An ER doctor decided he wants to write down “the root cause” at least as far as an ER doctor reckons. He’s not well versed in climate model infrastructure, hasn’t scanned for tropospheric hot spots, or Precambrian CO2 extremes, but he’s watched CNN so why not?
h/t Climate Depot
Let’s yank this chain and run with it:
B.C. doctor clinically diagnoses patient as suffering from ‘climate change’
Times Colonist
The head of a Nelson, B.C., emergency department says it’s time doctors start looking at the underlying cause of medical conditions triggered by smoke and heat.
For the first time in his 10 years as a physician, the ER doctor picked up his patient’s chart and penned in the words “climate change.”
“If we’re not looking at the underlying cause, and we’re just treating the symptoms, we’re just gonna keep falling further and further behind,” he told Glacier Media when asked why he did it.
It was late June, and British Columbia was trapped under a heat dome that even NOAA says was due to La Nina, not because of a coal plant in Guangdong. So the unfortunate lady in her 70s that lived in a trailer and died in the heat might have been a victim of La Nina. Cause of death, the Pacific Oscillation?
She’d probably be alive today if she had air conditioning and cheap electricity.
Who to blame for that then, Professors at Penn State that hid the decline? Or the media that hid the profs?
She might well be alive today if The New York Times had interviewed Nobel prizewinners who were skeptics with the same enthusiasm they interviewed teenage girls on national energy policy.
But don’t stop there in pulling on the root cause chain. Someone taught the journalists not to ask and some medical school didn’t teach doctors the difference between people and planets:
Roughly 40 doctors and nurses at the small hospital — all busy trying to manage a pandemic and their regular professional lives — came together under the banner Doctors and Nurses for Planetary Health.
Just wait til the Doctors and Nurses for Planetary Health get to lesson number one in “how to take Earths temperature.”
I wonder if they would accept a drug company’s method for measuring body temperature by taking poor measurements from the usual places, fixing them up and filling in for areas with no data, then claiming massive intervention is required. The company is right, the patient needs drugs to stop a fever. His body temperature is already half a degree warmer than the average for spring and he has gone to the toilet for the third time, the first time it’s happened to him since records began at the hospital.
As the stockbrokers used to say, when the spotty faced lad in the company mail room starts giving stock tips, its time to get out of the market…..
Yes, sound advice stretching back to at least Joe Kennedy (JFK’s father) in the 1920s. His view of the market changed after a shoeshine boy gave him some stock tips. He figured that when the shoeshine boys have tips, the market is too popular for its own good. Same seems to be about to apply to the property market with all the “news” about how this 20something has a portfolio of 6,7 or 8+ houses alongside finance articles “warning” now is the time to fix your mortgages. Strap in for the fun times coming.
And the general public think Doctors are smart!!
Poor deluded fool (the ER Doctor that is)!
Would the good doctor understand this?
Analysis of the Mauna Loa Observatory CO2 data through to September 2021 clearly shows that CO2 has not caused warming in the Tropics but that the temperature determines the rate of generation of atmospheric CO2. It is so definite that even the fall in temperature due to the Moon passing between the Sun and the Earth is reflected in the rate of generation of CO2. My mathematical analysis may be seen on my web site at:
CO2 has not caused global warming or climate change. CO2 change is nature’s response to the climate change which in driven by the Sun.
My web site is:
Try again, or have I been cancelled as elsewhere for telling the truth?
Are you serious? You compared two linear trends like that?
Gee Aye, try reading the web page report. A linear trend can be fitted to any time series so comparing linear trends is meaningless. It is the variation about a trend that gives the game away but you would not want to confuse the public by showing them the truth, would You?
Don’t feed the troll
One is a cumulative graph the other not.
Try again, see web site page:
“Would the good doctor understand this?”
This response is based on the belief that these people are merely ignorant of the facts, and can be educated into changing their minds.
This is a complete waste of time: these people are one-world Communists and “climate change” propaganda is a weapon to bludgeon Western societies into totalitarianism.
The cute thing about the Mauna Loa observatory is that it is perched on top of an active volcano.Hands up if you can name three gases for which volcanoes are renowned.
I was last there a couple of years ago. The previous visit to Mauna Loa was in the 1980s via a US Army helicopter flypast to check safety templates for the forthcoming artillery shoot on the lava-strewn desert at the heart of the Big Island. The good old UH1H is not normally flown at those altitudes, but it was interesting. Almost as interesting as the flight over the eruption of Kilauea Iki to the north west. Watched in real time as creeping sheets of lava overwhelmed homes, farms, vehicles, forests, etc.. Got some great photos.
There has been a long=running push by some “locals”, revved up by the eco-loons, to shut down the atmospheric and astronomical observatories on Mauna Loa and Mauna Kea. Funny how these things happen. As in music, dance and comedy; timing is everything.
smart? more like God
“temperature by ……, filling in for areas with no data”.
You wouldn’t, by any chance, be referring to the HADCRUT data (which “authoritarily” starts Global Warming in 1855 with One Reading for the Southern Hemisphere from a thermometer in what is now Indonesia.
Apparently it was easy for them to “fill in” for the rest of half the world. So easy that they were able to do the same in 1856 and 1857. In 1858 (and onwards) they got figures from Sydney and Melbourne, which might even have been from Stephenson screens.
As soon as you see anyone claim a measured global temperature rise since 1850, you know you are being conned.
I have a mental picture of two poms setting out in a row boat from Lands End on every calm day in 1850 with their trusty thermometer to measure the global sea surface temperature. They get as far offshore as the weather permits; get their reading before making a tilt for shore.
Another question that comes up when considering global temperature. How do you handle sea ice? Is the top of sea ice included in “land” temperature? I know that sea surface temperature considers the water temperature below sea ice and not the temperature over the sea ice. Sea ice has a temperature difference of up to 55C bottom to top so this is not a trivial question when arriving at a global average.
The various prognosticators of climate trends have the current average global temperature ranging from 14C to 17C in their models. This should be causing all sorts of alarm because we are already told that another 0.5C will devastate the planet; is it 14.5C that there is no coming back from or 17.5C. Some of us would like to know such detail.
It is fanciful that so-called global leaders have been so royaly conned by this nonsense. It is an absolute disgrace.
I have designed cooling systems for commercial vessels and I can tell you the engine manufacturers are resolute to say the least when insisiting on a minimum design temperature for the sea water used to cool them be that by internal heat exchanger or external ‘keel’ cooling.
Why? Because their warranty agreements have been rorted over the decades since steam or diesel powered vessels became normal due to the ships captain needing to make port by a certain date to get their berth slot or risk waiting in the roads for a week or so at great cost to the owner’s or charteres. So, the skipper pressures the chief engineer to give him maximum power with the implied threat that it is all on him if they don’t make port on time. The chief needs to flog the crap out the engines but cant have it on the record should engines wear out early so he understates the sea temperature, which he is recording every day.
That same data was the basis for ‘global’ sea surface temperature estimates and it clearly has a bias downwards in the past so current data from say the buoy set, an actually fit for purpose system of data sources, is comparatively higher even if actual temperatures were exactly the same.
These days engine manufacturers have computerised temperature sensors on the engines which can upload the temperature and other data to a satellite and back to head office in real time, 24/7/365 and you can unerstand why they go to the trouble.
SO much for global temperature records. They easiliy have a 2 or 3 degree undertsntement going back a hundred to 150 years. There goes your 1.5˚ increase since 1850 folks….
WHAT?? It was all a fantasy??? OMG! OMG !! Greta will be devastated. Oh, the poor little thing….
Actual it would be interesting to see what the engines were designed to handle.
CSIRO have the sea surface temperature in the tropics hitting 314K (41C) in 200 years. I pointed this absurdity out to them and they came back with is is now only 34C in 2100 and that is middle of the road for climate models. They still do not understand that the sea surface temperature can never exceed an average of 30C. Physical processes simply prevent an average above 30C.
Now if engineerings manufacturers were confident about climate models they should be designing engine cooling systems to run at higher temperature as well as operating on hydrogen. Maybe they will use fuel cells rather than combustion!
The engines are designed to produce a certain amount of power at the output shaft at certain engine rpm. To do that requires a certain amount of cooling capacity which in turn depends on rate of coolant flow and the temperature differential between the primary coolant ( i.e. that in the engine’s internal system) and the other fluid in the heat exchanger passing heat to the environment. The whole issue is leveraged on that differential and the heat exchange rate varies non-linearly with that differential. Reducing the differential is very significant.
I can tell you one thing with complete certainty which is that any mathematical modelling of such cooling systems is done with orders of magnitude greater accuracy and reliability than the sort of mathematical automatons referred to as ‘models’ by the climate scientology clique. In fact their capacity can be accurately assessed with simple models using temperature differential, heat exchanger surface area and a factor to model the heat exchanges material and form. A calculator or a spreadsheet cell being about all the silicon based assistance required but a hand calc. quite viable.
It’s worse than you think Jo. I reviewed dozens of medical journals for a definition of a Climate Change death. They all gave the same definition.
Causes of a Climate Change death: “anything you want it to be.”
I looked up your Planetary Health link and found the following:
“The Covid-19 pandemic proved that our leaders are able to face health threats quickly and resolutely.”
And just to add to the comedy, in the previous paragraph they blame government for not acting on Climate Change.
“Yet, in the past year the BC government spent 1.3 billion on fossil fuel subsidies.”
Who writes this stuff?
10 years as a doctor and how many mis-diagnoses?. Heal thyself!
We’ve all seen the signs – the more frenetic and scarier the scenario, the more alarmed people get. Where is and what happened to commmon sense and science?
In Dr parlance when filling out scripts for hypochondriacs – “A.D.T.” ( any damn thing )…..
Or diagnosis
God only knows!
Sounds like California just got out-Californicated
But here’s a surprise, out of California:
” NEW ORLEANS: A federal appeals panel has temporarily blocked a new vaccine mandate for large businesses, in a sign that the Biden administration may face an uphill battle in its biggest effort yet to combat the virus among the US workforce.
The stay, issued by a three-judge panel from the US Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit in Louisiana , does not have an immediate impact. The first major deadline in the new rule is December 5, when companies with at least 100 employees must require unvaccinated employees to wear masks indoors . Businesses have until January 4 to mandate COVID-19 vaccinations or start weekly testing of their workers. ”
The extract is from today’s SMH article: ” Court blocks Biden mandate for employee jabs ”
Dave B
Message for our Pommie mates:
This is the link to a petition to UK parliament to stop the “Net Zero” nonsense.
We would love it to reach 100,000 signatures so we could hear the debate.
I understand the petition was started in late October and must close on April 27 2022, but the sooner the numbers mount, the better. Currently at 16,000 this morning.
Thats a petition for a referendum on the net-zero nonsense. As a sceptic I oppose a referendum at this stage because of the total censorship and induced hysteria going on. Too many people have not been allowed to hear rational views, and with the state and media control they wouldnt be allowed to hear balanced debate leading to a vote.
We need to wait for the grid to collapse and blackouts and energy rationing to ensue (only a few years now). We need to wait until rational views break through the media and state censorship. Then, when the results of the stupid climate alarm idiocy are being felt we can talk about voting for sanity to return.
Don’t worry there is no chance that the UK politicians will ever allow their people another referendum in our lifetimes. After the citizens got the wrong answer on Brexit they can never be trusted again.
I agree as you have to wait for the “Crash and Burn” before anything will change. The same goes for the Economy, Covid 19 Vaccine side effects and many other Issues………………………….
Let’s all give up then.
Not my strategy.
Waiting for the Crash and Burn is not giving up. It is facing reality as the Pollies will not budge one inch or lose face. Not until it smacks them in the face which it eventually will. Just be patient…………………
“Waiting to act” for any reason is also a convenient excuse to do nothing isn’t it?.
Indeed, if I wanted to sabotage a community I might plant moles within it. And I’d tell my agents to spread the word that it’s pointless to protest now. “Just wait”.
I don’t think Xi or Nancy has to do that, because the right wing always sabotage themselves.
Just saying, when your wisdom sounds the same as what a leftist plant would say, maybe rethink the message? Ask “who am I helping”.?
“Waiting to act” . . . indeed!
Not so long ago didn’t you suggest that before our Government started spending $Billions on “Net Zero” (Was it $120B?) we should spend a fraction of this amount on a proper inquiry into why CO2 is considered to be the culprit?
Could we start a petition to this effect in parallel with the one in the UK?
Good thing to discuss.
We could phrase it with special emphasis on how important this accurate scientific auditing is for the environment, as well as the economy. How could anyone who cares about the environment refuse?
But we will need to think very carefully about the incentive system. After all, the last thing we want is a committee paid to whitewash. All government funded groups end up supporting more government funded spending. Is it possible to create useful incentives into that — ones that reward the participants for accuracy, for predictions that work, rather than just setting up another committee to support all the other committees.?
And to John and Bob and so many others, forgive me, I shouldn’t single you out when so many people say similar things. There are good reasons for cynicism. Often the cynics are correct.
But it’s also true to say that the Right can talk itself out of doing things that might work. Sometimes it does only take a small percentage of very determined people to change the world. The left do that all the time…
“As doctors, we understand the imminent health threats posed by climate change and have seen them already emerge in Australia. The 2019-2020 bushfire season in Australia saw parts of the country afflicted by the poorest air quality in the world, with large numbers of the population enduring weeks of bushfire smoke and the related adverse health impacts.” (Australian Medical Association)
They should stick to what they know, its common knowledge that the 2019-20 bushfire season was exacerbated by blocking high pressure.
Not fuel, no fire. It really is that simple.
On the tail of severe drought the whole eastern seaboard was a tinderbox, the ferocious winds from the north west only required a spark to create havoc. It was the blocking high pressure off the Queensland coast which created the conflagration.
The doctors need to know that this is significant.
there were a few other factors. The summer months saw quite extraordinary maximum temps, by 5+ degrees for December and 3+ for other months, and a quite extraordinary lack of rainfall events. 20mm of rain will slow the biggest fire till midday next day, allowing work to be done. They didn’t happen.
I resigned from the AMA years ago due to their officious attitude on climate change,(they have paid officials who do nothing BUT prognosticate on climate change, but, being zealots, do not understand scientific enquiry) and now, at the grand old age of 66, I have retired from medicine , totally. Too much BS. And way too much officiousness.
” … but, being zealots …”
The apparent zealotry for “climate” disguises a zealotry for World Communism.
The air was fine and clear where I was.
‘He’s not well versed in climate model infrastructure, hasn’t scanned for tropospheric hot spots, or Precambrian CO2 extremes”
So who is? Certainly not anyone, including this blogs publisher, or any of the commentators including me
/biggest straw man yet
Nonsense. Just because you wish to remain ignorant about the above doesn’t mean others are. Pre-Cambrian CO2?. Permian-Triassic extinction? Maybe you would like to comment on the putative tropospheric hot spot. As Frank Zappa said, ” You ain’t been to it”
“Maybe you would like to comment on the putative tropospheric hot spot. As Frank Zappa said, ” You ain’t been to it”
There are many places to which both climate sceptic and climate activists have not been. Are you suggesting that a personal visit to the sun is necessary before any comment can be made on its effect on the planets?
I may as well fill you in on the lyrics of ” Dinah mo” – ahem, ” there’s a spot that gets me hot, but you ain’t been to it..” on the album “overnite sensation ” I think.
isn’t that the point – you all feel adequate as commentators, but according to this post, unless you are in a very elite group, you should keep silent and listen to your betters.
By the way – that group, ie those with knowledge of detailed climate model infrastructure, tropospheric hot spots OR Precambrian CO2 extremes (Red herring right there) do seem to agree that AGW is a thing
you’re too late to be a commentator
you are a Co-Commentator.
Peter, if only you read my blog you’d know what the missing hot spot is, just like I do. I’ve been writing about it since the first post in 2008 — it’s in the Skeptics Handbook, and I’ve done 30 long and detailed posts since.
It’s the key fingerprint of man-made global warming. That’s what the leading US climate modelers all say (76 times in one major report circa 2005). They’ve tried to find it in scores of papers, but their excuses were pathetic and even lowly untrained me was able to see through their desperate claims. They changed colors on the graph scales to turn yellow to red. They pretend wind shear measures temperatures in the upper troposphere better than temperature sensors do. It was comic.
29 million weather balloons show they were totally wrong. Their water vapor feedback estimates are wrong, and likely not just a bit exaggerated, but entirely the wrong sign. If water vapor is negative feedback the 1.2C warming by CO2 that even we skeptics agree is possible, becomes a lot less than 1.2C, more like 0.25-0.5C per doubling. ie nothing much, and entirely beneficial.
I have also posted on pre cambrian CO2 and climate model infrastructure.
So either you are a true troll who doesn’t even read the blog, or you do read it, which means you know the information above is a lie?
It’s difficult to know how to adequately address this so-wrong statement. Somehow you seem to assume that only those “elites” with a very detailed knowledge of that subject should discuss that subject. Yet from my own viewpoint, I find a lot of interest to discuss and learn from on this blog. And it’s very noticeable that when others challenge on specific scientific points, you cannot answer them in a meaningful fashion, yet you still continue to comment here. Is this not another case of “do as I say, not as I do?
But, Peter, it was only in August that one of them admitted there was climate variability caused by forces they had previously described as irrelevant. It was also stated such sources of change were variables that couldn’t be digitised for their Climate change models. The person has not been contradicted as far as I know. Most activists would hope that the less said about his statement the sooner it will be forgotten. I would have thought it to be the biggest statement of the year on the description and questioning of those models, and I claim no proficiency at all in such matters.
Right on.
Be a better troll. Somewhere else.
Mr Fitz made a valid point, is this post a straw man?
No he hasn’t. The doctor’s job was to to establish the cause of death as extreme heat according to the evidence. Since it has happened before, he needs to justify the claim that this death would not have happened if fossil fuels weren’t burnt – other than, most likely, she would already have been dead from something else, like cold.
If he attributed a death to an escalation of drug crime reported in the papers instead of just being shot in the chest, he would be sanctioned. What lead the bullet to be there is the up to the police to investigate. If he had an opinion on this, it should be because he investigated the shooting, not examined the body, so he needs to show that he did investigate the cause of the heatwave, or its just lame propaganda.
What has been established, and still dodgy, is an extra 1 W/m2 of heat is shining on the surface. That is 0.4% more heat coming in, on average. A rough calculation is that when equilibrium is established, average temperatures need to be 0.1% higher so that energy in equals energy out, or 0.3°C higher. Either 0.3°C made all the difference, it somehow is more like 3°C higher, or caused the weather pattern. That takes more than a journalist labelling an opinion from a chicken little as expert.
This heatwave is labelled unprecedented because of record temperatures in Lytton. They ignore that a town that shared the 1930s record, only 70 miles away, came up a few degrees short. They blame the wildfire that destroyed the town on the record temperature instead of the record on a wildfire burning in the valley.
Its all a sad bit of propaganda.
Why, when reading a comment you don’t like, do you attack the commenter rather than explain why you disagree with the comment? Presumably it is because you find it easier to insult the commenter rather than provide the reasons why you disagree with the comment.
Your comment, which you have done to death, at 8. 2 makes my point perfectly.
A “commenter” is no problem but that’s not what we’ve go here.
We are being harrangued by Commentators who by definition are reading a prearranged script prepared by an overseer.
Modern universities: an ongoing tragedy.
“A “commenter” is no problem but that’s not what we’ve go(sic) here.”
What you’ve got are some Commentators who are not locked into the “echo-chamber” that houses so many Commentators here and whoare prepared to challenge drivel such as that emanating from the 45th President of the USA.
And as for:
“who by definition are reading a prearranged script prepared by an overseer. Modern universities: an ongoing tragedy.” ]
Are you actually at a modern university?
You might like to read the anti-climate change speech from Gina Rinehart students at St Hilda’s Anglican School for Girls.
“Australia’s richest person, Gina Rinehart, has used a message to school students to peddle long-discredited claims that global warming is not real and said suggestions otherwise is merely “propaganda” pushed by those with vested interests.
In a bizarre recorded message to students at Perth’s St Hilda’s Anglican School for Girls – the school Rinehart herself attended – Rinehart warns students to be aware of the “propaganda” they may be taught at school – citing climate change as the key culprit.
Should you read it you will find a powerful figure with vested interests trying to influence school children. They are being influenced long before they get to university.
And should you really believe that belief in climate change stems from universities have a look at this link
“Although the march was initially organized by Fridays for Future, the youth-driven movement inspired by Swedish activist Greta Thunberg, people of all ages gathered at George Square to demand climate action.
From small children waving their handmade picket signs, to older adults demanding a better future for those that will come after them, the COP26 host city saw citizen activists in unprecedented numbers rallying to get their message heard”
It seems as if climate change sceptics have a hard row to hoe as they try and convince the majority that Climate Change is of no consequence.
Yes, after years and years of wall to wall anti-science climate propaganda, ..
… reality will be very hard for many people to accept.
Gina states the scientific truth, of course the climate propagandists, with a huge financial gain to be made from sales of useless renewables, are going to try to downplay it by calling it propaganda.
What was the “denial” that Gina is meant to have peddled ?
Why is a bit of truth and fact so hard to be allowed for student to be shown?
But just go with what the brain-washed masses have been programmed to believe.
Its easier that way, no need to look at the actual science and think for yourself.
“From small children waving their handmade picket signs, “
Yes, we know where some people get their opinions and knowledge from.
“And should you really believe that belief in climate change stems from universities have a look at this link”
You seem to be admitting that there is zero real science behind climate change, and that is all being driven by nil-educated children.
Are you really saying that universities didn’t come up with all this nonsense?
I would say Gina was being quite appropriate. She is not a fool and no doubt after talking to many geologists and anothers, she made up her own mind. She sees school children taking pro-warming propaganda on a level never before seen outside religious establishments. They are not even given a choice by listening to alternate views. They cop it from their earliest of years, long before they have any ability nor knowledge to make their own decisions. This format of infiltrating society from the youngest up is exactly the original methodology being used for BLM and CRT, which US parents are rebelling against – at last. Your comment seems to indicate you have no time for allowing contra comment against theories you claim are correct because all you hear are those making massed, opinionated comment on points you believe.
This intolerance of other’s views, disallowing any reasoned contrarian points of view as being heresy is the most dangerous play in Western societies today. The fact true believers allow no contrarian comment to be made on the pain of ‘cancellation’ is socially ruinous. The complete refusal to debate the matter on differing scientific points of view is really what shows the matter on climate to have become a religion that all must be believed, or be damned in ‘just’ consequence. It’s a reign by bullies, carpetbaggers and seekers of great wealth and power; just one step back from despotism and yet even our politicians don’t see it, or are part of the destruction of their own societies.e
You nailed it there Doc. Saved me a bunch of typing.
See above.
Sea below.
The sea below. From down here I can see the sea.
I see what you see.
But only on Tuesdays.
Go Brantroll Go.
Thirty Three reds, and counting.
Let’s Go Fitz.
38 reds and counting; not a record but certainly more honest than the last U.S. Presidential election.
1. Most people here are well aware of the massive inadequacies of climate models..
2. Tropospheric hot spots have been searched for, and never been found.
3. Precambrian atmospheric CO2 level were a lot higher than today’s low levels.
In fact, the Earth has had much higher CO2 levels for nearly all of its existence.
Why do so many still choose to be unaware of these facts.?
Why do so many still choose to be unaware of these facts.?
The Australian Bureau of Communism doesn’t mention it, so how can it be true?
Those things are not models.
To call them models is farcical.
Sorry, forgot: it’s late 2021, that should have been;
Just oozing with cynicism KK, but I love it.
For those that still don’t “get it”, or choose to deny reality.
Listen and learn !
Modern temperature reading basically start at the coldest period in 10,000 years
Thank goodness for that natural warming !
Oceans have dropped by up to 7 metres in the last 7,000 years.
The corollary is that temperatures have fallen in the same period to hold that water on the caps.
But Prince Charles doesn’t worry about real science.
including me/biggest straw man yet.’
Bit harsh.
A meandering jet stream caused the Omega Block, so what made the jet stream meander in the first place?
Looking ahead 7 days, sure looks like a meandering jet stream (wobbly? erratic? up/down) is going to slap south-eastern Auschtralia with a dose of cold, hard, Antarctic-like reality.
A southerly freight-train mass of COLD unstable air reaching from the depths of the frozen, southern, ice continent is aiming for S.A., TAS, VIC and NSW by the weekend. Bureau of Misinformation is forecasting ‘snow to 1,000 metres’ for Tasmania and 1,500 metres for Victoria’s hills, along with freezing temps.
As Flim Flammery is wont to say: It ALWAYS snows in Australia in Snovember – climate change! Won’t somebody think of the giant wombats!!!
it could be good news for the polar bears that Flannery predicted would be extinct by 2031 because of Global Warming and no Arctic Ice.
Only if they are Bi-Polar bears.
The second cold front should do the trick.
That looks like today’s map; have a squiz at their prognostication for Fri/Sat, a grunty ‘polar outbreak’ as they call it these days. Looks like COLD to me, teeheehee.
We need another Excel Model from the UN to work that one out…….lol
According to Cap Allen, the jet stream is losing its conformation due to receiving less energy from the sun during the solar minimum.
Its my impression that earth’s atmosphere shrinks when the sun is quiet, which makes the jet stream meander, producing blocking. Over a normal solar cycle the effect is not significant, but over a couple of low sunspot cycles it becomes noticeable.
” so what made the jet stream meander in the first place? ”
Science from the 1930s was better than the science of the Climate Cult. Even Joe Diffie does better:
“When we’re spinnin’ round,
Things come undone.
Welcome to the earth, third rock from the sun.“
Yes, I find it ironic that the whole Western world is focusing on climate change and the only “solution” they can come up with is to commit economic suicide and worse, yet they are ignoring so many far more serious issues developing right under our noses. Stupid is as stupid does, or perhaps it’s all deliberate. My take on it thus far is our political leaders are just clueless puppets who are being conned and/or coerced by various means from a group of evil rich elite individuals, some of whom are well known, who want to become ever richer and gain power over all of us because they don’t trust us, all in the same of making mankind live in a better and safer world, when in fact all they are achieving is the exact opposite. The puppet politicians are too detached from reality to see it that way so they keep falling for the nonsense and the lies. Some are aware of what they doing but because they are themselves evil they don’t care.
There appears to be a push to create a rebuild of the world financial system that locks out financing coal mines, oil or gas projects.
They are going to nose dive our civilisation into the ground in the next 10 years – thats what they agreed to at COP 26.
Get ready for it.
These people appear to be religious zealots of the climate religion.
Perhaps thinking of the whole solution as a money making scheme will provide clarity. Those driving the solution stand to gain unprecedented wealth and power. For them it is far from economic suicide. It is harvesting the wealth of the populace for fun and profit.
Too simplistic, effective brainwashing has gained universal support, rich and poor alike. The doctors illustrate a symptom of the malaise, for christ’s sake think of the grandchildren.
BC is the California of Canada. Hence no surprise.
There is something wrong with the people who live on the west coast of the USA and Canada. Absolutely beautiful scenery but it attracts all the wackos. I lived in BC for 2 years but i had to leave, I didn’t want my children growing up believing that was normal. It isn’t.
No one was surprised when we learned about a particular BC pig farmer named Robert Picton. There are more Robert Pictons secretly lurking on the west coast.
“Are Normies Finally Waking Up to the Big Pharma Covid Scam?”
The DATA proves we are living in the very best of times and have been for over 200 years.
The ENTIRE HUMAN world was poor and sick in 1800 and today we are much HEALTHIER and WEALTHIER and according to the UN projections this will continue until 2100.
Life exp UNDER 40 in 1800 ( POP 1 bn) and today global life exp is 73 ( POP today 7.8 bn).
These so called doctors should wake up and do some very basic research. And DITTO for our infantile so called representatives/ researchers at the delusional Glasgow clown show.
Flushing endless trillions $ down the drain will achieve nothing except the creation of very fragile electricity grids throughout the OECD countries.
Of course China, India, Russia etc prefer solid, BASE-LOAD ENERGY like Coal, Gas and Nuclear. I wonder why?
I made that point about the best of times to a young couple (rellies) who espoused the benefits of SOCIALISM!!!! and in their wisdom considered such system so much fairer and in inclusive. All things are possible( theoretically) but there is no way that these conspicuous/aspirational youngsters would survive under a command system of government. Best of times to be sure but those days are coming to an end in my view.
Just as a note, ‘average life expectancy’ is a poor indicator of advancements in civilization because of the shape of the curve. If you track back through history, the average life expectancy was more affected by truly horrific levels of infant and small-child mortality, with the life expectancy for an individual who had survived into adulthood (barring death from wars) only rising a small number of years. Remember that the life expectancy numbers are life expectancy at birth — for every infant who dies within a few months of birth, another can live to 70, and the average life expectancy will be 35.
Like all other professions now taught in “universities”, medicine too has been dumbed down over recent decades. No independent thought or action is permitted outside of approved dogma and alternative opinions are brutally suppressed.
Medical sudents today would already have been thoroughly indoctrinated before they get to university in any case.
In the following paper, a survey shows that of the student population studied, a majority believe they are not indoctrinated enough.
And now we expect these same people to treat covid and yet they are unwilling and/or unable to have any thoughts or perform any actions outside established highly politicised medical dogma in regard to covid.
Not many people know that the poles get the highest daily sunshine. Insolation over the North Pole averages 487W/sq.m for July. South Pole quite a lot more at 513W/sq.m.
Moving down to Nelson in July, the insolation averages 464W/sq.m at the present time.
Climate change in these high latitudes ia significant. The July solar input to Nelson is increasing. Going back 10,000 years insolation was 40W/sq.m higher than now as the globe was pulling out of glaciation. The current location of Nelson would have been under thick ice. About 400 years ago, the July insolation at Nelson reached its minimum and has risen about 2W/sq.m since then. The July sunlight will continue to intensify for another 12,000 years BUT the January sunlight is declining at similar rate. My bet is that glaciation will cause the end of inhabitation in Nelson, not summer heat.
Once ice becomes persistent year round, the high surface reflection limits the heat uptake so it stays cool in summer as well as winter. In 2020, December insolation over Nelson averaged 109W/sq.m and it is in a declining trend.
Which Nelson? Nelson Victoria?
The article is about “The head of a Nelson, British Columbia, Canada emergency department”.
Think u can figure out which Nelson Rick is speaking of???
Thanks for asking, like you I wasn’t sure as there is a Nelson in NZ and thread comments do not always just address the lead article.
So, you thought it might just be a coincidence that the main article mentions Nelson?
I don’t know about a Nelson, but there is certainly a Nong living in NZ.
Please do not talk about the Poles like that as they have a proud Nation called Poland……………….
Would the media openly, plainly lie to us about Global Warming or anything else? Let’s go Brandon.
More nonsense:
Infusing climate change and sustainability into the medical school curriculum
June 7, 2021
James Bevan and Paul Roderick share how the University of Southampton School of Medicine is preparing medical students to practise sustainably
The climate emergency is a health emergency. This fact is now indisputable and it is common knowledge that climate change and environmental degradation pose an unprecedented threat to human health. Increasing intensity and frequency of extreme weather events, rising global temperatures and sea levels, pollution, and biodiversity loss contribute to considerable morbidity and mortality. The burden of disease will fall hardest on the most vulnerable people and will widen already existing global health inequalities and gaps in healthcare provision.
The health sector has a considerable impact on the environment, contributing comparable greenhouse gas emissions to the airline or shipping industry and, consequently, exacting a paradoxical toll on global health. While last year marked the unveiling of the NHS’s Net Zero target, which is a great signpost of intent for a national health service, to create genuine change a major educational drive is required to alter behaviours and culture across healthcare.
Considering these threats, the health workers of tomorrow need to be equipped with the tools to both deliver healthcare in a changing environment and to do so sustainably. Are medical schools currently preparing students for these challenges?
At the University of Southampton School of Medicine, following a review of our curriculum, we realised we were falling short. While there were a few lectures with climate or sustainability content, we had no central strategy to deliver a comprehensive climate curriculum. The student timetable was already crowded with little space for new topics or lectures, so we have started to implement an adapted “Infusion” approach, which was originally developed at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai.
This academic year we launched our “Southampton Medical School Medicine, Climate Change, and Sustainability Infusion Project.” The key principle is not to overwhelm students with excessive information they must learn, but to gently and continually reinforce the importance of climate change and sustainability in relation to health in a wide variety of contexts.
We have introduced a climate curriculum spiral structure with three phases across the five year Bachelor of Medicine course: “Introducing Environmental Health” (years one and two); “Climate Change and Sustainability in Practice” (years three and four); and “Becoming a Sustainable Physician” (final year).
So…in future every GP needs a climate witchdoctor pole and paraphanalia to be allowed to practice?
How to diagnose bull poop ….
It looks like it, it smells like , it feels like it …chances are….
“Sustainability” appears to be the only point here, which on the face of it, has nothing to do with medicine.
What will medicine make of this scenario (except it comes from the past):
That report comes from The Observer (Adelaide, SA), 13 January 1906, p. 38. The temperatures over several days approached the mid-40s.
South Australia has “advanced” law for euthanasia. What role for “medicine” under the “climate change” program? Or need we ask?
“but to gently and continually reinforce the importance of climate change.. ”
Don’t, whatever you do, say nasty things that might trigger someone or upset them or make them anxious! Teach medicine without ever mentioning death.. unless you can blame the climate for it!
This is why I haven’t been to a doctor in 20years, they are just not trustworthy!
On the plus side, my medicine from India arrived today, I’m most impressed with how the whole transaction went and I’m ready to tackle Covid as the waves of Sydneysiders set off to spread it through the countryside.
Why does Sydney keep getting the blame when Victoria has had the worst policies and worst outcomes for two years running?
From Australia, 2009.
Preparing Australian medical students for climate change
Climate change is now recognised as a global public health problem and the future medical workforce will be working during a period when the health impacts of climate change are likely to be significant.
This article discusses the ongoing training on the health impacts of climate change for the current and future medical workforce.
The role of medical practitioners in the coming decades will need to include assisting communities to adapt to changing climatic conditions, managing climate sensitive illnesses, and contributing to mitigation efforts to prevent climate change. Climate change and health should be built into the curricula of Australian medical schools spanning public health, clinical medicine, preventive health and global health. We propose a problem based learning approach to highlight clinical and public health implications, and present two hypothetical case studies suitable for teaching purposes.
Seriously twisted.
The previous head of the AMA was a very vocal advocate for Climate Change awareness; obviously a good example of why it’s best to stay within your own area of expertise when opening your upper orifice.
The AMA is just a union, right?
Its mot a licencing board or some such….
Just imagine how much our Taxes would drop if all of the unjustified, politically inspired mind bending rubbish was removed from courses.
Perhaps the lecherers thus freed from mental fright could earn a wage cutting out undergrowth from our Bush to reduce next year’s Bush fires. No, that wouldn’t work, there’d be no climate change.
A change from the past when your medical practitioner usually knew you from tinea to dandruff.
I describe our local medical practice as more of a medical rotisserie and you better have a handle on your history because there is a fair chance it won’t have been explored.
I had a rare change with a new locum recently. He was actually reading mine and I heard him say “Impossible”! He then said “It says here that you’ve had a heart attack”. My answer – “Not that I was aware of”.
I must go see my quack and complain that I’m suffering from climate change, wonder what he’ll say.
“She has diabetes. She has some heart failure. … She lives in a trailer, no air conditioning,” says Merritt of the senior patient.
Climate Change politics will only continue to add to this list of deaths. Once people lose their employment as jobs get shifted offshore and the cost of electricity become prohibitive due to the addition of RE, this is exactly what happens to vulnerable people and it will get far worse once the expensive storage solutions are deployed on scale and people end up having to live through hot summers and cold winters without being able to afford heating or cooling.
Medical doctors shouldn’t mess with things they know nothing about.
The following scene is from “The Andromeda Strain” (1971) and illustrates this.
A word that should be brought to the attention of medicos (and others) IMO
Look at the bright side.
Almost all traditional causes of death will be eliminated.
Henceforth, people will only die from:
1) Covid.
2) Climate Change(TM).
hmmm… Which category does a fatal car crash come under ?
Category 1, or Category 2? … Any medical doctors here ?
The Left are already blaming car accidents on “climate change”.
“For example, snowfall and rainfall are widely known to reduce visibility and make braking more difficult,”
So the cold and snow is the blame for road accidents..
So shifting to a pattern of less snow (which isn’t actually happening), would reduce accidents. !
Talk about an own goal !
How does warmer weather affect road accidents?
More people driving to the beach to enjoy the warmth?
“the impact shifting weather patterns will have on traffic accidents”
Like shifting weather patterns never happen naturally !
“How does warmer weather affect road accidents?
More people driving to the beach to enjoy the warmth?”
A recent experience on a rural road was down to 3rd gear because I couldn’t see the road in the rain
In my experience with about 57 years of driving I have found that reducing speed in periods of rain, not so much experience with snowfall, reducing speed usually helps with more difficult braking.
Climate change for sure.
Actually, you die when your heart stops pumping blood to the rest of the body. No Climate Change involved unless excessive heat or excessive cold are involved. I am a Quack Doktor…….Quack, Quack, Quack……………………
You forgot Democide ( death by gumint )….
Old saying : ” One just never knows about govts…”
“GOVERNMENT bureaucrats are making life and death decisions on behalf of Australian families while refusing to share their risk assessments or decision-making processes.
“This is the explosive claim by a government-employed research scientist [PhD.Sc], who fears publishing his own peer-reviewed vaccine research out of concern for official reprisal.
An amazing piece of writing; thanks again Jo.
The constant flow of World Media Excressence moves along, and entrains even the smartest minds in its path.
In the meantime the World Medical Glitterati studiously ignore the elephants in the room: diabetes deaths and disablement, for example, because the cause is embarrassing.
The extraordinary Social Security meme has caused so many deaths via inactivity, overeating aka gluttony that it Must be deep sixed.
I remember back to the fifties when everyone had a job, was lean and relatively healthy and uncommon common sense was considered the best way to go.
The madness of today’s world is illustrated by the latest U.S. plan to give border crashers US$450,000 compensation for nominal emotional distress.
Things are never going to be perfect, but I can’t believe that the world is in such an evil, ugly, damaging mess.
And the Left are further killing people with the promotion of low or no meat diets and excessive consumption of carbohydrates and processed vegetable oils that have excessive linoleic acid, phytosterols (phytoestrogens) and polyunsaturated fatty acids.
“People are running to the dollar store to buy spray bottles .. has no air conditioning…”
Fossil fuels to the rescue!
This article highlights a real issue with poor science. There is climate change and high northern latitudes will experience significant trends over the coming decades, centuries and millennia. Summers will get warmer and winters cooler; considerably greater variation than observed now. At lea a yearst until the winter ice begins to accumulate and the increasing reflection reduces the amount of summer insolation absorbed. Once ice becomes permanent, it will be persistently cold.
The latest all deaths DATA updates from the ABS for 2020 proves that we continue to do better in Australia than for example 2010 and 2019.
This update is 29 Sept 2021 and probably more updates to come for 2020.
Total deaths for 2020 were 8001 less than 2019, but about the same for average of 2015 to 2019.
Death rates for babies continue to improve as well.
Many graphs to help us further understand the data.
I never expected to see science devolve into a new religion.
I find it terrifying.
The private jet set have simply bought out science and academia.
Parking will be even worse of a problem at the next climate confab.
(Since all the Pharma billionaires will attend.)
And Brandon will fall asleep again.
Lots of people fall asleep in church.
‘And Brandon will fall asleep again.
Lots of people fall asleep in church.’
It’s the droning.
AMA president Dr Omar Khorshid appeared on ABC News Morning and said, “This climate emergency is a health emergency. There are health impacts of climate change right now being experienced around the world including here in Australia, and that’s only going to get worse as we see the increase in global temperatures that is now inevitable. The science is in, there is no debate about whether our planet is warming.”
Hmmm ….
How about death arising from medical malpractice as a result of withholding a lifesaving treatment such as Ivermectin. Bring on Nuremburg 2 trials and public shaming for those witch-doctors and health order followers.
We need it.
convincingforcing people to be injected with barely tested, experimental concoctions that don’t perform as they are supposed to plus have severe side effects that are supposedly rare.70
The Left’s war against science and reason, including medicine and Enlightenment values in general, is not going to end well.
Really, the dumbing down of medicine is an ideal fit to the sort of people that now qualify to be admitted to medical degrees. Rote learners rather than independent thinkers.
Seeing comments that this “doctor’s” makes, you worry about what sort of low-level education some doctors actually have.
Is it safe to go to “the doctors” nowadays ?
Try reading Richard Gordon’s The Alarming History of Medicine.
LOL………….So, when many Old People die of lack of heating and warmth in the Northern Hemisphere Winter which is about to begin, what do these Doctors blame the deaths on? Climate Change?……………
And when people die from poor quality healthcare they blame it on COVID.
And when people lose their jobs during luckdown and the economy crashes, they blame it on Capitalism.
See any pattern emerging?
words of a climate change activiste who encourages students to strike during schoolhours:
“There’s no point in being at school and getting a degree for a future that’s not there.”….
—-> Millions of children do not have access to education and would love the opportunity to go to school…
Maybe all these strinking schoolchildren in the West can stop using iPhones,stop using planes,telling their parents that it is ok to share a room with their siblings, telling their parents it is ok not being dropped of at school with the car,telling their parents it is ok just having 2 pair of shoes and a lot less clothes,no make up …etc… after all it is not a necessity and every bit helps…
There is a bit of hypocrisy there, just as there was at this big party in Glasgow… April 2021 October 2020
Also uncovered in the most recent investigation was a $325,000 contribution to The New York Times. While event sponsorship from foundations, organizations and even corporations is not uncommon, The Times did not disclose the clear quid pro quo related to these “grants” in its climate reporting. IER is calling on the The Times to either disclose all of its sponsored content, like nearly every other news publication in America, or better yet, do the right thing and return the funds along with an apology to its readers.
I have a bit of Pfizer-anxiety:
giving vaccinations at 5 to 12 years old based on such a small and short study….
“The medical regulator, the Therapeutic Goods Administration, has not yet given the green light to any COVID-19 vaccine for young children.
Having gained approval in the United States, Pfizer has applied for its vaccine to be approved for use in that younger age group in Australia, but Mr Hunt said the regulator was still waiting on the company to submit all its paperwork.”
Study Type : Interventional (Clinical Trial)
Estimated Enrollment : 7922 participants
Allocation: Non-Randomized
Intervention Model: Parallel Assignment
Masking: None (Open Label)
Primary Purpose: Prevention
Actual Study Start Date : March 24, 2021
Estimated Primary Completion Date : June 18, 2024
Estimated Study Completion Date : June 18, 2024
I have never been anxious about receiving vaccines, this was the first time.
I hope this golden plated kind of ‘Ivermectin’ is safe…. it didn’t take long to approve it.
Is there going to be a possibility to receive other boosters, not just Pfizer or Moderna?
All this mixing… I think there is not a lot of data there either…
There is a revolving door situation between Pfizer and the FDA. Most of the FDA Staff have worked for Pfizer and many of the Pfizer staff have worked for the FDA. Both groups are told what to do by the evil ones.
Ah, the little problem of getting ‘informed consent’ from a 5year-old. There’s some bureurats twisting words into amazing shapes trying to get around that one!
What the hell, just jab ’em all and replace the ones that die, there’s only 5years of investment in them, its not like they’re taxpayers…
Surely you wouldn’t expect the parasites in power to care? The ‘paperwork’ Hunt is waiting for will be envelopes full of cash, I am sure!
Please tell Tim Tam Flatulence Flannery that the ACT water levels are at 100% full.
And that Sydney Dam levels are at over 95% full………..
And the sea levels are not rising so his House on the Hawkesbury River frontage is OK…………
“And the sea levels are not rising so his House on the Hawkesbury River frontage is OK”
He’s long gone from there, too many people knew where he lived, with his heroin moll.
Sorry boss I can’t come to work today I have a bad case of climate change.
About 70% of doctors are show ponies. My late grandmothers and aunties had more cures up their sleeves.
Climate wise, bad models give bad solutions.
Politics wise, bad policies kill people.
In the public service people used to get away with writing “crook” on their sick leave application until there was a crack-down and something more specific was needed. However “crook” is orders of magnitude better than “climate change” and yet the latter has been used by a doctor.
Somewhat O/T
“The Perfect Christmas Gift”
“The Babylon Bee Guide to Wokeness Paperback – November 2, 2021”
“She’d probably be alive today if she had air conditioning and cheap electricity”
Electricity in British Columbia is provided by BC Hydro, and is currently billed at $0.0939/kWh for the first 599 kWh.
The problem is, she was living in a trailer. Trailers have thin walls, and even with air conditioning, they are hot boxes in the summer.
There’ll be a lot more living in trailers once windmill power takes over
Thanks MM. I will add a note to the post. Good point.
“Follow The Science? What Science?”
“Do small children really need to be vaccinated, or are we being conned by politicians and drug companies.”
Another very accurate article from Paul Driessen and yet the Pope, Johnson, Biden, Kerry plus most assorted con merchants, fund managers etc at COP 26 couldn’t care less.
No doubt about it this is definitely lethal carbon imperialism and China, Russia etc will be very happy with the result.
Witch doctor was that?
Geert Vanden Bossche speaks about the junk science behind vaccinating kids for CoVid-19
Watch it before YouTube notice and “disappear” it
“(Mostly) Safe And
Effective50% Effective”Check the table
BC lol.
My wife and I were on one of those hop-on-hop-off bus tours around Vancouver back in 2012. It was July, the middle of their summer and most on the bus had jumpers on. The tour guide was asking where people had come from and noted, when we said we were from Australia, that it was Winter down there at the time. He asked us what our Winter was like, and we said “much like this”.
He jokingly said we had to get off the bus. The guy from Antigua thought it was funny.
Is there a root cause of stupidity ?
Excellent short talk about vaccine efficacy, or not.
The rot began in medicine in the late 1990s. It was after the leftist takeover of the liberal arts(mid 1950s-early 1960s), the Law (1960-70s), Education (1975-1985) while now we have the STEM subjects almost under Leftist control going by all the published papers that support the green leftist lunacy plot.
However, much earlier was the takeover of the public service by professional leftist bureaucrats and it is these who are running the show. Idiots like that BC doctor are just indoctrinated morons totally at the mercy of these unelected, politically driven bureaucrats who make the rules e.g., the TGA banning of Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin BEFORE CV19 even hit Oz. Forewarned?
That idiot BC doctor is just another useful idiot. it is those pulling the strings and well out of sight that we must deal with. Unfortunately. it may well take a 1789 to do so.
Some unexpected news to read on the BBC. “small scale nuclear to get the green light this week”
Great news! Do you know the planned start and completion dates?
It seems that the main page for reporting covid cases in Vicdanistan is no longer reporting the vaccination status of hospitalisations like they used to.
There was always much gloating that only the “filthy unvaxxed” got sick and went to hospital and died but is this no longer a reportable statistic?
Both (covid) vaccinated and unvaccinated people have one thing in common.
Neither are fully vaccinated.
Sooo true!
That’s because ‘vaccinated’ used to have a medical science definition.
It now has a political/social definition.
One of the main evidences that science has devolved.
And the only ones immune are the drug companies and pollies.
Presumably the race for a climate change ‘vaccine’ that doesn’t work is now on?
It’s very worrying to think that people put their trust in the sound mind and good judgement of a doctor who is so obviously really stupid.
Then again; What do you call a doctor who came in last in his class? Answer; Doctor.
But there is a likely distinction as the person that came first might well be a specialist and thus “Mr”
Ironically, British Columbia will be the (the climate change has started) place in Canada, that will see the most amount of cold climate change and will see the start of cyclone storms (the silly clueless meteorologists call the cyclone storms ‘weather bombs’ (bombogenesis)) in the fall, winter, and spring.
This is the same type of ‘weather’ complete with the ‘bombogenesis’ which happens two or three times a month in the winter, that British Columbia experienced during the 1970s during solar minimums. During the 1970s Vancouver/British Columbia had, persistent storms, 25 inches of rain in a month, rain every day, with 5 hours of sunshine, and months and months of the same type of weather.
Solar minimums have a duration of 3 to 5 years. Maunder minimums (Maunder minimum is a period of time when the solar cycle stops and is named after the fellow that discovered the phenomena) last from 50 to 75 years.
The warming in the 30 years was caused by changes in cloud cover. Less cloud resulted in warming temperatures and less rain and less cyclone storms. (See linked paper for a discussion of what physically causes the cyclone storms which also occur in Europe and the UK during Maunder minimums.)
Galactic cosmic rays create ions in the atmosphere which cause clouds to form and that change the distribution of heat in the atmosphere causing cyclones. The prevailing Pacific and Atlantic ocean wind is west to east which causes the clouds to accumulate on the west coast of North America and the west coast of Europe.
Atmospheric Ionization and Clouds as Links Between Solar Activity and Climate
“The correlations can be understood in terms of one or both of two microphysical processes; ion mediated nucleation (IMN) and electroscavenging. IMN relies on the presence of ions to provide the condensation sites for sulfuric acid and water vapors to produce new aerosol particles, which, under certain conditions, might grow into sizes that can be activated as cloud condensation nuclei (CCN). Electroscavenging depends on the buildup of space charge at the tops and bottoms of clouds as the vertical current density (Jz ) in the global electric circuit encounters the increased electrical resistivity of the clouds. Space charge is electrostatic charge density due to a difference between the concentrations of positive and negative ions…..”
…In this case the dominant climatic effect is not due to changes in the atmospheric radiation balance, but rather in dynamical effects on the storm system that is undergoing precipitation, due to the latent heat transfer involved.
“An increase in precipitation entails a decrease in the amount of cloud water that is available for evaporation into air being entrained into the air mass of a storm. The reduction of this diabatic (non-adiabatic) cooling is equivalent to a diabatic heating, and it increases uplift and redistributes vorticity towards the center of the storm (non-conservation of potential vorticity).
For a winter cyclone, that is drawing vorticity from the latitudinal shear in the winter circulation, the vorticity redistribution is likely to enhance feedback processes, and increase the overall strength of the storm.”
A colder pattern will continue in B.C. for most of the week, along with the relentless parade of storms for the South Coast.
Seven-day rainfall totals continue to be 70-150 mm for the Lower Mainland, including Metro Vancouver, and 150-300 mm for the higher terrain and west coast of Vancouver Island.
The low north of Vancouver Island will eventually die out by Wednesday, but high pressure south of the border will redirect some residual moisture into the South Coast as it runs into that cold air.
Freezing levels will remain low this week and that means more snow for many ski areas including Whistler, with higher accumulations for the higher alpine. The North Shore Mountains may see 100 cm through Wednesday.
‘Climate change’, nee ‘global warming’, causes epic snow seasons? Who’da thunk! Canuk skiers and boarders be very, very happy. Hopefully BC has enough snow ploughs (plows) to keep the roads open…
When the solar cycle is interrupt there are persistent cyclone storms and La Nina cooling. The La Nina cooling and the high GCR that causes ‘weather bombs’(bombogenesis). The current weather conditions (timing of this La Nina and the start of bombogenesis are perfectly set up to produce blizzards in the US, starting in January.
In the US, these massive powerful winter storms shutdown cities and states.
These storms cause large regions of North America to be covered in snow. The snow reflects the sun as does the increased cloudiness which causes cooling.
What is different, now than in last 150 years, is the sun is changing to a ‘Maunder’ minimum state which have based on the past data, lasted for 50 to 70 years. The change in the sun is going to produce patterns of ‘weather’ that produces blizzards in the US and cold and wet conditions in the latitude 40 to 60 degrees. (The latitude that is effected the most is due to earth magnetic field strength.)
During the glacial periods, one of the centres of the continental glaciers that formed, is New York city. To form a continental glacier requires massive, regular storms that produce a large amount of snowfall that delays the start of summer.
• The Great Blizzard of 1888 remains one of the most devastating storms in US history.
The Knickerbocker Storm of 1922 caused the roof of the Knickerbocker Theatre in Washington, DC, to collapse, killing 98 and injuring 133.
The Chicago Blizzard of 1967 shut down O’Hare Airport and stranded 20,000 cars and 1,100 CTA buses. The damage cost businesses $150 million, and 60 people died.
A huge blizzard that slammed the East Coast in 1993 became known as “the Storm of the Century.”
The Blizzard of 1996 resulted in 150 deaths and around $3 million in damages across the Northeast.
The Great Blizzard of 2003 brought East Coast cities to a standstill.
There were three major snowstorms in 20 days in February 2010, including “Snowmageddon” in Washington, DC.
“Snowzilla,” also known as Winter Storm Jonas, pounded the Northeast and mid-Atlantic with up to three feet of snow in 2016.
Astronomers have been hiding something from the public and from the climate ‘scientists’.
Astronomers have been studying solar like stars from 30 years for a reason. What they found is solar like stars that are the same age as our sun (our sun is the oldest star in the group of solar like stars and all of the other stars have experienced the phenomena) experience long periods of time when their solar dynamo appears to ‘shutdown’.
Ironically at the end of the shutdown period, the star produces a single ‘sunspot’ which covers about 18% of the surface of the star. That super sunspot has a lifetime of about a year compared the average lifetime of a sunspot group prior to the solar cycle 24/25 shutdown of 22 days. The average lifetime of sunspot groups is now less than 10 days.
The single super large sunspot produces two or three super ‘flares’ per year.
Magnetic fields implicated in the mysterious midlife crisis of stars
July 28, 2021
Middle-aged stars can experience their own kind of midlife crisis, experiencing dramatic breaks in their activity and rotation rates at about the same age as our Sun, according to new research published today in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters. The study provides a new theoretical underpinning for the unexplained breakdown of established techniques for measuring ages of stars past their middle age, and the transition of solar-like stars to a magnetically inactive future.
“Vaccine Makers Now Studying Why Vaccine Is Causing Heart Problems
November 8, 2021 | Sundance | 397 Comments
The Wall Street Journal is reporting that vaccine makers and U.S. healthcare officials are now attempting to find out why the mRNA vaccines are creating adverse events and heart conditions in healthy people. Call me crazy, but studying dangerous side-effects would seem to be a more prudent line of inquiry before injecting people, not after.”
More at
“White-tailed deer found to be huge reservoir of coronavirus infection”
And mangos, and motor oil, and…
Whatever happened to the president of Tanzania who, as a trained scientist, discovered EVERYTHING has a little C-19 inside?
Ah yes, leaders of Tanzania, Burundi and Haiti all declined the offer and haven’t lived to tell us why.
What the world needs now is a Pachuri bobblehead for the car.