Planetary Heroes meet in Paris to save Earth from bad weather

Never before has there been so many egos in the one room:

It was the largest single-day gathering of heads of state or government in history, the UN said.

“Never have the stakes of an international meeting been so high because it concerns the future of the planet, the future of life,” French President Francois Hollande said in an opening speech.

“The hope of all of humanity rests on all of your shoulders.”   –– Paris Climate Change Talks begin, The Australian, Graham Lloyd.

Glory be. Pray to our Elected Fathers (and Mothers) who have come to save us from our sins.

The Chosen Ones shall rescue us with full gloss PR. For it is only in the world of Mass Marketing that we can call China a climate saviour:

[Obama] then met Chinese President Xi Jinping before the summit started, with his focus turned to deepening co-operation between the world’s two biggest emitters of the greenhouse gases that cause ­global warming.

“As the two largest carbon emitters, we have both determined that it is our responsibility to take action,” Mr Obama said as he sat alongside Mr Xi.

And so it comes to pass that the largest producer of carbon dioxide “pollution”, the land with the dirtiest factories can be lauded.  (And the journalists will largely fall for this fanciful narrative.

For each product they make, Chinese factories on average, will make four times as much CO2 as cleaner Western factories. Who seriously believes that the nation that is the largest consumer of coal is suddenly “determined to be responsible” even though all its promises amount to nothing more than token schemes and business as usual.

Based on past numbers, in the next 12 months, China will increase its emissions by an amount that is more than Australia’s total annual emissions. As is already widely known, it’s likely Chinese population growth will peak in 2030, as will their emissions. The Chinese are flatly smiling, watching Western competitors cripple their own industries, while they reap income from selling solar panels, and then take money for carbon credits from cleaning up a few of the worst factories. What’s not to like?

If Australia somehow “succeeds” in cutting our emissions by a whopping, preposterous 25%, at the moment China will replace that in 45 days.

Our little blue planet needs saving,
From the egos in Paris now raving,
About climate control,
As their ultimate goal,
When it’s lust for world power they’re craving.

 — Ruauri

Coal Fired plants, World Reources Institute, China

World Resources Institute, 2012



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186 comments to Planetary Heroes meet in Paris to save Earth from bad weather

  • #

    No need to discuss it, the game’s up for climate sceptics.

    Sadly, I think he’s right – the world according to Lean:-


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      There’s still plenty of old white,black,brown,yellow,red men in power that will not go gentle into that good night.

      It’s not about a certain demographic being overcome, it’s about democratic values versus totalitarian regimes, in one word power.


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        Even the telegraph survey showed 69% unwilling to sacrifice growth for climate change action when I read it just now.


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      Mardler – let me put this in the simplest terms I can.

      NOTHING trumps science!!

      “The old white men and their climate scepticism are finally in retreat”

      We shall see – WE SHALL SEE!!

      I just sit here and wait for the day when the OTHER old white men (and women) who are part of the 40 odd thousand having a jolly at our expense and pretending they know about science and are there to save the world (absolute PIFFLE) finally get their “comeuppance”. And they WILL – it’s only a matter of time.

      BTW – just who is allowed to write the term “old white men” in such a derogatory manner and get away with it in this clinical age of political correctness? I surmise that the editor of the Telegraph wouldn’t have the cajones to change it to “old black men”!!



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        Political ambition; economic self-interest; the desire of the self-loathing to vandalise things of value to others; the desire of the self-loving to socially advertise themselves by adopting high-minded causes; juvenile hormones; and plain old lack of intelligence all trump science. The Left will win – they always do.


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      Mardler, this man has never, ever, been right about anything (except possible his own demise – see comments on the following);

      His post is a classic example of projection. He is describing himself and his tribe.


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      And as the global temperatures start to drop over the next few years…… 😉

      The truth will come to the fore.


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        And then the warmists will claim that their strategies worked.


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          Not a blerdy chance. CO2 emission continue to increase and will do so, even as the temperatures decline, given that CO2 lags temperature.

          In any event, the UN “Planetary crisis™” that the brain-dead echo chamber of the Fourth Estate continues to refer to, namely the weather, is in fact the unprecedented economic bankruptcy of Europe, the unprecedented economic bankruptcy of The United States, the Syrian crisis, ISIL, refugees, terrorism, and Ebola to list but a few.

          All or one of these with the exception of the ‘weather’ will be why the MSM will not be around to report the consequences of COP21 and the few remaining climate-kollectiv kumbayas, otherwise referred to as the Great Climate Delusion.


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        That’s going to be bloody hard if they keep adjusting them up!
        All according to worlds best practice of course.


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      Ah yes, the old green sayer of sooth that was always shot down in the comments on his articles and who is now being pensioned off by the Telegraph.

      Lean knows nothing about science but could regurgitate a green press release with the best of the churnalists. Anyone that takes his word as gospel has to be a member of the church of global warming.


    • #

      the game’s up for climate sceptics

      In the real world …


    • #
      el gordo

      Judith Curry is a lukewarmer and says the IPCC ‘seem to have eliminated high CO2 sensitivity as a problem.’


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      The “rise and fall of climate scepticism”? Rubbish. Firstly scepticism or disbelief is not a movement like Global Warming or a faith like Climate Change. It is certainly not a business opportunity to make billions. There are no government or university departments for Non Warming. There is no Australian Climate Not Changing Council.

      Scepticism is the default scientific position. In fact show me one prominent sceptic who has become a true believer and I can point to millions who no longer believe what they had been told, if only because after thirty years they know the world is not warming and in the last twenty years since this nonsense began, the world has not heated at all, the seas have not risen, the sky has not fallen, the climate has not changed.

      The masses at this revivalist meeting are politicians who agree with everyone and masses of opportunists, seagulls on the beach. Scepticism is not a religion or a belief or a movement. It cannot fall. It is rational science, the enemy of irrational religions like Global Warming, the Moonies, Scientology, the Rapture and other apocalyptic cults including ISIS.


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      This is not about the colour of your skin, gender or your age. The global hysteria will abate at the cost of trillions and untold lives with the Mother Nature (at least one Lady on the side of the old white men) continuing to do what the models don,t.
      Don,t listen to the old white men it is the evidence that you should listen to.


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      “So perhaps the heads of state flying in today will not be wasting their time after all.”

      The very last sentence quoted above of Mardler’s link summarises the the level of gullibility & cognitive dissonance required to be in Paris 2015.


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      You’re right … and wrong Mardler. The parasites will declare victory this week, and China will do nothing different to what it was always intending. They are not stupid like Western politicians. Tragically the Western schools have been indoctrinating children to accept cliamte change dogma as handed down from the church of the IPCC. Even the Catholic church has subjugated itself. A humble Pope indeed who prostrates himself before the Gaia religion … come full circle to Paganism I guess …

      Note: I am aethiest … so I couldn’t give a toss. But given the Catholic church professes to care about the poor, I would have thought they wouldn’t support policies which further impoverish. Look at the starvation caused by biofuels policies, for example. Sheer lunacy.


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        Richard Barnett

        Admitting you are an atheist is of no consequence in this particular subject matter. You seem like a rational person and admitting your beliefs is your decision as you are well aware. I do agree with you opinion of the pope. He seems to have taken to the mother earth / father sky dogma instead of the divine spirit.
        I was originally baptized into the Southern Baptist Church at the age of twelve. By age sixteen I had become a frisbeetarian. We believed when you died your soul flew on the roof and you couldn’t get it down. After meeting my wife I became a Luthfriend and have accepted that other Christians and non-Christians all have their place in this world. Religion is all about faith in a divine spirit creator. Climate change is real, it’s always changing. Believing that CO2 is destroying the earth as we know it without digging deeper for the truth is a cult. Members of a cult do not look beyond the bounds of their leaders for the truth. The truth will not be found inside the bounds imposed by their leaders which in turn would destroy their following.


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      Far from it Mardler. Geoffrey Lean gets it 100% wrong from the subtitle.

      “With big corporations and even the Republican party leaping aboard the global warming train, a carbon revolution is now inevitable “

      What part of all the leading GOP contenders being obviously, unashamedly skeptical don’t you get?

      The number of skeptics is growing. Their political support is stronger in the US than ever, the polls show more skeptics, and skeptic blogs are beating the believers who slowly are giving up.

      Lean’s words are the usual fantasy Christmas wish list. Die-hard believers have been forecasting the end of “fringe” skeptics now for 20 years. They’ve been wrong every year.


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        I have to disagree Nova. The AGW believers are winning because they now have all the main world leaders on their side who keep funding the scientific liars and cheaters in preference to those who prefer to research the truth. The question is how long will it take for the leaders of the world to admit it’s all a scam and a hoax? I can’t see it ever happening. Besides, as long as the public schools all over the world are preaching those same lies as fact, the more people will believe. If it continues I can see the next generation believing more fervently in AGW. The only way I see it changing is that something else will come up to occupy everyone’s mind, and all the concerns about whether the word’s temperature is out of control or not are all but forgotten. A world war will do the trick but hopefully it’s something less severe.


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          Graeme No.3

          “all the main world leaders on their side”????

          Obama yes, but he can’t tank over Congress, whatever he may think. The 3 leading Republicans are all very anti the scam.
          Trudeau, Turnbull, Merkel, Hollande well yes. Who else? Cameron is two faced. Poland, Hungary, the Netherlands, China, India, South Korea, Russia, South Africa, Brazil are all against this. Spain, Portugal, Italy and Greece can’t afford it. Even the Maldives and all the Middle East aren’t in the Coalition of the Dills. Burma, Vietnam, Indonesia – Nope!

          Patience. A few more years and these people will NOT be referring to global warming in their memoirs.


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            Let’s wait and see what happens after the US election. Either the new leader will cause a stir and upset the AGW scam, or it gets worse.


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              Rereke Whakaaro

              Who becomes the next President is no more than just theatre. The US has just about crippled itself by gutting its manufacturing base and moving it all to China and India. It has been going on for decades now, and neither China nor India are going to have a bar of limiting their growth.

              The real debate will be over the “low lying” island states, who have gone to Paris with their begging bowls. The fact that coral grows along with any increase in sea level, will not be discussed. Votes, however, will be purchased by the highest bidder.


              • #

                Taxpayer dollars should not be a currency of misplaced guilt or convenient deflection. We should not have to tithe for the crime of being resourceful and successful.


        • #

          There won’t be public skools to teach the trigger-kidz of the new low-sugar-low-C-eco-age.
          The unsustainability of the economies of Europe and the USA, with their utterly unprecedented levels of debt is mind-bending and revolution fermenting. The Planet is indeed in crisis, though not one of the weather (aka. climate) related variety.
          Politics trumps all UNTIL THE MONEY (OR CAKE) RUNS OUT.
          When that happens, the weather (except the cold) will be very last of their concerns.


          • #

            That’s the way I see things panning out. Eventually the AGW scam won’t go away because the leaders of the world have changed their minds on the subject, but because other issues that are more substantial and real will come to the forefront.


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      I think I may vomit. The Canadian PM has announced 2.65 $$$BILLION$$$ to be given away over climate change.


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      White men? I thought Chinese were classed as yellow, and Indians as brown.


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      Rereke Whakaaro

      Mardler said:

      No need to discuss it, the game’s up for climate sceptics.

      So, can you please explain how a talk-fest in Paris, using large sums of tax-payer dollars, can suddenly change the opinions of people who are thinkers, and therefore sceptical about most things, into people who are gullible, and therefore not really sceptical about anything?

      Some strange logic there, indeed.

      With scepticism being in excess of 60%, in most democratic countries, many of these elected leaders, squandering their country’s natural wealth, are likely to find themselves no longer leaders, come the next election.

      It is very sad to be the person at the front, carrying the flag, only to find that the rest of the parade has gone in a different direction, and left you marching on your own.


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    Alan McIntire

    One minor nit to pick. That first sentence should be “egos- plural” rather than “ego’s- something possessed by an ego”.


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    before anybody else does I must refer you to this masterpiece now circling the blogosphere.
    It ranks with Henry IV Part 1 Act III Scene IV, Prince Hal’s debunking of the vain boasts of Falstaff
    “these lies are like the father that begets them, gross as a mountain, open, palpable…….
    Mark now how a plain tale will put you down”



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    Robert O

    The real irony for Australia as one of the world’s large coal exporters of black coal to both India and China, 10,500 Petajoules of the 11,800 Petajoules we produce annually, is that whatever we do to save the planet in curtailing “carbon emissions” is an exercise of total hypocrisy.

    How else can we pay for our very high overheads of administration and government like jetting to Paris?


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    “The hope of all of humanity rests on all of your shoulders.”

    Why am I reminded of this…


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    Brian Richard Allen

    “Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. They may be more likely to go to Heaven yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth. This very kindness stings with intolerable insult. To be ‘cured’ against one’s will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease is to be put on a level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals.” — Clive Staples (“Jack”) Lewis

    And, oh, that a Dwight David Eisenhower had anticipated the military industrial complex’s parasites – its faux “scientists” – creation of and slithering into the coming ice age, become environMental Movement, become mann-madeGW, become mass hysteria, become climate-change movement and morphed into godless pseudo-religious cult. How different might have been this warning. Spoken, one might pray and trust, to the sound of machine guns and/or of the springing of the rounded-up MannMadeGW Industrial Complex’s co-conspirators’ gallows’ trapdoors:

    ” …. Until the latest of our world conflicts, the United States had no armaments industry. American makers of plowshares could, with time and as required, make swords as well. But now we can no longer risk emergency improvisation of national defense; we have been compelled to create a permanent armaments industry of vast proportions. Added to this, three and a half million men and women are directly engaged in the defense establishment. We annually spend on military security more than the net income of all United States corporations.
    American makers of plowshares could, with time and as required, make swords as well. But now we can no longer risk emergency improvisation of national defense; we have been compelled to create a permanent armaments industry of vast proportions.

    This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. The total influence – economic, political, even spiritual – is felt in every city, every Statehouse, every office of the Federal government. We recognize the imperative need for this development. Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. Our toil, resources and livelihood are all involved; so is the very structure of our society.

    In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.

    We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.

    Akin to, and largely responsible for the sweeping changes in our industrial-military posture, has been the technological revolution during recent decades.

    In this revolution, research has become central, it also becomes more formalized, complex, and costly. A steadily increasing share is conducted for, by, or at the direction of, the Federal government.

    Today, the solitary inventor, tinkering in his shop, has been overshadowed by task forces of scientists in laboratories and testing fields. In the same fashion, the free university, historically the fountainhead of free ideas and scientific discovery, has experienced a revolution in the conduct of research. Partly because of the huge costs involved, a government contract becomes virtually a substitute for intellectual curiosity. For every old blackboard there are now hundreds of new electronic computers.

    The prospect of domination of the nation’s scholars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present – and is gravely to be regarded.

    Yet, in holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite …. ”



    As thousands of police and military personnel guard 40,000 junketing Goebbels Warm-mongering parasites from the real threat, outside, to the Earth — and to all of Mankind?

    God save us all.

    Brian Richard Allen


    • #

      The betrayal of free society lies in my view solely at the feet of the Fourth Estate.
      Theirs is a brain-dead uncritical echo-chamber, coupled with their insatiable addiction to alarmism, the sort easily acquired and easily sold.
      They became a headless prostitute on crack-cocaine, fed by the UNFCCC among the many institutional drug dealers that loiter and loot free society with intent.


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    Roy Hogue

    Planetary Heroes meet in Paris to save Earth from bad weather

    I guess they’ll come flying in under their own power then, wearing capes, tights and other assorted uniform befitting such planetary heros.

    Or maybe not. 😉

    Planetary wrecking balls is much closer to the truth.


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    John F. Hultquist

    Look at the map: Poland, Ukraine, and Turkey appear to be more interested in less reliance on Russia for energy than they have concern for the planet.
    How dare they look out for their citizen’s interests and not mine!


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    Here’s the Royal Society and National Academy of Science reports’ question 20 and they tell us that if we stopped all human co2 emissions today we wouldn’t see a change in temp or co2 levels for thousands of years. This rather stuffs up the Paris COP 21 mitigation strategy. Surely the IPCC can’t tell us that COP 21 could limit warming to 2 C by 2100 and in the next breathe tell us we won’t see a change for thousands of years? And this was written by 5 IPCC lead authors and 2 IPCC authors. Solomons and Trenberth were among these IPCC authors. What’s a poor layman to make of this I wonder? Here’s question 20 and their answer———–
    And here’s the Royal Society link.
    20. If emissions of greenhouse gases were stopped, would the climate return to the conditions of 200 years ago?
    Climate change: evidence and causes

    No. Even if emissions of greenhouse gases were to suddenly stop, Earth’s surface temperature would not cool and return to the level in the pre-industrial era for thousands of years.

    fig9-smallFigure 9. If global emissions were to suddenly stop, it would take a long time for surface air temperatures and the ocean to begin to cool, because the excess CO2 in the atmosphere would remain there for a long time and would continue to exert a warming effect. Model projections show how atmospheric CO2 concentration (a), surface air temperature (b), and ocean thermal expansion (c) would respond following a scenario of business-as-usual emissions ceasing in 2300 (red), a scenario of aggressive emission reductions, falling close to zero 50 years from now (orange), and two intermediate emissions scenarios (green and blue). The small downward tick in temperature at 2300 is caused by the elimination of emissions of short-lived greenhouse gases, including methane. Source: Zickfeld et al., 2013 (larger version)

    If emissions of CO2 stopped altogether, it would take many thousands of years for atmospheric CO2 to return to ‘pre-industrial’ levels due to its very slow transfer to the deep ocean and ultimate burial in ocean sediments. Surface temperatures would stay elevated for at least a thousand years, implying extremely long-term commitment to a warmer planet due to past and current emissions, and sea level would likely continue to rise for many centuries even after temperature stopped increasing (see Figure 9). Significant cooling would be required to reverse melting of glaciers and the Greenland ice sheet, which formed during past cold climates. The current CO2-induced warming of Earth is therefore essentially irreversible on human timescales. The amount and rate of further warming will depend almost entirely on how much more CO2 humankind emits.


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      Like the rest of the CAGW case, this presumes that incremental CO2 has a significant effect on the climate. As it is, CO2 is rising as temperature are flat or falling. What’s to say that temperature can’t rise even as CO2 is falling? We see this all the time in ice core record.


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        King Geo

        Quoting co2isnoevil

        “As it is, CO2 is rising as temperature are flat or falling”.

        This can happen during brief short cycles, ie 60 year multidecadal warming/cooling cycles, but not over the long term where CO2 rises in response to warming and falls in response to cooling e.g. this is clearly displayed by the Vostok Antarctic Ice Core data.


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          The DomeC cores and others show the same thing. Newer cores exhibit a lag of about 150-200 years rather than the 800 years seen in the Vostok cores. I believe the newer cores are more accurate as the samples are more tightly spaced, especially the CO2 samples, and they are processed with more modern analytical equipment. A shorter lag is also more consistent with the lag expected as biology adapts to warmer or cooler temperatures and variable amounts of surface suitable for sustaining forests. All of the first order effects act with time constants less than a couple of years. Only something slow, like adaptive biology, can explain a lag of more than a few years, much less centuries.


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      Brian Richard Allen

      …. the excess CO2 in the atmosphere would remain there for a long time and would continue to exert a warming effect ….

      Beg to differ.

      Every skerrick of the evidence I have seen demonstrates that CO2 is the product of Warming, not its cause.

      Even as we speak, in the nineteenth or twentieth year of the current Pause, atmospheric CO2 levels continue to rise and to benefit the Earth enormously. With particular regard to its greening. The green area, thanks to increasing atmospheric CO2, having increased by a significant percentage, twenty-or-so, in just the past few years.

      Bottom line’s that increasing temperature and CO2 levels are of benefit. “Greenland,” anyone? What will cause serious problems is the mini Maunder that Sun-spot-activity watchers predict will begin around 2030. And may lead to the deaths of hundreds of millions.


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      “because the excess CO2 in the atmosphere would remain there for a long time”
      The very idea that man releases CO2 and the atmosphere fills like a bucket is childish.

      Even the IPCC list the half life of CO2 at 80 years which means the biosphere cannot stay in imbalance for a ‘long time’. This is the fundamental lesson of physical chemistry. Such a statement could not be written by a scientist let alone the Royal Society. The very wording is a clue that this is a political statement, not a science one and this is the basis of the entire Man Made Global Warming religion. I have also read that CO2 hangs around for ‘hundreds OR thousands of years’ as if it has a choice. Again non science.

      The half life of new CO2 in the atmosphere is demonstrably only 14 years. That is how the world works and fish breathe in and out. No experiments needed. So only 3% of the CO2 from WW2 is still around (1/2^5), only 25% from when the political body known as the IPCC was invented. Nature abhors an imbalance. There is nothing we could do about the CO2 level even if we needed to change it.

      The Greens are the world movement for doing nothing. No roads, no cars, no dams, no power stations, no travel, no improvement in quality of life for anyone else. The Green movement is the most selfish movement in human history, trying to keep those nice beaches for holidays and to keep the locals poor and cute. Old white men. More like self indulgent young people pretending to care. The fantasy billion dollar solar and wind farms are always in rich countries who don’t need them, votive offerings to the gods of plenty while the high priests fly into Paris.


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      el gordo

      ‘If emissions of CO2 stopped altogether, it would take many thousands of years for atmospheric CO2 to return to ‘pre-industrial’ levels due to its very slow transfer to the deep ocean and ultimate burial in ocean sediments.’

      A recent paper calculates the time human emissions spent in the atmosphere before falling into the oceans is only 40 years.


      • #

        Not even. The time CO2 spends in the atmosphere cannot be longer than 10 years, which is how fast C14 decayed after nuclear testing stopped.…2300.4907.0.5080.….0…1ac.1.64.img..14.4.768.2MhKh3s8Yds#imgrc=tXtVB6_ktbP7KM%3A

        Since C14 continued to be produced by nuclear power plants, which slowed its decay, removal of CO2 (mostly C12) must be even faster.


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          By the way, I have not heard that significant C14 was produced by nuclear plants? The bombs doubled C14 in just a few years and it takes 5400 years to decay to half. Most is gone now, so the CO2 is gone. The log of the C14 decay is a dead straight line, so the vanishing of CO2 is a simple e-kt curve with a single decay constant, not the complex Bern diagram. Also the slope gives you 14 years. So there is one huge active reservoir. The oceans which cover 2/3 of the planet. I wrote on this many times, but a paper seemed inappropriate as it is elementary physics and in effect, the world’s largest experiment to measure half life of CO2 was conducted by accident.


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            Also the IPPC who say it is 80 years (with no evidence) have created a relative scale to Carbon Dioxide. So if CO2 is 1/5th the half life, the other gases are equally unimportant to Global Warming.


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      So to sum up what they are saying Neville, is that the expect the warming of the planet and associated sea level rises following the mini ice-age is likely to continue. Talk about a nothing paper!


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    Self interest is another name for international politics. While the self interest of many who support CAGW is greed, the self interest of western support is to satisfy the guilt from past emissions. This emotional self interest seems to cancel the ability to perceive how the logical self interest of others takes advantage an illogical emotional response. The fact that the science driving this emotional response is completely bogus and easily falsifiable would be humorous if the consequences weren’t so dire.


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      Self interest; my name is Christina Figueres.

      An untalented piece of political self importance floating on a tide of manipulation, disinformation and bullying.

      Modern eco politics.



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    All hail to the heroes! The mythical hotspot has been found! All rejoice!


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    The Paris Climate Change Conference is the 21st sequel of COP’s. Like the Rocky movies, what was originally a winner has been milked and done to death for $$$’s.

    Final scene from the COP21, as the climate change activists are rioting:

    Bystander No 1 (believer/left leaning journo/politician): “We’re all gonna die! Someone has to do something!”
    Bystander No 2 (believer/left leaning journo/politician) : “Ï think this is a job for Supermannnnn”

    Enter Malcolm (The WWW), looking desperately for a phonebooth.

    Critic No 1 (sceptic): “I know it’s supposed to be a horror movie but I found myself laughing”
    Critic No 2(taxpayer): “I thought it was a comedy but I found myself crying”

    Al Gore announces the next sequel…..


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    “By the efforts men make to preserve their families from want, from servitude or destruction do we judge their domestic virtues. In such a manner, only to a larger degree, should judgement be rendered upon these same men according to the efforts they make toward the preservation of their race. If a man who gives over his family to the vicissitudes of his neglect is deserving of scorn, how great should be the contempt felt for him who evades the obligations he owes his race and gives over not only his family, but all his people to conquest and destruction.”

    Homer Lea – The Day of the Saxon 1912

    It is criminal that those who represent us in parliament & at this sham conference/wet biscuit contest of “Planetary Heroes” do not have a similar overarching enforceable standard of practice as the JORC code has for the corporate reporting in public companies.

    They should be forced to DEMONSTRATE their ability to understand the issues & argue the actions before they get an opportunity to degrade or destroy a nation’s sovereignty or future.

    Chairman Mal has no mandate from the people, only a twisted manufactured poll rating by hack syncopants from a propagandized public.


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    The Muddler, above, is the classic case of the recent post about Bullying.

    When I was kid, many decades ago, bullying was simple straightforward issue of the physically bigger giving the smaller a hard time.

    It was mostly (and I say that with some reserve) a case of physicality.
    Bullies diminished themselves by their actions because others could see that they had no other tools than physical threat.

    Move on to 2015 and bullying has morphed to an information base where “ideas” and “opinions” and online gossip
    and deliberate misinformation and manipulation of people’s minds is so ever-present that it is a wonder people
    can stay sane and functional; too many just don’t.

    It is sad to see a case here of a person whose view of life and reality is dependent on “authority figures” who
    have successfully mastered the art of this very potent skill.
    The victims have been anaesthetised and denied the normal skills of perception by having been reared through
    the system where deference to authority is all. They have no base from which to launch a successful questioning
    and examination of the stuff they are fed.

    I do feel sorry for them but feel even more that this type of “education” is not going to help civilisation more too far forward.

    So; the thread on Bullying was a very timely one in that it describes the mechanism underpinning much of world politics today.

    Information is the new weapon and can be used to deceive and enslave.



    • #

      What you say is required in order to transition to the UN preferred “Chinese” style of world government.


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        True, there cannot be a transition to total world government without a population of drones running on very tightly controlled software.


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    The DailyMail reports a vignette from Putin.


    ‘We [Russia] have significantly reduced greenhouse gas emissions. At the same time we have managed to double our GDP. We have demonstrated that we can ensure economic development and take care of our environment at the same time.’

    Putin said an agreement reached in Paris should be legally binding and should include both developed and developing nations. ‘Russia will continue to contribute to joint efforts at preventing global warming.’

    No mention of the Russian Academy of Sciences that opt for global cooling.

    Amazing. Define ‘reduce’. Time period to double GDP? ‘Demonstrated’ where? In a city garden? ‘Legally binding’ no way. Won’t happen. And he damn well knows that.

    Politics trumps all until the money (or cake) runs out.
    They betray themselves at every turn.


    • #

      Putin is a declared skeptic, as is the RAS whose science is not influenced by regressive green politics, so you have to give him credit for being smart. Lip service is free and it’s in Putin’s self interest to encourage his competitors for world dominance to be stupid and then take advantage of that stupidity. The Russian people would actually prefer CAGW to be true as it would make their country a much more hospitable place. Why would Putin spend a Ruble to oppose this?


    • #

      But not many weeks ago President Putin was quoted as saying that man-made climate change is a fraud?


      • #

        As I mentioned, politics trumps all until the money (or cake) runs out, then:

        NOTHING trumps science!!

        as Popeye26 @ 1.2 remarked.


    • #

      Putin is playing politics and doing it very well. He knows there will be no binding agreement and he knows why –the USA will not be able to commit to it ( and the Canadians are trying to support their neighbours by agreeing with the position).
      So when there is no effective binding agreement he will be able to say ” well I tried but Obama could not deliver”


    • #

      The question is not whether India, China and Russia are skeptical nations, but whether the money and deals on offer are enough to make it worth their while to pander to the green machine.

      For China, the equation is already “yes” – pandering costs it little with mini carbon trading markets and symbolic meaningless deals. But how much will it cost Russia and India to be bought off?

      It’s not as much as you think — both nations want to compete with a weaker west, a lot of their posturing in the last few months is probably just a negotiating ploy to strengthen their ambit claim for money or sweeter deals.

      The IPCC mostly just want the illusion that Russia and India are on board – -that’s enough to trick western tax payers into coughing up the cash.


    • #
      Greg Cavanagh

      I think it’s simpler; Putin has read Sun Tzu’s “The Art of War”, Obama has not.


  • #

    Our little blue planet needs saving,
    From the egos in Paris now raving,
    About climate control,
    As their ultimate goal,
    When it’s lust for world power they’re craving.


    • #
      Egor TheOne

      Ruairi, you’re a voice of reason in a world of madness !

      Mostly ,short points have the best deliverable messages .

      Keep up the good work .


    • #

      Dear Ruairi
      Your limericks are priceless and beautifully pointed. A compendium of them would sell very well. Continue to delight us


  • #

    1 Dec: SMH: Paris UN Climate Conference 2015: Barack Obama says summit an ‘act of defiance’ after terror attacks
    by Tom Arup and Peter Hannam
    (Bottom of article: Fairfax Media is a partner of the United Nations Foundation)

    United Nations Foundation: Our Board


    • #
      James Murphy

      It’s an act of sheer stupidity, not an act of defiance.

      Particularly when they block off all the roads, and prevent the general public from getting anywhere near the actual negotiations (apparently there’s an area for the great unwashed to loiter, but it isn’t close to the action at all). There are now helicopters flying over Paris in the morning, and evening, but I don’t know if they are moving people around, or if they are there as a security measure, or both.

      So much for the UN being about all of humanity… it’s now just for politicians, their flunkies, and lobby groups/activists…

      Some good news though – I very much like the picture at the top of this story, as Moneybags Mal is nowhere to be seen, which I hope is a big disappointment, although he was probably already following Obama around like a puppy dog, or a menacing stalker… or maybe he just got distracted by his own reflection somewhere.

      Hollande looks happy because this will take the focus off his poor popularity ratings for a few days…


  • #

    HYPERBOLE” Extreme exaggeration used to make a point”
    Looking further; “perfect for fictional work”
    and the best; “with it a boring story can come to life or become comical”
    We have had quite a feast today though I gather Malcolm did no more than throw $A1b in the pot. The best example I saw was
    “If we save Tuvalu we will surely save the world”.
    Since with your $A 1b we could probably jack Tuvalu up 2 meters then I suppose the worlds future really is in your hands – god help us all. Mind you, the fortitude shown by Jo, Tony, Pat, TdeF and many others here in applying their heads to brick walls is gradually bringing a breakthrough. There are clear signs that the edifice is fracturing, reality is emerging and the more astute of the gamers are heading for the “ausfarht”.
    We may soon be asking many, as Prince Hal did of Falstaff (see comment #4)
    “What trick, what device, what-starting hole, canst thou now find out, to hide thee from this open and apparent shame”.

    Of course the fat old rogue had one but “I was a coward on instinct” ain’t going to cut it.


    • #

      In driving around, from signposts alone it seemed Ausfahrt was the most popular destination in Germany. Just like Anon is a favorite poet.


  • #

    We have been lied to again: One week ago the government announced that no new money would be pledged at the Paris Conference. But they have pledged money, not new, already budgeted for money from a budget in deficit and with the estimated deficit increasing and, according to private sector professionals, most likely to remain in deficit for many years to come. The Greecey pole?

    Andrew Bolt reports;

    Malcolm Turnbull has promised to spend “at least” $1 billion helping vulnerable nations cope with climate change, as he told the climate change conference in Paris Australia wouldn’t be daunted by the challenge.

    Like the $200 million pledged for a global climate fund at similar talks in Peru last year, the additional $800 million will be redirected from the existing foreign aid budget.

    Will our delegates at the fraudster’s party in Paris advise that Australia is one of a very small number of developed world nations that has met every UN IPCC emissions reduction target to date, and now in 2015 has met the 2020 target already?

    Meanwhile Labor & Others in the Senate continue to block over $25 billion of proposed savings that Joe Hockey planned for in his 2014/15 financial year budget, and 1 in every 8 Australians is living in poverty, many are homeless.

    Labor & Greens, Liberals & Nationals and many Others are not acting in the best interests of Australia.


  • #

    They betray themselves at every turn

    It is the populace that they betray


    • #

      Ian too many of our representatives seem to believe that once in parliament they are our masters and know what is best for us.


  • #

    Also from Andrew Bolt: Daily Telegraph

    You wouldn’t think Turnbull faces a Budget that is blowing out by billions, with no sign of an end to our deficits. Or maybe you’d understand it only too well:

    It has already emerged that during the summit Australia will be signing up to a global clean energy technology initiative that would see the government double its $100 million a year commitment to research and development in the field over the next five years.


    Any hype will do. Environment Minister Greg Hunt reports “widespread applause and acclamation” for Turnbull in Paris:


    • #
      King Geo

      If Turnbull & Hunt continue along this path then their certain Coalition win in 2016 will be put in jeopardy – you see a lot of Aussies out there know that “AGW is BS” and “Climate Change a non issue”. The majority of the electorate can live with the current “direct action policy” but if the Govt start sending A$billions to the UN to combat “Climate Change” then expect a voter revolt. Within the Liberal Party it may well see another spill if the polls do a U turn, ie from 53-47 2PP back to 47-53 2PP. Abbott’s removal was because of his personal poor polling and the Coalition never being ahead in the Polls over a 20 month period before his demise. What if Turnbull was replaced by a more “rightest” party member? e.g. Dutton. Unfortunately many “true blue Libs” have followed “leftie” Turnbull for political ambition e.g. Bishop, Morrison, Pine and so on. But if the Polls turn ugly ………


  • #

    Some people want other people to give them money. Other people don’t feel like giving them money. In summary, that was four months of negotiations in Bonn, and Paris won’t be any different.



    • #

      My guess is a lot of existing aid money will be rebranded for the purpose. Unfortunately the efficacy of aid is lousy and often aggravates with unintended consequences.


    • #

      So all these leaders flew into Paris, burning all the nasty fossil fuel to get there, for a very short speech given by each. Now they are on their way home ( most of them).
      So my guess the rest of the talkest will a childish cat fight over the words to go in the MSM press release.
      I find it interesting that the leaders spoke at the start. In other COP meeting they arrived at the end and put on a show of hard talking to come up with a list of promises that weren’t delivered as promised.
      This time that won’t happen, which suggests even less will be “achieved”.
      It appears the “legally binding” agreement, if it happens, will only cover agreements on monitoring NOT on insuring targets are met. So another side show.


      • #

        Them appearing briefly at the start for a photo opportunity rather than the end, would be the final proof of how empty and cynical the whole charade is going to be.



  • #

    As a Scotsman my only concerned is to fight ..
    intellectuals may profess some new idea
    I reject this………


    • #

      Is it true that copper wire was invented by two Scotsmen who were fighting over a copper coin?


      • #

        Scotsmen noticed a piece of steel in a scrap heap that had not rusted hence stainless steel.


      • #

        Probably, but at least they had the intelligence to realise what they had discovered, got together and made a fortune – in for a penny, in for a pound! We Scots are neither mean nor stupid, just very careful!


      • #

        A confession: My grandmother was the daughter of immigrants from Scotland


  • #
    Gary in Erko

    Don’t worry. Nothing will change.


  • #

    History never repeats …

    A story of power …

    “Regardless, Akhenaten cast out the multitude of old Egyptian gods, and replaced them with a single supreme deity — the Aten, or sun god, which was both mother and father to the universe.

    It was a move bound to upset the establishment.”


    • #


      “Before we set up colonies on Mars, we need to discuss renaming its moons: Keeping Phobos and Deimos, which means ‘fear’ and ‘terror’, implies it’s totally cool to demonize our neighbor in the sky.

      If nothing else, we should be thinking of the children who will someday grow up to be Mars colonists.
      No one currently bats an eye when an adult leads a child out into the backyard to admire a planet orbited by panic and terror.

      Most amusingly, the piece never mentions that Mars is named after, well, Mars.”

      (via instapundit)


  • #

    30 Nov: ReutersCarbonPulse: Ben Garside: UPDATE – Governments, companies launch coalition to strengthen global carbon pricing
    Nineteen governments and nearly 90 businesses on Monday launched a global body intended to strengthen and expand carbon pricing across the globe. Although it was first announced in October, the Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition was officially launched on the opening day of UN climate negotiation in Paris by heads of state including France’s Francois Hollande, Germany’s Angela Merkel, Canada’s Justin Trudeau, Mexico’s Enrique Pena Nieto, and Chile’s Michelle Bachelet. The partnership’s members include governments such as Mexico, Germany, France, Chile and California, nearly 90 global businesses and NGOs including WWF and EDF.
    *** “The goal is to gradually set a sufficiently high carbon price around the world to encourage better behaviour … Let’s be very clear, the idea is not to impose it on everyone. It’s not one size fits all. But what we want to promote is the setting or development of instruments that will little-by-little modify the behaviour of the economic players,” said Hollande.
    “This is not exactly in the mandate of the UN framework, but it’s also not an issue that we can do away with … This whole trend towards carbon pricing could not be avoided and must be co-ordinated,” he added, pointing out that this was necessary to alleviate competitiveness concerns for companies in global markets. “By 2020, most of the G20 might be able to have carbon pricing in place … It’s very important to build up our coalition, as there will be nothing worse than having a huge discrepancy between carbon pricing here and there,” Hollande said. German Chancellor Angela Merkel agreed, adding: “Right now, locally at least we are in a testing phase, but we need to adopt a global approach.” Ethiopia also joined the coalition, helping to represent Africa…
    ***The coalition is due to meet next April in Washington DC at the World Bank’s spring meeting.


  • #

    Planetary heroes junketeers meet in Paris for FORCE FARCE MAJEURE.


  • #

    30 Nov: ReutersCarbonPulse: Stian Reklev: New $500m World Bank facility to explore policy-based carbon market
    Germany, Norway, Sweden and Switzerland on Monday became the first funders of a new World Bank facility seeking to carve out a new international carbon market by funding emission-reduction policies in developing nations. The Transformative Carbon Asset Facility (TCAF) will establish the world’s first programmatic carbon market and according to World Bank President Jim Yong Kim will garner some $2 billion in lending from the bank. “We want to help developing countries find a credible pathway toward low carbon development. This initiative is one such way because it will help countries create and pay for the next generation of carbon credits,” he said. The new facility will begin operations when funders have pledged $250 million. It is uncertain how much the first four funders have invested, although Norway’s initial contribution will be $25 million. The Bank said in a statement it expects the $250 million limit will be passed in time for TCAF to start in 2016…
    It will pay for carbon assets with high environmental integrity and a strong likelihood to comply with future international rules, and will share its learning with the international community,” a World Bank statement said…
    “We expect to achieve significant impact on the ground through the facility and ensure the sustainability of reducing emissions even beyond the facility’s initial support, for example, through carbon pricing instruments like emissions trading systems and carbon taxes, or stronger low-carbon policy standards and their enforcement,” she (Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg) said…


  • #

    So the actual meeting hasnt even started and Malcolm has given away the first billion already.

    My prediction of a 2bil minimum donation is looking pretty safe right now.


    • #
      el gordo

      Its $800 million and our dear leader has taken the money from the aid budget and redirected to help Pacific islanders to think warmly of us. The dosh was already earmarked and apart from the usual idle promise there won’t be anything else going out the window, according to our colleague scaper.


      • #
        Peter C

        If we get out of it for that, it could be construed as a good result. I hope that scaper is correct.


        • #
          el gordo

          ‘The Prime Minister also announced Australia’s aid spending will increasingly focus on tackling climate change, with at least $1 billion over the next five years to help its Pacific neighbours build climate resilience and reduce emissions.’



          Reading between the lines the government intends converting that aid money into renewable energy (wind and solar) which is a win/win situation for us and them.


          • #
            Greg Cavanagh

            Why does money always go OUT. I’m sure there are many houses right here in Australia that could do with some of that $1 billion to help keep the climate out of the house at night.

            I think there should be one more commandment to add to God’s 10; Thou shall not give away thy nations wealth or sell into slavery thy nation’s people.


        • #

          When I spoke to my MP, Louise Marcus, she confirmed that the $200 million was coming from the foreign aid budget and that we would have a rep on the Climate Fund committee to oversee the expenditure (not sure if I believe that bit!). She did not mention that it was $200 mil for each of five years though. I guess she didn’t know that either. I don’t think she will be happy one little bit.


    • #

      Trudeau beat him by announcing $2.65 Billion before even travelling to paris. I want to vomit.


  • #

    30 Nov: ReutersCarbonPulse: COP-21 Roundup: Nov. 30 – Day 1
    AUSTRALIA RATIFYING KP CP2: Australia will ratify the second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said in his speech Monday. The ratification means Australia will have legal access to UN offsets if it wants to. The Coalition government has so far insisted it will achieve its target domestically, but the move opens the door for the country to use UN credits should it decide to following a 2017 policy review…
    MORE CASH FOR CLEAN ENERGY RESEARCH: 20 nations representing 75% of global power-related CO2 emissions committed via a “Mission Innovation” initiative to double their respective clean energy R&D investment over the next five years, according to statement the US administration’s website. The countries are Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Chile, Denmark, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Norway, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Sweden, UAE, UK, US. They are joined by a parallel private sector initiative spearheaded by former Microsoft founder Bill Gates…
    CALL TO KILL FOSSIL FUEL SUBSIDIES: A coalition of nearly 40 governments, plus hundreds of businesses and international organisations, called for accelerated action to phase out fossil fuel subsidies, which it said are estimated at more than $500 billion per year. New Zealand Prime Minister John Key formally presented the Fossil Fuel Subsidy Reform Communique to UN climate chief Christiana Figueres, calling on the international community to increase efforts to phase out the “perverse” subsidies by promoting policy transparency, ambitious reform and targeted support for the poorest. Removing fossil fuel subsidies could reduce GHG emissions by 10% by 2050, free up resources to invest in areas including education, healthcare and infrastructure, and level the playing field for renewable energy, the coalition said…
    CANADA: At a press conference on Sunday, Canadian Environment Minister Catherine McKenna said her country would within 90 days of the end of COP announce new emissions reduction targets…She said the Paris agreement “will be legally binding, and countries will be legally bound to provide targets … [but] the actual targets will likely not be legally binding because that is a difficulty for many countries including the US.”…
    “It is very important that we recognise markets as a mechanism to achieving reductions in emissions … and that will be reflected in the agreement,” she told Carbon Pulse. Canada is one of the few developed countries to in its INDC say it will rely on international market mechanisms to meet its targets…
    McKenna also appeared to rebuff calls for Canada to rejoin the Kyoto Protocol after it withdrew from the treaty in late 2011. “We need a new international, framework to tackle climate change. That is the focus here, that’s what I’m going to be doing, and that’s what the PM is going to be focussed on,” she said. Observers have added that it would be unlikely that current Kyoto signatories would be willing to let Canada back in after the country flouted its commitments under the pact’s first commitment period (2008-2012).


  • #

    Curiously, without a “Media Class” the whole global warming dilemma would never have come to pass.


    • #

      And therefore what the upcoming poll will really be on: Not Turnbull, but who put him in the Lodge.


    • #
      el gordo

      ‘…the whole global warming dilemma would never have come to pass.’

      Yep, history will record that out of the troika of politics, science and media, it was the latter who dropped the ball.


      • #
        Greg Cavanagh

        dropped the ball? they jumped into infield, mugged the ref, stole the spare balls and ran the lot accross the opposite goal line.


        • #
          el gordo

          This has all come about at an awkward time for print media, the interweb has taken over and the old mastheads are sacking journalists. The Murdoch papers are reasonably balanced on the issue while the ABC is a disgrace, too many closet Trots in the newsroom.

          Apart from the politics, none of the journalists understand the science apart from the AGW mantra.

          Anyway all of this blatant bias should be easily remedied when the cooling begins, the hiatus cannot last forever.


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    30 Nov: ClimateChangeNews: Avik Roy: No renewables without coal, says Indian energy minister
    Fossil fuel is imperative to meet India’s development needs, Piyush Goyal insists at the opening of UN COP21 climate talks in Paris
    Other countries must accept India will burn coal to bring electricity to millions without, energy minister Piyush Goyal2 said as UN talks opened in Paris.
    At a press briefing, he told journalists solar energy alone would not meet India’s development needs.
    “The developed countries also need to understand that India needs a base load for its ambitious power plans and economic growth plans. In any case, if we don’t have a base load we don’t have any renewable energy. It is integral element of India’s development imperative. We don’t have gas so obviously the base load will have to be coal to provide 24/7 power”, said Goyal…
    Although no country has demanded that India reduce its greenhouse gases, there have been repeated suggestions that, just as the developed countries are required to act, emerging economies like India too curb their emissions. Indian negotiators said they will ensure no such proposal is included in the agreement…
    More than 60 per cent of India’s electricity is generated by burning coal. Developed countries have been urging India to leapfrog to cleaner sources…
    “We are not at all apologetic of using coal. The US and the West have developed on the back of cheap energy — coal — for the last 150 years ramping up their coal consumption from 0.5 metric tonnes in 1870 to nearly 4.5 metric tonnes per capita few years ago”, said Goyal, adding, “We are not responsible for the problem. Our share is only 2 percent in the global greenhouse gas emission. It is a problem accumulated over last 150 years.”…
    A key negotiator added that from 1990 till about 2012 only a few European nations reduced their coal consumption. China, in a deal with the US last year, promised to peak its emissions by 2030, indicating a continued reliance on coal over the next decade…


  • #

    Someone or some group should print millions of stickers and leaflets with the words “CO2 IS AN ESSENTIAL NUTRIENT”. Put them everywhere and letter box drop them. The more the masses see them the more it will sink in. Effective and cost effective.


  • #
    Egor TheOne

    ( Too good not to post in it’s entirety)

    The Depths of the Climateers’ Deception

    Stonewalled in his efforts to grasp how US scientists turned an 18-year pause into a temperature increase, a powerful congressman is on the warpath. Even as the climate-change establishment heads to Paris, its scam is much closer to surfacing than the heat they now insist is hiding in the deep ocean

    thumb on scaleA grandiose United Nations Climate Change conference is to be held in Paris at the end of the month. It has been extensively billed as the last chance for world leaders to sign up to the massive expenditure supposedly necessary to save the world from the global warming disaster. A previous effort of this sort in Copenhagen six years ago went horribly wrong, so it is not surprising that the propaganda associated with the lead-up to the Paris conference has been vastly more intrusive and hysterical. As a consequence, the apparently coherent scientific story behind the politics is beginning to fall apart.

    The general public learnt from the Climategate and “hockey-stick” scandals that activist climate scientists are quite willing to cherry-pick and manipulate real world data in support of their efforts to save the world. The scientists on their part have learnt that they can get away with it. Their cause is politically correct, and is shaping up well to be the basis for a trillion-dollar industry. That sort of backing automatically provides plenty of protection.

    Mind you, they have to be careful to ensure that any doubtful manipulation of data is buried deep in esoteric science so that other scientists – to say nothing of outsiders – find it almost impossible to understand exactly what has been done. In the hothouse of the Paris conference preparation, it seems that the climate-change establishment has not been careful enough.

    First, it should be explained that global surface temperature has not risen significantly for the last eighteen-or-so years. According to theoretical models, it should have been rising strongly and continually as a consequence of human-induced emissions of carbon dioxide. The problem is that the campaign to sell the concept of dangerous global warming has been so successful that it is now not an option for scientists to admit in so many words that their models are wrong.

    So in 2013, with the Paris conference already on the horizon, a frantic search began for some acceptable explanation as to why the world’s temperature has not been behaving as predicted. Very quickly a number of theories emerged, most of them based on the idea that natural fluctuations are hiding the heat of man-made global warming in the deep ocean. The beauty of the idea is that it allows for the lost heat to come back to the ocean surface at some future date and bite us all disastrously on the bottom. It also satisfies the need to be a fairly esoteric notion, thereby difficult to disprove. The idea that heat is hiding in the ocean depths was accepted very quickly as gospel, and was loudly promoted by the climate-change publicity machine.

    Last June, in a major press release, the US National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) made something of a mistake. Having constructed new “adjustments” to some of the data on global temperature, it maintained that the 18-year pause is a result of nothing more than an error of data interpretation, and that the temperature has been going up after all.

    The problem for activist climate scientists is that these latest NOAA adjustments are far from esoteric. It took only a few days for scientifically literate critics to spot all sorts of issues with the new analysis. Not the least was that the newly manipulated data do not agree with satellite measurements confirming existence of “the pause”. Suffice it to say that the efforts of the climate establishment to keep all this scientific confusion away from the mainstream media have been wondrous to behold.

    The political problem is that there is already a suspicion within the general community that past temperature records have been deliberately manipulated over the years so as to tune surface temperature measurements in directions that support the global warming thesis. The NOAA announcement, coming as it did so soon after bedding down the “hidden heat” idea in the mind of the public, may have confirmed for the man in the street that climate scientists are either guilty of playing too much politics or simply don’t know what they are talking about. Or both. The man in the street has a good record of being right about such matters.

    Suffice it to say, the chairman of the House Science Committee of the US Congress has publicly asked for NOAA scientists’ internal e-mails and communications on the subject. (see Chairman Lamar Smith’s correspondence here) NOAA has refused to supply them. This is not a good strategy by a government agency when dealing with Congress. It tends to upset powerful people. More to the point, it suggests that the agency really does have something to hide. The stoush is warming up quite nicely.

    Garth Paltridge is an Emeritus Professor at the University of Tasmania, a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science, and a former Chief Research Scientist of the CSIRO Division of Atmospheric Research.


  • #

    entering a fact-free zone:

    30 Nov: UK Independent: Tom Bawden: Climate change: Banks face threat from global warming, report says
    Financial institutions are threatened with climate-related losses on several fronts
    Climate change poses such a threat to Britain’s banking sector that the government must introduce mandatory “stress testing” of City institutions to determine which are the most vulnerable, a new report warns.
    The risks posed to banks’ solvency would remain high even if a robust deal was reached at the UN climate change summit in Paris over the next fortnight, said Joss Garman, a co-author of the IPPR think-tank report…
    Banks and pension funds stand to lose billions of pounds of loans and investments in fossil fuel companies if, as seems increasingly likely, they have to leave huge amounts of their coal, oil and gas assets in the ground.
    Local-authority pension funds alone are understood to hold £14bn of fossil fuel assets, while 19 of the FTSE 100 list of the biggest companies are in the natural resource and extraction business, according to the report, co-written by the IPPR’s director of strategy and engagement, Diana Fox Carney, the wife of Bank of England Governor Mark Carney.
    Meanwhile insurance companies face huge payouts as global warming increases the frequency and severity of floods and storms. And the rise in extreme weather will hit the economy well beyond the financial services sector as uninsured losses hits businesses and households – for example ruined crops and damaged buildings…

    reaity, regardless of the “wood chip” madness:

    30 Nov: Financial Times: Kiran Stacey: Drax chief warns on British electricity supplies
    The chief executive of Britain’s biggest power station operator has warned on the eve of the Paris climate conference that UK electricity supplies are tight and that more flexible power generation is needed.
    Dorothy Thompson, the chief of Drax, the coal-fired plant in North Yorkshire, has warned the UK is in a “tight situation” with its supply margin for peak hours, which is at its lowest for a decade.
    In an interview with the Times, she added that an increase in intermittent supply from renewables such as wind and solar would require additional back-up power to be built…
    “Even though [the UK] has got some of the highest carbon taxes, [coal] is still among the cheapest fuels.”
    Since Ms Thompson took over the company, Drax has converted half its boilers to burning wood chips, which are a renewable material, although one that remains controversial with climate campaigners.


  • #


    Chairman Mal seems to have unilaterally decided to ratify Kyoto II, signing away our sovereignty to the UN. To complain about “Chairman Mals” betrayal of the Australian People.


    Call Liberal Party HQ, write your member, and email Liberal HQ

    Phone: 02 6273 2564
    Fax: 02 6273 1534


    Do it now!

    For International people the prefix is +612 (then the last 8 digits.)


    • #
      Peter C

      More detail please bobl, including perhaps a reference. Then I may write in.


      • #

        I don’t want to do a form letter, write to their email, tell them the truth about CO2. Tell them you won’t vote for anyone that supports cagw. Tell them that ALA is in your sights. Make them worry about their majority


  • #

    “If Australia somehow “succeeds” in cutting our emissions by a whopping, preposterous 25%, at the moment China will replace that in 45 days”

    All pretty pointless. Increase cost of living, decrease reliability of power supplies, decrease employment, increase subsidies (paid by the taxpayer) to alternative energy companies and increase the burden on lower income families. All to have achieved precisely nothing 45 days later.

    I am reminded of comments that my dad used to make some 60 years ago.

    “The world’s gone mad”.

    “The only thing that will sort this world out is another bloody good war”.

    There are a couple of others that I won’t attempt to get past the decency test.


  • #

    29 Nov: Financial Times: Henry Foy: Eastern Europe to confront Berlin over new Russian gas pipeline
    Eastern Europe is girding for another clash with Berlin over a Russian gas pipeline that would circumvent Ukraine and the EU’s easternmost members.
    Nine countries, led by Poland and Slovakia, are petitioning to block the pipeline…
    In a letter to Donald Tusk, the European Council president, seen by the Financial Times, they demand that the proposed pipeline between Russia and Germany be put on the agenda of next month’s summit of EU leaders, in an attempt to pressure Brussels to withhold its approval…
    They argue that it contradicts the EU’s own energy diversification and security policies and amounts to one rule for Berlin, and another for everyone else…
    The Obama administration has vocally objected to the project, noting it would deprive Ukraine of about €2bn in gas transit fees — money that the International Monetary Fund or EU would have to make up as part of its burgeoning aid package to Kiev…
    Warsaw also fears it will increase Moscow’s — and Berlin’s — influence over gas supply. As such, it has argued that the project should be assessed as a geopolitical risk…
    Berlin says the new pipeline will protect EU gas supplies in the event of any dispute between Russia and Ukraine causing disruption to flows, and that it is a purely commercial decision taken by private energy companies…
    The planned pipeline, agreed last year by Gazprom and big European energy firms, would double the Baltic Sea supply route and theoretically mean it could supply almost 30 per cent of EU gas demand.
    Germany is keen for the EU to have as little influence as possible over the pipeline, which is slated to begin transmission in 2019…


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    Nick Butler is always a fascinating read:

    23 Nov: Financial Times Blog: Nick Butler: Russia — the implications of the reset for energy markets
    Russia is coming in from the cold…
    A country that was a pariah state a few weeks ago, isolated by sanctions, is rapidly becoming an essential ally. What does this sudden turn of events mean for the energy business?…
    First, Russia will retain its share of the European gas market — a long-term objective of Vladimir Putin essential to maintain the company’s (and the country’s) income stream…
    Second, the aggressive versions of the European Energy Union proposals will be taken off the table. Very little of the much-promised new infrastructure designed to limit Russian dominance of the European market will ever be built. By most standards, Russia has been a reliable supplier and will be treated as such. Non-Russian supplies will have to compete on price, which could be difficult if they require expensive LNG facilities…
    Third, the one project that does look likely to be built is Nordstream 2 — the new line designed to bring Russian gas through Germany to central Europe, and perhaps also to consumers further west including potentially the UK.
    Fourth, and perhaps more controversially, investment flows in both directions will be renewed as sanctions are relaxed. Many oil and gas companies will take up the possibilities offered to them over the last few months. New oil and gas — including some from shale — will start to flow. Russian money will also continue to come into London and other markets and Rosatom may even once again become an acceptable supplier of nuclear technology. Companies with investments in Russia should rise in value as some of the political risk is lifted off their shoulders.
    Fifth, assuming that the new entente lasts, more strategic alliances will come. The Shell-Gazprom link announced in embyro earlier this year remains a tempting possibility, and it is far from impossible that alliances with European companies could take the Russians into Iran, Egypt and even Libya. The assertion of Russian power in Syria through military force could be followed quickly by commercial deals to establish and rebuild links in other parts of the region.
    Of course there are losers. A deal that entrenches President Bashar al-Assad in Syria will infuriate the Saudis. American hawks will be convinced that Europe has conce again gone soft on Moscow. There could be rows if Europe moves faster than the US by relaxing sanctions at the December meeting of the European Council. Ukraine will be left to fester, desparately hoping that someone will pay its bills…
    On the European side the reset is an indication of weakness — Europeans do not have the will to take on Isis themselves, and are discovering the limits of relying on the US to police the world for them. Nor does Europe have the unity to sustain a long campaign of sanctions over a cause as confused as Ukraine…


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    What are they going to do? Just hide the fact that China is building new coal fired power hand over fist, with India ramping up it’s construction of them also. Can’t these people see that, and surely they must know that there ARE people who can see that. Just ignore them, flat out!

    Look at it this way.

    Australia is aiming for a target of a 26% reduction in CO2 emissions by 2030. That’s around 1.73% a year averaged. Right now we are emitting 410 Million tonnes of CO2 a year, so that’s a reduction of 7.1 million tonnes a year.

    China is bringing on line (at least) one new large scale coal fired power plant each week. Each of those new plants will add around 15 million tonnes of CO2 a year to China’s total CO2 emissions. That’s a little more than double Australia’s YEARLY hoped for cutback, so our total aimed for 15 YEAR reduction will be negated by China in a tick over 6 or 7 weeks.

    So then, let’s look at the U.S. They emit 5.4 Billion tonnes of CO2. The U.S. is also aiming for a 26 to 28% reduction in their CO2 emissions, so also around 1.73% a year averaged. So their cut comes in at 93.4 Million tonnes a year.

    That yearly cut for the U.S. will be negated in its entirety by just China alone in 6 weeks, and it’s 15 year target in just under two years.

    How do people not see that? How does the UN hide it? Do they expect us to just look the other way?

    We’ve lost the plot here. It’s almost time to just give up. They want their money, and nothing will be countenanced to stop that happening.



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      Surely it’s easy to see that if the target points are just those 22 or so named large already Developed Countries and for them to pledge to emissions reduction targets, then the reductions from EVERY one of those Countries will be utterly cancelled out by just China alone in what might only be five or six years or so, and if India keeps on with their plans, then, no matter what huge targets they may seem to be, they will be cancelled out in probably even less than that time frame.

      So, the target Countries will be aiming for reductions to be reached in 2030, and yet ten years before those targets are even reached, they have been cancelled out in their totality, and China and India are still increasing their emissions. That’s just two Countries. There are many who are ramping up their plant construction, not on the same scale as China and India, but still going up.

      What is that supposed to do to their precious two degrees of warming?

      The UN dares not come out with the single most obvious solution of all ….. NO MORE COAL FIRED PLANTS TO BE CONSTRUCTED, FULL STOP.

      There’s no way known on Earth that they will say this, because all the Countries that are constructing them are those Non Developed Countries.

      If the target is just 22 Developed Countries and there are 194 Countries able to vote then it’s a simple task to get those (non Developed) 170 or so votes on side. As soon as the UN says no more plants, most of those 170 or so votes will just disappear, and they’ll be in a worse position than they were at Copenhagen.

      No, the UN won’t embargo new coal fired plants. They’ll just ignore the obvious while China, India and all of those other remaining 170 plus voting countries just keep doing what it is they are now doing, constructing new large scale coal fired power plants, and thumbing their noses at the UN.

      Think of it like this – Two possible resolutions.

      1. That the 22 Developed Countries have an ETS imposed on them with the remaining 170 plus Countries to get all the money from that. How many votes will that get?

      2. No more coal fired power plants anywhere. How many votes that will get?

      The UN will come out with something to save their collective @r$e$, but you can bet it won’t be anything like resolution number 2.

      And the UN knows, hand on heart, that without coal fired power, their source of all that money just dries up totally. And it’s only going to take one tipping point when one of those major Developed Countries shuts down that one plant which then crashes the grid totally, that this whole thing just comes crashing down on them. That Country then goes back and joins those others in the NON developed World. It’ll only take one of them, a delicate balancing act which Pixie Anne Wheatley, sorry, The Greens are totally and utterly clueless about.



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    Brian Richard Allen

    Someone suggested there’s “green-industry” benefit to be had from the Rent-Seeking wretched Wentworth Wanker’s unilateral decision to squander a Billion Taxpayer Dollars in Pacific islander begging bowls. Reckons the money will be spent in Aus. Reckon not. 1) The competition’s to steep. Especially from “china” and, 2) The only immediate benefit that could accrue from a Billion Dollars in the government’s hands, is that it was restored to the hands of those better men, who earned it and who owned it!


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      el gordo

      Its only money, don’t take it too seriously. Australia has allocated $24 billion to buy and deploy a fleet of 72 of the F35 strike force aircraft.

      That equates to roughly $190 million per lemon.


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    The Sydney Morning Herald’s official warming alarmist chides the Turnbull Government:

    Turnbull will have to convince his party that Australia must lift its climate ambitions if it’s to do its fair share to keep global warming to less than two degrees – a case that will be easier to make if Paris produces a credible pathway to such an outcome.

    At the bottom of this sermon, this declaration:

    Fairfax Media is a global partner of the United Nations Foundation

    That makes Fairfax papers – The Age and Sydney Morning Herald – just propaganda sheets for an activist group pushing global warming. Do not expect any balance or impartiality in their coverage.

    Andrew Bolt – Daily Telegraph


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      Fairfax Media also includes;

      The Financial Review is informally referred to as the Fin or the Fin Review.

      Its satellite publications include Financial Review Smart Investor, Financial Review Asset and BRW.

      Financial Review Sunday – a TV program developed in partnership with the Nine Network – launched on 5 May 2013.


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    only The Irish Times is reporting the following from a Side Event of at COP21.

    so much for the MSM’s endless preaching – & pretense that they are ever so concerned – about poor countries being the most vulnerable to CAGW:

    1 Dec: Irish Times: Frank McDonald: Divide between developed and developing nations
    Tension between the two central to debate at Paris climate conference
    The problem is that the current pledges – known as Intended Nationally Determined Contributions, or INDCs in United Nations’ jargon – are not legally binding, nor can they be, because of the difficulties of ratifying anything that could be called a “treaty”, especially in the United States.
    The US delegation has circulated a “non-paper” to a number of other countries suggesting that further pledges under the Paris accord should also be determined independently by each country, rather than being mandatory or subject to sanction if they fail to deliver.
    President Barack Obama’s climate envoy, Todd Stern, has also made it clear that the traditional distinction between developed and developing countries should no longer apply, and that wealthier developing countries should contribute to the UN’s Green Climate Fund…
    This is anathema to China, India and other much poorer developing countries. They insist that the historical responsibility of countries that achieved economic growth and prosperity over the past 200 years by burning fossil fuels must continue to be recognised…
    Ravi Prasad, head of India’s delegation in Paris, said he hoped to “get a just, equitable, durable an ambitious climate deal” by the time COP21 closes on December 11th. But he stressed that it must be grounded on the principles of the UN framework convention adopted in 1992.
    ***Gurdial S Nijar, spokesman for the Like-Minded Developing Countries group – which includes China and India – said it was clear and “very disturbing” that attempts were being made by others to “dismantle a fundamental precept” of the climate change convention.
    This precept relates to the “common but differentiated responsibilities” of parties to the convention, meaning those that got rich during the fossil fuel era “owe a debt” to developing countries which had yet to eradicate poverty and provide food security for all of their people…

    walk away folks…it’s a scam.


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      …it’s a scam.

      Only if the MSM report it for the general populace to see. The Irish Times does not have a large global circulation


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    TonyfromOz –

    ABC is in an anti-coal frenzy:

    1 Dec: ABC 7.30 Report: Matt Peacock: ‘Black lung’ makes comeback in Queensland coal mines, union suggests ‘cover-up’ could ‘blow top off industry’
    Four Queensland coal miners have been diagnosed with pneumoconiosis or “black lung” — a potentially fatal disease thought to have been eradicated in Australia more than 60 years ago.
    Unions fear the cases could be just the tip of the iceberg, with hundreds, possibly thousands of workers potentially at risk.
    “This is one this of the most serious issues facing workers in the coal industry,” Queensland Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (CFMEU) president Stephen Smyth told 7.30.
    “The health and safety of the workers is paramount and this is a time bomb ticking away.”…
    Recently, the Queensland Mines Department admitted that qualified ‘B readers’ of X-rays — the industry standard developed by the International Labour Organisation to identify black lung — “were in very short supply in Australia”.
    The union was told there were none in Queensland…
    Queensland Mines Minister Anthony Lynham has promised urgent action, commissioning a study through Monash University.
    The Minister conceded to 7.30 that there were thousands of miners’ X-rays stored by the Mines Department that had not been reviewed…
    The Queensland mining industry itself acknowledges there is a problem.
    “I think we probably all became somewhat complacent when there wasn’t a case that emerged for many decades,” Queensland Resource Council chief executive Michael Roach said.
    “It’s a bit of a wake-up call.”…
    Dr Lynham has threatened closure of the worst performing mines.
    “Those mines will soon be compliant, rest assured of that,” he told 7.30.'black-lung'-makes-comeback-in-queensland-coal-mines/6990842


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      Pneumoconiosis is caused by long term exposure to either siliceous dust or fine coal dust particulates entrained in respirable air. The size of the particles matters as they need to be fine enough to lodge in the alveoli sacs. [This is in reference to underground mining]

      Australian safety standards relating to particulate count entrained in respirable air are particularly stringent. Daily samples are automatically recorded and analysed at many points across a mine’s ventilation system. Mine Manager rules in all mines proscribe working in areas that have exceeded the particulate count until the ventilation is rectified and verified. I once did a long, practical project on the formulation of cost-effective dust sprays for stockpiles, so we went into this in all detail

      No, I don’t know where or when these four reported cases were found, or why they were initially investigated. If these pneumoconiosis cases are verified, and one is hesitant to call it only on reports from either the ABC or Labor politicians, then both national and local mine safety standards have been breached

      I know this next comment will likely cause some ill will, but it is based on very long operating experience worldwide. Many injuries are actually traceable to deliberate “short cut” practices by some of the workforces, with mine management never hearing of the true circumstances. [This doesn’t mean I think there is a possibility that at least four people deliberately and knowingly worked for long periods in particle-polluted ventilation streams]

      That the State has no B-readers for the compulsory x-rays is an absolute disgrace


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    last nite on BBC World Service radio is was non-stop CAGW.
    while talking about China/COP21, they claimed China was turning against coal because it caused 1.2 million premature deaths every year.

    MSM has been pushing that figure non-stop since 2010, usually without naming who did the study and when.
    it is based on:

    21 Sept: BBC: Can China keep its new city dwellers healthy and happy?
    In fact, air pollution is now a bigger killer than smoking, according to a study from Greenpeace and Peking University. In one year alone, and for only 31 cities, they concluded air pollution had brought 257,000 premature deaths. And for China as a whole, the Global Burden of Disease Study estimated that in 2010 air pollution contributed to 1.2 million premature deaths…

    the Global Burden of Disease Study was done by Health Effects Institute, which receives half of its core funds from the worldwide motor vehicle industry and half from the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) – HEI website


    HEI: Other Sponsors:
    U.S. Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory
    U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Vehicle Technologies
    U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration
    American Petroleum Institute
    Conservation of Clean Air and Water in Europe (CONCAWE)
    Corning, Inc.
    The Energy Foundation — The China Sustainable Energy Program
    Engine Manufacturers Association
    Oak Foundation
    William and Flora Hewlett Foundation


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    ABC says their anti-coal obsession ” is not a radical attempt to undermine an industry”. really?

    30 Nov: ABC: Ian Verrender: Coal casts a shadow over the Paris climate summit
    (Ian Verrender is the ABC’s business editor and writes a weekly column for The Drum.)
    Coal is the elephant in the room at the Paris climate summit starting today, as economics, energy poverty and the mining lobby all combine to ensure the meeting will be both a triumph and a disappointment, writes Ian Verrender…
    Coal exporting nations such as Australia have become the targets of furious lobbying from an industry that suddenly has found itself under threat and its future in jeopardy.
    That strategy was exemplified by former prime minister Tony Abbott in his landmark “coal is good for humanity” speech in October last year, just as he was opening a new Queensland mine.
    While it stunned many in the community, as Abbott added to his ever expanding list of embarrassments, for those associated with Peabody – the world’s largest private coal company – it bore a striking resemblance to the company’s very own pitch, which had been devised by American public relations firm Burson-Marsteller…
    During the past few months, each of Australia’s big four banks have outlined policies limiting credit to coal miners, seemingly ignoring the exhortations of the former PM.
    ***This is not a radical attempt to undermine an industry…
    Weaning ourselves off fossil fuels will be enormously difficult but perhaps not impossible. Sceptics continue to point to the prohibitive cost of alternative energy sources such as solar, all the while ignoring the huge drop in costs in solar technology in recent years as demand and production of solar power systems has soared…

    what a difference a change in PM makes for the ABC FactCheck crowd!

    27 Nov: ABC FactCheck: Fact check: Does Australia export cleaner coal than many other countries?
    The verdict
    Mr Turnbull claimed that Australia’s coal, “by and large”, was cleaner than the coal in many other countries…
    Experts told Fact Check that Australia’s coal is on average high quality as a result of its low moisture and ash content, and high carbon content, compared with other countries, particularly Indonesia, the largest coal exporter in the world…
    Mr Turnbull’s claim checks out.


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    for ABC’s Ian Verrender:

    27 Nov: Scientific American: Matt Ridley: Climate Change Will Not Be Dangerous for a Long Time
    Slower warming than predicted gives the world time to develop better energy technologies
    The decline in nuclear power has been matched by the rise in renewables but the proportion coming from wind and solar is still only 1 percent…

    Wikipedia: World Energy Consumption
    In 2012, world energy consumption by power source was oil 31.4%, coal 29.0%, natural gas 21.3%, biofuels and waste 10.0%, nuclear 5.8%, and ‘other’ (hydro, peat, solar, wind, geothermal power, etc.) 1.1%…

    stop your nonsense about coal … and solar, ABC.


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    1 Dec: Russia Today: Top French weatherman makes headlines by joining RT to cover climate summit
    Well-known French meteorologist Philippe Verdier was fired from a national TV channel after publishing a book challenging the mainstream narrative on climate change. He is now able to do just that on RT France, covering the UN climate summit in Paris.
    Verdier has thanked RT for the opportunity, saying that the Russian channel has enabled him to exercise his freedom of speech.
    “Thanks to RT in Paris I can do my job of journalist and have the freedom of speech, and I can cover as I want, the COP21 [Conference of the Parties to the 1992 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change],” Verdier told RT…
    The French journalist will now have his say on climate issues during the global, two-week Paris Climate Conference, as COP21 is alternatively known, while delivering daily reports on RT France.
    Verdier’s new job has created some real hype in the French media – his first RT report was covered by major French news outlets. The headlines focused on both the journalist-critic’s comeback and the fact that he is now working for a Russian TV channel…
    Verdier explained that he is not a climate change skeptic – that is, someone who does not believe in a link between man and global warming – rather, he is skeptical of the way politicians and the UN have been dealing with the issue and presenting it to the public…
    Verdier has claimed that scientists and politicians are using the issue of climate change to forward their own interests and making the world needlessly afraid…

    VIDEO (FRENCH) 30 Nov: RT France: Parole libre : La COP21 vue par Philippe Verdier. Photo de famille


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    Egor TheOne

    1 billion to the Unelected Nutters per year so this Goldman and Sachs of **it Scumbag TurnBullShitter can get his little primate face on the world stage with the other global fraudsters and ‘Liars in Chief’.

    The CON21 = The Global Thieves Cartel !

    [SNIP] are small time amateurs in comparison .

    We have the biggest criminal group in one place …..40,000 mongrels and good for nothings conspiring how to steal our money and freedom based on a deliberate Hoax .

    Our esteemed world leaders …..what a disgrace !

    What medieval devolvement will be next ? Human Sacrifices to the climate gods ?

    [The snipped part was really not necessary and the word gets caught by the filter] ED


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    Looks like China, India and Russia are cornering the market on cheap energy, gold & silver.

    The 21st century will belong to them as the West continues to slide into side show irrelevance, drowning in a sea of politically correct ignorance and fatuous self indulgence that the rest of the world will at some point (probably quite soon, i.e. < 10 years) stop funding when they break free of the shackles of the $USD/IMF monetary system.

    You can't defeat the economics of lower cost of energy.


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    G.M. Jackson

    So if we adjust the CO2 knob our troubles will be over? Wow! And here I thought the climate was more complex and chaotic.


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      G.M. Jackson said:

      And here I thought the climate was more complex and chaotic.

      It is. As an IPCC Official Hanger-On said a few weeks ago, Paris is an economix conference, not a scientific one. It’s the global economy which is being pillaged… ah … simplified.

      So if we adjust the CO2 knob our troubles will be over?

      Oh no! They will just be beginning.

      The Haves must pay huge taxes. (Carbon Taxes) and buy Indulgences (expensive Carbon Credits) for every aspect of their economic activities. The money from all that, after deductions of UN Fees, Bribes, Service Gratuities, Accumulated Costs (eg: Replacement paper and pencils in the accounting offices. Wear and Tear on the Adding Machines, Depreciation on Typewriter Ribbon stocks, Overtime and Holiday Pay for the Accounting Clerks, Overtime Relief Stipends for the Accounting Clerk Spouses …) etc., etc., is distributed to the Have Nots.

      If there is anything left after the deductions.

      And you, the taxpayer, cannot complain, nor can you demand any Accountability because there are no politicians you can replace (see Accounting). Your job is to pay.

      What’s so complex about that?

      According to the UN, it’s an overdue economic reform and repurposing; a new Social Paradigm and a Post Capitialism Global Economic Miracle.

      Scary. eh? 🙂


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    This year and future years we must emphasise CHRISTmas and all than means to us in countries people who are offended by us want to resettle in.


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    I don’t know what aspect is most depressing, but I’m going to concentrate on the colossal ignorance of Turnbull.

    He pronounced “Kyoto” as “kee yo to”.

    And his advisors deserve stick as well. You would think someone would have whispered to him ‘Kyoto is a two syllable word. “Ky” is the same combination that comes at the beginning of “cute”.’

    If they can’t even get something so basic right, what chance of them getting anything else right?


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      For that matter, aside from Kevin Rudd, how many of the drunks, half-wits, and unemployables who have been cluttering up up the Parliament benches know enough to order a beer in Chinese, Japanese, Indonesian, Korean, or even in Russian or Spanish? Precious few, I’ll warrant.

      And they expect to be taken seriously!


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    And it was just announced on Chanel 10 that the Brisbane floods were caused by Global Warming. This is probably not the same Global Warming that caused the preceding drought that was going to last forever.


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      It was on ABC612 this morning too!

      “Scientists claim warming oceans in Eastern Australia caused the flooding
      The warming water was caused by Global Warming”

      Shame they didn’t live here!

      Flooding in Brisbane: Courier Mail

      Wivenhoe Dam releases a major contributor to Brisbane River flooding, says hydrologist Mark Babister


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    Glad I’m on the side I’m on. Rather be posting here than sucking on some poor taxpayer dollar in Paris. What a lousy advert for democracy that fiasco is. How far has so much of the academic community stooped because they never had the integrity to put what they don’t know and understand behind the blinkers of their politics and greed. Shame on them.


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    Stephen Cox

    Just listening to Steve Price and Andrew Bolt and Pricey played an excerpt from a BBC love fest on the Paris Criminals meeting and had to send them an email they played the BBC but did not listen.

    The BBC said “the temperatures are the same as 6000 years ago when America was a desert and people will die with those temperatures blah blah.

    They missed the point that the BBC shot down their own argument about so called man made Global warming after all 6000 years ago there were no Coal Fired Power Stations, No cars No Industry none of the things blamed for so called anthrogenic climate change caused by mankind.


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    re the “warming oceans”/Qld floods claims:

    18 Nov: Warming ocean worsened Australia’s fatal 2010/2011 floods
    Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
    The study was published in Geophysical Research Letters…
    This study was supported by the Australian Research Council (ARC), including funding from the ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate System Science, the ARC Laureate Fellowship program, the Penzance and John P. Chase Memorial Endowed Funds and the Ocean Climate Change Institute at WHOI.

    1 Dec: ABC AM: Queensland’s deadly 2011 floods made worse by warmer oceans: scientists
    MATTHEW ENGLAND: We know physically that it should matter because when you warm the oceans you get extra moisture into the atmosphere. That’s very simple physics…
    MATTHEW ENGLAND: We need to take note of this.
    The fact that the oceans are warming does change our weather and our climate systems in profound ways actually.
    And so we’re expecting to see more extremes in rain fall and a lot of people are familiar with Australia’s drought cycles but they are not so familiar with some of these heavy rain fall events apart from Queenslanders who obviously suffered big time in the 2010/2011 floods.
    And so I hope that people understand that doing nothing about greenhouse gas emissions does have ramifications for our climate system and for our exposure to these extreme events.
    PENNY TIMMS: The release of the report coincides with climate talks in Paris.


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      Matthew England is clearly innumerate then. The question is not whether more moisture gets into the air but how much. If all the extra radiation from CO2 just 0.6W went into evaporation so that there could be no warming (because all the radiation is used up) the hydrological flux would increase JUST 8 tenths of one percent , or 0.008. I don’t think the flood represented 8 tenths of one percent of anything.

      Of course then there’d be no energy left over for melting ice caps, warming ocean depths, or generating bigger storms if that happened.

      Simple Physics England, pity you can’t cope with it.


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    just for fun:

    Youtube: 1min08secs: Obama’s Former CIA Director Morell: Obama Didn’t Hit ISIS’s Oil Because Of Environmental Damage (November 24, 2015)


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    Looking at the Turkish number, I wonder how well that will go down in their bid to join the EU. Perhaps it’ll be ignored, like all the other inconvenient issues associated with that process.


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    The only upside of such a massive collusion is that most ordinary people can smell the rot. They know there’s something wrong – thirty years of completely inaccurate predictions of impending climate catastrophe just speak for themselves when those same climate catastrophes fail so resoundingly to materialise.

    Paris CoP is their last chance to make a land grab while the going’s still good. They (the UN) managed to get both Canada and Australia on board at the last moment by engineering regime change in both countries (as Chris Monckton, a year ago, predicted would happen) and with Obama still in office for this CoP they figure it’s ‘now or never’ to go for broke and try and get that whole ‘world governance’ thing finally in the bag.

    But in the end the fracture lines in the CAGW edifice will propagate into structural weakness and ultimately into collapse. May take some time yet, but skeptics have all the time we need. CAGW zealots, on the other hand, are fast running out – 30 years of no climate catastrophe and counting…

    Expect the usual pantomime of ‘last minute emergency ratifications’ and all the ridiculous staged-for-the-world’s-media nonsense these clowns habitually engage in. It will all be meaningless. This entire project is doomed to founder under the weight of its own delusions and lies.


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    THE middle of the fourteenth century was a period of extraordinary terror and disaster to Europe.
    Numerous portents, which sadly frightened the people, were followed by a pestilence which threatened to turn the continent into an unpeopled wilderness.
    For year after year there were signs in the sky, on the earth, in the air, all indicative, as men thought, of some terrible coming event.
    The air grew thick and stifling. There were dense and frightful fogs. Wine fermented in the casks. Fiery meteors appeared in the skies. A gigantic pillar of flame was seen by hundreds descending upon the roof of the pope’s palace at Avignon.
    In 1356 came another earthquake, which destroyed almost the whole of Basle
    What with famine, flood, fog, locust swarms, earthquakes, and the like, it is not surprising that many men deemed the cup of the world’s sins to be full, and the end of the kingdom of man to be at hand.
    Of the beneficial results of the religious excitement may be named the earnest labors of the order of Beguines, an association of women for the purpose of attending the sick and dying, which had long been in existence, but was particularly active and useful during this period.
    We may name also the Beghards and Lollards, whose extravagances were to some extent outgrowths of earnest piety, and their lives strongly contrasted with the levity and luxury of the higher ecclesiastics.
    These societies of poor and mendicant penitents were greatly increased by the religious excitement of the time, which also gave special vitality to another sect, the Flagellants, which, as mentioned in a former article, first arose in 1260, during the excesses of bloodshed of the Guelphs of northern Italy, and thence spread over Europe.
    The members of this sect, seeing no hope of relief from human action, turned to God as their only refuge, and deemed it necessary to propitiate the Deity by extraordinary sacrifices and self-tortures.
    The flame of fanaticism, once started, spread rapidly and widely.
    Hundreds of men, and even boys, marched in companies through the roads and streets, carrying heavy torches, scourging their naked shoulders with knotted whips, which were often loaded with lead or iron, singing penitential hymns, parading in bands which bore banners and were distinguished by white hats with red crosses.
    Women as well as men took part in these fanatical exercises, marching about half-naked, whipping each other frightfully, flinging themselves on the earth in the most public places of the towns and scourging their bare backs and shoulders till the blood flowed.
    The Flagellants did not content themselves with these public manifestations of self-sacrifice. They formed a regular religious order, with officers and laws, and property in common. At night, before sleeping, each indicated to his brothers by gestures the sins which weighed most heavily on his conscience, not a word being spoken until absolution was granted by one of them in the following form:

    “For their dear sakes who torture bore,
    Rise, brother, go and sin no more.”

    Had this been all they might have been left to their own devices, but they went farther
    The day of judgment, they declared, was at hand.
    A letter had been addressed from Jerusalem by the Creator to his sinning creatures, and it was their mission to spread this through Europe.
    They preached, confessed, and forgave sins, declared that the blood shed in their flagellations had a share with the blood of Christ in atoning for sin, that their penances were a substitute for the sacraments of the church, and that the absolution granted by the clergy was of no avail.
    Some of them even pretended to be the Messiah, one of these being burnt as a heretic at Erfurt. Gradually, however, as the plague died away, and the occasion for this fanatical outburst vanished, the enthusiasm of the Flagellants went with it, and they sunk from sight.

    Selected quotes and paras from; THE BLACK DEATH AND THE FLAGELLANTS

    Climate scientists, the green blob, media, politicals , the priesthood ie; Gore, Hansen, Karl, Jones and etc and etc, polar bears, storms, melting ice, ocean tempests etc,etc

    Will our ignorance ever cease ?
    Will we as a race, ever learn ?


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    1 Dec: Sky News: Developing world needs $1t for climate change
    The world’s 48 poorest countries will need to find around $US1 trillion ($A1.39 trillion) dollars between 2020 and 2030 to achieve their plans to tackle climate change – and those plans should be a priority for international funding, researchers say.
    Estimates based on plans submitted by the least-developed countries (LDCs) toward a new UN deal to curb global warming show they will cost around $US93.7 billion ($A130.22 billion) a year from 2020, when an agreement expected to be ironed out in Paris over the next two weeks is due to take effect.
    That includes $US53.8 billion annually to reduce emissions and $US39.9 billion to deal with more extreme weather and rising seas, according to a report from the London-based International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED).
    IIED Director Andrew Norton said on Monday the least-developed countries currently get less than a third of all international climate funding provided by wealthy governments…–1t-for-climate-change.html

    Wikipedia: International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)
    IIED was set up in 1971 with backing from industrialist Robert O. Anderson and was originally called the International Institute for Environmental Affairs. In 1973, its first director Barbara Ward moved the organisation to London and changed its name to IIED.
    Ward’s book Only One Earth (co-authored with René Dubos) was the key text for delegates at the 1972 United Nations Conference on the Human Environment (also known as the Stockholm Conference), which led to the creation of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). At that conference Ward introduced the term sustainable development to a global audience and highlighted the links between the environment and human wellbeing.
    IIED carried out research and lobbying work on a range of contemporary environment and development topics, using funds obtained from donor organisations and occasionally from corporations and foundations. It held its first symposium at the 1974 UN World Food Conference and in 1975 joined forces with UNEP to create Earthscan, an information and environment service for media. In 1976 it was heavily involved in HABITAT, the first UN Conference on Human Settlements…
    In 1985, IIED and the World Resources Institute (WRI) began to produce the biennual World Resources Report, which today is solely a WRI publication. In 1987, the Brundtland Report, also known as Our Common Future, cited IIED’s contribution to creating “a global agenda for change”…
    IIED played an important role ahead of the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, or Earth Summit, held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, by mobilising civil society and drawing international attention to the summit. For this, IIED was awarded the Blue Planet Prize…


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    LinkedIn: Andrew Norton
    Dr Andrew Norton
    Global Development Leadership and Strategy
    February 2015 – Present
    From end June, Director of IIED.
    Director of Research
    ODI – Overseas Development Institute
    September 2010 – February 2015
    Lead Social Scientist
    The World Bank
    August 2005 – August 2010
    Head of Profession Social Development
    UK Department for International Development
    2003 – 2005


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    Good cartoons of our leader at The Australian newspaper today, 2 December: PM Turnbull standing making a speech at Paris 2015 …..

    We must act now! We wont get another chance to save the planet until next year.


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    Pierre Charles


    The Chines “commitment” is akin to a beer drinker who says, 15 years ago, I drank 3 pints per day. Today, I drink 6 pints per day. 15 years from now, I’ll be drinking 9 pints per day. Then I’ll quit!


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      Oops. Sorry about that paywall.
      Long story short – an agreement will be reached to limit warming to 2 deg C.
      Business as usual will do the job.


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    Bob Malloy

    Tony Delroy on OUR ABC? Talking point overnight was on Paris and Climate Change. One of the callers, Joe, although he rambled a bit correctly mentioned the Medieval Warming period and that we are still coming out of the Mini Ice Age Tony was totally non plused, edited part of transcript below.

    Joe, was the temperature in the Roman times warmer than today, it was and in the medieval warm period, then we had a mini ice age that ended about 1800 and we have just come out of that, you know ….


    Joe, That’s right, we’ve come out of the mini ice age

    TONY! IN THE 1800s!!!!!!

    Joe, That’s right it started…..


    JOE, it’s well known Tony

    TONY, IS IT????? Blah blah blah

    You really need to hear this, These are the people leading the discussion, the mind boggles.

    The talking point starts at the 3 hour point, our host mentions the 97% and the carbon explosion since the Industrial Revolution causing climate change, Joe’s contribution starts at the 3.28 mark.

    But at least Joe got to put his point across, Had he tried to say the same on 2SM with Gary Stewart he would have been called ignorant and the call terminated. Gary gets his climate information from the Climate Institute and those outstanding scientist David Attenborough and the Pope!!!


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      The radio commentator “Gary Stewart” is an ignoramus and a leftist.

      He should be working for the ABC (Australian BRAINWASHING Commission) and not the radio station he is on !

      We have had a gutfull of his BS.

      He should be sacked for his rude and offensive treatment of callers and replaced with somebody who possesses more than one brain cell………


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    Bob Malloy

    Joe’s contribution starts at the 3.28 mark.

    refers to 3 hours 28 minutes…


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    On Friday November the 13th. 130 people were killed in terrorist attacks in central Paris. For 2 weeks from that point a memorial to the victims existed at La Place de la Republique. On Friday November the 27th. a national day of mourning and remembrance was held – with La Place de la Republique being a focal point. On Sunday November the 29th. the warmist thugs – the warmist Brown Shirts – trashed the memorial including throwing the votive candles at the CRS. The CRS used tear gas and arrested over 200 of them. This is the true face of warmism.

    “We spoke with several angry protesters who told me they wanted to destroy society altogether, they wanted to get their message across and this is what they are trying to do now.”

    – that’s what they are all about. Pure and simple. It’s got nothing to do with science or any supposed (non existent) threat to the world. It is purely about money and power by any means, even if it means destroying the world and plunging it back into a new dark age. And that’s what we must stand up against – our very survival depends on it.


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    Great post Kim.
