The BBC left leaning bias — it’s in their DNA

This is a a BBC insider abandoning ship. It’s a spectacular case study in why big government can bollocks up any noble proposition, or honest profession. It’s how leadership dissolves into uninspired management as people spend other people’s money. How teams of people who no longer believe, all go through the motions. There’s no competition for the best scoop, for mass ratings, for ideas that push the bounds. The bounds are fixed. Sissons speaks his mind without holding back. — JN

Left-wing bias? It’s written through the BBC’s very DNA, says Peter Sissons

Edited snippets of the Daily Mail’s extract of Peter Sissons new book .

For 20 years I was a front man at the BBC, anchoring news and current ­affairs programmes, so I reckon nobody is better placed than me to ­answer the question that nags at many of its viewers — is the BBC biased?

In my view, ‘bias’ is too blunt a word to describe the subtleties of the ­pervading culture. The better word is a ‘mindset’. At the core of the BBC, in its very DNA, is a way of thinking that is firmly of the Left.

I lost count of the number of times I asked a producer for a brief on a story, only to be handed a copy of The Guardian and told ‘it’s all in there’.

…the one thing guaranteed to damage your career prospects at the BBC is letting it be known that you are at odds with the prevailing and deep-rooted BBC attitude towards Life, the Universe, and Everything.

Whatever the United Nations is associated with is good — it is heresy to question any of its activities. The EU is also a good thing, but not quite as good as the UN. Soaking the rich is good, despite well-founded economic arguments that the more you tax, the less you get. And Government spending is a good thing, although most BBC ­people prefer to call it investment, in line with New Labour’s terminology.
All green and environmental groups are very good things. Al Gore is a saint. George Bush was a bad thing, and thick into the bargain. Obama was not just the Democratic Party’s candidate for the White House, he was the BBC’s. Blair was good, Brown bad, but the BBC has now lost interest in both.
But whatever your talent, sex or ethnicity, there’s one sure-fire way at a BBC promotions board to ensure you don’t get the job, indeed to bring your career to a grinding halt. And that’s if, when asked which post-war politician you most admire, you reply: ‘Margaret Thatcher’.

It had been very different at ITN where I began my career as a television journalist. It had a tremendous esprit de corps and bosses whom you would follow over the top when they blew the whistle. You were always aware that someone was in charge who would say the seven most important words in any newsroom: ‘Here’s what we are going to do.’

Working at ITN wasn’t always a bed of roses. I can remember fights and disagreements, strikes and ­setbacks. But I never felt the chronic lack of motivation that comes when you work for an organisation that is rudderless.

ITN, it must be said, had the advantage of being small. The BBC, by contrast, has become so big and complex that it is virtually unmanageable. Those at the top of one of the world’s greatest communications businesses seem to find it impossible to communicate on a personal level with those who work for them.

Many of them were once convivial colleagues, but the dead hand of the BBC knocks the stuffing out of them, and the climate of fear — fear usually of making a decision — ­finishes them off.

What it lacks is a leader whose lodestone isn’t The Guardian; who will draw a line on political correctness; who’s not afraid to hire some people who don’t fit the BBC ­template; who will kick backsides when merited; who will promote solely on talent; who will remind all interest groups that they don’t have an entitlement to BBC airtime; and who will do the job for the prestige and not the money.

Too many senior executives were just playing out their roles, oblivious to how irrelevant they had become to what was actually being done in the news factory below. Colleagues told me that they had not just lost respect for their highly-paid bosses, what they felt was now total contempt. What they were looking for was leadership, and all they got was management.

…as I drove home that evening, I asked myself if I wanted to go on working for the BBC. By the time I arrived home, I’d decided to leave.

Extracted from When One Door Closes by Peter Sissons, published on February 2 by Biteback Publishing at £17.99. © Peter Sissons 2011. To order a copy at £14.99 (p&p free), call 0845 155 0720..

Read more: The Daily Mail

Thanks Colin.

7 out of 10 based on 3 ratings

60 comments to The BBC left leaning bias — it’s in their DNA

  • #

    It is hard to imagine these political & social ideals are not the norm here in the ABC too.

    Just how many of the working journalists at the then ABC Toowong in Brisbane quit to become press secretaries etc. for ALP state members when the unusually popular Peter Beattie became Premier?


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    Bit late Peter.


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    In the commercial world, leaderless and unresponsive enterprises eventually fail because their product, whatever it is, just won’t sell. Unfortunately this hard piece of commercial logic doesn’t apply to the BBC. They make most of their money from a non-optional tax levied by anyone in England with a TV set, irrespective of whether they watch the BBC or not. They call it a Television License and it brings in £3 billion a year. Yes £3 billion. You couldn’t write comedy like that.



  • #

    The BBC have lost the plot:-

    On BBC News 24 last Saturday, there was a report on the possible cost of petrol increasing to 140p per litre. Who gets dragged on to say the increase should go through, a spokesman for Greepeace.

    On Sunday night a discussion programme on Five live with Mr Piennar, there were mainstream politicians and yes the markist Caroline Lucas of the Green Party.

    The percentage of the popular vote the Green Party received at the last election was 0.9% so 99.1% of the license payers did not vote for them?


  • #

    Come on, keep up!

    I’d be more impressed if Sissons had said this in the middle of his career, not at the end – presumably his BBC pension is safe. But it’s welcome, nonetheless.


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    Percival Snodgrass

    Media Watch guru: sure, ABC staff are Leftists………..

    Marxists and greenies…….


    LEFT WING GENE DISCOVERED! – Scientists Find ‘Liberal Gene’ ……..

    A Western Heart: People are catching on to the leftist scam…….


  • #
    Percival Snodgrass

    Why the BBC will always be wrong on Climate Change……….

    BBC reporters have a very vested interest in this green scare……

    Attention BBC: which of our cities is almost dry?

    World cooling has set-in warns astrophysicist – BBC & ‘Global Warming apologists’ challenged to end ‘cover-up’ ………..


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    Percival Snodgrass

    Europe’s carbon trading suspended after fraudsters hit – again…….


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    Percival Snodgrass

    Many years ago there was an old burlesque patter that went like this between two comedians…
    You remind me of a man.
    What man?
    The man with the power.
    What power?
    The power of voodoo.
    Voodoo??? Who do ?
    You do.
    I do what?
    You remind me of a man.
    What man? etc and so it went on for few rounds, in a rondo and lead-up to further nonsense.

    The above nonsense always comes to my mind when I hear Bob Brown and his Greenies holding forth about Coal and coal mines.
    Bob: We have to stop digging up coal and selling it to the Chinese.
    Why ?
    Bob: Because the burning of coal causes climate change.
    How do we produce power then?
    Bob: We use alternative methods of producing our power.
    Such as ?
    Bob: Solar panels and wind turbines.
    Where do we get them?
    Bob: We buy them from China.
    How do the Chinese get the power to produce solar panels and wind turbines?
    Bob: They use coal.
    Where do they get the coal from?
    Bob: They buy it from Australia.
    The Chinese buy coal from Australia and they burn it to produce power?
    Bob: Yes, we have to stop digging up coal and selling it to the Chinese.
    Why? …….etc., ad nauseum.

    Weeeeelll, it makes about as much sense, and I am having difficulty typing this. I have only managed to get one hand free of the straight-jacket tonight.


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    Rereke Whakaaro

    Ministry of Information – British Broadcasting Corporation – Ministry of Truth …

    The names may change, but the propaganda goes on … and on … and on …

    It worked for Woodrow Wilson as far back as 1916, and is still working now. We should have a party to celebrate the centenary of the PR industry.

    We could call it the Bullshit and Bollocks Century – or BBC for short – except that joke has already become passé.


  • #

    bias is rampant at most of the BC’s.
    2UE summer night shift (picked up by stations elsewhere in australia) is being hosted by Mark Kennedy and Chris Clark. have already posted about Kennedy’s repeated use of “climate denier” and the like.
    listened in again and your average Joe phones in, hysterical that we are killing the planet with global warming and says we must stop, cos the planet “SUPPLIES THE SUN”. u can’t make it up folks.
    caller says not one more barrel of oil should be removed from the earth.
    Chris Clark says we (he and Mark) agree with the caller completely but there is no world agreement. caller continues with hysteria, Clark says we need to talk to CHINA, MIDDLE EAST AND NIGERIA!
    this is the calibre of persons employed by our broadcasting stations!
    hopefully these two hosts will be removed soon.
    the usual host was mildly sceptical of the CAGW claims, but never forced his opinions on callers.


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    Percival Snodgrass

    “pat” (12) I suggest that EVERYBODY send letters of complaint/fax/email to the station manager at RADIO 2UE to make complaints about these GLOBAL WARMING FANATICS Mark Kennedy and Chris Clark who are promoting FRAUD and LIES!


  • #

    I was threatened with six months imprisonment by the BBC for not having a TV licence, when in truth I had one. The corporation denigrates, belittles and denies everything I am or believe in…yet I’m forced to pay £150 per year just for the privilege of having a computer screen in my house.


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    Eddy Aruda

    In the US Fox News is killing the competition in the ratings. Although ignored by most of the mainstream media in the US Fox keeps hammering away at the CAGW scam. Here is the latest article


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    Joe Veragio

    Well am glad you picked up on this one Jo.

    For more in the same vein :-

    Search Sissons at the Mail
    Indeed ‘e seems to have been making quite a habit of it since departing in June 09


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    Joe Veragio

    NEWS: The MSM news agenda today is breaking the coming food & population crisis on the general population.

    Not something ‘normal’ people have generally had fed to them up till now.

    Urgent action needed to avert global hunger

    Does this mean AGW really is dead.


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    El Sledgo

    It will be interesting to see how biased George Negus will be tonight on his show on Channel 10, 6pm with George Negus. The premise from the promotional clips have been that “weather events will be more extreme”.

    For those of you without access to Ch10, they might show it in the video archive and replay it for a while. I’ll record it on PVR.

    I’m wondering how much of the warmista line will be pushed.


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    Percival Snodgrass

    “El Sledgo” (17) is there some contact email address for that production?

    I would like to add it to my HIT LIST………


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    I have seen the same thing happening (first hand) in an Aussie government department… it is a sad thing when all motivation and sense of teamwork walks out the door because of disinterested executives… but I digress.

    Meanwhile here is a piece worth reading at The Australian about solar-renewable energy and how uneconomic it is:

    Yes, this is what the Greens would have us switch to… kiss goodbye to any energy-intensive industry if the Greens ever get the political clout to push their policies.


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    Llew Jones

    Looks like the Leftwing NYT is trying to steal some of Fox’s thunder or at least having a bet each way:


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    Looks like the Climategate whitewashes are starting to unravel …



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    For those that feel we live in an overly regulated country… here’s the stats:

    Eye opener, eh?


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    El Sledgo

    @Percival (19)
    I don’t think they’ve got an email address to the producer of that show, apart from their Twitter and Facebook “follow me” pages.

    There is a thread on this show in their forum but it’s not a program-specific site. I’d expect most of the regulars on the forum to be part of the neighbours and australian idol crowd, so expect blank looks in return.


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    Percival Snodgrass @#7

    Delingpole also posted this video slamming the groupthink and systemic deceit at the BBC. It bears an uncanny resemblance to our ABC!


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    John Brookes

    Hey Bulldust@24, maybe the steadily increasing amount of legislation is caused by burning fossil fuels…


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    Percival Snodgrass

    “El Sledgo” (25), I have managed to track down some contact information for this SCUMBAG George Negus and his NEFARIOUS “6pm with George Negus” program!

    If you check the following website:-

    There are several email addresses mentioned:-

    Send them some thoughts about how you feel……….


  • #

    … yet I’m forced to pay £150 per year just for the privilege of having a computer screen in my house.

    It would make a lot more sense if the BBC was broken down into maybe 3 or 4 stations and you could choose which one the tax went to. We have no shortage of available channels to use, thanks to digital media.


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    Percival Snodgrass

    “Tel” (29), if I were you I would ditch the TV, purchase a large LCD monitor for the computer and just dl any shows you are interested in…….

    Screw the BBC!


  • #

    The BBC left leaning bias — it’s in their DNA

    The same can be said for ‘our’ ABC.
    It’s a mystery to me why in almost 12 years of reasonably secure government and after the sale of ‘icons’ like Telstra and the sale of the CBA by the previous (Labor) government, the ABC remained immune from privatization by an ostensibly free market Howard Government.
    There’s no service it provides which can’t be done probably better and certainly cheaper by private media companies.
    I’m in my later 60s and the internet satisfies all my media needs, without ‘my’ ABC.

    Along with the growth of middle-class welfare, undoubtedly Howard’s greatest mistake was not ditching ‘our’ ABC.


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    The irony of all this is that Marxism seems to be the natural enemy of the environment – just look at the environmental record of the former Soviet bloc. Perhaps the Marxist types don’t see environmentalism as an end in itself, but rather as a means of political control. (In the absence of any moral or economic credibility.)

    Whereupon, having achieved control, the environmental front will be conveniently dropped…




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    Every adult in Britain should be forced to carry ‘carbon ration cards’, say MPs.

    Read more:

    It sounds worse than Orwell’s 1984. God help the poor and the old if they every actually do this.



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    John Brookes

    Percy Snodgrass writes:

    “El Sledgo” (25), I have managed to track down some contact information for this SCUMBAG George Negus and his NEFARIOUS “6pm with George Negus” program!

    Where are you from Percy? Do you know George Negus at all? Or do you just have an interesting sense of humour?


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    John Brookes


    Every adult in Britain should be forced to carry ‘carbon ration cards’, say MPs.

    I had a quick read of this. Quite ridiculous. Not because of the goal, but rather the antiquated way of doing it. Carrying a ration card – you’ve got to be joking. The idea of a personal quota is a good one though – its just the implementation which leaves a lot to be desired.


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    @John Brookes. I think of you as our GoodIdea/BadIdea barometer John. If you generally approve of an idea, it is therefore a bad idea. If you don’t like it, then it’s a good idea. I think of it as a sort of public service. Well done, keep up the good work!



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    John Brookes @#35

    Maybe, like me, he still remembers with disgust Negus’ obsequious interview with the contemptible Nicholas Stern back in June 2009.


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    Joe Lalonde


    Here is a letter I received from our politicians that show no matter what, the AGW theory is really going to be tough to knock down.

    Dear Joe Lalonde:

    On behalf of Michael Ignatieff, I would like to thank you for your email regarding your concerns about our environment. As you may be aware, Mr. Ignatieff has presented the Liberal plan for the environment, climate change and clean energy jobs.
    Under this plan, a Liberal government would restore Canada’s climate change leadership with a firm commitment to keep global warming within two degrees Celsius and create the clean jobs of tomorrow through a historic investment in clean energy and energy efficiency.
    A Liberal government would create a binding and verifiable cap-and-trade system – with hard caps leading to absolute reductions – that is fair to all regions and industries, and compatible with other systems for international carbon trading.
    At the heart of everything affecting climate change is the question of energy: the energy we produce, the energy we save, and the energy we’ll need. That’s why a Liberal government would set an ambitious target of quadrupling Canada’s production of renewable energy by Canada’s 150th birthday in 2017, and promote energy efficiency through new transit systems, high-speed rail, and ”smart” electrical grids.
    Mr. Ignatieff has also proposed a single Clean Energy Act that would adopt the toughest vehicle emissions standards in North America and has outlined strategies to protect our air, water, forests and Arctic.
    We need a Government that looks forward, not backwards. It’s time to set ourselves a new national project – one that brings together our economy, our environment and our best ideas to create the jobs and prosperity tomorrow.
    You may find a copy of the highlights of our plan here:

    Yours sincerely,

    ​The Office of Michael Ignatieff
    Leader of the Opposition

    Le cabinet de Michael Ignatieff
    Chef de l’Opposition


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    dave ward

    A further disgusting example of BBC bias was the “Horizon” programme on BBC2 last night. A more pro warmist example of propaganda would be hard to find (and all paid for by our taxes – Oh, sorry, licence fee).
    This link was kindly provided by “Ralph” on WUWT.

    Maybe some of you with proxy servers will be able to watch it outside the UK.


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    No doubt it is this left leaning bias which influenced the choice of Simon McKeon as our latest Australian of the year. No doubt he has put in his time and money into a number of philanthropical ventures. But as head of Macquarie Bank he’s not been shy about raping the poor old citizen while turning a nice profit either. Of course he didn’t force the Government of the time to sell Macquarie the airports cheaply thus enabling them to achieve major windfall profits at no risk. They raised the landing fees, charged more for parking, charged taxis for making pick-ups and they had ‘no parking’ signs placed on all the roads leading to the airport to stop people parking for free while they wait for a loved one to arrive at the airport. Yes he’s a real philanthropist!

    Of course McKeon was also recently appointed chairman of the CSIRO, another left leaning organisation which seems to have abandoned it’s past glorious history of scientific investigation in preference to empire building by supporting government policy. The CSIRO is being used effectively as part of the Government’s propaganda campaign to support carbon trading and/or a carbon price. McKeon is a self confessed climate alarmist. Unfortunately he seems to have little ability for logical scientific investigation. It depresses me to know he is head of Australia’s premier scientific establishment and will be able to use his period as Australian of the Year to preach the Government’s message on climate change. I have no doubt this was a major consideration in his selection.

    Here is an example of this genius’s analysis relating to climate: (The Age Feb 25 2008)

    CHANGE is in the wind, and it’s the wind that gave Macquarie Bank’s Melbourne executive chairman, Simon McKeon, his personal climate change experience — as a yachtsman.

    Mr McKeon recalls a rainy wind that blew regularly from the south-west across Waratah Bay, next to Wilsons Promontory.

    In the 1980s and ’90s, the wind was so consistent Mr McKeon and a syndicate of like-minded sailing fans developed a yacht tailored to it so they could break the world speed-sailing record — the group held the record for 11 years.

    In 2004, they lost the title to the French, and have tried to regain it ever since.

    “In the last few years, that wind has … evaporated,” Mr McKeon says.

    This observation helped convince him to begin minimising carbon emissions.

    A meter at his home tells his family their real-time power usage. And his conviction has led him to become a business community ambassador for Earth Hour, advocating to businesses the value of switching off their lights for one hour at 8pm on March 29.

    “That wind has evaporated”! What the hell does that mean? How is this proof of global warming/climate change? How does this prove man-made CO2 emissions had anything to do with the wind ‘evaporating’? What studies have been done to confirm his perception of what has happened to that wind? Doesn’t he know the earth’s climate changes all the time?

    This is the head of our premier scientific establishment. If that is not an appointment by the left leaning power brokers who are pursuing policy rather than scientific excellence I don’t know what is.


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    El Sledgo

    Righto, I’ve just tried watching the 6pm with George Negus segment on weather extremes caused by “climate change”, but my stomach could only handle so much propaganda being shoved down my gullet. Their website doesn’t seem to be playing the video, but if you’ve missed it and the content is still unavailable, I’ve got a snippet of it which I might post up somewhere for your edification.

    Not once did they look at the history of extreme storms and flooding in Queensland being worse than this one, yet their weather segment footage shows “unprecedented” ocean warming being the cause.

    Incidentally, Simon from Australian Climate Madness was interviewed, but they only gave him 5 seconds of airtime as a sceptic, and dedicated the rest of the segment to shock (stock) footage of the floods, bushfires, extreme cold and snow up north, and a token reference to La Nina as the cause.

    Apologies if this is dragging this discussion off-topic, but I felt it needed to be shared that the groupthink is alive and well at Channel 10, especially now with Negus on board adding some “clout” to their current affairs.


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    When the TV networks eventually collapse under the weight of their operating costs people will come to see what public broadcasters have become. Media cartels. Government owned propaganda machines. Our coming generation will just switch it off. Many are doing this already.

    What interests me these days is the air of desperation which wafts around media outlets today. Their ability to be cheap and vulgar is surpassed many, many times by the internet. By people who do it very cheap(free) and are very vulgar(mostly anonymous). So, a program reductionist strategy is not going to work.

    In my view, ‘bias’ is too blunt a word to describe the subtleties of the ­pervading culture. The better word is a ‘mindset’. At the core of the BBC, in its very DNA, is a way of thinking that is firmly of the Left.

    This is the most interesting quote for me. Without getting into the whole left wing media bias debate here. He’s nailed the concept that, whatever the end product is, the BBC’s process is highly bureaucratic. There will come a time when the programming will become an inconsequential end result of office politics and career posturing. Here lies potential for a real manifestation of the investigative journalist come political media adviser phenomenon. Communications professionals may well become the new political force to replace the union movement. Time will tell.


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    Well, you know what they say… The truth has a known liberal bias.

    (Actually, it’s Stephen Cobert who said that.)


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    Another example of Left Wing bias, this time from Malcolm Farr of The Telegraph. Malcolm, like so may other ‘annointed’ journalists is linking the Queensland Floods to CAGW (sigh). As always, some of the comments supporting AGW seem very naive and uninformed. I too may have held these views as little as 4 years ago. Since then thanks to site’s like Jo’s, it seems I am much better informed than many of the people replying to Malcolm’s blog !


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    Percival Snodgrass

    Did anyone happen to catch George Negus on TEN ?

    There was a story on recent Weather Events that was turned into something that must have been written by Moonbat himself.

    a 3:28 story that had less than 7 seconds with a Sceptic that wasnt asked to refute any of the nonsensical claims made in the story. The story tried to put forward a case of supernatural heating of the Ocean causing everything from the Brisbane Floods to the loss of The Ashes.

    They failed to mention that None (ZERO) of any of the recent Weather Events were Unique and that The QLD Floods were very similar to what happened in 1974 and back as far as 1840s, in fact as long as QLD has been settled.

    Of course we had the CSIRO Spokesman for Global Warming saying that Rainfall is going to decrease except when it increases. This is the same CSIRO that changed their mind about QLDs Drought future after a strong La Nina event was obviously occuring. (After our Dams were at 100%)

    It is frustrating when rubbish like this is dressed up as some kind of InfoScience.


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    Percival Snodgrass

    “pointman” (37), AGREED 1000%.

    The ONLY purpose that this CLOWN “john brooks” has here is to provide an example of just how IGNORANT these PILLOCKS are who support this nefarious global warming FRAUD…….


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    dave ward @#40

    Apparently on that video Sir Paul Nurse, the new president of the debauched Royal Society, blubbers about sceptics challenging their scam. For any who want to bother, here is the gist of his BBC gush.


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    Percival Snodgrass

    Why This Corporate Australian Government is Not Our Government……


  • #

    Sissons’ latest installment is at

    It’s the lack of simple curiosity about one of the great issues of our time that I find so puzzling about the BBC. When the topic first came to ­prominence, the first thing I did was trawl the internet to find out as much as possible about it.
    Anyone who does this with a mind not closed by religious fervour will find a mass of material by respectable scientists who question the orthodoxy. Admittedly, they are in the minority, but scepticism should be the natural instinct of scientists — and the default setting of journalists.


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    Pointman (Nº 21), I belatedly observe, already provided the same link; I apologise, but perhaps (I humbly submit) my post ought to remain for the sake of the quote. Scepticism indeed “should be the natural instinct of scientists — and the default setting of journalists.”


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    It’s not just BBC News that suffers.

    I have recently been watching the 2005 reboot of Doctor Who. The liberal elite world view of the BBC comes forth thick and fast assaulting the senses. I don’t even disagree with many of the views in some way, but having it forced down my throat in what is meant to be fantasy sci-fi entertainment is giving me gag reflex.


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    Watch Now – Science_Under_Attack aired on BBC2 Monday 24 january 2011
    Well, well, well. Talk about a warmist in sheep clothing who wants to start the television program with a peace offering for a fair and just debate on climate change. Yet Sir Paul Nurse turns out to be another paid up warmist on the band wagon toward the end of the program. Sure he took a look at NASA’s climate models and decided without questioning the data, that earth is warming. He then took a trip to The Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia and again without questioning its sources he decided no fraudulent data have taken place. And finally he then throws in the wet towel over the hot debate on climate change with this closing statement.

    “This seems to be the greatest scientific scandal that just didn’t take place,” Sir Paul said.

    After all he shared a Nobel prize for his work on cell biology so he must be right? Wrong! The earth’s natural erratic climate system does not respond to climate models, consensus or fudged data etc.

    So there you have it. This program might as well be called the party political broadcast made by The Green Slime Party. So, Sir (Trust me, I’m a warmist) Paul is on a mission to challenge the mostly sceptical UK’s populace on climate change through Newspapers, Television and Radio that the debate on climate change is over.

    Well Sir Paul Nurse I have got news for you, ‘ BRING IT ON! ‘.

    Watch Now – Science_Under_Attack aired on BBC2 Monday 24 january 2011


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    David, UK

    I just wish more people would refuse to pay the license fee – they can’t lock us all up – and then the BBC would die a death. I have never EVER bought a TV licence because I feel so strongly that I do not need to pay for the Government’s permission to watch TV, whether they think I do or not.

    Many people are cowed by the BBC’s scare tacticts into submitting to buying a licence. Part of the licence fee revenue goes towards advertisements telling us how many people are fined each year (thousands, if you believe their figures) for non-payment. They also used to send round inspectors in white vans with spinning satelite dishes on the top, which the gullible believed could detect TVs in people’s homes. People are a little wiser now, and the vans are a thing of the past.

    I have had several visits to my door over the years from TV inspectors, and each time I have told them simply “I don’t have a TV, and no, you cannot come in.” And that’s it. They have no legal right to enter ones property; their only power is through the fear of imagined reprisals should they not be allowed access. The last visit I got was about 4 years ago, so I think they’ve given up now. I just get a letter every year, which goes in the bin.

    I just wish everyone would treat the “licence” (in a so-called “free” country) with the utter contempt it deserves.


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    David: that’s fine, as long as you never watch BBC output. If you do, you are morally on a slightly sticky wicket. Personally, if I lived alone I would bin the TV tomorrow and tell the licence people to go hang. But as I (and members lof my family) do watch the BBC from time to time, I pay the licence fee. That’s not that I don’t think it should be much smaller, and preferably an opt-in system, where the BBC was a subscription channel. But watching stuff you haven’t paid for is not right. You haven’t said you do this; just making the point.


  • #

    Meanwhile, alarmist group-think jibba jabba is alive and well at our ABC.


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    Mark D.

    Richard B @ 55
    I don’t think it is a “moral sticky wicket” at all.

    It is the rough equivalent to a billboard advertiser charging motorists a “fee” for driving by and viewing his billboard.


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    Roy Hogue

    John Brookes @36,

    January 25th, 2011 at 7:53 pm


    Every adult in Britain should be forced to carry ‘carbon ration cards’, say MPs.
    I had a quick read of this. Quite ridiculous. Not because of the goal, but rather the antiquated way of doing it. Carrying a ration card – you’ve got to be joking. The idea of a personal quota is a good one though – its just the implementation which leaves a lot to be desired.

    I hope you are the very first person on earth to have to live under such a system. Your reversal of opinion would be a marvel to behold.


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    It’s worse than you thought Roy. Did you see JB’s post at.WUWT?


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    Roy Hogue


    I’m not sure I’ve seen what you’re calling out. However, typical of Brookes he makes foolish assertions. Rolling blackouts indeed. We’re too close to that without having to follow Germany.
