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139 comments to Sunday

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    How Woke Warriors Destroyed Anthropology – Elizabeth Weiss

    From the comments:

    In short, remove the existence of evidence in order to facilitate the revision of history.

    Censorship in science means the end of science.

    This is not about respect, it is the rule of ignorance, the dumbing down of a society.

    Censorship in the Sciences: Interdisciplinary Perspectives conference at the University of Southern California, Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences.

    Watch the full recording of Day 1 of the conference


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      David Maddison

      It’s getting truly bizarre. Hopefully TRUMP will put an end to this woke anti-science, anti-history nonsense, at least in the US.

      In Australia, scientific investigation of Mungo Man, How Swamp Man, Queensland pygmies or other human origins investigations are prohibited. In fact, tye Queensland pygmies have been written out of history, even though they were mentioned in Manning Clark’s “A History of Australia”.

      Don’t give skeletons a gender or categorise their race as this ‘contributes to white supremacy’, woke activists demand

      24 Jul 2022

      Gender activists want scientists to stop categorising ancient human remains as either male or female – because they cannot be sure how the deceased identified themselves when they were alive.

      Woke warriors have also insisted that archaeologists no longer categorise the race of remains as this ‘contributes to white supremacy’.



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        David Maddison

        Kow Swamp, not How Swamp.


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        I think you left out Yowie research there.
        The Kow swamp man and Queensland pygmies have long since been dismissed, try the Australian museum. Research has long since gone past Clark.
        But if it makes you happy…….


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          David Maddison

          The Kow Swamp Man and Queensland pygmies have long since been dismissed, try the Australian museum.

          Kow Swamp Man and and the “Pygmies” have only been “dismissed” because they don’t conform to the Official Narrative of only one single human migration to Australia. There are pictures and other documentation of the pygmies and people alive today who met them. They did exist.

          Although archaeological evidence dates back to at least 50,000 years ago, the oldest known human skeletal remains in Australia are about 40,000 years old. They show a light build that differs from later, more rugged skulls like this 13,000 – 9,000 year old Homo sapiens skull from Kow Swamp. This could mean that there were two separate migrations of humans to Australia.


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            Dismissed for good reason, where is the evidence ?.
            People also claim to have encountered yowies, no evidence.
            ‘The official narrative’ is also called science.


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      David Maddison

      Back to Stick Figures: How Woke Warriors Destroyed Anthropology

      Biological anthropology and archaeology are facing a censorship crisis. Censorship can be defined simply as the suppression of speech, public communication, or information, often because it is deemed harmful or offensive.

      In these fields, censorship is primarily driven by professional associations

      The focus of this censorship largely involves the suppression of images—including X-rays and CT-scans—of human remains and funerary objects, which are artifacts found in graves.

      Biological anthropologists, such as bioarchaeologists (who study human remains from the archaeological record), have historically used photos and X-rays of skeletal remains and mummies to explore disease patterns of past peoples, teach new methods of age estimation and sex identification, and attract new students to the field of biological anthropology. Archaeologists use photos of artifacts to facilitate comparisons with other artifacts, aid in reconstructing past cultures, and explore topics like the peopling of the Americas, prehistoric trade patterns, and the emergence of new technologies. These are just a few of the many ways images have been used in the field.

      Yet, in recent years, the use of photos of human remains and artifacts has faced increasing censorship. For example, the guidelines of the Society for American Archaeology (SAA) and its journals state: “Out of respect for diverse cultural traditions, photographs of full or explicit human remains are not accepted for publication in any SAA journal.”

      Additionally, they add that “line drawings or other renderings of human remains may be an acceptable substitute for photographs.” In other words, they also may not be acceptable! So, the photo on the left would definitely not be accepted in SAA journals, and the image on the right may or may not be accepted.



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        …and that’s how SAA went bankrupt as other magazines started up with no censorship..

        Its a free market in science, although the dead hand of Govt smothers as much as it can.

        Anyway, we can always get our science from Asia in the future, I’m sure they won’t have the time to be woke, they have things to do and places to be!


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      David Maddison

      The extinction of the Australian pygmies

      From the 1940s until the 1960s, it was fairly widely known there were pygmies in Australia. They lived in North Queensland and had come in from the wild of the tropical rainforests to live on missions in the region. This was a fact recorded at the time not only in anthropological textbooks and articles but also in popular books about the Australian Aborigines. There was even an award-winning children’s book tracing their origins. The more famous photographs of the Australian pygmies were reproduced in both the academic and the popular literature.



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        David, having read somewhere (memory fails as to where) that the pygmies did not come in from the wild, but instead were forced in to the missions. There with unrelated tribes and cultures, they were simply bred out of existence. It appears that their numbers were always quite small so not a long process to absorb them into a wider population. Also read, once again, somewhere , that these pygmies were “hunted” by other tribes. Ion Idress, I think also mentions these little people and while not a scientific writer, he certainly wasn’t constrained by political correctness, so observations were just written down.
        Maybe a full genetic analysis of native peoples of the cape would reveal some answers but like so many areas of study probably not allowed.


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        It’s a barbarous paywall in place at Quadrant, there is only the leading paragraph available for itinerant browsers.


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        The Book – Cape York, The Savage Frontier.


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      The Denisovan remnants on Cape York were roughly 150 cms tall.


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      another ian

      Have a read of

      “Romancing the Primitive: the myth of the ecological aboriginal” by William J. Lines.

      It leads you through the whole “post-modernising” of that. It was heavy reading.


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    New York Takes A Stab At a Green New Deal Demonstration Project: The Case of Ithaca


    Francis Menton

    Many political jurisdictions claim to be on a path to eliminating emissions of carbon dioxide from their energy systems. Notable examples include California and New York in the U.S., and the UK and Germany in Europe. The Biden administration during its term in office even claimed to have set the entire U.S. onto a path toward what they called “net zero.”

    Back in June 2019, the Ithaca City [New York] Common Council unanimously adopted what they called the “Ithaca Green New Deal.”

    And then there’s this, not found (at least today) on the City of Ithaca’s website, but reported on January 29, 2025 at the website of WSKG, the Ithaca PBS affiliate:

    In 2021, the small city of Ithaca announced it would electrify all of its 6,000 buildings.

    And how exactly was Ithaca going to electrify 6000 buildings within a few short years?

    Ithaca planned to achieve building electrification] with the help of one key partner: a technology company called BlocPower, whose then-CEO Donnel Baird said the company would make the mass electrification process fast and affordable.

    [I]n recent months, BlocPower has quietly deserted its electrification and workforce training programs in Ithaca and several other cities, according to municipal leaders and organizations that worked with BlocPower. . . . In Ithaca, BlocPower ended its collaboration with the city after completing the electrification of only 10 buildings, according to Ithaca’s current sustainability director, Rebecca Evans. Last November, the company furloughed its Ithaca staff members and ended all partnerships in the city, Evans said.

    6000 buildings, 10, whatever.


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      Graham Richards

      Please give me call when New York switches off the grid & goes completely “renewable “ .

      I obviously will no longer be around but leave a message with my great, great grandchildren please. Please leave some comments from the NewYork subway passengers and their experiences on the battery operated subway. That is of course is anyone still lives in New York!


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    “The use of Federal resources to advance Marxist equity, transgenderism, and green new deal social engineering policies is a waste of taxpayer dollars that does not improve the day-to-day lives of those we serve.”

    Thus Trump cuts $600 million of funding to seven woke Australian universities.

    Could not happen to a better bunch of academics. All we need now is for Albanese to stop funding the same universities.


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      Amazing. Universities asked to justify their funding. Why are they being funded at all by the US?

      All they have to do is show that they are not being funded for Woke projects on transgenderism, Marxism, etc. That should not be hard.

      As for American interference in Australian R&D, why are they getting US funding in the first place? Isn’t that interference?


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      Steve of Cornubia

      Regarding the loss of American funding, the National Tertiary Education Union said,

      “The federal government must push back on the Trump administration’s blatant foreign interference in our independent research in the strongest possible terms,” NTEU president Alison Barnes said.”

      So when America funds Australian research, that’s OK, but when they don’t, it’s “foreign interference”.

      You couldn’t make this stuff up.


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        The greater, more important step is to rid our universities of Chinese influence of any kind and they should wean themselves off Chinese, fee paying students.


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          Nancy Pelosi would say it’s Xenophobic, as when Trump shut down plague flights from Wuhan. Trump was right, of course.

          All of history would say Xenophobia is fully justified. Like Islamaphobia, which is the definition of terrorism, a weapon in its own right. You have every right to fear foreigners and invaders and people who think your stuff would be better as their stuff. Caution is essential. It’s amazing how the extreme Socialists in Universities are the most gullible and complicit capitalists with token degrees for fake students for real gold.

          The Christians turning the other cheek are being slaughtered right now in Nigeria and Syria. It’s a choice.


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          Steve of Cornubia

          Not just influence but theft of information, knowledge and IP, all of which they can gain unfettered access to merely by engaging in collaborative projects. Just sign up to a project researching some trivial question and they gain access to Australian labs, libraries, meeting rooms, seminars and chatty scientists discussing their projects over morning coffee in the canteen.

          Priceless stuff.


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          “The greater, more important step is to rid our universities of Govt influence of any kind and they should wean themselves off Govts paying fees for students.”

          Only when education is privatised will it become cheap, competitive and efficient, and at least the propaganda of each institution will be clearly visible. Let the mining industry open universities for engineers, geologists and chemists, and rich patrons of whatever arts or social ‘science’ pay for those.

          Currently its a giant drag on the taxpayer, especially as fewer and fewer taxpayers are having children, and it’s just a money pit for those in the system who never have to perform in their jobs while demanding more pay.

          If the Govt ran the supermarkets…

          Within the current situation, educating overseas students is a brilliant idea, we have access to the next generation of the brightest minds in Asia, and we only have to convince them that the Australian way of life is better than what they grew up with, so we change the direction of the whole Asian society over a generation or two. Its the Muslims who will be most against Western values, they will be the hardest to change.


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        The comments are worth reading as well.

        I did not find one that thought USA funding Australian universities was a good idea.

        I wonder how such deals get made. And what are the funds being used for.


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      James Murphy

      Applying for grants from US government departments as a foreign entity is hard work, at least in science/engineering anyway. It’s not impossible, but any level of collaboration needs a mountain of paperwork, and a herd of lawyers..

      NASA is effectively only able to fund overseas work via universities or other research organisations.
      Some astronomy can only be done in the southern hemisphere. For a long time, the only southern hemisphere Near Earth Object sky surveys (looking for asteroids that might one day hit the Earth) were funded by NASA via the ANU.
      When the NASA funding ended, it was either the Rudd or Gillard government who refused to pick up the tab. Apparently $180k per year was just too much money…

      I do not blame the US for cutting funding, but I do wonder what percentage of relevant/useful research is amongst the dross. Probably not a lot, given the apparent state of Australian tertiary education.


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        Steve of Cornubia

        In my experience, an awful lot of international research collaboration exists primarily to justify overseas travel, on both sides.


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        Apparently $180k per year was just too much money…

        They probably decided $180k per year would be better spent on funding transgender story time at the local library instead.


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        Fairly sure the US had funding in the University of Queensland to further development of a ram jet they have been working on for many decades, I actually spoke to an American there at an open day.


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      John F. Hultquist

      So that’s where my tax $$ go. Who Knew?


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    But here’s the thing… if we didn’t bother to dig deeper into this matter then it would look like influenza has returned to haunt us when in all probability it hasn’t: somebody simply shifted the codeposts (see what I did there?). As stated in an earlier article this opens the gate wide for the pro-vaccine crazy mob, and offers an opportunity for corona-laden pandemics of dubious provenance. I shall wager that we shall fare better by dropping respiratory death as the denominator and using all cause death instead…


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    Chinese Navy Cruises Around Australia and Sends a Message to the World

    A Chinese naval task group recently completed a first-of-its-kind journey around much of Australia—it was sending a clear message regarding the strategic presence of the Chinese navy.

    The Australians named it Task Group 107, while one naval expert coined it “Operation Tasmanian Dragon.“ This name is appropriate given that China has begun to copy U.S. naming conventions for military operations (such as ”Joint Sword“ for exercises simulating a quarantine of Taiwan).

    The People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) assemblage consisted of the Type 55 destroyer Chinese Navy Ship (CNS) Zunyi, the Type 54A frigate CNS Hengyang, and the large replenishment ship CNS Weishanhu.


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      Peter C

      Australia might have been able to monitor the Chinese task force using unmanned Triton drones.,RAAF%20Base%20Edinburgh%2C%20South%20Australia.

      Whether we did so, or whether the capability is even operational yet is unclear,


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        They were ordered several years ago …

        The MQ-4C Triton is a High Altitude Long Endurance Remotely Piloted Aircraft System which will complement the P- 8A Poseidon maritime aircraft acquired under AIR 7000 Phase 2 as a ‘family of systems’.

        The Triton aircraft will be home based at RAAF Base Tindal, with operations headquartered at RAAF Base Edinburgh by the reformed No.9 Squadron. The Triton will be capable of supporting missions of over 24 hours while covering an area of over one million square nautical miles; an area larger than Western Australia.

        Defence has entered a Cooperative Program with the United States Navy for development, production, and sustainment of the Triton capability. Under this arrangement, Triton is being acquired through a United States Navy contract to Northrop Grumman Corporation.

        Opportunities for Australian industry participation will exist on a competitive contracting basis throughout the lifecycle of MQ-4C Triton, including facilities construction, deeper maintenance, training system operation and support, mission planning system support, sustainment, logistics support and component repair.

        Note: Government has approved the acquisition of four Triton aircraft and supporting systems.

        Content is current as at February 2024.


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        Also joint ADF and US Base Pine Gap Northern Territory Australia is the eyes (satellites) and ears of military intelligence for Asia Pacific Region.

        Then consider;

        Jindalee, Australia’s over the horizon radar (OTHR), comprises among other things three radar stations; one near Longreach in Queensland, another near Laverton in Western Australia, and a third that is mainly used as a backup at Alice Springs. The concept of OTHR is not new. Indeed, the technology, in earlier forms, has been around since the late 1940s. Initially, OTHR was developed as part of early warning radar systems needed during the Cold War period but many of these were replaced by airborne early warning systems. However, the usefulness of their powerful long-range tracking ability has afforded them renewed importance for their maritime reconnaissance and drug enforcement roles.
        Jindalee is an Australian Aboriginal word loosely translated meaning ‘beyond where the eye can see’ that aptly describes its operation. Jindalee is operated by Air Force and has been operational since 2003. No 1 Remote Sensor Unit (1RSU) located at RAAF Edinburgh, SA is responsible for the radar’s operation. Unlike most conventional radar systems that use straight line radio waves in the form of microwaves, which at best have a line of sight range beyond a few hundred kilometres, Jindalee has a range of between 1,000 and 3,000 kilometres. How? Because Jindalee looks down from the ionosphere and operates in the very high frequency range whereas the aircraft’s design is based on being radar-transparent from ground or airborne radar operating in the microwave range. It’s detection capabilities are phenomenal; it can detect aircraft and ships over an area of about 13 million square kilometres.


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      Feeling ready to proxy?


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      David Maddison

      Australia’s Government and military are asleep at the wheel.

      Even worse than that, there are many Chicomm loyalists among the political class and senior members of the military (as we could see with their “nothing to see here” attitude).

      And in the US we saw how “General” Milley:

      Milley had promised to warn China first if he were ordered to attack.


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      a happy little debunker

      China imagines it is projecting power into the region … but the reality is it is projecting it’s weakness to it’s rivals.
      Let me explain,
      Australia is a middle power and no direct threat to China.
      Australia’s strength is in ‘the quad’ with India, the USA, and Japan.
      Of course, ‘the quad’ matches and exceeds all of China’s maritime influence.
      In the event of any escalation the Philippines, Indonesia, South Korea and Taiwan would easily and readily join ‘the quad’.
      The only reason to undertake this exercise is to say ‘look at me, Kimmy, look at me’.
      Possibly the worst ‘projection of power’ since the Russians withdrew from WW1 & became communists.


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        Mike Jonas

        Sun Tzu: Look strong where you are weak, and weak where you are strong.

        Is China flexing its muscles, or just trying to look strong? Fact is, they stayed in international waters, so weren’t doing anything the west isn’t doing in the South China Sea, until they did their live firing. Even then, under international rules, we can’t just go out and sink them. They would have been watching and listening all the way, so probably best for us to turn off anything that might show them what we have. Maybe we should keep a few of the old Gladiator biplanes that we can send out to fly alongside them (with a Chinese-speaking pilot and a loud-hailer).


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    Peter C

    Australian Universities lose US Funding

    I was unaware that the USA was funding Australian Universities.
    I don’t know why they do so nor for what purpose? It seems to involve research projects involving woke and DEI!


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      “”The federal government must push back on the Trump administration’s blatant foreign interference in our independent research in the strongest possible terms,”

      Utter hypocrisy. I would have thought secret US funding of yet unknown projects was blatant foreign interference in independent research?

      They only are asked to show it was independent non political research. Gain of function? Transgenderism? Was it all a secret between the researchers and the previous US administration? And research the US government could not have done at home? Like that little exercise in Wuhan? The Australian government should be asking the same question.


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        There you go … Trump is guilty of blatantly failing to interfere with independent research.

        This may sound small and insignificant … but just imagine if it spreads … and governments around the world could fall into dereliction of their duty to interfere. Where would we be then, huh?


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      Probably means there will be fewer academics to “Peer review” and agree with each other that articles written by non NGO funded academics are fit/unfit for purpose and should be banned or acclaimed. Heaven forbid that an approved writer is critically analysed and found wanting


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      David Maddison

      See my comments at:

      Also I said:

      Note to US taxpayers. You have absolutely nothing to gain by giving your hard earned taxes to these “universities” who ceased doing genuine scholarship decades ago and who are typically anti-American, anti-Australian, anti-Western, Communist and anti-Judeo-Christian religion in orientation. Contact your congressthing and demand the funding be withdrawn.


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        Graeme No.3

        I blame Walt Disney and Colour TV for the current mess.
        Young minds being advised frequently “When you wish upon a star” with magically results achieved by cartoon figures.
        They grow up and proceed to University where they graduate in Arts or Economics and wind up in the public service. With time they climb the ladder until the time when they can tell the Minister what to do.(he/she/it, of course, is also brainwashed**) and the result we wind up with Net Zero etc.
        ** In some cases, e.g. Bowen the washing was too vigorous and all brains were removed.


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      David Maddison

      See video by Topher Field:


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      another ian

      FWIW – more on that

      “Prime Minister Urged to Declare “Emergency” After U.S. Stops Funding Australian Universities
      March 22, 2025 | Sundance | 359 Comments

      If you find yourself wondering, wait, what, why are we funding Australian universities? You are likely not alone.”


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    However, skeptics and medical dissidents in Japan continue to speak out against the news media/government disease narratives. One book attracting attention is We Don’t Want to Sell It (Watashitachi wa Uritaku Nai”), published in September 2024 anonymously by employees of Meiji Seika Pharma.

    In the book, the company employees declare their strong aversion to selling their own company’s product – the replicon mRNA vaccine. They also mention that one of their colleagues passed away immediately after getting a standard mRNA injection. The book explains many of the serious problems related to the mRNA shots.


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      Dave in the States

      The Japanese have been masking up for decades. Go back and look up you-tube videos from 12 years ago and you will see people masked up, when riding in taxi’s, on busses, in enclosed spaces, and so forth. It is considered courtious to wear a mask if you have a minor case of the sniffles, because if you are on a crowded subway train or something, you may be only a few inches away from somebody else’s face.

      But I concur with the writer’s frustration about the Japanese being too eager to conform. About many things. I think it goes back to the early training in the schools.

      However, in one case I know of a vlogger who masks up (most Japanese vloggers do) not because of germ phobia, but to hide her face, so it’s not all over the internet, and in facial recognition data bases and so forth. She says it has nothing to do with covid-19 hysteria. It’s just a matter of privacy in her case.


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        Simon Thompson

        Masking is used as it is considered impolite to blow your nose in public in Japan.
        It is permissible to sniff all you need to though! Socially acceptable.


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    David Maddison

    I an quite sceptical about the new artificial structures discovered beneath the pyramids that supposedly extend down 2km or so. So much nonsense is being written about them. I haven’t yet had a chance to look at the original report yet however.


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        My understanding of ground radar does not extend beyond Time Team, a BBC production which uses ground radar, shallow, with mixed results.

        Wasn’t the “Mass graves of Indian children in Canadian orphanages” hoax sparked by radar? It seems that has been put to rest.


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      Maybe sand drift made originally shallow holes appear to have been dug deeper?


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      The technology to dig holes into the strata down to a 2km depth and keep them open did not exist 3000 years ago.

      Even with today’s technology, one can open a hole down at 300 – 400m and watch it deform in front of your eyes in real time. In-situ stress control is a very big deal which for all their cleverness the ancient Egyptians had no techniques for depths beyond several hundred metres – and that’s stretching it.

      Even opening holes in the Sydney sandstones to a few hundred metres (underground car parks, the Metro, even holes for basement construction) requires constant immediacy to control the joint movements as confining rock is removed.

      But then, any fool with a shovel etc …


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        The technology to replicate the pyramid, which you can stand and look at, doesn’t even exist today!


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        Forrest Gardener

        Space aliens who could quarry stone, transport it and assemble large structures simply by pointing their fingers.

        And from time to time got bored, traveled across the cosmos and created life on earth like a biologist with a petrie dish.

        And who drop in from time to time to see how their little experiment is going.

        You know it makes sense.


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        Mike Jonas

        Maybe the city was a normal above-ground city, and the ground came up. A lot of archaeoligical exploration is of such places. Even 100 metres (but not 2km) underground now would have been well above sea level 20,000 years ago.


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    In protest against DOGE, all Australian Universities, CSIRO and any Government Medical Research Institution should immediately wind up any funding agreement with any US body, and return unspent funds.

    Fat chance. Hypocrites.


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    David Maddison

    TRUMP has announced the F-47 6th Generation fighter jet contract with Boeing as the prime contractor.

    Hopefully “no DEI” and “no ESG” are explicitly written into the contract.

    I think the F-47 will be born into a completely different world when it is delivered, probably in 20 odd years as these projects take that long.

    The West excluding the US, and including Australia, Canada and the Europe will be failed and fallen. The US will be extremely prosperous and powerful. Europe, Australia and Canada will be hostile to the US and traditional Western values and TRUMP and his successors will be allied with Russia as a balance of power against China, Europe, Canada and Australia. India will be prosperous due to free enterprise and coal and nuclear power but probably non-aligned.


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      Why do you hate the West so much?


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        David Maddison


        I don’t hate the West. I love it.

        I hate what the Left have done to it, as ought to be obvious from my numerous posts on the topic.


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          You love it but you’ve given up already. “Australia, Canada and the Europe will be failed and fallen.”

          Not worth fighting for? Or perhaps you are trying to talk anyone else out of fighting?

          That’s why Hanrahan asks. Me too.

          You may just be feeling depressed and expressing that, which is understandable, but it is exactly what the Blob want you say.

          They want us to feel helpless, like it’s a done deal and they won. Why help the enemy?


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      “The US will be extremely prosperous and powerful. Europe, Australia and Canada will be hostile to the US and traditional Western values and TRUMP and his successors will be allied with Russia as a balance of power against China, Europe, Canada and Australia. ”

      You’d have to ask Orwell to get the gen on that! We all know now that Boeing is a just a paper cut-out company with a fake reputation of building great planes and being an aviation leader, so the project may never fly anyway.

      ..and that may not matter as drones will be completely different in only a decade, when we already have drone mother-ships launching drones of their own, and autonomous hunter-killer drones that decide their own target and blow it up.


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        According to Orwell, there was China, Eurasia and Oceania, Australia, NZ, South Africa, UK and US are under the control of BB.

        It won’t happen anytime soon because China is Australia’s biggest trading partner


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      James Murphy

      Is someone running a book on which will be delivered first? The nuclear subs, or this mythical jet…?
      Then, of course there is the gamble on whether or not any subs will be built in Australia, or if they will be be built at all…


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      David Maddison

      And as I have said before, TRUMP foresees the collapse of the West which is why he is gradually disengaging from Australia, Canada, Europe etc.. He doesn’t want the US dragged down in wokeness and the coming hostile takeover of the fanatical followers of the seventh century warlord.


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        Unlike other talking heads, those from Belarus compare Trump to Lukashenko – both are uneducatable and, even illiterate on a number subjects, which is a positive feature in the populace eyes.
        Both are deaf to the outside world and seem genuinely concerned about good of the Nation, ready to preserve it by any means – another plus !
        And wise enough not to send their own soldiers into the battle, while making a bit on the other people wars.
        I am waiting for Trump to be pronounced Father of Nation – Батька in Belarusian.


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        Vladislav Surkov is someone we should all take note of:

        On 20 September 2013, Putin appointed Surkov as his Aide in the Presidential Executive Office, focused on Russian aggrandizement in Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Ukraine. As a result he was immediately focused on the events in Ukraine during the November 2013 Euromaidan and February 2014 Revolution of Dignity.

        It came out in March 2014 that during Putin’s first two terms as president, Surkov was regarded as the Kremlin’s “Éminence grise” (or “Grey Cardinal”) due to crafting Russia’s system of “sovereign democracy” and directing its propaganda principally through control of state run television.


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          “Vladislav Surkov is someone we should all take note of:”

          Yes, he seems to have been instrumental in moving Russia forward since 2000, and as Wikipedia is trying to trash him, he must be good!


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            he must be good

            Well… not that good..

            In April 2022, amidst the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Surkov was reported to be under house arrest, on the grounds of embezzlement of funds intended for the Donbas separatist region of Ukraine.

            Regarding Ukraine…

            He claimed that “There is no Ukraine”, adding that “coercion to fraternal relations by force is the only method that has historically proven its effectiveness in the Ukrainian direction. I do not think that some other will be invented”


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      Joint Strike Fighter programme that Australia and other US allied nations funded during the Howard Government terms 1996-2007 are now flying and the RAAF has 70 delivered, the outstanding 30 for delivery recently cancelled by Albanese Labor.

      An extension to the JSF programme is the Force Multiplier full size unmanned jet fighter and a few designs have been built in various countries, Boeing Australia produced RAAF now delivered several MQ-28 Ghost Bat aircraft under development including a weapons system (interchangeable nose cone and under wings) but weapons system also recently cancelled.

      JSF F-35 Lightning is with upgrades planned designed to remain in service for many decades.


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        There is also a navy large unmanned drone submarine force multiplier programme and designed in Sydney by Anduril Australia one delivered for evaluation purposes, Ghost Shark.

        Another Australian designed now being tested and developed is less well publicised and much smaller like a large torpedo but with very long range.


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      Mike Jonas

      I want Russia on our side when the Chinese start the next world war, and clearly Donald Teump does too. But I think a lot of current analysis is misguided and that there are a lot of twists and turns yet to come. It would not be in America’s interest for other major western countries to align with China, especially Australia with its mineral resources. When we say “China is our largest trading partner” we include a massive flow of minerals (including coal) to China. I wonder when the USA will start the pressure to stop us supplying China.


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    another ian

    FWIW – read before watching

    “THE CRITICAL DRINKER: Snow White — It’s Even Worse Than I Expected.”

    And the comments!


  • #

    SMH continues their hate campaign against Trump..

    “But it’s bound to get worse. America’s biggest industries are coaching Trump in how to assault Australia. ..Big tech wants Trump to stamp out Australia’s modest legislative efforts at civilising the US social media monsters so they can molest our society for profit, …Big pharma wants Trump to smash the Pharmaceutical Benefit Scheme (PBS) to extract higher drug prices from Australian patients so only the wealthy can keep healthy..Trump, all the while, continues to dismantle the alliance systems that have helped keep the peace and protect Western liberties for the last 80 years.”

    of course because Trump is Putin-lovin he has to interfere in our elections too-

    “Trump already stands astride the Australian campaigns like a tangerine titan. He intruded this week and will again next. ”

    and just to keep the fear-mongering going, you are meant to blame Trump for the anxieties you have to feel to be modern-

    “Australia’s voters increasingly are anxious. They’re anxious about the cost of living, yes. And now there is Trump trauma and the roiling world:”


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      I wonder who’s paying them to write such rubbish. Maybe they still have some USAID money floating around somewhere. I assume the still same drivel is in the Melbourne Age.


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        “head of the productivity commission, Danielle Wood, warned cutting the public service wouldn’t save much money and it may make reforming the economy more difficult.”


        “In 2007, the last year of the Howard Coalition government, the APS headcount as a share of Australia’s population was 0.74%. Today, it is 0.68%.”

        Dear old ABC… so the public servants are dead against any cuts on their numbers, and if you ignore the increase in population coming from unemployable immigrants, you can pretend the snivel servants are less now than before. However no-one looked at the Govt-owned businesses and the contractors now doing civil service jobs. The reasons FOR a big sort-out are here…

        “the IRS’s so-called modernization project is not only 30 years behind schedule, but also a jaw-dropping $15 billion over budget…the IRS spends a staggering $3.5 billion annually just to keep the lights on—and 80% of that is funneled to outside contractors and licenses…A typical mid-size bank will have between 100 and 200 people in IT, and they’ll have an operations budget in the $20 million-a-year range. We have 8,000 people in IT, and our operations and maintenance budget is three and a half billion dollars a year. I don’t really know why yet, but I will tell you that 80% of that budget goes to contractors and licenses.”


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    another ian


    What a friend would have described as “Seemed like a good idea at the time”!

    “Just Like That, a Meme Is Born: Unhinged Leftist Tries (and Fails) to Chase Down MAGA Supporter”


  • #
    Greg in NZ

    Are woke Lefties waking up?

    “‘Amazing. Of all the books in the world Mr. ‘Free Speech’ Zuckerberg wants to ban is the one about him’ said The Guardian critic Marina Hyde”… especially the part about the Silicon Slimeballs ‘tutoring’ the Chinese on face recognition, AI, and other assorted tyrannical technologies. Oy vey!

    If you’re going, to San Francisco,
    make sure you wear
    a balaclava on your head.


  • #
    another ian

    FWIW – more covid scene

    “Andrew Sullivan: Fauci Lied About Lab Leak to Save His Reputation, ‘There’s a Reason’ His Pardon Goes Back to 2014”

    “During the online “Overtime” segment of Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” writer Andrew Sullivan said that former NIAID Director Dr. Anthony Fauci lied to cover up the possibility that COVID leaked from a lab because “you don’t want to go down in history as the person who helped develop the virus that killed millions of people. You want to go down as the one who saved millions of people.” ”


  • #
    another ian

    “Eh! Gawd!”

    “‘If Mann cannot even be trusted to tell the truth when he’s under oath & in court on pain of perjury, why on earth should any of us take him seriously on the subject of climate change?’ ”


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    Via Robert Malone news today. “On March 21, 2025, the Science of Climate Change journal published a ground-breaking study using AI (Grok-3) to debunk the man-made climate crisis narrative. Click on the link below for the paper titled: A Critical Reassessment of the Anthropogenic CO2-Global Warming Hypothesis:”

    Willie Soon is involved and Mr Grok. Seems like everything we’ve been told about AGW/ CC is not supported by “ the science”. That, well , climate change is basically just a normal process and man’s contribution is negligible. It’s all caused by something called the sun and that temperature increases first, then atmospheric CO2 increases follow. Really not ground breaking news to anyone who frequents this blog.


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      Greg in NZ

      It’s all caused by something called the sun – don’t give the Loony Activists ideas please … next thing they’ll be demanding

      SUN ZERO™️
      JUST STOP SUNBURN (with SPF666?)

      Is yet another Great Disappointment about to descend upon the already morbid believers?


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    Graeme No.3

    Recently, I watched a Youtube video (which I’ve forgotten) but the YouTube advertisement was a rather long video from Trumpets of Patriots which debunked man made climate change.
    Quite interesting and I assume that Clive Palmer has data on voters who aren’t that keen and may vote for him.


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    John Connor II

    Covid-19 vaccination increased risk of hair loss, shingles, endometriosis, gum disease, warts, and more

    Among 1.7 million people, COVID-19 vaccination was linked to broad-spectrum side effects affecting dermatological, gynecological, ophthalmological, auditory, and dental systems.

    The study titled, Broad-Spectrum Adverse Events of Special Interests Based on Immune Response Following COVID-19 Vaccination: A Large-Scale Population-Based Cohort Study, was recently published in the Journal of Clinical Medicine

    Humans are getting more defective by the day from the bioharpoon and vaxx.
    Sure it won’t affect relationships and birth rates though.

    Will any purebloods even exist in 5 years?


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    John Connor II

    Safe and Effective: Scientists Confirm Covid ‘Vaccines’ Can Trigger Deadly HEMOPHILIA

    A group of leading American scientists has issued a chilling warning to the public after confirming that Covid mRNA “vaccines” trigger Acquired Hemophilia A (AHA) – a deadly autoimmune bleeding disorder.

    Another study from the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center also confirmed Covid mRNA “vaccines” trigger AGA.

    How long before everyone at the TGA emigrates to non-extradition countries?


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    Greg in NZ

    Despite Equal-Night occurring last Thursday, the Earth-Sun relationship is only catching up tomorrow, Monday 24th March, when the sun here

    rises 7:27 am
    sets 7:27 pm

    while down in Southland / Murihiku (the bottom end) due to being west of NZ’s official time zone, the sun

    rises 7:54 am
    sets 7:54 pm.

    There goes the Flat Earth Hypothesis – along with the CO2’s What Done It Hysterical Hoax Hypotheses.

    BTW a primo beach day here: boats, jetskis, kayaks, skimboards, families, tourists and locals all out enjoying their dose of Vitamin D & fresh air & the splash of saltwater on their skin, Climate Comfortable at its best! More please…


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    another ian

    FWIW – for while you are “nut-zeroing” your house

    “jim2 says:
    22 March 2025 at 1:05 pm

    Older houses had an air turnover rate of about 10 times per hour. This kept the air in the house relatively fresh. In some states, the turnover rate is regulated to about 3 times an hour in the name of energy efficiency.

    This traps humidity, particles generated by stoves and ovens, and CO2. The air quality can become so bad that the residents feel lethargic or even sick. So now there are monitoring devices that are connected to a home air heat exchanger, so the air can be artificially turned over when the air quality is bad.

    This illustrates the knock-on effects of over-regulation on the cost of normal operations.


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      Our house has an internal volume of around 850m^3. That means around 170m^3 of oxygen. Resting human consumes 0.36m^3 of oxygen per day. So two of us will consume around 0.4% of the oxygen in the house per day.

      We make no particular effort to turn over the air in the house. If we want to cool the place and it is cooler outside, we will open it up. In winter we just open blinds to let sun in and retain the heat by closing blinds when there is no sun.

      I do monitor air quality. CO2 can show slight elevation around my desk – currently 406ppm. If I breathe directly on it, the rises rapidly. It starts around 403ppm in the morning. The particulates go up if my wife cooks up a stir fry. But we have an air purifier to reduce those particulates if needed.

      To turn over 2700m^3/hr without making intrusive noise would require ducting and venting around 400mm diameter. Without expensive heat exchanger, the heating requirement to bring in fresh air at 5C and take it to 18C at 2700m^3/hr would be bank breaking. 10X/hr seems an absurd requirement.

      We have a wood burner rated at 25kW but I usually run it at 10kW for just the two of us. At 10kW it will consume 17m^3 per hour of air and will create a slight negative pressure to achieve that by pulling air through door and window seals and a few ceiling fans. I have never measured the pressure but I know if I crack open a door next to the wood burner, it draws better so I have to compensate by reducing the damper.


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    I am staggered. The US press have commentary that Musk is a thief. A NAZI. Evil incarnate.

    But how much did the media have to say about his rescue of two astronauts without hope, trapped in the space station for eight long, long months. It’s a wonder they did not go insane. And it will be a long time before they are healthy again.

    I also read that their only compensation is $5 a day for out of pocket expenses, not actual pay and certainly not overtime? Trump has offered to pay them himself, but wants to know why they were not paid? In a world where everyone has to be compensated for racism, invasion, racial rights, human rights, ancient slavery rights.

    Again, when will Musk and Trump get any credit or praise for doing what no one else on the planet could or would do? Even from the Conservative press?

    Trapped in space. What a horror! And what overwhelming relief! But Musk is evil and must be destroyed. Along with anyone who does not obey their social superiors.

    What I would love to know is who is writing these rules?


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      And Paul Kelly in the Australian with a big article on how Trump can smash but he cannot build? Who says?

      The last time I looked Paul Kelly was an Australian and Donald Trump was getting stadiums of supporters cheering USA, USA.

      And 51% of Americans now say they would vote for him. It’s about time our commentators learned from overseas and stopped lecturing and denigrating people from their armchairs 10,000 miles away.

      As Australia, like Canada, is running up massive overseas debt as fast as we can borrow. Where is our DOGE? How’s that Snowy II going? Or Victoria’s airport rail? Or the Big Build? And we are criticising anyone trying to rein in the devastating spending of the extreme left who are bankrupting Australia, Canada, USA, UK.

      We need a real Conservative who stops ripping us off with tens of billions a year in taxes on CO2 to which no one agreed. And massive unjustified projects which benefit no one. Why aren’t they railing against Albanese’s gift of $1Bn in cash for Quantum Computing? Does he even know what it is?


      • #

        Donald Trump is the ultimate transformational leader. He has been characterised as a conservative, a populist and a libertarian, but he transcends any philosophical brand. Trump is unique, a charismatic autocrat whose political essence lies in his idiosyncratic personality.

        Trump presides over a political phenomenon – the cultural right is ascendant yet divided and agitated. Trump has a dominant political personality, rather than an ideology, but his personality inspires followers and generates hatred. Trump cannot unite America because his core method is divide and rule.

        His path to power involved the hijacking of the Republican Party – once seen as the embodiment of conservative values, free-market capitalism, personal liberty and US global leadership. But Trump has devoured the Republican Party along with the honoured rituals that it championed.

        Trump presides over the death of the old conservatism. The Trumpian paradox is that Trump himself, elected off the back of a powerful conservative movement, is not an authentic conservative.”

        This alleged looney has 51% of the US vote, but apparently US voters are idiots who have confused Trump with a Conservative. And if you cannot pidgeon hole someone, they are fake. Only clearly defined traditional ideologues should be allowed into politics, apparently.


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          The POTUS is Mercurial and naturally eccentric, but his desire to join the Commonwealth has come too late.


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            I think it is a great lateral and novel idea. It’s an obvious and natural grouping properly considered. America left in 1788. As all Commonwealth countries have since done.

            But the Commonwealth has real if de facto meaning as a group of similar Democratic Christian countries in what has become the Anglosphere. They have a great deal in common not just their foundation history as Democracies. America was an English colony, although colony has become a perjorative word. And a bastion of freedom for the entire world. Which is why ‘Commomnwealth’ countries have become so desirable and the functionality obvious also as a trade and cultural group.

            As opposed to Spanish/Portuguese/Russian/Arab and Islamic countries. Yes, religion has become a geopolitic issue again, thanks to oil wealth.

            So many other countries like the Russian Stans, the Meditteranean and the Middle East to Indonesia to Pakistan form another group of Islamic Arab countries even though few are Arab. Morocco, Algeria, Libya, Egypt, Turkey, Iran, Indonesia etc. are not Arab at all but mimic Arab culture in a rival group. The EU has common Christianity and Democracy but always an uneasy alliance militarily and culturally.

            If there is a growing problem, it is the major shift of African Commonwealth countries back to racist tribal military dictatorships, but English language and culture is still their major cultural heritage as functioning countries. There are few French and German and Italian countries left from the Age of Empires.


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              Donald Trump has been thinking about world affairs for a long time. This is no flight of fancy. The contrast with Joe Biden and Kamala Harris could not be greater in terms of Statesmanship. Harris had not even ‘been to Europe’ and had no idea where Russia was. Or other countries. Biden and family saw the opportunity to exploit their position.

              Former Presidents have been real world leaders especially in WW1 and WW2 and the cold war. Or tried to be. That, after all, is the job of President of a Federation of States, not State affairs like Education, Health etc. Groupings like the League of Nations and the UN were US attempts to secure world peace. And the Commonwealth is a very strong and natural trade grouping of similar economies based on similar legal structures and language and Christianity, another perjorative word in the very politically left world. You have to wonder if America really won the cold war. Not in the universities.


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                It depends on King Charles giving the nod and the tariff spats being sorted, I don’t see any other impediment.


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        Regards Kelly,

        And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? -Matthew 7:3-5

        More specifically, just what has Kelly created that allows him ANY right to judge Pres. Trumps creative efforts?


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        The smart arse left think everyone hates Trump and they believe they will gain social points by denigrating him. Good people should take on the left. 🙂


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      Just as well he has plenty of FU money. He might need some.


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    David Maddison

    Albanese says he’s going to give voters an additional $150 off their electricity bill.

    I’m not sure the typical dumbed-down Green Labor Teal voter understands that they are being bribed with their own money…


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      But it’s another misleading election stunt, the $300 rebate provided earlier is being paid $75 each quarter as a discount off electricity bill charge, so $150 is the second half of 2025 not yet paid.


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      Graeme No.3

      Aided and abetted by sloppy Journalists.
      Today’s Sunday Mail (Adelaide version) which I don’t normally buy but wanted their 7 day TV forecast today. It had the headline “Albo’s $150 BILL GIFT” which might (on reflection) be a little tongue in cheek. Along with that on the front page is an AD from Clive Palmer** saying STOP USING IMMIGRATION AS AN ECONOMIC TOOL
      Who the hell dreamt up TRUMPET OF PATRIOTS as a name?


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    David Maddison

    ⚠️REMINDER – The largest COVID-19 “vaccine” safety study ever conducted, involving 99 million individuals, confirmed that the injections are NOT SAFE FOR HUMAN USE:

    ➊ 610% increased risk of myocarditis following mRNA platform injection.
    ➋ 378% increased risk of acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM) following mRNA injection.
    ➌ 323% increased risk of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST) following viral-vector injection.
    ➍ 249% increased risk of Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) following viral-vector injection.


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    another ian


    ““Tens of Thousands of [Foreign Climate Change] jobs” gone Because of President Trump”

    From elsewhere –

    “Department of Re-education writ large. 46 years of destruction thanks to Jimmy Carter and Howard Baker. Next up: Department of No Energy and later the Department of No Agriculture. Get rid of them all, one at a time.”


  • #
    another ian

    FWIW –

    “Eh? Gawd!”

    “The New York Times Makes a Stunning Admission About the Democrats”

    “Conservatives have long suspected there’s a deeper reason why the left goes berserk over efforts to rein in reckless spending. Now, the New York Times has accidentally said the quiet part out loud—the left’s political machine is fueled by your tax dollars.”

    More at


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    We saw the sun y’day. Raining again today. :bummer:


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    Charles Rotter on the question of CO2 measurement.

    ‘This is where honest, disciplined skepticism belongs—not in demanding a measurement that physics and Earth system complexity simply won’t allow, but in pointing out the wobbly scaffolding on which sweeping, costly policies are being erected, assumptions, uncertainties, and modeling limitations that underlie the entire edifice of climate policy. That’s where skepticism can be scientifically rigorous, effective, and intellectually honest.’ (wuwt)


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    The Federal Government established a system of transfer payments to owners of wind and solar generators paid for by consumers who could not afford to make their own electricity. It was government mandated theft from the poor people to help the not so poor and wealthy.

    Now the Federal government has come up with a scheme to compensate EVERYONE for high electricity costs in the form of a $150 subsidy. Also is hoping that such generosity keeps him his job:


    • #
      David Maddison

      As I said above, I don’t think the average Green Labor Teal voter understands that they are being bribed with their own money.


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    another ian


    “But Its Just A SMALL Amount of Fraud…”

    How a “little bit” leads to a “little bit lots”


  • #
    another ian

    FWIW –

    When “trip the light fantastic” turns to “trip the heavy sarcastic”!

    “Governance By 677 Gavels”

    Read it all!


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    It is bad news for UN staff as the organisation suffers a liquidity crisis:

    Dawoh’s email warns that the U.N. “is currently experiencing its worst liquidity crisis since its establishment. The situation is expected to deteriorate further before any improvement occurs.”

    All these cuts to the UN are making the world less safe, less healthy and less prosperous. But maybe not US citizens who have been paying the UN bills either through taxation or national debt and erosion of spending power.


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      “All these cuts to the UN are making the world less safe, less healthy and less prosperous.” /sarc…

      Lets admit it, it should have no employees, no money of its own, no ‘departments’ and should exist only for ambassadors of the nations to talk things over in the general assembly. The world would be a safer, more healthy & richer place…


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    Thousands of “renewable” wind turbine blades, having outlived their short 20-year lifespan, have been laid to rest at this wind turbine graveyard in Texas, USA—unable to be recycled.


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