Phillippe Verdier, journalist, weatherman, sacked for daring to be skeptical

How they do overplay their hand.

Is there any better proof of how fragile the facade is? The evidence for the Big Scare Campaign is so pathetically weak that it cannot cope with one weatherman who writes a critical book.  They are so afraid they did not even muddy the waters — it’s obvious why he was sacked. Verdier was suspended immediately after he launched his skeptical book. Now a month later, sacked.

From France24:

“I put myself in the path of COP21, which is a bulldozer, and this is the result,” Verdier told RTL radio station in October.

Right now thousands of people in France are wondering why being a skeptical journalist (as he calls himself) is such a crime. They are also wondering how many other meteorologists are skeptical but too afraid to speak out.

One thing everyone knows for sure now is that France24 is definitely not telling them the whole story about global warming. (See Sputnik News, no paywall)

French weatherman Philippe Verdier sacked for being a climate sceptic

A French weatherman has broadcast the news of his own sacking, saying he had been fired for writing a book challenging climate change.

Philippe Verdier, arguably France’s most famous weatherman, took to the internet to read a letter from the state broadcaster informing him of his dismissal.

His theatrical departure was designed to show that debate is being stifled by the French authorities ahead of COP 21, the United Nations conference on climate change, which starts this month in Paris.

Verdier was allegedly sacked by France Televisions for writing Climat Investigation, which claims that scientists have exaggerated the dangers of global warming.

Word is spreading. The main tool of climate extremists is bullying. But once the masses realize that, the game is over.

Phillippe Verdier is an outstanding man. I only hope in the long run he will be rewarded for his bravery.

Do you know someone in France? Share his story. That’s how we beat them.


h/t Joe B, James Murphy, Marvin, Pat, Bulldust, Stephen H.

8.9 out of 10 based on 137 ratings

234 comments to Phillippe Verdier, journalist, weatherman, sacked for daring to be skeptical

  • #

    o/t but…BoM has found plenty of hotspots!

    2 Nov: SMH: Peter Hannam: October blew away heat records for any month of any year: Bureau of Meteorology
    The red-hot start to October barely let up, setting Australia up for its most abnormally warm month in records going back to 1910, the Bureau of Meteorology said…
    The unusual heat was even more notable for mean temperatures, which take the average of days and nights. Last month was 2.89 degrees warmer than the long-term average, beating the previous record mean anomaly of 2.75 degrees, also set in September 2013. Minimum temperatures, too, set a new high for the month…
    Compared with the previous warmest October in 1988, last month was 0.7 degrees warmer.
    “Certainly it’s an October that was hotter than most Novembers,” Karl Braganza, head of climate monitoring at the bureau. The national mean temperature came in at 25.6 degrees.
    The large El Nino event in the Pacific is one influence driving the warmth, as are conditions in the Indian Ocean that have favoured a reduction in rainfall…
    The record hot October in Australia may be a pointer to another month of abnormally warm global temperatures…


    • #
      Peter C

      Crikey Pat,

      Nov: SMH: Peter Hannam: October blew away heat records for any month of any year: Bureau of Meteorology

      I can only say that I did not notice it here in Melbourne.


      • #
        Peter C

        Red thumb!

        Thanks Peter Hannan.


      • #

        Let’s see what UAH says before we comment.

        We all KNOW that anything from BOM is totally UNRELIABLE. !!!

        Should add that September was something like 20th out of 37 in the satellite data.


    • #

      Where was Karl Braganza’s report for September ?

      Did anyone see it ?


    • #

      Don’t forget that the BOM has “adjusted” their historical records to cool the past thus “Warming” the present. About 1.5C or so I think.


  • #

    O/T for a little balance:

    2 Nov: Brisbane Times: Barcaldine celebrates wettest November day ever with photos of flooded roads
    Drought-stricken parts of Queensland are celebrating after weekend storms dumped a record amount of rain on the parched landscape.
    The drought declared community of Barcaldine, near Longreach in the central west, recorded more than 100mm in the 24 hours to 9am on Sunday morning.
    The dump has handed the town a new record for its wettest ever November day.
    Further south, the parched communities of Roma and Charleville had falls of about 80mm over the weekend…
    Bureau of Meteorology forecaster Sam Campbell said the falls in Barcaldine were exceptional.
    “These are places that don’t typically get those sorts of rainfalls,” he told the ABC.
    “(By comparison) the total amount of rainfall received in Brisbane over the last month was 56mm.”
    Outback residents turned to social media to post pictures of flooded roads, and express their jubilation as water covered the orange dust and formed shallow lakes…
    “The Longreach council was looking at having to cart water into Ilfracombe within a couple of months. But this water has run into the town’s dam, so they’re back, and that’s a great story,” he said.


  • #

    Is this the ultimate ad hom attack? The debate is so comprehensively lost that that they abandon all reason in their desperate quest to suppress dissent. Goebbels would be proud.


    • #
      Egor TheOne

      Don’t forget Ponzi !


      • #

        Je Suis Phillipe!


        • #

          Oui absolument. The French have had their fair share of fascism haven’t they?. Strange country, so much for liberté. Then again no one controls the message like the intelligentsia at the BBC. Those French, so clumsy.


    • #
      James Bradley

      No, I think you’ll find he was sacked because the French Government believed that no action against him would seem like of tacit endorsement of his book and raise awkward questions about the French commitment which may have put a dampener on the Paris cash register.


      • #
        Graeme No.3

        But I would bet that the sales of the book will improve considerately as people wonder what is worrying the government.


      • #
        Greg Cavanagh

        You’re probably right James.

        There is a narcissistic trait among believers. If you question there work in any way, it feels like an attack against them personally. Climate scientists have stated exactly this several times with regard to Steve Mc’s query, and their response to information or FOI requests.

        In this case the government, having no direct connection to a television weatherman or his views, took personnel offense of his views which he dared to speak in public.

        The level of depravity on display here is breathtaking.


        • #

          The Icarus complex…..


          • #
            Greg Cavanagh

            Thanks OriginalSteve, I learn a lot here.

            Icarus complex: Characteristics

            It is seen in a personality type that contains many or all of the following attributes:[1]

            cynosural narcissism (attention-seeking or admiration-seeking narcissistic behaviors)

            ascensionism (the notion that the future is not dictated by the past or present, and no destination or goal is unreachable) combined with an anticipation of falling (a foreboding sense of a future “crash and burn”)

            Cathexis of fire (an emotional drawing towards, or fascination with, fire)

            possible enuresis (bedwetting) or incontinence in childhood, linked to an abundance of water imagery.

            Ancillary consequences of this personality complex are:

            a craving for immortality (reascension)

            a conception of woman as an object to be used for narcissistic gains (sex as Narcissistic supply)[1]
            Oedipal defiance.[3]
            Perpetual adolescence.[4]


      • #

        James. the French “commit” to what is best for France, so I would suggest there is something else happening here, they have their fifth column just as much as we do. And yes, I do believe this entire shitefest is a fifth column and a diabolical intersection of nefarious imperatives of more than a few of very dishonest people.


    • #

      In logic it’s called the argumentum ad baculum: the appeal to force, and is the ultimate fallacy. “If you don’t agree with me I’ll beat you over the head, or something just as nasty!”
      The ad hominems have failed, the cherry picking has failed, the circular augments have failed, the endless “say so’s” have failed, etc. All that’s left is the ad baculum.


    • #

      Meanwhile in the Politically Correct news the Marshall Islanders say they already feel the impacts of climate change because they are getting floods and droughts at the same time (yes, you read that correctly…):

      Those flooding droughts … so difficult to deal with.


      • #

        Those flooding droughts … so difficult to deal with.

        This reminds me of probably one of the best board games I have ever played, the Australian game Squatter, where you are literally playing for sheep stations. (image at this link)

        There is one small irony though. You could be in either localised drought which only affects your property, or even in general drought, which affects all properties, or your bore dries up, and then you can land on the square where you have to pay $1000 for flood damage.

        It really is one of the best board games out there if you’re looking for a Christmas present for children, and don’t get me wrong here, because it’s an even better game for adults, but I suppose it’s a bit of an anachronistic novelty these days, a board game, but once you play, you’ll see what I mean. Makes Monopoly look like tiddlywinks by comparison.



        • #
          Rod Stuart

          Which country copied who?
          Rare 1982 – The Grain Growin Board Game – made by Morris Dorosh – Game of chance and luck, risk and guts just like real grain growing in western Canada.
          One was listed on ebay recently. I still have one.


          • #

            Squatter was first released in 1962, and I distinctly remember playing it long before I joined the Royal Australian Air Force in January 1967.



            • #

              since this is so off topic I don’t feel guilty. Board games, driven mainly but not exclusively by Germans, have had a huge renaissance. They are really really good – some are simple and some complex. Start with Carcassonne (technically a tile game) so you get yourself some meeple. I bet you’d like Ticket to Ride (Zug um zug). Choosing just about any of the winners from this list and go to for reviews.

              btw I still have Squatter and preferred it over monopoly but the newer games hold more interest across the family. I think it is that they generally target the 30minutes to 2 hours time gap and the older games just took too long.


              • #

                Huh Gee, never would have taken you for an old time gamer.

                Still have my box of this board game Luftwaffe from Avalon Hill mid 70’s. Great game, as were a couple of the tank battle games as well. Like multi level chess at times.

                My brother in law and I used to play for days at times whenever I was home on leave. Never got tired of it.



              • #
                James Bradley

                I was quite good at full body contact chess.


              • #
                Graeme No.3

                Since this is the Off Topic corner I mention that I’ve just got a bottle of Leaning Church Tasmanian Pinot. Its back label describes it as “The Malcom Turnbull of wines. Dressed to impress, oozing confidence, determined to lead and ready way before its time!”

                I’ll let readers know if it is all its cracked up to be, and whether it is worth keeping.


              • #

                It didn’t start out that way … my link was vaguely on topic… for a change.


              • #
                Gee Aye


                Cool never seen that one. You’ve got to credit board game geek for being true to its name. I now know a hell of a lot about the game from this page

                You have grand children… Seriously consider getting a new game and work out how to play it together.


              • #

                I got hold of Luftwaffe, and my Brother-in-law got hold of Panzerblitz, the tank game, and we’d alternate playing each one. He usually won the tank one, and I the Luftwaffe. He was a very good tactical German defender, oddly the side he always preferred to play, with both games.

                The thing about both games was that either side could win the same game, as there were levels of winning and I cannot recall ever having a convincing win.

                There was quite literally more put into the prep than the actual playing of the game. So much planning.

                Great games.

                Have played Carcassonne, which is okay, I suppose, but I miss playing those two war games.



  • #

    Their logic is so twisted. So a company sacks an employee who is a skeptic for writing a book. Yet companies all over the world are employing countless employees to mine, process, transport and burn coal, and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future regardless of the global warming scare. So why don’t those companies sack them too? After all burning coal is far more significant than writing a book. Is it because they are skeptical too? Of course they are otherwise if they believed it’s so critical they would be stopping the use of coal right now, not in years or decades to come. After all the alarmists keep telling us that it may already be too late. Who is telling the truth? Of course we know who. So the person who sacked that employee should be sacked instead. No questions asked. I hope the sacked employee takes the company to court. It would make a good case study.


    • #

      … burning coal is far more significant than writing a book …


      Of course generating atmospheric CO2 is physically significant, but dissent from someone with MSM credibility and a very large audience threatens the element the activists are most proud of – convincing a gullible, scientifically illiterate, mathematically innumerate public of the dangers of burning CO2

      It’s the publicity that is the core of the fight. Science per se is simply unimportant now. Why do actors like DiCaprio become involved ? The publicity of course. Verdier threatened that in the perception of powerful activists and politicians


      • #

        I agree. That’s why as far as I’m concerned we’ve already lost the battle. Look at what Obama and the Pope are saying. I know that Turnbull would love to join them on the world stage but is treading carefully for now. Common sense and real science is out the window now. The only battle we can have some chance to win is in the courts but I do understand that has its problems. The only other ray of hope is for the majority of scientists to agree together and publicly announce the truth, but then again I can’t see that happening – there’s simply too much money and careers at stake. In fact they are the root cause of the whole scam. They are cowards and have reduced secular science to levels far worse than organized crime – at least the latter are more honest about their extortion of money.


        • #
          Rick Bradford

          I think we’ve won the battle.

          If you look at the ‘pledges’ aka the Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs), it is clear that none of the major players is going to do anything counter to its own national interests.

          I particularly like the creative use of the LULUCF (look it up) to avoid taking any serious action.

          We’ve lost the cultural and PR battle, sure, but that was evident long ago. In practical terms, however, we’ve won.

          COP21 Paris will duly be announced in grandiose terms as a huge global success, but will achieve nothing and change nothing.


          • #
            Greg Cavanagh

            For the short term the world is taking on Climate Change (aka Global Warming) with both hands. In the long term, it is untenable and will eventually collapse. I suspect the world will be a very different place by then too, like US being awarded third world status while China and India power ahead.


          • #

            We’ve lost the cultural and PR battle, sure, but that was evident long ago. In practical terms, however, we’ve won.

            Too premature. If we have won then there would be no need for this site, and many other like it! Yes, we probably will win eventually but we are far from that day of victory. When I say “we” I’m referring to the Western and European nations. It appears countries like Russian and China already recognise that the AGW scare is a scam. It’s both sad and ironic that the West and Europe are on the wrong side this time around of such an important issue. I wonder what we will say if this lead to a world war if Russia and China refused the demands of the UN to act on climate change (not saying it will – just a hypothetical). What would skeptics like ourselves do then?


            • #
              Rereke Whakaaro


              Most countries have already decided on their “contributions” to COP21, and all of them that I am aware of, are based on the question, “what is the minimum we can get away with?”

              In fact it is becoming a negative auction, to see who can underbid their “rivals”. No politician wants to go down in history, as being the idiot who gave their economy away.


            • #
              Rereke Whakaaro

              And, as an addendum: This site is actually about science. This thread, which is about the political interferrence with science, is actually an aberation.


              • #

                This thread, which is about the political interferrence with science, is actually an aberation.

                Bravo Rereke! Nailed.
                PS, whip that spellchecker into line


          • #

            Rick Bradford
            You may be right about Paris in general, but for Australia, Hunt and Turnbull will quietly sneak in trading or a precursor.


            • #

              Well yes…the irony was One World Govt Rhodes Scholar Abbott was “sacked” to be replaced by a One World Govt Rhodes Scholar Turnbull.

              As I’ve said numerous times, the players change, but as the whole game is rigged ad infinitum – the globalist agenda stays the same……

              Now ask yourself this – who actually controls which candidates are fielded at the so-called “elections” we have in Oz? And why is it that with every election we still get the same people sympathetic to CAGW and other similar odious globalist agendas?

              John Howard is a Socialist – he brought in the Socialist dream of gun control. Turnbull is about as left wing “progressive” as you could be without actually showing is Labor party membership card….they have different “wrappers” but underneath they are all red…

              Thoughts welcome…..


        • #
          John Robertson

          “We’ve lost the cultural and PR battle..”
          Not really, for exactly as predicted the UN is now claiming to have prevented the doom bringing temperature rise of 4-5C, thanks to their great effort it will only be 1-3C.
          The glibbering climb down has begun.
          Caught lying, they are now claiming to have solved the problem that only they could model.
          Sure is easy to solve a nonexistent problem.


      • #

        Antarctica gains enough ice each year to bury Rhode Island 85 feet deep–NASA satellite data, last week:


      • #

        If it hadn’t been for the “Treatment”that he has been given,most of the world probably wouldn’t know about his book. Once again the “Left Wing Looneys”shoot themselves in the foot.They just never learn.


  • #

    Je suis Philippe? (Or Phillippe, or Phillipe as he is also referred to?)

    Sorry, yes, c’est Phillippe. J’ai fait réparer. Jo


  • #

    How embarrassing for the French! How comedic. Their top and publicly trusted weatherman says it is politics, not science. Even though he is not a skeptic, like Lomborg, he had to be silenced but management have now turned him into a martyr to free speech. Surely they could have waited a month or two? With 100,000+ people jetting in for a conference on not flying, the stakes could not be higher or the timing worse.

    Just when they have manufactured a hot spot, argued that antarctica is actually melting despite the record ice, sold the lack of warming as a ‘pause’ and disposed of two pesky Prime Ministers, a single French weatherman is a big problem in France itself. Worse, he has the trust of five million French people. The minister will be furious. Climate chaos indeed.


    • #

      “How comedic. Their top and publicly trusted weatherman says it is politics, not science…” so they immediately sack him PROVING it is politics not science!

      Shall we now try for the other foot?


      • #

        Yes but the sheep wont notice it…..not unless we specifically point it out…

        Australia – where the top rating tv show is “Home and Away” …..*cringe*


    • #

      Maybe they will arrange for Verdier to be publicly flogged at the opening of the Pariusite Conference? Seems to be where they are heading politically.


  • #
    Random Comment

    Someone needs to ask each of Greg Hunt, Mark Butler and Richard Di Natale (or equivalent politicians in other countries) if questioning CAGW constitutes reasonable grounds for dismissal. Then the union covering journalists could also be asked the same question before referring to legal counsel for an opinion.


    • #

      It doesn’t matter what a few third rate pollies think, it’s what the other sceptical meteorologists think that matters.

      Jo asks above, how many other sceptical meteorologists will be intimidated by this. Might I suggest, statistically, all of them.


  • #
    Alle Auverte

    It is less than a year since the French President was defending freedom of speech to gratuitously offend followers of a world religion with comic nonsense yet sacks a journalist for speaking the truth. What has he got to hide ?
    We are Philippe !


  • #

    Liberte ……….. Freedom is just another word for delusional peasants to stop them from revolution.
    Egalite ……….. Some pigs have more equality than others and can therefore get longer at the trough
    Fraternite …….. Brotherhood only applies to the brothers on the left.

    J,accuse!!! A disgusting betrayal of all that France is supposed to stand for ,someday this merde will come back to haunt tous les cons.
    This is all quite vomit inducing.


  • #
    Bob Malloy

    Viva la Liberté


  • #
    Roby the French

    Dear all,

    You need to know that Philippe has been sacked from a French public (government owned) channel (something like PBS in the US).

    Roby the French.


  • #

    As I posted in another thread..

    “If you strike me down, and I will become more powerful than you can possibly imagine”

    Obi-Wan Kenobi.


    Phillipe now has carte blanche to go after them hammer and tongs..

    Hammer them Phillipe !!!!


  • #

    I’d like to see a psychological study done on warmists and their interactions with general society.

    I’ll predict the high percentage of disproportionately aggressive responses to everyday minor inconveniences occurring with driving, customer service, work relations, shopping, sports, people, breathing etc..

    Imagine in a court of law “You are charged with the shooting murder of your work college, how do you plead?”, “Not guilty your honour, anyone that argues against the science is an enemy, and therefore an enemy of the science and supporter of denialism, I rest my case.”


    • #

      I disagree.
      I think they will prove to be utterly unethical money grubbers who would sell out the world’s prosperity for a paycheck.


      • #

        You are missing the point.

        Social Justice or Marxism or whatever you want to call it is a cover that allows people to lie to themselves as they do socially unacceptable and even criminal things in the name of ‘The Greater Good.’ This ability to lie to oneself is what makes this so very very dangerous. It makes the monstrous acceptable to not only our conscience by to others who would otherwise see us as unethical or criminal.

        For example ex-senator Timothy Wirth is the guy who intentionally LIED to the US Senate when he organized the 1988 Senate hearing at which James Hansen addressed global warming. Wirth led the U.S. negotiating team at the Kyoto Summit. He is president of the United Nations Foundation and now states “We’ve got to ride this global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic and environmental policy.”

        So raising energy prices to a level that UK pensioners die from fuel poverty and corporations leave countries with good enviornmental regs removing jobs is “..the right thing in terms of economic and environmental policy.” I doubt the Chinese dealing with their poisoned rivers, lakes, and farmland and trying to breath their poisoned air would agree.

        Envy/Hatred of the Good for Being the Good

        Today, we live in the Age of Envy.

        “Envy” is not the emotion I have in mind, but it is the clearest manifestation of an emotion that has remained nameless; it is the only element of a complex emotional sum that men have permitted themselves to identify.

        Envy is regarded by most people as a petty, superficial emotion and, therefore, it serves as a semihuman cover for so inhuman an emotion that those who feel it seldom dare admit it even to themselves. . . . That emotion is: hatred of the good for being the good.

        This hatred is not resentment against some prescribed view of the good with which one does not agree. . . . Hatred of the good for being the good means hatred of that which one regards as good by one’s own (conscious or subconscious) judgment. It means hatred of a person for possessing a value or virtue one regards as desirable.

        If a child wants to get good grades in school, but is unable or unwilling to achieve them and begins to hate the children who do, that is hatred of the good. If a man regards intelligence as a value, but is troubled by self-doubt and begins to hate the men he judges to be intelligent, that is hatred of the good.

        The nature of the particular values a man chooses to hold is not the primary factor in this issue (although irrational values may contribute a great deal to the formation of that emotion). The primary factor and distinguishing characteristic is an emotional mechanism set in reverse: a response of hatred, not toward human vices, but toward human virtues….


        • #
          Lawrie Ayres


          You may well be onto something. The absolute, blinding hatred by the Australian media, particularly the ABC and Fairfax, of Tony Abbott is a perfect example. No utterance, no action was in any way normal but should be criticised and lampooned. These leftists were sick with envy of a very good man who posed real threats to their own agendas. That is why the very same media is so fulsome in their support of Turnbull who is more in keeping with them, basically populist and morally weak.


        • #

          At the heart of this is that there are a plethora of vain but not that bright people. They don’t have to follow basic morals if they are clever.


        • #

          In a Christian society, the end is moderated by a moral code.

          In Socialism, the ends justify the means, which means in effect they have no moral code, or , Socialists are Nhilists.

          Either way, just keep in mind what the russian communists did to the family of the Tsar of Russia if you want to keep their behaviour in perspective…and gulags…and mass starvation….and secret police…etc


      • #

        Most of them already have.


  • #

    Is that ANY of the alarmista troll that thinks this is OK ??????

    Do you have the GUTS to say so !

    A truly LOATHSOME episode in the AGW SCAM !!!!!!


    • #

      Perhaps the rabid red thumber would like to try to justify this action?


      • #


        NO – these nondescripts hide behind their red thumbs very smug even though WE know they can’t support their use of a redthumb.

        I say ANYONE who uses a red thumb WITHOUT justifying it’s use to all of us is just gutless!!

        In other words, they have no CAJONES and are just ignorant.

        Prove otherwise “red thumber/s”



      • #

        Bill, the ‘rabid red chamber’ never justify themselves. They preach. “quiet in conscience and calm in their right” (to paraphrase the words of a song), and any dissension is heresy. You can’t debate with a red traffic light.


        • #

          But we could “hope” that one might actually try to come up with something intelligent to add to the discussion, a faint hope I know.


  • #
    el gordo

    ‘France Televisions said it could not comment on individual decisions but added that its rules ‘prevent anyone using their professional status … to push forward their personal opinions.’

    ‘The book has been criticised by former president Nicolas Sarkozy and ex-environment minister Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet.’

    Sky News


    • #

      So what do they say about the Minister’s instructions to talk climate chaos? Isn’t that using his professional position to push his personal interests? Having needlessly created a martyr, France television will see that Phillipe has even more credibility. This has happened before.


    • #

      ‘France Televisions said it could not comment on individual decisions but added that its rules ‘prevent anyone using their professional status … to push forward their personal opinions.’

      If an exterminator inspects a building and reports “there are termites and they must be destroyed”, he is not giving a personal opinion…
      it’s a professional opinion.


      • #
        Another Graeme

        he is not giving a personal opinion it’s a professional opinion

        That’s an important distinction Mike. While being ignorant of French law, I wonder if there is grounds for unfair dismissal. Would be hilariously ironic if he had to prove his position in court. Fights for job, saves the world. 😀


    • #
      Lawrie Ayres

      I suspect that for Sarkozy and his environmental minister to have endorsed the book would immediately confirm that they themselves had misled the French people and caused them unnecessary expenditure.


  • #

    Tim Blair has some seriously funny comments (this one from Bill Maher)

    “Halloween is supposed to be politically incorrect,”

    “That’s why we say ‘trick or treat’ instead of ‘placate and coddle’.”


  • #

    to Joanne

    PHILIPPE VERDIER – the only correct way to name him 😉

    Noted. Thanks! Fixed. Jo


  • #

    el gordo –

    I would have thought Sarkozy would have more serious matters on his mind at present, tho I guess calling CAGW into question in any way is as serious as it gets given the trillions of dollars involved:

    1 Nov: UK Daily Mail: Ex-French president Nicolas Sarkozy’s mobile phones are seized and examined by judges probing £35m cocaine smuggling ring


  • #

    btw can’t recall anyone posting this:

    31 Oct: New American: William F. Jasper: STEALTH AGENDA: New UN Tribunal to Judge US for “Climate Debt”
    The official draft text of the climate treaty for the soon-to-start UN Climate Summit in Paris proposes to establish a global Supreme Court that would rule on issues such as “climate justice,” “climate finance,” “technology transfers,” and “climate debt.”
    Tucked away on page 19 of the 34-page document is the call for establishing an International Tribunal of Climate Justice. The text, which is still heavily bracketed with text that hasn’t been completely resolved and agreed upon, reads:
    “An International Tribunal of Climate Justice as][A] [compliance mechanism] is hereby established to address cases of non-compliance of the commitments of developed country Parties on mitigation, adaptation, [provision of] finance, technology development and transfer [and][,] capacity-building[,] and transparency of action and support, including through the development of an indicative list of consequences, taking into account the cause, type, degree and frequency of non-compliance.”
    Courting Climate Tyranny
    With all of the world’s politically correct politicians and all of the world’s “progressive” journalistas and Big Media commentariat daily hyperventilating over the ever-growing list of alleged threats and catastrophes caused by global warming, it might be expected that there would be some mention of this planned environmental judicial system for the planet. However, since the text was released on October 20, there has been a virtual blackout in the major media regarding this revolutionary development…READ ON


  • #

    covered here as well:

    1 Nov: WND: Leo Hohmann: U.N. planning court to judge U.S. for ‘climate justice’
    Stealth agenda to issue rulings on debt, finance, tech transfers


  • #
    Gee Aye

    Paul Ehrlich is quite mad


  • #

    btw Dave posted this in Unthreaded, but i find it hilarious BMW/MINI/Rolls-Royce are listed at the top as the Headline Partner! the French COP21 organisers obviously love irony:

    COP21 Paris: Sponsors and Partners
    Headline Partner
    BMW i
    With its three brands BMW, MINI and Rolls-Royce, the BMW Group is the world’s leading premium manufacturer of automobiles and motorcycles and also provides premium financial and mobility services…


  • #
    Robert O

    It’s really an example of extreme political correctness and will probably backfire due to the high profile of M. Verdier. We have had several instances here, but can you imagine anyone getting ahead in BOM or CSIRO if they overtly espouse a skeptical stance to AGW?

    And look at the research effort by the Antarctic Divison trying to prove that the ice is melting, the oceans are warming and sea levels are rising.

    I guess that Minister Hunt will check the bona fides of the bureaucrats he takes to Paris as well. Kevin 07 took a hundred odd to Copenhagen and I guess most of them are still floating around in Canberra.


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    jo links to The Australian’s “French weatherman Philippe Verdier sacked for being a climate sceptic” which is apparently The Times/Adam Sage piece which I posted as a google result (subscription was required) on the Unthreaded thread earlier today.

    in google, it is listed as being a blog:

    “The Australian (blog)-7 hours ago”

    so I wonder if it will be published in the newspaper itself.

    from the comments:

    Tim 7 hours ago
    “Evil happens when good people do nothing. His sacking is evil. I doubt this will be on the ABC or SBS tonight. Does not suit . Not A1 theory with that lot. Or in Fairfax tomorrow or The Saturday paper or The Guardian. It represents a very inconvenient truth for all of the afore mentioned media outlets who bang on about truth and independence but are now all suffering from the most suffocating group think.”

    well, do a Philippe Verdier google search now and click “news”. whether or not u then refine it to news for the past 24 hours, all English language reports have been disappeared, except for The Australian one above. that goes for the France24 link, the English Sputnik News link which I posted on Unthreaded (tho I did see a French Sputnik link somewhere in the results).
    also disappeared is the Times result – which was:

    Weatherman films his own sacking in climate row
    The Times (subscription) Philippe Verdier, arguably France’s most famous weatherman, took to the internet to read a letter from the state broadcaster informing him of his dismissal.

    Bing has The Australian and France 24 in News results, nothing else in English.

    google’s Verdier news results for the past 24 hours has probably a couple of hundred results, but almost all of them are generic Le Parisien links which aren’t stories about Verdier’s sacking at all.

    the MSM is monolithic and toxic.
    Thanks Pat. I shall find that link. Belated h/t a few minutes ago to you and James. – Jo


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    The “Black Swan” appears yet again in the climate wars, tearing up the agenda of all and sundry with it’s totally unexpected appearance.

    All Swans were white and always had been. There was never any deviation or alternative’s in the white coloration ever found in the known world’s Swan population since time immemorial.

    That is until the totally unexpected and utterly impossible appearance of Western Australia’s Black Swans thereby upsetting and destroying all the previous hard held beliefs that ALL Swans were white without any exceptions whatsoever.

    Like Climate Gate, the work of probably just one person which did enormous damage to the total veracity of the claimed climate science underpinning the Copenhagen Conference, another single individual, another lone skeptic has perhaps created another totally unexpected Black Swan event that history may eventually judge to be the key event that did the most damage to an already deeply troubled IPCC, 21st Conference Of Parties to be held in Paris beginning at the end of this month.

    This time, unlike Climate Gate and Copenhagen, it is not about the very dubious science and the total arrogance of the small group of highly dishonest and manipulative climate scientists who thought and believed they controlled and directed the way in which the populace and the political apparatchiks would act and conform to their own personal beliefs.
    That along with the revealing of a whole gamut of highly cynical power plays using their personal scientific credentials to provide a veneer of respectability to their manipulative drive for complete domination of climate science and the political forces involved in keeping that domination intact did immense damage to the entire Copenhagen process let alone the long term damage to the science that supposedly underpinned the aims of the Copenhagen conference.

    This time the lid has been lifted on the political power play in a major global nation and the extremely arrogant and utter imbecility of those powerful political and MSM figures who still believe they can cynically use the climate science debacle to further their own personal beliefs and impose their own utterly corrupt personal lust for power and domination onto a global populace.

    The elite political strata of France and of Europe are now staring at a frightening scenario from their perspective, where they suddenly lose ALL of their credibility with the global populace along with their entire personal influence in global affairs if the entire suite of supposed reasons behind the Paris COP are exposed as a gigantic fraud in just about every single aspect.

    Paris was going to be the show piece that once again established the European political elite as one of the leading global groups of an innovative leadership that was going to not just create a resurgence and fundamental change in the view of the global nations that Europe was not just a fast fading global power but it was still a vital and highly innovative global power led by a new breed of a visionary European leadership that could foresee vast problems ahead for the Earth unless their views were to become the basis for a complete restructure of the global political system, a “new” global political system created and driven and led, naturally, by the same elite and visionary European leadership.

    With all those competitors from every other power bloc also seeing themselves as worthy leaders of a changing world and the usual hair trigger global politics in play, once tainted by even the slightest whiff of public scandal or a public revealing of the usual cynical manipulation of the public discourse, all such international political ladder climbing by a European and French political elite would come to a grinding, shuddering halt .

    Followed by a deal of sniggering amongst the rest of the global political elite at the stupidity of the Europeans and French in believing that an increasingly corpse like EU could ever have the gall to think of itself as once again a leader of the World’s nations.

    Phillipe Verdier has just very publicly wedged the French and European political elite leadership in a way which for them there is no escape.
    And they weren’t even smart enough to take the minimalist damage course of letting him let off some steam and then in the usual French fashion just shutting down most French and European MSM mentions of his views and book.

    Nope! They very publicly fired him thereby indicating they have absolutely no tolerance for any views except those that support and reinforce those of the French and European political elite who are now seen as wanting to forcibly impose those elitist views onto both the European and the global peoples.

    By their actions they have telegraphed that they are prepared to be ruthless in imposing their own personal views and their own corrupt moralistic beliefs and ideologies onto the global peoples through the Paris COP21.

    Everywhere in the offices and small highly select clubs of the global power players, there will be an assessing or reassessing of the motives and aims of those who are promoting Paris as the ultimate end play leading to a restructuring of the global power structures supposedly in the name of saving the planet.

    And the thinking no doubt in many quarters will be coming around to a very politically orientated ,” With that arrogant, incompetent French and European mob around, no bloody way are they going to have any say over what we do while I’m still around” viewpoint from many political elites in many of the world’s nations.

    Is “Phillipe Verdier” THE Black swan event of the Paris COP21?

    Maybe or maybe not but we will wait and see just what might turn up within the next couple of weeks.
    And it could be devastating to the whole warmist cult ideology and beliefs and leave Paris as little more than a very expensive love fest.


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      Peter C

      I hope that you are right ROM.

      This was amusing;

      …..the stupidity of the ….French in believing that an increasingly corpse like EU could ever have the gall (Gaul) to think of itself as once again a leader of the World’s nations.


    • #

      Great comment ROM



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    James Murphy

    As I happen to live in France, and Monday mornings are usually relatively slow to start, the conversation turned to M. Verdier (after I had been told how terrible Australia is at Rugby).

    I work with (mostly French) engineers and scientists (geophysicists and geologists, like myself) – in the ‘evil’ oil industry, and the opinions range from “disinterested but generally annoyed by the sacking”, to shocked, and very annoyed by the sacking.

    a few points which came up:
    – Will he fight the dismissal? (as I’ve mentioned, it could be a protracted legal battle if he hasn’t broken his contract in some way)
    – What reasons did France 2 give for his dismissal?
    – Why should someone get fired for publishing a book?
    – Given that he works in the media, he probably knew exactly what would happen to him, and he timed it well, for book sales, and to raise awareness of the AGW financial scam.


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    this has gone up 6 minutes ago:

    2 Nov: RT: French weatherman Verdier ‘sacked’ for writing skeptic climate change book ahead of UN summit
    A famous French weatherman has broadcast the news of his sacking in an online video, saying he was fired for writing a book challenging climate change. It comes just weeks before Paris is set to host a UN conference on the controversial topic.
    Philippe Verdier, arguably France’s most popular weatherman, is the author of the book ‘Climat Investigation’ (Climate Investigation), in which he accuses state-funded climate change scientists of having been “manipulated” and “politicized.” He goes on to accuse the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) of publishing deliberately misleading data.
    Verdier also says that global warming could be a positive thing for France, boosting tourism, reducing energy bills, and improving health.
    The weatherman said he was inspired to write the book after French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius met with TV meteorologists and asked them to highlight climate change issues in their broadcasts
    Tweet by “Free Australian”:
    French weatherman Philippe Verdier sacked for being a climate sceptic #auspol they don’t like the truth (links to The Australian)…
    Tweet by Garth Godsman:
    Garth Godsman ‎@GarthGodsman
    The New Religion will tolerate no dissent (links to The Australian)
    Tweet by Ross Cameron:
    Never get between a Socialist President and a Climate Change Conference. French weatherman Philippe Verdier sacked (links to The Australian)
    Verdier’s supporters believe he has fallen victim to French President Francois Hollande’s campaign to present a united front before the much anticipated conference…
    More than 15,000 people have signed a petition in support of Verdier, including 10 opposition MPs. The politicians said he had “enriched the debate and helped to make democracy live.”


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    James Murphy –

    perhaps this partly answers your question…or not. poor google translation. Schneidermann is a CAGW believer, judging by the rest of his piece:

    1 Nov: Liberation: Daniel Schneidermann: Climatosceptiques: martyr
    The dismissal of Philippe Verdier, head of France 2 weather, could produce a Streisand effect : increase the impact of any message that attempts to censor.
    There was an error not to commit. Only one. And everything indicates that the management of France Televisions is now committing : dismiss Philippe Verdier, head of France 2 Weather Service for climate scepticism offense…
    He thinks that there is a great plot, but did not really exposed the perpetrators.
    ***As delusional as is the whole episode, France Televisions will be very difficult to find a legal reason to possible dismissal of Philippe Verdier. Labour law does not require it to take note of the scientific consensus on global warming .
    If denial is a criminal offense, this is not the case with climate scepticism. As it is likely that the group has qualified lawyers, he probably knows, and if he still preferred this solution then is for reasons other than legal…
    The law, however, is not everything . This is another reason that the dismissal of Philippe Verdier would be a mistake .
    The management of France Televisions has perhaps never heard of the Streisand effect, the Internet law that instantly multiplies the impact of any message that there are attempts to censor. A dismissal would instantly access the climate sceptic presenter the status of martyr…


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      Roy Hogue


      Auto translation, as usual, leaves much to be desired, in this case clarity as to the intent and meaning of the article you linked. There are so many grammatical errors that I dropped it after a paragraph or two. 🙁

      Whatzitsay? 😉


  • #

    can’t recall this getting posted.
    ***so very, very funny:

    1 Nov: SMH: Peter Hannam: CSIRO team’s study erodes credibility of key soil carbon model
    AUSTRALIA’S method of measuring how much carbon is being stored in its soil is flawed, undermining the credibility of government programs to pay farmers to sequester the climate change inducing element, a new study by CSIRO researchers has found.
    The Carbon Farming Initiative begun by the Gillard government and the Abbott-Turnbull government’s Direct Action climate policy have spent millions of dollars to encourage farmers to boost carbon levels in their soils to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase the productivity of the land.
    However, the model used in Australia and elsewhere in the world to calculate carbon storage fails to account for soil and wind erosion, which means the carbon sink is as much as 17 per cent over-estimated over a century, according to the peer-reviewed research published last week in Nature Climate Change…
    Some farmers, for instance, may see no detectable increase in the carbon being stored even though they follow standard practices because their soil is being eroded, and the carbon is ending up elsewhere…
    Likewise, farmers downwind or in valleys may inadvertently be rewarded for carbon washed or blown on to their land…
    The report comes just days before the Turnbull government is due to hold its second auction under the $2.55 billion Emissions Reduction Fund.
    Sequestration projects such as carbon farming accounted for 28 million tonnes of the 47 million tonnes of abatement during the first auction. The payout for all winning bids totalled $660 million.
    A second auction is due to be held on November 4-5, with carbon farming again likely to feature prominently among the bids.
    A spokesman for Environment Minister Greg Hunt said the government was confident in the integrity of its modelling.
    ***”Our soil carbon methodologies are world leading and have been verified and endorsed by the [Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change],” he said. “This occurred as recently as September.”…


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      el gordo

      ‘…farmers downwind or in valleys may inadvertently be rewarded for carbon washed or blown on to their land…’

      I’m flabbergasted.


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    lemiere jacques

    verdier is not a climate skeptic he is a climate policy skeptic…


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      Roy Hogue

      verdier is not a climate skeptic he is a climate policy skeptic…

      That seems to be a distinction without a difference. He’s out of a job one way or the other just for writing a book expressing his opinion about the climate change scare.


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      We are aware of that. Too bad the French government was not before they shot themselves in the foot over a guy who was on their side.

      It is like the Aussie Universities shooting themselves in the foot over a warmist economist because he did not recite chapter and verse perfectly.

      Both of these guys take CAGW as given and question the politics and therefore get shot at. Absolutely NO deviation from the Gospel of The Climate Religion is allowed showing it is NOT a science but a religion to even the dumbest readers.


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        … to even the dumbest readers

        Which is exactly why the Aus MSM (with a minor exception in the low circulation Australian) refuse point blank to publish or report the story

        Again, it’s the publicity, the propaganda, that counts most. If it remains unpublished and unreported, the vast majority of the population remain unaware that it has happened … so by extension, it DIDN’T happen

        Climategate was treated in exactly this fashion. It worked, too, as most of the population still have no idea whatsoever about Climategate


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    Very O/T but here in Europe we are reading about a power blackout in South Australia caused by a failure if the link to Victoria and the fact the wind wasn’t blowing enough to make up the for the loss.

    If that is correct then it shows just how reliable wind energy isn’t especially when it comes to supplying base load.

    Anyone there care to comment?


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    Alarmists will not allow fact,
    To scupper a climate-change pact,
    As they aim to bulldoze,
    Through all who oppose,
    As with skeptics suspended and sacked.


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      Roy Hogue

      Where do you come up with all these limericks, Ruairi? I wish I could do half as good a job at it.

      Even simple poetry like the limerick mostly escapes me and I’m jealous. 😉


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        Thanks Roy,
        I think a good tip would be to have some idea of the exit line,before getting too entangled in the first two lines.


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    Philippe Verdier meet Professor Murry Salby. You have something in common.


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    Roy Hogue

    Let us hope that the highly visible firing of a popular weatherman will have repercussions all over France, if for no other reason than to be some small compensation for what was done to him.

    Having lost several jobs when the software industry suffered bad setbacks and whole facilities were closed and contracts were canceled, I know what being unemployed in a specialized field, is all about. He’s paying a dear price I’m afraid.

    In the larger picture maybe the bravery of someone willing to stick his neck out will have an even larger impact.

    Phillippe Verdier is an outstanding man. I only hope in the long run he will be rewarded for his bravery. — Joanne Nova

    Add my voice to that, Jo.


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    Richard Ilfeld

    When puzzling over this, here’s an odd thought:
    A serious majority of those flogging climate change as an issues live their lives unexposed to the climate. An air conditioned/heated residence, car, office, and arena. Urban covered walks in rainy climates, heated tunnels in cold ones. Trees live in containers, flowers in window boxes, food is processed & packaged, etc.

    I admit to a relatively urban address, but have the good fortune to live on the water – tides are important as is “sea level”. Two or three times a week I eat something fresh from the garden, Papayas and bananas, and some peppers happen to be ripe now. In cool years the we get peaches and pecans, in hot years the Macadamia & pomegranate do well. Some of my neighbors were so in love with nature that they cited me for an unkempt yard — they didn’t appreciate container gardening and my “shrubs” weren’t properly trimmed. The county had the decency to inform them that all food growing plants are protected. For now. I suppose they thought the things hanging from the trees were left over Christmas decorations.

    Seriously, tho, it’s problem when folks with no experience of something undertake to regulate it. Come to think of it, maybe that’s a general principle of progressive government. Or maybe just government. Hmmm/


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      Richard you should have seen Guide to Good Farming Practices: “This draft guide to good farming practices for animal production food safety was taken from the Report of the Meeting of the OIE Terrestrial Animal Health Standards Commission” (Paris, 17-28 January 2005) It was written by a bunch of bureaucrats using the FDA ‘Good Manufacturing Practices’ for drug production as a template. (I am very familiar with the FDA GMP.)

      now dead link:

      For a livestock farmer it was jaw dropping. Who the heck keeps records of the hay and grain fed to their animals? How in Hades do you keep samples of all that feed without it developing insects, mold and bacteria? I did QC for years and kept batch samples as required by the FDA. I know exactly how much work and space all this entails.

      Also can you see demanding medical and professional records of everyone who sets foot on your farm? Heck we can not even get the College records of our President!
      Here is a bit of that Draft that I saved since it is not available on the net any more.

      Buildings and other farm facilities: surroundings and environmental control:
      These consist of pathogenic biological agents (e.g. certain species of Leptospira, Salmonella, Trichinella, Legionella, etc.), chemical agents (e.g. dioxins, pesticides, which can be a direct (air-borne or feed-borne) or indirect (notably via water and feedstuffs) source of contamination for animals. Problems can occur as a result of hazards found in the farm’s immediate surroundings or as a result of a failure to control the environment in livestock buildings

      To minimise hazards coming from the farm’s immediate surroundings the following steps should be taken:
      avoid conducting farming activities close to industrial plants likely to be a source of pollution waste incineration plant releasing dioxins, surface processing plant releasing solvents or heavy metals, etc.) or in an environment susceptible to air-borne pollution (e.g. near a road with heavy motor traffic – emissions of lead and hydrocarbons), soil pollution (former industrial site or site where dumping of toxic substances has taken place) or the proliferation of pests (e.g. open municipal rubbish tip);

      site farm buildings or other facilities (e.g. in the case of extensive husbandry) so that they are independent of private buildings (residential accommodation), sufficiently far away from areas where waste materials are stored, and so that access by visitors can be effectively controlled (direction signs or ‘access prohibited’ signs where necessary);

      site farm buildings or other facilities away from buildings on neighbouring farms that are used for purposes which could increase the risk of disease transfer;

      To minimise hazards arising from a failure to control the environment in livestock buildings such buildings should be designed as follows:

      adequate in size and correctly ventilated

      with a rational arrangement of the premises (separation of clean and soiled areas, absence of any intersection of production chains, separation of working areas and storage areas from animal production areas) – allowing animals to be dealt with in single groups (poultry, pigs) and newly arrived (quarantine) or sick animals (observation pen) to be satisfactorily isolated – allowing easy, complete and effective cleaning and disinfection

      correctly isolated from pests and from wild or stray animals, and from other domestic animals as appropriate….

      keeping the immediate surroundings clear and free from stagnant water and anywhere that could harbour pests, and arranged so as to allow easy disinfection of areas used by professional visitors (veterinarian, animal or feed deliverers, milk or egg collectors, carcass disposal agents, etc.)

      so as to make access difficult for unauthorised persons or vehicles (barriers, fences, signs)

      taking into account the risk of natural disasters (flooding, landslides, heat waves, prolonged freezing conditions, earthquake, etc.)

      using inert construction and surface materials that cannot be a potential source of contamination [This means no wood!] prohibit the use of lead paint)

      if necessary, seek the advice of the relevant competent authorities (e.g. Veterinary Services, Environmental Services, etc.).

      Grassland and pasture
      Carry out a risk assessment when livestock are put out to pasture outside the farm: in particular, ensure that the land where the animals are put out to pasture is not exposed to potential sources of chronic contamination (e.g. main road with heavy traffic, domestic waste incineration plant), is not polluted with chemical residues (e.g. pesticides, dioxins, heavy metals) at an unacceptable level and is not known to harbour animal pathogens (bacteria, e.g. anthrax spores; parasites, e.g. flukes);ensure that the fields surrounding the pasture are not sprayed with substances that have not been shown to be safe, and that the animals cannot have access to potentially contaminating material on the perimeter of the pasture (e.g. unauthorised dumping, stocks of herbicides, posts coated with aluminium paint);….

      Use of commercial feed

      Require that all the animal feed purchased is free of chemical residues and complies with regulatory requirements (obtain, if this is not stated on the label, a certificate guaranteeing that it complies with the regulations)

      check that the feed delivered is correctly labelled (manufacturer’s name, composition, manufacturing date, use-by date, instructions for use and precautionary measures to be followed, batch number, etc.) and that the packaging is intact and without any defect that might have affected the contents

      check the quality of the feed delivered in terms of provision for appearance (visual examination) and keep a written record of the results

      refuse, treat appropriately or destroy any feed presenting traces of contamination by mould – ensure that feed for ruminants is free from any trace of animal by-products prohibited by the regulations and eliminate any risk of accidental cross-contamination

      keep samples of purchased feed for any subsequent analytical testing should a problem of residues be identified at the farm production level….

      in the case of bulk feed, do not mix two batches of feed in the same container (separate hoppers) have the composition of the manufactured feed checked at least once a year (correct dosages of the various ingredients, presence of any contaminants)

      keep an up-to-date register of feed delivered and used (batch numbers and dates of use)….

      Manufacture of animal feed on the farm
      Check the quality of the raw materials delivered in terms of their appearance (visual examination, to rule out any risk of macroscopic contamination) and keep a record of the findings

      ensure that all the raw materials of plant origin used as ingredients for animal feed have been grown, stored and treated using validated procedures

      keep an up-to-date register of the raw materials delivered and used (batch numbers, dates used, batch numbers of the feed in which they were used). – store the raw materials in a clean area, protected from humidity and pests (insects and rodents) – eliminate raw materials presenting traces of contamination with mould

      comply with the recommendations regarding storage (in a safe place) and the use of additives and feed supplements (always follow the recommendations on the label regarding dosage and withdrawal periods)

      ensure uniform mixing of the different components

      eliminate any risk of cross-contamination, at all stages (production, storage and distribution) have clearly defined written procedures for these

      manufacture of feed, fixing precisely the formulation and production stages, and, in particular, making provision for mixers to be purged between the production of two types of feed with different ingredients

      regularly check and calibrate weighing machines

      plan corrective actions to be implemented in the event of a formulation error and actions to deal with substandard batches that might constitute a hazard

      keep, and file for as long as necessary, up-to-date manufacturing records specifying the dosage and batch number(s) of each of the raw materials used

      keep samples of manufactured feed for subsequent analytical testing should a problem of residues be identified at the farm production level

      set a use-by date for each batch of manufactured feed, taking into account the use-by dates of each of the ingredients and the packaging and storage conditions

      correctly label the sacks or hoppers containing the manufactured feed (date of manufacture, feed type, batch number, use-by date)

      Common measures for record keeping and traceability
      An identification and traceability system for animals, their feed and products leaving the farm can help:

      to identify the true source of a problem of contamination of products of animal origin

      to implement measures to eliminate, or at least limit, any harmful consequences (such as by the targeted withdrawal of the products in question). A complete and reliable system of recording procedures, actions and controls implemented on the farm can assist the genuine and effective control of the risks that primary production represents for food safety. It can also assist livestock owners to prove that they have fully carried out their public health responsibilities.

      Traceability of animals, animal feed

      For each animal or group of animals, require and keep all commercial and health documents enabling their exact itinerary to be traced from their farm or establishment of origin to their final destination (other farm or abattoir)

      establish a data-recording system that can be used to ascertain exactly which batches of commercial feed the farm’s livestock were fed with and what raw materials were used in feed manufactured on the farm and given to the animals. Keep samples of all the feed used

      Record keeping
      [from Section a) buildings and other facilities: surroundings and environmental control) – so as to make access difficult for unauthorised persons or vehicles (barriers, fences, signs)]

      Keep a record of all persons entering the farm: visitors, service staff and farm professionals (veterinarian, milk tester, inseminator, feed deliverer, carcass disposal agent, etc.)

      keep the medical certificates of persons working in contact with animals and any document certifying their qualifications and training….

      As one UK dairy farmer said (The last one left in his neighborhood) He spends 60% of his time doing paperwork not farming.


  • #

    Where is the Book available in Australia ?


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      David-of-Cooyal in Oz

      The only source I found was from Amazon UK, with just 3 copies. In French, and hard copy only. My French isn’t up to my reading that.
      Dave B


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    How they do overplay their hand.

    I was struck by the well known line,

    “Who will rid me of this troublesome priest?”

    France doesn’t realise it, but it is now owned lock, stock and wine barrel by the eco-totalitarians at the UN, and their minions at the UNEP, IPCC and the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs. These institutions together with all those that masquerade as UN defined ‘civil society’ have become so emboldened in their green MSM bubble that they believe their own propaganda. They are inexorably and fatally succumbing to their own excesses.

    The betray themselves at every turn.


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    doubting dave

    Whenever we look at survey results taken in western democracies like France, that ask what most concerns the populace, most results show manmade climate change at or near the bottom, most people don’t take much notice of the debate preferring to stay ignorant and concentrate on what they see as the important things in life like family and the economy. Phillippie Verdier is not just a weatherman he is a very popular tv personality and his sacking might just stir up enough curiosity amongst his legion of fans for them to actually take a cursory glance at the green crap and fake science thats behind his removal, at any rate lets hope it will work wonders for his book sales


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    Rico L

    I think one thing that will really kill this “alarming scare” is the availability of global information to the public. In days of old, we were regularly told of crisis in other countries by the press (newspapers, they were called), which we had to accept (or go on a plane to see for ourselves). Now anyone with a decent internet connection and a bit of a flare for search engines, can get a wealth of information (some good, some crud) and make their own mind up. However, we do tend to search out the info that confirms our original belief.

    It is much harder to bullshit the public now – and I do believe the AGW fraud will be a high profile victim of this at some point. It would be better if it happened sooner rather than later. For now it is just a massive hypocritical waste of time and money.

    If they hadn’t sacked him, nobody would know about his book. It would have been better for the TV channel to have ignored it completely, if they were true warmists.

    Maybe they sacked him to help push it into the public domain – double agents!!! Ha Ha – wishful thinking!

    This is the hottest post since records began!


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    Vlad the Impaler

    Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.”

    – A. Einstein


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      Bob Malloy

      Abbott should have chosen more wisely when first elected, then embraced the likes of Bob Carter. Then as the old saying goes, went full speed ahead and damn the torpedos and challenged the science with a series of public debates.

      If those who support CAGW boycotted the opportunity to debate, bad luck to them. In the end he let himself down as well as the nation by trying to be all things to all people and pleasing nobody.


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    Must have been a good book.

    Wish I could write a book good enough to be banned by leftists.

    France, the “queen” of socialism in Europe!

    They’ll fight a book.

    But not a war!


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    Labor leader and colleagues are touring Pacific Islands seeking information of the effects of climate change, Australian media have again failed to seek the truth:


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  • #

    Did this news run on the ABC? Wonder if any weatherman on the ABC would like to (be game to) express support for Philippe Verdier?


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    I see that most of the media is helping the Shorten con merchant spread his nonsense about dangerous SLR. But thanks to the OZ perhaps others will get a taste of the truth.


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    Boambee John


    Via smalldeadanimals:

    This looks like another attempt to sneak trans-national “enforcement” into a climate treaty.


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    THE BBC was yesterday accused of bias in its coverage of climate change after a senior MP was “ridiculed” for attempting to question the extent of global warming.

    Mr Lilley, who graduated with a degree in natural sciences at Cambridge University, said: “I’m a ‘lukewarmist’, one who thinks that there won’t be much warming as a result of it, and that’s the scientifically proven bit of the theory.

    Anything going on the alarmist scale is pure speculation.”

    Mr Lilley was horrified to discover that the BBC later placed “health warnings” on the programme’s website, and issued an apology for “giving voice to climate sceptics” and failing to “make clear that they are a minority, out of step with the scientific consensus.”



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    doubting dave

    Here is a video that sums up the reasons why Verdier and the rest of us find ourselves in the position that we are in and what we are up against,despite the fact that climate science is not mentioned in it. Probably because Sharyl Attisson worked for CBS channel, please watch all


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      Excellent. Thanks DD. I like the term’ astroturfing‘…describes the orchestrated myth of Klimate Khange™ elegantly.


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        doubting dave

        Thanks Manfred , i really need to add Sharyl to my little black book of female super heroines , alongside my mother,Jo Nova, DM Nurdock and Queen Boadicea , when it comes to being feisty , good looking ( well perhaps except for Boadicea )intelligent and brave and educational , whilst us men always tend to end up comparing sizes ( i prefer to use the new fangled decimal measurements rather than old imperial in that respect)do i really need a sarc tag


  • #

    Off topic but topical;

    Tony from Oz’s and many other skeptical critics long standing predictions on the utter futility and stupidity of promoting todays technology versions of renewable energy due to the short and completely uneconomic working life times of wind turbines[ and solar panels ]  is beginning to appear.

    And right on schedule to throw another small wrench, albeit another one amongst a whole avalanche of similar damaging wrenches, into the whole Parisian COP debacle right at a critical juncture of the Green dreams of a Paris agenda denominated global renewable energy scene.

    From the GWPF site;

    Green Subsidy Cuts Threaten Outdated Wind Farms

    Energy companies have warned that subsidy cuts will prevent them from replacing old wind farms as almost 1,000 turbines approach the end of their lives over the next decade.

    Turbines are designed to last 20-25 years, and increasing numbers will reach the end of their serviceable life during the next parliament. According to industry body RenewableUK, the UK has 924 turbines that have been operating since before 2004.

    The energy department insists it is committed to making green technologies “stand on their own two feet”, but developers have accused the government of making it economically unviable to improve existing sites.

    The industry refers to improvements as “repowering,” but advances in technology mean this often involves completely decommissioning and replacing old turbines, making costs comparable with new developments. Modern wind turbines are more than three times the height and provide 10 times more output than turbines from the mid-1990s.

    It was hoped that improving farms in prime locations would be a convenient way to increase energy capacity without building in new areas, but funding uncertainty is making companies reluctant to plan projects without government support.

    Since May the government has changed planning laws and cancelled access to the main subsidies for onshore wind, the first steps in a plan to completely phase out renewables subsidies. Rachel Ruffle, projects director for Western Europe at renewables company RES, said recent policy changes would be “fundamental” to decisions about the future of its old assets.

    “Repowering,” Ms Ruffle says, “clearly illustrates the need for long-term policymaking to deliver longer term investor confidence. Put simply, if the wwind farms that are reaching their lifespans during the 2020s and 2030s are not replaced it will serve to exacerbate the problem of the energy ‘gap’ the UK currently faces.”

    Last month, infrastructure group John Laing purchased the biggest repower project in Germany. Ross McArthur, managing director and head of renewable energy, said he expected to see more projects across the EU in the coming years: “It’s a no-brainer; you get more bang for your buck with more energy from fewer turbines. Even from a visual impact point of view, you’re replacing larger numbers with fewer, albeit taller, turbines.”

    Fourteen repower projects have been completed or approved in the UK since 2010, but Mr McArthur said the UK market was now “more or less gone”.

    Astonishingly the renewable power scammers not only received massive tax payer funded subsidies to set up their wind farms but they now demand that the tax payers cough up further billions of pounds for the refurbishing and re-powering of those same wind farms.
    And this after only a couple of decades of operation of those same wind farms.

    The greed and hubris of the renewable energy scammers who are using grossly inefficient, unpredictable, grid disrupting, extremely expensive short economic and mechanical life time energy generating technologies for which they have received continuous and lavish subsidies for the full life of those same turbines, all at the consumers and tax payers expense, appears to be boundless.

    And then when their renewable energy generating technologies reach the end of their economic lives after only a couple of decades of highly intermittent operation they further demand ever more subsidies to renew, re-power their turbines.

    The renewable energy scammers are really plumbing the depths of financial and social depravity and are demonstrating a deliberate and wanton disrespect for the public’s own personal needs and wants and the economic viability of their forcibly enrolled economic hostages, also known as “customers” and “consumers”.


    • #

      Meanwhile in Victoria and Queensland plans are being prepared for new wind turbine installations.

      And Chairman Mal is on side, as the Labor Opposition are too.


    • #

      Off topic but very topical and a very serious health damaging subject that has been raised here previously on Jo’s blog along with other Wind turbine discussion blogs as well .

      The researchers are finally getting serious and are starting to get some data on the Wind Turbine Syndrome that seriously affects some people who are forced, often not of their own volition, to live in close proximity to operating turbines.

      And it turns out that there is a very good physiological reason, a genuine human [ and animals from anecdotal reports ] organ affecting reason and not necessarily a psychological reason for the debilitating Wind Turbine syndrome that is destroying the lives and health of so many rural people who after years of living in their own homes on their own properties suddenly find themselves forced to live within the close proximity to newly erected Wind Turbines.

      Nor is there any prospects of compensation as yet .
      Nor will there be as the turbine industry and the culpable government ministers and their bureaucracies will fight this all the way until this new research phase into the Turbine health destroying syndrome is accepted by the medical, political and health bureaucracies and the turbine owners and possibly governments are then forced by the courts to cough up what could be very, very substantial sums to the health debilitated and affected residents who have been forced to live without any recourse in the vicinity of newly erected turbines and turbine farms.

      The regular pulsing effects created by the air pressure changes as each turbine blades sweep around on its endless circle is now becoming recognised by researchers as the reasons for the health destroying effects from the pressure pulses that are inherent in the essential aerodynamics of a wind turbine’s operation, pressure pulses which can minimised only to a very minor extent by design changes at the cost of loss of some efficiency but which can never be more than partially ameliorated by design changes to the turbine aerodynamics at any level.

      These pressure changes around aerofoils aka wings and propeller blades are something that has been known about in aerodynamic research ever since the earliest days of flight.
      Turbines to operate of course merely use another version of the similar aerodynamical airflows and aerofoils that enable an aircraft to fly or for aircraft propellers to accelerate large masses of air through their blades thus accelerating and dragging the aircraft through the air which enables the aerofoils of the wings to generate the lift neccessary for an aircraft to fly.

      Wind turbine blade aerofoils merely reverse this process.
      The wind, the air mass passing through the blade circle generates lifting forces on the blades which then rotate the blades.

      Wind turbines can never extract more than a maximum of 59.3% of the kinetic energy in an airflow, a limit to efficiency of turbines called the Betz’s Law

      As an extreme example; At a unattainable 100% efficiency of the extraction of energy from a wind flow, the air behind a turbine blades would become dead still and stationary and therefore no wind could or would be able to pass through the turbine blade circle.
      From Pierre Gosselins NoTricksZone blog

      Greens In Denial: Health Impacts From Wind Turbines Are Real – And Not “In People’s Heads”

      The following video is really worth taking the time to watch.

      It explains clearly how very low frequency sound waves (infrasound) from wind turbines have an adverse effect on some people, making them feel ill.

      Like the motion sickness that people experience in a car, plane or boat, infrasound sickness results from “sensory conflict” in the central nervous system (CNS).

      Sensory conflict is when two or more of your senses disagree with each other with respect to your own personal motion. For example when on a boat the inner ear and the sense of touch perceive motion, but your visual system does not. This “sensory conflict” can make some people get ill.

      The middle ear and touch of course sense motion by detecting changes in pressure. When you walk, for example, your head bobs up and down, and moves back and forth in rhythm, and the inner ear registers the pressure changes of -0.12 Pa to +0.12 Pa as the head accelerates and decelerates. Your feet (touch) sense the pressure changes, and your eyes perceive the motion as well – so everything agrees and so you do not get sick.

      The problem with wind turbines is that they create low frequency infrasound with a frequency of under 20 Hz, which is a cyclic barometric pressure change in the air that gets sub-consciously registered by the inner ear. As a result the brain is fooled into thinking that the body is in motion, when in fact it is not. Sensory conflict is the result and it leads some people to feel ill.

      Known back in 1985

      Scientific tests confirm the phenomenon: some people are sensitive to infrasound and the sickness linked to wind turbines is real. In 1985 psychology professor David Nussbaum at NASA exposed people to infrasound in an enclosed cabin for 30 minutes as part of an experiment. The result: 15% of the people felt the onset of motion sickness. Now imagine being subjected to the low frequency non-stop for days, which can be the case for wind turbines. Little wonder that some people get extremely sick.

      It turns out that the tested subjects responded to the steady, symmetrical waves, and not the random-type asymmetrical waves (see 8-minute mark). Wind generators produce constant symmetrical waves. And the bigger the turbine, the more powerful the infrasound wave. Yet today a number of government officials and green activists refuse to acknowledge these well-known findings and ignore the impacts wind parks are having on the health of people living near them. They continue permitting their installation.

      And let’s also not forget the blighted landscape they create.


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    ??? wonder if the second version made it to the TV news:

    2 Nov: 9News: AAP: SA to push for electricity sharing
    ***He (Premier Jay Weatherill) has also ruled out South Australia’s growing reliance on wind power as a factor in Sunday night’s load shedding…

    2 Nov: Adelaide Advertiser: Widespread power blackout hits Adelaide
    ***When the Victorian system shut down, 160 megawatts of energy was lost and wind power did not supply energy because it often does not start until 3am…


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    It is fascinating the segue from Man Made Global Warming, all questionable ideas to Climate Change, which is always true. No one explains how if the world is not warming, CO2 produces Climate Change or how the climate in fact is changing if it is not warming or in fact whose climate as there is no one climate. It is all just Climate Change. A bit like Ocean Acidification when the oceans are alkali and not acid and will never be acid, but you cannot deny that technically a very weak acid component is being increased, so there.

    Really all science free semantics and even hysterics and no reality except taxation managed by the UN world government. The most dramatic recent development has possibly been the unlikely alliance between big oil and the communist Greens, as big oil is now very anti fracking. Oil is very limited, so producers want much higher prices, not the 50% drop we have just seen. In Australia where petrol is mostly taxation, the drop in government income is most unwelcome, so we will support Climate Change too under our new unelected Labor Prime Minister.


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    Tim Channon –

    thanks for the Tallbloke link. explains a lot, doesn’t it?


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    doubting dave

    Here is why Sharyl Attisson resigned from CBS news , old news to some here but not everyone


  • #

    some wafflers are more equal than others!

    3 Nov: SMH: Neil McMahon: Q&A recap: No-nonsense Tony Jones puts wafflers in their place
    On Monday night’s Q&A, a celebrated American guest was taking no prisoners – and Tony Jones was taking no nonsense.
    Paul Ehrlich took issue with the host. He took issue with the audience. He took issue with his fellow panellists. He did so with gusto and gumption and mostly, it seemed, in slightly brittle good humour – all qualities necessary when critics have been telling you for most of your nearly 50 years on the public stage that you’ve got almost everything wrong…
    We had a taste of things to come on only his second answer – on population growth, and whether he still regarded it as a problem – which invited an interjection from Jones.
    Jones: “Paul, can I just interrupt you?”
    Ehrlich: “No, I don’t like to be interrupted, actually.”
    This was said with a laugh and a smile, but you were a fool if you thought he was kidding…
    (on his predictions being wrong “a few times”) Jones: “Can I just mention one to you. 1971, you said that by the year 2000 the UK would be a small group of impoverished islands inhabited by 70 million hungry people. Was that just wishful thinking?”
    Ehrlich: “They’re not hungry but otherwise it’s accurate. The thing we’re most accused of…”
    Jones, interrupting: “It’s a pretty rich little country, Britain. I mean, it’s not that accurate really, is it?”
    Ehrlich: “No.”…

    most of the article is the usual Fairfax rubbish.


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      Egor TheOne

      ” no nonsense Tony Jones ” ?

      I beg to differ Pat! Tony Jones is a True B’lver which plants him as an agent of CAGW propaganda firmly in the ‘nonsense’ category .

      In fact ,the entire Q & BS show is a constant flogger of CAGW / CACC Propaganda with its loaded audience ‘cheer squad’ .

      Jones puts a total eco-loon mad Malthusian Ehrlich on his Q&BS show to make himself look reasonable and to help flog his own ‘true b’lverism’

      If Ehrlich had his way , 99% of the world’s population would be terminated and yet here he is on Q&BS !

      He has been even more spectacularly wrong with his prophecies ,than even our very own ‘Sage Flannery’ ……who would have thought that our Climate High Priest Tim , could have been ‘outdudded’?

      Why have on ‘ecologist’ Uhrlich but not ecologist Patrick Moore Phd ? Bias perhaps ?

      Not good enough for ‘Climate Jones and his High Temple of Q&BS’…..?

      The AlpgreensBC needs to be defunded and /or privatized !

      If they want to spread leftism , then its advocates can fund it , instead of over 50 %of the public that don’t agree with their garbage , which is why there is a coalition in government .

      How would the less than 50% lefties like to co-fund a 1200 million aud per year version of the ‘The Bolt Report’ ??

      Imagine what Andrew Bolt could do with that amount of taxpayer funding !


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    Random Comment

    Apols O/T: Vote on need for nuclear energy in Australia at ABC The Drum website.


    • #

      I have absolutely nothing against nuclear.. but…

      Australia has some of the best COAL in the world.

      There is absolutely NO NEED for nuclear powered electricity.


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        el gordo

        A majority agree with you.


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          Random Comment

          I wonder how many of that majority believe that coal is the answer…?


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            I wonder how many of that majority believe that coal is the answer…?

            Actually, it will probably end up being the case.

            High Efficiency Low Emissions (HELE, the new acronym they are giving USC) which takes in USC (UltraSuperCritical) and the coming (even better) Advanced USC have emissions level almost as low as for Natural gas fired power generation, and with gas prices increasing, this could in fact be the answer, especially if one unit can drive a 1300 to 1700MW generator, and to supply the equivalent power for a single 1700MW unit, that’s around 10 X 500MW wind plants, or around 2000 individual wind towers, and even then the wind plants will only have half the life span, and for better efficiency there will be two units at each coal fired plant, so double all that for wind.

            It will probably even put pressure on Nuclear power generation.

            A good positive marketing plan here and this renewables fad will just dry right up, just like the Edsel.



            • #

              What is really surprising is the apparent renaissance in the now rapidly advancing technology and the boosts in efficiencies right across all the components that make up the big coal fired steam generators.

              I’m trying to find the very rusty memory drawer for this but it is more likely that I will pull the whole damn memory filing cabinet down on top of me before I do.
              But somewhere way back in what was possibly the 1970’s, out of nothing but curiosity, I did a lot of browsing in the encyclopedias on the history and origins of steam power as well as its technological advances.

              [ For those under 30 years of age, us old timers had to use an fairly radical invention for its day called paper. Paper was made out of processed timber and when lots of information was printed on that paper and it was bound into books, such sources of knowledge were called Encyclopedias which is all us commoners outside of the universities had as our only prime and trusted reference source. ]

              So from the dredges of an old and fading memory;

              Somewhere in there and considering the immense numbers of patents that were granted for steam inventions since steam power first appeared in Britain in the form of Thomas Savery’s steam pump in 1698 which kick started Britain’s Great Industrial Revolution which we are still deeply immersed in, there was a claim that the incredible array of patents and inventions that had been applied to steam power and the increases in the efficiencies right across the range of all of the complex machinery of steam power where ever it was used over the last couple of hundred years, meant that the steam industry were fast closing in on a point where little or no further advances could be expected in the raising of the efficiencies of steam power regardless of whether it was coal or oil or gas fired.

              But as we all now know, never ever underrate the resourcefulness and inventability of men when they think there might be a nice tidy pile of bucks to be made by doing something a bit better, smarter, faster and cheaper than the guy over the road.

              And so we now have new and rapid advances in coal fired steam power that are getting close to challenging the previously leading efficiency and economic leaders in power generation, that of gas and nuclear.


              • #

                ROM this might be a bit of a beginner site for you but Animated Engines has a few examples of the early steam engines, you can adjust the operating speed on all engines, it’s a great tool to educate kids on basic engineering.


            • #
              Egor TheOne

              Next Gen Nuclear is the answer LFTRs !

              But it cannot be legislated …..when we are ready we will go there !

              Our fossil reserves are finite , there is no escaping this fact , but the panic to do something now, to save the planet is idiotic !

              Even fusion reactors eventually ? Who knows , but when we need to , technology will offer solutions and power sources that today are not even imaginable .

              We have to get away from the idiocy and lack of vision of trying to solve 22nd century demands with 21st century thinking and present day technology .

              Our energy demands from here will only sky-rocket , which makes current wind and solar even more pathetic , even as supplemental power let alone as replacement power .

              Only 150 years ago , we were still using steam engines , no such thing as aircraft or even cars .
              Now we have rovers running around Mars and Probes that are now in Interstellar space , with A.I. now expected to make big leaps forward .

              I would argue with the CAGW nutters that if the the planet is so damaged , then why is the planet’s population at its largest with more and more emerging from poverty to middle class as is the case particularly with China !

              Not that the world is not without problems , especially in the middle east and Europe , which is just more political mismanagement .

              But generally we are progressing except for the emergence of this new medieval religion called ‘Climate Change’, ‘Global Warming’,CACC, CAGW ……just like the devil ,it has many names !


              • #
                Egor TheOne

                Our likely next superior power source >> LFTRs

                Future Energy, Thorium and the LFTR reactor


              • #

                I also like PBMR. (Pebble Bed Modular reactors) They’re walk away safe. First heard about them in 2011, after Fukishima, naturally.

                Great article on them at this link from a South African Nuclear Physicist Dr. Kelvin Kemm, about them.



              • #

                Egor, the one #


                Our fossil reserves are finite , there is no escaping this fact

                Yes! and No!

                At 900 billion tons of proven and recoverable coal, worldwide reserves give us about 200 years of production at current rates.


                3 Trillion Tons of Coal

                It’s been no secret. Geologists have known for a long time that there are vast amounts of coal off the coast of Norway in the North Sea. Nonetheless, they never dreamed that this coal resource could have been so enormous.

                An energy adviser working for Statoil (NSYE:STO), Olav Kårstad, along with a team of students from Norwegian University of Science and Technology, analyzed data from 600 wells drilled on the Norwegian Shelf of the North Sea.

                Together the team calculated that there are 3,000 billion tons of coal off the Norwegian coast! [ edit ; Three trillion tonnes ]

                This 3 trillion tons of coal is 3.3 times more than the total current worldwide proven and recoverable reserves.

                The End!

                Nope! Not quite ! On the other side of the North Sea the Brits just have to get in on the North Sea coal act !

                Huge coal deposits discovered in North Sea

                Scientists have discovered large coal deposits under the North Sea that could power Britain for hundreds of years.
                We think there are between three trillion and 23 trillion tonnes of coal buried under the North Sea,” explained Dermot Roddy, former professor of energy at Newcastle University.

                “This is thousands of times greater than all the oil and gas we have taken out [ edit ; of the North Sea ] so far, which totals around six billion tonnes. If we could extract just a few per cent of that coal it would be enough to power the UK for decades or centuries.”

                Offshore oil and gas

                Data from seismic tests and boreholes shows that the North Sea seabed contains up to 20 layers of coal, most of which can be reached with the technology already in place to extract offshore oil and gas.

                Roddy, who is now chief technical officer at energy company Five Quarter Energy Holdings, will be leading the billion pound exploration and extraction project to reach the untapped coal reserves under the North Sea. Plans to sink the first boreholes by the end of 2014 will be revealed at a conference held by the Royal Academy of Engineering in London.

                more !

                Just goes to show how devastating sea level rise really is when it floods a resource like this [ / sarc ]


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              Bob Malloy

              From your post below,(Pebble Bed Modular reactors)

              I saw a documentary about them on Foxtel several years ago, pretty sure China was in the process of building them at the time.


            • #

              I think we could be pretty sure that if the major coal fired power stations in Australia were converted to HELE, it would reduce Australia’s CO2 emissions by way more than any amount of wind turbines and solar farms could ever manage.


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        Robert of Ottawa

        Nuclear power is good. Of all kinds.


        • #

          As a former nuclear reactor operator, I concur. Unfortunately, we don’t have the population to make the entire nuclear industry a viable one. We can either “buy in” finished fuel, or become an exporter of same to make it work. Neither is likely.


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    if this doesn’t get your alarm bells ringing, nothing will. read all for fossil fuel divestment “plans”!

    2 Nov: ClimateChangeNews: Megan Darby: BlackRock partners with Climate Bonds Initiative
    Investor worth US$4.5 trillion gets on board with drive to scale up climate-friendly infrastructure investment
    The world’s largest investor has signed up to promote green bonds, as part of a push to get money flowing into climate-friendly projects…
    “There is an increasing demand for innovative, sustainable investment solutions to address climate, carbon and environmental issues,” said Kevin Holt, expert at the asset management firm.
    “Green and climate-designated bonds have the potential to play an increasingly important role as investors attempt to meet these demands.”
    ***Globally, the bond market is worth US$100 trillion. Bonds can be used to raise money for any kind of project and offer investors steady, predictable returns over a set period…
    In a July report, Climate Bonds counted $600 billion worth of outstanding climate-friendly bonds, of which around one dollar in ten was labelled “green”.
    Since then, China has got in on the act, with offers from renewable energy company Goldwind and the Agricultural Bank of China revving up the market…
    The Climate Bonds initiative aims to help mobilise the scale of finance needed to meet international climate goals.
    ***It also brings together scientific experts to set environmental integrity standards for the market…


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    ***and the CAGW climate warriors still think Murdoch is a CAGW sceptic!!!
    funny thing is, the BlackRock and the following piece won’t even send off the zealots’ alarm bells:

    2 Nov: ClimateChangeNews: Alex Pashley: Business leaders send Paris wish list to finance ministers
    Hundreds of multinationals including ***Sky, Coca-Cola and Starbucks behind letter calling for a strong climate deal next month
    Finance ministers should commit to pricing carbon pollution and phasing out fossil fuel subsidies within set time frames, a coalition of businesses led by the Prince of Wales Corporate Leaders Group wrote in an open letter (LINK)…
    That means actively supporting a new climate pact to provide clarity and business certainty; facilitating flows of climate finance to developing countries; and creating the right tax incentives to stimulate green technologies…
    Jean-Bernard Levy, CEO of French energy group EDF, said: “In order to catalyse change we are convinced that we need a carbon price1 to enable deep decarbonisation pathways through innovative low-carbon solutions as well as the elimination of subsidies for fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas. We believe that carbon pricing combined with fossil fuel subsidy reform is a significant pathway to real decarbonisation.”…
    It must also update national commitments every five years, and provide clear transparency and accounting mechanisms…
    Philippe Joubert, chair of the Prince of Wales’s Corporate Leaders Group and former head of French utility, Alstom Power, said…READ ON


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    2 Nov: ClimateChangeNews: Alex Pashley: China, France agree Paris climate deal must deliver regular reviews
    French president Hollande signs declaration with Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping backing a long term goal and five-yearly assessments of national climate plans
    Four weeks before countries meet in Paris, the summit host agreed with the world’s top carbon polluter a December UN conference must send a “clear signal” to green and climate-proof development.
    At the Great Hall of the People, the seat of China’s legislature, Hollande told a news conference the declaration established a “likelihood the Paris conference will succeed,” AP reported…
    Both sides promised within five years to publish carbon-cutting strategies out to 2050.
    However, they qualified this trend must be “at a rhythm consistent with strong economic growth and equitable social development”…
    In a separate deal, France and China also signed a nuclear cooperation agreement on nuclear waste recycling that could be worth $22 billion, Bloomberg reported…
    Greenpeace analyst Li Shuo: “With the recent decline in coal consumption and robust renewable energy development, China is positioning itself at the front of climate leadership”…

    despite even more alarm bells in the following, the zombie climate warriors will still protest in Paris, demanding “climate action”!

    1 Nov: ClimateChangeNews: Ed King: Green Climate Fund to reveal first project amid NGO protest
    CRIB NOTES 2-5 NOVEMBER: GCF gathers in Zambia, UN debates HFCs in Dubai, Saudis host carbon capture forum
    Nearly 100 NGOs have published an open letter expressing dismay at GCF proposals to partner with HSBC and Credit Agricole, who they accuse of money laundering, financial mismanagement and close links with the coal industry.
    “The accreditation of HSBC and Crédit Agricole would run counter to the GCF’s intent to be a game-changing institution with country ownership at its core,” says the letter, backed by CAFOD, 350 and Action Aid…
    Hot November
    According to the BBC: “The UK’s November temperature record has been broken, with 22.4C (72.3F) being reached in mid Wales.”
    Scientists say global temperatures will likely break new records in 2015…READ ALL


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      Robert of Ottawa

      I don’t think the Russians and Chinese take the West seriously anymore. The West is suffering its third Muslim invasion and all the West leadership can do is prattle about global warming and crippling their economies.


  • #

    Philippe Verdier has become an heretic to the religion of anthropogenic global warming by exposing the indulgent rorts of warmist saints and and their enablers.


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    Geoffrey Lean pretends this is something new! who created CAGW, Geoffrey? clue…they wear “suits and ties”:

    30 Oct: UK Telegraph: Geoffrey Lean: In the fight against global warming, the real eco-warriors wear suits and ties
    Environmentalists may not like it, but hard-headed businesses and banks are now our best defence against runaway climate change
    These days the most effective greens seem to sport expensive suits and watches, not beards and sandals, and to hang out in financial institutions, rather than in the environmental pressure groups. For City types are becoming the most powerful advocates of the low-carbon economy – and, literally so, because they actually have the power to bring it about…
    Speaker after speaker at the event – put on at London’s august Guildhall by a range of respectable bodies like the Local Authority Pension Fund Forum, the City of London and the Ashden and Mark Leonard Trusts – lined up to warn of the evils of fossil fuels and the benefits of renewable power…
    Traditional environmentalists may not like it, but it is becoming ever clearer that it is not their campaigning that will bring about the low carbon future they want, but the hard-headed calculation of their old arch-capitalist foes.

    still the young “climate warriors” will march in Paris!


    • #
      Graeme No.3

      spending on renewables in the EU plummeted in 2012 and has stayed down. Deutsche Bank was a leading investor, now it is to shed 35,000 jobs. Good old Geoffrey is way behind the times.


      • #

        I say,let them “Divest”from “Fossil Fuels”and invest in “Green”energy.Then they can go the way of the”Do-Do”and “Tesla”which isn’t performing too well at the moment.


    • #

      These are not “traditional environmentalists” who believe in responsible stewardship. They are nothign but fanatics of a sad and failing cult.


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    Robert of Ottawa

    The sins of Verdier were greater than a mere “denial”, he actually said more CO2 and a warmer planet would be good. Heavens!


  • #

    LOLZ – I thought ‘the main tool of climate extremists’ was Michael Mann. 😀


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    Rod Stuart

    This morning in the car I heard someone from “The Climate Institute” drivelling away.
    It was some of the worst nonsense that I’ve come across.
    His name was Jackson, or Jackass, or something.


  • #

    As an aside, does anyone know why I cannot see a Reply button for posts?

    In answer to #11 re a study on warmists and their interactions, some time back I found these…


    These are studies that show the differences between ‘conspiracists’ (authors’ choice) and conventionalists. (also their choice)

    I prefer contrarians for those who do not submit meekly to the MSM programming.

    Between the 2 studies, it is clear that the so-called crazies who disbelieve the authoritarian narrative are actually saner than the conventionalists. 😀 I used these on a forum where Global Warming was seen as the only possible truth and had one of their main protagonists deliver 6 atagonistic and off topic, personally directed replies in a row. He didn’t like it when I pointed out he was offering direct proof of the first paper above. 😀


    • #

      Thanks for this Mark, I’ll look over these for sure, very interesting.

      As for the reply button there’s plenty of qualified people here that’ll give a better answer than me, and sometimes the Mods try to limit my interactions with others for their well being, cheers 🙂


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  • #

    just saw lengthy piece on Verdier in the first section of Russia Today’s midday news bulleting (Qld time).

    went into all the angles. Verdier video, quotes from the publisher of his book, quotes from one of those who started the petition online. ended by saying they asked France Televisions for a comment, but they have not responded.

    no mockery whatsoever of Verdier. no CAGW voice to criticise him. wow. so far, I cannot find the video online.


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    Associated Press’s spin:

    2 Nov: US News & World Report: AP: French weather forecaster fired after promoting book saying climate change is over-dramatized
    A weather forecaster for French state television has been fired after releasing and promoting a book criticizing politicians, scientists and others for what he calls an exaggerated view of climate change…
    France Televisions, which owns France-2, would not comment Monday. French media reported that the network said Verdier had violated ethical rules…
    In an online video he released at the time, Verdier criticizes “complete hype on the climate” by scientists, politicians, business lobbies, environmental and religious groups…
    The conference Nov. 30-Dec. 11 is based on the results of more than 100 years of climate science…
    Similar issues have popped up with some television weathercasters in the United States.
    Donald Wuebbles, a climate scientist at the University of Illinois, notes the difference between television weathercasters who look at daily weather and scientists who study long-term change in the atmosphere over periods of at least 20 to 30 years. Often television weathermen don’t study the long-term effects and statistics.
    Wuebbles told The Associated Press on Monday that Verdier’s claims that the temperature is now in plateau are contradicted by data. Wuebbles said temperatures may go up and down year to year but the overall long-term trends upward are clear.


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    3 Nov: Irish Times: Lara Marlowe: French weatherman sacked over climate change book
    France 2’s Philippe Verdier pooh-poohed global warming ahead of UN summit in Paris
    If you were the head of French state television and your leading weatherman started preaching climate skepticism in the run-up to the UN climate conference in Paris, you would probably sack him too…
    The panel says if nothing is done to reduce carbon emissions, the world’s temperature could rise by up to 4.8 degrees by the end of this century. It is 95 per cent certain that most of the global warming since 1950 has been caused by man-made greenhouse emissions…
    Asked about Verdier, Fabius said, “If one is a serious scientist, there is no debate… Of course, in history there have been famous precedents of minorities who were right. But one mustn’t invert reason and say that just because they are a tiny minority, they are scientifically right.”…
    Daniel Schneidermann, an editorial writer for Liberation newspaper, warned of the “Streisand effect” whereby attempted censorship merely amplifies the internet audience. “Firing [Verdier] will make the presenter an instant martyr of climate skepticism,” he predicted…
    “I didn’t know there was an editorial line to weather reporting,” said Eric Vial, a delegate with Force Ouvrière labour union, which supports Verdier. A “Collective of Climate Realists” has posted ***17,000 signatures on an internet petition demanding that Verdier be reinstated…

    ***18,272 at time of posting.


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    Egor TheOne

    The Upcoming Paris Climate True B’lver Hajj……..opening comments >>


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    Telegraph piece UNATTRIBUTED:

    2 Nov: UK Telegraph: France’s state broadcaster “fires” chief weatherman over controversial climate change book
    Philippe Verdier, weatherman on top state TV channel France 2, reads out dismissal letter online over the release of Climate Investigation, a book claiming politicians and experts have “taken the world hostage” over climate change, as commentators warn the move could turn him into a “martyr” for climate sceptics…
    According to Mr Verdier, top climate scientists, who often rely on state funding, have been “manipulated and politicised”…
    France Televisions management declined to comment its decision…

    Guardian can’t be bothered to write their own piece, carries the AP piece.
    ***one excerpt I didn’t post earlier:

    3 Nov: Guardian: Associated Press in Paris: French weatherman fired for promoting book sceptical of climate change
    Most climate scientists agree that the planet’s climate is changing largely because of human action.
    ***Though some public officials and a few climate scientists disagree, the world’s scientific organisations say changes such as increasingly extreme weather and rising sea levels are a result of the buildup of heat-trapping gases, especially carbon dioxide, from the burning of coal, oil and gas.
    Some weather forecasters in the US have faced similar issues. Donald Wuebbles blah blah…


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    dozens of media outlets, including NYT/WAPO/ABC/CTV, are carrying the AP piece, with its Wuebbles nonsense.

    the main media grouping of results (400-plus) is in almost pefect chronological order, with AP being the only piece for page after page of results. the few original pieces – Times, Russia Today, France 24, are at the very end of the results, meaning few people will even find them.

    Australia’s ABC, SBS, Fairfax have not said a word.


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      Australia’s ABC, SBS, Fairfax have not said a word

      See 28.2.1 above
      If something is unreported or unpublished, de facto it never happened

      That’s post-modern philosophy, you know


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    Andrew Richards

    The Phillippe Verdier’s of the world deserve our gratitude and thanks. Vive La France, Phillippe!!


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    Geoff Sherrington

    O/T, but in the nature of predictions, watch this horse with a lady jockey for the Melbourne Cup –

    Prince of Penzance.
    Odds about 100:1.



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    and everyone – can you please buy his book – even if you don’t speak French – he will need the money and the support


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    is it any surprise Associated Press chose Wuebbles to try to discredit Verdier & the MSM lapped it up?

    Feb 2013: WUWT: Wuebbles gone wild – hilarious claims of ‘wall to wall’ severe weather on cable news is not science
    A couple of days ago there was this PR from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
    I decided it was just too ridiculous to get any traction. I was wrong, an even more ridiculous press release followed this one. Only one problem; Wuebbles doesn’t understand the difference between reality and reporting bias – Anthony…READ ON
    Jimbo: Here is Mr. Wobbles on the Climate Communication ***advisory board with the honorable Peter Gleick and Michael “Hockey Stick” Mann. You see, it’s not about the scientific evidence but propaganda. (LINK)

    ***also on the advisory board are Oreskes, Caldeira, Rahmstorf, Oppenheimer, Emanuel, Santer, Trenberth, Maibach, Oppenheimer, Hayhoe, etc.

    Donald J. Wuebbles
    Harry E. Preble Professor, Department of Atmospheric Sciences
    He shares in the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize for his work with the international Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. He was a member of a federal advisory committee that assessed and in 2009 published a report on the potential impacts of climate change on the United States. Professor Wuebbles was a Coordinating Lead Author for the major international IPCC assessment of climate change published in late 2013 and was a leader in the U.S. National Climate Assessment published in May 2014, including leading the chapter on climate science and being a member of the Executive Secretariat and the Federal Advisory Committee…
    He has two degrees in Electrical Engineering from the University of Illinois (1970, 1972) and a Ph.D. in Atmospheric Sciences from the University of California, Davis (1983).


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    btw BBC still hasn’t written a word about Verdier’s sacking.

    meanwhile, ABC, which has no interest in Verdier, promotes this stunt for an ARUP man:

    3 Nov: ABC The World Today: Mountaineering adventurer seeks to raise awareness of climate change
    ELEANOR HALL: The talks have also prompted Australian adventurer Tim Jarvis to stage an ambitious mountain climbing project that will span several years and many continents and is aimed at raising awareness about climate change.
    He says his team plans to scale its first peak in time to be beamed in to the opening day of the Paris talks…
    PENNY TIMMS: Tim Jarvis is an adventurer and environmental scientist, based in Australia.
    He’s launched an environmental awareness campaign ahead of the conference.
    TIM JARVIS: Well ultimately, I want to engage people in the climate change, not debate, but the climate change, solutions to climate change that are not currently engaged…
    PENNY TIMMS: His campaign involves a group of like-minded thrill seekers scaling 25 mountains that are expected to undergo significant change in the next 25 years.
    He’s named the expedition 25zero, which stands for 25 mountains at zero altitude.
    Though, he says it also reflects a prediction that in 25 years, those same mountains will have zero ice…
    PENNY TIMMS: Those images will then be beamed back live into the conference in Paris.
    He fears world leaders don’t understand the scale of the problem, and says Australia for one needs to do more to pull its weight…
    PENNY TIMMS: Do you think that Australia will come under scrutiny at this particular conference?
    TIM JARVIS: I think Australia really will.
    I mean I think if I can say so, I’m very pleased with the change in the Liberal, in the Prime Ministership. I think that puts us on a far better trajectory of our own, forget carbon…
    he’ll certainly try to commit to, at the very least the upper end of the range that the Abbott administration committed to, if not more.

    ***Jarvis knows he has the global media behind him!

    LinkedIn: Tim Jarvis
    Global Ambassador WWF-Australia November 2014 – Present
    Senior Associate Sustainability Arup October 2010 – Present
    Leader 25zero January 2014 – Present
    ***A global media campaign will support 25zero, encourage participation and support fundraising.


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    ARUP has lots of skin in the CAGW game!

    The Climate Group – Our members
    Besides providing engineering services, Arup has a consultancy practice that advises clients on a range of management, operations and policy issues including planning, environment and sustainability. This allows the firm to leverage its expertise to have an impact on the sustainability of all kinds of construction projects. Arup also works with businesses and national and regional governments globally to develop policy on carbon management and climate change…
    Arup leads the Asian Cities Climate Change Resilience Network (ACCCRN) …
    As part of its sustainability commitment, Arup has developed a Sustainable Project Appraisal Routine. This tool appraises projects based on key themes such as transport, biodiversity, culture, employment and skills, and can help Arup’s clients make sustainability decisions at any stage in a project.
    Arup worked with The Climate Group to draw up practical guidelines to help Californian businesses meet the state’s greenhouse gas emissions reduction policy, and the firm provides strategic advice to the Clinton Climate Initiative and co-authored the report on the C40, an alliance of 58 of the world’s biggest cities that aims to address climate change…
    Arup is working with The Climate Group’s Australia office on the Climate Smart Precincts Initiative…

    30 Oct: DailyCommercial: Korky Koroluk: CONSTRUCTION CORNER: Climate change talks looking up?
    Recently there came news of something called the China Accord, in which an 52 large international and Chinese architectural and planning firms committed to designing cities, towns, urban developments, new buildings and major renovations in China to low-carbon/carbon-neutral standards. The international firms are well-known. They include ARUP, Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, Perkins Eastman, Perkins + Will, Gensler, and 19 others…
    Architects are going to be central because they are the ones in between the construction industry and the purchasers of construction. They are the ones best able to sell the concepts of more energy-efficient buildings, and energy-efficient construction processes.
    They will be the ones working with governments at all levels, as cities, provinces and nations ask for more environmentally friendly buildings that produce fewer greenhouse gases.
    Ed Mazria, head of Architecture 2030, the American non-profit that organized the China Accord, spoke at the signing and debunked the idea that greener buildings must inevitably cost more…
    A news release dealing with the signing of the China Accord notes that between now and 2030, the world is projected to build 80 billion square metres of new buildings in cities worldwide, an area equal to 60 per cent of the entire current global building stock…


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      The amount of money going into subsidised “Mickey Mouse” projects is increasing at an accelerating rate. Whatever really happens in Paris next month, this acceleration will hugely increase

      The money pot is now just too large for engineering groups to ignore – they need to survive too. Project economics are convulsing. Sorry, but that’s the truth


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    Philippe must have known what to expect because the French Govt. couldn’t possibly keep a lid on dissent if it were to accede to freedom of speech on this issue.

    Saying anything that could be construed as critical of or likely to harm the Revolution used to be a guillotining offence. So much so that it also done for many of the architects of the Revolution, the intellectual left.

    Freedom of expression is being used as merely a flag of convenience


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    2 Nov: SMH: Lucy Cormack: Australian doctors call for Health Minister to attend Paris climate talks
    The “increasingly unmanageable” threat of climate change on children’s health has prompted an open letter from doctors around Australia to the government, calling for Federal Health Minister Sussan Ley to attend the United Nations Paris climate summit this December.
    In the letter, from independent organisation Doctors for the Environment Australia, leading doctors warn of the “health emergency” climate change presents for children, who have the least capacity to act.
    “More bushfires, floods and storms have already had severe and ongoing psychological effects on Australian children,” said the letter, which was released on Monday.
    “Higher temperatures, which we are now seeing, have been linked to increases in premature births and hospital attendances for infectious diarrhoea, fever, asthma, dehydration and heat exhaustion.”…


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    France provides nearly 2.00 GW contantly to the UK from Nuclear
    UK wind constantly supplies less than 0.50 GW average throughout
    UK is another South Australia waiting to happen
    The cold hasn’t arrived yet
    Glad I live in QLD Australia with a diesel Genset!


    All useless & expensive!

    France sacks reporter for telling the truth



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    Bolt has a thread up on Christopher Booker’s Telegraph piece, to which he links, on why Paris will be a flop, yet at the end of the thread he writes “The most astonishing thing about this article is that The Age published it”. it would be odd for Fairfax to publish a Telegraph piece, and I cannot find it on Fairfax, so don’t know why he wrote that. maybe someone can find it on Fairfax, but I can’t.
    what I can find on Fairfax:

    3 Nov: SMH: Peter Hannam: CSIRO survey: Most Coalition voters reject humans to blame for climate change
    Barely one in four Coalition voters accepts climate change is mostly caused by humans, with more than half of Liberal voters believing changes to global temperatures are natural, according to a CSIRO survey.
    The wide-ranging report, which summarised the findings of five surveys of Australian attitudes from 2010 to 2014 before the program was axed earlier this year, was released without fanfare on Tuesday.
    As in previous years, just under 80 per cent of respondents accepted the climate was changing, with human activity viewed as accounting for 62 per cent of the change.
    Assessments of the cause, though, appear closely tied to political leanings. Of 3789 respondents since the September 2013 election, 52 per cent of Liberal voters thought climate change was happening but it was natural, compared with 42 per cent of Nationals voters, 31 per cent of Labor and 17 per cent of Greens voters, the survey found…
    Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, unlike his predecessor Tony Abbott, has spoken out strongly in defence of science particularly as it relates to climate change, and is expected to re-state the case for action at the Paris climate summit starting at the end of the month…
    Andy Pitman, Director of ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate System Science at the University of NSW, predicted that many Coalition voters will take their cue from the new PM and shift their views…
    “My experience of the public service and right the way through to some media outlets, they absolutely listen to the vibe from the top and respond to it,” he said…

    Abrupt changes in food chains predicted as Southern Ocean acidifies fast: study
    Sydney Morning Herald – ‎18 hours ago‎
    The Southern Ocean is acidifying at such a rate because of rising carbon dioxide emissions that large regions may be inhospitable for key organisms in the food chain to survive as soon as 2030, new US research has found.

    Australia urged to bring forward emissions cuts
    Sydney Morning Herald – ‎4 hours ago‎
    Majuro: Australia should accelerate its emissions cuts by bringing its target forward by five years, Marshall Islands foreign minister Tony de Brum says, while warning that his tiny Pacific nation was already feeling the effects of climate change.


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    David Maddison

    Excellent video.

    Dr William Happer Destroys Climate Change Hysteria in 7 minutes


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    Won’t mean much to most of you but this Wind Farm could have been the single biggest environmental disaster in Northern Europe had it gone ahead:
    The applicant has finally issued a statement about the rejection of their application by Scottish Ministers. They will not be challenging the decision and hopefully this will be the end of the matter although they are trying to leave the door open for a future application. Keep Rannoch Wild will of course ensure that we are well prepared to fight any future application should it happen.
    This is the statement they issued today (nice of them to thank the 23 people who supported them, shame they didn’t acknowledge the hundreds of local people who objected!)

    Statement on behalf of:
    Talladh a Bheithe Estate and eventus duurzaam B.V. /Talladh a Bheithe Wind Farm Ltd
    Through recent dialogue with the Scottish Government, the applicant has been informed that the s36 application for Talladh a Bheithe Wind Farm will be returned to the applicant. Following careful consideration, and reflecting on our own assessment of the current planning climate, the impact of current changes to support mechanisms and subsequently the impact on the project economics, we have decided not to challenge the decision to return our application. We are obviously disappointed and this decision has not been taken lightly, however we would especially like to thank the people within the surrounding community who have supported the project to date.
    At this point we cannot currently comment on possible future actions and developments relating to the project, but will carefully look at the project and associated constraints, and consider our options with a view to bringing forward a viable project in the future unsubsidised renewable energy world.”

    The visual impact this single development would have had is shown here in red. The blue is areas already impacted


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      David Maddison

      Good. It’s about time people saw wind farms as the environmental disasters they are and disasters in every other way.

      We need to start building more environmentally power generators like coal stations which have the additional benefit of feeding the world via CO2 production or nuclear, which unfortunately don’t produce any life-giving CO2.


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    I’d always and albeit very reluctantly admired the French response to the man made warming mania.

    With their large nuclear generating capacity, it meant that they could pay lip service to the EU group think and to climate scare mongering while at the same time quietly self congratulate themselves on their nonchalant Gallic sang froid and that their electrical transmission and supply lines, was secure.
    How they did laugh at the UK, for in France there would be no messing around with closing coal fired plant and building boondoggles – like their rivals – in Britain and how they scoffed and delighted in Les ros bifs unilaterally declared: industrial suicide note.

    Then Hollande was elected, a Socialist and schooled in statist dogmas of EU political institutions and the abstract redistribution delusion that is Cultural [snip] dressed up in post modernism, oh yes and he’d bought the cool aid and supped deep from its fount.
    As soon as he was installed as President, his popularity bombed, his incompetence almost matched by his unsuitability for the job – all he ever was – a provincial apparat, a lowly town councillor if you like. So a declining public profile and the French people baying for his removal he had to do something.
    Thus Hollande, inexplicably declared war on one of the things that actually works in France!….. the nuclear industry, halted all trans-European attempts to develop shale gas and saw a Paris UNIPCC CO₂ emissions limitations treaty as some sort of existentially vital prestige trip – to mask his abject failure as President.
    For Hollande read Obarmy really two tow rags in tandem on the road to nowhere but attempting to salvage some sort of skewed legacy – the logic of which [unless one thinks in terms of filthy lucre] escapes me.

    And poor old Phillipe Verdier?

    Crikey, he was just too honest and unfortunately stepped in the warmist merde. Though, the reaction and his chicken[snip] lamentable sacking does and deeply shame the French [snip] Parisian cognoscenti its elite and amply exposes the great scam as a paper thin Ponzi scheme, all of which; is based on hearsay and modelled supposition and very heavy political and corporate spin, and as we know man made warming its an awful lot of sh*7.

    Goldman Sachs and with a CO₂ limitations treaty are in pole position [thanks to Obama]…….. stand to make such gargantuan financial killing and therein: is the key.

    [I really hated to snip this. But we need to avoid certain things and remain civil. Sorry.] AZ
