Sick green-psycho-stars want to kill your children

I just had to pop in.

Thank you 10:10. We could not have come up with better promotion to show how malignantly dangerous the totalitarian eco-fascist dark side of Green is. Send copies of this to your friends. Send them to your enemies!

10:10 produced a star studded sicko fantasy of what their real Christmas gift wish is for the world. When you can’t convince people with reason, mark anyone who disagrees, blow up their children.

Their true nature is so on display… softly, softly,  quietly under the guise of “nice”: trick them, decieve them, say “No Pressure”, and then be judge, jury and executioner in gratuitous orgasmic revenge: press a button and see exploding blood and guts splat on the wall.

The sore losers are so frustrated.

Spot the difference with green terrorism and Islamic Extremists. At least the jihadi’s are not pretending to hide their greedy egotistical self-interest by pretending to “care” about the planet.

[Warning: This contains graphic violence. ]

The original video was removed.

The entire green movement of the world needs to answer this. It doesn’t matter whether they made it or not.  They can’t hide behind this as a joke. Would they let any vigilante out there produce a video of someone blowing up, say, boat people’s kids? Should such a sick “joke” as that be put online. Any true human-rights-respecting, tolerant, compassionate speaking person must denounce the 10:10 video in no uncertain terms.

They used former-stars people who used to have some social standing (what were they thinking?). Gillian Anderson (x-files),  Peter Crouch (footballer), David Ginola (a French footballer), Richard Curtis (film maker, eg Love Actually, Notting Hill), and Radiohead.

My Challenge to Green groups: Call off your attack dogs.

For peace loving environmentalists, you may not have asked for this, but your true colors are being tested and the test comes from within. The challenge goes out to the Greens, Greenpeace, WWF, The Wilderness Society, CAN and the Sierra Club. Will you allow your sychophant totalitarian bullies to push these death-threats under the guise of joke, or will you stand up for human-rights, for peace, for non-violent answers — and denounce 10:10 and demand it’s immediate dissolution? Do environmentalists dream of violent deaths of the children of those who disagree? Unless you  issue clear official statements that you are appalled by the 10:10 threats, that this kind of sicko-psycho intimidation is dangerous and uncivilized, then we mark you as tacitly approving. It only takes one written press release for your organisation to make its stance clear. What say ye?

Can the Greens control their own bullies, or do the bullies show us the real side of the green-meme: The tribe wanting global control, whatever it takes, no matter who stands in their way.

Please post this challenge on Green sites around the world. Lets see which groups have attack dogs, and which groups ARE attack dogs?

These bullies use the Greens, and the Greens use the bullies.

As I mentioned at the Pacrim Conference, as many as 1 in 30 people are estimated to be serial bullies. What do they do when they go home from work? They can Bully-for-the-Planet, where bullying is rewarded instead of shamed. It’s all the fun of noxious superiority, fully approved by the so-called “caring” compassionate enviro-movement. Got your Global Bullies Rewards Card? Ask Greenpeace, it’s coming.

The relationship suits both, the green-power-hungry dictators get a fan club of the nasties: the insecure, attention seeking, mindless zealots. And the bullies get an excuse to enjoy their base desire under the guise of being “caring”. What kind of caring blows away children?

This is not an apology:


Today we put up a mini-movie about 10:10 and climate change called ‘No Pressure’.

With climate change becoming increasingly threatening, and decreasingly talked about in the media, we wanted to find a way to bring this critical issue back into the headlines whilst making people laugh. We were therefore delighted when Britain’s leading comedy writer, Richard Curtis – writer of Blackadder, Four Weddings, Notting Hill and many others – agreed to write a short film for the 10:10 campaign. Many people found the resulting film extremely funny, but unfortunately some didn’t and we sincerely apologise to anybody we have offended.

As a result of these concerns we’ve taken it off our website. We won’t be making any attempt to censor or remove other versions currently in circulation on the internet.

We’d like to thank the 50+ film professionals and 40+ actors and extras and who gave their time and equipment to the film for free. We greatly value your contributions and the tremendous enthusiasm and professionalism you brought to the project.

At 10:10 we’re all about trying new and creative ways of getting people to take action on climate change. Unfortunately in this instance we missed the mark. Oh well, we live and learn.

Onwards and upwards,

Franny, Lizzie, Eugenie and the whole 10:10 team

It’s not about peace, but about power.

This is tribal warfare.

Delingpole sums it up what a PR disaster this is for the greens:

Gillian Anderson, Peter Crouch [a tall footballer], Radiohead, David Ginola [a French footballer] and – above all – Richard Curtis, I salute you! You have just released a video which has entered history as the most emetic, ugly, counterproductive eco-propaganda movie ever made. Believe me this thing is going to go viral beyond your wildest dreams. But unfortunately that virus is ebola.

Richard North EU Referendum: They have show us their true face and it is the face of evil.

The enemy, in this Eco-jihad video, is revealing its true face. And above is that face – Richard Curtis producer of the film and director Dougal Wilson, with the 10:10 gang. The scene looks normal and the Greenshirts look human, but they are not. This is the face of evil. When do we see the yellow armbands and the gas chambers?

This is BIG, and it isn’t going away. Reputations are being trashed online as this rages through the cyber-world.

Where are the good greens??? Time to face your nemesis, and they call themselves “friends”.

Thanks to Barry Woods, Andrew Bolt, BillieQuiz. EU Referendum, Watts Up &  Mark Gillar.

8.6 out of 10 based on 8 ratings

146 comments to Sick green-psycho-stars want to kill your children

  • #
    David Davidovics

    Jo, I was waiting for you to chime in on this one. A little hard to over look.

    The question is, will the MSM report on it?

    Love the blog by the way. I’ve been coming here often but this is my first post (I think)

    Hello from canada!


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    What a gem, hope it gets the exposure it deserves .


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    In a moment of rare candor, the greens have shown us the true nature of their being. That this unspeakably revolting video was thought to be a “good thing” to do was bad enough. That they actually produced and published it, shows they are unfit to be members of a civilized society.


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    Pete Hayes

    They took the video down at the Guardian and other sites once they realized it was a “Mea Culpa” moment.

    Bless those canny people that have seen them do this before (the “we know where you live” thing comes to mind). The canny ones have downloaded, saved and reposted on YouTube! Even the deleted comments have been re-posted on the web.

    As Jo comments, Dellingpole has two articles in the Telegraph, The Guardian has apologized,begrudgingly.
    I await the UK;s Prime Minister being questioned on the use of taxes to support these people. Of course, I will have to drop a line to Sony, O2 etc to ask why their corporations are also funding the exploding children.


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    Peter Wilson

    This is clearly a major stuff up by the warmists, but I’m beginning to wonder about Richard Curtis. Is it not conceivable than he is actually on our side, and has produced this vile piece of trash to illustrate just what obscene lengths the eco-totalitarians will tolerate.

    Surely he was wanting to see how far he could go for just one person to say “hey, you can’t do this, this makes us look like the Khymer Rouge”. But no, these eco-warriors sat through the pitch, the mock ups, the rushes and the previews, and they all thought it was a great idea.

    Very revealing as to the mindset involved, I suggest. Thanks Richard, you really showed them up!


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    Rick Bradford

    @Peter Wilson

    No. Curtis has previous.

    “Award-winning screenwriter Richard Curtis and actor Bill Nighy take their campaign for a Robin Hood tax on banks to the House of Commons today.

    “The frontmen for a coalition of charities and campaigners will be lobbying MPs over the proposal for a small tax on financial transactions which could create billions to be spent on tackling poverty and climate change abroad and preserving public services at home.”


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    This is a ‘must’ for ‘Greatest Hits’ of the Watermelons.
    Hope the troubled Royal Society scrutinise it, if only to
    keep tabs on what their friends are up to


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    […] The totalitarian eco-fascist dark side of Greens (funded by the UK Govt.) Possibly related posts: (automatically generated)We are [Not] Alone?Global Warming, the War on Terrorism, and the Extraterrestrial link to “P…Save the Planet from Global Warming […]


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    I attempted to comment on the Guardian’s thread on this matter but as as been mentioned before the Guardian of free expression subjects my posts to automatic censorship. My pass rate is 1/3 so as a precaution here is my posting on the Guardian:-

    Yes it’s a sick film but ironically the CO2 – climate change lobby and climate fraudsters are already causing deaths.

    For example a number of people were killed on UK and European icy roads last winter (and Spring) due to the fact that the UK and Europe ran out of road salt. This running out of road salt was because Councils and Government heeded the Met Office advice that there would be a mild winter and ignored our WeatherAction warnings that the UK would run out of road salt.

    As I explained to Hilary Benn on Sept 29th at the Labour conference in Manchester the reason why the Met Office long range forecasts were so deadly wrong last winter (and the one before etc etc) was because they back-tested them using (as well as failed assumptions ) CRU data which was fraudulently made warmer than reality so forecasts based on that are bound to come out too warm and cause deaths which could otherwise have been avoided.
    I made the point specific in a recent video giving the tragic example of the child killed on 31st March in a school bus which crashed on snow covered black ice in Lanarkshire. See VIDEO via
    and pdf –

    Around the world thousands die from extreme weather events the solar-based forecasts of which are ignored by governments because they do not want to upset the CO2-Climate Change ideology on which they rely to control energy, resources, the public and to raise carbon taxes and boost the carbon trading bubble of false value.

    Thank you

    (Corrected your username) CTS


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    John Smith

    Sounds a bit like they’re promoting the New World Order/Illuminati depopulation agenda in the name of the environment. My guess is that they (eugenicist globalists) took a cue from Pol Pot(Saloth Sar)


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    Barry Woods

    They are trying to spin it as a joke, that people did not get British humour…..

    No… I still laugh at Mr Creosote (monty Python – Meaning of LIfe)

    This was different, ignore the blood and gore, it was characterisisng those who disagree, or even not that bothered, as lazy, misfits, stupid looking, outsiders, etc….

    In a school, the voice of authority, has a casual indifference, even those children not blown up look shocked.. Same in the office, people who don’t fit in with the crowd, the boss, YOU, Choose, No pressure message. (the footballers are too dim, to see what they are involved in, but afgain, the manager coach are the authority here)

    With Gillian anderson, you have to FULLY agree, not just do a little bit, or RED BUTTON.

    I imagine, they thought it was funny, and at a level, one RED button might be.. BUT four times… You Choose, No pressure (4 times)

    They (creative, rich elite media types, no doubt very inteligent, but no scoiince qualification, I have 2 degrees, hard science)feel superior to those who disagree, they are the elite, we the uneducated masses to be looked down upon.

    It shows there feeling for people that do not agree… misfits, stupid, lazy, ugly, scruffy, outsiders, the bullied, that don’t fit in… and they take it to an extreme (blow them up). But in reality, it is about bullying, excluding anyone who does not agree, labbeling, calling them an outsider….

    Where have we seen that before in history (cockroaches , in rwanda, the 1930’s) jokes, not a parallel people will say… don’t go over the top they say, ONLY a JOKE, don’t you have a sense of Humour…..

    But how many people became desensized to ‘DENIAR’ in the last few years (casual use by some). Powerful message in the film, don’t satnd out, don’t disagree, don’t even be indifferent… You are with us or against us…… so it is BULLYING, controlling, with only the extreme over the top violence, allowing them to say it is a joke.

    This type of humour is usually anti-authority, making you feel for the underdog… Comeuppance for being mistreated, etc..

    NOT here, merely not being that bothered, brings down a casual violence, by this evangelical zeal.

    For the people in authority DO know where you live – ‘We Know Where You Live’ (extreme greenpeace thinking/mentality).

    I’ve met people that just look at me differently (as some sort of DENIAR) when I have expressed my thought or challenged thier statemenets. At my local Transition Town Meeting – They have a 10:10 meeting today, with councillors, the mayor, members of my community…

    Don’t let them spin this as a joke tha backfired (it showed their thoughts for those who disagree with their worldview)

    Here is an UNGUARDED, immediate reaction, in the GUARDIAN COMMENT section. He posted it in horror, then had to come back again, he was so UPSET with 10:10


    I sent the below to the BBC:

    A comment from a FRIENDS OF THE EARTH Board Member – in the Guardian.. (immediate unguarded, un PR reaction)

    JohnHalladay (Friends of the Earth – Board Member)
    1 October 2010 1:27AM

    God knows I’m on your side but this just panders to the morons who think we’re ‘Eco-fascists’ – own goal, guys.
    Kill it and do something better.

    He came back for some more. (my asterisks)
    2nd comment.. (could not leave it..)

    JohnHalladay (Friends of the Earth – Board Member)

    1 October 2010 1:33AM

    Actually, I have to say something stronger,
    this film is f***ing ridiculous.
    I am a local Greenpeace coordinator, and a Board member of Friends of the Earth and I just can’t believe that you have produced a film that is so f***ing stupid.
    There, I’ve sworn on the Guardian.Jesus, where is your common sense. We’re trying to win hearts and minds.
    This is just ludicrous.

    Presumably this is John…..

    John Halladay

    “Friends of the Earth Trust and Limited
    Elected Board member for South Central Member of:
    Engagement Committee
    Elected: 2008
    Due for re-election: 2011
    John’s particular interests in the environmental field include recycling, the concept of individual carbon allowances and the effect of increasing world population on the environment. He works as a Human Resources consultant greening the employment practices in UK companies and is also the joint co-ordinator of Bracknell & District Friends of the Earth.”

    The BBC should be reporting this whole story to the general public, not perceived to be protecting the CAGW message.
    On all the ‘usual’ blogs, there is deep cynicism that the BBC will not touch on this story….
    I hope that the BBC can prove them wrong.

    Please BBC this shows a ‘green bubble’ groupthink at work.. (much like Gordon Brown’s ‘bigot’ moment – the media ran with that, why not this?)

    Did not ONE person, involved in this (there must have been hundred or more) not think to say: ‘hang on, is this really a good idea..’
    Or was, it ‘NO pressure’ preventing anybody saying it was daft.

    Or was green groupthink at work… Of course ‘NO pressure’ in those who might think it was a bad idea… so kep quiet.

    It was going to be shown in CINEMAS..

    EVERY single other environment group is absolutley furious with 10:10

    Don’t let them pretend otherwise…


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    I’m still flabbergasted that no one in their entourage thought twice about this…

    They are so disconnected from reality.

    10:10 must be disbanded. They can’t recover from this kind of debacle.
    We need to write to the environmental groups to ask where they stand.

    Please someone go through the comments on the youtube sites and collect all the funny ones, the insightful ones, the zingers. It would make a great post.

    They didn’t even delete the file, they made it “private viewing”. (They admit that their members enjoy this sort of thing?

    This is rank desperation on their part…


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    If anyone needed an example of the methods of an insidious global political movement infiltrating and now dominating genuinely idealistic green groups – this is it. Their tactics are exemplified here, and I’m sure there will be more to come … with a premeditated: “woops -sorry!” afterwards, once the message gets global reach.


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    Greenpeace “Angry kid”, 10:10 blowing up kids, James Lee’s misanthropic concern for the squirrels … what next ?

    How about this: from a couple of years ago on the topic of “Teaching Kids about the Environment, Government Style” – apparently our tax payer dollars at work, busy telling 9 year olds that at that age they have used up their resource allocation and should just die … the message reinforced with the cartoon image of a “carbon pig” blowing up.

    Personally, I prefer the subtitled version of the Greenpeace “Angry Kid”, as provided by the “jollygreenwatchman” here:

    Far less bloodshed than in 10:10’s own goal.



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    Guido Botteri

    They said [ Many people found the resulting film extremely funny ]
    Oh, I do can understand that feeling, it is the same, I think, of those who found so funny the planes crashing on the towers, and the people falling from the windows, falling so long, so horribly. And yet I know that some people found those deaths “funny”. People full of hate.
    The same hate that let other people find funny the idea of killing other persons, just because they disagree. One idea alone for all the world, and death to who disagrees…
    I disagree, and so I cannot find that “funny”. I’m disgusted.
    I don’t believe that the world is in danger. The only danger is the green movement, that could create famine and death for a huge amount of people.
    Progress creates resources for the whole world. Undevellopment can only create famine, and it leaves no room for the people. Who will decide who can live, and who may not ?
    We have enough resouces for the next centuries, and we are reasonably sure that technology shall improve, as this is what happened till now. Why shouldn’t it happen in the future ? We cannot think that we’ll be solving future problems with the nowadays technology. We’ll use the future technology, of course. Mistrust the prophets of catastrophes, we have had so many ends of the world…we should be adults now, and understand that those fears are frauds.
    There is so much energy in the world, that we can say that energy will be endless, as far as common sense is concerned.
    Solar energy ? Look at how little, little, little part of it arrives to the Earth, and the rest is spread in that immense sphere that has the center in the Sun and arrives till our planet. Imagine it, how immense, how huge, how much energy, how many times that little energy we get…
    Think of E=mc2… that means an immense energy that waits for being extracted and used, almost endless energy…
    So, we must think of the future as a good time for all of us, if we’ll be able not to be dominated by people like those of “no pressure”, that could only bring the mankind to extinction, and that should mean extinction for many other animals, because “man” is the “only animal” that can avoid the extinction of other animals.
    In my opinion.


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    If the energy from the backpedalling could be harnessed, the world energy crisis would be solved.

    We’ve gone from ‘what’s the problem’, to ‘it was satire’, to ‘some people are not getting the humour’.

    I think Audi did it once, and almost got away with mentioning it.

    What next? “We deny it happened” Then a May Day Parade purged leader excising effort from the interweb?

    There are precedents.

    David Davidovics:
    October 2nd, 2010 at 2:26 pm
    Jo, I was waiting for you to chime in on this one. A little hard to over look.
    The question is, will the MSM report on it?

    The Gruan, who had an exclusive teaser launch, are now slashing and burning across their comment threads.

    Meanwhile the BBC has retired to the bunker. Again. They haven’t even tried Richard Black’s ‘watertight oversight… ’til it blows over’. Straight to comments closed on blogs, while the editorial seem to be blissfully unaware, or concerned.


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    Baa Humbug

    First off, I can’t let Piers Corbyn get away so easily.
    To all those “readers” of Jo Nova, who may be sitting on the sidelines regards AGW, I encourage you to visit Piers web site and see how accurate the man is with weather predictions. (yes predictions, not projections)

    Piers has been uncannily accurate months out, he is one of the very very few who KNOWS it’s the Sun, the Oceans and Clouds and uses these to predict future climate.
    If the Formerly Great Brittain government had listened to him, instead of the Met Office and their limitless budget supercomputers, many many councils and local governments would have been ready for some of the extreme weather of the past few years.

    Afterall, it’s extreme weather we’re all worried about right?
    We want to be able to predict these events right?
    Well here is a man who does it, and not a trace of CO2 in sight.
    Keep up the good work Piers.

    Now, regards this vile video, it was coming wasn’t it?
    Remember the Poly Bears falling out of the sky and splattering on the ground?
    Remember the UK Govt ads showing a little girl chit scared in her bed after hearing nightmare stories about how nasty that plant food CO2 is?

    Yep, best own goal so far, but there will be more. If not on video, it’ll be by demonstrators, the extremists. James Hanson (spit) got arrested just last week.

    Desperate people do desperate things. Nasty people do nasty things.


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    Joe Lalonde

    Almost every country on this planet has massive debt and BIG cuts in spending and programs have to be coming. NASA has just been given there notice to massive spending cuts.
    So, where is it going to be sustainable to go green?
    China has 60 million empty apartments and many business buildings are empty. The U.S. housing crisis was this recession. What happens if China falls into the same crisis?
    Can we spend our way out of this next recession with even more debt?
    What programs would you expect to be cut?


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    Looks like the new Dutch Govt. is about to make some interesting decisions.


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    Frank Brown

    This is one more attack on anyone choosing to think for themselves. This is more than a threat to the individuals who question environmental extremist (who can’t provide any real science outside of failed models), it is a further step in conditioning the general public to view climate sceptics as bad people and anti-social. This has been going on for years and it follows the same pattern that are well documented. Their end-point is obviously to promote violence which these enviro-extremist want to see as the social norm. MSM and our political masters silence seems to indicate their approval.


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    Jo – when I first saw this about 48hrs ago I wasn’t aware/had forgotten who 10:10 were, and didn’t know it was made by Curtis, IMO the English-speaking world’s wittiest man. I immediately assumed it was a wicked parody of ecolunacy, and laughed, as I did at The Office, while at the same time wanting to hide behind my own sofa, so accurately did the parodists barbs (as I assumed them to be) find their mark. Even the title, No Pressure, is shorthand amongst mealy-mouthed control-freaks for “do as I say, but don’t say I forced you to”, and reeks of parody to me. I then learned who had commissioned it, and who had made it. I found it difficult to believe that a man with Curtis’ uncanny ear for cant and drivel is a warmist, and all but impossible to believe that if he was one he would believe this film would aid his cause. That leaves me with the only alternative, which received a filip when I discovered this early draft of their take-down notice – the parts in italics seem to have been redacted 🙂

    “Today we put up a mini-movie about 10:10 and climate change called ‘No Pressure’.
    With climate change becoming increasingly threatening, and decreasingly talked about in the media, we wanted to find a way to bring this critical issue back into the headlines whilst making people laugh. We were therefore delighted when Britain’s leading comedy writer, Richard Curtis – writer of Blackadder, Four Weddings, Notting Hill and many others – agreed to write a short film for the 10:10 campaign. We assumed that Mr Curtis, who is known for the concerns he professes about African poverty, would be a fully paid up CAGW cultist, and didn’t think to question him too closely n the matter. It turns out that his concerns about African poverty are not merely professed but sincerely felt, and that Mr Curtis is in fact outraged at the prospect that abused and shoddy science is being used to deny Africa the path to betterment enjoyed by Europeans. When he suggested blowing up kids, we thought it might be a bit OTT, but hey, he was the creative one, right? We thought we were commissioning a dead-cool, edgy movie to promote a self-evidently virtuous cause. How were we to know he was in reality crafting for us enough rope to hanghhh…

    Whether I’m right or wrong about Curtis, I still have a problem with all the outrage and harrumphing going on at WUWT, JD and I suppose now here. Since I thought the use of exploding kids was a hilarious way to send up sanctimonious ecofascists when I believed that was the purpose of the film, I can hardly object to it on principle if I later discover that wasn’t its purpose at all.

    So either way, I approve of the film. If he had his tongue in his cheek, he has just accomplished the equivalent of the Norsk Hydro heavy water raid, and dealt a severe blow to the warmist cause. If he was being fair dinkum, he’s the world’s wisest fool, but the movie’s out and viral, and the damage is being done, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.


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    Cate S

    Just showed our 15 yr old son – his comment, “That teacher in the clip is how my teacher is…”
    Also showed our 17 year old daughter – her comment, “That’s scary because that is how i am made to feel if i say i dont agree with all this AGW BS from teachers at school.”

    Both commented “Why are they threatening to kill us? Well then that means we will have a war”…

    My comment, “out of the mouths of babes”…


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    Anybody capable of making the reverse clip?


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    Totalitarian minded eco-fascists like this should be made an illegal organisation like a terrorist organisation. Instead. Brown and his wench will embrace them.


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    Interesting as the UK Sustainable development commission was shut down in july , and now the Royal Society is reviewing Climate change.
    The Smart Grid seems to be the next step , as many are saying we dont need a new National broadband network and the cost is un worthy of what we will get in return, it was stated in an article that 85% of europe is already on the Smart grid, and i know in WA pensioners are having the smart meters put on public housing.

    what a sad day , to see that a video so sick has been made , and that life is displayed so expendable.
    To those who dispise human life , LEAD by example and exit the globe and save CO2.
    Peace, goodwill and harmony is what most people disire.


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    Joe Veragio

    Now @ the BBC.

    But you’ll have to be Quick, to see Green campaigners axe gory film before it drops off the bottom of their at their News Homepage.

    Meanwhile, anyone visiting our Friends of The Earth was being directed to an Emergency Landing page with a desperate appeal for cash, to fund more campaigning as :- “Over the past year or so our fundraising income has dropped dramatically.”

    Meanwhile more hardened campaigners seem to be adding their voice to the call:-
    Unlikely activist? Osama bin Laden calls for action on climate change

    at the Guardian.

    How much more bizzare will it get ?


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    Ian Hill

    I posted the story at the web site I most often visit and amongst all the concerned responses is one from an English lady right out of left field who said the violence is nothing worse than that which occurs between Bugs Bunny and the Road Runner. I thought it was the Coyote instead of Bugs but anyway. She’s completely missed the point and is probably amongst the audience they want to capture.

    Speculating about the motivations of Richard Curtis is all very well but it is just stupid to depict such violence in the school classroom. I have two sons 18 and nearly 16 both at high school and they get taught all the AGW stuff too but they wouldn’t be bothered with something like 10:10. There’s already enough mass shootings at schools and universities, thankfully hardly ever in Australia but no-one’s ever going to forget Port Arthur in 1996. All this film will do is plant a seed in some nutter’s mind.


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    Barry Woods

    it is on the BBC…… bit hard to find

    (try searching: ‘no pressure’ – nothing)

    BBC: Environmental campaigners axe gory film

    Environmental campaigners 10:10 have withdrawn a film showing a teacher graphically exploding two of her students who refuse to reduce their carbon emmissions, after complaints.

    In a statement, the group apologised to anyone offended.

    The film aimed to “bring this critical issue back into the headlines whilst making people laugh,” the group said.

    Lizze Gillett, Global Campaign Director for 10:10, told the BBC: “As you can see from various comments and social media sites some people thought it was funny and a good tool to get people talking about climate change but others strongly disliked the mini-movie. We decided to take it off our website to avoid upsetting people. ”


    They are ‘spining’ , pretending the opposite reaction, to this already….


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    I never did click on that video.But that is because I knew a while ago what a sick bunch these ignorant AGW believers are.I have had to deal with them in many forums over the years.And for years before the internet was developed for wide use.

    The hostility has been apparent for years now.The over the top name calling.Ad homonyms and even the always unexpected threats.You have seen some of it here,but they are mild compared to what they say in forums.The bile and incoherent thoughts are so vividly displayed,that sometimes I wonder if these are escaped mental patients.

    They show fear of public debates,but not to call names with those they avoid debating.You see that fear with people such as James Cameron and Al $$$ Gore.Al $$$ Gore tries hard to avoid even minimal media presence in his preplanned,sterile presentations.To propagandize more gullible people who have apparent wish to be taken by the nose.

    James Cameron who blustered like a child,daring people such as Marc Morano to a debate,and then pull out at the last day.Making absurd claims that it was stopped by Morano.His lies were quickly made public and his continued “I can not debate you” excuses became even more absurd.

    AGW pseudoscience and the behavior of their adherents are indicative of a brainwashing cult.It is a RELIGION people!,and that is why I am not stunned by the gory or irrational video’s they produce.Recall that carbon footprint game,designed for children to play,a year ago.

    The AGW hypothesis has been dead for a few years.What you get are people who can not go back to sober science research and go with the evidence of what they find and make the appropriate adjustments with a working hypothesis.The AGW believing scientists instead chose to stagnate and demonize those who have moved on.That is why their recent “scientific” presentations are getting more tortured and dumber as time goes by.


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    Douglas Dc Oregon,US

    Being and old, unsophisticated-or so I was told by one fellow from
    Australia, Ne Oregon Redneck, I don’t understand British humor.
    Monty Python, Blackadder, and all that.
    Oh,I understand,and I think that this film is more Lili Riestenfahl than Monty Python…


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    They should have a listen to George Carlin – he has a few words for then


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    Robin Guenier

    As China is now the world’s largest CO2 emitter, perhaps the next film could feature it being subjected to nuclear attack. That would provide great opportunities for amusing footage of thousands of dead, dying and mutilated people. That would be another great “tool to get people talking about climate change”.


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    Brian H

    It looks like they scrood the pooch-auri bigtime. Here’s a sample of the Guardian comments, that has about 500 recommends: “A sickening, pious and unfunny display by those who casually label others ´denialists'”.

    And here’s one that has 13 recommends: “Brilliant. It’s nice to see a serious message conveyed with a bit of humour, and the Gillian Anderson scene rounds it off perfectly. If I had any criticism I’d say it’s a bit on the long side, but I still loved every second.

    Of course there’ll always be a few (probably very vocal) people who’ll take great pleasure in being offended and outraged by this. They’ll ignore the fact that it’s clearly tongue-in-cheek, and decide that the central message is “people who disagree with us deserve to die.”

    I’m sure that the sane majority, meanwhile, will enjoy it for the bit of fun that it is.”

    It looks like that self-appointed “sane majority” is outnumbered about 40:1 even among the G.’s libby fans and readers!


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    Alexander Davidson

    Here’s another version, enjoy and compare:


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    Brian H

    I don’t know if you typed it in or are registered this way, Piers, but you just signed in as “Pies”.


  • #
    Robin Guenier

    This says all that needs to be said:

    Bronowski’s words are directly relevant – especially his damning reference to “push button philosophy”.


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    Brian H

    @Tom, #21;
    If that “redacted” stuff is for real, I think you’ve nailed it. It could be that Curtis has holed them below the water-line.

    The suggestion that he’s actually concerned with starving African kids and recognizes that the Watermelons are willing to let them go under for lack of usable energy fits very well with the results.

    The God of Irony is subtle and potent, indeed!


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    Brian H

    @janama, #31;
    Yeah, Carlin had them nailed back in 2007. That vid is well over 2 million views now.


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    Adolf Balik

    Recently, I have read the analysis of brain-wash psychologists fighting us – evil denialists.

    It drove me to no end of laughing. The psychologists must be out of mind or at least out of reality. At the end of the stuff there is a “sore” finding of psychology research that people, although believers, don’t will to punish the other ones who don’t want to accept the carbon asceticism. Well, the movie about Green-cleansing is probably the brain-washers response which should encourage the believer “underdeveloped” sense for justice.

    The leader of the only one consequently Green party that had ever griped absolute power – Pol Pot – would be happy if he had seen it. His body is dead but his soul is marching on.


  • #

    The people who made this film are terrorists — at least in their hearts.

    These are the people who thought Ted Kaczynski’s “Manifesto” was “right-on” — they thought his reasoning for killing people was air-tight: If you are the only one who knows “the ship is sinking”, then you are empowered to do anything to stop it; other people’s lives are a trivial concern.

    These are the people who (if they are old enough) thought the SDS (and probably the Weathermen too) were edgy, cool groups. The FBI has a tape of William Ayers (yes, the guy who mentored Obama’s political introduction) talking to a group of leaders in the Weathermen and deciding that, while it was better to “re-educate” people, there were probably 25 million people in the US who would resist and would just have to be killed. This was only 25 years after the Holocaust — apparently they took a different “lesson” from that then most people did.

    This is always the way Leftists and Collectivists work: They would “like” you to “get it” — but if you don’t, then you need to be exterminated. This characteristic of their cult-like faith resulted in 100,000,000 deaths in the 20th century, and they still want more.

    This is no joke — it is the equivalent of a “terrorist probe operation”. The claim that it is a “joke” is just for “plausible deniability”. They learned that it went too far, but don’t believe for a moment they have changed their beliefs or desires.


  • #

    Yet more evidence of the “science” of AGW,
    AND the consensus’s attitude / approach to “free thinking” AND “free speech”.

    BTW – This “film” seems to add considerable weight to Alan Curuba’s recent article,
    Nazi Dreams were Green Dreams
    By Alan Caruba Monday, September 6, 2010

    Well worth a read I would suggest.
    Apparently, the “Nazi regime was made up of animal rights advocates, environmentalists, and vegetarians.”
    A lesson from history, perhaps.


  • #

    There has been whispers and suspicion for years.
    Now they have finally ‘come out’ of their closet, it
    appears the experience isn’t liberating.
    Terrible blow for environmental science


  • #

    After you have checked out that video, check out the other one where Al Gore warns up all about the new single mostly deadly threat to Mankind – “Man Bear Pig”

    You know, this horribly new creature which is half man, half bear, half pig!


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    Adolf Balik

    It looks like a very stupid action. Nevertheless, there is a principle in all serious games: if your opponent commits anything stupid don’t believe in the stupidity. It might have a sense which you don’t know, then the opponent gets an advantage and you are the stupid one who underestimates him. Then there is a question: what rational sense it could have?

    Such rational senses could be imaginable. E. g. if they planed necessity of violent actions in close future, they would need to know who of their followers are hard enough to be useful for the jobs and who are too soft. They need sort the tough guys and the soft scum well enough before confrontation then they could test their own believers with such movie. The persons with positive response to the movie might be then candidate for the future SS and Gestapo.

    Sure, there are also other possible rational reasons for such stupid like actions.


  • #

    Adolf (@44):
    I think that this is a classic probe operation: The goal was to find out how far public opinion would likely let them go.

    When, for example, a group of Imams on an airline flight all demand seat belt extenders (useful as weapons and restraints), even though none of them are overweight, and insist on moving from their assigned seats to position themselves near all the exits — Or when a Syrian wedding band suddenly decides that they need to monopolize the bathrooms and pass bags to each other as they enter — These are operations to see just how far they can go before being stopped. Or perhaps they are to see what you need to do to identify the Air Marshalls (if any) on the flight.

    The people who do this are always “clean” — they have no easily seen connections to real terrorist groups — but they are working for them all the same. The results of “probe” operations are used to plan real ones.

    The makers of this film were testing the waters of public opinion. They have been trying for years to dehumanize “deniers”, and see the tide turning against them. For them, it’s now or never: How far have they succeeded? “Joking” about something is a time-honored way of testing its acceptability while maintaining an out.


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    YOU should bew ashamed of propogating this utter filth.


  • #

    My guess is that Curtis had a personal reason to destroy the campaign. I mean, you blow up kids; you blow up everybody’s darling – Gillian Anderson – and let her eyeballs slide down the pane… how more destructive can you get? Most of the warmist blogs are speechless. The few idiots who try to explain the “humor” sound even more confused than usual. They’ve all been had. A masterpiece.


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    Adolf Balik

    Bob C #45:

    Yes, it makes sense. We should brainstorm out all the possible real reasons which could be more nasty then the very movie.


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    Douglas Dc Oregon,US

    “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil. God will not find us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.”
    Diedrich Bohnhoffer…


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    Guido Botteri

    Here is a video with interviews to the boys and girls acting in “no pressure”.
    The authors of “no pressure” pretend it’s funny, and we don’t understand the humour, but what did the boys understand ?
    A boy said he was glad to be blown up “to save the world”.
    This is not funny, this is kamikaze theory.
    Another one said he understood that it is right to blow people up, if the reason is a good one.
    That’s what they understood.
    And what else could they understand ?
    There’s no happiness, in those scenes, but gore, much gore, a large amount of gore all over dresses and walls. Just gore. No joy, no cheerfulness, no merriment, no fun at all, just gore, horror and terror.
    Do you see anything that let us understand that killing people is wrong ?
    Nothing of that kind, and what should boys understand ?…just what they understood…. that it is right to kill. A good start to become a terrorist.
    What shall it be their next move ?
    When shall we see the first “deniers” killed by a “nutter” who strangely thought it is right to kill for a good reason ?
    “A good reason”… and who decides “this is a good one” ?
    The AGW hypothesis is not a good one.
    In my opinion.


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    TomFP # 21 and others who think that Curtis is maybe somehow trying to undermine the AGW campaign — Curtis is quoted as saying this in an ICECAP article reviewing the issue. It seems they are taking the quote from a Guardian piece ( I stand to be corrected on that). But it says ;

    “Richard Curtis, is equally proud of the production: “The writer of Four Weddings and a Funeral and Blackadder and an early 10:10 supporter, acknowledges that the 10:10 film is very direct.”

    “The 10:10 team are a fearless, energetic bunch, completely dedicated to getting the public fired up about climate change. They also turn out to be surprisingly good at blowing stuff up,” he said.”

    So this seems to suggest Curtis is on the same page as the 10:10 people


  • #

    Ross; the Guardian piece also says:
    “Curtis, who is a co-founder of Comic Relief, refused to say if he was disappointed at the reaction to his project. He would only say that it was “a complicated situation”.”

    Doesn’t this make you think? Why doesn’t he just say “Oh, i feel so misunderstood, i wanted everyone to watch my masterpiece in a cinema”?
    Also, nothing in your quotation says that he still endorses their position.


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    Andrew Barnham

    I watched the video and I was like Meh? Read comments in blog land in support of the video saying: “this is British comedy, you just don’t get it.”. The Goodies and The Mighty Boosh : now that’s comedy. The “Boosh” rocks my world; followed closely by those brilliant Kiwis “Flight of the Conchords”. This video, is like when US tries to mimic British comedy: like “Ashes to Ashes” or “The Office”. Just lame and insufferably dull, pointless, crass and completely lacking any nuance or intelligence.


  • #

    Oh well, at least they’re starting to be honest about their real motives.

    Personally, this has had no effect on me whatsoever, but I am sure it will have a really positive effect on anyone out there who still has doubts as to their motives.

    One kid I would like to have his future denied

    as well as this from one of their associates.

    I say all of these should be broadcast to anyone who is not intellectually stunted who is prepared to listen.


  • #

    Are you willing to spend time studying the issues, making yourself aware, and then conveying that information to family and friends? Will you resist the temptation to get a government handout for your community? Realize that the doctor’s fight against socialized medicine is your fight. We can’t socialize the doctors without socializing the patients. Recognize that government invasion of public power is eventually an assault upon your own business. If some among you fear taking a stand because you are afraid of reprisals from customers, clients, or even government, recognize that you are just feeding the crocodile hoping he’ll eat you last.

    If all of this seems like a great deal of trouble, think what’s at stake. We are faced with the most evil enemy mankind has known in his long climb from the swamp to the stars. There can be no security anywhere in the free world if there is no fiscal and economic stability within the United States. Those who ask us to trade our freedom for the soup kitchen of the welfare state are architects of a policy of accommodation.

    They say the world has become too complex for simple answers. They are wrong. There are no easy answers, but there are simple answers. We must have the courage to do what we know is morally right. Winston Churchill said that “the destiny of man is not measured by material computation. When great forces are on the move in the world, we learn we are spirits-not animals.” And he said, “There is something going on in time and space, and beyond time and space, which, whether we like it or not, spells duty.”

    You and I have a rendezvous with destiny. We will preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth, or we will sentence them to take the first step into a thousand years of darkness.

    – Ronald Reagan

    Excerpt from the speech Time for Choosing.


  • #

    Hey, the two kids that got blown up were most likely to have been the poorer kids who probably couldn’t afford a car or to heat their Home!

    And the adults that got blown up were probably their parents!

    As for the broadcaster broadcasting that crap, well I agree with that one.


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    Peter Wilson

    OK, I have to admit my earlier take, that Richard Curtis was actually trying to embarrass the greenists, was wrong. He really IS as bone headed and tone deaf as to think this would persuade peaople to get on board with the 10% reduction thing.

    While the blood and gore has gotten most of the attention, it now seems clear that that was only inserted so they could claim it was a joke. If the “enviro-laggards” had merely suffered some plausible punishment – given detention, fired, dropped from the team etc- the underlying theme of “join us or you are a non person” would have been even more obvious.

    And frankly, it would have been even more objectionable


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    Roy Hogue

    So, Franny Armstrong, who are the 300,000 people who die each year from climate change as you are quoted saying in this Guardian article?

    You and your organization are a bad joke! Get a real job and learn to do something useful for a change.


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    As was pointed out in another blog, change this video to one where religious fundamentalists blow up gays and the MSM and every tiny minded would be apologists for this eco-nazi video would have crawled all over such a video with the most vitriolic abuse and language they could possibly get away with.
    But, hey ! its made by the green cultists and therefore must be for a good and great cause so deliberately promoting the killing and extermination of those who don’t believe in your green cult is quite acceptable apparently judging by our unbelievably bigoted MSM’s non reaction so far.


  • #

    The makers of this film were testing the waters of public opinion. They have been trying for years to dehumanize “deniers”, and see the tide turning against them. For them, it’s now or never: How far have they succeeded? “Joking” about something is a time-honored way of testing its acceptability while maintaining an out.

    There are a bunch of signs at airports these days, “We take jokes seriously!” which I find a bit of an affront because I’m a supporter of free speech but it’s a sign of how the whole world is swinging these days.

    You might imagine the result if some backwater Southern Baptist church brought out a YouTube video of a few of those “N-word” people getting blown up. Or perhaps if a group of Aussie rednecks brought out a video showing Aboriginals getting blown up. How would the “just a joke” excuse hold up under those circumstances?

    Historically, the cruel and painful killing of non-believers has been a feature common to most religions, especially Christianity and Islam. Seems logical that neo-paganism will start similar behaviour if they can get away with it.


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  • #

    Send copies of this to your friends. Send them to your enemies!

    The question is, will the MSM report on it?

    They took the video down at the Guardian and other sites once they realized it was a “Mea Culpa” moment.

    The Gruan, who had an exclusive teaser launch, are now slashing and burning across their comment threads.

    Meanwhile the BBC has retired to the bunker. Again. They haven’t even tried Richard Black’s ‘watertight oversight… ’til it blows over’. Straight to comments closed on blogs, while the editorial seem to be blissfully unaware,

    I have a way to make this front and center in the consciousness of the public. I’m in big time with California’s suspend the global warming act proposition 23.

    Anybody know how to do youtube? Make a commercial, I mean.
    Me, I’m a total klutz with the computer. But if there is one of you who are able to stitch together the warmists production into a 30 second spot highlighting the character of the movement using their own stuff, I can present that directly to the campaign corrdinator for Prop 23.

    I’ve been his pen pal for a year now. He trusts me and will open my emails.

    once this sort of commercial is on the air in California – it goes national the minute after.


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    Capn Jack Walker

    Had a squizz, seemed to me the lampoon backfired.

    The point of parody or lampoon is to highlight a stereo type and it’s weaknesses or faults. Here it is the majority, being lampooned as vicious shallow and hate filled, not skeptics but people claiming to speak and in this case act from authority. Ever the issue in this debate since Kyoto.

    But the important ingredient was missing it just was not funny. Monty Python on every issue was funny if even outrageous at times, Goodies similarly.

    If that was meant to be a rally call to this period’s young people who have watched and grown up with the arguments on multi culturalism, Islamo facism had environmentalism preached and been blessed with the most open discourse available mobile and open communications, their own networking groups then this tribe of baboons are mistaken.

    As for the MSM it was ever complicit in deceptive conduct on science rigor and science skepticism quoting pie in the sky economics quoted by non specialist mistaken elder so called elite statemen and states women. It ever incited this behavior tho not as bald faced or as blatantly misleading. Calling it the precautionary principle, disregarding the fact that false cures can be as dangerous as the disease or effect being countered. This event had to happen some time this was a train wreck coming.

    What part of lame, vicious and incredibly unfunny did the producers and production tem miss prior to release


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    Capn Jack Walker

    paper tiger, there is a good you tube representation here.



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    Baa Humbug

    I’m at a stage now where I’m all in favour of blowing-up recalcitrants, irregardless of their age, gender etc.

    The problem is in identifying the targets, that’s where this ad goes wrong. You see, there is no point blowing up a couple of school kids whos carbon footprint is probably quite minimal anyway. Whatever cuts they may make, will make no difference.

    BUT…if you target those individuals who have carbon footprints the size of a small island, even after buying “offsets” then you might get somewhere.

    So I would encourage 10:10 to re-do their ad. this time blowing up…..lets see now

    *Brown (both Bob and Gordon)
    *Every Hollywood bleeding heart
    *Every Green who flies from one side of the world to the other at the drop of a hat
    *Every UN beurocrat who attends meetings at exotic locations

    C’mon people, help me out with this list


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    Bill Gates getting in on the act?????

    Reduce Population to reduce CO2 emissions. Not sure what he really meant to say. Maybe a Freudian slip??


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    Friends of The Earth: “Over the past year or so our fundraising income has dropped dramatically.”
    I would personally add: “so has the IQ levels of our remaining subscribers”


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    Bob Malloy

    Thumbs up to Baa @70

    Let Me also include

    List of Bilderberg participants: to be found here
    Milne and all other greens
    and although when recites the mantra without conviction Combet.


  • #

    […] skeptical kids in bloodbath, 10:10 exploding skeptical children video “disappears” JoNova: Sick green-psycho-stars want to kill your children There will be blood – watch exclusive of 10:10 campaign’s ‘No […]


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    Bob Malloy

    Oh and I’m sure Californian’s would include the Governator.


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    Hopefully, after 2 November many more Californians will not (quite frankly my dear) give a damn.

    Say ‘Yes We Cannabis’ to Proposition 19!


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    Noting all the academic and professional success of warmists, the clear and overwhelming evidence that warmism isn’t addictive or harmful, and the discovery that no warmist commits serious crimes when they’re high.

    I’d say the science was settled!


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    Allen Ford

    “The Wilderness Society, CAN and the Sierra Club. Will you allow your sychophant totalitarian bullies to push these death-threats under the guise of joke, or will you stand up for human-rights, for peace, for non-violent answers – and denounce 10:10 and demand it’s immediate dissolution?”

    I think this is as likely as “moderate” Muslims denoucing their more excitable co-religionists.


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    JPA Knowles

    Wouldn’t a normal person get the message that Green= Stupid Sheep? What was 10:10 thinking? Even allowing for the Anglo sense of humour which created Monty Python I give this skit 0.1/10
    On a more +ve note it’s great to see The Corbyn here.


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    JPA Knowles

    I asked my 13 year old to comment on the video.

    1. “Stupid
    2. “...if you don’t agree with us we will make you into strawberry jam
    (pause for thought)
    3. “They must be getting desperate...”

    (walks off disinterested)

    Can we send it to “The Gruen Transfer.” ? ( ABC TV’s comical look at the advertising industry)


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    Bob Malloy


    It’ll have to wait for next tear at Gruen, their on hiatus.


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    See this link – an article from 2008 about indoctrinating Austrailan school children which includes blowing up greedy anti-eco pigs

    Titled Teaching Kids about the Environment, Government Style

    It says

    In Australia, governments have adopted environmental education programs that teach children that human intrusion into nature is to be condemned and that man’s life must be subordinated to the preservation of nature, by government force if necessary.

    And also describes a government funded and approved game called Planet Slayer

    In the game the children have to use the website’s Greenhouse Calculator to find out what age someone should die at so they don’t use more than the fair share of Earth’s resources.
    They then click on a skull and crossbones symbol to explode the pig leaving only a pool of blood and a curly tail.

    Being a cartoon it is not nearly so disgusting as the film but nevertheless more of the same mindset legitimatising death to the unbelievers


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    Michael Larkin

    I’m a Brit and would describe myself as an AGW agnostic with strong sceptical leanings.

    IMO, the reaction to the 10:10 video on the sceptical side has been mainly one of outrage, with a few dissenting voices like mine expressing delicious schadenfreude, because it was such an utterly brilliant own goal.

    On the AGW side, there has also been outrage, but probably primarily for a different motive: not so much because the thing was in execrable taste, but because it was a disastrous PR job.

    I’ve been thinking quite a lot about what it all means, and I’d put it in these terms: I suspect all but the most innocent souls have occasional primitive urges to do deeply nasty things to others (e.g. feeling that one would like “to strangle” a spouse/acquaintance/politician, or whatever).

    However, what makes most of us decent human beings is that we have the capacity to override those urges and modify our response. On good days, we may succeed in reacting as if nothing had touched us. On bad days, we may engage in retaliation – not so as to physically harm others, but to do psychic damage to their egos, or at least express satisfaction (bolstering our own egos) when they drop a clanger.

    For years, AGW proponents have been dishing out the psychic damage to those who have the temerity to disagree. They long had it pretty much their own way, but then Climategate and all the other –gates came along, and they began to experience some of their own medicine. This has shaken a number of them into paroxysms of primitive rage, expressions of which have become more marked, culminating in the 10:10 video, which gets about as near as one can to causing physical damage without actually doing so.

    This has given an opportunity for sceptics to retaliate with their own salvo – be that outrage or schadenfreude, coupled with trying to make it go viral. It’s more of the same that has been going on for quite some time, but at an intensified level.

    I think it’s all understandably human, but you know what? I personally don’t think it has anything to do with seeking after the truth about AGW. I’d say a majority of comments on numerous blogs on either side have always been about causing, or repairing, bruised egos. And yes, at times, I’m ashamed to admit, I’ve been in there with the best of them, in my case on the sceptic side.

    Recently, something has tended to change this for me: finding out new ideas in brain science relating to the feeling of being right even if one is wrong. I can’t twist anyone’s arm, but if you have time to spare, please consider listening to this at the brain science podcast site:

    If you’d prefer to read a transcript, you’ll find it here:

    There is only one place I can think of that is consciously trying to provide an environment for dialogue to occur, and that’s Judith Curry’s new blog. I’m not yet sure whether it will achieve what it sets out to, or in the end, turn out to be a naïve hope. The jury’s still out, I guess.


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    Steve Schapel

    You know, I have been scared about this for quite some time. And now I am even more scared. I really hope it will turn out to be otherwise. But after seeing this video and its aftermath, and the video at, it looks to me like this is likely to get real nasty.


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    Barry Woods

    The Guardian comments section:

    Might show some opinion in the UK (ie a very pro AGW paper, YET, the comments /recommends are largely against)

    even, though there is a bit of slash and burn going on by the MODs….(some saying deleted, some removed as if they were never there, )

    I showed this to a physicist friend, whose immediate reaction of the shock of the blood and gore, was the underlying message, identifying sceptics, those not interested, or not following the group, as scruffy, lazy, stupid, unitellegent, anti-ssocial people, for not going along with the group, by people in authority, and a casual indifference to these people, (taking it to the extreme, allows it to be a JOKE), but the thought processes are there, what to do with these annoying people, how to make them go away…

    She also immediately mentioned some historical 20th century parallels, with respect of this use of the media/PR (this reaction, echoed, I think, from a couple of the comments in the Guardian below.)

    A quote from the FOUNDER of 10:10, in the original Guardian article:

    “What to do with those people, who are together threatening everybody’s existence on this planet? Clearly we don’t really think they should be blown up, that’s just a joke for the mini-movie, but maybe a little amputating would be a good place to start?” jokes 10:10 founder and Age of Stupid film maker Franny Armstrong.”

    “What do to with people…..” (parallels ?)

    The Guardian have written a follow up article… (Comment is Free)

    Guardian: Backlash over ‘Richard Curtis’ 10:10 Climate film

    But, they are NOT ALLOWING Comments on this one….
    I wonder why. (…….. make you free)

    The Guardian, were pleased/exicted to get the ‘scoop’ of the release of this short film… by one of their media partners…

    So hundreds of people, so wrapped up in their eco bubble, had no clue how it might be perceived…. is that not the real story here…

    Someone who identified themseleves as a Board level member of Friends of this had this to say….. (my **** to get past any swear filters

    JohnHalladay (Friends of the Earth – Board Member)
    1 October 2010 1:27AM

    “God knows I’m on your side but this just panders to the morons who think we’re ‘Eco-fascists’ – own goal, guys.
    Kill it and do something better.

    He came back for some more. 2nd coment.. (still in the Guardian)

    1 October 2010 1:33AM John Hallady

    Actually, I have to say something stronger,
    this film is ****ing ridiculous.
    I am a local Greenpeace coordinator, and a Board member of Friends of the Earth and I just can’t believe that you have produced a film that is so ****ing stupid.
    There, I’ve sworn on the Guardian.
    *****, where is your common sense. We’re trying to win hearts and minds. This is just ludicrous.

    Presumably this is John…..

    John Halladay
    Friends of the Earth Trust and Limited
    Elected Board member for South Central


  • #

    Barry, you’re rambling again.


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    Question: Why did they call it 1010?

    Answer: Because 1984 was already taken.




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    derspatz@14 and Frank@81; thanks for the link to Planetslayer; this ‘game’, when it first came out made quite a splash around the world and was noted at WUWT. The game now cannot be linked to, but in its own insidious way, aimed as it was at children, it was just as bad as this 1010 filth.


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    Bernd Felsche

    Hey Bulldust! Have you been dozing? 😉

    Richard North has opened the Splattergate on this one!


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    Barry Woods

    Make it short… The words of the founder of 10:10 campiagn

    The activist have a problem, people are sceptical…

    Doing nothing about climate change is still a fairly common affliction, even in this day and age” Franny – The Founder of 10:10

    They think we have 4 years to stabilise the world….

    Because we have got about four years to stabilise global emissions and we are not anywhere near doing that. All our lives are at threat and if that’s not worth jumping up and down about, I don’t know what is.” – Franny – The founder of 10:10

    What to do with those people, who are together threatening everybody’s existence on this planet? ”

    I guess that means me…

    So what is Franny to do with those people……………

    So what is Franny to DO, with Barry Woods, Jo Nova, Christopher Booker, James Delinpole, Lindzen, Plimer, etc (insert your own mane here)

    peer pressure, labell, characterise, as stupid, lazy, indifferent, outsiders, unintillegent, scruffy, get them fired, etc,etc,etc

    Democarcy, I have seen written, is to slow, getting in the way of this issue…Bypass congress, suspend democracy, for a planetary emergency?

    Of course she, just does not comprehend anyone having a different view than hers, as an intellgent person…

    A political analogy….

    Tony Blair (in his bio) Understood why people might vote, conservative, liberal, green.

    Gordon Brown, Millibands, give the impression that if you don’t vote labour, it must be for some awful reason, you choose not to, how could you, right thinking people vote labour… etc


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    This film shows a very poor error of judgement if it was considered to be funny by the makers and sponsors.

    I am a huge Black Adder fan (don’t like Curtis’ “rom com” films though), but this film was anything but funny. Even my “Dad, you are so anal on being a climate change sceptic” teenager daughter (and fan of very edgy humour) was horrified.

    I was even more horrified when I saw that it was planned to show it in cinemas.

    BTW, the Guardian is renowned as the mouth peace of the Greenies, so I for one never take it seriously. To be fair, most mainstream newspapers have an editorial bias that you need to pick through and question, but the Guardian takes the proverbial biscuit for its green/liberalist bias.


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    […] parole. Dal suo blog Jo Nova lancia una sfida a tutti i movimenti ambientalisti del mondo. Siete con quella banda di pazzi […]


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    Rick Bradford

    The ‘push-button’ philosophy glorified in this film was addressed much better a number of years back in a film made by the BBC (before it fell to the progressives).


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    […] reaction to this film has reverberated around the world, Jo Nova in […]


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    The other thing to consider is that this would be only the thin end of the wedge. Once the ground rules were to be so debased as to consider the lives of people as very secondary to an ideologically (and unscientific) doctrine like AGW – do you think they’ll put the little red button away? I don’t either. The next demand will be more onerous, but the penalties will remain draconian.

    A useful metaphor for the Green movement, actually. No different from the Taliban except the Greens have better PR and more government funding.




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    Re: #68
    Capn Jack Walker

    Five minutes is all good on youtube, but it’s a nogo for a campaign commercial.
    There’s no getting around the economic reality of the 30 second spot.
    For even a limited market in California – a couple stations, writing off the hopeless liberal precincts – we’re still talking hundreds of thousands of dollars.
    Contrary to popular belief “big dirty oil” doesn’t fund our movement all that well.

    I need it condensed down to the kernal of the point.

    I’m pretty sure I’ll find plenty of 3 to 5 minute bits on youtube but it has to be 30 seconds. Anymore and it’s useless.


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    BTW the liberals in California have been doing something very similar to the damage portrayed in the 1010 video.
    They’re weapon of choice is the withholding of water from traditionally conservative voting interior valley farming districts.

    They have literally created ghost towns in the San Jaoquin Valley for the sake of the golbal warming hokum. Try and imagine a county full of farmers in the Thompson’s predicament. That’s the reality of San Jaoquin.


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    Perhaps this was what they really wanted?

    Climate Change – The Final Solution


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    October 3rd, 2010 at 11:30 pm

    The ‘professional’ angle is another worthy one to take to task. These things are designed to win awards and/or get noticed (the two are not mutually exclusive). Usual constraints don’t apply, and that’s where funny bunnies creep in. Especially with oversight.

    Massively on the defensive, the ‘It could have cost £400k, but was free’ plea is making the rounds, especially as folk get a bit more interested in the UK quango sponsor links. I call BS. Nothing is ‘free’. And even if every single aspect, from people’s time to 3rd party costs was ‘donated’ (and how all involved must be thrilled by that career investment), the carbon footprint of this effort alone must have been significant.

    Now production costs are out of the way, and presuming all the PR guys were on pro-bono (doubtless now thrilled to be on 24/7 damage control), I learn that this was destined for cinema. Maybe the chains were in on the sponsor deal. I suspect not now. And media is not cheap. Ask Ed Miliband. His last effort sunk £6M to less than startling acclaim on any level.

    If I was a client, all involved, even in my own organisation, would be very fired by now.

    As an ad man, I would dearly love to know who wrote the brief, who approved it… leading up to those round the table who said ‘Woo-hoo, brill! Call the Graun and let the campaign roll out’. And if any of the less than smart sponsors had any clue what they had gotten into bed with, in what at first must have seemed a nice bit of ‘but we’re supporting green’ ‘investment’ to get that logo on their sites.

    I’ll take that positive. Maybe in future, if there is green dosh flowing, it will go to positive doing over negative campaigning.


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    October 4th, 2010 at 12:30 am
    Perhaps this was what they really wanted?
    Climate Change – The Final Solution

    Cripes. And here was me waiting for the Downfall version in a week, with a fun script and a bit of captioning.
    On a purely technical level, the creator is some kind of CGI whiz and must have worked overnight.

    If I was on the 10:10 commissioning board I’d be wondering what he’d charge… if he was willing to donate to a g… well, a cause


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    Brian H

    #82, ML;
    You also need to consider the research on the effects of mob membership. Participants in crowd scenes seem to take a holiday from personal accountability and decision-making, finding a pseudo-anonymous relief from “super-ego” constraints. It’s a problem. If the eco-fanatics can once create the impression of a mass movement with absolution by the Zeitgeist for all atrocities against unbelievers, then all bets are off.


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    Roy Hogue


    The water issue in the central valley is the doing of a federal judge in response to a specific suit over protection of the (accursed) Delta Smelt. The worst of the damage is to the thousands of workers and supporting business. The majority of those hurt are probably not “conservative”.

    I could wish for someone with both the know-how and the nerve to go turn on those pumps, then stay and defend them against all comers. It would end badly but the message would be heard across the country and around the world… …well, I can dream at least.

    The real solution is to elect those who have a better grip on reality and get the Endangered Species Act modified so that it can’t be used to protect one 3-inch fish at the expense of the livelihood of thousands of people. That’s our real challenge.


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    Roy Hogue

    Steve Schapel @83,

    We have actually had airplanes flown into buildings. I share your implied outrage that the Tasmanian police buckled under criticism.

    No more than a couple of days ago president worthless stood up and declared that we withstood one such disaster and if there’s another we’ll withstand that too. And oh, by the way, we’ll try to prevent it.

    Ha, ha, ha Mr. President. Do you think we’ve forgotten last Christmas Day? In case you need a reminder, one more airplane escaped being blown up, not from any government watchfulness but because of one alert passenger who saw fire and put out the fuse with his bare hands, suffering significant burns in the process.

    Afterward your secretary of homeland insecurity had the brass nerve to say the system worked. You continued playing golf when notified of the event. What a wonderful commander in chief we have!

    Steve, does anyone still have a spine? Is there anyone left who can withstand someone’s displeasure and stick to the truth?


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    Barry Woods

    10 10 Campaign comments section, link below..

    Looks like noone is doing ANY moderating there, a lot of swearing going on…

    someone mentions, the email addreses to O2 and Sony’s press office and CEO in the comments..

    I’ll be sending Sony and O2 a polite email and video link on Monady morning..


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    Thanks for posting this. I greatly appreciate it.
    The additional background information you added
    is very valuable indeed.



  • #

    That video is disgusting! Really beyond belief.


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    This brings to mind a very poignant comment;

    “”I find that when people are joking they’re usually dead serious and when they’re serious, it’s usually pretty funny.”

    Jim Morrison

    That just about brings the whole thing into focus for me.


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    And if you think they’re joking, think again…..check out the website…….this movie opens the lid to Pandora’s Box of Green Horrors and the measures being taken for population reduction out of fear and greed………


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    Brian H

    Not sure if you’ve come across before, but have a look and spread it ’round.


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    Brian H

    Grace; if you want some info about something which may (shortly? soon?) render the entire Greenie & CO2 kerfuffles moot and of no impact or importance, email me at .


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    Bernd Felsche @ 88:

    Pretty much asleep at the wheel in terms of climate lately. I’ve been too busy trying to get into an MMORPG* closed alpha (yes I am a gamer tragic). I noticed -gate has been popping up with alarming regularity in the press in the last year. Just recently we had Grog-gate as well (The Australian newspaper’s outting of Grog’s Gamut’s author).

    Everytime I see a new -gate I feel a touch of remorse at opening Pandora’s box when I glibbly coined ClimateGate.

    * Massively Multiplayer Role Playing Game for the unitiated… think World of Warcraft (WoW) for example. My current inrterest is in Rift: Planes of Telara…


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    Bernd Felsche

    Rick Bradford 92:

    I don’t have enough thumbs to point up to do that clip justice.

    Dogmatic pursuit when people think that they are right has led to the deaths and suffering of millions; not just in Auschwitz and other camps of the era, but more recently under Pol Pot as well as tribal and “religious” conflicts.


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    The video says it all. They want to reduce Carbon emissions by eliminating those in society who are inconvenient to their cause. See. The teacher managed to achieve a 10% reduction with that button.


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    Terry R

    Wiith the discrediting of the hockey stick graph, the blatant rewriting of historical and contemporary temperature figures, climate gate, amazon gate- just to the started. Now with worldwide unadjusted temperature figures plummeting both in the northern and southern the the jig is up. We as a society have only months if not years to push this thru before the entire house of cards of AWGtheory collapses! No Pressure – really!


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    Brian H

    Yeah, 3D science (Dishonest Data Dealers). Pre-cooked and freeze-dried consensus; just add money and stir.


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    Barry woods

    Just found out, that my 5 year olds infant school, is one of the schools signe dup on the 10:10 campaign website..


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    Richard Curtis – funny guy. Funnier than you guys anyway:) Is a link still active… would hate to miss out on it. Enjoy your fauxtrage guys.


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    October 5th, 2010 at 12:40 am


    But you might want to copy these guys in on yours as well. Not sure what the Portugese for fauxtrage is mind.ânica

    Not sure they appreciated ‘the joke’ either.

    Along with FoE,….


  • #
    D.S. Change your name or you will be permanently banned

    [SNIP] ED


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    October 5th, 2010 at 12:40 am

    Richard Curtis – funny guy. Funnier than you guys anyway:) Is a link still active… would hate to miss out on it. Enjoy your fauxtrage guys.

    Do you not have any children Matt? Are you really as emotionally crippled as you pretend? Perhaps you think it’s amusing to play the contrarian?

    On the (strong) possibility that you really are emotionally dumber than a box of rocks, here are a couple of scenarios you might want to avoid:

    1) Don’t make any “funny” jokes about killing other people’s children while going through airport security. Might cause you to have an “interesting” time (cavity search would be appropriate).

    2) When talking to someone in person, don’t “jokingly” suggest killing their children to settle a disagreement between you. — People who are parents are not likely to react rationally. You might wake up in a hospital (if at all).

    Go “enjoy” watching children blown to bloody bits — any respect I might have had for you is gone.


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    Joe Veragio

    See all the Recent SignUps at 10:10 and think how all that’s been undone by one fantastic StuffUp.


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    Some video that one, I have no idea how they could have thought it would work. I am a Python fan and have a pretty bizarre sense of humour but that wasn’t funny at all. Regardless of the message, it simply doesn’t work.

    I decided to show my wife – she’s very green, remains reasonably open to the probability that there is climate change due to anthropogenic causes, is against over-population, is a fervent vegetarian, and well, in short is exactly the kind of person targeted by that film. I didn’t prime her in any way, just told her it’s a video released by 10:10 and asked her opinion.

    She thought it was “disgusting, absolutely horrible”. I asked what she thought the message is, and she answered “be green, join us or we’ll blow you up”.

    What can I say that hasn’t already been said? Eugenie, Frannie and team really missed their mark, didn’t they? Hope they cop some serious corporate flak for that one.


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    Yes, we are FINALLY seeing the true colors of the greenies. The only reason they are trying to retract this is because they didn’t realize there were many of us who have known this to be their thinking for some time now. I checked out and saw that Dr. Rutledge has done a documentary on the ban of DDT and the lives lost to malaria because of such. And now we find out, what was known all along, DDT is safe for humans and birds alike! So their very first “red” button was the banning of DDT! This is no joke folks .. find out the truth for yourself! I think they have gotten away with murder for so long, they felt they could make this “red button” flick and folks would not question it. But .. aha .. that didn’t happen this time!


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    Roy Hogue

    Then there’s the National Science Foundation which I learned today has made a $700,000 3-year grant to some outfit I never heard of to come up with a play about climate change. You can bet it won’t be skeptical.

    The link is:

    I can only imagine the horrors they will come up with to keep their audience from falling asleep.


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    Let’s cut to the chase folks. It’s not about climate, it’s not even about people. It’s a huge government power grab designed to transfer wealth from the people into the hands of the HUGE governmental structures which have been erected around the globe for a one world government. Cap and trade or carbon capping/trading is a scheme designed to fund this global government project. That’s why the huge push. The agenda is an elitist agenda and it’s all about power, greed and control of the masses. This video is blatant propaganda and is aimed at desensitizing people so that those who do not go along with it are not seen as human anymore and therefore easier to eliminate. This is what is always done at the outset of a political agenda aimed at elimination of “undesirables”. Whether it be Germany, Cambodia, Rwanda or the horrific death toll mounting in the 3rd World due to unchecked disease and poverty held in place by governmental mandates designed at reducing global population. Make no mistake this is a third world war and it has been going on since the inception of the UN and it’s many arms and branches. The CFR, EPA you name it. They are all tentacles of the “octopus”. Now you see, ignorance is NEVER bliss.


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    Brian H

    Wups! Glenn Beck is on the case, basically making your point. He excerpted the Class-Splat moment, so I saw it for the first time (never felt the need to experience it).
    Once a super-rationalization is in place, like Global Green Environmentalism, anything goes.


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    Finally, the truth … They always do it don’t they.


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    BobC – yes I have a 4yo and a 2yo, or at least I did until this morning when I watched the 10:10 video and I’ve blown them completely to smitherines in the backyard! I’ll post the video in the parody thread, see if you can spot where I inserted it.

    Incidentally I watched Nacho Libre on the weekend, now THAT is worth complaining about.

    To me the key point in all this is that an extremely well respected and highly acclaimed and well loved and very successful film maker made a short film. Maybe he missed the mark a bit, but I’d love to hear his explanation. To me it said “If we don’t act to reduce emissions, at some stage in the future someone will make decisions on who to kill.” That is a sad reality of war, poverty and extreme drought. It is presented as an absurd exaggeration to highlight that people will die brutally and yet it seems so distant that there is no direct ownership, no sense of responsibility, yet truth is that by not controlling emissions we are condemning millions if not billions to death.

    I certainly didn’t get from it that people will blow you up for not reducing emissions.

    But you guys can go have your fun, and then celebrate even more graphic parodies as though they somehow are not totally contradictory, and which also expose racist and other right wing undertones. I must admit they don;t offend me because I expect right wing extremists to produce that sort of stuff. MUst be why this is surprising as norall the left is about hugging and pandas and stuff.


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    I certainly didn’t get from it that people will blow you up for not reducing emissions.

    nice try, but no, you fail English Comprehension.
    It’s only 4 minutes, and the theme is repeated… 4 times. What part of:

    1. we blow up the kids who don’t join the crusade

    2. We blow up the workers who aren’t so keen,

    3. We blow up the footballer who thinks he has other priorities,

    4. We blow up the voice-over sheila because she is only halfway sympathetic…

    — don’t you get?
    Do you need the 10 minute version where they gratuitously destroy girl guides, babies, senior citizens, and puppy dogs too?

    Sure, if they were right about their deadly projections some people will die. That justifies them doing some… good explanations, and graphic footage of droughts, etc. If they only had evidence, and could add up basic numbers on cost-benefits, it could convince us. Failing that, they will just scare kids and people… the Genghis Khan style of diplomacy.

    The key message is hammered home. They’ve given up explaining and now it’s intimidation and death threats. “Do it my way or I’ll kill you. I won’t warn you or explain anything. I won’t show mercy on children.”

    Basically they’ve appointed themselves judge, jury, executioner and God. The only joke in here is the joke of superiority. If you “get it” or enjoy it, that’s not something to boast about.

    But you guys can go have your fun, and then celebrate even more graphic parodies as though they somehow are not totally contradictory, and which also expose racist and other right wing undertones. I must admit they don;t offend me because I expect right wing extremists to produce that sort of stuff.

    OK so when someone who might be right wing (or might just be “a dead-centre-sample-of-homo-sapiens-who-doesn’t-hate-kids”) uses the exact same footage but just changes the targets to your pet focus groups, it is suddenly the work of extremists, whom you “expect to come up with this kind of stuff”?

    Do the words Blatant Hypocrisy mean anything here?

    Back up the blather: find ONE example of a large group of conservatives — funded by corporates and/or government aiming to put something in cinema’s/advertising/or equivalent which is essentially a death threat aimed at people who disagree with them?

    Then — when you can’t — you can apologize and admit that your friends are the tyrannical, despotic, nasty PR idiots who think executing kids is a “funny” thing to do, and no right wing think tank has ever done anything so base, so ridiculous and nor so positively self-destructive in marketing terms.


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    Right wing think tanks and politics took us to war in Iraq where many children have been blown to pieces as collateral damage. Real actual smiling, innocent, children blown apart. Excuse me if I’m not outraged by a short film by a renowned english filmmaker.

    “find ONE example of a large group of conservatives — funded by corporates and/or government aiming to put something in cinema’s/advertising/or equivalent which is essentially a death threat aimed at people who disagree with them?” Hmm a cheekier me may suggest the US government… but that doesn’t do it in film, just real life.

    I should have mentioned I watched it in mute:)

    Also I didn’t say just because the parodies are from the other side it makes them better or worse… you are the one celebrating the “parodies”… if a parody is graphically violent and fails, surely a parody of the parody that is graphically violent fails too? no? I’m not offended at all by the parodies, I just think to claim fauxtrage over one not the other is hypocritical.

    Also – you say “do the words BLATANTLY HYPOCRITICAL mean anything here?” Well yes they do, but I’m not sure they mean what you think they do:) I’m 100% consistent, the blog entry and many posts are hypocritical.

    Lastly “They’ve given up explaining and now it’s intimidation and death threats.”… who is they??? Is “they” a single well respected and award winning much loved filmmaker known for middle of the road light british comedy who may or may not have missed the mark here?

    Oh ok a single well respected award winning filmmaker missed the mark that’s it, therefore anyone left of Bush Jr is going to blow up babies! lol.


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    October 6th, 2010 at 2:28 am

    The minute I see the term ‘you guys’ in any form, creating in the author’s mind two distinct groups, either pro or con, sceptic vs. warmist, I know things will grind on, if not end poorly.

    ‘Green’ cannot be viewed in black and white.

    No matter how some would wish it and who seem to prefer the ‘fight’ over seeking to bring matters to a conclusion, and simply have to have a ‘them’ to tackle.

    It’s a mindset that is a short route to madness.

    ps: I rightaway see ‘they’ used by Jo. And taken to task. But this is specific, and in response to a specific act by a targeted, identified ‘them’. ‘Those that disagree with me and my mates’ is too vague to be sensible as such an umbrella term. It might also be a pretty large number.


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    Hi I got invited onto RussiaTV (oct 5th) and said SplatGate(10/10) film malevolent desperation + Cut CarbonCon to save economy –


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    To me it said “If we don’t act to reduce emissions, at some stage in the future someone will make decisions on who to kill.” That is a sad reality of war, poverty and extreme drought. It is presented as an absurd exaggeration to highlight that people will die brutally and yet it seems so distant that there is no direct ownership, no sense of responsibility…

    Excuse me? The children in the film were gorily executed for not being sufficiently enthusiastic about the “10-10” campaign, which is very now — not in some distant future. The film was made by people who see nothing wrong with this kind of threat.

    Try to imagine I was arguing with you in person — when you seemed to be getting the upper hand, I “jokingly” threatened to kill your children if you didn’t submit. Be honest, Matt — imagine your reaction.

    I know what my reaction would likely be, and it wouldn’t be voluntary. When you become a parent there are programs activated in your brain you had no idea were there and have little control over — I would die to save my child without even thinking about it. I would kill also.

    Now, quit trying so hard to be an idiot and admit that this is fascistic.

    Or else, you really are emotionally crippled.


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    BTY: One of the main messages of the film is that people who don’t support the “10-10” campaign are so worthless that there aren’t any repercussions for eliminating them — neither external consequences or internal regrets — even if they are merely children reflecting their parent’s values.

    The film makers, while dressing this as a “joke”, clearly hoped that this message would be accepted by a significant fraction of the public. Apparently, “deniers” haven’t been as thoroughly dehumanized as they had hoped.

    These people are sociopaths who haven’t the slightest idea what makes society work. When people with this level of emotional disfunction actually manage to get power, disaster follows (e.g., Pol Pot).


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    Ian Hill

    MattB @ 127

    … yet truth is that by not controlling emissions we are condemning millions if not billions to death.

    The real truth is that by forcing the control of emissions we are condemning millions if not billions to death because all that money should be directed to where it is needed NOW.

    Every time I see this “save the planet crap” I’m reminded of my mother continually nagging me as a child to “turn off the lights because money doesn’t grow on trees”. At least her motive was purely economic.

    I’ve often thought that the entire evidence of human existence could be buried in a hole one cubic mile deep. That still leaves plenty of planet not in need of saving.


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    Ian Hill

    slight correction: that should read … “save the planet” crap …


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    I dunno bob – as I say I think the filmaker, using his craft that has seen him produce many celebrated pieces of pommy puff pastry, was trying to say “your decision to ignore climate change is comparable to simply pressing a button to blow people up. You wouldn’t like it, it is pretty brutal and in your face, so how about you take this seriously. ”

    I’d suggest the reason he didn’t connect very well is because he’s never tackled anything remotely serious or challenging in his life. Maybe if he had Hugh’s “charming” smile in there somewhere it would have worked…

    … lets be thankful he didnt apply his skills to a music video competing for the english Chritmas #1… could you imagine those kids to an electronic version of the 1812 overture? BOOM!

    Look I’m not condoning the video, the guy makes crap english happy films with painful storylines (ok 4 weddings was class). I just want to see the logic that extends from that to the kind of crap posted all over the interwebs. This is like seeing a polar bear swimming and making front page of Time.


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    Roy Hogue


    Every time I give you the benefit of the doubt I end up regretting it. So since no one else will say this I will.

    Before you get to tell me anything about the United States going to war anywhere post 9/11 you’ll have to tell me how many tall buildings in Australia were knocked down by suicidal maniac hijackers and how many Australian citizens were killed in the attack. How many, Matt? How many? In case you can’t figure it out the answer is zero, Matt! Zero! How then do you dare to judge those who lost over 3,000 in one single day? How do you dare, Matt? How?

    You think you’re funny and cute. But all you are is pathetic and ridiculous. You’ve shown your ugly inside with your comments about blowing up children — even your own. And have extremely bad judgment as well.

    Instead of sounding off all the time you really should stand back and take a good long hard look at yourself.


  • #

    Roy – you make a classic mistake. I said Iraq… you’re responded with 9/11. 9/11 led to Afghanistan… tough fight but hippies like me didn’t march in protest. We all watched live and in real time (at least we did here in Oz) as that 2nd plane hit… and you wonder why folks are desensitised to what amounts to a B-grade zombie flick.

    Everyone always forgets that there was precious little opposition to Afghanistan. Unfortunately it is now a disliked war much as a carry on from opposition to the Iraq conflict.

    Do you really think Iraq was connected to 9/11? Seriously. If that was the case why all the kerfuffle about WMDs?

    Look at you, even if it were a totally defensible war you think I have no right to bring up collateral damage of babies and children blown to pieces, entire wedding parties, real actual footage of journalists with cameras being annihilated by the US Army cheering on as though they are scum… or did you miss that wikileak? You think this is all excused because of 9/11…. when you think like that then you’ve let them win Roy. You’ve let them win. 1st step – don;t accept anything less than the best from your own side… at least you leave the conflict with your integrity intact.


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    Check out this link:

    I don’t know, all the ads that the “greenies” ever seem to put out seem to be about death. Well if you think there are to many people and that the best way to save the planet is to reduce the number of people on it, why don’t you take yourself out? I have no problem with it. I mean really, if your ideology is as infallible as you say it is then “walk your talk”. Just don’t expect me to walk it for you.


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    …I think the filmaker, using his craft that has seen him produce many celebrated pieces of pommy puff pastry, was trying to say “your decision to ignore climate change is comparable to simply pressing a button to blow people up. You wouldn’t like it, it is pretty brutal and in your face, so how about you take this seriously. ”

    First: The filmmaker didn’t actually say that — The rest of us are starting to wonder why you are so willing to channel what he “really meant” when you are obviously have no information to that effect. Perhaps his actions should stand on their own merit, without your “help”.

    Second: Your statement is not incompatible with my characterization of him (and his fellow actors/producers) as “sociopaths”. I have dealt with several sociopaths, and one of their common characteristics is an inability to make independent moral judgments. They can follow the law, when they know what it is, and when the consequences of violating it are relative certain and unpleasant. They have no real internal controls on their behavior, however, corresponding to what the rest of us would characterize as “conscience”.

    When these people are surrounded by more normal folks, they can perform well — hence his production of comedies. When a group of these morally blind people are not regulated by those with normal moral sensibilities, however, the results can be grotesque. That they thought most other people would find this funny shows just how clueless they are, morally.

    Re: Your disingenuous replies to Roy (and non-replies to me): Would you accept threats to your own children because children elsewhere in the world get killed? Your attempts to make a moral argument here are rather pathetic.


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    Roy Hogue

    MattB @138,

    I do not and will not try to defend war in either Afghanistan or Iraq. So forget making any arguments about either war.

    When you judge others they will judge you!

    You display your flawed world view yet again — I challenged your right to try to create a moral equivalence between deaths of children in Iraq and the blowing up of children by 10:10; which is exactly what you did, like it or not. You have no standing from which to make that kind of statement. But you missed the point entirely.

    Now, do you think for one minute that they don’t want to enforce their will by violence if they can get away with it? If you do you’re the biggest fool on this Earth.

    So consider this: if the likes of 10:10 should gain the power they want, they’ll have no particular regard for you. You can’t count on such people to spare you simply because you blather on in support of the AGW position. They’re about as trustworthy as a fox claiming to guard the hen house. They scare me, Matt. And they should scare you! They are dangerous! I don’t know about Australia but here, environmental extremists have been guilty of numerous crimes of property destruction and even an attempted murder. Fanatics need to be taken seriously.


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    Amen to that Roy.

    In Russia and China, the first to get either the bullet or the one-way trip to a gulag were party members who lost out in the party squabbles.

    For most people, last weekend’s football game is ancient history. They’ve read about communist atrocities but it’s still an abstract concept to them and they cling to the notion that “it can’t happen here”.

    I got news. It can and will happen if they don’t wake up.


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    Piers Corbyn:
    October 6th, 2010 at 7:38 am
    “Hi I got invited onto RussiaTV…..

    Have seen you and many other good scientists given air time on RT. It is sad that many people in Australia do not know that satellite channel is free and easy to get. However you will have been seen here by many of the viewers (mostly of foreign ethnic origin)who do. It is a very good channel to watch when you want a 2nd opinion on the news. Their side of the story during “Operation clean field” was riveting viewing. It showed how our media can be played to fool us. Please keep up the good work.


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    Also I didn’t say just because the parodies are from the other side it makes them better or worse… you are the one celebrating the “parodies”… if a parody is graphically violent and fails, surely a parody of the parody that is graphically violent fails too? no? I’m not offended at all by the parodies, I just think to claim fauxtrage over one not the other is hypocritical.

    If people aim death threats at your kids, and protesting that is called “fauxtrage” errr.. what do you save “outrage” for?

    1. When people don’t enthusiastically offer to pay lots of money for your baseless scare campaign.
    2. when people ask for empirical evidence (that you can’t provide).
    3. When people actually kill your kids.

    You’ve made “fauxtrage” meaningless.

    Who is “they?”

    “They” is: all governments who throw money at the 10:10 project, all corporates and individuals that sponsor 10:10 and haven’t withdrawn their money or their name. It includes all supposedly peaceful green groups who may not sponsor 10:10 but haven’t spoken out for peace and against death threats as a way to “convince people”. It evidently includes you.

    I’m surprised Matt. This was a no-brainer. If some parts of the Green campaign are noxious violent sociopaths that doesn’t make any difference to the scientific case (or non-case). All you had to do was say, “wow, clanger of a PR move. Not nice”. Instead you’re left unnecessarily looking like an emotional half-wit, defending bullies who advocate murder in technicolor. Thus proving you’ll defend the Scare Campaign teams, no matter what they say or do, no reason required.

    The parodies are funny because they are fundamentally different from the original. We are not a group threatening to kill children. They are part of the authoritarian dominant team, who want power (or have it), and are threatening to kill people who disagree. We’re showing how dangerous their group is. The parodies from our side wouldn’t be as funny (or might fall flat completely) if “they” hadn’t made the video in the first place.


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    Roy Hogue

    Thank you Jo!


    You’ve let them win. 1st step – don;t accept anything less than the best from your own side… at least you leave the conflict with your integrity intact.

    Joanne has stirred up a sore point I was originally going to ignore. But I’m now going to call your attention to the fact that those who engaged in the murderous attack are up for court marshal with a high probability of conviction and a certainty of long, if not life sentences if convicted. In short Matt, we have not shrunk from dealing with such things appropriately when they happen. And you damn well know it! So your moralizing about my integrity is just so much bull.

    You call yourself a hippie!? Well I’ve lived through more hippies than you know how to count. And to the very last one they were worthless slackers and fools. They were a festering boil on the backside of humanity. That’s exactly what they were. I know some now in their 50s and they are pathetic: no college education, no real skills and no real ability to cope with the world around them. Do you identify with this? You should be ashamed!

    You don’t understand the United States or anything about it. You don’t understand war or the use of power. But of course you can pontificate all about it. In the end, Iraq is well on its way to a government that is actually responsive to and accountable to its people. The Iraqi on the street has a say in who governs him and how it’s done. But this fledgling democracy is very fragile and if Obama pulls out the last of our troops too soon Iraq may well fall. But this nothing short of miraculous accomplishment is apparently lost on you.

    America has made many mistakes and George Bush made numerous mistakes in the way he went about the war in Iraq. But the war itself was not one of those mistakes. The best intelligence at the time said there WMDs and Bush took his responsibility to protect his country and its allies seriously (and I can’t say the same for the current president). That the intelligence turned out to be wrong after the fact does not make Bush a liar as he’s been accused. Intelligence is a no guarantees business. I know this first hand because my military service was in the field of intelligence. Should we have gone into Iraq? Unfortunately hindsight and foresight give different answers to some of the questions about that decision. Also unfortunately, no president who ever faced the need to fight a war ever had any prior experience that could guide him. It’s all OJT, on-the-job-training.

    I understand you much better than you understand me. And I understand your country much better than you understand mine. But you can go on telling the rest of us what’s wrong with us — at least until someone holds you to account for yourself. But as soon as someone calls you to account you just go silent. Joanne has nailed you to the wall, Matt. You don’t appear to dare to stand up to any real challenge to your position. Why is that, Matt? Why is that?


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    Peter the Proud Sceptic

    The tactics that are being used to an ever-increasing extent by so-called environmentalists, to silence and denigrate those who have the audacity to question their vile propaganda, are becoming evermore reminiscent of the tactics that were employed during the 1930’s by totalitarian governments against non-conformists. The most disturbing aspect of this rotten film is not necessarily the graphic violence, bad enough as that is, but the true nature of the modern-day eco-fascist that was (unintentionally?) revealed by this piece of filthy drek. ‘A joke’ they say? Oh, yes, really funny – idiots!

    I just hope that enough people in the West wake up in time to arrest the spread of this malignant cancer, before it is too late, before we have a situation where children are brainwashed into believing their lives count for nothing if their ‘carbon footprint’ is too large, and that the ‘ethical’ (and final) solution for them is to take advantage of our – recently liberalised – euthanasia laws.
