The backlash gets serious

If 10:10 made the shocking kill-your-kids movie as a publicity stunt, things are going horribly wrong. This viral campaign is turning into rabies-meets-ebola (pace Dellers).

Sony, EAGA and Kyocera appear to have asked that their names be removed from the list of sponsors, perhaps they have pulled their funding too. Marc Morano is getting great Fox news coverage (see below). The NY Times is covering Sony’s decision to pull out. The Australian made it a story yesterday and with photos.

Plus: Washington Post | Andrew Bolt | Tim Blair

Climate blogtoonist Marc Roberts has already drawn up this response:

There is no putting this back in the box.

Andi Revkin of the NY Times gave it a negative review:

If the goal had been to convince people that environmental campaigners have lost their minds and to provide red meat (literally) to shock radio hosts and  pundits fighting curbs on greenhouse gases, it worked like a charm. Of course the goal might have been buzz more than efficacy. Too often these days, that’s the online norm. They succeeded on that front. I, among many others, am forced to write about it. Congratulations.

Though he was clinging to hope trying to pretend there might be an excuse…

Then again, it could be a conspiracy. Perhaps the filmmakers were simply highly-paid double agents for big oil and big coal trying to undercut the global effort of the similarly named  10-10-10 campaign kicking off on Oct. 10 (the 10:10 group is one of thousands of participants in the international climate “work party”).

Contacting advertisers over “No Pressure” has been effective.

Who wants their corporate name stuck in the most obnoxious hate campaign ever run in Western Politics? “Let’s promote Death in Schools!”

Hopefully advertisers will be withdrawing support from 1010 global. Compare “Sponsors” Kyocera, Eaga and Sony which are now missing from the 10:10 sponsor page vs the Google cached version.

David H sent these two letters to Kyocera and Sony pointing out that “It is most effective when pointing out their ethical commitments”. (Thanks to David for sending the cached links and copies to me also).


Kazuo Inamori, Founder & Chairman Emeritus
Makoto Kawamura, Chairman
Tetsuo Kuba, President
Kyocera Group

Honorable Founder Inamori, Chairman Kawamura & President Kuba

Thank you for your foundation of “Living Together” built on you ethical perspective “What is the right thing to do as a human being?” and for your effort to “build trust relationships with all stakeholders”. This affirms Jesus’ teaching: “Do unto others as you would have them do to you.”

However, your company is supporting the 10:10 UK group at Though claiming to act for the environment, 10:10 UK is destroying our foundational Rule of Law. By their video “No Pressure”, they promote teachers violently murdering children who do not agree with their advocacy.

Please repudiate 10:10’s teaching children to murder.
Please remove your support from 10:10UK.

Yours sincerely

Dr. David H

To Sony

Yotaro Kobayashi, Chairman of the Board
Sir. Howard Stringer, Sony Corporation Chairman, CEO
Naomi Climer, Vice President, Sony Europe
c/o Corporate Social Responsibility Department
Sony Corporation

Honorable Chairman Kobayashi, Chairman Stringer & VP. Climer

Thank you for your commitment: “Sony recognizes the importance of preserving the natural environment that sustains all life on the earth for future generations and thereby ensuring that all humanity can attain a healthy and enriched life.” This affirms Jesus’ teaching: “Do unto others as you would have them do to you.”

However, Sony UK is planning to support 10:10 UK on 10 October. Though claiming to act for the environment, 10:10 UK is destroying our foundational Rule of Law. By their video “No Pressure”, they promote teachers violently murdering children who do not agree with their advocacy.

Please repudiate 10:10’s teaching children to murder.
Please remove your support from 10:10 UK.

Yours sincerely

Dr. David H

Have these organizations publicly declared they will not support 10:10 any longer? Are they pulling any future support and funds?

UPDATE: Answer – Yes at least Sony has replied to one letter writer:

The letter writer sent this to Marc Morano of Climate Depot

Thank you for your email concerning the video released by the 10:10 climate change campaign group. Sony has supported the 10:10 climate change campaign because we share its objective to reduce carbon emissions. However, we strongly condemn the “No Pressure” video which was conceived, produced and released by 10:10 entirely without the knowledge or involvement of Sony. The company considers the video to be ill-conceived and in extremely bad taste.

We also believe the video risks undermining the work of the many thousands of members of the public, schools and universities, local authorities and many businesses, of which Sony is one, who support the long-term aims of the 10:10 movement and who are actively working towards the reduction of carbon emissions.

As a result we have taken the decision to disassociate ourselves from 10:10 at this time.

In our press statement we will be posting tomorrow morning we reaffirm our ongoing commitment to the reduction of global carbon emissions as part of our ‘Road to Zero’ environmental plan.

Yours sincerely,


Nick Sharples, Director of Corporate Communications
Sony Europe


Email addresses of 10:10’s “partners”

h/t peterhorne

Perhaps a polite message asking them if they plan to immediately stop all funding to 10:10, and if not, how they can justify continuing it?

Thanks to Barry Woods for copying this comment from the Guardian:

JohnHalladay (Friends of the Earth – Board Member)
1 October 2010 1:27AM

“God knows I’m on your side but this just panders to the morons who think we’re ‘Eco-fascists’ – own goal, guys.
Kill it and do something better.

He came back for a second comment…

1 October 2010 1:33AM John Hallady

Actually, I have to say something stronger,
this film is ****ing ridiculous.
I am a local Greenpeace coordinator, and a Board member of Friends of the Earth and I just can’t believe that you have produced a film that is so ****ing stupid.
There, I’ve sworn on the Guardian.
*****, where is your common sense. We’re trying to win hearts and minds. This is just ludicrous.

Presumably this is John…..

John Halladay
Friends of the Earth Trust and Limited
Elected Board member for South Central


Comments are disappearing from the supporters sites.

They think they can rewrite history and slow this groundswell of outrage. Please copy the comments! “Guardian Rejects”, “Hidden From 10:10”are all interesting posts. Let’s not lose those voices.

They can’t rewrite history this time, they can only embarrass themselves further.

7 out of 10 based on 3 ratings

50 comments to The backlash gets serious

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    A few FOI requests are in order with the UK government now. They signed up to 10:10. All correspondence between the UK government(s) and the 10:10 group including emails and meeting minutes should now be made publicly available. Every last piece of it should now be made public.

    Wouldn’t be interesting to see any warning signs in the correspondence about the radical mindset of this group?


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    Barry Woods

    Sorry for the long post, just put it onto Watts Up

    An email just sent to O2…

    Dear O2

    I imagine that O2 like Sony, were completely unaware of the content of the 10:10 Campaign ‘No Pressure’ video…

    I just sent this email to 10:10 (attached below) I forgot to copy O2, O2 still apparently support this stupidity..

    James Delingpole – Telegraph journalist – credits me with sending him this story (and half the civilised world – he said)

    Fox News has just shown, the 10:10 Campiagn exploding children on their News channel in the USA

    The Headteacher at my 6 year old child’s INFANTS School, watched 1 minute and 11 seconds of the ‘No Pressure’ video.
    (when the first child that disagreed with 10:10 is killed by the teacher)

    She then immediately, contacted 10:10 and withdrew the school completely from the 10:10 Campaign
    Sony pulled out VERY quickly from 10:10, what will O2 do….?

    !! Your Choice, No Pressure !!!!! (I have no red button !!!)

    What were they thinking!!!!

    And the Guardian, to sponsor the launch.!

    Best Regards

    Barry Woods

    —– Original Message —–
    From: Barry Woods
    To: xxxxxx@1010ukCc: jonovaxxxxxx ; willettsd@parliamentxxxxx ; stringerg@xxxxxxxx; Roger Harrabin – BBC ; Richard Black-BBC ; millera@parliamenxxxxxx; Telegraph, Herald Sun, Eureferendum blog
    Sent: Tuesday, October 05, 2010 10:47 AM
    Subject: The lesson learnt is….. 10:10 Campaign’s sickening ‘No Pressure’ video.

    the lesson learnt is…

    Delete all the critical comment of you…Supress any criticism as if it wasn’t there….
    This is going to be huge in the USA: Fox News ran with it.

    Thousand of comments, that you invited on your website (ignore the rude,swearing ones) you just deleted everyone, your child supporters amongst them, because you were embarrased..

    Bit like the video, Or In Franny’s words…

    What DO with THOSE people….. (the afflicted: she said, her words and video in the link below)

    What WERE the Guardian thinking?!

    Many thousands of children were part of the 10:10 Campaign, many have been doubly betrayed, by the video, and by your censorship.

    They have NOW LEARNT an IMPORTANT LESSON, that there voices can be deleted to, by the people they supported, just for critcising..

    Some (now deleted) comments below.. that is the mindset, delete/ignore/supress/label, wish away anyother thoughts or people…
    Some of the 3000 plus (your own supporters) missing now from the 10 10 apology page…

    2. Dan Woodfine

    Dear 10:10

    I’m a teenager who has spent the last year trying to convince my parents to be more aware of the environment, to put more effort into recycling, to save energy etc. And what’s more – it was working.

    They’ve now seen your video and have been interrogating me about who I’m associating with, warning me about “eco-terrorists” and other such nonsense.

    In short, with this video, you’ve completely undone everything I’ve tried to do to help my parents. You’ve made them suspicious of me, and you’ve made them downright angry.

    Thanks for nothing, you bunch of idiots.

    1. Carol Ann Cattell

    Is that the best you can do, 10:10 leaders? Still no apology even to your supporters. Mention jokingly a “lively round on cake”, which was about 5 out of 3000 comments? Like a finishing school dormitory girls’ giggle? And your main statement still says “most” thought it funny but “some” didn’t – but the truth is, as you know, the opposite – that globally, thousands found it crass and unfunny and authoritarian and just, well, crap in promoting your cause.

    You. Just. Don’t. Get. It.

    And some – a handful of goodhearted souls – have loyally supported you, but not terribly well, all the time you were silent. All a bit of a laugh, was it? Going back to Mummy and Daddy and their contacts for a bit more money, now, are we?

    God, you make me angry. And most of us were on your side, if you hadn’t been so blinkered. No, the eco stuff is still there and serious and needs serious consideration, proper scientific facts, and effective action. But I hope to god you lot aren’t anywhere near it. You’re toxic. You can’t even say sorry properly. You’ve no idea, have you? We’re just plebs to be sniggered at, fodder for your little wanky games. For the earth’s sake, just grow up, will you?

    Yeah, I’m a smidgen cross.

    3. Managing Director

    Our corporate accountants alerted me this evening to the existance (sic) of this video and to remind me that we had made a financial contribution to the 10:10 campaign. Having viewed it, I find it personally repulsive in the extreme. You have had the last donation you will ever get from our business or any business with which I have any influence. What could you have been thinking?

    4. Dear all at 10:10

    I have supported your campaign to date, am pro-green, pro-cutting carbon emissions, and generally very environmentally conscious. I also grew up in a country where people were blown up and killed by terrorists on a daily basis. I know people who died in this way, and from this video, I imagine from this video that no one at your office, or on your creative team, has experienced this.

    The mini-movie campaign indicates a total lack of sensitivity. Further, whatever the intended message might have been, it does implicitly suggest that those who disagree with you should be blown up. If this had been aimed at people who are of a different race, religion, sexuality, etc, it would have been evidently grossly unacceptable.

    Sadly, the mini-movie makes me ashamed to have lent my support, and put my name to 10:10. I imagine your corporate sponsors may feel similarly. I am reluctant to continue to be associated with an organisation which can advertise its cause in this way, even if I support the underlying green cause.

    This is compounded by what is somewhat obviously a non-apology. It is not a sense of humour failure (as you seem to imply) for people who may actually have seen children, friends, etc blown up, not to consider your mini-movie particularly funny.

    The environmental cause will now to have to deal with the damage that you’ve managed to do it. Your supporters deserve a decent apology for the damage you have done to the general reputation of the green movement.

    We will just have to continue onwards and upwards without you.


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    Rick Bradford

    I don’t think O2 is going to act. Or maybe this (from their forum) is just a placeholder while the top brass decide what to do:

    Hi all

    I’d like to clarify O2’s involvement with 10:10.

    Along with 100,000 members of the public, leading businesses, schools and universities, local authorities and NHS Trusts, we support the aims of the 10:10 campaign but they are an independent organisation – we don’t ask to see their adverts before they run and were not involved in the making of the ‘No Pressure’ video.

    We acknowledge our responsibility to the environment and are committed to reducing our carbon emissions both as an organisation and in society as a whole.

    Hope this helps.



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    Page Updated (again)
    I copied these from the 10:10 page yesterday.
    I don’t know if they are still there.

    g2g8:14 pm
    You f—ing idiots. This wasn’t an “own goal,” you just machine gunned your own bloody team.

    Speaking here as an American with a carbon footprint less than 50% of that of the average American: 150 KWH/month electricity, one tank of gas per month, telecommute 3 – 4 days a week, and two kilos of solid waste output per week including recycling.

    Your apology was half-assed.

    You ought to take a dose of your own medicine and figuratively *splat!* yourselves: 10:10 deserves to GO OUT OF BUSINESS for that one. Fire everyone involved and cancel their benefits, fold up the organization, sell your assets, and donate the proceeds to groups that are doing some real good.

    THERE WAS AND IS NO EXCUSE for what you did. NONE.

    The people who did this should be permanently banned from any further involvement in any part of the sustainability movement.
    Catweazle8:00 pm
    Well done Frannie et al, I reckon you’ve done your cause more damage than the leaked Climategate emails. Most of the general public were probably incapable of following the finer technical points of the scientists’ correspondence, but they sure as Hell fully understand being told that, if they don’t do as you eco-Fascists tell them, you’ll blow their children up.

    Congratulations, you have probably perpetrated the biggest PR cock-up of the Millennium!
    Chilli5:01 pm
    It’s time to stand up and be counted. We won’t calmly walk into the gas chambers this time.

    Email your MP to demand that 10:10’s Taxpayer funding be stopped immediately!! Demand a full enquiry into govenrment funding of this vile anti-human propaganda.

    Email Sony’s Naomi Climer with your thoughts here:

    You might try the Sony CEO too:
    Serge V Richard3:35 pm
    Your motto should be changed from “Cutting carbon 10% at a time” to “Cutting non believers 10% at a time”
    That would be more honest

    Scott Mandia7:53 pm
    I am SHOCKED, just SHOCKED that 10:10 suggests that we blow up our children! What a dumb idea.

    Instead, we should be EATING OUR CHILDREN.

    A Modest Carbon Proposal by Jonathan Swifthack at

    George Van Allen6:42 pm
    I only stopped here to get a list of your supporters, whatever I can do from here in the states to boycott them and you I will. That you would air that trash to begin with shows your true state of mind. God have pity on you.

    Exploding kids – funny! I wonder if they could find some AGW-denying lambs, kittens and Labradoodle puppies? Probably not

    Not impressed5:06 pm

    An here is a link to all the partners and supporters so you can register your displeasure with them as well:

    God, you make me angry. And most of us were on your side, if you hadn’t been so blinkered. No, the eco stuff is still there and serious and needs serious consideration, proper scientific facts, and effective action. But I hope to god you lot aren’t anywhere near it. You’re toxic. You can’t even say sorry properly. You’ve no idea, have you? We’re just plebs to be sniggered at, fodder for your little wanky games. For the earth’s sake, just grow up, will you?


    Rhys5:10 pm
    I think it is easier to prepare for climate change and protect my family against it than preparing against a violent mass movement.

    So, obviously, i will now *FIRST* prepare for the rise of an eco-nazi dictature.

    And thanks for the warning.


    Chad4:07 pm
    Finally, a response from 10:10!

    “Thanks for all of your comments and discussion today (including a lively round on cake).”

    It truly is amazing what is going on here. I haven’t seen a political action group implode at this level before. And to be so smug in the fallout truly is the most incredible part of it all. It’s as if they are digging the hole faster and faster to make room for the rest of the movement that is soon to follow.

    Someone, somewhere in the climate change movement needs to step up and set this strait, because 10:10 is doing nothing and the consequences are spreading like wildfire. Denounce what has happened here.

    Richard Franks4:02 pm
    Boycott Sony and O2 for supporting these feckless terrorists!

    Eugenius4:33 pm
    Ah, I’m going to watch this space. I think the website will be taken down very soon, and this sick organisation will be disbanded. What a fun ^^

    Dan Woodfine4:43 pm
    Dear 10:10

    I’m a teenager who has spent the last year trying to convince my parents to be more aware of the environment, to put more effort into recycling, to save energy etc. And what’s more – it was working.

    They’ve now seen your video and have been interrogating me about who I’m associating with, warning me about “eco-terrorists” and other such nonsense.

    In short, with this video, you’ve completely undone everything I’ve tried to do to help my parents. You’ve made them suspicious of me, and you’ve made them downright angry.

    Thanks for nothing, you bunch of idiots.


    Richard Franks3:54 pm
    Thank you for confirming to the world that you are out of control. Do us all a favour and jump off a bridge. No Pressure.
    Martin Vickers3:07 pm
    Words fail me. I cannot believe how clumsy you have been. This is our Budapest moment and it was all so bloody unnecessary.


    Anonymous User2:03 pm

    I have taken your video as a direct threat to me and my family, I am undecided as yet what to do about it. I assure you that I will do doing something.


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    Barry Woods

    Just received this from O2:

    Dear Mr Wood

    Thank you for your email to the O2 press office.

    Along with 100,000 members of the public, leading businesses, schools and universities, local authorities and NHS Trusts, O2 supports the aims of the 10:10 campaign. We acknowledge our responsibility to the environment and are committed to reducing our carbon emissions both as an organisation and in society as a whole. 10:10 is an independent organisation and we don’t ask for editorial control over the content of its campaigns.

    Kind regards



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    Just a thought…I couldn’t see the email for the UK government department that donated money to 10:10 in the list at the top….

    This could be used during the current Conservative Party Conference meeting that running in Birmingham UK this week. I wonder why none of the MSM haven’t noticed this video and asked for the thoughts of David Cameron (Wife’s father recently installed a wind generator on his estate) or Clegg leader of the Liberal Party, who’s wife is a Director of a Windfarm company).


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    I’ve done a blog post on Greenpeace’s totally inadequate response, titled: Greenpeace and the Violent Video.

    It’s also worth noting that five other green groups, when asked for their comment, apparently declined the opportunity to distance themselves from the 10:10 video.


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    Wayne, s. Job

    These fools at 10/10 have reinforced by 100% why Americans are arming themselves privately and stocking ammunition in historic quantities. Freedom of thought action and speech will always give a better outcome for people and the environment, what misguided education has bought these people to such a low level of stupidity. They have the thought processes of a Pol Pot, a brave new world indeed, oxygen thieves making too much carbon dioxide for the planets good. These people are a waste of space and their agenda a monumental back slide into a new dark age of suffering and savagery. Sad


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    Let’s not relax too soon. This 10:10 organisation could well morph into another, with a name change via surrogate organisations. Same mob, different name/names. It would still be eligible for government funding and new corporate sponsorships. They just change the name – like Blackwater did. Keep an eye out folks.


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    O2 Press Office twitter feed

    @unique2727 Along with 100k members of the public, O2 supports the aims of 10:10 but we don’t ask for editorial control over its campaigns.


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    As one who has now had to concede that beneath Curtis’ cunningly-crafted guise of a blithering warm-mongering idiot there lurked, not a subversive wit seizing an opportunity to parody the all-but-beyond parody, but a blithering warm-mongering idiot, can I draw attention to the gifts he has bestowed on us, and make a plea for temperate treatment of those who have until now supported his cause, but are
    repelled by this video?

    First, the gifts.

    He has added “No Pressure” to our lexicon, as a shorthand for all manner of sanctimonious warm-mongering, much as “Climategate” now denotes a whole clutch of scientific misdemeanours.

    He has demonstrated, in a way they will find difficult to efface, the preference of warmists for coercion and censure over persuasion, and indeed revealed their anxiety that persuasion is failing.

    Less obviously,

    He has provided a socially acceptable route out of warmism and towards scepticism for “passive social” warmists. By this I mean people who subscribe to CAGW because they fear social exclusion, and don’t want to be “bad” people, but who lack either the means or the curiosity to scrutinise the conduct of climate “science”. I contend that these are numerous, and form the political “ballast” of CAGW belief. Their removal, leaving only the blithering warm-mongering idiots – among whom I must now sadly number Mr Curtis – prancing around in the rigging, would be very destabilising.

    So my plea is that we distinguish between the genuinely evil – the Franny Wossernames of this world – and the merely gullible, and do all possible to avoid alienating the latter. This opportunity to make it OK, nay, kewl, to be a sceptic, probably won’t last long. Let’s not blow it.


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    As disgusting as this film is, why are people surprised at emergence of this violence.

    After 20 years of indoctrinating kids that CO2 is killing the planet, we should not be surprised if they end up actually believing it. And if they really believe we are killing their planet with our CO2 and apathy– what do you expect them to do? Just lie down and die? If their words and images fail, if vilification and silencing of opponents fails have the alarmists not made totalitarianism and violent resistance justified in their eyes for their survival?

    I mean, how did the Climate alarmists think this would end?
    Are they seriously trying to say: “We are certain that the Earth will be destroyed by CO2, billions will die, your children will die, there is no scientific doubt – but please remain peaceful and non-violent. If no one listens to us, just let the planet be destroyed, lie down and die.

    Surely people have died for far lesser causes around the world.

    I suspect the alarmists really mean: “We are saying CO2 will destroy the earth, but wink wink, nudge nudge, we greenies all know this is an exaggeration to get attention, grants and slow down this mad consumerist society. Well, news flash – some people, like the ones at 10:10 will not get the wink wink and are liable to take this stuff to heart. Especially the youth after 10 years of this brainwashing.

    The alarmists are inciting violence, as surely as the religious extremists, in fact more so.
    With CAGW, the disciples are told they must defend the whole planet from destruction – a far more rational invitation to violence than religious dogma.

    Alarmists and sceptics together must urgently reduce this cognitive dissonance in our youth – bring some climate realism into this, as the British Royal Society is belatedly and timidly trying to do.

    Message: Folks, relax. Remember it’s a scientific theory. A harmless 0.6 DegC rise due to CO2 is likely, 10m sea rise is complete rubbish, and the rest is just a worrying computer model, but rapidly becoming less worrying with belated discovery by climatologists of alternative natural oceanic and sun cycles to explain climate changes. But above all, even the climate models say any achievable reduction in CO2 will probably have little effect. And we did learn the overall messages – protect the environment, look for energy alternatives and energy security.


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    Jo: This is not the first time, it’s only the most blatant attempt at using kids. Children are the target.


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    So my plea is that we distinguish between the genuinely evil – the Franny Wossernames of this world – and the merely gullible, and do all possible to avoid alienating the latter.

    Gullibility is a thoughtless reliance on the unexamined statements of others. It reflects an abandonment of taking responsibility for one’s thoughts and actions. There is little to be gained by seeking allegiance from the gullible. Their allegiance would be based on the self same lack of thoughtfulness and refusal to take responsibility.

    A position is not right because of the number of people holding to it. It is right because of its coherence with reality. We need people who can identify correctly, think clearly, communicate coherently, and act effectively. The gullible have none of those attributes or they would not be gullible. They would be a net loss because they would absorb the time, thought, and energy of others and would contribute nothing of their own.

    We would be better off alienating them. We don’t need cannon fodder. We, like the Marines, need a few good men/women who know what they are doing, why they are doing it, and are good at doing what they do.


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    What a difference a year makes. Last year we were leading into the Copenhagen party. Complainents of a video such as this would have just been drowned out by abuse, overwhelming support for or just plain apathy from warmists. What one would call a rite of passage, they have found out that blatent full on propaganda just does not work anymore.

    What to try next, emphirical evidence?


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    You don’t have to look very far to find AGW partisans complaining that there are simply too many people on the planet. Obama Czar John Holdren advocates compulsory abortion to reduce population; the Club of Rome (and especially the Erlichs) favor the notion of an unprecedented worldwide epidemic to achieve the same goal.

    This video is actually quite tame in comparison to these, and other gruesome methods to rid the Earth of excess humans. So what’s the problem?

    The problem is that there are a lot of people out there who accept the notion of premature death as an acceptable method of ‘balancing the books’ and who find that find the ‘exploding heads’ method to be quite whimsical.

    Indeed, those who consider ‘denialism’ to be a ‘crime against humanity’ wouldn’t find fault with this video, and probably wonder what the fuss is about.


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    Roy Hogue

    Scott Mandia7:53 pm
    I am SHOCKED, just SHOCKED that 10:10 suggests that we blow up our children! What a dumb idea.

    Instead, we should be EATING OUR CHILDREN.

    A Modest Carbon Proposal by Jonathan Swifthack at

    About eating our children instead of blowing them up — suppose I was to suggest eating global warming pushers. Would they be outraged?

    Suppose I suggest blowing them up. Would they be outraged at that?

    I seem to remember an old saying about catching more flies with honey than with vinegar. But then wisdom has escaped these people from the beginning or they wouldn’t be doing what they’re doing.


  • #

    what is going on?

    4 Oct: Gamerant: This week in mobile gaming
    This week we hang out with the Duke, save the planet by wiping out humanity, match up falling rectangles by color, keep the beat while playing pong, and scavenge for various items will being inundated with pop culture references…
    Super Mega Worm: The title alone is pretty epic. As the great death worm, Wojira, you must save the Earth by annihilating the entire human race…
    A buck in the app store.

    1 Oct: CNET: Joel Parker: Share text files and kill all humans: iPhone apps of the week
    Super Mega Worm (99 cents) is a fun and unique 2D side-scrolling game where the mission is to “Destroy all Humans!” You play as the Super Mega Worm (think “Tremors” or “Dune”) and burrow through the ground only to come up for food and to take out humans. There is a certain degree of cartoon violence–there’s no shortage of blood and guts–but it’s on such a small scale that it shouldn’t gross too many people out. …

    PocketGamer: iPhone News: Super Mega Worm
    The destruction of all things human is your goal as you undulate your giant annelid through the soil, breaking the surface to chomp down on the cows, people, ostriches, police cars, and young mothers with strollers who wander above.
    Indeed, your super mega worm is a ruthless creature, leaving bloodstains on the ground and mothers’ cries of “My Baby!” hanging in the air. The super mega worm doesn’t care, of course…

    Recombu: App Friday: Super Mega Worm sends tremors through iPhone-land
    It’s like the movie Tremors turned into an 8-bit game. Its name is Wojira, and apparently it’s on a mission to “destroy all the Human parasites”. That means essentially munching every pink humanoid you see, although if cows, police cars and jumbo jets get in the way, all the better.
    We love it. You will too. Promise.

    Super Mega Worm is available now at the App Store for $0.99, down from $2.99.


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    The timing on this is almost as good as climategate- once again, a major insight into the AGW promotion community, just before a major AGW promotion stunt. Last year was Copenhagen, this year, jsut days before the equally pointless 10:10 stunt.


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    Mia Nony

    Eugenic – oops, sorry, EugeniE Harvey- posted a not very convincing apology but …..



    As for the too little too late FAKE APOLOGY BELOW?
    Your cover is blown, you and your bloodthirsty lot of Aztecs, who also used routine child sacrifice for their own superstitious attempts at the impossible, namely climate control, and of course, that was only some 500 years ago.
    Scratch the surface of “civilized society” and you will often find the most rank primitivity and reptilian totalitarian killer instincts, lying coiled in wait for the right moment to strike out.
    With absolutely no respect, Eugenic Harvey,
    Mia Nony

    Here is the “apology” they posted:
    Last week, 10:10 made available a short film. Following the initial reaction to the film we removed it from our website and issued an apology on Friday 2 October.

    Subsequently there has been negative comment about the film, particularly on blogs, and concern from others working hard to build support for action on climate change. We are very sorry if this has distracted from their efforts.

    We are also sorry to our corporate sponsors, delivery partners and board members, who have been implicated in this situation despite having no involvement in the film’s production or release.

    We will learn from this mistake. Today I have written to supporters and stakeholders explaining that we will review processes and procedures to make sure it cannot happen again. Responsibility for this process is being taken by the 10:10 board.

    The media coverage of the film was not the kind of publicity we wanted for 10:10, nor for the wider movement to reduce carbon emissions.

    If people have been in touch with us personally about the film, we will be replying to individual emails over the next few days. Meanwhile our thanks go out to all those who support 10:10 and who work to combat the threat of climate change.

    Eugenie Harvey
    Director, 10:10 UK


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    Gullibility is a thoughtless reliance on the unexamined statements of others. It reflects an abandonment of taking responsibility for one’s thoughts and actions. There is little to be gained by seeking allegiance from the gullible.

    Errr, there’s this thing called “democracy”, and those people get votes you see.


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    Just in case you can’t find their partners page (they apopear to have taken it off), here is the direct route:

    1010 Partners

    Interestingly, O2 no longer appears there….


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    […] The people who did this should be permanently banned from any further involvement in any part of the sustainability movement.H/T Jo Nova […]


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    O2 seems to be starting to back out, see this comment.

    BTW the Ashden Trust seems to have an online eco arts directory here – searches for children and carbon throws up a lot of hits.


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    El Sledgo

    Russia Today interviewed Piers Corbyn on this issue:

    In response to keith @ 24, all the major sponsors are off the list now (Sony, Kyocera, O2). The only ones left on the list are enviro nut-jobs.


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    Lionel Griffiths – nothing I have written should be taken to imply that I approve of the “passive social” warmies. I find them infuriatingly sheeplike, and at times wish I could blow them up by pressing a red button. But as Tel has pointed out we live in a democracy and, like it or not, they vote. All I amm asking is that we forgo the temptation to dump on them, for the greater good.


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    Hanged children? What is stirring in these warmists’ minds?

    Just what sick impulse are global warmists pleasuring when they threaten children with death?



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    El Sledgo,

    Interesting how the Russia Today presenter was keen to try and downplay it initially saying it “was a bit tongue and cheek really” but then they had to smudge out the gory bits of the ad so as not to cause offense.

    Good to see Piers Corbyn get his message across clearly.


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    Tel @ 21:

    Errr, there’s this thing called “democracy”, and those people get votes you see.

    Yes. Where has this “democracy” gotten us?

    The US was founded as a republic and not a democracy. The vote was held by those who had a vested interest in limited government: the productive and proficient at creating wealth. It has slowly been converted to a democracy in which the vote held by a vast undifferentiated hoard. The bulk of of that hoard depend upon the government taking from the productive few to give to the parasitical many.

    This cannibalism of the productive and proficient few cannot long stand. The productive and proficient few increasingly have no choice but to go on strike. They need make no demands nor violent protests. Simply by stopping the act of creating visible wealth, they can bring the current charade to an end. They don’t have to do anything to make it happen. All they have to do is nothing. Entropy will take care of the rest.

    A host can live without a parasite but a parasite cannot live without a host. We must arrange circumstances in which the parasites are on their own, facing a world they neither made nor understand, and of which they are terrified. They will either learn and adapt or vanish as if they had never existed.


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    I am struck by the resemblance of the 10/10 logo to a set of handcuffs!
    Maybe it reflects the subconscious mindset of these people!


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    Between the green/watermelon eco-fascist/communist/left-wing advertising executives exploding children and Lionell Griffith starving the unproductive parasites,our problems will be solved!


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    I wonder if all the movie stars and celebrities who are shown wearing their 10:10 badges are wearing them today.


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    Hi folks and Jo.
    Nice blog. I don’t normally post on here, but this video is really showing where we’re headed and I don’t think it will be pretty 🙁

    Government is entirely responsible for this atrocity.
    Our ex PM with his ad hominem attacks on deniers, the urgency of inaction and all the other globulldust he spewed from his retched mouth. Then we have our current illegitimate PM still perpetuating the vile myth of planet destruction for inaction on carbon emissions and not just our own poly-ticks but those of many other nations. These retched fools are all in support of another useless UNITED organization which has admitted they need to attack the children to get the message across that we’re all doomed to extinction. And then that other villainous creep running around the world scaring the living daylights out of kids telling them all their cuddly polar bears are drowning and they are all going to die from a carbon induced hokey stick blow to the head if they don’t force their parents to cut their horrible ways. Not to mention that venomous green group that are brainwashing young kids to threaten dastardly things on anyone who isn’t with them and by so doing breading future terrorists with delusions of grandeur.

    Is it any wonder that some people out there are shit scared that their world is coming to an end and that it’s all our (The filthy deniers) fault? If it were really true, wouldn’t you want to blow up anyone that was causing your certain death.

    How irresponsible has it been of our so called leaders to perpetuate a lie like this and endorse it with taxes, ad hominem attacks on us deniers of the faith and other such nonsense.

    In my honest opinion this is just the beginning. Unless those at the top come forward, including our lame stream media (Another irresponsible vile group) and rectify the damage they have done; expect to see the gullible start employing suicide tactics such as we hear everyday performed by hapless souls who think their world is coming to an end.


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    The more I think about this film, the more it disturbs and frightens me.
    This is not some one one off blog-nutter ranting in the internet wilderness, this is a fairly large group of people with significant resources.
    The fact that they all thought this film was good, highlights a group fantasy of what they would like to do if they ever got absolute power to go with their absolute belief.
    Without a shadow of a doubt if these people ever did find themselves in the position of absolute power, public executions would soon follow.

    The fact that none of them seemed to have any idea of how the general public would perceive this film. Really goes to show just how insulated they are from reality.


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    John Smith

    Is it true that not ONE of the people involved in this film asked questions about how ethical it is? This is truly disturbing in how trivial they portray human life and I believe this film should be shown as an example as to how loony and genocidal these eugencists are.


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    El Sledgo

    Don’t forget, these are the same eco-jihadists with the likes of James Cameron, Bill Gates, and a bunch of other pro-eugenics celebs in their ranks. They are insane, but extremely well-funded, and they’ve got the ear of Hollyweed and almost all the MSM the world over. We are just damned lucky they’re not in control of the interwebs (yet).


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    John Smith

    I can guarantee for sure that the globalists will throw 10:10 under the bus due to the PR radioactivity of the stuff up, just like what they did to K-Rudd.


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    A host can live without a parasite but a parasite cannot live without a host. We must arrange circumstances in which the parasites are on their own, facing a world they neither made nor understand, and of which they are terrified. They will either learn and adapt or vanish as if they had never existed.

    Higher lifeforms have been trying to rid themselves of parasites for some time now. Just about everything has been tried: running an immune system, having sex, rolling in dirt, swimming upstream. After millions of years of effort, still hosts and parasites find themselves back together again *SIGH*. Around here, it takes all the running you can do just to stay in the same place.

    As for the difference between a Democracy and a Republic, although a very interesting discussion, it’s a bit moot because from a historical point of view, no republic has lasted for a long time either, and right now we are stuck with democracy, so we better make out best effort with that. The other choice is Clive “suspension of democracy” Hamilton — yucky stuff.

    Besides, letting the system fall apart is exactly what the new-Luddites want to see happen. They would love to see the world population reduce by three quarters. If our society ever does get so incredibly rotten then I have no doubt the Chinese would give us a hand setting things to right anyhow.


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    The partners list link above is wrong, its here

    O2 is still on it.


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    Lionell & Tel:

    I find your exchange very interesting and thought-provoking. I’d like to get with you two guys in a bar sometime. After a few beers, it could get downright fascinating!


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    Tel @36:

    ….right now we are stuck with democracy, so we better make out best effort with that….

    Besides, letting the system fall apart is exactly what the new-Luddites want to see happen.

    As long as individual rights are ignored and violated ON PRINCIPLE (in a democracy, what ever the majority is right, no matter what reality has to say in the matter), there is no best effort that can keep things from falling apart. Things appear to be “keeping together” only as long as there are willing victims to sacrifice and existing or potential wealth to steal. When they run out, the collapse goes to completion and there is nothing that can stop it. That is, nothing but a return to giving full recognition and protection to individual rights. Which, by the way, was the point behind the founding of the original constitutional republic form of government in the US.

    Yes, the republic form of government is difficult to keep and that was understood by at least one of the founders: Benjamin Franklin (ca. 1778). He responded to a question: “Well, Doctor, what have we got — a Republic or a Monarchy?” with “A Republic, if you can keep it.” However, a democratic form of government is impossible to keep because it denies the existence of the identity of man and his necessary relationship to reality. It substitutes the whim of the masses for individual rights and fails.

    In effect, you are saying that if you are in a swamp, sinking up to your neck in muck, surrounded by alligators, you must “do the best you can”. You don’t want to offend the alligators. I say we must drain the swamp, kill all the alligators, and walk out of the stinking place. You are welcome to stay with the swamp. I choose not to. At the very least, I choose not to continue feeding the alligators.


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    Lionell Griffith: #29
    October 6th, 2010 at 11:07 am
    Tel @ 21:
    Yes. Where has this “democracy” gotten us?

    The US was founded as a republic and not a democracy.

    We must remember that many who visit Jo’s blog do indeed live in democracies, not republics. While you and I agree that a republic is a superior form of governance, one that we aren’t giving up without a fight, that’s a discussion for a different forum.


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    Barry Woods

    The BBC comments seem to have aqquired some ‘warmists’ or ROMM-ulans….

    Richard Black, buries ‘No Pressure’ in an article about China….

    240. At 1:29pm on 06 Oct 2010, Wolfiewoods wrote:
    Barry Woods @#230 asks what to do with the deniers and don’t know & don’t care types that I mentioned at #226. Well obviously we cannot just go around blowing them up as in the 10:10 sketch, that was just a bit of harmless fun. Perhaps there should be some sort of state sanctioned re-education programme, something similar to the anger management or alcohol awareness programmes that courts sometimes order offenders to undertake. Of course my suggestion will not happen in a world where every Tom, Dick & Harry can have his say, I know that I am not alone in thinking that democracy’s greatest strengths are also its greatest weaknesses.


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    Barry Woods

    I was challenging him, what he would do with ‘deniars’ (his word…. what EXACTLY does that mean,) ie ME

    – I’m a ‘deniar’ to this brave anonymous poster..


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    JLKrueger @43: “We must remember that many who visit Jo’s blog do indeed live in democracies, not republics.”

    Telling someone who has a curable cancer that he only has a head cold does not change the ultimate outcome when the cancer is not treated AS A CANCER. The unquestioned belief in democracy (that the whim of the mob rules) and consequent actions based upon that belief is the cancer that needs to be treated.

    The fact they are democracies won’t make democracies any more successful than I described. Reality is what it is and the fact they might be offended by having it described accurately is totally and completely irrelevant. They WILL fail. The timing and path to that failure will differ dependent upon the number and quality of willing victims to be sacrificed and amount of wealth yet to be stolen and consumed. The end is certain unless and until respect and full defense of individual rights ON PRINCIPLE are put into action.

    Sometimes the truth hurts but attempting to fake it ALWAYS hurts in the long run and quite often in the not so long run.


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    Barry Woods

    The 10 10 team…

    say they like a joke……

    Well I have struck comedy GOLD.. Take a look at their job descriptions in their own words post – Splattergate’

    I hope they all appreciate the wondeful unintentional humour..
    (in bold, what made me smile)

    Lost their own details from the 10 10 website a few days ago, lest their young supporters could complain to the leaders about 10:10 letting them down, or us mere plebs find out who they are, and write them sarcastic emails, about them all being ‘luvvies’ and trustafarians….

    Some of this is comedy gold, don’t get angry, just half a laugh at their own job descriptions in light of recent events…

    No Pressure, of course, can’t thye get the joke now…..

    A quick google of their website below: UK about team

    There is some spectacular comedy value, post the video, in their job descriptions in their own words (especiall the pr guys’s)

    Yields up Franny Armstrong’s profile( Founder)

    Click back a link and you get

    Access denied
    You are not authorized to access this page.

    Alexis Rowell

    Job title: Councils Coordinator
    Actual job: Trying to persuade councils to join the 10:10 Campaign
    .Read more.

    Annabel Dickson
    Job title: Fundraiser

    Actual job: Keeping track of who’s talking to who and making sure we aren’t all saying the same things over again..Read more.

    Ayesha Garrett
    Job title: Designer

    Actual job: Making everything pretty and on-brand

    .Read more.

    Ben Evans
    Job title: Office Manager

    Actual job: Keeping on top of 10:10s office, accounts and paperwork, not necessarily all at the same time or in that order.
    .Read more.

    Chris Rose

    Job title: Board Member

    Actual job: Director of Campaign Strategy Ltd

    .Read more.

    Cian O’Donovan
    Job title: Sport / social networks coordinator

    Actual job: Trying to make something very very serious a little bit fun, whilst upholding sartorial standards of course..Read more.

    Daniel Vockins
    Job title: Campaign Manager

    Actual job: Scheming, plotting, policy work and managing campaigns like Lighter Later and our festivals work.
    .Read more.

    Duncan Clark
    Job title: Strategy Director.

    Actual job: Working across all kinds of things, including web development, content and scoping out future projects..Read more.

    Eugenie Harvey
    Job title: UK Director

    Actual job: Making sure everyone is pointing in pretty much the same direction at the same time. .Read more. [!!! sorry couldn’t resist – ‘Your Choice, No Pressure’ 😉 😉 )

    Franny Armstrong

    Job title: Founder

    Actual job: Asking powerful people for money and/or emissions cuts .Read more.

    Jamie Bristow
    Job title: Volunteer

    Actual job: Putting my experience in the unpredictable world of advertising to better use, in whichever capacity it’s needed.

    .Read more.Jonathan Bown
    Job title:

    Press Manager

    Actual job: Making sure as many people as possible know what a great job 10:10 and its supporters are doing..Read more.

    Josefine Thieme

    Job title: Press intern

    Actual job: Keeping a record of 10:10 press coverage, putting cuttings up on office walls, writing the occasional blog and generally helping people at the office with whatever needs to be done.

    .Read more.

    Lewis Merdler
    Job title: Events and Policy Intern

    Actual job: Doing anything that the campaign manager, Dan, tells me to..

    (sorry couldn’t resist—- ‘No Pressure. Dan’)

    Read more.

    Maddy Carroll

    Job title: PR Manager

    Actual job: Make sure we’re seen and heard in all the right places
    .Read more.

    Malachi Chadwick
    Job title: Content Manager

    Actual job: Words and pictures
    .Read more.

    Peter Yeo
    Job title: Trust Director

    Actual job: Along with two fellow directors, help to manage charitable donations to the campaigns. Enjoy an ambassadorial role too.
    .Read more.

    Richard Metson
    Job title: Organisations intern

    Actual job: Helping any organisation with a 10:10 query, making lists of 10:10 MP’s and councils, creating animated, illustrated and video content on the side!

    .Read more.

    Robin Houston
    Job title: Technical director

    Actual job: Making sure the web site works. Laughing too loudly at inopportune moments
    .Read more.

    Ross Muir

    Job title: Art Director/Designer

    Actual job: Awesomeness
    .Read more.

    Siôn Elis Williams
    Job title: Lighter Later Co-ordinator

    Actual job: Changing Time (I bet they wish she really could now!!!!!)

    10:10er since: March 1st (St. David’s Day) 2010
    .Read more.

    Steven Holmes
    Job title: Web developer

    Actual job: Drinking enough coffee to squeeze two web days into one..Read more.

    Tim Nicholson
    Job title: Health Strand Manager

    Actual job: Helping health sector organisations cut their emissions by 10%
    .Read more.

    Wiggly Worms
    Job title: Composters extraordinaires

    Actual job: Getting high on caffeine as we chew through the excessive amount of coffee granules produced in


    Maybe the web developer guy need to lay off the coffee for a bit….. Didn’t do a very good job of hiding the ‘luvvies’ above… They were all very proud of it… bet mummy and daddy were to..

    They won’t even let their young campaigning supporters know who to complain to..

    Comedy Gold the job Title/ Actual Job: sections above above…
    They thought they were so wity/clever when they wrote themm

    Franny says that sceptics are afflicted…

    Franny says “What to Do with those [afflicted] people…………………”

    What to do with those people……

    historically has not gone down very well for people described in similar terms…


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    The US doesn’t have a Republic or a Democracy, it has a Dictatorship, the Bankocracy. Since 1913 private banks have taken over the money supply. Read the small print. Federal taxes are requested of the individual, they cannot be demanded, because no one in the US has to pay tax on the value he obtains against the work he does as an individual. The IRS is not a Government Agency, it’s debt collecting agency for a private company which has no rights to demand money from you.


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    Myrrh: I suggest you go to the nearest law library (most public universities have one) and look up a couple of cases where people were taken to court for non-payment of taxes. The case summary will include the actual law that they were charged with breaking. Then look up that law — I think you will find that it was indeed passed by the legislature, which is made up of elected representatives of the people.

    When income tax was first attempted in the US, it was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. However, the 16th amendment to the US Constitution made it legal, hence enforcement laws passed since then are also presumptively constitutional (unless you can get the Supremes to find otherwise).

    The Sheriff whose website you quote claims he will arrest “any IRS agent he finds in his county for trespassing”. Since IRS agents are also US citizens, and any citizen can legally go to any county in the country, I don’t think this guy has a firm grasp on the law.


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    Roy Hogue

    Myrrh, BobC,

    Actually it is not a crime to fail or refuse to pay your income tax. It is only a crime to fail to file the required tax return or to file a fraudulent return. Failure or refusal to pay when a correct return has been filed is entirely a civil matter and is taken care of if you so wish in a special tax court set up for the purpose. I am not a fan of this system and the IRS has definitely tried to make itself feared as a deterrent to tax cheaters. I don’t like any of it.

    However, this would-be sheriff’s high sounding words are just so much hot air and anyone who tries to rely on him will soon find out that the IRS is quite legitimate, the income tax is quite legal and where the money is deposited after collected by the IRS is quite immaterial. If you don’t like the Federal Reserve — and I don’t — then lobby your representatives to get it changed.

    I will make a further argument that the income tax is the only actually fair tax we have, since it’s the only tax based on your actual ability to pay it and we should keep it around.

    Myrrh, do not be fooled by the bravado of someone seeking office at your expense. He cannot do as he says he can. He is dead wrong on all counts.
