Terrified of Monckton! GetUP don’t want anyone to hear him speak

Menzies House are reporting that GetUP are so scared that some Australians might hear Christopher Monckton speak, that they had a campaign to get the Brisbane Broncos football club to break their contract and cancel the “Climate of Freedom” speeches by Monckton in Brisbane.

GetUP are a virtual arm of the Labor Party, being funded by Unions*. They’ve already removed the “idea” where someone boasted they’d axed the Bronco’s deal. (Did anyone save a screen image? Pass it on 🙂 )

They are desperate! They know they have no answer to what Monckton has to say, and that Monckton convinces people everywhere he goes, so their only option is smears, slurs and banning him. GetUP have become ShutUP.

We don’t ask to silence them. We know if people hear both sides of the story they’ll make up their own minds, and we look forward to that happening.

Their plan will backfire, and could prove a media bonanza for us. Right now, scores of people are phoning the club to express their disappointment that the Broncos turned out to be spineless puppies, obeying their masters, caving in to “pressure” and not standing up for Australians.

We can take some easy actions.

If you have just a spare minute, consider making a phone call:

a) The Broncos Leagues Club Venue Feedback Ph: (07) 3858 9003

b) Ask for the General Manager Geoff Kuehner  Ph: (07) 3858 9000

c) Board member Jim (James) Petersen 0407 739 677  jpeterson@mccullough.com.au

Then follow up the phone call with an e-mail to info@broncosleagues.com.au. Let them know that the GetUp! paid extremists do not represent Australia! (UPDATE: Apparently Their main server is down due to the complaints and so this last email is possibly the best.)

But it should not stop there. Call talkback radio, write a letter to the editor – help us do something to show that this stifling of free speech cannot be tolerated.

Menzies House adds:

I just discovered…  the Patron of The Club? Kevin Rudd. Their # 1 Ticket Holder? Queensland Treasurer, Andrew Fraser.

No wonder they sold out.

So it’s possible that there were other more influential elements than GetUp involved? Perhaps the brazen GetUP boast was just another bluff…?


My last post on GetUP. GetUp — got hate and monkey jokes, but missed the science…

* They were caught hiding the $1.2 million donation from the CFMEU during the election campaign, which makes them a form of disguised Labor Party activist group.


UPDATE: Censoring skeptics is a repeat strategy of the GetUP-warmaholic’s-brain.

Geoffrey writes that if you search for Monckton on their site you get this:

  1. 4 votes

    Stopping Monckton from speaking at Notre Dame University

    In 2010, Prof John Abraham put up a presentation highly critical of Monckton‘s science on the University of St Thomas web site. Since then, Monckton has been running a nasty campaign to have the presentation removed. He has demaded the payment of $100,000 to a Monckton nominated charity. …

  2. 3 votes

    Stop Christopher Monckton Climate Denial Australia Tour July 2011

    Climate skeptic, Christopher Monckton, is coming to Australia in July. Greens leader Bob Brown called on Mr Abbott to withdraw from the mining conference that Monckton will be at.
    Christopher Monckton is a British consultant, policy adviser, writer, columnist, and hereditary peer. While not formally …

  3. 8 votes

    The climate sceptics are raising money to bring Lord Monckton out to speak against the Carbon Tax

    Let’s plan early to undermine this prince of bullshit and his Aussie acolytes!

  4. 3 votes

    lets Block lord moncktons campains, Oh we have THE BRONCOS (Update – now deleted out of embarrassment –JN).


Stop Gillards Carbon Tax has the whole sordid tale of the booking, the deal and the last minute breaking of a contract.

Obviously people need to look for other venues for future functions and weddings and conferences. Who could trust a club like that?

5.5 out of 10 based on 2 ratings

89 comments to Terrified of Monckton! GetUP don’t want anyone to hear him speak

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    These guys haven’t heard of the great maxim in life –” if you get in a hole , stop digging”
    But further great free publicity.


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    Grumpy Old Man

    ” that they had a campaign to get the Bronco’s ” isn’t Broncos a plural ,not a possessive, thus not needing an apostrophe?


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    ” that they had a campaign to get the Bronco’s ” isn’t Broncos a plural ,not a possessive, thus not needing an apostrophe?

    Can be either. As a team there is no need, as an organisation with a structure similar to parent and subsidiary companies the apostrophe is justified.


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    It is often assumed that ‘big business’ sides with climate skeptics, and therefore their arguments are somehow tainted with ulterior motives. Not so, the bulk of big business world wide are firmly behind the imposition of a carbon tax.

    Perhaps we should look at what Al Gore – the master – has been up to lately, having just bought himself a massive 9.8. million dollar ‘seaside’ mansion, which will emit a carbon footprint the size of the Grand Canyon! Strange that he doesn’t seem that concerned about rising sea levels.


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    If you want to tell the Broncos what you think about them they have a FB page:



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    You can also go play on their social network links:

    Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/pages/Broncos-Leagues-Club/290193337787
    Twitter : http://twitter.com/BroncosLeagues


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    Rereke Whakaaro

    If the apostrophe doesn’t work … try it is Swahili – as a hint, it is a diphthong and a click in unison. 🙂

    Don’t be too hard on GetUP. Running away is much more preferable than ripping up flagstones and throwing them.

    Is there an alternative venue?


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    Remeber, keep it polite! Sent the following via e-mail.

    I must say I am extremely disappointed in your clubs decision to cancel the Lord Mockton tour.

    I notice that you link on your site to http://www.its-unaustralian.com.au/ about the plan to implement licenses to punt. I am guessing you will be removing such links because the same people who appear to have pressured you into blocking Lord Mocktons speech contain many of the same people who would love to see licenses to gamble to be implemented.

    Simple question for you. If every TV station, every news paper, every magazine refused to display your advertisements against the ‘license to punt’ because they were pressured by two-bit groups like GetUp how would you feel? What would you say to those people? What would your reaction be? Because this is exactly what you have done with your action to ban Lord Mockton.

    Hope you are happy with your little help in the continuing erosion of Free Speech in Australia.


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    Hi Jo,

    Have just tried to post on the second email address – came back with permanent errors – so I will try to resend later this evening.

    Things are starting to heat up a bit now that the Greens have control of the Senate – Brown has been WAFFLING on all day about taking on Tony Abbott, taking on the big miners – what a wimp – couldn’t imagine he’s EVER won (or had) a real fight in his whole life – what a WIMP.

    BTW – the Greenway Cohorts have had their first coffee (one absent, but at least we’ve started).



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    Bush Bunny

    Surely some other venue can be found. Especially as the Broncos
    are a Qld.football club. Where’s the a will – there’s a way.


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    Peter Walsh

    I know that these quotations have been seen everywhere before, but here goes again. They help to give us hope:

    “Respect those who seek the truth, be wary of those who claim to have found it.” – Mark Twain

    Ibn Al-Haytham: writing 1000 years ago in the Iraq of the early Middle Ages, “The road to the truth is perforce long and hard, but that is the road that we must follow.”
    (Taken from SPPI article, “Acid Test: The Global Challenge of Ocean Acidification).

    Abraham Lincoln:
    If you once forfeit the confidence of your fellow citizens, you can never regain their respect and esteem. You may fool all of the people some of the time; you can even fool some of the people all the time; but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time.

    There is no safety for honest men but by believing all possible evil of evil men.
    Edmund Burke


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    Lol has he ever been in a real fight! The bloody FRANKLIN RIVER you goose.


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    You mean the same Franklin Dam that could have given us all that clean, CO2 emission free hydroelectric power that would have helped ensure, partially at least, our energy sustainability? Way to go, champ!


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    Let’s see the mincing brown poodle take on Bolta then,
    Bob Brown a brainless wind bag with a huge chip on his shoulder,
    In a loveless marriage with the red Queen , hell bent on destroying Australia.
    Delusions of one world govt , freedom of speech with limits!, you might be able to run brown, but you’ll never be able to hide and we will never forget ,Bob Brown communist traitor to his country and to the people !


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    OH MattyB

    Don’t protect him – he was manhandled when they tried to remove the rope he tied himself to the tree with at Franklin. But he was saved eventually!

    Don’t let this buckle you – and what does the B in Matty mean “BROWN“????

    Brown, mattyB, Brooksie, and Blimmey??? Is this a Blo..dy joke


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    Baa Humbug

    The power point picture of Adolf is looking better and better.
    The man is an eccentric genius.


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    Your not wrong … The media took hook , line , sinker and half the jetty …. 🙂


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    Forget the broncos- rugby players and administrators aren’t noted for brains anyway and any dealings with them are likely to be a total loss. For Brisbane folk who care, I suggest Lions or Gold Coast Suns- a better game, a better crowd, a real future.


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    […] As Tim Andrews of Menzies House put it, “If you don’t agree with someone – prove them wrong. Don’t try to censor them.” I can only conclude that these left-wing nutters are incapable of doing this. Clearly they wouldn’t resort to such oppressive, totalitarian methods if they were confidant in their case. If they are so sure that Monckton is a liar, why will they not debate him and show him up? They are afraid. […]


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    Why can’t GetUp GetLost?


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    By the way, it was Graeme Richardson who saved (sic) the Franklin River. He convinced PM Bob Hawke there were votes in green issues.
    Bob Brown was just another of many [snip] pinko anti war, anti industry, anti nuclear, anti human hippie with filthy bare feet (some things never change).


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    The thing that saddens me is that our resident AGW trolls, Brookes and MattB, appear not to give a flying f*** about science, climate or any notion of truth, only that the Team holds out against anyone who dares oppose the doctrine of the IPCC. I’ve spent a lifetime analysing issues in many areas of public life, from the anti-Vietnam protests of the early 1970s (which I was part of) to the current day, and I’ve never lived through any human movement that was as evil, dangerous and anti-democratic.


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    John Brookes

    Tom, that is highly offensive.

    Have you ever considered that tackling AGW is a difficult problem based on pretty solid science?

    There are a group of people who are attempting to discredit the science (and the scientists). Monckton is one of this group. Their usual method is lies, distortions and appeals to the prejudices of the general public.


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    Geoff Sherrington

    There are persistent rumours – [snip awaiting legal advice ]

    If the rumours are correct, there is a case for the Senator to resign in case there is a progressive inability to continue to represent the people of Australia in the Senate for the term of his election.

    By convention, politicians knowingly holding health conditions that plausibly would impair their future functionality, resign.


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    Don’t GetUp see how bad this looks? If you want to win an argument, you don’t cut out your opponent’s tongue. Not having a debate about C02 is worse than having one and losing. If you lose the debate you can always blame the debaters involved and vow to win the next one. Not having a debate puts your entire side to shame. People will know that you arguments are too weak to stand up to scrutiny and that no-one will ever have the goods to win a debate.

    Are academics in this country even aware of how poorly they are viewed by the rest of society?


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    #24: It is highly offensive and actionable to use this blog to repeat rumours designed to damage anyone’s reputation. I would ask that you withdraw that and for the publisher to delete it.


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    Sorry that was @16
    Well said Baa Humbug .


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    Rarely do I venture to Tim Lambert’s blog, but his paranoid attitude to Monckton in the past led me there to check for more recent rants. Instead, it is the honourable Professor Bob Carter that has him all in a lather. I proffer this gem from his blog which, to my mind, is a classic example of the alarmists’ modus operandi. No wonder Professor Harold Lewis called it “psudoscientific fraud”!

    Even someone with a little bit of common sense would notice that the difference between the Amazon and the Sahara isn’t that there is a shortage of CO2 in the Sahara… If you check what the science says about projected climate change rather than Carter you find:

    Annual rainfall is likely to decrease in much of Mediterranean Africa and northern Sahara

    Never mind the facts. To these people, modelling is the science.


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    Terrified of Monkton – Not Surprised

    If anyone doubts the power of Monkton’s ability to get media coverage then the following should serve as an example.

    PM Live – Thursday
    Chas (Chaser Guy) was relating that when he did an internet search for ‘Garnaut + Speech)
    The first 300 results were for ‘MONKTON’.

    No wonder ‘Get Up’ are ‘Sheik-ing’ in their boots.


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    Geoff Sherrington #24

    That might well mean that the new NSW Green Senator and former communist Lee Rhiannon (nee Gorman) could assume leadership of the Greens. I have commented before that perhaps Aussies need a hard lesson to shake them out of their complacent attitude to the toxic nature of the Green brand.

    The hubris of Bob Brown is beyond belief as evidenced by his arrogant declamation that he would not allow an Abbott Government to repeal any “carbon tax”. It is open to a government to alter a tax rate administratively without reourse to legislation. All that would be needed is to set the rate at zero or simply order the bureaucracy not to collect it.

    There would be some here who would remember Paul Keating’s “L-A-W” law tax cuts of the ’90s which never happened. Just goes to show that there’s more than one way to skin a cat,,, or tax for that matter.


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    We have a similar group in the USA – moveon. But the irony of your “Get Up” (sounds like giddyap – what you tell a horse to do) is that they are fighting to eliminate their jobs! Like the Sheep in Animal farm they are not bright enough to see that the end result of the warmists agenda is the elimination of all manufacturing (going back to the cottage industry). No manufacturing (mining, drilling, etc.) no unions! Kind of like suicide by proxy.


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    Bush bunny

    Tom I agree in someways, but snides on Lord Monckton seem to be accepted by some but not others. Being HIV now a days isn’t a death sentence.
    Part and parcel of being a male homosexual in times when safe sex wasn’t the normal safe sex practice. If you get my gist.

    [snip off topic ]


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    Bush bunny

    Good news. The Bronchos club lost out. But the Garmodo convention centre almost next door has picked it up. Much more sophisticated venue.


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    Louis Hissink

    I’m a professional scientist and John Brookes’ comments here cause me no offense.


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    Remember… those telling you the truth have no fear in wanting people to seek out information from all sides. Those peddling a lie must do their best to keep people away from the truth. Consider pro-global warming websites like Realclimate, they have ZERO links to skeptical websites. On the otherhand, wattsupwiththat – the top skeptical website, has links prominently displayed on the home page to all of the major warmist sites.


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    Sent to the Broncos by Peter Dun

    Subject: Too weak to stand up to Bob Brown!

    Attention Geoff Kuehner/James Petersen

    After helping to bring Chris Monckton to Australia with a donation over two months ago I’m very disappointed that you’ve cancelled the booking. Your club accepted the booking and it has been advertised for almost a month . It’s not so much the inconvenience but the fact your decision is out of step with public opinion and a blow for free speech at the expense of political correctness that disappoints me.

    I understand that you have received a number of complaints about Monckton speaking at your venue but I’m sure the fallout from your cancellation will be greater. Monckton copped a bit of flak for justifiably labeling Ross Garnaut an eco-facist but some people on the other side think that it’s ok to tattoo sceptics like myself! The Sydney Morning Herald’s Richard Glover wrote: it’s time for climate-change deniers to have their opinions forcibly tattooed on their bodies. Even our Prime Minister and her Climate Change Minister refer to us as “deniers and extremists”

    We live in the age of hypocrisy when it’s ok for one side to evoke the holocaust and refer to climate sceptics like myself as deniers and extremists but when one of their own is justifiably branded with the same terminology they cry foul. You should note that the sceptics are winning the climate change debate worldwide, least of all because the planet has not warmed for over a decade!

    As a long time supporter of both Rugby codes I’m really surprised that the Broncos have reacted this way and suggest to you that they will be forever branded as the club that was too weak to stand up to Bob Brown!

    Now that’s something to be proud of….NOT!

    Best regards
    Peter Dun


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    Roy Hogue

    A similar thing is beginning to happen here in the states. Not over Monkton of course. But if the law isn’t on your side argue the facts. If the facts aren’t on your side argue the law. If neither is on your side then silence your opponent. I think you get my meaning.

    Now is the time to stand up and be counted Australia. You need to stick your necks out and fight this. I know you can do it — day and night pickets in front of the offices of the Brisbane Broncos with polite but insistent signs stating what’s going on. You don’t block or impede anyone but you make your demand very public. You don’t need to be very large you just need to be there constantly.

    The cold hard light of day is a great disinfectant.


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    Rereke Whakaaro

    Here is a question we should all be asking:

    How much does free speech cost in Australia?

    For the best effect, ask the question when visibly taking out your cheque book.

    It kinda sorts out the sheep from the goats.


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    Another Ian

    Not quite off thread

    From http://wattsupwiththat.com/2011/07/01/george-monbiots-denial-fantasy-tweet/#more-42526

    “David, UK says:
    July 1, 2011 at 4:43 am

    I have evidence that many prominent Climate Alarmists are being secretly funded by governments with taxpayer money.

    Having said that, as long as all raw data and codes are made public for the purpose of replication, then it matters not a jot where the funding originates. Hey, Georgie baby?”


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    I believe Tony Windsor is rethinking his stance with Julia Gilliard, let’s hope the Independence of his belief’s win and he does what any good Austrlian would do.

    Say Yes to an Election now !!


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    val majkus

    rjm385 – wishful thinking


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    Why is it it always some kind of a socialist on the end that do not what the other party to freely speak their mind?

    Green socialists
    Social democrats
    labour socialists
    Conservative socialists
    National socialists
    Greedy socialists
    and Necromancers wanting to socialize with the already departed.


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    MattB @ 12

    “Lol has he ever been in a real fight! The bloody FRANKLIN RIVER you goose.”

    Is that all you’ve got?

    Just a reminder there’s only one “goose” in Australia and MOST unfortunately he’s got hold of the purse strings (at the moment – but not for much longer). Note – I didn’t call him the Treasurer – he couldn’t manage my piggybank!!



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    Maybe we could all chip in to buy a copy of “Chemistry for Dummies” for Windsor, Yesterday on Ray Hadley’s program he implied that the new Chinese coal-fired power plants are so efficient that there is no CO2 formed.

    What a dunce!

    If coal is burned (oxidised) efficiently the result is more CO2. No chemical way around that. The only thing to do is pass the resultant gases through a “scrubber” to absorb the CO2. On an industrial scale this will soon create disposal problems of huge magnitude.


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    Kevin Moore

    Some research needs to be done to find out who the orchestrators are of Fabianism, Socialism/Communism and what their relationship is to the U.N., Globalisation, Banks and Multinational Corporations.


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    It’s interesting to note how little criticism of the Red queen is getting through to the mainstream press , just navigating through websites like the Australian , news ltd etc is like surfing in quicksand , nice to know our govt is spending plenty on spooks to try and censor what they do not agree with !,
    call an election you despicable troll !


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    That because he still wants to live in Australia after he’s thrown out of office , he realizes this will be hard to do when people know where to find him at a later date , this fool only thinks about not sh..ting in his own nest after much of the damage has been done .!


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    John Watt

    As I said a couple of topics ago..Monckton screwed up. His Oz tour is now well and truly “off-topic”. Sad for anyone who is funding him. When previously in Brisbane (at the Irish Club) the vote of thanks to Monckton and Plimer was moved by none other than Dr John Nicol. Nicol for those of you who have not bothered to follow through is the only scientist to have presented in terms of basic laws of physics the rebuttal of the Gore/IPCC claim that CO2 is the culprit. The anger/energy should be focussed on getting that message to Gillard and Co. Let’s stop the “scientific cringe” and be proud of the fact that an Oz scientist has shown us the truth. Get Nicol to the podium! In fact I gave you guys that piece of advice some time ago when it was first announced there was to be a “second coming” of Monckton!


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    the followers of GetUp have no idea who is masterminding the CAGW scam. on Deutsche Welle radio, i heard the following, and it specifically stated Germany would frame “climate change” as a “national security” issue. DW doesn’t include that statement here, and the MSM aren’t reporting it in case those who have fallen for the idea that CAGW is a leftwing thing should catch on:

    1 July: Deutsche Welle: Author Nina Werkhäuser, Editor: Andreas Illmer: Germany takes up chairmanship of the UN Security Council
    Every presidency holds an ‘open debate,’ and Germany has selected climate change as the topic of their debate. It will be about the security implications of climate change, said Ambassador Wittig.
    “Key points of the debate will be about the rise of sea levels and the disappearance of entire states,” said Wittig. “From the United Nations 192 states, for the first time several states could completely disappear,” he added.
    The issue is not exactly new, but fits in with Germany’s profile within the United Nations as a pioneer of environmental and climate protection…


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    Mark@44; that is an interesting point about more efficient burning of coal producing more CO2; can you elaborate?


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    Thanks to Monkton press all over the world are now focusing on Australia , it’s low standard of journalists and the attempt to muzzle free speech , the insanity of the Governments policies ! If that’s all Monckton achieved … It would still be considered an outstanding success , just to break through this governments control of the press and freedom of speech I for one, am honored to be associated with anti CAGW cause and in that with lord Monckton !!


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    the other Lewandowski backs down…the poverty that CAGW will cause worldwide is mind boggling, given the rhetoric of those who claim it will help the poor!

    1 July: UK Telegraph: By Bruno Waterfield, Brussels and Matthew Day in Warsaw: Poland’s EU budget commissioner in climate change controversy
    Janusz Lewandowski, the EU budget commissioner, was accused by green campaigners and MEPs of climate change “denial” because he questioned the science of global warming…
    Green campaign groups and an alliance of MEPs described the commissioner’s comments as “terrifying” because, it was claimed he was seeking to “deny the overwhelming evidence of climate change”.
    “The commissioner should fully explain himself,” Joris den Blanken a Greenpeace spokesman told the EurActiv website. “If not, the consequences for his role in the European Commission should be considered.”
    Following a week of increasingly shrill calls from the European Parliament and NGOs for him to recant his views or face disciplinary sanctions, Mr Lewandowski made a humiliating climb down.
    “In order to clarify misunderstandings,” he said in a statement. “I acknowledge the fact that the overwhelming majority of scientific studies confirm the phenomenon of global warming.”
    Poland’s EU budget commissioner has been forced to recant after he claimed climate change was exaggerated and argued that overambitious EU CO2 emissions targets would hurt his country’s economy
    Radek Sikorski, Poland’s foreign minister, told The Daily Telegraph, that criticism of his country for not accepting new more stringent targets was unfair.
    “God gave us coal and before we develop our shale gas deposits we will have to rely on electricity generation from coal, and the changing of an energy mix is something takes time,” he said.
    “If others want to do it now, we welcome it but we have come to the limit. Poland is relatively poor country with a lot of coal so don’t expect us to be the leader on this issue.”
    Martin Callanan MEP, the leader of the European Conservatives, who does not dispute climate change, said he was accused of “denial” too after speaking out against higher CO2 targets.
    “Any dissenting voice is treated as equivalent to Holocaust denial. To compare not supporting an EU policy to the extermination of six million Jews is crazy and offensive,” he said. “Climate change, wherever you stand, is a legitimate subject of debate.”


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    someone did make a screenshot of getup’s attack on Monckton.



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    Kevin Moore

    One of 20 Characteristics of a Pathocracy I listed at “Government wants help…..@ 82” suits the Labour/Greens perfectly:-

    11. An attitude of hypocricy and contempt demonstrated by the action of the ruling class,towards the ideals they claim to follow,and towards the citizens they claim to represent.


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    @Kevin Moore: @45 its called the Bilderburg group.

    Some hope for the USA Governor Rick Perry is out against AGW!

    “PERRY: And since when did the field of science become the sole purview of left-wing politicians? I don’t know about you, but I’ve heard Al Gore talk about man-made global warming so much that I’m starting to think that his mouth is the leading source of all that supposedly deadly carbon dioxide.

    Virtually every day another scientist leaves the global warming bandwagon…but you won’t read about that in the press because they have already invested in one side of the story. I’m not saying we shouldn’t be good stewards of our environment. We should. I am just saying when politics hijack science, it quells true scientific debate and can have dire consequences for our future.”


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    Phil Jourdan @ 31

    ‘ the elimination of all manufacturing (going back to the cottage industry). No manufacturing (mining, drilling, etc.) ‘

    Phil, this is exactly what many of the Greens want. Here in Tasmania, which is home to two of the worst CAGW alarmists in the world, Greens party leader Bob Brown and his deputy Christine Milne, we are being increasingly seen as a place to be shunned by anyone seeking to invest in worthwhile job-creating projects. Aside from the political stagnation, bureaucratic red-tape is a nightmare!

    To make it worse, as in the Federal sphere, after the last State election there was a hung Parliament and once again Labor sold it’s soul to retain power and two Greens sold their principles for their own advantage. As a result we are absolutely leaderless and Tassie is sinking into a sea of debt.

    School closures are threatened, as well as cuts in medical, police and other community services but the most useless and unnecessary wasteful Department of Climate Change which could be completely wiped and huge savings made without any adverse effect, has become a sacred cow and remains untouched.

    This, in a state with a clean hydro-electric power base thanks to former leaders with vision, and an abundance of water for many more such schemes which would ensure all our future energy needs and make us completely droughtproof.

    As an example, the Mersey/Forth scheme utilises the waters from a highland lake and four rivers, runs 8 power stations with a combined capacity of 309Mw generating about 16% of our requirements. It has also provided what has been described as the rowing-course “designed by God”, a world-class facility at Lake Barrington which hosts thousands of our young and older rowers each year with wonderful campsites for their families and friends to share the experience.

    In what can only be seen as the height of hypocrisy, the Greens have effectively blocked all future hydro developments. Instead, based on their acceptance of the fraud of CAGW and apparently to pursue their science fiction fantasy of Man controlling climate and temperature they want to litter the world with heavily subsidised hideously expensive ineffective wind turbines and other means of “renewable” energy generation.

    The stupidity and lack of vision of State Premier Lara Giddings and Greens leader Nick McKim was highlighted in a recent article in what has become simply another warmist PR release repeating rag, the Sunday Tasmanian, when they stated:

    “Tasmania was ideally placed to develop new energy technologies like wind, solar and wave”! What, no hydro? Here in Tassie the asylum is definitely being run by the inmates as is Australia federally!


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    Peter Dun


    Shutting down free speech bookmarks the end game for AGW religion but as one door closes another always opens and the noise level suggests it leads down the conflict of interest corridor where stories of hypocrisy and sneaky deals abound.

    We hear and read that elected representatives, government advisers, academics and bureaucrats have conflicts of interest with regard to Climate. Rumours abound that writs have been issued, lawsuits initiated and barristers briefed. Money is being thrown around like confetti to persuade the masses that blind belief in AGW counters Heaven and Earth and we must agree to so called progressive changes.

    Some of us remember the Khemlani Affair that brought down the Whitlam Government. Much of what is happening today is in the same genre. Again the common denominator is mineral resources but this time it’s more about who will make the money rather than where it comes from. When use of renewables is mandated, when copper prices go through the roof and the billions that will flow to government coffers from Carbon and mining taxes, you can be sure that some well placed individuals will make a killing.

    Taxing Carbon will force up prices of copper and rare earths like neodymium, mined from out of sight and out of mind places, far more polluted and degraded than most people imagine. The sheer hypocrisy of moving pollution around the planet in the name of saving it is breathtaking. That it’s been going on for so long and fooled so many just beggars belief.

    Only one thing is certain, there is far more to all this than meets the eye and there’s a smell about this administration that is decidedly Whitlamesque. Here’s how it may well be remembered:

    Wracked by fiscal and policy mismanagement and the political impact of the Carbon and Mining Tax scandals, the Gillard Government was vulnerable throughout 2011. Gillard had been forced to sack many advisers bureaucrats and even an MHR. Bob Brown’s hubris killed her deal with the Greens. Her resulting inability to leverage massive debt with new taxes forced a double dissolution election. The ensuing landslide win to the conservatives wiped out labor and the Greens in one fell swoop 😆


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    Kevin Moore

    The Real Universe @ 55

    I think that the originators of Communism have a history that goes back a long time before the Bilderburgers. In fact I think that it its origins go way back to the Pharisees of whom Christ spoke 2.000 years ago.


  • #

    Well Windsor might come to his senses. The *first* independent to jump ship and force an election might even survive that election if he issues the appropriate mea culpas, courtesy of a grateful electorate.

    Cohenite, I guess if you burn coal inefficiently you get some black carbon and other nasties. If you burn it all you don’t get those but get more CO2.


  • #
    Sean McHugh

    Paul M @3:

    Grumpy@2 . . . .isn’t Broncos a plural ,not a possessive, thus not needing an apostrophe?

    Can be either. As a team there is no need, as an organisation with a structure similar to parent and subsidiary companies the apostrophe is justified.

    “As a team there is no need [for an apostrophe]”. Forget the “no need” and other implications of arbitrariness. The point that Grumpy made was that ‘Broncos’ was not being spoken of in the possessive, so there was a need not to add the apostrophe. And even if it were in the possessive and an apostrophe added, it would not go before the ‘s’ but after it.

    [A] structure similar to parent and subsidiary companies”? Subjective commercial similitude determines grammar? I would not have made Grumpy’s comment, but since he did make it and since his correction was correct, it did not require ‘fixing’. Paul’s response was unhelpful to the understanding of how it works.


    The Broncos’ individual contracts = contracts that the Broncos have with the individual players.
    A Bronco’s contract = a contract belonging to a ‘Bronco’, a member of the Broncos.

    Note that the latter example is an arbitrary label and is not making the collective the subject.

    In the singular possessive, the apostrophe goes before the appended ‘s’. With plural nouns that end with ‘s’ and singular nouns that end with ‘s’, the possessive apostrophe goes after that ‘s’. An example of the singular possessive:

    The car belonging to James = James’ car = Jamie’s car.

    Some folk add an additional ‘s’ to singular nouns that end with ‘s’, when they are to be rendered as possessive (eg. James’s car).


  • #

    Once the venue for Lord Monckton’s presentation is confirmed, may I suggest that we email the venue, with messages of support and thanks?


  • #
    Sean McHugh

    I have never expected brains from football, but surely some balls.


  • #

    theRealUniverse –

    funny thing about rick perry. recently was watching an online documentary on bilderberg which had rick perry in attendance and mention was made how he must be considered future presidential material. the very next day, by coincidence, the republican websites had extensive coverage of why perry should run, and this has built up over the past few weeks til it has reached a crescendo, check the thousands of results online about it. as for him coming up with an anti-CAGW line, keep in mind gillard’s no carbon tax promise:

    a short news item:

    TX Gov. Rick Perry Attends Bilderberg in Istanbul, 2007


  • #

    For all who have not seen this , communism would seem a difficult fellow to put out of it’s misery, while traitors like Milne try to turn back the clock !.
    where are you Governor General??? the barbarian hoards are inside the gates , restore democracy now !


  • #

    @ pat Yes it does seem rather funny Im not necessarily supporting Perry either, I just saw that item of his remarks. Could be hes bandwaggoning as CAGW looks rather weak at the moment in the USA.


  • #
    Kevin Moore

    TheRealUniverse @ 55

    This site has a minefield of information on the Bilderbergers and a host of other matters:-


    How long the site stays there I think is problematic.


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    cohenite #50:

    I don’t know why you would ask that. Burn coal (carbon), you get CO2. burn it more completely, you get more CO2.


  • #

    Monckton, cha-cha-cha, Monckton, cha-cha-cha. We are cheering for you. You are the best. You are going to save us from these crazy morons. Please keep socking it to them. For my childrens’ sake.


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    Annie B.

    Tonight the ABC news featured a story on falling property prices around beach side suburbs in Sydney. They mentioned just about every reason, e.g. the GFC, rising interest rates etc, then tacked on the issue of rising sea levels and climate change. Of course the ABC wouldn’t miss an opportunity – would they? If property prices are falling due to the fear of rising sea levels, we should all be ready with our cheque books to purchase bargain basement properties near the beach. After all, the darling of the green set, Al Gore, isn’t selling his seaside mansion in the US. Good ol’ ABC – stuck in the 90s and bereft of any scientific evidence – and we’re paying for it.


  • #

    I don’t know why you would ask that. Burn coal (carbon), you get CO2. burn it more completely, you get more CO2.

    and burn it more completely and you burn less coal for more power and more CO2. Who cares about the CO2.


  • #
    Mervyn Sullivan

    Last night I sent an email to Brisbane Broncos Club board member Jim (James) Petersen 0407 739 677. His email is:


    I expressed my anger and disappointment.


  • #

    My sentiments exactly janama.

    It makes Windsor look stupid in that the Chinese are building at least one new power station a week. That’s still gonna burn a lot of aussie coal. Not only that but they have stated in no uncertain terms that they will never accept any sort of UN monitoring of their economic activities.

    I read that huge coal reserves have been discovered in Mongolia. Could be bad news for us.



  • #
    Bernd Felsche

    Well, Germany is going to be burning a lot more coal.

    Nuclear power stations being shut down and already 11GW of coal-fired power stations due to go online over the next year or two. And that was before Merkel’s missing GW from premature retirement of nuclear power.

    Germany’s shortfall in domestic generation right now is a peak of over 6GW – being imported mainly from France (nuclear generated). And that shortfall will triple (IIRC) when the nuclear power stations are all turned off. Total, nominal generating capacity of all nuclear power stations is more than 21GW, constituting about 22% of domestic electricity production and 46% of base-load.

    This German page also shows that the black-coal equivalent of that is around 52 million tons annually. Counting the figures on my two thumbs, I get just shy of 200 million tons of CO2 emissions averted by nuclear power generation.

    Or, to put it another way, Germans will be emitting about 200 million tons more CO2 when their last nuclear power station is switched off.

    As for wind power, the plains of eastern Germany are despoiled by behemoths of wind farms, which, when they generate a surplus to requiremnts, can’t be put into the grid for domestic consumption. And the neighbours don’t want it either. Over a year, the farms generate about one sixth of nameplate capacity on average, But there can be lulls of 3 to 10 days, meaning that the turbines become nett consumers of energy.

    A rule of thumb is that 1GW of electricity requires one medium-sized power station (conventional or nuke) or 6000 to 10,000 1MW wind turbines for similar availability and reliability.

    It’s so easy to lose sight of real environmental concerns until one sees the necessary scale of implementation of the “renewables”.


  • #

    NRMA is the main sponser of the Broncos

    I just emailed them asking them to distance themselves from this decision or my insurance will be taken elsewhere.

    I encourage others to do the same



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    Sean McHugh

    There are similar attempts to silence Andrew Bolt, in an operation dubbed “Bolt-Cutter”:

    Advertisers have pulled their advertising from News Limited columnist Andrew Bolt’s new TV show on Network Ten despite Ten telling us that the show is “selling well”.

    A Facebook event dubbed Operation: Bolt-Cutter has been set up by Christian Price, a Melbourne writer/comedian best know for his Flashboard Wars blog. Price noted the advertisers during The Bolt Report’s debut on Sunday and then posted the details of the companies.

    This is a leftist page that brags at the wins in trying to ensure that only the leftist side gets any airing. Its last line tries to diminish the show’s influence by citing a low viewer audience:

    The shows [sic] debut only managed to attract 163,000 viewers in the morning slot and 123,000 for the encore that afternoon.

    So why the fear then? In reality, The Bolt Report is still attracting larger total audiences than ABC’s Insiders

    Tele-Choice, iPrimus and Mr Rentals are names cited for having withdrawn their advertising during the show.


  • #

    I have been on the Bronco’s website and for everything I added about freedom of speech etc, only one of many had a go at me name calling etc. The Bronco’s have really taken a hit with this and rightly so.


  • #

    Not sure if this has been posted , can you guess which way the courier leans ?.
    About the next visitor to be smeared , poor guy picks up a pen and he’s crucified for life , amongst other irrelevant things ???
    Oh that’s right he’s a skeptic …. I hear he picked his nose ..in public …once….


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    Mark @ 72

    There are different coals – the Chinese import our black coal because it can smelt steel!!

    The Chinese have power stations in Mongolia



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    @John Watt:
    July 2nd, 2011 at 10:47 am

    As I said a couple of topics ago..Monckton screwed up. His Oz tour is now well and truly “off-topic”. Sad for anyone who is funding him. When previously in Brisbane (at the Irish Club) the vote of thanks to Monckton and Plimer was moved by none other than Dr John Nicol. Nicol for those of you who have not bothered to follow through is the only scientist to have presented in terms of basic laws of physics the rebuttal of the Gore/IPCC claim that CO2 is the culprit. The anger/energy should be focussed on getting that message to Gillard and Co. Let’s stop the “scientific cringe” and be proud of the fact that an Oz scientist has shown us the truth. Get Nicol to the podium! In fact I gave you guys that piece of advice some time ago when it was first announced there was to be a “second coming” of Monckton!

    Knut Johan Ångström disproved the physics of CO2 induced global warming way back in 1896.


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    There are different coals – the Chinese import our black coal because it can smelt steel!!

    Tell me about it! Worked in the steel industry for ten years as a quality control chemist.

    Best coal is anthracite, about 95% carbon. Closest we have to that in Oz comes from the Bowen Basin. Worst is the brown stuff (lignite) so plentiful in Victoria. Plenty good enough for power stations despite the high moisture content. However, there is a process for removing the moisture and forming the coal into high grade pellets.

    Doesn’t change anything about the chemistry of carbon combustion though. Who cares. Feed some plants today, I say.


  • #

    […] failed campaign to silence the visiting anti-carbon tax campaigner, Lord Monckton attracted only 18 votes in favour by their members on their own website, but in fact aided our efforts by the resulting publicity. […]


  • #

    Like GetUp, I’m TERRORFIED of Monckton too! I mean, did you see that video? He’s convincing special interest groups to buy up our media so as to manufacture consensus for financial gain! That IS terrorfying!!

    But it’s WORSE than that! He is going around Australia, trying to DENY human-induced global warming, which is an issue of SCIENCE. But he is no scientist, he’s a freaken CLASSICS MAJOR! SCARY! So of course GetUp is trying to silence him!! Getup wants to silence this classics major from giving climate science advice for the same reason anyone would want to silence a bricklayer from giving crucial medical advice: too much at stake, we need EXPERTS to do the educating (and we already know what the peer reviewed academic research articles say about climate change, and we already know that all Australian climate scientists support the carbon tax (go on, find one that doesn’t!!)).

    Also, GetUp is not the virtual arm of the labour party, for example, GetUp were extremly critical of Labour’s handling of asylum seekers and other issues; so unless you’re jumping on Monckton’s misinformation propoganda bandwagon, I’ld remove that.


    REPLY: Guess that makes GetUp more a wing of The Greens Party then eh?


    • #

      Here is a very interesting post by Kel. Lets have a good look at it.
      Kel says…

      So of course GetUp is trying to silence him!!….
      ….we need EXPERTS to do the educating (and we already know what the peer reviewed academic research articles say about climate change, and we already know that all Australian climate scientists support the carbon tax (go on, find one that doesn’t!!)).

      People who populate groups like Get Up, believe that most every problem mankind faces can be solved with consensus. Hence they are afraid of a “manufactured consensus” in the question of climate science.
      What Kel and the pimply faced inexperienced idealists that are Get Up members don’t understand, is that science is highly adversarial and conflict riddled by necessity. So much so that real science makes Parliament Question Time look like a love-in at the Hugh Heffner mansion.

      Of course, the current young generation isn’t the first idealistic one. Every young generation is idealistic and has been since Pebbles and Bam Bam.
      The difference is that the current one has a voice, it has communal and institutional support. Get Up doesn’t exist on the donations of young supermarket check-out chicks and students working part time at Maccas. It survives because western democracies allow it to survive and so they should.
      Whereas past young generations were told to sit down and shut up, the current one is blessed with this voice, amplified by modern communications technology.

      So what does Get Up and the likes of Kel do with this wonderful new found voice of youth? THEY AIM TO SHUT UP THOSE WHO GRANTED THEM THIS VOICE.

      A classic case of the misuse of a priceless asset. A classic case of biting the hand that feeds you.
      Do you know what the prescribed solution is to the dog that bites the hand that feeds it?

      Kel, I urge you to research and study the meaning and value of free speech, then reflect on your post as well as the activities of Get Up.
      After you’re done, I’d be very interested to hear your comments on the subject.



      • #

        Hi Baa H

        We need to be clear here; GetUp and Amnesty are run for the benefit of the management; lots of travel, pblic exposure for future political forays.


        “the pimply faced inexperienced idealists that are Get Up members”

        are just too unaware to see that they are being USED and are the modern equivalent of “cannon fodder”.



    • #

      Here we go again:

      “”But he is no scientist, he’s a freaken CLASSICS MAJOR””

      No, he’s a very good mathematician and a really great showman and isn’t that what modern

      environmentalism is ALL about hey!


      I’m a metallurgist Kel and I managed to demolish the CO2 – AGW rubbish in about 10 lines.


      If YOU aren’t getting paid for this Kel make no mistake: you are being USED big time.

      Don’t you have any concerns about that.

      Don’t you have any pride or are you just prepared to turn you future over to some smart

      mouth who sounds good?

      Move on. 🙂


  • #

    Hi Baa humbug, thanks for commenting on my post. I split my response into two threads…


    Your certainly right that SECTIONS of science are “highly adversarial and conflict riddled by necessity”. An example is the interpretation of quantum physics: I’ve seen Bohmians and Everettians at each other’s throats!

    But the key point is that many sections of science are not like this, human-induced global warming is one of them, and this is obvious when one to looks to peer-reviewed journal articles.

    Far from being anything like the conflict-riddled peer-reviewed quantum physics literature, climate science is instead analogous to evolutionary biology. For real scientists, there is simply no question that humans evolved by natural selection, there is no conflict over this question. But in the public, it’s presented as if there is a controversy (at least in America, where they also ‘teach the controversy’ in schools). It’s exactly the same in the climate science context. There is no controversy among those who understand the facts, but moving into the public realm, special interest groups and other non-scientists pretend there is a controversy.


    I felt that you didn’t really deal with my argument here, particularly the medical science analogy. Surely (surely) you would not want a bricklayer (say) to publicly give advice on crucial medical issues? Here’s another analogy: surely you would not want a holocaust denying non-historian to give public speeches on WW2? So why would you want a climate change denying classics major to give public speeches on climate science? It doesn’t make any sense. It is as dangerous as it is irresponsible… surely?

    I’m certainly not trying to shut up someone who gave me a voice. That’s because I was never given a voice by a non-scientist who is pretending to be a scientist. At the end of the day, the emissions trading scheme has been very successful in New Zealand, and when the carbon tax in implemented in Australia, we will work with NZ (as John Key has promised) and ours will be successful to. I just don’t see why bringing a pseudo-scientist in to confuse the public on the issue is helpful for Australia.


    p.s., Jo, GetUP aren’t a wing of any political party, they are more like an australian-specific version of Amnesty International fighting for basic human rights, including the rights of future generations who will inherit the environment we are failing to protect. I don’t see how your attack on GetUp is any different from an attack on Amnesty International.


    • #

      Hello Kel

      My friend, the naivety of your reply has reinforced my original comment beautifully.
      Your failure to understand the true nature of science stems from your view point of the world. No matter how I explain scientific procedure to you, you will not comprehend. I suggest you study some science history.

      Your comparison with evolutionary biology is tiresome and an indicator of your lack of original thought, a common trait amongst GetUp members without exception.

      Regards non-scientists speaking on the science. Now here is where you reinforce your naivette and total lack of understanding of what Monckton is on about and what climate science in general is.
      Monckton uses mathematics (a subject he is infinitely qualified in) to further his argument. IN FACT MONCKTON IS MORE QUALIFIED THAN MANY OF THE SO CALLED CLIMATE SCIENTISTS.

      Kel, if you were to look a little more into climate science, you would find that it is NOT a single branch of science, but a conglomeration of many branches of science including mathematics, especially statistics and calculus.

      You say…

      I felt that you didn’t really deal with my argument here, particularly the medical science analogy. Surely (surely) you would not want a bricklayer (say) to publicly give advice on crucial medical issues?

      I draw attention to your emphasis of the word ‘surely’. Having trouble understanding this concept hence your incredulity?
      Let me give you a very very simple and timely example by citing a couple of names. You can make the connection I’m sure (well, not too sure)

      JAYANT PATEL and a whistleblowing NURSE. Google them if you need to.
      Mathematics works in the same building as climate science, just like a nurse works in the same building as a doctor.

      Kel, idealism and a utopian view of the world is ok when one is young, but eventually we all grow out of it.
      The problem -as I see it and is ably demonstrated by GetUp- is that your idealism isn’t harmless. That new found voice I talked about in my earlier comment is being used to cause a lot of damage, not just to the young it purports to represent, but to individuals and business entities. e.g. http://www.heraldsun.com.au/opinion/gerry-harveys-got-the-wood-on-greenies/story-e6frfhqf-1226268584192

      Thanx for the civil discourse Kel, I’d be happy to continue with you sometime in the future when you have broadened your horizons.


    • #
      wes george


      It’s a shame that you didn’t study the classics of Western Civilisation or you would know that the most fundamental of all human rights — that of free expression — exists before and above the rights of guilds to issue certificates of expertise.



      I can hardly contain my shock that GetUp! is a bastion of authoritarian suppression of free speech and thought!!!!!

      Well, maybe I’m not so surprised:


      * * *

      Bricklayers have every right to express opinions on medical procedures. And medical doctors have every right to express opinions on brick laying.

      If Kel’s brand of authority worship was natural law then patent office clerks would have no right to have opinions about the nature of time and space. Climatologists would have no right to opine about the tax code. Kangaroo experts would be banned from opining about climate. Farmers should have no say on coal seam gas exploration. Only the Navy should determine how illegal people smugglers are dealt with and the pack of hopeless sods at GetUp! should only be allowed to opine on CenterLink customer service policy and the latest fashions in bootlicking.

      But why stop there?

      The logical outcome of the GetUp! free speech qualification of expertise means that ONLY POLITICAL SCIENTISTS SHOULD HAVE THE RIGHT TO VOTE. Since, obviously only they possess the necessary certification of expertise to have an opinion on how we are governed.


  • #

    Hi Kelvin

    You comment

    “”….how your attack on GetUp is any different from an attack on Amnesty International.””

    And I agree with you.

    Amnesty also deserves to be sidelined by all taxpayers because of it’s blinkered approach

    to “Human Rights” and its blatantly one eyed behaviour.

    We pay enough to the United Nations to fix these things for us and see what we get NOTHING.

    Having two organisations running the “Compassion industry ” for us is more than

    Australians want to pay for.

    Both the UN and Amnesty should Get Out of Our Pockets!!

    The best thing about Lord Monckton is that he winds the greenies and lefty luvvies up something awe-full. A sight to behold.

    Well worth the money.
