Rio – 50,000 people flock to a flop – but that is success in its own right

According to Greenpeace its an “epic fail”. WWF says its a “colossal failure”, and it’s so bad, Oxfam want to start all over again. That news may sound good to the free citizens of the West, but that’s only because we aim so low.

They may not get as much as they aim for, but they will still get what they came for.

Rio 2012: How big is this junket?

  [It is] “billed as the biggest UN event ever organised. This time, 15,000 soldiers and police are guarding about 130 heads of state and government, as well as ministers and diplomats from 180 countries and at least 50,000 others.”

The Guardian

So 50,000 people got a trip to Rio. They may want world peace, free energy, and control over your light bulbs, your car, and your wallet, but most of them still got an expenses paid ticket to the Olympics of Global Bureaucracy. In the end they may say they are disappointed, but in reality they still scored one heck of a free lunch. And this is the point. As long as the masses are not saying that they want their money back, the show is a success. The junket is the point. The headlines crying “failure” are still advertising the meme. The world is still talking about hopes of environmental campaigners, not about the waste of money; Not about the 200,000 people starved by biofuel policies (and that was just the tally for 2010).

But as Bureaucratic success go, the signs are encouraging nonetheless…  look who couldn’t make it… “Obama, Cameron, Merkel and most other G20 leaders are snubbing it.” According to John Vidal (The Guardian) no one expects any agreement to be reached, the UN is only aiming at another “roadmap”.

They blame the financial crisis for slowing things down, but if, hypothetically, the skeptics were winning, well, they would say that wouldn’t they? Indeed things are so bad, people admit they don’t use the term “climate change”: The name of the game in Rio is to change the name.

The term “Climate Change” is so on the nose, everyone is thinking of ways to reframe it. Activists openly admit the new terms are biodiversity, and sustainable development.

Huxley Lawler, Executive Coordinator of Environment and Climate Change of the Gold Coast City Council in Australia (an ICLEI member), told CFACT Executive Director Craig Rucker bluntly that “we don’t use the term climate change anymore. It’s sustainable development.” Rucker and CFACT staffer Abdul Kamara confirmed this in conversations with other delegates, including Paul Chambers, a Sustainability Manager for the Auckland Council in New Zealand. Chambers said it is important to use inexact environment protection terminology when dealing with conservative governments, like the one he says currently heads his nation. [CFACT]

What are they hiding?

What is worrying though is that as Christopher Monckton points out, they have, for the first time ever, locked out all the non-government delegates. So much for transparency. The pain of Copenhagen and Durban has made them both sharper and more desperate.

RIO DE JANEIRO — In a shock move, officially-accredited non-government delegates who had traveled thousands of miles to attend the UN’s Rio+20 sustainable development conference in Brazil have been refused all access to the central negotiating text.

There is no public UN documentation center at Rio, though such centers were always available at previous UN conferences.

Marc Morano, publisher of Climate Depot, has attended many UN conferences and is in Rio, said: “This censorship by the UN is without precedent. The public has had access to these documents at previous UN summits. This latest development makes a mockery of any UN claim to ‘transparency.’” [Climate Depot]


Keep up with it all on CFACT TV.

Kudos to Marc Morano, and Craig Rucker  at CFACT for being there.


ICLEI International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives.


PS: I”ll finish my reply to Paul Bain tomorrow hopefully… 🙂

9.5 out of 10 based on 63 ratings

92 comments to Rio – 50,000 people flock to a flop – but that is success in its own right

  • #

    Speaking of starving, I was wondering how many of those people were from NGO’s. They seem to have grown like weeds in the last few years. With the economies in the developed world are teetering toward recession and some governments (like Canada) have become openly hostile toward environmental NGO’s, will the gravy train of support keep flowing their way? I suspect there will be a decline, perhaps significant. Then what? If the beasts get starved will they they lose their clout or will they become more agressive and desparate at attacking their foes? I think we are in for an interesting transitional time.


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      It would be good if economic and financial pressures result in the collapse of the High Church of Climate Change. The UN was not created to become a global government and environmental watchdog, Agenda 21 etc.


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    Bite Back

    There is no public UN documentation center at Rio, though such centers were always available at previous UN conferences.

    Scumbags hide what they’re doing. The honest ones are not afraid to be watched.

    Fight the UN takeover of your life every way you can.


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    Andrew G

    Only the UN delegates were allowed in?
    No NGO’s were allowed access?
    No public UN Documentation Centre, for people to see what was going on?

    So the question becomes – what was REALLY being discussed at this conference?

    I’ll be over in the corner with my tinfoil beanie.


  • #

    If they switch the threat from global warming to biodiversity and sustainable development, I think we should let them crank up the propaganda machine for a month or two, and then start asking what happened to global warming. Have they stopped talking about it because they were wrong? If they were wrong about GW, perhaps they’re wrong about the new scares too? Are they going to dismantle the policies in place to supposedly fight GW? Are they finaly admitting people don’t believe in GW, despite two decades of propaganda?

    We’ll have a whale of a time.



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    Mark D.

    Where do I sign up with a grassroots group that will get us out of the UN and stop all US government funding of them?


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    Rereke Whakaaro

    There is no public UN documentation center at Rio … [t]his latest development makes a mockery of any UN claim to ‘transparency.

    Yes, and it is actually a good thing.

    Every totalitarian regime gets to the point where the propaganda clothing starts to get a bit threadbare and chilly around the knees. It attracts people like Jo, who are adept at reading between the lines and exposing the real message. So they cannot keep their dirty little secrets secret for very long. That leads to wry jokes, witty comments, comedy routines, satirical sketches, and eventually full on blatant ridicule. “We can’t be having that!”

    So they decide to have their conversations “in chambers”, as the legal profession would say. It just makes them look paranoid as well as inept.

    As Pointman says, “We’ll have a whale of a time”. Harpoon, anyone … ?


    • #

      “So they decide to have their conversations “in chambers”, as the legal profession would say.”

      Sounds like a pretty good fit for the definition of conspiracy to me.


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    If the 50,000 attendees each spent $10,000 in airfares, accomodation, hire cars, “expenses” etc, then this junket cost “somebody” around $500 million!

    My guess is that the “somebody” who paid for all this is you and me, ie the taxpayers of the countries from whence these attendees came.


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    Garry Stotel

    Jo is right, they will be meeting to discuss whatever, even control of the weather (who could have though that) as long as taxpayers are prepared to pay. Hey, free lunch!!

    And they will be demanding as much power as we are prepared to sacrifice.

    There has to be a way to fight back. If not, we will find ourselves in USSR, behind razor wire, as enemies of the people.


    • #
      Rereke Whakaaro

      Slightly off topic, but sort of relevant:

      I have just got back to my office, from buying a takeaway lunch at a local cafe. The owner of the cafe, a woman I have known for a few years now, was more angry than I have ever seen her.

      It seems that five women, all in their early twenties, had come in and ordered the “quick lunch” of the day, which is normally half price.

      They initially didn’t order any drinks, or anything else, other than the five lunches. Towards the end of the meal, one of the women asked for a cup of hot water, which was provided. When they got the bill the woman who had ordered the hot water noticed a small cover charge had been added to the bill for the water, and complained. “Water should be free”, she maintained.

      The cafe owner explained that there were overheads in heating the water, and in washing and drying the cup, and that the price charged was stated on the beverages board.

      This incensed the woman even more, who loudly complained to her friends (who were at the other end of the cafe), who then joined the shouting match. After a few minutes of disrupting everybody else’s lunch they stormed out, vowing to “spread this all over facebook, and other social media sites”.

      This story is relevant to this thread because it illustrates the level of entitlement that Generation Y and the Millennium Generation believe they have. And the majority of foot soldiers for the conservation movement happen “Gen-Y” or “Millennials”.


      • #

        Well this would not have arisen with previous generations as the water would have been free.


        • #

          Previous generations didn’t have to pay ludicrous electricity prices inflated by subsidies for unworkable sunbeam and pixie dust “renewable energy” schemes.

          Or did you imagine the water was “hot” because some of “Trenberth’s Travesty” missing heat was hiding there, rather than in the ocean deeps?


          • #
            Bob Malloy

            Trenberth’s Travesty” missing heat was hiding there, rather than in the ocean deeps?

            That’s as good an explanation as anything else.


        • #

          Even now, in glamour spots like Rio, hot water and much more is free for the right sort of trough swillers, professional whiners, data torturers – and those creepy finger waggers of GetUp.

          Our Green Betters are just a bunch of demanding, fastidious middle class snobs with snakes in their own pockets and a claw in everyone else’s.

          Meanwhile, a small business scratching to survive has to give freebies to these carping, lecturing tight-arses who didn’t make it to Rio + 20?


      • #

        They should have asked the government for a glass of water, then it would not cost the shop owner. lol


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    As for the name change to “Sustainable Development”

    Well, you can dress up a turd and even put a pretty bow on it, it is still a turd and it still stinks to high heaven.

    They can expect the name change to actively damage the best uses of the term “Sustainable development”, so due to climate change, anyone talking about being sustainable for any reason unrelated to AGW will find their position compromised,

    This just smacks of ALP denial. They think that it’s the branding that’s broken. It’s not -it’s the product and all the free loaders associated with it.


    • #

      They can expect the name change to actively damage the best uses of the term “Sustainable development”, so due to climate change, anyone talking about being sustainable for any reason unrelated to AGW will find their position compromised,

      As someone who has been actively involved in sustainable development for many years, this has directly affected my work. I now have to carefully preface everything I say on the subject to distinguish it from the out-pourings of the trouser-polishers. This is slowly starting to pay off. Thing is, SD is something you have to DO: project management, cost-benefit analysis, careful attention to the small stuff etc.

      This just smacks of ALP denial. They think that it’s the branding that’s broken. It’s not -it’s the product and all the free loaders associated with it.

      Anyone tried to read this yet?

      I decided it was safer to read it on an empty stomach, but that didn’t work. Dry retching threat before I got to page 3.


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        Bite Back

        Sustainable development appears to be a euphemism for a one finger salute in the face of every decent, honest person on the planet.



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    I understand Maurice Strong, the doyen of the movement has been flown in to address and unite the faithful. Doubtless, his ‘encouragement’ will take place behind firmly closed doors.

    Dragging in the past betrays a retrospective view, one trying to recapture an inspirational ‘can-do’ moment. It seems that the cloudiness of reality is interfering with the future vision.

    Damn clouds – always getting in the way of a modeled reality.


    • #

      I understand Maurice Strong, the doyen of the movement has been flown in to address and unite the faithful. Doubtless, his ‘encouragement’ will take place behind firmly closed doors.

      Isn’t there a warrant out for his arrest? I thought it wasn’t safe for him to leave China.


      • #

        Reported here:

        “While Strong’s presence is low-key, there is no doubt the U.N. has brought him to Rio in an official capacity, if nothing else as a living relic of the successful 1992 Earth Summit, where Strong served as conference secretary general. Strong has recently described himself as a “senior advisor to the secretary general” of the Rio + 20 conference, a high-level Chinese bureaucrat named Sha Zukang, who is also a top member of the U.N. Secretariat.”

        “…..after serving as the U.N.’s special envoy to North Korea, when investigators of the Oil for Food scandal uncovered the fact that he had cashed a check for nearly $1 million from Tongsun Park, a South Korean political fixer later convicted of conspiring to bribe U.N. officials on behalf of Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein.”

        “Strong was never accused of any wrongdoing, and said his move to China at that time was no more than a coincidence.”

        “Since then Strong, an avowed life-long socialist, has been engaged, in low-key fashion, in a number of business deals involving the Chinese government.”


        • #
          Rereke Whakaaro

          … in a number of business deals involving the Chinese government.

          The Chinese, of course, being the economy most likely to benefit from disruptions to the economies of the West.

          He will also presumably be travelling under UN Diplomatic Immunity.


          • #

            Do you remember the dismissal of former minister for defence Joel Fitzgibbon? He was taken to China during a Christmas holiday period by an Australian Chinese business woman who also happened to be his Canberra flat provider and bearer of gifts from time to time. At the time media noted that several Labor MPs/Ministers had connections with the woman and others relating to business ventures in China. Google Tang+Rudd for researching. It would of course be advantageous to be a member of federal government, let alone a cabinet minister, to be able to influence foreigners. There is a lot going on behind the scenes.


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    I’m probably crazy with this thinking but could it be that Greenpeace , WWF etc say it was a flop because none of their extreme measures were guaranteed to be inacted but they know very well that many smaller but quite important issues ( to them ) will be addressed. That is , their claims are a smokescreen. I smell a rat !!
    We were told Cancun was a flop but Lord Monckton has said there were scores of committees / agencies setup since then all very well financed to do things we don’t hear about.
    I hope I’m wrong and will be quite happy to be proved to be a nutter for this line of thinking.


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    Phil Ford

    “…As long as the masses are not saying that they want their money back, the show is a success.”

    Yes, absolutely correct, Jo. This is the whole point. It’s how this entire political project works. Incrementally. The UN have been taking lessons from their friends in the EU. Power grabs are best achieved by stealth, subtly, while entire populations are looking the other way, sinking like bugs on a peach.

    No matter how many faux-negative comments come out of Rio from allegedly ‘disappointed’ green activists, we all know that in the end they are getting exactly what they want. The real business goes on, regardless of their pathetic public posturings, safely behind closed doors and – this year – away from public scrutiny if Marc Morano and CFACT are correct. This is a shocking development that should be setting off alarm bells across the free world. The UN, finally (and out of sheer desperation) is openly attempting to subvert democratic accountability – hands up how many of you have seen that particular ‘breaking news’ reported on your news bulletins?

    Rio+20 will deliver precisely what the guiding hands of The Grand Project expect: secretive agreements, draft treaties and proposals for new ‘green’ legislation…oh, and much more that they won’t want you or I to catch sight of. Nobody wants to scare the horses, after all.

    This is how the New Green Democracy will work. You won’t get a vote because in the UN-led New Green Democracy members of the public don’t get a vote – we just pay them our ‘green’ ‘sustainable’ taxes and shut the hell up. See, ‘democracy’ is a huge road block that needs to be sidelined if The Grand Project is to push ahead. Democracy could derail the entire plan. That will not be permitted to happen. Dissent will not be allowed.


  • #


    Pay attention!!!!

    Nice knowing you, time to die, all of us, including our comatose, moron leaders.

    [henry, do you have a point to make?] ED


    • #

      Don’t forget to let the people of Nagasaki and Hiroshima know.
      It’s not as if they’ve ever had any experience with radiation. /sarc


    • #
      Gee Aye

      Thanks Henry, I get it and I have a few things to add. The shouted conduct strains against this lifestyle. The live victory cleans an approach on top of the less annoyance. In an animal transformation conforms a fluid cruise. The swallow loses a machinery around the fooling corn


    • #
      Kevin Moore

      Fukushima not so much of a worry.

      How much radioactive material was released?

      During the emergency radioactive material was released into the atmosphere and ocean waters. Measurements taken by the Japanese government showed radioactive iodine and caesium levels in excess of regulatory limits in certain areas of Fukushima and around the country, leading the government to restrict the distribution and consumption of food grown in these areas.

      Estimates made by the Japanese authorities indicate that the release of radioactive iodine, which in the early phase of the accident was a cause for major concern, was approximately one-tenth of the radioactive iodine release from the Chernobyl accident. One year on, the levels of radioactive iodine have declined to insignificant levels. The quantity of radioactive caesium released was about one-fifth of the corresponding release from the Chernobyl accident. One year on, the radioactive cesium released from the Fukushima reactors has only slightly reduced (e.g. cesium-137 has a half-life of approximately 30 years).


      • #
        Rereke Whakaaro

        … cesium-137 has a half-life of approximately 30 years.

        But cesium is soluble in water, and the authorities pumped a lot of sea water over the site to keep the temperatures down. Most of that cesium was washed out to sea, where it still has a half-life of 30 years, but is now disbursed across such a wide area that the radio activity is no longer detectable.

        In more important news, the major problem with Fukushima was the spent fuel rods that were stored on site, in contravention of the IAEA best-practice guidelines. They were stored on site because various environmental groups threatened to mount large protests if they were transported away to a more secure disposal site.


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    Don Wilkie

    Hi Jo – something seems to have gone amiss with the “thumbs up/down” facility – nothing being recorded.

    [Jo knows about it, and we the techno-elves working on it.] -Fly


  • #

    Mugabe was there, he was feted and then allowed to make a speech.

    I, am speechless.

    Rio 20+, a gathering of despots and tyrants handing out the begging bowl, all the while, castigating the ‘richest’ nations for ruining their ‘gardens’FFS.

    Why, oh why, do we put up with, worse – pay for this ‘carnival of the idiots’?


  • #

    Unwittingly, the UN crapped in its own nest, and now that is coming back to haunt them.

    One of the things decided on in Rio was for all stake holders to work together for a better financial framework, and note here how it always comes back to the money.

    In a time long before the huge ramping up of all this in the last five years, they had no idea what was really involved.

    Kyoto laid down the original framework in 1997 at its UNFCCC COP3 meeting, and in that original document lies the source of all today’s problems.

    When the UN split those 192 Countries into their Developed/Developing groups, they inserted a small ten word statement in brackets after that short list of 23 (now 24) Countries considered the most developed, which reads:

    (Developed Countries which pay for all costs of developing Countries)

    Innocuous enough at the time, but now the main problem.

    To fund that short statement, those developed Countries (who had to pay all their own costs for emissions reduction and renewable power) then had to introduce a form of ETS (approved by the UN) to pay for all those other Countries costs.

    Again, fairly innocuous really, because nearly every Country (at that time) had no idea what that would mean in the long term.

    Now we have Poznan, Copenhagen, Cancun, and Durban, and most especially Copenhagen, where they so comprehensively and utterly failed to find any replacement for Kyoto, which has a sunset clause of 2012. The problem they had was that the UN wanted to place more Countries onto that short list, China among them, and those Countries, now having an understanding of what that meant, balked, and after all, the only legally binding document they had was Kyoto, and they were going to stick to that.

    That short list of Countries who (according to the only legally binding document Kyoto 97) had to pay for everything also balked, now understanding what it all actually meant.

    Now, the actual sticking point was not the fact that they had to pay all the costs for those developing Countries, but that now they saw just how much money could be made from something like this, and quite obviously, rather than give it all away, they wanted to keep some, or in fact most, if not all of it for their own Country, and imagine how that was going to bolster those Countries bottom lines, rather than just giving it all away to the UN, who would then distribute it. (minus their costs of course)

    Now it seems, the only concrete thing that ever comes out of these junkets is a decision to work towards a more acceptable financial framework.

    I know this is a Post of my own from 18 Months ago, but it gives a little more insight into how something that once seemed so innocuous can be the Sword of Damocles it has turned into. That Post also has a link back to where I mentioned it even earlier, in 2008

    The UN and Climate Change – Ten Fateful Words

    Now that Countries are becoming aware of how much money is involved, I’m reminded of the old adage:

    Never come between a Politician and a bucket of money.



  • #

    worth a read:

    20 June: Washington Free Beacon: Andrew Stiles: Green Energy Gulag
    Federal inmates build solar panels for company with ties to Obama administration


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    val majkus

    Alan Jones and Professor Carter and a copy of an e mail I received today:
    I listened with white hot anger to Alan Jones’ interview with Bob Carter this morning about the CSIRO funded CarbonKids website. Professor Carter said our children are being brainwashed at school to believe carbon dioxide was carbon via the CSIRO funded website called CarbonKids.

    When I Googled ‘Carbon Kids’, a plethora of sites came up where carbon dioxide is now called carbon. This is perpetuating the hoax that C02 is black sooty carbon and a pollutant, instead of a gas that’s essential for life on earth.

    Professor Carter spoke about an ABC website – a greenhouse gas calculator – where children could enter their details and the site would calculate the age they should die at so they don’t use too much of the Earth’s resources. This site has been taken down but imagine the damage it did to children?

    Both the CSIRO and the ABC are funded by taxpayers and one of the first things Tony Abbott must do when he is elected is to withdraw funding if they don’t stop perpetuating this propaganda. Please take the time to write to him about this.

    Parents must be made aware of where their taxes are going and how their children are being taught rubbish instead of science. I grew up loving science and was an A-Grade student because my teachers made the subject fascinating. Our children should be delighted by science instead of being made fearful. A science teacher at one of our rallies told me she was totally disgusted at the rubbish she’s being made teach in schools but as it’s part of the curriculum and she has to teach it.

    As the High Court has just made the decision that chaplains in schools contravenes the Constitution as schools are run by States instead of the Federal Government, it’s essential that Barry O’Farrell and Campbell Newman start applying the blowtorch to our educators and make them teach proper science and not the Gaia-worshipping junk science that’s currently infecting educational facilities at all levels.

    Please write to Barry O’Farrell and Campbell Newman and ask them to start winding back this hoax, this big lie, and start teaching our children the truth about carbon dioxide.

    Emails: Barry O’Farrell and Campbell Newman

    We have to make a concerted effort to stop this blackmail of our children.

    The link to the podcast is here:


    • #

      Both the CSIRO and the ABC are funded by taxpayers and one of the first things Tony Abbott must do when he is elected is to withdraw funding if they don’t stop perpetuating this propaganda. Please take the time to write to him about this.

      Given that only this week Abbott reaffirmed his, and the Liberal party’s full support for a bipartisan Renewable Energy Target (RET) of 20% by 2020, I wouldn’t suggest anybody hold their breath waiting for anything to happen re the above.

      And given that this reaffirmation was to a roomful of Liberal and National Party MPs and Senators who were telling him the RET was an albatross around their collective necks, and he chose to ignore them, I can’t see him paying much attention to emails from any of us minions.

      Against such thick-headedness, I doubt even a lump of 4 X 2 applied repeatedly to the forehead would make all that much difference.


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        Luke Warm

        So true. Sharpen up Tony, if the carbon tax is rubbish it is rubbish because the “science” behind its rationale is rubbish. Therefore, any form of CO2 mitigation is a rubbish exercise. Don’t take my vote for granted just because you will scrap the carbon tax. I demand you ditch all rubbish policies relating to “climate change”.


      • #

        We are instructed to fear this, but should we pay more attention to this?


    • #
      Kevin Moore

      Re Julia’s education revolution:-

      “Australian Government to Ban Free Scientific Inquiry on the Internet”

      Australian government endorses Report banning publication of all but government approved science; proof if it were needed that Australian politics and post-normal science is in crisis.

      In a shocking story If It Can Happen Down Under by Hal G.P.Colebatch (American Spectator, April 4, 2012) citizens are gearing up for a “head-on assault on Australia’s entire political culture of liberty and democracy.” In effect, the Australian Labor Party and extreme leftist Greens are preparing to make law the 470-page Finkelstein Report to ban from it’s borders those scientists and free-thinkers that are increasingly congregating to the maverick independent global science community, Principia Scientific International (PSI). PSI was founded precisely to fulfill a growing need because mainstream journals are increasingly shown to be refusing to publish any counter-establishment science.

      ‘Inconvenient’ Scientists to be Gagged
      One such victim of Australia’s attack on science is Professor Alberto Boretti, Assoc. Professor at the University of Ballarat, School of Science & Engineering. Dr. Boretti, a computational expert, has struggled for two years trying to get mainstream journals to publish his damning study proving government scientists have been falsifying sea level rises around the coasts of Australia. He found, “The measured rate of rise of sea levels is not increasing and climate models should be revised to match the experimental evidence.”……..


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        Rereke Whakaaro

        I have just added the following comment to John O’Sullivan’s blog:

        Marrickvillain and Lau Guerreiro argue (at length) from a cerebral and a theoretical position, respectively. And that is all well and good, but it totally misses the point, and may in fact be a smoke screen.

        The real problem with the Finkelstein Report is its generality.

        How would any legislation, based on a report that is no more than a theoretical and academic legal thesis, distinguish between scientific hypothesis, scientific theory, scientific proof, and “established” scientific fact? What place for scientific opinion?

        Would one have to be a scientist to be able to comment on a blog about scientific matters? Would it be wrong for a non-scientist to have any opinion at all about scientific matters?

        If so, how do you define “scientist”? Is a mere BSc sufficient, or does it require a post graduate qualification? Does Science include or exclude Engineering? And if the latter, what would be the status of Applied Physicists as compared to Theoretical Physicists? Are Doctors of Medicine scientists? Some of the greatest scientific discoveries have been made by Medical Doctors.

        And what about Librarians? Librarians study Information Science (among other subjects). Does that make Librarians scientists?

        The fact of the matter is that the scope of the problem that the Finkelstein Report attempts to address is not well understood, and no attempt has been made to define it in the report. In fact, the nature of the problem is probably not even understood by the authors of the report.

        The fact that the report was produced at all, indicates that they have not asked the questions that would lead them to a conclusion that there are no answers at all, because, “Information knows no boundaries other than those imposed by writ”.

        Rather they have worked backwards and created a solution. They have done this in the belief that the problem to be solved will be defined at a later time, probably by case law. And it will be the creeping post hoc definition of the problem, that will erode freedom of expression, and with it, all the other freedoms we tend to take for granted.

        It is awaiting moderation.


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      The Black Adder

      Professor Carter spoke about an ABC website – a greenhouse gas calculator – where children could enter their details and the site would calculate the age they should die at so they don’t use too much of the Earth’s resources. This site has been taken down but imagine the damage it did to children?

      I heard this as well and was staggered beyond belief.

      Good God!!!

      What is happening to this once great industrious successful nation we once had?

      We need an election now, right now…please.


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      I heard about this earlier today, what a disgraceful situation it is, it seems that Australians cannot even trust our CSIRO to be honest with us.


    • #

      The people behind this SICKENING CARBONKIDS website should be charged with Child Abuse !


      The ones that should die EARLY are the ones responsible for this BS so thay stop WASTING valuable oxygen !!!


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    wake me up when this nightmare is over:

    21 June: NYT Blog: Diane Cardwell: Dreaming Up Whole New Carbon Markets
    Although carbon capture projects have stumbled lately, oil companies buy carbon dioxide, usually in individual transactions, for a process known as enhanced oil recovery, in which carbon dioxide is pumped into the ground to force extra oil out of the fields. But naturally occurring carbon is in decline, and there is more demand than can be met, said Ann E. Banks, chief commercial officer of the Summit Power Group, which is developing a project that will pipe carbon dioxide captured from gasified coal to help extract oil in West Texas.
    The Department of Energy is therefore looking into the potential for developing the other carbon market. In the conference’s keynote address, Richard Kauffman, a senior adviser to Steven Chu, the secretary of energy, said that such a market could play an important role in increasing domestic oil production and lowering emissions. There are other uses, too, like feeding algae, which can produce biofuel; stimulating plant growth in greenhouses; and turning it into a coolant for air conditioners.
    “Imagine a market developing – a commercial market — for CO2,” he said, adding, “We might find that there are a lot of uses for it.”
    Mr. Kauffman, a former investment banker and private equity investor who joined the Energy Department last September, did not offer details on what such a market might look like, and he emphasized that it was only one of several ideas under discussion to encourage the spread of alternative energy.
    Other potential steps to lower the cost of financing renewable energy projects include allowing the use of master limited partnerships and real estate investment trusts for clean-tech ventures, developing new financing structures with the Department of Defense, and creating business models for utilities that allow them to thrive even though they are selling less electricity as more residential and commercial customers begin generating their own power.
    “Let’s keep thinking about ways to harness market forces to achieve both policy and investment goals,” he said.


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    Bruce D Scott

    Jees Jo, I would hate to make an enemy of you with you rapier keyboard, or, God forbid, your Pen. I consider myself to be lucky and privileged to be with you and not against you. I find it an edifying experience reading most of the contributors to this blog, so, thank you Jo and friends.


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    Yes its good the greenies are calling it a fail but I won’t be dropping my guard just yet.


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    One always hears about computer modelling regarding climate change. But such models are fraught with problems when dealing with 3D fluids of all kinds. Weather forecasts have improved using massive computers but still have about a 5 day positive result at best.

    On 19 June the ABC TV broadcast its ‘Big Ideas’ program. One speaker was a physicist, Michelle Simmons from UNSW. The program can be heard or watched on line. Alas, I never recorded it nor watched it on line trying to save BB use. Nevertheless, I would like to paraphrase what I believe she said.

    She said that Moore’s Law that began about 1960 whereby computers have doubled in power and reduced in size every 2 years or so has been accurate. If so, then 2020 is about the limit to the downsizing we can physically make our current concept of computer manufacturing.

    She gave an example of just how limited modern computers are despite them being lauded as modern day marvels. She said something like if a travelling salesperson is given 4 cities a modern computer could work out the shortest route in a few moments. But, if the number is increased to, say 8, the it would take maybe 10 minutes to figure out. Given, say 28, it would take 300 years. No wonder climate computer models are so variable.

    But there is hope. She and her team at UNSW have succeeded in isolating one atom that could be used as a basis for a quantum computer. Such a computer would use atoms as bytes which are called qubits. Even if a quantum computer of just 300 atoms could be made it would be able to do several programs at once a billion times faster than present computers. Some have even said that a 300 atom quantum computer could perform equations equal to a ‘normal’ computer the size of the universe.

    Whatever the hyperbole, it is certain that after about 2020, or before, quantum computers should be able to handle the intricate programs and maths required for climate forecasting. Who knows? Meantime, I am not holding any faith in our present climate models which predict droughts instead of flooding rains; heat instead of cold and vice versa.


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      Rereke Whakaaro

      Just a minor correction, Neville:

      Such a computer would use atoms as bytes which are called qubits.

      A byte is eight bits, the above should read, “… would use atoms as bits, which are then called qubits.”

      We have to get the science right, or Finkelstein’s monster will get you. 🙂


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      Joe V

      No matter how powerful, a computer’s output can only be as good as the rubbish that’s put into it.
      Reams and reams of rubbish. Somehow reminds me of the Internet.
      The problem of identifying quality information among the mountains of verbiage remains.


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      Until a computer can think for itself and can think about what it needs to think about then I am afraid they are going to have to depend on humans to tell them what to think about and therein lies the weak link.
      When a computer can produce a formula to forecast the coming weeks lotto numbers then I will be prepared to accept what it has to say about the weather.


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      Yes, yes, I know about GIGO ever since I knew anything re’ computers.

      My main point is that these computers, although they can’t think, can figure out far more than we ever imagined possible. Just as today’s computers can do far more than the “Only about 4 computers will be needed,” said by an IBM exec’ in the 40s.

      Now computers are everywhere, your phones, cars, etc. If the quantum computers come to pass then some of the Greens might get a big surprise at how some problems might be solved without having to regress to the 19th century way of living.

      After all, someone asked Farady “of what use is electricity?” He had no answer. But look at how electricity is so useful. The Greens see pessimism. I am optimistic.

      Sure, computers are not everything yet the quantum computers could lead us onto solving problems and devising new ‘things’ not yet dreamed about. That could include debunking AGW…is that so bad?


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    The weather isn’t being kind to the 50,000 Rio tax eating party goers.
    Thunderstorms forecast for the rest of the week in Rio De Janeiro.

    Cold rain. Lucky for the natives, they won’t see any of the tubs of goo in beach wear.


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      Be careful what you wish for papertiger they might just say that this proves what they are saying about extreme weather increasing. 🙂


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    As long as the masses are not saying that they want their money back

    The masses haven’t been asking for there money back since 1914 & aren’t about to start now. Most are completely ignorant of the definition of money. Here’s what I’ve always thought is a pretty good explanation;


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    I have a plan for change.

    I have noted that peak gatherings on climate occur in places like Rio and Cancun, and that there is much luxury and feasting involved.

    My plan is to hold all future conferences – by strict international law – at the Central Kempsey Caravan Park. The area is not all that large, but a kind of Third World ambiance could be achieved by bunking all delegates four plus to a van. Lighting could be provided, but heating eschewed. There are cow paddocks nearby, quite suitable for open air gatherings. (In the event of flooding rain, there are patches of high ground.) Most nearby food outlets close after 5pm, but pub dinners are available and many items are available at the supermarket, though not all are Free Trade or GM-free. Nuts can be purchased at the bar of several pubs. There is a substantial population of 99 percenters, many of them indigenous, with whom delegates could socialise freely.

    After Central Kempsey One (CK1) the delegates will decide that the climate is okay after all.



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      Are there enough hugging trees available?


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      Joe V.

      Mosomo , that would be an answer. It sounds just like the summer pop festival season, which was typically calling for a determined spirit in the Isle of Wight this week.

      Many in fact just gave up trying to get there & demanded refunds

      Now shouldn’t we begin demanding refunds, from all these we paid to attend Rio and so singularly failed to achieve anything ?


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      Andrew McRae

      AustralianSuper chair Elana Rubin


      You weren’t joking.

      So Ms Rubin tries to prop up investments and preserve Australian wealth by day, then on the evening shift she tries to scare off investment and grind Australia’s prosperity into the dirt.

      I’ll bet her remuneration package is fantastic. That’s the corrupt system we are in now. Ponzi schemes everywhere.


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      Joe V.

      Stacked with plenty of the usual suspects, guaranteed to be just another free linch club, while serving as an Echo Chamber for the Lefty Green dogma.


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    […] 21 (want de video bovenaan was van een ICLEI meeting):En last but not least lees nog even van Joanne Nova schrijft over Rio+20. Toch een succes? Waarbij Joanne natuurlijk een van die moordwijven is die bewijst dat milieuscepticisme niet iets […]


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    I think i want a t-shirt that says:

    “I (heart)
    Agenda 21”


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    Make it mandatory for all future UN environmental gatherings that all participants get there without the use of ANY fossil fuele – back to the days of Francis Drake for them! Meaning: We don’t see them for three years; only half will actually arrive; and we get really nice videoclips from helicopters filming their galleons battling the storms.


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      Joe V.

      Any reference likening this to the Australian Government’s asylum a policy at this stage would be in bad taste.


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    There is a wider agenda here. The gathering in Rio to discuss “sustainable development” is the latest wheeze in a 20 year plan to use environmentalism to scare and control freedom-loving western countries and keep third world countries mired in poverty.

    Here are some quotes from the Green Agenda:

    “Giving society cheap, abundant energy would be the equivalent of giving an idiot child a machine gun.”
    – Prof Paul Ehrlich, Stanford University

    “We must make this an insecure and inhospitable place for capitalists and their projects. We must reclaim the roads and plowed land, halt dam construction, tear down existing dams, free shackled rivers and return to wilderness millions of acres of presently settled land.”
    – David Foreman, co-founder of Earth First!

    “The common enemy of humanity is man. In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up
    with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself.”
    – Club of Rome, premier environmental think-tank, consultants to the United Nations, from their 1991 book: The First Global Revolution.



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    […] I wrote yesterday about the unprecedented way the UN was locking out anyone at Rio that was not part of an official government delegation. More than ever before, the UN is not even pretending to to serve the people of the world. Even the facade is gone. The rules have changed since Monckton, Watts Up and the internet spoiled the party at Durban. […]


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      Please separate the oriinal concept of United Nations and the infiltration of the organisation by the political left, socialists, communists and fellow travellers, using the UN to create a world government agenda, the control of all human beings if they can achieve their goals. Be afraid people, read back in history and learn what left side politics control means.


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    […] wallet, but most of them still got an expenses paid ticket to the Olympics of Global Bureaucracy. In the end they may say they are disappointed, but in reality they still scored one heck of a free l… And this is the point. As long as the masses are not saying that they want their money back, the […]


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    F. Eckenhuijsen Smit

    All red-green activists are liars by definition; they are only tying to diminish your freedom and happiness!
    The UN is a conglomerate of lifeblood sucking scoundrells, which should be dismanteled completely immediately, liberating trillions €/$ for really worthy projects; out of reach of the red/green activist hordes.


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    People Google: Rudd+Tang and read the information relating to the Chinese-Australian business connections that we mere mortals are not supposed to know about.


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    F. Eckenhuijsen Smit

    Extention of former comment 34.
    Only total idiots can make up the nonsense as described by Mr. Paul Driessen of CFACT and others; I again thank them for the updated information!
    The whole world population should have knowledge of the tremendous lies and usurpations of the red-green activists/alarmists hordes.


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    The sooner Australia has a new federal election and we change government the better for our future well being. The Kevin07 experiment was an exercise in ignorance created by spin from people who did not have our best interests in mind, they had their best interests and agendas to push and they deceived the gullible to gain high office.


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    […] of all truth & their enlightened & merciful minds are the mother-load of all wisdom. Their purity is unquestioned for they speak for the god Gaia. Resist them at your […]


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    […] all truth & their enlightened & merciful minds contain the mother-load of all wisdom. Their purity is unquestionable for they speak for the god Gaia. Resist them at your […]
