US Election results — The US Brexit unfolding. “Trump Triumphs” in NY Times

Bigger than Brexit: This is a win for workers and the middle class.

It’s a major loss for the old media and political correctness. Corruption finally gets pegged back.

Trump beat both political parties, almost every government organisation, Wall Street, and media outlets. — Jo

UPDATE: Listening to the ABC, commentators are talking about the fear of a Trump victory. But the only people who ought to be afraid are the corrupt, the freeloaders and the illegal immigrants. People phoning in were talking about the grassroots movement of those who are fed up with the establishment. The ABC academic, given the last word, replied that this wasn’t a real grassroots movement –“that narrative is false” — because “political parties have been trying to seed doubts about institutions for years”. Sure thing. Which political party supported Trump?

The Trump victory is a win for democracy. This is as grassroots as it gets. Without the internet and a passionate crowd of people on the street how could Trump have defeated the non-stop demonization from the media?


Trump Wins

The Victory Speech

Mike Pence Introduction

The speech:

(Live streaming) Watch (maybe) here or here or here.


6.30pm AEST NY […]

Trump would drain the climate-swamp

Big bankers are helping to save the poor from nasty storms. Sure…

In the climate debate, not much is bigger than this US election. If Clinton wins, it’s more of the same tax-funded gravy train supporting a trillion dollar industry that aims to change the weather and hold back the tide in a hundred years with special electrons from windmills and solar panels. Historians will giggle and mock us for falling into the grip of the pagan religion that sapped so much of our productive blood, sweat and tears.

Trump is promising to turn off that tap, though this “nuclear-wipe-out-option” (which is common sense) is barely even noticed about the furious noise of this election. Clinton wont mention it because she knows most voters would like the climate swamp drained too. But the effect could mark the beginning of the end for this particular shade of taxpayer-parasite. The effect on the EU voters of watching Trump pull back and demolish the industry would be electric and infectious as industry, money and jobs fled the EU to the US. Even if Trump doesn’t win, he’s changed politics and made it so much easier for other candidates to stand up and […]

Did a revolt within the NYPD force the FBI’s hand on the Clinton email saga?

UPDATE: In a feat of public service the FBI conclusively reviewed 650,000 emails in 9 days and clears Clinton, and say they repeat their July determination which found that she was “extremely careless” with “highly classified information” and will not be charged. The Clinton’s made $57 million while Hillary was Secretary of State. Over half the people who met with Clinton paid money to the Clinton Foundation as well which has received over $2 billion in donations in total. Despite these obvious possible conflicts of interest, she used insecure private computers to email foreign leaders and companies that she arranged deals with on behalf of the USA, then destroyed 33,000 emails with Bleachbit after they were subpoenaed. The FBI is not confident there was intent to obstruct justice.


The completely unconfirmed but very interesting scuttlebutt is that the emails are staggeringly incriminating and the FBI re-investigation is being driven by whistleblowers within the US — specifically at the NYPD.

As I said before, books will be written about this week. Great movie plot.

Here’s a man speaking below called Steve Pieczenik, who talks of a coup and a counter coup going on in the […]

Trump closing the deal: “The only thing that can stop this corrupt force is you — the American people”

A brilliant, polished, excellent advert — cuts like a sabre to the only point that matters.

h/t to the great Scott Adams, who says:

1. Trump delivers his lines perfectly, like an experienced actor. We haven’t heard him like this before. You probably didn’t think he had this in him. He stays calm and assured, but not cocky. That is an effective counter-framing to Clinton’s framing of Trump as an unpredictable madman. Here Trump comes off as perfectly reasonable and deeply empathetic.

2. The timing is perfect. This race went so low that even the trolls were starting to gasp for oxygen. Trump made us wait for relief – Hollywood style. He made us crave civility and sanity. And just when we thought it was out of reach, he goes ultra-positive.

But here’s the best part. Clinton has no good options to counter this message.

Countering that, Wikileaks founder Julian Assange says Trump won’t be allowed to win:

My analysis is that Trump would not be permitted to win. Why do I say that? Because he has had every establishment off his side. Trump does not have one establishment, maybe with […]

US Election: Avalance of corruption found against Clinton

As I said, “It’s the Corruption, Stupid“. The US election is far beyond policy disputes. Do the people care if their leaders make personal profits by selling out the nation? As Linda Tripp says: “That this is not chilling to much of the nation is the most chilling of all.”

We are in danger of being swamped in the details and emails: too much to process, when so many sub-parts would be election-changing on their own.

“FBI Clinton Foundation probe finds ‘avalanche’ of corruption evidence against her – but agents fear Justice Department will stop her going on trial” Clintons are accused of running a pay-for-play operation out of State that favored donors to their charity – a charge they have denied Feds are ‘actively and aggressively pursuing’ a case, Fox’s Brit Hume said Wednesday, and they have an ‘avalanche’ of evidence FBI’s pursuit of the case is rooted in recordings of a suspect in a different corruption case who spoke about foundation’s alleged dirty dealings The FBI, under the leadership of director James Comey, believed those conversations were enough to move forward with the probe Justice Department prosecutors disagreed because the source was not an employee of the […]

Watergate II?. National Review calls Clinton’s State Department “Racketeering”.

Ten days to go, thousands of emails to read. The FBI say they “don’t know what they have”.

We do know that they have a monster-load of emails of Hillary’s right hand woman, vice chair of Clinton’s 2016 campaign and the FBI think they can’t afford not to let the world know. For those who don’t know who Huma Abedin is: Vanity Fair pretty much describes her as the “key glue” for Hillary, around her all the time, the inner-inner circle:

… along with Chelsea, Abedin is “the third rail” of the Clinton political world.

Bob Barnett, the lawyer who brokered the Clintons’ multi-million-dollar book deals, says Huma is “now one of the key glues that holds Clintonworld together…. She knows everyone and everyone knows her.

For those wondering why the FBI would make this “blockbuster” announcement now, read the National Review to get an idea of the potential. (Noting that the FBI have released almost no details on what they have found):

Clinton’s State Department: A RICO Enterprise

Mrs. Clinton appears to have converted the office of secretary of state into a racketeering enterprise.

Andrew C. McCarthy

She appears to have used […]

Trump is the Molotov Cocktail the middle classes can throw at the establishment: Sayth Michael Moore?!

The US election continues to surprise. It breaks all the rules. Who stands up for the workers now, for the disaffected middle class — Donald Trump, and that’s according to Michael Moore, dedicated progressive. He gave a speech that is going viral with conservatives and has even been used to make an advert for Trump. Moore is telling the world that Trump will win (which he fears). Perhaps Moore was trying to get complacent Clinton fans worried and and get them out to vote. It may have the opposite effect. Even Moore sounds like he admires Trump. Perhaps he is hoping the left will pick up the same memes — even as he calls Trump voters “legal terrorists”.

Bits of the Transcript:

Donald Trump came to the Detroit Economic Club and stood there in front of the Ford Motor executives and said: if you close these factories, as you are planning to do in Detroit, and rebuild them in Mexico, I am going to put a 35% tariff on those cars when you send them back and nobody’s going to buy them.

It was an amazing thing to see.

No politician — Republican […]

US donors funding activists to shut down Australian mines, ports and rail, approved by Hillary’s right-hand-man?

The Australian has been busy exposing how the supposedly grassroots anti-coal groups in Australia are being funded by the US and with the full knowledge and approval of John Podesta who used to be a special counselor to Barak Obama and is now Hillary’s campaign chairman. Thanks to Wikileaks for the info.

Restrictions needed on overseas charities funding legal battles

The US money was designed to bankroll a strategy developed five years ago by green activists to “stop Australia’s coal export boom”.

The focus of these efforts was to “run legal challenges that delay, limit or stop all of the major infrastructure projects (mines, rail and ports)”.

A particular priority was to stop the Adani coalmine in central Queensland that would employ up to 10,000 Australians and provide high energy, low impurity coal to India, where 300 million people still do not have access to electricity.

And Hillary wants us to believe that Trump is “risky” and “unpredictable” for foreign relations? This kind of industrial sabotage is a good way to hobble the competition — though playing mean and deceitful with your dedicated allies usually works better if done from secure computers, eh? For […]

US debate: It’s no accident climate change is ignored — it’s a poison pill a pollie would prefer to hide

Climate change is not ignored in the election, it’s hidden, because most voters don’t care, and don’t want to pay.

Perplexed! Vox and others just can’t figure out why climate change is being ignored in this election.

“That’s 4 straight debates without a single question on climate change.”

Oh no?! Humanity is about to destroy civilization and Brad Plumer wants to know why ” the most powerful nation on Earth can’t set aside five minutes to discuss.”

Plumer obviously hasn’t read the polls, but the Clinton team will have. It’s no accident that Hillary Clinton dropped any mention of climate change after she had neutralized Bernie Sanders. His fans are the only ones who care. Tom Steyer tried in the 2012 election and wasted 74 million dollars achieving almost nothing on the back of the “climate” scare.

Poll after poll shows that the public are happy to say they “believe in climate change”, and don’t mind if “the government” wants to give their grandchildren nice weather. But don’t ask them personally to pay: when their money is on the table, the awful truth is they don’t believe the experts, and they don’t want to spend their own money. […]

US Election: the smear-war is there to stop people talking about the issues

Ann Coulter explains why the election talk is almost all about scandals and smear, the last thing they want is for the campaign to be about the issues: Hillary has the media on her side, but Trump’s advantage is practically every policy.

[T]he media’s entire campaign against Trump is to prevent him from talking about policy. They would rather talk about fat-shaming than trade, immigration and jobs.

Sometimes, it seems like Trump is cheating by taking the vastly more popular side of every issue. The official GOP used to send its candidates out with ankle weights, a 75-pound backpack and blinders. But Trump didn’t agree to take any staggeringly unpopular positions, however much the Business Roundtable loved them.

He’s against amnesty, for building a wall, against the Trans-Pacific Partnership, for Social Security, against the Iraq War and for extreme vetting of Muslim immigrants.

That’s why the media have to change the subject to something flashy that will capture the attention of the most down-market, easily fooled voters. Trump is a groper!

Trump has been a rich celebrity for 40 years, employing thousands of women, but this is the first time […]

US Election and Vote Rigging: The question is not “if”, but “how much”

Trump would have been crazy to sign a blank cheque on election results when high ranking Democrat operatives admit on video that they cheat the system as much as they can. Scott Foval bragged they have been busing people in to key seats ” to deal with you fuckin assholes for fifty years, and we’re not going to stop now”. Who plays nice in the face of that rank hostility?

Hillary said Trump’s response was horrible, but the real horror is that it’s so easy to vote early and often and in the wrong place. If Hillary is so concerned about people having faith in the system, she could fix the system. Instead, as George Will points out, the Democrats are doing everything they can to stop voters being asked for ID.

It is hard to think of an innocent reason why Democrats spend so much time, energy and money, scarce resources all, resisting attempts to purge the voter rolls, that is to remove people who are dead or otherwise have left the jurisdiction. It’s hard to think of an innocent reason why they fight so tremendously against Voter I.D. laws. They say, well that burdens […]

Dems killing Democracy? — Massive Voter Fraud for “50 years” and paid activists at Trump rallies.

Two damning videos released. Two heads claimed.

Allegedly, these schemes to illegally bus in false voters and to disrupt Trump rallies with deliberate violence, were approved “at the highest level” of the DNC. The second scalp claimed here (Bob Creamer) admitted on video that Clinton is aware of “all” of his work.

Project Veritas Undercover Video: Democrats Caused Violence at Trump Rallies: Paying leftist agitators, the homeless and the mentally ill, to cause melees at Trump rallies.

“Conflict engagement” means paying leftist agitators, the homeless and the mentally ill, to cause melees at Trump rallies.

Why isn’t the mainstream media apart from Fox News covering this new scandal? …

In terms of dollars donated to the Clinton and Trump campaigns, journalists favor Clinton by a factor of 27 to 1…

This newly revealed Reichstag fire of a plot by Democrats at the highest levels is “a direct assault on democracy and the rule of law,” former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) told Sean Hannity on Fox News Channel last night. “This is a hundred times bigger than Watergate.” …

… Project Veritas: Dem Op Caught on Tape Explaining How They Get […]

The Big Bluff: Paris Agreement to “come into force” 4 days before US election. “Force” means nothing.

UN makes power play against Trump

International governments have made a power play against Donald Trump by ratifying an international climate deal earlier than expected, effectively preventing him from “canceling” the deal as he has promised to do.

That means Trump, should he be elected president in November, could not “cancel” or renegotiate the terms of the agreement.

Which army is going to make the US pay?

More than anything else the Global Parasites are afraid of free voters and November 8th. That’s why this “Paris Agreement” charade had to be rushed in to pip the US election, and the news headlines are full of meaningless terms like “coming into force”. There is no international force. There are no auditors or policemen that are going to turn up to Fort Knox and take the money, or jail the “wrong doers”.

The UN says the Paris deal is done, because it wants to fool the voters into submission. But the US voters can choose a Congress that disagrees. Nothing stops the US from simply ignoring an international law. Which army is going to make the US pay?

It’s a bluff designed to fool US voters […]

Dismal: The polarization of climate debate depresses believers: The solution they all miss

It’s “depressing”, “hopeless” and “dismal”

The climate debate is more polarised than ever. David Roberts at Vox is very honest about the challenges believers face to solve the deep partisan political divide. But despite all the grants and funding to solve this problem, the experts miss the obvious. I explain below why polarization will solve itself. Indeed, all their best efforts to reduce polarization in the climate debate are creating the polarization. It takes a sustained effort and millions of dollars to keep a false belief alive.

Now Dunlap and McCright (along with Oklahoma State’s Jerrod Yarosh) have updated their study, giving us a fresh look at public opinion on climate change at the end of the Obama era.

The findings are dismal, if not very surprising: Polarization only accelerated after 2008, the gap between the parties is wider than ever, and the trend shows no sign of stopping.

The League of Conservation Voters (LCV) scores politicians. It tracks the voting records of members of Congress. Way back in 1970 both sides of politics wanted to approve environmental legislation about equally.

(Dunlap et al, Environment)

Public opinion has a similar trend. Here are Gallup poll […]

Emergency Theater for Paris Agreement: China, US rush to sham ratification

Tell the world it is all an act.

It’s a do or die moment for The Cause. Brexit has hit them hard, and the Trump factor threatens to wreck everything. The Paris agreement has stalled pathetically at 1.1% of all human emissions (they need 55% to come into force). They need a gamechanger or the illusion of one.

Next week expect a grand performance from US and China — or rather from two men who look solemn and can sign important looking carbon chastity vows on behalf of 1.8 billion people. Obama and Chinese President Xi Jinping will say they have ratified the Paris agreement. Expect triumphant parades, and smiles, handshakes and talk of a historic moment. It’s all for show. China will agree to do nothing different until 2030 when its population growth peaks, and Obama can’t get the support of Congress.

But the gala performance may work if enough other countries fall for it — especially the stupidly obedient Anglosphere, and the trapped EU. India, Russia and Brazil will only buy into it they are fed enough pork. But the pork has to come from somewhere, and that’s us — The West. That’s who this show […]

Only 20% of US people think the media even try to be unbiased on politics

The good news is that a majority of people are aware of media bias, and are skeptical of what the media tells them. The bad news is that this is just another marker showing the average Western citizen is losing faith in the integrity of so many key institutions.

The activist journo’s have overplayed their hand. They are not even trying…

“Voters Expect Reporters To Help Clinton Over Trump”

[July 21st, 2016] A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that only 20% of Likely U.S. Voters think that when covering a political campaign, most reporters try to offer unbiased coverage. Most (69%) say reporters try to help the candidate they want to win. Eleven percent (11%) are not sure (To see survey question wording, click here.)

The media have lost so much influence. They described Brexiteers as loony, selfish and xenophobic, but more than half the country ignored them and voted for Brexit. Similarly, the US media mocked and denigrated Trump supporters, and continually predicted he wouldn’t stay in the race, and wouldn’t make it through the primaries, and yet he did. Poor pundits keep being surprised by the people.

The key word in this […]

“Clinton Cash” movie available

Readers may find this documentary interesting. I doubt the ABC will be running it. This US election matters to so many people around the world. The outcome makes a big difference to climate skeptics. And it’s about so much more than that. How do we beat corruption?

Breitbart is hosting the free showing (only for a few hours) for the documentary based on a senior editors book: Clinton Cash

UPDATE: Australia is in this too. Both Gillard and Bishop have contributed $500m Australian taxpayer dollars to Clinton charities [and other Democrat power brokers*].Tony Thomas has those details. “Julia Gillard lavished an unprecedented $292 million in taxpayer dollars on the Clinton-dominated Global Partnership for Education, where she was later appointed chair. Imagine the howls if Tony Abbott had underwritten…” See also “The Clintons and Their Corruptocrats” for even more…

From Breitbart:

The film, based on the New York Times bestselling investigative book Clinton Cash by Breitbart Senior Editor-at-Large Peter Schweizer, has sent shockwaves through media. The New York Times, Washington Post, ABC News, and other Establishment Media have verified and confirmed the book’s explosive revelations about how Hillary Clinton auctioned State Department policies to foreign Clinton […]

Iowa votes in droves for uber skeptic Ted Cruz

Remember how skeptics are dying out?

Tens of thousands of Republican voters in Iowa chose the most skeptical candidate they could find. The new landscape of Republican contenders is dominated by skeptics, but the voters wanted the most skeptical. Senator Ted Cruz is flagrantly outspoken, is well read, and brings rare debate on climate issues to Congress.

Voters came en masse for the Iowa Republican caucas. Normally 120,000 Republicans vote in the Iowa caucus, but this time 180,000 turned out. One polling station ran out of ballots. Ted Cruz received more votes than any other candidate has ever received in Iowa.

The last few fringe skeptics of climate change must have all moved to Iowa right?

This is how skeptical Cruz is:

Ted Cruz is the candidate the climate Extremists hate the most.

See the Gullibility Index

The ABC and SMH described Cruz’s win, but did not mention that he was a skeptic. He is just someone who appealed to the evangelical base.

Cruz is not liked by the establishment Republicans at all. Should be interesting!

h/t Jim Simpson.


8.9 out of 10 based on 67 ratings […]

“Find the climate deniers near you” — Ted Cruz, Mark Steyn, Will Happer, Judith Curry in Congress

The full 2 hour 40 minute testimony of Ted Cruz and his invited guests.

Don’t underestimate the importance of what is going on in this testimony to Congress. It captures why the USA is the best hope for defeating the religious climate meme. Which other western democracy comes close to this? As Mark Steyn says, the most important form of competition is the competition of ideas. Paris will not get a binding agreement mostly because the USA congress stands in the way. (Though that doesn’t mean they won’t get billions; more on that in the next post.)

The landscape of the US presidential campaign has undergone a phase change. Watch this and think back to the bland weakness of Mitt Romney in 2012. In 2015 the top Republican candidates are competing to be the most skeptical, and to demonstrate how they don’t pander to political correctness. And Ted Cruz surely is the best informed on the climate topics.

Judith Curry ” I can no longer get government grants….”

Please copy your favorite quotes below so those who can’t watch the lot can pick up the gems.

UPDATE: Best short parts are around 2:14 – 2:20 with Steyn and Curry. […]

US Presidential candidates ranked for independent thinking and gullibility on climate science

How many Presidential candidates are susceptible to groupthink, scare campaigns and low-base science agitprop? Thanks to Seth Borenstein, Michael Mann & Andrew Dessler we can rank them according to their ability to resist profoundly unscientific propaganda like “there is a consensus”.

Ted Cruz is clearly the best at holding his own in the independent thinker stakes. Ben Carson and Donald Trump do well. But poor Hillary Clinton doesn’t stand a chance against the onslaught of junk graphs, hyperbolic claims, and inane bumper-sticker cliches.

Those who fall for the consensus argument are in no position to run a nation. Firstly it’s profoundly unscientific — we don’t vote for the laws of science; scientific theories are either true or not true regardless of opinions. Secondly, it only takes ten minutes of independent searching to find that there is no consensus among scientists as a broad group, anyway. There is a consensus among various definitions of certified climate scientists, but not among meteorologists , geoscientists and engineers or other hard science areas.

As I’ve said before, skeptics outrank and outnumber believers, they make planes fly, find mineral deposits, and walked on the moon. Believers produce climate models that don’t work. If […]