The Perth Election Now Rally! Sunday 2pm *this weekend*

Perth Rally Election NowIf the current egregious insanity makes you angry, join us on Sunday at Langley Park. If you have No Confidence in the current Australian Government. Let them know! It doesn’t have to be this way.


LANGLEY PARK on the PERTH FORESHORE (Terrace Rd near Hill St)


David Evans and I will be there. Hope you can come too and bring all your friends..  – Jo

Read more for the details….


As advertised in the West Australian today…

Perth Rally Election NowClick to enlarge the poster. Why not print it out and stick it at your local shopping centre? Thanks 🙂

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44 comments to The Perth Election Now Rally! Sunday 2pm *this weekend*

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    Awesome!!! Hoping you get big turnouts there and our thoughts, while not our bodies, are with you! (Now if this was in November…….we’d be there!)
    Wendy and Kneel8250


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    Why does it feel like too little too late? Are there no other possibilities? Not one of those in government can be persuaded to rethink and not vote for the poison? Are the courts completely unable to do anything for such outright lying – surely it is fraudulent? There should be an injunction!

    If it is true that a large section of the poorer Oz community will be getting more cash then what chance is there that they will oppose the tax? Even if there is another election it is unlikely that those who were expected to gain will really vote to lose what they would have gained.


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    Sounds like a date 🙂


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    While distracted by corruption in government science since ~1971, I too failed to see that control over government was slipping away worldwide.

    However, those who created this mess are basically cowards.

    All we have to fear is fear itself.

    With kind regards,
    Oliver K. Manuel
    Former NASA Principal
    Investigator for Apollo


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    This’ll be a good laugh. Are we to have have a repeat of the other carbon tax “rallies”. A couple of befuddled old pensioners squawking into the wind and waving “Ditch the Bitch” banners? You might be well advised to hold it in a telephone booth so you can claim it’s been “booked out”. Are you going to get that cretin Alan Jones there to beat it up and tell another whole heap of porkies??


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    Civil? Why?

    I liked ditch the witch, or Bob Brown’s bitch.

    Call it political poetry.


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    Stephen Harper

    If it’s raining don’t let that stop you from coming! This is our big chance in Perth to have our say!


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    Penelope, a good optometrist can help you, then you’ll be able to see thousands of mainstream Australians, hundreds of trucks and cars, and all the placards that use big words like “carbon” and “lies” which you seem to struggle with. I wish you all the best. 🙂


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    Bush bunny

    Penelope @ 5: You are out of order. Jo remove this disgraceful rude post. Penelope, the only people who are deluded are you, this
    ALP government, the Greens and the three Independents supporting this useless tax. Tony Windsor announced on Chan.10 late news a few days ago, why he was supporting the carbon tax, in fact he is driving it, ‘Carbon abatement is working overseas.” That’s a down right lie. He wouldn’t answer what it means ‘curb methane production in livestock’. That is one the aims.

    Best of luck Jo and David, and hammer it home, this Carbon Tax
    will do nothing to change a climate, it is getting cooler all on its own. Australia seems to treading a long path to nowhere, were other countries have been and now walking back.


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    A penny for your thoughts?

    Well no.

    “”A couple of befuddled old pensioners”” is a reflection more on the state of Australia at the moment than the individual writing.

    A sad country where politicians can sell a line to eager young voters that their parents and grandparents are stupid, unintelligent and lazy.

    Paradoxically that description might very well fit the politicians better than their targets.

    These BOPs are a great deal more likely to have contributed something useful to this country than the person criticizing them.

    The Dole is only possible because of the deprivation and hard years of work and taxpaying by those sad old BOPs as is the ease of entry to Universities and other institutions of higher learning (sometimes known as Institutions of Delayed Earning).

    Young Australians, mired in the Myth of the Lucky Country may be shocked to find that they are not Gods gift to the world as sharp politicians and their spin merchants might have them believe.

    There are many, many great and decent young people in Australia.

    Unfortunately there is an ever increasing number of young unemployable voters who are being led to the polling booths by sharpies selling noble causes like Global warming and compassion for Africa.
    The sole political fate of these youngsters is to consume the dole, drink 5 nights a week, feel green, vote properly and fade into oblivion by their mid thirties.

    I don’t want to be depressing, but this Lucky Country has an extraordinarily high youth suicide rate that is linked to the fact that they are seen as voting fodder by cynical parties. No one expects them to function normall; no need for honesty (no punishment), no need for thrift (its other peoples money) no need for respect (its someone elses parent).

    There is a paradox that many feel gooders have a more affluent lifestyle provided by parents and tend therefore to the left to compensate for their good luck, but by voting for more dole, more benefits, more government support, more compassion; they are contributing to the decline of the Lucky Country and all who sail in her.


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    Bush bunny: I think it’s great to have her comments stand.

    Even if she doesn’t understand what she has done here, the rest of us can see it clearly and feel sorry for her.

    To be deluded and embittered at 19 is normal in Australia because our country thrives on delusion.


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    Sorry O/T but I was reading Mitchell’s article in the Australian re Rob Manne, in which he states:

    “Robert has drawn the Holocaust analogy many times on many issues as he made the long journey from conservative anti-communist historian, through the late 1990s Stolen Generations campaign and into his present deep-Green Authoritarian persona. He has seen potential Holocausts and past pogroms, real and metaphorical, in communist Russia, Hawke-era economic reforms (the 1992 book Shutdown), the actions of the Aboriginal protectors and now in climate change.

    The manipulation of the idea of the Holocaust for political advantage, particularly in the Stolen Generations debate, is at the core of longstanding disputes between Manne and this paper. Of course, this Holocaust tactic, like the related use of the word “denier”, is a simple trick to undermine an opponent’s moral position when a polemicist has little intellectual case. Some history”.

    With such insight on the use of an underhand tactic to cover for a poor argument, does this mean The Australian will discourage use of the term denier and begin to look more closely at an issue they seem intent on uncritically supporting? At the end Mitchell then writes:

    “Back to my introductory paragraph on Manne’s climate change Holocaust analogy. The Australian in the past 10 years has published 29 pieces by climate change “deniers” — that is, three a year. In that period it has published thousands of news stories, opinion pieces and editorials on the issue. This paper has accepted man-made climate change since the 1980s. But deep-Green Rob Manne is not interested in facts. He wants a media inquiry because, after all his protestations to the contrary during the Howard years, he really is a keen supporter of “silencing dissent”, to quote his mentor Clive Hamilton’s book”.

    What I found astounding is that only 29 sceptical articles have been published in 10 years! Mitchell trots out this figure almost with pride. So this is their feeble attempt at balance? Allowing dissent? The media have been shovelling this bovine manure for so long they actually believe it, or alternatively find themselves in a corner given previous strident claim and now don’t know how to shift their stance without looking like fools. It is no wonder I come here and to Quadrant where writers, including the scientists themselves, are unhindered by group think/fashionable thinking and unafraid to write from non alarmist viewpoint.

    Mitchell seems to suggest that Manne’s moral posturing is driven by his sense of superiority (his self perceived intelligence and virtue?). Since the editors at The Australian keep stating ‘they believe’ in controlling emissions because of climate change, perhaps they ought to indulge in some long overdue reflection as they go about diagnosing one of their own – take a look in the mirror on this issue. I’ll give the last word on this post to Lindzen.

    “And finally, there are the numerous well meaning individuals who have allowed propagandists to convince them that in accepting the alarmist view of anthropogenic climate change, they are displaying intelligence and virtue. For them, their psychic welfare is at stake.”


  • #

    If this is indeed true, the community needs to act, and act quickly …

    In an underhand move, Julia Gillard and Bob Brown have secretly annoucned that all public submissions on this 1,100 page bill must be made in just one week – submissions closing on the 22nd of September. That’s right, they’re is giving us just one week to read and comment on over 1000 pages of legislation. And the icing on the cake? She decided to cancel public hearings around Australia (something that is always done with major legislation). She said there “isn’t enough time”.

    Written submissions must be received by next Thursday, 22 September and can be emailed to You can find more information as to how to prepare a submission here (, but really, just a short paragraph explaining how damaging and how unnecessary it is will do. Put it on the record and make sure that they are FORCED to notice.

    Please, send a short submission to the Joint Select Committee at and make sure that Julia Gillard’s tactics do not succeed in silencing the truth!

    Pass it on everyone !


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    Bush bunny

    stevo am about to do it. And send it to Tony Windsor one of the drivers of climate change and the carbon tax.


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    Sorry JoNovanians, the link for how to make a submission to the Joint Select Committee on Australia’s Clean Energy Future Legislation in my previous post was wrong.

    The committee page is at

    and the link from that page to how to make a submission is


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    So that’ll be the cast of “thousands” that turned up for the “Convoy of Incontinence” then will it? Maybe you need the optometrist Nova.

    [REPLY: Glasses don’t usually help people see the toilet habits of crowds of people. I was wrong, you need therapy for compulsive insults and incomprehensible reasoning. Good luck with that.. ]

    [snip baseless insult]

    Bush Bunny you’ve spent too much time chewing straw: Only the deluded could say that global temperatures are falling.


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    Richard C (NZ)

    Hey Aussies, can anyone give me a link to a historical Australian sea level story that was topical when all the recent alarming sea level rise reports were being pushed and Watson 2011 came out?

    The story featured an image of a Mean Sea Level mark or Mean High Tide mark chiseled into the rock at Botany Bay (I think) by Captain Cook’s crew (I think).

    I’ve searched the internet but no luck, help please, thanks.

    (It is here, Testing the Waters) CTS


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    Peter Hartley

    Richard C,

    I suspect you may be thinking of John Daly’s work on the Isle of the Dead at Port Arthur in Tasmania. You should still be able to find his work at Still Waiting for Greenhouse.


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    Peter Hartley


    Try this


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    Peter Hartley

    Oops this

    (This one too, Testing the Waters) CTS


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    John Brookes

    Can I use this to protest Mark Harvey’s sacking? Or is this rally only for boring stuff?


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    I sort of hope the headline does not read protest that doubts permanent drought predictions washed away by flooding rains. Take an umbrella.


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    Rereke Whakaaro

    I hope the rally goes well, guys.

    Get somebody to take a wide-angle photograph of the whole crowd. With that, we can get some empirical evidence for the attendance – just to confound the MSM hacks, don’t-ya-know.


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    I wish you all the very best at the rally.

    If an individual wants to make a stand to save their country from tyranny he/she has every right to express his/her view. This is our country if it’s worth fighting for then its worth making a good fight. I would just add, that in life we are judged on our morale ground. Therefore make the fight on morale grounds don’t sink to the depths of our opponents.

    Have a great day and enjoy.

    Joanne thankyou for tireless effort!

    Say YES to an election now !!


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    Richard C (NZ)

    @ Peter Hartley and CTS #16 – #19

    Yes, that was what I was looking for. Thanks for the link.



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    Has Peter Beattie just threatened kevin rudd with arsenic poisoning?

    If you did make a return to the prime ministership by removing Julia it would be akin to Napoleon’s 100 glory days after his return from exile, when he was defeated at Waterloo by Wellington. Napoleon’s return was short-lived but his exile to St Helena in the South Atlantic was permanent, and he finally died at the hands of a trusted lieutenant through arsenic poisoning. You deserve better than such a sad ending


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    First it was
    “All Tony Abbotts fault”
    and then it was
    “All the murdoch empires fault”
    and then it was
    “The ALP factions fault”
    and today it was
    “All Kevin Rudds fault”
    Soon, JuLiar will run out of people to blame and actually accept that its her fault and the fault of everyone around her.

    Nah, now I’m being unrealistic


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    A lovely time was had by all.

    We were blown away by the speakers. Though hanging on grimly in the blustery conditions was at times; taxing.


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    Hey, I hope the rally went well. Couldn’t do much from Melbourne but join you in spirit…


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    The problem is getting rid of the MOLES (for the banking cartels) and dupes in the Gov depts. etc. that push this tax crap. If there IS an election will it change sweet FA? probably not. Who will replace it? Great anti (NOT) AGW Tony thingamyjig..hmmm keep trying pigs have wings. Sorry about the cold water.


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    We must not be ashamed of our prosperity. Our kind and generous natures are easily shamed into feeling guilty and that can be easily exploited by the unscrupulous. An agenda of “pay me so that I can cleanse your sins” is part of our heritage. We can resist and overcome this if we stand up for our rights and defend our privileges.

    Unlike ourselves, the newest generation has been indoctrinated to see doom and gloom on the horizon. Convinced that someone must save them, they are willing to cast their lot without looking closely at the evidence. We must help them to see clearly, as that is our real obligation to future generations.


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    We must help them to see clearly, as that is our real obligation to future generations.

    Flies both ways don’t it?


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    I heard that an Economics student at the University of WA told his grandfather that the global warming is all bullsh#t. There would have to be other sensible 21 year olds there as well.


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    I used to think I was way ahead of my old man, but as I got older I realised the old geezer knew quite a few things.


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    The comment at 31 is particularly relevant to some of the bloggers here who don’t see that they are being duped by the “noble cause” technique of political entrainment.

    All politicians use this technique but the current context is Man Made Global Warming Repent, and the Left have this tool working well for them.

    It’s good to see on post 34 that some acknowledge “seeing the light” even if it was just a parent and happened just yesterday.

    Perhaps there is hope that more young people will be enlightened and come to understand that they are being cynically duped into “believing” The Science of MMGW.


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    Kevin Moore

    Who is the hidden hand in control of the worlds media?

    Blackout: CNN, Fox, and MSNBC Ignore Thousands Of US Day Of Rage Protesters
    September 18, 2011

    By Jason Easley – Politics USA

    Most Americans are being kept in the dark about the US Day of Rage by the corporate cable news giants at CNN, Fox News, and MSNBC who have imposed a de facto blackout on the protest.

    Even though estimates have varied from hundreds to as many as 50,000 protesters flooded into Manhattan and others cities to take part in events around the country to, “nonviolently disrupt the disloyal, incompetent, and corrupt special interests which have usurped our nation’s civil and military power, spawning a host of threats to our liberty, lives and national security,” the three cable news networks have devoted no airtime to the story.

    This is becoming an all too familiar scene. In Wisconsin hundreds of thousands of regular people took to the streets each weekend to protest the theft of their rights, and were completely ignored by CNN, Fox News, and MSNBC.

    Sarah Palin’s Iowa tea party speech was 1/50 as big as the Wisconsin protests, yet she was deemed worthy of national media coverage….



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    Len @ 33

    Good stuff.

    The core issue of CO2 is so easily explained that more and more leading scientists are realising that if they stay silent they will be caught up in the AGW backlash.
    They are coming out and politicians will follow.

    It worries me to see people write that CO2 is only a trace element and can therefore do little in the atmosphere.

    CO2 is in very short supply in the air but there is a very real heat effect associated with it.
    This effect , however, is limited by a couple of factors and more CO2 can only be associated with more heat IF there is more Sunshine.

    More CO2 without more Solar energy gives only marginal atmospheric temperature increase.

    That’s the physics.


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    Tristan @ 32

    “”Files both ways don’t it?” ?????????

    Surely you mean that to be ” Flies both ways don’t it? “


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    I believe that Tristan is making note of how rough and abrasive some of the comments can be.


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    Ha ha

    Tristan is gone, retired from blogging, on the other thread.


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    Tristan is, among other things, confused.


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    Tristan seems to be confused.

    Just wondering, did you actually read that comment at 32 or did you assume something??


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    Stephen Harper

    Rally report: The rally was a success with qualifications.

    We had the Deputy Leader of the Opposition, Julie Bishop, as first speaker. She spoke, forcefully and with great authority making many telling points. She was very impressive. We also had Dr Dennis Jensen, the only PhD-qualified scientist in federal parliament, and David Archibald, a Perth-based scientist who focused on the sun and the sun’s focus on us (funny that someone should imagine that the sun is more important than a trace gas in affecting the earth’s climate). Our most dedicated speaker was Malcolm Roberts who travelled 10 hours by plane (Brisbane-Perth-Brisbane) to speak for just 10 minutes. And he made his ten minutes count bringing the audience along with him as he inspired the most chants of the day.

    Jo Nova, of whom you may have heard, and her husband Dr David Evans also spoke. Jo spoke well, as usual, using wit to mock the pitiful ‘evidence’ put up by the alarmists in arguing their case. David Evans was probably the standout speaker as he combined a forceful style with a barrage of irrepressible facts that illustrated perfectly why no-one in the warmist camp will debate him. Kathleen Linger, one of the organisers, may have shared the podium with David for her surprise star turn with a rabble-rousing call to action which elicited a loud response from the crowd.

    The turnout was around 300 people. It was the weather that did for us. It was shocking. Many who promised to come did not – but who can blame them when you consider the weather? The palm trees on the foreshore (where the rally was held) had all the fronds at horizontal, so strong was the wind blowing. The normally tranquil Swan River was an ocean of ‘white horses’ (and much more like an ocean than a river), the rain came in from time to time at a near-horizontal angle and the air was cool.

    Sunday, September 18th was the wettest day of September so far at 17.6mm (3/4″) of rain – or about 22% of the month’s average rainfall. The MSLP (Mean Surface Level Pressure) was a record low at 9am (portending greater storminess) and the maximum wind gust was 76km/hr (“strong gale” or 9 on the Beaufort Scale).

    The business owner of the sound system company who did the sound for the rally provided an interesting and telling anecdote. He advised that all of his bookings throughout the city on that Sunday were cancelled due to bad weather – except for one: Our rally. So nobody else was as crazy or determined as we were.

    At the same time the rally was being held, the Preliminary Final, the penultimate game (before the Grand Final) of the WAFL Aussie Rules season was being played. The attendance in 2010 was 11,251 people. In 2011 it was 1/6th of the 2010 attendance. So, all else being equal (except for the weather), we could use the football attendance as a guide, and extrapolate that 2000 people would have come to the rally had the weather been fine.

    In fact, it was amazing that 300 hard-core, hardy souls did actually brave the foul conditions to express their displeasure with the illegitimate Gillard-Brown government and the introduction of a tax-with-no-mandate – the so called “carbon tax”. All in all, it was a challenging, thought-provoking and invigorating day out where knowledge was imparted, friendships were formed and strengthened and a loud message was sent to our overlords in Canberra. And but for the curse of the Gore Effect, we would have had mobs of people out on a fine sunny September spring day.

    Here’s a report of the day’s weather from the West Australian:
    “STORMS have caused havoc across central and southern Western Australia, with flooding in some areas, many homes damaged, trees uprooted and powerlines brought down.

    And there is a threat of more to come as authorities are expecting the wild weather to persist well into the night in some parts of the state.

    The state’s Fire and Emergency Services Authority says it answered 84 calls for help across the Perth metropolitan area alone after a strong cold front swept through several suburbs on Sunday morning.”


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    A TEA (Taxed Enough Already) Party by any other name… Nice show.
