A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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A man denied permission to have solar panels on his home is battling a 2,200 acre solar farm next door – with plans involving a duke and friend of the King. Tony Ward has lived in his Grade II listed property in Chippenham, Wiltshire, for twenty years – with the building, mentioned in the Doomsday Book, standing for 400 years.
In 2005, he requested permission to install a small number of solar panels on the family log barn to help compensate for the costs of their ground source heating. He says the council denied his request because it would mean hot air balloons flying above would not be ”able properly to read the way the house had developed over the centuries”.
But now Tony and thousands of other residents say they are being faced with plans for Lime Down Solar development – which they have dubbed a ”nightmare”. The proposal would see 2,200 acres of four-and-a-half metre high solar panels across several sites – as well as “enormous” battery storage units and cabling in their “peaceful and tranquil” countryside.
It’s also appalling that all that land is being removed from agricultural use and replaced with something useless. It’s really a war against the food supply
A Blot on the landscape.
An extension on that book series?
UK is winning the race to the economic abyss. Go you good thing.
UK could be instrumental in preventing terminal decline across the globe as it provides the very best example of a population too stupid top see its fate.
Yep, we’re celebrating the news that CO2 emissions in 2024 were the lowest since 1872.
And then wondering why our economic growth is shrinking/anaemic.
The UK have voted themselves into self-destruction. Most Western countries have, but at least the United States did something about it and elected TRUMP. But I think UK is far worse than others. And electing a globalist communist like Stalin Starmer was unbelievable when there were less bad alternatives. Once Great Britain will not be salvageable by the time of the next UK election in 4.5 years or so.
And there’s Albanese a lapdog at Starmer’s feet; blessedly Dutton has rubbished Australia sending peacekeeping soldiers to Ukraine.
And that brings me to the reason for this article, as maybe I can now provide further evidence of the extent of the scam and the role mainstream media (and even myself unwittingly) played in it.
And yet, they can’t give it up:
Climate Gobbledygook: ‘Experts’ Pontificating Mitigation Failure
From MasterResource
By Robert Bradley Jr.
Ed. note: With the US-led demise of Net Zero and “energy transformation,” prior attempts to come to grips with climate futility and energy reality are worth revisiting. This article, “Three Decades of Climate Mitigation: Why Haven’t We Bent the Global Emissions Curve?” (Annual Review of Environment and Resources: Vol. 46, 2021), is an example of a faulty worldview, a vastly overbuilt academic climate network (23 authors), and an inability to seriously deal with critical views of climate alarm/forced energy transformation.
A leaflet from our local council justifying the latest increase in household rates, makes the claim that recycling 9 orange peels creates enough energy to fully recharge a laptop.
I tracked it down to this study
It seems rather ambiguous so I hope somebody here can confirm if that headline is as misleading as I suspect it to be.
Can you pay your rate rise in orange peels then? They seem valuable. – they do seem to be useful for soil rehabilitation, not so sure how this charges laptops though….
Shirley they’re pithing into the wind…
It’s enough to give you the pip.
The story on the link is written by someone trying to make an industrial process sound cute and cuddly. This single paragraph gives greater insight than that wholesaled book of BS:
If you are unfortunate enough to live in a place that tries to justify rate increases with stories like this then you should be contemplating a move. Go to a council meting and make some noise over higher rates.
Well worth a listen. I came across Dave Collum in his discussions with Tom Luongo.
Collum is a professor of chemistry at Cornell. He opens this discussion with his views on climate change.
Commodity Culture: Banned on Youtube: Where Are the MILLIONS of Missing Children?
Show notes:
Dave Collum has a lot of questions about the millions of children that go missing every year, and his research has led him down some very dark rabbit holes that led him to political elites, Ukraine, and the royal family. Dave also discusses why he believes the climate change agenda is a complete hoax, along with providing his thoughts on how radical gender ideology has been able to infiltrate mainstream society.
NBN, Australia’s national broadband network, was always going to be a disaster because it was yet another case of politicians making engineering decisions.
And legislation is already in place, to tax competitors to NBN like those who deliver broadband services via 5G or satellite so they can’t be cheaper, although I’m not sure if it’s being applied yet.
Australia is being bankrupted by functionally illiterate and innumerate politicians continually making engineering and scientific decisions. This madness must stop.
It would be cheaper to tell people to join Starlink. And get Telstra to make their handsets work with Starlink.
Then tax all happy Starlink users to pay for the NBN extension. Fibre to the outback. And don’t forget to thank the traditional owners.
Yeah … with the NBN it turns out that if Australia did nothing at all in the first place … then we would have been better off.
NBN – No Blinking Network.
Wasn’t Malcolm Turnbull Mr. NBN and also Mr. Snowy 2.0. What a CV not. ToM
And he took away our incandescent light globes.
Indeed. A political engineering decision.
A national broadband network which relied on 19th century circuit switching of signals to fibre optic cables between Internet Service Providers and end users, massively increasing the volume of cabling required and installation costs.
Why charge only once ($) when they can bill you seventeen times! Those Harvard business degrees don’t come cheap & the interest is rising faster than the level of CO2 – as most things do.
Same with pot-hole repairs here in the Shaky Isles: done once, done good is sooooo old school when c_ntractors can maximise their profits 17x moving forward sustainably at the end of the day
Not so technically minded, but (in the wake of devastating Cyclone Alfred) wondering why so many overhead power cables remain about the place. Couldn’t the underground fibre-optic laid for NBN also been used to do a bit of ‘cyclone-proofing’ and bring a lot of the electricity distribution underground?
Just an uneducated (undereducated – I always recall my school to people as not enough books and too many opportunities for sport) thought.
Irony overload. In Germany now as in America, if you want to protest against Elon Musk in the approved manner, you set fire to a Tesla using petrol? What a waste! Surely that should be a standard software function? The Self Immolation button.
I thought lighting a well oiled pizza box inside a front wheel was the approved method.
Some ‘disturbed’ chap was arrested here last week for tagging / spray painting half-a-dozen Teslas parked in posh areas as a ‘protest’ against DOGE in the USA.
No petrol, nor pizza boxes, were involved (nor hurt) yet all the expensive virtue shopping-trolleys were ‘written-off’ [pun-intentional] by Mr Big Insurance-Man. Up goes everyone else’s premiums, as mine have, and I drive a planet-saving 3-litre diesel
Old-school Mission: Impossible TV series –
“This Tesla will self-destruct in 10 seconds”
Does the UK need a DOGE event?
One example, but it is certainly tempting to think – yes, a DOGE event would be beneficial!
That occurred under the useless Tories.
Sir Starmer is talking a good talk about more government efficiency. That’s easy.
Will he walk the walk?
AFAIK, the only actual action taken so far is shutting down a dept created by the Conservative party when they were in gov’t. I won’t hold my breath waiting for them to reverse or trim any program created by Labour.
It’s just the usual shameless politics masquerading as ‘government’.
“Does the UK need a DOGE event?”
No, it needs a French revolution event! The only answer to any Govt in the west these days.
I have coined a new acronym to describe Leftists who now hate Musk because he’s trying to save the American taxpayer money.
Since it’s always a comorbidity with TRUMP Derangement Syndrome (TDS), I call it TEDS, TRUMP and Elon Derangement Syndrome.
Sadly, there’s no know cure.
Apparently there is an Australian DOGE connection which Leftist “academics” at Australian “universities” are in meltdown about.
Great news.
Why should US taxpayers fund a bunch of fake Australian Leftist “academics” who hate TRUMP, America and the West and Judeo-Christian religion, who love the Chicomms and who believe in anti-scientific nonsense like more than two genders and man-made climate change?
Good on DOGE!
The funding is the interference, not its withdrawal.
Universities in the group of 8 articulate the National Interest Test to include Climate:
eg Slide 10.
The snob factor in the article too – I have to admit, I had never heard of the ‘Group of Eight’ having been undereducated outside the group….
But that doesn’t need explaining – if you know, you know….
Short history of Ukrainian peace negotiations:
Thousands of Ukrainian soldiers are killed in the Ilovaisk encirclement (2014) – “We’re ready for peace! Let’s negotiate!” (Minsk-1 is concluded and they break it immediately)
Thousands of Ukrainian soldiers are killed in the Debaltsevo encirclement (2015) – “Stop the war! We want peace!” (Minsk-2 is concluded and they break it immediately, and afterwards openly state that they never even intended to honor it)
Russian troops are outside Kiev (2022) – “We are ready for negotiations” (They sign a peace deal, then shoot their own negotiator in the head & break the peace immediately)
The Ukrainian army suffers a collapse in Kursk oblast (2025) – … guess what
Who is they?
The security threat collectivists of the EU and the US.
“Who is they?”
Err , the signatories on the Ukie side , maybe?
Russian strategy for Belarus and Ukraine:
Last night’s full moon eclipse was rooned by the most potent glasshouse gas (GHG) never known to expert consensus effluencers – water vapour haze/cloud marred the cosmic syzygy view for the hundreds of locals who’d gathered to enjoy Nature’s evening show – parents, children, cats, dogs, itinerant travellers, a very festive party-like atmosphere – at the appropriately named Red Beach.
Most folk had wandered off back home by 9:30pm, just as La Bella Luna rose above the ‘deadly pollution’, aka clouds, and the Earth’s shadow commenced peeling away (like an orange!) revealing the bright, yellow, ancient, heavenly body ascending towards the zenith… some things are worth waiting for
Very good view here, once the moon made it above the Ruahine range; the red moon was visible from about 2015 hours.
Must be that ‘continental climate’ you guys enjoy down there south of the Taupo Caldera – lucky you Manawatuans: next time for us up norf eh
For those who missed last night’s lunacy:
Given Dutton’s commitment to Paris and therefore a lack of understanding of the real issues around Australia’s energy crisis, I don’t have great confidence of him winning the next election. Apart from that, the Liberal Party are fence sitters who believe in nothing and are fake conservatives. Dutton is also opposed to free speech.
Labor might win the next Federal election.
But there is an even worse scenario. A Labor minority Government with Greens having the balance of power.
What difference will it make?
Something happened in the Austral winter 2023 which altered political perspective.
We can be sure that when Dutton gets into power he’ll adopt a more pragmatic view of energy and climate change.
Why do we have to wait until after he’s elected to hear his true policy?
He needs to have the moral clarity and conviction to state his beliefs upfront and not care what anyone else thinks – it worked for TRUMP.
Dutton lacks charisma and would prefer to get into power first, then emulate US political culture. To what degree is moot, but eliminating renewable subsidies would be a good start, with new Hele coal fired power stations on the cards.
“Dutton lacks charisma and would prefer to get into power first, then emulate US political culture. ”
Oh rubbish!! The man is a complete non-event without a backbone or any principles at all, or he wouldn’t be a politician! He will grease his shoes every morning to make U-turns easier, anything to suit his handlers and publicity advisors. He doesn’t stand for anything!
If he couldn’t put up concrete proposals right from when he became leader, he deserves to be completely ignored. He will just inherit Labor’s mess, change nothing, hold the reins at arms distance and just hope nothing goes wrong while he collects his salary.
Give me Trump or Putin any day!!
Labor was enjoying an extended honeymoon in 2023 until The Voice, historians will have a field day. When being political correct was politically incorrect.
To be fair and balanced, inflation was becoming ‘sticky’ and Labor’s base was struggling.
Marco Rubio expells South African Ambassador to US.
That won’t worry the South Africans at all. No matter what their colour, they remember America from the sanctions days of the 1970s, and its not a pretty memory!
It will just help consolidate the BRICS.
A small rant I had on another blog.
Funny how we used to have the much bemoaned Housing Commission providing affordable housing for low income earners, decades ago. But of course the geniuses in govt and thev”public service” new better and disbanded it.
Sure these developments had their problems but people were not homeless and had a pathway to home ownership. Later these areas gentrified and joined the swath if now expensive housing.
Once again Australia we have a problem of our own making. We need affordable housing, an affordable and reliable grid, cheap natural gas supply and chaotic immigration. All issues created by government mismanagent, by both parties.
We have all the resources we need but continue to make a mess of our country.
And just substitute the Sate Electricity Commission for housing commission.
Same outcome, something that worked has been replaced by something that doesn’t.
Only governments get rewarded for this sort of ineptness and retiring ministers always seem to find themselves on “boards” that they have no expertise in but they do attract stipends.
Verdi Requiem – Dies Irae e Tuba Mirum
Great performance. A pity it was cut off as the soloists started.
FWIW – “Oh No”
“Wind Wakes Putting the Brakes on Wind?”
“This had me intrigued – how does something this monumentally catastrophic happen at the last second? Willful blindness, purposeful corruption, or ‘hide the decline’ type manipulative skullduggery?”
Like wind droughts
More breakfast upsets for “ElBowen”?
It’s extraordinary.
Every pilot and air traffic controller plus normal informed people know about “propwash” and “jetwash”.
How much worse would it be with blades hundreds of times the diameter of that on planes?
How can the designers not have thought of that?
That’s the consequence of dumbing-down the universities, DEI, wokeness, Klimate Kultism and Big Green.
But the wind – it’s free!
Flatulence too, yet nowhere near as stinky.
Is Brigitte Macron a man?
This has been speculated for a long time. So many things don’t add up.
Transgenderism has been elevated to heights well beyond its natural status. Here is another speculative clip:
FWIW – the DOGE razor shaves in unexpected places!
“You Won’t Believe Why Johns Hopkins is Cutting 2000 Employees”
“Like you, I assumed most USAID money was wasted, finding its way into the pockets of dictators and their cronies. I had little idea that most of the money was going to US-based grifters and into the war chests of politicians.
You learn something new every day. ”
“Earlier: “Seriously, it’s like Musk is some kind of evil genius who figured out how to separate lefties from billions of their dollars by appealing to their idiotic climate religion…and then made them despise themselves for doing it. He should get a Nobel Prize for that.” ”
I think Elon always knew he was making virtue signaling toys for rich woke inner city Leftists.
I’m sure he laughed all the way to the bank.
“Flu Vaccine Exposed: The Shocking NIH Discovery They Don’t Want You To Know”
“Two decades ago, CBS aired a bombshell report on the flu shot, revealing a truth that health officials didn’t want to admit. Despite flu shot uptake among seniors skyrocketing from 15% to 65%, flu deaths continued to climb.”
Concludes with –
“This disturbing reality prompted Kurt Metzger of The Jimmy Dore Show to say, “If they were doing this 20 years ago, they managed to make the same mistake again. That’s a little bit hard to believe it’s a mistake.” “
FWIW – Mark Steyn vs Mann
“COURT FOOL, n. The plaintiff.
The Plaintiff and The Nine Million Dollar Lie”
FWIW – latest Kunstler
“Spring’s Frightful Awakening
“The notion that Europe is able to pose a military threat to Russia does not even qualify as trashy propaganda for sub-zero IQs.” — Pepe Escobar”
““The left became hideously, ostentatiously, unapologetically corrupt (as ruling parties tend to do). They sold out bigtime and got bigtime rich. You want to know why none of them want to cut waste anymore? because they’re the ones stealing it.” — El Gato Malo on Substack”
More at
A win for free speech and bloggers: DCS case long overdue update
John Cadogan discusses the court ruling:
Louis Rossman covered it too.
The judge dismissed DCS’s case on a technicality but his comments on DCS and employees just destroyed their reputation even more.
They could have acted like decent people and talked to Stephan about it all, but decided on lawyers instead. Global exposure with millions of views was the result.
Not so much shooting yourself in the foot but using a bazooka to blow yourself to bits.
Whee! Here we go again!
Pandemic fears as NEW coronavirus is discovered in bats by China-linked scientist
A new coronavirus feared to be able to spread to humans has been discovered by a China-linked scientist.
Researchers from Brazil and colleagues affiliated with the University of Hong Kong detected the new strain after swabbing the mouths and rectums of bats.
The novel strain is closely related to MERS — a disease that kills about 35 percent of the people it infects.
The makeup of the virus’ spike protein, which it uses to trigger an infection, means it can probably infect human cells, the researchers warned.
It’s an exciting life as a scientist swabbing bat bums. Join up today!
Paper here:
Now all the Chicomms have to do is do some “gain of function” “research” and release it into the wild. They will likely do this as an attack on TRUMP, just like last time.
“They will likely do this as an attack on TRUMP, just like last time.”
that suggests… the Chicomms had some incentive to release it into the wild, while I’d say the Americans who hate Trump had FAR more incentive to do the same. Don’t forget they had to close Fort Detrick due to not following containment rules just before the American military headed to Wuhan for the international military games..
A rich wokester buys a Tesla for the sole purpose of destroying it because Leftists don’t like what Musk is doing to expose Government waste and corruption.
A severe case of TEDS (TRUMP and Elon Derangement Syndrome).
Governments worldwide are struggling to contain a NEW VIRUS impacting BILLIONS OF LIVES worldwide known as TRUTH
The “Truth Virus” is reshaping global media consumption, as independent news sources gain traction and challenge mainstream narratives, empowering billions to question misinformation and propaganda spread by traditional outlets.
Governments and mainstream media are losing control as the “Truth Virus” spreads organically, exposing fake news, fear-mongering, and manipulative tactics, forcing institutions to abandon their deceptive practices.
Symptoms of the “Truth Virus” include critical thinking, skepticism of mainstream narratives, and a heightened awareness of hidden agendas, creating a global shift toward logic, transparency, and accountability.
Get infected today!
“Does She Or Doesn’t She”
“Stuck in the Nadi Airport in Fiji for the day, waiting for my flight to Brisbane. So … I read. I found a most clearly written and fascinating article in Quanta Magazine entitled “‘Next-Level’ Chaos Traces the True Limit of Predictability“.”
And lots in comments
Saturday WTF – the laws of physics don’t apply to excavators
The camera ALWAYS lies
or the angle-of-the-dangle warps reality
as does KL!MAT3 $C!ENCE.
Try again
Looks fake if you turn it 90 degrees clockwise but how are the clumps of dirt moving horizontally by themselves and how is the excavator moving without the tracks moving or bucket pulling it?
The giveaway is the excavator on level ground at the top of the picture.
A “Check your underwear” if true
EU rumored to impose capital controls and confiscate savings to fund war against Russia
According to the sources, the EU is expected to announce capital controls sometime in April to prevent the outflow of capital, gold, and silver from the region. This initial step would freeze all assets and potentially confiscate them, replacing citizens’ savings accounts with IOUs. The ultimate goal is to amass approximately $10 trillion to fund a military conflict with Russia.
’tis but a rumour at this stage, but a likely event.
Better move all the gold first.
They have? Oh…
The End Of Snow: Part 2025.03
The USA’s Left Coast is burning, right? Malibu’s a charred-out cinder and the Canyons are all a-hush because… everyone’s gone skiing dude!
Ch!na Peak in the last 24 hours received 105cm / 42” / 3+ft while on the same day, same snowstorm, Bear Valley received 80cm / 32” along with ten other Californian ski areas which received at least 60cm / 24” / 2 feet
Spring powder bliss thanks to *climate change*. They’ll be riding til the next Pineapple Express comes roaring across from Hawai’i
*climate change* again!
In that stream –
“THE NOT-SO-FINAL COUNTDOWN: CBS Environmental Journo Slams Trump EPA: We Have ‘Less Than 10 Years’ to Save Planet.”
A list starting at 1972
Summed up –
“Found via Jim Treacher, who tweets, “Every 10 years, we only have 10 years left.“ ”
“Found via Jim Treacher, who tweets, “Every 10 years, we only have 10 years left.“ “
“he Climate Has Changed on Climate Change.”
Scientists Advance New AeroVax Needle-Free Covid mRNA ‘Vaccine’
Scientists are advancing the development of a new “AeroVax” Covid mRNA “vaccine” that seeks to overcome the hesitancy of traditional shots among the general public by introducing needle-free vaccinations that are inhaled instead of injected.
Researchers at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation-funded McMaster University in Canada have launched a phase-2 clinical trial for their inhaled Covid “vaccine.”
The new “vaccine” is atomized into a spray mist and inhaled rather than injected using needles
Soon to be introduced to shopping centre aircon systems so everyone can “get protected” like it or not…
I have absolutely no doubt they’d try something like that, at least in fully woke and compliant/subservient countries like Australia, not the US.
Yeah, I’m sure he did. But then he overcame…
How many split seconds do you reckon?
Also reviewed at
And here
““… so I can run a global business from Australia, and still be a constantly present dad …” ”
“I only have one question.
Mike, back in 2019 your company Atlassian offered paid leave to employees who participate in climate protests. Does this offer still apply to employees who attend a green blockade of your private jet? Or do they have to make sure they blockade someone elses private jet?”
First comment
Mike just replaced Bill Gates as the world’s top hypocrite jerk. Way to go, great job, you earned it.
It’s not easy being Green.
Michael Smith News
You can’t fix stupid.
But you can vote it out.
Superficially this sounds good but I would never trust the opinion of anyone that doesn’t have a long history against woke. You can’t just come out anti-woke just because it’s trendy.
Just when you thought the hypocrisy of the Left couldn’t get any more extreme, I offer this:
A curious feature of modern political dialogue.
COP has nothing whatever to do with ‘climate’.
Just as public health policy during ‘Pandemic’ had nothing whatever to do with ‘public health’.
The diversion structure the new global elite powers have been able to construct is just beginning to be challenged.
The spoiled rich kids will not allow their magnificent toy to be taken without destroying the playground.
Why else would Teslas swing 180 from being mandated climate savior icons to being anthropogenic pyroanarchistic targets?
Already on YouTube the word g/u/n is being replaced with ‘pew’ as to avoid algorithm censorship.
It’s not our human rights they’re after, it’s our very brains.
They intend to neuter our very uniquely human evolutionary language skills … just as they are doing to our children.
The North Atlantic Oscillation is showing signs of weirding because of global warming.
There’s that word again.
“US Multinationals Purging Online Climate Action Pages”
“More evidence of the ongoing collapse of the climate movement.
US multinationals purge website references to climate change
Walmart and Kraft Heinz among big corporations deleting or rewriting statements as Trump climate attacks intensify”
“RFK Jr. Warns Against Vaccinating Chickens For Bird Flu”
An article in the SMH about the demise of political cartoonists quoted a lot from a Professor locally, who is writing a book about it. However, the one telling sentence in the whole article is this one-
“The trend towards media outlets aligning with particular ideologies has also curtailed cartoonists”
Something that is obvious yet ignored, and the media would gaslight you if it was bought up and examined.
The Chihuahuas line up… UK, Aussie, NZ, most of Europe except the Italians.. all keen to send “peacekeepers” to Ukraine-
“Australia will be asked to send peacekeepers to Ukraine in a plan being put to national leaders at a European summit this weekend, despite signs of dissent as Russian president Vladimir Putin places new conditions on a ceasefire.”
providing America does the hard work and guarantees ‘security’ if the Russians take a dislike to NATO right on their border.. oh wait..
Of course its Putin’ fault that the ceasefire doesn’t happen immediately..
“Putin backed the ceasefire in public remarks late on Thursday, Moscow time, but issued a long list of conditions that suggested a final agreement would be difficult.”
The Washington-based Institute for the Study of War said Putin’s rejection of the US proposal in favour of an alternative ceasefire agreement that asymmetrically benefited Russia was a clear signal the Russian president was not committed to peace.”
While the reality is he just reiterated Russia’s concerns and said these must be addressed first. Especially the one that said the negotiators must address ‘the root causes’ of Russia’s disquiet, NATO on their border..
Russia has absolutely no need of a ceasefire, it will just give the West time to re-arm Ukraine and send in more mercenaries, while if Russia keeps fighting they will just keep grinding forward. When the propaganda dies down we will see what the results actually are.
The peacekeeping forces should come from the African Union nations:
1. They could do most with the peacekeeping Forex. Replace some of the USAID forex flows. If you think we are doing it tough….
2. Troops that are away from African soil are not warring on African soil.
3. It will put to bed the question around the level at which ‘Nazis’ are involved in this conflict, once and for all.
4. Taking their R&R breaks with the missus in neighbouring European cities, these officers and soldiers might be well placed to bring some peace to the streets.
5. They are a lot closer to the conflict than, say, Australia. But far enough away to not bring their own regional matters onto the battlefield. Their far less expensive travel will have an added benefit for African tourism, given the continent is so poorly serviced by flight routes to bring the tourists in. (how much extra carbon is involved in bringing the troops from Australia?)
Leaders that are keen to send the troops anywhere, just as far away from me as possible, are probably scared of them…
“Y’all campaign is about fear. You all attack people with fear. That’s what this pandemic is.” He scorned the speedy vax approval: “Nine months is definitely not enough for nobody to be taking no vaccination that you all came up with.”
At the time the Peking Pox “vaccines” were released in a blaggard rush for use on humans in Oz they would have required at least 5 year testing for release for animal use – including genetic testing
You don’t ‘lose the matches’ to Melbourne, Brisbane….it is not ‘a travesty’
You say ‘fair enough, you guys really copped it in lockdown, you guys have the tennis. We are all doing it tough now, so Tennis stadiums aren’t the priority to spend on.’
You say ‘probably a good idea to spread it around a bit anyway, it is going to be a strain on housing and other infrastructure to have all of these visitors’.
You say ‘It will stop them declaring a pandemic and closing State borders again if it is held in all of the States. Olympians came and went while State borders were closed. People landing in Sydney face a month of solitary if they wanted to get into one of the ‘Zero Covid’ States – they won’t be able to do that during the Olympics, or it will be harder anyway’
You say – our whole tax system is designed to avoid inter-State competition, so why do we want the Olympics to be some sort of battle? It is, after all, only Sport. And whatever happened to being ‘a good sport’ anyway?
Since today started with some bad Somerset news, topping it off with some good news too: