A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of mRNA vaccines, banned and censored by YouTube and LinkedIn after he speaks out about the risk of “experimental vaccines”
This is enough to convince me not take any of the experimental vaccines, mRNA based or not.
Their ABC may have let some of the truth about the chance the vaccine experiment will fail out.
Forget the dribble and wind the video across to 54 minutes and 24 seconds.
Openly discussing some of the likely basic math fails of vaccine “herd immunity”.
Peter English chair of the British medical associations public health committee.
ABC Iview Afternoon briefing.
Wednesday 7/7/21 Dr Peter English @ 54:22.
This is very interesting ( Jo will love this document… )
Surveillance Data source : ( has full work up, graphs and detailed information )
So bottom line ( from the report ) :
Delta cases :
vaccinated ( post dose 1 ) 13715
vaccinated ( 2 doses ) 7235
Vaccinated total : 6242+13715+7235 = 27912
Unvaccinated total : 53822
Vaccinated : 1+19+50 = 70
Unvaccinated : 44
Death rates
Vaccinated : 70/27912 = 0.25%
Unvaccinated 40/53822 = 0.07%
In round terms – unvaccinated are 4 times less likely to die.
The dociument also has all the variants and thier death rates from Alpha, Beta,Delta, Eta, Gamma, Kappa, Theta, Zeta – plus a whole bunch of variant names Ive not seen before like “VUI-21MAY02”
Does this mena there are MULTIPLE ( likely vaccine break out mutations ) now running around?
What a mess……
Should say
Delta cases :
vaccinated ( = 21 days post dose 1 ) 13715
vaccinated ( 2 doses ) 7235
Vaccinated total : 6242+13715+7235 = 27912
Interestingly, there are also 11,000 cases classified as “unlinked” whereby they had a variant identified, but couldnt link it back to a patient.
Arrggh…..the less than operator seems to delete lines in a post.
This is why my first post is missing stuff.
Try again….
Delta cases :
vaccinated ( less than 21 days post dose 1 ) 6242
vaccinated ( greater than or equal to 21 days post dose 1 ) 13715
vaccinated ( 2 doses ) 7235
Vaccinated total : 6242+13715+7235 = 27912
Interestingly, there are also 11,000 cases classified as “unlinked” whereby they had a variant identified, but couldnt link it back to a patient.
The problem with your analysis is that it is misleading, and it creates room for further disinformation; especially from the anti-vaxxers of whom there appear to be many represented on this site.
Your figures fail to disaggregate for age. That’s reprehensible.
In addition, the efficacy of the various vaccines is not mentioned in the work you reference. See page 38.
They appear to be all grouped together – genaralized – as one. The linked (non-peer reviewed) study similarly is unhelpful.
What a pity as much time an effort that was put into this analysis wasn’t put into proper analysis of the known anti-virals. Ivermectin, HCQ etc., and the testing of optimal dosage regimes.
Um…I’d suggest youre wrong.
And…if you go look it up, you will find it does split out into a couple of age groups.
Computers are wonderful things…find link…. click…oooo…look….
So where did Gee Aye get to?
I last remember him/her posting about having just had the area AstraZenica vaccine….
OS says:
I’m talking about your analysis.
You know, the one that tries to tell a story that’s not there.
The one the anti-vaxxers push.
that is:
Which is misinformation of the first order. It’s dishonest.
The sad thing is that you know it’s dishonest.
“Which is misinformation of the first order. It’s dishonest.”
The worst part of not breaking things up into age groups is that it hides one of the real problems with the vaccinations. That is the massive long covid numbers in children.
By vaccinating the elderly, vulnerable and health workers etc first then letting the children get it, the non death negative effects are inherited by children.
Quotes from the link below.
“Almost half of children who contract covid-19 may have lasting symptoms,…”
“Symptoms of long covid were first thought to include fatigue, muscle and joint pain, headache, insomnia, respiratory problems and heart palpitations. Now, support groups and researchers say there may be up to 100 other symptoms, including gastrointestinal problems, nausea, dizziness, seizures, hallucinations and testicular pain.
Most long covid research is based on adults.”
The worst part of the problem caused directly by vaccination being used instead of elimination by methods like those used in Australia and New Zealand, is yet to come. These numbers are from sometime before March. Case numbers are exploding.
“UK advocacy group Long Covid Kids says that it currently has details of 1200 children with long covid from 890 families in England. “And that number has been rising quickly,” says founder Sammie Mcfarland. “Not one has returned to their previous health, and most are unable to do their normal activities.””
Exploding case numbers = exploding child sacrificial suffering on the alter of herd immunity.
Sam, did you actually bother to read the link and look at the figures?
Clearly not.
Actually look at the information, then comment.
He supplied the link, most people are capable of following the links and coming to their own conclusions.
Please explain what makes the stuff your addicted to a vaccine and as its not a vaccine, you cannot be an antivaxxer.
your a very sad individual. (your not an individual though, your one of the flock)
Bombs away!
Make up your mind, MP. Either I am an anti-vaxxer, or I’m not.
If your above post were written in English it would be comprehendible. As it is, it’s unintelligible. The education system is truly in bad shape. We need to be inoculated against such tripe.
GeeAye was around recently, seemingly well, I hope still ok.
OS asks:
I’ve already told you, I’m referring to your analysis. The misinformation that you aggregate and choose to publicise here. ie: “In round terms – unvaccinated are 4 times less likely to die.”
That OS is blatant mischief.
It’s scare-mongering.
You “bear false witness” in persisting with it.
Well done Einstein, straw maned out of the debate.
What makes this concoction a vaccine, just answer that. If it does not fit the description of vaccine then it is not a vaccine, therefore you can’t be an anti-vaxer. Wow that’s so hard to figure out. (third person thingy)
Your the one calling everyone an anti-vaxer for being sceptical of an untested chemical, never before trialed in humans and that killed the animals in the two trials.
Guess its buyers remorse, for the low IQ.
More incoherent misinformation, MP.
All the vaccines currently being used in Australia have been tested.
In addition, billions of people have received the vaccine.
“24.9% of the world population has received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine.
3.36 billion doses have been administered globally, and 32.29 million are now administered each day.”
Incoherent yet you keep replying, but never answer the question.
By what definition is it a vaccine?
What testing was done, I get efficacy, they tested if it would work.
The original tests were for efficacy only, the trial subjects were paid, you just signed up for free.
Safety tests are being preformed now and due for completion March 2023, the trial people are you lot.
Don’t blame me for your own stupidity. How’s the spike protein factory going, you seem to have lost the ability for comprehension, don’t worry they have a vaccine for that.
I care not how many sheep are in your flock, you all end up in the same place.
The unvaccinated are only 4 times less likely to die?
The fully vaccinated are the oldest people. The partially vaccinated are young to middle aged adults.. The unvaccinated are young people. This is all the more so in the UK where vaccination priority is stratified by age group.
Here in Canada, after vaccinating the really old, the Northerners and indigenous, etc we pivoted and divided our vaccination efforts between older people and Hot spot neighborhoods
Speaking as a fully vaxxed old person, I am not happy that unvaccinated people are 4 times less likely to die from covid19.
The vaccination is not as effective as advertised for avoiding covid19 itself or surving a breakthrough infection.
Are you sure of your percentages?
I know that the Astra Zeneca (and probably others) DO NOT stop you getting Covid19 again, although supposedly in a milder form most of the time. And they DO NOT stop you passing your infection onto others.
And there are the risks from the vaccine but I heard that the chance of death from it was less than 1%. Or are you referring to the long term effects from the vaccine?
From the data provided by OriginalSteve 50/7235 fully vaccinated died.
Estimate the number of those 7,235 fully vaccinated people below the age of 60 who did not die? Pulling a number out of the air .. 3,000 fully vaxxed, aged below 60 with 5 deaths.
What remains is 45/4235 fully vaxxed over aged 60 die. That is roughly 1% mortality
Assume mortaliity for 60 and over unvaxxed is 5%.
Translates to risk of death for fully vaxxed reduced by 80% and not the advertised 94% reduction
Yes it is a big improvement but not so massive as advertised 94% protection
I expect that I will eventually get covid19. The prospect of a 1% chance of being so sick as to die from it does not sit easily with me. Maybe that is irrational. I don’ t know
Raving, not sure where you live, but buying some vitamin C and D and keeping stress levels down may help.
Some people dont like my assessment, but a bad flu will kill as many people in the older age groups, as will covid.
I hope you stay healthy, I mean that sincerely.
I can suggest the following for making every effort to stay healthy and not contract any cold/flu/whatever virus.
Before I suggest my “cocktail” of stuff, just know that every (N. H.) winter, I will often get at least three, and perhaps as many as four, colds, which in my case manifest as a day (or two) of nasal congestion, followed by about two weeks of laryngitis.
This past (N.H.) winter, with the “bug” being all about, my family and I started a protocol of using supplemental Vit D, on occasion some C as well (not steadily), and zinc, which has been advised as interfering with the ability of the “bug” to infect cells.
Additionally, I would often obtain some ‘tonic water’; the “Great Value” brand available at WalMart specifically states that it contains quinine. I do not know how much quinine it has, but based on the presumed prophylaxis of hydroxychloroquine, it was an available substitute. I would specifically take at least one, and possibly two, upon feeling any symptom which I could associate with cold/flu/”bug”. Also, any symptom of any nasal congestion, I added the generic equivalent of FloNase before retiring for the night.
So, in a nutshell: zinc, Vit D, plus some C, Great Value Tonic Water (yes, it is bitter, so add the gin if you like), and FloNase.
It is now mid-summer in N.H.; results from last winter: zero colds, no flu, no respiratory inflammations or other distress. First time in my entire seven decades plus, that I have NOT had at least one cold. And spring seasonal allergies seemed to be less, as well.
Does this work for everyone? Hell if I know; but I do not that it does not hurt. I join O.S. in wishing you, and everyone, good health, and good wealth (OK, I’m going to say it: ‘Live long and propser …’),
You don’t need to be far north before you need 5,000 IU of V D. If you have a friendly doctor the 600,000 IU injection will last all year.
I’m in the tropics, garden without a shirt and my V D levels are V high but still take an occasional supplement over winter.
I take other supplements as well but I’m healthier than I was 30 years ago. My knees aren’t getting better tho but they aren’t painful.
‘Vlad the Impaler’ recommends Tonic Water if it contains quinine, as it should.
Yes, this is effective in the same way as HCQ. I did a calc in my head as to the amount that could be a dose, it is about 25 bottles (one liter) a day.
Better, do not miss your daily Vitamin D3.
Hi Lucky:
Just to be completely clear, I omit the gin with the tonic water, and just gulp it down with all deliberate speed.
The usual cans my wife and I buy at WalMart are 222ml. Not sure if that is a theraputic dose or not, hence the ‘severity’ of the symptoms I have will dictate one or two (and I usually have some orange juice or pineapple juice between the two ‘doses’).
Who are “the Northerners” in Canada speak? havent heard that one before. People above the arctic circle, non indigenous I guess if the already have priority.
People who live so far North, the only way to reach their communitiies is by canoe, airplane, train or logging road. For practical purposes it means isolated communities and/or northern territories
Town of Moosonee Ontario is near the south shore of James Bay. Lots of communities in the the provinces are like that. Think Northern Quebec, Labrador in ‘Newfoundland and Labrador’, .. Northern most provinces
Am sure there are many isolatrd Australian communities, that way too
Vaccinated the isolated communities for the same reason as indigenous … Isolated access. Close knit living arrangements
I’d argue leave remote communities alone from vacicnes.
One of the good things going for them is that they are remote, a form of self imposed quarantine.
They also serve scientifically as a non vaccinated control group.
Thanks Raving, yes lots of isolated communities here but access maybe less restricted given our lack of a serious winter.
Indeed, the ‘expert’ on the news a few days ago gave the figures in the UK for the Delta variant as CASE FR of 2% in 75+ down to not measurable in kids.
They gave no details over vaccination status, but currently 75+ are very very near 100% and kids close 0%.
Is your Tonic water sugar free?
I think that the type in North America may not have sugar in it.
Schweppes Tonic water contains around 68 milligrams quinine per litre, while Canada Dry is around 61. Both under a theraputic dose
of 200-250.
There is a Health Dept. limit of 83mg / lt. in place in countries like the USA and Australia.
Ingredients quote:
“Carbonated water, citric acid, potassium benzoate, quinine hydrochloride”.
End quote.
Hope that answers the question.
And just to update the previous, my wife and I just finished our weekly sojourn to WalMart for groceries (and other needed items) and she called me over to the tonic water, when she noticed that there were (possibly for the first time) flavored varieties, including a lemon/lime, strawberry, and grape. When she asked if I wanted to try any of them, I checked the ingredients, and all had added sugar, which, by your implication, is an undesirable ingredient, so I stuck with the unflavored t.w.
Whether I am getting a ‘theraputic’ dose or not, is still an open question, but in this case, I think something is better than nothing. The results from this previous Northern Hemisphere winter speak for themselves. We knew any number of friends and colleagues who were getting the “bug”, and with the protocol, we barely had any sniffles in our homestead all winter.
My sincerest wish to everyone, especially Jo, with her ‘infirmity’, is good health, and if you are infirm, speedy recovery. If the cocktail of vitamins, minerals, and “tonic” water(s) prevents or lessens virus impacts, so much the better for everyone.
Good fortune to all,
In Australia we can choose Fever Tree brand which comes in Indian, Premium Indian, Lemon and Elderflower flavours. The last I think reflects the English origins of the brand. There may be other flavours.
The Indian has 3.4% sugar, and the Premium Indian has 8% sugar which might be there to disguise a higher quinine level.
Generally Oz gets a good press over here in the UK. This article comments unfavourably on the continual lockdowns at the smallest number of outbreaks.
The comments are especially interesting with many believing that the virus will eventually take hold in Oz and because of the low numbers of vaccinations will bring you down to the European experience.
For my part I do wonder what extraordinary measures your authorities will take if there are some serious outbreaks and resultant deaths, if we judge them by their previous harsh lockdown measures.
they will act the way the Victorian Premier did for the major outbreak in Oz, you dont have to wonder. The current reactions are partly driven by the desire to not be like him.
I find concerns and advice from the UK bemusing , its hardly a model anyone wants to follow
He would be simply promoting long standing policy, would he not?
Hysteria rules!
Is there some way we can support Trump’s lawsuit? That is where a large part of the problem lies.
Thinking a bit more about this, LinkedIn would hardly have done this off its own bat. Somebody must have told them a story or two. Now who might have done that?
I speculated here about the possible numbers of dollars that might appear in Trump’s lawsuit. But there is an even bigger issue at play which could introduce desperation into the effort applied to blocking information.
Should it be found that somebody has corruptly caused affordable treatments to be banned, and that this action caused people to die, then in some jurisdictions causing people die carries the death penalty.
Re: your last sentence.
So far the Democrats and any supporter of them, have been able to do anything they like with full immunity from prosecution. Any of the most heinous crimes imaginable and nada, nothing. So; evidence of maleficence will get nowhere, and probably never will again. As of now, nothing matters except your allegiances. We’re right back to the medieval class society.
Linkdin in is a Microsoft company these days
Tells you everything you need to know about the whole situation……
Sure does. I’ve watched his interview at the link below. One point to be taken from his interview is if correct data collection procedures were adopted from the start, we would by now have a much clearer view of effectiveness of the vaccines and their side effects. My take on this is the relevant authorities starting with WHO have been negligent on all this – worse still they have been censoring a lot of information and scaring everyone into action. When our “leaders” point the finger at us for refusing to take the vaccines, they ought to look in the mirror. I am not a total anti-vaxxer but I do refuse to take experiential vaccines that have not gone through the appropriate processes of testing that other vaccines go through.
He makes the point the bioethics of the use of experimental vaccines are being deliberately ignored. Note these are indeed experiential vaccines as they have been rushed through under emergency legislation. So in effect we are playing Russian Roulette with billions of people given we have no knowledge as yet of the long term effects of these vaccines.
He also makes the point we must make up our own mind whether or not to take the vaccines. We can’t be forced or even coerced into taking them. The reason is as above; these are experimental vaccines. All the peer pressure and fear mongering by the governments are clearly coercion.
There is also the age of consent is also discussed. This dictates that children can’t be given the vaccines without prior approval of the parents. This is being ignored too.
He says one of the drivers for all this is to cause herd immunity. The problem is we don’t have the real data and analysis to show it is even possible let alone likely. They do reduce the spreading but not necessarily the disease. So, it’s possibly a myth or a lie that herd immunity is possible through the use of the vaccines. He concludes they are substituting their opinions for evidence-based medicine. It’s time they based their decisions on the evidence not just on their opinions. So, they are bioethics is thrown out of the window.
The curious thing about Robert Malone is – why has he waited all this time to start speaking out?
Perhaps he hesitated to put his life and reputation at risk.
Gee, I know of 7 climate scientists the Obama administration attempted to ruin.
The people running things now are enough more brazen and drunk with power.
I promise, he gas more courage than both of us.
enough should read even
and gas should be has
Spell Check is not my friend
The elite officials wonder about reluctance of general public to wear masks, let alone to be vaccinated.
If there had been even one authoritative, clear, unequivocal official report, endorsed by top medicos, that showed the main pros and cons of masks, there would not have been such a resistance.
Either they were too dumb to realise this, or there is factually no advantage from masks.
The problem is, nobody who knows will talk.
What a disgusting way to pervert the clarity of science. Geoff S
dear Geoff — plenty of papers :
Problem is masks are not a binary yes-no thing. There are 20 different kinds. plus 50 shades of bad fitting. It means u can get any result you want from a mask study.
Good masks — fitted well — do help.
Problem is our national conversation is stupid. Which was your point right? Theyve lost our trust and treat us like we are stupid.
When you consider the attacks and the repercussions on Dr Malone, it adds a great deal of weight to his comments.
Australian zoos declare they are ready to vaccinate their animals
Aussie zookeepers have declared they are ready to give their big animals a jab following a world-first in America.
Australian zookeepers have declared they are ready to get their big animals vaccinated for Covid-19 following a world-first in America
America’s Oakland Zoo became the first to vaccinate their vulnerable exhibits including tigers, black bears, grizzly bears, mountain lions and even ferrets. They animals have now received the first of their two doses.
While Australia’s current priority is vaccinating their human population, zookeepers have told The Daily Telegraph they will be following the progress and results of the vaccine program in America.
Mogo Wildlife Park director Chad Staples said he was “terrified in the beginning of the virus how it was going to affect our animals.”
“I got very nervous about great apes in particular because genetically we are so similar that it almost stands to reason that something that affects a person would affect a gorilla, chimpanzee or orangutan,” he said.
Israel has found Covid -19 in horses. It is now referred to as E-Cov.
sounds like the beginning of a bad sci fi movie, as do a lot of things these days
Morning all,
The Donald strikes back:
” Former US president Donald Trump has announced he has filed lawsuits against three of the world’s biggest tech companies: Facebook, Twitter and Google, as well as their chief executives. ”
Dave B
Now if I’m not mistaken, US courts have a habit of awarding punitive damages along with compensation.
Should that happen here, what might the numbers be?
This could be fun!
Great news. I have also posted on that but my post is stuck in moderation.
Good to see someone is fighting for free speech. Is he suing them only personally or on behalf of others as well? I believe it’s the former but if the latter then any punitive damages could amount into the billions.
I believe he is suing them both personally for injuctive relief and restoration of his social media accounts PLUS as a “class representative” as the basis of a class action lawsuit for or with others.
Peter, I heard on news ( for what that’s worth), that others were tagging on, class action.
Good. Roughly half of the US should tag along. That would make life very interesting.
Like everything else he touches, this will be an epic fail.
Private companies can publish what and who they want. And facebook et al are incredibly democratic in that they respond to the will of their users, not some megalomaniac psychopath
I prophesied you’d say that. I have addressed that comment in an earlier post currently stuck in moderation.
Earlier I said:
“However, it is obvious they are publishers not platforms by the mere fact that they censor political content. They are clearly not like a telephone service which is unconcerned by the content of your conversations. ”
So does Donald Trump first have to convince the courts they are publishers not platforms? If so he may find he is as big a loser in this venture as he was in his claims the election was a fraud.
You may recall that in Australia proposed legislation was changed due to Facebook stopping supplying the MSM with news it had garnered.
The point remains, they are not a carriage service (that is a strawman from David) They are a business, their trade is advertisements for eyeballs. That is it, it is not left or right, it is dollars. That is the fundamental principle. As such Facebook is best viewed as a fiefdom, free speech, rights (implied or otherwise) do not count, only dollar returns.
As a user/subscriber you are not guaranteed anything, as is the case for this blog. You or I could be banned at anytime, and we all are at the mercy of the moderation filter, which like the AI which handles HR at amazon is not something you can argue with.
” they are not a carriage service”
So you agree they are a publishing company, since they strongly edit views they don’t want people to see.
That makes them liable for what they publish.
Take your feet off the keyboard, Peter.. they are typing gibberish again.
Facebook is a platform, they have rules about what can appear on that platform. Please try to stay with the facts, particularly around the definition of publish, as it applies to platform and content providers.
So funny, double back and twist yourself backwards to try to get around what you have already written..
Your comments really are “unfortunate” for you, aren’t they Peter.
They are making you look like an arrant fool !
“they have rules about what can appear on that platform”
And those rule favour the far-left, pushing the far-left memes, and blanking out reality.
No wonder marxist prats like you love them so much.
No longer any pretense about being an unbiased platform, but a truly activist publishing company, censoring anything that doesn’t fit their far-left ideologies.
Glad you have finally realised that fact, Peter.
At this stage, Facebook et al are *not* a publishing business, even though they really are, and hopefully this issue will be sorted out when governments grow some balls.
In any case, that question is completely irrelevant.
Trump is suing Facebook et al because he demands access to their service to use as a platform for his opinions.
Facebook et al have chosen to not do business with Trump, as is their right, especially in the land of the free where a baker can choose to not bake a cake for *some* customers, if he doesn’t want to.
Trump is barking. Up the wrong tree.
In that case why are they blocking what private individuals want to say? What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. In any case, people have the right to sue someone else when they feel they have been wronged. The courts will decide.
“The courts will decide.”
Yes they certainly will just as they did when Trump sought the courts to rule the election as fraudulent
Nothing quite like the Leftist establishment blocking justice in the courts…..
Ah…the rancid smell of communism…..
Are you saying all the 86 judges who ruled on Trump’s 62+ lawsuits are part of the Leftist Establishment?? I didn’t think you were a subscriber to conspiracy theories
What is the official definition of a conspiracy?
Cant wait for the outcome of the Arizona audit…..bring it on.
OriginalSteve. Yes it will be interesting but it is being conducted by Cyber Ninjas a company headed by Doug Logan who has strenuously avoided speaking to reporters since taking part in an April 22 press conference just before the audit began. At that conference, he refused to answer questions about how he’d repeated and amplified various debunked election-fraud conspiracy theories on social media, such as this retweet unearthed by the Arizona Mirror, for example: “I’m tired of hearing people say there was no fraud. It happened, it’s real, and people better get wise fast.”
Cyber Ninjas in turn was chosen at the behest of Arizona Senate President Karen Fann a Republican who is a strong supporter of Trump.
In view of this a lawsuit has been filed by a nonprofit group called American Oversight after the Senate declined to turn over records requested through the Arizona Public Records Law. An Arizona judge hearing the case asked an attorney for the state Senate why the public should not have access to records involving Cyber Ninjas, the tech firm reviewing the 2020 Maricopa County presidential election.
“Isn’t the public entitled to know who is paying for this, what (Senate) President (Karen) Fann referred to as a constitutional and legislative function, this important constitutional duty?” Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Michael Kemp asked the lawyer for the Senate.”
I think you will find due to the legal issues of the case , he cant speak.
The Left is absolutely terrified of the outcome, which is why the Fed goons have been using basically stand over tactics. And the Az Attorney General has threatened to thrown any Feds in clink if they try it on….should be more of that. The Feds forget the States are soverign.
Never allowing the core issues to be examined makes you part of some type of establishment. Sooner or later the games and evasion will have to end and the facts addressed. Why everyone is so gun shy about audits should be a massive red flag. Doing that in the private sector would see you seeking other career opportunities.
You know the courts were too scared to even look at the issue.
The courts did not decide anything.
None even went to court, the left would never have allowed it.
Who is this “megalomaniac psychopath” that you mention?
Thanks as always Peter. Now we can take it as read that the claim has merit.
The fool returns.
“can publish”
So, you admit they are publishers..
Hence liable for what they publish.
You seem to be making a monumental mess of your comments.. as usual, Peter.
Peter I just don’t understand how someone can be wrong so often and still keep doing the same thing. And I’m talking about you not DJT.
Failed? I would like my C.V. to show that I went for being President of the United States – and succeeded. Geoff S
You would need to be well paid to accept a brief from Donald. His lawyers tend to get raided by the FBI with CNN handy.
Yukon territory in Canada is experiencing its worst outbreak of covid19 despite being the most vaccinated place in Canada. Population of Yukon = 42k people
So 35% of Yukoners are fully vaccinated and 9% of new hospitalizations are among the vaccinated?
In other words, Yukoners are 4x more likely to get gravely ill from Covid if they are unvaccinated?
What would you recommend to people do in that case? Get vaccinated or not?
In the open thread, the Simple one expressed the following in support of vaccination and I thought my reply is pertinent to your information and links
Simple said:
And I replied:
And the mRNA and adenovirus vector CoViD “vaccines” do not train the immune system properly since they do not present all of the virus for the immune system but rather a specific portion of a particular variant of the virus. Given this, the immune system can be improperly trained making it ineffectual against a different variant.
Anti-virals assist the body to overcome the actual variant that infects the body so the immune system is trained against the full properties against the virus which gives broader immunity against further variants (since it is exposed to more than just the spike protein produced by these vaccines.
So it’s a tossup whether being vaccinated will “mop up” the infection more quickly and with milder symptoms than taking anti-virals and those who recover from an actual infection will have superior immunity to those who have merely been vaccinated.
Sorry, it was from the vaccines not magic bullets, thread
Trump sues Facebook, Twitter and Google, claiming censorship
And before some Leftist says they are private companies and can do as they please (gosh, isn’t that a reversal?), remember that in the US they receive protection against litigation under section 230 of the Communications Decency Act by falsely claiming they are platforms/carriers like a telephone service, not publishers like a newspaper.
However, it is obvious they are publishers not platforms by the mere fact that they censor political content. They are clearly not like a telephone service which is unconcerned by the content of your conversations. They are therefore liable for the consequences of their activities which President Trump has recognised.
Trump sues Facebook, Twitter and Google, claiming censorship
WASHINGTON, July 7 (Reuters) – Former U.S. President Donald Trump on Wednesday filed lawsuits against Twitter Inc (TWTR.N), Facebook Inc (FB.O), and Alphabet Inc’s Google (GOOGL.O), as well as their chief executives, alleging they unlawfully silence conservative viewpoints.
The lawsuits, filed in U.S. District Court in Miami, allege the California-based social media platforms violated the right to freedom of speech guaranteed by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.
Trump is seeking class action status for the lawsuits, meaning he would represent the interests of other users of Twitter, Facebook, and Google’s YouTube who allege they have been unfairly silenced.
He filed three lawsuits making similar allegations — one against Facebook and its CEO Mark Zuckerberg, one against Twitter and its CEO Jack Dorsey, and one against Google and its CEO Sundar Pichai.
Agreed. One thing about President Trump that I admire is his ability to get the bad guys to reveal themselves.
And what a nice way to force the issue about whether they are publishers or carriers. The masters of the universe get to choose their poison.
A glance into my crystal ball suggests they will claim they are sui generis and neither a publisher nor a carrier.
Completely bizarre.
Not just trump pushing ahead with this latest fantasy of his, but the fact there are people out there who are so lacking in scepticism that they believe these actions ared anything but completely unhinged.
To breach the 1st Amendment, those organisations and their CEOs would have to become synonymous with the US Congress. Which they aren’t. End of story.
Any of you guys going to this…?
Learning to Live with Climate Change: Feminist Perspectives on Embodiment, Emotion and Education
Thanks David but I won’t be going.
The quoted material there is reminiscent of an ABCCCC radio interview I heard the other day.
Deeply intersectional, translational discussion about the likelihood of deepening white male based anti female misogyny and how it could possibly break the glass ceiling if applied in reverse.
In the face of this, how do we support each other.
There is a recent term known as the glass floor. It refers to the likes of Hillary Clinton and Julia Gillard being able to escape jail when if they were male they would have been charged. They go sideways on the glass floor
Keith I can’t decide whether I would like to understand your “deeply intersectional …” sentence or be glad that I don’t.
I’ll get out my classic French chiffon and apply some cosmetic paste to my upper regions and make an event of it. Much to discuss. Where to begin..
No, mealy mouthed academia speak holds no appeal
The brief does rather read like that classic WOFTAM glacier study on “feminist insights at the human-ice interface”
With thanks to David Maddison for this link on weekend unthreaded of 4th July
for an 90 minute interview with Dr. Zelenko. I’ve isolated some nuggets that I found fascinating because being quite long it can be difficult for some to sit and watch the whole thing. He makes some very interesting but worrying observations about the coverups and silencing of any information about the “cures” coming out and describes it as the “perfect setup for genocide” at about 15:18. He also describes what’s happening as the “biggest gamble on the survival of humanity in the history of humanity” at around 19:00 and continues by asking some pertinent questions like “Why are the cures being suppressed? Why is the toxicity and side effects of the vaccine being suppressed? Why are entire continents being coerced into taking the vaccine whose safety profile has not been established? And why take something that’s completely medically unnecessary?” He also mentions that “Bill Gates in giving a TED talk in 2015 advocated for a reduction in world population. He is one of the main supporters and profiteers of the vaccine. Why would you take it?” this at around 36:30. He suggests that “the two big risk factors for Covid are the government you live under and the doctor you choose” at 51:50. And the biggy, he suggests that “there’s a lot of narcissistic sociopathic, wannabe deity mentalities by the woke global intellectuals that think that they know better and in my understanding they have devolved into the most base, primitive human beings you can imagine by their rejection of the divine nature of humans.”
A very interesting interview and especially good to see Dr. Zelenko appearing well, particularly as he explains at the end of the clip the whole round of medical treatment for heart and cancer issues that he’s been through in the last many months. May he continue to stay strong. Dr. Zelenko’s own sites are and ToM
Thanks for summarising that Tides of Mudgee.
I’m OK with vitamins C & D and enjoy red meat so I think of myself as OK for zinc, but I’m not sure. Has anyone heard the recommended dosages?
In supplements the tabs are 50 mg while the RDD is only 12 mg. I don’t like to over do minerals.
Zelenko mentions blood thinners but no one mentions nattokinase. As you can see it is a strong anti-clotting agent and should not be overdone or you can bleed from a shaving nick for too long. No point in asking a doctor, he/she will not know it. Disclaimer: I have never taken it routinely.
Mechanisms of Action
Despite its name, nattokinase is not a kinase enzyme but instead belongs to the serine protease family of enzymes, which work to break down other proteins. The mechanisms of action studied in animals or human cells, are as follows. In cell studies, nattokinase [1, 5, 6]:
Directly dissolves cross-linked fibrin, a protein that forms blood clots.
Increases release of tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA) from cells, which also breaks down fibrin.
Increases urokinase levels by converting internal prourokinase to urokinase. Increased urokinase activity leads to increased plasmin in the blood; plasmin is responsible for degrading fibrin.
Inactivates plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1). PAI-1 inhibits plasmin formation, which, as mentioned above, degrades fibrin.
Inhibits platelet aggregation by blocking thromboxane (a substance released from platelets that causes blood clotting and blood vessel constriction) formation.
Isn’t it obvious that Covid “vaccines” are very variant specific, if they work at all, but if known harmless anti-virals with published protocols were adopted there would be no need for vaccines and the virus could be wiped out in a short amount of time with no economic or social damage?
Why won’t any government allow this to be tested with a selected low risk group? (Rhetorical question, I know it’s Big Pharma and the World Homicide Organisation calling the shots.)
In Australia where it is almost wiped out but we are putting out perpetual spot fires it seems like these antivirals could prevent some spot fires and mop others up quickly.
We don’t need to take part in the vaccine experiments if we just improve what has made us the envy of the world.
Imagine offering the “known harmless anti-virals” as the incoming traveler is boarding or over international water if the departure country won’t allow it.
One of those small anti-viral treatment kits as handed out by some countries, along with the usual passenger handouts? Too sensible!
Antivirals may not be the panacea as a viral protein might need just a mutation or two to thwart drug binding. A better approach might be to focus on some of the human pathways viruses exploit to gain entry into human cells
Some of the anti-virals do exactly that.
To answer your question up stream.
Gee aye is a lady, has been all her life.
She got the AZ about a month ago and has been on here ever since, the execution dose is 2 months away.
She is presently following the global warming and went to Townsville last Monday in time for the solitary confinement exercise. I am guessing she has a couple of weeks holiday.
She vary rarely comments on weekends and after work hours, I think this is her job?
If she is not back next week, the cork comes out of the bottle again.
If she is in Townsville she has a magic day to enjoy, warm and bright.
Are you sure about the timing? It was a tourist visiting Maggie and Palm Islands caused the lockdown.
I am not looking back to check. But someone was saying how all the sports and the show were happening in Tville.
She stated she was going to Tville the following week and was checking for the show dates, the next Monday you went into lockdown (sorry it was the Monday before last). As she has not commented since then, I have concluded she is on holiday in sunny Townsville, or clotting in a hospital somewhere.
Should be back on the key board Monday, or the obits. Unless its a months leave!
They had the State Of Origin a couple of weeks ago, there are Super Cars this weekend and next and a gem festival at the same time. All our Cowboy’s home games have been played with open gates. Ingham and Townsville had their shows. AFAIK there has been little or no outdoor infection – anywhere.
There has been no virus in the wild within 1,000 km.
Envoy living in the cities now?
BTW I am not so arrogant to think we can float above it all. All good things come to an end but business must be done while it can if we are to get through this.
I was replying to Analitik’s question on GA up thread, that’s all. Then you jumped in.
I said nothing about pretty much everything you responded with.
The goal whether they care to admit it or not is zero cases. Yet they admit that the virus will be with us for a very long time. Reading between the lines they want EVERYONE vaccinated. Let’s see if they cross the next line and start vaccinating people door to door.
“Let’s see if they cross the next line and start vaccinating people door to door.”
Thats’s the plan in the US:
Joe Biden to Send Government Officials Door to Door Across America to Pressure People to Accept Vaccination
The scariest words in the English language: “We’re from the Government and we’re here to help”
That’s coercion and it is wrong.
Police unleashed to arrest Sydney Delta spread
NSW Police will launch a major crackdown in Sydney’s southwestern suburbs from 7am tomorrow, in an effort to bring a surge in cases under control.
[Snip. Read more at the linked article] ED
New Zooland is getting the army to hunt down the remaining majority of sane people to forcefully administer their GMO.
There are no more rights except the governments right to dictate your every action, its going to get much worse.
CRT, naked men in women’s dressing rooms, forced injection.
Too far is getting way too close.
In some cases I can imagine that might increase the number of shots at the front doors of people homes – those that use bullets not vaccines 🙂
More than likely there will be a cluster of suburbs which need to be isolated, individuals tested to get out and jabbed to get back in.
If they try that I suspect, as one commentator on Gab said, they may be introduced to one or more amendments of the US Constitution.
Very likley.
Generally people are strating to wake up, which is why the vaccination rate has dropped like a stone.
Once people realized that the gummint appears to be just the enforement arm of globalist agenda of what is almost forced vaccination, I would expect the public to push back pretty hard….
The thinking is the globalists want people dosed up so when the planned next bio weapon comes along, they drop like flies.
Australia is different to the US.
“Australia is different to the US.”
Yes it is. My comments were directed to the US’ door-to-door initiative.
They are sending in the mounted police to keep people inside and fully dressed when outside. Its a newly formed enclave.
‘NSW police are announcing a major operation cracking down on Covid-19 compliance in Sydney. More than 100 police to be dispatched across south-west Sydney from 7am tomorrow.’ (Guardian)
Epic Memes Bash Biden’s Door-to-Door Vaccine Task Force
In US all they need do is put around suggestion that if you mix X with the vax then heat it on a spoon for 4 minutes you get the greatest 2 day high you ever had. Door to door problem solved.
X = aspirin or some other common readily available legal drug
Re your post on the North West of England Hospital study — it got me wondering, do the deficient patients get a booster shot of Vit. D? … or is it safer to slowly raise their levels?
Perhaps nothing is done which fits my general expectation of public hospitals.
Also, should we be testing newly admitted virus-linked cases for Vit C and Zinc too?
Here’s an idea for public health officials: roll out random (voluntary) testing of the population for Vitamins C and D, and Zinc – at the same time check for antibody evidence of a prior Covid infection. (If costs are prohibitive, just ask people if they suspect they had a mild case of Covid, you know, a cough, loss of taste/smell etc.).
It’s often said that Correlation doesn’t equal Causation, but if the data sets are large enough, we can confidently draw a useful conclusion.
The data might show that non-hospitalized cases of Covid had better than median levels of D,C and Zinc.
And even better news would be a correlation between high or optimum levels (D, C and Zn) and NO symptoms of Covid.
Gathering data can be our friend if we do enough.
My reading is “ASAP” so get the shot. The standard prescription seems to be 600,000 IUs but that is good for the year. This sounds drastic and I am most definitely not giving medical advice. Taking it orally is too slow once infected, your fat tissue absorbs much of it before it builds up in the blood and cells. You don’t have the time for that.
To do so would be an admission that treatment works. They cannot admit that now.
We accepted that for smoking causing cancer.
Studies in the elderly of vitamin D supplementation on various clinical parameters are all NEGATIVE for the humongous dose injections given yearly or 6 monthly. The few looking at frequent lower doses are POSITIVE.
G’day Custer,
There are studies which provide answers to some of your questions. At the population level many countries have found that a significant % of their people are deficient in both zinc and vitamin D.
Since zinc is a common component of several of the known protocols, I decided to take a supplement, at half the packet-recommended amount until I got the results of a blood test. My level is now satisfactory. I also take quercetin, now also recommended by Dr Zelenko, for its capability as an ionophore, creating a path for the zinc to get inside a cell and zap the virus.
Similarly with vitamin D, I established that it’s quite difficult to overdose on it and again started taking a supplement before I was able to get tested, and am now taking a daily dose of 10,000 IU per day expecting to maintain my blood level at 60 ng/ml or above. (Watch those units. There’s a factor of 2.5 between them.)
A vitamin D blood level of 40 ng/ml or above seems to keep one from getting serious illness and death, possibly alone.
If I were exposed today, without the above levels, I would follow the Zelenko protocol or Math+, starting immediately and take bolus dose of vitamin D, or get an injection of calcifdiol (the immediately useable form of vitamin D) from my doc, hopefully.
In Dr Zelenko’s words: “Don’t die, don’t go into ICU, don’t go into hospital.”
Dave B
I’ve never been tested for Vit D levels but for years now I’ve been aware of its importance; and hoping that natural is good enough, I get enough sun in the warmer months, without getting burnt.
I remember reading that Vit D lingers in the body for 3 months which, handily, is the length of winter so Mother Nature has planned ahead for us. 🙂
Homo whoever, on the veldt hunting, had the advantage of becoming hairless and being able to sweat. This enabled them, with the ability to communicate, to run down less fortunate creatures. They had no trouble building up enough V D to see them through the duller winter.
If you aren’t running down prey in your jock strap all summer, you prolly need V D supplements.
Here above the 49th parallel, even in summer UVB is minimal except in the 4 middle hours of the day when you are told to stay out of the sun. You can get burned by UVA all day. There is a series on UCSD TV on many aspects of vitamin D
Good 15 min video on the benefits of eating meat although a couple of comments by the speaker lead me to think he believes in AGW.
Thank You David,
One of the benefits of eating beef, in particular, may be that it contains lysine, an antiviral. Is this the reason the our pets, cats and dogs, being carnivores, have not been dropping dead in our homes due to the COVID virus?
Back in the days of the Hendra virus, research by CSIRO apparently showed that the flying foxes were asymptomatic to viruses. They are fruit bats and eat mangoes which also contains lysine. Yes, some dogs did die, as well as horses and veterinarians, but that was attributed to them having direct contact with the contaminated horse excreta.
might pass on the Pangolin and Bats if thats OK
There are millions [billions?] of magpie geese on the east tropical coast. They nest on the ground in the water weeds within easy reach of our hunter/gatherer natives. Seasonally eggs would be a large part of their diet so could hardly be bad for us.
“FBI, CIA, these national federal organizations have become very political.” -Texas Attn.Gen.
How big monopoly capitalists and CCP join together
Have become? There were political decades ago. The only thing that has changed is they now have the social media and MSM in their pockets. In their early days the social media and MSM were on our side and fought hard to reveal the truth. Now they are doing the opposite and shutting down the truth. I recall the days when I stalked the bulletin board systems and newsgroups (started with FidoNet back in the 1980s) of the time it was refreshing to see much open debate and discussion on various topics – no filtering and no blocking. Now, it’s all turned around and they are just as evil as the the rest of them.
Ahhh! FidoNet and the 4-5 day turnaround on e-mail! And the kluges to run your input and output very quickly, so as not to tie up the host’s dial-up link!
Our politicians are on the road to making ALL meat illegal to consume soon…
According to the RSPCA, stunning the crustacean by chilling it in cold air or an ice slurry – saltwater or freshwater, according to the species – for at least 20 minutes. Once the lobster is stunned, it should be mechanically killed as quickly as possible by splitting it along the longitudinal midline on its underside.
Hmmm. Sounds more “humane” to boil them alive rapidly. Just get the job over and done with ASAP!
Exactly what I do. Ice slurry for Mudcrabs and prawns. Fish get the “priest” – a baton of mulga to the back of the head and then a knife to cut the gill latched. Sounds brutal but far more “humane” than asphyxiation or being boiled.
I always found a winch handle to be ideal for fish.
In the wild, everything is eaten, either after it starves or while alive. Such is life and death.
Even without an esky and ice, as a boy we would catch big crabs and let them loose in the boat. They would find a corner and settle. When we tried to tie them up it became a battle the crab sometimes won. I had one clamp my finger in the root of his nipper and then shed it. My finger was numb for ages. [OK that was a Jenny, illegal, but prolly made the injury worse]
The first crab I ever caught was only 50 m from our front steps. It was a big buck. I was a boy but I still contend it was legal. I had seen how it was done and put the Coke bottle with my line on it on his back and grabbed the roots of his flippers. I had him. He took the thumb nail off my left hand. We ate him, I had the last laugh.
I am live and let live now, a paper wasp nest is OK as long I’m not going to walk into it. The scrub turkeys mean I can’t grow tomatoes, so be it. But I do not think creatures with the brain the size of a match head understand fairness.
I think boiling and/or eating any animal alive without humane killing is barbaric although whether crustaceans can actually feel pain is a matter of scientific controversy.
I agree that politicians and the Left in general want to outlaw the eating of meat for all but the Elites, hence the more and more hints you are getting about “insect protein” as superior and a way to fight “climate change”.
The UN and many of their useful idiots of the Left pushes for the consumption of insects.
“Edible insects – Future prospects for food and feed security”
I will only consider eating insects ….if we can boil the entire UN ,….without humane killing !
I’m not sure if it’s an urban myth or not but it is said a cockroach can survive in a microwave.
Believable because it is protein molecules that are agitated becoming hot. There is little protein in a bug.
Ok, OK,….i will even consider eating roaches,..but only .if we can microwave the entire UN !
The behaviour of animals after an injury is an indication of pain or the absence of it. Animals that routinely survive minor injuries by staying home and grooming the site (most predators, for example) show all the indices of pain such as hunched back, partly closed eyes, ect. Most herbivores do not show much pain behaviour, and if they do, they become the first targets of predators that follow herds. Some argue on anthropocentric grounds that they still feel pain, but the costs of the nervous system are high, and I think it is likely that their “pain systems” are not evolved the way ours have.
Think of cattle that that have gorged on wet grass with gassy bloat. Even when they are down, after a trochar is punched through into the rumen, they get up and start eating grass again.
If the lobster’s behaviour is not much altered after losing a claw, then it probably doesn’t “feel” much. On the other hand a “pain test” used on lobsters is to put acid on is “skin”. It is obvious that this should produce a behavioural response, although it is a stretch to call it pain.
That was meant as a reply to #10 Jojodogfacedboy.
Feral deer, an invasive species, are becoming a problem all over Australia.
Oops I better change my monicker. There are some that believe that I am both feral, and an invasive species, however being a member of truely the oldest profesion on earth,
( yes, hunting is older than that “other” oldest profession, still I’ll swap you a feed for a bit of comfort) I still like to get out with the grand daughter and bag the odd freezer load of venison.
Must be more like harvesting than hunting these days, the things are everywhere
You are quite right Yarpos, but we do it the old way, early rising and get out and climb the hills. Not the drive by with all the technology for us. No night vision equipment, no spot lights, just “grumpy” pointing out the little things. How to tell if its a stag or a doe, what have they been feeding on, no rush or panic. Know what is behind any target, safety above all and the joy of sharing the spoils with the family
a big day out 🙂
How hard is it to get your fire arm licence?
Reasonably difficult. You have to show “Just cause” for wanting one. That can be for hunting, target shooting etc. then you have to prove you have access to a farm property or to hunt in state forest or public land you must have a permit for what ever species you choose to hunt. You also need secure storage which the police will come and inspect. It also helps if you are a member of a shooting organisation. So not quite as easy as it once was. Self defence is not a valid reason.
I think if an older gent was applying for the first time you might get an extra grilling. While no one is allowed to ask your health status if, say, you apply for a job or such, the application form in Victoria asks a number of personal questions like do you have metal health issues, do you have heart disease etc.
This is broadly for Victoria, I believe Qld is a little different but I dont know for certain
I had a single shot .22 as a boy. I think we [brother a little older] bought it from a gunsmith. A decent chap, used to talk to us kids. We walked the streets with [low powered] air rifles and I remember an uncle lending me a single barrel 12 gauge so I could go duck hunting with my Grand Father. Small problem. I was on my bike with the gun [not rifle] when a copper saw me. The problem was resolved but no court.
I’ve been on the range with a 303 a few times [7 stone sopping wet, it hurt] and the SLR once, only ever met traffic cops but I can’t buy an air rifle.
Damn you John Howard.
Not that hard for long arms, but for handguns you need to be a member of an approved club (and meet minimum participation reqs) Varies a little State by State but that is the them and they are trying to align/harmonise as much as possible. Just a process to go through, the main issue I have found is approved storage and how that gets intepreted in your State.
Warmest most humid winter I’ve felt in NQ before, feels like early-May or early-Oct, would not be surprised to see El Ninio, NQ usually gets a surge a heat 3 to 4 months before one forms.
Actually the summer was the coolest I have experienced, we had one day at 34 a couple at 32, the rest below 30. This is the tropics but at 1000 meters.
Its always the coolest at the end of winter.
It was, agree there, the Summer was cool this year. But this is by far the warmest winter I’ve experienced in almost 50 years in NQ.
Don’t know about that where I am, it has not stopped raining here this year. I have lived in NQ all my life, half in Brownsville.
Only two weeks into winter, one swallow does not make it spring.
And I’ve lived in Townsville and Cairns, and a few other places in NW too. We normally have a distinct wet season and a dry season. It can rain in winter, but rarely and transiently, and cloud and higher humidity levels are almost non-existent during Winter except for occasion coastal showers. So much for the swallow stuff, and pretending nothing different is occurring this year.
Its never happened before in your life time, something different happens every year, its weather.
Yeah its the global warming, come to get yaa.
We went to Palm Cove in the winter of 1985. There was cloud and we had some rain. Somewhere I have a photo I labelled ‘The dry season in the sunshine state’. No sun and lots of puddles.
ENSO remains neutral and with the PDO slipping back to negative phase we should expect La Nina by Xmas.
I have found the weather in the north quite benign, no extreme temperatures either way and no big winds. The flood a few years ago, though record, was very localised.
Brownsville have built up over flood plains and banks of rivers, major change since I lived there.
Water can’t spread out over flood plains, got to go somewhere, normally means area’s that never used to flood are now flood prone.
Sort of, The Night of Noah was limited to the drain into Ross Creek [Cost millions, the Ford dealership lost all their cars]. The river was pretty normal. The last flood was the river breaking it’s banks
I ran a servo in the’60 and serviced the Jeeps of the surveyors of the new dam. The surveyor said it was a flood control dam, and that’s the way it was built: A not so high high wall but backing up a big area with a deep narrow spillway. All was well until they raised the spillway and installed radial gates. The rest is history.
According to I’m 25 m above the river. If I get flooded God is truly hissed.
Water was coming off Melton Terrace in waterfalls that night.
When I was a kid I lived in West end, it seemed to flood every year, My mate and I used to go to the cross roads at the lakes (salt pans then) behind the show grounds with a can of WD40 and get the cars stalled in the flood waters going again, for a small fee. Riding the motor bikes on said flood pans and Mount Louisa and pig hunted from the Bohle out to Blue Water, there was nothing there then but salt pans and tea tree swamps, now all houses and all on built up ground.
Flood waters can no longer spread out, so that water has to go somewhere.
We have altered natural flows and the result is property that was high and dry back then is now the new flood plains, its a consequence of our actions.
It was salt pans almost from The RAAF to black river, now housing, something has to give.
Just back from NQ and found it cool . That being said Bowen is running above slightly. interesting.
Bowen is a nice little town for grey nomads who are welcome for golf, bowls and fishing
Always Blowin in Bowen
So go sailing in the bay.
Fishing club used to do a comp in Bowen every year, can’t remember ever getting outside of horseshoe bay, was always blowin in Bowen.
BoM temperatures last month.
‘The June mean temperature was 1.08 °C above average.
‘The state’s mean maximum temperature for June was 0.67 °C above average.
‘Maximum temperatures were above average across northern Queensland, and in decile 10 (the top 10% of records) in parts of the Cape York Peninsula and north-east tropical coast.’
UAH Australia for June: -0.76C
BoM loves their unsightly urban sites, which represent a tiny fraction of Australia.
That is true, which is why we need to focus on different areas. Queensland was unusually warm last month, particularly on the top end, while southern Australia is experiencing a normal winter.
Assuming El Nino is not going to show, why the extra heat in NQ?
It’s winds pushing air from the gulf and Torres Strait area over NQ. It’s getting as far south as about -20 degrees Lat. Low level winds normally flow the other direction during Winter here.
The thing is this is exactly the flow which occurs in NQ as an El Nino is forming. The last major El Nino formation caused pour April and May to be hotter than February and March.
Thus would not be surprised if this signals at least a mild El Nino to come.
And don’t focus on T so much, it’s humidity which is always the biggest heating and cooling effect in the tropics.
Good to get anecdotal evidence on El Nino, but on this occasion I’m staying with La Nina like conditions to persist.
H2O is a major player in the tropics, regular wet and dry seasons, do you think this cyclic pattern is changing?
By the way, zonal flow has suddenly appeared over Oz and wondering if its hemispheric or universal?
The jetstream is completely back to normal at present. I’m talking about low level humid winds persistently coming from the north, instead of the south.
It’s the humidity that’s the main difference here, we normally get dry air and deep blue clear skys in winter, but not this winter. It’s been unusually humid and cloudier, almost no deep blue sky and very little dry air.
Basically we’re getting air from the southern gulf and coral sea, not air blasting up from SA and Victoria. The result is a very weak winter, weakest I’ve ever experienced in NQ. It’s almost warm most days. Literally sleeping with fan on and windows and doors open. We’ve had mild winters since mid-2000s, but this winter, it’s almost no winter.
Blocking high pressure is bringing warm humid air from the east, its a global cooling signal.
Nonsense, there has been almost no significant high pressure systems all winter, and the ones there have been have almost all been weak. It’s only lows that are stirring things up.
Highs do N O T make the winds come from the north quadrant. Duh.
I am not the sharpest tool in the shed, but aren’t averages made up of highs and lows and the average being the least met number?
Although La Niña can sometimes persist for two years, seasonal forecasting agencies, such as the Bureau of Meteorology, are predicting neutral conditions for the rest of the year and next summer. (
Others predict continued La Nina for rest of the year
There should be no doubt in anyone’s mind that La Nina like conditions will continue.
Because BOM and all the other met fraudsters said so.
They’re also ‘professionally’ predicting the end of the world, due CO2, IIRC.
What the hell do I care what BOM says … they think tropical lows in troughs systems are category 2 ‘cyclones’ too.
Influenza and pneumonia were identified as the underlying causes for 2,873 deaths in 2014, 3,042 in 2015, 4,269 in 2017, 4,124 in 2019 according to Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). In none of these years were the borders shut. Yet with Covid there has been a total of 910 deaths in Australia since March, 2020, and the country has at times been locked up internally like Fort Knox. The flu shot is voluntary. ToM
WHO and China got involved with this one.
Don’t you see?
Government control saves lives.
Looks like about 3 thousand
Progress .. . ive.
Graphene oxide that appears to be in cv19 vaccines , could it trigger heart, brain and lung issues like clots etc?
I’m hoping this isn’t a wind up, if it is real, I’m very concerned for some loved ones who have already had the AD jab, me, I’m hanging back just a little.
I watched some of the video, there is a woman who says she is a doctor who was commenting the graphene oxide gets into cells and basically destroys cells, and that vaccine is basically 99% nano graphene particles ( if I understood correctly). If that is the case, its not so much a vaccine, as a poison.
It struck me if that was the case, then these are just time delayed internal frag grenades…..
Can someone with medical training please have a look at the video and comment please?
Hi Steve, I replied to you but it went to #21 . My mistake. Please have a read.
The “report” analyzed one, that is one single sample, and the researcher didn’t have the standards or tools required to make a definitive conclusion as stated in the report. The English translation of the report was widely available but seems to have been removed. Below are slides in Spanish concerning the report.
People ran with the story from a single sample analysis from a single lab that was not equipped to do the complete analysis required to make any strong claims. Here is the conclusion from an English translation of the report.
1. Microscopic study of the sample provides strong evidence for the probable presence of graphene derivatives, although microscopy does not provide conclusive evidence. The definitive identification of graphene, oxidized graphene (GO) or reduced oxidized graphene (rGO)in the RD1 sample requires the STRUCTURAL CHARACTERIZATION through the analysis of specific spectral standard sample comparable to those published in literature and those obtained from the standard sample, obtained with spectroscopic techniques such as XPS, EDS, NMR, FTIR or Raman, among others.
2. The analyzes in this report correspond to ONE SINGLE SAMPLE, limited in total volume available for processing. It is therefore necessary to carry out a significant sampling of similar vials to draw conclusions that can be generalized to comparable samples, recording origin, traceability and quality control during storage and transport prior to analysis.
I’m not sure how these comments made it past Their ABC Censors.
‘It’s crystal clear’: Professor Robert Clancy backs ivermectin as a COVID-19 treatment
On Drive with Paul Turton
Download ‘It’s crystal clear’: Professor Robert Clancy backs ivermectin as a COVID-19 treatment (3.44 MB)
Download 3.44 MB
Oxford University is going to investigate the effectiveness of ivermectin as a COVID-19 treatment.
Emeritus Professor Robert Clancy, an immunologist at the University of Newcastle, tells Paul Turton that he believes they’ll find the drug useful, and that it will become part of our coronavirus response.
Duration: 7min 30sec
Broadcast: Thu 24 Jun 2021, 3:00pm
I’ll get out my classic French chiffon and apply some cosmetic paste to my upper regions and make an event of it. Much to discuss. Where to begin..
Here ya go Jo.
A little present for you.
A Massive Hoax Involving 20 Fake Culture Studies Papers Just Exploded in Academia
[Leaving here for Jo to see]ED
Indeed a fabulous paper I wrote about but hadnt thouhgt of much lately..
Humanities research politicized too: Silly fake papers “feminist Mein Kampf” get through peer review
New studies are claiming California Epsilon strain could evade vaccines. Does this mean more vaccines to come? Oh dear! Surprise surprise.
But definitely no IVM or HCQ or – – – – –
Are we just lab rats.
in a word, YES
The sad reality is that more and more people desire to become lab rats – rushing to get the shots. Gullibility is not new but I do see it’s becoming a far more sinister and widespread “pandemic” than the virus.
I’ve just seen at ClimateRealists, how Government reacts / thinks, etc : = Attitutude.
So if I punch you really hard on the nose, then say “Sorry, – it happened, dunno what I was thinking, ‘move on’ …..” then that is OK / acceptable? and similarly with other assaults…Where are we as a Society going? Civilised?
@_evelynrae , 160 school children were vaccinated by mistake
whatever happened to being responsible for your actions. Oh no, of course not, – forgot, Politiciansare voted in by us TO forget what they do against us
I saw this yesterday too, dont know what to make of it because the story was taken up by odd conspiratorial websites. They also related it to the 5G rollout which added to my scepticm.
Then I found a website which seemed to be kosher from the National Library of Medicine of the US NIH. Lots of articles related to the subject.
Sorry this was a reply to original Steve at #16.
It is regarding the use of graphene oxide in vaccines.
Appearing to show that it be unexceptional to find GO in vaccines; not being a materials chemist I find it curious that the oxidised carbon allotrope is not gaseous.
“odd conspiratorial websites”
best source of cutting edge information
most entertaining
smartest independent thinkers
Other odd conspiratorial thinkers from history …
Jesus of Nazareth
The one that returned to Mecca
Martin Luther
US Founding fathers and authors of the greatest conspiratorial documents of all time
If only Facebook and Twitter had been around to stop these people.
At the time of commenting SA wind power is operating at 10.5% of nameplate. Please don’t install any more of these taxpayer subsidised pieces of junk.
and just to give a World perspective, UK this now, nay, good ol’ GB ( FYI the non-plebs ppl ( ie Gov dept folk) are considering doing away with International recognition on Car No.Plates : removing ‘GB‘ to be replaced with ‘UK‘ – uk/ ugh! ) Little wind here too and we are burning COAL
And they are having to run those diesel fueled “emergency back up” generators flat out most of the day to keep the show on the road !
I wonder if any journalists involved in the recent Dandenong Ranges storm battery story, where they all ended up needing a generator, thought Gee! I wonder if this applies to the grid. So may minds, so few of them care to enquire.
Aunty Pravda’s rolling news feed of unacceptable articles for the 8th July – #freepointy
Did anyone check that this vaccination on animals killed every one of them in testing?
And they still are pushing mightily for our kids to be vaccinated with this concoction…
interesting that China and Russia did not go down the mRNA path
Japan “Preparing to Fight” China Over Taiwan
Watched a new movie, “The Tomorrow War” about man eating aligns released from their frozen entombment by, wait for it, Global Warming!
Australia Wrongly Injects 163 Children with Wrong Experimental Vaccine
Stupid is as stupid does.
This could be really trivial or really tragic depending on what we learn over the years about these initial mRNA vaccines. I sincerely hope it does not fall on the Thalidomide side of the ledger.
History will repeat, yet again.
Greenlands ice sheet is growing, not melting as usual in summer
Good catch, its a global cooling signal.
Anybody know what the ABC staff get paid?
The BBC has just released the annual salary report for its stars earning over £150,000. The big hitters are listed below, along with any percentage changes on last year’s figures. Guido notes quite a few of the political hacks have taken significant pay cuts since last year – the overall salary spend is 10% lower than 2020…
Today Program (R4)
Nick Robinson – £274,999 (-8.3%)
Mishal Husain – £279,999 (+3.7%)
Martha Kearney – £254,999 (-0.4%)
Justin Webb – £259,999 (+2%)
Amol Rajan – £244,999 (+16.6%)
World at One (R4)
Sarah Montague – £249,999 (-2%)
PM (R4)
Evan Davis – £274,999 (-1.8%)
BBC Breakfast
Naga Munchetty – 259,999 (+30%)
BBC News at Six and Ten
Huw Edwards – £429,999 (-8.5%)
George Alagiah – £329,999 (+3.1%)
Sophie Raworth – £284,999 (+1.8%)
Question Time
Fiona Bruce – £409,999 (-9.9%)
Andrew Marr Show
Andrew Marr – £339,999 (-6.8%)
Emily Maitlis – £329,999 (-12%)
Kirsty Wark – £214,999 (-2.3%)
BBC News
Clive Myrie – £209,999 (-4.5%)
Reeta Chakrabarti – £179,999 (-2.7%)
Victoria Derbyshire – £174,999 (-20%)
Ben Brown – £174,999 (+3%)
On-Air editors and correspondents
Laura Kuenssberg – £264,999 (-10%)
Jon Sopel – £234,999 (-2%)
Jeremy Bowen – £224,999 (NC)
Katya Adler – £224,999 (+4.7%)
Faisal Islam – £209,999 (+31%)*
Non-politics or news:
Gary Lineker – £1.36 million (-22.2%)
Zoe Ball – £1.135 million (-16.8%)
Steve Wright – £469,999 (-2%)
Vanessa Feltz – £394,999 (-3.7%)
Mary Berry – £219,000 (NC)
One of the long term benefits of footy training ?🤡
Significant changes become mandatory 21 Dec 2021 for grid connected inverters.
If considering rooftop solar, make sure the installer complies with the new standard.
AS/NZS 4777.2 2020 Updates – What You Need to Know
As per Clause 2.6, all inverters will need to be able to absorb or supply reactive power in line with power quality response modes (e.g. volt-var, volt-watt).
Rate Of Change Of Frequency (ROCOF) is now explicitly defined in AS/NZS 4777.2:2020 (Clause 4.5.6). This was a common restriction imposed by DNSPs during network applications, but until now has not been defined in the Standard itself. Now, the withstand limit for ROCOF is limited to ±4Hz/s over a duration of 0.25s.
But i didnt think Solar was able to supply reactive power ?
some enhancements may be required
In the old days of fossil fuels steam powered generation, generating reactive power could be easily generated by adjusting the generator speed VERY slightly thus causing a controlled amount of leading or lagging VARs to be produced (make the generated power appear inductive or capacitive). Effectively the huge inertia of the rest of the grid would force this generator to stay on frequency but the side effect was to generate some (controllable) reactive power. Although this caused some fuel consumption increase, an increase in peak circulating current (or higher than normal voltage peaks) through the generator windings etc., it was safely held below the designed maximums for the winding, protection devices, and switch-gear.
How to effect the same result with tiny distributed generators (roof-top solar) by a controlled amount would appears to be quite a task.
US Reported Deaths post COVID Vaccine: Total 6,985
ALL Deaths Reported to VAERS by Year
“US Reported Deaths post COVID Vaccine: Total 6,985”
I read there are also 411,911 adverse reactions reported ranking the vaccines in the top 50 causes of death in the us.
UPDATE: 6,985 Dead from COVID Vaccine Across the US and 411,911 Adverse Reactions Reported – Now a Top 50 Cause of Death in the Country
By Jim Hoft
“Covid-19 elimination strategy is a war no one can win”
we will get it right , just after we get rid of influenza
“Wokeapedia. How the sausage gets made at the fake information site Wikipedia.”
What might be called “Going well – in an unplanned manner”
It’s interesting that Craig Kelly is making moves to introduce some bills to follow Trump with similar actions on social media groups. Good on him. Come to think of it, the way those groups behave during elections is tantamount to political election interference, which I’m pretty certain is illegal in Australia. It also raises the prospect of the ABC being sued if Kelly’s actions has legs. Looks like the tables are turning but ever so slowly. No doubt though if things do start to look that way, they evil doers will do everything in their power to stop the tables from turning. That would mean lots of sparks are going to fly. That will include more scares, hoaxes and scams to keep diverting the attention of the masses, who are starting to wake up to the noise.
No Covid Passports Bill will go down like a lead balloon.
I presume you are referring to the “No Domestic COVID Vaccine Passports Bill 2021”. I hope it passes. We dare not become like Soviet Russia of old where passports were used to discriminate and control people’s movements and employment within their own country.
My bad, you are correct and I support the Bill.;fileType=application%2Fpdf
Friends of Science Newsletter #349 – 8 July 2021
Couple of topics covered include:
Whitehouse Climate Brochures: The Sun-Climate Connection
“Using rural-only station to calculate the Northern Hemisphere temperature trends and considering a high solar variability TSI estimate, most of the trends since 1881 can be explained by natural climate change.”
Solar Panels Degrade Twice as Fast as Predicted
Researchers Foresee Weak Solar Cycles Until 2050…
Here’s what that link said about solar panel degradation:
Solar Panels Degrade Twice as Fast as Predicted
Operational solar assets are continuing to experience higher than expected rates of degradation, with annual degradation in the field at around 1 percent, according to a Solar Risk Assessment report by kWh Analytics. The report details the risk to solar assets posed by financial modeling, operational performance, and extreme weather. It finds that assumptions made in 2016—that solar modules would degrade by around 0.5 percent annually—is outdated and underestimates annual degradation by as much as 0.5 percent. The median annual degradation for residential solar systems is 1.09 percent and non-residential systems is 0.8 percent. The report states that over a 20-year asset life, project degradation could therefore be underestimated by as much as 14 percent.
my brain hurts reading this as they express the difference in %s
Sorry to hear. Get well soon. 👍😘🍀
I heard on the news that NSW government is telling us that it is up to us to get the number of cases to zero, implying far more people need to be vaccinated. The implication is the lockdowns will be extended indefinitely until the number of cases is zero and most people are vaccinated. Looks like lockdowns to continue possibly for many months. Why do we have such “leaders” who are going out of their way to destroy our way of life and economy even when our cases numbers are still negligible and our death rate is zero compared to other nations where lockdowns are being lifted or non-existent in spite of the fact they still have orders of magnitude greater case numbers and many deaths. What am I missing here? Can anyone shine a light?
Given that in UK Previous research suggests that people from Black, Asian, and minority ethnic (BAME) backgrounds are at greater risk of severe COVID-19 and are more likely to die from the disease.
Even after accounting for other known risk factors, such as diabetes and high blood pressure, a study found that Black and Asian patients hospitalized with COVID-19 were more likely to need mechanical ventilation and more likely to die than white patients.
In the latest outbreak in Sydney South West
Young people are being urged to abide by New South Wales’ tight lockdown restrictions, as health authorities reveal a person in their 20s is currently on a ventilator and in intensive care following a Covid-19 diagnosis.
Chief health officer Kerry Chant said there were currently 43 patients with Covid-19 in hospitals, 10 of whom are in intensive care.
Four people, including the person in their 20s, currently require ventilation.
“We have 14 people admitted to hospital at the moment with Covid-19 under the age of 55, and of those, seven are under the age of 35 and I’m just going to read this next piece very slowly,” she said on Friday.
“Of the 10 people in ICU, one is in their 20s. One is in their 30s. One is in their 50s. Five are in their 60s and two are in their 70s.
It would be interesting to know the Ethnicity and Co-Morbordidities of the people in ICU
If you look at ABC Covid Hospitalisation Site for all time/Last 14 Days there has definitely been a spike in ICU during South West expansion of cases
Of 543 current or “active” cases, only 92 or 17 per cent are receiving hospital care. This includes 13 patients in ICU (or 2 per cent of current cases).
These hospitalisation figures are based on a snapshot of a point in time, rather than a cumulative count of patients hospitalised since the virus was first detected in Australia.
Is this why Covid keeps spreading in Sydney’s west? Testing centre sits empty in a stark contrast to the scenes in Bondi where thousands queued to 10pm to get a swab
Testing clinics in Sydney’s Covid-hit western suburbs were deserted on near-empty on Friday morning came despite health officials on Thursday pleading for higher testing rates as cases continue to rise
Of Sydney’s latest 38 Covid-19 cases, 21 were found in the city’s south-west as epicentre moved west
Only a few cars could be seen at Club Marconi testing centre in Bossley Park 30 minutes before opening Compared to long lines of motorists waiting to be swabbed until 10pm at Bondi Beach clinic on June 16
I saw a video by a citizen on the Bondi testing station, one car rocked up while she was filming. It was empty, yet the media footage for that day showed miles of cars. File footage she stated from the first wave.
maybe it is, but what is the real impact beyond media hysteria?
That link comes up blank blocked?
You are right not sure why –
If they allow the virus to spread before everyone who wants a vaccine is vaccinated, then a lot of people who catch covid in the weeks following vaccination will die who would not otherwise die, as happened overseas. Vaccination lowers immunity for a few weeks after. Also people who have had covid are more likely to have a bad reaction to the vaccines – one reason for higher adverse reaction rates overseas. Not that people who’ve had covid should be getting vaccinated.
No doubt everyone’s heard of the Spanish uni’s SEM analysis of the Pfizer “vaccine”.
Very interesting but I have a few concerns after watching the video, which should be addressed in follow-up releases.
Nonetheless I wonder why no-one here in Oz can’t run similar independant tests as I’ve suggested for 6 months.
Jobs and funding no doubt…
I found a good article on Graphene Oxide and if the vaxxes actually contain this then there’s some very serious explaining to do!
Stephen Conroy showed his true colours today on Friday Showdown. He criticised Trump for saying that Ashli Babbitt should not have been shot. He as good as said that she should have been shot. A total Non Player Character brainwashed with lefturded propaganda. I was talking to the TV telling Rita to punch him in the face.
“Mr Subliminal comments on current events …
I think this Justin Trudeau is one of the best prime ministers we’ve had in a while (except for all the other ones) and his opposition counterparts are uniformly excellent (material for satire), and an election will settle who is best suited to run the country (into the ground) and allow the people to set a new course (the people at Microsoft that is).
I certainly look forward to the Olympics, in fact I can’t wait for them (to end), and I am sure we will see some dazzling displays of sportsmanship (in old highlight reels) and patriotism (if they show the 1936 games anyway). Canada as always can be expected to do very well (at finishing fourth).
This COVID continues to concern a lot of people (named Karen) and thank goodness there are now effective vaccines (for tuberculosis) to help contain this terrible illness (I’ve heard it can take a couple of days to stop sneezing). I look forward to a return to normal so we can travel (to the camps) and meet up for drinks (once again at the camps).
Like most of you, I hope there will be justice for all (Hillary Clinton) and that people of all races, colours and creeds can get along (armed standoff) without all the name calling and violence (what am I smoking?) that have been an inevitable consequence of recent events (agitators on speaking tours).
Finally I’d like to say what great people all of you must be (comment removed by moderator).”
Posted in the spirit of “(Sun Tzu – “Keep Your Enemies Closer”)”
“The Climate News Cabal Just Can’t Quit”
The Climate News Cabal Just Can’t Quit
Link to that
The galactic brotherhood is sending memos, to further the conversation.
How the real science process works …
Here is story about 7 research papers that went through peer-review by later were later cited by about 350 other researchers in their papers.
Initially only one paper was notes by a member of the peer-review team as having suspicious results. This paper was cancelled from being published but another publishing outlet let it be published. The initial reviewer was still concerned about the paper and investigated not only this paper but all papers by the same research team. The review sought help from Elisabeth Bik who is well known as a researcher who uncovers rogue research papers. She too was suspicious.
Anyway the outcome was that the majority of the papers published by the research teams led by senior author Chao-Ke Tang, of the First Affiliated Hospital of the University of South China, in Hengyang, Hunan are now in question.
If all or a majority of these papers are found to be faulty in some way then ALL research using their finding as the basis for their research will be called into question.
Australia and the Peking Pox – viewed from outside
“What’s necessary beyond a bearskin, a cave, and a chunk of meat?”
And comments
Love reading the road kill diaries.
I can not imagine living this way.
Should knock flu & virus in a few more years.
Da*n my livestock have more freedom….
at least until the climate folks come for them.
“Friday Funny – D-Words Describe Defective Mann”
A user report on GETTR
What is the betting?
That in 3, 2, 1, that there is a raucous chorus of democrat support for controls on social media?
For Tony
From an email
“Me: at the Supermarket:
Why is there plastic on the payment keypad?
Cashier: to protect people from Covid.
Me: but isn’t everyone touching the plastic keypad the same way they would the regular keypad?
Cashier: no words. Confused look.
Me: Why Don’t you pack the grocery bags anymore?
Cashier: Because of Covid -19 to reduce the spread of catching or spreading the virus.
Me: But a shelf packer took it out of a box and put it on the shelf, a few customers might have picked it up and put back deciding they Don’t want it, I put it in my cart then on the conveyor belt, YOU pick it up to scan it… But putting it in a bag after you scan is risky??
Cashier: no words, confused look
Me: at the drive through
Server: (holds a tray out the window with a bag of food for logical friend to grab)
Me: why is my bag of food on a tray?
Server: so I don’t touch your food because of Covid.
Me: didn’t the cook touch my food? Didn’t the person wrapping my food touch it and then touch it again when placing it in my bag? Didn’t you touch the bag and put it on the tray? Didn’t you touch the tray?
Server: no words. Confused look.
Me: in society
Society ; If you cough or sneeze do it in your elbow or sleeve,
Also society : Don’t shake hands or hug anyone or you will spread the virus.. To greet people do an elbow tap instead.
Me : Elbow tap ? Isn’t that where you tell people to sneeze or cough? into their elbow? Now you want people to tap each other with that elbow wouldn’t it be safer to sneeze into elbow and shake hands like we did before Covid
Me: at a restaurant:
Hostess: OK, I can seat you at this table right here (4 feet away), but I will need you to wear a mask to the table.
Me: what happens when I get to the table?
Hostess: you can take off the mask.
Me: then it is safe over there?
Hostess: yes.
Me: are those fans blowing above the table? Is that the air-conditioning I feel? Is the air circulating in here?
Hostess: no words. Confused look.
Me: in society:
You are not allowed to stand and drink at the pub you have to sit down.
But at the shopping centre you are not allowed to sit down, all the chairs are roped off.
Who thinks this sh#t up?
Life is hard for logical people right now.
We are being raised without the ability to process and execute logic. I can’t take the credit for this as I copied & pasted it, but just thought it sums up the current restrictions so well”
That’s funny, or would be if it wasn’t so sad. I have thought these things many times. Hand hygiene is key I do believe but you wouldn’t think so, seeing how many people ignore it in the local supermarket.
And a covid budgetary explanation