A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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The title says it all
Of course, amongst the ruling elite that headline would say “Far right” with the clear inferences to fascism. The latest example being Rumania whose Former President was arrested and then barred from standing.
It will be interesting to see what Happens in Canada. I would perceive Carney as being a useless individual who caused the UK much harm.
Well, when you’re defending democracy, ya’ can’t be going around being all democratic about things.
Unelected Soviet Union leader, Mikhail Gorbachev, who brought free speech to Russia, said the European Union is the old Soviet Union dressed in Western clothes. Both the old Soviet Union and the new European Union regard their enemies as Far-right. Until Gorbachev, the Soviet Union banned right-wing political parties and free speech.
Unelected European Union Führer, Ursula von der Leyen, said that free speech is a virus, and that censorship is the vaccine to ‘Shield’ EU citizens from ‘disinformation’. Von der Leyen also uses the term ‘Democracy’ in much the same vein as North Korea, officially called the ‘Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, which is also a Far-left regime that bans right-wing political parties.
Until 1989, Romania was a Communist country under far-left dictator, Nicolae Ceaușescu, who also banned right-wing political parties and candidates. Now the European Union member has once again banned a right-wing candidate for being a popular populist and therefore the favourite to be the next President of Romania. But Calin Georgescu has been banned from the May elections because he is not left-wing, like every one else approved by the Soviet system now adopted by the European Union.
Would the Russian Uni-party Democracy be considered right wing, centrist or left wing in todays world?
Vote green for right wing, red for left wing.
As Trump wages economic warfare on his closest allies, new tariffs have been put on the UK and EU.
Canada has retaliated to ones imposed on them earlier with the previously very close relationship souring.
Mr Trump reportedly said he didn’t care about Europe or Taiwan. I wonder what he thinks of Australia? Is he aware of where it is? Does he see it as a potential supplier of rare earths and uranium so a deal can be done, or a useful aircraft carrier to ward off the threats from China?
Trump’s view of the world is not complicated. He knows all the politicians in power in the UK, Europe and Australia are dumb suckers. All scammed by the Climate Scam. He has more respect for Putin, Xi, Modi and the few others who are making money from the scam or just not taking part.
Trump prefers to be on the right side of the scam rather than being one of the dumb suckers.
Trump only cares about America. You know, almost like THAT is his job. On top of this – and unsurprisingly given he is a businessman – he very firmly follows the old political adage, “It’s the economy, stupid.” He clearly believes that success with and popularity among voters comes down to how well they’re doing financially. All the political nonsense and luxury beliefs such as AGW, trans rights and wokishness are peripheral, easily beaten so long as people have money in their pockets, a roof over their heads and opportunities to succeed.
Consequently, his almost total focus is on the economy, one way or another, whether it is cutting government waste, evicting illegal immigrants or ending the war in Ukraine. Of course he must also fight the forces arrayed against him, trying to block his agenda, hence his various actions against bad faith actors in ‘The Swamp’, but his objective is to balance the books, create wealth and MAGA!
He may not start WW3 (by declaration), but he is certainly laying the groundwork.
Some health concerns in Vienna over young children fasting for Ramadan
Vienna is one of those cities where the majority of school children under 12 are muslim as the demographics and consequences of mass migration work up through the ages.
So 1529 and 1683 were in vain.
Some good news on free speech as conservative writer Douglas Murray wins a libel case against the Guardian newspaper
As we are on the subject “free speech”
BREAKING: Judge sanctions Michael E. Mann for “Bad-Faith Trial Misconduct” in Mann v. Free Speech:
From Steve Milloy’s X account
“The record plainly shows the deliberate and knowing misconduct of Dr. Mann’s counsel in eliciting false testimony from Dr. Mann and misrepresenting his grant funding.”
The gentleman on question has an interesting relationship with numbers doesn’t he? some may see a pattern
Murray is a Neo Con type. He has nasty habits as well.
Europe (EU and UK) have joined flanks with the Chinese Communist Party (the government of China) against Trump.
The adage >Tell me who your friends are and I will tell you who you are< fits so well.
Now that world alliances have been reduced to a game of cards between three players, Europe and others may need to align themselves with the only other group considered to have any in their hand.
I would call it an intended consequence.
Good heavens. Three players. Where have we seen that before?
Oh yes, Oceania, Eastasia and Eurasia!
The EU is close to launching the digital Euro, which the EU, up to a year or so ago claimed that the claim of digital Euro was a conspiracy theory. It has become so common that conspiracy theories turn into realities.
The EU’s economy is in tatters — Germany’s one of the worst. The digital Euro is just a fudge to hide the debacle.
Rat plague is back
Plenty of rats in the Sydney CBD starting with that building in Macquarie Street………..
Does this mean they couldn’t keep the air conditioning running on wind mills?
Amazon, Google, and Meta sign pledge to triple nuclear power by 2050
The captain of the Solong that rammed the US hired tanker ship full of military aviation fuel supply has been arrested.
The US ship was in a marked anchorage area with several other ships. Various ships successfully navigated through and around the anchored vessels before the collision.
The captain is a Russian.
Conspiracy material aplenty.
Being Russian he probably wasn’t sober, at the helm and more than likely in his cabin.
Yes, thats an interesting one. The ship the Russian captain rammed was a US one full of jet fighter fuel-so it is claimed. Collisions happen all the time as do conspiracy theories, so guess we will just have to wait to see what truths emerge from all this.
This article claims there’s no evidence of foul play. Negligence is being investigated.
Dave B
There’s numerous articles that say no evidence and numerous others that say malice not ruled out.
The point is how easy it is to construct a conspiracy theory.
Now we have the mirror Russian propaganda channel conspiracy theory.
The UK staged the collision to blame Russia.
That significantly increases the probability of Russia being responsible, in the world of conspiracy theory logic.
“There are many interesting coincidences and details in this case.”
Who ploughs through an anchorage at 17+ knots.
A captain who takes one for the Team.
Massive stretch of Amazon rainforest destroyed for upcoming COP30 climate summit’s 4-lane highway: ‘This is a loss’
Somebody get Greta on the horn!
Tens of thousands of acres of protected Amazon rainforest are being cleared and paved over to build a new four-lane highway for, of all things, the upcoming COP30 climate summit in Brazil.
The eight-mile stretch of new highway — dubbed Avenida Liberdade, or Avenue of Liberty — has gouged a deep gash through a large swath of Amazon rainforest just in time for world leaders to convene to discuss how much they care about the Amazon rainforest….
Avenida von der Leyen: Avenue of Lies.
COP: Cult Of Parasites.
Agenda 30.
Theirs is MAD world.
Gross hypocrisy is the new religion/modus operandi of climate catastrophists – evidenced by Tanya Plibersek’s mob (DCCEEW) giving the Fitzroy Basin Association $4.5 million from the Australian Government’s Saving Koalas Fund “to restore and protect koala habitat in areas of significant koala populations in the Clarke-Connors Range” (Link: – while at the same time the Queensland government approved Twiggy Forrest’s (Squadron Energy) massive bird chopper project (together with others) to effectively devastate koala (Queensland’s fauna emblem) habitat in the same Clarke-Connors range system!
Meanwhile that State has gone one step further by directly investing $845 M (via its quango CS Energy) into the Lotus Creek bird chopper project. A largely pristine wilderness on the northern side of the above coastal range continuum. But of course, all this is completely opaque to your urban yuppie voter. As is the fact that the Queensland government has exempted the clearing of forest/woodland for ‘renewables’ on land that would have led to 5-6 figure fines if carried out by rural landholders.
From the Spectator Australia –
“Wind droughts would have been the most important discovery in the 20th Century but the discovery came too late to avert the rush to wind and solar power.
Nobody who knew about wind droughts would have tried to replace cheap and reliable conventional power with intermittent inputs to the grid.
This suicidal detour from the main road of power generation has cost trillions of dollars globally and delivered more expensive and less reliable electricity with massive collateral damage to the planet.
This must be one of the worst public policy blunders in recorded history and quite likely the worst in peacetime.”
And more –
“Wind droughts are the weak link in the electricity chain if we ever depend on intermittent energy and that is why the coal fires will have to be kept burning until we have nuclear power at scale.
The work by Lang and Miskelly has not yet made any difference, despite the support of Jo Nova with her blog and briefing notes from the Energy Realists of Australia.”
Wind droughts a discovery? Do these people never venture outdoors? how many stories and piems have been written about becalmed ships over 100s of years? Have they ever looked at weather maps and wonder what those giant high pressure systems do?
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner (text of 1834)
By Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Down dropt the breeze, the sails dropt down,
‘Twas sad as sad could be;
And we did speak only to break
The silence of the sea!
Day after day, day after day,
We stuck, nor breath nor motion;
As idle as a painted ship
Upon a painted ocean.
The Albo Tross flys again. Is this pathetic or what?
First we have Kevin, “I’m from the government I’m here to help” then Turnbull both showing off their verbal dexterity and going down in flames.
“What Happens When You Trim Fat?”
“Today a big story at Time Magazine is “U.S. Added to Global Human Rights Watchlist Over Declining Civil Liberties.”
I know, the first thing you think is, “Is Time Magazine still in business? I didn’t even know that.” Well, apparently it is, and some people apparently think it’s a news source.
In this case, a human rights organization called CIVICUS that publishes a list scoring human rights in various countries made a press release announcing that they had added the United States to a “watchlist,” of which the other prize winners are the Democratic Republic of Congo, Italy, Pakistan, and Serbia.”
“So what heinous crimes has America committed to place it in this rogues’ gallery? According to CIVICUS:
A spate of arbitrary executive orders has resulted in mass firings of federal government employees coupled with the takeover of key positions in the administration including the Justice Department and the Federal Bureau of Investigation by Trump loyalists. They are likely to severely impact constitutional freedoms of peaceful assembly, expression, and association. … United States, once a global champion of democracy and human rights, joins the first 2025 watchlist along with Democratic Republic of Congo, Italy, Pakistan, and Serbia. The arbitrary US pullbacks from aid and multilateral cooperation, including the World Health Organisation and the UN Human Rights Council, will likely impact civic freedoms and reverse hard-won human rights gains around the world. [emphasis added]”
“So what puts America among countries like Pakistan and the DRC is that… the new administration brought in its own appointees to political appointments and cut funding and support to the World Health Organization (WHO) and the UN Human Rights Council, some notable members of which include Afghanistan, China, Iraq, Cuba, and Nicaragua.”
“Curious, I looked at the estimable DataRepublican Nonprofit Financials page, where I found that in its most recent filing, CIVICUS has a total of $10,573,000 (rounded to the nearest dollar) in receipts, of which $7,882,463 — or about 75% — came from the US taxpayer.”
Doesn’t mention what got Italy on that list
Sandringham visits for Zelensky first then POTUS 47. I think KC3 has his priorities all wrong!
Charles will preside over the destruction of the British monarchy, thanks to his progressive views. His isn’t intelligent, so doesn’t realise that he cannot ‘reshape’ the monarchy into a modern, woke yet still rich and influential institution. He’s trying to mix oil and water.
What he started William will complete because he holds similar views. Dumb as bricks, the pair of them. I bet Princess Anne, who IS smart and also a traditionalist, screams into her pillow every night.
FWIW – from a comment at Chiefio
“SpaceX rescue mission going up tonight just before 8PM.”
” “
“You Know That Hamas-Supporting Student Trump Is Deporting? He Has British Security Clearance”
“EPA Launches Biggest Deregulatory Action in U.S. History: Zeldin Rolls Out 31 Groundbreaking Actions to Save Americans TRILLIONS, Slash Costs and Supercharge Job Growth”
Some ideas for Dutton?
Blackout gets another bad day:
Australian energy consumers weary after years of soaring power prices are set to be slugged again, with benchmark tariffs tipped to rise by between five and 10 per cent within months.
In a draft decision that will land on the cusp of a federal election, the Australian Energy Regulator is today expected to recommend an increase to the so-called default market offer (DMO) in multiple states.
CSIRO still promote “renewable” electricity as cheap. This is USA new EPA Administrator on the Climate Change™ religion and what they are undoing:
Since Democrats are once again engaged in Kristallnacht-style violence because the electorate rejected their policies, it’s time once again for my periodic reminder that all Democrats are fascists.
I love the fact that whenever I point this out, some Democrat invariably claims “Derrrrr… you don’t even know what fascism is!” So let’s explore fascism a little, shall we?
Listed below are attributes and practices that all 20th Century fascists have in common with the Democrat Party of 2025:”
16 points
Conclusion –
“The Democrat Party of 2025 is a fascist party. Spread the word.”
FWIW – the covid scene
” According to German Intelligence, Corona came from a Chinese lab – government has kept files secret for five years.
For five years, the Federal Intelligence Service (BND) has assumed that the coronavirus originated in a Chinese laboratory. The BND classifies the laboratory theory as “probable” and is “80 to 95 percent” certain. Since then, the German government has kept secret the BND’s findings that the virus originated in the biolab in Wuhan . This is reported by NZZ, Zeit, and Süddeutsche Zeitung.
For five years, the Federal Intelligence Service (BND) has assumed that the coronavirus originated in a Chinese laboratory. The BND classifies the laboratory theory as “probable” and is “80 to 95 percent” certain. Since then, the German government has kept secret the BND’s findings that the virus originated in the biolab in Wuhan . This is reported by NZZ, Zeit, and Süddeutsche Zeitung.
Found via Canadian molecular biologist Alina Chan; translation of the above Berliner Zeitung article by Google Translate. Hans Mahncke of the Truth Over News Substack explores the ramifications of the above report:”
After their 22nd booster, no one cares anymore, they’re incapable. Roll up! Roll up for #23!
Chris Bowen has posted a video message about coal powered electricity generation.
Dunno if that stat is true or if he’s being tricky with words. But it does highlight a difference between coal and wind/solar in relation to unexpected. That’s the beauty of coal. Lack of power generation is unexpected. While with wind and solar, we expect the wind not to blow and the sun not to shine every day/night.
A few facts to consider:
It’s no wonder a few of them are taking long service leave, and bleedingly obvious that wind/solar cannot cope without them.
Why not build some new ones until nuclear will inevitably replace them + wind/solar?
“Arm me audacity, boldness be my friend”
“The Almost Unbelievable Details Of The Great Gas Pipeline Caper Of 2025”
And then
“Moscow About To Recapture the Entire Kursk Pocket Under Kiev Control, as Red Army Forces Conquer the City of Sudzha, and Ukrainian Troops Flee From Russian Region”
An alternative viewpoint:
New extraterrestrials movie ‘ The age of disclosure’ , a load of hype with zero evidence, straight out of the sceptic’s playbook .
It’s going to be hard for ordinary citizens to get to the truth. I just did a quick Google, looking for such ‘evidence’. All Google gave me were links to:
The Guardian, a far left media outlet.
Reddit, an overwhelmingly left-leaning site.
Snopes, a leftist ‘fact checking’ site.
ABC, a far left media outlet.
NBC News, a far left media outlet.
NPR, a far left media outlet.
Al Jazeera, a left-leaning media outlet.
Forbes, a far left media outlet.
See how this works?
The Covid lies continue, worse than ever:
“Only two facts matter: the virus’s risk was tiny for anyone who wasn’t already very sick, so lockdowns were a terrible idea; and the vaccines made no difference to the course of the epidemic”.
Human Rights OK on vaccine mandates – check, MRNA factories – check, work-from-home remembering how much they despise everyone in their office and pining for lockdowns – check.
I think the next pandemic is just around the corner.