
9.1 out of 10 based on 9 ratings

108 comments to Tuesday

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    Paul Cottingham

    Former British Prime Minister, Liz Truss, said “Everything that made Britain great is being destroyed by an establishment that hates Britain”

    J D Vance has told the left-wing Tory-Labour Establishment that support for America’s embattled left-wing deep state must end – or else. Vance reiterated this message directly to UK Prime Minister, Sir Keir Stalin, in the White House, saying: “There have been infringements on free speech that actually affect not just the British but also affect American technology companies and by extension American citizens”

    After the left-wing Democrats lost to Donald Trump in 2016, the American security establishment began to turn the tools and tactics of counterterrorism, counterinsurgency warfare and regime change that it had developed abroad back on to its own people. MI6 and the ‘Five Eyes’ intelligence-sharing alliance, followed suit. In the UK, the Army’s 77th Brigade, a military intelligence unit tasked with ‘non-lethal psychological warfare’, set up the 77th Brigade Domestic Psyops Team, which began to surveil and report on British citizens, as well as to work with other British government agencies and cooperating with other Five Eyes intelligence services on defending ‘democracy’ against those who refuse to vote Labour, Conservative, Green or LibDem.

    US Health Secretary, Robert F. Kennedy Jr, Attorney for Children’s Health Defense, filed an antitrust action against members of the BBC lead “Trusted News Initiative” (TNI) in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Louisiana Monroe Division. Case Name: Children’s Health Defense (CHD) et al. v. the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) et al. For colluding with Big Tech to censor publishers of online health and political news. The complaint alleges that as members of the Trusted News Initiative (TNI), Defendants colluded with one another and with social media platforms to target and censor rival online news publishers, violating the Sherman antitrust laws and the First Amendment.

    Trump, Musk, Kennedy and Vance point out that if MI6 and the left-wing British Establishment don’t want to be treated as an enemy of the United States, they are going to need to retreat from the war they’ve been waging on behalf of Washington’s old regime. That means reigning in their white upper-class Marxist thugs, cutting off support for their left-wing non-state armies of transnational censorship organisations like CCDH, and backing off of legal frameworks like the DSA and the Orwellian ‘Online Safety Act’ that are designed to control information and political discourse across borders. Vance has been hammering this point ever since he threatened during the campaign to withdraw US support from Nato if Europe continues trying to regulate American politics through the DSA, noting that it would be ‘insane that we would support a military alliance [Nato] if that military alliance isn’t going to be pro-free speech’.

    Washington’s message to its putative allies is straightforward: end the information war and get the hell out. If they instead ignore these warnings and continue to meddle in America’s domestic political affairs they may soon find that its new sheriff is willing to impose real diplomatic and economic consequences for their continued aggression: https://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/vances-real-message-to-europe-halt-this-secret-war-against-america/

    America First Legal (AFL) released new evidence that the U.K.-based pro-censorship organization Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) and its leadership, including CEO Imran Ahmed, appear to have engaged in coordinated efforts to censor American citizens’ speech and are part of a foreign influence operation to interfere with U.S. elections. The British Labour Party was found to have sent as many as 100 staff to the United States to help campaign for Kamala Harris. Based on this new evidence, AFL has also now formally requested that the Department of Justice (DOJ) investigate whether CCDH’s U.S. operation and leadership are “agents of a foreign principal” that must comply with the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA): https://aflegal.org/america-first-legal-releases-new-evidence-files-formal-complaint-with-the-doj-to-investigate-uk-based-center-for-countering-digital-hate-for-engaging-in-a-foreign-influence-campaign/


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      Paul Cottingham

      However, Donald Trump has returned to power and is revealing the criminal activity of the British Establishment, in its attempts to stop him from becoming President of the United States.

      I think Trump has read the unredacted version of the Mueller report, and this report showing how MI6 attempted to stop him from becoming President by constructing the fiction of the Trump–Russia dossier.

      MI6 had to dispose of the Skripals’s because they feared that they wanted to return to Russia and talk about the Steele Dossier, also known as the Trump–Russia dossier. MI6 first tried to stop Trump from becoming President when MI6 agent Christopher Steele met with the FBI’s Peter Strzok in July 2016. During the summer of 2016, Robert Hannigan, then head of GCHQ, flew to Washington to brief John Brennan personally. CIA Director John Brennan then briefed Senate Minority leader Harry Reid in August 2016 on the Steele dossier. This briefing then led Reid to send FBI Director James Comey a letter demanding an investigation of the collusion between Donald Trump and the Russians. The British manufactured ‘Steele Dossier’ was also a key foundation for the FISA warrant issued to spy on Trump’s close aide Carter Page, in the hope of finding incriminating information, or getting Page to prejudice himself in police interviews by giving statements conflicting with the tapes. After the Skripal incident someone started publishing purloined documents from the British military’s Integrity Initiative, an international network of politicians, journalists, academics, foundations, and military officers engaged in a very dirty black propaganda campaign. The Steele Dossier and the Integrity Institute involve the same British intelligence networks revolving around Sir Richard Dearlove, the former head of MI6. Dr. Victor Madeira, one of the key staffers at the Integrity Institute used to work directly for Dearlove and Sir Christopher Andrew at the Cambridge Intelligence Forum. Documents show that Sir Andrew Wood and Pablo Miller, Sergei Skripal’s MI6 handler, who are both players in Christopher Steele’s Orbis Business Intelligence, also have significant relationships to the Initiative.

      The GCHQ Codeword IRIS refers to the British link between the attempt to stop Trump from becoming president and the Sergei Skripal poisoning hoax. The IRIS list of names includes the political handler of Porton Down, the UK’s chemical weapon facility, Skripal’s MI6 handler, the BBC, and representatives of the Ministry of Defence, the Foreign Office, and the U.S. Embassy. Reports imply that the Skripals are probably dead and the British are panicking about Trumps return to power. Both the Tories and Labour Parties have produced dossiers on the potential impact to Britain if Donald Trump returns to power and reveals the criminal activity of MI6 and the Skripal hoax.


      • #

        Don’t forget our man in Washington is proud of his role in meddling:


        Did he ever come back to Australia?


      • #

        There ya go Vlad, all explained for you…


        • #

          Heard you loud and clear, KP (not serious…)
          There are other opinions though, for the last 2 weeks more than ever : Лучше с умным потерять, чем с дураком найти.
          Heard from yesterday’s US vassals in Europe and Asia, obviously some Oceanian leaders smelled the air too and acted accordingly.
          Who is the former – Emperor Xi, naturally Emperor Don becomes the latter.


          • #

            Australia is caught between a rock and a hard place, so we might give up our deputy sheriff’s job in the South Pacific. This triggers Plan B and the procurement of subs will be off the agenda.

            Instead of remaining with Oceania we could sell our soul to Beijing, outpost of empire.


            • #

              That is what I said.
              Pax America is over.
              At least no one can say that Chinese do not value work or they are stupid.
              I do not mind to quarter Celts, half-Chinese great grandsons…


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              It is often overlooked that Stage 1.0 of AUKUS nuclear submarine purchasing from the US Navy of Virginia Class is closely related to and followed by design and building of a new generation of SSN AUKUS Class nuclear submarines primarily for the British Navy and Royal Australian Navy, larger vessels than US Virginia Class and advanced on that design and technology.

              SSN AUKUS will be built in South Australia where the RAN Collins Class conventional submarines were built and in the UK, nuclear reactors from Rolls-Royce UK where US technology reactors have been produced for over sixty years for the RN. Other US technology will be installed in SSN AUKUS, noting US technology is already used in RN and RAN warships, and for Air Forces and Army equipment, combined forces objectives to operate as one force when needed.

              I often look at websites covering defence matters and compare with the general media views and reports, most often media is not reliable.


      • #

        However, Donald Trump has returned to power and is revealing the criminal activity of the British Establishment, in its attempts to stop him from becoming President of the United States.

        The US electoral system is a complex one when viewed from outside. The best summary that I came across is the following:


        It is essentially transactional – money is essential, and lobbyists are an integral part of the system. Using the quote above, lobbying must be a criminal activity.

        It is also clear that the British Establishment were not successful, if indeed that was their plan.


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      The ‘trusted news source’ BBC copping an antitrust suit.

      Now that is just beautiful. Irony with a big bow on it.


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      David Maddison

      I think President TRUMP realises that Once Great Britain and Western Europe can or soon will no longer be able to be trusted due to infiltration of Communists into Government who hate their own countries plus the open borders policies which have led to a vast population of military age males who are radicalised followers of the seventh century warlord and they DO intend to take over, and will then dispense with the useful idiots of the Left. (Australia, NZ and Canada will also fall for the same reasons.)

      The United States under TRUMP, Vance and their successors may be in future the only viable Western country. This is why I think TRUMP is looking to Russia as a possibile future ally to counter a hostile radicalised Europe with nuclear weapons, a hostile China and Iran with nuclear weapons.

      Remember that TRUMP is five moves ahead of everyone else in a game of three dimensional chess.


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        A poll – who on this blog considers Russia to be a communist country?

        Green tick for yes, red tick for no.


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          Honk R Smith

          Would it be impolite to ask how many consider Oz, Canada, and the UK to be trending more communist than Russia?
          Green yes
          Red no


          • #

            According to the above poll, Russia is not communist.

            The A-brain reports:

            The 1993 constitution declares Russia a democratic, federative, law-based state with a republican form of government. State power is divided among the legislative, executive, and judicial branches. Diversity of ideologies and religions is sanctioned, and a state or compulsory ideology may not be adopted.

            No mention of the FSB, the real power.

            In 2022, according to the Washington Post:

            Several current and former officials described the Russian security service as rife with corruption, beset by bureaucratic bloat and ultimately out of touch. A Ukrainian intelligence official said the FSB had spent millions recruiting a network of pro-Russian collaborators who ultimately told Putin and his top advisers, among them the current FSB director, what they wanted to hear.

            Maybe President Trump can solidify their relationship with Russia by offering Elon Musk as a “fixer”.


            • #
              Gary S

              The WaPo – ‘Several current and former officials described the Russian security service as rife with corruption, beset by bureaucratic bloat and ultimately out of touch…’ Could just as easily be a description of the U.S. under Biden/Obama.


              • #

                True Gary. I recommend that you read “The Race” by R N Patterson. The byline is:

                Can an honest man become President?

                It’s a work of fiction of course, just like many of the posts on this blog.


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        Another poll – who considers President Putin to have been democratically elected.

        Green tick for yes, red tick for no.


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        And the immigration based religion cult infiltrations.


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      another ian

      FWIW – a reminder

      The ALP send trainees to learn what the Democrats have learned. And

      “Australian Labor fined $14,500 over campaign push to stop Trump”



    • #

      Your inner pedant needs training Paul and then you’ll likely write “reining in”; I’m largely in agreement with the sentiment but deplore the solecism.


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    The climate lockdown freaks are running hot on the internet comments with their ‘what’s a few days of lockdown – stop being a sook, it might have been serious’ type of comments on the internet – this guys getting mad!



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    David Maddison

    In case you think “15 minute cities” are just a lunatic totalitarian idea of the WEF and the Left in general, we have them in Victoriastan (Australia’s most communist state, Australia’s equivalent of Commiefornia) but rebranded.

    WEF: https://intelligence.weforum.org/monitor/latest-knowledge/8d496bec33e74bd9b0e0eaf99b9a1f8f

    Victoriastan previously rebranded them as “20 minute neighbourhoods”: https://www.planning.vic.gov.au/guides-and-resources/strategies-and-initiatives/20-minute-neighbourhoods

    Now they’ve been further rebranded as “Activity Centres”.

    People are so much easier to control and to restrict the movements of when they’re living at high density on top of each other.


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    Language warning – but some on here might enjoy this esoteric podcast: https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/waking-worldpodcast

    I think there are lessons on how to deal with large cults in what happens in small ones.


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    Conspiracy theorists fill your boots, cargo ship sails straight into US jet fuel tanker at rest.


    Certainly not beyond the capability of terrorists or malicious states.


    • #

      Already full – just ate this: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2025-03-11/burke-says-dutton-conned-by-caravan-hoax/105033778

      The lack of detonator isn’t really proof – it is quite a small thing you can carry with you on the day:

      Deputy Commissioner Barrett indicated the caravan plot never posed a genuine threat, noting there had been no detonator.

      “Almost immediately, experienced investigators within the joint counter-terrorism team believed that the caravan was part of a fabricated terrorist plot, essentially a criminal con job,” he said.


      • #

        “Test run”?

        To monitor the scope of the “reactions? Also the language seems a little “inexact”.

        “Detonator” has a very specific technical meaning; a device which produces a shock-wave and “brissance” to activate the serious explosive material.

        The “box of tricks” which releases an electric current to cause that detonator to function is an “initiator” or “exploder”. Pyrotechnic fuses like “Safety fuse” or the more exciting “Detonating cord / Fuse, instantaneous” are a whole different “playground”. You know when you are working with GOOD pyro operators: They have all their fingers, two good eyes (and eyebrows), and only mild “industrial deafness”.

        So, if there were slabs of the good stuff in that van, that is one thing. Were these “charges” fitted with embedded detonators in the time-honoured way? MOST modern explosives only react to a “shock-wave” above specified intensity / velocity. Also, MOST modern explosives, if in a fire and unconfined, will merrily BURN, only. Using a modest off-cut of C-4 plastic explosive to “boil the billy”, is an old Army engineers expedient. A bit harsh on the cookware due to high temperatures, but NO KABOOM. Still, NOT recommended for those with poor attention to detail.


    • #

      Until more facts are available, my feeling – as a former safety manager for an LNG Operator, having read hundreds [if not thousands] of accident reports, and done dozens of accident investigations in nearly 50 years in shipping – is it is likely to be human error – not keeping a proper look-out by all available means; perhaps disabling alarms; or possibly asleep on watch.

      But nobody, at this stage can absolutely rule out a malicious intent.




      • #
        Leo G

        having read hundreds [if not thousands] of accident reports, and done dozens of accident investigations in nearly 50 years in shipping – is it is likely to be human error

        As a former member of an engineering investigation team, my view is that there is likely to be multiple contributing causes.

        One possible contributing factor is the location that the Stena Immaculate was anchored some distance out from the coast and in active sea lanes due to the presence of wind farms closer to the Port of Hull (its destination).


        • #

          I understand she was going to Immingham, on the Lincolnshire side.
          Also, there were – as usual – several ships anchored off the Humber – the plot I saw suggests about eight in an array running roughly ENE away from the river mouth.
          And doubtless there are many wind-subsidy-catchers off shore there, which will complicate passage planning.

          Multiple causes – certainly – the ‘Swiss cheese’ principle.
          Might that include hours of work/rest, or [perhaps] manual chart correction or cargo calculations or completing paperwork ahead of the arrival in Rotterdam?
          But ‘human error’ is a broad bucket.



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      Hope they weren’t relying on Starlink – its been a little scratchy in the region lately


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    My latest on capping killing.

    Lift the veil on wind power killing eagles
    By David Wojick

    Some key excerpts:
    “Every land based wind facility in America has a permit to kill a certain number of eagles every year. What these kill numbers add up to is a secret that should be public information. Is it hundreds, thousands or tens of thousands?

    Given these numbers we can decide how to limit them. We also need better data on actual kills so it is time to lift the veil on wind power killing eagles.”

    “When it comes to eagles and onshore wind projects there is a glaring deficiency that should be corrected — the killing is unlimited. Every project gets a permit so the total number of allowed deaths just keeps going up and up as more projects come online. Surely this is wrong.

    There should be a strict limit to the cumulative total number of kills allowed each year. In the regulatory world this is called a cap on killing. We see something like this sort of cap in the issuance of State hunting licenses for large game. It could be called the wind power bag limit.”

    Lots more in the article. Please share it.


    • #

      “There should be a strict limit to the cumulative total number of kills allowed each year.”

      An excellent idea, and very hard to argue against!


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    This is news! Obama’s third term. Or that of his activist 20 something and 30 something staff.

    Most if not all documents ‘signed’ by President Joe Biden were signed electonically with autopen.

    He must have been too busy for four years to sign any documents personally, so just a click with Autopen and no way of verifying that he even saw or read the documents or was in the building at the time, given he was down the beach house for half his term.

    Which would explain why he was not aware he had signed an Act the day before or the contents of the Act, as ascertained by speaker Johnson. There is now an investigation into who actually signed.


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      I have always worried about these fake signatures, even without witnesses. Surely the signing is fully traceable or it is a joke.

      So it should not be too hard to determine where these documents were autosigned. Presumably in the White House unless couriered to the beach and back. That is a hard fact. I expect it is possible and connectable to a secure server with tracking, so whoever signed may well have been at the President’s Desk. Who was it?

      If it can be ascertained that Joe Biden was at his beach house when the documents were autosigned in the White House, the blowup will be incredible. It would show that Joe Biden was not President and that person or persons unknown were signing or creating laws. This is a task you cannot delegate. It is treason. Biden forgot to pardon Obama or his White House staff.

      But you can be sure the records of the AutoSign have been deleted, accidentally. But people will talk when facing a charge of treason.


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    X censors climate content by using an Al Gore Rhythm

    (from a meme)


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    More science Tomf*ckery in the US.

    Some one should find out who has paid for this and anhilate the people responsible.

    Peer-Reviewed Study Links Bird Flu Strain to USDA Gain-of-Function Experiment in Georgia



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      As Mark Twain noted:

      “No man’s life, liberty or property is safe while the legislature is in session” (1866)

      And that was before the terminal bloat of the Pubic Serpents and “autopen”.


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    The other is that treacherous fake Liberal Malcolm Turnbull and ‘smartest man in the room’ is effectively boasting that he bettered Donald Trump in avoiding tariffs. Trump has reacted very badly and predictably to this double insult, that he was tricked and that he is certainly not as smart as President Xi of China. And Malcolm Turnbull is smarter than both. So why did he do it?

    Trump could now ask about Malcolm’s absurd personal gift by himself to himself of $444million given without plan, terms or conditions to his wife Lucy’s committee to ‘save’ the Great Barrier Reef. Just as this genius was being thrown out of office for incompetence having stolen the job from Tony Abbott. The cash has not been seen since. But each year at budget time there is a $14 Million interest bill for the borrowed money. Where’s the money Malcolm? Have you fixed the Barrier Reef yet?

    This amount is probably only equivalent to 6 tons of gold with rocketing gold prices, but still comparable to the biggest scams Musk has found in USAID. Who says Australian politicians cannot match Democrat politicians in theft? The new Medici family, like Albanese throwing a cool billion where ever he likes as in the incredibly speculative US company for Quantum Computing or new windmills and solar panels subsidies for aluminum smelting, without a plan or often hope of a return.

    Aluminum smelting, highly subsidized to keep the jobs, will not be acceptable to the Americans. It is a scam since electricity prices went through the roof. Our Green electricity is far too expensive, likely more than the value of the metal. Another 25% on the aluminum price will kill sales or subsidies will have to rocket. Probably the latter. But who needs manufacturing, transport or farming? Certainly not the Australian Labor party, British Labor party, EU or Democrats. Down with the workers.


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      another ian

      FWIW – re that Darwin port lease and Turnbull

      “Beijing’s ‘Panama Strategy’ Is Global”



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        David Maddison

        Giving away the Darwin Port, under the fake conservative Liberals no less, and furthermore on a ridiculously long 99 year lease, was stupid and traitorous beyond comprehension.

        The lease was even reviewed by the Al-bozo regime and concluded “nothing to see here”. The cluelessness and traitorousness is staggering.


        Both factions of the Uniparty are in lockstep.


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          It was the Shandong Landbridge Group and Andrew Robb who presided over the deal left parliament to take up a consultancy with it paying eight hundred and eighty thousand dollars a year until a couple of years afterwards legislation was being enacted which would have obliged him to register as a foreign agent; he was a famous sufferer of depression and no doubt the syndrome was significantly kicked along when he forsook his yearly bonus emolument –somewhere hearts bleed eh.


        • #

          The cluelessness and traitorousness is staggering.

          Wasn’t it free trade? Those with more cards in their hand wins.


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    David Maddison

    Some raptors in northern Australia deliberately spread fire by taking burning sticks from existing fires and dropping them in other locations to start new fires to catch prey.

    I didn’t believe this when I first read it so did a genuine fact check myself (not a fake “fact check” of the Left).






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    another ian

    FWIW – things in the covid world

    “Don’t get mad! Yesterday, the far-left Boston Globe ran an astonishing story headlined, “The case against Anthony Fauci.” To remove all doubt, the sub-headline explained, “On the fifth anniversary of the COVID outbreak, a new book examines where American science — and politics — went wrong.” ”

    “This Globe article wasn’t the first acknowledgement in corporate media of elite failure during the pandemic. But three things stood out. First, it was the harshest, least apologetic takedown to date. Second, it appeared in one of the pandemic era’s most enthusiastic “science” defenders, the Boston Globe. And third, it disgracefully did so without any acknowledgement of the Globe’s own role as gatekeeper, enforcer, and cheerleader of the approved lie.

    In other words, they haven’t learned their lesson yet.”

    “But in another sense, the pandemic is not over. Trust in the institutions lies in ruin, where it belongs. The perpetrators of a historically destructive fraud have — so far — escaped punishment. While the media is starting to come around, the so-called experts — the architects of this disaster — are still clinging to their fictions, investing their ill-gotten pandemic proceeds, and hoping the public forgets before they’re ever held to account.

    But we are not forgetting.”


    And other things


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    another ian

    FWIW – To my amazement I just got a spam email pushing something called

    “Hydrogen Water”

    Never heard of that so I went looking using that as a search term. An example –

    “Hydrogen Water Health Benefits”


    And you can buy “Hydrogen Water Bottles”

    I think I’ll stick to the thousand odd years geologically filtered version from the Great Artesian Basin


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      David Maddison

      There is no scam which is too stupid or bizarre for an utterly dumbed-down population.

      The same ones that fall for such scams are the sane ones that would vote for Labor, Greens or Teals or even the fake conservative Liberals.

      And we just saw in WA that a majority of people are sufficiently stupid to vote for Labor/Greens even though the Liberals would have been the least bad choice.


      • #

        Yeah but it was Western Australia’s voters which gave us the thirty-two percent federal Labor government; the preponderant population is elsewhere and will annihilate this rabble when Albo, who wants four year terms, reluctantly calls the election; how he must envy Zelensky who has martial law and can sit in office until death supervenes.


        • #

          It’s got nothing to do with green hydrogen, and is a genuine health-zealot thing. I have seen doctors discussing it.


          • #
            Environment sceptic

            Maybe “health” hydrogen water can replace carbonated water (Carbon water) in things such as Coke, Champaign, beer etc…..every year, trillions of tons (sorry no links) of carbon is released into the atmosphere by fizzy drinks.

            Maybe hydrogen water is a solution to all those carbonated water emmissions. ? LoL, hehe 🙂


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        Geoff Sherrington

        Australia would be a better place if the many herbalist and alternative medicine manufacturers were convinced to use their manufacturing plant and distribution systems to make useful mainstream medications, with options to export.
        Half the shelf space in your typical pharmacy is filled with junk that is so profitable to its pushers that they have been buying up retail pharmacy chains. The public who buy the junk are not educated to know that it is junk sitting side by side with proven useful medications.
        It seems to be one of the biggest retail con jobs going on as we watch it getting bigger.
        I am happy to retract my observations given credible evidence that I am wrong. My Science degree had a Chemistry emphasis, which is sometimes useful, but pharmacy is a different major. Geoff S


        • #

          Non-mainstream health products probably sell through word of mouth, so if it works for someone they will tell their friends and relatives, and so it gets passed around. I always reckon that’s the best recommendation for any product, not-withstanding that it may work for them but not for me.

          Its like feedback on Ebay, a public opinion highly sought-after by the sellers. In contrast, having your MD give you a scrip for a mainstream medication quite likely has no feedback at all, and they’re unlikely to care if it works or not.


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      another ian

      I didn’t open the email to see if there is a “green H” connection.


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      “The tablets contain hydrogen, and you dissolve them in water to create a drink.

      …but no mention of what else the tablets contain to hold the hydrogen.. Wasn’t that ship on fire carrying hydrogen bound to cyanide?


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      Honk R Smith

      I prefer the Oxygen water.


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    Is the Tesla car mankind’s most perfect creation?

    They’re known for being the most reliable, affordable and well-produced cars in human history? Should the Australian government award Elon Musk (the inventor of EVs) an Australian of the Year award next year to immortalise his achievement?


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      Yes, and why all the red thumbs? Listening to Elon for the last number of weeks on DOGE, is just amazing. The amount of fraud and incompetence in the US government is quite startling. No doubt there is the same level of malevolence in the Australian government, because there is no one really watching the waste. We have Attorney Generals , but like the US, they seem either unwilling or powerless to stop government waste. As Elon put it, we have unelected people doling out someone else’s money to unknown people. It’s a recipe for a disaster. So I vote Elon for AOTY and throw in a Nobel peace prize while we’re at it. (They gave one to Obama for essentially nothing)


      • #

        Red thumbs could be because they don’t like EV’s and don’t realise Twiggy is being facetious. At least that’s how I took the comment given some of the attributes mentioned and the fact that only Australians (or permanent residents) can be Australian of the year.

        If the comment was serious then I’d consider giving it a red thumb 🙂


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    another ian


    “Our civilisation is worth it.”


    In comments

    “The envy of the Labor Party. Death for swapping sides.”

    “And of the Democrats in USA”


  • #
    John Connor II

    The EU digital Euro rolls out this year


    Translation: we’re broke and out of time, and this will stop you moving yoyr money out of the Eurozone.
    Capital controls.


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    John Connor II

    JC2 tech tips: maximising your Google search results

    Top 12 advanced search techniques:

    Or the same but for Python programmers:

    Or in written form:


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    John Connor II

    New research has discovered the heaviest element known to science


    DM will love it.


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    The first generation of AUKUS nuclear submarines will be built in the UK and Australia, based on the UK’s world-leading submarine design, the Prime Minister has announced today alongside the leaders of Australia and the United States.

    In September 2021 the UK, Australia and the United States of America announced an historic, trilateral endeavour to support Australia to acquire a conventionally-armed, nuclear-powered submarine or ‘SSN’ – a partnership known as AUKUS.

    Following an 18-month scoping period to establish the optimal pathway to Australia acquiring this capability, a model has been chosen based on the UK’s world-leading design and incorporating cutting-edge US submarine technology.

    Australia and the UK will both build new submarines to this design, known as ‘SSN-AUKUS’, with construction of the UK’s submarines taking place principally in Barrow-in-Furness. Australia will work over the next decade to build up its submarine industrial base, and will build its submarines in South Australia with some components manufactured in the UK.

    The first UK submarines built to this design will be delivered in the late 2030s to replace the current Astute-Class vessels, and the first Australian submarines will follow in the early 2040s.

    The SSN-AUKUS submarines will be the largest, most advanced and most powerful attack submarines ever operated by the Royal Navy, combining world-leading sensors, design and weaponry in one vessel.

    This massive multilateral undertaking will create thousands of jobs in the UK in the decades ahead, building on more than 60 years of British expertise designing, building and operating nuclear-powered submarines. As the home of British submarine building, most of these jobs will be concentrated in Barrow-in-Furness with further roles created elsewhere along the supply chain, including in Derby.

    Choosing an interoperable submarine design will allow the Royal Navy, with its Australian and US counterparts to work together to meet shared threats and deter aggression. This includes in the Indo-Pacific where the refresh of the UK’s Integrated Review, published today, has confirmed the importance of increased engagement in this febrile region. The strategy confirms the Indo-Pacific ‘tilt’ as a permanent pillar of the UK’s international policy.

    The UK’s SSN-AUKUS submarines will also help us maintain our commitment to defending the Euro-Atlantic region, adding to the work we do through NATO as the alliance’s largest European contributor.


    • #
      David Maddison

      By the time the Australian Government decides on what specifications are required, that will waste another decade or two.

      We should just get off-the-shelf Virginia class subs built in the US. On time and on or below budget under TRUMP.

      The UK is a failing country and likely won’t be around in its present form by the end of the contract period.

      And anything built in Australia will be subject to massive delays and cost-overruns.


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      ” the first Australian submarines will follow in the early 2040s.”

      A complete waste of taxpayer’s money, they will be obsolete before they get built. Like aircraft carriers, they are a symbol of a past age before drones changed the world of warfare.

      If we want them sooner we should buy them off the Yanks, or cheaper, off the Russians. However I figure that will never happen, Trump will think we are going to pass their tech onto the Chinese, and Putin will think we are going to pass their tech onto the Yanks.

      We’d be better off developing our own coastal patrol hunter-killer underwater drones and making sure no-one else’s subs get near us.

      If a Kiwi can build these…


      Why don’t we have AI-controlled underwater drones already?

      Ah- because the Govt would ban them! NSW banned the Boogie mentioned above.



      • #
        David Maddison

        Everything gets banned in Australia, one of the world’s most comprehensive Nanny States.


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        ‘ … better off developing our own coastal patrol hunter-killer underwater drones …’

        Agree, the $300 billion earmarked for the subs would be better spent on state of the art drones of every description.


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    Shout out to David Maddison. Today in The Australian an article about vitamin deficiencies in the general population. A story based more on UK than Australia but good article nonetheless. Actually mentions Vitamin D- well, knock me down with a feather!! 1 in 6 Poms are Vitamin D deficient and my bet is that Australia would not be far behind. Even with our sunnier conditions a good slice of Australians are probably Vit D deficient, particularly in the older more vulnerable aged cohort.


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      David Maddison

      And the Vitamin D deficiency is probably even higher than that because any claimed deficiency is based on what’s required to prevent rickets, not the much higher levels required to prevent other conditions associated with Vitamin D deficiencies. Also, even in sunny Australia many people are deficient because they are told to cover up in the sun, or not go outside at all, and older people are not as efficient as synthesising Vitamin D, plus the medical profession is mostly clueless about it. And Government “authorities” in Australia say its useless or harmful.

      I documented Government Disinformation about Vitamin D in my submission about the censorship bill. This is my previous submission about the censorship bill.


      And as was pointed out yesterday by Tel, Their ABC claimed Vitamin D could be toxic.



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        David, not sure if you picked up my comment about all the disinformation regarding IVM and HCL performed by the medical “blob”. But all those actions against any early intervention with the re-purposed anti-virals was based on their decades long experience ( war ?) against Vitamin D. So, firstly the censoring of advocates, then the disinformation ( creation of confusion), then the sabotage trials followed by the poisoning scare. What was done for Vitamin D over many years was simply compressed into months for IVM etc. But not all the medical fraternity are brain washed. My MIL in aged care was given Vitamin D supplements for her time there. My father ( in another facility )- no. It depended on the visiting medico and their recommendations. Seems like it should be compulsory for all aged care. Or at the very least encourage residents to sit in the sun when conditions are suitable. But I think that was all too complicated for the staff to perform.


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          Geoff Sherrington

          Maybe I am not alone in thinking that we are now in a phase of social interactions where the people available to help us, such as workers in aged care homes, simply do not have the overall education or intelligence to provide what is expected of them, in part because of a drop in educational standards and a rise in the number of people without English as a first language.
          Maybe I am just cranky. Currently, I cannot withdraw funds from a regular bank account opened before year 2007 because I cannot recall the answers to all security questions. The bank proposes no way past the impasse. Next, when my car was damaged, the insurer for the other party volunteered that they would make good the pre-accident position until my car was repaired including them paying for a hire car. Four times now they have cancelled the hire car, then renewed it after listening to reason. Today, it was cancelled again, but this time the insurer offered me free psychiatric counselling to recognise that “We understand that this maybe a difficult time for you and I would like to extend the RACV Customer Support Program to you. This is a confidential phone counselling and wellbeing service at no cost to you. We will send more information on this service and how to access this service.” Third, one of the car hire firms tried to argue with reality, got cranky, refused to supply a car and then did a global blacklist of my name forever, being sole, self-appointed judge, jury and executioner. And more. In the last few months there has been a barrage of insolence when I have enjoyed respect for 50 years, coming mostly from pimply, fat youngsters who have limited experience of much beyond DEI and ESG and safe spaces for snowflakes. Indian-looking women are not excluded from accusation.
          Are other readers noticing a similar trend? Geoff S


          • #
            David Maddison

            That’s shocking Geoff, but none of it is the least bit surprising.

            As for your banking problem, perhaps you could take it to the Banking Ombudsman and ask them to generate a solution.

            As for the global blacklist for the car rental company, perhaps you could write to the CEO and threaten to take the matter to social media.


          • #
            Honk R Smith

            Yep, I notice the change in social interaction.
            There may be a correlation between the intelligence level of a society and the adaptation of nose rings
            and tattoos among the young adult population.

            Also as an oldster, the digital world gets more annoying and difficult.
            Media is getting difficult, as it very nearly entirely propaganda narrative fear porn.
            I come to JoNova to get a hint about actual news.

            Most of us grew up in a world where there was sense of a general government structure that would usually adjudicate things with a modicum of fairness and integrity.
            I used to have a general feeling that there was at least a small contingent in the US Congress that would stand in the way if things got too wanton.
            This is fading.


          • #

            “..simply do not have the overall education or intelligence to provide what is expected of them, in part because of a drop in educational standards and a rise in the number of people without English as a first language.. coming mostly from pimply, fat youngsters who have limited experience of much beyond DEI and ESG and safe spaces for snowflakes.”

            The product of a lifetime of Govt Socialism! Once we had all the engineers and science graduates we needed, everyone else was pushed into the humanities. Then the Socialists thought flooding the country with immigrants would be a good idea while they dumbed down the education system so everyone passed.

            I feel there are not many of those people in Ukraine at the moment, on either side of the front lines, and that is probably what it will take to change the direction of the ship of state. From politicians all the way down to the unemployed, we have been too long without struggle and are seeing the results of that.

            I’d love to know how the bank resolves your problem, it will become more common and most likely hit me sooner or later.


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    In August 2019 Jo brought to our attention the diesel powered EV charger at the roadhouse on the Nullarbor. It made sort of sense.


    It seems the NRMA has put up more. Here’s a pom with nothing to be proud of, certainly not his hair, having a shot at these. It is laughable but without these it would be impossible to drive East to West.



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    another ian

    FWIW – the IOT

    “Undocumented commands found in Bluetooth chip used by a billion devices”


    Via Instapundit


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    Definition of ‘fired’ needs updating to include drones now. – to shoot bullets, etc. from a gun or other weapon

    Should it be fired if it is a drone for military purposes but launch if it is delivering groceries or filming landscapes perhaps?
    What if it is used for military purposes but for surveillance rather than attack?

    AI will have the answers I guess….



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    When is terrorism not terrorism? When it is Civil Unrest….


    (checked – a search on terrorism doesn’t bring this up)


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    Qld Senate debate – I might not respect all views, I admire those that dare step up to the podiums


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    The report detailed a series of traumatic experiences, including a woman forced to give birth to her stillborn son alone because her husband was refused entry to the hospital and denied any chance of holding him.

    Others included a man dressed up in a suit to watch his father’s funeral from his kitchen table, an ovarian cancer patient unable to see her surgeon on the other side of a state border closure and a domestic violence victim left alone with her abuser as loved ones were unable to check in on her.

    The report drew attention to the disproportionate impact restrictions had on families unable to say goodbye to their dying loved ones and residents of public housing towers subject to a “severe” lockdown in Melbourne in 2021.

    Human Rights Commissioner Lorraine Finlay said while Australia’s pandemic response saved lives, it came at a significant cost.

    I remember reading about the start of the Melbourne lockdowns. They started with the towers, then people complained that this was discriminatory. I woke up the next morning to hear that they had said F-you all then, you are all locked down, then we don’t discriminate. I cried a bit that day.

    Can’t discriminate if you treat everyone with disdain. Can’t get caught by Hate law if you hate everyone.


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