Michael Singer at Cardiff University, described the pattern as “global weirding”. “Most places we looked at are changing in some way, but in ways that are not always predictable,” Singer said.

All told, 17 cities are apparently suffering Climate Whiplash, though they were not important enough to list in the Guardian or the press release. Possibly because the full list included  Canberra, Chicago, and Melbourne, where millions of Guardian readers live — who might realize they are not being whipped.

The eye candy graph definitely looks jagged and scary:

Whiplash Cities, Extreme climate change (not).

The Guardian (of The Blob)

But in the long run, these are bumps of nothing. For example, here’s the last 700 years of recharge rates in one part of China where rain has come and gone. Curiously, there are 200 year long cycles in groundwater recharge rates in China that seem to vary with cycles on the Sun.

Sun controls half of the groundwater recharge rate in China for last 700 years

R.K. Tiwari1,* and Rekapalli Rajesh2 (2014)  Imprint of long-term solar signal in groundwater recharge fluctuation rates from North West China. Geophysical Research Letters, DOI: 10.1002/2014GL060204



Warn the children that the Global Weirding lot are just government marketers wearing labcoats. They fish for random 40 year fluctuations that no one predicted. It ain’t science.

POST NOTE: See this is the tragedy of one-sided government funded science. The people writing these junk studies up probably think they are doing a decent job, they just don’t realize how vacuous this is because there is never any criticism of green-promo-science. They’ve never attended a conference where someone talked about long term drought cycles, they don’t know there are 10,000 proxies that show continuous variation in every climate parameter.  If they had been reeled back in a few times as honours students they wouldn’t grow up to be scientists making these baby mistakes.


Water and climate: Rising risks for urban populations, Cardiff University, 12 March 2025 in Climate change, published by WaterAid.


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Penguins want climate change too (they want Antarctica to be warm like it was 1,000 years ago)

By Jo Nova

Who knew? Penguins are not only a “sentinel species” warning us about climate change in Antarctica but “Adélie penguin breeding is closely linked to temperature“. More warming equals more penguins.

So just as we can use trees as thermometers, we can use penguins as thermometers. And when we do, we find that there was a veritable boom in penguins in the Ross Sea 1,000 years ago.

It’s all there in the peer reviewed Zheng paper, 2023 — thanks to NoTricksZone and KlimaNachrichten for finding the paper.

As one of the most important ‘sentinel species’ in the Antarctic ecosystem, the Adélie penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae) is widely distributed in the Ross Sea region and its population is extremely sensitive to climate change (Ainley, 2002; Ainley et al., 2010). Since the International Geophysical Year in 1957, researchers have conducted extensive field investigations on climate change (including temperature, SST, sea ice, and polynyas) and Adélie penguin populations in Antarctica.

Modern monitoring data also show that Adélie penguin breeding is closely linked to temperature…

After comparing with historical records of penguin populations at Cape Bird, Dunlop Island, and Cape Adare, all were found to have a common increase during the 750-1350 AD period in the Ross Sea.

So at the same time the Vikings were getting into the spirit of Greenland, the penguins were having some parties of their own on the far side of the Earth. And even though climate experts have told us a million times that the Medieval Warm Period was just a localized phenomenon in Europe, it was also warm in Antarctica, and most other places, and no one seems to be able to find the part of the planet that was colder which would bring that average back to normal.

As it happens, another study last year showed Elephant seals and penguins lived on the Ross Sea for thousands of years until the horrible cold of the Little Ice Age wiped out them out. Seriously, researchers refer to the era three or four thousand years ago as “The Penguin Optimum”. So this is yet another study using different markers but reinforcing the same finding. (That one used diatoms, this one looked at a footprint of elements in penguin guano — P, Cu, Zn, Sr, Cd, Ca, and As.)

The climate experts also told us a million times that global warming would wipe out the penguins, but instead it turns out, global cooling does.


Historical population changes of Adélie penguins in the Ross Sea region, Antarctica, and its climatic forcings

In the full figure we can see a whole stack of climate variables that all rise and fall in cycles that bear no resemblance to changes of CO2:

Keep reading  →

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Green Hedge Fund executive says the whole Clean Energy Sector Is Dead

Dystopian crash. Fantasy in ruins.

By Jo Nova

Nishant Gupta set up a green energy hedge fund last year managing about $100m in assets, but he probably wishes he hadn’t.

His words are about as blunt as any hedge fund owner could possibly get.

Hedge Fund Built on Energy Bets Says ‘Clean Is Dead for Now’


“The whole sector — solar, wind, hydrogen, fuel cells — anything clean is dead for now,” said Nishant Gupta, founder and chief investment officer at London-based Kanou Capital LLP.

Against a barrage of political headwinds in the US, a war-fueled energy crisis and stubbornly high interest rates, large parts of the clean-energy industry are stalling. In the past year, the S&P Global Clean Energy Index has lost 20%, a period during which the S&P 500 Index gained 16%. And with the Trump administration shredding climate policies in the world’s largest economy, many green investors are taking a timeout.

Over the last year clean energy stocks have lost 20% of their value, whereas stocks in fossil fuels are up 13%.

So after the last year, skeptical investors are 30% richer than their believer friends. As it should be.

Gupta now says that ““The fundamentals are very poor”. Which is true if you were fundamentally betting on government handouts. The truth is the electrical fundamentals of Green investment were always awful, as were the “carbon” fundamentals. Investors should have got better advice from friends who were engineers who saw that unreliable renewables were an expensive fantasy that were doomed years ago.

He still claims there is some long term need for a clean energy transition, but his big plan is to find the “corners” of the market where he can identify “supply-chain bottlenecks as core investment opportunities”. Apparently that means he’s moved into companies that make compressors, vacuum systems and switches and fuses. Which sounds a lot like a man who’s stepped right out of the clean energy space.

The fall for clean energy shares started at the end of September last year, presumably as it dawned on green investors that Kamala was not going to win and keep the subsidies rolling.

The great unravelling of the Green delusion continues. Amazing that there is still 80% of the clean energy sector value left on the chopping block.

h/t Reader

Image by Eynoxart from Pixabay


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AI revolution: So big, Texas grid needs the equivalent of 30 Nuclear Reactors By 2030 to meet Power Demand

Data centres and Electricity demand,

By Jo Nova

The insatiable hunger for electricity

The world is about to flip from an energy diet to an electrical boom. Look at Texas.

Here in Australia our top Blob Scientists tell us it will take 15 years to build one nuclear plant. But in Texas, which has two nuclear plants already, the AI revolution is beating down the door, and it’s saying “Feed me 30 plants for breakfast ” — or at least by 2030. It’s like a different planet.

There are already 340 datacentres in Texas which use 8GW of power, but new projects are so large, they are starting to ask for a whole gigawatt up front. And the sum total of requests for new electrical supply add up to 99 gigawatts — most of which have materialized in the last year. The new level of demand is so big, the grid managers are starting to worry that single new industrial loads are large enough to threaten the grid.

We’re talking of a seismic shift:

The ERCOT grid peak load last summer was 86 gigawatts. The new peak demand by 2030 is expected to be 75% bigger. It may not all be nuclear, ERCOT did ask for “the equivalent” of 30 new nuclear plants. But it will be big and fast.

Texas has 31 million people. Australia has 26 million (plus a million foreign uni students). We’re performing a national pantomime over whether it’s realistic to build a few nuclear plants and a couple of SMR’s, as if we’re plotting to build the first colony on Venus. Meanwhile Texas is leading the revolution.

Texas Needs Equivalent of 30 Reactors to Meet Data Center Power Demand

Financial Post

“We’ve never existed in a place where large industrial loads can really impact the reliability of the grid, and now we are stepping into that world.”

[Bloomberg]— Demand on the Texas power grid is expected to expand so immensely that it would take the equivalent of adding 30 nuclear plants’ worth of electricity by 2030 to meet the needs.

That’s according to the Electric Reliability Council of Texas, which manages the grid. The forecast is based on the addition of new data centers needed to power artificial intelligence. And it’s raising concerns about whether infrastructure in the state will be able to expand fast enough — and at what cost.


Individual projects are already starting to request 1 gigawatt of power and they pose new risks to maintaining a stable grid, said Agee Springer, Ercot’s senior manager of grid interconnections. A gigawatt is typically enough to power 250,000 homes in Texas.

Ercot said it’s gotten requests equal to 99 gigawatts for new connections to the grid from big power users, including data centers, bitcoin miners and hydrogen producers, according to an internal grid presentation Thursday. That’s up from 40.8 gigawatts last March.

There’s a big question as to whether infrastructure can be built fast enough because of supply chain issues, resulting in long wait times for things like big turbines to produce electricity and other key equipment such as transformers. Another critical issues is who is going to pay for all of this build out.

One company is already planning to build 30 micronuclear plants. Another wants to develop molten salt reactors.

None of the AI teams are begging for wind or solar power. If Australia were to build new coal plants, or new nuclear plants  with spare capacity, Big AI would be here in a flash. The La Trobe Valley could become a world leading AI centre if the government was willing to keep using the 300 years of cheap brown coal there. At 3 cents a kilowatt hour wholesale, it’s still the cheapest electricity on the planet.

Do we want to be the coal and iron mine at the edge of the world, or would we like to ride the revolution?


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Thank goodness Climate Change is reducing the number of cyclones…

Cyclone Alfred headed straight for Brisbane

It’s not often a cyclone heads straight for a big population center in Australia, and the media is running minute by minute updates:

It’s a slow moving category 2 storm, that won’t set any wind speed records, but will cross paths with 3 or 4 million people. Current wind speeds at 20 locations are available here. Let’s just hope it doesn’t rain for too long. The latest BOM report says sustained winds are 95km / hour with gusts to 130 km/hr. (Roughly 60 to 80 mph).


If “Climate Change” has any effect on Australian cyclones, it’s to reduce them:

With the usual logic and reason of top climate experts, this suggests that car engines, burgers, cows and coal can prevent cyclones. Anyone driving an EV, or eating vegeburgers clearly doesn’t care about koalas (or delicate solar panels):

These were Australian cyclone tracks 51 years ago, before mankind emitted 75% of all emissions of CO2 –

Two cyclones went past Brisbane.

Back in days when humankind had barely started jumping on planes for hot weekends and footy finals, cyclones even threatened New Zealand.

Best wishes for readers and their homes in the path. Thank you to everyone who uses petrol, diesel, coal, and beef. We appreciate your sacrifice.

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