Suddenly, it’s almost like British schools might be preparing students for real life. How did that happen?
Imagine teaching students that tolerance means listening to people you don’t like, who are saying things you don’t want to hear? Cancel Culture delegitimizes and removes whole people from every aspect of life or public office for the merest trivial breach of some unwritten rules that are applied selectively. Like a neolithic “bone-pointing” type exile, all life experience and expertise is thus “cancelled”. Apologies are worthless, there is no learning, there are only “admissions of guilt”. There is something profoundly unChristian about it all — the complete lack of forgiveness.
This new program then, is like a safe space from The Safe Spaces. For Activist-Uni’s this does the worst possible thing. It may train a generation to see through their propaganda.
Next thing you know, Children might be taught that Climate Change Dogma is bullying too.
Woke ‘cancel culture’ is a form of bullying and ‘no platforming’ an attack on free speech, pupils will be taught
Josh White, Daily Mail, UK
- Teachers will tell pupils ‘cancel culture’ is not part of a ‘tolerant and free society’
- Students will learn that people with controversial opinions should be respected
- It comes as some mainstream speakers have been blocked from speaking at unis
In Department for Education training manuals, teachers are instructed to tell pupils that the ‘cancel culture’ which has taken root at many universities – where individuals call for a boycott of a person or company whose views they don’t agree with, in the hope they lose their job or clients – is not part of a ‘tolerant and free society’.
This may be due to the dismal failure of universities to raise …civil thinkers for civilizations.
‘In Department for Education training manuals, teachers are instructed to tell pupils that the ‘cancel culture’ which has taken root at many universities – where individuals call for a boycott of a person or company whose views they don’t agree with, in the hope they lose their job or clients – is not part of a ‘tolerant and free society’.
Perhaps conservatives have finally realized that the education system is churning out snowflakes who know nothing about conservatives nor what they stand for? After 50 years of collectivist marching through the institutes, perhaps finally Conservatives realize they have to fight back.
It also possible that this swing-to-sensible has a tiny bit to do with Labour’s recent shift back to the middle.
Competition: It’s a great thing. Every nation needs two half-decent parties competing.
Believe it when you see it. Boris and his buffoons are globalists. admitted by his own actions
Yes, Go No, like our SloMo, is an enormous disappointment and both are globalists.
Go No was meant to be BoJo. My spelling checker altered it and I didn’t notice.
Another encouraging sign is that the move to allow a change of gender just by self identifying has been knocked on the head and it will continue to be that 2 years must pass in someone’s assumed identity and then a medical opinion.
Also Boris seems determined to stand up to the latest bullying from the EU who want our fish and to compel us to continue to play by their arcane rules, otherwise there will be no deal.
You would never believe from their attitude that they sell us £95 Billion more worth of goods a year than we sell to them. For that privilege we were paying a membership fee of £10 billion a year.
Even if teachers are forced, and they will have to be forced, they will nullify the message. Academia from nursery school to university has been co-opted by extreme liberal/open border/climate alarmist/snowflakes. Apart from a tiny percent who know not to risk their job by expressing ‘wrong’ opinions.
A few years back the High Court ruled that the scientific inaccuracies in Gore’s film should not be shown without correcting guidance notes else teachers responsible would be guilty of the criminal offence of political indoctrination. And yet 99% of all school children are now turned out as extinction event and catastrophic climate change zealots believing far greater inaccuracies than portrayed in Gore’s silly film.
Sadly, yes. The left’s long walk through the institutions is now a fait accompli.
It will require a massive counter-movement to dislodge them from the schools and universities.
I doubt that legislation will work in the short term.
Well at least it’s a start. It’s now for society (parents, those absent figures that’s supposed to teach their children stuff) to take back the reigns of society (oh the irony) and make sure it is implemented.
Joan Kirner, 1983, Speech to the Victorian Fabian Society
Pat Byrne, 2005, Education Union President, Speech to the Queensland Teachers Union Conference
I don’t think it is that bad. This post shows that some are still trying. We must keep positive, and hope, and pray, and support.
For it to work the penalty for non-compliance by any teacher is immediate sacking.
So, you are a supporter of cancel culture?
No, we just want our culture back, seeing as it’s o.k. for every other group on the planet to moan about getting theirs back.
by using the same techniques as cancel culture but in this case it is not cancel culture because you are doing it.
There’s a difference between “cancel culture” where someone is punished for their opinions or beliefs vs an employee being sacked for not fulfilling their employment obligations.
But obviously who we sympathise with in either scenario often comes back to whether we share the view of the person cancelled or sacked, rather than the principle at stake.
e.g. if it was written into the school curriculum that Hitler was simply a misunderstood former choir boy who couldn’t possibly have hated Jews because he was Jewish, then the teacher would be obligated to teach that. We (most of us at least) would sympathise with a teacher who was sacked for refusing to teach that.
Perhaps the majority on this blog wouldn’t sympathise with a teacher who was sacked for refusing to teach that climate change was not caused by industrialised CO2 production.
In either scenario, it’s someone getting sacked for not doing their job. Which is not mob cancel culture.
Getting sacked for adding to the curriculum might be considered cancel culture. e.g. If a teacher teaches Darwin’s theory diligently per the curriculum but adds, “by the way kids I believe the creation theory” and gets sacked for that.
I would prefer we gave both points of view. Make science great again, let debates thrive…
Yes, cancel the Greens culture, which is in fact not far removed from terrorism. So,are you a supporter of terrorist like activities?
This now gives the teachers something to work on. Whoever brought in these new rules needs to be targeted , protests organised . They can now actively campaign to get rid of them. All they need are names and addresses and the teen army can get started to reverse this ridiculous rule.
Just as long as it’s not a Friday – they’re on strike for ‘klimat’.
Ha ha ha… Love those Babylon Bee satirical articles. Teachers telling Kids to respect and tolerate conservative views – right – had me going there for a minute.
Cancel Culture may be similar to a virus.
At some not to distant future, everyone will
be “canceled” and we can move on to the
next stupid thing.
A sort of herd immunity, but from what? Leftist rubbish or common sense?
Good question. Of course the answer is the same as when a lie is told often enough; most people end up believing in it. Hitler is one example but there are many more. The other analogy is the so called boiling frog syndrome, which apparently has been proven not true with actual experiments but the thought is what counts. What I’m getting at usual is people need to use their brains and do their own research instead of being flat out lazy and taking anything they see and hear on MSM as the truth. The classic example today is what’s happening in Victoria. I’ve just spoken to a friend there and when I mentioned that Andrews should resign he said no he shouldn’t because if he did it would upset things. Here’s the kicker; he always votes Liberal!!!! Go figure. Stupid is as stupid does, and I’m afraid thus far all I see is a lot of stupid people everywhere, not just in Victoria.
Trouble is, in Australia, for most people, their only information source is the mainstream media. FTA TV is 100 percent left-wing.
Unless you subscribe to SkyNews or follow independent media from the US, your world-view is skewed to the left.
Last Sunday, with the regional restrictions on restaurants lifted, I went to a Geelong waterfront restaurant with a couple of friends. It was magnificent. To be out and about with friends, enjoying food that I didn’t have to cook, with a beautiful view across the bay, the lights on the Ferris wheel shining over the beach.
Then the Dan Andrews topic rose its ugly head in the conversation. Even though we were all acknowledged Liberal voters, there was still one who said that they reckoned Daniel Andrews was doing a great job.
Go figure!
Amazingly, left-wing whingeing cartoonist Leunig actually gets it right with this cartoon.
I also listen to the MSM and politicians but I don’t blindly accept it all. It’s a habit of mine to do my own research. It comes from my training as a scientist. Granted most people don’t have the “luxury” of such a background so I can understand how most people take the lazy approach. It’s not an excuse though. We’ve had plenty of warning and examples where politicians and the MSM tell lies as though it’s their modus operandi and they are actually rewarded for it. Go figure.
Heather Mac Donald author of ‘War on Cops” has a book called the ‘Diversity Delusion’ and she found herself the victim of that culture. She recommends Universities be taken back to what they once were: places of learning with students that want to expand their knowledge not learn be political lackies.
The tide is turning, a Trump reelection will see that sustained. I worry if Trump loses the Mandarins will heave a sigh of relief and go back to the same old, same old.
At the risk of sounding melodramatic a Trump reelection is vital for the western world.
Biden’s gang have the red carpet all ready to roll out for Xi.
It won’t be a ‘same old, same old’. It will be a horrendous push for socialist control, with the aim being a one-world government.
Make no mistake about it. The socialists not only want to bring down the USA, but also every capitalist nation in the world.
‘ … there are only “admissions of guilt”. There is something profoundly unChristian about it all — the complete lack of forgiveness.’
Christianity is dependent on guilt for its very survival and forgiveness is built into the package. Masterful control.
Stop talking BS on matters you don’t even have a clue about. Christianity is dependent on the understanding that Salvation is by Grace through faith in our Lord and Saviour Christ Jesus.
Excuse me, I should have said Catlicks gave me this bent back.
Even I don’t bait churchgoers el gordo; no good can come of this.
Don’t know about that, Scott Morrison is Pentecostal.
Keywords: millenarianism, Pentecostalism, End Times, charisma, apocalyptic belief, prophecy.
For a politician these key words translate
millenarianism, Someone like me only comes around every 1,000 years.
Pentecostalism, If I believe hard enough my wish will come true (also popular among Greenies).
End Times, I must achieve something before my time in politics comes to an end.
charisma, What I see in the bathroom mirror.
apocalyptic belief, It would be a disaster if someone else gets the top job.
prophecy, What I say is the Divine Truth.
I hope that is not a typo because I really like the idea of a belief system that requires the making of hats.
it was several typos
Millenarianism is correct and related to Cargo Cults.
Importantly we have a leader who believes he is destined to lead Australia into a better world, with at least two terms in office. The utopian socialists support him and so should Peter.
Sorry to be off topic, but one of my local council candidates (endorsed by The Greens in very small print) is advertising on Facebook, showing off her Climate Reality Leadership Corps certificate, signed by Al Gore and Ken Berlin (who he?). My comment: ‘Just mend the pavements and collect the rubbish.’ Should I be cancelled?
Many years ago I visited a town in the Dandenongs celebrating its 100 years since settlement. One disgruntled shop owner waited until the big day and put a large sign in the window
“This footpath was laid down in 187x and maintained in its original condition by the Council.”
It got some publicity and inside 3 weeks a new 300 metre stretch of bitumen footpath.
Pauline makes waves.
‘A legal definition of academic freedom that some universities say will make it hard for them to discipline racist academics will be included in proposed university funding laws.’
Lisa Visentin/Oz
Morning e g,
Lisa Visentin has this article in today’s SMH:
” Academic freedom’ laws anger universities
Some unis say new laws will make it harder to discipline racist academics. ”
Could be the same article. Certainly Pauline, and Peter Ridd are mentioned.
Dave B
You’re right Dave, I had a momentary brainfade.
We can add “creeping assumptions” to all this. Double speak is rampant.
Hi Jo
‘ … there are only “admissions of guilt”. There is something profoundly unChristian about it all — the complete lack of forgiveness.’
There is something completely unChristian about the whole leftist movement, but they’re actually proud of that. The sad part is the idiotic Christians who vote for these people.
In reality, Cancel Culture is simply the radicalisation of left wing politics in the west and the only real way to stop the cancel culture is to kill off left wing extremism, which is a now huge task due to its takeover of our media and learning institutions and even most of our government run public service. The radicalisation of the left bears many parallels with Islamic extremism, where the aim of the cult is to cleanse the world of those that don’t kneel to their ideology. The bending on one knee ritual is much more than a metaphor. It is therefore highly unlikely that the leaning institutions in the UK will try and cancel themselves. Most likely they will default to their standard tactics of deflection and claim that white privilege, white supremacy and capitalism are the evils in society that need cancelling and encourage the kids to make a few molotov cocktails and engage in peaceful protest.
This goes way beyond mere anti-cancel culture. The Left is furious at the proposed promotion of free speech in UK schools and a ban on teaching anti-capitalism.
The government has been accused of “extreme Conservative authoritarianism” after guidance advised schools to promote freedom of speech and not to use teaching materials produced by groups which call for an end to capitalism.
The document, published by the Department for Education last week, instructed that schools “should not under any circumstances” work with agencies or materials that “promote extreme positions”, including anti-capitalism along with support for illegal activity, racism, and opposition to freedom of speech.
“This is the case even if the material itself is not extreme, as the use of it could imply endorsement or support of the organisation,” the document says.
What’s the bet you’d be cancelled for looking at this interesting exercise using the York UNI temp tool,comparing RSS V4 TLT and UAH V6 TLT.
First start at about the top of the 1997.75 el nino and check the trends to the present day.
For RSS v 4 we have a trend of 0.198 c/ decade and UAH V 6 0.111 c/ per decade. Or nearly twice the trend if you believe RSS V 4.
Next check the trend from the 1997.75 el nino to the 2017.1 el nino. The start and ending are about as accurate as I can make it. See graph for trend.
The trend for RSS V 4 TLT is 0.164 c / decade and the trend for UAH V 6 TLT is 0.053 c / decade. This trend is over 3 times the trend if you believe RSS V 4 over that period of 19 years.
Little wonder that Dr Christy and Dr Spencer don’t accept the RSS V 4 TLT data. Yet the true believers STILL BELIEVE.
Any comments Jo or David?
Gigo. Better not to take clowns seriously. Thanks for the link Neville.
Good news Jo, but needs to actually happen. So many of the teachers these days are deluded and may choose not to teach it, or in such a way that it is not properly emphasised.
A teacher friend of mine is extremely frustrated with the wokeness that pervades her profession here in AU and I have no reason to believe that the same does not happen in the UK.
Cancelling is a sick and morally wrong practice that should NEVER EVER have been allowed by any civilised society. The fact that we have evil, and they are evil, people doing it shows how far we have descended.
As a Christian, I am horrified at the “flexible” morals continually on display these days. Scomo is apparently also a Christian, as are others in Parliament. Their job requires that they speak out against evil practices, but so does their faith. When Scomo and Paul Fletcher do not call out the ABCs blatant bias and implicit support of cancel culture then one would have to question why morals which have guided our society for centuries have been sidelined and those who call themselves Christian will not stand up and be counted, as Christ tells us we must when evil is being done.
Spot on. The problem of course is society as a whole has moved away from our Lord. The end result is chaos as well as evil. It can be rectified by our society as well as our leaders to go back but the likelihood of that happening is between 0 and none.
‘In Morrison, the marketing man joins the evangelical preacher. When he tells his listeners, “I will burn for you”, this references the Biblical text, “Never let the fire in your heart go out,” (Romans 12.11). And, if he stays true to his church’s Pentecostal doctrine, he presumably believes in a personal Devil “who, by his influence, brought about the downfall of man”.
The Conversation
Morrison is a good man for PM, patience and perseverance is required.
A few things can be done.
Require Academic Diversity in Any non Math/Science/Engineering department. Every Non Hard Science Department ought have a mandatory balance of Conservative and Progressive professors and staff, else there is no diversity of thought. De Fund any who do not comply. Terminate any staff/Academics who bring Subjective Morality into any Math/Science/Engineering department.
Require “Introduction to Logic and Critical Thinking” at every secondary school.
Require education in Social Contract Theory and Common Law so that people might understand the value of Law and the obligations they have to Society instead of infantile imaginary justifications for “entitlements” and such other useless justifications for anarchy and socialism.
Other than Biology as a Science, or health related Hygiene, Prohibit any State mandated curriculum concerning gender or sex. Only Elective courses at University level ought breach that barrier.
Teach Actual History, not interpretation of History. History “Is what it Is”, regardless of how current people might wish it were not. Ugly or Grand as it might be, History cannot be changed and cannot be judged by Modern standards, It can only be Understood in comparison to standards Then and standards Now and left Open to future standards. Objective Analysis of History.
Teach Foreseeable Consequences. Not Hope and Excuses. Stupid Games = Stupid Prizes.
Teach Responsibility. Because you WILL get Responsibility whether you like it or not.
IOTW, stop with the navel gazing idiocy and get back to something useful. I’ve had enough of what doesn’t work.
Lance, that’s an outstanding piece.
Thank Lance,
“Teach Responsibility. Because you WILL get Responsibility whether you like it or not“.
The diminution of the very notion of responsibility has been occurring for decades. The Victorian debacle must surely be a wake up call for society to restore it to the top of the list of desirable human behaviors.
I have been going on about the diminution of the notion of responsibility for years. My little blog was established primarily with this subject in mind but because i’m a nobody it is assumed I know nothing, ‘tho I have had a few pieces published in The Spectator.
I’m reluctant to push my blog on Jo’s site but since it came up, you may wish to hop over and take a look at my latest post. Trigger warning!! maybe take a cup of tea with you. You know where to click.
Lance – agreed. No one is taking responsibility for the consequences of their actions any more (or even recognising that errors have been made). The narrative is king and the truth is in hiding (except here)
Next thing you know, Children might be taught that Climate Change Dogma is bullying too.
Or Corona Chan Dogma…
> Imagine teaching students that tolerance means listening to people you don’t like, who are saying things you don’t want to hear? – Joanne
> Examples of extreme political stances include, but are not limited to: – a publicly stated desire to abolish or overthrow democracy, capitalism, or to end free and fair elections – UK govt
Anyone see a contradiction?