A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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And I’m sure that the new NT Government will be doing the same although I have yet to find out anything on this. Details are hard to find for some reason.
NT opposition says they will oppose Treaty
Dechlan Brennan – October 26, 2023
This is from the NIT late last year before the Territory Election and the Liberal Country Party election win –
She’s a brilliant voice for Australians and for aborigines. The attempt to change the Australian constitution was to seize power and nothing to do with aborigines. Kamahl was right that at least $42Billion a year is spent on aborigines. But where does the money go?
Not so fast. This morning Chrisafuli supports the under 16 social media ban. Over at Michael Smith. Listen to the 30 seconds. Blaming social media for everything. These are governments that turns out 1 in 3 functionally illiterate kids after 10 years of education.
The Federal Coalition does too but are opposed to the misinformation legislation.
I’m still in party mode.
Trump on the biggest scam in the history of mankind.
Vid is less than 3 min long. Great to see him say that and many of us can “decisively defeat the climate hysteria hoax.” but when did he say that? Sad not to see that important little bit of documentation there.
No doubt the same or very similar words have been used over and over but this could be it from 2022.
Donald Trump Delivers Keynote Speech In Florida 4/21/22 Transcript.
That was magnificent!
We are wasting enormous amounts of money on the Climate Change Hoax and every dollar spent is hurting us, not making things better.
Clintel (Climate Intelligence), the organisation founded by PROFESSOR GUUS BERKHOUT, has recently signed up another Nobel Prize winning scientist to its ranks and is gradually increasing the number of signatories to its Climate declaration, “There Is No Climate Emergency”.
Consider signing the document. Many of the readers here have done so.
“I want to watch the President on TV tonight. No you can’t because the wind isn’t blowing”
lol. Only Donald could troll like this and make it work.
I am fed up with every slightly favourable comment on Trump being prefaced by: He is a flawed character but…….
We are all flawed, especially those calling T flawed.
By contrast with Trump Albanese has appointed the fanatical Greg Combet to disburse our Future Fund moneys to the climate gangsters hither and yon; there’s so much political damage to be undone in Australia that it’s unlikely all to be addressed by Labor’s successors next year.
Watch Trillions a year not happen.
UN COP 29 puts crazy money up front
By David Wojick
The beginning: “UN Climate COPs have always been about big money but until now there was a facade of emission reductions to hide it behind. This time the money is the big thing and it is amazingly crazy. They want many trillions from us starting next year. That people take this nonsense seriously speaks volumes about the unreality of the UN climate program. But it will be great fun to watch them hit the NO WAY wall.
There are actually three big money issues to watch fail. First is the annual money for nothing from developed countries to developing ones that is supposed to jump from a measly $100 billion a year to a trillion a year and quickly growing to almost two trillion. I am not making this up. Second is the as yet untold trillions we are supposed to pay the developing countries to make up for their bad weather. Which of these two is crazier is hard to say and I welcome suggestions.
Third is perhaps the most fun. People want China, one of the strongest economies in the world, to stop pretending to be a developing country and put big money into these two pots. By some measures China is by far the strongest economy. For example they produce and use more electricity than the US and EU combined.
Before getting further into the greenback craziness a procedural point must be made especially with Trump coming on. This big money stuff is about the MOP not the COP. How’s that for jargon?”
Lots more in the article. Please share it.
China remains a developing country but developing into what? Nothing short of a monstrous mono culture is their desired goal under the current Leadership.
German Govt collapses. Election likely next March. Net zero at heart of the fallout
It should be mentioned this article was written by a woman
The problem with Kamala was not that there was racism and misogny but that whether or not she was a woman or black, you can’t get away from the basic fact she was a very poor candidate. The Democrats obviously hoped that just being black and a woman would overcome her lack of ability, but people saw through that
Black? First is the idea that even the smallest trace of black qualifies for a whole raft of privileges. She used to be Indian. Second where the black part of her family tree should be there is a gaping hole. The truth appears to be that she is descended from an Irish Jew.
Brilliant perspective from Larra Perrins.
It is good to see that the UK is not dead yet:
Let’s assume that the (D)s had a moment of sanity a year ago and publicly stated that Biden was a one term President and that there would be a rigorous preselection process, would they have won?
I doubt it. It wasn’t the empty pant-suit that lost, it was the democrat party and I’ll wager that they will still be in a world of hurt in four years. I suspect they will put up the third first woman president who will still look like a DEI hire and they will still be calling the (R) candidate H1tler. They will not learn.
I agree hanrahan
Leopard does not change its spots
This is mostly about the tragic flooding in Spain
The one thing I have learnt from writing about historic climate for nearly 20 years, is that the modern era is by no means climatically unique.
Since the advent of the Holocene some 12000 years ago it has been hotter/cooler, wetter/drier, stormier/calmer than today and sea levels have been higher and lower. However many climate scientists seem to believe that climate only began in 1979 with satellites, but that is just a blink of an eye in climate terms
From that ling you provide tonyb, “MORE than 200 died”
compare that to…
October 1891.
“The disaster is almost equally great at
Valencia and throughout Andalusia.
According to the latest intelligence from Consue-
gra the number of those who perished at that
place through the floods is 2000.”
One of the suspected causes of the “climate change” (rain) in Spain is as usual technology from Our Own CSIRO. Note the date.
Aug. 25, 2024
“Morocco’s Cloud Seeding Plans Raise Concerns in Spain”
See also: Did Morocco’s Al-Ghaith Cloud Seeding Operations Trigger Deadly Flooding in Spain?
The snowfall in Saudi Arabia has not been recorded previously in human history. You would need to go back maybe 1000 years to find similar levels of atmospheric water over the region. You would need to go back about 20,000 years to find the sunlight doing what it is now – reducing in fall and winter. You would need to go back 126,000 years ago to have the same ocean level; warming oceans and reducing sunlight in fall and winter:
You do need need to be Einstein to relise that earth is on the cusp of the northern hemisphere interglacial terminating.
And Saudi Arabia plus UAE, Iran and others are all also cloud seeding and have been for just long enough for the atmospheric chemical build up to maybe start the mutations. The longitudinal band of China and India cloud seeding couldn’t possibly upset WA climate…. could it?
This mob boast about having removed a record number of dams and weirs.
INTERVIEW with Dam Removal Europe
All-Time Record Removal of River Barriers in 2023 Marks Step Forward in European Ecosystems Restoration: Report
“According to data collected by Dam Removal Europe (DRE), a coalition of seven organisations, including the World Wildlife Fund, The Rivers Trust, and The Nature Conservancy, at least 487 barriers were removed in 15 European countries, with France leading the way, followed by Spain,” here.
50% more than last year means about 700 gone in two years.
I wonder if it could flood?
As floods kill hundreds in Spain, why locals believe the appalling devastation around Valencia was the result of the EU’s eco-zealotry, which ripped out the historic dams that would have prevented the catastrophe
I wouldn’t be the only one who can remember high school and the terrible weather we were having. Being young I had no reference but it must have been bad because they were looking for the CAUSE.
Fortunately for them the cause was plain to see: THE ATOMIC BOMB.
Logically then we could restart nuclear testing, blame the bad weather on that and go about our business, saving trillions.
The liberal press here in America is really dumb.
Lyndon Johnson was famous for the realpolitik observation …
“ya gotta dance with the one what brung ya”.
Trump has brought working class Hispanics and African Americans into his coalition.
Rather than losing power and representation, these groups have gained it.
Thus making the Democrats even dumber than their media sycophants.
The pundits, demographers and pollsters all tell us now that Trump won so bigly because men, and a lot of younger men, “got out the vote” (American parlance), irrespective of skin colour.
What attribute, or character, or personality aspect, do men and especially young men, value really highly ?
Physical courage. (Even football matches show this).
When did Donald J ever show physical courage ?
Why, umm, err – oh, I know ! When that maniacal twerp took potshots at him and he scrambled back on his feet, his face streaked with blood from his bullet wound, and pumped his fist in the air: “Fight ! Fight ! Fight !”
That’s when. And that’s when he won the election.
And the MSM knew it. Those wonderful hero photos (you know the ones – fist in the air in utter defiance, USA flag billowing behind him – photos of the century) were disappeared as quick as lightning … the wokerati instinctively knew the electoral power of them.
Do NOT keep files you care about on a Google Drive because its AI might determine it contains “misinformation” and prevent you from accessing it.
I keep three copies of everything, two of which are kept offline. But what does it matter: our opinions will never see the light of day once the UniParty’s censorship regime is in place. What would be amusing, though, would be to hear archeologists who come across our files centuries from now ask: ‘But if they understood these things, why did they let their society destroy itself?’
But we won’t be alive to answer that for them.
‘ … our opinions will never see the light of day once the UniParty’s censorship regime is in place.’
They won’t interfere with your freedom of expression, the Uniparty is supporting the Bill for reasons of national security.
For national security read protection of the bureaucracy.
“They won’t interfere with your freedom of expression, the Uniparty is supporting the Bill for reasons of national security.”
Your sarcasm is getting better EG!
As a rule I dont keep my data on other peoples computers.
And how much is everyone enjoying microsoft’s Copilot the ever present (just wanna help if you let me, I’ll just sit here and watch every time you power up) demanding speed bump to privacy.
I haven’t seen it for ages, so I guess I turned it off at some point. But I know that such things are always lurking in the background.
But what gets me more than anything else is these ridiculous ‘virtual assistants’ that some companies are using. My (now former) bank uses one and I just KNOW that using it will be a complete and utter waste of time. The virtual assistants deliver generic, non-specific answers that are NO DIFFERENT to the answers you would get if you were to click through a hard-coded, drop-down, cascading menu system. The problem, though, is that I don’t belong to the thumb generation (people who are adept at typing with their thumbs). I belong to the generation that still types out messages by laboriously ‘pecking’ away at their phone with their index finger, so, when I come across these virtual assistants I have to spend 10 minutes typing out a question that I already know I won’t get an answer to, whereas I could have gotten to that point much sooner if they had provided a simple cascading menu system instead of the virtual assistant.
I once thought I’d get cute and work around their technology by sending my bank a direct message on X. It concerned the fact that I was getting an error message when searching for information on a product. They actually did read the message and did reply to it. Their reply: please download our app again and ensure that you have the latest version — which, as everyone knows, is what help desks tell you when they just want you to go away. Let’s face it, when you add it all up — the hoops that you have to jump through with virtual assistants, the voice recognition systems that try (and fail) to filter your query, and the intentionally irritating music you have to listen to when waiting in their phone queue — we are on our own these days. They throw up all of these roadblocks and speed bumps just to frustrate us and make us give up.
Yeah it came with my MS Office 365 “update/upgrade”, and an additional $40 P/A for my subscription, which was $139 until the upgrade. I didn’t ask to be upgraded, I didn’t ask to be charged an additional $40 PA to be upgraded new and fancy office with the AI Copilot! Open up Excel, Copilot is there, open up word, Copilot is there, just wanting to help you, help you and make you stupid.
I’m sure I agreed to it somewhere in the T&C’s. You don’t get a simple way to turn the damn thing off and remove it. They opt you in whether you like it or not and there is no opt out.
Thankfully there are a lot of annoyed people out in the WWW who have figured out ways to remove the damn thing (remove?) not sure, turn off, yes. So I’ve managed my account and told MS to roll me back to classic, you have to cancel the upgrade but the rollback won’t happen for another 365 days, when my subs are up for renewal, so Copilot was still there, lurking. I found you can uninstall MS office 365 and then reinstall MS Office Classic once you have cancelled your sub and the damn AI BS is gone, maybe, until next time?
Re “Those camps of Trump”
“”Ok, so we won, but when do we start building the camps?”
Carpe Donktum asks that question in a very funny thread on Twitter. Here’s his original post, and some of the responses.”
A new paper states that the extent of Antarctic sea ice is determined by natural variability.
“VIDEO: Olympic Breakdancer ‘Raygun’ Will No Longer Compete After Backlash”
Good, her Olympic appearance only blocked an opportunity for a talented young person to compete, develop and grow.
“New Narrative Creators”
“Despite repeated attempts to dismiss alternative media as inconsequential or shame viewers into abandoning it, the legacy media is finally waking up to the fact that average right-leaning Joe citizen has moved on. That act of moving on is now starting to pay dividends.”
More at
Morning all,
Some good news from OZ, but paywalled
‘Deeply flawed’: Truth bill on the brink in Senate showdown
Just 3 paragraphs from the article:
” Key senators are blockading a divisive government plan to crack down on lies in major public debates, threatening to vote down the bill and adding to a logjam of more than 20 bills stalled in the Senate. ”
” But independent senators including David Pocock, Jacqui Lambie, Tammy Tyrrell, Fatima Payman and Gerard Rennick are holding out against the plan, putting it on course for defeat even if Labor gains support from the Greens.
Senators said they were receiving hundreds of emails and calls from voters who opposed the draft law because they believed the Australian Communications and Media Authority should not have the power to check the controls on social media content. ”
Dave B
We may not need Elon other than his presence on the world stage and open support of Trump.
Most have probably seen the line that Elon wasted $44bn on Twitter – all it got him was his President, his House and his Senate.
Even though on financial grounds alone Elon may have paid too much for Twitter, the saving of free speech, the United States and Western Civilisation was worth every cent of it.
He is a long-term thinker and could see beyond the short term losses attributable to paying too much to a bunch of evil Leftists for their (at the time) Leftist anti-American anti-Western civilisation-destroying indoctrination product.
On Nov 6 his stocks rose much more’n $44b.
Adolf Albo
That image deserves to be at the top of every news outlet.
I’m keeping an eye of the travails of Katie Hopkins in the UK. She is a very funny, brash and irreverent conservative commentator, hated (of course) by the left. She has suffered all the usual abuse and lawfare and now believes she is being targeted by the UK’s lefty government. She expects to get a knock on the door sometime soon.
Once again I feel helpless. If I was still in the UK perhaps I could attend a rally in support of her, but from here there’s not much I can do to stop the totalitarian Labour government from taking yet another political prisoner.
One thing I CAN do, hopefully, is contribute to any funding request to cover her legal fees, should she set one up.
Latest Kunstler
Be careful what you wish for”
“Let folks cast their votes for Trump if that’s their choice. But mark my words, we won’t be certifying the election. He might win, but we’ll ensure he doesn’t step foot in the Oval Office.” — Jamie Raskin (D-MD)
At last, it appears that the Party of Chaos got its fondest wish: it aborted itself in the 2024 election.”
More at
Out of idle curiosity, I wonder whether anybody has followed up with the irascible Raskin asking whether he resiles from his stated intention.
And still I anxiously await confirmation that the republicans will be allowed to take control of the house of reps.
Raskin was deadly serious. I think he wanted to start a war but no one showed up.
We can only hope that Also gets the memo from Trump that Climate Change™ is a hoax. Then tells the BoM, CSIRO and his ABC to stop their carp.
I’m not sure if the fake conservative Liberal Party will repeal the censorship law or cancel the job of the e Safety Kommisar (she is a former Twitter censor) because both the bill and the position were conceived from them.
And as Jo pointed out yesterday, “protecting” children on social media has nothing to do with protection, but is an excuse to require ID for all social media users. Ultimately, I expect the objective is to have all your social media and indeed any public commentary, including on blogs like this, linked to your digital person number (law already passed). This will enable AI to automatically generate a Chinese-style social credit rating for you against which you will be assessed for things like the type of housing you have, your freedom to leave the confines of your 15 minute city, the amount of your insect rations etc..
Our Orwellian dystopian future is already here thanks to the Lib/Lab/Green Uniparty.
Remember last week when the BBCCC was lamenting the imminent end of the world – for the umpteenth time – because it hadn’t snowed on Japan’s Mt Fuji. Gotta love nature’s sense of humour: the day President Trump was voted back into office by the majority of US voters, it snowed on Mt Fuji [Wed 6 Nov Japan-time].
Not only Donald Trump, the whole planet dodged a bullet, unless of course, the cold autumnal snowfall was caused by – drum roll please – a change in the climate. These people are stupid AND mad.
Meanwhile, the town of Franz Josef at the base of the glacier it’s named after on the West (wet) Coast of NZ’s South Island, yesterday enjoyed its “wettest 24 hours in 45 years” after nearly 400mm of rain fell from the sky, thanks to an ‘atmospheric river’ originating off Queensland. In old school real-speak, it was an occluded / stationary front, blocked by high pressure to our NE, causing the incessant rain to do what it’s always done.
What our sad media has NOT reported (they’re still bemoaning and bewailing Obamala’s trouncing at the ballot box) is that up at 10,000 ft, all that rain has fallen as SNOW on the glaciers and mountain tops. In a few years’ time when those same glaciers begin re-advancing down the valley towards the town and the Tasman Sea – as they do in cycles – pointy headed academic alarmists will shout IT’S ALL OUR FAULT!
Otherwise it’s a perfectly average calm warm sunny day where this sceptical commenter is, despite the cash-craving calamitous rap (CCCrap) that will begin emanating from the COProlites in Azerbaijan on Monday 11/11 at 11am.
On this side of the Tasman Sea in downtown Victoria, the word “perfect” comes to mind to describe our weather today. Supposed to nudge 21C by early afternoon. Not a cloud to be seen this morning. Must be cloudy in other parts of the country because the rooftops are only supplying 35% of the grid demand. Gid solar closer to full throttle supplying 24% of the demand.
Give a thought to the young ones who have taken up a career in Climate Science™. They will still be looking for the CO2 footprint in 2100. Imagine spending a whole career chasing a fantasy.
Somebody has to measure sea level rising.
‘The Master of Climate Science is the only science-focused degree of its kind in Australia. Strengthen your future, and the future of the planet, with advanced knowledge spanning physical climate science, climate change science, techniques and limitations of climate modelling, and climate policy.’ (University Melbourne)
In the NT –
The (so far) 2 commenters have more sense than the whole gummint.
While in the Stupid Country, Australia, we are systematically destroying power stations, here in Nepal they want to encourage the use of electricity for their development.
They have the Department of Electricity Development.
Australia has moved on from Electricity Development. Australia is the world leader in subsidy farming. This month, up to 75% of Australian electricity has come from subsidy farmers – me included.
FWIW – so you know
“A few items for the “cut out and keep” folder?
Open to revision and refinement…
Q. What’s the difference between a “conspiracy theory” and accepted fact?
A. About 12 months.
Q. What is a “Conspiracy theory”?
A. A reactive sneer produced by people unwilling to learn anything new, or grow as a person. Also by individuals who cling to “consensus” as a self-defense mechanism, to avoid disturbing their internal view of how the world operates, often lacking any awareness that all scientific progress depends on disturbing the “consensus”.
Q. What is a “fact”
A. A “fact” is any statement made that people are willing to believe. The root meaning of the word comes from the same as “factory”, meaning a place where things are made or assembled.”
Bigger than the Melbourne Cup!
“Riddle Me This: How Did This One French Guy Make $50 Million Betting on Trump?”
Trump talked with Zelensky for 25 minutes and then handed the phone over to Elon who gave his support.
‘Zelenskyy’s call with Trump was, reportedly, otherwise reassuring for the Ukraine president. Trump told Zelenskyy that he would continue to support Ukraine, though he did not go into details, according to Axios. In a statement, Zelenskyy said he praised Trump and his team for their successful campaign.
“We agreed to maintain close dialogue and advance our cooperation,” he tweeted. “Strong and unwavering US leadership is vital for the world and for a just peace.” (Guardian)
“Trump’s Plan to Shatter Deep State”
Dem influencers are seeing record numbers of subscription cancelations along with a mass exodus of followers causing an “algorithmic de subscription spiral.”
Eventually people give up backing losers…
FEMA Official Ordered Relief Workers To Skip Houses With Trump Signs
A federal disaster relief official ordered workers to bypass the homes of Donald Trump’s supporters as they surveyed damage caused by Hurricane Milton in Florida, according to internal correspondence obtained by The Daily Wire and confirmed by multiple federal employees.
It’s almost unbelievable to think that somebody in the federal government would think that’s okay.”
Ironically, it’s now the Demonrat party who need disaster relief! 😆😆😆
Payback’s a bee-atch.
I couldn’t work out why my GPS watch and phone were giving weird results for time and then realised Nepal’s time offset is GMT+05:45 .
Nepal’s longitudinal extent is 8 degrees or 32 mins and I guess they wanted a single time zone so split the difference.
It’s different to India and 15 mins ahead.
It’s been like this since 1956.
On the Nullarbor, we originally operated on a time half-way between WA and SA time, so also 45 mins difference. One building had four clocks on the wall, including GMT.
The Central Western Time time zone.
“A gay in a manger” sweatshirt for xmas
It is now taken down from their site:
But I saved it first! 😆
Guess they didn’t want to do a Bud Light…
For sale (USA only):
One Komatsu bulldozer plus a palletload of chequerplate steel. Bought for a project but no longer needed.
Good news Saturday: Liberal women withhold sex, shave heads to protest Trump win
Liberal women are withholding sex from men and shaving their heads to protest President-elect Donald Trump’s landslide victory over Kamala Harris.
The demonstration was inspired by South Korea’s “4B” movement against gender-based violence where some women in that country have vowed to follow the four “no’s” — no sex, no dating or marriage and no having children with men.
No self-respecting man would go near such whining, shreiking psycho-chicks anyway.
Abstain away, it just means less of your kind. 😁
If we don’t have free speech, we don’t have a free country
I wonder if Albo reads this blog?
President Trump will FIRE every official or agent at the FBI, CIA, DHS, CDC, etc, that forced big tech to censor the truth about the 2020 election & Covid
He’ll also strip security clearances of the 51 intel officials who labeled Hunter Biden’s laptop as Russian disinformation.
The great purge and prosecute begins.
Just what we need here too.
Americans left BLIND, paralyzed and with teeth falling out after Ozempic – now they’re suing for millions
Gastroparesis can become so severe that it threatens your life, as in the case of Louisville’s Jacqueline Barber, 49. Barber told Time that her doctor said it would ‘work wonders’ for her diabetes.
Instead, she said it wrecked her stomach, and she became bed bound, throwing up constantly for the year she was on the drug.
She dropped 140 pounds, her teeth began crumbling from the stomach acid and she had to start using a walker because she became so weak.
Mr King said there are also some cases where patients are alleging that life threatening blood clots are linked to their GLP-1 drug.
Ozempic was approved way back in 2017 and deemed “safe and effective” after trials.
Thankfully, it wasn’t warp speed.
Better censor this “misinformation” in case some WEF puppet pollies are at risk of being sued en-masse.😆
Excellent news. The count for the US House is now 212(R) to 200(D), with 218 being required for a majority.
23 are still to be called, with the GOP needing just 6 of the 23 to retain the House. Just on the percentages alone, you would have to figure that the GOP will retain the House.
The news just keeps getting better and better.
Tweet from Elon Musk.
Wow, I mean wow.
Rinehart meets Musk after Trump’s victory
The rest is paywalled on the AFR website
Please enlighten me on “P’nut the squirrel.”
“Our government will let in 16,000 rapists, they will let in 13,000 murderers, they will let in 600,000 criminals across our border, but if someone has a pet squirrel without a permit they will go in there and kill the squirrel,” Donald Trump said at a rally over the weekend. “That is the Democrat party. That’s where they will go. That’s their overreach.” (The Hill)
I have to leave my hotel in Karhmandu now so will be without internet access but I posted a link here a few days ago.
The squirrel and its raccoon friend were murdered by the New York Democrat Government and their owners treated like terrorists over an anonymous complaint about the squirrel.
JD Vance also had words to say about this meaningless double murder.
See my comments at and others on that page.
“Authorities, however, said that they put the animal down after he bit an official involved in his seizure.”
Any official having a seizure should put down whatever animal he is carrying, or his hot coffee too!
Why can’t they bring themselves to say “killed”, its what they did.
“DEI The Friendly Squirrels”×600.jpg
And comments
Thank God for the American constitution, the American people, Donald Trump’s team, and Donald Trump.
Let this flourish and spread!
Plibersek in hot water only months away from a general election.
Re concentration camps etc
BUT a near escape
“CDC Planned Quarantine Camps, Nationwide/Jeffrey Tucker @ Brownstone Institute”
Asymmetrical hatred between Leftists and the Thinking Community with Victor Davis Hanson.
Short video clip.
Big Bang Boom Solutions – your friendly, neighbourhood Defence Company: