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107 comments to Saturday

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    The perpetual gadfly of Climate Change economics Bjorn Llomberg is everywhere. Today in the Australian “United Nations ‘propaganda’ on climate costing the world trillions”.

    Lines like “The UN promotes the idea that sea level rise could submerge small islands such as Kiribati. This claim is often repeated yet ignores a vast scientific literature showing almost every atoll including Kiribati is stable or increasing in size.” Are typical.

    Propaganda vs reality.


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      As for ‘The Science’ it has become apparent to me that not only is there almost no fossil fuel CO2 in the air, something which was immediately obvious from C14 dating, humans cannot change CO2. It is the constant and rapidly maintained vapour pressure of a 98% dissolved gas. Slight ocean warming is directly connected to CO2 increase, as you would expect.

      I had thought like many that a simple solution to increasing CO2 would be to grow trees and so sequester vast amounts of CO2 naturally. Tony Abbott and others agreed. It was obvious and cheap. However this was proven completely wrong by NASA when they proved that total tree cover between 1988 and 2014 increased 14%, the coverage of North America. But CO2 also went up 14% in this period. So increasing CO2 increases tree coverage.

      Not that NASA publicly drew this obvious conclusion. They called CO2 a ‘fertilizer’. When in fact it is the entire tree.

      So as CO2 increased, tree grew themselves and CO2 did not go down at all! Especially in arid areas where it was thought the limit to tree growth was water, not CO2. Not only does this mean Australian Carbon Credits, the basis of Albanese’s massive 35% CO2 tax (Safeguard Mechanism 2023) and Julia Gillard’s Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Act 2011, are scientifically busted, there is nothing humans can do or have done to change CO2.

      While the economics of Nett Zero are recognized universally as absolutely destructive and channeling all Australia’s wealth to China, there never was a scientific basis for CO2 taxes we have suffered since John Howard’s 2001 Renewable Energy(Electricity) which has ripped $100Bn out of electricity charges to pay ‘investors’ for completely useless short term windmills.


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        I just wish the fake Conservatives (and Tories) would promise to repeal all of the Labor/Liberal Carbon taxes which have made electricity so expensive for everyone and cemented (Electrical) power in Canberra, rather than the states. Like Tony Abbott, they would romp home in an election because no government was ever given a mandate for hidden and illegal carbon taxes in everything we do.

        And these punitive hidden taxes are killing every industry because the quality of life is based on cheap and sufficient and commandable energy. History will show that the UN has been shutting down Western Democracies economically.

        And now we have the farcical situation where the world’s biggest economies are throwing off the yoke of UN carbon ripoffs, but especially Commonwealth Countries including Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the UK are killing their own economies. And blaming Donald Trump who has just pointed out the obvious. It’s a hoax.


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          A subtle point about power going to Canberra. In the Constitution which established the Federation, the States were insistent that they controlled mineral rights. Especially gold. But a lot more. Coal was a big part and Victoria’s abundant brown coal was a major advantage for cheap electricity and rapidly exploited, attracting companies like Alcoa to make aluminium cheaply. Now we Victorian taxpayers pay the wages at Alcoa. And Trump has whacked massive tariffs on this fraud.

          However control of minerals put the States in charge of electrical power and so political power.

          Man made CO2 Climate Change broke the back of this with a ‘National Grid’ which moved all electrical power and political power to Canberra. Now they can turn off your airconditioner or refrigerator or stop you from charging your electrical car. No competition. No private enterprise. Best of all, the electricity consumer pays for all the windmills and solar panels and massive previously unnecessary transmission lines with ripoffs built into your electricity bills. The ‘private’ electricity retailers like AGL now work as carbon tax collectors for Albanese.

          This legislated cancer of Federal power is in every field, as Federal governments were not responsible for health, education, police and more.

          You can see control by Washington public servants being undone by Trump. He has disbanded the entire Federal Education department as completely silly as wasteful, given there are no Federal schools. It is a layer of bureaucratic control created by Washington, like that created for electrical power. Which is why coal, gas and oil have to go in Australia. But we can export them, except in Victoria. Now the Australian Prime Minister can turn off the country with one switch, with the exception of pesky Western Australia. And Victoria’s coal, timber, gas are not to be used. And nuclear is illegal.

          The Prime Minister and his minions are in charge of your life. And as he has shown, can do as he pleases without parliament. Which is why we had to pay $1,000,000,000 for his personal ‘investment’ in a speculative and failing Quantum Computer company in California. And we the taxpayer had no say at all. No due diligence. That’s a totalitarian dictatorship, not democracy.

          We do not need a National Grid. We never did. Its only purpose is to put all Australians in the one barrel, at the whim of the PM. Or anyone else who wants to control the place. As we have seen in the Ukraine war, both sides are attacking working power stations. In Australia, it’s the Federal government.


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        Murray Shaw

        TdeF, CO2 is in fact a fertiliser, the higher the level of CO2 in our atmosphere, the More rapid plant growth is I have seen a local controlled atmosphere (hothouse) tomato operation where the operator injects beneficial CO2 into his hothouses, raising the CO2 level to 2400ppm, nearly six times the current atmospheric level, this leads to faster plant growth/maturity, and the use of less water. Claims the plants have used the generic CO2 by 9am and the additional is required for the other 15 hours a day.


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          David of Cooyal in Oz

          I prefer “plant food”.


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          Forrest Gardener

          There is an important difference between Carbon Dioxide and fertilizers like Nitrogen, Phosphorous, and Potassium.

          Photosynthesis features Carbon Dioxide and Water as reactants. Sugars and Oxygen are products. None of N, P or K feature as reactants.

          Then again the definition of vaccine now includes things which aren’t actually vaccines. War is peace, etc.


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        Some scientists maintain that CO2 has increased by using radioactive carbon isotope(C14) that they say confirms that mans burning of fossil fuels causes.


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          Forrest Gardener

          Yes. It is an ingenious observation that not all carbon dioxide has the same isotope of carbon. From that reasonable estimates can be made of how much carbon dioxide comes from fossil fuel combustion.

          From memory the calculations showed that CO2 has a shorter residency time in the atmosphere than previously thought after which it circulates in either the terrestrial carbon cycle or the much larger oceanic carbon cycle.

          Little by little the basic science is gaining a foothold.


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        The other thing worth pondering, CO2 emissions are 1.5 times heavier than the surrounding air and under the spell of high pressure (no wind) it quickly falls to ground.


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    Heathrow airport has been knocked out by the failure of an electricity grid substation. According to this politician the airport used to have diesel-generator backup but this was changed to biomass – which failed to work – in order to meet Net Zero criteria.


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      Anti-terrorism police are leading the investigation.

      If the cause of the disruption is traced to the lack of backup, can we then call net zero terrorism?


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      John F. Hultquist

      Substation is here:
      51.499566, -0.411903


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        Its been fixed. Nothing to do with terrorism

        If I were a Russian saboteur I would be looking at the worldwide disruption that has been caused by this incident. Deliberate sabotage at Heathrow, Schipol and New York would bring the world to its knees.

        Hopefully this will send out lessons. How on earth can such a huge consumer of energy as Heathrow-and there are many other examples-possibly rely in a future world on the vagaries of the weather Gods? That is why the big US tech firms want to switch to nuclear reactors.

        This all illustrates what an incredibly complicated world we have built for ourselves with little margin for error or resilience. With the Digital revolution, the saboteur mentioned could target those servers and data centres that support banking and tele communications-notably mobile phones- and half the population (probably 99% of those under 30) would be running around like Zombies with their life being unable to function.


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          Graham Richards

          We’re gonna need much, much , much bigger batteries 😂😂😂😂😂


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          That is why they are winning.
          From Cheops Pyramid it took 4 thousand of years and millions of builders to erect NY Twins.
          A dozen cavemen and couple of hours to bring it down.


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          That is why the big US tech firms want to switch to nuclear reactors.

          Last I looked it was NOT electricity generation (or its lack) that caused the problem at LHR. It was an electrical substation = a place where voltages are changed from distribution levels to commercial usage levels.

          Where is the plan to locally produce
          electrical transformers? Both at the distribution level and the user access (your local power pole) level?


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            “Where is the plan to locally produce electrical transformers? Both at the distribution level and the user access (your local power pole) level?”
            Sir Starmer is right on that – he’s emailed his contact, one ‘Xi’, and, yes!, China will do it – for a fee.

            I wonder if the Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero, Ed Miliband, knows anything about transformers – how they wok, cost, lead time, where they are sourced, where the necessary minerals can be mined, and so forth.

            May be instructive if he was asked.



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            Speaking of power poles as a non-boffin, this intrigued me:

            A lot of commenters seem to say they know someone who lives near the transmission lines to get free power.

            Is this picking up what they call ‘transmission losses’ or something else altogether?

            Seems like a trick that could help a lot of farmers.


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      THe plan was to use only renewables at Heathrow but it didn’t happen in reality. As for whether sufficient back up was provided by way of diesel generators I think we will have to wait to see what comes out in the wash


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      Must have got their inspiration from Broken Hill.


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      David Maddison

      Also see comment in the form of text in a picture at:


      “The sheer lunacy of Heathrow airport swapping reliable diesel generators with a net zero biomass system. ⬇️”


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    A new level of madness descends:

    The home was without water for two days and lost reliable communication, with Ms Carvolth unable to see if her sick mum was OK in hospital.

    “I don’t want anyone else going through what my family and community went through,” she told reporters outside Queensland Parliament in Brisbane.

    Her son missed school for five days and when he did return, the streets were strewn with debris.

    “Kids were faced with having to step over fallen power lines to walk to school,” she said.

    “None of that is normal for a weather event on the Gold Coast.”

    Dozens of protesters on Thursday gathered to plead with the government to act on climate change, which they said was responsible for the arrival of Alfred, the first cyclone to hit southeast Queensland in more than 50 years.


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      John F. Hultquist

      None of that is normal for a weather event on the Gold Coast.”

      There is no “average weather.”
      Marie Carvolth is a climate activist, a notoriously ill-informed subspecies of homo sapiens.
      I don’t want anyone else going through what my family and community went through,” she told reporters — She should move, because governments do not control the weather.


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        And cannot. The fantasy that humans control CO2 was an invention of James Hansen and Al Gore. The data for the last 55 years begs to differ. There is zero sign of human activity in CO2. It takes clever analysis of CO2 satellite data to even make CO2 ’emissions’ visible before they go into the vast oceans.


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          And I have always been fascinated by the idea that CO2 was not in rapid equilibrium, that it was random and that fossil fuel CO2 just added to atmospheric CO2. It so unlikely given how soluble CO2 is, 30x more soluble than O2 and fish breathe and almost all the CO2 is in the ocean, 98% of it. And CO2 levels are the same from China to the North and South Pole within 1%. How is this possible if CO2 stays in the air arbitrarily? And we see it plummet into the ocean after bushfires.

          This fundamental proposition of college footballer Al Gore is fake science. That we control CO2 and CO2 controls the weather so that weather can be controlled by the UN. And the real scientists as a group say nothing while a group of activist Climatebaggers who call themselves ‘Climate Scientists’ control the press. L.Ron Hubbard would be impressed. Climate Scientology and massively profitable.

          And as the UN President, former scientist Gutteres never ceases to tell us with a straight face, the Oceans are Boiling at 100 degrees (Farenheit). Send money.


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            98% of CO2 is in the ocean makes sense given your reasoning however when I search ocean CO2 content the standard reply is 28-32%. What is the error in this 28-32% calculation. Thanks.


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              The figure is 50x to 60x. This source actually gives 60x. People have measured CO2 against depth across the entire ocean, so the figure is certain as at least 50x.

              However the internet is awash with the conjecture that 30% of the CO2 added to the atmosphere ends up in the ocean. (The other 70% stays in the air) Pages of it on a search. Ocean acidification etc. Obviously 98% of the CO2 added to the atmosphere ends up in the ocean but the proponents of man made CO2 increase/acidifcation/warming had get around this, so they created a ‘surface’ ocean of 2% and the rest and argue that the top bit is full of CO2 and it takes ‘thousands of years’ for the two to connect. In this way they keep the illogical going. This was proven wrong, but who cares? It’s a staple of the internet.

              The fundamental problem is that even at the recent maximum, fossil fuel CO2 is only 1% of what is already in the atmosphere. The ONLY way for this to build up is to stop it going into the water, which is hard to do as it is identical chemically. So you have to argue the water is full. But the CO2 in the water is 50x as much, so you have to argue that the top bit is full. Its all nonsense but there you have it.

              Also be careful that some graphs show ‘Carbon’ instead of Carbon Dioxide. The difference in weight is 12:48, 4:1.

              It does not matter which you use, as long as they are the same. GTC for Gigatons of Carbon and GTCO2 for gigatons of CO2.


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                Thanks, its all useful knowledge in our war against ignorance. I found this over at Marohasy’s blog, its a good argument.

                “We are not aware that there is a current theory of human induced climate change. There are assertions that the burning fossil fuels by humans generates CO2 emissions, which is causing climate warming/change. … it can’t explain climate change past, present and future.” (Dennis Armstrong)


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                And worth remembering – and passing on – that at 430ppm, the amount of CO2 in our atmosphere is – to the nearest one-tenth of one percent – zero.

                Indeed, even at 475ppm [c.2029 ish] it would still be zero!



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      Trump is the world’s greatest flatterer. And quick to praise everybody and find something to admire. It works, from Kim Jong Un to Vladimir Putin. Everyone he meets. It’a a great starting point. We could all learn from Trump’s technique, although I suspect some refuse to do so.

      And he is very proud of his very poor Scottish mother and Hebridean ancestry. What is odd is that no one in the UK seems to appreciate or take advantage of the connection. And it explains his incredible passion for golf.

      “His mother, Mary Anne MacLeod, was born and brought up on the Hebridean island of Lewis but emigrated to New York to live a very different life.

      Mary Anne was one of tens of thousands of Scots who travelled to the US and Canada in the early years of the last century looking to escape economic hardship at home.

      She first left Lewis for New York in 1930, at the age of 18, to seek work as a domestic servant.

      Donald Trump/Macleod would likely qualify for the old Certificate of Patriality with his mother born a British citizen.

      Surely the UK politicians can be a little bit more opportunistic and practical? Flattery works both ways.


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        And Winston Churchill, one of the most famous and honored Britons of history had an American mother, something which also seems to get lost in the wash.

        “Sir Winston Churchill’s mother was one of the liveliest and most controversial women of her time.

        Jennie Jerome, born in Brooklyn of a mother who was one-quarter Iroquois Indian, was one of the few tattooed women in high society. The dark beauty’s tattooing was a snake coiled around her left wrist.”


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        John F. Hultquist

        My Irish grandmother left Béal an Átha Móir (Bellanamore) for Derry and sailed on a Norwegian ship for America about that time.


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      Graham Richards

      And pink pigs knitting socks will land at Heathrow!!!


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    Websites may now include ‘content is “real looking” but “not actually the content of the site we are protecting, so the crawler wastes time and resources.” The content is also “real and related to scientific facts” because Cloudflare doesn’t want to inadvertently create misinformation.’

    “No real human would go four links deep into a maze of AI-generated nonsense,” Cloudflare’s trio wrote. “Any visitor that does is very likely to be a bot, so this gives us a brand-new tool to identify and fingerprint bad bots, which we add to our list of known bad actors.”

    It is “designed to act as a deterrent to crawler operators, by keeping their bots busy and thereby increasing the cost of operating content scrapers.”

    Now, instead of proving you are not a robot, you are monitored to see if you look like a robot, and labelled as such….


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      Also in there, the second American court has determined that you cannot copyright something if you are not a human, so the artwork by an AI cannot be copyrighted. They seem to dodge the point that the AI is just a computer program created by a human, so everything the AI does is human-produced.


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      Greg in NZ

      The only trustworthy robot known to man:

      Bender Bending Rodriguez

      a Sport-Utility Robot, serial no. 2716057, created by MomCorp in Tijuana, Mexico in the year 2996.

      “He was built without a backup unit [hence] recognised as defective [and] would need to be destroyed. However…” he lives!


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    Measuring all the dirty work of the supply chain and other indirect influences? Ugh, just give us the fine….

    and with that, the regulations that require measuring and reporting emissions from commercial operations becomes a stealth consumption tax.


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    Kalm Keith

    Once again TdeF’s comments above show us reality at its best.
    One of the bits of science that may be deduced from it all is that carbon sequestration, by planting millions of trees 🌴, is just another bit of UNIPCCC “Science” that is untrue.

    While it is obvious that growing trees 🌲 removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere
    it is just as obvious to real scientists that the ocean will replace it from its massive store and neutralize any supposed ‘benefit’ in the nonsensical fight against global warming.

    Again, the elites have got us chasing our tails.Welcome to the most subtle form of slavery imaginable.


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    In most cases, getting around with music playing in headphones in your ears is risky behaviour.

    But, if you are shopping in any superstores, pop them in to keep the subliminal out.


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      David Maddison

      I thought subliminal advertising was illegal in most Western countries, including NZ.


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        I think the Codes might just go out the window when it is a broadcast of information related to an ‘existing or threatened emergency’.

        and if they consider regular blaring of sirens with messages is subliminal. Knowing that if you don’t take any sort of emergency action in response to the sirens and you keep just wandering around shopping, your mind will need to block the siren noises out. But the messages likely still get in there. But I think they would argue that the sirens mean that it can’t be subliminal

        and I guess it would take a whistleblower to let us know if any more crafty messages are in there anyway


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    David Maddison

    Disney’s latest woke remake of Snow White is an absolute box office disaster.

    It’s understandable that thinking people are not watching it.

    What I don’t understand is that aren’t there enough Leftists to watch this garbage to support the movie?

    After all, if their Leftist ideology is so popular and pervasive, surely they could go and watch the movie?

    So either:

    1) There aren’t really very many Leftists despite their loud noises and dominance of all the institutions (outside TRUMP’s America where they’re being rapidly removed).


    2) There are a lot of Leftists but they don’t really care to support a woke movie even though it conforms with their ideology.

    In any case: Get woke. Go broke.

    How many more woke disasters can Disney sustain before they go bankrupt?

    As President TRUMP said: “Everything woke turns to sh-t.”

    The Left ruin everything decent and nice.


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      Forrest Gardener

      Disney apparently bought up a lot of cash cows which they are milking for money then squandering the proceeds.

      It would be interesting to see how much taxpayer money they have received via NGOs and similar exfiltration.

      On a slightly related topic I stumbled across reruns of Allo Allo last night on Nine Now. Interrupted at regular intervals by advertising for revenue. Listen very carefully. I will say this only once.


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    David Maddison

    Prof. Gad Saad gives advice to the Opposition Leader of Canada.

    This would be equally applicable to Australia’s Tony Abbott and other Liberal Party “leadership”.

    However, the real problem is that Australia’s fake conservative Liberal Party doesn’t actually believe in anything.

    My unsolicited advice to @PierrePoilievre:

    Fence-sitters do not shape history. Bold honey badgers do. @realDonaldTrump won the US presidency twice because he does not give a f**k. @elonmusk is the greatest entrepreneur and technologist because he does not give a f**k. @joerogan is the greatest podcaster because he does not give a f**k. They do not equivocate. They do not listen to consultants. They do not play it safe. They see a trajectory and they move forward fearlessly and with orgiastic authenticity. You have stolen defeat from the jaws of victory because you are being too measured and tepid. Get out there. Don’t play it safe. Signal to Canadians that you will be a cataclysmic agent of change to restore Canada to its former glory, and this includes stopping mass immigration, deporting people who do not share Canadian values, reducing Canadians’ tax burden by a sizeable amount, rejecting the welfare state. Stop equivocating. Be bold. Be a honey badger. Best of luck in the upcoming election.


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    Honk R Smith

    I don’t know much.
    I do know many things are way off about the ‘Pandemic’.
    I was primed to think this due to so much being way off about the Climate narrative.

    Here’s an interesting vid with a science guy that has worked with RFK Jr., and as apparently testified as an expert in fraudulent PCR testing company court cases, and he claims there were many such ‘fraudulent get government Pandemic money quick’ testing companies. (Gosh, who would suspect?)

    Kim Iverson
    The Ultimate COVID Hoax? Why RFK Jr’s Researcher Says the Virus Never Existed!

    Sorry Jo, not trying to raise your ire.
    But it’s an interesting discussion, especially in regards to us all being fed a manipulated narrative from both sides of the phenomenon.

    I think ‘Pandemic’ is the ultimate political and scientific scandal of modern history about which we will have great difficulty ever getting the truth.


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      I’m sure he is genuine, and perhaps we need to have this debate, but we have done this in comments, EG #32 on this thread. I’m sorry, but a 1hr 40 video is just too long for me to unpack, or find if he has a single new argument.

      At 21 minutes he’s going on about PCR, which has always been my first red flag. See my past answers. There are a billion observations the PCR-critics can’t explain done with other techniques that have nothing to do with PCR. People not trained in virology need to look up plaque assays, electronmicrographs, antibody tests, etc etc. There is a lot of stuff on Youtube with junk jargon talking about PCR, and the big flaw is that they ignore these billion other observations, and most of the discoveries of the last 80 years in molecular biology, as if they don’t exist. They sound convincing to untrained people because they can speak jargon but they never discuss all the other observations.

      For years big-pharma-promo science has grouped all kinds of untested generic pneumonia as “flu deaths” mostly to scare people into getting a flu vax. That is true and sloppy. But anyone who has done PCR and antibody tests knows that we can easily distinguish between different strains of influenza and covid. Doctors also know that influenza doesnt cause massive blood clotting, and reduce blood O2 saturation levels below 85%.

      At 28 mins he mentions bacteriophages, which are viruses that infect bacteria, so he obviously does think viruses do exist. Sorry, I don’t even know what his argument is… I skipped some parts, but Kim Iverson has done a pretty weak job as interviewer, not letting me know what the whole point of this long video is. Perhaps I skipped it? She’s just selling his CV and the victim story.

      At 30 mins he’s just said “before the pandemic we didn’t get sick” which is well, just flat out delusional. I mean, really?

      At 38 minutes he’s saying RNA can’t go around the world. Lord above. He has no idea that RNA viruses are not a little lone piece of RNA — these single stranded RNA viruses are incredibly common, and wrapped in a hard protein shell that protects them, so they can survive longer. I mean wow. He needs to do microbiology 101. There are more RNA viruses than DNA ones. They are unstable but because they mutate faster than DNA they evolve faster. RNA viruses include herpes, smallpox, influenza, and norovirus (cruise ship gastro). Noroviruses survive for days to weeks on doorknobs and benchtops. RNA is fragile, but the whole package that is a virus is tougher.

      Be wary of PCR hate. Sigh.

      38-40 mins. We did not just copy the Batwomans sequence. Millions of tests found the full 29,000 base sequences with all the slight variations as it evolved. They could even tell who you caught covid from if they sequenced all the people you were exposed to.


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        Remember the ‘Soldier on with Codral’ ads to make people feel that they were weak and lesser people if they rested at home when they felt ill.

        Take these pills and get out there spreading it out again.


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        I think it was the ‘at-home’ PCR + track and trace + isolation that really got everyone angry. And mad graphs on the TV without context (what increase was there in the level of testing) This wasn’t correct use of PCR.

        Once people knew they could get two weeks off work for a positive test, many worked out how to throw a sickeywoo. They didn’t even have to pretend to sound sick when they called it in – they could just be ‘asymptomatic’.

        Then, when the Queen got COVID they couldn’t say how she got it – and her every move and encounter was tracked and traced before COVID. I think in the UK that was when track and trace finally started to crumble. But sadly, I think more than 50% of people loved it.


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        Honk R Smith

        I don’t think he’s claiming people didn’t get sick, I think he’s speaking of the post Pandemic change in folks having sniffle symptoms and new attitudes about work and social interaction.
        I see Pandemic propaganda damaged people everyday afraid to go out in the Sun without masks and sometimes surgical gloves.

        This has a very direct relationship to purposely created climate fear.

        I think almost everyone on both sides of the issue has a completely different relationship with medicine and work as result of the intense, and probably planned, Pandemic propaganda campaign.
        Actually most people have changed relationships all around.

        The Priests of The Church can no longer be trusted.
        Sorry to take so much of your time, being the least of your commenters to merit it.

        From my very uneducated POV, we are on the verge of many ‘settled’ ‘consensus’ religious science icons about to fall.
        It will be tumultuous.
        Fun to watch, but with many casualties, likely including me.
        Not yet recovered, and likely not to, from the wounds of Lockdown.

        The funny part for me , will be watching the educated class righteously declaring that they were right all along and already ahead of the curve, and not in the least bit surprised, and us peasants are just not capable of understanding the intellectual process of ‘Science’, for which we should be pay for and be quiet.
        Because we don’t understand the “speed of Science”.


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          Honk, I’m sorry, he’s just wrong about so much. His misunderstanding that an RNA virus can’t exist because “RNA doesn’t survive in a puddle”, is a terminal run-time error. He’s talking about viruses but he doesn’t even know what a virus is.

          But there’s nothing wrong with asking questions about covid. Long live a curious mind!


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            Look, I have to go nerdy here.

            Does it help to know that all viruses come with a shell? Here’s one type — others are bullet shaped, hexagonal, worm like, or even “space lander” shape. Below, three different proteins tesselate together to form the capsid which protects the RNA or DNA inside.

            To give you some idea of just how extensive this research is, look up the protein structure in the Protein DataBank in Europe. They have details on each protein. When I searched for “capsid” they have 8744 entries.

            Molecular surfaces of Triatoma virus (TrV) Image by Gaëlle Squires, Joan Pous, Jon Agirre, Gabriela S. Rozas-Dennis, Marcelo D. Costabel, Gerardo A. Marti, Jorge Navaza, Stéphane Bressanelli, Diego M. A. Guérinb, and Felix A. Reya

            This is a triatoma virus (which I’ve never heard of but is also called Cricket Paralysis Virus, so bad news for crickets), but every single protein in the shell is sequenced, structured, and described in full. Wander through all of it (use the little pics at the bottom of this screen to click though 13 images.)

            The only point of me sharing this level of detail is just to show how big and well studied this field is.

            People who do podcasts about viruses should know what a virus is. They don’t need a uni degree, but they should have at least read some articles.


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        Kalm Keith

        It’s been said:

        “I mean wow. He needs to do microbiology 101.”

        A good observation that can be extended to other areas of science
        eg. the global warming, CO2, science: ” I mean wow. They/them needs to do thermodynamics 101. “


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    anticipatory medications have been used by registered nurses for a long time, where they use their assessment skills to determine if a resident needs a particular medication, and so it would have been no different in this case. With COVID, the use of anticipatory medications in these patients would be just as clinically indicated as other patients who didn’t have COVID who were possibly at, you know, approaching end of life or in distress. . . I think mostly they were prescribed because of the uncertainty of the way each patient, or each person would react to becoming COVID positive, and so if they needed the medications, they were there.


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    Starting a GoFundMe to support Elon Musk

    I wake up every morning feeling sick to my stomach knowing that Tesla stocks are falling and Elon Musk’s paper net worth is following. We can’t let this happen to the man that is selflessly out here to help us. I’m starting a GoFundMe to support him and to get his paper net worth back up again. I know a lot of us can pitch in and help him out. Lots of pensioners can spare $50 a week in perpetuity if they just cut out frivolous spending. If thousands of us can donate something to this GoFundMe, we can help this selfless (and dangerously humble man who hates the limelight) individual get the paper net worth he deserves.


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      Forrest Gardener

      Generally the idea is to start gently and ramp up the satire until the “tell” is revealed.

      Babylon Bee might provide a useful model.


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      May I donate something else in lieu of cash, please? For instance, I am great at doing dishes.
      At the moment, we are slightly short of liquidity…


    • #

      USAID is willing to pay all of Elon’s expenses providing he backs off and let them continue their good work. No need to be concerned about a GoFundMe for Elon.


  • #
    another ian


    Things around the release of the JFK files

    “The ‘radical’ theory I proposed yesterday —that the JFK disclosures aren’t really JFK assassination disclosures so much as disclosures of intelligence agency corruption — picked up steam yesterday, rounding the track with an impressive quarter-mile lead in early racing. The first striking example appeared in the New York Times, headlined “Were the Kennedy Files a Bust? Not So Fast, Historians Say.” ”

    Much more at

    And other things


    • #
      Forrest Gardener

      Yes. Somebody had the horrendous idea to kill the man. Somebody then had the even more horrendous idea of covering it all up. And it became a modus operandi which needed to be covered up.


  • #
    another ian

    WIW – primed and ready to go!

    “Why does this not surprise me?

    It looks like fraudsters and con artists are out in full force in Los Angeles after the fires there a couple of months ago.

    The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has received 270,000 applications from purported homeowners in the recent L.A. fires — though only abut 13,000 homes were destroyed.”


  • #
    • #

      Haha! Usual Western propaganda.. “We have this amazing cease-fire deal to stop the war and The Big Z has agreed to it, so-

      “the US would take the offer to Russia, and that the ball was in Moscow’s court.”

      Meanwhile Putin takes one look, realises Russia will give up everything and get nothing in return, and says Nyet!

      Western media all scream “Russia wants War! Putin Badd!!”

      It didn’t help that the Yanks hit the Russian’s nuclear bomber airfield with a drone straight after their cease-fire promises, what they say and what they do are two quite different things.

      ..and I wouldn’t waste my time watching your “Ukraine News” propaganda, Russia is still grinding forward, Ukraine falling back, and it will continue that way until the West walks away and Ukraine surrenders. Europe will be collapsing by then, Trump might be America’s salvation, and the BRICS will continue to grow.


    • #

      Tomorrow is a monthiversary since “mediocre comedian” Zelensky publicly offered to leave his post in exchange for real protection of his Homeland.


      • #

        Ah, the penis-piano-player who said he would resign if Ukraine was admitted to NATO, so the Yanks would have to do the heavy lifting and protect them.

        That was obviously never going to fly, the NATO charter says a country at war cannot be admitted, Russia just laughed and said ‘go ahead and try it’, and America said “Not a chance!”

        Seeing all that had been discussed ages ago, he knew it would get rejected, it was just some more political grandstanding from him when he was desperate for another cash injection. He will hang in there as long as billions of dollars go past his nose so he can keep the money siphon going, then he’ll retire to one of his mansions in the Med.


        • #

          “European natural gas prices jumped after an attack on a pumping station in Russia’s Kursk region (formerly held by Ukraine mercenaries until their recent hasty retreat), which formed part of a link that sent fuel to the continent until recently… the damage will make the resumption of Russian gas supplies more unlikely, a prospect that was already in retreat after a 30-day ceasefire didn’t immediately emerge as a first step toward a peace deal. Russia and Ukraine’s leaders indicated they’d agree to a ceasefire on attacking energy infrastructure, but so far that has not led to a halt in attacks.”

          Yep,The Big Z certainly wants peace.. Mind you, I always look at the incentives, and just who is going to ship more LPG to Europe if Russia isn’t?

          “expensive liquefied natural gas cargoes – mostly from the US – leave Europe exposed to competition with other buyers. Soaring energy prices is also why Europe has been mired in a permanent recession since 2022 and no amount of German debt-issuance to “defend from Russia” can fix that. The continent faces a challenging stockpiling season after stronger-than-usual withdrawals this winter have left gas reserves at their lowest levels since 2022.”


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  • #

    Of the 1,169 schemes in the database 1,025 of them have active status. Of these, I judged 144 of them to be Net Zero or energy related. The total budget for these items is £328bn, yes billion, with a ‘b’.

    However, there are two items related to the Renewables Obligation Scheme, items SC11007 and SC10753 that have budget values of £1 and £0 respectively, so there is reason to believe the budget is understated by a considerable margin because the OBR forecasts that the RO scheme will cost well over £7bn per year for the next few years. The RO scheme has been running for quite some time, so the cumulative subsidies by the end of the scheme must be measured in the high tens of billions, possibly over £100bn.

    We must exercise some caution when drawing conclusions because of the obvious howlers in the data. Of course, we are not going to spend £2,960bn on tax relief for the film industry. However, when it comes to the energy related items, it does appear as though the mistakes tend to under-estimate the cost of subsidies. The RO scheme will obviously cost much more than £1 and the Capacity Market will cost more than £16bn.

    We see that a truly surreal arrangement of subsidy schemes of ploughing hundreds of billions into renewables, alongside additional tens of billions of additional subsidies to industry to mitigate the impact of the resulting high energy prices. It is completely insane. All this renewable energy largesse contrasts markedly with just £24.6m allocated to the Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust, mostly capital funding for housing.


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    Green Home is very clearly aimed at very young children. Harper Collins advises that it is intended for 1 to 4 year-olds.

    Onto the shoulders of these infants, the burden of saving the planet is placed before they can even read.


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    • #

      Lol! All the fanboys… completely forgotten about the truckers fighting their new hero Turdeau. Canadian Govt was the ultimate Fascist Tyranny a few years ago, now they all love it. TDS is widespread.. Two generations of idiots raised in welfare states and the notion of fending for yourself has vanished! Capitalism is now a swearword.


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    Climate: The Movie is the second climate documentary made by the British filmmaker Martin Durkin. It is the sequel of his excellent 2007 documentary The Great Global Warming Swindle. Climate: The Movie was released in March 2024 and made freely available online. The documentary was produced by Tom Nelson, a podcaster who has been deeply examining the climate debate for the last two decades. The Clintel Foundation has been asked by Nelson and Durkin to help with the promotion and distribution of the film.

    Haven’t watched yet, but thought should just share on the release day


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    How much weather is there? In other words, how many atmospheric states are possible? One answer to this question was provided by van den Dool 1994, who asked how long it would take to observe an analogous weather pattern — (like the one in the image above) in the Northern Hemisphere — to one selected at random. His answer:

    [I]t would take a library of order 1030 years to find 2 observed flows that match to within current observational error over a large area such as the Northern Hemisphere.

    That is 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 years!


    • #
      Greg in NZ

      Wow – that pitcher proves chimneys cause climate – knock ‘em all down and let’s eat bugs, saith Norma and Normie Noman.

      I’m no mathematician but… your number 1030 could be better expressed as 10 to the power of 30 (?). Otherwise, 100% correct ✔️


      • #

        Sorry – missed the superscript there on the 30. Just tried to do it here – not sure I even have a way to do subscript on the 30 in the comments.

        Which has given me one to think about – do large language models recognise font changes which we humans recognise in text – like superscript? Could some of them read that as 1030 instead of 10 to the power of 30? That could get to some wrong answers…

        I remember reading that traffic lights are not good for automated cars.


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    another ian

    FWIW – latest Kunstler

    “Judgepocalypse Now

    “Those who cheered as J-6 American prisoners were locked in solitary for 18 months without trial, now suddenly fight tooth and nail for foreign terrorists’ ‘due process.'” — Buck Sexton”

    “Attorney General Pam Bondi Slams Obama-Appointed Judge Boasberg for Jeopardizing National Security in Explosive Court Filing Over Illegal Migrant Flights”

    He sounds more like Judge Boa-constrictor!


  • #

    Yeah, here I am in Perth, about as far as I can actually be on Mainland Australia away from my home in Beenleigh, just South of Brisbane. I’m doing the tourist thing whilst visiting with my Sister and her extended family. I flew here, and I’m taking the Indian Pacific for the trip home. This is just a truly amazing place, and I’ve seen so much while I’m here. (with more to come, and 24 days all up)

    As much as I don’t have much time for contributing, I saw a Comment (and decided to respond here) in yesterday’s Unthreaded from Hanrahan about how (immediately following the Six Day War in 1967) the French rejected the already signed sealed deal with Israel to supply new Mirage fighters. So the Israelis promptly, umm, acquired the blueprints via a third Country (Switzerland) and built the fighters themselves, and they turned out a much better product than the original French version. This was the legendary Kfir fighter, and the story behind the whole thing was just amazing. As an Australian serving in the RAAF with a Mirage Squadron (77 Squadron) it interested me, and our Squadron and its pilots as well.

    I wrote a Post about it all back in August of 2008 and it’s good reading for history buffs I guess. Just military aircraft history I suppose.

    Like I mentioned, this Western Australia is just such a truly wonderful place, and I’m so glad I came here while I still can.

    Umm, I’m blogging about it, if any of you wish to read about it, and believe me, there’s soooooo much more to write about, that I’ll be doing it for a long time after I get back home. The link for that is there, and it’s one link for all the Posts, and start at the bottom and work your way up. So many photographs to cull and only pick the best of them, so those Posts all include plenty of images.


    PostScript – And lucky lucky me, I caught up with Joanne for a coffee and a ‘natter’ for three hours, an amazing thing I never thought would happen. Bucket List, tick!


  • #
    John Connor II

    “Sometimes it seems as if there are more solutions than problems.
    On closer scrutiny, it turns out that many of today’s problems are a result of yesterday’s solutions.”
    – Thomas sowell

    Be sure to vote for the next solution party.


  • #

    Food Security Requires Fossil Fuels

    Our Food Production Depends On Fossil Fuels

    Our productivity is nearly 100% dependent on the availability of fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas) to power everything from diesel trucks and tractors, to grain-drying machinery, to canning plants, to refrigeration. Intensely efficient storage and delivery of foods — fresh, frozen, canned and refrigerated — is also dependent on fossil fuels.


    • #
      another ian


      Also remember that the third world uses fossil fuel for lighting and heating and consumes about as much kerosene a year as the US does jet fuel.

      They’ll really thank the greens for replacing that with dung fires.


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    John Connor II

    Elon should buy Harley Davidson next.
    It’s popcorn time when the loony left start vandalising biker bar parking lots.


  • #
    John Connor II

    Breaking news: Elon Musk announces the Federal Agency for Financial Oversight.
    Or FAFO for short.
    /not really


  • #

    ‘British media are reporting that King Charles may extend an invitation to the US to join the group of former British Empire countries.’ (SMH)


  • #
    another ian


    “Book Review: The Maverick Scientist by Forrest Mims III

    1 day ago Anthony Watts 48 Comments

    A Tribute to Independent Science and the Power of Curiosity”

    Read it all – and my next library request


  • #
    another ian


    “Trump Revokes Security Clearance of Hillary Clinton, Kamala Harris, and the Radical Leftist Cabal”


  • #
    another ian


    “Mortgage Fraud Alert: Did Letitia James Marry Her Father?”

    Read it all!

    Double standards or no standards?


  • #
    another ian


    More reading for “ElBowen” – and others

    “The Dark Secret Behind Democrats’ Economic Policy”

    “This article is meant to point out the fatal hypocritical flaw that exists in Democrats’ reasoning as it relates to the country’s financials. Everybody understands the simple idea that if we run up too much debt, the country could, in essence, go bankrupt. But what’s really alarming now is the pace at which we are running up this debt. It’s why this chart of the national debt is going parabolically higher. The number $35 trillion is astonishing — but the rate with which we are moving higher is beyond breakneck.”


    • #


      $35 trillion
      $35 thousand billion
      $35,000 billion
      $35 million million
      $35,000,000 million

      Thirty-five trillion trips off the tongue – sounds a bit more than one hundred and seven million.
      No wonder those responsible for ruining Western countries, through fatally incontinent spending, like ‘trillion’.

      Don’t let them get away with it – spell out the depravity of their [our, sadly] borrowing, and spending.

      I note this month that Rachel from Accounts, here in the UK, has ben reported – by the BBC, so it might be true – to have borrowed £10,700,000,000 in February alone.
      That is about £150 for every person in the UK – this month.
      And absolutely no fuss about it.

      Don’t let them get away with it – spell out the depravity of their [our, sadly] borrowing, and spending.



      • #

        And then there’s the Brits that are in their late 50’s / early 60s who missed the change in the mid 70’s and still think a billion is a million million.

        Don’t worry, the increased interest rate changed the actuarial assumptions on the Public Sector pension liabilities so those reduced significantly (about a third) – Rachel has plenty more space to borrow.

        Yeah right.


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