Deposits, transfers, cheques and snail-mail — thank you!

I quite understand if Paypal is not for you. (But the Paypal option is here if you are looking for that.)

By Mail

I’m more than happy to accept posted contributions, though Australian banks can’t take personal cheques from other countries.

Joanne Nova
LPO Box 1931
Western Australia 6944

By Direct Deposit

This is the the most cost effective method within Australia (avoids Paypal Fees).


Bank Name:………National Australia Bank (NAB)
Account name:    Unqwerty Pty Ltd
BSB: ………………086420
Account number:     563148308


The costs for Direct deposit depend on your bank and ours. This can be expensive from overseas, and is  efficient for larger amounts (over $200) internationally. (Paypal is cheaper for smaller ones).

Bank Name:………National Australia Bank (NAB)

Joanne Nova, photo.

Thank you.

Account name:     Unqwerty Pty Ltd
BSB:         …………..086420
Account number:     563148308

National Australia Bank BRANCH address:*

500 Bourke Street, Melbourne, VIC, 3000, Australia

UPDATED: 14 July 2022.

Thank you

I do most appreciate the help.

Most gratefully yours,


Image: Pebble, Jo Nova.

9.8 out of 10 based on 31 ratings

84 comments to Deposits, transfers, cheques and snail-mail — thank you!

  • #
    Edward Hayes

    Hi Joanne met you and your husband in Newcastle N.S.W. with Lord Munckton, most impressed with the tenacity and effort please keep up the good work. Cheers, E Hayes.


  • #
    Hank Mentink


    The research summarized below was just reported in the Applied Physics Research Journal. Perhaps you would like to review it on your website or us it in your efforts to bring sanity to the world. It is predicting that we are entering another “Little Ice Age” based on measurements of the heat output of the sun over many years.

    via ICECAP
    Applied Physics Research Vol. 4, No. 1 | February 2012

    Bicentennial Decrease of the Total Solar Irradiance Leads to Unbalanced Thermal Budget of the Earth
    Habibullo I. Abdussamatov, Pulkovo Observatory of the RAS
    Applied Physics Research Vol. 4, No. 1; February 2012

    Temporal changes in the power of the longwave radiation of the system Earth-atmosphere emitted to space always lag behind changes in the power of absorbed solar radiation due to slow change of its enthalpy. That is why the debit and credit parts of the average annual energy budget of the terrestrial globe with its air and water envelope are practically always in an unbalanced state.

    Average annual balance of the thermal budget of the system Earth-atmosphere during long time period will reliably determine the course and value of both an energy excess accumulated by the Earth or the energy deficit in the thermal budget which, with account for data of the TSI forecast, can define and predict well in advance the direction and amplitude of the forthcoming climate changes.

    From the early 1990s we observe bicentennial decrease in both the TSI and the portion of its energy absorbed by the Earth. The Earth as a planet will henceforward have negative balance in the energy budget which will result in the temperature drop in approximately 2014. Due to increase of albedo and decrease of the greenhouse gases atmospheric concentration the absorbed portion of solar energy and the influence of the greenhouse effect It will additionally decline.

    The influence of the consecutive chain of feedback effects which can lead to additional drop of temperature will surpass the influence of the TSI decrease. The onset of the deep bicentennial minimum of TSI is expected in 2042plus or minus 11, that of the 19th Little Ice Age in the past 7500 years – in 2055 plus or minus 11.

    After the maximum of solar cycle 24, from approximately 2014 we can expect the start of the next bicentennial cycle of deep cooling with a Little Ice Age in 2055 plus or minus 11. Thus, long-term variations of TSI (with account for their direct and secondary, based on feedback effects, influence) are the main fundamental cause of climate changes since variations of the Earth climate is mainly determined by a long-term imbalance between the energy of solar radiation entering the upper layers of the Earth’s atmosphere and the total energy emitted from the Earth back to space.


  • #
    John Campbell

    Where can I donate using PayPal? It’s so-o-o-o-o much easier than mucking around with bank transfers – especially from overseas (whcih is where I am).



  • #

    Paypal? Yes, for people overseas, it’s the simplest. I’ve added in this link: on the page above. The button is always on the top left column.

    Thank you for taking the time to ask. I should have had the link there.


  • #
    john turner

    Dear Jo- a small donation towards chocolate should arrive soon ,by direct bank transfer. Apologies for the size of the donation but I am a pensioner. Keep up the good work.


    Thank you John! All donations welcome. If everyone gave 10c a page I’d be set! Merci – Jo


  • #

    Hi Jo & David

    A small contrib.

    If ever back in Newcastle you can bring the chocolates then




  • #
    Spotted Reptile

    Jo, THANK YOU so much for allowing direct transfer for donations of chocolate. I am one of the myriad horror stories from Paypal and do not wish to repeat my experience. A donation is coming to you.


    No. Thank you! – Jo


  • #
    Rod Jacques

    Jo, as promised a small donation via bank transfer. Merry Xmas to you both and a very successful New Year.


  • #

    Hi Jo,
    A small gift towards cost of new PC has been sent by direct deposit from Pete.


  • #

    Direct credit of 50 chocolate support units now in transit from my company account “All Things Oil”.

    It’s small oil only – so don’t panic 🙂

    I followed a link from Catallaxy Files where Poor Rafe did his duty (thank you, Messrs Gilbert & Sullivan).

    John Angelico


  • #
    Fred Colbourne

    If I remember correctly I have used Visa to pay via Paypal without opening a Paypal account.

    Can you please check out if this option is still available. I see your Paypal page has a down arrow to select options but it does not work. Possibly you have to turn it on.

    I am not allowed to operate a Paypal account in the country where I live. The reason is that my Visa account is with a US brokerage firm and I live in Malaysia.

    Malaysia does not allow foreigners to operate local debit or credit cards. Catch-22.


    • #
      Rereke Whakaaro

      You could always visit Singapore … Just a suggestion. 🙂

      I had three happy years commuting on the train between both countries. I even managed to get a couple of trips, without having a goat, or chickens, in the compartment with me.

      If you ever traveled by rail, in that part of the world, you will know what I mean.


  • #
    Frank Funder

    I am so grateful to you Jo for your tireless good work. I’m EFTing you some chocolate money. If only our politicians were not so gutless as to acquiesce in the groupthink.


  • #

    I have a new post box number, apologies for the inconvenience. The new one is:

    LPO Box 1931
    Western Australia 6944


  • #

    “Unqwerty Pty Ltd”?

    Do you have something against the traditional keyboard layout?


  • #

    Just found you – keep up the good work. I have been grinding my teeth in frustration at the ABC for a while now.


  • #
    paul wilkie

    a small donation gladly submitted–please do not hesitate in future to seek further financial endorsements as i was unaware of your unpaid endeavors as i,m sure were many others—keep up the exemplary work –cheers for now –Paul w


  • #
    Fat Tony

    Just direct deposited $50 for you Jo – keep up the good work – don’t feel embarrassed by asking for $$$ – a little bit from many is much for one. thanks again.


  • #
    Spotted Reptile

    Just read your other half’s preview of the indirect solar force and global warming and felt compelled to send a small amount. This is real science that is badly needed.


  • #

    Only enough for a couple of cups of coffee. Great efforts you two


  • #

    David Evans and Jo Nova,
    yr hypothesis and research:

    *are offered freely
    *are self funded
    *show yr workings
    *are falsifiable

    Plus four (and more.)

    A serf anecdote:
    I well remember Dr Evan newspaper article on
    ‘The Missing Hotspot’ that alerted me to the
    problems of the climate change unquestioned
    consensus and a possibility that human kind
    may not be doomed by hockey-stick-tipping-
    point-hikes in atmospheric temperatures.
    (Thx and the cheque’s in the mail.)



  • #
    Peter G

    Just popped 100 units into jar, following suggestion by Jennifer M.

    Thanks! — Really helpful of you – Jo


  • #

    I’m trying to buy chocolate using my VISA card but can’t seem to find the appropriate page.
    Apologies for being obtuse but can anyone help?

    Thank you! Good question, which I need to explain better on the site. Paypal lets you donate with a credit card, even if you don’t have a paypal account. Pick a tip jar in here, and you will get the option on the paypal screen (right hand side – bottom half) to “Pay with a credit or debit card”. Signing up with paypal is “optional”. It looks like a fairly standard form.

    [Thank you Mod Oggi for helping – Jo]


    • #

      Who the hell is ‘Mod Oggi’? Is this some AU varmint that I have not the opportunity to pi** off really good! Identify yourself critter! The Mods are great! The new mods may have to clean the terlet a few more times. 🙂

      [Not sure if you are combining the two moderators, Mod, and Oggi, but both have been around for quite some time. Sometimes a Mod takes a leave of absence because of pressure at work or home or holidays etc. So you may have just been lucky to escape them. 🙂 – Mod]


  • #
    paul wilkie

    A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.- W Churchill
    Keep up the good work–a few more scheckles from me–cheers for now paul w

    Thank you – really appreciate the help. – Jo


  • #

    Hi Jo,

    You are doing a great job. Always read your blog. Wanted to post you a letter and came upon this page, so sent you a donation too.

    Hope it helps. Cheers X


  • #

    Why do I look so cranky? lol 🙂

    [Luck of the draw. :-)] AZ


  • #
    Ian Weule

    Continuing theme of #23 : Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few. W. Churchill.

    I’m sending a bit more chocolate support too.

    You’re doing an awesome job. Keep up the great work.
    Best regards – Ian Weule.


  • #
    Duncan McNeil

    Hi there,

    I have just cancelled my regular monthly donations to Action Aid (UK) because they have organised a climate change action day. I would have liked to have set up a regular monthly payment to you for chocolate using these funds but it looks like it would be too expensive sending money from Scotland to Australia in small amounts. Please accept this one off donation to acknowledge all the good work yourself and David have produced over the last few years and I look forward to the next part of David’s grand opus.

    kind regards,
    Duncan McNeil


  • #

    Jo – just tipped a little bit in – I do hope it helps.



  • #

    BTW – Meery Christmas and all the best for the New Year.

    Many thanks for al yours and Davids efforts.

    Karma will be good to you both I’m certain.



  • #
    spangled drongo

    What the world needs now…..More Jos and Davids.


  • #
    paul wilkie

    Just paying a few bills and since it,s been a year have sent a few more $$$ your way—cheers for now pw


  • #
    Caroline Kettle

    have just set up a small monthly donation directly into your account, couldn’t find a way to do it on paypal. sorry it’s small,

    thank you for all you and David are doing.

    Thank you Caroline! — Jo


  • #
    John Bowra

    I’m trying to make a direct deposit but my Australian bank insists that there is something amiss with Unqwerty’s account number i.e. it doesn’t exist or is wrong!
    I’m perfectly happy for you to email me directly with ‘corrected’ information.

    [Thank you John, we will leave your comment here in moderation so that Joanne sees it. Thank you so much for your support.]ED


  • #
    paul wilkie

    A few more $$$ from me- —Merry xmas and happy new year to all you guy,s–Keep up the good work
    With regard to john b,s comment above re the a/c # not working I have this # in my frequent billers list and the transfer[suncorp] appears to have worked ok from there
    cheers for now
    Paul w

    [Thanks for supporting Jo’s great work Paul. – Mod]


  • #
    Andy R

    Merry Xmas Jo and David,
    Thanks for all your efforts.
    A tip on its way to you.

    [Your support will be a great help to keep the site going. – Mod]


  • #
    duncan Veasey

    Thanks for all you do, Ma’am. Stellar site. Are we really turning the supertanker? Merry Christmas from the GWN.


  • #
    paul wilkie

    Seasons greetings and cheers to you and your crew–A few $$$ gratefully deposited—Keep up the good work
    endeavoring to –keep the bastards honest—[don chipp]
    Cheers for now
    Paul Wilkie


  • #
    Lewis P Buckingham

    Pay Pal wants to get my address to deliver the chocolates.
    Should I give it? I thought they may melt.


  • #
    john karajas

    Hi Jo

    Happy New Year to you, David and your family. Hopefully my donation of $100 comes through to you but, if Pay Pal has defeated my efforts, please let me know and I’ll try again.

    Otherwise: please keep up your FANTASTIC effort in trying to save our Civilisation. You truly are a burst of sanity.


  • #
    Alan Barron

    Hi Jo,
    There has been some great ads on TV from the Mineral Council of Australia (MCA) based in Brisbane, (see link below)

    How can we support the MCA? We need to encourage them to keep these ads going for as long as possible. Also we should write to our local members of parliament to encourage them to see the video and to push for the building og HELE power stations in Australia. Unfortunately they believe in man made global warming so favour carbon capture and storage, which is crazy, counter productive.

    It was a big mistake to sell off the power stations. In order for a government to be doing its job, it needs to be doing four things,

    Providing adequate power to run the economy

    Proving adequate water supplies

    Protecting democratic elections.

    Protecting our borders

    AS we all know, State governments have abdicated their responsibility to provide reliable, cheap and stable power. They have given this responsibility to the wind and to the Sun. Nature is increasingly controlling our power supplies. This is a recipe for disaster.

    It’s time we took back ownership of power supplies and built HELE power stations which can produce on demand power 24-7.

    Our water supplies are also at critical levels as no new dams have been in Australia since 1980 –sheer madness! WE are bringing in over one million new people into the country every 4 years, Where is the extra power and water going to come from?

    You can contact Coal21 at:

    Yours Sincerely,

    Alan Barron


    Geelong Climate Sense Coalition


    • #

      Alan, the Minerals Council sometimes to brilliant papers and are very useful, and I cite happily. But I cannot go out of my way to support a group that caved into BHP — thus forsaking most of their members and backed a “clean energy” fairy target.

      I realize there were big forces at work, and it was a torrid challenge they did not ask for. However the reaction was the same as the average spineless committee.


    • #
      Kinky Keith

      I mentioned previously that I heard the chief executive of the Minerals Council interviewed on radio.

      It was an appalling copout and says nothing positive about Australian Politics and thus, our future.



  • #
    Just Thinkin'

    Such a terrific, ALMOST, thankless effort Jo.
    I am truly glad to have met you in 2012 in Perth
    when you got James Delingpole out here. Now I
    am hooked on his postings.

    Anyway, there are three little ducks, all in
    a row, quack, quack, quack, heading your way.

    We need to combat this evil in as many ways
    as we can. How our treasonous politicians
    reckon they can get away with their ramblings
    is beyond belief.

    Keep up the absolutely fantastic work…



  • #

    Would really love to help out but I’m in the US and I refuse to use PayPal. 🙁


  • #
    Mick S

    Thanks Jo.Sent a donation to your account.
    Please keep up the good work.You are a voice of reason and sanity
    in this completely idiotic devotion to the pagan climate change religion.


  • #
    Paul Murphy

    Hi Joanne – I just saw you (on Outsiders) for the first time. Thank you for for your efforts to reduce fear and present an eloquent and informed view. I have made a donation to assist in your good work.

    [Paul, thank you for the donation and I’m leaving your comment here so that Jo sees it promptly.] ED


  • #

    Stephen, What a novel approach! Interesting idea. I fear though that I have minus 20% of time to spare. I don’t even get time to read some of the books people post me. I want to, but can’t. Feel free to advertise the book and link in comments on appropriate threads — try to be on topic if you are posting at the top. You might have luck convincing people if you post a single para or two of quotes. – Jo

    Dear Jo Nova,
    My sister says “deniers” are rich because the fossil fuel companies give them lots of money, so you must be a rich lady. I like rich ladies. You are my favorite climate lady. I did not want to make a post. I wanted you to think about reading my book. Hey, it only costs $2 and I will make 70 cents if you buy it. It’s not a very good book, but you have a sense of humor; so, I thought you might get a laugh out of it. I am not a climate scientist, but I tried to estimate the temperature change associated with a change in carbon dioxide concentration level. The estimates are kind of nonsensical, so I called the book Climate Nonsense. I think the climate debate is a little nonsensical at times as well. All my estimates come out less than the IPCC’s. I think there could be a reason for that. I think lots of climate people read your blog. Maybe one of them would write a book that shows how much temperature change is caused by carbon dioxide using simple reasoning that an ordinary person (or maybe an ordinary engineer who isn’t a climate scientist) could understand. Since I couldn’t do that accurately, I was hoping someone else would. That person was supposed to read my book and say “This is trash. I can do a much better job.” I will buy their book if it is in my price range (<$10). My book is a Kindle book, but you can read it on your computer if you download free software from Amazon.
    Have a pleasant climate,
    Steve Sprout (it’s a stupid last name, so I used “Adrian” as my last name for my book).

    [For Joanne.] ED


  • #

    100 Units via Paypal.

    Appreciate all that you and David do for so many people.


  • #

    On DSP but that doesn’t stop me – all the more reason to donate seeing as my pension comes from the Govt – just redirecting a little bit to you


  • #

    I’m on DSP but that doesn’t stop me – all the more reason to donate seeing as my pension comes from the Govt – just redirecting a little bit to you


  • #
    Jonathon Swatton

    Thanks for your information, it is greatly appreciated.


  • #
    Geoff from Tanjil

    Thank you Jo for your continued effort through 2019. May 2020 bring you good fortune. A contribution has been sent.


  • #
    tolip ydob

    Once upon a time I thought I saw an option for donating via Bitcoin(BTC).
    In the USA it is possible to xfer funds directly to/from CoinBase directly to/from a bank account.
    (CoinBase is a ‘FTC regulated’ online BTC exchange (unlike MtGox the defunct scam site))
    The exchange rates last time I checked were way better than PayPal and bank2bank.

    You can store BTC in your own wallet on your own PC or even on paper and just move it to your exchange wallet when ready to cash out. For same day transactions the volatility is probably tolerable.

    From my bank –> CoinBase –> your personal or exchange BTC wallet typically only takes 15-30 minutes.

    I don’t know how it is UP OVER (I’m standing on me head just to be different) with Austrailian banks and BTC but if it is an option accounts at exchanges are typically free to open.

    Thanks Jo and crew for doing what you do! 🙂


  • #

    Hi Jo. Account name with correct BSB & Ac. Is Unwary toy Ltd. ?? Is this a correct account?
    Cheers G.


  • #
    Kalm Keith

    I should buy more chocolate but anyhow whenever I see Unquerty I laugh because it takes me back to learning to type on a keyboard. Still only use one finger.



  • #
    Fin of The West

    Dear Jo,
    A few Chocolate Tokens have been sent to you!
    Take Care and keep spreading the word.


  • #

    I’ve donated before we all have our bank accounts frozen for being “right wing extremists”.


  • #
    Andre Thomas Lewis

    I’m retired and fixed income so can only tip in A$100.00 today but read your articles regularly and hope you can keep up the good work. Lord knows most of the media and websites are green, woke and globalist so an alternative voice is precious.


  • #
    Old Goat

    Donation made. Its the best value donation I have made….you must keep going.


  • #

    Hi Jo,

    Just sending a donation, which will be the first of many to come.

    I have followed the Catallaxy Files for years, & am sad that the new substitutes have now deteriorated with an influx of trolls.

    Your site, on the other hand, is impeccably managed & is a stunning reservoir of talented, astute commentators. Your own posts,of course, are tremendous.

    We have entered such unparalleled times in terms of the astonishing disregard of the tenets of democratic freedoms, that opportunities for dissent, such as you offer, are invaluable.

    I have been a contributor to the letters page of The Australian for decades, & have been a regular head letter contributor. However, since contributing letters of dissent (very mild!) against the vaccination policy & lack of reporting of eminent virologists’ dissent, I have suddenly been rejected on every occasion. Your blog is absolutely vital to the dissemination of various opinions oaths most critical issue.

    Thank you, thank you for the opportunity.


  • #

    Hi, How do I send an email to admin?
    Can’t see a contact section on the pages.



  • #

    Thank you for all your hard work.
    Have sent a toblerone.


  • #
    Grant Boydell

    Joanne, may your Christmas be filled with happy chocolate.


  • #
    John Andrews

    I would like to subscribe to a monthly order for chocolates using Paypal. There does not seem to be a way. I have done so on other sites, so there should be a Paypal method. In the mean time I will continue to donate frequently, monthly if I don’t forget.


  • #
    Geoff from Tanjil

    Jo and team, thank you for your efforts during 2021.
    I am a long time reader and occasional commenter.
    A small contribution for chockies is on the way.
    All the best for 2022.


    • #

      Thank you! I am grateful for any help. 🙂


      • #
        Arthur H Krugler

        Jo Nova;
        Listend today tp Mark Steyn Interview.
        I have tracked undersea earthquakes near Iceland and Svalbard;
        they do affect water temperature and melting of the Arctic Ice
        as well as west Antarctica glaciers.
        Actually, Sea levels are dropping, Arctic Ice is increasing, World temperatures are dropping.
        And California mountain had record snowfall this year – 72 feet and 5 more inches last nigh.
        I would like to share this with you.
        Arthur Krugler President, Krugler Engineering Group, Inc. R&D.
        I am figuring out how to send chocolate treats. ( Careful – chocolate causes Alzheimers )


  • #

    Keep up the great work sharing some wisdom in 2022.


  • #
    John J. A. Cullen

    Hi Jo, I have sent you some British chocolate via PayPal although I previously had no account with them. So I started on the PayPal payment process; PayPal’s blurb said that I could donate chocolate without creating an account with them. However, in the event they forced me, right at the end of the transaction, to create an account otherwise they would not transfer the chocolate to you. Do your readers know whether PayPal are always sneaky in this way?


  • #
    Geoff from Tanjil

    Hi Jo, thank you for your input to our Federal election.
    Your thoughts, and those of others on all topics are my daily dose of reality. $50 transferred.
    Geoff from Tanjil


  • #
    Roger Macrury

    Made a “non-donation” donation via pay pal. Would have used direct transfer, but the option did not seem to be there. (It is)

    My mistake. Maybe you could increase the prominence of the direct transfer option on the page so others, like me, are less likely to make that mistake.

    Love your work.


  • #

    Practically everyday Jo I link your blog in emails to more friends than I deserve to have. So heartening to read astute critiques like yours in these troubling times. May God bless you and David.


  • #

    Some choc headed your way.


  • #

    Hi Jo

    Can you use this? I’m in the UK and would like to send a tip now and then to say thanks for the blog.

    [Chris — thanks. I need to look into it. But I haven’t seen this one, and I need to check it out. Cheers! – Jo]


  • #
    john Ibbotson

    Please Jo, just allow an email Address and a name and allow it to be a cc payment.


  • #

    Love your work Jo! Only a small contribution but if I ever win Tattslotto you will be fairly high on my list of people I would like to share my luck with. Merry Christmas.


    • #

      Thanks so much Janette, all contributions are gratefully accepted. If every reader helped like you, then I’d rich, and teenagers would be scrambling to be science bloggers. — Jo


  • #
    Stefan L


    Here’s another donation from me.

    Keep up the good work !


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